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~__ I ~9 .e Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/14 :CIA-RDP82-_000478000400670010-2 CLASSIFICATION _.-.-.--I - '- `y `-, C4I~IDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENGE_AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR ~U BJECT Oil Fields~Oil Pipelines DATE DISTR. ~ S~t~ 195 N0. OF PAGES PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED TN 1IOOCUYE~NF.CONTa\N9 IMFORY ATION AFF6CT1 N4 TNF NATIONAL OF FFN![ OF TML VM IIfiL,O91~ART[!? l1 THIN THE YEAH INO 01 TITLE IBE lF CTI ON9 793 AMD 7D~-,S'D~-~TNL U. L?-COpC? AS AMENOEO. IT9 TRAN 6M19910N OR REV[? LAT,~ON'Or'1 Tl. CON TENT! TO OR RL CEIFT !Y AX VNAU TNORIIED FERlON 19 F RDNI II TLD~LY LA!? TXE RFF RDOUCT IOx CF TN I9 FORY I! FROM lITED. 50X1 1! 50X1 N0. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION European USSR .,..spite of new oil discoveries, the most important and x?ichsst ilelds in the USSR are located in the Caucasus ( off' ._ .. Soviet resex?ves .axed 60~', of Soviet px?oduction) . The deposits 1:ie vn tae slopes o~ the gx?eat Caucasus Mountains axbd are assorted with the sandy sedimentary rocks of? the tertiary periv`c~4 ~'he pri~acip~l: producing centers are in; aD The Baku area -- fields along the coasts o~ the Caspian Sea, especial~,y on the Apsheron PeninsulaD The oil bearing strata lie at depths o~ 150?-5000 xaeterso Within-the last two or three years the Soviets have drilled beneath the Caspian Sea to depths o~ ~-5 thousand meterso They are conducting .geologic research studies o~ the. oil bearing potexztial o~ mud volcanos ues,r Lok-Baton (~0 181 - ~9 ~~} The viea~ity vi' Gro~ny, (~3 ~a~ - ~+5 ~+~E~ on the ''erek Ra~ve~? o . c, Krasnodarskiy Keay on the nox?thwest slopeo~ the Caucasus range -- fields from 1~Rikop 1~+~+ 35N - ~ l0E) and Kx?asnodar (~+5 0~4 - 39 04E) to the Tamanskiy peninsula (~-5 101 - 36 55E} and beyonda . CLASSIFICATION U?~1~'13JE19TlAI! f_ ORA? E~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/14 :CIA-RDP82-000478000400670010-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/14 :CIA-RDP82-000478000400670010-2 JV/~ I -:I The Kerch (~5 23N' - 3h 2bE) area of the Crimean Peni~.sula -- a continuation of the oil fields of the Tamanskiy Penixr,sula. This is an area of mud. volcanos, rich in gas. Gas deposits are also found. on the northern coast of the Sea of Azov neax? Marau_.pol (~7 a5~ - ~37 36E) but ,the extent of the deposits is undetermined, e. The Dagestan area near Makhachkala (~+2 5$N - ~-7 27E) on the southeast slope of the Caucasus Mountains -- this area is very rich in gas but apparently the oil reserves have limited value. i'. The Georgiaaa SSR -- oil bearing deposits near O~npareti' (1~2 02N,1~1 51E ) and max_ihr~~r3. ~ (1~1 1$N,I~6 02~;) which have._not been completely e~.ploreci. 2. A second important oil az?ea lies ia~ the southeast portion of tYie East European plateau north of the Casp~a?~ Sea.' This is the Emba. basin which contains about lad of the oil reserves of the USSRo The basin is principally located in West Kazakhstan and encompasses the ~Guxev~ and Akt~~binsk oblastsa The deposits are associated with salt domes of the mesozoie era and t$e most important are at Makat (~+7 ~~ - 53 1~+E), Dossor (~7 30i~ - 52 57E), Iskine (~-7 18i~ ~~ 5~ ~~E), and :3a;3.chunaa (~-7 15i~ - 52 56E) . 3. Before World 'tsar II .a new, 7.arge oil beariaxg basin Balled the "second BaI{u" was,discovered,b~tw~en the '~olga River.. and the Ural Mountains. I'he,.~asa.n is~appxoximately one million square kilometex?s in size .aa~r~.-eor~tains 3C~ of the oil reserves of the USSR. The fields axe associated with Carbonife~?ous-Permiani~ systems and`are widely scattered. They are found in: The Bashkir ASSR ---the most important deposits were discovered in 1931 in the vicinity oi' ~:( ~li7.nl.~aa. (53 28PI - 56 o2sE) on the Belays River... The oil bearing strata axe found at depths of 3aR-9oa meters. The hardness of the bedrock causes increasing c+csts in the exploitation of the oil and the cost of extracting one ton of oil in Ufa (5~+ ~+3N - 55 5~) is one and one half times as great as it_is in Baku, b . The '~'il:irrn~tsa;t ( 5~ 36~t - 53 ~~E) area -- discovered in lq3'(, 1'(U kilometers west of. Ufa. c. The Molotov (Pe~rn, 58 ao~ - 56 15E) area on the Kama River -- discovered in 1.930 d. The 1{u:~.ti~:~hcev~ (53 :,]~~ _ 50 09E) or Samara area -- discovere~l in lg3$ on the right bank of the ~Tolga River. The deposits are also located at Stavropol (53 31i~ - ~-~ 2oE) and Syzraaa (53 11~ - '+8 27E) . e. The Buguruslan (53 3gi~ - 5~ ~6E) area -- discovered ~ 1937 .. ~+. In addition to the oil fields of the "second Baku", rich gas deposits are located at: ~~I~~IT~7ENfiIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/14 :CIA-RDP82-000478000400670010-2 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/14 :CIA-RDP82-000478000400670010-2 C01~'I~3EI~'~'T~L a . sad~i . (45 SAN, 3~ o~ , .~ past ~~ Chkal.av (51 ~51~ - 55 06~} . b. Saxatav (51 3f+1~ - ~ 0~) . ~ .. e. Katian (55 ~5~ - ~9 08~)a The:t.c3rap'Y`ia~cal and transpox?tation cox~ditioxa,s of the second Baku are goodo The bous~dax?ies of the area a~?e not exactly defined. and. there are` i~dics,tioxs 'that a~,ditioasal oil. beaz?a.,bg azeas l.ie in Central Russia between Mosco~r and the Urals f:.n the Pens. (53 - 3+5 Tula , (5~ 12I~ - 37.36Ej ~ axd x,~l,uga (5~- 3Qi~ - 36 18E) districts o ;~,~ The oil. fields of? the.^ U.f~hta (E3 3~-~t - 53 ~?~) _ - Pechora: (65 25nt 5'j 02E) area Yie in Ca~?baa~.ifex?aus-Permian sediments. `i'bis a-r.?ea was a.l~??eedLL and exploitat iox~ was begun dux?ing Wox ld War lI . ~ rai~.raad ex-terading X54 k3,lam~ters f~?om Ust-Ukhta to Kot1~,s (Cl 16t~ - ~b 35E) was cox~~tructedo Dil is .x~`,cted r. this a~?e~a from oil sands w~iich are. brought: up by means of special shafts.. Bril3ang is hot: used_o The importance of the second, Baku discoveries is shown by comparative figures for So~s.e~ oil productions In 1929 production. in the area was only si.~ huxle7x?ed tons . In 19+7 it had .risen to 7, 5003, 000 tons .and by 1950 it had reached I.p,600,00t3 tons. Gas production in 1950 was approximately eight billion. cubic meters and a gas pipe line (8~5 Milometers} built ~,~. ~,9~7 from Moscow' to Saratov carries -,35(),?40 cubic .meters of gas. per days :,,..; ~ , $. Soviet-:geologists have been interested in: the sa-called.Romn;~ (50 ~5~t - 33 3t3E) oil- fields aon the Ukx?aine. The t'irst indications of oil in this area. came 3.n 1932 From Professox? Shatskyi of the Moscow l~.cademy of Sciences Shatskiy and later }3rgitx?i Sobolev of Kharkov 'IJhiversity compared the geologic strt~.ctux?e and the- G3CCUr~82"1CC' off' gypsum, strata 3xi the I3omxay area with simi].~r structures ,ap>"'~'~~ gulf coast of the tJS. Thzy concluded that ail would. be found in. the salt domes_ of ..the Rvmny area. In 1937 oil bearizig strata of the Cax?bo~,iferous -l3evonian-Cretaeeo~zs system were discovered semen. kilometers from Romny ova Solotuka Hill, They lie. 100-800 meters below the .surface a~.d in 193`i' ,~, prp3.ucey~.;, rust ~-t'uro tons of oil.. Between 1938 .a~.d 1,9.0 salt dome structu~e,s, were 1Qeated near Lub~.y (.50 071 - 33 00E} in the Poltava (~9 35H - 3~ 3~-E) Oblast anel Gayvox?on (50 591 - 32 55E1 it the ~',~fieptr?-?Aonets Basin.. The territory from the ~~ plaepr ~tiver (.Poltava-S ablasts) to t~e.northerxi boundaries of the ~7onets Basin~in:the Isyoum cl~,strict are considered to be po~~ible oil bearing areas. Geologic exploration is now in progress but no data about reserves or production i2's the Romny area, has come to my attention. The;ax^ea apparently has local importance, limited reserves and reguire.s geophysical, geoseisxnic, and geologic exploration, especial,I,y by means of deep drilling tests. l~siatic: USSR' The percentage of oil reserves in the .Asiatic part of the USSR is relatively small in comparison with the total reserves for the e~atire USSR.. In 1939 Asiatic reserves made up only 1 og total reserves and Asiatic production was only about , approximately 1, 500,00 tons, of total production.. trp1~P'IDEI~TIAL. 07.E } , Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/14 :CIA-RDP82-000478000400670010-2 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/14 :CIA-RDP82-000478000400670010-2 COl~mY[it~'tir. l4. The mast important l~siatic oil deposits are concentrated in Central Asia ih: .~ a. The Fergana Valley (Fergana ~ 23i4 - 71 ~6E). Reserves o~ 5~ million tons (sus o~ 1939) with shales and lime- stones o~ the Jurass~o--CretaeeQ~zs-Tertiary systems in _ t}ze 1-'ndizhan (~. ~5~ - 72 ~) and,. Ramanga~. (~l c)4It - 71 ~4E) regions. 6~ 35E~. ,. -- ~3 2}p~ - .59 OlE) near 14ova~. $ulc'~iara (Ragan 3g FOR - `the Basin of the tipper .Amu-~arya River (Amu Dazya Rivex? ~. .The tTzbek SSR ixl the Kharedak ;~si.g] , aAd Uch I{zyl::~- C37 2oIQ. - 67 15E) districts. __ 3 d. The Tadzhik- $SR at 14ef'teabad ~i~ ,;:{I+o 07N;,??..,70 38E) There was a total oP one hundred million tor~s~in the refierves o~ the tTzbek and Tadzhik SSRs as v~ 1939? 11.` The deposits on the east coast of the Caspian Sea are well. known. 0ae important area is located on CheleYen island (Cheleken 39 ~ - 53 ?8E) near Krasnovodsk_(~+0 OO~t - 53 OOE}~ These cl+epc`~~3.ts',~are about five hundred square kilometers in area and in 1933 produced approxi~te~y ten th?ueeatd tons of oil and one t}aousat4d tons of ozocerite. The ozocerite deposit in this area is the most i~portant. i=3. the USSR ? The Soviets also avow have access to the deposits o~ ozocerite near ~3or~s~.sv (~ors].ax 51 57Sf - 20 06E) in pQ7.and. Other important oil producing areas east~aY the Caspian _ include the Nebit Dag (39 301 - 5~+ 228, district and the ~3o1sY~oi (Bolsho~. Balkhan K~,reb~t 3g 3814 -' S~ 33E) and ~;a7~r Balkhan (39 1$N, 55 OOE . )ranges. _ 12. The oil clepasits of the Arctic regions o~ northern Siberia are found at Mordvik (: ~Cazhe~,inikovo 73 3~ - 110 ~FSE) and Ust Port (tJst- yeniseyskiy-Port 69 4~QN - 8t+ 26E} in: salt. ,. On the right Boast of the half of Khatangslci . (73 .3514 .-.,108 OOE) ,coal- and salt are Found w3,th the .oil_ deposits. R - 13, 011-has 'b'een discovered, in, the East .Siberian regions iri; ter,;, b. The area between t$e Indigix3sa (70 ~F814 - 1~9 OOE) anal ~ (63 28~ - 12g SSE} Rivers_(the Aldan oil i~,elds). p~ the. East Siberian oil_ industx?y based ox~ bituminous shales on the river Sin~aya (61 ].OR -126 50E), a right. tributary oi` the Lena' River ,, The vicinity of Yakutsk (62+008 -129.~OE), the center` The area of Tolba (6$ -36N, 121 17E }din the Lena .river Basin. , .: - Igarka (67.3014,- $6 35E) on the Yenisey. The area southeast ?f Lake` $a~:a?5."on the Barguzin River (53 2711 _ - 109 ~ OOE) COI~FIDEI9TIAL. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/14 :CIA-RDP82-000478000400670010-2 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/14 :CIA-RDP82-000478000400670010-2 1~+. F'ar fast oil Melds ar~~ located on Kamchatka Peninsula and .Sakhalin Island. .Oil.-was discovered on Kamchatka in ~.g22 at Bogatchev ~si~] ahd later in the area of the ~To~ ampollca .river ( 58 2$N, 159 l0E ~ 4 The reserves are apparently limited. The deposits on Sakhalin are located oA both the ,east and west Boasts of the island, on Schmidt Island (Schmidta Po3uostrov.~~+ lOlt - 142 35L), and at Okha (53 3~+K - 1~+2 56E) anal Shaby probably Ekhab~ ( 53 32N, 142 5~7E ). Production has been about four hundred thousand tons per Yeas;and has been increasing slowly since World War II. Reserres iu 1939 were estimated to be 31$ million tons. 01.~~ Z5. 8e~ore~Wor18'War II the total leagth of oil pipe lines in the USSR was approximately dire thousand kilometers. other line 2~ 50X1 huz~tA,rea kilo~aeters long wars constructed from, Kansu Provir-ce, China across the Gobi desert to Alma .Ata (~+3 ~ -''76 57E)~ on the Trazts Siberian Railroad, 9s~oth~Y~~~'~iue has beam constructed from Moscow to Lnepropetrovsk (~ 2?1t - 3~ 59E) ? The most important oil pipe, li,~es in the ..USSR as off' 1840 were.. , , . r ~~, .. r~, ?;?4.l.~ ~ ~ . Baku {~0 25~ - ~9 508) - 8atu~a ~1 (~l 381v - &~l 38E) >- 883 ~ ~, Eaku - 'Saturn _- 83~ 1~n C}rozay; { ~~ ~tm - ~5 42E) - Maktachkala ~1 (~ 588+~+'~ 27E) - __ 161 ~ L}rozny,. - Makhachkala _ _ __ 155 ~ Grozny; - Tuapse (~ ASR..- 39 06E} c~rpy,, - A7ns,vir { ~5 00~' - ~1 0$E} - Trudova~e. RR a.a..+a .,,, ~ LR suer _ ~A t~hF1 a,7et~op (~~ `351.. - . ~+0 10E~ -Krasnodar (~+5 0~ - 39 OOE} T.Rs,;i~cop - Tuap~e ~ _ Gurev: 447 07~' - 5l 53E) - Or~k (51 lni~ - 58 3~E) Iehimbsi { 53 28~t -. ~55 0~) - UYa ~ (5~+ ~+31t - 55 58E ) '~- _ SStavropol (53 31t4 - ~9 20E) .. Syxrar~ (53 1.]1Y - ~+8 2'jE) Debit-Dag (3g 3?~' - 5~+ 2~E) ?? Krasnovodsk (~+0.OOI~ - 53 ?GE) COIP~'IDEnTIAL X85 lQ~ km HO ~ 73~ km 1~7 ~ 73 ~ 165 ~xm Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/14 :CIA-RDP82-000478000400670010-2 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/14 :CIA-RDP82-000478000400670010-2 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/05/14 :CIA-RDP82-000478000400670010-2