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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05 :CIA-RDP82-000468000200320018-5 ;_~FT` REPORT COUNTRY USSR SU67ECT Use off' Forced-Labor by Soviet Industry PLACE ACQUIRED ACQUIRED B~' DATE DATE OF INFq THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATIC.~N 50X1 DATE DISTR. y nov_ 5-3 NO.OF PAGES 2 NO.OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1. Ver many industrial enterprises in the .q~eorgian SSR,have use co re - 3ve a ~or camp inmates as workers pimpl 1?eeau,se this labor was mu~h5ox1 ~beaper than that of free wor}~ers. '~~n4w thatthroe h the. ost World War II yeax~a~ the Tkvarcheli Coal Mines Trust used labor from the corrective. labor eam~.min.Kvezani, mainly on construction of rmads .cot7nectit~g ~.:ndiv;t.dual~mine~, ~ The Kvezani Camp had as many as ,1.,000 convicts o~ ~u~St as all c?xtvicts in corrective labor campy -ita~ "tie Cecrrgiata SSR, were either, criminal offenders or political priaon:ers with short term sentences. Political prisoners with long term-sentences as -far. as I know, were never sent to stay caatps located in the tarri-. gory of the O~orgiar~ SSR., A?.mo:3t all ,the convicts,; ixa the, Kvezani Camp ., >Arere used as laborers by Mae ~]~varelaeli~ Coal Mit3es Trn,st . No women. wire held in. this .camp. The convicts never appeared by name an sty enter- prise records but were always~regtaested by number. Payments to.the camp were- also made on tlae .basis of the number of workers supplied 'by,... the ,camp, i .e . , so many. convicts for so many wi~rking days . I do not know .how much the administration of the Tkvarcheli Coal., Mutes Trrsst 50X1 paid th,e ezat3l Cam forte abor whick~i was supplied. However, ut~= ti1.1948, .~aed some C}ermaln PW tai ors w o we pt nano e ? ,For eaPh of .these laborers I had ico pay the camp administration 00 rambles a :month . As far as I know, only a si~tall part of these ~agewent ( paid by ,the Trust to the camp, probably about X00 rubles mv>+athly, ,~ to the convicts; the rest was retained lay the Carr~p ~ s adminlatrati4ta. I do ncb ]i~Kll~t~ .how the output. of prisoners cr~pareol nth that of .free `~ ~ df feretace , : s itrace the laborers ~ ';'b~l'~,,,,~ .~t~.~~,eve. that tbere_, vas not , el convicts? ~'ers itr~terested its working outside. the. camp area : v~here, i~' nothing e~.FJB, th~~` deceived better food ~rati,ons and some pocket money. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05 :CIA-RDP82-000468000200320018-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05 :CIA-RDP82-000468000200320018-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05 :CIA-RDP82-000468000200320018-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05 :CIA-RDP82-000468000200320018-5 ~ux~i p many inmates. rom he . eta I believe that the number of corrective-labor eamg workers is now much smaller thah it used to be before, during, and immediately :--after-World War II. The worst period in tbi~ respect was durinyg the wl~e~i'f 19~~ t ab ti~ t , 4 , , ou er ~~ ; World War IZ and, ,edat.ely tberea~ ~~, , w?~ n~am~-er of forced labor .camp inmates .started to dec~` rapidly,. An the- t1SSR were. gilled. i ~ n +? camps ~xplanatiQ~ fir this is that in 19 with convicts of the YEZH4~ ~'gE ,.of ..1937_:?' Dur~inB the wad and i,mme~: distely thereafter, a 'urge nu~x'ber of people . were sent to the -.camps for ~ese,rt,~?n:,. evasion of military. seraice, speculations, change og employ~aet~t witl~ot~t proper amtlaority, fleeing from kolkhozy, ..and application of -many, decrees pertain- 19+9 on the Fr ' : om am. ,~ abaente.ei ing to labor was., not s? atri~ct any more,. and the .+~t~m~aer of co >tv~:a s hits s d dim. ~ t ' . e A ~SR atar g?. in corrective labor camps inthe ~ '?'"~"w,pial~ 't~8ed forces la~ooa? rrvm ti~~ ~ D, ivVi7l,VV.~ +~a .....~.- _- . a' R~tstavi, all, ata~ur~s; .4~;,..~~~.~ei . e`~ua`.'~avi .foun~`f~y '~ac~A~~~a~C"~~,,..,; ...... ~,..._~ ~...,.....~.~;~ ., t ~ t&vi Csm ~- 2 . I. know ~ that zaldroStro~ . used quite a number of forced,; ~~. road stly o m e t ~~ o c s, lab?r eam~- lnma es ~n several eons ructio~a proj - -~_~_.:.__L, _.., mti..a o~rr~c mAa f:M7P_ cif the 3'biliai HouB~.~~..P~O~@~t ~.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05 :CIA-RDP82-000468000200320018-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05 :CIA-RDP82-000468000200320018-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/06/05 :CIA-RDP82-000468000200320018-5