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50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100280005-4 CLASSIFICATION SEC!.ET/SECU-CITY INFOIR ''TnnY /ULA,J L f 71 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Peremilovo Kolkhoz PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFORMATION THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL OEFENEE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TI TLC IA, SECTIONS 793 AMD 794, OF THE U.S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR READ. CATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN ONAUTNORIDRO PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPR000CTION CF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. SECRET, DATE DISTR. / Mar 52 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. The peremilovo kolkhoz in Vladimirskaya Oblast , Yuryev-Polski Rayon was a small kolkhoz consisting of 27 households with a population of 80 persons of whom about 50 were able to work. It was one of seven small kolkhozes under the agricultural administration of the Selsoviet which was located in the village of Nesterev three kilometers west of Peremilovo. The Selsoviet was administered by a chairman, a secretary, two agronomists and several other members. The Selsoviet had its own militia, warehouses and stores. All sowing plans, production quotas and new methods of cultivation were transmitted from the Selsoviet to the kolkhozes. The two agronomists visited' the kolkhozes advising them as to the best methods of cultivation, fertilization etc. The MTS was located in Sima (5641N-3933E) and the rayon fertilizer center in Yuryev-Polski (5630N-3941E), about 30 kilometers from Peremilovo. 2. Ther Peremilovo kolkhoz owned approximately 1,000 hectares; 400 hectares of arable land and 600 hectares of woodlands and meadows. Plowing, harrowing and sowing of the kolkhoz land was done by tractors and machines of the MTS in Sima. Horses also were used for cultivation of the land. Each tractor plowed about eight hectares every 24 hours. The acreage and kind of crops to be planted were determined by the Selsoviet upon the recommendation of SECRET CLASSIFICATION SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100280005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100280005-4 :3ECT.ET/SECURITY INFORMATIGII! SECRET the agronom.i_ .g and. In the ManaFeTrIOnte the following crops'-were 1 !.anted In 19229 -wheat:, 30 hect r ea, rye h cc a~ t~u~ 3lie ., ? Oi ea 9 100; oats, 80; barl;e , oy etc ee, 30j 5p vetch 8; sugar beta 3p turnips,, 2s" ci.orer, M. The tobacco was as high as a man and of good _ r ualit The kblkhd received money and sugar in exchange for the tabaeco the Field of the wheat crop was 15 contners .. .. per heetare. and tht,, rye, 12 centiiers per hectire. The crops mere rotated. 14inter was planted in the fall on 100 hec?. tares of 1aid4 In the -spring- about 80' hectares of the 'same field were planted with clovei?. , The rye matured iri the summer and was harvested while the clover coaiti..niied growing on the field- for- three years. At the end of threes years' than el:ayer field was plowed 'and planted with potatoes and after : pcte;?to... crop the f3.0)1d was: agAl- planted with Tye. The fields were fertilized mostly with ir'anure obtained from the 'kolkhoz dairy, MTB-molochncgt.,ovarnsya, ba7:aa? to which ascot household' had to contribute a quota of rna,mar,=e :frc~ . Its stabi.e. xo~p}xates`weier.. also available from the depot ifs ' aar ~ 1 sx i 1 thy. ka:1khos' aelom. took, advantage of this facility, J%---t.i.y beR?Ebi:u:'e It, -req aired . to use, of the..kolkh'oz' truck for hauling and t. -,-) nec;esaary .:, of money for gasolinea, and partly because the k,l \-hozniks had more faith in the use of manure as fertilizer. Agricultural. Ma!Vin L:Z 3. Both mechanized and hor6edrawn agricultural machinery was used by the kolkhoz. The l ADS i.n?'Si had' gti6ei, ti?aotors `equipped with four plows each; four tractors were assigned-to three koiktxozes. Each tractor pulled three soy=i*afR, Co tbi:nes were horss~dr wn; one combine was assigned to thr ge koli hoze^s. In addition, eadh kalkhoz had two binders of its own which were horse Vdrawn. The kblkhoz had to pay in kind for the use of the MTS machinery from Sima? Livestock and palt,m lt. The kolkhoz had 18 milk roc s'9 2 hcrr se, 80 pigs of which 1.0-were breed- ing sows, 300 hens of . a special breed, .. and a rr ber of geeae, duucks, and some beehives. The gaverniment' delivery 'gii6ta- in milk yasv 300 liters per cow per year. There was also a quota in eggs, chickens, pigs and other poultry?. Life in the kolkhaz 5. Each kolkhoz household has its cnin pploV of land of three quarters of a hectare. On this plot the k6l.Woz ke _pliint 'iregetables for the use of . the householkd; they also k?rep' soma pc ltrf chickens, 'geese, ducks,, a pig or two, a cow, sommte_ be hiv es and some' pigeons. There is little fruit because of the cold. c'i,i.:ma,te. The food of the, kolkhozniks is simple., mostly cabbage soup and porridge. Meat,. eggs and butter are eaten rarely, because there icy not enough of these.products and because they bring a good price on the market. Sugar is scarce and usually the juice of the anger beet was used instead*' Those who have honey use it for sweets.. Candy is a luxury. t The o oznikr are dissatisfied because the governs r>;, takes every hing so that practically nothing r?scciair;a for the leol.l n~?;zrik. There was an old wooden church ire the village of Peremilovo but was no priest grain. 7. The Shnshka River, a tributary of the Nerl, flows th 0111. ai summer time the villa srs bathe "n it aral cat,, h, fish with roc "". SECRET SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100280005-4 5nxi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100280005-4 SEC1%+1 ~r 3,~,~Vf7TLJ ", 1 j '`( In ~; A:a;ati time _ the villagers baths-,ci, on Saturdays in wash tubs aft-6-r- heating, time water on' the i tove. It -vas, not considered good for a person to - ak e .a bath' too Often. I h.E; e were no toothbrushes -in the , ila e ,s-Ince the ka .khozniks titsed to says it was not good to brush teeth; there was no venereal disease. There was no oc o in the age a ough a goverment physician would come periodically'to the tillage to examine the people. A nick person reoeivt=ld free' h6epitalization in Sima; On the whole the people wer healthy-. oases had board floors with a hole in it.l used lime to keep the flies'away. All houses In Per ilovo were 1yilt of wood, SECF E`4/r SEC U! lIr~ Y :FTT F 0IU,," n, 1 I~.'~'.i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/12 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100280005-4