Transmittal of Semi-annual Progress Report by the EIC Subcommittee on Requirements and Facilities for Collation

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EIC-D4U Approved For Rele 20jg&&1 2-0028 00R-0 28 January 1953 MEMORANDUM FOR; IAC Members of the EIC and Chairman and Secretauries of EIC Subcommittees E u$JFCT: Transm3.ttal of Semi nua3. Progress Report by the EIC Subcommittee on Requirements and Facilities for Collation to The ETC Subcommittee on Requirements and Facilities for Collation has the responsibility for serving the substantive subcoi mztttees of the EIC by augmenting, coordinating, and guiding collection activj.tiea related to the gollect4on of economic information. At the same time t hp substan- tive subcommittees are responsible for identifying through surveys' the critical collection deficiencies and for notifying the RequireMnte Sub committee of these critical deficiencies, 2, In this regard the semi, nual pxogress report of the Rec uire mente Subcommittee is of special interest. to ell the enbcommitt4a of the ETC. Your attention is directed to part a" (5) of the report, outainimg the future program of the Requirements Subjc itteeo 25X1A9a Executive Secretary Economic Intelligence Committee Attachment Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00283R000200040020-0 -.Approved For Rele a 2001103/05 : "CIA-RDP82-002&000200040020-0 SECUR TY 71MIUTATIC T 23 January 1953 SF!ff-AITTIUAL PROGIZT SS 1 EP tT ELC Subco .ttee on Requirements and Facilities for CoUattoc I. PROJECTS COMPLETED A. Repot on Foreign : Language Material. an 22 December 1952 the Sec - e transmitted -- _. the t IC Secretariat its report with recantenda- tions, an the handling of foreign language documents of interest to the ecananic intelligence analyst, Bo SE-2 . The Subcocsnittee participated in the survey of intelligence de `ciencies revealed in Special Estimate X27, and prepared a report to the Chairman, EIC, on the status of guidance to collection agen- cies for the collection of information on the Chinese Cammunist eco- cave II, CC 7INUING PROGRAMS A. Central Inds: . Although the Working Group on Central Indexing has been Csso ved, the Subcamrti.ttee continues its offects to de- velop methods hereby economic intelligence analysts would hire speedy access to the total available docu mentaticn on arq one sub- ject B. Foreign Service Economic Reporting. The Subccm .ttoe continues to act In BIP Of the A in co ting the needs of the intolli- gence ca,mlunity for econmic reporting on a post-b r .post basis by the Fvrei'gn Service. Repac-ting profane have been canpleted for apP.roximately 97% of the foreign service missions. The Subcammtittee is engaged also in a program sponsored by the Division, of Foreign Reporting, State Department, for evaluating on a pasta-by-post basis the adequacy. of reporting under this new pro. 25X1X . Approved For Release 2001/d31U5':"1TA- 82-00283R000200040020-0 Approved For Relee 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-002000200040020-0 stcuR ry rNFa' ATION 25X1X4 III. PROJECTS PEPIDII A. Pex'pheral Reporting. Further study by the Subcommittee of the phM%I reporting program ms deferred pending the completion of cn the spot surveys of the various posts by a State Department official. The Subcommittee id.l l again consider this problem upon .receipt of his report. Telecommunications, The project of the 'Working (coup an Telecanmu- ca Dais prepare comprehensive requirements for Foreign Service reporting has been absorbed by the newly croated Subccon ttee on Electaarai:cu and Telecammmicat .os. The program has been expanded to corer all requirements in the telett 'cation field, not just those for collection jjy the Foreign Service. A catalog of require- ments has now been prepaared* The Subcc ittee awaits its receipt together with recommendations for the allocation of responsibility for collection of the various categories of information by the sev- eral collection agencies. C. Civil Aviation Repo. In response to a request from the Depart~- n of` , the t oa?mIttee arranged for the preparation. of IAC requirements for foreign service reporting on civil aviation, This work is being done by the Transportation Subcasmitteo and 7tU be reviewed by this subcommittee as soon as it is completed, D. X nerals Reporting. The final propoc&l of the Minerals working Group I't n c i under consideration by the Subc ttee and, olden approved, will be forwarded to the Department of State to be incorporated into the. crvmprehensive economic reporting program. Petx?oloum Th art3 . The Subcommittee has reviewed a proposal on pe 'mum reporting prcparrod by the Petroleum Subcommittee. This proposal, like that of the Minerals Working Group, is designed to supersede the petroleum reporting requtrementa of the comprehensive economic reporting prog,?am? This proposal mnill be referred back to the Petroleum Subcoa dttee for revision along the lines of the rnn- orals paper, Approved For Release 2001/03105':' P82-00283R000200040020-0 Approved For Rel a 2601/03105 : CIA-RDP82-0028 1000200040020-0 SECT ["' :I1 ATION IV. SUPPORT REND BY THE SUBCC14IITI A. 21ontir List of Russian Accessions and the Slavic Union Catal . M e a t e endors ques oar We ary grass . for increased CIA support for these publications. B. Central Card Catalog of External Research Pro acts. The SubcanmLt- x--------. r----gym s to establish within State Department' External. Research StaffI a central card catalog of a3.1 classified external research projects sponsored by Az r, Navy, State, Air, ISA, and CIA. V. FUTURE PROMAM A. The Subcammittee will in the future continue to devote its efforts to the accomplishment of its three primary objectives.. 1. To ascertain the needs of intelligence analysts for economic information; ' To develop appropriate measures for augmenting, coordinating, and guiding collection activities; and 3. To improve the means wheroby information already collected is made readily available to the analyst. B. In the pursuit of objective 1,, the Subcommittee will render all possible support to the substantive Subcommittees in the prepara- tion of their statements of requirements resulting from studies of gaps and deficiencies. Specifically, the Subcommittee will develop and publish a guide to .the preparation of requirements. This guide, based upon experience gained thus far, will be designed to achieve consistency and to insure maximum guidance to the collector. C. It is the intention of the Subcommittee to analyze requirements statements emanating from the other Subcanittees with a view to malting appropriate allocation of collection responsibility in ac- cordance with the capabilities of the several collectors. The Subcommittee will attempt to develop an experimental collection program for one foreign post whereby all collectors are guided by one comprehensive collection program for economic information for a period of one y'ea's after Mich a thorough analysis of results Approved For Release 2001/008":~Ti4- DP82-00283R000200040020-0 -Approved For Relee 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-002$1000200040020-0 SECU'' "1W1tTI( would be mew to deter whether c not the needs of the ccnsuur had b better satiefiede This ntal progrm would eUocate mcte precisely than has hitherto been attempted collection ree po si ffi1ip* for the ? ions categories of a coca lc info ,tier to ir3st that duplication of effort is kept to a rninismb The pry ald further designed to oncoureV a =ich closer degree of c tiara in the ie140 E. The S w Its re .ty to explore furthw the problem of org rat iig adAUng h mterials to insum ready avei.labilit r to the ca r, and in this cce eti on will coordinate its efforts with than of the CIA E tral Indaidng , the CIA Lihesxy Reece es Section# end the IAC informal Caz ttee of Librariame o They Sub .ttee will ae ssic the rid to stwtr the adequaee of services rendered by the collection and p ing activi- ties of tba IAC. Go The Sube tteee r em its continuing i ity to dwnlop an an its ey basics, as apprapplatev new sesare of foreign eee eeic intell.i co ink' tieie Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00283R000200040020-0 Approved For Relee 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-002$S4000200040020-0 L ECUflITY 1170 fii+11TICU CIA IToo 4139995 13 Doceaaber 1952 TMICF i DUII FOR: _ Socretary, Ecoonanic Intolligonco C aittce SUt3drCT : ucrking Croup on Central Indexing As indicated in the minutes of its meeting of 23 September 1952, the $ubcamcItteo ea Requira=ts and Facilities for Collation has dissolved I+ 'a 'lorldng Groap on Central. Indexing, and forwards the attached final re- port of this Working (xroup to tho LIC t .th the following caaionts: 10 Definition of the Problem - At the time of its ostablishment, the Subccm itt eon men an acilities for Collation was charged by the Chairman of the EIC frith developing and submitting roc anmendations for the eqtablishing of methods uhoreby ecencuic intelligence analyst would have speody access to tho total available documontation on any subject of interest or ccncorno The 5ubeai.ttee was requested to eonsidcr in its pursuit of this objoctive, the feasibility of establishing a central. in- dead ng system for docuumentary material containing ecuu ni a information on foreign areas. 2. Discussion - There exist in Washington and olsotiere in the US today numerous reservoirs of specialized knoilodgo and competence. That they have not been effective assistance to oconmic intelligence research scorns due to three factors: (1) these reservoirs of information have not boon located and identified on a systematic basis; (2) mochanisms do not exist which ensure that all available data on specific fields is chan- nelod to such reservoirs; (3) some reservoirs now oxisting are unable systematically to organize cr digo t the material they are receiving. Establishment of a central index for documcntt: of economic intelli- genco value presents serious adriuzistrative and technical problems. 'A central index will duplicate to acme extent the present indexing activi- ties of other IAC agencies. It is clear' Bran discussions which have been held among the agencies that each agency requires its own index files of selected materials to meet its awn a ainistrative and research needs. It is also clear that no agency can ar. will give up all its activities in Uiis. regard in favor of a central index. The magnitude of the task of contra]. -Indexing in torms of the bulk cf material to be indexed cannot be specifically stated, but it is un- doubtedly very large. There are in various stages of development a nw - bor of devices, mechanical and electronic, uhhich, in Vieory, are capable of organizing large masses of documentary material in a systematic and naeaningtia1 mss o There appears at this time to be no conconsus among Approved For Release 2001/5 -_ P82-00283R000200040020-0 SE CU1 TY INFCMU TI C[3 Approved For Reldia0e 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-002 1000200040020-0 SLCURTI'Y INFORiITIffiI exports in this field as to the proviso capabilities and limitations of ttloso various devices; it Is safe to state, `iouevor, that none of then notr offers a complete and satisfactory solution to the problcxtii. h contribute to making information systemati.cal3y available to analysts. Its Recommendations - The Suboivnittoe recomends: that the LTC note the attached final report of the ~loridag group on Central Indexing and the Subcommittee's comments thereon; bo that further consideration of the matter of establishing a system of central indexing be deferred until such time as .t has been demonstrated that facilities and/or devices exist which are capable of indexing satisfactorily the large massos of material av4lablo to the intelligence ca rnmtty"; ce that the CIA Librarian establish an informal working cam nittee of IAC librarians, to moot regularly for the dis- cussion and resolution of mutual problems, and that such working group keep this subcommittee informed of its acti- vities as they pertain to eccnanic intelligence. do that the LIC note the intention of the Subcarsd.tteo to devote attention to improving and au tinting existing activities concerned with the availability of ecanoaaaic information, along the following lines: Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00283R000200040020-0 Approved For Rel a 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00284000200040020-0 SECUIttTY rrC $?1r TI CU ?3 ? (1) to provide L,nxtddance and support to the Resources Soctian, CIA Library, progrm:i to mobilizo cmert and classi2iod source materials in support of intelligence resoarch (as outlined in the attached prospectus). (2) to arrange, thraxgh the Office of Colloctsim and Dissaoninatiani CIA, for thh receipt, on a se ni'.annual basis, of reports on the status of development of toobniques, facilities and equip- nont designed for or capable of indox large volumes of documentary information. TIiEODOfE U. IIQtDBECK . Chairman, 5ubcor mittee for Requireaaents and Facilities for Collation Approved For Release 2001103/05: CIA-RDP82-00283R000200040020-0 8o'Jre s : vest :,gin, C ter ; PR 0S PL CT U5 Progran planners' of the reseurc: af!'t CCS Uj (ITA I..... t a e3 -o f . ,e ci~,s sia z