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AAd'I OFAIR9A1 R0007~11D001 g L C I f T E R I'~I R T I' 0 t~ A L
1 OF' 1
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PB 131632-72
June 26, 1959
Office cf Technical Services
Washington 25, D. Co
Published Meekly
Subscription Brice $12.00 for the Series
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200730001-2,
I. Rockets and 'Ari:ificfal Earth Satellites
II. Upper Atmosphere
III. Meteorology
IV. Oceanography
V. Glaciology
VI. Seismology
VII. Arctic and Antarctic
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200730001-2
Photographing Mechta's Sodium Cloud at the Mountain Astronomical Station
(The following is a full translation of a journal article describing
the photographing of the sodium cloud by the Soviet cosmic rocket "Mechta"
on 3 January 1957.]
On 3 January 1959, at the Mountain Astronomical Station of the Main
(Pulkovo) Observatory of the Academy of Sciences USSR, located near Kis=
lovodsk at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters above sea level, a pic-
ture was taken of the sodium cloud which was ejected by the Soviet cosmic
The creation of such a cloud was specified with the aim of-optically
determining the coordinates of the rocket. In the sodium cloud un,Ler the
influence of solar rays thcze is developed an intense luminescence (reson-
ance fluorescence) of the sodium doublet with a mean wave length of 0.589 yt,
(890 Angstrom 7. According to calculations made by I. S. Shklovskiy, it
is sufficient to disperse only a small amount of sodium (less than one
kilogram), in order that the developed luminescence may be registered
even with small instrumentation. At a given time and with the aid of a
special device, the sodium, in its atomic state, was ejected from the
rocket, forming a cloud which in the course of a few seconds attained a
diameter of 100 kilometers.
The photographing at the Mountain Astronomical Station was done by
special cameras which were fixed on the barrel of a coronograph.
Since the whole luminescence of the sodium cloud was concentrated
in a narrow portion of the spectrum, it was possible to use a filter which
admitted only these rays. Due to this, the scattered light emitted by
the Moon was greatly reduced. (The cloud was observed near the moon.)
The use of a filter also caused some difficulties since one does not get
a picture of the stars while photographing under such conditions.
To determine the coordinates of the cloud in relation to the stars,
additional photographs of the same portion of the sky were taken without
a filter up to the beginning of, and after the completion of the observa-
tion. The photographing was conducted with piotoplates in which every
picture, regardless of whether it was taken with or without a filter,
carried imprints of marks in fixed places. This permitted us, during.
later measurements, to "tie in" the position of the cloud to the images
of the stars. -
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R00020073099 GHT
At the time that all the photographs were taken the instrument
scanned a given portion of th, sky with the aid of clock mechanism;
thanks to the large dimension and mass of the coronograph the manipu-
lations of the observations d d not cause any displacement of the instru-
The photograph of the so ium cloud was made possible by the enlarge-
of a picture to approxi tely 80 times that of the original. The
photoprinting was done slight y out of focus so that with such great
enlargement the grain of the hotographic emulsion would not be visible,
since this would interfere wi h determining the shape and dimensions of
the cloud.
At the moment the rocket was launched everything had been brought
to full readinese for photog phing at the Mountain Astronomical Station.
Photographing was begun sever minutes before the flare-up of the cloud
and was continued for sever minutes later. In the course of this time,
24 pictures were taken, each ne with an exposure of 20 seconds.
The coordinates of the c oud, determined by the photograph, closely
agreed with what was expecte The brightness of the picture obtained
equalled a steller magnitude -F Fun-proximn Ply 8.9* the angular dimensions--
were approximately ' of arc. ("At the Mountain Astronomical Station," CPYRGHT
by M. N. Gnevyshev, Cididate of Physiomathematical Sciences; Moscow,
Vestnik Akademii Nauk, No 5, May 59, pp 99-100)
Hungarian Space Expert Speculates on Latest Soviet Rocket
he following excerpts Are from a general discussion on rocket
experiments and space travel by Erno Nagy, secretary of the Hungarian
Space Navigation Committee, which appeared ii:. Magyar Tudom , monthly
journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
We know that the 2 January 1959 Soviet space rocket was set in its
course at an altitude of 1,500 kilometers and thus its speed could have
been 10,100-10,200 meters per second....
It is well known that the combined weight of the instrument section
of the first Soviet space rocket and the burnt out part of the last rocket
stage is 1,472 kilograms....
If we hypothesize that a four-stage rocket was used to attain the
desired speed (which is logical considering that the intercontinental
ballistic rocket is two stage and that the artificial satellite rockets
are three stage) and if we hypothesize that petroleum-oxygen fuels were
used (Soviet rocket technology was developing such fuels earlier) then we
can make a fairly reliable estimate of the rocket's size. We might cite
the estimate of W. von Braun according to which the Soviet space rocket
weighed about 400 tons.
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CPYRGI?Snitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R0002007300O EYYRGHT
And if we also use a recently appearing official photograph as a
basis for our analysis, then the following weights can be assumed: first
stage, 300 tons; second stage, 75 tons; third stage, 16 tons; and. fourth
stage, 9 tons. The burning time of the entire rocket can be put,at about
4 minutes, divided as follows: first stage, 2 minutes; second stage, one
minute; and the third and fourth stages, half a minute each. In all prob-
ability the first three stages used liquid fuel (petroleum and liquid
oxygen) but the fourth stage could have been solid -fuel. It should be
noted that the third stage was a good bit larger than the well known V-2
At this time we cannot speak of actually remote controlled rockets.
All the rockets used so far have had the common characteristic that from
the moment of take off it was no longer possible to control the movement
of the rocket. Built-in and pre--set programmers directed the rocket. The
only intervention possible was to blow up the rocket in case of danger....
The first two Soviet artificial satellites forwarded information by
means of short wave radio transmissions exclusively. But the third sputnik
had a device which- recorded data and transmitted them above the home
stations in packets / urstgl (in response to query signals) by microwaves.
Practically the same system was used in the most recent Soviet space rocket
The first artificial planet and its fourth stage rocket were equipped
with short, wave (15 meter) and microwave (1.6 meter) radios. The short
wave equipment transmitted coded scientific information as in the earlier
artificial satellites; the
a terrestrial auery, s i g n ("The Scientific and TBchnical Si
of Space Rocket Experiments," by.Erno Nagy, secretary Hungarian Space Navi-
gation Committee; Budapest, Magyar Tudomany, Vol 4, No 3, Mar 59)
New Book On Meteor Phenomena
A new 640 page book by I. S. Astapovich, Meteornyye Yavleni a v
Atmosfere Zemli (Meteor Pehnomena in the Atmosphere of the Earths
issued by Fizmatgiz in 1958. The book presents, in detail, the history
and methods of studying meteors, the results of investigations of the
usual telescopic process arising during the motion of meteoric bodies
in the atmosphere and also during their penetration in the earth.
Among the latter, the formation of meteor holes and craters and hyperseisms.
Astronomical data during the flight of meteors,: is given, and the basic,
physical theory of meteors is explained. ("Briefs of New Books"; Moscow,
Priroda, No 5, May 59, p 122)
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200730001-2
Brochure on Aerosynoptic Conditions of Bumpiness on Central Asian Air
A brochure issued by the main Administration of the Hydrometeorolog-
ical Service under the Council of Ministers USSR, presents the results of
aerosynoptic processing of observations conducted by the expedition' for
the study of bumpy air conditions. The study was conducted jointly with
the Central Aerological Observatory Kazakh Scientific Research Hydrome-
teorological, Institute and the Tashkent Geophysical Observatory.
An aerosynoptic classification of the reasons for bumpiness is put
forward by the authors and the thermal, orographic, frontal, dynamic
bumpiness, bumpiness caused by cold advection, bumpiness caused by "cold
pockets" in the troposphere and bumpiness of the jet stream.
The 45 page brochure is designed for forecasters, aerologists, and
navigators on aviation staffs.
A bibliography of 19 titles includes eight Western authors. (Aero-
synoptic Conditions of Air-Bumping of Airplanes in Central Asia)" by
V. A. Dzhordzhio, M. A. Petrosyants, and N. N. Romanov; Leningrad, Trudy
Sredneaziatskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'sicogo Gidrometeorologicheskogo Insti-
tuta, Issue 14, 1958)
Underwater Observations (Skin-Diving) Aid Science
Many means are employed by science to study the depths of the oce,m:
hydrostats, hydroacoustics, shock tubes for obtaining. soils, submarines,
etc. The recently acquired Severyanka, the submarine laboratory of the
All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Fishing Industry and
Oceanography (VNIRO), is equipped with all necessary apparatus for taking
water and soil samples, with sonar, underwater television apparatus,
powerful searchlights, and photographic and motion picture apparatus.
But all of these devices, instruments, and equipment still do not give
the researcber the possibility of setting forth on an underwater scientific
expedition for the collection of all the objects of interest to him. This
is possible only by the use of skin-diving techniques, when the scientific
worker is converted into a man with "aqualungs."
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200730001-2
Skin diving equipment for sports and work is being used in the sea
and in fresh waters more and more often of late. Such apparatus has
special value for the marine biologist in studying depths in the'neigh-
borhood of 40 meters where the greatest numbers of plant life and animal
forms are encountered.
Among the enthusiasts for this underwater sport, in the USSR, are
many scientific workers and stud.:nts. In the underwater swimming sec-
tion of the Leningrad Dosaaf CV710lunteer Society for Cooperation With the
Army, Air Force and Navy) military-naval club, there are several groups
of designers, underwater hunters, and photography and motion picture
enthusiasts. Many suggestions for the creation of, new types of aqualungs
have been introduced by Yu. N. Pozdnyakov and S. N. Korshunov, designers.
P. L. Stepanov and N. M. Ginsburg, mechanics, developed the design
of an underwater gun. V. I. Kebkalo and Yu. V. Vasil'yev, made a water-
proof box for photographing underwater. Many members of the section take
part in different scientific research and prospecting expeditions.
The Chair of the Physics of the Sea and Inland Waters of the Moscow
State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov, created a group- of young scien-
tific workers for studying the techniques of the underwater sport. Here,
work on developing improved designs of aqualungs is conducted, waterproof
containers for?submarine photography are developed, and lectures are
given on the physioiogy and pathology of skin-diving.
Skin-diving equipment made in the USSR makes use mainly of compressed
air and not oxygen. The."Podvodnik DOSAAF-1 " and "Podvodnik DOSAAF-2"
skin diving apparatus which was created under the di.recti,on of A. I.
Soldatenkova, the designer, merits attention. These .apparatus have
cylinders, automatic lungs with breathing tubes and mouthpieces, reducing
valves, straps for fastening the apparatus to the back,, masks and fins.
The air in the cylinder is compressed to 150 atmospheres. The production
of the "Ukraina" skin-diving equipment (A. S. Gnamm, designer-engineer)
has been started by the Lugan' Soviaxkho z. ? This' equipment consists of the
follow`.Lng units: a high-pressure type automatic lung and a minimum pres-
sure gauge with a sound warning signal; two 4-liter capacity cylinders,
each with an operating pressure of 200 atmospheres; panels for mounting
the units of the apparatus and a system of straps for fastening it. to
the diver's back; bellpws hoses and a ball valve with a connecting sleeve
permitting the use of eithera mouthpiece or the "ShV-4" head mask.
The task in the USSR now is to organize the series production of
various types of light-diving sportsman's equipment; aqualungs, underwater
guns with spare harpoons or spears, fins, waterproof boxes for photo-
graphic and motion picture apparatus, portable depth meters and fathometers,
floating knives, and other equipment. There is also the need for perfecting
the production of protective clothing, such as is widely used abroad, which
permits swimming even in icy water.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200730001-2
There is no doubt that very shortly light diving equipment~ will
become a necessary part of the equipment of the marine biologist and
geologist. The detailed geographic study of Soviet seas and fresh waters,
the problem of their economic use is now unthinkable without employing
prospectors of the "deep continent" for this purpose.
More frequently, underwater sportsman are participating in the most
varied oceanological investigations. They are the main assistants of
fishermen and the leading detachments of the life saving service. They
render great aid in hydraulic construction.
Skin divers have also been used in archaeological operations con-
ducted in the Black Sea, Lake Chtidskoye, and the Dnepr River.
For several years, the Laboratory of Aeromethods Academy of Sciences
USSR has been investigating the bottom of the Plack Sea, the Azov and
Caspian Seas. These studies were conducted by B. I. Koshechkin and K. M.
Petrov, scientific workers, under the supervision of V. V. Sharkov, senior
scientific associate. 11bese operations were of great help in the compila-
tion of maps, in more accurately determining the distribution of water
vegetation, and in the finding of mineral resources on the bottom of the
The Pacific Ocean Expedition of the Institute of Biophysics Academy
of Sciences USSR, conducting operations in the Sea of Japan, in its com-
plement, had a special group of experienced underwater swimmers. These
rendered great assistance to the hydrobiologists, and surveyed conditions
of underwater sport in the Pacific Ocean. During the underwater observa-
tions, about 2,000 meters of colored motion picture film were taken.
The Chair of Water Management and Maritime Ports of the Moscow
Engineering Construction Institute imeni V. V. Kuybyshev, inspecting
underwater hydraulic construction in Novorossiysk, Sochi, and Tuapse,
used underwater observers and aqualungers for this purpose.
The locations most suitabl' for underwater hunting in the USSR are
the Black, Azov, Aral, and Caspian Seas. The Sea of Japan is also suit-
able for this. The low temperatures of the waters in the Baltic and the
northern seas hamper these activities.
Underwater motion picture photography was widely used in the making
of several Soviet films, the most notable of which was "In the Pacific
Ocean," made by the Moscow Studio of Popular Science Films, which won a
special prize at the First All-Union Motion Picture Festival Held in
Moscow in 1958.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200730001-2
Soviet industry puts out a great number of different photographic
apparatus which can be adapted for underwater use. One is the 16 milli-
meter amateur motion picture ca-iera "Kiev - 10"S-2." Made of light strong
metal, the camera is 21.5 x 13 it 6.5 centimeters in size and weighs
1,700 grams. Turret construction ensures quick change of its two objec-
tives. Also on the market is the Czechoslovakian motion picture camera
"Admira," intended for 16-millimeter film (2 x 3 millimeters). The
"AK-8" and "Pentaka" cameras from East Germany have also attained wide
The wide development of skin-diving and underwater sport in the
Soviet Union opens a new and promising perspective. A great army of
underwater sportsmen is available to aid marine biologists, geologists,
hydrogeoloGists, archaeologists, and other specialists. These sports-
men are truly assistant scientists and not in the sport for the thrill
alone. It is deemed important now, to establish very close, friendly
ties between scientific organizations and the sections of Dosaaf under-
water sport clubs and the various institutions. It is also necessary for
the scientists themselves to master the technique of skin diving, to study
underwater hunting and underwater photography and motion picture making.
The creation of a laboratory of underwater investigatings in one of the
scientific research institutes of the Academy of Sciences USSR would also
be of great value.
A camp for sport smen-div(~rs has already been established in the
south of the USSR. A similar camp has also been created on the Pacific
Ocean. Here the divers are trained, hunt underwater, and take photo-
graphs and motion pictures. It is considered necessary to create special
schools for underwater sports. The problems involved in?'this matter are
considered very essential and it is felt that they must be solved as
quickly as possible. C'Under%;ater Observations -- in the Service of
Science," by Yu. P. Znainenskiy, Leningrad; Moscow, Priroda, No 5, May 59,
pp 102-106)
Study of Deep Ocean Currents During Vityaz' Tic edition
During the preparation for Mork in cohnectibn with the IGY, the Insti-
tute of Oceanology of the Academy of Sciences USSR worked out, for measur-
ing deep currents in the ocean, a method employing anchor buoy stations
with automatic current recording devices dttached to the cables. The
buoys were made of light weight (1E00-600 kilogram buoyancy) foam plastic
-uid were equipped with radar targets operating on a giV'en program for
search by ship. Graduated (6.0 - 3.5 millimeters) cables were used to
anchor to buoys in depths of up to 6.5 km.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200730001-2
Using the cable buoy stations and the automatic current recorders (BPV),
in August 1958, an expedition aboard the Vityaz' conducted a series of
current measurements at depths of up to 1,500 meters in the Pacific. The
length of service of one station during this time was 11.5 days; this sta-
tion performed in the southern periphery of the Kuroshio Current Calso
known as Japan on Black Current] in the region of an underwater elevation
at a depth of 2,600 - 2,700 meters. The station obtained data on the
velocity and direction of flow at the 8-, 100-, 250-, 750-, and 1,500-meter
levels. A graphic of the progressive flow vectors observed for the period
21-24 August 1958 shows that, in spite of the supposed insignificance of
currents at depths of 1,000 meters and more, there are currents at these
depths which move at a rate of 25 centimeters per second. Currents of
more than 0.7 meters per second were recorded at the surface of the ocean
at the same time.
A raw processing of the observation data showed a division of currents
into inflow-outflow and steady currents. For the 8-10 meter level in the
period of measurement (16-27 August 1958) the directions of the steady cur-
rents varied from 47?-107?, and the rates of flow from 32 to 49 centimeters
per second.
The variability of steady currents at depths of 8-10 meters over the
12--day period in the surveyed region shows the presence of a relatively
stable and considerable movement of water toward the east, but not toward
the south, as should be the case according to charts of the Morskoy Atlas
(Atlas of the Sea) (Leningrad, 1959. Here, during the 12-day period, a
movement of water in the direction of 890 at a rate of 37.5 centimeters
per second was observed.
In relation to flows caused by other factors, the inflow-outflow
current at depths of 100-750 meters account for a total of 5-10 percent
of the observed values. In the surface layer the comparative values of
the periodic currents increase, reaching as much as 30 percent. Even
larger comparative values were observed for the inflow-outflow currents
at depths of 1,500 meters, where they amount to 50 percent of those observed.
The ratios of the periodic to stationary currents observed at the buoy sta-
tions are apparently characteristic of these regions of observation only,
and for other places in the ocean they have other values. On September 1958,
in regions adjacent to a point 39 degrees north latitude and 153 degrees
east longitude, currents on the order of 6-8 centimeters per second were
observed at depths of 1,000 - 1,500 meters, when there were considerable
flow velocities (ap roximately 15-20 centimeters per second) at depths
of 10-100 meteor . ("On Currents in the Ocean, ".by N. N. Sysoyev, Institute
of Oceanology, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow,Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,
Vol 125, No 5, 11 Apr 59, pp 1123-1123)
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200730001-2
Present Glaciation in the Zangezurskiy Mountain Range
The southernmost point of modern glaciation in the Caucasus occurs in
the southern part of the Zangezurskiy mountain range, just 'north of the
39th parallel. The range, highest in the Malyy Kavkaz, is second only to
the Glavnyy Kavkaz range in height. It lies southeast of the Armenian
highlands and extends 150 kilometers, from the mountain of Ginal (Shakh-
darskiy Range) in the north to Araksa in the son:th. The altitude of the
range in the region of glaciation reaches 3,700-3,900 meters.
The perpetual snows in the Zangezurskiy range are in the fora of
small corrie-glaciers and firn snows, which are found on the eastern and
western slopes of the mountain, from Gazangel'dar (3,829 meters) in the
north to Saridara mountain (3,750 meters) in the south. Judging by the
altitude of the occurrence of the majority of glaciers, the present snow
line on the Zangezurskiy range is at an altitude of 3,600-3,650 meters.
The principal mass of glaciers here is located in the shaded places,
in the various depressions, fissures, hollows, ravines, and in crumbled
and half-ruined corries, and it, in an almost continuous chain, in stages
of ones and twos, extends along the eastern and western slopes of the
range. The bottoms of many cirques in the lower formation contain small
lakes, and in the cirques composing the upper formation, near the ridge
of the mountains, lie the glaciers and snow fields.
According to the latest topographical map, in the 22 kilometer stretch
of the Zangezurskiy range limited by the above-mentioned peaks, 52 glaciers
and snow fields can be counted, the total area of which. is' 1.58 square kilo-
meters. Of these 44 glaciers are on the eastern slope and 8 on the western.
All of the glaciers are located higher than 3,400 meters above sea level.
The largest glaciers are located in the southern half of the indicated
part of the range. Here, eight corrie glaciers with a total area of 0.68
square kilometer are found. All of these are small spots of firri with an
area of several hectares. At the lower limits of these glaciers, the nu-
merous sources of the Megriget Ri*,rer begin.
In the northern half of the range, smaller glaciers, 1-2 hectares in
size, are observed, and concentrations of them occur at the sources of the
Pyardchay, KapidzhLkhc'tiay, and Yagulchay rivers.
The existence of glaciers in the Zangezurskiy range was known long
ago. but their quantitative and qualitative characteristics were not de-
termined earlier because there were no sufficiently detailed topographic
maps of this region. Now, after the completion of large-scale mapping,
this blank can be considered filled. ("Present Glaciation of the Zan-
gezurskiy Range," by P. I. Ivan'kov, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Moscow; Moscow, Priroda, No 4, Apr 59, p 114).
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200730001-2
Seismic Studies of Earth's Crustal Structure Under the Black Sea
In September 1957, under the direction of N. N. Sysoyev, the Black
Sea Experimental Scientific Research Station of the Institute of Ocean-
ology of the Academy of Sciences USSR conducted seismic studies in the
region of the Black Sea to the southwest of the Crimean peninsula. The
results of these measurements were used as a basis for a dete-,nination
of the structure of the earth's crust under the Black Sea. In addition
to the author, of this article, Yu. P. Neprochnoir, V. P. Goncharov,
G. N. Shchipletsov, M. F. Mikhno, and others took part in the work afloat,
and A. F. Neprochnova helped to process the data.
The method employed for the seismic measurements was that of wave
refraction, whereby charges weighing from 0.4 of a kilogram to 130 kilo-
grams were detonated and recordings made by the experimental ships "Aka-
dewik %.kv lcpi' a-a "Akade%cyShird=." Bec @i m ct:the :limited smwae cf the'Mademik
Shirshov," only the "Akademik Vavilov" as used as a recording 'ship for
offshore; the recording method used involved recording at two (usually
end) points of the profile and shifting the point of detonation, a method
found profitable earlier by US seismologists (M. Ewing, et al., Bull. Seis-
mol. Soc.Am., Vol 50, No 3, 1950).
The data obtained, whin compared with published results of deter-
minations of the structure of the crust of continents and of oceans, showed
that the earth's crust under the Black Sea to the southwest of the Crimean
peninsula is essentially different from the continental, as well as the
oceanic, type. In this region, the cruet is 22-24 kilometers thick, i.e.:,
thinner than that of the continental auci thicker than that of the oceanic
regions. `The absence of the boundary layer makes the crust under the
Black Sea similar to the oceanic type, but its sedimentary stratum is
considerably thicker (8-12 kilometers). The crust structure is quite
similar to that of the crust under the Gulf of Mexico (M. Ewing et al.,
Geophysics, Vol 20, No 1, 1955); where, with a general thickness of the
crust of about 20 kilometers, there is a thick sedimentary layer of cap
rock with a seismic velocity of 6.2-6.4 kilometers per second.
The seismic data revealing the :;resence of a thick sedimentary
layer under the Black Sea confirms earlier statements of Arkhangel'skiy
rind Strakhov (Geologicheskoye Strove e i Istoriya Razvitiya Cherno
Morya geological structure and History of the Development of the Black
Se), Moscow 1938), who classified the deep-water depression of the
Black Sea as a typical geosyncline which is still sinking. On the basis
of data on the geology of contiguous areas, M. V. Muratov (Byull. MOIP,
otd. geol., Vol 30, No 5, 1955, p 27) computed the probable thickness
of the sedimentary stratum of the deep-water depression of the Black Sea
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200730001-2
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000200730001-2
an 7-8 kilometers. The seismic investigations discussed here showed a
somewhat higher value, there being an increase of the thickness of the
sediments in the southern and southwestern directions. ("The Depth
Structure of the Earth's Crust Under the Black Sea Southwest of the
Crimea According to Seismic Data," by Yu. P. Neprochnov, Institute of
Oceanology) Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Dokiady Akademii Nauk SSSR,
Vol 125, No 5, 17 Apr 59, pp 1119-1122)
Problem of Tsunami on USSR Pacific Shoreline Discussed
The problem of studying tsunami (storm wave), says. A. Ye. Svyatiov-
skiy, Candidate of Geological -Mineralo cal Sciences, of the Laboratory of
Volcanology, Academy of Sciences USSR Moscow), should be included in a
number of international oceanological problems, and the exchange of the
results from scientific investigations on tsunami between interested coun-
tries should be promoted. These natural calamities, which embrace the
Pacific shores of many countries, are caused principally by tectonic
earthquakes occuring on the bottom of the sea. In rare cases, they arise
as a result of volcanic eruptions.
In the region of Pacific Ocean shores of Kamchatka and the Kuril
Islands, scenes of frequent tsunami, the need for an early warning system
similar to present Japanese methods of seismic forecasting and tsunami
notification exists. With these methods, says Svyatlovskiy, USSR seismic
stations will be able to predict the coming of a tsunami by about 20-30
minutes. It is also possible to forecast tsunami with the aid of record-
ings by hydroacoustical instruments of sound waves excited in the ocean
during seaquakes and the processes of in the relief of the ocean
bottom. Sound waves (Phase T) being i;roo;; gated in water for great dis-
tances, having a velocity of 1,500 meters per second, reach shores consid-
erably earlier than the tsunami. Hydroacoustical methods of forecasting
are of special value for studying tsunami arising during submarine vol-
canic eruptions since the latter are not always accompanied by earth-
quakes. Finally, recordings of fluctuations in sea level after strong
earthquakes play a large role in warning of tsunami, confirming the
danger of the approaching catastrophe.
The organization of a tsunami warning service for the shores of Kam-
chatka and the Kurile ?:,:lands is the important problem of the very near
future. Inasmuch as tsunami arising in the regions of seaquakes envelope
definite parts of the seashore, warning stations must have the possibility
of operating independently of each other within the limits of their own
threatened region.
Together with the organization of a special service for tsunami
warning, special measures must be carried out for warnings of the natural
calamities in the regions subjected to tsunami danger. Special regioning
of the shore will permit the determining of the parts of the shore suitable
for building of enterprises and villages and, in varying degrees, the
possibility of danger.
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Such regioning is based on the comparison of data concerning the loca-
tion of the epicenters of strong seaquakes with the depth and bottom relief
of the ocean and the configuration of the adjacent seashores. In addition,
the height of large tsunami occurring in a specific region can be calculated.
On the basis of the known relationship between the height of the wave, the
depth of the ocean, and the relief of the coastal belt, it is possible to
calculate the height of the tsunami at different shore points with different
locations of the earthquake epicenters. In planning populated areas, after
comparing these data with the actual height of tsunami which have been
ecltablished for certain shore points, it is necessary to compile large-
scale maps of those parts of the seashore suitable for building purposes
and to delineate the zones of possible flooding by tsunami by means of
isolines. ("Tsunami of the USSR's Pacific Ocean Shores," by A. Ye. Svyat-
lovskiy, Laboratory of Volcanology Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Pri-
roda, No '4., Apr 59, pp 93-97)
Expedition Studies Asymmetric Forces in Arctic
An air expedition of the Arctic and Antarctic Institute recently re-
turned to Leningrad. Under the guidance of V. G. Kanaki, experienced polar
scientist, the expedition members distributed a number of drifting radio-
meteorological stations on the ice of the Arctic Basin.
For the period of about one month, N. A. Kozyrev, Doctor of Physico-
Mathematical Sciences and astronomer at the Pulkovo Observatory, worked
with this expedition in the Arctic. Together with his assistant, V. G. La-
beysh, he was engaged in measurements of the asymmetric forces acting on
the surface of the Earth. The existence of these forces, as had been pre-
mised by N. A. Kozyrev, is caused by the interrelations between different
masses of the Earth which are in relative rotation.
On his return to Leningrad, N. A. Kozyrev told a correspondent of
Leningradskaya Pravda that the results obtained by the expedition, as
well as measurements previously made in temperate zones, are definite
proof of the fact that such asymmetric forces exist. It.had also been
assumed previously that there is a parallel on which asymmetric forces
do not exist. This theory has likewise been confirmed. The instrument
used for.the observations, i.e., the "scales" built by the Pulkovo Ob-
servatory, did not reveal any asymmetric forces in one of the points
south of Ostrov Dikson.
In the future, it is planned to conduct such observations also in
Antarctica. ("In 20 Points of the Arctic," Leningradskaya Pravda,
5 May 59)
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New Drift Station In Operation
Over a month has passed since the high-latitude expedition "Sever-11"
selected an ice floe for the new scientific station Severnyy Polyus-8.
During this period, the drifting ice floe has covered a distance of more
than 2140 kilometers, describing a small loop. Moving in a general north-
northwest direction, the ice floe has traveled a distance of only 110
kilometers and has crossed the former route of the drift station Severnyy
According to all available data, the station Severnyy Polyus-8 will
drift in the region of anticyclonic circulation bordering on the Pacific
Ocean. It will apparently drift approximately along the route of drift
of Severnyy Polyus-2. In a few year's time, the ice floe, where the
Soviet scientists are no* working, will return to the area frog: where it
started its drift in April 1959.
Not one scientific station has, thus far, fully completed its drift
in the region of anticyclonic circulation adjoining the Pacific Ocean.
That is why this part of the Arctic Ocean, bordering on the Canadian
Archipelago, is still little explored. The station Severnyy Polyus-8,
headed by V. Rogachev, will be conducting research in this area, espe-
cially in an attempt to check the theory of the existence of a permanent
anticyclonic circulation adjacent to the Pacific Ocean.
Over 130 tons of scientific equipment, food, fuel, etc. were flown
to the new drift station. Daily weather reports have been transmitted to
the mainland by radio since the very first day the station began to operate.
L. Belyakov and V. Uglev, oceanologists, are conducting hydrological re-
search. Recently they took the first depth sounding in the area of the
drift. A magnetic and aerological pavilion is being equipped.
On 30 April, the ice floe broke up next to the carp. The crack
passed very close to the huts, separating the meteorological observa-
tion platform and part of the equipment from the rest of the camp. The
camp had to be move'.to another site, further away from the crack, and
it has now been re-established at the new location. ("Far Away, On The
Ice Floe...," Moscow, Vodnyy Transport, 30 May 59)
Documentary Arctic Film Presented to Journalists
As previously reported in the press, a large group of Soviet and
foreign journalists took part in a flight covering the route Moscow-
North Pole-Moscow during November and December 1958, at which time they
visited the drift station Severnyy Polyus-7.
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Everything the correspondents saw in the Arctic'during this flight
has been recorded in a documentary film entitled "With TheirOwn-]yes."
The film, produced by operators of the Central Television Studio in
cooperation with the journalists, has been viewed with great. interest
by the public.
On 20 May, the Journalists who had taken part in the flight were
presented with souvenir copies of this film as a friendly gift to the
editorial boards of newspapers and periodicals, information agencies,
and radio organizations who sent their representatives ca this trip.
("Documentary Film on the Arctic," Moscow, Izvestiya, 22 May 59)
Part of Antarctic Coast Is Remapped
Members of the Fourth Soviet Antarctic Expedition explored the ice
shelf in the region of Princess Astrid Coast, where the station Lazarev
was established. According to Captain A. I. Dubinin of the 00.. the
Soviet explorers spent more than one day searching for the ice shelf,
which was indicated on the map as being between 11 and 14 degrees E.
Actually, however, the ice shelf was located 50 miles further east.
After the Ob' had stayed, at Princess Astrid Coast and the expedi-
tion members had conducted exploration at this location, a new, revised
map of this region was compiled. A number of new names of geographical
objects have appeared on the map. Many of them bear the names of Rus-
sian scientists and navigators. ("New Explorations in Antarctic,"
Moscow, Vodriyy Transport, 12 May 59)
Temporary Scientific Station in Antarctica
A new, temporary scientific station was recently established on
Drygalski Island, located in Davis Sea, 50 miles north-northeast of the
Pravda Coast. The island is 20 kilometers long and 13 kilometers wide.
Its coordinates are 65 45 S and 92 28 E. Since 1956, Soviet scientists
have been conducting sporadic observations on this island.
Scientific workers, equipment, two dog-sled teams, etc, were trans-
ported to the isl; nd from Mirnyy by a LI-2 airplane, making three round
trips. Observations on the island have been started by A. Kapitsa,
glaciologist; N. Medvedev, magnetologist; Yu. Durynin, seismologist;
L. Khrushchev, astronomer-geodesist; and A. Krasnushkin, physicist.
They will conduct complex glaciological research, seismic, vimetric
and magnetic surveys, and meteorological observations and w 11 carry
out a complete cycle of geodetic work.
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A. Kapitsa, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, a member of the First
Antarctic Expedition, was one of the first to start glaciological research
on this island in 1956. He completed a series of seismic soundings of the
ice which indicated that the island is a large block of ice with a regular
cupola-shaped form. It rests on a sandbank of Davis Sea, above which the
water has a depth of 100-150 meters. The ice in the center of the island
is 1120 meters thick. At the same time, the ice shelf rises only 286 meters
above sea level. The results of measurements have shown that the surface
of the bank is flat, without any elevations in the central part of the
island. The edges of the island represent steep cliffs, rising 150 meters
above the surface of the bottom, with a visible elevation of about 30-35
meters above sea level.
As suggested by Soviet scientists, islands similar to Drygalski
Island should be called "ice island-cupolas" to distinguish them from
the "ice caps," since the structure of the latter must contain a core
consisting of basic rocks.
Constant radio contact is maintained between the station on Drygalski
Is1P:u and the Mirnyy observatory. During the past few days, a heavy snow-
storm was raging on the island. The wind velocity reached 35 meters per
second, and the air temperature was between minus 22 and minus 8.5 degrees
centigrade. ("On An Ice Island," Moscow, Vodnyy Transport, 26 May 59)
Czech Scientist, Returns From Antarctic
The Czech scientist Antonin Mkros, who worked in Antarctica since
the end of 1957 as a member of the Third Soviet Antarctic Expedition,
returned recently to Prague. He spent 19 months iii the Antarctic. Dur-
ing this period, A. Micros collected a?large amount of valuable scientific
data, which are to be processed gradually by the Czechoslovak Academy
of Sciences.
Duran his voyage to Antarctica on the Soviet ship KQoperatsiya,
A. Micros conducted meteorological and oceanographical observations Upon
his arrival in Mirnyy, he began to conduct observations of the luminescence
of the evening and night sky. Later, Micros took part in a 3-month expedi-
tion into the interior of the continent, during which he conducted meteor-
ological observations and worked as a navigator of the sled-tractor train.
The Czech scientists also took part in the construction of the new
Soviet station Lazarov, established in a hitherto little explored region
of Antarctica, and in a geological expedition which discovered a new
mountain area, named the Russian Mountains. The data collected by A. Mk-
ros are of great interest for the study of processes occurring in the
up er atmosphere. ("19 Months in Antarctica," Moscow, Izvestiya, 20 May
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Soviet Doer Flies to Aid, of Australian Scientist
The Australian antarctic station Wilkes is about 800 kilometers east
of Mirnyy. The Australian scientists had sent a request for medical aid
to the Soviet Antarctic Expedition on beha3! of one of their associates at
the Australian station, who was seriously ill. Early in the morning of
3 May, a Soviet plane took off from Mirnyy. In addition to the crew, it
carried Doctor Kosachev and interpreter Lugovoy.
During the flight above the ice cap, the'plane got into very bumpy
weather. At 1015 hours Moscow time, the SgW?et plant landed at the sta-
tion Wilkes. ("To the Aid of the Austra3.'ans," Moscow, Pravda, 4 May 59)
Station Lazarev in ration
Three months have passed since comples-scientific research was begun
at the station Lazarev on Princess Astrid Coast. A laboratory for glacio-
logical research has also been set up at this location.
'Recently, two iceberra broke off from the ice sh6lf on which the sta-
tion ie located and drift$d slowly westward.
Frequent magnetic storms make it difficult to maintain radio contact
with Mirnyy and gbstok, at the south geomagnetic pole. ("Polar Workers
Report by Radio," Moscow, Vodnyy Transport, 2 Jun 59)
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