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~19:~ v Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300270004-4 CLASSIFICATION SECRET/SECURITY INFO. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Hungary SUBJECT Status of Medical Research PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED BY 50X1T DATE DISTR. S3 NO OF PAGES 6 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. P14TE 0 F? THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION APEECTINO THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OE THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 16, SECTION, 711 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANNMIS11 ON DR REVS. LOTION 0 ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT SV AN UMAUTHORIDEE PC RSON IS PEOHIIITEO SV LOW. THE REPSODUCTION CF THIN POEM IS PEOHISITES. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. Prior to the Communist takeover in Hungary, medical research was sub- sidized by a number of different private agencies. Although some of 50X1 the funds supplied by these agencies originated with the Hungarian government, nevertheless, their actual administration was handled by the private agencies which distributed them. Perhaps the best known of thes.= agencies was the Prince Eszterhazy Foundation. There were also banks and various individuals who contributed funds for research through various private agencies as is at present the case in the US. There was also a Hungarian organization similar to the US National Research Council and another council which controlled the granting of foreign research fellowships. All of these research organizations became centralized in 1948 or 1949 and at present [1953] the only -agency having charge of research is the Hungarian Academy of Sciences which is of course completely politically dominated and is essentially a government agency. Its president is Istvan Rusznyak who is also a member of the Hungarian Supreme Soviet. Vice pres en s are Tibor Erdey-Gruz who is Minister of Education and Pal Gombas who is Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Polytechnical Institute in Budapest. The control of this one agency over research is absolute and includes the appointment of people to various positions, the financial support of research programs and even decisions as to the nature of the research projects to be undertaken. Hardly any researchers are given authority as far as individual initiative is concerned except some of the older well-established men who continue running their own affairs to a limited extent. 2. The Hungarian Academy of Sciences has a very mixed membership. Some of the older members who joined either because of pressure or for opportunistic reasons are very good professionally since they received their training under the old system. Ninety per cent of the members, however, have been relatively newly elected and of this group only about 50X1 one half are good scientists. The rest are purely po i ical. CLASSIFICATION SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300270004-4 tinwi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300270004-4 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 50X1 3. The present [1953) tendency of Hungarian research, as might be expected, is to imitate Soviet scientific theory to as great an extent as possible including complete acceptance of its dogmas, e.g. Michurin and Lyssenko in biology and Pavlov's "neurism" in physiology and medicine. Hungarian scientists of prominence and integrity have been forced publicly to support these theories. In the clinical research fields, professors and lecturers have been brought from the USSR for indoctrination purposes. Surprisingly enough, however, these Soviet professors and lecturers were retained in their positions in Hungary but returned to to USSR after they had served their purpose. 11. In spite of this domination of Hungary by the Soviets in the field of scientific theory, Soviet science has made much of an imprint on Hungarian medical science. Traditionally, most Hungarian 50X1 research work on clinical subjects and some on the . eore cal subjects has been influenced by German science. There are, of course, exceptions to this.. Research in physiology and biochemistry, for example, followed British patterns rather closely and in the fields of neurology and neuro- surgery, US influence was most pronounced. 5. In post World War II Hungarian medical research, the emphasis is on practical results and tremendous efforts have been made to forge ahead in fields in which Hungarian medicine has lagged behind. a. b. c.. Work under Mi;'aly Gerendas on blood coagulating agents.. d. Development of various drugs used in the treatment of' The problems and production of antibiotics. Blood substitutes and a coordinated regional blood bank program. how successful the latter has- been since attempts have been underway for two years to organize this -nrogram. e ? ...Work- by Bruno Straub and, associates on museu .a r. physiology. TB which is, of course, Hungary's No l killer. Some streptomycin is being used in this treatment but 0 ?50X1 it is imported. Drugs which have beep developed `ate: are being produced in 'Hungary for- this treatment. include rimifon (sp) which- is US`b:ydrazid .and PAS (para-amino-salycilic acid) plus others. 6. Prior to the Communist takeover Hungarian hospitals as a rule were'?under the'over all supervision of the Ministry of-Internal Affairs and the university clinics and medical schools were under the Ministry of Education. In 19+6 the Ministry of Public Welfare took over the department of hospitals.:' from'the Inner Affairs Ministry but the medical schools still continued under the Ministry of Education. There has been another change within the last six months or so and I believe that both hospitals and medical schools are now [1953 under one single ministry. 7. The leading institutions where medical research is carried on in Hungary today [1953 are the followings a. Medical faculty of the University of Budapest (Orvosi Fakoltas, EBtvSs Lorand Tudomanyegyetem)?. Research here is centered in the theoretical and clinical research departments. In general these are fairly well equipped except that following World War II the Soviets removed a great deal of scientific equipment and all of this has not been replaced. The university . SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300270004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300270004-4 SECR /SECURITY ]1F'ORMATION 3' -.. . xeceiyed very :little damage during World War II.. is the case with many. US - medical schools.,, research. 'is.located, at various hospital clinics throughout the city,. Conditions described here for,-the University of Budapest are also in general true for the other ,three Hungarian medical schools,. i.e.,Pecs, Szeged and Debrecen. research organizations within the university since as National Institute of Public Health (Orezagos zegeszsegagyi Inte.zet.), Gyali.ut 1, Budapest; This splendidly equipped institution was; set up by ,the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1930's and combines, ..research facilities for public health,-.,bacteriology and virus research with a very good school for public. health nurses.., It was slightly damaged during World. war11:, co Rentral Research Institute (Kg ont? Kutato Intezet), i ut, 90-96. (.2 ), Budapest uiiZS :.was 50X1 , established in Budapest. in 1 or a so e purpose of'. centralizing university and other' research.. 50X1 it is well. equipped d. "Phylaxia", Budapest. This drug firm has large research facilities and is the chief source:bf';Hungarian research in immunology and, antibiotics.' 3t: has 50X1 recently. been enlarged,. 8. In general Hungarian: :research" facilities are adequately equipped for their present research programs except in those.fitlds'.in yrhieh Hungarian science has lagged behind.:. "Particularly bad in this reapact is research pp. bioptysics since neither radio-isotopes or any'equipment is available. As far as other fields are concerned:. very complicated ihstrument.s and. very simple' instru- mints:,, are ailahle. in sufficient quantity to. meet present'. needs. ,The r.,eabsn.-:for-this .:is.that the' very simple instruments are being produced:iu. H?ary, and: rgoxer has been made available :.for ? purchase abroad,. especiall`. if,'$v'edeta end .Switaer3.and:;, of . the very complicated: instruments such. as electron-wicro`scopes. ' There has., however, been a definite: shortage of standard but more:.complicated equipment, if .this.. dibtinetion can, be, drawn... Such equipmentwas formerly imported'from..Germany where, of course, the Wax: 11. and is very. well, equipped. . e. State Biological. Research Institute (Allami Biologiai Kutato Intezet) Tiha'ny o,, (Lake Balaton). At :this .place basic... scientific problems..are-' investigated. Work., of this kind is'. being done in the.. fields. of physiology logy', genatics,,,., and soil: baeteria.?. The'. institute. was not. damaged In, World quality was best and the price lowest. At least until recently, no German iports, in quantity have been possible`, Those. 'feu'. lhmgarian~ production faoil,ities .egnipped'to.manufacture this equipment such as the Gamma Factory were socialized and as a result the quality and quantity of their production were vastly reduced. . This shortage includes the'. following:,,. a. Microscopes-and most . optical-:material b. Cameras, photo :appliances and x-.ray .film: a. Microtoaies d. Some analytical glassware nothing worthwhile in the scientific apparatus SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION all of the addresses oi'.all the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300270004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300270004-4 .SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION ?-4 9. Specific scientific. apparatus available in Hungarian. research laboratories . include the following: a. Electron-microscope.. There are at least two of these at thp versity of Budapest which were imported,, from Sweden and one at the Central. Research Institute. b, Tiselius electrophoretic apparatus, There is at-least one at the Central Research Institute. and another at Bruno Straub's laboratory. There are probably others. c. Ultracentrifuge. whether this instrument is,available.. There-were none as of 1947, d. Warburg~Manometer. These are standard equipment in all 'institutes of physics and chemistry. There are,. seven or eight available at, the medical se oo 'a the University of Budapest alone e. Freeze drying. equipment.. this is available at.:the Central Research Ins . u e.. f. Phase microscope. at the Institute of Pathology and Anatomy: at the University .of Budapest and,perhaps elsewhere. Of the above instruments only Warburg manometers are produced in Hungary. The rest have been importedj.mtil.1945_from Germany and more recently from Sweden and. Switzerland. 10. Hungarian medical research laboratories areprobably fairly well stocked with chemicals except:insome fields.,-.There is,. for example, probably now [19537 a shortage.of . certain aniline. dyes which were formerly imported from Germany. Although most laboratories bad large stockpiles of these 50X1 dyes,. la-shortage is:now developing.. 'Routine glassware is pro bably in adequate supply but t czate.kind is.probably not, 50X1 generally available. There is .definnite shortage of.. x-ray 50X1 film throughout the country. 'how-much of the relatively small supply of e o me ca research., Standard medical instruments are probably available in adequate amounts but, as is the case with laboratory instruments, there is probably a definite shortage n- . oix the.-mbre intricate medical'instruments ? especially. those involving :c ptie'a1- systems ',such: as cystoscopes'. 11. Since the entire'. Hungarian Hospital and. out-patient'sys?em has bin...: :.s& ialized,?from the practical point of view every hospital patieht.or =t=patient is.available for research whether he.or..she wishes to-be or nom: addition; the case even'before the Communists took over., .every hospital patient who dies is available for-:obligatory autopsy.. 12. !, hert'are'more people in Hungarian. research-today than. ever before because the'present Communis.t.reg-ime in Hungary favors research. with all possible Means 6, In addition, research workers, enj.ay a very prominent -position; in Hungarian society and are .similar .in, status and salary to "people!.s..artists" and "tpeoplets writers".' an.enviable positibn. In' high salaries, additional: funds: in the form of prizes are also available to such individuals, There has been) however, a,. distinct decline in. the quality of-Hungarian research partly due to a much deteriorated level of education and partly because the selection of people for both ;medical schools :and. research :positions has been based entirely on politics,. On'the basis of,a._number-of Hungarian medical papers World War III' This does not speak too well for the. future of Hungarian medical. research 'since all good research people start being productive at a much younger age than 35- 5. value --T- va ue to Hungarian medical.. journals are less than 35 years old and that the best production is from people who had already started in research before .mpression is that none of the contributors of any SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300270004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300270004-4 SECT ET/SECURITY :INFORMATION -.5..- 13 There.-has always,-been a of train ed.laboratory technicians. 50X1 and no reason why this situation should have improved under the Communists. 50X1 14. Hungarian medical scientists have access to medical journals rrom a ua, US, Germany, Scandinavia, France and the UK, in numbers pro- bably in that order. The university libraries are, of course, particularly well stocked. The largest medical library is the one attached to the medical faculty of the University of Budapest and is located at Ull8i.ut 24-26. It used to contain the best,journal in each medical field from each of the countries listed above. Although foreign Journals are not generally available in summary in the,.Hungarian language, practically all researchers, at least priorto.1911.7, were able to read them in the original, languages except for Russian which only very few were. able to read in.spite of the propaganda to the effect that they. can. In general, US and Scandinavian journals were the most popular... 15. There are a number of medical journals published in Hungary. specifically the following all.,of.which within..the-last two years: 50X1 50X1 a. Orvosok Lapja (Physician's Journal) This is the official organ of the Hungarian Physicians' Trade Union and is published either weekly.or b.i-weekly in the Hungarian.language only. It was started in 1945 and is pure Communist party line. Roswedorvps (Military Physician) Thisis the* official, organ :of ;, the. Hungarian Army Medical Corp and. is a continuation, of a similar publication which was;;started..a long time before the Communist takeover,, It,' is fair in quality and is. published either monthly or bi-monthly;inthe Hungarian language only.,. ;c. Sebe szet,(Surgery) This journal, which: appears either monthly or b-momonthly, is published by ,the F ungarian:Academy. 50X1 It appears0 to be pretty-good.. Although the articles themselves, are printed, In,Hungarian, abstracts in French, German;; -English and Russian .are also furnished., ..tcta ~'hysiologica,Rungar ais published monthly or bi-monthly in the international languages French German, English and _A;:t! Pediatrica Danubiatara, also.appearing monthly or bi--monthly, contai4p..4rticles- in the international. languages It seems also to be pretty good. Acta Me_?iica -Hungarica,, also appearing monthly or big-monthly and- cont$.ining articles in the,international.- languages, is, and does. not even.furnish Hungarian' abstracts.. 50X1 E it is a good journal. published by the Hungarian. Academy and is good.. g. OrvosiHetilap (Medical Weekly) is-a continuation of a publication, which has been-. published in. Hungary for almost a hundred years. It is either a-_weekly qr.a bi.-weekly and is the Hungarian equivalent.of the, US American Medical Association Journal... SF,.emeszet .(Ophthalmology).is published monthly or bi-monthly in,Hungarianwith summaries in the,international languages. It is -. only fair.,, SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300270004-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300270004-4 :SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 16 Prior to the Communist takeover, good medical textbooks in Hungary were available oii'all theoretical and clinical subjects. The modern ones were all written in the late 1930'8 or early 1940's and are, therefore, reason- ably up to date on clinical matters. A fair indication of their quality is the fact that many'of them were translated into German,'French and 50X1 English. these books are still now (1953.p 953J .-in general use aliltough copies are undoubtedly getting scarce and very expensive because no more editions of them have been printed since World War II. The editing of medical'textbooks is now a function of the Hungarian.- Academy of Sciences whereas formerly this work was done either by private publishing companies or by the so-called Medical Publishing. Company which 50X1 was-university controlled, new textbooks are being prepared by the Academy and that these are being written by the same individuals who wrote the earlier textbooks. It is, therefore., probable that these are good but probably they contain a large amount of political material not present in the earlier books. 17. Although correspondence between Hungarian scientists and foreign scientists has been definitely restricted, it has not been completely abolished. 50X1 50X1 i s possible for-Hungarian scientists to write articles for French, Austrian and Scandinavian scientific journals. 18. no rofound recent changes in the curriculum of Hungarian-medical 50X1 schools it is essentially the same as before 1945 except for the addition cf political subjects . Hungaryj of course, follows the gymnasium system rather than the-U8 college system. Students planning to go into medicine spend two additional years in a gymnasium followed by six years ina university includd~ 't:ve years 'of courses- and a year of rotating internship. The first'twv years'of this latter period include. only courses in the basi.e sciences, while the next three cover clinical subjects plus. pahh,ology, bacteriology, public health and forensic medicine. Prior to 1945 about 40 per cent of the Hungarian medical school graduates went on to specialize. This procedure was. similar to that in the US, residence at an approved hospital for three'io four years before qualifying 50X1 as a specialist. this situation is probably about the same under the Communists. 19. Prior to the Communist takeover, foreign training was almost a must for a Hungarian physician who considered himself well trained. Since 1947, however, it has not been-possible for Hungarian physicians to receive such foreign training except, of course, in the USSR and the number of physicians receiving ?such..treuAing has. been very small,. perhaps no more than two 50X1 dozen or so per'year.? one individual who received such a fellowship. He was a physiologist an app ed to the Hungarian government in 1946 for permission to get post-graduate training in this field in-the UK. His application was appr,ovedexcept instead of the -UK his appointment was set up for the USSR. Although he certainly did'not want to go, he finally. decided that it was-better to do so in order to avoid trouble and.he spent one year to 14 months at the Orbeli Institute in Leningrad. after his -return. and.. he reported that the conditions of the-Hungarian students who.made this trip were miserable.- They were-quartered in barracks which were badly heated and-badly'lighted. They were underfed and were not paid enough to support themselves and had to take menial positions to increase their income. .SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300270004-4