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INS 29 JANUARY 1960 UNULRZ)19IIIV- 9t;IENTIIL For Release: CIA-RDP82-00141 ROWITO T s?Sahitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-0014 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 010009999991 T-39 SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION REPORT 29 January 1960 Distributed Only By U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF TECHNICAL SERVICES WASHINGTON 25, D.C. //',?f~,~., fa j., No 3, May Jun 59, pp :>-45 The purpose of this research was to study the feasibility of tagging insects by feeding them radioactive isotopes mixed with their food. Tests were conducted on the house fly and the brown cockroach. A rather detailed historical- survey of this subject is given by the autho *.' . Results:, of this research indicated that tagging insects by feeding than foodstuffs containing radioactive isotopes is feasible for those radioisotopes which have high median energy levels for beta-spectra of the order of 0.8 Mev and higher, and a half life of at least one week. An increase in the con. entration of radioactive isotope, in the food produces a proportional increase in the radioactivity of' the insects feed- inL7 on it. By conducting such experiments for a period of 1.0--20 days, it is possible to tag the insects by feeding them meals containing 1-3 microcuries per ml. Longer experiments require proportionally higher concentrations of radioactive isotopes in the foodstuffs. 1~. Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Silkworm "The Effect of Gamma Irradiation by Co6o on the Nutritional Characteristics of Mulberry Leaves for SiJJ worms,, " by L. F. Rozhdestvenskaya, U. A. Arifov, 0. A. Kleyn, and Sh. A. Ablayev, institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR; Tashkent, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, No 8, Aug 59, pp 11-13 The authors postulated that as a result of gamma irradiation of leave., which are to be fed to silkwoirns, complex protein molecules would be changed into simpler amino acids, and this chemical destruction would lead. to increased silkworm feeding which, in turn, would be reflected in the silkworm's biological traits and productivity. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 To test this theory, the authors conducted experiments during the s tunrner (25 June 25 July) on hybrid silkworm caterpillars (Chinese 108 X Japanese 115) feeding on mulberry- leaves irradiated by two doses of gamma rays (the first equal to 6,000 rep, and the second equal to 40,000 rep). Result. of these experiments indicate that the feeding of young caterpillars on foliage which has been irradiated by gamma-ray doses ranging from 6,000 to 40,000 rep increases their viability, the average weight of the cocoons, and the fertility of the butterflies. ? This irradiation effect 13 more pronounced when doses are equal to 6,000 rep than when they are equal to 40,000 rep. 5. Studies of Sr89 in Rats "Elimination of Radioactive Strontium From the Organism Under the Influence of Certain Complex-Forming Substances," by 0. A. Khomutovskiy, Biophysical Laboratory of Institute of Physiology imeni 0. 0. Bogomol'yets, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR; Kiev, Fiziologichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 5, No 7, Sep/Oct 59, pp 670- 679 The author of this article describe experiments conducted on 233 white rats to determine the amount of Sr 9 accumulated in the tissues and the rate of its elimination from the organism after peroral and intra- peritoneal administration. The effect of oxalic acid, sodium rhodisonovate, and vanadium sulfate on the elimination of Sr 69 was also studied. It was found that between 54% and 58% of 5r89 is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum amount of Sr89 accumulated in the soft tissues withing 2 hours and in the bone tissues within 8 hours after it was taken orally. The Sr89 content in the bones of the thifhs was half as high and in the soft tissues one tenth as high after oral adminis- tration than it was after intravenous injection. When oxalic acid was administered within one hour after Sr89 was taken orally, the isotope content in the bones of rats was half as high as in the control group. The preliminary data obtained indicate that sodium rhodisonovate has no effect on elimination of Sr89 from the organism. Vanadium sulfate, used as a purgative, did not contribute to elimination of Sr89 from the organism. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 6. Soviets Use Radiation Against Phylloxera in Successful Experiments "Use of Radioactive Isotopes Against Phylloxera" (unsigned article); Bratislava, Szabad Foldmuves, 20 Dec 59, p 2 "Shemin, a Soviet scientist, has proved in his experiments that radioactive ipotopes can be successfully used against phylloxera. The roots of infected vine stocks were exposed to radiation and thereby the phylloxera were completely destroyed -- at all stages of the disease. The 20,000-30,000 roentgen units needed to destroy the phylloxera do not harm the vines." CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 II. CHEMISTRY Electrochemistry 7. Ye. N. Yeremin's Work in the Field of Industrial Electrochemistry "Ye. N. Yeremin (On the Occasion of His 50th birthday)," by N. I. Kobozev and L. I. Nekrasov; Moscow, 7hurnal Fizichesk Khimii, Vol 33, No 10, Oct 59, pp 2387-2388 The 50th birthday of Ye. N. Yeremin, Professor at Moscow State Uni- versity, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, was celebrated on 14 January 1959. Yeremin is a well-known physical chemist and a prominent investigator in the field of gas electrochemistry, i.e. a field of research which is concerned with producing chemical reactions under the action of electric discharges. After completing the course at the Chemical Faculty of Moscow Uni- versity in 1930, Ye. N. Yeremin was active at a number of production enter- prises, institutes, and educational institutions. The first independent scientific research done by Ye. N. Yeremin was carried out in 1931, when he worked at the Chen_orechensk Chemical Combine. This work was on the purification of hydrogen sulfide produced by the iron-steam method. At the same time he conducted research on the thermo- dynamics of high-temperature gas processes. The work in question was concerned with the calculation of the free energy of the dissociation of hydrogen on the basis of molecular constants and the interpretation of the phenomenon of inversion of the ammonia equilibrium at high temper- atures. The results obtained in this work mad, it possible to give a complete quantitative interpretation to the temperature inversion of the dissociation of ammonia. After this, Yeremin concentrated on the investigation of two electro- chemical gas reactions which are of the greatest importance both from the theoretical and practical standpoint, namely, the electrochemical oxidation of nitrogen and the cracking by means of an electric discharge of methane and gases containing methane to acetylene. The research in question, which was begun in 1932 at the Nitrogen Institute and is being continued now at the Chemical Faculty of Moscow State University, forms a substantial contribution to the development of processes of the electrochemical synthesis of nitrogen oxides and ozone, the cracking of methane and gases containing methane in an electric discharge, and the electrochemistry of gases in general. During 1932-1937, Yeremin in collaboration with N. I. Kobozev and S. 'S. Vasil'yev carried out work as a result of which the kinetics of reactions in electric discharges received a final formulation and pr;,,,,- tical methods were developed for the calculation of reaction constants in -5- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 electrical discharges. Calculation of yields of products in the stute of equilibrium and determination of the limiting energy yields also formed a part of this investigation, in which kinetic schemes were formulated for the electrochemical oxidation of nitrogen, the electrochemical crack- ing of methane, the electrochemical synthesis of ozone, and a number of other processes. One of Yeremin's outstanding achievements is the discovery of the specific action of a high-frequency discharge on the example of the electrochemical oxidation of nitrogen. In the work involved, it was established that displacement of the electrochemical equilibrium takes place in a high-frequency discharge. In connection with this, there is a change in the kinetics of the oxidation of nitrogen and also a change in the spectroscopic characteristics of the discharge. The results of the research in question formed the basis for Yeremin's candidate's dis- sertation., which he defended in 1937. At the same time, Yeremin together with Kobozev and Vasil'yev formu- lated a theory of energy catalysis in electric discharges. This theory regards the specific chemical action of an electric discharge as a conse- quence of the high electron temperature which is developed and which re- sults in an intense excitation of vibrational levels of molecules. The excited state is a result of collisions of the second type. This theory was expanded to cover the most important processes. Its validity was confirmed by spectroscopic investigation of discharges and the application of energy catalysts. Development of relevant theoretical concepts and analysis of experi- mental data which were obtained led Yeremin, Kobozev, and Vasil'yev to the introduction into gas electrochemistry of a new parameter, namely that of the specific energy U/v, which expresses the ratio of the intensity of the diocbarge to, the velocity of gas flow. This parameter is analogous. to the reaction time in ordinary chemical. kinetics. By using this ratio and employing data pertaining to processes taking place at low intensities, one can predict the course of a process at high intensities. The parameter U/v can be applied to any. electrochemical reaction taking place in the gas phase. During World War II, the electrochemical cracking of natural methane to acetylene was carried out at a large pilot plant installation under Yeremin's dire'~,tion. High yields of acetylene and favorable energy indices were obtained. In 1949, Yeremin designed a new reactor for the electro chemical cracking of methane to acetylene. In 1950, he developed a !!o, 1hod for the electrochemical. synthesis of concentrated nitric acid from air ,nd water and a method for recovering dilute nitrogen oxide gases. The work in question was carried out in collaboration with N. I. Kobozev and others. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 During the same period, Yeremin obtained an experimental proof of the fact that the spectrum of the afterglow following the discharge in the reaction of nitrogen oxidation is due to a reaction of nitrogen oxide with oxygen atoms. In this manner it was established that atomic oxygen forms in the electrical discharge and is present in rather high concentrations. Beginning with 1948-1949, Yeremin participated in work on the electro- chemical synthesis of hydrogen peroxide and ozone. This work was carried out at the Laboratory of Catalysis and Gas Electrochemistry, Chemical Faculty of Moscow State University. In the course of the research in question, which was conducted by Yeremin in collaboration with Kobozev and L. I. Nekraso v, a method was discovered for the synthesis of hydrogen superoxide H2 O. by bombarding liquid ozone with atomic hydrogen. Yeremin's activity after completion by him of the course at Moscow State University was at the chemical. faculty of this university. He de- fended his candidate's dissertation at the Chemical Faculty in 1937 and his doctor's dissertation in 1951. Beginning with 1952, Yeremin has been professor at the Chair of Physical Chemistry. Since that time, he has conducted general and special courses and has been in charge of work done by candidates for diplomas and aspirants. An outstanding characteristic of Yeremin's scientific work is its close correlation with practical developments in the field of chemical production. While perfecting under laboratory conditions the technology of the electric cracking of hydrocarbon gases, Yeremin maintains close contact with the constructors of the first USSR electric cracking plant. Fuels and Propellants 8. The Thermochemistry of Hydrogen Peroxide "The Thermochemint:.- of the Dissociation of Hydrogen Peroxide," by K. B. Yatsimirokiy, Chair of Analytical Chemistry, Ivanovo, Chemicotechnolugical Institute; Ivanovo, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy - Khimiya i Khimicheskaya Tekhnolo i a, Vol 2 , No , Aug 59, pp 480-484. The heats of formation of ions and radicals formed when hydrogen peroxide dissociates in different ways have been calculated. The ions and radicals in question comprise H~', 02H-,) H, 02H, H', 02H+, - HO+, OH-, and OH. The electron affinity of a number of particles, the proton affinity of neutral particles and of anions, and the heats of hydration of ions and radicals formed by hydrogen and oxygen were determined. From the data obtained, the heat effects (A H298) of dissociation reactions Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 of hydrogen peroxide and of some :iunb and radicals (E0 ''~; HO2, HO, HOP, and HO) in the gaseous phase and in aqueous .io7.irt;ions were calculated. The lattice energies of the compounds MO2 and M202 (here M = Na, K, Rb) Cs) and the heats of formation of the ions 02 and 02 in the gaseous state from them are listed. 9. A Conductometric Oxygen Indicator With a Idffht Signal "A Conductometric Light-Signal Indicator of Oxygen in Gases," by E. Ye. Konovalov, V. V. Matyuuhh in, V. P. Yemel'yanov, and A. G. Ka:~rbash; Moscow, Zavodskaya Laboratoriya Vol 25, No 10, Oct 59, pp 1260-1262 The conductometric light-signal indicator of oxygen desgribed in this article is to be used for continuous control of the operation of equipment absorbing oxygen from chemically inactive gases; it indicates the moment when the absorbent has been spent and thus prevents the flow of contaminated gas into the system. The sensitive device of the appliance in question is charged with granulated silica gel coated with copper. The electric resist- ance of the copper increases after the copper has been oxidized by the oxygen contained in the gas; this change in resistance activates the signal indicator circuit. The appliance can be used to indicate the presence of oxygen in nitrogen, argon, helium, and other chemically inactive gases directly in the gas circuit at pressures up to 30 atmQspheres. In one de- sign of the appliance, the resistance of the copper in the sensitive device is offset by that of a nichrome spiral, which serves as a shunt and forms a part of the secondary signal indicator circuit. In a simplified design, the secondary circuit and shunting device are absent: there is only one circuit, i. e., the primary circuit which includes the sensitive device. When the resistance of the copper in the sensitive device becomes too great, current in the circuit ceases to flow and an electric signal lamp which is connected in series with the sensitive device goes out. Both designs of the appliance can be used to indicate the presence of hydrogen rather than oxygen; in this case, silica gel coated with oxidized copper is used. An analogous arrangement can be used for checking chem- ically inactive gases for the presence of hydrocarbons (for instance, oil vapors). Just like hydrogen, hydrocarbons reduce the oxidized copper on the silica gel, except that the reduction takes place at a somewhat higher temperature (about 5000). 'After reduction of the copper, the resistance of the sensitive device drops. [For additional information on fuels and propellants see Electrochemis- try and Industrial Chemistry] Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Herbicides 10. Precsproutin(; Application o1. Herbicides Recommended "On the Question of the Presprouting Introduction of Herbicides," by Doctor of Diolo3ical Sciences Yu. V. Rakitin and A. D. Potapova, Institute of Plant Physiology imeni K. A. Timiryazev, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Doklady Akademii Sel'skokhozyaystvennyklhi Nuuk imeni V. I. Lenin, No '7, 1959, pp 29-33 The authors recommend the further study and practical usage of the presprouting application of herbicides. They found that the presprouting treatment of soil with herbicides sharply suppresses weed sprouts and offers the possibility to better control the remaining weedy vegetation among cultivated crops. In the experiments conducted by the authors the following herbicides gave the best results when applied in the doses indicated: isouronyl ester of phenylcarburnic acid - 5 kg/ha and isopropyl ester of 3- chlorophenylcarbamic acid - 1.5-2.5 kg/lia for der-troying smartweed, chick- weed and quack grass in sunflower sowings; 2,4-D(sodium salt) in a of 0.5 kg/ha'; butyl ester of 2,4-.D in a dose of 0.2 kg/ha for destroying broad-leaved weeds (smartweed, chickweed, winter cress and others) in wheat sowings and in a dose of 0.2 kg/ha for destroying smaftweed, chick- weed and other broad-leaved annual weeds in corn sowings; a mixture of 21,4-D in a dose of 1 kg/ha and isopropyl ester of phenylcarbarnic acid in a dose of 10 kg/ha for the complete cleaning of fields to prepare them for subsequent sowings. -9- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Industrial Chemistry ll. Titanium As a Material For Chemical Indusx~- Pguipment "On the Fabrication of Chemical Equipment From Titanium," by Engineer A. V. Nosov; Moscow, Kkilmicheskoye Mashinos- troyeniye, No 5, Oct 59, pp 35-39. The uses and prospects of the application of titanium, titanium al- loys, and titanium-clad metals as materials for corrosion-proof and relatively heat-resistant chemical equipment are reviewed in consider- able detail, mainly on the basis of non-USSR publications. It is poitatted out thn't chemical equipment fabricated of titanium has been produced hit,ierl:o only by non-USSR enterprises, chiefly in the USA and FRG. The characteristics of VT1 (pure technical titanium), VT3 (Ti-Cr-Al), VT3-1 (Ti-Mo-Cr-Al), VT4 (Ti-Mn-Al), OT4 (Ti-Mn-Al), VT5 (Ti-Al), VT6 (Ti-Al-V), and VT8 (Ti-Mo-Al) are given. It is stated that-the production of VT1 and of the alloys enumerated above (which are produced starting with VT1 and consist principally of titanium) has now been mastered. VT1 and OT4 are regarded as best-suited for the construction of chemical equipment. The dimensions of some titanium sheets and some cold-drawn seamless VT1 and VT5 tubes which can be supplied are given. 12. Investigations of the Corrosion Resistance of Metals For Chemical Equipment Including Titanium and its Alloys "Some Metals As Materials For Chemical Machine Building," by G. L. Shtvarts, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Moscow, Khimicheskoye Mashinostroyeniye, No 5, Oct 59, pp 39-42. During the past 5 years, the Scientific Research Institute of Chem- ical Machine Building carried out thorough investigations to determine th'e technological characteristics and corrosion resistance of the new steels Kh18N28M3D, Kh23N23M3D3, Kh23N28M3D3T, and Kh23N27M2T; Ni-Si-Cu alloy; aluminum of the AV2 grade; VT1 titanium; and some other materials under different conditions encountered when the metals in question are used as material for chemical equipment. The steel institutes, the Cen- tral Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metals, the Scientific Research Institute of Fertilizers and Insectofungicides, the State Nickel Design and Planning Institute, the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR, and other organizations participated in the -? 1.0 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 work in question. The results obtained are depcribed. Particularly se- vere conditions with regard to cprrosion are encountered in a sulfidt for the processing of crude tungsten and molybdenum concentrates sulfides and oxides of these metals which are wet or suspended in water and con- tain Na2S, 112S, CaF~, 1W, and HCl). In tests on the corrosion resist- ance of materials to be used for equipment applied in the filtration of a molybdenum trisulfide pulp at 80-9,)0, E1435 alloy (Ni-Cr), "antichlor" alloy (Fe-Si-Mo), EI461 alloy (a Ni-Mo alloy of the Hastelloy B type), the titanium alloy CT-4, and Kh23N28M3D3T steel were found to be unsatis- factory. On the other hand, VT1 titanium and tantallp stood ap well. VT1 is recommended as a constructional material for single roller driers to be used in the drying of 'tungsten trioxide and molybder-am trisulfide concentrates? 13. A New Method for Conversion of Hydrocarbons and the Production of Hydrogen From Them "A New Method for the Conversion of Hydrocarbons With tbe Purpose of Production of Gases Suitable for Organic Syrx- thesis," by I. M. Artyukhov, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Petrochemical Processes (VNILNEFTEKhIM); Ivanovo, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeni _Khhimi-y i Khimicheska -Tekhnologiya, Vol 2, No 5., Oct 59, pp 784-789 A new method has been developed for the conversion of hydrocarbons which is based on the application of iron as an oxygen transmitter. By using this method, one may produce simulftaneously technically pure hydro- gen, synthesis gas, and a mixture of nitrogen with carbon dioxide. A pilot plant employing this process as operated in which the iron ca- talyst is circulated continuously in a closed cycle through 3 reactors located one above the other. The catalyst is heated. in the first (top) reactor by burl'iing coke., In the second (middle) reactor pyrolysis of hydrocarbons takes place and also reduction of the iron oxides which are contained in the catalyst. In the third (bottom) reactor the catalyst reacts with water vapor, as a result of which there is oxidation of the iron and formation of hydrogen. The raw materials used are hydrocarbons, water, and air. The products are technical hydrogen (or gas of the hy- drogen cycle) produced in the bottom reactor, synthesis gas (or gas of the raw materials cycle) produced in the middle reactor, and a mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen produced in the top reactor. Instead of ordinary synthesis gas, one may produce gas with a high content of olefins that is suitable for oxo-syntheses. It has been established that the quantities of raw material and water vapor required and also the cost of the gases produced are considerably lower in the new process than in industrial processes applied hitherto. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 The simplicity of the flow sheet, of the design of the equipment, and of the method of hancll.,ing the catalyst makes it possible to apply the process in question in many branches of industry including that con- cerned with the synthesis of chemical, products. The process can be carried out with a mobile or immobile catalyst. In the latter case, various types of equipment that are already available can be used, for instance gas generators, converters, etc. The process has been originally described by the author in four articles published in 1956-1958. The most recent of these articles ap- peared in Gazovaya Promyshlennost', No 5, 1958, p 36. 14. Work on Acetylene Production at the Central Scientific Research lab- oratory of Electrical Treatment of Materials "Electrical Working of Metals," by A. Novikov; Moscow, Promyshlenno--Ekonomichpskaya Gazeta, 23 Dec 59, p 3 Research on the electric spark working of metals is conducted at the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of Electrical Treatment of Mate-,' rials, Academy of Sciences USSR., under the direction of Prof B. Lazarenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences. The electric spark method is of particular importance in the working (e. g. cutting) of very+ha,rd alloys. At the same laboratory,.- research in chemistry is being done. An experimental installation has been constructed there for the production of acetylene from liquid petroleum products by subjecting these products to the action of an electric discharge. This method will undoubtedly be appl~ed ex- tensively on an industrial scale in the near future. It will replace the method being applied at present, which is complicated and expensive. 15. The Second All.-Union Conference on the Chemistry and Practical Appli- cations of Organosilicon Compounds "Conference on the Chemistry and Practical Applications of Organosilicon Compounds," by S. N. Borisov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences; Moscow,, Khimicheskaya ' Nauka i Promyshlennost', Vol 4, No 3, May 599 pp 402-403 "Recognition of the valuable technical properties of organosilicon polymers (polyorganosiloxanes) led to a rapid development of the chemistry of organosilicon compounds and differentiation of this field as an indeu pendent branch of chemical science and technology. Theoretical and ap- plied research in the field of organosilicon compounds was greatly CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 expanded in the USSR. The Second All-Union Conference on the Chemistry and Practical Applications of Organosil.icon Compounds, which was held in 1958 at Leningrad and was organized by the J)epartment of Chemical Sciences and the Institute of Silir.:ate Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR, the All-Union Chemical Society imeni D. L. Mendeleyev, the State Committee on Chemistry of the Council of Ministers USSR, and the Leningrad Council of National Economy (Sovnarkhoz), was attended by approximately 700 persons active in the fields of sciencecjnd industry and in different subdivisions of the national economy. the people's democracies participated in the conference. "Advance publication of the papers presented at the conference en- abled the authors of papers to report in greater detail new data obtained in their investigations and made it possible for the audience to partici- pate in lively discussions, which, however, were limited with regard to the time rL,.lotted to them. This arrangement tended to make the conference more int-resting and profitable as far as the results obtained were con- cerned. "The conference was subdivided into four sections, i.e. those of monomeric organosilicon compounds, organosilicon polymers, analysis and physicochemical methods of investigation, and practical applications. One of the shortcomings of the conference was the absence of reports on problems pertaining to the technology of the production of orga-aosilicon materials and consequently also the absence of a. corresponding ejection. In accordance-with the organization of the conference, the collection of papers that has beep published (in its published form this collection has a total volume of about 40 standard printed sheets) consists of four is- sues containing papers on four different subjects. A separate fifth is- sue is concerned with a project for the nomenclature of organosilicon compounds that was proposed by the conference and submitted for thorough consideration to the chemical community. A sixth issue of transactions of the conference is in preparation. This issue will. contain an account of the discussions that took place at the conference. More than 100 re- ports were presented at the conference. "In a report presented at the first plenary session, K. A. Andrianw(, Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences USSR, outlined the principal lines of research in the field of organosilicon polymers that should be followed by Soviet scientists. V. Bazant (Prague) reviewed unpublished work that had been done at the Chemical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Particular interest was evinced- in a rapid chromatographic procedure for the separation of multi-component mixtures of chloroorganosilanes which had been developed by Czech chemists. CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 "A number of reports presented in the'Section on Monomers dealt with problems of the direct synthesis of chloroorganosilanes. This is the principal process for the production of organosilicon.materials that is available at present. Extensive information on the direct synthesis of methyl-, ethyl-, and pheikyl-chlorosil.anes was contained in reports by A. Golubtsev and his coworkers. An animated discussion was held on the subject of an electrochemical. theory of direct synthesis that had been proposed by S. S. Olenin. This theory has not yet been adequately substantiated by Olenin from the experimental standpoint. P. Rosciszewski (Warsaw) T)resented data obtained in the investigation of the activity of different catalysts in the direct synthesis of methylchloros i lanes. T. N. Nikishin and D. A. Kochkin (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR) reported on the results of investigations dealing with the behavior of halides of elements of the IVth group and polyhalohydrocarbons in direct synthesis reactions. A report by I; Cermak (Czechoslovakia) on the investigation of copper-silicon alloys by the x-ray diffraction method belongs to the same general. category of papers. -Participants at the con- ference noted the necessity of expanding considerably work in the field of direct synthesis, particularly as fbr as the development of controllable processes proceeding in the desired direction is concerned and also as re- gards the theory of direct synthesis. "Lately the attention of USSR and non-USSR investigators has turned toward the investigation of compounds which contain the very reactive Si-H bond. V. A. Ponomarenko (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR) and L. I. Kartasheva (Petroleum Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR) reported on behalf of a large group of investigators re- sults obtained in work on different reactions of the addition of hydro- silanes to unsaturated compounds. A lively discussion followed a report by R. Kh, Freydlina, Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences USSR, on the telomerization of hydrosilanes with olefins. This report dealt prin- cipally with the results of an investtion of the mechanism of this reaction and the selection of efficient catalysts for it'. N. A. Tishina, G. N. Mallnova, and M. Ye. Dolgaya (Moscow), who represented a large team of investigators, discussed prospects of the development of methods for the synthesis of monomers that will be of value from the practical stand- point and can be produced by applying reactions , of the thermal and catalytic arylation of siliccchloroform and alkyldichlorosilanes. "A number of reports by A. D. Petrov and coworkers was conFwrned with the reactivity of carbo.f'unctional organosilicon compounds which contain polar substituents and multiple bonds in different positions with relation to the silicon atom. "M. G. Voronkov and coworkers (institute of Silicate Chemistry, Acad- emy of Sciences USSR) established that there is a considerable reactivity of the Si-O bond in organosiloxanes as far as reactions with alcohols, CPYRGHT 14 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 alko:xysilanes, and halosilanes are concerned. On the other hand, the easy splitting of the sil.oxane bond by compounds of titantium, aluminum, boron, phosphorus, and vanadium, and also the reactions of the latter compounds with organosilanols made it possible to develop new methods for the synthesis of metalorganosilicon compounds. This was demonstrated in communications made by N. F. Orlov, B. N. Dolgov, and M. G. Voronkov. "Yu, K. Yur'yev supplemented his widely known research on catalytic interconver.i-.~c,nr of 5-membered saturated heterocycles by an elegant method for the transfolrtion of furanidine [tetrahydrofuran] into tetramethylene- silane and of the latter compound into thiophane [thiolane] Yu. K. Yur'yev in work done together with Z. V. Belyakova and G. B. Belyakov investigated the extensive possibilities of the application of tetraacyloxys i lanes in organic synthesis. "A great number of reports discussed in the Section of Organosilicon Polymers were presented by K. A. Andrianov's coworkers. Reports by N. N. Sokolov, L. V. Gornets and T. Z. Lizgunova, Ye. M. Oparina, G. S. Tubian- skaya, and A. S. Yermilov on the results of investigations of the thermal stability of polyorganosiloxane liquids and films were of considerable interest. A. A. Zhdanov and K. A. Andrianov presented a report on a new type of polymers, i.e., polyorganosiloxanes and lo,lyorganosiloxano- metaloxanes, which exhibit characteristics that are of value from the technical standpoint and present considerable theoretical interest be- cause they are polymers which occupy an intermediate position between polyorganosiloxanes and silicates. "A group of investigators at the All-Union Institute of Synthetic Rubber reported at the conference the resul,.ts of their extensive re- search on the polydimethrlsiloxane rubber SKT, organosilicon rubbers which contaih in the side chain in addition to methyl groups also phenyl-, vinyl; and chloromethyl radicals, and finished rubber produced on the basis of these materials. Considerable interest was elicited by a report of L. N. Kozlovskaya, A. I. Glukhova, K. A. Andrianov, and K. F. Kaluzhenina concerning a thermally stable rubber-like material prepared by combining polydimethylsiloxane with polymers containing fluorine. M. Kucera (Brno) reported results of a thorough investigation of the, alkali polycondensation of o ctamethyl cyc lo tetras i loxane. A report by N. B. Baranovskaya and coworkers on the cold vulcanization of siloxane rubber was subjected to lively discussion. "A report by A. P. Kreshkov presented in the Section of Analysis and Physicochemical Methods of Investigation dealt with results obtained by applying different methods of analysis to organosilicon compounds and organosilicon materials; tasks which remain to be carried out in this field were also discussed. A report of the general review type presented CPYRGHT - 15 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 by S. V, Syavtsillo gave information on work carried out by the author and a large team of investigators concerning methods for the control of the production of organosilicon materials. Unfortunately, this was the only report given at the conference which dealt with the chemical anal- ysis of organosilicon compounds. This indicates that insufficient atten- tion is being paid by investigators to the important problems involved in this type of work, "Reports on the application of spectroscopic methods of analysis in the investigation of the properties of organosilicon compounds were rep- resented to a much greater extent. Data obtained in spectroscopic in- vestigations were used by the authors of papers both for the study of nature of 'bonds and for the investigation of the structure of organosil- icon compounds (Yu.' Yu. P. Yegorov, Ya. I. Ryskin,, and others). Spectroscopic prodedures were also used for the quantitative determination of alkylchlorosilanes and of different radicals in organosiloxanes (K, K. Popkov, V. Bazant and coworkers, V. S. Fikhtengol'ts). "A number of reports discussed interrelationships between the phys- ical-characteristics of organosilicon compounds and the structure of these compounds. "The greatest interest was elicited and the greatest amount of dis- cussion followed reports in the Section of Practical Applications, which testifies to the attention paid at present to organosilicon compounds by workers in different fields of the national economy. "Eight papers discussed methods for the water-proofing and making resistant to the effects of water of different organic and inorganic ma- terials including glass, textiles, leather, paper, construction, mate- rials, and thermal insulation materials. Electrical insulation and thermal insulation coatings based on organosilicon resins were discussed in six reports presented by coworkers of K. A. Andrianov and B. N. Dplgov, M. Ya. Borodin9 V. I, Pakhomov, and B. A. Kiselev, acting on behalf of a large team of workers, reported on work dealing with the use of organosilicon compounds in the production of foam plastics, heat- resistant plastics,, and glass-reinforced textolites. "At the concluding plenary session of the conference, D. P. Novikov presented a report on the status of and plans for the development .of the production of organosilicon compounds and organosilicon materials in the USSR "In a resolution passed by the conference, achievements that had been made we're pointed out and the principal lines to be followed in re- search in this field, in the production of materials of this type, and in the application of organosilicon compounds were outlined. Further- more, 'ways were indicated for eliminating shortcomings in this important field of chemical science and technology, 16 - CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 "The participants at the conference recommended that conferences on the subject be held regularly. It was decided to hold the next regular conference on the chemistry, technology, and applications of organosilicon compounds in Moscow at the end of 1960." CPYRGHT 16, Polyester and Polyamide Resi'hs Containing Phosphorus "Polyester and Pol~amide Resins Containing Phosphorus," by K. A. Petrov and V. A. Parshina; Moscow, Khimicheskaya Nauka i Promyshlennost', Vol 4, No 5, Oct 59, pp 686 7. Two polyesters and one polyamide derived from bis-(p-carboxyphenyl)- methylphosphine oxide were prepared. It was found that these polyconden- sation products can be drawn into fibers. The method for the preparation of bis-(p-carboxyphenyl)_methylphosphine oxide was improved. Derivatives of this substance were synthesized, but they are not described in the literature. The purpose cf the investigation was synthesis of resins thst are capable of forming mechanically strong fibers. 17. The Synthesis of New Monomers Derived From Acetylene and Diacetylene "The Synthesis of New Monomers Derived from Acetylene and Diacetylene," by M. F. Shostakovskiy, A. V. Bogdanova, and Ia A. Chekulayeva, Institute of Organic Ch iistry, Academy of Sciences USSR; Ivanovo9 Izvestiya V~yash_ikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy-Khimi i Khimicheskya Tekhnologiya9 Vol 2, No 5, - Oct 59, pp 769-775 Methods have been developed for the synthesis of ethinylvinyl ethers, including derivati"es containing nitrogen, and thioethers of. the general formula-OH - C - CH - CH - OR (SR); 1, 4-dithioalkyl (aryl) butadienes - 1,3 of the general formula RS -? CH = CH - .CH _ CH - SRI; and 1-alkoxy - 4- thioalkyl (aryl) butadienes - 1,3 of the general formula ROCH r CH -- CH = CH - SR', The synthesis were carried out starting with diacetylene, alcohols, aminoalcohols, and thipls. Some properties of the compounds prepared were investigated. It was found that these compounds exhibit a high reactivity and are capable of undergoing diene syntheses and partial hydrogenation. On the basis of partial hydrogenation of ethinylvinyl ethers, a new method for the synthesis of 1-?alkoxybutadienes-1,3 is proposed. The conditions have been established under which vinyl ethers of elthaz%ol amines of dif- ferent structures can be synthesized. The properties of the products ob- tained were investigated. - 17 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 18. The Synthesis and Polymerization of Vinyl Sulfides "Synthesis and Polymerization of Vinyl Sulfides," by M. F. Shostakovskiy, Ye. N. Prilezhayeva, and V. M. Karavayeva, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR, Ivanovo, Izv~;stiya Vysshikh Uchebr, kh Zavedeniy - Khimi a i Khimlcheskaya Tekhnoloiya, No 5, Oct 59,, pp 761-767 A general method has been developed for the synthesis of vinyl sul- fides with different types of structure. A method is proposed for the analysis of compounds with vinyl sulfide groupings. By using this method, one can check the purity of the compounds obtained, determine them in mixtures with other substances, and also titrate quantitatively the end groups of polymers. A general method is described for the selective oxi- dation of the sulfur of vinyl alkyl sulfides with the formation of vinyl sulfoxides (oxidation with H202) or sulfones (oxidation with H202 + Se 02). It has been established that vinyl sulfides are distinguished by a low tendency towards ionic polymerization, which is explained by the binding of the catalyst under formation of complexes involving the sulfur atoms. The conditions under which ionic polymerization takes place have been established. It was found that vinyl sulfides exhibit a high activity in free-radical polymerization and co-polymerization reactions. Polymers and copolymers formed in reactions of this type have been prepared. Their properties are being investigated. The relationships which have been es- tablished are explained from the standpoint of the influence exerted on each other by the C = C bond and the sulfur atom in the vinyl sulfide molecule. It is stated that on the basis of the reactions discovered, possibilities are opened up for the synthesis of different polymers and copolymers containing SR groups and also for modifying the properties of these polymers by the chemical transformation of functional groups con- tained in them. 19. Research on the Chemical Utilization of Polysaccharides at a New Uzbek SSR Institute "Opening of an Institute of Polymer Chemistry" (unaigned item); Moscow, Gidrolianaya i Lesokhimicheskaya Pr omyshlennost'$, Vol 12, No 7 Jul 59, p 31 An Institute of Polymer Chemistry has been created at the Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR. Major aims with. which the work of the newly organized institute will be concerned are production and investigation of poly- sachharides. In cooperation with sovnarkhozes, the institute has "planned - 18 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 extensive research on the hydrolysis of cellulose and on the expedient utilization of by-products of cotton-growing, of reeds, and of other wild-growing plants 'which are suitable as raw material for chemical con- version. With this end in view, a Hydrolysis Laboratory has been or- ganized. Research on the hydrolysis: of cotton seed linters with hydrofluoric acid, which was begun at the Moscow Branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute off' the Hydrolysis and Sulfite Alcohol In- dustry, will be continued at the Hydrolysis Laboratory of the new insti- tute. Catalytic conversion of polysaccharides derived from plant raw materials which cannot be used as food will contribute to the most rapid solution of important problems involved in the development of the chemical industry. In this context, work on the chemistry of carbohydrates will be conducted at the institute. With this end in view it is-planned to open still another special laboratory. The intention exists of developing new methods. for the synthesis of polymers and also of finding catalysts for the production of initial substances to be used in syntheses based on locally available raw material. Among these initial materials, one may mention furfural and polyhydric alcohols, Prof Kh, Yu, Usmanov will be director of the Institute of Polymer Chemistry, Yu, L. Pogosov and V. S. Minina will work at the Hydrolysis laboratory. 20, Preparation of Graft Co olymers of Cellulose by Irradiation With Co-60 "Preparation of Graft Copolymers of Cellulose by Irradiation With Co-60," by Kh. Yu, Usmanov,,? V, I, Aykhodzhayev, and Yu, 0?, Azizov; Moscow, Vysokomolekulvarnyye Soyedineniya, Vol 1, No 10, Oct 59, p 1570 The, grafting of acrylonitrile to cellulose by irradiation of the mix- ture with. Y- rays of a Co-60 source has been studied. A total dose of 1 X 106 roentgens was applied. The mixture was irradiated in different liquids (water, methyl alcohol, and benzene). Pure acrylonitrile in the absence of a solvent was also applied. The amount of acrylonitrile grafted to the cellulose increased with increased concentrations of acrylonitrile in the solution. Grafting took place only when the acrylonitrile had been preliminarily dissolved in a liquid that produces swelling of the cellulose. In the case of pure acrylonitrile without a solvent, only an insignificant amount of acrylonitrile was grafted to the cellulose (8% by weight with reference to the cellulose), although a con- siderable quantity of ho opolymers had formed. When benzene was used as a solvent, no grafting at all took place because benzene does not wet cellulose and does not promote penetration of the acrylonitrile into the intermolecular space of the cellulose. A polar solvent which wets cellu- lose readily must be applied, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 21. New Polyfuran and Polysylvan Polymers "New Polymers" (unsigned item); Moscow, Vestnik Akademii I~auk SSSR, Vol 29, No 11, Nov 59, p 73 Under the direction of A. Sultanov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, a group of specialists at the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR developed a method for the production of new polymers, i.e. polyfurans and polysylvans, by the polymerization of furan and sylvan derived from cotton hull furfural. Polyfurans and polysylvans are good film formers; they can be used for the production of thermally stable adhesives and electric cable coatings that are resistant to the action of bacteria. They can also be used as solvents for polymers. Production of polysylvans is being organized at the Fergana Hydrolysis Plant. 22. A Catalytic Process For the Production of Nitric Acid In the Gas Phase "Investigation of the Catalytic Synthesis of Nitric Acid In the Gas Phase," by I. P. Kirillov and M. M. Karavayev, Chair of the Technology of Inorganic Substances, Ivanovo Chemico- Technological Institute; Ivanovo, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy - Khimiya i Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya, Vol 2, No , Aug 59, pp 553-557. Catalysts were found which accelerate the process of the formation of nitric acid in the gas phase from NO2 + H2O -(- 02 (formation of nitric acid from NO2 is the slowest step in the synthesis of. nitric acid). On the basis of the results obtained, the best of these catalysts is aluminum oxide. The chief obstacle to the selection of catalysts consisting of metal oxides is chcmical interaction of these oxides with the gases,- so that a change in the gas composition of the catalyst takes place (i.e., salts are formed). The catalysts that were found also accelerate the oxidation of nitrogen oxide (NO) in the presence of water vapor. Nitric acid with a concentration of up to 80% was obtained by condensation after catalytic gas-phase oxidation. The uncoverted gas can be recirculated. In.the work described, 33 potential catalysts were investigated. Be- sides aluminum oxide, titanium oxide is regarded as promising for this application. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 23. Chinese Research on Synthesis of High-Molecular Polyoxymet lene "Synthes s of Polyoxymethylene," by Hu Ya-,tun (4J Ko Tsen -p' ei ( j 3 p ' ), Lo Chia -wei (. ~d i ), Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica; Peiping, Kao-fen-tzu T'nun -hsun (Macromolecular Report), Vol 3, No 2, Apr 59, pp 79-60 The authors state that the search for a method to polymerize form- aldehyde to yield a polymer having relatively high molecular weight and thertgq,l stability is of great significance, but that there is a -paucity of literature on the-subject. They describe a method by which they ob- tained a polyoxymethylene resin with good characteristics. Reportedly, it can be pressure-molded into plastic articles, fabricated into thin film, and wet-spun in carbolic acid solution. It is very strong and elastic, and does not dissolve in ordinary organic solvents. According to the article, the conditions presented for a good poly- merization reaction were workeG1 out by the authors after much experimen- tation. The method involved initial purification of formaldehyde to a very high degree, The monomer was polymerized in toluene as a solvent in the presence of tributylamine as a catalyst. Other solvents and catalysts were tested in earlier experiments. It was found that the polymer obtained by the method described has a tendency to deteriorate,- The authors believe that the deterioration (de- composition) begins at" t the end hydroxyl radical, . . . Ch2-0--CH2--0--CH20H. They also believe that the hydroxyl radical may be protected and the polymer thereby stabilized by the action of an acid to form an ester, and they are currently experimenting with trimethylchloros i lane in an attempt to effect the following reaction: . . . CH2-.-0-CI2--o.-CH2oH 4 C 1Si (cH3) 3 . . . CH2- O--CH2-O_CH2-O .Si(CH3)3 -{- HC1 Concerning the thermal stability of their Product the authors state: e ermo y c decomposition of polyoxymethylene is a one-stage process represented by the equation - - _ Kw where K is a constant representing decomposition velocity at 222 degrees Centigrade. K is also the index of thermal stability. For the polymer we obtained by the method described above, the thermal stability K ap= proximates 2." Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Nuclear Fuels and Reactor Constx-uction Materials 211.. L Method for the Phi ocolorim tric :Determination of Thorium in Zircons "Photome.t.ric Determination. of Thorium. in Zircons with the New Reagent Az'sc;nazo I.II," by 'V. P. L?ak'yanov, S. B. Savvin, aa:ad I. V. Ni:kolvskaaya; Moscow, Zavods a Laboratoriyu.. Vol 21 .01.p No 10, Oct 59, PP 1155-1157 The determination of tlwrium contained in zircon entails a number of difficulties. The reagents used for the colorimetric determination of thorium, i.e. thoron and ar:3enaaa zo; are not sufficiently specific. Their employment requires a fairly complete separation of thorium from the elements accompanying it. Particularly great difficulties arise in the presence of zircoracm, because the reagents mentioned have a greater tendency to react with these elements than with thorium. Pro- cedures for the separation of thorium from zirconium by the fluoride or oxalic acid precipitation method, by extraction of th-oritun with mesityl oxide, or by a chromatographic method are time-consuming and do not assure complete separation. In the aanal;ysis of zircon, even carrying o?..t the separation twi.ce~ does not always lead to the desired result . A rapid method for the deteri:i atio: of horium in zircons has been developed which eliminates tht: prelii.nii m:ry soj,c.ration of thorium from other elements including zircoxxiuun. This method is based on the colori- metric detenidnation of thorium after the addition of the new reagent arsenazo III in the presence of :xaalic acid. The light absorption of this reagent and of the coLDred. complax fo?,ued by with thorium have been determined; th ; a%::3"alts obtai :aPd, are plotted in the foam of curves .Ps area zo III is 1, ~3-diY>aydre+, s~~aphtlaal~~:c:, 3,, 6..disu1f'onic acid - 2, I- bis (azo-1) benzene - 2 arsonic acid. It has been originally- synthesized ',rr S. B. Savcfi_n. (of. Uot1lady Akadesrii ~~~a'iL: SSSR, Vol 127, No 6, 1959) Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 25. The Dependence of Thcrmi3. Characteristics of Graphitized Carbor. on Its Structure "The Relation of Thermal Characteristics to the Atomic and Molecular Structure of Carbon in Homogeneous Graphitization," by V. I. Kasatochkin, V. K. Zamolwjev, and A. T. Kavernov; Moscow, Atomnaya 1nergiya, Vol 7, No 3, Sep 59, pp 272-275 Results are described which were obtained by the investigation of the specific heat capacity, temperature, and conductivity and also by X-ray diffraction studies of the degree of graphitization. The investigation was carried out on petroleum coke graphitized under isothermal conditions at different temperatures and by treating the material for different lengths of time. The results of the investigation are useful for estab- lishing conditions under which carbonized materials with predeterm.3ned thermal characteristics can be obtained. Organic 0hem:LstsNr 26. NTetr Pyrl.c> e`tl~l Derivatives of Baxbituxric Acid Synthesized "AlRyl and Alkex l Pyridines. V. New Pyridylerthyl Derivatives of Barbituric Acid, " by IC K. Godlewska-Zwier::ak, J. Michalsl and K. SIudtzituski, Department of Organic Chemistrrr, Poly- technic Institute, Lodz; Warsaw, Rocnil:,i Cher4i, Vol 33, Nos 4-5, 1959, pp 1-215-1217 The authors studied the reactions of some J3-(2-pyric}*let_yl)- -malonic acid .died;,rl esters with urea in the presence of sodium ethoxide. :several 5-mono sunstituted barbituric acids were obtained. The physical properties and analysis of these compounds and their picrolonates are given in the text . The over-a11 reaction can be represented by the equation: COOC2H5 r'2 / CO-CIS NaOC2H5 I I I 1t- \ --O"II2-CH2-CII + C=O ----.-_~ R- -Ci2-02-CH C=O + 2C21150H1 N I I COOC' 2RS NII2 fl = 0113, H R = CF13, n -23- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 27. Outline of Reactio:.1:J of DialJw,~ - :Ga' or, ;)rmnestL ft".. J. CI .orides With COr.~anic r io7 s -~ -' "Reactions of Dir~1'.tax~oxophc tip'1.zors ies~.L.temrl ~:;.'].c;cc ?rith Organic Thiols, "'[):,r J. n1:!c1m. 3k_., D. to)recka, T. ICctneckr and II. Strzelecka, Depart::n,nrt c f Orj-,ma?ic Clhemictrr, Pol;rbethnic Lzstitute, Lodz, arjd, the Institute of Organic `ern hezis, of the Polish Ac do qr of Seler..cee, Lo& ; 5larrsaw, Rocm:iki Chem! i Vol 33, Nos li-5, 1.959, pp 1255??12'51 Thioalraiwls, th'iophe rioia., L?iiiocser;,o::yl ie arid, d'ialkylthiophos- phoric acids react with d.iallylo cyoxaphospiior ,neaz:.lfeny3.. chlorides with the formation of the corresponding uuwjmwtric disulfides: V'SI3 (RG)pP(C)-s-S..R' +HC1 A:x?SII (RO)"p-scl o + HCl (rc'C)~,PSOri ~,RO),- '-s- 0), OR, )2 ~- HCl ,cT P:'J.Qr:L Z rou-o A::? - Aryl group . Ui:al].~yoxvroxol~::u,trphor?r~r:.;;:U.f,~ ,:~}.-_ ci:L .o:?~cles ~ 1~ .1~;:~; a considerable. chemical reactivity rer~,~nit,l .:u; that of s:L 1c arzll'e:ni+e halides cn.: the one 'hand and. that of pseudohal oger o-halogens on the o t hey:. The ::?epi accunen?c of the rallyl or a:L.rl group in the sulfen-,,r1 chlorides R-SCI with a dial- :rJ;;, ~aiioGphi.ayl radical haa~ ?a at 1_it bl.,~ effect on th p1'o e::ties of the --SC31. :functional group. Heactioxns of Lei.'-clito_ r;J:t:oph,~t es: l ,r 1 C .lor s.dos with AmInes "Reaction of (: l o::.i.des With P1n:Ines, "IV J. 1M1:1 .chalslri., A. M:trkotmko, nci :S. Str Zeleck a., De- of Ozg,)7.,: (,em_i..~ st -~ecl~....I -+c ~r..,., st ,z. eLodz; ~..~ ;t r,~?, i o:l;r ~it, Ua.r:::n.w, Roczn1ki ^aen.di . .ru:i. ;'; , "lc,n 1;?-5, 1959, pp 1251-1253 Dia Larylo),;Toxophospitoyaues1? ..:'a~~;r:J_, Li a Dr f -o..? the: ,aovic t aL' 0 Of Of :.h t 3..! .,,rT !=d': tY-j CSC'arc 1? y / h Inst torte. ;... lJi'ntizprrem and ti?" Glur,11611 796.), C'f the'. ?. u r agree- CPYRGHT ztv..?at :,Tb..Lch cal-1u for n,~1 c:tiu of 1crttaa tad ms:chtsnge of informa- tGiR7n between Solt iet cad. Fizi'e,i-i:*.1,.a ' wl. ac e'"v, r^M- eac.n CPYRGHT xtiri~+ the Y>Pay chemicaj ;.:ad.u_t2 . . As a. of th1.:L.1:' C?:11:i 4.""r'isa.o:: ~:ll +'l''r~ .i?S' r' la ?e. have - rurxitrl to Soviet pwe1?f L,_Lg 3F?md.uc:'t s w id CPYRGHT .3c mc' 1rJ s' :_,: Av,As: I (,xf t'a:i' , t IN':r1 }'+'tf1 The 1960 000pera- tir)n. ''rill include : +.:;:d:t hT~ ~?::3tu+:%J~^>: of stir?_ Lc,2R.ct~3;tic1:, u:: ~'e:cticide tie 'riment~ . 26 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 III. EJ.B Tfi S;`IEVCI;S 33. Molybdenite Discover_d in C:' riferc,u.s Sands Northeast of Baykal' "Molybdenite in the Ores of the Wok an C priferous Sands.," by R. N. Volodin, Moscow Geologi(a&L PrtoBpectiag Institute ime:ni S. Ordzhonikidze; Mofsacw, Iz?vessshikh Uche. Zaved , Geologiya i Razyedka,,, No 119 Nov 5b., pp 9 O This article reports the first finding of mo]zrbdenite in the cupri- ferous sands of the Udokan Z--- 57ON-119O' deposit northeast of Lake Baykal' . A spectral analysis of a lump ore sample was made by A. Ya. Bur auk at the All.-Union Institute of M.t er'al Raw Materials. The amount of molybdenite in the sample was 0.004 percent. 34. Elr_ctroprofiling Anomalies at Boundary of Two Media "Electroprofiling Above a Sphere Located Near the Boundaxjr of Two Media," by B. K. Matveyev and. N. G. Shkabarnya,, Perm (Molotov) State University; Moscow.., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, _Serlya. Ceofiziches:+ ya, ? No 10, Oct 59, pp 1492-1799 In various methods of;+profilt~?g, the., heterogeneity of embedded media exerts a substantial i fl:aemcz, -:n the curves of apparent resistance. An approximate detennir >,tjon of this lssflue,. cse is possible through a comparison of field diagrams with cr-ya ated theo:r. tical curves. The, f.I rtici e gives the rAol.utions of fox=ij as for the appa.reat resistance in the case of an electroprofiling shove a, sphere located near the contact of ? o media, and provides theoretical diagrams of the apparent resis- xri1:s9 for. which concrete cases are cai.+~ailated. A characteristic future of these diagrams is the present a of several extrema distributed ,Ion, ; the curve shkwing the char.+go.- of the app y t ncsistance during an a1ectroprofiling through the contact of the two media. The for..m, cha,racte:r? of the diagr=; and the vaJ:a-- d' the anomaly 4W-ire the sphere depend on the relative specific ra- istFal:?:oes of the ;m%ter? of the .spher : and ctC the two medla., as well as on the fom and size of the apparatus a;+.d its location la relation to the contact area. More distinct anomalies of the apparent resistance are obtained above a e,ond:uuc.ting sphere than over a nonconducting sphere::, . The largest anomaly Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 values are observed in th,~ case where the elautroprofiling is done with an asymmetrical three-electrode apparatus, which shifts out of the m?dium with higher resistance, in which the sphere is located, into the mediun with lower resistance (assuming that the measuring el.actrodes are located in front) . The conclusions draws. and the calouiations may also be used for an appraisal of the influence of surface heteroga eities in the mapping of contacts and for the appraisal of the influance of caverns, hollows, and other enclosed forms in the electrical cow sampling of oil wells . IV. ELECTRONICS Acoustics and Audio Frequencies 35. Sonic Wave Propa?ation in Sea Water "Some Phenomena by Sound Propagation in Sea," by A. L. Sose-? dova, Acoustics Institute, .Acadexr c f Sciences USSR; Mosco?ti, Akustiehesk Zhi)-mal, No 4+, 1959, PP 445..449 The purpose of this e erim :nt was to iuvestigate the intensity of the sonic field in sea water at various distemit,ss up to .10 km from the acoustic radiator. The test, conducted in) 19511., utilized a high-directivity acoustic radiator and a bydreph,)nea; the latter -!,as emc:CassiveJ~l to-Werrnd to three different depth levels. The p.zJ ses of about 150 mi 13ia tec duration were intercepted by the krdrr~phj xz7 -_ & ad recorded on a tape rith logarithmic scale.. The trar:amitted pulses had a frequ?:c, t of ? 5 kc . The acoustic radiator tray; rermanentl;~- fixed on a steep slope of the ocean buttom for each s :rlet, of tests; the x;ydrot':ar~;ae was loKt red i :to water from a s: up iu.vilag a,,auy from the ar~,5?aF~tic radiator. The tenrpera.- ture and salir?, r of the ?tirater was taK?ez- at aU poi:.ta of measure..mpf;. Several dozen -ead.ings ~~ re take for ea?.h positi.,n of the ship ax-rd for each depth level. T (~ of so:nrd ,iLre rai,,ed to the second power a d. the val z;ce ~ in deer els v+ere p:iottea cis a graph as a function of diatar.?._e for each level. About 2c., positions of the tulip were selected for n :auurnem.ants at a di!_-t;az::r. c,f ahorat 1.0 k7n fz m the acoustic radiator. The experiment has de-monstrated the ~c :cgez :; of a seco~;da. r acoustic wave at the eiaa surface:, as wall as i :tr y f' nasi+ of the a,.?ousti T at relatively short di. 'tac:ces . Th:: obsc.z:?v?;~d I,,_c; xi i 1?ities in the bh of the acoustic ?i4nlre k sea water w., %-re in .c. -,we? y,~ ~v it r ag:ct:. ., with th.,c+ratir?a,,. calculations , -28- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Components 36. Servomechanip;a of Simple Design "Servomechanism With Photoelectric Transducer," by B. S. Nana- ziashvili, B. M. Plyushch, V. 0. Sarkisyan, and B. A. Kulikov, Azerbaydzhan Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry imeni~M. Azizbekov; Minsk, Izvest a~ sshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Energetika, No 10, Oct 59, PP 34-39 At the Chair of Electric Drives, Electric Machinery and Electrical Equipment for Industrial Plants of the Azerbaydzhan Institute of Petro- leum and, Chemistry a simple servomechanism of great practical interest was designed. An important component of this servo system is a specially designed photoelectric transducer consisting of a hydrostatic manometer and photo- electric bridge. The U-shaped manometer, filled with mercury in its lower part and water above, is placed between the source of light and the two photocells. The transducer is designed for pressure regulation up to 3.5 atm gauge. The accuracy with,which the system maintains predeter- mined pressure varies from 0.5 to 4 mm Hg, depending on the value of predetermined pressure; the relative error does not exceed 0.16%. Sensitivity of the system, i.e., the minimum' pressure differential at which the servomotor begins to rotate slowly, is about 1.5 mmHg. Tests conducted with this servomechanism have shown its high w .curacy and sensitivity for a wide range of pressure regulation, as well as its satisfactory behavior in the case of transients. Computers 37. Hungarian Analogue Computer "New Electronic Computer of Gamma Works to be Tested Today" (unsigned news item); Budapest, 3,szebadsag, 19 Dec 59, P 7 After more than a year of experimentation, the designers of the Gamma Optical Works have completed the prototype of an electronic &na? ogue computer which can solve simultaneous equations with eight unknowns. The computer is made entire.' of Hungarian materials; the mathematical opera.. tions are performed by 140 electronic tubes and by 18 amplifying wits, each having six stages Lo:r E gre ?/ . The computer is also equipped with "control chambers" which immediately check the accuracy of the calculations. The computer can solve in 10 seconds problems which would otherwise take several days. - 29 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 38. Hungarians Claim Chinese Use Machine to Translate Russian "Language Knowing Machine" (unsigned news item); Budapest, Nepszabadsag, 10 Dec 59, p 8 "Chinese electric industry experts and linguists have designed an electronic machine with which they are doing successful experiments in translating Russian-language texts." CPYRGHT Instruments and Equipment 39. Differential litude Anal, yzer "One-Channel Differential Amplitude Analyzer," by A. A. Khayda- rov, M. N. Romanov, and A. P. Novikov, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR, Tashkent, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Uzbekskoy SSR Ser a Fiziko-Matematich seskikh Nauk, No 5, Sep Oct 59, Pp 64-70 The article describes a scintillation gamma spectrometer developed at the Institute of Nuclear Physics.. Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR. The performance of this, spectrometer was gecked with gamma radiation from radioactive isotopes Cr 1, Cs 37, Co , and Zn65. This scintillation gamma spectrometer permits determining the energy level of the gamma- line admixture, the relative intensities of gamma lines in the spectrum, and estimating the half-life of the admixture. The operation of this one-channel differential amplitude analyzer is based on examination of the distribution of pulses according to amplitude with the aid of two discriminators having an anticoincidencq- selection circuit. The analyzer incorporates the following main components: source of gamma radiation, crystal-scintillator, photoelectron multiplier, high-voltage amplifier, amplifier with a limiter, analyzer with anticoin- cidence-selector circuit, scaling circuit with electromechanical. counter, and power supply unit. The measurements were taken with a Tl activated NaI crystal 19 mm in diameter and 13.4 mm thick. A 256-eha*.tel amplitude analyzer capable of registering pulses on a potential. -scope and a multichannel aaal;yzer with "gray" wedge are now in the process of construction at the institute's laboratory. - 30 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 40. Pulse Generator "Generator of a Finite Pulse Train," by V. V. Okorokov; Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 5, Sep/Oct 59, pp 68-75 A generator of a finite train of pulses with quartz stabilization, of interval between the train pulse, equal to 1 microsec is described. The use of 8 Mc synchronizing pulses produces a 0.12-microsec temporary jitter in the generated 1??microsec train. The presence of a phenome:io1 in the circuit somewhat analogous of self-phasing in accelerators lowers the requirements for all variations of parameters of the circuit, characterizing its normal operation. The conditions of maximal damp- ing of transient processes which cannot be avoided in a circuit during generation of the first pulses of the train due to the different posi- tion of the starting signal in relation to synchronizing pulses are discussed. The generator may be used to form a time scale in amplitude and time analyzers, as well as in a circuit for phasing of signals in relation to reference pulses of high frequency (i+ to 20 Mc). 41. Voltage Amplifier "Multistage Voltage Amplifier With a Traveling Wave.," by G. A. Vasil'yev, Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 5, Sep/Oct 59, PP 75-80 A high?.fztecuency multistage voltage amplifier using the wave charac- teristics of the artificial line with variable parameters is described. The number of stages may be over 103 of what facilitates the use. of semiconductor diodes for obtaining voltages of hundreds of kv. The theory of the circuit is given and results of studying a low-voltage model are described. 42. Resonance Measuring at Low Temperatures, "Resonators for Obyee rvatiarz of Electrcrwic Paramagnetic Feso?- nance at Low Temperatures," by S. D. Keytmazov a.A A. M. Pro?. kporov, Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences 'USSR; Moscow., Pribory i Tekhrika Eksperimenta, No 5, Sep/Oct 59, PP 107-110 The construction of resonators adjusted for onseru?ation of eleatro, is paramagnetic resonw:zce at low temperature in the centimeter ( ). = 2.5 and ). = 3.2 cm) and decimeter wave range is described. The constriction permits placing the sample into a cooled resonator. The reponator of the centimeter range may be retuned . The dimensions of the raso?aators . are adjusted to operation in a standard dewar vessel of one-liter capacity. - 31 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 43. High-Voltage Source "Stabilized Source of High Voltage for 80 kv," by V. V. Poli- vanov, A. V. Iz'yurov, and N. I. Pyatakov; Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Ek erimenta, No 5, Sep/Oct 59, pp 85-88 A stabilized source of direct high voltage of 80 kv is described. During variation of the load current from -b>to 2.5 ma at eimultaneous variation of the input voltage from 270 to 190 volts, the high voltage varies less than 1%. The stabilized voltage may be established in steps of 5 kv within the range of 60 to 80 kv; a continuous regulation of volt- age from 0 to 60 kv is possible with the switched-off stabilizer. The stabilizer of high voltage is awttabed, on afttomatiaal2y when voltage reaches 6okv. 44. Electronic Modeling Device "Calculation of Current-Limiting Low-Voltage Fuses With the Aid of Electronic Modeling Devices," by V. V. KLeymenov and A. G. Nikitenko; Novocherkassk, Izvestlya Vysshikh Uchebxi Zayedeniy, kt nekba"i1ce, No 11, Nov 59, pp 123-129 Calculation of electric fuse constatts can be readily made with the aid of ri electronic modeling device by solving the differential equations for thermal dissipation. A modeling device to conduct such calculations consists of the following components: adder, inverter, integrator, and multiplier. Determination of current at which the fuse melts and the time delay of fusion is reduced to solution of two differential equations. The values thus calculated showed good agreement with the experimental figures. When the circuit and fuse parameters are changed, only the coefficients of the computer equations have to be adjusted, thus permit- ting calculations to proceed under the new setup without much delay. - 32 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Materials 45. Polyacrylonitrile Semiconductors "On the Possibility of Producing Polymeric Materials With Semiconductor Properties From Polyacrylonitrile," by Academi- cian A. V. Topchiyev, M. A. Geyderikh, B. E. Davydov, Academi- cian V. A. Kargin, V. A. Krantsel', I. N. Kustanovich, and L. S. Polak; Moscow, Dokiady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 128, No 2 11 Sep 59, pp 312-315 The difficulty of preparing organic materials with electronic con- ductivity is due to the fact that because of the specific characteristics of ordinary organic compounds, the permitted energy zones in them, if they originate of all, are narrow, and the forbidden, zones are very wide. The width of forbidden zones for substances of this type is so great that at temperatures lower than the decomposition point of the substances, there is no excitation of electrons. The semiconductor characteristics of organic substances described in the. literature are usually due to the presence of condensed aromatic rings and of nitrogen atoms (cf A. R. Ioffe, Fizika Polu rovodnikov ,The P1wsics of Semiconductor, Academy of Sciences LTSSRJ9 1957).- Of considerable interest from this standpoint would be polymers with multiple bonds, specifically conjugated double bonds, and also polymers containing in the chain atoms which have at external levels electrons that do not participate in chemical bonds. This applies, for instance, to nitrogen atoms. In polymers of this type., current carriers may originate with facility. When the structure of the polymer exhibits sufficient regularity, the dispersion of electrons in them must be rather sma3.l. The required degree of regularity can be estimated appi~omcimately from the length of the free path of electrons in the semiconductor, the length of C-C bonds, the length of the nornner link, and the wave length of the electron. It was established that in the case of a fiber stretched to the maximum extent, in which the polymer molecules are oriented i:.n the direction of the carient, it is sufficient, in o der that there he ^o dispersion by n. ,a n of it eg'alarities of the s;,ruc cuy , to hay; e: pol;n u: r molecules co-a-r3 i5ting of 35 monomer links per chain and having no d%,raic sea which consist of more than 12 carbon atom's. Polymers with this degree of regularity can at present be synthesized without difficulty. From this point of view, it is of cconsidersble interest to investi- gate the products of the thermal transfo%matio:a of poly crylos?itrile, ? which hitherto he been investigated only from the standpoint of their considerable thermal stability. It is assumed that as a result of thermal treatment, polyacrylonitrjle undergoes the following transformations: - 33 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 CH CH CH CH an I I I I I C C C C C \\\ \\\ \\ \\\ \\\ N N N N N CH CH CH CH CH /C~ /C\\ N N N N N (after this, by oxidative dehydrogenation): IC~ CH2 CH2 / \ / \ / CH CH CH CH CH I I I I ! +02 C \\ C \\ /C\\ /C\\ /C\\ / N N N N N CH CH CH CH C C C C C I I I /\\/\\ / N N N N N The presence of conjugated double bonds and also .of regularly arranged nitrogen atoms in which the electron pair that does not partici- pate in the chemical bond is under the influence of both the vinyl (with reference to nitrogen atoms) and the allyl double bonds, mattes it reasonable to expect that these polymers will exhibit semiconductor properties. In the work that has been carried out, the semiconductor properties of the following types of po3ycrylonitri1e were investigated: polyacrylononitrile obtained by the polymerization of acrylonitrile with organometallic catalysts (Li C H9); polyacrylonitrile'obtained by low-temperature polymerization (molecular weight = 10,000); polyacrylonitrile obtained by polymerization with lithium in liquid ammonia; polycrylonitrile polymers obtained by the radox initiation method (molecular weight = 10,000); and a polymer obtained by ionic polymerization followed by irradiatior with a dose of ~ - rays corresponding to 1.1 x 1022 electron.-volts `per cmV. Samples of polyacrylonitrile in the form of powder and in the form of fibers were subjected to thermal, treatment. The samples obtained were investigated by the electronic paramagnetic resonance method. In the case of some samples, the dependence of the electrical conductivity on the temperature was determined. The following facts was established: (1) the semiconductors that have been obtained exhibit electron conductivity (AG.rdenable Chromium.-Nickel,- Aluminum Steel," by B. I. Medovar, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Engr A. N. Safonnikov, Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton, and Engrs Ye. Ya. Belkin and 0. A. Sharov, Moscow Sovnarkhoz; Kiev, Avtomat:icheskaya Svarka No 9, Sep 59, pp 33??44 Basic data on modern high-strength precipitation- hardenable stainless steels are reviewed and a discussion'is presented of -metallurgical peculiarities in electroslag welding of steels and alloys containing aluminum. Two variations of an electroslag method were developed from a series of experiments in welding the K1-i15N9Yu type steel designated SN-2 (E1901). Weld metal with almost the same aluminum content as the parent metal and correspondingly high mechanical properties was obtained by employing electrodes of steel. SN-2 with flux ANF-7 (CaF2-CaO) ? and preheating objects to 350?C. Equally satisfactory results were obtained with flux ANF-11+ (containing S102) and electrodes of steel SN-7 (E1925) which contained molybdenum'instead of aluminum as in.the case of steel SN-2. - 74 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 94. Glues Applied With Aluminum Spot Welding "Glue-Welded Constructions and Their Use," by V. N. Shavyrin, Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Organization of Production of the Aviation Industry; Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 11, Nov 59, pp 8-11 Procedures and test results are presented for two methods of pre- paring glue-welded structures of aluminum alloys with subsequent anodizing. In one method glue is applied to one surface of the two to be spot welded, and in the other, along the edges of the joint welded. Selection of the method and glue is determined by design of the construction and specified operating conditons. Glue VK-32-200 (with a "phenyl-rubber composition") is applied with Duralumin and steel for long periods of operation up to 200?C or short periods up to 300?C. Hardening must be accomplished by heat treatment. Glue VK32EM (on an epoxy base) shows good adhesion to aluminum alloys and produces an air-tight high-strength bond but requires special handling methods. Best over-all results were obtained with glue FL-4 (an alcohol-acetone solution mixed with a furylphenolacetal resin), originally designated for bonding metals and for anticorrosion coatings. This glue com- pletely seals the spot welded joint, improves joint strength, and is not affected by long contact with fuels. 95. High-Vacuum Electron-Beam Fusion Welding "Method of Welding With an Electron Beam in a Vacuum," by N. A. Ol'shanskiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Moscow Higher Technical School imeni Bauman; Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 8, Aug 59, pp 3-11 A description is given of the design and operation of the first apparatus developed at the Moscow Higher Technical School imeni Bauman for electron-beam fusion welding in a high-vacuum. Normal operating range of the apparatus is 1,700-15,000 volts. Nonporous ductile joints were obtained with stainless steel., copper, molybdenum, zircpnium, and other metals in thicknesses -up to 2 mm under a vacuum of 10'44 mm Hg. Pulsating beams were required in welding aluminum and magnesium and their alloys. Advantages of the method are h.igh temperature control, good weld formation, and the decreased possibility of weld metal contamination in a high vacuum. Additional information on this method is presented in the article, "Certain Technological Factors in Welding With an Electron Beam in a Vacuum," by B. A. Movchan, D. M. Rabkin, S. M. Gurevich, and S. D.. Zagrebryuk of the Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton, pages 12 -- 17 of this journal. -, 75 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 96. Soviet Patents in Welding "Soviet Inventions in Welding" (unsigned art1clt); Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 11, Nov 59, P 48 Fifteen authorship certificates in welding from a list of 46 are presented below. Numbers in brackets indicate the number of the journal Byulleten' Izobreteniy (Bulletin of Inventions) for 1959 in which the invention is described. No 117112 (593633 from 3 Mar 58). V. I. Kalmanovskiy. Method for welding wires made of high-melting metals. [1] No 94289 (433478/4120 from 22 Aug 50). N. I. Sazonov. Apparatus for spot welding aluminum alloys. [2] No 117624 (584516 from 14 Oct 57). V..N. Bernadskiy and I. V. Kidro. Method of contact projection-roller welding. [2] No 94311 (444882/3744 from.15 Aug 51). A. A. Alekseyev, B. V. Zhuravlev, and S. V. Shablygin. Power unit fora contact welding machine. [2] No'118257 (590030 from 17 Jan 58). K. V. Lyubavskiy, Ye...P. L'vova, and F. F.'Iarin. Ceramic oxygen-free flux. [4] No 118066 (592119 from 11 Feb 58). S. V. Lashko, V. V. Orlova, and B. 0. Katsman. Heat resistant braze. [4] No 118120 (592124 from 11 Feb 58). S. V.Lashko, B. 0. Katsman, N. F. Lashko, and K. I. Soshnikova. Heat resistant cadmium braze. [4] No 96071 (443340 from 12 Feb 51). V. N. Filippov. Method of contact electric welding of sheets and components under pressure. [5] No 94264 (444859/4992 from 14 Jan 52). A. M. Razygrayev. Apparatus. for automatic, control of the working process of welding machines on.a four-position cycle. [5]. No 118460 (592121 from 11 Feb 58). S. V. Lashko, B. 0. Katsman, N. F. Iashko, and K. I. Soshnikova. Heat resistant braze. [5] No 118690 (595697 from 26 Mar 58). V. S. Rastorguyev, L. S. Surikov, Ye. P. Rogozhkin, and A. A. Rakhmanov. High-temperature braze. [61 No 118923 (602244 from 21 Jun 58). I. A. Zaks and Ye. A. Milyavskiy Electrode for welding. nickel. [7] - 76 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 No 119282 (582942 from 6 Sep 57). Ya. S. Timofeyev. Electrode for welding high-temperature alloys. [8]. No 119283 (6o2746 from 26 Jun 58). V. A. Toropov. Electrode for welding high-temperature chromium-nickel steels. [8] No l19423 (597985 from 22 Apr 58). A. M. Ivanov, V. M. Nikitin, and I. S. Kalitin. Flux for contact-butt electric welding of molybdenum. [8] [For additional information on metallurgy, see Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry.] - 77 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 viii. Pi YSIcs 97. Calculations of Nuclear Showers ' fl - m y of 12 of nuc]eor S s Tlurup the Atmosphere, " I. P. Ivan- enko, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University; Moscow, Zhurnai Eks rimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki Vol 37, No 1E to , Oct 59, PP 1045-1049 A method for solution of the equations describing the passage of nu- clear cascades through the atmosphere is proposed. The boundary conditionB can be prescribed at an arbitrary depth. The proposed method permits one to obtain the solution in a form similar to that obtained by the usual method of successive generations with boundary conditions prescribed at the top of the atmosphere. The form of the solutions for various types of boundary conditions is considered. 98. High.-Energy Particles at Sea Level "Investigation of High-Energy Nuclear-Active Particles at Sea Level," by V. A. Linitriyev, G. V. Kulikov, and G. G. Khristi- ansen, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks !rimental'no i Teoretichesko Fiziki, Vol 37, No 1F 1. , Oct 59, PP 93-905 Large bursts in an ionization chamber located under a filter which is efficient in respect to nuclear interactions are studied. It is shol'n that at sea level the majority of the big bursts (; 1,000 relativistic particles) are due to the interactions in the filter of nuclear-active particles with energies E > 1012 eV. The spectrum of the nuclear-active particles and their air accompaniment is presented. The accompanying par- ticles can be explained by fluctuations in the development of the nuclear cascade in the atmosphere. The cross section for interaction of ^., 1013 eV particles with nuclei of atmospheric atoms is estimated. Cases of h:- energy nuclear-active particle beams have been observed. Meehan' c s 99. Design Considerations of Gyroscope With Two Degrees of Freedom "On the Dynamics of a Gyroscope With Two Degrees of Freedom," by M. Z. Litvin-Sedoy, Moscow; Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhn:icheskikh Nauk, Mekhanika i Mashinostro- eni e, No 5, Sep Oct 59, pp 72-63 - 78 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 This article solves the problem of self-oscillation in diffusors by means of the linear traveling-wave method. An analysis of the solution, which is obtained here in general form, affords the possibility of select- ing those results which reflect the nature of the phenomenon itself. and of rejecting those results which depend on the effect of the linearization. The criteria of stability of operation of the diffusor with detached shock results directly from the solution. It is known that, for diffusors of the Pitot type (nozzle without central body), the recorded characteristic, in the case of detached shock has no zero angle of inclination. Under ordinary conditions, such a dif- fusor always operates stably. As a rule, portions of the characteristic of diffusors with a central ody have positive angles of inclination. 2ie existence of such portions and consequently the possibility of the gen- eration of self-oscillations) is connected, apparently, with viscosity, especially since the increase of dissipation in the region of external compression as compared with the dissipation in the allu ght jump cannot be explained on the basis of the theory of an ideal gas. It is shown that self-oscillations do not initiate immediately after the characteristic passes through a zero angle of inclination, but rather begin from a cer- tain (fully determined) positive value of this angle. This means that not an arbitrary weak dissipation of energy at the expense of viscosity in the region of external compression leads to operational instability of a dif- fusor with detached shock, but only a csrtatn finite value of this dissi- pation. 107. Limits of Stati onarj Flow in L'7.cetromarnetie Field "Investigation of Stationary Discontinuity Surfaces With Abrupt Change of Gas Conri.uct;ivity in an Electromagnetic Field,," by G.A. Lyubimov, Moscow; Moscow, I:srestiva Akademli Nauk SSSR. Otdele- n i e Tekhniches kii Pfaulti. tilekhsxiika i N a,3hlnostm., en:tye , No 5, &-P/-Oct 59, pp 9-15 Th'.s article considers a stations.:y discontinuity surface on which in addition to the discontinuity of the tly-ennoc1yuamic parameters of flow and velocity, the conductivity of the gas is discontinuous. It is shown that if the original parameters are such that two plotted curves do not intersect, then there always exists a region of initial val- ues out of which stationary discharge flows are possible. These flows love no analogous flows in ordinary gas dynamics. An examination of the structure of the surface of discontinuity. in the arrangement considered here leads to the conclusion that not all dis- continuity surfaces which obey the law of conservation may be considered limits of continuous flow with variable conductivity. Those discontinuity surfaces with conductivity jumps which may be considered limits to contin- uous flow are either shock waves accompanied by increased magnetic field or cavitation waves accompanied by decreased magnetic field. - 79 -- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 The statistical theory of the two-degree gyroscope is based on the proposition that, at each moment, the inclination of the frame of the in- strument from its computed position in the body is determined by its rel- ative equilibrium tinder the influence of the gyroscope moment and the moment of the restoring force. To a certain extent, this proposition is admissible only when the instrument is used for, the stabilization of the angular position of the body in space when relatively weak perturbation forces are exerted on the body. However,, in the control of irregular an- lar motions of a body, or in the event of abrupt perturbation effects, an estimate of the angular velocity of a body on the basis of statistical theory may lead to appreciable error in measurement and a generation of false signals. Furthermore, the divergence of the geometrical and mass parameters of the instrument from their ideal values is reflected in ac- tual designs, adding additional distortions to the results of the instru- ment of the angular velocity of the body. This article investigates the conditions of the production of false. signals of an instrument during ar- bitrary linear and angular, motions and computes the more essential devia- tions of the actual design of the instrument from the projected design. 100. Rarefaction and Boundary-Layer Conditions in Supersonic Gas Flow "The Laminar Boundary Layer at a Plate in a Supersonic Flow of a Slightly Rarefied Ceas, " by V. P. Mya~;nikov, Moscow; Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, 0t;:lelere Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, Mekhanika i Mashinostroyeriyf., No 5, Sep Oct 59, pp 127-130 This article considers a laminar boundary layer at a flat plate in the region of a flow with slip for the calculation of the interaction of the external flow and the boundary layer. The calculations show that rarefaction influences the surface friction and the flow of heat, but h3s no influence on surface friction when the plate is heat-insulated. 101. Flow of Viscous Rarefied Gas Around Flat Half-Infinite Plate "The Flow of a Viscous Rarefied Gas A.roand " a Flat Half-Infinite Plate, by A. I. Bunimo-i,ch, Moscow; Moscow , Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye Tekhniches.kikh Nauk, Mekhanika i Mashinos- troyeniYe, No 5, Sep Oct 59, pp 1 -1 A solution is given of the problem of the flow of a slightly :^aref . gas in the boundary layer of a flat half-infinite plate. It is assamed that the change of the viscosity factor (u ) with temperature (T) depends on the formula _ ( T ) n /u. T o0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 The power dependence of the viscosity factor on temperature suggests an influence by the rarefication of the gas on the aerodynamic character- istics; the results obtained here differ qualitatively from those obtained, in other works (Shidlovskiy, B. P., Izv AN SSSR, OTN L No 9, 1958; Shiro1 v, M. F., 1 zicheski a Osnovy Gazovo Dinamiki [Physical Foundations of Gas Dynamics], Fizmatgiz-Moscow, 1958) in which this dependence was considered linear. 102. Low-Aspect Win, Theory and Problem of Ship Maneuverability "The Application of the Theory of the Low-Aspect Wing to the Solution of the Problem of the Maneuverability of a Ship," by G. V. Sobolev and K. K. Fedyayevskiy, Moscow and Leningrad; Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleni a Tekhnicheddkh Nauk, Mekhanika i 33 Mashinostroyeniye, No 5, Sep Oct 59, pp 27- In the calculation of the maneuverability of a ship, the general pro- blem is a determination of the force acting on the hull when it is moving at an angle of drift and angular velocity. The solution of the flow of a viscous fluid around such a body has not been treated sufficiently in the literature. (Solutions have been offered only for ideal fluids.) The only method which affords the pcssibility of determining the load exerted on the hull is a schematic representation by means o^ a certain low.- aspect-ration wing, the angle of attack of which is the angle of drift when the angular velocity changes along the length of the ship. It is shown that the wing thecry affords the possibility of computing the circulation of velocity around the body du.:ing such a motion and, indirectly, takes into account the influences of viscosity. 103. Position of Shock in Gas Flow Aro.z-ui Cone at Mach 4 "On the Position of a Bow Wave in the Case cf Asymmetrical Flow Around a Pointed Body by a Stream of Gas at Him. Super- sonic Velocity, " by A. L. Goner., Moscow; Moscow, Izvestiya Aksriemii Nauk SSSR Otd ler .ye 2L-khnicheski b Na,lk, Mekhanika i Mashinostrt eniye, No 5, Sep Oct 59, pp 117-118. In va.cioiie problems of ge,,~ dynamics, it is often necessary to know the form of the bow shock wave produced during the flow around a pointed body ut a particular angle cf attack. When such a body is a circular cone the form of the wave can easily be determined on the basis of an analyti- cal formula given in an earlier work (Goner, A. L., Izv, AN SSSR, OTN, No 7, 1958). - 81 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 In engineering practice, there is usually interest in the angles of a sudden change in the plane of the Vnmetry of flow (on the lee and weather side), depending on the angle of attack, the cone angle, and the Mach num- ber of the flow. A formula is given here for the calculation of these an- gles, and the results of the calculation of this formula are given graph~- ically, the angles of the shock in the plane of symmetry depending on the angle of attack for various cone angles at Mach 4 and Mach - infinity. These graphics show an interesting change in the position of the waves with increasing Mach number. At Mach 4, the angle of the shock is (in all cams except when the cone angle is 40 degrees) larger on the lee side than on the weather side; the picture is Just the opposite when Mach = infinityr. For each cone angle, there is a Mach number at which the shock again be- comes almost spherical and then flattens toward the body more on the lee side. It is shown that, at a given Mach number, this takes place more rapidly the thicker the cone, whereas for a cone angle of 40 degrees, the cahnge in the position of the wave occurs below Mach 4. For a two- dimentional flow, a similar conclusion is reached for the flow around a wedge. Since this peculiarity is not noted in the literature (on the contrary, the opinion prevails that the wave on the lee side withdraws much farther from the body than on the weather side), verification was attempted through an experiment in which a study ?,as made of a flow of air around six cone models having suba.ngles of zoning +r 15, 20; 25, 30, 35, and 40 degrees, with Ma.-.,,h =1., with the fact that the increase of Mach num- ber is equivalent to the transition of a thick cure taken into account. Lee photographs were obtained of the compression shocks in the plane of symmetry of flow. The angles of the shocks were measured in three ways: (1~ by projecting the negative on the screen and outlining the -contour of the shock wave and body, followed by a measurement of the angles with a protractor; (2). by measuring the Pn~ es directly on 't- he 'blown- , graphs " and `~ up F.r otc.? (3, by m.aa,uiing the angle,, through a micxr,, :cope . The last method pro':red unsatisfactonj, since the::'e was a great: disparity of data frim one and the same experiment conducted at different times. The first two meth ,ds produced similar results, al.though thev general. accuracy of the angle measurement was within 20 minutes of arc. The results of the measurements on the photograph).3 were pi-:;tte:t, as experimental curves, which were in satisfactory agreement with the theoretical curves. From the experimental data it fcllo r that with. inc?r;.asing cone angle, the shock actually has a. tendency tc smooth. out the tiv files in the diamrtrica1ly opposit;e planes, ensuing the angle on the l e side to become smaller. Thus if on a cone with a cone angle of 15 degrees end the initial engl& of at- tack the angle on the weather side is considerably smaller than that o,n the lee side, this difference disappears with increased cone angle aid, at a cone angle of 40 degrees, the experimental value'fox' the angle on the lee side has become considerably less than that on the weather side. A photograph of the flow around a cone (cone angle of 40 degrees, 12-degree, angle of attack and. Mach = 4) ' 'clearly shows that the angle on the lee side is much smaller than that on t.e weather side. - 82 .. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 104. Effect of Oscillating Liquid on bloating Body fo;- Three-Dimensional Case l "The Effect of Long Waves on a floating Body," by E. A. Perzhn- yanlco, Moscow; Moscow, Izvestiya Alcademii Haul SSSR, Otdeleniye Telchnicheskikh Natilc M eltianika i Mashinostro eni Te, No 5 Sep/ Oct 59, PP 34-40 Since the problem of the action of an oscillating liquid on a float- ing body is extremely complex even within. the framework of the linear theory, nearly all of the many works devoted to this problem consider saie sort of approximation. In this article the problem is solved approxiutely for a shallow depth. This problem was solved for the two-dimensional case by Zhukovskiy ("The Action of an Undulating Shallow Liquid on a Body noat- ing on Its Surface," Pain. sobr. soch. , Vol 2, 1910). Here the three- dimensional case is considered by another method. 105. Critical Reynolds Number for Flow Around Circular Cylinder. "'1The Critical Reynolds Number for a Flow Behind a Circular Cylinder" by V. I. Ii'chenko, Moscow; Moscow, Izvestiya Akade., m:ii Naulc SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheslcilch Nauk Mekhanika i Mash- i no:;trro,reni;; e, No 5, Sep Oc?c 59, PP 130-132 This article considers the flow around a circular cylinder by a plane- parallel stationary flow of a viscous noncompressible fluid. The question of the stability of the flow is solved by the lair of the reel part of the arbitrary number k: when the sign is minus, the imposed perturbations van- ish with time; when it is plus, they increase with time. The critical Reynolds number (n*) is characterized by the loss of stability of the laminar fora of flow; for the case of flow around the circular cylinder it is c.ete mined by the inequality 25 < RR < 30. The -'results obtained here are hsatisfactory agreewent w:Lt'_i the experi- mental findings (n* = )v') and with theoretical results obtained earlier (Arkhipov, V. I., DAN SSSR, Vol 123, No 4, 1958). In thi.s treatment;, the shape of the body is taken into account precisely by assipiing the boLuad- ary conditions on the body proper. 106. Supersonic Diffusor Instability "On Self-Oscillations in Supersonic Diffusors," by 0. E. Tsyn- kova, Moscow; Moscow, Izvesti a Akademii Nauk SSSP O',:delenitie Telchnicheskikh Naulc, Melchanika i Mashinostroveniye No 5, Sep/ Oct 59, pp 19-26 - 83 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 A calculation of the viscosity and thermal. conductivity of the gas shows that stationary flow is possible only in the case of certain initial parameters. This circumstance leads to the fact that an electromagnetic wave which varies in the initial field parameters can propagate in front of the flow of an ideal gas containing a discontinuity surface with con- ductivity jumps. Nuclear Physics 108. Gammas From a Neutron Source "Gamma Radiation From a Source Po-0-18," by E. M. Tsenter, A. G. I iabakhpashev, and I. A. Pirkin; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks rimentaL'- noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 4 10 , Oct 59, pp 1133- 1134 It has been shown in a previous work by the authors (Izvesti a Akade- mii Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz. 21, 1017 (1957) ) that the reaction c:,n from a neutron source Po-0 proceeds on the isotope 0-18, and is followed by gamma radiation. In the described measurements a nertron source of 120,000 neutrons/sec from a solution of Po-210 nitrate in water enriched 24% with 0-18 is used. The recorded spectra of gammas are reproduced in graphs. 109. Relativistic Wave Functions "Theory of Relativistic Transformations of Wave Functions and the Density Matrix of Particles with Spin," by V. S. Popov; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks ez-imental'no i Teoretichesko Fiziki, Vol 37, No 4(10), Oct 59, pp 1116-1126 An expansion is obtained of the wave functions of a particle with spin s and of a system of two particles with spin s1 and s2 over the irreducible representations of the homogeneous Lorentz group; this allows one to give are]ativistially invariant classification of the states. For an invariant description of the polarization of free particles, an expansion is found of the density matrix over the irreducible representations of the Lorentz group. 110. Electronic Radiation "Tzar sition Radiation in a. Wave Guide;" by K. A. Barsukov, Physics Institute imeni Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks rimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 10 , Oct 59, pp 1105-1109 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 The radiation which arises in a wave guide when a charged particle passes through the boundary between two media is considered. It is shown that at ultrarelativistic charge velocities the radiation is mainly., di- rected in the forward direction and its magnitude is proportional to the energy of the particle. Formulas are derived for the total energy of the radiation and its spectral distribution. 111. On ,A - e Decay "On Electromagnetic Corrections in p - e Decay," by V. P. Kuz- netsov, Moscow Physicotechnical Institute; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 4(10), Oct 59, pp 1102-1105 Electromagnetic corrections to the angular distribution of electrons have been obtained for the V - A-theory of N - e-decay. 112. Radiative Capture "Radiative Capture of Neutrons," by D. F. Zaretskiy; Moscow; Zhurnal Eks rimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No l0 , Oct 59, pp 1097-10-F7 An expression is derived for the partial width of radiative capture of neutrons into states which are described by the shell wave function. It is shown that in the case of s -neutrons, the indicated width is proportional to the reduced neutron width for these neutrons. The rela- tive probabilities for transition to the 2 p 1/2 and the 2 p 3/2 shell states are calculated for a number of nuclei? The intensity ratios thus obtained are in good agreement with the experiments. 113. Neutrinos "Emission of Neutrino Pairs by Electrons and Its Importance In Stars," by G. M. Gandelman and V. S. Pinayev; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks rimental'no i Teoretichesko -Fiziki, Vol 37, No 10 , Oct 59, pp 1072-107 Bremsstrahlung emission of ne.utrino pairs proposed by Pontecorvo is considered. At certain high values of the density and temperature neutrino pairs energy losses may be larger than the amount of energy which is car- ried off as a result of radiative thermal conduction. Account of neutrino cooling may be significant and in some cases even of decisive importance for the theory of white dwarfs and star evolution and especially of the -85.- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 dynamics of supernovae explosions. The process under consideration leads to larger energy losses than those expected on the basis of the neutrino production process in nuclear reaction proposed by C-amov and Shonberg in 191i.1 (Phys Rev., 59, 539, (1941)). 114. Molecular Generators "Use of Slow Molecules in Molecular Generators," by N. G. Basov and A. N. Orayevskiy; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks rimental'no i Teor- eticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 10 , Oct 59, pp 1069-1071 Some methods of raising the frequency stability of a molecular gener- ator are considered in which molecular beams are used with mean velocities much less than the thermal velocity at room temperature. 115. Hydrodynamical Theory of Particle Production "Effect of Viscosity in Multiple Production of the Energy Dis- tribution of Secondary Particles," by A. A. Yemel'yanov and D. S. Chernairskiy, Physics Institute imeni Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks rimental'no i Teore- ticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No E 10 , Oct 59, PP 1056-1061 The effect of viscosity on processes occurring in a simple wave is considered in the hydrodynamical theory of multiple production of parti- cles. It is found that at sufficiently high energies the effect of vis- cosity on the energy distribution of the fastest particles may be signifi- cant. 11.6. Neutrinos, Leptons, and Fermions "On Two Types of Neutrinos, Lepton Isotopic Spin, and Universal Four-Fermion Interactir'n," by Ye. M. Lipmanov, Stalingrad State Pedagogical Institute; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teor- eticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 4(lo) Oct 59, pp 1054-1057 it is suggested that twn types of neutrinos exist in nature, 111 and 2 which, although having identical longitudinal polarizations may have different lepton ^harges which form together with the electron and meson two isotopic lepton doublets (J, e ) and (aar+) . The electron and }.+ -meson lepton charges are also opposite. The laws of conservation of isotopic spin, lepton charge, and chirality uniquely specify the nature of / -decay and yield the selection rules which exclude various unobservable reactions involving leptons. - 86 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 117. Classification of Molecular Terns "Classification of Molecular Terns With Respect to the Total Nuclear Spin," by Ye. G. Kaplan, Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 4(10). Oct 59, pp l049-1053 A method is suggested for determination of the nuclear multiplicities of molecular terms for nuclei of arbitrary spin. The relation between the Young schemes and a total spin, on the one hand., and the permutation group and the point symmetry group of the molecule, on the other, is used. 118. Phase Integrals in Multiple Particle Production "Calculation of Phase Integrals in the Covariant Formulation of the Theory of Multiple Production of Particles," by L. G. Yakovlev, Uzbek State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimen- tal'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, N071-TOT, Oct 59, pp 1041-107F A method is proposed for exact calculation of integrals over momentum space in the covariant statistical theory of multiple particle production. The method is applicable to other modifications of the theory although the calculations become more complicated. Approximate and exact calculations are performed. 119. Nonconservation of Parit "Nonconservation of Parity in Strong Interactions Between Stzarge Particles," by S. G. Martinyan, Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR; Moscow, Zhuinal Eks rimental'n i Teor- eticheskoy Fiziki,, Vol 37, No 4(10 Oct 59, PP 1034-1040 A modification of Lee and Yang's theory of strange particle parity doublets is considered in which parity conjugation invariance is extended to weak interactions. As a yresul.t, nonconservation of parity in weak interactions is found to be closely related to a change in strangeness. Results of the .nal.ysis pertaining to the "forward-backward" asymmetry of the hyperon decay products are compared with the corresponding conse- quences due to nonconservation of parity in strange particle creation and ? interaction processes. Both interpretations are found to yield the same results as long as particles with odd strangeness are concerned. The two approaches can be distinguished by studying processes involving. -hyperons. _. 87 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 120. Nucleon Core Model "The Nucleon Core Model With a Vibrational Excitation Spectrum of the Core," by D. P. Grechukin, Moscow State University; Mos- cow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37 No 4(10), Oct 59, pp 1026-1033 The nucleon + core model with intermediate coupling between the nu- cleon and phenon excitations of the core has been considered in a number of works as a possible way of describing the spectra on odd nuclei in the atomic weight region in which even-even nuclei possess level spacings similar to the vibrational quadrupole excitations of the nuclear surface (phonons). The state of the nucleon + core system is a superposition of nucleon states and core states with various numbers of phonons. The enerW levels and wave functions of the system have been approximately determined by making diagonal the energy matrix which is cut off at a certain number of phonons N. Convergence of the approximation when the cut-off is carried out at various values of N is investigated in the present work for the simple model of spinless phonons whose energy matrix retains the main fea- tures of the matrix for phonons with spin. 121. Pair Production by Charged Particles "Effect of Multiple Scattering on Pair Production by High-Energy Particles in a Medium," by F. F. Ternovskiy, Moscow State Uni- versity; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskov PIz- iki, yol 37, No 4(10),. Oct 59, pp 1010-1016 The effect of multiple scattering on pair production by a fast charged particle passing through a medium is considered. The calculations are car- ried out by a method previously developed by Migdal (ibid, 32,633 (1957)). 122. Jahn-Teller Effect on Cu 2+ "Dynamical Nature of the Jahn-Teller Effect and Its Influence on the Paramagnetic Resonance of Cu21," by V. I. Avvakumov, Kazan Affiliate, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow Zhurnal Eks- perimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 4(10), Oct 59, pp 1017-1025 Copper complexes C-,.t2 Y,-, are considered in which, in distinction to other paramagnetic complexes, not a unique geometry but an infinite set ? of geometries within a certain manifold corresponds, in a first approxi- mation, to the energy minimum. The theory of the crystal field is em- ployed to relate the complex geometry with the distribution of the elec- tron density in the Cu2y ion. "Geometry degeneracy" leads to a result - 88 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 that the density may experience finite (of a nonfluctuational nature) dis- tortions. It is demonstrated that the changes in the "crystal" field which corresponds to these distortions should lead to oscillations of the election cloud of the Cu2+ ion relative to the nucleus. The influence of interactions which yield partial stabilization of the complex is also considered. It is shown that even when these inter- actions are taken into account, the electron cloud continues to oscillate although its frequency is smaller and depends on the mass of the adenda. The !.nfluence of the effect under consideration on the hyperfine struc- ture and g factors in free complexes is analyzed. 123. Photon-Nucleon Scattering "Scattering of a Photon on a Nucleon in the One Meson Approx- imation," Ye. D. Zhizhin; Mdscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy FY ziki, Vol 37, No 4(10), Oct 59, pp 994-999 Scattering of a photon on a nucleon proceeding via strong interaction is treated with account of exchange of a single IT meson. The scattering matrix is computed for angular momentum values up to i = 7/2. The angular distributions for reactions involving polarized particles are presented. 124. Lifetime of Excited State of Ne-21 "Measurement of the Lifetime of the First Excited State of Ne-21," by A. G. Khabakhpashev and E. M. Tsenter; Moscow, Zh- urnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 4(10), Oct 59, pp 71-993 The lifetime of the first excited level of Ne21 was measured with the help of a 50-channel time analyzer. The measurements yielded the value T1/2 = (6.2 + 6.2)'10-11 sec. A short description of the time 'analyzer is given. - 89 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 125. Scattering of Gamma Rays "Rayleigh Scattering at Small Angles of Gamma Rays From Co-60," by S. A. Belskiy and S. V. Starodubtsev, Leningrad Physico- technical Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Vol 37, No 4(l0), Oct 59, PP 983- 990 ? 60 The integral cross sections for Rayleigh scattering of -(-rays from Co into angles between 15' and 1000' and between 15' and 2030' were measured for U, Pb, W, Ta, Sn, Cu, and Ni. The quadratic dependence of the Rayleigh scattering cross section on the atomic number of the scatterer predicted by the Debye - Franz theory in the small angle region is con- firmed. It is shown that the experimental Rayleigh scattering cross sec- tion in the indicated angular region exceeds the theoretical cross section values and that with decrease of Z the angular dependence of the scatter- ing cross section becomes more pronounced than that predicted by the theory. 126. interactions of ~tl Mesons and Light Nuclei "Inelastic Interactions Between 80 - 300 MeV 7 4 Mesons and Light Nuclei," by A.G.. Meshkovskiy and Ya. Ya. Shalamov; Moscow) Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 10 , Oct 59, PP 978-9 2 The cross sections for inelastic interaction between T+ mesons and a mixture of C, F, and Cl nuclei were measured for ten values of the 7Ti' meson energy in the region from 80 to 300 MeV. The results are compared with curves calculated on basis of the optical model under the assumption of a uniform distribution of the nuclear charge and a Fermi-type distri- bution. It is shown that the experimental results satisfy the second type of distribution. The cross sections for inelastic scattering of 'f['? mesons are measured. 127. Reaction Th-232 (C-12,4n) Cm-240 "Cross section for Production of Cm-240 by Irradiation of Th-232 with C-12 and C-13 Ions," by L.I.Guseva. B.F.Myasoyedov, N.I. Tarantin and K.V.Filippova; Moscow, Zhurnal E sperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 4 T-15, Oct 59, pp 973-977 The dependen of the pross sections of the reactions Th232 (C12, 4n) Cm240 and Th232(C~ , 5n)Cm24O on the energy of the bombarding particles was determined by irradiating a stack of thin foils and subsequently ? analyzing the reaction products. The curves for the reaction cross sec- tions have distinct peaks characteristics of reactions of evaporation of neutrons from a compound nucleus. The peak values of the cross - 9o - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 sections for the reactionsjh232(C12, 4n~~m240 and Th232 (C13, 5n) Cm240 are respectively 8.10- y c and 1.8'10- cm2. Comparison of the re- ac.:tion cross sections obtained by bombarding thorium with the cross sec- tions of othe:? nuclear reactions shows that the cross ection for reactions involving evaporation of neutrons does not depend on Z /A in a simple manner. 128. uttering of a Cu Single Crystal "Directed Emission of Particles From a Copper Single Crystal Sputtered by Bombardment With Ions up to 5u keV Energy," by V. Ye.. Yurasova, N.V.Pleshivtsev, and I.V.Orfanov, Moscow State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 410 , Oct 59,PP 9 -972 _ Sputtering of the (100) plane of a copper single crystal was studied for various values of the energy and angles of incidence of argon and hy- drogen ions It is shown that the particles of the sputtered matter re- tain a favored direction of emission along some crytallographic directions ([100], [110] etc.) when the energy of the bombarding ions is raised up to 50 keV. Thus, a precipitate in the form of separate spots is formed on a screen arranged parallel to the (100) face of Cu. With increase of the ion energy, the pattern of the precipitate changes but is practically independent of the angle of incidence of the particles. The distribution law of the densities of the spots corresponding to the [110] and [100] directions has been studied. The matter in the spots is distributed ac- cording to a c96ine law. The relief of the (100) Cu plane which arises sputtering by Ar " and H L ions with energies up to 50 keV was also studied.. The data - obtain~d cannot be explained by existing theoretical investigations on cathode sputtering. 129. Inelastic Scattering of 7('~ Mesons "Inelastic Scattering and Absorption of 195 -t 15 Mev 17+ Mesons by Carbon and Lithium Nuclei," by N.I.Petrov, V.G.Ivanov, and V.A. Rusakov, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research; Moscow, Zliurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 4 10 , Oct 59, Pp 957-965 Inelastic scattering and adsorption of (195 1 15) MeV ?Z*-mesons by carbon and lithium ions were studied with a cloud chamber in a magnetic field. The total and differential inelastic scattering cross sections and also the total cross section for exchange scattering and absorption of 7t+ mesons were determined. The experimental data obtained are* compared with the results of calculation of a cascade in the carbon nucleus and it is shown that inelastic scattering of mesons can be satisfactorily described - 91 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 29 JANUARY X196? Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 on the basis of the pair collision hypothesis. It is shown that primarily only two nucleons of the nucleus participate in the act of absorption of a (195 ? 15) MeV Tit--meson. The probability for meson captured by n,p-pairs is 2-3 times greater in this case than the probability for capture by pairs of identical nucleons. 130. Study of Disintegrations in Nuclear Emulsions "Application of the Potential Barrier Criterion to a Study of Disintegration in Nuclear Emulsions," by P.I.Fedotov, Radium Institute, Academy of SciencesB;SSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks eri- mental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki Vol 37, No 1 , Oct 59, pp 9L~L~-949 Disintegrations induced by 660 MeV proton:; in carbon imbedded as small diamond particles in nuclear emulsions and also disintegrations of light (C, N, 0) and heavy (Ag, Br) emulsion nuclei produced by protons of the same energy were studied. An analysis of the carbon disintegrations shows that there is no significant difference in the mechanism of forma- tion of stars containing or not containing an of -particle (R < 50/u Y. The relative admixture of Ag and Br disintegrations to those of C, N, and 0 nuclei chosen by- the potential barrier criterion is 19%. 131. Anomalies in Internal Friction of Ferromagnetics "Anomalies in Internal Friction and the Elasticity Modulus in Ferromagnetic Substances Near the Curie Point," by K.P.Belov, G.I.Katayev, and R.Z.Levitin, Moscow State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37) No 10 , Oct 59, pp 936-943 The temperature dependence of Young's modulus and internal friction has been measured for alloys of the elinvar and coelinvar types and also in nickel and nickel-zinc ferrite. An internal friction peak, jump in Young's modulus and effect of the magnetic field on the dynamic Young's modulus have been detected near the Curie point in alloys possessing the big paraprocess magnetostriction. It is shown that these phenomena are due to redistribution of spins within"tun domains induced by elastic stresses. The results'are treated thermodynamically- - 92 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 132. Radioactive Decay of Ac-227 "Radioactive Decay of Ac-22'( and Excited Levels of Fr-223 and Th-227," G.I.Novikova) Ye. A. Volkova, L.L.Goldin, D.M.Ziv and Ye.F.Tret'yakov; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'noy i Teoretiche- skoy Fiziki, Vol 37, Nd,4(10 , Oct 59, PP 92 -937 Radioactive decay of Ac227 was investigated. Alpha decay of Ac227 was studied with an alpha-spectrometer. A beta-spectrometer in conjunc- tion with an alpha-beta-coincidence circuit was employed to study beta- decay and the spectra of conversion electrons which, accompany alpha- and beta-decay of Ac227. A fine structure has been detected in the Ac227 alpha-spectrum. The energies of ueven new lines and the intensities of the corresponding transitions have been determine A number of gamma-transitions between levels of the daughter Fr nucleus have been detected. A level scheme for Fr223 is proposed. Three levels have been detected in the spectrum of Th227 which is obtained as a result of beta- decay of Ac227. The energies of the levels and the intensities of beta- decay to them have been measured. 133. Spectrum of Internal Conversion Electrons "Spectrum of the Internal Conversion Electrons Accompanying Alpha Decay of U-233 and the Level Scheme of Th-229," by Ye.F. Tret'yakov, M.P.Anikina, L.L.Goldin, G.I.Novikova and N.I. Pirogova; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 10) Oct 59, PP 917-927 The spectruT3gf internal conversion electrons emitted by Th229 (da- ter nucleus of U` ) was-studied in a beta-spectrometer with a toroidal magnetic field in conjunction with an e - oc -coincidence circuit. The existence of a rotational level which corresponds to the ground level of Th229 has been confirmed. The energies of the rotational levels have been determined with better accuracy. Gamma-transitions starting from some new levels (29.1, 71.4, 320.0, 366.0 keV and apparently 131.0 keV) have been detected and investigated. Some refinements hav been intro- duced in the U233 alpha- spectrum. The level scheme of Th 20 is dis- cussed. - 93 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 134. Proton-Proton Scattering "Elastic Scattering of 8.5 BeV Protons on Protons," by V.B. Lyubimov, P.K.Markov, E.N.Tsyganov, Chen Pou-in and M.G.Shafamva, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperi- mental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, NO-VU-0) Oct 59, pp 910-916 Photographic emulsions were used to study p - p scattering at an en- ergy of 8.5 BeV. The irradiation geometry was such that the incident protons were perpendicular to the plane of the photographic emulsion. Sixty-six events of elastic scattering were found. Scattering on quasi- free protons and other background effects comprised about 2%. The elastic scattering cross section was (8.4 + 1.1) mb. The differential cross section down ''co 2.50 in the c.m.s. has been derived. Near' 00 it is larger than would be expected on basis of the purely, absorbing proton model. 135. Measurement of Momenta of Fast Particles "Measurement of the Momenta of Fast -Particles and Investigation of Nuclear Interactions in the 1010 - 10 2 eV Energy Range," by M.I.Dayon and V. Kh. Volynskiy, Physics Institutd imeni Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks ep rimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 10 Oct 59, pp gob-909 A new method for direct measurement oflhe momenta of charged par- ticles in a magnetic field in the 10 - 10 eV energy range is proposed. This method is based on simultaneous application of spark counters and nuclear emulsions. The possibility of application of the method for measurement of momenta spectra and investigation of nuclear interactions between protons and matter is considered. 136. Bulgarian Cosmic Research Station Frankfurt/Oder, Neuer Tag, 2 Jan 60 A modern cosmic research staticn under construction in Bulgaria will soon be completed. It has been erected on the Pik Stalin, the highest mountain of the country, and is located higher than any other cosmic re- search station of Europe. The station is being equipped with scientific instruments and equipment from Hungary. Its main task will be cosmic radiation research. This is of great importance for the physics of elementary particles and of the atomic nucleus. Scientific instruments are being installed in the building in which Bulgarian physicists are already working. The building covers 187 square meters of space and has been covered with a metal net as protection against lightening. - 94 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 137. Further Information on Hungarian Subcritical Reactor "The Csilleberc Subcritical Reactor," by Laszlo Szabados; Buda- pest, Muszaki filet, 26 Nov 59, p 6 The core of this reactor contains 20 fuel element bundles whereas 23-24 fuel element bundles would be needed to reach a critical state. A polonium-beryllium neutron source is inserted into the geometrical center of the core through an aluminum tube. A control rod of boron carbide, which also serves as the safety rod, can be placed in the zone through another tube. The container, of about one cubic meter volume, is filled with high-purity distilled water. "This equipment is the first step in a program planned to take sev- eral years and directed towards an investigation of [neutron] multiplier systems using an organic moderator and cooling medium: i.e., the moderator and the coolant are the same liquid].... With. this equipment one can measure local changes in the density of thermal' neutrons.:.. One can estimate the critical masses of cores having various geometrical shapes.... The experiences gained from these experiments can be used to plan and build a reactor of domestic design...." CPYRGHT 138. Photofission of U-238 "Fission of Uranium U-238 by p - Mesons," by A.K.Mikhul and M.G. Petrashku, Joint Institute for'Nuclear Research; Dubna, July 1958; Bucharest, Revue de Physique, Vol 4, No 3, 1959, pp 355-359 The stopping of )A -mesons in plates filled with U-238 has been ob- served in 26,975 cases. The photofission of U-238 by ) -mesons was first forecast by J.A.Wheeler (Rev. Mod. Phys. 21, 113 (1949)) indicating two methods of capture -- the capture by one of the optical orbits with tran- sitions : 2s - 2p-ls and an energy yield of 7 Mev; and by nuclear capture p.- + p -r n + (B.Pontecorvo, Ph;rs.: Rev. 72, 246 (1947)) in which the nucleus acquires 7 Mev energy. An accurate analysis of the cross section of U photofission could not be carried out, but considerations were given to calculations by J.E. Gindler et al. (Phys. Rev. 104, 425 (1956)) who evaluated the photofission branching ratio for excitation energies of 8 to 11 Mev to be approximately 20%. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Plasma Physics 139. Plasma Torus in Equilibrium "Equilibrium of a Plasma Torus in a Magnetic Field.," by V.D. Shafranov; MoscoT:r, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No l0 , Oct 59, pp 1088 -- 1095 The conditions for, equilibrium of a plasma torus with a distributed current in a magnetic field are derived. 140. Instability of a Plasma Pinch "Convective Instability of a Plasma Pinch," B.B.Kadomtsev; Mos- cow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 4(10 , Oct 59) pp 109 -1101 Stability with respect to axially symmetrical perturbations includ, ing perturbations of the entropy wave type are investigated for a plasma column with a distributed current. 141. Energy Losses in Plasma Discharge "Radiative Energy Losses in Plasma Gas Discharge," by V.D. Kirillov; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'noy i Teoretichesko Fiziki, Vol 37, NO-7-10)., Oct 59, pp 1142-1144 of the mode of energy losses during the heating of hydrogen plasma by Joule heat is attempted. The losses are ascribed either to heat carried away by charged particles, or to losses by radiation. The experimental methods of measurements are described. Theoretical and Experimental Physics 142. Ferromagnetic Anisotropy "Contribution to the Theory of the Temperature Dependence of Ferromagnetic Anisotropy," by Ye.A.Turov and A.I.Mitsek, Insti- tute of Physics of Metals, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow ZhurnalEksnerimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, The temperature dependence of the free energy of the magnetic ani- sotropy in ferromagnetic substances at low temperatures is calculated on the basis of the phenomenological theory of spin waves. It is shown that when the free. energy is expressed in the usual way, the rate of - 96 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 variation of the anisotropy constant of order N with temperature may sig- nificairLly depend on the magnitude of the ratio of the subsequent, con- stants to the one at 00 K. Mixing up of anisotropy constants of various orders in the temperature dependence formulas does not appear only if the anisotropy energy is represented in the form of an expansion in homogeneous harmonic polynomials (constructed of the direction cosines of the magneti- zation vector relative to the crystal axes). In this case the temperature dependence of the anisotropy constants theoretically derived by Zener [1] is found to be only approximately correct in the low temperature region. 143? Magnetization of Ferromagneties "Theory cf Stability of the Magnetic States of Ferromagnetic Substances During Magnetization," by Ye. I. Kondorskiy, Moscow State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i T_-an x koy Fiziki,Vol 37, No 4(10), Oct 59, pp 1110-1115 Physical factors which influence the stability of the magnetic states of a ferromagnetic single crystal with respect to external, magnetic fields and elastic strains are considered. A formula is derived which yields the minimal value of the magnetic fields and stresses for which equilibrium of the domain boundary passing near non-magnetic inclusions is violated and irreversible changes of the magnetization occur. The, familiar phe- nomeznon of strong magnetization of ferromagnetic substances in weak mag- netic fields under the effect of shocks or impact, can be explained on this basis and formulas are derived which permit one to estimate the irreversible changes in magnetization induced by elastic strains stresses. The observed stability against elastic stresses of magnetic states cor- responding to an ideal magnetization curve is explained. 144. Magnetization of Ferromagnetics "Industrial Magnetization of Ferromagnetics," by L.V.Kirenskiy, M.K.Savchenko and I.F.Degtyarev, Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Dokiady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 128, No 2, Sep 59, pp 288-290 Observations showed that the magnetization process does not consist exclusively of a shift of domain boundaries and of a rotation of the'mag- netization vector to the direction of the field vector.. Another process is observed and analyzed -- the reorientation of the domain structure, corresponding to a maximum of permeability and to the highest number of Barkhausen effects. This reorientation is observed by magneto-optical means and reproduced in pictures. - 97 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 145. Radiation in Hot Ionized Gases A simple method for Calculation of the Mean Radiation Ranges in High Temperature Ionized Gapes," by Yu.P. Rayzer; Moscow, Zhurfial Eks erimental'noy i Tebreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 1E 10 , Oct 59, pp 1079-1083 The absorption coefficients of light in high tethporature multiply ionized gases are considered. A simple approximate method is proposed which permits one to rapidly estimate the order of magnitude of the range of light averaged over its spectrum. The ranges determine the coefficient oi' radiative thermal conduction and the emissivity of any gas at various temne.ratV.res and densities. 146. Analysis of Lee's Model "Incompatibility of the Analicity and Unitarity Conditions in Lee's Model", by K.A.Ter-Martirosian; Moscow, Zhurnal. Eks eri- mental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 4(10), Oct 59, pp 1005-1009 It is shown that outside the framework of the Hamiltonian formalism when only selection rules characteristic of Lee's model. are taken into account, the analyticity condition leads to contradiction (even in the simplest N + O sector) with the unitarity condition. Due to the presence of cross symmetry, this contradiction does not arise in the usual meson theories (at least for a static nucleon in the one meson approximation which in the Lee model is analogous to the case of a N + 0 sector). 147. Sound Absorption Coefficient "Absorption of Sound and the Width of Shock Waves in Relativistic Hydrodynamics," by M.T.Zhumartbayev, Institute of Nuclear Phys- ics, Academy of Sciences Kazakh SSR; Moscow,-Zhurnal Eks eri- mental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki,Vol'37, No. 10 Oct 59, pp 1000-10004 The absorption coefficient of so-and in relativistic hydrodynamics due to viscosity and heat conduction of the medium is derived. The structure of relativistic low intensity shock waves is considered. - 98 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 148. Dynamics of a Conducting Medium in a Magnetic Field "Some Problems Concerning the Dynamics and Heating of a Conduct- ing.. Medium in a Magnetic Field," by G.S.Golitsyn, Institute of Physics of the Atomosphere, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 107, Oct 59, pp 1062-1067, The one dimensional motion of an ideally conducting medium under the actin of a magnetic field prescribed at the boundary is analyzed. Confine- ment of the plasma by a high frequency magnetic field is investigated. Some aspects of the Iroblem of heating a plasma by magnetoacoustic waves are discussed. 149. A Vibrating Disk in He~ium II "The Critical Regime in Experiments With a Vibrating Disk in Helium at," by G.A.Gamtsemlidze, Tbilissi State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Ekd erimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No to , Oct 59, pp 950-956 The results of measurement of damping of the oscillations of a disk immersed in'helium II are presented. Commencement, of the critical regime and the motion of the disk at supercritical velocities were investigated. The dependence of the critical velocity on temperature and oscillation period was studied. The critical velocity was found to depend on the purity of the surface. In this connection its dependence on the number and size of small particles deposited on the disk surface and also on the radius of the region covered by the particles was studied. The de- pendence of the damping decrement in the supercritical regime on temper- ature, particle concentration and radius of the particle covered region Was also studied. 150. Elliptical Waveguide "Gyrotropic Elliptical Waveguide," by Ye.S.Kovalenko; Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 128, No 2, Sep 59, pp 276-279 The motion of electromagnetic 'waves in a waveguide filled with mag- netized ferrite is solved only for a circular waveguide. (M.A.Ginzburg, DAN 95, No 3 (1954)). The problem is very complicated for an elliptical waveguide, and its solution is obtained in infinite series. The results may be applied to plasma. -99- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 151. Electrostatic Generators "New Types of Electrostatic Generators, Induction and Triboin- duction," by G.E.Levin; Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 5, Sep/Oct 59, pp 80-85 Two laboratory models of two new types of self-exr:ited electrostatic generators (induction and triboinduction), were developed. Their charge conveyor is a dielectric disk without metallic lining. 152. Jump Discontinuity Problem in General Relativity Theory "The First-Order Jump-Discontinuity Problem in the General Theory of Relativity," by A.Papapetrou and H.Treder, Berlin; Berlin, Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol 20, No 112, May-Aug 59, pp 53-66 It is shown that the difficulties encountered by Stellmacher (Math. Ann., 115, 740 (1938)) in regard to the treatment of the first-order jump discontinuities of the potential gpv stem from the fact that im- plicitly surface-distributed sources were allowed on the jump planes, with the result that Einstein's gravitation equation R u,) = 0 no longer ap- plied. If the existence of such surface-distributed elements as sources of the gravitational field is excluded, the first-order jumps of the gravitation potential can be defined unequivocally. It is further shown that these first-order jumps have the same properties as second-order jumps. All the relationships in this work are in agreement with the prop- agation conditions obtained by Stellmacher in his discussion of the second- order jumps. The only difference is that, in the laws of propagation established here, the values arrived at by Stellmacher from the second-order jumps are replaced by expressions similarly arrived at from first-order jumps. With the exclusion of surface-distributed elements on the jump surface, the first-order jumps are established unequivocally by the field equations, even for the case of the combined field. Essential jump dis- continuities can exist only at zero surface, i.e., at the characteristic surfaces of the Einstein-Maxwell field equations. The perturbations of the combined field corresponding to these jumps thus propagate at the speed of light. Furthermore, the electromagnetic and gravitational waves which correspoi~d to the first-order jumps, like those of the second-order jumps, are purely transversal and sources of radiation. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 IX. MISCELLANEOUS 153. New Scientific Research Institute for Transportation and Storage of Petroleum and Petroleum Products "New Institute in Ufa." (unsigned article); Moscow, Promyshl.enno- Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta, 13 Nov '59, - p 1 The Scientific Research Institute for Transportation and Storage of Petroleum and Petroleum Products has been founded in Ufa. The new insti- tute will help the workers of various branches of industry to efficiently organize the transportation and storage of liquid fuels. 154. Creation of All-Union Pedagogical Society "All-Union Pedagogical Society" (unsigned article); Moscow, I;,vestiya; 19 Dec 59, p 2 At the request of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Workers of Education, Higher Schools, and Scientific Establishments of the USSR and the Academy of Pedagogical 'Sciences RSFSR, the All-Union Pedagogical Society has been created. This voluntary scientific and technical organ- ization has set itself the task of doing work in the field of pedagogical sciences, i.e., the Communist training of the rising generation, strength- ening the bond between schools and daily practice, and further development of education in the land. 155. Hungarians Describe Their Systematic Exploitation of Foreign Techni-, cal Publications "Eight. Hundred Foreign Subscribers," by Endre Hevesi; Budapest, Nepszabadc, 12 Dec 59, p 7 According to the article, Hungarian exploitation of foreign technical publications is centralized in the National Technical Library ink). "Sum- maries of these articles go to the libraries of factories 'and of research or planning, institutions in press reviews and on cards." The article com- plains that enterprise leaders frequently fail to use these summaries or to provide funds for documentation. The article adds, "There is a correct decree which states that one o h o ev t . p e y ec is translatioon must be sent in to the National Tech- nical Library, which w 11 sell copies of translations on file very cheaply (one tenth of the tram lation fee). Despite this, not even 2.5 persons - 101 CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 C PYRG HT generally ask for any one complete translation." The library publishes journ reviews in 13 specialties, a total of 5,000 copies --.800 of which go abroad. Although they are not advertised, these. summaries of foreign journal articles can be ordered through "Kultura," the enterprise which handles foreign subscriptions to Hungarian journals, the article says. 156. Work of Hungarian Bureau of Standards Described "The School of Accuracy --.,A Visit to the Measures Office" (un- signed article); Budapest, Nepszabadsag, 8 Dec 59, p 9 The article describes the operations of the National Measures Office (Orszagos Meresugyi Hivatal), whose operations apparently do not include scientific research. The article notes the past year, the office performed 6 million tests on the accuracy of measures in commercial pro- ducts and issued 34,000 instrument accuracy certificates for various metering instruments (15 percent of the instruments failed to pass). The office has'a 100 ton dynamometer balance which can detect a discrepancy of 2 kilograms when loaded to 100 tons. A pyrometer of Soviet manufac- ture is used to calibrate all industrial pyrometers in Hungary. 157. New Members Elected to Serbian Academy of Sciences "New Members of Serbian Academy of Sciences". (unsigned article); Zagreb, Vjesnik, 19 Dec 59, p 10 New regular, corresponding, and foreign corresponding members were elected at a special session of the Serbian Academy of Sciences. Edvard Kardelj (vice-president of the Federal-Executive Council), authors Stevan Jakovljevic and Milan Bogdanovic, sculptor Sreten Stojanovic, and Dr Jorje Tadic (professor of Be';grade University) were elected as regular members. Twelve outstanding Yugoslav scientific) cultural, and public workers were elected as new corresponding members. The USSR,, France, the US, Austria, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, and England provided the 23 newly elected foreign corresponding members. - 102 - Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1 158. Yugoslav Scientists Honored With Foreign Membership in Soviet Academy "Aleksandar Belie and Pavle Savic Rec:rive Certificates as Foreign ,Members of the Academy of Sciences USSR" (unsigned article); Zagreb., Borba, 16 Dec 59, p 8 At an official meeting of the Serbian Academy of Sciences, Ivan K. Zamchevskiy, Soviet ambassador to Belgrade, presented certificates of foreign membership in the AcadOny of Sciences USSR to Dr Aleksandar Belic and Pavle Savic. Dr Belie was cited as the oldest member of the Soviet academy because in 1918 he was elected a corresponding . member of the then'Russian *'cademy of Sciences. He was also cited for his great con- tribution,to the development of science and for his role in the creation of the Serbian Academy of Sciences. Pavle Savic was cited for his con- tributions in physics and chemistry, but particularly for the exploita- tion of atomic energy for peaceful purposes. -103- USCOI&I-DC-61, 962. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100480001-1