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I 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 9 50-Yr2013/04/16.: CIA-RDP82-00047R000T00020003-4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Hungary SUBJECT Air Order of Battle PLACE . ACQUIRED DATE ACQU I RED DATE OF INFORMATION 'NIS SOCUNONT C NNNNNNN I Ills AFFICTINS TNI NATIONAL NNNNNNN OF TOO UNITS* NNNNNNN WITHIN TNI NIANINOOFTITLC 11611006 762 ANS MO, OF TOO U.S. NNNNN AS AMONORD I ISSION OR RIVI. LOTION OF ITS C NNNNNNN TO OR ROMP'? ST AN 0000T100lit0 OOOOOO IS FRONISITCO IV LAS. INC OOOOOO LIMA, or THIS room IS FAON DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES ay 1953. 50X1 NO. OF ENCLS. 1 (LISTED BELOW) (A) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 1M NO. 6140 1961 50X1 1. Point The Hungarian Air Force is operationally and administratively su ordinate to the Ministry of National Defense. the Air Corps Hqs was located in the National Defense ministry pluming on Honvedutca Street in Budapest. The Commanding Officer of the Corps was Col Andras Zalka. One nric-Er and two "Aero-45" type planes were assigned to Corps Hqs for administrative flights. The "00-3" WA based at Tokol air- field and the two "Aero-45's" at Budaors airfield.' 50X1 2, Point #2. The Air Force Political Officer (Legiero Politikai Parancsnok) was responsible for political indoctrination in the Air Corps as prescribed by General Nogrady's Directorate. 3. Point f3. One of the duties of the Deputy Commanding Officer end Chief of Staff Legiero Parancenok Helyettese) was to perform operational inspections of air bases. 4. Point #4. The duties of the Air Force Operational Advisor (Legiero Repulo Tanacsado) entailed the overall supervision of flying operations as directed by the Soviets. 5. Point #5. The headquarter* of the Mixed Air Division (Tactical) VVA located in the sane building as the Air Co .,?s Head uarters. The-Division Commanding Officer was Ma or Istvan Mezof The Division consisted. or two yignter eg en an o roun A ack Regiments. One "1)0-3" type aircraft was 50X1 assigned to the Division Headquarters for administrative flights. This air- craft was based at Tokol airfield. Six disassembled "ZLIN" type aircraft stored at Tokol airfield, were assigned to the Division Headquarters. these aircraft were to be later assigned to the Regiments o the Division. The "ZLIN" is a two place primary trainer of Czech manufacture. 50X1 The Air Division handled all the administrative and operational directives that were to be disseminated to the regiments of the Division. 50X1 50X1 6. Point #6. The Combat Fighter Regimental Headquarters, composed of three fighter squadrons, was located at Tokol airfield. The Commanding Officer of the regimeLm was uaptain Antal Szebeni. 50X1 CLASSIFICATION SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY STATE ARMY NAVY AIR DISTRIBUTION K ( 20) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020003-4 SECRET/13S OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 -2- Four'YAK-11's" and two "ZLIN's" were assignea to this Regimental Headquarters. The "YAK-11's" were used for checking the proficiency of the pilots assigned to Regimental Hqs and the., three Squadrons. The two "ZLIN's" were used for administrative flights. 7. Eakyllj. The three Combat Fighter Squadrons which make up the Fighter - Regiment were designated in the following manner: (a) 1st Sq 1/2 (called "one slash two" or "one per two") (b) 2nd Sq 2/2 (called "two slash two" or "two per two") (c) 3rd Sq 3/2 (called "three slash two" 'or "three per two") Four "YAK-9's" were assigned to each squadron of this regiment. The squadrons used three of the assigned aircraft and kept the fourth in reserve.. 8. Eolz-Litla. Each of the squadrons of a Tactical Regiment consisted of three flights, with one "YAK-9" aircraft assigned to each flight. All Flight Leaders were 2nd Lieutenants. The numerical designations for each flight were designated as follows: (a) let Flight of 1st Sq 1/2-1 (called "one slash two dash one") etc (b) 1st Flight of 2nd Sq 2/2-1 (called "two slash two dash one") etc (c) 1st Flight of 3rd Sq 3/2-1 (called "three slash two dash one") etc The authorized squadron Tb O of each Tactical Squadron, (Fighter and Ground Attack) was as follows: seventeen pilots, fifteen Tech Officers, twelve NCO's and forty-six enlisted men. Twelve aircraft were authorized. Personnel of a Tactical Fighter or Ground Attack Squadron was: one CO 1st Lt (Pilot), one Political Officer 1st Lt (non-pilot), one Deputy CO 2nd Lt (Pilot), three flight leaders Lt Jr Grade (Pilots), seventeen pilots, fourteen Tech 50X1 Officers, twelve NCO's and forty-six EM. the T/O was up to strength but there were not sufficient aircraft. 9. The Tactical Ground Attack Regimental Headquarters was made up of three Tactical Ground Attack Squadrons, and each Squadron was further divided into three flights. The 50X1 Regimental Headquarters and all the Squadrons were based at Tokol airfield. 50X1 Two "ZLIN" type aircraft were assigned to Regi- mental Headquarters for administrative flights. The regimental CO was a Captain. Each of the squadrons of this regiment had ten "IL-10's" (Stormovik) type aircraft assigned to them. Each squadron used nine of its assigned aircraft and kept one in reserve. These nine aircraft were divided between the three flights, giving each flight three aircraft. All squadron CO's were 1st Lte and the Flight Leaders 2nd Lts. The numerical designations of the squadrons and flights were the same as in the Tactical Fighter Regiment (see descrip- tion of Point fl6) 10. Point 12 13 and 14. The three Tactical Ground Attack Squadrons had the same numerical designations and T 0 as described in Points 7, 8, 9 and 10. 11. .E.212/111.5. This Tactical Fighter Regiment Ego, commanded by a Captain: was based at Veazprem airfield, also called Szentkiralyszabadja. The breakdown of the regiment is the same as the Tactical Fighter Regiment described in Point f6. The squadron and flight numerical desginations are the same as described in Points 7, 8 and 9. . Points 16 17 and 18. Three Tactical Fighter Squadrons made up this Tactical Fighter Regiment. The T70 for these squadrons was the same as listed in Point D.O. These squadrons were also up to strength in personnel, but were short of aircraft. 13. Point 22,. This Tactical Ground Atlack Regimental Hqs was located at Veszprem airfield. __sae It had the same description and breakdown as the Tactical Ground Attack Regiment. 14. Points 20, 21 and 22. These three Tactical Ground Attack Squadrons had the same T/0 as described in Point 10. .The Tactical Air Training Division Hqs (mixed), contained unarmed fighter and ground attack aircraft. A minimum of twenty-five fighter pilots and twenty-five ground attack pilots were to be trained every three months, but the Division Hqs allowed 20% for casualties and washouts. The Division Hqs was located at Szolnok Airfield and Regimental Hqs (Fighter and Ground Attack) at Kegskfmet Airfield. The Division had seven "YAK-9's" based at Szolnok which were not in flying condition. The aircraft were in various stages of repair. There were also twelve unarmed "IL-10's" (Stormovick) aircraft stored at SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020003-4 SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 -3- Szolnok and twelve obsolete "ARADO-96" aircraft. The "ARADO-96" was a primary trainer but was not used because of the availability of sixteen new "YAK-18" primary trainers. There were also two "DC-3's" used for pilot parachute practice; five "ZLIN's",were used for navigator training at Szolnok. 50X1 16, The Division had two training regiments at Kecskemet airfield, which consisted of one Fighter Regiment and one Ground Attack Regiment. The regiments had one squadron a piece. The squadrons had the usual three flights each. The CO of the Division Hqs was Lt Col Laszlo Huba. The name of this training division was known as "KTLLIAN GYORGY REPULO HAJOZO TISZTI ISKOLA" (George Killian Fly- ing - Navigation Officer's School). This training division also trained navigators. The navigation training lasted one year. 50X1 17. Point #24. The Tactical Fighter Pilot Training Regimental Hqs, commanded by Captain Ianos Szentivanyi, consisted of one Tactical Fighter Pilot Training Squadron, which had three flights. 18. 121E1.12.5. The Tactical Fighter Pilot Training Squadron was commanded by 1st Lt Pal Danko. The numerical designation of this squadron was 1/2. The TIO for a Tactical Fighter Pilot Training Squadron or Tactical Ground Attack Pilot Training Squadron was as follows: One CO, 1st Lt; one Political Officer, 1st Lt; one Deputy CO, 2nd Lt; three Flight Leaders, Lt Junior Grade; nine Pilots (instructors); fifteen Tech Officers; twenty-seven mechanics (FM); twelve aircraft. The TO & E was not filled due to the lack of aircraft, but was up to strength in personnel. This squadron consisted of three flights but only had five "YAK-9's", four "YAK-11's", two "9-B's", and one "ZLIN." The "YAK-9's", "YAK-s" and "YAK-11's" were assigned to the flights for pilot training. The "ZLIN" was used for pilot navigation training. None of the aircraft assigned to the Tactical Training Division had armament. 19. EsIELL_6_. The Tactical Ground Attack Pilot Training Regiment Hqs, commanded by Major Tibor Szucs, was located at Kecskemet airfield. It consisted of one Tactical Ground Attack Pilot Training Squadron which also had three flights. 20. Point 7. The Tactica) Ground Attack Pilot Training Squadron was commanded by let Lt Pal Kaszas. The numerical designation of this squadron was 1/1. The T/O was the same as described under point #25. The squadrnn consisted of three flights and had three "IL-10's", nine "IL-10B's" and one "ZLIN." The "IL-10's" were assigned to pilot training while the "ZLIN" was used for navigation training, the total number of aircraft in the Hungarian Air Force at the present time is as follows: 50X1 TYPE OF AIRCRAFT YAK-9 YAK-9B IL-10 IL-10B YAK-11 YAK-18 DC-3 AERO -45 ARADO-96 KANYA- ZLIN UT-2 BUCKER NUMBER OF AIRCRAFT 56 3 70 9 11 16 9 3 (five place cabin aircraft, single radial engine) 12 (two seater basic tiainer-- obsolete because of age and no spare parts) 3 (air liaison aircraft) 30 32 (obsolete primary trainers-- worn out, no spare parts; also replaced by YAK-18's) 4 (German primary trainer, biplane) 50X1 These aircraft were based at various airfields throughout Hungary. the Hungarian Air Force was to be expanded upon availability of air- craft from the Soviet Union. -end- ENCLOSURE: Chart--"Breakdown and Description of Hungarian Air Force." ? SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020003-4 50X1 SECRET/US OIC IA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020003-4 Tact Fgtr Reg Hq (Harci Vadasz Ezred P K i) Captain Szebeni, Antal ITact Ftr Sq 1/2 1st Lt' Hagymasi, Ferenc Tact Fir Sq 2/2 1st Lt Farr? Pal Tact Ftr Sq 3/2 1st Lt DinkA, Tibor tP? BREAKDOWN AND DESCRIPTION OF HUNGARIAN AIR FORCE AF Font Off Legiero Politikai Pk Col Vertes, Itaroly Air Corps Hq (Hadtest) Col Mika, Andras Deputy CO & C of Staff (Leg P K H) Lt Col -Horvath, Barna Tactical Air Div Hq (Harci Hadosztaly) M&LMe zofv, Istvan Tact Grnd Attk Reg Hq (Harci Csata Ezred 'P K Cap* Name Unk Flight 1/2-1 Tact Grnd Attk Sq 1/2 1st Lt Tact Grng Atik Sq 2/2 1st Lt 'Tact Grnd AttkSq 3/2 1st Lt Tact Ftr Reg Hq (Harci Vadasz Ezred P K) Captain Name Unk Opera Advisor (Legiero Rep Tanacsado Mal Toth, Laos I Tact Ftr Sq 1/1 Capt Koplanyi, Jr Tact Fir Sq 2/1 1st Lt rsct Fir Sq 3/1 t Lt Air Trig Div Hq (Iskolaliadosztaly) (Pk Tact Grnd Attk Reet4ZHci (Harci Csata Ezred PK) ?_ajot Name Unk Tact Grnd Attk Sq I/1 1st Lt 20 Tact Grnd Attk Sq 2/1 1st Lt Tact Grnd Attk Sq 3/1 1st Lt -to Tact Ftr? Pilot Trng Reg Hq Cant Szentivanvi Janos Tact Fir Pilot Sq 1/2 !mg 1st Lt Danko, Pal Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020003-4 Tact Grnd Attk Pilot Tng Reg Hq Mal Szucs, Tibor Tact Grnd Attk Pilot Trng Sq 2/2 1st Lt Itaszat, Pal