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4,,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100210002-4 COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SECRET USSR, Germany (Soviet Zone) ' DATE DISTR. If Feb 1952 50X1 Soviet Army Maneuvers in Germany, 15 - 20 Jul 51 NO. OF PAGES 3 ATE OF INFORMATIN THIS DOCUMENT CO AAAAAA I ION AFFECTINS ENE NATIONAL NNNNNNN OF THE UNITED ITATIIi WITHIN ENE ME NNNNN OF 19, SECTIONS 793 M/4;O::*:: e, :::":71. ITN l'htNihhihI*O vi mlvi. 14 FT:0;;NSTOOnt 1 BY PINION LAW TNK NNNNNN UCTI ill OP THIS FENN IS ANON N 50X1 50X1 50X1 NO. OF ENCLS. I (LISTED BELOW) (A) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FORM NO. a D JAN 1051 w 1. The area of the 15 - 20 Jul 51 maneuvers was located near a flax factory about one kilometer west of Brambach (5013N-1218E), across the River Elbe, in the Lodderitz-Kuehnau forests south of the Elbe, and near Zerbst (5158N-1205E), north of the Elbe. - 2. Participants in the maneuver were the 57th Guards Rifle Division (friendly forces) which attacked across the Elbe, and the 20th Guards Mechanized Division (hostile forces) which defended the north side of 50X1 the river. 50X1 50X1 the following units of the 57th Guards Rifle Division participated. SECRET CLASSIFICATION SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION STATE' ARMY NAVY DISTRIBUTION AIR A(c_ / Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100210002-4 -7 50X1 Declassified in Part-SanifizedDopyApprovedforlease @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100210002-4 SEGRET/SEGURITY Unit .2. SECRET Number of Men 170th Guards Rifle Regiment Abolut 500 172nd Guards Rifle Reginent About 30 (Only-headquarters, since two battalions were on border duty, and the third battalion clid not participate) 174th Guards Rifle Regiment About 1100 17th HT-SP Regiment About 500 65$th Howitzer Regiment About 250 128th Artillery Regiment About 200 932nd Separate AAA Battalion About 100 64th AT Battalion About 150 89th Signal Battalion About 200 67th Engineer Battalion About 200 Moteircycle and rear units About 200 In addition, IL-2, NIG-8 and MIG-15 aircraft were used for counterattack. ing the attacking forces during the maneuver. 46 The 67th Engineer Battalion-wtrich -participated in the maneuvers had US GC amphibious trucks, boats for about 20 men and heavy bridging equip. meat. eke bridge that the engineers constructed during the maneuver is shown as the NLP bridge, page 25, figure #18, Technical Report #9. Source also saw Tipment similar to that _shown in figures 25 and 27, Tech Int Report h. Prior to the attack across the Elbe, the 932nd Separate AAA 50X1 Battalion, had the 170th Guards Rifle Regiment (57th Guards Rifle Div- ision) on its right flank, and the 655th Howitzer Regiment (57th Guards Rifle Division) on its left flank, and the 20th Guards Mechanized Div- ision (*Posing it across -the Elbe. The 932nd Separate AAA Battalion prepared for the moveftentta-themaneuver area on 15 Jul and for half 50X1 Of 16 Jul. At 1600 hours on 16 Jul, the battalion left Eisenach by trunk and traveled one and one half days to reach the maneuver area. traveled to Halle on main reads and the rest of the way on side roads. At night, black-out driving- was enforced; headlights were covered with black paper or black canvas with only a small square of light exposed. The convoy traveled at 15 to 20 kilometers per hour and arrived at the assolbly area at 2400 hours on 17 Jul. Other units arrived ithin one hour but some may have been in the area before our unit. A precise time- table had been worked out by the division headquarters and all the moves were well organized. All units of the 57th Guards Rifle Division, except the 17th HT.SP Regiment, arrived by truck. The 655th Howitzer Regiment, the 174th and 170th Guards Rifle Regiments came from Eisenach; the 128th Artillery Regiment and the 172nd Guards Rifle Regiment came from Gotha. the 67th Engineer Battalion came from Bad Koesen. The 17th fl-SP Regiment traveled by its organic power for 12 kilometers from its barracks to Eisenach, was entrained and Shipped to Halle and traveled from there to the assembly area by organic transportation. It is standard procedure in all movements for the unit to use its own trucks, except for tank and SP units which are shipped by rail to save wear on the tank tracks. On return movements, all units are shipped by rail. The mission of the 57th Guards Rifle Division was to cross the Elbe, seize a bridgehead five kilometers deep and hold this until reinforce. manta arrived. The 932nd Separate AIA Battalion had the mission of protecting the 174th Guards Rifle Regiment from enemy air attacks while that regiment was on move, crossing the Elbe, and in subsequent Operations. SECRET SECAET/SEWRITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100210002-4 ? "S, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100210002-4 .411 ;NM Atter all the units of the 57th Guards Rifle Diviaion arriviciat the asset- Ar-Srea at about 2400 hours on 17 Jul, the 932nd SeparatitAA Battalion .? marched about 30 to 40 kflemetere during the night and sicipe4 in the abott 8Q0 to 1000 meters from the Elba. Gums then were prepared firing,. AAA defense set up and positions cinouflaged. Regimental and diVisional headquarters worked through the night to perfect the plans for -the scheduled attack while the troops slept. '2J1 4* approximately 0900 hours on 18 Jul the 17th RT-SP Regiment, the 655th Olitser Regiment, the 128th Artillery- Regiment, and the 64th AT Battalion laid down an artillery barrage (with blank shells) aimed at the other *lore of the Elbe. At the same time, the 932nd Separate AAA Battalion eiMulited fire upon IL2, MIG.8 and MIG.,15 aircraft of the hostile forces. Engineers immediately began to bnild,Underlire in MLP ponton bridge of a capacity of 70 tons and three meters ;ids, across the ?Vlole squads and platoons of the 174th Guards Rifle Regiment crossed the a7,4yer in Engineer boats, In approximately one hour the ponton bridge vie finished and riflemen of the 174th Guards Rifle Regiment crossed en root. After the rifle regiment had crossed the Ater, two batteries of Am* guns of the 932nd Separate AAA Battalion iMe towed 'across by OmAlobaker trucks agouti know which- 50X1 During the day, the 57th Guards Rifle Division engaged units of the 20th Guards Mechanized 'Division, and little by little the defenders retreated; by 3.600 hours the 57th Guards Rifle Division had secured its five kilo. meter bridgehead, The combat was conducted without bayonet charges. After the bridgehead was secured, the maneuver ended, all units of the 57th Guards Rifle Division crossed the Elbe in order to secure the bridgehead, leaving no combat reserves. Hem- *vers:Tr service units, is), erdnance, truck repair, field kitchens and o food clothing supply renained on the other side of the river. Food was brought to the troops around 1500 hours by kitchens. Gonmaiei (fnu) Heryugin? Commanding General of the Guards Rifle Corp*, was in direct command of the maneuvering fortes. The following persons also were present and watched the crossing of the maneuveri ? Gemleit (fnu) Goryachev, Commanding General of the 8th Guards Army; I'm Commanding General Vasiliy Ivanovich Chuikov; and Marshal Iv= Otepanovich bones., Suprene Inspector, USSR Ground Forces Ministry of Armed Forces, IL At about 3.700 hours on 18 Jul, directly after the end of the maneuver, Marshal Ionev conducted a critique, He praised the 57th Guards Rifle 'Division for doing a good job on the whole, but claimed that there was soeilAglay and confusion in the execution of the planned time-table. He ? said that the troops were not sufficiently trained and organized fer river crossings and that the bridge had been built too slowly, The ? Critique ended at 1900 hours, On 19 and 20 Jul, all units were entrainod ?1Silliesau and Rosslau and completed the return to their stations by train 'within one day, .end.. on lam ? ) 15 - 20 July Maneuver Area SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION SECRET 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100210002-4 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100210002-4 SEC:FET: srp *TAME (A) 15-2C July 1951 Maneuver Area ZERBST \ /,'N \ 41.., i N/A \ Bridgehead seized (As***/ and held by 57th; fprinerly defended by \ \\ nth Gds Meoz Div 14 / BRAMBACH -3 SECRET Sheet P-6 -MAGDEBURG G3 GS 4416 Central Europe 1:100,000 *0#, .4"`40 / ROSSTAU 221an md, ? DREHLITZ FROESSNITZ DRCBITZ To KOETHEN ***.?( 101. o HALLE 1 - Initial A ssembly Area 2 - Jump Off Area 3 - Crass in3 Point 4 - 69ehead SECRET SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100210002-4