Annual Review of Activities and Accomplishments

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Approved For, Release 1999/09/08.: CIA-RDP82283R00020005 3 August 1956 CTA-4592 1 TO : EIC Secretariat THP.U : Chief, Economic Research Area, ORR FeclON : Chaim, Subco .ttee on Industrial Machinery and Equip ut of the EIC SUBJECT: Annual Review of Activities and Accompiie nts. A. The foUowing comments refer to the activities of this Subcoaimittee during Fiscal Year 1956. 1. Review of Intelligence Product in the Subco .ttee: a s Field of Cc tence. Ding the past year the Subcommittee has given attention principally to two activities: a. Continuation of its program, initiated in Fiscal Year 1955, of reviewing substantive research in ite field produced by amber agencies of the W. Sub- stentially all substantive research publications of the mniber agencies of current general interest have now been reviewed. Two studies published in rece t; months by CIA remain to be discussed and will be considered in the near future. Owing to a ed procedure of Air Force Intelligence with respect to the Subcoa .ittee ? s field, discussed more fully in paragraph D, it appears probable that the principal near future IAC producers of substantive research on industrial machinery and equipment will be CIA and, with respect to trucks and military tx?actors, Army, G-S. It is proposed to continue the practice of substantive review undertaking, where practicable, discussion of draft reports prior to publication, to afford opportunity for exchange of views and submission of suggestions by representatives of participating agencies. b. Determination of priority research gaps. Areas of research deficiency within the Subco ttee ? a purview have been determined and a report is being cm piled for early submission to the Secretariat. Having determined the priority areas of deficiency, the Subccatteee plans to proceed toward review and possible amendment of its priority requirements for collection. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000200050019-1 Approved For Rase 1999/09/08 : CI#-RDP82-OU 3R000200050019-1 As a by-product of its review of substantive intelligence the 2ubco ttee is ressed trigs t o need for a standardization in the iwLell.i sues ity of the definitions of te: comwon4s used as, for le, the word "capacity" as applied to plant ane, industry Operations aad output. As a result of discussions vithin the ab ,ttee valuable eats e Of the concepts and thodoloffies ploye~j it this lc v by the sous Pgrticipating agonciea has boon ezchau ed. It is hoped that further work alo this lip -trill pe ait later sub seiQf of the : ubcon=Jttee a s observations and rec tiors on this subject. 2. Research and Collection Deficiencies a, Within . its field the Subcomittee has established the following priority research gaps. York scheduied. to be undertaken in Fiscel Year 1957 toward rose ix,io4. of the deficiencies is tabulated also. Relative priority for codity subjects is Indicated by use of the figures (1), (2), and (3), in descending order of priority, COMOUties (1) Chi cal. luipt (CIA/OM Project No. 34.1558, suction of Chemical ui e t in the R) (1) Precision Rotary Electrical Machines and Control (CrA/o Project No. 36.1557k The Precision Electrical Mchinery and Controls Industry of the U MR). (2) Petroleum Refinery uipsnt.. 2 Selected Construction l pmnt. 2) ) Railroad Roller Stock. (CxA/oai Pftject No, 32.883 Production and Distribution of RR ' ui nt in the USM). (2 Mining Machinery. 2 Battles (Electrical) (CIA/CM Project No. 36.1555, The Battery industry of the 8ino-Soviet Bloc). 3 Electric Power Machinery. 3) Metallurgical 7 ftuip t. Approved For Release 19 - DP82-00283R000200050019-1 Approved For Rease 1999/09/08: CIARDP82-OU93R000200050019-1 (3) P ta1wor g Equipwat . (/ vet o. 31.501, Production of m t o .ng Equimt in the USSR). (CIA/ Project No . 32,884, Poor :v lq1x-;W-_ats in ? .ho Heavy Machine Building Industry in the USn). (3) Motor Vehicle Production (CIA/01 Project No. 32,620, The Rotor Yebicie Industry or the WSR). Selects. Ac is of Capital FoxmtJon. Price Practices and. Policy CIA/ORR Project no. 14.M, met Price .d Costing of ed es) a CIA/ORR Project Uo. 34.894, Pricing of Capitai C< or in the ),, CIA/tom Project No. 32.885, Pricing System for Producers I God in the U 3SB . (czp/tom Project No. 40.1532, A Study of Bloc Foreign T'nde Commodity Prices). Soviet Equipment Replacement Policy Technological Advances in the Machine Building Industries (CIA/o=R Project No. 32.8%, Postwar Be oprLt3 in the ivy Machine Building Industries in the USSR). Automation (cIA/on Project Ito. 30.1089, Teasels in Automt d N1ec oration of :C ustry in the USSR). Index of Production of Producers" Equipment Evidences of Integration in the P chine Building luft.stries of the Bloc Economic Determinants of Soviet Moo Export Policy Ave& - EUBOP111'ter1~811 Comte4ities 1 Metalworking Equipment. 1 Metallurgical Equipnt Industry. 1 Precision Rotary Electrical Machines and Control. 2 Railroad Rolling Stock. 2 Tractors. 2 Motor Vehicles. 131 Agrieultutai R chinery. Selected AaDeets of Capital Po tion Indexes of Production of Pte' Equipment (Stub of this subject boo been initiated in CIA/CB). Approved For Release 199 2-00283R000200050019-1 ' API .fi .YI M ./ Approved For Rt ase 1999/09/08.:iLA-RDP82-0G83R000200050019-1 Price Practices and. Paley (CIA/mm Project No. 443.1532, A Study of Bloc a ign Trade Coazanodity Priem). Area - CUINA C dItipa J1 EO ectric Power Ecgui * Bent. 1 Metalworking Ecduipawat. 1 Railroad Locc tives and Rolling Stock. Selected Aspects of Capital Formation Capital Formation in Cow st China (CIA/MR Project No. 30.1535, Ii nstrial capital stn t in CorMmist chi=). Additionally., p r-nirag is in progress in CIA/MR tou d. the oatablisb t of eta Huh projects in Fiscal Year 1957 for study of the productivity of labor in the producers' goods i ustri e s of the USSR. b. The Subcoastmitte a has defer review of its requirements for collection of information pending de tion of the areas of priority Bch deficiency in its field of interest. It is plain to undertske this work in the war future. Review of Substae alive ftPere a. Continuing its practice of the preceding yew, the Subcc aaitteee re rad c f lly 3 pu'dsl.iahcd studies. Copies of summaries of the group discussions are atted. T h addition, the Subcommittee net with the authors of CIA/ORB Project No. 33..1033, to read. and discuss a draft of the report before publication. The. discussion elicited suggestions for clarification of the subject matter ubich weere welcomed by the autbo rs. Two studies of recent publvication will be reviewed at an early date, as follows a CA/ A PR 130, The Optical I'nstru its Indastry of Bast Gexm Approved For Release 1999/0'9/0'S"`.'CrA-RDP82-00283R000200050019-1 Approved For Rase 1999/09/08 5 : CIA-RDP82-0 83R000200050019-1 CIA/RR. PR-144, Sam Econowe Faces Affecting Production of Capital Equi, nt in C et China. b. The following pass were reviewed in Fiscal Year 1956: The Abrasive Industry In the USSR (CIA/RR PR-103). Postwar Divestments in Industry In the R (CIA/RR-54) Air Target Study of Soviet Bloc industrial Resources, Heavy Electrical Eciui ent (AIR 3-11) CIA/0RR Project No. 34.1033, Implications of the Planned loan in the So riet chine Tool and talfoxmdang fi nery industries (in deft foam) 4. Review of Pg for .eraiLl Research In accordance with DCII) 15/1, the Sub ttee reviewed Air Forte External Eeoncmie Research Project "Planni. Study of the Soviet ivy Machine Buiidi Industries (Phase , wthich vas currently in progress at the University of North Carolina. It was concluded the project has a commndable objective and is not duplicative of other work in process or planned. It is proposed to review the substantive results of tbo Vork on Phase I in the near feature in preparation for consideration of Phase II when appropriate. 5. !!!stem ce of Agreed Basic Statistics in view of the scope of previous work in this subject, discussed in detail in its preceding asnnua report, the Subcounittee did not press work on agreed estimates during the past year. In view of proced changes currently in effect in Air Force with respect to t? ity categories under the purview of the Snbccttee, it appears likely that Air Force air tend to make more use Of CIA estiaaaatea than bas been its previous practice.. 6. Pro ects Undertaken at the Reqtxe8t of the EIC or Propose-if -the t+aETC Shortly before the close of the year the Subcaasa1ttee cc m}?enced consideration of a request of the IAC Standing Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000200050019-1 Approved For Rase I 999/09%0 :CIA-RDP82-Ob 3R000200050019-1 Committee on Exchanges for cent and ree Lions on a Soviet proposal for an exchange of visiting delegations in the forging press' industry. The Subca ittee will shortly b it it su a s recceeendation for the inauguration of such exchange visits to producing facilities, with suggestions regarding pro,ladure and itineraries. 7. Intelligence ResearTechniques -- none 8. Special Coordination Functions of the Subcaiittee None 9. Evaluation of the Role of the Subco ittee a. It is felt that the Subcommittee has effectively realized Its potential during the past year. In this respect its effectiveness hair been enhanced by the active participation of the Department of Defense member, as well as the continued interest and coopers.- tion of representatives of other participating agencies. It is feat that necessity for the Subcc itte.'s efforts declined during the year owing principally to a re-alignaeent of Air Force activities in this area. b. The principal isgedit to the Subcanittee's activities du g the year resulted from changes In its measbershlp Bch prevented continuity of consid- eration of problems under discussion. The Cub, -am,e is pleased to welcome the new State Department member, and also the recently appointed. Air Force member. B. Future *rogrea of the Subcandttee In preceding phs there have been tedl. Item c work which the Subcommittee vas not able to camplete during the fiscal year. It Is the Subcc ittee's plan to bring these items to appropriate conclusions as soon as practicable. While the Air Force still maintains interest in the field of industrial machinery and equipment, it does not presently anticipate the production of substantive material on the scale previously cloyed. It is apparent that the futxure activities of the Subttee will reflect this procedural chaff on the part of Air Force. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000200050019-1 Approved For Rase 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-0O3R000200050019-1 - 7 - It is probable that future production of substantive intelligence will be confined largely to CIA and, with respect to trucks and military tractors, Army, G-2. The need for continued functioning of the Subcommittee as it has operated during the past 2 years has undoubtedly diminished. Considerable progress has been made in estab- lishing contacts between the participating agencies at the commodity working level. Continued growth of this practice may tend to supplant some of the Subcommittee's former activities. With the elimination of its backlog, and with a re-alignment of Air Force activity in its field, the Subcommittee will probably find less frequent need for formal meeting than has been its practice in the last 2 years, 25X1A9a ORR/D/I:HLD:lar (31 July 1956) Distributions brigs and 15 ,i Addressee Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000200050019-1