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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved J9Sr Release -2.(L2014/11/04 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 � 1,0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR DATE DISTR. V-`7 Niar 1954 -"J SUBJECT Water Supply (Hydraulic Improvements) NO. OF PAGES 50X1 50X1 PLACE NO. OF ENCLS. 9 ACQUIRED (LISTED BELOW) (A, By Cy D, E) DATE SUPPLEMENT TO ACQU I RED REPORT NO. 50X1 DATE OF INFORMATION: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTIN4 THE NATIONAL DEFENSE 50X1 OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE IS, SECTIONS 793 AND 394, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVS. CATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT Dr AN UNAUTHORISED PERSON IS THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION PROHISITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIRITED. l. The water supply for agriculture and for the rural population in Imperial (Tsarist) Russia was very unsatisfactory. In the southern and south- eastern areas it was so bad that there were frequent crop failures and epidemics of sickness among the population. Sometimes conflagrations destroyed entire villages because there was no water for fire fighting. 2. The USSR authorities actually gave some attention to the water supply for the agricultural population, but for a long time this attention wax limited to good wishes and general projects in the Gosplan state Planning Commissiog. 3. A series of publications and other material issued by the agricultural section of the Gosplan provides the possibility of understanding all the funda- mentals which formed the basis for the plans for improvements, as well as their basic principles. The following main considerations were to be observed in all plans for agricultural improvements; A. Systematic computation of the needs of agricultural improvements in the various zones and the possibilities - natural, technical and economic for their achievipment. 4.4A scheme for consistent realization of the first systematic plan. G E FOR. ARE'::, CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL DISTRIBUTION ORR EV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 CONFIDENTIAL -2- 4.. In order to work out such a plan it was necessary to establish first the basic principles to guide the creators of the plan. Such principles were: An Greater productivity of agriculture in the USSR. This principle 50X1 must determine the character of improvements and their need by individual zones. B. The creation of an organization to assist agricultural economy on the territories of the USSR, based on considerations of a strategic character. This principle means consistency and intensiveness in the carrying out of improvements in individual zonea. . The need for improvements and their feasibility were determined by three groups of leading factors: A. Natural: climate, hydrological conditions and chaiacter of soil; B. General economic: land, rural economy and economic conditions; C. Strategic considerations. 6. In the territory of European USSR these factors were divided unequally, varying according to the separate zones. These differences, especially those pertaining to nature, follow definite laws. The changes in nature follow the direction from the northwest to the southeast of the USSR. The factors of agricultural economy and economics change in the direction from the southwest to the northeast. And, finally, strategic factors change from north to south. 7. On the basis of the characteristics noted above, all the territory of the European USSR fell into definite meliorative zones. The improvements needed in each zone varied in kind and form, intensity of technics, and economics. The state plan for meliorations in the agricultural economy were to be drawn up according to zones. (See Enclosure A). The basic principles of plans for improvements on the one hand, aad the natural and economic conditions of the margin areas on the other, were to determine the main types of improvements in various zones, and the outlines (See Enc3osures C, DI. and E) of various zones serve as a guide. The facts shown thereon give a picture of the distribution of waste lands in European USSR, and prove its conformity with the directions of the climatic factors. 8. The main reason for the existence of waste lands lies in the absence of regular natural increases and decreases in moisture in the soil, as needed by agriculture. The regulation of moisture in the soiL must be taken as the basic factor in the irrigation improvements on the territroy of Europeaa USSR. The need of soils and vegetation for moisture is tied to the intensity of evaporation caused by climatic conditions in each zone and, consequently, by a proportionate shortage of limpidity in the air and by the temperature of the air. 9. If the rate of evaporation in the upper soils an vegetation is represented by the symbol E, the increase of moisture by p, and the average coefficient of drainage for a zone by "el!, the average coefficient of natural increases and decreases of moisture is indicated by the formula e:,4:7P . On the basis of the above formula, Professor A. rallalm. (Director crf the Research Institute of Plelioratization.and author of many technical books) figured out the average coefficients and classified them in a table (See Enclosure B). 10. The entire territory of European USSR can be divided into the following zones on the basis of the formula: x P An The zone where the ratio e i --E--- s nlways over 1.0 which indicates this zone has the necessary amount of moisture; B.The zone where the ratio E" e x P ' is between 0.5 and 1,25, according --" to season and location, which is a zone of inconstant moisture. e x P C. The zone where the ratio -Es� ia always under 1.0, which indicates this zone is one of insufficient moisture, or arid. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240Ong-i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 11. CONFIDENTIAL -3- If the coefficients for each guberniya obtained from the formula are traced on a chart, the entire territory of European USSR can be divided into three large zones: A. The north northwest none, having sufficient moisture, including the following provinces: Arkhangel'skaya, Vologodskyal Olentskayal Leningradskayal Novgorodskaya� Pskovskaya� Minskayal Mbgilevskaya, Smolen- skaya, Tverskaya� Yaroslavskaya, Kbstromskaya, and parts of Kaluzhskaya and Vladimir skaya. B. The central zonelhaving inconsistent moisture, includes the following provinces: Volynskayal Podoliskaya, Klevskaya, Chernigovskaya, Poltavakaya� Orlovskaya, Kurskaya, Kharkovskaya, Tul'skaya, Ryatanskaya, Nizhegorodskaya, Tambovskaya� Penzenskaya, Kazanskaya, Vyatskaya, Permskayal Ugimskayal and pa,-t of Nbskovskaya, Vladimirskaya and Orenburgskaya. C. The south southeastern zone, having insufficient moisture, includes the following provinces: Saratovskaya, Astrakhanskaya, Donskaya oblast, Ekaterinoslavakaya, Tavricheskaya, Khersonskayal Bessarabskaya, Ural'skaya, and Samarskaya. Enclosures: (A) (B) (c) (D) (E) 50X1 -end- 50X1 Outline of meliorative zones. Average coefficient of natural increases and decreases of moisture. Approximate Area of unproductive lands by separate proviaces in thousand desyatinas (2.70 acres). Approximate Areas of sands in thousand desyatinas (2.70 acres). Exact lengths of waterways in versts per 1,000 square versts of area by separate provinces. LIERARY SUiJELr ASZEA C;;:. DES CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 ENCLOSURE A Meliorative zone Northern Northwestern. Western Southwestern Central agricultural Central industrial Northeastern Southeastern Southern CONFIDENTIAL Outline of Meliorative hones The zones comprise of ap provinces below: Arkhangel'skaya Vologodskaya Olonetskaya Leningradskaya Novgorodskaya Pskovkskaya Tverskaya Moglievskaya Minskaya Vitelskaya Klevskaya Podoliskaya Poltavskaya Chernigovskaya Volynskaya Kurskaya Kharkovskaya Orlovskaya Tambovskaya Voronezhskaya Moskovskaya Tverskaya Viadimirskaya Byazanskaya Tul'skaya Khluzhskaya Nizhegorodskaya Kostronskaya Permskaya Vyatskaya Ufimskaya Kazanskaya Orenburgskaya Ultyanovskaya Simbirskaya Saratovskaya Samarskaya Astrakhanskaya Uraltskaya Orenburgskaya Khersoaskaya Ekaterinoslavakaya Tavricheskaya Donskaya �blast Stavropol'skaya CONFIDENTIAL Main forms of improvements 50X1 Extensive drainage of fields and forests. Regulation and channelling of rivers. Partial drainage of forests and fields. Drainage of fields for Intensive crops. More extensive drainage of fields and forests by open ditches. Drainage of meadows and fields prepared for intensive crops. Intensive drainage of fields and meadows, using water-lifting machinery for irrigation of fields and gardens. Irrigation of fields by canals. Irrigation of meadows by flooding. Reinforcement of banks of gullies. Drainage of forests. Intensive drainage of meadows. Rein- forcement of banks of gullies. Extensive drainage of meadows and forests. Flooding. Various types of drainage and reinforcement of banks of gullies. Various types of drainage and reinforcement of banks of gullies. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 CONFIDENTIAL ENCLOSURE B 50X1 Average coefficient of natural increases and decreases of moisture. Province Coefficient Province Coefficient Arkhangel'skaya 1.68 Tavricheskaya 0.65 Vologodskaya 1.51 Khersonskaya 0.50 Olonetskaya 1.60 Beasarabskaya 0.60 Leningradskaya 1.67 Urallskaya 0.27 Novgorodskaya 2.00 Kurskaya 0.80 Pskovskaya 1.77 Kharkovskaya 0.82 Tverakaya 1.62 Voronezhskaya 0.85 Vitebskaya 1.81 Tul'skaya 1.05 Minskaya 1.55 Mbskovskaya 1.35 Mogilevskaya 1.45 Vladimirskaya 1.40 Smolenskaya 1.55 Ryazanskaya 1.01 Volynskaya 1.23 Kostromskaya 1.55 Podol'skaya 0.90 Nizhegorodskaya 1.10 Kievakaya 0.88 Tambovskaya 0.93 Chernigovskaya 1.35 Penzenskaya 0.93 PoltaAskaya 0.80 Kazanskaya 0.96 Orlovskaya 1.20 Vyatskaya 1.10 Saratovskaya. 0.60 Permskaya 1.20 Astrakhanskaya 0.24 Ugimskaya 1.19 Donskaya �blast 0.51 Orenburgskaya 0.56 Ekaterinoslavskaya 0.68 Samarskaya 0.48 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 CONFIDENTIAL ENCLOSURE C 50X1 Approximate Area of Unproductive Lands by Separate Provinces in Thousand Desyatinas (2.70 Acres). Area Province Absolute Arkhangelfskaya 38,948 Vologodskaya 1,911 Olonetskaya 1,465 Leningradskaya 625 Pskovskaya 616 Novgorodskaya 1,944 Tverskaya 677 �Yaroslavakaya 245 Kostromskaya 596 Vladimirskaya 327 Mbskovskaya 5oscof 166 Kaluzhskayagalugej 117 Tultskaya ffuli7 80 Ryazanskaya 252 Orlovskaya fsreg 197 Kurskaya 145 Voronezhskaya 344 Tamboskaya 291 Penzenskaya en47 -- Saratovskaya 694 Simbirskaya 210 Nizhegorodskaya 336 Area Percentage Province Absolute Percentage 54.3 5.3 Kazanskaya Vyatskaya ffyatkg 302 450 5.3 3.0 12.2 Permskaya 2,077 7.0 15.5 Ufimskaya 855 8.0 16.7 Orenburgskaya 1,895 11.3 19.3 Samarskaya 1,515 11-0 12.1 Astrakhanskaya 2,923 25.0 7.8 Kharkovskaya 330 6.�, 7.9 Poltavskaya 162 3.6 7.9 Chernigovskaya 343 7.6 5.6 Kievskaya 268 5.9 4.2 Volynskaya 710 11.5 2.9 Podoliskaya 180 4..9 6.7 Bessarabskaya 162 4.8 Khersonskaya 279 4..3 3.5 Tavricheskaya 453 3.3 5.9 Ekaterinoslavakaya 351 6.1 4.9 Donskaya Oblast 1,433 10.0 10.0 Vitebskaya 680 17.6, 10.2 Smolenakaya 446 7.3 4.9 Mogilevskaya 656 15.( 7.4 Minakaya 1,690 21.9 Note: In reality the unproductive land areas were much larger because test surveys (1938) of certain provinces such as Moscow prOved that the approximate figures of unproductive lands were greatly underestimated. CONFDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 CONFIDENTIAL ENCLOSURE D Approximate Areas of Sands in Thousand Desyatinas (2.70 Acres). Province Area Astrakhanskaya 41000 Donskaya oblast 631 Terskaya oblast 525 Kharkovskaya 114 Poltavskaya 83 Tavricheskaya 81 Chernigovskaya 70 Voronezhskaya 65 Stavropol'skaya 50 Ekaterinoslavakaya 42 Saratovskaya 39 Samarakaya 39 Kievskaya 33 Vladimirskaya 19 Minskaya 19 Volynskaya 17 Tambovskaya 16 Mogilevskaya 15 Khersonskaya x12 Kurskaya 12 Sitburskaya 12 Vitebskaya 7 Orlovskaya 6 Smolenskaya. 3 Ryazanskaya 3 Penzenskaya 2 110 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1 CONFIDENTIAL ENCLOSURE E Exact Lengths of Waterways in Versts (1.067 KM) per 1,000 sclare verits of area by separate provinces Province Length vents Province Length versts Leningradskaya 136.4 Ullyanovskaya 28.0 Novgorodskaya 115.2 Vladimirskaya 27.8 Pskovskaya 102.1 Ryazanskaya 25.6 Olonetskaya 100.3 Orlovskaya 25.1 Minskaya 91.7 Kievskaya 23.5 Vitebskaya 91.3 Penzenskaya 21.3 Kaluzhskaya 82.0 Orenburgskaya 19.0 Tverskaya 82.0 Tambovskaya 18.3 Kostromskaya 80.0 Khersonskaya 15.9 Mogilevskaya 62.4 Voronezhskaya 15.0 Smolenskaya 59.9 Kurskaya 14.4 Yaroslavskaya 53.0 Saratovskaya 13.2 Vyatskaya 52.3 Donskaya �blast 12.6 Permskaya 42.2 Samarskaya 12.3 Moskovskaya 40.2 Podol'skaya 11.6 Ufimskaya 40.0 Ekaterinoslavskaya 10.6 Chernigovskaya 38.1 Astrakhanskaya 10.0 Nizhegorodskaya 37.4 Poltavskaya 8.7 Arkhangel'skaya 35.9 Kharkovskaya 5.3 Volynskaya 35.8 Tavricheskaya 3." 0 Kazanskaya 35.5 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400240009-1