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rtIACCIFInATION OMPTTYPINTTAT. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release e 50-Yr2013/04/19 CIA-RDP82-00047R000400260006-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGEnt AULNUT INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR DATE DISTR.30 Mir 1954 SUBJECT Operation of a Machine Tractor Station (MTS) NO. Of PAGES 5 50X1 PLACE NO. OF ENCLS. ACQUIRED 50X1 (LISTED BELOW) DATE SUPPLEMENT TO ACQUIRED REPORT NO. 50X1 DATE OF INFORMATION ThIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50x1 INIA AOC NNNNN CO NNNNNN I NNNNNN TIAN AFFECTING TNT NATIONAL NNNNNNN CI ?mg emotes NNNNNNNNNNNNN TNT NE*0110164, TITLE Ili SECTIONS 793 A*6 96*, 00 0111 0.4, WO, 41 maims. It? cisesolossei as 4909. NNNNNN 09 110 NNNNNN es TO 00 440109 00 94 tttttttttttttttttt 411 . SOT ION Of WOOS WOO* 1. 50X1 Background the Voznesensk Machine Tractor Station (MTS) where the planting of tree shelterbelts on the 32 kolkhozy which were under its administra- 50X1 tion. Before the planting of these shelterbelts was started, a major 50X1 percentage of crop yields were lost due to the devastating southeast winds which begin about the first of June and blow continuously day and night for three or four weeks. As a result the ground would become completely dried out to a depth of 20 cm, causing it to crack open, thereby exposing the roots to the air and killing the crop. Tree shelterbelts were planted in rows 20 meters wide running north and south and. 10 meters wide running east and west. The distance between rows would average two and one half kilometers east and west and five kilometers north and south. The rows were graduated so that you had low bushes (usually acacia) at the outer edge, then small trees (usually poplar), and in the center tall trees (usually oak), then the poplar again and lastly the acacia bushes. SESE LAST PAGE FIC. SU EIJECT & AREA CODES) CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL DISTRIBLITION ORR EV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/19 CIA-RDP82-00047R000400260006-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release _R. 50-Yr2013/04/19 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400260006-2 -2- Location and Function 2. The MTS was located five kms north of Voznesertsk, Ukraine, and covered an area of about 100-150 acres. The MTS was responsible for maintenance of all farm machinery used on the, 3' kelkhozy under its jurisdiction. Minor repairs to farm machinery were made on the individual koikhozy during the summer season, but in the fall every piece of equipment was brought to the MTS for complete overhaul. Equipment 3. The MTS maintained Service on some 120 tractors. Of these about 20 were large caterpillar tractors, manufactured by the ChelyabinSk Factory.:, (aTity )? and the balance were of the spiked wheel variety manufactured by the Kharkov Tractor Factory wIrril). In addition, repair work was done on plows, combines and other farm machinery. 4. The MTS had for its own use about 30 one and one half ton trucks Which were manufactured. by GAZ (Gorki., Auttmobile:Factory) and 10 five-ton trucks manufactured by ZIS (Stalin Factory) in Gorki.. In addition, each kolkhoz had its owntrucks.. 5. The MTS had two automobiles, agronomist and the political small carts., about 10 horses to be an unlimited supply. of 50X1 .one for the. direOtor and one' for the chief worker. Other superViSors had etly.horses and being Maintainedif. Iipt.lppuxpose. . There appeared tools and equips:en . Personnel 6. The MTS employed about 600 Ukrainians all of wham lived in Voznesensk. They worked on a year 'round basis, eight hours a.day, six days a'week. No transportation was provided for the workers and they either walked or rode bicycles over a narrow dirt road which, during the rainy season, was a sea of deep mud. 7 50X1 Organizati.on j The MTS and the 32 kolkhozy were under the supervision of the Director. Under him were three assistants:. a) Chief Agroncnist. He was in charge of all the crops grown on the 3olkF.ozy. 'tinder him was one assistant in.chargeof Wheat, one in charge of corn, one in charge of trees, etc. b). Chief Technical man. He was in charge of all the farm machinery, but had under him one man in Charge of tractors, one in charge of plows, One.in:charge of combines, etc. 0:Political Worker. He made visits to each of the 32 kolkhozy and during the 10 minute.rest period after the workers had finished their lunch he would read from the newspaper items about what was .going on in the. USSR as well as other parts of the world. It was not unusual for him to make such a statement as "You can see how fortunate you are here in Russia Where your children can receive free education. In the 'capitalist countries' only the very rich can afford to Bend their children to school". In addition, he had assistants stationed in each of the 32 kolkhozy.to keep an eye on the workers, listen to their conversations and report any suspicious remarks to him. CONFIDEUTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ?50-Yr2013/04/19:CIA-RDP82-00047R00040096nnm_9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/04/19:CIA-RDP82-00047R000400260006-2 8. 50X1 -3- ? e) CobradeBrand. He was Directoil'of't116'M. Although:h.ehad,41 Gertan name, he never spoke German, nor, would he admit. 50X1 Wasa German. his first name mentioned; he was always 'addressed asnamrade" Brand.- He was eboUt 42 years of age', a large man with an exceptionally deep voice, a loyal Party member and. 'it was only possible to speak to him for perhaps five minutes and that only on business. He lived ;with his wife and in a large house in Voeneeensh. ; b) Mr. ,(fnu) Horun. He Was Chief AgronamistiAal:i -48 years of clean ShaVen, dark blonde hair and wore glasses. 50X1 he was definitely not a -Communist, It was rumored on the MTS that he was one of the ?best agronomists in the Ukraine and for this reason he was retained. by the Soviets l as they knew if they let'hid'go they 50X1 coUld not eaSilY-replace him. Great pressure was out on him to join the Party, but he never about 50X1 Layout of MTS 9. I have located on the sketch (see sketch II) the. plan of the MS, the numbers below corresponding to those on the sketch. 1) This was a red brick building containing two rooms: a) This was the larger of the two roams and had a stage at one end where movies were shown and. where plays, either braught from Vosnesensk or produced by station workers, were occasionally presented. b). This was a smaller roam where the Director, his assistants . and kolkhozy chairmen met to discuss the quotas, iet by the Government. in Moscow, which must be metduring the coming season. 2) A .concrete block building with a grey tile roof whichebntained a laboratory where three or four men were constantly testing soil, experimenting with various fertilizers, etc. . This building was constructed of concrete block, with a grey tile roof, and. contained the following.: a) This section was divided into four separate ,rooms One . entered a reception roam, which bad behind it a club roam forAOlkhoz chairden. To the right of the door was the office of the Chief Agronomist and behind that .his own small laboratory. COLTIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/19 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400260006-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/19 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400260006-2 Office of the Political Worker and the Director's secretary. b) Office of the Director of the MTS. : -; 4) A large red. brick werehouse with large wooden doors opening onto a loading platform .,Thich ran along the entire front of the building. It housed. all the parts necessary to rapair the various farm machines. 5) A large red. brick building, with a red. tile roof SM. W9Pien dopra along the front, containingi a) Garage for tractors b) Stock room for small parts and tools., c) Shop where all repair. work was done. 6) Fuel station from which gasoline, oil and. grease were supplied to the machinery, of the Imrs and. the 32,1tolkhOzy. There were under- ground tanks here as well as above grouzul, 7) A large wooden shelter ,Where combines, plows and other farm machinery were kept. Chief Agronomist teat Corn Vege- tables Sketch I (see next page for Sketch II) CONFIDENTIAL/BBOUFFICIALS ONLY Political _ Inspector :One inspector in each of 32 kol- khozy Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/19 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400260006-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/19 : CIA-RI5P82-00047R000400260006-2 uw. I CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/19 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400260006-2