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Appo 120004 v d Fg IL'AelR6%20COM&RDP82-000478000400 - '17. AS INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY China SUBJECT Conditions in Toy-Shan District, Kwangtun; Province PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFORM&TI0N 25X1 O F, TM[V UDI TEO STAID,.. IT.IN T.! .l NN 1.. 01 TI TL! 1.1 SECTI ONE 763 AMY 70.1 01 THE U.E. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TNANSIIISSION DN Nl VE. LOTION 01 ITS [ON 1[Nl{ T.0 ON S[C[IIT EV ?. UAU T.ON IZNO /[111 DN IE ISONIIIT[D It LA.. THE NDIN000CT10N 01 7 . ....... If IN-.INITSO. 25X1 1. 25X1 DATE DISTR. /:I- NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 25X1 After the Chinese Communists assumed control of the country, to 0 25X1 the "landlord class" =was forced 2 5X1 farm work on an almost slave labor basis. For example, for a period of two years worked on farms from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, seven days a week. After 25X1 two years was paid a thousand dollars in "People's Currency," which is 25X1 25X1 5? 25X1 25X1 6. 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X equivalent to less than USJ4. During this entire period permitted to buy more than Ii. oz of rice per day. see mea?or any vegetables for more than two years. I crops in South China have been very bad recently and there is great shortage of practically everything. People are currently using peanut oil for cooking and there is not much of that available. There is no meat on the market and practically no vegetables. Most of the foodstuffs raised in the area .are taken away by the Communist authorities. However, there is enough salt, GJ/~ I I? cats and dogs in the are because they tirould have to be fed. 25X1 8. I although the landlords are almost all liquidated, as of 1953, .some small-independently owned stores are still open. As a matter of fact, many are not permitted to close by order of the authorities. However, any money that thew store makes is ompt],y, takef &wa3 y,? ng) er ? If a store S~-Ew LAS +T ? i d N ~? .. CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL 4[T[OFTTII+ N i- Approved For Release 2003%68%06: CIA-RDP82-00047R000400120004-9 the Communist authorities have even taken all of the Approved For Releastj~QJOCIA-RDP82-000478000400120004-9 25X1 owner refuses to give the authorities any money and says that he has none, he is beaten up until he furnishes a little. He is then beaten up again for having lied in the first place. 9. when the Communists first came in and talked about land reform many of the poor farmers were extremely happy. They were favor- 25X1 able to the Communists as they felt they were getting something for nothing. However, they have found that even though they got some land, production quotas and taxes are so high that they have nothing left and they have done all their work for nothing. Consequently, as of 1953, there is growing hatred against 25X1 the Communists, even among those who at first were for them. the hopelessness of the people's position is leading to a steady increase in the number of suicides. The people just cannot take the hunger and the torture they are subjected to when they have no hope for any possible changes in conditions. 11. Surveillance of the people by the authorities is constant, and particularly so for those in the "landlord class."* It is necessary for everyone, however, to get an official permit to go visit friends outside the village, and they are given just so much time. They are searched by the police when they return to their homes just to make sure that they did not obtain any guns, knives, or other contraband, However, when the Communists first assumed control they confiscated all guns and all larger knives, so actually there is nothing of this sort to be had. 25X1 your;men of 16 or 19 are told that there are "good jobs" 2 5X1 available for them elsewhere and they are taken away. Their relatives do 25X1 not know where they have gone and they never come back, Their relatives never 25X1 13. they did not hear much about the Korean war inlIvillage 2 5X1 as there are no newspapers available, no radios, and there is not even a loud 25X1 speaker in the village. o news about the USSR, although 2 5X1 this is not surprising because as a member of the "landlord class" no one was permitted to talk Il and even old friends were afraid to s-Peak fl 25X1 25X1 140 25X1 25X1 15. Even in spite of the fact that travel is severely restricted, news does get out of China by way of Hong Kong. 25X1 25X1 All correspondence in and out of China is, of course, censored. Censorship is usually at the village. 16. The Chinese Communists are making great efforts to influence the youth and 25X1 25X1 are succeeding to a great e,:tent. ;ven little children are used as snoops for the Communists and it has gotten to the point where parents are afraid to talk openly to their children, fit was knosnthat the Communi::ts attempted to pump information on parents' opinions and actions from the children. Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400120004-9 Approved For Release i8R6lA-RDP82-00047R000400120004-925X1 -3- 17. In line with this breakdown of traditional respect for elders, it is standard practice for the Communist authorities to howl at old people and upbraid them publicly. They are still permitted to get food, but receive a li .it of 4 oz of rice per day, just as my wife and other members of the "landlord class." 18. Incidentally, members of the "landlord class" are not permitted to go to the market.. They are required to buy their needs from peddlers. They are not permitted to buy more than the absolute maximum requirement for one week, i e, 28 oz of rice, although occasionally they are able to obtain a little salt and sometimes even a small fish, 19. The people in the area used to burn kerosene in their lamps at home, but now there are no more lights as there is no kerosene available and there is nothing else to burn. 20. The Communist authorities confiscated all the people's newer clothes, but did not take any of the old and worn out clothes. 21. As far as controls are concerned, the villages in the Toy-Shan District are usually controlled by people who were formerly farmers. It is obligatory for all farmers and people of the village to attend a meeting every night at which Communist propaganda is featured, 22. There is no industry in the Toy-Shan District. It is strictly a farming area and produces cane sugar, ripe, and vegetables, most of which is now confiscated by the Communists and taken away, no factories 25X1 or other industries being established in the area andl no road 25X1 construction or railroad construction in the area. 23. Prior to World War II, one road through lIvillage which ran from 25X1 Sunchong through Toy-Shan to uonghai. this road, which had 25X 1 been badly battered during the war, is now being rebuilt, although it is still 25X1 mostly dirt. It is about two cars wide at the most and during the rainy season is almost impassable, Ftowever, when the going gets bad, sand and gravel are dumped on the bad places-, There is practically no travel on the road.. 24. As far as possi'ilities of resistance to the Communists are concerned, they are just about nil in the Toy-Shan areao because it is all farm area there is no 25X1 place to hide and there are no supplies for guerrillas to begin with. 781.13 981 L 890.2 981 L 852.1 981 L 896.9 981L 75+?22 981 L 621.42 981L 772.53 IL/C(V) CCI FIDLNTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000400120004-9