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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400610009-0 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL - I Vv". CE:NTF?AL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT The Ilyich Abrasive Plant, Leningrad, USSR PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED THIS DOCVYENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATEN, WITHIN THE YF AN1 Nf. OF Ti TLE I3, SECTIONS 703 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE. AS A . . HDE D. ITS TRAV {YI SS ION OR SAVE. LAT... OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT G. A N UNAV ,HOD AND PEAHEN IS PRDHI.ITED Y LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS TOO IS PROM CIT(D. DATE DISTR. S 3 Jul" 1954 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. 1 (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION50X1 1. The Ilyich .Plan va River in the Vyborg District of Leningrad, up until 1932 produced mainly natural abrasive materials. However, after 1.932 the production of. electrocorundiun and silicon carbide (carborundum) was in- creased until today it makes up the main portion of production of the plant. The reprocessing of natural abrasives has been limited in produc- tion to materials for fine polishing and finishing operations (super-finish, pt31l f?1ing y lapping ~ Uontng) 4 2. The following artificial abrasives are produced at the Ilyich Plant., a. Electrocorundum, normal (Al2 03 - 87 to 97%) b. Electrocorundum, white (A12 03 - 98 to 99%) Note: Black electrocorundum (A12.03 - 75 to 85%) as obtained by melting bauxite of a low silicon content without dioxidation agents is not produced for industrial use. White electrocorundum is produced in an amount equal to about 20% of normal electrocorundum. c. Black silicon carbide (Sic - 95 to 98%) d. Green silicon carbide (SiC - 97 to 99%) Note: Green silicon carbide is produced in an amount equal to about 15 to 20% of total production. e. Rouge (iron oxide) f. Crushed glass .SEE LAST PAGE FOR SUBJECT & AREA CODES CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400610009-0 tinui Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400610009-0 C O1Vr il)JIVTJJU 3. The following natural abrasives are used at the plant for production of abrasives: corundum, errery,. granitepumice. These were used in making the following: a. Grinding discs of different sizes, grain, hardness, structure and binding. Note: About 80% of the discs produced are made by pressing on a ceramic binding. Molten discs are no longer produced. The remaining 20% are pressed on bakelite and vulcanite bindings. The discs pressed on silicon and magnesian bindings are produced in very small amounts, usually on special order. b. Segments for combination discs used for flat polishing. C. Grinding bricks for honing-process and super-finish. d. Various hand files and plates. e. Abrasives with a grain varying from #5 to #500. f. Parer and linen abrasives (cemented) of emery and sandpaper. g. Various abrasive powders and pastes. 4. The main produr-'a of the Ilyich Plant, however, is grinding discs and bricks for machine finishing. Grinding discs are also produced at the Chelyabinsk,.Zlatoustov and "Smychka " plants. Various abrasive discs and paper, linen, pastes and powders from natural abrasives are produced by some cooperative. organizations and artels as well as in the plants belong- ing to the "Union- Graphite-Corundum Trust", such as the Techinsk and K'yshtym plants 5. Because there are no diamond deposits in the USSR all diamond abrasives and Enisseysk LI{rasnoyarsT are imported: (Diamonds founi in the Ulal L91ala districts are a mineralogical rarity.) Because of this fact, wherever possible, diamonds are replaced by durable, hard metals. For example, diamond tools for grinding are replaced b T15k6C, T60k6, etc; diamond drills by volomit,. : ?- 1940 W Lor b 4% C, 2g6 Fe - hardness, 9.8 by Moh's scale). aav caru!w lure corundum) the hardest material known next to the diamond, did not have any practical significance, since its production and use did not occur beyond the limits. of laboratory tests and some factory experiments. Current literature, however, mentions that after World War II the "bar" carbide began to be used in mass production. Its application is still limited to finishing jobs and finishing instru- ments of hard metal. It is difficult to learn whether "bar" cart ide is being produced in one of the above mentioned plants or is being imported from occupied Germany. 6. The machine building department of the Ilyich Plant has a small building section and fairly good mechanical shops. The department produces simple one and two Wed polishing headstocks for the hand finishing of tools, universal machines for grinding various instruments and tools and special- ized grinding machines for sharpening chucks, spiral drills, etc. 7. The plant occupies a fairly large area (one to 12 km square). Most of the ,buildings are of one story; a few are two stories. The buildings housing the electro-furnaces and plant management have four stories. A large area is given over to unloading and stocking of raw materials. The entire plant area is cris,s-crossed with a transportation system which connects with the Finnish railroad. system. 8. The equipment In the mechanical repair shop is very old and in poor condition from neglect. The equipment in the mechanical shops of the machine building department is fairly new and well chosen for the produc- tion of grinding machines. The equipment in the shops for reprocessing abrasives is the worst in the plant. It is varied, about one-half being worn out and of old make. Despite this, I would like to point out that the plant receives much attention and in the past, old, worn out equipment was being replaced as quickly as possible. By now the equipment is probably in excellent shape - at the expense of East German industry. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400610009-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Releases 50-Yr2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400610009-0 t.-r I. j -3- 9.. The plant has four, lc%-charge electrode furnaces for melting electrocorun- dum and one (possibly two) electric furnaces with a heated core-for melting silicon carbide. Twc, electric furnaces for corundum were installed around 1935. They have a moveable base which is placed on a pushcart. Meltings are made "on block" with a closed charge hole. The size of the molt- block is about two or 2- meters in diameter and about the same in height Melting "on release." is not made at all. Two other electrical furnaces for corundum were installed around 1931. They have stationary bottoms and the size of the block is less than two meters (diameter). The electric furnace used for silicon carbide was installed in 1930 1931. It is built on a firebrick bases The.. bide walls can be dismantled after each melting. The full capacity of this furnace is about 60 tons. The maximum amount of carbide obtained'from one melting is: black, up to 10 tons; green, up to five tons. The. black carborundum is the main production since the melting process ?of -the :green carborundum is more expensive, requires greater ele.ctric'power:consumption (for. ons ton of black carborun- dum, up to nine thousand kyr/hr,:, for green, up to 12 thousand kw/hr) and three to four tons ' of . cooking salt for each melting. The p-blem of obtaining salt it ..le USSR is unsoluble. To accomplish thy. norm-a set for production, it ..r; uore_advantageous to produce the black carborundum since with the same charge, the output of black is almost twice that of green carborundum. Therefore, the plant is. trying to limit the production of green carborundunx, to the 2% which is formed ;at? the core on each black melting. 10. ~ no data on current production. However, before World War-II the carborundum output was 18 thousand tons (metric) in blocks (113 thousand tons in grain). This was for both the Ilyich and the Chelyabinsk plants. since these were. the only two .-plants .inproduction. 11. The Ilyich Plant uses +ainly the Tikhvinck bauxite, although the.quality 3s lower than t4, .Ural =~b'avif e', According to Soviet standards the coefficient of bauxite (siliceous modulus - A12 03) must be between seven and 10. The Tikhvinck bauxite coefficiieentt?does not exceed 7.8, but because the Tikhvinck supply is nearby (and Soviet transportation diff i- oulties are always present) it led?to the maximum use of Tikhvinsk bauxite. Attached is a table of the basic componenta'of Tikhvinck and Ural bauxite. (The bauxite-- - are placed according tc ':xiecres sing. siliceous modulus (A12 0-) 83 02 12. ouartz at., sand are delivered to the plant from the Leningrad area. A better quality (than Leningrad) is also brought from.Karelia LKarelo- Finnish Soviet tepubliJ.,'Natural corundum is obtained from Semiz-Bugu in the Tin ' area. Corundum is' also found in Y'akutia /akuts J along the Chainyga River 5i ? /Chainguja or Khaiyngyyaj but it is too far from Leningrad to be transpurted efficiently. Emery is obtained, from the Priirtysh Mines near Kyshtym in Chelyabinsk. This emery contains from 20 to 60% of corundum. Granite (almandine) is obtained from Karelia (Finnish SSR) and a very good grade comes from the Urals.-Pumice is brought from Armenia and the North Caucas region. 13. As a rule the Ilyich Plant -nrocessed'all raw materials, but in?the late thirties crushed corundum began to be produced at the Kyshtym plant of the Union - Graphite - Corundum Trusts and crushed emery at the Techinsk plant of the same trust. 11k. I do not know the source of power for the Ilyich Plant for sure but believe it is'either the Dubrovinsk power plant on the Neva River or the Volhov _ Jdectric plant. There are no other possibilities. The electric furnace are placed usually during the night-time when the electric power consumption of other enterprises is reduced. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400610009-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400610009-0 C014FIIMNTIAL 15. The plant worked on tiu:ee shifts. On the day shift there were about five hundred workers, two hundred on the evening and one hundred to 15.0 on the night - morning shift. (These figures are exact for'tke years 1936 - 1937.) Women made up about 15% of all workers, doing mostly plant administration work or cleaning. The administrative section was very large, as is common in the Soviet. (A typical example is the case of the Finnish power plant taken by the Soviets during the Finnish - Soviet War. The Fina.s operated the plant with eight people. The Soviets replaced them with 42, 30 of them being put in the administrative section.) 16. 17. Up until 1935 the production of the plant was of very low quality. The crystallization f Lae abrasives.was not large enough, was of the wrong isometric form ..d large amounts of imrurities were present. In crushing, the grains caz:_;.e out in swordshape a: d thin, leaf-like forms. The ceramic bases were verLr brittle and the discs were not. homogeneous. The stamping of discs did not always correspond to their.real qualities. However; with the help of the Leningrad Chemistry - Technology Institute and Tsnilash (Central Scientific Research Laboratory of Abrasives and Polishing) these difficulties were overcome, with the result that by 3.938 the quality of production was rather good.. However, for the important, responsible jobs, particularly in war (defense) plants, the imported discs were pre- ferred. In general, the production-of the Ilyich Plant was for internal use and only a small percentage pf 'selected an tested discs were exported, mostly to Turkey and Iran. ENCLOSURE (A):. Table of Tikhvinsk and Ural Bauxitesq RY SUJ J 'CT & AR 4 CODES (34.016 317N 2-12/734.616 317N 5-6/734.015 317N 741.415 317N I-6/734.oI6 317N 4-5/734.016 317N 2-6/734.QI6 317N... 1-I2/134.OI1 3N 1-12/734`:0!4 339N I-12/734.014 219N I-12/731+.17 6N 1-12/734.613 11N 4-12/734.016 317N. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400610009-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400610009-0 TABLE OF TIKHVINSK AND.URAL BAUXITES Origin ? Minsra1 gical r~,A,~aut,~ri~ic Composition of Basic Compor.erits in Per Cent A12 Temperature - oC. A120-4 SiOi i'e201 FeO TiO2 CaO Si-02 softenin Meld North Ural NortL Ural North Ural North Ural North Ural North Ural South Ural North Ural North Ural North Ural North Ural South Ural Tikhvinsk Tikhvinsk North Ural Tikhvinsk North Ural Tikhvinsk ;forth Ural Tikhvinsk .North Ural North Ural Tikhvinsk Diasporous. Diasporous Diasporous Bementite Diasporous. Diasporous Bementite Diasporous Diasporous Diasporous Diasporous Bementite Bementite Besteatite Diasporous Hydrargillite-Kao-linite-Calcite Diasporous Bementite-Kaolinite Diasporous BeTentite-Kaolinit Kaolinite-Diasporous Diaspo-Bementite-Kaolinite Bementite-Kaolinite 77.4 59.9 5501 57,6 0.88 -' 2.1 0.85 23.8 1.12 `28.8 2.64 22.0 63.7 3.6 11.3 52.6 3.26 X8.5 56.6 3.91 21.23 56.9 4.08 ' ~ 3.0 59.26 4.52 "19.01 61.94 5.88 10.41 55.5 6.12 21 r' ?55,2 6.86 16 51,25 6.6 26.4' 57.5 7.54 1&.4 54,12 7.74 20?1 '44..2 7.22 18.7, 50.2 9.16 23.5 46,.5 10.1 20.4' 46.96 12.1 22.4 46.1 13.1 25.5.: 43.8. 14.0 26.4'38.3 154 14.5' 5101 20.2 22.51, -- 3.12 0,70 88.0 2.21 2.60 1.03 70,0 2.43 0.64 49.2 1.05 3.0 0.95 21.9 2.44 2.65 1.2 17.7 -- 2.37 0,76 16.1 1.72 3.75 1.10 14.2 -- 2.29 0.86 14,0 2.32 0..84 13,1 6.48 2.6Z 1.02 11.4 2,17 0,70 - 9.1 5.72 3.10 1.10 &.3 o.86 1.80 1.39 7.8 3.21 ;140 7.6 2.23 0.90 7.0 1.43 8.2 6.1 0.43 2.37 0.65 5.5 3,83 4.80 4,6 2.45 0.94 3.9 2.57 0.63 3.5 .. 2.17 0.90 3.1 16.4 2.25 1.28 2.5. In 1934 the estimated deposit of Tikhvinsk -bauxites was 5,680,000 metxie tons. In 1934 the estimated deposit of North Ural bauxites was 10,920,000 metric tons. 1860 1945 1705 1790 1650 1730 1690 1755 1730 1820 1600 1650- 1595 1735 1580 1630 1630 1700 1670 1730 1650 1730 1565 1640 1580 1675 1575 16&o 1595 1710 1500 1640 1580 1650 1525 1640 1560 1590 1545 1600 1460 1520 1440 14$0 1570 1635 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/29 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400610009-0 1.50 0.40 2.5