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Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100180020-6 TAB Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100180020-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100180020-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100180020-6 Approved For Releases 1999/09/10 : - ' 0283R00010018 2 ..' X31 July 1951 ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE CMITTEE Minutes of etin held in oom, 2Y61 Buildi ~.. Central Inigence A enc , on 26 J 191 PRESENT: Dr. Max F. Millikan, CIA, Chairman Mr. Howard M. Wiedemann, State Mr. Henry Brodie, State Mr. John F. Kullgren, Army Dr. Edward L. Allen, Air Force Dr. James T. Lower Air Force Commander Donald C. Deane, Navy CIA, Secretary Aral of Minutes were approves Subcommittee Membership and Programs - General 2. Action: The EIC members expressed a desire to review the qualifications of the following persons proposed as chairmen of ETC subcommittees: Mr. Nordbeck (State) - Subcommittee on Requirements and Facilities for Collation 25X1A9a lppp~ (CIA) Mr. Pollite (Air Force) Mr. Bloom (Air Force) Colonel Cowart (Army) 25X1A9a (CIA) Subcommittee on Petroleum Subcommittee on Petroleum Subcommittee on Transportation Subcommittee on Transportation Subcommittee on Agriculture Curriculum vitae were to be submitted to the EIC Secretariat by the 25X1A9a agencyccencer concerned before 31 July. It was agreed that (CIA) would chair the Subcommittee on Agriculture and that Mr. Sanderson (State) would chair the Working Group on Western European Studies. Selection of other chairmen was deferred pending a review of the curriculum ui vitae by the EIC. Approved For Release 1999/09/10 ? C:IO-FR -&0383R000100180020-6 1. Action: The minutes of the meeting of 16 July 1951 (ESC 1,2-1) 31 July 1951 Page 2' 3. The name of the "Subcommittee on the Economy of Western Europe" was changed to 'lNrorking Group on the Economy of Western Europe" in order to distinguish its functions from those of the permanent sub- committees. 4, It was the sense of the meeting that each subcommittee should be given some fairly specific guidance as to its mission and functions and Dr. Millikan agreed to do this at the first meeting of each sub- committee. Specifically, they are to be informed of their responsibility to rationalize their total research effort and to fill major intelli- gence gaps. In addition, they will be asked as the first order of business to prepare terms of reference for their subcommittee based generally on the terms of reference of the EIC. Initially at least, their major effort will be directed toward the Soviet Orbit. Papers relating to the activities of these subcommittees - terms of reference, production programs, finished studies, agenda and minutes - will be referred to the EIC, through its Secretariat, for review. Approved For Release X19 9/09/10 O283R000100180020-6 EIC-M-2 Subcommittee on Requirements and Facilities for Collation 5. Action: It was generally agreed that this subcommittee should devote its a ention primarily to the following tasks: (1) formulating of priority requirements for collection of economic information (including the procurement of documents) and selecting of sources most suitable for collecting various kinds of data; (2) indexing of literature on the Soviet economy, particularly that available in the US Government; (3) processing And collating of data in a manner which will make it readily available (machine indexing,, etc.) to the economic intelligence community; and (Li) locating registers (biographic, industrial, etc), determining their scope and coverage, and rationalizing their utilization. 6. Discussion: It was noted that requests for statements of economic .ine. gone requirements had already been received from the TAC Requirements Committee and the State Department Division of Foreign Reporting. Subcommittee on Petroleum 7. Action: It was the sense of the meeting that this subcommittee would be concerned principally with the Soviet Orbit. In view of the fact that thip is to be a working level committee, it was agreed that 25X1A9a Admiral Biggs, and Colonel Worchester would not servo as mem ors. In order that the EIC might have a group of top-level advisors on the non-Soviet petroleum situation, it was agreed to explore the possibility of establishing a Petroleum Advisory Panel (or Group) which would be composed of such people as Admiral Biggs of the Munitions Board and Mr. Snodgrass of the Petroleum Administration for Defense. CIA agreed Approved For Release 9/10 : CtI 3R000100180020-6 Approved For Release 9/09/10 :9IA-RD 8 0283R0001001802"*_2 `W 31 Jul 1051 Y Page 3 to contact those people in order to get suggestions both as to Panc;1 membership and the functions that such a Panel could most usefully perform. Subcommittee on Transportation 8. Action: It was generally agreed that this subcommittee is to be composes oaf the SAC representatives and the ECA representative as permanent members. Other non-IAC agencies with specialized knowledge on certain aspects of transportation will be asked to sit with the committee when problems concerning their field are being discussed. The subcommittee is to decide whether Mr. Ashton of the Department of Commerce may be a permanent member of the subcommittee as an exception to the general rule. Subcommittee on Agriculture 9. Action: It was agreed that the IAC agencies, ECA, the Department of Agricul and the Munitions Board should have permanent representation on this subcommittee. Handbook of Sources of Economic Intelligence in the US Government ...Il.ll..r.r.llrpn ~w .I..r r 0.0.0". r 11. Discussions Postponed until the next meeting. Periodic Reports on the Status of Economic Intelligence Research Projects 12. Discussion: CIA distributed a sample report form containing the status of 0 projects. It was suggested that all of the member agencies could submit periodically similar status reports to the EIC Secretariat, which could then be combined into one status report for distribution. This, suggestion will be discussed at the next meeting. It was requested that each representative come prepared to discuss such matters as: the desirability of producing such a report, changes in the sample form, and the most useful method of indexing. Approved For Release 1999/09/10 CJ~4;F2QP82 0~283R000100180020-6 k' Anoroved For Release_1999/09/10 ? -A0283R000100180O20-C-2 31 July 1951 Page L Proposal for a Government-wide Survey of Research Pro erns on the Economy of the Soviet Orbit 13. Discussion: CIA proposed that when action has been taken on items 11 and. above,~the EIC take a look at all of the research programs concerned with the economy of the Soviet Orbit to ascertain whether the EIC might usefully attempt a rationalization of the whole program. In connection with this, ORR, CIA, has recently made a "survey of ignorance" to determine the major gaps in ORR+s knowledge of certain fiylds of economic intelligence. This survey will be made available to EIC members on request, Discussion of this subject will be continued at the next meeting. secretary Economic Intelligence Committee Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : 283R000100180020-6