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50X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/25 :CIA-RDP82-000468000500120010-2 I I CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which fn any manner to Att unauthorized person is prohibited by law. G-f}~+T-F-I-D-E N-T-I-A ~. COUNTRY Czechoslovakia DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED ~3.see1laneous Production of the ET DATE DISTR. 20 June 1955 Division9 V,Ie Lenin ~forks~ in Pilsen and CKD Stalingrad in Prague NO. OF PAGES 5 SOURCE EVALUATIONS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. C-E~-AT-F-i-D-B-N-TAI-,$-I; (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "# ".) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/25 :CIA-RDP82-000468000500120010-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP82-000468000500120010-2 J V/~ CONFIDENTIAL REPORT NO. COUNTRY Czechoslovakia ._.~~. -~" SUBJECT Yiscel~,~~_ I?r~d~art~cxr_ of #,kie BT-~$~~t Void- Lenin. T?~rkaf in F'~~san and Cffl~J Stalingrad e DATE OF INFORMATION PLACE ACQUIRED THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ~raotion Maohinerv ~~ 1. ET (Elektrioka tovarna) af,the v,,I,.Lenin Works in Pilsen produoed eleotrio looomotivee far the Czsohaalovak National Railivgys. Souroe believed the type produoed was E ~#~8. This type loaomative was the only one of its mind produoed by $T and no other type cif looomativa was to be used on the national railways. It was designed by the "~'raotion 9eotion of ET acrd was developed in oollaboration with the Swiss 9eoheron farm. 2. The lacoma~ive was oommoniy referred. to as "BoBa". It had two sate of underoarriage, eac3h underoarriage had two sales, acrd eaoh axle was driven by an eleotric motor. The motor had elaetlo metal disa couplings. The looamative was designed for 3,~?? v; souroe did not know the output developed.. The prat?type of the lacoraotive was completed in the fall of 1953 and tested at the Prague rail- way stations,. on the railway line between Vratky (N ~9.-D7, E 18-55) and Zilins (N.~9-53, E 18-~+~), and at the Warsaw railway stations. The First series of these locomotives ct~nsisted of 12 units and was.nrrder constructs?n in the "aiant" production building of ET, Production o irat series was quite advanced as cif May 195. s specifications engineer, not an executive, a a a a o ;99 1?comotlves of this type had been ordered. ~If this were true,source believes that most of them must ha~re bee~a destined far ?xport because Czechoslovakia had no use for such a Is1Pge number df 10com~tives in the near future. . 3. The .first railway line to be eleotrified in Czechoslovakia was the orre between Zilina and Spiaska Nova vas (N ~+8-57,~ E 2-3~+) , Daring the First half cif 195, trial runs were made cn the Zilina-vx~utky seatian of this railway line. H?wever, only electrification bf the main line had been completed a~ that time; electrificatlan of__,_ 50X1 DATE DISTR. lI May 1955 NO.4F PAGES 11, 50X1 REFERENCES: 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP82-000468000500120010-2 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/25 :CIA-RDP82-000468000500120010-2 V V/\ 1 C~NFIDEAITIAL -:2 - the entire section ws~uld be completely ~F ec ri ied and set in s~aeratior~ b the fall ~ On the saute occ8~+io~cis the second lime to be electrified ~aa a oa~e ~anx~eetir~ Prag~~-Ceske. ~rebova (N ~ -5~, E 16-27}-PterQV (N ~# -27 E 17>27~-I~rs~sice (N ~9-33q ~ 17-~+~~- Puchov (N ~9-p8q E 1~-24~-Zilia~a-K?sice, Poles f~sr electric wires were erected al?ng the Prague-Ceske.'Trebova section of this line as of seammer 195+, ET praduced either sip or 1Q electric loce~n~atives of the same type f ?r ease in tMe North Bohe~niar~ Lignite ~lir~es which were at~r~fa~e amineso Source believed that these le~camotives were designed can the basis cif AE4'or Siemens-blueprints which may have been in the posaessicn ~?~ ET, The locssmc~tives weighed 15C tons each. They mere designed- fQr 1g5~Oq eax? pea?haps 5~t~. v, Source was n?t pertain ~f the ~~lta a fi ~~;~?e. The entire series was ce~mplsted during the first half ~ but the minas were behind schedule in acceptiAg ~ on or the national railways was concerned,l he did net know whether ~~ n?t this was -true of armall tract~;vn r~echinety sas well. While ET vas t? produce only electric locomotivesq CKD Stalingrad had the responsibility-~f pr?dueing diesel-electric tracts?1~s, Sousse was cexrta3n that this was true as far as tracti~an pra- d c ti ~? ram 1930 t~ appro~imlately 1836, Brive~ _fcsr Fto111aaQ Mill I~aohinc,~ ,~...1.~1_ ,.._,..,.~,,, Lost ?~~? the electric dries for rollixag mein machixaery operating iaa C~ech?~sl'ovakia were a~f foreign maanuf?acteare~ h~we ET v o , OnIO ve was designed fob sWitckaing operatio~as at resit?ad stations ;~hich ~ve~^e t~a~t alect~*ified seed was tv be prc~dexced ix~ se~?ies. ,Diesel electric rai~r~ad :cars with f?ur axles, ~t?bably type 263, ,sere put in operatioaa in 1951, S~~rse did xaot mow ~thether ter riot CIff) S.talia~grad contin~eaed this pa^~duction, These cars were lighter than the well-kno~n Blue. Arrows ~ihich 1~ere produced by ET and CKD f _ - -----_ -^-- -~-~ ......oo.....wv.a.sc-.f aotar~e el3eve~ it t~a.s type My ~ or perhaps , T~ ~3~ = This l o ti .main factory f?t this prodeaction in Czech?slovakiag wae slot~l~e gai~aitag imp?rt.ax~ce, The most significant delivery miade by ET in this line d~riug recexet years was the drive fir the bloo~aiaag moll ~f the ,Klemea~t 4ott~rala~ New Foeand in l~uhoi~e (1V' ~g-~.$q E 1E3-1$) which was ~elf.vered Iatg, Jiri I~amerx?anar;~ chief specificati?ns eng nest fir devel~ap~aent at E~9 received a state award of about S+C~~pp crov~ns fear the design ~f thin drive, The ET drives were obsolete because they were- not equipped with modern speed. x?egtalatie~n equipment -- either rotary or meagnetic amplifiers,. A Czechoslcsvak technical delegation was in l~ioscow during the winter of 1953-5~, The members of this delegati~rn were the abo~e- menti~Z~ed Ing, l~irosla~ Smok,q Ixag. Jan So~akea3ikq an~I Vaclav Kolar, respe~tive:~~y chief te~ha~i~iaaa ar~d chief designer at ET; It was soutce~s opinion that the delegatit~n discussed feature ET deliveries to the USSR -~ particularly the delivery of electric drives far telling mill rmachixaery, In Ncescow ~h? Soviets told the Czechoslmvak representatives that the ET regealation technique was 4n the same level as that which had been attaiaaed in the ~Tnited States in a9~2, The Sov3,ets insisted that ET begiaa using rotary amplifiers. 50X1 a meeting was held at the E~ facta~ i P ry n ilsen. to access Czech?slpeak production possibilitie i s n this field. The meetia~g~ leas attended by abou'~, .~ech~aicians, Th~-re were repre- seaatatives f?roam the Ministry ~Qf?, ~reg~.m~ox?in~~ the _ ,._._. _ ...~ _ C ~~FIAENTI~,.L 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/25 :CIA-RDP82-000468000500120010-2 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/25 :CIA-RDP82-000468000500120010-2 ~OHFIDEAI~IA~ - ~ - ,sae r?tarv arnalifiers in their drives. sad a Pere ether ~argaai~atioaas, It mas decided t~iat BT m?t~ld ~.inS.stx?y, ET, the Academy of Science sad. Art, FEZ Development, division of Strong Carreat of the Research Iastitmte of this am elao~ria drive mhiah samrse believed ryas ter rc~lliang mill 50X1 machinery. T'he drive developed ab?tat 1,544 km. sad mas fed by stersr~ry rectifiers. This drive mss for trial pmrposes oa1y. C~ ~talit~grad began m8amt?aatrxre of the .prototype of S~aaoa~s generators 11. QED Stsliagrad prod>~ced syachr~hot~a ge~eerat+ars for the p~-mer statione in bpovec (Q 5m, ~ 60} amd Sucsray (~ ~9-~6, E 1g-4o) ?a the Yah River. the p?mer statia~ns >rere designed by Hydroprc~aekt, 1~ati4aal Enterprise, is Brstisla~ra, the enterprise mhiclr prabably designed All the pcrmer stations mader a?a~atrmctc~A a~n the vah 81ver. . However, somrce did not know whether or a?t all of the-power stations mere tee be equipped math CID ffiachiaaery. Hydropt~e~Je]ct apps?ached I~EZ vsetix~ in the fall ?f 1853 with a regmest to provide modea?a~ egmipffie~at fvr speed regnlatioa far the ~~ generatars; bt~t^ ~~ mas rather reluctant ab?t~t the matter, apparently pre- ferriag their staa~dard speed regrelatiom egmipmeat, and the mhele idea mas abandc~med. At the same time Hydropra~ekt csoatacted ~~ 4seti~a, ~~ mas about to begin pr?dua~tion of the maahimery. T'he Hydrapre~ekt designs mf the power stations did nc~t take fr~tt~re eacpamsion into eeaasideratioa. phis leek of foresight ryas true of all types of prar~eat designs mhiah mere seen sad ha believes it mas typical of all coastrmctioa pro~e~sts ru~dertakea by the Gt~~taummist regime in Czechoslovakia. 4eaeral Ihf?ermatien E2. It mas the p?11cy of the Ministry of ~Engi.~~e~r3:~ag t? have CKD ~ad.B~ prodmce only large machinery sad the ramair~lag plants,- priarcipslly 1~Z ysetin sad ~iSZ Draac?v is Drasev 4H ~9-2D, 'E 16-~9}, mere tv assist CKD sad ET in complying with this policy. There mere exceptions to this general rmle9 C~ amd ET soaetimes maartf?actmred median sad small maoh3a~ery ~if they had the aeeessary designs on head from former prodmctio~a or if ~ha maohia~et~y mas to be installed in ceaplete egmipmeaat pr?duced by the pleats. Ega~sples cif seine sash eaceptloaas mereo the CCU prodrxctioa a~f calea~der drives fvr Bmz~almk is IC?aarev near Her?vice (~ ~9-54, E 13-55 } ,31 E~ pre- dmttioa of a~ermmutator motors, Schrage type, rotor-fed; $T pr+s- dxcti?n of mill motors rat~giag from 14 km. t0 204 km.3 amd ET prmdaeti?a of a~raae mat?rs of about sic dlff erect types designed ad h~o It mas the general opiai?n among teshaaiaiaxas that the ~~HFIDEHTIAL 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/25 :CIA-RDP82-000468000500120010-2 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/25 :CIA-RDP82-000468000500120010-2 C~~TFIDBNTIA~ ..~., gnslity ?f CIS pr0d~cts greatly deteriorated after 198. phis ras not tree tst' ~~ prQdnaba; their quality remained abm~tt the same as the pre-COanie~t level. It teas even ramored is 195 that theem tMe fs~tr~riea might be merged in girder to have E~ asel?t:~~; ~~=o2-c~ra$ ~ 6/55 ~-~5/7~+3.3 ~ e 27M ~?5/7.3.3! a 27M 7~5.ze~ ~7M ~m5/7 3=3s~ 27M 7~~.~7~ 27M ~ z5.8~ z7M(rv ~ 66,336 z M 2m5~'7~ t . 7~+ z-~ E6,3.3 27r~ 6b3,5 ~7~ d~3.6~7 z7M Q~FI~~Z~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/25 :CIA-RDP82-000468000500120010-2