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157111' roidn,05 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr2013/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200510009-3 1,-/Jzo..? %..aka..i. J-Lir U.O.M111 -WU CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE , ACQUIRED BY SOUR DATE OF I NFORMAT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. Czechoslovakia Military InfOrgation from Frontier Guard Units (PS). THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING TOR NATIONAL BBBBBBB OF THE UNITED FFFFFFF WITNIN TOO NE NNNNN OF TITLI IS, SECTION, 700 AND 794, :.t. CODE, AS ASIONDID I I RORK LOTION OF I TO OR RICIEIFT NY AN UNAUTNONISED POISON IO FROHISITED NY LAW. THE NNNNNN UCTION OF ?NIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 50X1 DATE DISTR.9 Mei), 1953 NO. OF PAGES q. NO. OF ENCLS. 2 (LISTED BELOW) (A), (B) SUPPLEMENT TO 50X1 REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 SOURCI 1. battalion. During basic training all soldiers were carefully screened asto their political reliability; selected soldiers were sent for special training as border units to Trhanov and the remainder wave transferred to labo ts Guards $ - *$ 2. The 9th Brigade of Frontier Guards was divided into four battalions: let Bn headquarters located at Bela pod Radbuzou 2nd Bn headquarters located at Pivon 3rd Bn headquarters located at Trhanov 4th En headquarters located at Kouty Organization of the first and second battalions is not known. The 3rd battalion was organized as follows: llth: company of PS in Celina Reka (Plan Klenec pod Crchovem) 5es Enoloaure 12th company of FS in Cerchov (Plan Kleneo pod Chrobovem) :13th company of PS in Umiak (Plan Klenec pod Chrobovem) 14th company of PS in Byvtrioc (Plan Klenec pod Ohrohovem) 15th company of PS in Folmava (Plan Klatovy) gee Enclosure (B17 The 4th battalion was organized as follows: 16th company in Leani Louka 17th company in Spalenec 18th company in Azov 19th company in Vseruby CLASSIFICATION SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 20th company in Srub DISTRIBUTION ( 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200510009-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200510009-3 1.0("1 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION -2- 4, The companies were quartered in various brick buildings in villages or in newly con- structed wooden barracks. In addition to regular units, each headquarters had a reserve component of 30 officers and non-commissioned officers, getbers of this reserve compon- ent were armed with 98N rifles, 23B and 25A submachine guns, four light machine guns and tWo (T34) heavy machine guns, Units on the post had the following weapons: approximate- ly 20 98N rifles, 30 23B and 25A Submachine guns, five light machine guns and two heavy machine guns. lasnangrlationnemJeCommunications 5, The 4th battalion in Kouty had three Tudor automobiles and one 3i ton Praga RN. In addition to these vehicles, each company headquarters had one Tudor car and a OAWA 250 srotoreycle. Each, company had six riding horses and a team of drayhorses. The 16th cora- Oily of the Frontier Guard had two dogs. Company headquarters were connected by tele- phone with battalion which had a radio transmitter. Cover numbers of companies began with "6", those of battalion with "7", those of brigade with "s", For example: the 16th company in Lesni Louka had the number 6698; the 4th battalion in Kouty 7697; the brigade in Pobezovice 8654, 15u:wiles 6, Each company had its own ammunition depot. Larger ammunition depots were found at battalion and brigade level. Members of a patrol were alloted a certain amount of ammuni- tion for their weapons. in the event of an alert, each soldier had to prepare full field equipment and received a double allotment of ammunition. Normal allowance for a rifle was 60 rounds; in an alert 120 rounds were issued, Normal allowance for a submachine gun was three belts with 96 rounds each; in an alert six belts with 192 rounds each were issued. The amount of hand grenades was a1way;1 the same (2). Every PS patrol had a Very pistol with two white, two red, and three green cartridge& The exact amount of ammun- ition in the depots is not known. There ia a aufficient amount however to stop any sudden attack from the West in the event of war, It has been observed, however, that 310 one ex- plained how an armored attack could be stopped. Each company, battalion, and brigade had its awn supply warehouse. These were usually located in the unit's headquarters. All vehicle were parked outdoors. Health Service 7. Each company had a first aid unit and each battalion a medical dispensary with a permanent medical staffs Soldiers from the 9th brigade were assigned to hospitals in Domazlice or Pilsen. ISO Asecial Training and...Morale 8. After completion of basic training, politically reliable soldiers were transferred to special PS training units in Trganov. This training consisted of the following: how and when to use weapons, cover for each other's movements, disarming and arresting a suspect, patrolling, etc. In addition they received instructions in poltical theory, service regu- lations and special instructions for frontier duty. During the two month course various weapons, pictures and booklets were used. 9. Soldiers who wished to remain in the service were required to submit applications to be admitted into the corps of non-commissioned officers* When approved, they were assigned to non-commissioned officerst school and upon graduation promoted to grade of non-commis- sioned officer. It often happened, however, that the soldiers were promoted before gradu- ation and many times immediately after they had submitted their application. SD. The 16th company of the Frontier Guards, PS, had 45 men, Most of these belonged to draft- ing years 1928, 1929 and 1930. Drafting ages 1928 and 1929 were called into the service from 1 Oct 51. Some were assigned to frontier duty as civilians, while others were called to enter regular units where they received their basic training. 1, The 1928 drafting age was to be relieved of duty on 1 Oct 52. Men of other drafting ages were to be relieved commencing 1 Jul 530 2, Morale was a constant problem with men of PS units. The major factor was the lack of free time which to a great extent was absorbed by political training. No one ever somplained about food, Even members of the Communist Party were dissatisfied. Passes were granted only as a reward for exceptional achievements in line of duty or on the proposal of the political officer, The arrest of a person (narusitel) trying to cross the border from or ? into Czechoslovakia was considered an exceptional achievement, In case such a person had important documents or information the reward was higher, A reward was also granted to soldiers who arrested or killed a refugee escaping the country, aglariza. 3, A trainee received 29 Kcs per month, a PFC (svobodnik) received 59 Kos per month, a corporal 89 Kos per month and a platoon leader (cetar) 119 Ke8 per month. , SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200510009-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr2013/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200510009-3 -- 4. Political lectures were held every Tuesday and Thursday; duration of each class was two hours. During inclement weather all outdoor exercises were postponed and political training and lectures substituted. In addition to political lectures, all men were required to attend political circles where various political problems were discussed. The same arrange- ment existed in other units. The subject matter of these lectures was always the same, eg foundations of Leninism, USSR as a liberator and a model state, Hussite rising. etc. Dur- ing these lectures it was emphasized how important a role PS units play in building social- in Czechoslovakia. The soldiers were urged to perform their duties conscientiously, not to permit an enemy to enter Czechoslovakia or allow the escape of any traitor from the country. Despite these exhortations, most of the soldiers took it easy and many times patrols fell asleep on duty even though such a violation was punishable by a five-year prison term. Political training was resented because it constantly praised the USSR as the world's greatest miracle in science and progress. Organizations of the Communist Party and the Czechoslovak Youth (SCM) were always at work within the units. Many soldiers were constantly accused of political unreliability even though screening of members of PS units was very detailed. Professional officers and non-commissioned officers were transferred to Frontier Guard units as political officers in view of their experience and possibly stronger influence on the soldiers. _Members of the Communist Party and the Union of Czechoslovak Youth collaboratfticlosely with the DOW, (military intelligence), STB (state security corrsal. SNB (national security corps) and with the political officers. 50X1' .tAArt,t,l/bitGUEITI INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200510009-3 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200510009-3 011,UAZI/OLUUAllI 13, Battalion DOZ officers, duties are the same as those of the State Security Corps (STB). They check military as well as civilian personnel. Dqt4gis o7/v1#/1r, Guard Unite 16. Dutiesyvefleperformed in accordance with a plan which has been prepared, in advanoe. This plan (valid for 24 hours) was placed on the bulletin board of the officer-in-charge: soldiers of the PS on eight-hour field duty (non-commissioned officers only six hours), one hour for mess formation, two hours for political training or attendance at political circles and seven hours for sleep; the remainder of the day to be spent in the vicinity of the barracks. Frontier patrols consisted of two men armed with a rifle, a submachine gun and two hand grenades each. At night, they also had a Very pistol with signal or illuminating cartridges. Forests along the state border ha been felled, and in some sectors barbed wire obsteoles (two meters high and two meters +NAG) had been erected. Patrols were either stationary or roving (between observation towers). Towers were 10- eated in clearings having good observations of the entire area. One man from the PS was on tower duty during daytime hours. If the patrol came upon a suspect, they bad to con- trol him first before any signal oould be given. If the patrol found no important docu- ments on the suspect, they fired a red rocket eignal, If the patrol wished tc request the assistanoe of a PS member with a trained deg, they fired a red arid green rocket sig- nal.. If they arrested a suspect and needed reinforcements, two green roasti were fired. White rockets were used for illuminating purposes only. 17. A permit to enter the frontier zone was issued by the security officer of the District National Committee. This officer was fully responsible for the person receiving this permit and guarantees that this person will not escape, .Very often a special recommen- dation from a PS unitWas required. If anyone had a permit to enter the forbidden some, he could do so only if a000mpanied by a meMber of the PS. Employees of the forest admin- istration had special permits; nevertheless, they also bad to be accompanied by PS member. Employees of the geodetic service had special green-colored permits; soldiers of PS units entering the border zone bad pitk-Oolored permits. ' le. In Lesna Louka and Spalenec no barbed wire obstacles have been erected thus Dar, however, the forest has been cleared and observation towers constructed. 19. It is hoped that in the near future PS companies will be increased to 90 men rather than the present 45. ENCLOSURE (A): Xlenec pod Cerchovem (Wi Klaivey 4250 -end - SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION - npr.lassified in Part- Sanitized CopyApprovedforRelease @50-Yr2013/04/23:CIA-RDP82-00047R000200510009-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release c 50-Yr2013/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200510009-3 ENGLWURE (461) btUitt;T/bLUUAIII 41111?1=1.. KLENEC POD CERCHOVEM 'Co goof./ bj5000 4299 ,v?e v V V I lo V %) V V ho 37,14A AO 711',1 V V (i V 4 v v i it COW/ Q y vv WA v V v _kJ' I*---\. ,....... 72 ... . , k v A \ v ' .k"( \ V 1 , ,v 1, %-) v v v v V -,, 0 v c Ckatk v V II / %. \ V I, V V V vt V PNb.J v 4 \J w ? q?i v %) v 0 ) \o %,k VI LI %) / i AL1 C#SOV V Ot/ 1 L V 14/ V?* ii I / 1/4 1 1-A w v 4Iffse SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200510009-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200510009-3 JLUk.o) osturtzionial IAVUXIMAIIUN KLATOVY 4250 1:75coo V ?) V V ?1/4.1 v ,\.i \-/ V VI.- 1/4.. `? v 1. vNi V V ,. V Vt V I v v kik) \ j ?ki ki'l u 1" v I/ Le Le v Lev w, q v iefett620/ C? A Via0 ... , '',.. , lA \ N* N N\s. N. ?-?'?/ ' \'' '.' '''''' - V 10 11) a V"v v w ..) 1. , 361 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION "???? ?????or ??? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200510009-3