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~ e~.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Appr`ov~e`'d~fo~r Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400110002-3 -~J CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SECRET COUNTRY Czechoslovakia SUBJECT Chemical Works, National Enterprise, DATE DISTR, Prerov Th1s material contains InLormatlon affecting the Na- tionai AeL~nae of the United States within the mean- ing of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 end 7W, the tranunisslon or revelation of which in any manner to as unauthorised person is prohibited bylaw. REPORT NO. 50X1 NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES 2$ September 1954 3 THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS !N THIS RE10Rf ARE DEfINfTIVF. ' TN! AI-RAISAt 0- CONTENT !S TENTATIVE, (TOR KEY S[E REVERSE) Attached ie conoerning the Chemical Works, National Enterprise, (Lucebni zavody, narodni podnik)P in Frerov. l~ J flRARY 'SUBJECT AND AREA COCES z-o2-0406 g/54 084255 7a4, ~2 7i I ,22i 4-S/7~4,i2 sEa~x Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400110002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400110002-3 50X1 S ~~CRLT COUNTRY Czechoslovakia SU67ECT Chemical Works, National Enterprise , Prerov DATE OF INFORMATION PLACE ACQUIRED THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION REPORT NO. 50X1 DATE DISTR. 29 Ju'lx 1954 NO.OF PAGES ~ 1. Until 195 the Prerov Chemical Worke was knor~n as the Farmers Chemical Works, Prerov ~ X49-27, E 17-2~f (Rolnieka lueebr~i zav~ody). It vas an independent e~aterprise, organ zed, as the name indicates, by Czechoslovak fanners for the purpose of suppiyirrg the Prerov r?gion with superphosphate artificial fertilizer. 2. After the emd of~World War II, and the nationalization of the chemical industry, the Prerov Plant became a part of 3ynthesia, National Enterprise, Prague II, 3kretova 3. The plant was then under the Czechoslovak Chemical W?rks in Prague II. After the :re- organizatioM of the chemical industry on 1 January 1950, the Prerov plant became an independent enterprise, directly subordinate to the Ministry off' Chemical Industry, Prague II. 3. The pleat tRas rather old 50X1 Today, however, the .plan s comp e e y mo ern ze . Machinery and other equipment were replaced and expanded. The .equipment for maim produotion -- sal huric acid - rues re laced almost entirel with new machiner Unlike the remodeling pro~ecta in other sulphuric-acid plants,,..>fithe Prerov Plant recei~aed new rotary hearths for roasting pyrites. Nlaehinery used in pro- ducing superphosphates remained unchanged and continued to fulfill _ _SECRET _ _ _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400110002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400110002-3 50X1 SECRET - 2 - productio~a needs. A general remodeling o? the plant was tc hs.v~e been. f it~iehed by~ the end ?? 1952, However, no ~aew pr~~~otic~ was planned 1n connection with the remodeling;. :~ ~. The Prerov Plant had its own boiler ?acilities, and drew its water ?rom the Becva River into which waste was drained. Scrap and sediment was st?red behind the plant. 5. The Prerov Plant wam acnnected to the Prague-Ceske Trebsva-Ostrava and Prerov-aottwaldov-Breolav ~ ~8-46, E 16-5~] railway -lines by a eidinp~. It oleo had direst connection with the Prague-Ostrava maih highway. Prerov lay near the Becva River, but this was o? no transportation advantage ?or the Prerov Chemioal Plant, since th? Beova was not navigable. 6. The only two produots o? the Prerov Plant were sul..phuric aoid 1~tad superphosphate. The old equipment ?or making sulphuric acid prooessed 1,000 tn. o? pyrites yearly; the new equipment was ruppos?d tv pr?osss 36,000 tn. annually. Provided t~iat the Prerov production quota was not reduced on demand d!' the Ministry a? Agrioulture, 10,000 tn. o? raw phosphates were prooessed regularly eaoh year. The rotary hearths did not require any speoial kind o? raw materials and both Flotation and orushed orystalline pyrites would be prooessed here. Besides domestio pyrites, the plant also used itr~ported pyrites (mostly Norwegian) which were imported through Stettin and transported down the Oder River. T? The Prerov Pla~at paid 1,060 Drowns per dry weight ton of pyrites, on the base of X896 sulphur, delivered to Prerov. Residues, as was the Dees in all snob plants, remained the property v? the plant end were delivered to .th? Vitkoviae fron Works For 0.70 Drowns pper kilogram of iron peight. M4hey derived ?rom these ~~ transaotiona was oredited to the Prerov Flant . ~. 8oth Soviet and P'renoh p~iasph,ates were used at~d both were brought in via Stettin and the Oder River. Soviet phosphates oould not be prooessed alone and they-were always mired ha1? and hal? witki the Frenoh, Raw phosphates cost 3,146 Drowns per ton (P~Og) dry weight, delivered to Prerov. 9? Finished products were shipped out aooording to orders of the Ministry of Chemioal Industry in Prague. Aooordingly, sulphuric aoid was sent to the Vitkoviae Iron Works in Ostrava. Super- phosphate was paoked in paper saoks and distributed For agri- oultural use on orders From the Ministry of Chemioal Industry, who in turn, reoaived requests For distribution ?rom the Ministry of Agrioulture. 10. Tha Prerov Plant had no researoh department but had ?nly a,labo- story wher? produots were inspeoted and raw materials tested. 50X1 11. 12. Seourity measures in Prerov mere the same as in other ohemioal plants. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/11 :CIA-RDP82-000468000400110002-3