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i list. -. .,.: C Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100280006-3 CENTRAL INTELLIC~ENGE AGENCY If~1~~~~f,R~?'~+~~ ~E~'?F~AT' COUNTRY ~8o~iei; uan=) SUBJECT Eest ilistening ~i,xne for FBa~.ic Pre~rar~` to Sa~riet Persorox~~:i ~:a E~errnm:~.ny P LAC E ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED THI! DO CUY ENT CONTAINS INFO RYATION AFFECTING THE TI ONAL Of TXE UNITED STATE S, WITH IX THE MEANING OF TI TLE IBr SF CTI Ox! 793 0 794 OF THE V, ANEPIDE O. ITS TRAM SY I!l IOH 0 LATI ON OF ITS CON TEN TSO TO, OR! PT UNFU THORIIEO P R90N 19 PRONIlI TED !Y LAW. THE REP R00I1CTION GF TN I! FORM i! PROW WIT[0. DATc DISTR, tt- r 145 50X1 N0. OF PAGES ~ N0. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS 1S UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 i.D :ianli'~te~d p+~r~sa~.~.~~1 sexuin~; Frith Souiet A:~y ~xzxits in ~ex~nany -have ran access to ra~.ia receiv~:-~~ , ~:~~. ~TCd ? t live ire. bar~~ac;k~ in. mili~~ary compotitrds where private ra( --..~~.~i~;~e:rs are no 1on~e.r a~xthorize~~., Prior to 151 _ it was n+~t ~~,;fl~; s.11 un~.s~;~l, to ~~~ private radios bar~^acks belongi.~ ~c~ i.rx(ii.~vid9:xa~.. N^Os arici soldier: , In, Mt.~rc;h 1q~1, however, ~,. ~~~~?~ directive: way: iss~.e(i osderin~ ce~x~x~.rst3.ers +o izupoutxd a1.1, private re~?eivers in barracks az~,d to k~:ep theme in stox~e:- room.~ until thy. respe~:tiv~e owr~.ers wire tip be re?t,urned to the i~BEt f'or demobi,~i~~,t ie~n, ~h~s , sol~.iers and NO~Js beixa~'i. pa~~ses ar~~. `k~~irg leit irE the b~a.:rx?acks without, Pxavp xxo ~,hr~~ac:e ~rhatnsoever to 3~a.s?I~en ?~c fo~?e~~r~ broadcasts, ~~6 E3fficers are the a~a~y mi.l.i~tary persaa~a:~ll rho are able to ~.i~wtex~ tc for~eit~, broadcasts.. pink trxe ciay$ ho~everp e~fi'icers have rso ?~imfz ~~0 listen to bros.d~asts because trp.ey sre in. their barracks or ?f fines . ~u~ing the d,inr~er recess ?ahi.~~h :xs normally frown 1~+3~ to 1r130 ho~~.x?s, an?~ after ~~~,.ey ~;ake~x tri.eir meal ix2 arse mAss, very feT~ of fixers wex7.t ho~~~ , ~e?re is always somethir~; tca citz i~nediate~ly ai'ter dixxxxer; a ~:o~a~"~rezace:~. meetir~~ leyturey o~? urgP~.t work to be ~,ox~.e in t>he uni?t or offiee. Offi~:ers usual.3,y s?tay o~x ~;he job uxi~,i1 200 or 21[30 in the eveni.x~~;s . Shr~r-~ly after CLASSIFICAT_10_N__ sE(~REI.?~~EG?UFtI~ INF'0_RNIA~101~t DISTRIBUTION QC'~a~. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100280006-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ~ 50-Yr2013/04/12 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100280006-3 a~t,ir~n,:C~/o`al,i~Ul'i .':~?r 11Y1i't7lS,tYJ.K'3,LV~Y ;~: , that -they have their ~~u~t'px3 a A,?"a rule ~aviel; o~'fie~rs k~a~re .. _ ._ . a~ _ -.. ._ .. ,... hotels`; ~enia~ officer` have, jingle ~cioma ar~d two pr three junior officers share one" yx~o?r~o '; being; restridtecl o the compound in the game way ~s' personnel, flf3: ~?Ar+s usually . stay in the officers club ~,ft~r a~upp~r drink~~.g~' p~:syia~g cards, car ~ugt talking, a ..coz~sequer~ce, t~~.s policy of ;~ isolation has brought off#?~ers;, ~n Gehmany ~.u~h closer, to each other, Undex? such ndit~on~ ~?'~? 'is almost impoasible~ for axa officer? to separate himae'1f -from the. party ~tithout any ._~ ~? . reasonable pretext and x??tire to his rooms Fellow officers may knock on your Cic?o~ ea~'~ex? ?~hi~ ~^n~au ~?~x~ ~. ~aaxi~, ~~~~ir~., o~? ~~~:~~~ ~?o ~u ~i~h~ut I~rac~k~..~g,~ T~.3~ ~~~.ns 1dh~.?t ~.~1~i.~ midr~lght, when parties br~a.king u~ and officers go too thci~ rooms, there is 7.Y:ttle '~han.ce to tube in cad, ~TqA c~.r 13BG a (~o~zser~uenfsl,y~ the ohly time ~r~,en officers ca,~ l:isten to fox^e:ign bx?oadcasts is immediately of tr~r mi~.nigh~t when ~:... the n~oscow eta.tion closes its pro~;r~,rn (4~~~0- hours rRoseow time) o At tli'~t hour i?ndivi~.ual officers rna.y be rgasanably sure that ,~ . nobody would' unexpe-ct:edly enter ~h~ room aarld catch them reed.- ?~ ha2zd er]. o f~ . , Zr~sofar as enlisted personnel ,'~~ cr~hce~ned nn~y a few i.ndivi~uala servinr;with sign. l unit: s, or having-` s.cces:s '~f3,:.military radio' receivers ,nosy ta.k;~~ tie change of . `tt ' ing them '~a foreign , b,rc~adca.~t'~~ -The number of such hc~wev'er~ is very 50X1 small a~;d'`the danger th~;y, x?un is g~?~ata 50X1 T~?~. -hour ahead of GN'!T and two hours behind Moscpw times ~onse- -50X1 r~tzently, when it is 1~p0 hotzra GM'f it i~ ~13~o hours in errnan and. in r~?ioscow 1500 hours o 50X1 a>ov e Army in Cerrnany thew ~.ocal E38~~n~.~ t-irx~e wh:i.~~ ~' .one ~~he dinner and rest period ~ fo'1~ aovi~:~ Army trcaops and office personnel is from 1~?3o to:'163U h?urso Dinner is usually. ?completed a,t 1515-153?. hours, This indicates that the beat listening period, i.f ~~a.stif.ied at all, would.. be from 155 to 1615 bourse ~~~C:Ft~~?1:'/~.L;CY7~i:LTY ;1:N1~`f:~.t;1~~1~-"1:':I;tIV Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100280006-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ~ 50-Yr2013/04/12 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100280006-3 SECR.~'~ f~ e:.`T;IHI~Y T~:~'~Jl~ll1.~:L~.[J :.~vn i (1) The ~~.m.e between 1700 acad. 170 is tc~ca early for, brQ~.~,as.sting; This is t`~,~ning/~a~rk tide e.nd. under ~aorr~.1 cond:itio~as nobody caxa ~~.k~ a?f to ~.i sten to br~ad,ce,sts o ,~~ , (2) Theoret~ical~;~y, the period ~"r?nra 2030 to 22x0 is of f duty, but soldiers arad 'COs are practic~.lly lacked in barracks, F~owever, scar those EPA having access to army r?eceivers9 this would. appear to be the best broadcasting , The period between, 1830-2030 is x~eser~red. f'car politir~al di~scussion~, ~'her~~ is alrnc~~t x~c, d?Pasncp ~'o,r^ anybody 50 tea get away and to :~.~.atexa to a, breja,dc~asto during this p~~~,~d p S~OT~~;`1:/;~LCU137TY rT~'C~.piNI1~T1:GId Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100280006-3