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Publication Date: 
November 28, 1951
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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 COUNTRY ~U BJ ECT CLASSIFICATION SECRET/SECURITY INFORidIATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT USSR/Germany taoviet Zone ~ Soviet Arrny Training and ~rlaneuvers PATE OF INFORMATION DATE ACQUIRED ~LAGE ACQUIRED TNIt 00 CVYtNi CON 1AINt IMIO tYAT10N AI/LCTINO TNL NATI OMAL Dt ILN/[ 0/ TNL VNIT[0 ttAT[tl tITMIN TNl Yl ANIN00/TI TL[ 101 t[CTt ON. 70! ANO 101 0/ TML V.L. 000[1 AL AY[N 6[D. ITt TLAN tYI [t IOM ON NIYt. CATION 01 ITt CONTtMTt TO O[ tLCll/T tY AN UNAV TNOtl fLO IINtOM 1^ ICON 101 TLO LY LAt. TN[ Nl1lODVCTI6N 01 TNI[ IOIY It ItONl tl TtD. DATE DISTR. ~. S' Nov 51 50X1 N0. OF ENCLS. 3 (LISTED BELOW)~A1 ~ pBgE;S, ~BI `~' P~~s~ & ~C) 2 page SUPPLEMENT TO _ REPORT N0. 50X1 Garrison Training le The quality of training in the Soviet Army varies with the ' different classes s.nd the individual. In general however, the class of 1927, which was demobilized in tJlay and June. of 19519 was the best trained group. The classes of 1928, 1929, 1930 and 1931 were more difficult to train because of their general lack of forrrial educations 1!M N0. 61-~D N iflr3l S~CR~T~ X NAVY ___ AIR x x CLASSIFICATION SECRET/SECURITY INFORt4iATI0N Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 SECRET'SECURITY INFCRI+IATIQN ~GV_ I_~r -2- Th~:~Qe v~er^e; vax9icatxb3 exercises conducted tY~~^raughotxt the year a 50X1 the 1~:L8#~ki ,~A R~:gt tc~cak 50X1 Training in: ~.i.ming Nes~p?ns l2 Physical training (in addition. to storming PT } Political lectures ~ Assembly, disassembly and nomenclature.: of .weapons 8 Ts.etical training 3 Close Qrder drill (in addition to drill at 2230) 3 Chemical warfare training 2 Medical training 2 Engineer training 2 SECRE'~ ,/SECURITY I1JF(?N.~ATIQN {~E~ ~j~~r ~' ~` ~' L 3? rr~n. AA and l2 07 rr~n machir~re~-gung ) were fired o Later ~?an~e nea~~ T~~lni8;sb~iek where all regiments.l weape3ns X,s.ngFbrueryk~ wh~.oh wer?e under the supervision of a. ec~lcar~e1, an ~,~"ti1~.~ry c~fficex~ of the 11th Te.a~k. Division, In Nls.x~ch 195 , the 14~ 8 t;h A~1 Regt conducted firing at a 50X1 part i.n ~~egimen~t`al ax3ti11ery training ~~;~:~?oise~3~ in K~ri:i ~;sbr~cl~ , These eacerciaes lasted fQr two weeks ,. 50X1 'the t~sining schedule was practically ident3.esa1 fear a-11 phases of training except that during the winter Army ~~xereoise.s which were conducted in the area c5f I~a~aenz -~ all activities were. advanced. Qne houro Atypical five ds;3~ training schedule was as fo114we~ a the 1Q18tYa participated in the First Gds Ntec~:~ ~~acz Ara~?y i:n thc~ ~.amr.~rYZ -~ Ran: ~;~3b~: ~;.ct~ a2't:c"t, Lt +aen Gt.~voi~~~k2:i.t,ll~ a:s, t`C~ a:~f' tt'~~.. one of the main deficienciestnoted by higher ~ieadquarfersduring training exercises at regimental 1eve1 ~.nd higher, was the use of obsolete maps,.wYiich were issued in 19A2, `~he~ maps~not representative of the terrain, caused r~um.~-:rays ~~s.r;ls in unit movements a The road system on the ma.p~ did riot; agree with the actual rand system of the texM, o In the early part of 1951 however, these maps were ~~p;,l.anted b~= 1~~7 and 19+8 editions , During the first night c~~ the e~rerc:~ ses .held in Langebrueck i.n January and Fetaz*uary of ?.951.9 the use of the obsolete maps caused the 1418th AA ~~;t to foul up a regimental problem involving the tank re~imentg of the 11th Tk Div, To overcome this prc+'blem, reg,f ~.nenta.l commanders made daytime reconnaissance trif~s, after which they briefed their battalion commanders an .t;he terra:~n a,nd loc~.tion of prepared positions o The 1~attalior~ anc~ company csommanders also scouted the territory in the dayti.Me and drew maps of the area in order teat pre- pared positions could be located during the night exerciseso Y~a.d might tra.ini.nar exercises for one week All activities which were normally executed in the daytime were carried nut ~t night The training schedule was reversed, thus ~tar~ting ~,t~ ?1700 hours and ending at 1000 hours ~ Reveille was at 1700, br~~~~'ast from 2000 to 2100, dinner from 0200 to 0300, and ;~upp~r fr~am X700 to 0$00 hourso Camouflage training in the ].Olth AAA Re fit wa.s put to actual pracfi:ice during summer exez~cises~ .All vehicles tracks were obliterated when, at a ksalt; vehicles and artillery pieces, were concealed under trees; camouflage:. with nets, twigs, branches and dummy gun '~atteriee '~ras~ ? set tip about one kilometer away from the ~etus.l-AAA. positions, This training was the. responsibility off" thy: CO of the 118th AAA Refit and not that of the engneerso . c ou. age exercises, In February 1951, the 11th Tk Div na specialized training except night training and SECRET (SECURITY INFO?tI~7ATIUN Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 r C ~E~x$T/SECURITY INFORt,~i~.TIt~N -+~,- ~t~Tlir~De at the. scl~o~l T?he us~,s.lly r~~re 1~eld ds,ilg tramm 19~~ ts'!,14~1 dixag ttae ~~itire tre.ixxih.g perimd~ ~.n ATCC~ s~heol administered, by the 141$tt~. AAA Refit ways attended 'bg enlisted t~e~a fr?m X11 unity of the lltb~ Div F'if'ty enlisted men trmm the 141~tI~ AA ~egt amd 34 tr?m ~th~r ur~ifs -of' the dvisi4a ~tteled ei t ma-mth trai~;ci~sg portent phase of pQlitieal imdc~etrSartiQ~ a~-d dte~:,v~eix~.~~ .In ~'ul~t 19at~, tkaere ~a,s ~. iafl~ of poli`~,~s.l ~aff~~~x ( ~ down to d inclndin~ c~ompamy level a ~~ ~..~~~ to~ `~hi~ time, Zpe~lits. xere met aeeigaed below re~ii~ental ~,eve~, ~ Asti,-West pr?p~gea~c a e. ~aet i~~~~ ed~,catic~r~, political reliabil3,ty, g-hysi:eal aa~ditia~m., er~d ge~iere,l intelligence ~~' the enll~ted at?mY ~rere all take. . into ~Q~.sideration whey selective, xa~c , The a~t~tdex~t 'body we.s divided f~amr plat?vaas, each led by ae off icer platoon le~.der, The pl~teon le~.der? and regl~eatal off icere taught such basic Military eub~ecta a~a elaae order exrill, physics.l training, arti~.lera smd A~ firiar~g aomeet~lat~re ~~ a~ptica7. sights ~.nd ~eap4es, leadership, ~~f sad engineeriaag~ GraBu~:tes received the reek vi'~jaei?r sergeant and were asaig~ed to the various Waits xithia,the 11th Tk Div,. ltd a ~tew~,y inducted enlisted men received their be,sic~ training ih. flee ~'SSR aid upon their assiga~mer~t tv a speeific mere tra3,ned along Frith the ~rther enlisted mea, der `~'rs.ining aAd 1~CaAeuvers 110 ~tpog completi?a of the deadribed above, the lQl$th AAA Refit m~+c4ed rom ae ~ a er quarters at Dresden to the szter quarters i~. Dmmra, rnear S~aigsbx~ck, Brie battery of four officer? amd ~~4 ealieted mea ~rere Left beh,~,~,d in Dresden. to gsard the area of the filth Tk Div, ` i'his, ,group kept their iedividual egnigmeat, t~-nr guFas, four grime m?vers and supplies tmr,the battery? Each month a~dt~aea~ batter~r with its +exa eq~ipatemt relieved the battery performing gaard dutga The st~tdeats cif the WIC} school reined its winter quarters ~-me daT after the rather soldiers sd left because the freaks xere 3.eaded with sots, mattresses, b2aMk~ts, ate. and there rtes ea tra~aaportativn e.vailable far themo The t~^ucke retureed t5e telloxiag deg t? transport .them to su~aer quarters share tmeT received f~ertl~er training . :Ire ,the eoer~t At an emerger~ay mrxerer, the e~txd?at~s x?uld have beau transported insteadot the er~pplieso 12 Q All regir~emtal equipment .wee t,a~rea to ,saus~e~., gro~~~te~e o ~E~RET ~3ECURITY INF{~&liQATIUN cvmm~.r~.:. , post exere sea Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 17rav~J. ~ar+v V Rl l i i1u r vtu~ut~11l,1iV ?'~- ~,~o The 1p.n18th~+~{~-.AyA~plRegt was moved b~ m?to~? tx~anapar~ ~c~ 6~uai~rier quGLi Vet 07 p , oiie s~:d~x.~ (a) The convoy consisted of about ~5 .one deep, on.e szr~.bulanee,~ a trailer for tzca,dquarfi~ex~~, prime movers anal gone, and trucked (b) Each truck tx?ansported l? enlisted men, eack~ e>~' ~~kaea; as.x^xaied hie eswn equipment which csaneiste~ oaf e ~?~r~7. helmet9 ..gee meek, overcoat, .carbine or,a.~~ Am~axa,ition boxes _a,nd other equipment were stacked :f.ra the Middle of the truck and under the seato { e) The regiment used ~5 vehielees to move all the pex?s~?~~:~.r.~~~:~. end ~quipmento z, (d~ `~Yie Move took approximately sip hours to sumrf~ex~ quarten~, (e) Dtat?ix~g the move, two trucks broke down bait the c:~hvc~~. w~.q not de~.ayed P Later, they were bra~,gkat to t~~~: s~~er~ 'tgthp by tow ears, (f) Men from. the 218th Mort Regt, ~+96th How Regt acid the c~tt~ Tk Div were already in the stu~mer training area at t~~e time the 141$~h AAA Regt shoved Q Four men from kryac~a battery accompanied by two officers (a total of ~.?i pe~~ans~, left the winter quarters l2 days prior to t~~~=h general move for the purpose of the surr~er~ quarters in order a TY~eee a~en did z~ot take any equipz~~Ea~s f~ ~'itk~ t~ae~n, (g) ~hree maps of the summer training area are e,ttaac~~ec~ as Enclosures (A,), (B) and (C)~ (h) Regular messes were operated for the enlisted mend Motion,.~ictur~e were shows on Saturday and Sunday evenings , Where also were or,gax~ized games on Sunday aftez~no,on o ~inee a weer men bathed ins lake ~ ocatPr7 $ few kilometers #'~orn the camp, The ..officers, orx the. athex^ hand, had their ?wn club for enterte.~,nment~ o (i) At summer quarters, a Former aerma.n artillery range was used by tMe 101$th AAA Aegto The regiment fired on taped sleeve targets and m?ving ground targets, (~) ,Supply inst~llativne~ which supported the sumrn,er ~raiming area are s~-ow~ in Ene~,osure (C y (~ The commanding officer of each unit was respcra,~i'k~le S'~,~~.4~ keeping both the enlisted. ffien and the officers o?' lh:~.s unit in the training area; The first sergeants pl,at~scax? andv .squad NC4s v~a.tehed the enlisted men, e.nd t,~~.~ co~pe.n~- commaader~ were responsible for the o~'f.1.cHre , Sentries patrolled the area 2~ hours per clay, SECRE`I'fSECURTTY I~iFO~ZTI(?N Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 .. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 ?AaEC~`~."~SECURITY IIVTFQRIUTATION _6- 1) l~pp~so~imatel~r three weeks after t~~r~ ~~tn~.t ~~? :~~ the area . scheduled' training began. " c3n;: ~~om ' ,.' bui7d.i~g~ ~re~ pgin:~ed; ~,~at~~~ies .. =~.;::~ . range near R nigsbr~ek for a period of about 12 lags o Field '~itcher~s wez?e used and tl~e mien dept in trueks or the beet places theq could find Theq were supplied with blankets but had no tents, the 1018th AAA Regt went tca the z~if:le ,. su~mer quarterso ~a~s r~uc e , etc o This work we,s in e.dd;~.t~.c~n tea ' teat done by the- 18 r~en who left winter quarters px?~.or ~c~ the 'fast ruove, Soldiers ware free from training everq daq from 2134 until 2220 hc-urs, and oa. Saturdaq and Sundaq e.fternoon.s o Athletics on Bondage however, was c?mpulsorgo Officers were- .Free each daq after 1840 boux~s, bt~t theq also had roll c?~11 at 2230 hours , T,heq could however, be absent fx?atn tre,3.ning with the per~is,sion of their comri.nding ~f fiver a {?~) Summer training in the Soviet Arn~q is the praestieal applicatia~a. of the theoretical training given daring the rent of the gear, Training up to compe:nq level. was conducted in the winter quarters, while companq, regimental and battalion training was conducted i~a (P:) There was no specialized: trainingo l~ a Unite of the First Q~ds Me+~z ,~,rmq began their 14 daq. maneuvers F~snenvsrs were conducted iii the- ~yrea of .Bo ra, c orkau, 4cbwepnitz Soenigswartha, A~ltheide, Dever.. During maneuvers ~ tank, AAA, engineer, AT, howitzer, mortar,, e~rtillery and infantrq onus, no units were pooled or reorganize a Bt~tdents of the ~'~0 svhoolp who bad graduated ~7 anm AT guns 122 mm hawitzere, 12Q mm mor ars, 3'~ mm AAA, T-3~ 76, T-3/85 and JS-3-140 tanks, pontoa~$ axed" ~U-2 plane~,~ no airborne s?ldiers or paratrooperso Tie et~.gineers spanned a stream ,about 15 m wide with a pontoax~ bridge,,2p m long and seven tc~ eight m wide, which. was strong enotagh'to support the heaviest'equipment". Maneuver area ~ bq Lt Gen G?votunienko Mayor Gee. Derevganko, Deputq Commander First Q~ds Meet Art~v now assigned as political commissar of the Second Shock A,rtnat 3.n the Soviet ? Zone, and replaced by Nia~ aen Slgshko); N~:~ Gen Dolpachov, Chief of Artillerq, First Cads Mecz ArnLq and Mai ~ C#en Volc~din, Chief. of .Staff, First fads Mecz Armq. the f ollowina general officers in the Lt 4en Belov, CG, First C#ds l~ec~z Armq now assigned in Potsdam as the thief or &leputq Gh3.ef of .all tank foreses in the Soviet Zone; replaced SECRETSECURITY INFQRNI.fiT IQN 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 SECRE'i'~~ECURITY INFORIt2ATI0N ~7~ ~.6 a All roves urere made ley rr~c~tvr transpr~x~t ~ 'the 1Qngesf~ diei-~,a,r~oe cvvereci ~~as f~~vm K~nigs~ar~lek to the ~'o~..ish border which ;4~-~> about X44 loo Tie maneuver was a cantf,nuous day a,nd night prv'ble~aQ S?r~etimee the troopt~ rested ire the d~,y end the maneuver ~~as eond~a.cted at night, a~ad svmet.~imes the proeed-r~re was r~~ersed.o The caverall purpose o e ~.neuver was o a ac , rape tYae enemy attack and tv counterattacko The specific mission of the 141$th AAA Refit was tv protect the ~~th Tk Refit and F~ivision Headquarters frv~tt aerial Apprv~imately siac field grade ofAficers acted as umpries o 17.0. A cr?itigtze helm at the end of tlhe r~~neuver was attended day all officers of batte lever and h~, hex, and also b all polit#.ca1 affi~cers , ThQ f ollc~v~ing def icieneies were pointed otzt and dis~suessed at the critique e poor night c~.mvuf'lage and no b~.ack?uts; ineuff icier~t number v~' QD ? a e.t night; lack of? alertness a.nd observation at night; bx?es.kdcawn of transportation in some unite {AAA stayed behind and did not move with 'tanks to protest them f ram. plax~ee) ; lack mf? ergara,izativn .~vr a,t~tadk by regiz~nental tank cvmma.nders (they dial not leave sufficient ~x~eserves e.nd adopted wrong fvrtaations) ; pc+r~r maps , l8 o So7ed.iers nAt ds.:~e voice of fi~sial complaints about tY~e conditions in the summer- training area..,. an-one. occs.sic~n hvw~ver, enlisted men complained about having nv shelter during a hes.vy re.instar~o Their only protection Fromm the rain was the canvas tips on the trucks and these ~rere leakyo T2ae complaints were. pour f o0d, of f?reed?m axed tMe , continuous movemento 19 o Puny inci.cfents occurred among the enlisted men and of'f'icers which indicated poor diseiplineo Both enlisted men and of fleets went AWOLy fraternized and mi~abelaaved in general. o Enlisted nett sometimes refused to take rders an P~CD or officer vrha was not from his unit. a junior serges;nt while drunk, refr~sed tt~ o ey or ers n s roc s p a son com~.nder , He received 14 days in the guard-houseQ When another enlisted man ,was in togrn Frith his f?vtball teaan, he put vn civilian clvtlhes and went AWVL. He returned to his unit drunk; he slay was put in the guard~houseo A drunk platoon :Gt struck a Lt col, broke some furniture in t1~e vt"f iders mess and then went AWOL f?or 2~ hours. He was tried.. by an c~f?f icers court, reduced to e, ~uacior ~:ieutenant and dis- missed from the I~amsvmvl. Two other of"f'icers got in a fight over' a 4erman girl and started shooting at each ?tl~er4 Whey were Beverly reprimanded and sentenced. to lp days ira. the gbxard--house . 3'he usual punisfament f?ar such conduct is 10 tc~ 15 days ixt the guard hvu~+e and sometimes a re- du~,~ion in ra~ak, This punisPament is light compared. to twat during wartime .when ~ a man night be xrslaot on the spot" f?car such offenses . The new systeat~ of c?~x~t.~nolling f..he rr~en en~phasizecl ed~~,~~?.tic~n, guidance and Iig~w~: ;punishment. . SEC1~E~~.~~ECURITY IPJF'C)RM,ATION 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 ~EIiRE~.'~$ECUI2ITY INFC?RIVIATIQN SECRET. 2~ n The return move to winter carters rat? the 10~,8tYa AAA Refit wa~3 a.e~amp~..l.~hed b~ true The t~x~i~ ~;~eza a,t 1.5E~4 and ended at 1430 hc~ura a Three men frozc- each re~it~.ent d~? the 13th T~ I~iv remained as g~,ard? by which time a11. unite heal returned to their home a ra. , .an, ~ Ger~.n c~ivilian~ were them hared to gaard the a.reao -en~- ENCLOSURE (A) La~ation of hummer Training; Area of the Firet kids Meer Ar~,r (B),`~+~ Firat Oda Me~2 Army ~ro~ter Training; Area ire F3ohra (N52~A21) (k;) 1018th AAA Rem 3~er Training Areh in Bohm (N52/A21) ' SECRET~SECURITY INFC7.RIb3Ar;'IQN SECi3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 ~enigsbrueck Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04l03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04l03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 --_...; Enclosure (A) Pa,9e -z- SEC~E'T'~SECURITY INFORI~ATIQN :t.~c~c?~~t~.c~r. ~f' ~~ar~~rri~r Trainin:;'t~a. cy~" u-,, SECRET~3ECURITY INFO$I~,TIQN ~EC~r. 1. Location ~~f trae 4th ~'iAA Div 2 , Cost~p~-3~nd ry.fs_ 498th Fir~v~ Bn, 11th Tk ]~i.v 3 . Hea~~gtzartE,rs of three tank division$ s (a) 8th; (b) ~=~t&:1; ( ~~ . Bare?acks and tank parking arse. of $th, 9th a.nd 1ltr~ .l'r.i v (Those units not shown on-Enclosure (E3) 5. 40th Med tk Refit 6. Observation tower for field grade officers 7. AAA, target range 8 m Target; r~a.nge for mortars and rocket laurlchG~r:~ 9o Target range for howitzers and heavy .artillery 10. AAA ,target range ll. Firing area for tanks and self-propelled artillery 12. Emergency ag~embly point, 11th Tk Div l~. Emergency assembly point, 11th Tk Div llt. Emergency position, 4th Btry, 1018th AAA Refit lie Emergency position, 2d Btry, 1018th AAA Refit l60 emergency positions 3d Btry, 1018th AAA Refit 17o Emergency position, 1st Btry, I018th AAA Refit ~8 o Former Gex~ans.n target range 19 o Training s.rea in BoYira (Enclosures B and C ) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 a.r_ ~ , ~ECfiE ,,~jE+`'~,~,'~SECURITY INFORi~~TION >; 50X1 ETi(~Y4sLire ~) Faye -l- Fiz~~t Gde meaz Arta _ .S er Trainin Area in Bc~nra See Et~ol A For pinpoint ~ocatioa See Errol C for layout of the section `~~' "~~~~' SECURITY IN~'OI~lVlA'.' IQN Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 _ '~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 3ECRET~SECURITY IPIFORPdATION ~~,C~r Enclosure (B) Wage -z- Fd.rst (ids Mecz Artnv Summer Training in Bohra Section I thru IX are assigned to unite of the First Gods Metz Armyo Enclosure ~ is a layout of the-section ,assigned to the l0I$th AAA Regt and all other sections are identical, Legend 1a Position of AAA battery 2, m, Sidewalk re~erved~ for. the uee of general officers and regimental commanders ~. PX (V?yentorg) and officers snackbar for the use of all units ~# . Stadium 5. Officers flub for the use of a~.l unitrs 6. Residenees of regimental commanders and political officers 7, $ o Residence of~Ma~ aen (aenmaior) Kolpachev Position of M4 ,company 9. Officers club for members of the 101$th AAA Regt and 'nth HT-SP Regt~ single-story building, 50 ~t 20 m 1~. Parking area for the use of the 101$th AAA Regt and 7th- "HT-SP Regt Il? 4 ammunition dugouts: 2, 5D x 20; 1, 3d x 16; 1, 20 x 16 12. Athletics fields 1.3e Parking areas for guns, tanks, and vehicles SECRET~SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-0004780~~I0~~0100130004-1 _ ... .. _ ~~~/~`u.~ 50X1 t+.~. r.1 ... a~?:??.. ~h~ f] ~ .. a ~- - ~ OL~f7pT.M'1'1 / r., .,rr,~Tmer rw~rnr~a r. mr~?r ~ ~ ~+ ~ 1018th AAA Refit Svamser Train~.r~g Area. in Bohra Section II e c'~3a; O Se atioa V __._ ~ --~~ D Q SECRET~gECURITY INFt~~RPs4ATICJN Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 .. r ~r.+.,.: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1 SECRET~SECtTRITY INFORMATION 1418th AAA Re t Seer Trainin Ares. in Bohra L, 3ectivn I C#arbage disposal area end t?ilets ,~eatlon LI dt`t'ic'era hotel: one-story w??den .bt~ildimg, 3Q ,~ 1~ m 3eotion III ,.. to EM me.+~a: one-atQry xvvdenbuilding, 44_~ 16 ~a; Ia,is the ~~t an officers meem 2. Regi~eantai headquarters: one-etmr~r wooden building, 3d a: 1~ ~a Storeh?use Por olvthS,~g aid e~uipmeMt, fo?d sad fod8er: one-story vtvoden bnildix-g, ~0 x 1~F. ~' ~+, gtgreh?uee f yr csl~emica~, war#'are ,.aid tec~is~ica~l euppliem : Q~ie-story wooden tuilding, 15 x. 1~ m , Military store anc~ FX one-story w??den building, 6.. Diepense.ry: one-atc~ry wo?der~ .building, 20 x 14 .m Seatiora IV Claservoans : Se,ctian ~ 9 Qne-story ~+ovden.barraeks sash l~ x 6 m Recreation halls: 9 one-story wavden build~ge, each 10 ~c 6 m;-.each battery is assigned a building whieh~ Ss, used P?r p?litiaal leet~aree, club, etc. 3ectivn. 'cTI sash building acecrosmvdates between 6Q and'7O men.- 'EM, barracks : 5 one-stagy wooden buildings, each ~0 x 24 m ~ECRET~SEC`JRITY INFORMATION Et~alvsure (C) page "-~- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/03 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100130004-1