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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA:WbP82-00047R000300310009-4 CLASSIFICATION SECRET/SECURITY INFO CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT 50X1 Aug 1953 COUNTRY ussR DATE DISTR. SUBJECT Yudin.9 P F/Chesnokovs, P IMitinp IC A NO. OF PAGES 3 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQU I RED 50X1 DATE OF INFORMATION 50X1 50X1 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE IS, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF TEE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPt DY AN UNAu100RIE(0 REPS. IS PROHIBITED DT LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF TNIS;FORM IS PROHIBITEO. NO, OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 50X1 1. Ilislaa Pavel Feroforovich \1928 the Institute of Red Professorate Yudin was a second-year student. Yndin is very tall, h curly blon r, is either a Jew or a i ari0, At that time he VW about thirty years old and now should be about fifty- sive. Among his fellow students Yudin was regarded as an active Party worker, being a secretary of the party cell of the Department of Philosophy of the Institute. The director of the Institute at that time was Iglizieziky. while the director of the Department of Philosophy, under whom Yudin studied, was Peborin. (He is still alive, but at one time he was ie disfavor a) By 1930 Yudin was the ecretary of the entire Institute es Party e11 and managed to obtain a ticket admitting him to the 16th Party Congress. This VW the beginzing-of hia active general Tarty work. in 50X1 2. At approximately the same time the ao-called "theoeetieal" brigades for the purpose ef,expoeing nrightiat deviationists!., were or-ganY.zed and, Yudin headed the "philosophy brigade" whose task was to expoee the school. of Dukharin. Although this brigade led by Yudin, its nominal he was Mitina who W45 alreadr a faculty Member of the Institute. Other metbers of the brigade were Raltzevich; KOa tantinova present editor of the magazine, The Questions of Philosophy"1 _Feodoseev, who eems to be coming up again l'osnelov, now a mere- ber of the Central Committee and Majall. Although Yudin was the yo L4Uest of the entire group, he played the most dynamite role ia exposi the Bukharinites. The impression created by Yudin could be described by his following qualifi- qations which, although they contributed to his success, may also constitute a threat for his future career. The main 'horse' which he rides is his strong ability to 7smell things out") anda keen urderstRnding of the trends of evens and thinking of the Central Committee of the Party based on the Lenin-Stalin philosophy, which in the. last analysis is the leading theoretic thinking in the Soviet Union. This is his most prized qaalificatio . His second qaali- fication, which to this day was proved helpful to him, is his aggressiveness and strength with which he paseente and defends his views. He does this with extreme fanaticism which betrays his theoretical intolerance toward all CLASSIFICATION SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION State EV ON Ix] P58 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300310009-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/04/03:CIA-RDP82-00047R000300310009-4 ? SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION - 2 - 50X1 oppositional thinking, and it may prove to be a dangerous one for his future career. His third ?qualification is his one-sided Party-training which dominates his scientific work. 4. It is questionable how profound Yudines education and knowledge of the theoretical philosophy is, as he is not credited with many important theoretical writings on the subject. He did go through a very intensive course on Marxism under Deborin, philosophy under Luvob 44111r2i, while his other instructors were Rubin, Bukharinv Pokrovsky, and Rozhkov. How- ever, Yudinls graduation from school was not quite normal and while in his last year of school he was already appointed-director of the Department of 50X1 Philosophy. This, of course, VAS strange and Pokrovaky was re- sponsible for the rapid advancement of Yudin wver the heads of his instructor, Deborin? or Pospelov who was already a member of the Central Committee. 50X1 5. Mitickregards to Yudinis outlook toward the West, it it be recalled that during WorldiVer,II_,: he was an internationalist and there is no evidence of his changing from that policy. He is a definite Lenin-Stalitiat to this day. , . . , YudinA.Oesnotdrink or SMOse, He is definittlyTan ideological Communist and his career follows his ideology. He Is calm, i.menrtional, tries to reason with hiSnlind rather than his heart, determined, very capable,. He can also be described as being very disciplined, clever, self-restrained and secretive. He knows how to conduct discussions, is-a strong arguer and a good orator. ,Atobirake. 7. His relations with people around him seem to be correct and butane and, in spite of his-high poiitionvhe.is very modest. He can,Wbest described as a good workhorse of Stalinism. His career is absolutely independent of Malftakov,but KaA44;0144, nirig! and Mblotov had direct bear ng on it, as WIE-raus in close contact them.-Wicould be described generally as representing the theoretical elite as opposed to MaIenkov who heeds the bureaucritic.leliterorthe Soviet UrtiGn. .= 8. However, it is beginning to appear that udies stock is now quoted a little lower than it was,prior to the 19th Congress. At this Congress ggicaluys a student of Yudin was taken into he Presiftum. while ,Yudinbaconly an.2 alternate. This decision of the Congress could serve as a barometer of Xudin's career, as Chesnokov, who is a second-rater in comparison to Yudin, actually overtook him. It is possible that some of the above-mentioned ' traits of Yudin are catching up with him, or it may be the question of the Kremlin groupings, as Chesnokov is, of Course, much closer to Melenkov. In general, if the Stalinists are slated to fade away, Yudin will go, as his present situation le difficult and the only thing that may save him is his tliarty scent.'1 10. 50X1 cheibbor?alesnokov graduated from the Department of Philosophy, Institute Of nea'Progpssorate in 1935 or 1936i iep,, A little later than Yudia who already had-be&MOA.Xs,director.' Chesnokov did some writing on the subject of'currerlt Party45hiloa,90vo a sort of propaganda work, but he proved to-Ke,a mediocre propagandfte diptinguiehed himself during his debate with Alexandrov, the Chief of '6'.e Ptop4g3'da Section of the Central Committee, Che pokov, who is now approximately forty-five years of age, was orginallY put forward in 1946 by Zhdanov. Nov he can be placed in Malenkov's camp as the lattO4s leading trump against Yudin. 50X1 He is 50X1 (- SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300310009-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300310009-4 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION - 3 - 50X1 prepared to write op any theme. In this connection Chesnokov could be exploited much easier than Yudin who h his own strong convictions. ll Mitin# K A - Mitin is a member of the Central Committee and to him belongs the job of putting into order the Yudin brand of the Lenin-Stalinist philosophy. He taught Yudin in the Academy of the-C=1=1st Education Krupsky. 1928-1930. He mist be. about sixty years of age. He is 50X1 tall, thin pale, and. very dry. .He belonged. to the group of Party ascetics. n a very dry in his relations with others. A an of few words end. an average orator, very nervous, but not hysterical. 3.2. By virtue of his background, Mitin felt out of place among. the theoreticians and philosophers of the, Communist doctrine and because of this he remained. in shadow for a long time it was only during the period of the straggle against the rightist opposition, when unknOwn people were recruited. without regard to their background, as long as they went along with the Party, /Attila became a little. miSre prominent. Particularly he began to stand. out as. supporter of Yudints ideas, to which he .gave th.eoretical expression. This may explain the reason why Yudin end. Mitin always write. together. The lack of theoretical knowledge on the part is co lamented by the other. 13. One .cennot 'expect personal initiative or creative ability from Mitin as he 50X1 puts in order Yudinte ideas on philopopiw. Difitin'owes his advancement to his contact with Yudin. The entire circle a theoretical agitators it. the Central Committee are &tints pupils or colleagues. Thus, the whole propaganda apparatus of the Party steads behind. Mitin and. Xudin. 14. Now Wi,J1 thwdeparture of :Yudin for underground-work in:the Cominfonn, the direction of the institute of Philosophy of the Aaademy of Sciences is in the handl of SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300310009-4