ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting held in Director's Conference Room, Administration Building 2430 E Street, N.W.16 August 1951

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Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100180012-5 TAB Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100180012-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100180012-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100180012-5 " nu.te as gf Mo et .n held in n.inistration Bui .din .Director, s .Con mncc Ae ~ g zn z ev,,+ rr it t 151 luusi PRLSV,`TT T Dr. ?.tax '.-1`Zill-i:kan, CIA, Chairman Mir. Henry I rodic State Mr. Howard ~;iodemann, State ltr. F cad $.and, rgon,, State Ma'. Jiohn T1, Kuilren., Army Lt. Colony ,,4 Georgo B. Russell, Army Cor,T-i ndor ;Donald C. +Deane, Navy Dr. Janos T. Loive, Air Force Dr, Jioso nh D. Coker Air Force .~ y . J(,rn Aston, Jcs (2. bcrt . VVo V1le r, ECA CIA, Secretary CIA of r.iinutes i ction; Itera.18 of EIC-M-3 was amended as follows; The fourth The minutes of the meoting of 9 -lugust (EIC-M-3) wore approved as o-n.onded. fifth sent nc , the za=ords "it semis" were substituted for in sore respects". the d lQolra. b . ;ity of establishing a central file of markings . . ." In the se tc ce vi c inugod to road "rIn this role it has given some thought. to Lp_cju4rcd b the Viorking Group on lestern Eurcne u Tgr;m of Reference 25X1 Aan 2. ,Action; 'A _mo for anduxa, of conversation outlining?' a discussion -a. The SIG r auc st for an extension of the doadlin,. on Tti1TT -),n to -L( November was approved. b. Greet and Turkey are not included in the terms of z eferez~c , c. With regard to the questions on extrapolation of dntn .r, -i qr;A v ews th. , Co.nrittee concluded the following: Approved For Release 1,999/0 DP82-00283R000100180012 tne. 1y,~4 and the submioaio cf production data for World rar, 1 a ~ )A ir~~d ras distributed at the meeting. on the basis of 25X1A9a Approved For Rel e 1999/09/10 ?ti CIA-RDP82-00V R0001 Q0180'012-5 EIC-M-4 ',x I meeting. { Page '2 d, On thy; subject of studies on the Soviet Orbit, it was .greed that these analyses should be based largely on past research papers and that little new research on this area u as anticipated or nT'r _-1,n C Dec~.slQn oil the Priorjt of NIS Program in Relation to NIE; Lt0 ction: Dr. Millikan reported that the IAC had taken u th p e question o"relative. priority of the NIS program and NIE-40 at its moetix}g that morning. It was agreed by the IAC that NIE-40 had priority over the NIS and that, work on NIE-40 should proceed as scheduled even thou r it resulted in.a delay of the .NIS program. 0 I Views on Atomic Energy Section of "TIE-40 4,. D14gwoa,Qn: OSI views have not yet been obtained. Dr. Millikan has had on preliminary discussions with A further report 25X1A9a will be made' at the ne t E , p e;sQ an unv+r.~llingness to contribute to NIE-~.Q, Dr. Millikan is to contact the EIC associate member in those agencies to solicit their assistance. h Y o e non-.LAC agencies represented 4n Is Subcorrun i tte;e ex r 18 August 1951 .t Was the sense of the meeting that individual contributors to the eeoi oiaic sections of NIE-40 would, within the limits of personnel aailable fox the job, generally follow the outline suggested by the Working Group, with a liberal use of ranges and qualitative estimates in those instances where more exact quantitative data could not be supplied. VI ews oaf Subcommittee can A'icu ro Agricultural Section of NIE-ISO S* 4tien: In the event that an f t . 99-u f ~It was reported that the Subcommittee on Agriculture had not ye een consulted to dote th ore might be some dl pq -.i nr, CIA, stated thzt, 25X1A9a the Food mine whethe be able to prepare 4 Agriculture s. ctiorrs of NIE4{~ r F ~~ . to assist an the preparation of these sections. Re .ease of TVSEG Paper 7? Disousslon: The JCS representative Mr. Easton, reported that the"AEG paper re a ing in content to NIr-40 would not be completed for approximate' y two weeks. At that time, after clearance vri_th Dr. Allen of AFOIN, the paper in question will be made available to the Working Groun. Approved For Release 1999/0-?/f0r': CrA-RDP82-00283R0001'00180012-5 I' Approved For Rel a 1999/ pmn@,;&,gj 82-00283E O0JD9180012-5 ?- u pus t 191 gage. Re ort on Dr. hillikant s Discuss;ians with JiiE . iaillikai has an appointment with the Director, d o:lnt, L atorials Intelligence _, oacy, on Friday, 17 Aurcust. A report of the rpsults of this discussion will be made at the no-111t EIC meeting. RRaort on the Pro ress of Subcommittees General 9. Action: The Secretary, LTC, was asked to check with the Sub- cOrrmittee on Rcquirements and Facilities for Collation in regard to their system for notifyE in members about mecin:: s. m It was stated that at least one member, ,was not notified of the first meeting. meeting last orcok. A subgroup is currently drafting terms of reference for the Subcommittee while; other member. s are making; arrant ements for the propagation of reguirornents for the State Department Division of Foreign This Subcommittee has not met si ,e its first ~zng drafted and arl?angemunts are being mad:: to prep xr c requircments for the t S ~, . llisc 95 .on: The Subcommittee on Agriculture held its first meet .pg la week. Terms of reference for the auhhcom-111 t1-. Subco zttoe on Agriculture a e Depar merit, Division of Foreign Reporting. l bon: The first mooting of this Subcommittee; will probably be hold next week. oprosentatives from the Petroleum Administration for D fer e, th Munitions ~Board , and the Department of State have agreed to servo on the proposed Petroleum Advisory Panel, Subcommittee on lransnortation s< e irNt MOO ,Ing vvzll be held as soon as they return. 1 l1iocu ,s port.. an the Chairman and Secretary of this Subcommittee are on 1e~ve :To lsit ' Group on the Economy of Western Europe ....... Approved For Release 1999/09/10 CIA-RDP82-00283R000100180012-5 g a 3, , _5, and o above, 14,?sisn: There was no further report on this Working Group except as coverecTan pars h 2 1. r' on the Status of jconomic Intelligence R e.oearcli Projects l5. Action The proposal that the Econcmic Intelligence Committee iss. a po ,Q. c re# ort on the Status of Economic Inte11i ;enco Research Projects was temporarily tabled. 1,6. Discussion; Some members of the Committee felt that the need that the s attex s4o, d be reconsidered at ; 5 q ; future . unwhi 3 e the survey of Soviet orbit programs agreed to in item 19 below would offer, an opportunity to explore on a more united scale the problems for ;;itch ;~eriWc report had not been clearly demonstrated and that the s Omission of the, necessary information would be a burden on the contrbutiizg agencies; others felt that such a report would be useful a d should be attempted. It was indicated that such periodic reports had been issued in the past and had been found unsatisfactory; however, severra1 moabors pointed i out that the utility of those reports had been limited by the form in which they were published. The Committee agreed involved in preparing such a document. I andbook of Sources of Econommio intelligence in 18. Discussion; It was. generally agreed that this subject could be Govcr.rr. opit was tabled for consideration at some future date. P t { a 'r_ a a an peek of Sources of Economic Intelligence in the United States 17. Action: The proposal that the Economic Intcllinence Coemit;tee most usofu y con..c7orod in connection with the proposal fora Govorrinent- wide Survey and it was felt that the preparation of such a handbook should be w-:) kod into this survey and not considered as a separate item at this Px c ads al for aGovernment-wide Survoy of Research Programs on the Economy L . Action: The Committee agreed that CIA should initiate a Government- wido survey research programs on the economy of the Soviet orbit, Letters arc to be directed to all of those United States Goverr~;ac r.t dPpartments and agencies presently engaged in economic research on the orbitrc.guesti? that they furnish information on their current research str}die,s in this fie.7 d,. Iniforriation is also to b roquestod on continuing research activities which night not be reflected in a list of research studios. CL, will ask th t ros-od sos be sub pitted within two weeks of the date of the letters. Cn, r .ceiw~t of the ronlicsa CL will prepare a report of its findings for t .tation to the economic Intelligence Committee. Approved For Release 1999/09/10: CIA-RDP82-00283R000100180012--5 1~,kan road extracts from the; Terms,, of Reference for the Eoonumic Intel- 1igence Coinnittee (IAC-D-22/1 (Rev)) which states muong other things that 20. D1scus4 -c? ,.ln connection with his proposal for a GovernTrien t- vvid. sure r of research programs on the oconor.y of the Soviet orbit Dr rr f, rq, ntoan a continuing review of the foreign economic .ntO1li;ence activities of the United States Government as they e earch r ; to the national security t hroughout the United States Government . re-La-;4 Teo tine nate.Qnal security. '- . 21 It was agreed that, initially at least the survey to be conducted .0e included in the initial phase of the survey. would be confined to the Soviet orbit. It was felt that studies bossing on East- ,`est ;trade au s4iiilar international aspects of Soviet relations should Plans for the Next EIC Moetinry August, at_~.OO p.m. in the Director's Conference Roor1, Administration L IC-m-t OQ t8OO112-5 P82-00282R rage 22. Act.ioA; The Committee agroed to meet a ain on ` hlirsd - 30 J ~ldJng. 25X1A9a Secrc tar r Economic Intell..ige ice Committee; Approved For Release I 999/0'SM(: Ct tDP82-002838000100180012-5-