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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/06/05:CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 CLASSIFICATION /$ECURITY INFORMA CEN AL INTELLIGENCE AGENCYREPORT INFORMATION REPORT 50X1 MIIIMIINWOIMMOMM..0101 COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE 50X1 ACQUIRED 50X1 DATE ACQUIRED DATE OF INF USSR 50X1 DATE DISTR.OWA 52 NO. OF PAGES I ,7 The Lipetsk Senior Officer's Flight Tactical School THIS 00CULIENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED SSSSSSS WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 1111 SECTIONS 793 ANO 794, OF TOO U.S. CODE, Al AMENDED. ITS TTTTTT ISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT SP AN UNAUPHOSIZED PERSON IS PROHIOITED ST LAW. THE REPRODUCTION CF TNIS FORM 12 PROH121220. NO. OF ENCLS. ptfee5). (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 1, In order to enter the Lipetsk Senior Officers' Flight Tactical School9 it is nec- essary for a unit to have a distribution sheet (Rasnoryadka) giving the number of candidates in the various duty designations that may be sent to the given school This distribution sheet arrives in a unit in the following manner: the VUZ0V (Military Educational Institution) Directorate of the VVS informs the Officer Per- sonnel Directorate of the VVS of the number of vacancies at Lipetsk every April or May; the latter then distributes these vacant slots among the Air Armies and VVS Military Districts in accordance with their actual officer strength. These distribution sheets indicate how many officers in the various specialties the Air Army may select and send to the Lipetsk School, what prerequisites are required of the candidates, and the duty designations in, which they had to serve prior to being sent to the school. 2. Upon receiving this information, Air Army Headquarters distributes the vacancies among its corps (and separate units which are not a part of any corps, cut are directly subordinate to Air Army Headquarters). After the Air Army Officer Per- sonnel Section has distributed the vacancies and has received the Air Army Com- mander's concurrence, it sends copies of the VVS Officer Personnel Section's dis- tribution sheet to the various units (Corps and separate units) along with the quota of candidates that can be selected from each unit. Upon receiving its dis- tribution sheet, the Officer Personnel Section of the Corps goes through the sane procedure as the Air Army. Upon receiving the corps distribution sheet, the Chief of the Divisional Officer Personnel Section reports its arrival to the divisional commander and simultaneously makes his recommendations as to who should be se- lected. If the divisional commander agrees, the Chief of the Divisional Officer CLASS CATION SECURITY INFORMATION DISTRI9U110N II I I. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION - 2 - 50X1 Personnel Section contacts the selected candidate (within the regiment) by tele- phone or telegram and finds out if the individual desires to attend Lipetsk. After the candidates have been selected, the Chief informs the Corps Officer Personnel Section of the selections, and this procedures continues up to Micscow. Approxi- mately one and a half or two months prior to their departure for Lipetsk? the cand- idates are summoned to appear before the Air Am Officer Personnel Section where they are again asked if they desire to attend Lipetsk. After affirmative replies are received, they are issued travel orders (Komandirovdchniye Predpisaniya) en- abling them to travel to the school. This is done because the unit's ()amend must give the departing officer a consecutive 45-day leave including travel tine, and must straighten out its accounts with him (financial,supply, etc). It also must keep him on the T/0 until he is actually registered as an auditor at the school. 3. If the officer is accepted by the school, the school's Officer Personnel Section reports this to the Air Army's Officer Personnel Section from which the officer arrived; if, on the other hand, he is rejected, he is sent back to his Air Army and is left to their disposal. Upon arriving back at the Air Army, the rejected officer is again assigned to the position he held prior to his departure for the school. 4. Upon arrival at the school all of the auditors take entrance examinations and are checked by the Medical and Mandatory Commissions. After this, all of the auditors are divided into groups on the basis of their general educational background and their military training. 5. The total time expended on bringing the auditors together, giving them the entrance examinations, and having them checked by the Medical and Mandatory Commissions is never more than thirty days. After this, all of the auditors commence studying the program of their particular course. 6. There are only two basic courses at the Lipetsk Senior Officers' Flight Tactical School: one is the staff course and the other is the command course. The number of hours spent on the various subjects differs between these two courses. 7. The command coure, includes the following subjects although the number of hours spent on these subjects will vary among the different groups: The program of the Divisional Deputy Commanders', Regimental Commanders', and Deputy Regimental Com- manders' Groups: Political Training 80 Tactical Training 600 o Aerodynamics 200 Navigators' Training 150 Aerial-Gunnery Training 100 Technical Training 60 Meteorological Training 70 Bombing Training 90 Complications Training 60 Chantal Training Se Flight Training 200 3. Aerial Photography Service Training 60 Topography 30 Military Administration 40 tg o Physical Training Drill Training 20 q Regulations and Field Manual ...N. Total: 1938 Tactical Training is divided in the following manner: ia VVS Tactics b General Tactics c Methods of Tactical Training d SUV (Coded Direction of Troops) e Study of foreign Air Forces and Ground Forces There are no special instructors for drill training or for regulations and field manuals. These subjects are conducted by the Course Chiefs and their Deputies for Drill Matters. The program for Divisional and Regimental Navigator's Groups: eo atiTiniiiilg 100 c Navigators' Training 220 d1 Aerodynamics 130 e Aerial Gunnery Service Training 198 f Technical Training SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION * Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION - 3 - 50X1 Meteorological Training 80 Flight Training 200 Bombing Training 120 Communications Training 70 Chemical Training 88 Topography 30 Military Administration 40 Aerial Photography Service Training Physical Training 60 ao Drill Training 30 Regulations and Field Manual 20 Total 1938 Hours The program for the Aerial Gunnery Service Chiefs' Group and the Commanders for Aerial Combat Tactics and Aerial Gunnery Group: Assistant Regimental. Political Training 80 Tactical Training 500 Navigators' Training 130 Aerial Gunnery Training 216 Aerodynamics 150 Technical Training 80 Meteorological Training 74 Flight Training 200 Communications Training 60 Topography 30 Military Administration 40 Bombing Training 100 Chemical Training 88 Physical Training 80 Drill Training 30 Aerial Photography Service Training 60 Regulations and Field Manual 20 Total 1938 The "hours given for each subject include the time spent in taking periodic examin- ations on topics of the subject and in taking annual examinations in all of the sub- jects. However, this schedule does not include the time spent on graduation exami- nations which cover only the main subjects of which there are five or six. The re- maining subjects are covered by annual examinations. All of the above hours are based on a ten-month training period for the various groups. The programs given here have been in effect since the beginning of 1946; prior to that time, similar groups under- went a six-month training period. Thus, the number of hours in the programs almost doubled. However, during the six-month training period these groups did not receive any flight training; their studies consisted solely of classroom work. Since the 10- month training period has been in effect, theme groups work out air exercises (ivia- tsioniye voheniya) which include the joint action of various types of aviation both in the classroom and in the air. The time spent in working out such a maneuver is taken from the time allotted to tactical training, and the time spent in the air is counted as time expended in working out flight training exercises. All of the above does not pertain to the staff course, eines the students in the staff course which was com- pleted in January of 1946, studied for a period of seventeen months (from the time they arrived until they graduated). For this reason, the program itself is more extensive in respect to the number of hours devoted to each subject. S. The Staff Course has been an long as the command course since 1946. In addition to the 50X1 many groups enumerated above, there is a special group o osed of students from the satellite countries. In 19454946, this grou consisted o 16 students, the first and last Yu oislav ?ilots to attend. Since th i t coun ries The Staff Course Program: Tactics Bombing Training Navigators' Training Communications Training Aerodynamics Technical Training Aerial Photo-Reconnaissance Political Training Meteorological Training Chemical Training Aerial Gunnery Training Drill Training SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION I IR 11,0 220 300 160 140 178 120 so 200 240 200 60 nariaccifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 Physical Training Military Administration Topography Regulations and Uhnual Total --4- 60 60 3328 Hours According to the state diploma (goszachet), the above hours do not include the time spent in preparing for each examination, but, only the time an auditor act- ually spends in a classroom taking an examination. 9. A detailed description of the program by subjects is as follows; (a) General Tactics (of the Soviet Army). All groups at the Lipetsk School work out the following general tactics topics: The organization of infantry, menhanised, artillery, tank, cavalry, engineering and oommunioations troops from the smallest unit (a squad) to Army and Front levels in- clusive; thus, these topics will cover the following organisations: squad, platoon company(battery), battalion (artillery, battalion (division) or cavalry troop), regiment, brigade, division, corps, army, front (district). The operations tactics of these units and joint-unite, their strength, armament, and missions during different types of combat and various stages of operations; the joint-operation of different types of troops in combat; offensive and defensive combat; the rears and supply organ of these troops. Wovement of troops (marching) in the rear and at the front; combat and march security of troops; antiaircraft, antichemical, and antitank defense of troops; camouflaging troops; organization, of communications in the Various types of troops, during various stages of operations; execution of combat aid information doouments in tIle various types of troops (at ?crawly level and above) during different stages of operations. Abbreviated designation of different units and joint-nits in documents. Designation of troops and their combat operations on a map by the use of tactical marks; keeping of work maps and complete (otobetnykb) maps by authorised individ- uals in the different types of troop., and, Signal, Oonmiu.ntoations and Joint- Action tables. (b) VVS Tactics (of the Soviet Army). All groups work out the following topics in VVS tactics: The organization of the following subdivisions, units, and joint unite: fighter, ground-attack, bomber, long-range, reconnaissance and transport aviation from crew to Air Army level; organization of Airborne troops of the Soviet Army; a gensral introduction to the organization of the Main Headquarters, VVS. The organisation of Reconnaiseanoe Aviation - a detailed study of Reconnaissance organs from a Re- oonnaisance Regiment to the VVS Reconnaissance Section, The Organisation of joint- operations between the various types of aviation during offensive and datensive combat.. The organization of VVS Rear Organs, units, and joint-units (air Technioal Battal- ions and divisions). The operations tactics of various combat and operations. The basic eneive and defensive combat. The troops; rebasing of various types tanoe of these airfields from the types of aviation during the different stages of functions of the types of aviation during off- missions and operations tactics of airborne of aviation to operational airfields and the die- front line. Organizing the rebasing of flight and ground echelons; preparing to rabies and re- basing including the execution of a combat mission on the way. Camouflaging airfields and the aircraft located an them. Organizing a network of decoy (lozhnykh) airfields and constructing all conceivable structures and decoys on them. Types of aircraft with which the various types of aviation are equipped and their tactioo-technical specifications. Personnel strength of the different units and joint-units of the various types of avaiation including the total num- ber of officers and sergeants without a breakdown by duty designation. (c) Staff training and tactical training methods. In staff training, the following topics are worked out: SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 1 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 - 5 - Planning of combat and operational-tactical training in the squadron, regiment, div- ision, and corps. In discussing the problem of planning combat training, the students are shown proper methods of computing time when compiling combat training plans and bow to properly arrange these plans by going from simple to difficult combat training elements in a consecutive order. Which documents, how and by whom, are to oe com- piled when planning combat training; methods of compiling lectures, limited class room exercises (letuchek), group exercises, war games, and materials for field exer- cises and maneuvers; means of collecting data (literatura) necessary for the compila- tion of lectures, limited class room exercises, group exercises, war games, etc; in- structors' methods of preparing for lessons and the conducting of lessons (this in- cludes the working-out of lecture notes (kosspekty) and their presentation to the auditors); the working-out of bombat and informational documents by the various head- quarters during offensive and defensive operations, as well as during joint-operations of different types of aviation, and aviation and ground forces. This includes all of the documents compiled by the various headquarters, regimental, divisional, corps, and air army, when the combat mission is received, when the combat flight is being organ- ized, and, when the results of the combat flights are being formulated. The working- out of reconnaissance documents by the headquarters of the various units and joint- units: reconnaissance-instructions, compilation of the reconnaissance plan, the reconnaissance briefing, compilation of the reconnaissance report and summary (or an overall reconnaissance report for the day). The compilation of documents by the head- quarters of an airborne division (VDD) and airborne corps (VDK). 50X1 (d) Foreign forces (basically those of the United States and England). In studying foreign forces during the first period nf my trAirinc m+ Lipetsk 50X1 US and English e? ? u on y n general terms. After the end of the war with Germany, German and Japanese forces were excluded from the program and the forces of the US and England replaced them as the ones basically studied at the school. In addition to US and English forces, the forces of other Western governments were also studied; these, however, were not studied in the classrooms but within an independent training system by the use of reconnaissance bulletins of the Main Intelligence Dir- ectorate of the General Staff of the Soviet Army. The following topics pertaining to foreign troops were studied: the organization of ground, air, and naval forces beginning from the Minister of Defense and ending with the-inallest subdivision; the armament of these units and joint-units as well as the tactioo-technical specifications of their armament; total personnel strength with a breakdown as to number of officers, and number of sergeants and privates together; the latest changes in the organization of foreign troops and when they occurred; the operations tactics of these troops during offensive and defensivejaprationa. All of the above was based on the experiences of World War II and the OS and English. Armed Forces' regulations which were obtained by Soviet Intelligence, positive and negative aspects of foreign troop operations and the organization of joint-action between the different types of troops. (e) AUV (Coded Direction of Troops) The AUV instructed the students in the proper method of working out prearranged mes- sage table. (peregovorniye tablitsi) and signal tables, and how to code memsages on the various types of eommunications equipment; rules applicable to the text of a coded telegram; who has the authority to sign and send coded messages; general prin- ciples of the Cryptographic Service; compilation of radio-signal-tables for the dir- ection of aircraft in the air; rulesibr compiling Various types of telegrams; rules for holding telephone conversations; degree of classification to be used or various documents and rules for handling them; the order to be followed in mending secret and top-secret documents; who has the right to classify documents and to what degree; re- gulations pertaining to the maintenance of secret Tiles in the various headquarters. (f) Bombing Training. In bombing training the following topics were worked out: The ballistics of bombing; a study of bomb construction, its weight, characteristics, the force of its charge, and the targets on which it is used; the type of detonators used with given bombs; types of bombs and their maximum weights; types of boa-racks (both external and internal) and their installation; where the both-bays (borboluka) are located and the type of bombs they can hold; type and quantity of explosive used in charging various types of bombs; where the bomb-racks are located on an aircraft and their principles of operation during suspension and: release of bombs; the con- struction and principles of operation of different types of bomb-sights; the install- ation of other types of equipment used in bombing; what data must be computed by the navigator ahead of time and set on the bomb-sight after he has set his own data on it; type of instrument and method with which it is possible to adjust for single or series bombing and for different, quantities of bombs and time intervals between series; types of detonatord, their construetion, and prinniplee of operation; type and quarttty of explosive used in charging detonators; type of instruments which enable the bomb to be set to not .explode or to explode; under what emergency conditions bombs can be released. In studying all of the above topics, books on bombing and the RB-43 (Botbing Direotions of 1943) are usel. SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 - 6 - (g) Navigators' Training. The following topics pertaining to navigators' rain- ing were studied: The construction of all navigation equipment used on different types of aircraft; construction of navigation instruments and their principles of operation; the Scales of maps in the VVS and which of them are used for flight purposes in the various types of aviation; the scales of maps generally used by air unit hesal, quarters; how to map scales (miles and inches) into kilometers; selection, pasting together, and folding of maps; plotting a course on a map; all principles of nav- igational computations; who, and on the basis of what documents, is permitted to navigate aircraft; visual orientation; instrument navigation; utilization of radio- navigation equipment, etc. (h) Communications Training. The following communications topics were studied: Organization of the Communications Service in units and joint-units of the dif- ferent types of aviation; communications equipment existing in the various units and joint-units; study of radio apparatus and the purposes for which they are to he utilized; organization and equipment of wire communications; how communications between different units participating in joint-operations are organized; now wave lengths and call signs in the radio net are assigned; rules governing radio air- to-ground and ground-to-air transmission; organization of communications during joint-operations of air and ground forces; rules governing the tuning of radio equipment and the discovery of defects in the equipment; construction of tele- phones, switchboards, telegraph equipment, and Morse Code sending apparatus; Morse Code training; execution of various types of operations and combat; the following documents may be included in this category; organizational charts of wire and radio communications; extracts from the wave-length and call sign tables; commun- ications reports and summaries; a study of radar installations including: Their construction, principles of operation, and training of operators for work on the installation; differences between a radio direction (radionapravleniye), a radio net (radioset) and, a radio junction (radio vzel); types of radio receivers and transmitters installed in different types of aircraft and their tactico-technical specifications, as well as the radio stations used on the ground (mounted on trucks). (i) Aerodynamics. Topics relating to the aerodynamic qualities of various type aircraft are studied. The aerodynamic) qualities of the first-type aircraft are compared with those of contemporary aircraft. The fundamentals of aero- dynamics, the aerodynamics of high speeds, etc, are also studied. (j) Technical Training. In technical training, the following topics were worked- out: The construction of aircraft motors of various types including ell details; con- struction of various-type aircraft; means of extending the enduranoe of motors and aircraft of various types; operation principles of various aggregates; the oil system; the cooling system; the fuel system, etc; degrees of altitude obtainable by aircraft engines and how these are attained; aircraft safeguarding Ant' care; who has the right to pilot aircraft and who has the right to do maintenerse work on aircraft. (k) Aerial Photo Reconnaissance. The following aerial photo-recannstanoe topics were worked out; The organization of the aerial photo-reconnaissance service of the VVS from the reconnaissance crew level to the Reoonnaissanse Directorate of the VVS; types of aircraft used for conducting day and night aerial reconnaissance; types of aerial- cameras used in the VVS for photographing objectives during the day and night; con- struction of cameras and their principles of operation; computations nelAnsary in photographing objectives of different sizes; vertical and oblique photcoaphy; size of air force films; development of films after a reconnaissance flight *doh in- cluded photograph; photo-interpretation and creation of photo-mosaics and photo- albums (T N sets of mosaics showing different stages of an operation); .mutations during the photography of vertical objectives; size and construction cf 1)hoto-air- bombs. (1) Political Training. The political training topics covered a short hi tory of the VIC, (b) (All-Union Communist Party (of bolsheviks) which is planned in accordance with the program of the main Political Directorate of the ArmeM Vorces of the USSR. During the whole duration of the political training oourse, "the short history of the IMP (b) course" was thoroughly covered; primary-source mat- erials dealing with different chapters were used; special empha*Igwas placed on the fourth chapter ',Dialectical Materialism." (m) Meteorological Training. The following topics were covered in meteorological training: SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05 : CIA-RDP82-00047R0007on1Rnnn9_7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 - 7 - The development of cold and warm fronts, including indications of their proximity, the speed at which these air masses move, and their predominant weather; development of occlusion's (okkluzii) of the cold and warm front types including indications of their proximity, the speed at which these air masses move, and their size, development of low-pressure areas in cyclones (lozhbin) and their prevalent weather; what is included in the term "barometric tendencies"; causes of thunderstorms; types of winds and their development; local indications in determining weather; influence of air masses on air force flights; what types of maps and scales are used in the meteorological service; study of the international meteorological code; coding and decoding weather telegrams; reading meteorological maps; the organisation of the VVS Meteorological Service from an Air Technical Battalion to the Main Directorate of the Asro-Mateorologioal Service; study of various types of meteorological inetruments at a meteorological :station; development of overcast and its designation according to the international eye-tem; the role of Met- eorology in contemporary flying and in the national economy. (n). Chemical Training covered the following topics; The organization of the Chemical Service of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union and especially of the VVS; designation of chemical substances with which the Soviet Army and and foreign armies are equipped; the composition of these chemical substances and the form in which they are applied; the color and odor of chemical substances; chemical equip- ment of the Soviet Army and foreign governments; such equipment includes: ehemioal bot*s shells, grenades, spray-tanks, ampules, etc; storage of chemical substances, handling them, and charging various types of combat shella and spray-tanks with them; peraiatent and non-persistent poisonous chemleal agents and their applicition; computation for the effective spraying of various enemy objectives with persistent poisonous agenta; use of air chemical bombs on various enemy objectives; types of detonators used in air chemical bombs; computations for laying a smoke-Doreen by meant' of emoke-pots and bombs as well as ke-creating instruments suspended under aircraft; organisation of antiohemicai defense 04 the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union; antichimical defensive agents with which foreign armies are equipped and with which the Soviet Army is equipped - these include agents used on personnel, animals, aircraft, and armaments; chemical agents utie0 to de- contaminate various poisonous substances, on personnel, animals:, aircraft, food product:4 and drinking water; indications in determining areas contaminated by the *new and methods of determining the particular poisonous substance used; indications determining an at- tack with. a poisonous agent on personnel and first-aid measures for those poisoned; solo ivity of personnel when a chemical alert is sounded; the organisation of personnel and aircraft decontamination points on airfields. (o) Aerial-Gunnery Training. In accordance with the program, the following topics dealing with aerial-gunnery training were covered: Various types of air armaments with. which .the VVS is equipped and also ground armament; types of air arms installed on various contemporary type aircraft and their taatico- technical specifications; construction of air cannons and machine fans; (in UtUiyins the above topic, construction of air cannons and maohine guns, the auditors bad to learn the exact designation of all parts of the given arms); where these armaments are installed on the aircraft; the joint-functioning of different parts of these arms during ininnery; speedy methods of discovering defeats if the arms fail to function in the air an the elimination of these defects (in the air); oars of armaments; types of oil used 'or oiling armaments during the winter and sumer periods; the olassifieation of amonnition used in different types of air armaments; the structure of ammunition and the explosives used in ammunition; what air armaments are used on turrets; types of aircraft on which turrets are used, their construction, and the part of the aircraft where they art in- stalled; types of gun sights used on air am installed on the different type atroraft; the construction of these gun sights and their principles of operation; actual firing with: various types of air arms on a gunnery range at moving and stationary targete; etre and storage of air arms; rules covering infeeding ammunition belts; ballistic qualities of air armaments; repair of air armaments. 6) Drill Training. In drill training, topics which provided ofticer,personnel with Actual command practice were covered. In covering drill training topiesu the avdttors had to learn all commands necessary in forming, marching etc, a **division. '.0ther topics were: The correct way to plan and conduct drill training with the officer and sergeant personnel of a subdivision, (this subject included the study of such infantry weapons as, the rifle, submachine gun, and pistol). All of this training is provided in order to enable these officers, once they have graduated from the school and are serving in units and joint-units, to train their subordinates; for this purpose, they must them- selves be well-trained in all of theme subjects. (q) "Physical training appears as an important element in training troops eines it pro- vides each serviceman with the endurance and agility that is required in a difficult com- bat situation. The better physically trained a serviceman is, the easier it 16 fur him to endure all the hardships of a difficult military situation." This is the description of physical training to be found in military regulatione of the Soviet and in the physical training and sports program of VVS personnel. The physical tre ng pregram is divided into a nunber of sections which, in turn, are divided into a few separate programs for different groups of officers and sergeants of the VVS. WORM/SECURITY DIFWMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/06/05:CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION bUX1 - a - There are three sections in the physical training program: the 1st one for pilots and navigators, the second for technical personnel, and the third for all other personnel of the unit and joint-unit. The first section gives the programs for pilot personnel of the different types of aviation and for navigator personnel. The second section includes programs for officer technical personnel, mechanics of various specialities, and junior avia-specialists. The third section gives the programs for command personnel groups and staff officers groups. Thus, while studying at Lipetsk School, individuals in the staff course underwent the physical training program for staff officers, and individuals in the sOmmalind course, the program for command personnel of units and joint-units. Both of these programs included the following elements: Sports (games) Working-out of exercises on (turnik) cross-bar? , Working-out of exercise on parallel bar; Working-out of exercise on (loping) 360' awing? Working-out of exercises on ladders and ropes;- Working-out of exercises on (kozly) horses? Running, grenade-throwing, height and length jumps; Swimming, skiing, etc; Working-out exercises on the Reinsk Wheel (for the Command Course); Exercises with bar-weights; Training on a centrifuge (only for pilot and navigator personnel of the Command Course); Exercises on a low cross bar (perekladina)?; Jevelon and disk throwing; It should be pointed out that the skiing program is not conducted in all parts of the country. In areas where there is no snowfall, a 20-kilometer march is substituted for skiing. (r) Military Administration. The following topics dealing with military administration were worked-out: The Rear organization of the Soviet Army; in this topic, the auditors studied the organ- ization of all supply organs of the armed forces, especially those of the VVS. The above mentioned organs are connected with the financial supply of personnel, the food supply of personnel, clothing and equipment supply, POL, armaments, and ammunition supply; the or- ganization of railroad transportation during time of war; movement of troops by rail- road during time of war; samples of documents dealing with various types of supply and how to fill them out; the organization of the Medical Service in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Army, from an infantry battalion to the Main Medical (sanitarnoye) Directorate of the Armed Forces; the organization of hospitals in the front area; evacuation of wounded from the battlefield and their assignment to the rear for an extended and stationary cure; assignment of patients after they have been cured; special distinctions in the supply organization of troops that are surrounded. (s) (t) 50X1 Topography. The following topics dealing with topographical training were presented; loading of topographical maps; how various objects and localities are designated on . weps; a study of topographical maps; correct 'composition of locality nape; how to determine map scale if the place where the foals was given is torn-off and lost and there are no other maps available meaning that these must be used; mean of deter- mining the elevation of hills and the depth of ravines if this information is not given on the map. Regulations and Manuals. Auditors were supposed to study regulations and mammals independently (without instruction) during the day in class, after which they were examined on the different chapters of vaiiious regulations and manuals that were studied. While the auditors are independently studying the regulations and manuals in class, the deputy chief of the course for drill matters it be presort. If the auditors have any questions dealing with any regulations or manuals, he muet be able to fully explain All that they dO.nOtutderstand. However,, ifa majority of the auditors do not understand some particular aspects, he will interruPt the independ-- ent study session and explain the aspeots to the whole class. 10, The program does not show the time allotted for government and annual examinations. Annual examinations are given immediately upon the oompletion of the de- signated programs; thus, the annual examinations in varioum subjects are given at dif- ferent times. These examinations pompanos when there is approximately one-fourth of the allotted time before graduation left. There is no special time allotted for preparing for annual examinations although such time is provided for the final examinations. In planning final examinations, an interval of two or three days between subjects is con- sidered necessary. The time during this interval is utilised in preparing for examini ations. During this period, the inetructore are present in the classrooms where the auditors are studying to answer any questions that might arise on the part of the mai.. tors. However, during this preparation period, auditors are not required to be present in class; they may study independently wherever they choose. At examination time, all of the auditors gather in class after which the commission which will listen to the examination arrives. The commission informs the auditors of the order in which the ex- amination will be given and then ascertains that everyone is prepared, in good health, eta, after which the auditors s colygags44 a da,Nand wait until they are summoned EcRE terg Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 - 9 - to take the examination. Three or four auditors are simultaneously summoned. Upon entering the classroom, they report their arrival to take government examina-ions to the chairman of the commission. After this, the auditors select little tickets which give the questions that they must answer and inform the commission of the number on their ticket. They sit down at tables and prepare to answer their questions. Each auditor has ten minutes to prepare his answer. After the ten minutes are up, the aud- itor announces that he is ready to answer and begins to do so, After the answer he leaves not knowing the result (evaluation) of the examination. The "evaluations" are announced to the auditors at a meeting which is attended by all of them after all ex- aminations have been given. Auditors receiving poor evaluations may submit reports to the chairman of the commission for government examinations and when granted permission may be reexamined in a given subject. Then, certificates of completion and orders stating the category in which they graduated are made out for the auditors. After this, the auditors wait for assignmeht orders and upon receiving them depart for their new service station. 11, My description of the topics pertaining to various subjects deals with all groups in the staff and command courses. However, all topics in the program which pertain to the specialty of a given group are covered in more detail than they are in groups which do not have this specialty. As an example, the staff training topics of the staff course are covered in more detail than these same topics in the command course. Such examples would include: navigators' training, aerial-gunnery training, and aerodynamics. The above topics are covered in the programs of both courses, the staff course graduating in 19460 and the command course graduating in 1946-47, in other words, the seventeen month period staff course and the one year command course. However, it must be pointed out that graduating classes of the staff course since 1946 have had a program which has been shortened in topics and number of hours by 1390 hours; thus, in 1947 and later the staff course has had a program consisting of 3328 hours. Until 1946, the command course program was shorter in number of hours since the training period was only six monthL 50X1 lo ? 12. The training sections of the Lipetsk Senior Officers' Flight School are equipped in the following manner: each subject has one or two special classes which are equipped with necessary training aids. Such subjects as tactics, bombing training, navigators' training, aerial-gunnery service, and technical training have two equipped classrooms whereas, such subjects as chemical, communications, meteorological, military admin- istration, and aerial photography service training have one class. There is a well- equipped gymnasium (sportivnyi,zal) for physical training and a well equipped "tactics cabinet" (kabinet taktiki) for tactical training. (a) Equipment in the tactics class. This class is equipped with the following prop- erty in accordance with requirements 1,n %slipping taotios ?lasses in trainin; in- Stitutiones the class has a large box with sind'd6inting a' broken tirrair with de- l'ensive fortifications built on it., included here are =dela of tanks, artillery lnd,other types of armaments, all that is neseedey for the analysis of tactical srtblems; signs with excerpts calling attention to the neceseity of serious study taotical training; charts showing the etrudisre;of defense' linens charts and iigns showing different episodes from the GreatIOrtiOtio?War (World War II); charts ispioting various tactical symbols and their designation; bibliography or literature dealing With tactical training; models of various types of aircraft of the VVS of the Soviet Army, etc. (C) Equipment in the Navigation Training Class is as follINVO;modele of all navigational' instruments and equipment in sectional views; ouch instruments include: a oompass (magnetic and gyromagnetic), a clock, air speed indicators, altimeters, a radi000m- pass (with an antenna and other electrical instruments used in the operation of the radio-oompaee and? other equipment); navigation equipment includes the followings navigation rules (NL-8), an aircraft 0-,s ter (vetrochet), a scale line etc. eharts showing various components used in compu ing flight data for operating in various weather conditions, etc. Equipment in tlie Bombing Class. A bombiag class has equipment which in necessary for training auditors. &oh equipment include's: model's of various caliber bombs (in sectional cuts and whole models); models of all types of detonators in sectional units which illustrate the structure and principles of operation of the detonators in sectional units which illustrate the struoture and principles of operation of the detonators, mechanism; a stand showing the trajectory flight of a boob 1114 its bal- listical characteristios. In addition, this class has four "cabine'equlIped with all necessary navigational equipment; under the cabins is a mobile cloth depicting the ground just as it would look from the air. These cabins and cloth are used for sighting during bombing and making computations at this time. This ?lase also has various types of sights used during bombing, bomb racks, and other instruments ne- cesdary for "series-bombing," establishing of time intervals, regulating the number of bombs in a "aeries," etc. (d) Equipment in the Aerial Gunnery Service Class is as follows: all types of air can- nons and machine guns (these are combat arms which were once installed on aircraft but were later removed and assigned to training purposes). These arms are Installed on racks (piramily).which are fastened to tables. This class also has SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Us. ( 0 ) npriassified in Part- Sanitized CopyApprovedforRelease @50-Yr2013/06/05:CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 -10- training aniamition, wooden mallots? punches, and other equipment used in taking arms apart and putting them together; sights used on various types of aircraft and for various air arms; turrets from varions types of aittraft; boards 3howing the arm r in their stripped form (all the dbmponent parts of air cannons and other arms are mounted on these boards and the exact technical designation of each part is given); devices used in sighting and dry-firing the arms; various types of charts showing the trajectory flight of projectiles and bullets, methods of determining the distance and speed of targets, and, methods of recognizing the silhouette (rakurs) of the target and other elements of aerial gunnery. (e) Eqgipment in the Technical Training Class. Tbs technical training class has the following equipment which assists in demonstration-training in air technology: aircraft engines of various constructions (this includes motors of the following types: one water-cooled VK-101 motor, one air-cooled M-S2 type, and, one of the - M-11 d type); boards with sectional views of various parts of motor components, as well as whole parts; a wind tunnel (assondinam-icheskayaleroba); charts showing the functioning of the oil system, the gasoline system; and, the cooling asstems of various types of aircraft engines; charts showing the construction of various types of aircraft, separate mountings with aircraft oontrol parts; and, a series of other charts showing all of the components of an aircraft, ' Equipment in the Chemical Training Class includes the following property whlsal is neoessary for demonstration-training in chemical -substances and means of antiohem- teal defense: sectional views of various caliber air chemical bombs, test-tubes with samples of combat-poisonous substances with which the Soviet Army and foreign armies ( the armies of the US and England) are equipped, These samples are kept in a special box under look and key and are removed only when they ars needed for training porposeso an airoraft spraying tank modnted on a stand (pined); a an- iversal air chemical apparatus with supplementary attachments for smoke-developing, also mounted on a special stand; a board showing sectional views of a gas mask with a corrugated hose and an exhalation value; a sectional out of the canister showing the arrangement of the various layers of substances impenetrable to gases: a box with various antichemical equipment such as; anti-mustard gas raincoat, anti-mus- tard gas fatigue olothes, socks, stockings, glover, etc; a box containing imple- ments for determining the type of gas or OV (poisonous substance) with which an enemy has contaminated a locality, or which an enemy has used in a given area; sectional views of gas masks for horses and dogs; sectional viswe of individual first-aid packages (to be used on sufferers from poison substances mounteO on a board, (f) (e) Equipment in the Commnnioations Class includes the following displays neoeseary for demonstration-training on the communioations equipment used in the Soviet Army and especially in the VVS: all types of receivers and transmitters utilised in various types of aircraft. They are installed on special stands which are connected with antennas of the type installed on aircraft; telephone apparatuaesj an ST-31 apparatus (a teletype); a "Bode (a telet)pe); all equipment necessary in supplying the radio telephone, and telegraph equipment with eleolricity(oonvertere, batteries storage batteries, and, generators with small motors, (divishki); charts sowing the organization of troops' communications during various stages of combat action and operatione (an offense, defense etc); radio stations installed on trueks which are used in the VVS as oommand stations; tables with ke m for training etudente in receiving and sending by ear; four crash helmets (S. :ofFON) with throat slorophonee (LARINGOPON) for training auditors in radio exchanges; all of the above equipment is located in two oommunioatione classes (rooms), (h) Equipment in the Meteorological Training Class includes property which L Ufiem the training of auditors in this subject, Various types of thermometere, barometers, barographs, and other instruments necessary for making weather obeervatione are lo- cated in this class. In addition to this, the following charts are locateo in the class: the international meteorological code, international msteorologioal marks which are used on weather observation maps, Various types of overcasts, indications in determining cyclones, fronts, occlusions, antioyolones, and other foras of aerial masses, (i) Equipment in the Aerial Photo Service Class. The aerial photo service olass is e- quipped with property necessary for the training of auditors, Three or Oour cameras of the type installed in noonnaisance aircraft for day or night photographs are lo- cated in this class; a sectional view of a model photo-bomb used in the vVS; charts showing the assembly of photosmosaios and photo-albums (a series of photo mosaics); charts showing various objects (troops, dummy and active airfields, retinal trains, tanks, artillery, etc) as they look from the air on photographs; interpreted and non-interpreted photographs; and models of various equipment found tn alaboratory and and chemicals used in developing films as well as putting films through other prooesses, (j) Equipment in the Gymnasium and the Sports field. The gynmasium and sports field have almost identical equipment. This equipment includes the following property; swo or three cross-bars (turniki)? parallel bare, horses (kozly), a low cross bar (per- okladins), ladders, climbing ropes, grenades, 360v swings (looping), barsweighte, a SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 32, rAr..., neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 SECRET/SECURITyVINFORMATION 50X1 - 1 Reinskii Wheel, boxing gloves and flinching bags mats to be used with the paral- lel and cross bars, etc. (k) Equipment on the Gunnery Range. The school's gunnery range is equipped with var- ious turrets and other sighting installations on which are mounted air cannons and machine guns. Furthermore, the gunnery range is equipped with mobile targets which make it possible to train the auditors in firing at moving targets '(aircraft) and in making calculations as to the speed and distance of a moving target. Ten persons using air arms and five to six persons using infantry arms can fire on this gun range simultaneously. This range was constructed in a manner which makes it pos- sible to use it regardless of weather conditions since a half of it is enclosed and half of it is in the open. Therefore, during bad (rainy) weather, the auditors fire inside the range building and in good weather, they fire outdoors. The targets are moved with the aid of electric motors which receive their power from the school's elec- trical unit or from storage batteries. The guns installed on turrets or other mobile gunnery trainers av* connected to the net or storage batteries and they work automat- ically in the same manner as on aircraft. The auditors always use combat (live) am- munition and shells when firing for training purposes. A sight is installed with each gunnery trainer which is the same type as the one on the aircraft where similar equip- ment is installed. This range is under the supervision of the aerial-gunnery training cycle and is the place where this cycle conducts its training. 13. There are no special classrooms set aside for military administration training; all Instruction in this subject is usually given in the tactics classrooms or in other classrooms which happen to be unoccupied during the given day. 14. No special classrooms are provided for such subjects as drill training or regulations and manuals instruction. Drill training is always conducted on the sports field or another area specially set aside for drill training or other formations regardless of the weather. 15. Instruction in regulations and manuals is given in classes which are unocoupied at the given time, and in a few eases, on the sports field if it is neccessary to demonstrate certain aspects (or separate elements) of the instruction. 16. Before he begins his training, eaoh auditor at the Lipetsk Sehool receives two corded, numbered notebooks which are fastened with tar (eurguoh) seals (to prevent pipe from being removed); secret and, top-secret notes from lectures in tactical training (basi- cally) and other courses are kept in these notebooks. In tactical training, the organ- ization of the Soviet Army and foreign armies and other especially important data deal- ing with the intelligence service is entered into this notebook, Before el:topes start, each auditor signs for and receives his notebook; after using it during the day, he turns it back into the secret section. After he graduates from this sehool, the auditor inform the secret library of the designation of the Air Army (or VVS Military )istrict) to which he has been aasigned. Approximately one month after his departure, tlin library mends the secret notebook to the officer Pereonnel Section of the Air Army (nr VVS Military Distriet) to which the auditor was aumigned. Upon readying the notebooks, the Air Army Officer Fereonnel Section sends them to the unit to which ttia erten, was as- signed. When the notebooks are received by the Secret Section of the regimontal or jointeunit headquarters to which the officer was assigned, they are registered in the ?journal of received secret documents and inform the officer in question, The officer may then use his notebooks in the same manner as other secret doeumente. Then the officer is tranaferred to another unit, his notebooks are sent there by the secret section, In those mem where the officer is sent to the Officer Personnel Direatorate at VVS Headquarters in Moacow and does not know what Air Army or VVS Militerz District to which he will be assigned, he waits until he has been assigned in Moscow and has ar- rived at his new place of duty and then, through the secret section, be aendu an off to- iii request to have his notebooks sent to the indicated address, Upon receiving such a request the secret section sends the officer's notebooks to the indicated address where the same procedure (as above) is gone through. These notebooks may be destroyed by a commission after certain data (such as the designation of the destroyed document? a short summary of the document, eta) has been entered into the destroyed oecret docu- manta act, by request of the officer. The notebooks may also be destroyed in those eases where the officer has been transferred to another unit through Mbseow and has not 50X1 sent a request to his former unit to have the notebooks sent to his new unit within one year. 50X1 17. a VI/5 anelosure at of the Liretsk Senior Officers' Flight Tactical School of the in the case. of some of the boxes giving courses subordinate to the Chief of the Educational - Flight Section, only Senior Instructors and Instructors have been shown since these courses do not have a cycle organization. In such cases, the Sr Instructor is the Chief of the other instructor and checks on his background in the course to be conducted by the instructor. He also authenticates the instructor's lecture outlines (konspekti) and presents his own lecture outlines to the Chief of the Educational - Flight Section for authentication. The following is a brief description and explanation of the numbered blocks shown on the Enclosure: SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/06/05:CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 -12- (1) The Chief of the School, according to the T/O, should be a Lt General or Col General of Aviation. Actually, Maj General of Aviation, Hero of the Soviet Union Yarlikin held this post in 1945-46, and in 1950, Lt General of Aviation Seleznev, The School Chief is directly subordinate to the Chief of VUZOV (Military Educational Institu- tions) of the VVS and operationally subordinate to the Commander of the VVS Military District in which the'school is located. (2) The School's Chief of Staff, by T/04is a or General or Lt General of Aviation. Nevertheless, a Col Matveyev was assigned to this duty in 1945-1946; be was First Deputy to the Chief of the School. It was his responsibility to control every sub- division of the school in matters pertaining to combat training, maintaining military discipline and a series of other problems. (3) The School's Deputy Chief for Political Atters (simultaneously the Chief of the School's Political Section), is, by T/0, a Colonel or Major General of Aviation. Col Novikainheld this post from 1946-1950; he was responsible for the political training of all of the school's personnel as well as the status of their military discipline and combat preparedness, According to the school program, political trainieg is wholly in the hands of the sohool's political section. All political training in- struotors are included in the school's political section. The Chief of the Politioal Seotion Domande the following: (14) the officers' 010, (13) secretary of the Party Organization, (12) secretary of the Komsomol Organization. Numbers 12 and 13 are responsible for the supervision of all lower-level Party and Komsomol Organizations. These organizations are commanded by the following officers: a Major Lt Colonel as Party Organization Secretary, and a Major - Captain as Kom- somol Organization Secretary. (14) Chief of the Officers' Club is a Ajor or Lt Colonel; his deputy for group-cultural (kultmassovoi) work is a Captain or Senior Lieutenant' the Chief of the Labrary is a Senior Lieutenant or Lieutenant and the librarian (bibliotekar) is a female civilian. The Chief of the Club supervises all of the clubs operations in servicing officer per- sonnel and their families with, various forme of entertainment and is responsible for the club's equipment and order during group measures. The Deputy Chief of the Club is responsible for organizing various social events (during the evenings), drasa and music circles, as well as for providing the club with motion pictures. He oompiles a schedule of club operations for each month and sees that it is carried out. School Deputy Chief for the Rear is, by T/O, a Lt Colonel or Colonel; (Lt Colonel Derevyanko held this position in 1941-46). He supervises all of the sohool's supply organs and reports on the status of the supply service to the Chief of the School. The sections and subsections shown in boxes 39, 40, 43, 41, 47, and 49, are under his command (these boxes will be described below), The MGB Counter-Intelligence Section consist. of five officers and two civilians. The Chief of the Counter-Intelligence Section is a Colonel and his Deputy is a it,Colonel, the other officers are Majors and below. Their function is to check on tl's loyalty of all personnel to the Soviet regime. (6) The Main Engineer of the School, according to T/0, is an Engineer Colonel lax' General of the Engineering Aviation Service. An Engineer Colonel was the school's Ain Engineer during 1941-46. He is responsible for the condition of the lehoolls Engineering Aviation Service which, in addition to the Senior Engineers of the Ed- ucational Air Regiments, is under his oommand. The Ain Engineer of the eebool is simultaneously the Chief of the Engineering Section (Box 61). The Engineering Sec- tion (Box 6/) includes the following individuals: the Deputy Ain Engineer or the school - an Engineer Lt Colonel or Colonel, Armaments Engineer of the Schoel - an Engineer Lt Colonel or Major, Special Equipment Engineer of the School - annglneer Lt Colonel or Major. Chief of the School's Medical Service, by T/0, is rn Colonel of the Medical Service (although in 1946, a Lt Colonel held this post). He is responsible for the etatus of the school's Medical Service and has the following individuals under his command: the OATBs' Senior Physicians, the Chief of the Dispensary,'the Chief of the Receiving Sec- tion (ambulfitory) and the Chief of the Pharmacy. This school had two OATR's each of which included: an OATR Senior Physician, by TA, a Major or Captain of the Medical Service, a Military Medical Assistant who was a Lt or Senior Lieutenant of the Medical Service, and a civilian nurse. (9) The school's dispensary contains 10 beds for hospitalized oases. (Major of the Medical Service Sobakin (an ear, nose, and throat specialist) was the Chief of the DI.spemeary in 1946). In addition to the Chief, the T/O of the Dispensary called for the following individuals: a Dispensary Senior Physician - Major or Lt Colonel of the Medical Ser- vice who specialized in therapeutics, three civilian nurses, a dining room supervimor (male or female); two cooks (male or female), and three cleaning-women. (10) The following duty designations enter into the Tb O of a Receiving Section: The Chief of the Receiving Section - an internal ailments ?hysician who was a Lt Colonel or Major of the Medical Service, a ciyilianAenilsi (in_ ? '1 a female named Mblinovskaya oc- 5BORET/SEGUXITY Isre-0.21uN (4) (,) (7) (8) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 -13- cupied this post), a physician specializing in gynecology and venereology who may or may not be a civilian; a neuropathologist - a Major or Captain of the Medical Service, an ophthalmogist - a Captain of the Medical Service, two civilian nurses and one lab- oratory-worker. Major of the Medical Service Sobakin (the Chief of the Distensary) re- ceived patients suffering ear, nose and throat ailments, in the Receiving Section. The physicians of the Receiving Section are on duty by turns for 24 hours a day. (11) The Chief of the Pharmacy, a Major or Captain of the Medical Service, prepares all types of medicines according to the prescriptions of the Receiving Sections's physic- ians and the Chief of the Dijpensary, (16) The Chief of the Educational, Flight Section (V T 0 ), is the School's Deputy Chief of Staff, According to the T/0, his grade is Colonel or Major General of Aviation. In 50X1 1946, this post was occupied by a Colonel Mayer (a German by nationality). 50X1 during a six-month period Colonel Mayer temporarily was the School's Chief of Staff but his permanent position was that of the Chief of the Educational-Flight Section. He was responsible for organizing the whole educational program and for seeing that it was carried out as well as the educa- tional flight training of the school's auditors and permanent personnel. He was also responsible for the training of the school's instructors. The Chiefs of all Faculties (Tsikli), the Senior Instructor of various subjects, the Secret Library, and the Tac- tics Cabinet were under his supervision. Colonel Mayer's duty slot is comparable to that of an Air Army Operations Officer in a combat joint-unit. (17) The Deputy Chief of the School's Educational-Flight Section is, bt T/0, a Colonel or Lt Colonel. This post was held by Lt Colonel Pylayev in 1946. He was responsible for maintaining control over the training of instructor personnel and for organizing the educational program. Two civilian typists are directly subordinate to him. (15) The Secret Library is directly under the command of the Educational-Flight Section Chief, The Chief of this Library is a Lieutenant or Senior Lieutenant. one tele 50X1 civilian acts as the library-helper 50X1 This library contains all the secret materials used by instructors and audi- tors in preparing their lessons and the auditors' notebooks in which notes are taken during lectures containing secret and top-secret information. (23) The Faculty (or cycle) of Tactical Training is the largest in number of personnel and in importance. The Chief of the Tactics Cycle is a Colonel according to the T/0, but, in 1946, a Lt Colonel Russiyanov temporily held this post although he was actually the senior instructor of general tactics. The following individuals enter into *be T/O of this Cycle: three senior instructors of general tactics, three senior instrIctors in VVS tactics and three in general tactics (who should at least be Major's cr Lt Colonels even though Captains who have completed a military aoademy sometimos hold this position), and an instructor of topography, a Captain or Major, (24) The following individuals enter into the T/0 of the Bombing Cycle: the ChLef of the Cyale - a Lt Colonel (this position was held by Lt Colonel Ryabov in 6). senior instructors - Majors, and one instructor - a Captain or Major, (2) The following duty designations enter into the T/0 of a Navigation Crap; the Chief of the Cycle - a Lt Colonel or Colonel, two senior insturetorm Major e or Lt Colonels, and two instoetors Majors or Captains. The position of Senior Instrnotor. of Naviga- tion Training was held by a Captain Dasher (Later promoted to Major) in 194C, (26) The following duty derignatione enter into the T/O of the Aerial Ouxinerj ,;ervIce ayols: the Chief of the Cycle - a Colonel Envald (who holds a professorship) 19 the author of all the basic texts on the theory of aerial gunnery. However, according to some of- 50X1 fioers Colonel Envald has been transferred to a comparable position at the Military Red-Banner Command - Navigators' Aoademy of the WS f the Soviet Army, In addition, this cycle includes two senior instructors - Aa:ors or Lt Colonels, and two instructors - Captains or Majors. The gunner-rango9, target area (Polygon), and training equipment is under the Aerial Gunnery Service Cvole Chief's supervision. (27) The Technical Training Cycle includes the following duty designations in its T/O: the Chief of the Cycle - an Engineer Colonel or Lt Colonel, one Senior Instructor - an En- gineer Lt Colonel or Major, and one instructor - an Engineer Captain or Major. (3') This Section includes the following duty designations: a Senior Instructor of Physical 50X1 training and sprts - a Major or Lt Colonel, and one Instructor of Physical Training and 50X1 sports - a Captain or Major. the Senior Instr.-octor he was a Major, In 1946, the Instructor's position was filled by a former amito the staff course, a Senior Lieutenant Malinovskii (who is a Major at the preterit time). (34) The T/0 for this Section includes the followin; duty designations: a Senior Instructor of Chemical Training - a Major or Lt Colonel (in 1946 this slot was filled a Senior Lieutenant who had graduated from a civil chemical institute, the Senior OnerliNti Of- ficers' School in the city of Tashkent); and, an instructor of Chemical traJning Captain or Major. This latter duty slot was not filled in 1946. SECRET/SECURITY MFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 14 50X1 (35) This Section includes; one Senior Instructor in.Military Administration, a Captain or Major, who is directly subordinate to the Chief of the Educational-Flight Section. This position was filled by a Senior Lieutenant in 1946. 50X1 (36) This Section includes: the Senior Instructor of Communications (line, radio and radar) a Major or Lt Colonel (however, in 1946, this position was fillbd by a Captain Sirota). and, an Instructor of Communications - a Major (37) This Section includes: a Senior Instructor of Meteorlogical Training, a Major, who was directly subordinate to the Chief of the Educational-Flight Section. (36) This Section includes: a Senior Instructor of Aero-Photo-Reconnaissance, a Major or Lt Colonel. In 1946, this position was filled by Senior Lieutenant Smirov. This indivi- dual is directly subordinate to the Chief of the Educational-Flight-Section. 50X1 (64) The Tactics Cabinet is directly controlled by the Chief of the Tactics Cycle. Its T/0 includes: the Chief of the Tactics Cabinet - a Major; and, the Chief's Assistant - a Captain. In 19460 this position was held by a former Senior Instructor of VVS Tactics 50X1 a Major Mishchenko. The Assistant's position was vacant The Tactics Cabinet is a large room equipped with.posteri, ohartsi models* and descrip- tions depicting various World War II episodes showing both positive and negative oper- ations organization charts of 'foreign armies (basically American and English but includ- ing the armies of other Western Governments) which describe the equipment, combat and T/0 strength. etc, of the illustrated armies. All documents located in this cabinet are classified secret and top secret. The tactics cabinet was organized in November of 1945 by order of the VVS Commander-in-Chief. (18) The Sohoolls Personnel Section is directly subordinate to the School's Chief of Staff; according to the T/0, it includes the following duty designations: Chief Of the Per- sonnel Section - a Major, the Deputy Chief - Captain, two civilian typists the Chief of the Secret (Documents) Section - a Captain or Senior Lieutenant of the Administrative Service, and a civilian secretary - typist. The personnel section maintains records and reassigns sergeant and private personnel; it also formulates papers for their promotion to the next military rank and makes daily per- sonnel reports on all personnel (including officers). Furthermore, the personnel sec- tion compiles a daily personnel memorandum (stroyevaya zapiska) pertaining to the pre- sence of personnel in the units, which shows what personnel are on duty in the unit, Mow many are absent and for what reason, and where those who are absent are and when they are expected to return to the unit. The personnel section formulates travel documents (travel orders) and leave tickets for all personnel going on leave. It also conducts paper-work necessary to place newly arrived personnel (from other units or from leave) on supply and subsistence rations and to remove individuals, who are leaving their unit permanently or temporarily, from these lists. This section maintains a daily orders book which indicates the particular subdivisions from which the next days detail has been selected And the eurnames of of- ficer personnel and the post to which they are assigned for the detail. Furthermore, this section composes planned orders dealing with the unit's personnel, activities, es- pecially those of the sergeants and privates. (28) The School's 6th (Cipher) Section has a T/0 of three: the Chief of the 6th Section, a Major, and two assistants, Captains. 50X1 (29) The Chief of the Meteorological Service is an Sngineer Major or Lt Colonel: his assist- ant - a Senior Technical Lieutenant, a meteorologist - a Sergeant and. two raato.671./.- ators - Sergeants or Privates. In 1946, an Engineer-Major held the Meteorological Service Chief's position. (30) The School's Chief of Communications is a Lt Colonel or Colonel. Under this individual's command are: his assistant, a Major, the Chief of Telegraph Section, an, the Chief of the Telephone Station. In 1946, the Chief of COmmunications was a Lt Colonel. (31) The Chief of the Telegraph Station is a Lieutenant who commands five Sergeant ind mix civilian telegraphists. The station is equipped with two HST-35" and one /Todoti teletype machines. (32) The Chief of the Telephone Station, a Senior Lieutenant or Lieutenant, is simultaneously the Commander of the Line Communioations Platoon. He has 1, privates and two aergeants under his command who check all of the telephone lines within the school and are on duty at the telephone station for 24-hour periods. (19) The Officer Personnel Section of the School maintains records on the officer personnel, compiles officers' attestations, checks on officers' time-in-grade requirementv awl draws up attestations for promotion to the next consecutive rank. Furthermore, this section does the paper work involved in changing officers' duty designations or authenticating them. 1$ prepares reward lists for officer personnnel who are eligible to receive rewards SECRET/SECURITY INFORUATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 50X1 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION -15 - (in the form of decorations) for having served specified periods of time in the service. At specified times, in accordance with the table of periodic reports, this section re- ports to a higher-level officer personnel organ on thE officer strength of the school in accordance with the school's officer T/O. According to the T/O, the Chief of the Officer Personnel Section should be a Major or Lt Colonel. In 1946, this position was filled by Major Kondratyev (or Kondrosbov) who had under his command: the Senior Assist- ant Chief of the Officer Personnel Section -a Captain or Major, the Assistant Chief - a Senior Lieutenant or Lieutenant, and a civilian secretary-typist. This section is directly subordinate to the Chief of the School. (39) The Finance Section is directly subordinate to the Deputy Chief of the School for the Rear. The following duty designations enter into the T/0 of this section; the Chief of the Finance Section - a Major of the Quartermaster Service, Chief Bookkeeper - a Captain of the Quartermaster Service, the Cashier - a Lieutenant of the Quartermaster Service; one civilian bookkeeper; and two civilian accountants. This section pays all of the schools personnel and provides for other needs of the school. (40) Under the Food Section are the Food Storeroom (41) and the dining-room (42). This sec- tion provides the school's personnel with food supplies, suitable storage of food Sup- plies in the storerooms, and prepares the food served in the officers'.and sergeants' dining-rooms. This section is directly subordinate to the School's Deputy Commander for the Rear. The following duty designations enter into its T/O: the Chief of the Food Section - a Major of the Quartermaster Service, his Assistant a Major or Captain of the Quartermaster Service, a civilian bookkeeper of the Food Section; two civilian account- ants of the Food Section, the Supervisor of the Storeroom - a Sergeant, a civilian storekeeper, the Officers' Dining Room Supervisor - a.civilian or a Jr Lieutenant or Lieutenant of the Quartermaster Service, and the Sergeants' and Privates' Dining Room Supervisor - a Sergeant. The following civilian personnel work in the Officers' Dining Room: four or five cooks (one of them is a Senior Cook), 10 waitresses (two of them senior), two dishwashers; one stoker, two kitchen workers, and one barmaid. (43) The Clothing and Equipment Supply Section provides the personnel with clothing (including flight clothing) and the Headquarters sections with office equipment. The Clothing and Equipment Storeroom (44) is under this section which is subordinate to the School's Deputy Commander for the Rear, according to its T/0, this section includes the following duty designations: the Chief of the Clothing and Equipment Section - a Major or Lt Col- onel of the Quartermaster Service, Assistant Chief - a Captain of the Quartermaster Ser- vice, a civilian (usually female) Senior Accountant and Accountant of the Clothing and Equipment Section, the Chief of the Clothing and Equipment Storeroom - a Lieutenant or Senior Lieutenant of the Quartermaster Service, the Section's Storekeeper - a civilian or Private, four or five laundresses working in a laundry adjacent to the bath-house which is under the supervision of the Chief of the Bathhouse, a Sergeant, who is directly subordinate to the Chief of the Clothing and Equipment Storeroom, and two bath-house attendants (a civilian female and male). (45) The Motor Vebiole Company Commander is a Captain or Major, his Assistant for Technical Matters - a Senior Technical Lieutenant. The Motor Vehicle 0- -any includes two platoons (46), one of which is equipped with special vehicles And the ot er with trucks and light cars. each platoon is headed by a oommander who is a Lieutenant or Senior Lieutenant and includes 30 sergeants and privates. The Commander of one of these platoons is also the Chief of the garage. (47) A depot containing fuel-lubricant materials is under the POI Chief's Command. According to T/0, the POL Chief should be a Senior Technical Lieutenant. Under his command are a civilian accountant and the POL Depot Supervisor - a Sergeant (48). (49) no Chief of the Residence Maintenance Section (a Captain or Major) is directly subordin- ate to the school's Deputy Chief for the Rear. The following individuals are under his command: the KE0 (Res MAint Section) bookkeeper, the EEO accountant, the eupervisor of the furniture storeroom (50) - a civilian, the supervisor of the hearing-fuel storeroom (51) - a civilian; three stokers, a plumber, a carpenter, an electrician, and porters for the various types of buildings (all civilians). (13) The Chief of the Staff Course, a Lt Colonel or Colonel (in 1946, a Lt Colonel Ostromov- skii), is responsible for military discipline among staff-course auditors, their educat- ional achievements, assignment of quarters, eto. The following individuale are under his command: his deputy for political matters (12) - a Captain or Major (in 1946, a Apr Stepanov), the Assistant Chief of the course for drill - a Captain or Major (in 1940, a Senior Lieutenant Cheremusbkin), the senior officer of the course (starshina lotrae) is selected from among the auditors of the course on the basis of highest military rank and high degree of discipline, and the commanders of class sub-sections, selected from among the auditors in the same way as the course senior officer. There are six groups (consist- ing of 25-30 individuals or less in each group) in the staff course. A secretary-typist and the supervisor of the storeroom (where luggage, etc, belonging to the courses' auditors is kept) are also subordinate to the Chief of the course. :he Chief of the Course is directly subordinate to the School's Chief of Staff. SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 50X1 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION -16 (58) The Chief of the Command Course, a Lt Colonel c Colonel, is responsible (just as is the Chief of the Staff Course) for the military discipline, educational achievements, home- work, assignment to quarters, rest, etc, of the auditors in his course. The following individuals are subordinate to him: the Deputy Chief of the Course for Political Matters a Major or Lt Colonel, the Assistant Chief of the Course for Drill - a Captain or Major, the Senior offiner of the course - one of the auditors, the Commanders of Class Sub- Sections (590 600 61, 62) - selected from among the auditors on the basis of seniority in grade, past efficiency ratings, decorations, etc, the secretary-typist (female civil- ian), and the supervisor of the storeroom - (in which all of the personal property of auditors is kept) a female civilian. The Chief of the Command Course is directly subord- inate to the School's Chief of Staff. There are 12 groups (including the special group) which have a composition identical to those of the staff course. The special group (63) consists of 15-20 auditors from the Satellite States who are trained in Soviet flight training methods. All of these indiv- duals are pilots whose duty designations are Squadron Commander and above. Actually they are not subordinate (like the other auditors) to the Chief of the Command Course although he assigns them quarters and sees to it that they are serviced there. (22) The Military Commandant of the School is directly subordinate to the Chief of the School; according to T/0, he should be a Major or Lt Colonel. The Commander of the Guard Com- pany is subordinate to him and is his deputy. The Guard Company consists of about 60 sergeants and privates and three platoon commanders (officers), The school military commandant's responsibilities include the following: checking on daily details, on the external appearance of all military personnel within the school's residence area, and on the internal order within the garrison. (19a) The let Training Air Regiment. The Commander of this regiment is directly subordinate to the Chief of the School. In 1946 this position was held by a Colonel Kiselav. This regiment is composed of the following three squadrons: two fighter squadrons (on. of which is equipped with YAK-type fighters and one with LA-type) and one ground-attack squadron (equipped with IL-10 aircraft). Each squadron consists of three flights, and each flight of two pairs. The following individuals are subordinate to the Regimental Commander: the Regimental Chief of Staff (66) who is a Lt Colonel or Colonel according to the T/00 the Regimental Deputy Commander (76), the Regimental Deputy Commander for Political Mhttere a Lieutenant Colonel or Colonel (77), the Regimental Senior Engineer (78) - a Major or Lt Colonel, the Regimental Navigator (79) - a Major, the Regimental Senior Physician (80) - a Major of the Medical Service, and the Squadron Comman4ors - Majors or Lt Colonels. The following individuals are subordinate to the Regimental Chief of ?tiff: the Regimen- tal Deputy Chief of Staff for the Operations Intelligence Section (67), the Regimental Chief of Commnnicatione (68), the Regimental Chief of the Chemical Service (69), the Chief of the Officer and E M Personnel Section (70), and the Regimental Chief of the Secret Section (71)0 (67) The Deputy Chief of Staff, a Major, has under hie commend one clerk - a sergeant. (70) The chief of the Officer and E M Personnel Seetion, a Captain, has under his gormand one clerk (a Private or Sergeant) and one civilian typist, (71) The Chief of the Secret Section, a Lt or Senior Lieutenant of the Administrative Service, has one civilian typist under his command. (77) The Regimental Deputy Commander for Political Matters, a Lt Colonel or Colonel, had under hie command the Party Organization Secretary (a Lt through Major inclusive) and the Komso- mol Organization Secretary (a Jr Lt through Captain inclusive). Actually, theoc last two duty designatione do not have any military rank limitations and the Regimental Deputy Commander for Political Matters does not have the authority to punish them in ar way. Violations perpetrated by these individuals can only be punished by the Divisional Party Commiseion which does not notify other Party or Komsomol Members of the punishments de- cided upon. (76) The Regimental Senior Engineer has the following individuals under his command: the Regimental Armaments Engineer, the Regimental Special Equipments Engineer, the Regimental Radio Technician, and the Command Flight Technician. (72) This box shows the Commanders of the two fighter squadrons and one Ground-Attack Squadron. These squadrons include the following flight-personnel: the Air Squadron Commander, the Air Squadron Deputy Commander (who is siMultaneously the Squadron Naviriator) a Captain or Major, two Flight Commanders - Lt's through Captains, and two instructors in each flight - Lt's through Captains. Each Squadron is equipped with twelve aircraft. Acord- ing to the T/O, these squadrons have the following technical personnel: Air Squadron Sr Technician 1 (A Tech Lt through a Captain of the Air Squadron Armaments Tech 1 Air Tech Ser) Air Squadron Spec Equip Tech 1 Flight Technicians 3 Aircraft Mechanics 12 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 (20) 50X1 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 -17- Armaments Mechanics 3 Radio Mechanics 1 Elec Equip Mech 1 Instrument Mechanics 1 Asst Aircraft Mechanics 12 Asst Armaments Mechanics 6 Asst Elec Equip Mechanics 2 Asst Instrument Mechanics 2 Asst Radio Mechanics 2 Basicallyt the above personnel are to be found in fighter squadrons. The technical per- sonnel T/O of Ground-Attack Squadron will be practically the same but will be larger by two Asst Armaments Mechanics in each flight, two Radio Mechanics, two Electrical Equip- ment Mechanics, two Instrument Mechanic, one Asst Armaments Mechanic, one Asst Radio Mechanic, one 'Asst Elect Equipments Mechanic, and eight aerial gunners - radio operators. Thus, this regiment's total strength is 225 persons, 59 officers and 166 sergeants and privates. The 2nd Training Air Regiment consists of three squadrons: one squadron of which is equipped with PE-2 Aircraft, the second with TU-2 Aircraft, and, the third equipped with IL-4 and LI-2 Aircraft. this regiment's commander was a uolonei. lbo headquarters organization of this regiment will be analogous to that of the other regiment. However, the composition of the squadrons will differ in that these 50X1 squadrons consist of three flights each and each flight is equipped with three aircraft. The number of flight personnel in these squadrons will be approximately equal to six crews per squadron, and the number of technical personnel will be the same as that in a Bomber Air Squadron of Frontal Aviation. In this regiment, the officer personnels' T/O duty designations will be exactly the same as in the previous regiment. (21) This entry shows two Air Technical Battalions which service the Traini Air Regiments. The composition of these battalions will be anal talions. ? and - UMW= (A)o Organizational Chart of the Liptak SeniOr Officers' Flight Taeitealmxi School of the VVS with Legend 50X1 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/06/05:CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 ENCLOSURE (A) SECRET/SECURITY ThIFIRMATION Page 50X1 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF THE LIPETSK SENIOR , OFFICERS' FLIGHT TACTICAL SCHOOL OF THE VVS WITH LEGEND 111M-M1111,11???????? MOMmilmilimw t ? vs\ SECRETMECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/06/05:CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 ENCLOSURE (A) SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION 50X1 Page -2- Legend: 1... Chief of the School - Lt Gen of Aviation 81... Engineering Section 2... School Chief of Staff 3... Dep Chief of the School for Political Matters...Simultaneously The Chief of the Politics Section 4.., Dep Chief of the School for the Rear 5... Couhter Intelligence Section 6.., School Main Engineer 7... School Chief of the Medical Service 8.., Battalion Health Service 9... 50 Person Dispensary 10... Receiving Section Station Ambulatory 11... Pharmacy 12... Komsomol Organ 13... Party Organ 14... Club and Library 15... Secret Library" 16?. School Chief of the Educational Flight SectioriAlso School's Dep Chief of Staff 17... Dep Chief of the Educational Section 18... Personnel Section 19... Chief of the Officer Personnel Section A-Training Air Rgt (Fighter and Ground Attack) 20... Training Air Hgt. (Bombers) 21... Separate Air Technical Battalions 22... School Military Commandant 23... Tactics 24.., Bombing 25... Navigation 26... Aerial Gunnery Service 27... Technical 28... Cipher Section 29.4. Chief of the Meteorological Service 30... School Chief of Communioations 31... Telegraphy Station 32... Telephone Station 13... Physical Training 34... Chemical 35... Sr Instructor for Military Administration 36.,. Commmnioatione 374.. Meteorological 38.., Sr InstruCtor for the Aerial Photo Service 39.., Finance Section 40.., Food Section 41... Storeroom 42... Moon Hill 41... Clothing and, Equipment Section 44... Storeroom 14.6, Motor Vehicle Company (Autorota) 46... Garage and Subdetachdent 47... Chief of Fuel - Lubricant Materiala 48.., Storeroom 49so, Remidenee Maintainanoe Section 50..e Furniture Storeroom 51... Heating Fuel Storeroom 52... Dep Chief of the Course for Political Matters 53... Chief of the Staff Course 54... Group of Divieional Dep Chiefs of Staff 55,.. Operations Section ?Meer& 36." Regimental Chiefs and Dep Chiefs of Staff 57.., Dep Chief of the Course for -eolitioal Matters 58... Chief of the Command Course 59... Divisional Dep Cemmandere Group 60?. Regimental Commandero and Dep Commanders Group 61". DiVisional and Regimental Navigators. Group 62... Divisional and Regimental Asst Commanders for the Aerial Gunnery Service Group 63... Special Group from the Satellite Countries (Flight Personnel) 64.., Tactics Cabinet 65... School Main Navigator 66.., Regt Chief of Staff 67... Regt Dep Chief of Staff for the Operations Intelligence Section 68...'Regt Chief of Communioations 69.? Regt Chief of Chemical Service 70... Regt Chief of the Personnel Section 710.. Regt Chief of the Secret Section iiy:guns(one Gr Attack and two 7/11) 74/75 Flights 000- Retr e ep Cbmmander for Political Matters Dep Cormander 78... Sen or Engineer 72... avteator do... eg mental Senior Physician SRCRET/SECUTI.ITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 Towards EJe.L.L; and Orel Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 ion Gryazi Wire Fence MiT:.tary CommisEar Store...; and repair 1107!. ENCLOSURE NO.2 THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE AVIO-GARRISON AT LIPETSK SR. OFFICERS FLIGHT-TACTICAL SCHOOL Stra..:e. of K E 0(Resident f M.Iintenance SeetiLn Tc7ward Lii)ets ad ,'.ovo-Lipetsk Resident in B. Gunnery Rane ReL:tentia B.LL 1.11.1?1. ?:) 111,.:Le; (A t.-; ' Rt ;.t e , , e ????? Refri:erlition ccl ( j -1 0, Flo d 1 J Rear 07+ ? .- 7 n Imalateince I? Sectie r.n e, ci] RA V I N.E ReeHfl;,1,1 arel't of rj,e City of LipeL.,s' , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05: CIA-RDP82-00047R000200180002-7 1?1111MIMIMII=1111.1.. 4.111.1?????=01.11??? Di,trict of .t.o of Line..;" 7.2.14. L.-0Q .217 ILLEGIB