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Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 ~~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This materisi coataiaa information aiferting the Na- tional Defense Of trie United States within the mean- ing of the 1Es~toaaRe, Title 18, U.S,C%. Seos. 793 snd 7>?1, tde traneatieeion or nveiatica of which in anq manner to Rn unsuthorized perwa is prohibited bylaw. 25X1 c-o-rr-r-z-DAL-N-T-I_A-L COUNTRY Czechoslov~.k3.?~. PiACE ACQUIRED T~~~ilit~:~.r~f Schob].s in Olomouc, Brno e.nd REPO RT DATE DISTR. 2g April 1955 NO. OF PAGES 7 2 REQU REFE IREMENT RENCES This is UNEVALUATED Information THE SOURCE EVALIJATlONS !N THIS REPORT ARE OEFINPTIVf. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT -5 TENTATIVE. ARMY review completed. 25 YEAR RE-REVIEW c-O=~N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L AIR ][ FBI AE 'NOTE: War'hinpton dislrl6ulion indicated by "X"; Fisld dislribvlta- n b~ y''.~",j Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 .,~ COUNTRY Czechoslovakia SU67ECT 25X1 DATE DISTR. ~ .Fob. 1955 Military' Schools ~.~ (?lomm~x~' ~~~~~ ~,~~ad H~ani~e NO.OF PAGES 6 DATE OF INFORMATION PLACE ACQUIRED THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The Olomouc Milita Academy f 1. in Olomouc 25X1 s~pproximately 5D men wearing armp~ype uniforms Frith service 25X1 caps and black shoulderbaards. The shaulderboards had a gmld border about ~ne centimeter wide Kith the inverted gold `~V" at 25X1 the arm ends. they were cadets of the OI?mouc Military ca easy 2. Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 .~; The ~Iili.ta c? ha~ica demg (V2'A ~ iTo;~~~ta3~~ ,te.,~h~ieka ~t}~td____emi~e~ the Technical IIniversity fQr Construction En_in er B four story gray stucco b~ti3.ding, aPProxi 2D m., located on Uvoa Street near the Spielberg Mount half by the VTA. o s n n was accu ie t t o There were two en rances to this building. At cane entrance a sentry in 'blue uniform wearing a blue field cap and a camou aged ahelter- the VTA half of the u nga e a er entrance was t~hguarded. a submachine gun. this was the entrance to ~lalf The sentry was armed with the CTniveraity had 5. been moved to its new lc~cationa an gxnidentified gymnasium on Na whole building two stories were utilised for VTA classrooms. The second VTA building -was a three- storg gray stucco build. g x ms, a evr rest 9~. '~~is building housed a library or. the first float which was open to the public about twice a week The upper -25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ' 25X1 25X1 25X1 6. On each side of the entrance of the library~elassraom building were signs bearing the coat of arms of Czeahoslcavakia. The sigA on the left bore the inacrifation ~Techraical Library"; the sign on the right read "Military Technical Academy`.. .~ef?ore entering the library, turn in D Citizea~ship Ident3ficatioxa (Obcar~sl~ az at the office window located near the entrance and received a plain paper receipt on which wa.s enterec;E the bearer's name, serial number of the Citizenship Identification, and time of entry inter the building, .Entrants coexld remain in the library ere long as they desired and could borrow as massy books as they wisheQ; 25X for as long. a.s a montYt? Civiliaa~s were employed as librarians. 25X 7. three or f o~.r yog army officer, VTA students, on duty in the entrance office. They wore reg~- lar OD army uniforms with silver a~houlderb?ards end geld stars. On their ahoulderboardB they also wore red stars. approximately two centimeters in diameter with, the letters VTA inscribed in white 25X1 . Similar ahoulderbQard insignia were also '~orra bs th ether VTA atuder~ts. ~tiX1 academy students whc- same building. 8. attended classes locat?d in the Irma oma of VTA atude~ats ~ OD army unif?rms, with service caps and red shoulderboards. The shctalderboards had gold borders approximately one centimeter w1de, with inverted Vts at the arm ends. The students ~~ marched in two groups, each c~~te consisting of about $C men. a similar formation of assn ira Air ~'?rce blue uniforms ~aarching i~a the ~~~~ets of Brn?A the unif'orr~s had blue ahoulderbwards with gold borders one centimeter wide and inverted Vas at th Within the building itself 1 1 25X1 ~~~i1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 ~ ~, men of this latter Rroura were also VTA students. a. The VTA coarse lasted for four years. Upon completion of t;he course9 the graduates were commissioned into various branches of the techa~ica7. services. b. Civilian graduates of schools of? higher educationQ such as gymnasiums arad commercial schools were eli able to apply for direct admissiean VTA students were not required to complete basic rnilitar?y training before their rnatriculation9 since military training was-part of the curriculum. sent on 20-l~na. marches with full field equipment. discipline, At times they were awakened during tie night and 25X1 25X1 s u en s were subject to very strict 25X1 Ira the mgraaing after 25X1 c a ma~^c ~ e raorma sc oo sc edule was observed. d . Trie first wear st~.dernts had to live together ~.n barracks. Their 25X1 wore red sho~alderlboards with gold borders and iuv~rted V9s as described previously. Upoas sa~ccesst"ul completioA of? the first year they were promoted to junior lieutenaxats. TlaeA they ~rcrre the regular army off?icers~ silver shoulderboards end gold stars and could live outside of the Academy if they coo.desired. e. It was possible for a VTA graduate to attain a rank as high. as captain oaa ~raduativna de~penc~ing ?~ the individual's academic standing. f . Tie political reliability of the first year ~TTA students was 25X1 6o stu era s 2~0 were dismissed LJ..I or political ~xnreliabilit . 25X1 into smaller grmups9 depending on their speciali~ati4n. year Blass had approximately 204 students. They were divided fib 25X1 25X1 h? R$ilroad Trarssnortation I)ivisi~~ o~ the VTA 125X1 this divisi= was soon rain' s students were not con~issioned a$ was customary with students who successfully completed their fit^at year of? studies. Instead9 they all reverted to a civilian status and continued their studies at the Pra a (civilian} .technical university located on 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 C?o~N ,F~I T~~N~T?S~A I, - 10,. 11. Hre~aice Military School State l~ymnasium (statxai gymnasium} in Hranice N 9-339 E 17-~~ 25X1. 25X1 between Hranice and the neighboring town of Drahottase, ~ LJ/~I .~,.~~~_~a~_ ~ _ ~ __ ~-.~ v.o v e i _ _ __._ a _ _ . ~ . , . . ... 25X1 came from the nearbs~ Hranice Military Academy (ETA - Vo3enaka al~aclemie) .25X1 light of airplanes arad gliders they ~~'~ ~ the letters "~A" ixa whites Mere als? wa?xm ors their sh?ulderbaar~ds, at the Drahotuse airport wore regular C-D Army uniforms9 with visored service caps and red gh?ulderboards. The shoulderboards had gold borders approximately ores centimeter wide with the inverted gold 1?V" at the erne ends. 'The red star metal insigraia9 approximately two centimeters ire diameter with The students 1. Co Hunt. Military Academy shoulderboarda were the same as ear ~ men's shoulderboards in design, e~tcept that theg had an inverted "V" at the arm ands,. Gadets wore the de8ig- raations of the enlisted ranks which they had earned before entering the academy, L ilitar arad Other Installations in Hraraice (N ~9-33D ~~ ~ ee Pegs 1. Unidenti2?ied Army I~astallationo Two four-story stucco buildings, anr~r~x~_~t~1v Fn ~ , 5 rn. The buildings were painted dark green. s Military Academy was located there. The u rags were a out 2D mo distant .from the highway. Ira front of ~,-- ~--~..,e .. - tenable to see more buildings. some mill 2. F'isheryo Approximatel $~ ~ ~ rn Bea ev state-owned sAd operated, 3. Uniderstified Military Irastallatioraa Four four-story gray stucco buildirags9 approximately 60 x 15 m.e and Pour wooden grou~ad floor barracks, approximately 30 x 8 m. with tar-paper roofs. Types of troops located here Size of area. was approxirrtately 300 x 15 . ~.* "SIGMA" Water-Pump Factoryo the Drahotuse civilian ai~portg located enterprise where water were marauf'actured. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 5.~ Cement P2anta this was the lar est 25X1 g cement plant ire cen ra urope, It started to operate in 1950 but building was still in ro ress. It c area of approximately ~ x 2 km. 25X1 Although points 29 ~#~ arad 5 are not oP a military natttre9 they are pinpointed as an aid ire locating the military installations? Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 25X1 {"' Militaz'~r Teckuaical gcadc ~v9 Military Technical _1ca,demy Librs~r And Technical UniveTrsity For Can$tructian En~ineerinP . _BENO.a: Cxecho~slovarJ~ia FAIR GR~ouNDs 25X1 25X1 i 2 SPIEIrQEt 8eaidence Military Technical ?cads~y Libras~- axed classroomar 3-story gray d~tucco bldgi 120mx30a. 1. Technical Oniveraity ~ for.Conetructiou Engineering (civilian 2. lilitary Technical Academ~r 4-atc~ry gr~; stucco .bldg, approxo ~4mx20m. Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4 l[ilitsrr send ?ther_ Inst~llr~tion~r in NHANICE N 4~-33, 8 1T-44) ,. 25X1 ~,~ef: HRAAICE 1iAH8ISCH-NfEISSKIHCHEN C$eahoelovalcia ca e: : 5, Approved For Release 2009/09/21 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400430006-4