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This material contains information af[ecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning pf thr. ~:~piorzaKe laws, 'Title
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SUBJECT plaruzing Rz?ocedures for AgriculturalDATE DISTR.
Nlachines9 Agricultural Machine Spare
Parts, and Repair N~terials NO. OF PAGES
8 of
-~23 ,1
8-12/741 .z
? ~ a ? ~ ~ ? ~ a ? ? ? ? ~
23 September 1955
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~' ~"'" ' ,~`,. _. 50X1
SUB7ECT Planning Proceduresfor_ Agricultural
- Machines, and Agricultural Machine Spare
Pasta and Repair Materials.
u ~~ ~~~',
Agricultural Machines~~'?~
Planning at the Central Agricultural~'E uipme_nt Supply Office
(Centrals ~aopatr?zenia Rolnictwa .- CZR.~ was. conducted throughout
the whole year and embraced the followingo
a. T13e preparation and working-out of plans for .the next
ye&r on the basis of the Six-Year-Plan.
bo .The supervision of the implementation of pl-ens f_or the
current year including ad~uatmet~ts and working out
collective statements and periodic (montYily and
quarterly reports.
It involved not only the planning section but all other sections
of the central off ice of the CZR as well ~as the supply agencies
subordinated to the CZR, the government producing and importin~
.agencies and all customers who bought agricultural machines anc~
equipment, spare parts for them, and technical repair-material;
The a~etual work on planning for the next year usually started
in Aprilo According to_source, the CZR was responsible for the_
elaboration of the following plansg
a. Three balance sheets which were requirement, procurement,
s,nd distribution plans for both home-produced and im-
ported productso
OATS= '~lS~" ~~ _~ t~:~.~,+ 1~ i5
NA. C31? pAGF~ 1~
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(1) -A Balance Sheet of Agricultura.~. P~aehines r.i:laras
(2) A Balance Sheet of Spare Parts for Tractor>~ arfd
agricultural Machines (Bilans Czesci).
(3) A. Balance Sheet-of Sheaf-Binding Twine (Bilans
Sznurka Snopowia~e.].~~~re~gv_)
bo An Investment Plan (Plan Inwestyc~i) on new construct9
ions and equipment necessary for the o-peration of the
co. AFinancial-Economic Plan (Plan Finansowo-Gospodarczy)
for the CZR which includedo -
An Organizational Developanent Plan. for sales
.agencies (Plan Sieci),
(2) A Turnover Plan for the sales agencies (Plan Obrotow
Sieci Handlowe~).
(3) An Employment ,Plan (Plan Zatrudnienia).
(~+) A Financial Plan (Plan Finansowania).
(5) A Comprehensive Plan of Expected Economic Operations
(Plan Przewidywanych Wynik,nw Dzialalnosci Gospo-
darcze~). ,
d. A Detailed Plan for the Purchase and Sale of Spare~Parts
for Agricultural Machines and Technical Materials (Plan
Asortymentow Zakupu i 3przedazy Czesci i Artykulow
Technicznych~ which was necessary for working out the
Financial - Economic Plan.
Balance Sheet. of Agricultural Machines
The following is a description of .how the.Balance Sheet of Agri-
cultural. Mach~,p,ec' ~waa ~r~r~~d;'~-out. ,(,~~ee;,ed~;&am,F~.:1~.)~~.'~`rie~?=~gures
in parentYaeses a,~?e the same as those appearing on the diagram
which represents the various stages in planning-and shows the
timetable and the organizations involved in working out the
balance sheet,
-(1) At the beginning of April of every year, the`State
Economic Planning Commission (PKPG) issued a general
directive which listed all the agencies and organiza-
Lions that had to submit the data necessary for
drafting the final balance sheet of agricultural
ma.chinesa This directive fixed. the timetable and '
channels through which the worked out material had
to be submittedo A list of agricultural machines
which could be considered for the .following. year was
~.ncluded as an enclosureo The rough draft of this
directive.vaaa in fact prepared. by the CZR and sub-
. m~.tted_to~the Department of Agriculture of the PKPG,
This general directive (zarzadzenie o trybie-prac nad
bilansem maszyn rolniczych, in Polish) was sent out
for execution to the CZR9 the central adinini$trations
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of the machine industr and othe~i a.gencieV tk,a,~.ch3res,~.~ ~:}ie
central agencies respoazsible for importing ~:4~,~:~~~.c~'~tur'al
machines, and to all who represented the ca.~.~trora~=A,s and.
users of agricultural machines, that is, to ~:ini.stries
and central state establishments, including Central
Agency 'of Agricultural Peasa.:nt Self-Help- Cooperatives
(CRSSCh~, All of these were regarded as "general in-
vectors {investor naczelny}o
{2} The producers and customers started to work on their
own plans on the basis of the Six-Year-Plan data, the
producers to determine the quantity of each type of
agricultural machine and tractor they were capable of
producing and the customers to work out detailed plans
of requirementso A11 plans were submitted to the CZR.
The producers were usually quicker with their plans
than the customers werea The CZR compared. the figures
submitted by the producers w.l,th the requirements of
customers and it}formed the imparting agencies of the
number and type of agricultural machines that had to
be imported,'
(3) The CZR first tried to adjust the differences between
the demand and supply through conferences, then sub-
mitted a draft .of an initial balance sheet (pro~ekt
bilansu wstepnego) to the PKPG with suggestions on how
to straighten out the differenceso
(~) The Department of Agriculture of the PKPG worked on
this draft in close coardination with the Central
Committee of the Polish United WorkeraQ Party and the
Presidium of the Council of Ministerso After con-
ferences with the ministries involved, the~PKPG
decided on the final figures and returned the revised
balance sheet to the CZR, Thic-.initial balance sheet
issued by the PKPG was in the form of a large book in
which the quantity of each particular type of tractor
and agriculture machine was fixed, as well ac who was
to produce or import it and which ministry would re-
ceive ito
(5) The CZR prepared extracts from this initial balance
sheet and sent them to all the interested ministries,
central, administrations, importing agencies, etce, in
the form of collective statementse ?nce having been
determined and .approved by the PKPG, the figures given
in this initial balance sheet were used by all concerned
(producers, importers, and consumers) as obligatory
control figures (wytyczne cyfry kontrolne} in the
-ela:bo~?ation of their own detailed dearly planso
(6) The central administrations of the agricultural
machine-industry and of the motor industry divided
the received control figures between the pr?duction
_ est&blishments and factories who used them to work
out their annual production plans for the next year.
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(6a) The central import and export agencies made ~.nitial
rms c
agreements with foreign governments or
ing the import and export of tractors and agricultural
machinery and tried. to secure their. deliveries or
sales according to the controlled figures in the
balance sheets for the next year,
(6b) The main customers (all interested ministries and the
CRSSCh) divided the control figures of allotteid a~ri-
cu~ttilral machines among their subordinate~~, agencies
ar units, which ~rere x?eferred to as direct inventors
(inwestor bezposredni), and all involved started to
work on the yearly plans. They prepared their require-
- meets taking into account. such factors ad the number
of employees, wages, and material necessary for repairs.
The preparation and working out of yearly plans con-
tinued for weeks; finally, the ministries and central
agencies received the detailed requirements and figures
from their subordinate:', units which enabled them to wor
out the collective statements of requirements which
they submitted to the CZR.
The CZR prepared a project of the final .balance sheet
and after additional adjustments of differences be-
tween the requirements and. available supplies submitted
it to the State Economic Planning Commissiono
(8) The Department of Agriculture of the State Economic
Planning ,Commission studied the material and after
additional consultation"'with the .Central Committee of
the PZPR, the Presidium of the Council of Ministers,
and eventually with the producers, drew up_the final
Balance Sheet of Tractors and Agricultural Machines
-and sent it to the .CZR and to the ministries which
controlled the producing and importing agencies. The
balande sheet was sent in the form of an order from
the State Economic Planning Commission.
(9) The CZR prepared extracts from the final balance s~Meet
which were sent to all the interested parties and to
the subordinated Agricultural Machine Supply Agency
in Lodz for implemerit~:t~:c~n:: ~'~ ~: ~.
(10) All customers of the CZR (Ministry of State Farms,
Central Administration~of Machine Centers and other
central e$tablishments of .the Ministry of Agriculture,
as well as other ministries concerned) prepared their
own. final detailed distribution plan of tractors and
agricultural machinea for all subordinate. units and
submitted them to the CZR.
(11) The CZR informed the Central Administration of the
Agricultural Machine. Industry, the;'Motoimport Agency
and the Agricultural Machine Supply Agency in Lodz
of the final annual agricultural machine distribution
plan for the next year.
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Supply and Distribution Plans
(12) The basis for the distribution of tractors and
agricultural machines for the current year was
a quarterly operative plan. The work on the
quarterly distribution plan usually started one
and one-half to two months before the beginning
of the next quarter and was conducted as followso
(13} The Agricultural Machine Supply Agency checked a.ll
records on the implementation of the supply and
distribution plans of agricultural machines from
the past quarter and adjusted the final allocation
of tractors and agricultural machines for the
coming quarter (usually for newly created State
Machine Centers and new State Farms or the CRSSCh)
according to the additional data and requirements
received from the general investors, ice., the
ministries or central administrationsQ
(1~+) .The Agricultural Machine Section of the Central
?ff ice of the CZR in cooperation with the Agri-
, cultural Machine Supply Agency in Lodz conducted
several so-called assortment conferences (kon-
ferenc~je asortymentowe) (in February, May, August,
and November of each year) with the importing and
producing agencies in order to determine the final
distribution plan for the first quarter of the
next year or for .the next quarter of the current,
year. At t~ieae conferences, the exact .end-users
to whom the tractors. and agricultural machines
should be sent were made a matter of record. The
quarterly allocation plan of tractors and agri-
cultural machines fixed in the yearly plan was.
changed at the above-mentioned conferences only
in the following caseso
(a) If the importing agency was infar~med that
the foreign factories had changed their
deli~rery dates and quotas.
(b) If the producing agencies were informed.
that the Polish factories were not able
to produce the planned quotas of agri-
_ cultural machines or if they expected a~
surplus in productiono
(c) If some of the customers did not want some
of-the allocated tractors or agricultural
The CZR usually informed all general investors
about the changes in distribution about five
weeks in advance. If the general investors
v~ere not able to submit detailed addresses of
the customers of the home-produced agriculture
machines, the machines were stored in the
factories,_but the imported agricultural machines
and e.11 insect control equipment were sent to the
Agricultural Machine Supply Agency0s depot.
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Spare Parts and Repair Materials
aen,~ eral
The fallowing is a description of how plans concerning the
eupplq`of repair materials and spare parts for tractors and
agricultural machines were worked out (See diagram, page 12).
The. ,plan of supply of spare pasta for agricultural machines
and repair-materials was composed of the following three parts.
A balance sheet of spare Farts which was in fact a general
annual plan of requirements and procurement, It was worked
mut according to a directive from the Agricultural Depart-
ment of the State Econ?mic Planning Commission and. was
called a high level supply plan (odgorny plan xaopatrzenia).
b. Detailed plane for the supply of those spare parts and
teahnia~l repair' materials which were financed by the
Central Agricultural Equipment Supply office (CZR. It
was called a low level supply plan (oddolny plan zaopatr-
zenie,) and was worked out according to the orders of the
Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of State Farms.
The~CZ~ and ell agricultural machine produeere, importers,
and auetomere cooperated in working out this plan.
v. A distribution and salsa plan for spare parts and teahnicai
m~texiale (Plan Rozdzialu i sprzedazy) whiah ruse worked out
by the CZR and its agencies,
The !'igures in parentheses are the same as those appearing on
the diagram which represents the various stages in planning and
shows the timetable and the organizations involved in 'working
out the plans.
Balance Sheet of Spare Parts
(1) The State Economic Planning Commission issued a
general directive ordering the CZR to work out s. bal-
ance sheet for .spare parts. The directive fixed the
timetable and a list of all spare parts and materials
which had to be produced or imported. This directive
was forwarded~to the CZR through the Ministry Qf
Agriculture and was also sent to all who were to
participate in working it out, that is, to all the
ministries of particular industries (heavy, machine,
lights sma119 etc.) and to all central importing
agencies, such as Motoimport, P?limex9 Varimex, and
~ebilaz. It should be added. that a preliminary-draft
of .this directive was always prepared by the CZR and
submitted to the Department of Agriculture of the
State Economic Planning Commission one month before '.,
the directive was issued.
(2) The planning section of the CZR with the cooperation
of the tractor and spare. parts section contacted the
main contractors, e,g., the central administrations
of particular industries and -the importers, and fixed
the timetable for working out the balance s#~eet.
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The CZR :c all.ed : a conference of a:~.l the main :Nustamers
in order to establish the quantity and type of
parts and materials required far all of agriculture.
Representatives of the following customers too part in
the conferences Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of
State Farms, Central Administration of State Machine
Centers, Central. Administration of Technical Services
for Agriculture, and the Central .Agency of Agricultural
Peasant Self-Help C?operatives, During the conference?
the requirements for spare parts and repair materials
were established with the help of statistical data
from past years, norms of wear and tear of span parts,
and directives .and plans concerning the repair Qf agri-
cultural machinerya The CZR else checked the amount of
.spare parts and materials in stock in their own Spare
-Parts for Tractors and Agricultural Machine Supply
Agency and in the regional wholesale agencies and
finally arrived at a Figure for the number of spare
parts required for the next year.
(4) The CZR submitted the initial plan of requirements of
home-produced and imported spare parts to the appropri-
ate departments of the State Economic Planning Commis-
sion (Agriculture, Forestry, Communication, Machine,
Heavy Induatry9~etco)a After consultation with repre-
sentative~ of tkie ministries concerned, the Statr~
Eeon?mic Planning Commission fixed the final figures on
the quantity and type of spare parts and repair materials
to be produced by the home industry and the quantity and
type of spare parts and repair materials to be imported
by the Ministry of Foreign Trade. In cases of strong
opposition from the ministries, the final decisions
were made by the First Deputy Premier of the Council
of Ministers- Zenon Nowak.
(5) The-CZR selected the factories which had to produce
the spare parts approved by the above mentioned de-
cisian of the State Economic Planning Commission, The
central administrations of the producing industries
then sent the initial figures for production plans for
the next year to the subordinate:'. factories. The CZR
also sent these figures to the Spare Parts for Tractors
and Agricultural Machines Supply Agency in Szczypiorno
as directives far the plan of supply for the next yearn
(6) The CZR Spare Parts for Tractors-and Agricultural
Machines Supply Agency in Szczypiorna worked out the of distributing the planned production (in
terms of quantity and type of spare parts) among the
selected factories on the basis of the completed high.
level supply plan or balance sheeto t
(7) Through conferences and correspondence, the CZR Spare
Parts for Tractors and Agricultural Machines Supply
Agency fixed the details concerning the production
and deliveries of spare parts and sent formal initial
orders to each factory4 At this time the spare parts
supply agency was already in possession of part of
the requirements for spare parts for the next yeah
having received them from the regional wholesale
agencies of the CZRo
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Detailed Plans_ of Sup~,ly cif Spare Parts and Repair
Materials - ~~
_($) The CZR fixed the, detailed methods and timet~.ble of
planning for those supplies of spare parts s.~rd repair
materials which were to be .financed by the CZR,
After approval by the P~PGy the timetable and methods
were issued as an order Eton the- Ministry of Agri-
culture and the Ministry of State Farmso Usually,
the chief of the planning section of-the CZR personal-
ly passed this order to all directors, managers or
representatives of State Machine Centers, State Farms,
Technical Services for Agriculture9 the Spare Parts
for Tractors and Agricultural Machines Supply Agencyq
and the CZR regional wholesale agencies3 during a
conferenceo This conference took place during May
of every year, lasted for at least three days, and
was in the nature of a coursed
(9) All those interested in supplies of spare parts for
tractors and agricultural machines, isee, the admini-
strative agencies of the users of agricultural machines
(voivodship administrations of State Machine Centers,
district administrations of State Farms), and the
repair establishments and workshops in cooperation with
the supply agencies of the CZR organized local con-
ferences for supply officers which were, to some (x,ent,
a repetition of the conference described in pare 8 ,
During these conferences, CZR regional wholesale
agencies informed all concerned about the methods and
timetable of planning and when the requirements for
spare parts had to be submitted to them by the
(10) All State Farm Clusters, State Machine Centera9 Es-
tablishments and Workshops of Technical Services for
Agriculture and others who administered the State
Farms started working out the requirement plans for
spare parts for tractors, agricultural machines and
repair material according to the timetable issued by
the CZR and transmitted through the regional whole?
sale agencieso The timetable divided the plan into
several sections, defined the categories of spare
parts and repair materials9 and contained data on
when the requirements had to be submitted to the
regional wholesale agencies of the CZR which pre-
pared the collective Plano The CZR issued special
printed forms for this purpose for each-type of
tractor and each agricultural machines All spare
parts were listed on each form with their catalogue
numbers and priceso In filling the form out, every ,
customer had to provide the following informations
The quantity of each type of tractor and agricultural
machine in use; the established norm of wear and tear
for each spare parte the authorized norm for the
amount to be kept in stocks the quantity of each
spare part in stock expected at the first of ~Tanuary
of the next year9 and the quantity of each spare
part required for the next year divided by the four
quarters of the yearn
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(lOa) .The voivodship administrations of the State .Machine
Centers and the district administrations of State
Farms in turn worked out collective requirements
for their own subordinated units and submitted them
to the CZR regional wholesale agencies in the form
of a plan of supplyo
(lOb) On the basis of these collective statements, each
CZR regional wholesale agency t~orked out a collective
statement on other special forms and calculated the
quantity of requirYd spare parts as:"expected sales"
for the neat yea.ra Taking into account the amount
of each spare part they expected to have in stock. on
1 January of the next yearp they arrived at the
figure (quantity) of each spare part which had to be
ordered from .producers or importerso Finally, each
wholesale agency submitted these figures to the Spare
Parts far Tractors and Agricultural Machines Supply
Agency in Szczypiorno as its own "plan of purchaseso"
.Materials which the regional wholesale supply
agencies bought from the local sales agencies of
individual industries were not listed in the plan,
All regional. wholesale supply agencies were also
obliged to report all surplus stock at this timee
(lOc) On the basis of the requirements received from all
regional wholesale agencies, the CZR Spare Parts for
Tractors and Agricultural Machines Supply Agency in
Szczypiorno in turn worked out a collective state-
ment for each type of tractor and agricultural ma-
ehineo Taking into account all demands and the
surplus stocky as well as the stock they expected
to have in their own warehouse on 1 January, the
spare parts supply agency arrived at its vwn esti-
mate of the quantity and type of spare parts and
materials necessary for the next year and was able
to formulate their own "complete plan of ordering"
(plan zamowien)e
Distribution and Sales Plan of Spare Parts and
(11) The Spare Parts for Tractors and Agricultural
Machines Supply Agency in Szczypiorno compared
the figures given in the detailed plan of supply
of spare p-arts and materials with the figures
fixed in the balance sheet of spare parts and
reported the differences~to the central office
of the CZRo The CZR expressed its final point
of view usually approving the figures of the
balance sheeto If there were changes in same
items, the. spare parts supply agency corrected
.the initial-orders previously sent to the factories
(see pare X9(7))?
~12) The Spare Parts for Tractors and. Agricultural
Machine Supply Agency in Szczypiorno. worked out
the final distribution and sales plan for spare
pdris anc~ r?e~,a.ix? ttia.i;et? fear the C~ regional
wholesale agencies, informed each of them to what
extent their requirements for the next year would
be fulfilled9 and eventually ordered the transfer
of surplus spare parts from one wholesale agency
to the othero
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The-preparation of the detailed-plane of supply of agars parts
pfd technical maters,ls inv?lved sn enormous amount ~~ work; 50X1
but, the results here questionable. The
ra$u semen s received from the lowest level were`verp seldom
taken into consideration and did net usually have .any influence.
on he Pigt~res fined on the h~.ghe$t level by the State Economic 5ox1
P~;annin~ Coasaiss?no_ (Balance. sheet described in pare 4~ .
in~:.Genters, POM).did.not_h~ve the~neeessary qualified per- 50x1
a~nnel ,nor reeQ~ds acc~,x~ate ;,en~t~gh . tq permit them to `xork out
the, required ~+early and ;quarterly plans- of supply of ;spare
p8x'ta and repair material8. ~rhe fob teas done by oneor-two
t~tlque,ltie~ employees in.each PCR or POM who were not-even
able to cope with the paper`roork involvedd ~o.comp~ete a
requiremerit~stat~ement.f~or an average FOM~ for instance, the
emp$oyee had to Fill out a?~QUt 15a to 2~0>sheets with about 24
ite~a ger ~- sheep, this amounted' to 3, 000 to 4, pQQ entries.."! ~'he
estimates. were .faulty and r~era never submitted on. time. Fcr .
this reason. and.. in order to submit-the plans according to the
titneta'b-le, the regional, d.letriet, end vov?dship administra-
ti?ns cf tha:~QRs and POMs Korked~~out the plans by .themselves.
They based the requirements on their ow>n records of agricultural
ma~~lnes _ e,nd norms of xeax and. tear of e'pare parts wttiiout -rait-
-ing for requirements .from -their subordinated ,units.. ?.`Thiia
re~s~lted in snore errors and constitut#!'d a disregard af' the ~'
princip~.e~that the figures fined on the highest 1eve1 by the
~ts.te-Economic R~,anning Commission in the balance sheet had to
e checked bg the detailed plan of supply .submitted by the
der echelons and risers of agricultural machines and tractors. '
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Balance Sheet of Agricultural Machinea
The State-
gri fora
& Im ortin
&. Users of
P 6
....:. ~.~.Z.?R.,_~
__...A e.~cy__,__.
_ .. Agencies
o- - -
- - - - -
- - - -
- - -
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May- ~
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Sept .
. ~ 2 _.
. ~~ ~ 1 ?_~ .,a
? ~ 1 ~.-~ ?
? ~~.~;
- ?
~e c .
Draft Plans
Plana &
Supply and
for the Next
Year and Next
Working Time
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Snp~~y Plana for Spare Parts and $epair Materials for Agricultural Machines
q ?qi ~o ~
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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP82-000468000500250004-5