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Approved For Release 2004/03/11: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300460002-5 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE -AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Thailand SUBJECT Irrigation and Agriculture 25X1 PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1A DATE DISTR. 30 October 1953 NO. OF PAGES 4 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS 000101X1 CONTAIN/ INIOAYATION A//107111 III NATIONAL Ot 71011 01 TN1 101710 170,1/1 WITHIN TNl YIAN INI 01 11711 101 11071001 117 ANO 7001 01 701 Y?1. 00001 AI 0110111? III TAANIYIIION OA AIYI CATION 07 ITS 000710 TI TO OA 0101111 IT AN YNAYTN0A1110 110100 11 100NIIITI11 IT LAO. TNI AIA010Y1TION 01 THIS 1,61111 11 1000111 TI1. 25X1X 25X1 State-E TMjp.QbZ and Crops. The northern part of Thailand in high and mountainous. Rice, tobacco, soybean, and, temperate vegetables are grown on the plains and in the CLASSIFICATION CORFTAENTIAL z THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2004/03/11: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300460002-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 CIA-RDP82-00047R000300460002-5 CONFIDENTIAL 1 :1 valleys, In places where rivers and streams flour, temporary or perma- ts ,t.;;dam.s Piave been constructed in order to irrigate crop fields. Where utilization of river water is not feasible9crops are grown as upland ~,cropsi and, rraix r3.l ~ is depended upon for water The north- eastern part of Thailand is a high tableland with a dry. climate where dry farming is ectensively practiced, The crops grown are rice, cotton, tobacco, and fibers. Reservoirs are being constructed t'h'"rugh- 'c `,,t,ie,;region in order to utilize the available water for crop pro- duction. The central pact of ilaaaid is ~a wide low flat land which is flooded every year in the latter part of the rainy season. Canals have been constructed to drain`'the excess -water as well as to irrigate the region. A large dean is under construction to control and utilize this excess water. Rice is the major crop grown here, and minor crops in- clude fibers, fruits, and root crops. The eastern part of the country is an undulating land with a humid climate. The crops grown in this region are rice, rubber, and fruits. Where field crops are grown, irrigation is practiced wherever possible. The southern ;part of 'Thailand is quite mountainous and hilly, Ix?ri- gationuis practiced only to a small extent. The crops grown arc rice, ru'tber, :fruits, and root-lcrops. A minor problem is. the lack, of ec ereial fertil3,zerep, Irr,ga ion was stc~rt,.ed about 60 years ago .bar a T uteh. dAgiteer Hamann Vande $ eda.0 erted . ' odirrn irrigg ation b Y surveying he Cenral ... P1~,iP1 4 : n `pzd sh he irri ation project of that:regi' , laying, out. t hi on. Le'. er ~i' nginge"o , tr;%oias Ward, continued the work. In recent years i ^rigation work iii Thailand has been handled by Thai engineers who have studied irrigation in Europa. At?present Zi95 '.1750 thousand acres of ,,lad are irrigated,; The acreage devoted'to.:dz?y farting or grazing has never been estimated. 25X1A1 25X1 2 25X1 The i rigation? s stem o0nsists o , ` dame' 'iA the rivers and reservoirs for the. storage of, wa; r.,, Dietribi Lion of wate'r `is mainly by open canals, arid, tke' entire syaem dgpends . upon gravity ' flow. 25X1 The sources. of water, are rivers which receive water from rainfa only $fince this `provides only a small amount of 'water, irrigation inst?a- tions are of a limited size. There are a few large rive- e -vh` th have ntt yet. been, used as sources for. irrigation water., .T' Royal Irri- gation Department has :plans to tap these :,sources in the future..-, 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/11: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300460002-5 Approved For Release 2004/03/11: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300460002-5 COMIDMVIAL 99CURI e IMMIATION 'l fie moe't important irrigation iz sballat i.ozi is the Rama VI Dam.' which- a:diirersion-dai in the Central Plain., :Thie dam, 'as well-as;;others, s ? constructed and is . managed 'by the ` Royal frrI tion Depax t ient.o . r.6ve me t spbaadethip ana'Cirianciftg am responsible or the, develop t of ,irrigation Aiietallations.. 'Pri to eapi L,;L and initiat4ive are 6f'very+small importance in this matter. :The' Miniitryc of Agriculture established' the Royal Irrigations Depart+ ,ettt' to zzia ge and~ further, develop irrigation work., There ,are no priva~to organizations which, are concerned with irrigation. The tflayal rri?igetion :Department ha,s ; definite program, for: future ? im-. arbvemant% of irtigat ion,?? the 'main point, of which is to increase the area under cultivation by constructing dame and reservoirs and by d rtr rplYl iza flood ' ,tl .6rs:b The general production level of agriculture is progressively rising e h' y er.. %Mddern fazing a ad? x0rigatioia :prra.cticee are improving ~t x?'th.e; old established patt'erias 'of Thailand society, The Thai ff drI A have' open minds and are: progressive. They readily accept 2i v way's? of doing. things aftser dem?instretioris 'shave proven to. them . ? that the new way is bsensibie? and `prac?tical... 'P'roduction will bLa increased after, the - Chao Pbya Prb~ect has been completed. If all proposed irrigation improvements are finished in a. f uti e, ? he orop ,prod action ^wii1 ? be, increased a . great. deal,. but- : 11o. actual est`inates can be given. *Irainage `. Some of the soils contain some alkalis and. other salts. Numerous drainage "canals have- ben constructed to 'drain -.the surplus :water into Itl a sea Drainage facilities, are financed by the Thai Government and the work is done through the Royal Irrigation Depa?tment. The high v ter- .table ;, ,uri ag. the ,rainy sea m. is ..the .z 1adz . problem. ltez~^ials Nand E~t,pm.+erf $ 'Irrigation equipment is obtained from the US, Japan, and some European countries. However, most irrigation and drainage work is done by band d imports .of machiriery and. equipment, are not great, , No accurate figures can be given. of how much; irrigation and drainage work is dome: by machinery and how much by band. There is a campaign to promote .the use of more equipment in this",work. CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/11: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300460002-5 Approved For Release 2004/03/11: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300460002-5 CONFI NTIAL Govea;mment regulations or exchange considerations do not affect acquisition of irrigation equipment and machinery. Most indim visual farmers-: can ,purchase small items of equipment if available at reasonable prices.. The Ministry of Cooperatives helps, farmers to,?aequire expensive equipment ,for their work-by providing loans at reasonable interest. ?I:mnd:.Ownershi -and Use 25X1 25X1A 25X1 Most farmers on their ?own:land,'and although the average farm 11 mall., this, system, of land.ownership ' doe3 not hinder the develop- me-t of improved irrigation. -facilities. ,The size of the average gem, is about;;-20 acres. '.A large farm would be about one thousand ,acre ?Tie.Thai. Government endeavors to help every farmer own the land he cultivates. The Ministry of Cooperatives was established partly in:order to ;arrange loans,. ~at l ow `Interest ; for farmers and to reclaim .. -land , for, use, by . new settlers. '; toelerta.: farming. methods are taking hold very well. To a great extent agr3oulturp?.;oan; be; im roved: thrpugh mecYaanization...,' he size of the ?farqm..dpes not hinder mecbauizetion, but the lack. of, finances; and 1owled,ge regarding, machinery:gx?eetiy hinders ~ wide spread mechanize,tion 25X1 ?lmparoved farming knowledge can be better disseminated through :agri- qultu$l,scheole and,,experiment,stations. Other means are news-. ,pars,, radio, schools, and demonstrations, 25X1 The officials of.the,Ministry of Agriculture of Thailand are technically, cc petent,; and they sincerely desire. to better agri- euZture and G ter J ~I Gz/,.s"/3 7 2 3; 5- X z? 1~ Z 3, 32 ~v 72/, 3/ 722, I. . 103, 67/ CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2004/03/11: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300460002-5