ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting Held in Room 1121, Temporary M Building 26th and Constitution Avenue, N.W. 20 November 1956

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Approved For Release 1999/09/10 :CIA-RDP82-002838000100120010-3 TAB Approved For Release 1999/09/10 :CIA-RDP82-002838000100120010-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/10 :CIA-RDP82-.002838000100120010-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/10 :CIA-RDP82-002838000100120010-3 ~4pproved For Relea~1999/09/10 :CIA-RDP82-00283,~t000100120010-3 ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE .COMMMT~'.I'EE .Control No. ~+6Q~+06 EIC-~t~-57 28 Nc~v ~. - 6 --9 Minutes of Meeting Held in RQgm 1121, Temporary M Building 26th street and Constitution Avenue, N. W. 20 November 19;56 PRESENT 25X1A9a CIAO ,vice Chairman Col. Joseph Brewer, Department of the Air Force Gol. Robert Brew~r,:Department of thQ Army Mr..Gustave Burmeister,. Department of Agriculture Mr. Bennett V.S. Davis, Department of the Navy Mr. Edward .Doherty, .Department of State ' Mr. John Easton, Jt~int .Staff Mr.-,Terpme Forrest, International Cooperation Administration:.... Mr. Philip Habib, Department of State Mr..Kingsley Hamilton, Department of the Air Force Cdr. Robert I~awthorne, Department of the Navy Dr. .Norris G. Kenny, Office of the Secretary of :Defense 25X1 Aga CIA. Mr. Emil Schnellbacher, Department of Commerce Mrs. Doris Whitn.ack,.Department of State 25X1 Aga EIC~ .:Principal Staff Econpmst 25X1 Aga , EIC, ~ecutiye Secretary APPROVAL (}F MINUTES 1. The minutes of the EIC meeting of 7~.8 August 1956 were approved. aNNauNGn~Nrs of CxAIRMANt 2. The Chairman pointed out that it had been some time since the EIC had met, ~n.dthat two ,new .members were present for .the first time. He thought it appropriate, therefore, to report the fallowing interim developments: Approved For Release 1999/09/10 :CIA-RDP82-002838000100120010-3 Approved For Relea~1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP82-00283000100120010-3 25X1 X7 a o Annual R.e~ort The-Fifth Annual Report of .the-EIG was noted by the 7AC on 19 September 19.56. b. National ~ntel7,i~enee Ob,~ectives The EIC prepared statement of Prior National Ecanomie Intell~ence ,~bs~ectives, .which had been based Ran DCII) ` 5 i~ri,d which. had been. approved by the EXC at its last meeting (7 August 1956), was appr?ved by the.IAC on 21 August .1956, Since-that time a new statement of Priority National Intelligence l~b,jectives, DCID ;~+~6, has been. approved by the IAC f30 .October 1956)0. This makes appropriate certain minor revisi?ns in the statement of Priority National Eegnomic Intelligence Objectives dust "~" approved .last Augusta Action: The EIC approved the Chairman's suggestion that the Secretariat w ~ertake to .draft a revised statement -of Priority National Economic Intelligence Objectives to ,take account .af' changes between DCID 5 and DCID ~+/6. This Secretariat draft will then be reviewed by znembers.of the EIC "ad hoc's working group which. coordinated the previous paper-- after which i.t will be submitted to the EIC. c . EI.. The LTS unilateral report on "Coaunun,st China"s Ia~cparts and Expgrts, 1955: trade and Transport Involved" (EIC-R1dS5) was approved ~n 19. September by the IAC The. EIC, by interim action, vn 15 November approved distribution of the finished report to.C3CB, NIDAC~EDAC, and CF~Pa. The printed report is expected to be available fr~r distribution in .early December. da ecal "`Suez Canal" Survey ~--~ .- ~: -,t As instructed by the EIC members (following :the meeting of 8 August 1956) a "Special Survey .Listing of Internal anel.External Economic Research Suez Canal Zssue;s" (EIC-S~26) wa,s prepared by the EIC Secretariat, and distributed :on l2 September 1956 to .the EIC representatives of the IAC agencies and .of the Export-Import Bank. 25X1 X7 Approved For Release 1999/09/10 :CIA-RDP82-002838000100120010-3 .Approved For Relea~1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP82-00283000100120010-3 e. Biweekly Warkin~ Group Report The EIC 4~'oxking .Group on SinorSoviet Bloc Ecox~.oinic Activities in Underdeveloped Areas has now published 20 issues of its biweekly report. Both. the biweekly .and quarterly publications,o#' this wprking group-have been approveel_fQr release to .the three special.U"S Government groups. studying US f'ore,gn aid policies ~{a subcommittee- off` the Reuse Foreign: Af~air.s C.~- mittee, a sub.cammittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and .the Fairless Ccumn~.ttee established by the President}. So fare in res once to ,requests,- the background report in the quarterly series {EIG-R-1~+~ has been.. supplied to .the douseand Fairless groups and. the biweekly series to the House subcommittee. ~'he Chairman stated that he had. had a. number of indications that this series of reports was being .generally well-.received, and he inquired ,as ta,what indications ~rther members might have had. The repre- sentative of the Department ~f State .reported that inquiries addressed to .many Foreign Service posts :had brought a universally favt~rable reaction. A ..number of the other EIC representatives also .ct~mmented qn the:-value of this series of intelligence reports --- particularly the representatives of the })epartment of Commerce and of ICA. f . NIE 11-1- 57 An "Ad Soc" SIC Working Group an NIE 111-57, "Sing-Soviet Bloc Air Defense Capabilities-through Mid-162," was established on 18 Qctober 196 by interim action. This working group .will coordinate the CIA.~bRR contribution called far under Step 3, {econnm~:c impact} of the. Terms of Reference {TS} of. -this NIE. g. External Research Contracts Three external research projects {twa,of themsponsnred by Air Force and one by CIA} have recently been submitted to ;the EIC for rev3:ew in accordance with DCID.15~1o The. CIA-sponsored project has .been reviewed by the Subcommittee .on General Eccan:Qmic Analysis, and its fav~tre~ble comment was concurred-in by interm:.aetion of the. EIC on 18 Gctaber 196, CAZnments:on the two Air Force prp~ects had been :received. from the subcgmmittees concerned, but have ~.~t yet been acted on by the EIS. S-E-C-R-E-T r. .... Approved For Release 1999/09/10 :CIA-RDP82-002838000100120010-3 Approved For Releas~1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP82-002830-:00100120010-3 h. EIC Research Aid The Chairman called attention to an annotated "Key Pers~?nnel Concerned with Research and_Praduction in the Electrotechnical Industry of the USSR,.`" which was published as a research aid,. in August, by the .EIC Subcommittee an Electronics and Telecommunications. SUGGESTItJNS.FOR FUTURE :EIC CONSIDERATION: 3. Discussion The representative of the Department;af State raised .two questions .which he asked be placed .on .the agenda for a future meeting: a. what is the function that should be performed by the EIC and its subcommittees in the review of proposed. external .research projects; and b, in what manner should.the EIC prpceed in its examination of th.e work of individual subcommittees? ' In regard to the first question, he felt that subcommittee reviews.of proposed external research projects in some instances were not sufficiently critical to prQV3de adequate. initiating agency, Concerning the second, he recalled that the EIC-.had initiated an examination of subcammittee,s but that .this work had not been continued by the EIC as planned.. ~.. Action The Chairman stated, and the Committee- agreed,. that these two questions would be taken up at a future meeting,. The Chairman requested the Secretariat to.develap procedures far an orderly examination of subcommittee activities. Approved For Release 1999/09/10 :CIA-RDP82-002838000100120010-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/10 :CIA-RDP82-00?~8~3R000100120010-3 ~zc-~.~+-sl 5v Discussion The Chairman commented .that the present report seemed a marked .improvement over the earlier "background" paper (EIC-R-1?+). The summary sections in particular, .seemed directly and clearly expressed. Although. a number of minor editorial improvements were-still needed, he .suggested that most of these be left to the EIC Secretariat in consultation with the officers of the working .group, ..and that the report., in substance, be approved a,t this .time. The Chairman, however,. mentioned several specific modifications to .which he believed .the Committee's attention should be drawn; and .the representative of the Department of State anc3, several other representatives raised additional points. The members expressed general agreement with .each of these suggestions. 6. Action. The EIC approved the report, with the agreed minor changes, and authorized the Secretariat to make further improvements prior to publications All present expressed appreciation of the efforts of the working group,- and the.ElC officially commended.the officers and members of this group, together with their supporting staffs for their preparation of EIC~~Rl~-Sl. Executive Secretary Approved For Release 1999/09/10 :CIA-RDP82-002838000100120010-3