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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 flESTflJcTEh Manganese Ore Districts Near Hua-chian 's gun in Legend Granite ~-~-?- Limtovne r?'"" Li ~ .~ C~ Jurassic -~ I ,L.._.. Man anew I care minim area t R i~t 1i n Hsien Kirin Province___ _. I 'I ) ill :J' ',' h4 ' ) k~ J:, -1? Scale i:100 100 Map #1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT E$TRICTED $,k;cq'$ 4/64* /acI,di,y /4..,;, . p_ , , -.c-, Map No 1 Sketch of G?t._nut uo. Z - L "ur neUe~?ot in irin Frovitnce. Published by the STAT 7-RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Sur f ac SoU _ N. ._r4., .. P.!"'~ "r. /< ? cD U /p 0+,i ma :~ncnuzIa ii1ti'ay. ~'ovember 1940 nganese Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT . Survey of Soil in Manganese Ore Mining Area Naar Hua-.chian ts'un l-t?un Hsien Ma 2 Kirin Province. ' 2' ~'. i~'',~? (I lJ' ili ~G :: r .~, 1,6.000 Le end ra I I:j::~L:3 L ..... : Granite No, Jurraassic 1)l ;..:'"in r .th1ce. ..,.,;.irr ed 'y e ^i1v. y. ove:rbo: I9/ 3 RESTRICTED : . .. , ........................ ' ................................... . . . Man a ese . ore out.. Calculated croPPings ore area STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 ,, . . RESTII!CTEC ~n flasy?uv ee e3t 3Tt7s4' /;g4; - ....... a: ,f 7 /; Map No, 4 Sketch of Cutout No.7 Yr~1lowish-brown surface soil ;I, w I I 1~ Reddish-brown soil .- ,) SW. ? Red soil M M ? M .IM M1 Black soil containing manganese :ii;y, i~nve:rl:,cr RESTRICTED ;7.irhed 1 thy: .. 1, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STAT Q ~I .pI 0 , ?'.. _-\ - I I i . _. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 JESTR1CT -, /4ynee c3i /1Ig(4._ 7 1; j.- 4f4,, k?/dI~, I~'l~~ult~r-aia ,~~rs~~ b,i.w~~ f~; ~ 1."/ 1., i'i11ht~r1 'y 1a !11,44 113.11 11,2 120,1 q,l 211.1 1*12 '10,11 116? 1$4,1 2 10, 1$ 31.15 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 R~srkicr~o 1. Acreage under crops hec't~lres 2. Damaged acreage with no yield .3, Total damaged acreage hectares By drought hectares RY floods hectares b. By others (hectares) y 7, Acreage harvested hectares 8. Yield per hectare against 9. total acreage under crops kg Yield per hectare against total acreage harvested kg 10. Total Yield MT 11. Sub-total for Southern Manchuria 12. Sub-total for Northern Manchuria Total Acreage and Yield by Crops and by Areas (.for 19Q.) Green beans e N Nr N m* * ,N N N * .. s N ~t .. #NMN Mh 111,1 1.11 t u 1w~1 a u 1 ,1~ Ni' 111,1 1,11 4 t,li N1 11,11 111 q , 11,111 I 1,11 : - i I I 1,122 31 tt ? 2,11 * + 1 10, 151 1,111 33 I 1 10,111 74? 1,111, 11 TI II 18 1, IJ 4 * ;Pi 1 M : 1,110 11,101 6 111 1 20 131 1,115 ' TI 17,353 11 ?42 II 1 ,1 17,0 + ? $ * *~ 7 1 15,121 211 11 513 20 353 513 1 I 15,011 12 1 I'S? J iN 1 ~ 1 WA *1 , 11,$45 1.301 - 333 13 - 1 320 1$,125, . 51 311 737 1 7 Ti? 11,0 01 1 11 ;j 11 513 ~ , 513 TI 1ij , 42 * /j 1,103 12 I - 11 lull I51 514 12 1 *$ 11121 ? 11 U ILItI 11 TI 41,111 12 ' . * : 11 ~ 11,133 531 I1' ?- i II I I I,IISI 757 5311 U? TN 107 11,01 ? 13 Ir 14 ? 11 16 Js 1j 141 ISO -~ I~ - ! - I 141 71 1.101 77 ?r 175 11 1,21 is ~ T 11 * 1~, 131 2,150 ? 42- I5+ I I! 3 3 71 II 2.73 11 1 11 SI L12 1$ r~ lit X 11 tM :11 * 110 13,191 3' 551 3 34 214 107 10 23,311 114 117 731 I 711 1 , 11 * :Ji 31 ' 1,411 132 3 4,1141 11 11 3,N * * 11 fit * ' 2. 175 3 2,1211 It It 1 IS? 21 k * ' 315 1' $T5~ 571 51 S0 I - 311 31! 31t IS Other kinds of beans II tlt m * w N 1 1 p * M 111.11 I,It 11 t,lt 111.N1 11 Ti t tt,l 4, ~$' 111,111 , 1,11 111 111 tl 111,1N 111 It 11, 1 IN ?i 1 I4,U$ 7 23? 2 71 ' 24 I 13 I 3t 11,121 7 151 754 Ito 161 N 10,131 1 1 I" Ilk , , . t 4 1,101 1 14 - 1 ?- 1 IN 1,11? 11T 113 1n !44 TI 1,11 1 1 tIN) ass 21 131 221 21 111 101 110 17 .4$ 1 MM T 14,11 1 131 11 733 501 , ' 110 35 Ito III IS 14,NI 11 013 loci 110 ? 1 1,11 T l1 IN 1 ! ' . 1,011 3 131 15$ 11t . 4, 13 , 3 37 573 131 I11 1 , L II 1 20 It? * . . . 11 1,13& II 1 2 1,127 111 11 1.14 11 ' U It 111 11.714 $41 ! 11,21? 111 h4 10 1.? . 11 Itl II 1,132 1 1 1 4.111 13 III 1 1 $$ 1.11 ' fl 1 N 1 111 1 1 131 $511 , I it 14 1131 -I - - ? . 1 ' 1,1231 ! . - I 1.11 17 ? 1. al. I 701 ! ' - I , I? 1 1,3!? 2 1 1R 10 ?,III ?I 1 , 1.1 1 i1 13 1 1 I1 ~ 1 1 t.I ~ ? 11 ,1 .~ I ., i L of I , "3 ;> r"' 1`h1 fienear~Yh ;"rt;t iokt, "(iitl~h 1(LI REST RICTD 1'tk!.'I 1, ht~I !~y STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1, Acreage under crops hectares 2. Darna ed acrea ~e with no yield 3. Total damaged acreage hectares 1e By drought hectares ~ By floods hectares ti. BY others hectares 7. Acreage harvested hectares 8. Yield per hectare against total acreage under crops kg 9Yield per hectare against total acreage harvested kg 10, Total Yield MT 11, Sub-total for Southern Manchuria 12, Sub-total for Northern Manchuria Total Acreage and Yield by Crops _I ESTRJCTEfl `?,. 9l 11~ _ ~ ~ I E III t * * M * III. : fw1IUS M T $ A ,.* 41SN~ 1;1 1,1 + It Ijt11,11 Id,! 11odl f,lp 11~a11 $III*, 1;7 I,IN 1 151,31 2,511 It 2,505 45I,$ 1,11 11`13 . 11,1 9 ! $01,111 5! I 1,15 0$ t,tll 1,112 I S$43$ tl I, 1 MS 1,11 1,10 7 .4 1 I 1 1 "W * : , 2 111,11 011,51 1,11 1,101 - llt 1T0 1,7lt - $9 t,1tt l,I 5,11 101,10 1,210 11t I *M1 910 , 11,1t 6,01 1~ 116,11! I,IO2 16 1,111 I,ItS 111110 I1 ft' 1 1 N , !44,05 11,111 TI! Il 1,11 1;111 1 !3'l,ll 1I ft i tOI.U 21 4'1 ' ! I 151,1!1 1,011 i 1,11 50 1, 111,151 $10 S , 1 I 112,10 1 1 1,111 11 10 51 11 1,011 213 IIO,PI -' G; 41 1 1,11 11 !11,1 11 1 , 1 11 , 1 11 101 1 0 011 11 111 115 1 11,011 1 1, 01 1 1 15 I , ' 1 1 , , , , 11,71 ,1 ,ITI , , 1a e u II 11.511 HIM _ 1st 1 1'1 1 t i llt Ill It * ; 11 111,11 10 3? 501 11 IN 126 10 IN,11 1 01 1?11 3$ 1,171 ', f+'I,11 , 0 2 1 1 11 lift 311 11 I!3 1101 1.1 53 1311 1 1t 11 * 7 44,153 $2 tt 55$ 110 3 t1 13 2 011 tll 350 1 10,355 101 1 1,1,1 I;I 1 010 1 ,1 T 11 , , , , 1, ; 11 ti 111,511 3,123 2,011 I,I41 131,353 121 I,fT ' 111,!1 11 N' 1S ;M 11 11,331 311 5 !5 1,M3 5 151 - 221 1,511 1 11 52 - 1 17;115 i,r 1,117 I tl , 51,111 , Ill , Itl ,01 t131 er,01 1,0 1,1 1,11 I,OIT I,NI f , !I y! 3b,5 1,113 - 1,111 !lilt! l,o) 1,011 lilt at * :)1 11,11 1,13 11 3,135 111 15,551 11 , lOtl 1 !I 1* 1k :.i 21,35 611 153 11 1,4S$ 1 7U 1 ,1 IN.11 11'33 , ~te;oa1'i;!h ; i'cl.lon, cu h ~~111i'h1111t Il'~1iVf:i;i x!42, ItLS7 *et s 1sUo 1111!1 INiI .01 11 $1$ Itll' 11'1,51 C',.,' ru1 t.1O(l y t~st~ ,1221 , .~~........~.~..r...,~.....,.,...,.,..~...,?.x,......~........ RESTIUCTrU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 i,tll 14111 13.041 t111 USII 501 lf 11 1t ,IN 1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT RESTRICTED 1. Acre~lge under crops hectares 2. Damaged acreage with no yield 3, Total daimiged acreage hr~c tares 1.1. DY drought hectares DY floods hectares 6. HY otrlers hectares 7. Acreage harvested hectares 8, Yield per hectare against total acreage udder crops kg Yield per hectare against tots 9 acreage harvested k. 10. Total yield MT 11. Sub-total for Southern Manchur 12. Sub-total for Northern Manchur fl ' Total Acreage and Yield by Crops and by Areas for l>L.l i, * # . R: .:' i +~ ik *, >r. 4 1,11 r1, $$ 1M44 9,1,41 51 9,1 1,11 1,N 1,11,1 1 iR IM' I 133,00 IS III 7,59 1 11 211 110 2,52 111 !11,111 1,11 10 2$4 1 11$ I,S01 1 91 111,0 220 10 X * , , , , 11 ?s0331 1 , 1 111 , 310 11 1 1 210,991 901 11 32 11 19 , ' 11,111 1,20 , 1,10 , 1 ,15 , 01 . 41 112 a t 15 11 11 I 44 Ill? IS i M it , 1 , ? 1 : $I, D3 YI $$,911 151 1 - 1,251 554 1 10 27S N,112 11 231 III 291 I,0 5 5 3 1 11,01 214 5$ 1 I,O , , , , , 141,511 111 954 2,91 111 1 1 - 2,091 412 111 1 354 111,251 551 511 551 1 $5 111 53t 1 191,11 I?,5$ 1 w M , 411 12 , 5$S 42 , 111 , , 121 15 54 1 , 192 1 O l4 11 :! , U11 11 1 151 - 30 211 1 193 , , 900 1 01 15 , 015 1 , 11 11 11 ; , , , , , , , Th it. 111,114 11d3t 1,11 1 11,11 - ?I,3ll 111,!11 1,11 1,151 1,514,21 1t 11 $2,141 31,11 251 110 - 211 11 91 11,154 91,110 1 I,14 1,4) 1,151 III) 1x11,10 41,01 !, 11 I 5,052 611 2 3 1 111 11 35 191 515 1,501 j 11 931 1,95 21 1 . 1,511 151 1 1,10 11 111 1i ; So,111 , 1 , , , , 11 /, p 11 M. , t , X 11,$01 125,I0S 5,11 2,111 I 9,531 2,015 2,111 113 1 11,122 123,22 1,19 1,91 1,211 1,121 11,51 . 1,11,111 11 *ilt ; 23,257 l,ST2 I2 2101 50 5 III 13 20,11 210 491 III I 1 21 1,911 1 324 21,11 3'11 51 10 216,151 5,121 , , j , , , ' 21 iN 11,151 72 12 41,11 1,311 1,511 111,7t 21 fj 61,15, 1 2 1 1,513 391 9 - 110 1,559 2 122 50 55,111 11 321 1,211 11 1 1,99 111 1 19,54 11 100 22 ; 5 11 , , , , , , 22 IJ>t y1 25,012 2,051 1,101 111 29,901 512 1,011 .t4,ll Si'. Wheat .... ` * !L -- 2 7! 2*.* ? w e? )-i1ji6 r1 u,$ *.* :v; rr M 1 L ! Is. N~~,It~ 14,u~ till 1,5tl , 4,1 1,511.0 .. 11 It 111, rr r 1 ii 1111 14,u 1 3131 1,1t 1U,1 A11 111 H. ! .. W ~ 1 24,425. 45, 13,101 31 IOt~ 31 1 !S 25 21,319 13,119 101 It 621 111 0 10.01 ,N .1 1 112111 III - l5$ I4,o5S ' ,11 5 M ~ I) 1 31,16 1,091 1 11 111 95,11 111 III I , 1 I, ;b 1,611 911 "1 It I Il - ?311 1,161 11 1,12 11,131 01 11 $01 ,112 MI I ,11 a 1 1 )I.) I 220 4,754! 53 - 50 1 20 11 10,111 1,112 11 1 . ,111 1 11 11 1,111 101 1,111 11 I 1 10 io0 31 4,11 ,I,il 1 1 1 ?1 , . rr ~ i~1 11,N1 111 1A1 x,011 ! U 111 , 11 1$IMg 11,!15 1,151 11 If 11 Of 11,111 5,109 1 135 1 1 1 1 ,13 33 t 14 1 i 2 3 11,11 lt Il 1S 351 11 - I,11 . 30 II,I 1.1$ 5,11 ) :1 111 , 1 1 d , 353,.11 , ,Ili I $15 , 111 . 111.211 ~ 1 1 !1,111 31,1 311 1,111 ! - 321 1,11 II t1,1$ fl ?,11 ~ 11 . 1111101 11,311 311 Il -. - 31 1 - 1 ;., `' f?y ; y i 111,1 I,ISI N 1 I4,$ i ~. . r ; fl~~3 i21 i111l, h~.1 l,y thc~ ~{1e~ 1'01 ;~Nt;t,~l~ll, '''~~11 ' ~~1 '~.lI1Ch111' , v~{trie~CG'~Wti~3M1~dk4 '.'k'MJh'1N 7~5pYlflM'MN7H~em'mn.rnkae,m snte?r~.?~?w~?..w.w.wwMM~ Ptb1t hSd bi the for 19hLt ~ lar , icu t ~,,,, N53 ..L Uvernb I i942 4 YtaeMral ea1,ion, 'atlth 6anchtuia 1t1it~ay, r. ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various craps 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3. Damaged acreage with no yield 4. Total dama ed acreage (hectares) g 5. BY drought hectares . By floods hectares 7. BY others hectares E3. Acreage harvested hectares 9? Yield per hectare (kg) p 10. Total, Yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total l3? Principal crops, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans l3. Kaoliang 19? Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirrigaced 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 23. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total o. Ramie for fiber 'U - Ram? n f/~r, enn~n 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton imported orte' species 34. Cotton native species 35. Tobacco, US species b. Tobacco, 3 native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. ' F1 _ _ax 39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil seed 41. Sesame 42. Peanuts 43, Sugar beets . Melon seeds 45. Others 46. Other crops, sub-total 47. Fruits E. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan lIES T1iCT'I Acreage. Under Crops and Amo nt u _ot Yield b Cr Y opg and b Areas For 1 1 ' Along the: Chang-?cht 1;1 y l,lo 'k l..It ' 0,11 1' 4132 r 21,10 50,12 :, I.a , .I1.91+~... h53 roh eot,lon, ft.11N 3,504 15,234 h1 .20' 3!1 10 143 131 ,~MM.ytr~,a~a^Ar,wnwd,-xx~m,ycav:ern...... u1,ij;;hed hY the X141, p t'OVemher 1942+ {ill th ahtu~~A t1j~ilway, lien flFTHCTFD STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 41. 14:3 445. 46. 47. 49. 50. percentage of various crops Acreage under crops hectares Damaged acreage with no yield Total damaged acreage hectares BY drought hectares BY floods hectares BY others hectares Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hectare kg Total Yield MT Kinds of crops Total Principal crops, sub-total Soybeans Red beans Green beans Other kinds of beans Kaoliang 19 . Italian millet Maize 21. Wheat Rice irrigated Rice unirrigated Barley 25. Oats Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat Special crops, sub-total Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Peri,lla seeds ,'n+4 nn 4nrnm+1? dfl gr~o(1ee VVVVv41' ? ' k$_ Cotton native species Tobacco. Us species Tobacco. native species Abutilon hemp 38. Flax }iemr~ 40. Oastor-oi 1 seeds Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts Su.a1beets 44. Melon seedt~ O the rs Other craps, sub-totaa Fruits L8. Potatoes fresh Velio nbles Ruu:u _J flEflrflECTEEJ ~ Acreaga._Under. arid by Areas (For, 1911) Along the Mukden--Kirin Railways * I t 1N.II 4i1 1b ," It 114m ?.1N Y ' U.01 1t1,0t 1,11 + _ 1 1.1 $!,t2 411 * /` 0,14 1,711 , * z M 1 0.11 7,174 (70.17 117,401 I,11 10.61 $7,111 111 as ? 11. 111.371 1,11 4' 0 10.11 ' 1,41 1 * a 0.1 11,01 1,010 a M. 3 0.4 1,11 171 * . , o.;7 /,Ill M ' 0 Io.os 170 - LI lit. N $ 7 1, u 137 Y o. 1,1 11 NM M- Reee111oh ?e4tion, nuth tianchtwta }i&1iwq, t+'~>vember 1942, 1,1 1.1' 1 tY5~ or . 1941. Publiwhed by the ti ie,:L,~ la ire '7 nCQ N I rv~ X y ') L 1 l i N. 0I IIP.1 fJ$$ STAT' STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 TIESTFIICTED Acreage Under Crops and Amount of Yield by Crops Percenta a of various crops g Acreage under crops hectares Damaged acreage with zzo yield Total dama.ed g acreage (hectares) By drought hectares BY floods hectares HY others hectaros Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hectare (kg) A Total yield MT Kinds of crops Total Principal croPsr sub-total Soybeans Red beans Green beans Other kinds of beans Kaolia 19. Italian mill ~ et Maize 21. Wheat Rice irrigcited Rice unirrigated Parley 25, Oats /Millet 27. wawa millet Buckwheat Special croPsr sub-total Ramie for fiber Kamie for seeds 1-'eri11 H seeds Cottonr imported species Cotton native species Tobaccor US species Tobaccor native species Abutilon hemp 38. Flax ! 0.1 7 0,1 Hemp 40. Castor-oil see Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts Sugar beets 44. Melon seeds Others Other croPpsr sub-total Fruits 48, Potatoes Fresh vegetables Ruusan tH? ?S 44 R1 a>t 1,11 . 1,1 o 1, Pubit hed by the -Y53 r ,November 194 1tIANrcIt section leation , ua w th Munohtu'ia 1taiiwY STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 flESTUCTED Percentage of various crops Acreage under crops hectares Damaged acreage with no yield Total damaged. acreage hectares By drought (hectares) BY floods hectares BY others hectares Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hectare kg Total Yield. MT Kinds of crops Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 114,. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irriatecl 3. Rice unirr~ ated.t~ 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. 1vIillet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special cr^ps, sub-total 3O! R.91for giber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Peri 7.ia seeds orted species 33 Co.Jtun, imported species ,,w. Cotton, native species 35? 2'obaCc0US species ~ 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39 Hemp 40. Castor-oil seeds LL. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts 43. Sugar beets 44. Melon seeds 45. Others 46. Other cropp s- sub-total 47. +a 111 us 'fU. otaioes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan ,.Hotian, Uauth Manohuria Rr~ilwaY, Tavember 1942 ~eAeara1 I t.l 11.331 217 3, 241 2,y1 2,14$ 1,711 II 12,103 411 122 3, 101 2,431 1.011 ,1.11, 1,131 4,211 114 1,134 133 1,114, 15 H 1,560 4$ 4,2110 31 111 7 1,711 31 I.rn , 1.1.1 1,313 1W 2 N I 21 It' 11 IS 111 211 3 2s, 21 40 1011 101 '40 21 231 1 1, 13 0 1 17 701 I7 1,01,1 eft J. ~j . U .N .h. I? , ~~~~on~i,~,1y"i~4^,b?R~!I'mY,hTfAhF~yMkMki4T+r7~NAiA11W,emroHirvw~wia.+wM..?..M,vnr..e,.w #53 br ~iou yet t.. a 19Q, Published by the HESTRCTEI1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Acreage Under Crops and Amount of Yield by Crops . rf STAT i STAT 1. Percentage of varioue orops 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3Dania ed acrea e with no yield 4. Total damaged acreage hectares 5BY drought hectares 6. BY floods (hectares) 7. By UUUVt others u (r,.vhev~~.r.vctares) ww~ 8. Acreage harvested hectaree Yield per hectare kg 9 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total l. Priicipal crops, 3 114.. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17 . Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian 19. Italian g 20. Maize 2l, Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirrigatea r - ~ 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27, Sawa 28. Buckwheat 290 Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Rainie for seeds 2. Perilla seeds . Cotton, imported species 33 Cotton, native species 350 Tobacco,. US species 36. Tobacco, natii7e sp~icies 38, Flax 40. Castor-oil 112. Peanuts 14.. Melon seeds 37Abutilon hemp 3. Hemp 41, Sesame A :ens . Sugar .o,t', 43 45. Others 14$. Other crops 47. Fruits 49. Fresh ve~-etable 50. Ruusan sub-total 48, Potatoes sub-total Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 millet millet seed and. by Areas (For 19k).) Along the Ch'eng-ch'un--Harbin Railway It, Q IN11 ~ tr ~l 3 r 4 It 1 f11 I Y 11.2 211.01 y I. 10,11 Is i1 0.021 * ) 0.10 4.037 * /f II,! 117,111 '? 20.00 291,411 I. a~ $2,141 w . 1.10 ,11,22 orlo I,N a 1.00 10,00 1r 0,: I,$4w, S o.oo k 31 11,10 103 .7 3.10' 34,044 -- ? b 4.20 . 111 21 M j , ~ t + If i4 30 01201, 1,01'2 3 10.10 . 1,034 0,10 011 n~r^ ,cw.w 1,121,111 II,fN n' 1,N1 I.It.? r.n.7 fll 1.111 I ' t,$$1,1 btMl a 1-!. Rwf?? III 41~, III Ni IN ; 2I1,11 I1 1 I ! ?: 1b1l ' n . IN 1' 4a1l ; 4 ??:jft, I 1 1. 011 1?1.1,211,1 '.'L 1.111 I.1 11 11 1,$4I , 1,411 r, N,I11 11 1 1,111 t.00 , 1,4! p 111 a 1,1 6N 1 1' N 011 .. 1 w ~!,1N :. I,I~t I.1 101 ?1 34.04 b41 1.111 2 2.fl $IL III I . s1 4 1 ',I' 11u i ?10 LNI r 1, ; 1.r ; NM MI n ~r 3,1.1 1 , Id10 SI- ti 1 I $NI 4A 4e "S 1R nESTIUCTED R~'tMd snT N B4rdY 4l Y1 'r?7'11k ir. 11 .'? rn' f4",'.w", I!1RM+IlrnfNy9 ?9,`M;MI k R ~~.,,~ml . ~a , puhUhld by t1-a h ~~mohuz to Itw p, R;c>valnb r j94 t 1 , f:. AMtrah I at ion , au ,al Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 II+,4/b, /N~eMro,IMflWMluflerw.r,+.wwwl~+warw'~++tiae 1 i L,' It ----k- I N1.M~ 11,11 11,1i0 1,111 11U "I~ u~w STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Percontao o:~ varioue crops 2. Acre 1o undor crops hectares Damaged acvea re with no yield S1 ~ 1L Total da~lagoct aerec ;c hectares r. B drought hectares 6. By floods hectares ;ed.'s (hectares) ,7, By oil (hectares) 8. Acrea e harvested hectares Yield per hectare kg 9 10. Total yield MT 11. Sands of crops 12..Total 1': Principal crops, sub-total ~ l1. Soybeans 151 Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18 Saoli 19. Italia: millet 20. Maize 21, Wheat 22, Rice irrigated 2J3, Rice unirrigated 21+. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27, Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 2. Special crops, sub-total :30. Ramie for fiber pie Ramie for seeds J 32. Perilla seeds a3. Cotton imported species x '34. Cotton native species 35Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 3 37' Abut i1on hemp 8. q. Hemp 11l. Sesame seeds 12. 44. 43. Sugar beets 115. Others Flax Castor-oil seeds Peanuts Melon seeds 46, Other cropsf sub-total 4 s 48. Potatoes 7, Fruit 19. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan , 1 rdiway ovember 194; ft1AMl uh eet,iolti, .ouch hiunohtula li Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 I Acreage Under Crops and Amount of 4$ and by Areas For 1911 Alone to La-fa--Harbin Railway * 11,N , 111111 1,1 * ]L . 30.10 11, !! * j 1, 1,111 O,t 53 * x6 x * j M ? 0,11 111 $5 * a 15,1 10,3!1 I ^ 13.50 34.701 01~ a ? I>1 34,111 II + .t 61 l,IN ,It M Z 1, 12,111 N3~ *110.1 1,51+ - M * 0 Y 0.00 1,30 It 0, it 5? ? ` 1,10 5,11+ $ 1 1.10 t3,11 51 0 w o,N 13 -I ~ A ri M t 1' it L ii ssi is M M M 0 0.1 M t o, 1,t1 - ) 4 o,t 513 H 113 o , Pnbitr;hpd by the _ sf A ! (* w) aI a i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percenta e of g various crops 2. Acreaja under crops hectarea) 3, Dana ed acrea e 8 g with no yield 4, Total damaged acrea ge hectares By drought h 5 Y t hectar u8 es 6, ~. By ,~ oode (hectares) 7. by others h,eCta Y res 8. Ac,, 'o ~ s,~ar~~~~ t up vested tinuAcUar317 9. Yield per hoctare p kg 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total ii,.. So bo ~ ans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kao1i 19. Italian millst 20. Maize 21, Wheat 22, Rice irriggated 23. Rice unirri ate gd 24. Barley 25. Oats 26.. Millet 27, Sawa millet 2. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub- total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton imported species 34, Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilon hemp V 38. Flax 39. Hem 40. p Castor-oil needs 41, Sesame seeds 4a r, Peanuts 4. 5 3 agar beets 44. Melon seeds 5 Others 14.6. Other crops, sub-total 47, Fruits 48. Potatoes 49, Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan Mreage Under Cropo and Amount and by prase (tor 1941) Harbin M _? * It >~ w * !h , 2111 11 1,11 1, 1j'yY {, , -I. 1l n, I1, 1,1 1 a II1,1J 1,111 ~ a .11,8 :*z z y 21.30 10441 , ti is ? la . Io,u, 1,1 us ? + z I,01 131 - Hl 111 311 I z o.33 UI - I ' 1 111 11 z* z * ) sot 132 - - Ip 31 i W * M 9' I,,tt I,t 311 I It 1, h 1,311 I * 9 I,,oo , 1,101 s 1 1,11 LLSI 1,1 1- # ? II.I3 3,03! 11 11 131 1 1,3 I,6 1 ~. 0 I3.oo Lit - t.1$1 $31 1 6N * M Z I.O1 131 3 , . 31 . - : ?t L 1,311 . t,111 I.$ r M l,to 311 I I ?-' 511 1,11 !I$I :k w 0,1 , N 3 i 131 IN 3 M M 0,11 tN 1 10 1 11 ?41 It M !.81 1.011 1 I L . 1,111 I,I Ltl M 1 I,OO 421 - "t 1,11 I,I 10 M ? L0?11 II 1 1 11 11 $01 .. N * t w ; ' + is., t, Ilt ? ., M M 1N o,ot $ - .~ 3 u 11 I , A4' flo, l 13 1 - 1 $ 11 1N M (* :yh) t. 0,01 1 1 . 11 It S sit M J) - 3 - W Y t~- .. I * ~, 1 a0 3$ - - * (* a) ao1 1 - j * Mt 8 ao I - - I ~ . t y t* 3/ - ?* * i** ) - . ''' ?` !* , $ r. yl L0$ 1 - LI III 1 ., - a - S A 31 ill 1 - II It 1 L$N 1 P '$ - i * r - - 9f I t.. ~ 'll ` 1~1 +h II' tl , 1) i ~. ?1 r. .;, ? Ili , l$ e " L ? , u. !L 1L l~ SI s y M F' M Vj $,I II . -1 -j L : . , t 1 ll , 1 by tho N~3 0 IIIAMrOh otion 'ouLh M noht 1a Itr11way, "ca. amher 1C?H EST1CTED STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 percentage of various cropo ... a Acreage under crops hectares 3. Darns ed acreaSe with no yield ~ 4. Total damaged acrea3a hectaree 5By drou,bt hectares 6. B loon. ( - - - !hec tare6 f 7Bf T others hec aros harvested hectares 8. Acreage 9, Yield per hectare kg Total yield MT 1o 11. Kinda of trope 12. Total 13Principal crops, sub-total 1.4. Soybeans 1, Red beans 5 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 8 Kaaliari Italian millet 1 8 19~ . 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irriSateu 23. Rice unirri ated 25. Oats 24, Barley ~ 26 Millet 27. Sawa millet . 28. Buckwheat L Special crops, subtotal 30. Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds 31. 32. Perilla seeds .33. Cotton, imported species 314T, Cotton, native species ,,5. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species x, r7. A butilon hemp 8. Flax 3 40. Castor-Oil >9? Hemp seeds 41. Sesame seeds 42, Peanuts y.3, Sugar beets 4. Melon seeds 4". Others 46, Other crops, sub-total k8 Potatoes r ,it^ .. . + y t 49r-rebh vegc t~ulr 7"0. Ruuaan 44 Acreage Under Crops and AmounL? e and by Areas (For 1941) Along the IcM ; M ~ ~,. .I It r ul o"113,N 1 1 . s . . a ? s .,, ; . .;,, $ t ., ~ , ,,~ 111 $1$I 1. 1. 111 1 . ' 111. , 1.1 "1.1 *1 , 4 21,1 11,11 1,400 311 q ~ ?3.31 Si 111 itq ,+ I 1,51 ' ' ball 15 - / 6, 1 , 1 11 11 4~1 11 0,11 ,~ g 1,1 I ?1 1 , 1,1 M M ~~?][ M 'I 0,43 1,623 1 lilt 1 Silt 1' u,l 10111 611 tll 13 11 ' 40;$ 1.1 .1.131 4$ ~ 1 a 4,0t ' IM 1 131 11 ? 14 1 t11 ' 4$.S$I , 1 , 1,011 1 t 1.On t$ I IlL 11 ' ~ *, 0 26,1 ,10,111 1,362 $l 1 3 11 11;1 , ? . , r 6,11 . , 11,215 $2 4. - 11,111 1 . 112 '.1114 * N I I.ot 21,262 1.613 10 131 1,301 11, I t.0 1.11 41.1 S 0,I1 N 131 1,1 List 0.12 2,635 21 11 1.111 $11 111 *21 ^ ~, ,M 1355 ..,- M 1* t4 110 111 , 1.02 1111 ` 3101 1 1 3,116 : 113 11,11 . 0 2.41 1,501 5 SJO 111 I 152 ' 1 , *1 * . O,tt 1 11 - - ,,u r e M tt' N f .'' a 11.11, ql IS II 41 IUll ' ?, 'L 0,51 t,011 1i $8 ! 'll I,MI f 1 .~ , *Uf 0,01 261 3 3 141 1 t.01 '' 0,01 I11 - llo ' 111 ?'411 r4 11 M M M h 3 ~; , ~ M * M1~ - ^ I , ik ^ N f o.00 , - - , .,1 111 111 M .Mc N 0,u 13 10 I .. 1 41 iS ?.ti~ " 1 . ?) 7 0,02 63 :. 5: a :,. . !1 M : IN1,65 5,11 11 N , 3 - - $,$Il ? NI SW . * 7 1 o,ol 3 _ _ a 1 ?;' ..~. 0 0,0 5 44 .:?1 O,o1 It ? . .5* 41 II * M J. , N Ny31,1 1.111 - . 1. i 1,1 1 M 11 :t ^ - ,- - z ' M s - ^ ? 1M M , r ^ s,.!Il 'S .1 'c " . ?i ,, '`h ',; d w su : ? Ps ! L . : i . . . ;p9 1 ': R : , bk ;. 7I ? 4 7f!n,nI?"~i;~f'~'F~.!r(ijM:"tl,~''U,!!,'y ~H kM'~^Ini-%-~~ru,gvxxu,~,i u d~ o 9 1, Puh)i,,hed by th iar ~~'? ~c.. s.,; a ,~L C , h ui~1o?, auth nahut is l~..~Vay N()VflSV 1942 1~4111Ni u , RESTRCTE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 A i. P?rcontaEo cr various crops 2. Acreage under taros hectares . Dania ed. acreage with no yield g 4. Total dama ed acreage hectares S ~ 5. By drought hectares I ?P-, f'1nnr7n ~Liar.Mnv+nnll v. J/ .. dvvuu \!J 4j \~U, 7. By others hectares 8. Actea6a harvested hectaree 9. Yield per hectare kg 10. Total yield MT 11. Hinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total l4. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoiian 19. Italian millet g 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated.) 25. Rice unirrigated 21+. Barley 25. Oats 26, Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 3l. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 31+. Cotton, native species J 55. Tobacco; U5 species 36. Tobacco7 native species J 38. Flax . Abut ilon hemp J JI J"l. Hemp 140. Castor-oil seed 41. Sesame seeds 1~2. Peanuts _ ' 1.1. ~. _ I_ I1 a 1} . S ar bee Ld 44. liCl.lull pba7LLb 1+5. Others 16. Other crops, sub-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes , 1+9. Fresh 'vegetables 50. Ruuean and by Arena b or 19)41 ':Cower reacher of the Sur>gari River 4 It I~L1ll,li $U,1$2 ,It,$I :_!L4c:::1Lj4 . _ ^ 1M ^1 4 III. / Ir,IN 115,111! 11,111 M ~ # IM c ft.A 4h hu?>rhuriu Q .7,way, t,flvtllUU I Mrol~ ? ~oGia~ , Uu 16.61 n,nt 3,11 x * I M i0,1 101 tl'. II I ` 0,11 III 4? ,1, Y S. I.I Doll 311 :k R'tt.4 160,611 IO,LIt IA 0,30 1,611 71 0 ' O,t4 1,93 15 0 0,11 133 t6 9 11,11 11,131 1,122 11,11 11,101 1,116 12.50 11,112 3,317 ,c 2.52 13,156 1,111 0,12 1,331 137 1,5 1,111 137 3.17 914 311 It 3 0.00 ,~ * (* $)170.04 ? $ s3'l.oo y t y (* *) - M? $/0.03 is . . re s M~ Elf *4,- I?snw~wk 5,131 3,112 40,111 IT 712 5,711 It 3 , , 111 1 t ? nl 2,011 1,3 11,101 3,110 I~Ot 1111 3,131 2,11 71,IU 1,10 1,111 17;715 IT 1,011 12,1.E 31 10 1,110 10 5 1,210 U 101 14 1 4,201 30 107 1.077 $3 21$ 103 Ill. 311 374 /453 r u ' I' 131 ~~~,e ,,1, n iq1 ?., ,urn a ,ITT fly r p ,, L 3j yep ' 4511 5,4111 310 1,161 tl7 10 I I 112 lal 1,11 1023 . 111,11 111 , 17 77! 4,411 111 160 61 111 0$ IT 111 1,01 TI,11 111 1,011 11,61 1,13 1,71: 11,60 111. 151 17,61 2.061, t,ul **.II 1,011 1,01 1,511 131 lu 1,113 73 157 III TI TI 3,331 $45 S5 I,It 111 11 171 1 I10 II II ' 6t 41 60 2l 11 tt *51 - I tl III STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Poroenta8e of various crops Acreage under crops hectares z. Daina ed acrea e with no yield ~g g 4. Total daana ed acreage hectaroc 8 (hectare) j, By drought 6. By floods hectares 7. By others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare kg 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 1. Principal crops, 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian8 lg. Italian 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 2J3 . Rice unirrigerted 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. s Special cropa1 sub-total 0. Ramie for fiber 3 1. Ramie for seeds 3 ~2. Perilla needs 33. Cotton7 imported species 314. Cottoni native species J x5. Tobacco US species J 36. Tobacco, native species J 32. Abut11on hemp x8. Flax .~ 40. Castor-oil J9? Hemp seeds 42. Peanuts 44. Melon seeds 41. Sesame seeds 43. Sugar beets 45. Others 46. Other crops, 147. Frv t R 49, Fresh veaetables 50 Ruusan Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 sub-total millet sub-total JAR p~+Ana Acreage tTh3 r rope an Amount of Yield. by Crops 4r~ and by Areas (For 1941) Along the Harbin--Pal-an and Pei-an--~ie4~-,ho Railways II? 101 t1 $41 351 1 2,111 .1,111 i,i*M 1.11 l,Nt *55.111 ll $11 1 ? 1 1.1M 7 1N /. 1,741 1 *74 11 1,04 1,011 t31.5 1.311 1,12 ,111.121 111 151.111 1.151 t,ltl tl 1,11 1.101 11 552 10.$1 11, 111 I5 N 111.15.551 701 Ill !/,11 $$2431 . !11 n 21.. M1i in' 1,11 1 22.40 I's ' 1,00 * ? o.t0 *i7 0.10! $ * 11,10 $ 15,10 51) ! 110,10 M V 15.00 1 0,10 1' 5531,00 $ 1.90 .~ Ito * t.10 7 sso a r RFTR!CTED 4!1.11 1.11! 11,251 14 1.711 II 1,327 t5 111.511 l,ttl 225,15 1,701 125.10 2.551 223,511 1.151 11.555 1.121 152 5 15.55$ 350 11,11 155 21.255 451 51,101 711 3.550 201 Fitl,li hid by t ~a 1`?. ~ `~CJI t;i ~t t ~Q #53 ;;; a~ !'hhia t~-1iway ~nVAfllbdt' 1942+ P r ?A0Iti1 Qh F,nt,ton , ouG now, r w ~ln~, ? REST i%CT Efl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 pW,;,.y,~,q M,Y,d.;%~?vn;\elri'dM1'%e fkq'nAyxw~ysvx~~Mrnwaanw~.~n?.r.~~ STAT Percentage of various crops Acreage under crops hectares Damaged acreage with no yield Total damaged acreage hectaree ht hectareeDy drought (hectaree) By floods hectares By others (hectare) Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hectare kg 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaollang 19. Italian 20, Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (Irrigated.) 23. Rice unirrigated 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total ;O. Ramie for, fiber J 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33, Cotton, imported species 34, Cotton, native species J 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species J 'S Flax 40. Castor-oil 42. Peanuts 44. Melon seeds sup-total 375 Abut ilon hemp 39. Hemp 41. Sesame seeds 4. Sugar beets 3 J i . Others !5 46. Other crops , 147 P ?t f.. 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan sub-total Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 millet L3 11. 111.1 12,1 25,40 31,42 3,12 1.1 2.e2 It, y Ik 0.10 110 3 ; W n"3n !t! 1 1111 M ~! I 1,513 * v 1.50 14,331 1,011 I 11,30 24,101 M *b15.40 23,251 0 113,50 20,111 II L 5,30 1,01 35 * 3 oio 1! . 't 0.1 1,221 f o,l 1,31 4 I s 9 4, 1.30 3.41 3 2.30 3,51 M 2 0 0 o,lo II It ( _1,, $11,$11 11 11,11TI 1,1 111x11 1 3,511 I45 31,1 N It1 1,311 711 3 101 1 $l; 501 11 1,511 52 It,1 I,60i 2,032 III ZI.III 131 2,101 111 20.5$ 1,11 321 ? I5 20.131 10 1.251 110 1.111 1,111 35 ..-, 51 TO 45 -1 1.1751 .711 _i 1,245 5$ 11. 155 3,111 105 111' 3,350 $51 201 III 3111 Iw " c~ L Ini r f I.-_ A.. a._..a Undero s and Amount of Yi ~. p and by Areas For 1941 Along the Sui-hua--Chia-mu-seu Railw~ y! 5 111 r 101 0 fl END N53 ..'t,ul~h ainchin'is it"'d 1.w.~y , .: , p , roh ,.E o~,ipn lie eeti Z'OVA8I~:)0'! 196rl. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 21,1 ii-ha~1 by 1 he )Li , Pt 1151 30.11 I!1 111 15$ 34 hiii 1:,l: 111 20,13 1,31 21,10 III 12.41 1.122 11.11 1.140 5 143 $1 102 ' 11 $32 2,71 10, 3.04 425, T STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1, Percentage of various crops 2. Acrea a under crops hectares g 3. Dama8ed acrea~o with no yield C 14. Total damaged acreage hectares 5. By drought hectares 6: By f'1oo'A (hectares) (. By others (hectare) 8. AcreaSed, harvested hectarep 9? Yield per hectare kg 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 1~. Principal crops, subtotal 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian 19. Italian millet g 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirrigated 24. Barley 2r. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat ?2. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla eeede .33. Cotton, imported species 34, Cotton, native species J5. Tobacco, Is species 36. Tobacco native species I~7. Abutilon hemp 78. ~ Flax 39. hemp 4Q. Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts 4. S ar beets 44, Melon seeds 45. Others 46. Other crops, sub-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. green veSetr blt i 5a. Ruuean I ',J1 4 1.Eyry^Md.. ~ .4!IY HLCJIE1I .v: Acreage Under Crops and Amount of Y1e1d by.Cro 4$ and by Areas (For 1941). Along the Harbin--Men-chil-1i Rail' i'~ III ~'~M ,3R ~y ,7.,. ~ . , ~ 11, 1,111,1 * It 1 1 11 II , . a ; ? M * ri 3 1 $SMI !,!0 f,111A11 'i, It 1 IT,11 11 1,1N ! ! UN II :k I 171,170 loss 1,111 - 1,301 4 ? .' ;111,11 10 : 1t 111 -. 11,15 '1' 1 131 301 251 . 5t ? tl lb$ TI I S.IL I 23,151 " 1,15 I Ni .. 3u ill 13,3 111 731 11,11, t y, I II I1, I t1 0.u 111 150 I 11,01 11 ' 711 '' I,JS . 261,301 ~ N 15,11 0,161 2!1 I,ue 1,01 t13, 1,01 . 1,011 I7L $ M 21 II ' 101,11 11110 11 1,111 5,00 $11311 1,021 I,oi 1!0,21 0 011,74 t76,05$ 5,122 Itl 6,100 1 2TO, I,t$ 1,3 3I1,M ,1, . 11.u 101,10 1,111 1,111 215 1*II, 11 lI 1. 5,111 ,,,I * 0,35 1,111 1,!01 H $,11 II ! 1,201 / * $ 0.05 152 10 1 .3 u 1,11 I,It * 0,50 1123 17 11 10 1, 171 W Lit a N 3,111 13,111 111 - 115 11 11, $SI 1 .I$ 1,031 01,1!1 2,471 10 2,151 241 $3,N ITS 110 11,11 01 7 0.51 10111 532 17 5$ 15,132 711 121 It,l! 2,31! 31,111 115 57 31 .31,63 11 III 21,14, M lA ~ 11 9 + *1 1.5? II,H . 0 11 U 11,1! 31115 + rs a 1A 6 0.21 I$ us 1 3,7 an asi 1 _ t!110 ?~1'j iA !i LI11 , 206 Ito 1 21,4 UI WI 1 of (1 .:f) 13j4 3!0 101 !s I$.$$ It 11 1, w * M - * $ i I - Ek M It -' ? - 1 : - ! s I , . I~ (* *) '1O,OI N it ti ' I 1 31 .' : 0,11 t,ll l !7 11 !,1! 1,119 1,31 ? 4t7 (M*)' - .). * * (*$) 0,01 1,13 1 1,431 III ' 11 * $ f o,t0 $,t 'il III - 3,1 ', u i * d 41. w * * ya o,oo II u ass S$ M, :r *y - ' K 0,0! a >1 , - , ~ b 11,h 4' ~ 1a '" ? * w .. f I M ? I, 1 1 1 v M M a s 3, 44,I I,1 1 1 t M r k 1, 11 11 ti w .y #53 _ G' 1, 1 Uhli.a~~gd th neall< alp et,ion oh h'atnah wi!i }t~i1.wy, t'avelnbez' 1942 C ~ nr flLI,. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Acrea _e harvested heccaies S ~ Yield per hectare k S Total yield MT Kinds of crops Total Princl,pal crops, sub=total Soybeans Red beans Green beans Other kinds of beans Kaoliang 19, Italian millet Maize 21, Wheat Acreage Under Crops and Amount of Yiea.a_-hs and by ilrene (For 1941) Along the Tsiteihar--Pei-en Railway M Ali 71 RTld .23 * a I*4tdL is**1 #6 --!-_:J! ' . . Rya IT fPCEd REST R1CTE 25,043 13,116 11,161 10,557 ;.action ~ouU . tnohtwia 1t~i1w~y, 1,ovamhar 1942. li.nMrah Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 11 401 331 411 t;431 ...!,3! 10 3fl 1ti 403 ?neru.,a MI, , A . ~'+ N? 9^a Nrp d; 5-55------- ,..,.- A~ . the a n I, Fut ii,.hgd by STAT 22. Rice irrigated 2Z 1? Rice unirrigated 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27, Sawa millet 28 B k h . eat uc w 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Rance for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32? Perilla seeds 33? Cotton, imported species 34? Cotton, native apeo ies 35? Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37? 9 Abuts on hemp 38. Flax 39? Hemp 40. Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts k3? Sugar beets 44. Melon seeds 4 h 5. ers Ot 46. Other crops, sub-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes 4g. Fresh vegetables Rt'uean 1. Percenta e of vari.oue crops S 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3? Damaged acreage with no yield 4. Total darnaged acreage hectares 5? By drought hectaree 6. il. By floods By others hectaree hectaree Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops hoctaros 3. yield Dam ed acreage with no f ~ 4. Total damaged acreage hectares 5DY drought hectares 6. BY floods hectares By others ,hectares 8. Acreage harvoated hectares . yield per hectare kg 9 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total ])4. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17 . Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirrigated 214., Barley 25. Oats 26. Billet 27. Sawa millet 28 Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 0, Mamie for fiber 3 31. Ramie for seeds 2.' Perilla seeds 33. CottonJ imported species 4. Cotton native species 35Tobacco, US species ~~ fTlnkennn Gt.1. rI V 1 .L V ,%%J V V, 4A44 i. V 34. Abutilon hemp 390 Hemp 47. pry. 50. Sesame seeds Sugar beets others aronIAa 0__ ,fvu, 38. Flax 40. Castor-oil seeds 42. Peanuts 44. Melon seeds Other craps, sub-total Fruits 184 Potatoes r.C't~kltl Vti~,~tiau,l,C~S Ruusan UUCUO f Acreage Un Cr ope and t of ,?1e)4 by CroDa a 50 and by Areas (For 191+1) Alone the King-nien--Ho-lung-men Rai a 21.1 18,01 U$3 j i^ 0,1 3.U3 !II 0,11 1,132 3 M ) 1.11 Idl 21 ' a 5.$1 30.531 141$ 3 11.12 $I.31 I2,11t 10.1 61,11 I,SE . 1 11.52 11,31 wi M i 0,21 1,222 N www 10 * M Y 1,15 1,51 all M f 3,10 11,15b 522 4,1 21,11$ 2,301 0,13 2,220 5 M 0 {2r 2,21 11,11$ 255 ~- ~ 3 It OLI1 511112 l1,t11~ 1,411 ? 161 1,511 133 ?,I31 0$ a Pllbli ;had by the lteeNll oh ut f~iiwY , t?avembe1942, ~>nnahtu is ian, c~uth flESTR!CTFp Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percents e of various crops @ 2. Acreage under crops (hectare' 3. Damaged acreage with no yield 4. Total dam ed acrea a he are ag S at e 5. By drought hectares 6. By floods hectareA 7. By others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinde of crops 12. Total 13. Principal cropef sub-total 11i. Soybeans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirrigated 24, Barley 2. Oats 5 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 4. Cotton, native species 3 zc m- tirr TJ dnc~n4c /J ~y.rv v v, v u~.v~ .LVrd 36. Tobacco, native species 37Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39Hemp 40. Castor-oil seeds 1+10 Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts 43. Sugar beets 4~. Melon seeds 45, Others 46. Other crops, sub-total 47, Fruits 48. Potatoes 49Fresh vegetabies 50. Ruuean tb 011 10 I0 III. .0 S31 Ill 0 $7, ,1 . ' u ~I *4I . 1;1t 1,711 1.11 , 11.111 11 tcr'~ag?"Un er Y Grope an oun n e "fro?? p and by Areas For 1941 Along the Tzu-men--Chia-mu-eau Railway A~ ). X53 (1 Pubit,hed by the ~,a1 , ~ rlll ~ ~ ah ~ ~ ~ ..L ~ ~.slerah l~ul ~o1 ~ , uuuGh bilnchtat to 1Yi1way 'OVTnher 1942 .l rEsTfliCTEB Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Damaged Percentago of various crops Acreage under crops hectares 4 with no yield Y Total damaged acreage hectares 5. BY drought hectares 6. BY floods hectares 7BY others (hectares) A a____..._ U. ?tVL GGq,;i ,.CJ1 M_a C7 .JVU PA.a',+..W. JU 90 Yield per hecttire kg l0. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 3)4. Soybeans 15. Red beans l6 green beans 17 Other kind6 of beans t 18. Kaolan 19. Italian millet g 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirrigated 24. Barley 25. Oats ~ 26. Millet 27, Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29, Special crops, sub-total 0. Bernie for fiber 3 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33Cotton, imported species 34. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco US species 36. Tobacco native species 37Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 3 Hemp 40. Castor-oil seeds 1. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts 4 143, beets 44. Melon seeds 45, Others 46, Other crops, sub-total 47.Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan R EUTRICTE~ I Acreage Under Crops and Amount of Yield by?Crope 01 end by Areas (For 1941) Along the Hu-t'ou--Lin-k'ou Railway nMx'~h r HeI,~,on ?- ~ th ~1nnchU.Via }lr 1 ,way, It2U Its 11 19Ii. Pt1bli hOd by thc~ #53 ror l- ~ ~ d OVtII1k+er A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 11.$1 111 2sa 151 4 STAT STAT RESTRUITFU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 UiTRICTEfl lw'1 th n0 ":) LU (I.lof.`,t.r(:: ' j/, tLU ) ' ?4t1,,1 I Li '. u / (ii r.- ar .,,,,i ;M .L ? rayetaa;I kL; . w ';. Id I'rrr 1 - ,? (*,:L r~ r,o p,, wuI> t.G iz.t' iii Id . '?Meg) !r~ 1i 1 Ur," b l} 1. ~. 4 '.r. : ,.11Hf .1r?W ,/W h c.turF1 4 I l1'r 11r r, r, :.1. . 1 c11ri1'irjj i~ ?:t+~;.i..;~T1g 19 t.~ S Ta.i.' ~..'r(r 1.1'1 : tLd uct 1 rr 2~I., Oat ;:4 TI'1,1.J ;, i:,1 27 , S lawa n''l;I,1J_R:1 t s. Ram t c' fo?r fiber R49i , for ::;e1ed13 Pe:t'.:.,i tt ; C1 d 3 :iiport:d ~ 9, l: ot1r;on native , et~iecy 1.73 i3p?lc"::. iJ ~ a Abut,jen 1-rr~tw 3a, Flax . (II C L to: . ')., i3F?iiX lF~ i1ecda 42 ~.h.i.i,~k.~'. ai j.) f iR+jJLr A IJ 46 , Other to L.I ? ~, ' '~ r' (' I '~ Il"1 ' rj 41{.,.,~!{ 4 11 17 ., , rr I~ ~. 1,. w? * S r t Jl l * ay , ' *1 *IS !4 1J Ii " I' _ . 4 Nt ! 1ill/ I ,t 1, 1? 1,1 * s 3 , + Nh 11,1 1,111 1,11 1 111M I A I 1.1 111 11 1,11 . 1,1 1 4, l $ - * = i - z * = M 011 1 1 6111 I,1 * M 111113 1,101 b 1.11 1,11 $.?* M 1,0 9 1 1.01 1~1 M M D 1,11 III 1.11 1111 11 *1 M 1 0.01 1 11 11 * N 1111 I,OII IA 1,11 1.11 I,N M M I,1 111 - III 6111 UN 1 OrI :k M~ 0 t 10 1,17! 111? 1 . 11 7 LS L27 111 11 N 1 M N 011 It I S1 $11 1 , rmtt A r ~ ltd 1,1 U - - 1 1 M M ll D - IA l * - - - - 41 - * M 3 _. - - - ' - - r K r- * *9 - wIN(wMI) - - - 11. $ - - T , tR = - / ~O - r w M * ! - 4 M * M L I,0 it - I 1 f N * 't t- x 4` - - , ` '1 f w yG .rMh 4, 111 11111 Si , - 1, 1N , 1111 11 $ * a ? 1111 I,1 M. N * ? y rA 1 is "lot I ,~~ t +~ Published by N53 hC h na r j ~ , 1,avarnh et iX1.1 ,; , ;;~~u~1~-n autwh ~~nrlaul is i1rwY ReAl1$1u , h , 1! ESTRCTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 A.+P~~~9.:,i.i. ii 1-~tre.4'!4i / r~S.aiM't'1I','~~~~ . fl f1T'rr!%1 1 (1:rr Lu:i'c~9 c t oU1Qu';, b~.'c"t~ai'e: Total t~~ui-ra'~e~~r~ a(ti,)cL.~c llr'i t tr 'r'rrxtL' ':'f.' 'V 1 r.L o u ~{ I, ~ f,'MCf d'I fl'd~ ;!vli1 r RI) ~JU 1octare I)~t'i~t?1Lc:+1 era t;1 rtu yIrld u ~ Cr?t,ne?Ip2J.1 ctrc'p;. 3U1). to lal ; y1;1CDf:3 lZd (Rrecri hewc.'ra;l Other 1c?nc.i of 1:ortfl3;- 1tL;.cy:i.4tn , 19 ? ItaZ j1 rtil].et R:Lce1 LrJ:':1 ato(i R:1 ee u11 rr i "a't, t'd Bar W 2) w M:1?11e tr 2'74 ,tiiint fluc,lct,rha1 C x: itami E)foa? ?':C.bc. Per I. i]..a ; l c C1.,?.3 Cottoni :!.n1IrLi,td w;peCIe Cotton n.,zt,ive 3 ,ec1e~3 Tohacco ITS r eci.o 3 J `tobacco i (`l3 E3 4 1'tT T et :. ut 1 Y~1(3. f K1nti of czo Total 37 1 Iibut:Uon hemp 38 s Flax 39I Hemp 40. Ca ur-.1 Se:BmG i 'ar;'-ti 42N ?eanut Sugar bent4~o- ~ Melon sooclr. a ~ 0thE3 XCth'ur cx'oZa , oub.:t,otai Fruits 4 1 o tatoe 3 Fr-o;th voC? etablo :iL ? Y.eM1.E.La.i:JGtiJ.d flL I rU I ED Nu}:dfm A :k j 11.1 10,111 iW S. 0.35 11 - TO - 6 003 . z( s 7 0.26 011 id 11.1 10,10 2,111 $ w ~ a ,17 10,10 21.111 110 , , ? ~. !!:fl t:lta 3 1 + . I 0,02 11 * * 2 2.11 6.111 S w 3.70 1.103 .j.- , ? c - S F $ '1 2.01 4,110 O Y 1.1 3,23! , . N M -r Mt 1.1 1,111 ItI w , JA 6 1 116 M 3 .. * * M1~' * w *3.T0,11 261 11 * 0.01 23 - N * (i 0) 1 0,01 r Q _ w -- .. t 7 C$ *) ? 1.01 21611 201 1 $ , qt-0.01 13 y~ 1.71 3.111 III N N yy - 43 . iC 4 at' I, !.4!L a $ *'#7L111 I a c 111 1.11 w w w ? t ii 1,1,1 Atwra 0 CJ. ci or cbx) :ab ar~d Amount of Y1Ol4 ' b Cro , t by 1 Hd'; rt (For '~ ~ (' ~ 1 ~4-~ anJ bV y ii...n,~ F V rl youth P!'inchuria tt~~-~1way. t , 11!1,1 ' 1.411 1,11 UI,11 UA11 l,u 1,111 11 111 11:14 U14 $1 70~ 1,111>I I,IM~ 11 111 1,L41 1,11 ,. .11 It7,11 11,11 I,IM U34 !1,101 I-t3$ 1,2 10,11 27,011 I.N 1.11 11.2 at 11 17t 6A11 1, 2.1 11;1 1,1011 1.111>I 1,110 11,01 1'u1)1by thc~ 1't)van%1' ar 1942 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 J :4, r 9 30, 31. r 334 344, r'o:,:('c~ntaC(? of 'nirS.Olu:1 crop 3 AciF(U ~rO tinc1o:r cr O );1 l'ioct rig: ) ~, I , fmu ~(d acrcia o fC) . 1,O1C1 Tot~(.111m'a. 'r d L1Cl'c+a rO 1` ricture fly (1 r'CI l1fJ-h L ho ctaxlo fly 1ICOdf her f:ax"3 tY t,I',hO~c?.> hr ctarc Afiw't~~t;.,r? 11 ~?r~rr~,7 .~~3 hot tur'', 1}1 l ' 1 1 - Yi r: 1LI 1)!:x" ht;eLarl;:, Toot/ :1,c1Id I~1TK:I.r3t1~7 of cry pa rrl,tt,i., ~ 1 .k 1t/ '~F I r~ 1. ~ctl crop c;r uT)-to'tal 1 Sc"ti 1'+r; 1~~''A' ~ 1 Red 1: 'n;a ('l._,,_ ,..,.. 7.,.., IIdL o,'t:J. ,I 111.7 G1A L1.1 Qt11e1' 1c,lr),d; of he,i.n Kao1,ng 14 Ita1.i.c~rt M;I.1ic4r: Mai ; 211. Wheat Rico ir,r:i ga toad ) IJ , l, lle'' 25. Oats J ft,IC].t1:l c)CttJ upo('~I ~ .. ('1T:) 1a 3ubk1 tot. a1 x Rain! o for 11bo:r Pam;L,o for ~reeh~ Peri, ;aoedu : of ted ~x ~ec:te;i Cotton) IxmI ~ Coton, rat:Lvr: ~s hoc:Uca 35 t T obrco Us s aoci^ , 1 j6a T'ob,, ?1 :'k,;1,~,r 1 pCx'1e;.I 37* AbUt h)n l:omI? 3Flax , ~o. > .:, ? ,aa' ~1 x eede 4i w Se ta:r c eod3 42 1 a?m t3 4.34 Sugar et44 Melon oEpc1? 5 4 Other; / 6 Othor crc~ , ; . u1.'t ctal r ~ a 47 4 Fi ii. J FJ Ls /~ ,. Potatoes 494. Fresh "ve gC traii k; 50/ R3iuOan ;nd ki' IIw31,e1a For 19 1 r.~1r t `" p1 ygyg ~ ~I "' l?.S_ .- HJ ._r?w.+^Ir.~ www~/.Mn~MnPlw+,1^~"?Ti' Ac rd~Ct .,w rulor Crops Ut"IG~ 1.~,I,R1"1t > M L/ 4 I ri 1 J * 7i: [ ,o"" !M t~* MIf~ Mt +1-? N N ,M Oar ~A~ ~, * r 111;1 M - , 11, 1,. 1 C I A ti ~ A 1~ 1 1 ' 1 I I 1 I I , ~ 11,11 - III 1141 UlI It Y y I,3 I 1,111 1,111 1 + = ro.I1 I - - I 1 N * z, - - r * M ) - * M ly tt,11 II 1 II111 1,117 11 * ' 1,11 I - 1 ' I,t I,t I to ~ o,l .. 111 LI Ih M 1 - - * M t.IIt1 I - I - 1 1,114 t$t$ t N M - * i _ - . _ 0 M S M z F _ IN r _ ^ Ir ( - . N IA 4M M i ~jI It U. ,,. ,1 M * AI 0 - + ~t -~ / - 4 ($.f) JJ - Ik M * bs - m * (* *) r - ? ;r _ - .*1($) 3_ _ () CIO - Z- ? f * '_-1 - - - - - w q/ ~" ? ? + it. / M, sal .. , NI i; 111 ,. r ... ' 7 1 w w w ? M ? * Oar a M '17-I i Y w w , n w .1 :11 .. U,,? N , s4 _ - . - I I ll , ? r i Pu ii(;hed by the fey.stroll (ICtion ~ou~h htinehw is } 11way, Novemhev 1942 RESTROTEII Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 t';3J'C`OY~"1411('1 (y'~' v'tr::l.ou~J lo:rl Aer`r+d; ;(:111d(?1? C1:C-ph3: 1j;4'I?F: IS U~xlrrrf. . r.,,c1 . ~'C 1.(3 Jj_. L~~ no yield 1.~ ri ~. ~ Total (l rrr~t ~(tl acr.3ag(~ iic tare By (%[,) (hoctcLL1e3) U By f U k.hcrt: hact.a Ifs r ,eai(/c 1f?s-t ,h ~i'I~..arvt,a:r? ti t V /?k1 Yiel., IJ ~ ci' axrt? wlcr ? (g) T()tid Yluld Ml' Kind;; C) f nte3 JIB Tot (Al J r;l,nei. )31 rr(:7 pw E'31.?~im? .17 ; 1 1 w~Q' he 3113 Rod beun;; 1'?'. ? 1_46. IV rye, rs 1.,1,1 V1 ~.7 j j r~l.dnr br~.A~ 1t.i.r c1 /J ol, 1x .VJ Kao1Ian 19 Ita]..:Lan Millet Maize 21. Whe RI CE) it:r:L rtc=d R:LcE u115.:r?1:6:i? lat'??Cl. tlrioy 25, 0a b~ M1110t 27, p3aira r:L1lo I3u(kWh , }: s oo,ita]. r-,~,c' au : ~?,1J.6tQt 1 Rart:i.o for ac; ctd,. Piri,lia arcc dwl a :?c" e CQtr't1uny r;IJr?r'te' 1 Cottorl xi :i.!(` peci?~r ~ 1 TWbacoF Us ; Ire C3 e;1 TQtlttlO fj; 1vr f3)E'Ci6et AbUt .lcl1 i'r1l ~:1 33a Fray H:3n:p 4l). a t,ur`. o1.1 1 :3 ( Q(3.3 f, "I t;nr,r,.ralcx f: ,trrlr.~ I. a 1' .y-,ai+~z3,~~ ~z1 bth~3uw Me11 ;a-~ 45 b Othez?3 4 6, Other c.ropr wub--tatai e~ y 4 74 Fruits Potatoe 49 , (a~311 vc /etable3 50. fluu ~:t q ?0,11 I,11 I.lOt 31,11 111 1,10 1,11 11 alt ,111 151 I IN 11 IW 11 2$,311 1,111 1,115 10,11 1,151 1,4It 1,111 11,111 1,111 10,10 1,01 1,T1 1,11 aatl $,011 10,II N 1,31 I.?9 II U 311r.hed by the IwltlChtL ~a e-. art~y, 1' I, 1 ii M i _ 1,s1. 1,111 I 3 1101 111 UI II. 11 14 111 1,111 1111 >a 11~ I,MI~ 1,111 3*1 $1 $1 11 ?5$ 41 41 l.41,41 at ,,, w 1. P$roeaLagi of variow crepe 2. Iar.ags ender ornpe (hectare) 9, DMpd aareag. with no irield 4. Total dasa`sd acreage (heoter.e) 5. 1p drought (heotaree) 6. Her floods (hwticrs) 7. Her othars (hiotarse) S . AorSag+ hst^yest.d (h.ctar.i) 9. ii.ld per hectare (leg) 10. ?otal j411$ (1R) 11. 1Ciap~I of Grope 12, Tobsl 1,. Prladpal crope, sub-total 34. _au. 1.5. IM beans 16. Qic~~n beaus 1?. Other kinds of beans 1Q. IItoLiang 19. Italian )l1et 20. !lip Zl. Mhut 22. Rtes (irrigated) 23. Ria (unirrigatwd) 2fr. Bsrlq 25. Qati 26. Mili.o 27. 3sv. 'slit 2s. Bsokr6sat . ~psoisl mope, sub-total 30. Rie for fiber 92. RA for suds i2? PPrills seeds 33. Cottons isported species 34. Cottony native species 35. Zoo= US species 36. Tobaaeo, aetivs specie. 37. ?Dn?i7.on bqp 36. llat 39. Hp 49. Gnator=e!1 ete 41. 3w~ Neds 42. Psmnts 43. Sugar bests 44. I~la- seeds 45. Others Ir6. Other crops, sub-total tt. 4! < Fbtataas 49. Fresh veptabi.. 50. 1l~wan flTflTU1tU Aor..g. Under crops Amount or zs?la ~s crop. and bT NriSns :'or 1941y_ L1aO_'?hun q #53 for 1 Puhli,;hed by the ,ac~otian Ut1Gh hlnnchulp is i1waY , vornb~ix 194 ~~A4NI vh ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT 111,11 Is' 111,111 1,111 1,111 1h t tl, 551 lii tl,l5l I ttt 751 it 11 I t ., is 11 Ir I 1,541 73 ' 1$ 7,11~ II 5I.NI I,11 1,11 ?7!, 6 1,11 III? 1,11 1,531 U t,l* 1,331 1.341 3,04 I I I, 41 t,tt 431 t,t1 4.54 I,I$ 3.031 1,031 I.O31 a,tl $4? $77 $3 11 1 11 N 10,11! ISIS? 1.111 Iu? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Aorsap,. under trope (hsotar.s) 3. DraR.d aanaq. with no yi.ld 4. Total damaged acrear~i (h?otarss 5. 97 drought (hectares 6. BIf floods (hectares 7. Bf othirs (hectares d. Aorisgi harvested (h.ctar.e) 9. 21.2d per hsctars (Ica) iJi. Total ri.ld (!PP) U. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops , sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beam 16. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 2Q. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (unirrigated) 24. Bsrlq 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. 3avre millet 28. BI10bthbib 29,,. Special trope, nub-total 30. Raisie for fiber 91. Ramie for seeds 32. Peril].a seeds 33. Cotton, iiaport.d species 31-. Citititbn, native specie. 35. 'tobIcco, US epeci.s 36.:"'baco, t-eLive species 1cic '37. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax Hasp 40. Castor-oil I~~eeds 9 4l. S;.aye seeds 42.Peanuts 43, 9u per beets 44. Melon seeds 45. Otnere b Other crops r sub-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50 Ruusan le N53 fl ESTI1ICJjJ M I, $1,011 0.31 t14 o,ll tal of Tiold ~;e?~ bslgiMw 'i ""TL :: t t r 11 1,1 1:i11 TI ? 1,11 l,ItI 1 t1 ' ? III UI I t,t' , 11 :?II e 11,11 Idl I,11 III. '11,111 I.~1 1.1tl 7.$IL;1.fll i lUll 10 .: ? ? I,t $,t? 1 IL, III 1.35 I 1,110 1 3,117 It a 1.1N 1,17 1.431 I.4I.$1 5,011 1,131 I.t UItl I ? 701 II ion Q~,~~c,~ t Fthli.hed hr t~Yll 'oh ecUon 'outh ~1innohuvia } 1iway, ovc,rnhar 1912, STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1 Percenti-ga of rtous crops v. 2. Ac?ear. under crops (heotares 3. Damaged acreage with no ri.ld 4. Total dazaag.d acreage (hectares 5. $7 dsouRht (hectsr..) 6. By floods (hectares) 7. By others (hecbare.) 8. Acreage harveatad h.ctarse q. Yield per hectare (kg) l0a Total Meld (MT) 11. Rinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crape, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of bears 18. Laoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Maim 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (unirrigated) 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckxheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber. 91. Ramie for seeds 32. Psrilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 34. Cotton, native specie 39. Tobacco, us species 36. Tobacco, native gpeciee y?. AOutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hp 40. Castor-611 s 41. Sesims seeds 42. Peanuts 43. Sugar beets 44. Melon seeds 45. Others 46. Other crops. sub-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan 1.111 1,101 a ruhit had by the 1'avambar 1942. hul is l+zaiiway, M ana th 1 r h , notion ,~a~ro ~ au RESTRfCTELI ?rc'ri I ? 'I ____ p.-,, cn ---- ? Ud~ C Aaf Y11~`a-- Acres.narops anwu os----- and by Hsiens (Tor 1941) STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Y lire I.I I. ).)l,r .~ ().I. Y'4 ~.'1 . ,~ 1, , 1.III(1(?1' 1)l ~(~1'!1''i Diivty:i ~1 11 ,I) ,, L(,,1.r1 L(~i',r)1. (I:I)IT)'~' Ty (1t (,)I I;i~ , (iii;'r.) fly fao(~i( ))I cj,r~V(!n) T3 oti.i (1i.: + i ACY'.!C h r(1(. 'II (. i'(') );: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 ( 1?c ~Cr.l C1 ,I, , )4:)CJL1(rJ)11 i , I , : . 1()(t b~?n1; 1 C) L1,o1:.:1 t?r(' fi 1'L~~, ~,.. , -, '.I , 11(,:: l 1.111:?.1:'t' i:y . L (: (1 ., r i )) ~i.1 i L, A.Twn 1s1a..1.1 oL , l(;kW11'L 1poo:i ~.ii.. (^l;'Ohsub-?totai ~ :R,1, :i e iO' ~[I.iso1 T~fa1'L:i.. (3 .. () : ' ) ~.! (1 ~::; 2 Pol'I1,l n. Cot.tcr,1 s il?11:1(~I1t,c(:1 c1. C()t?tc:)i 1lc,f1,1V( 5i)CCa.O4:1 Tobacco, 11,:a (;poc.i.(' 1 To). c(,'o. lit.I:.i,ve ;ipt>'(',"'.i.(:) A1))uti1.,oll hemp 3'3 ,3~)r FICall1a /,.O R Cas'tor-oi.i. )1.1,(:Ii,?1.1 1' L+.7( SEecT .?..(, R SLitili;ll?I~~ i.ils d oa111ttJC1 '3 S11gclt` 1'o ;tai ti.!; 11on sft(:9dS +:) q ~.r u t ii .!. ,D /,(:) w ()t1i:r crops r l,' C) ri.ul 1 S'a it .__...._...- A 1 7 !.;. 1 (IP!, O 1ju(,.t..Ir CI '()p3 1,111(i J\mpllxat, of Y 1.1101 bJ 1(c;i es , l'O (!r, . 1\ .-)':Lll . 1 MISS, 1,N 311'. III I7$ 11,101 ("011 (~Ga4~ltl1'NBl~M'NGMMI~9IYIAIM!MYM}Nt,Kl'I~'~N'YHYw:nw'/MeF).NYMN1Y71,~!~Ii~ i:: 1c)4, Pubithacl b the iar Y ;an ~auLh ~lr-nohur 4 } iilwrq, NOV HIher 194~a, (, ReaMrull ?,o1f f " FED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 :.? I., :t, l;, 1 ,1+? hV(cf Lf,frr, o I'' v't).'I''Lnrl; l ( (j)t 11ci'U), ~u rlrrt (~1:' c,rU1); 1 D1.~U1)fl.{ Od cri ;t~i;O ~.t.1 L'f,1( );)o y:l?o1c1 Total r.1,~;uilr)IrJ(1 n_crOnl C I;(:.(ttcr'O 3 1)1 r~r1? 1 ( }, c; f'1 11?rer~~ F y c lc ) c ) 1.5y 11 U(id) -t~:;c1'1rs'r`c I'y o'i;1- (1'f? 1i ec:' i,,':Lro; IIcro tfrc.) 11tvct,Or1 1:1 old '7or 11c;ci?;i'1q 1 f) '.('c,?La1 yie1.(1 1'i'.1' )1 K:1 nd o I' (?("r 1 p; '?i(,)i.tta, 1':l.r 'C:1 1?1'11 e'r'f) '7 ;, :il)11-t;r)t, i.1 I, 4x)y 7c'int!J fc (1 1') (:t1,1.rl (.1 t't'.:et1 l.) i1:' 1) 1?t1' Id J,ni::; ci1' 1x;rrr~,; Kno1itiri 1.9 . ta1.i. l.n .'~.I L].c t RICG irriI1 o,t 0.4 1,1 0,4 a,a 1, 1'4l 1.11 4 #53 r i i t o , Pttbit hwd hY th J I . Udr ;cro :'r, nd and by Ibsen For, ,. ~ RSR*roh otion, 'oh Manchtwis Rriilwa', hovsnb ' 194. , r STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percenta e of ~., various crops 2. Acreage under crops hectares r 3, Damaged with no Yieid. L i.. Total damaged acreaEe he;ctar~i a i:; B d ht y roug ) (hectares 6. foods (hectares) a 7. others hectares 8. Acreage harvested (hectares) ted hectares 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10, Total yield (Ma') 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 1j4.. Soybeans l~. Red beans 16, Green beans 17. Other kinds of' beans ins Kaolian 19. Italian C millet 20. Maize 21., Wheat irrigated 23. Rice unirrigated t~ 2. Barley 2 .Oats 26. M a 1.let 2' ~ , Sawa millet 2. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Peri.lla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species L, Cotton, 3 ~ native species 3. Tobacco US species 36 e Tobacco native species 37. Abutlon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 140. Castor-oil p seed, 1. Sesame seeds 2. Peanuts L13. Sugar beets Lj., seeds t . ,Others L16. Other crops, sub-total 7. Fruits L i8. Potatoes 9. Fresh vegetables 5;o. Ruu,san fH ~ 1 ~1 x ?~ ~ '~ * Ih l 1. , a,. l: ,IMl *t$ ltL aII s. .4 f z ?R~.~xYgMltxx-... VNC.n MnAtl OIVIAPtAr 9151 1~M~ nb19U,.4'I~VM ,xrrwMxsvn.~,....~.,......._. rc)r 1941. Fublir.h?d by the aY Nnvembo:~ 19d'~ ,~Petion outh ~lonohtui* I~aiiW (.A~rah RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 l 7 Acreage l ~Jndez Crops and Mount :of,X1o and b Ixsiens Fox 19 1 r y ?1 asu- . ~In CZ ~rouela, tl1 bf~E;~-l`~ j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentae of various crops M 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3. Dt~mag od acreage with no yield 4. Total, dramaged acreage hectares BY drought hectares 6. BY floods hectares B others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare k 70 T c ,.. otal yi~ld MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. KaolianG 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirri aced 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total Rrimie for fiber 31. Rsmie for seeds 32. Perna seeds 33. Cottona imported species 14. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 6. Tobacco, natives Pecie 3 s ;37. Abutilon hemp 3$. Flax /39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 2. Peanuts 43, Sugar beats 44. Melon seeds 45. Others Other cropss sub-tot,a 46 1 . Fruits 47 48. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50' Ruusan b ESTiCTED N~`A4`t4 r r and by Hsiens For l94, . Li-shit 0,601 al' I,tN 0 i,9if t 1' o,w 31 L$ 6 1,1) 11 a - 1,1 la ;( ILL!~i. i.iIiT TI1tww R.0ssroh eotion, mouth Mnnohuris RAiiwaY, tovembSr 194 r..? g 1. ) .; ;, L P ? i TED STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percentage of various crops :' Acreage under crops s hectares Damaged acreage with no yield Total damaged acreage hectar a BY drought hectares BY floods (hectares) BY others hectares Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hectare k Total yield MT Kinds of' crops Total Principal croPss sub-total Soybeans Rod beans Green beans Other kinds of beans Kaolian 19. Italian mills Maize 21. Wheat Rice irrigated Rica unirri ated Barley 25e Oats Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat Special crops, sub total Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Perilla seeds Cotton imported species CittonD nativespecies Tobacco US Species Tobaccoy native species AbuLilon hem 38. Flax Hem 40. Castor-oil Sesame seeds seeds Sugar beets 42. Peanuts Others 44. Melon seeds Other crops, sub-total Fruits 4$. Potatoes Fresh vegetables Ruusan Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 0,0 0,0 0,01 0,a !01,!31 160 1!! 44 III ~t s1 4t1 1j1 I 7,111~? 11 1,41 1,4;1 ii9...lM ? ,,, .. Publlrhed by the in #53 .;u..ti,n ~ ,~.Ctton1 ouch ~'anaht>,, ., y November 1942. fllt*t ?i ~ Rtiwa, G Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1....a,wagwwrd~mf~Me1M~WTfi'rll~'~i:!:{`!Y ?,,r~ ~? _,,,?~, , .1.. r' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. ger craps hectares Acreage and Damaged Acrea .., , with no yield 3, Daman ~' Total damaged acreage hectares 5. By drought, (hectare;) floods hectares 6.B Y others hectares l.B Y Acreage harvested hectares $. 9, Yield per hectare kg 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total crops, 13. Principal sub-total 14. Soybeans l5, Red beans 16. Green beans kinds of beans Other 17 . 1$. Kao g 19? Italian talian millet lien 20 Maize 21. ~iheat . 22. Rice irrigated 2 e unirrigate23. Ric 25, Oats 24. Baxley 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat 2$. , Special crops, sub-total ~ e for fiber 30. Ramp. 31. Ramie for seeds 2. perlla seeds 3 33 Cotton, imported species 34. Cotton, native species 35 Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, Native species Abutilon hemp 385. Flax 37. 39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil 41. Sesame seeds seeds ~3 Sugar beets 42. Peanuts ~,, Melon seeds 5, Others b. Other crops, sub-total 47. Fruits 4$. Potatoes .a. Fresh vsgetab1e; ~', 50. Ruusafl ,;1,'i111; s ' 1,1 II ,1' t 1 .?', I. _i,so.l ; $O -+ 0,~1 ~ I,1l Ii I3,ol .:: r 111 22,14 ? i0d1 IM 3.1 1,111 Ili! ~1 t i w 'n 0, 1,11! 0.06 Ill 1.14 1.1 .. I l 0.11 S ,l o.a, tio.i 101 - 0.01 II 0,3 , 41 ., il, 1,01 to M'A ~`f a? c 6 1- r t ++ tw C 4' L' 1 r w and Amount of Yield by Cro o ., , . ,. Acreage Under Crops a th 11anohtu t* Raii'Ny. ~pVemblr )942, a.$reh Section, ou I .401 E1 ri N53 ~piphfor 1941, Pub1lFh.d by t s .. - -.... nkG1NPYRN~3A STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops hectare 3 Damaged acreage with no yiel 4. Total damaged acreage hectares 5. DY drought hectares 6. BY floods hectaros 7. BY others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare (kg) P 10. Total Yield MT 11.. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, ;iub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. KaoliarnS 19. Italian 20. Maize millet 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice unirrigated 24, Bar? ey 25. Oats J 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total ,30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 34. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco US species 36. Tobacco1 native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 40. Castor- 41. Sesame seeds oil seeds 43. Sugar beets 42, Peanuts 45. Others 1+4. Melon 46. Other cropa seeds ~h-tof,Al. 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes .;. Fresh ve"8tables 6 50. Ruusan Acreage Under Crops and Amount of Yield by Cr, ps sand he3 a or tlol 1,0 n i, i1 . ,. 4e I" : .1 J N59 W - , 2hLl; Publiuh~d by the vembex 1942 ~ ' o Re,AMrah Section, youth Manohw is Railway, k!i ,, 'r' li rI. ~ ,q i.r. f v Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 s~su 1i a,t i.ot 1,0 11 X11 1.01 I11 1 : 1! ,.; ., ;, lla 1 TI 11 f e11a11 !. ? 1,011 i TI 111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percentage of various crops Acreage under craps hectarep ~ Damaged acreage with no yield _ 4- Total damaged acreage hectares 5. BY drought hectares 6. BY floods hectares '~. BY other: hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares . Yt'ld per hectare kg ~ ~ (~Total yield MT ~. l1 t Kinds of crops 12;. Total 13. Principal craps, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of' beaus 1$. Kaolianr 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice unirrigated 24. BUrley 25. Outs 26. Millet 27, Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 2. Special crvpsr sub-total 3O: Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Peri1J a seeds Cotton imported species 34. Cotton native species :5, Tobacco US species 36. Tobacco, native species '37. Abutilon hem 38. Flax 39: Re;np 40. Castor-oil r r j'" seeds 1. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts 43Sugar beets 44. Melon seeds 45. Others 6. Other croPss sub-total ~r 47. Fruits 4S. Potatoes 9? Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan * * III , 44i!.. al ' = 1.N1 1,1 1.311 * ?a z * z* o,a NO * tl.4 0.111 1,011 Is,p 0.145 13 i a ? t3.$. 11.0! O$1 t.111 l * N o,lt 1.4a1 ' : 1.21 3.11 311 0.01 ITS -- I , l,p M 1,1a . . . 0,11 I * I;13 * : 1rZ z * 0,1 A,. M ? 1.11 * **.e* i:N N53 inn Ar'.r i 300 I'S?. 311 3,131 4n! stet ,.y~ ;,,~ run1i~n.a by the Realarch Section, ~outh Mnnoh wi* R. iiwaY, November 1942. r , r a ifit; ft tUI. l 1.111 $ 5$ tll kill t4 . ill STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acrezga under crops hectares + 3? Darns ed aerea a with no Yiel ~ g d 14. PQta1 damaged acreage hectares 5. By drought (hectares) 6. By floods (hectares) '/. By others (hectares) 8. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (MT) 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, subtotal ].4. Soybeans 1S. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Aaoliang 19. Italian mills 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (anirrigated) 24. Barley 25. oats 26.. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 24. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cottony imported species 34. Cottony native spacies 3$. Tobacco, 1.5 species 36. Tobacco, native species 3'f. Abutilon hemp 38. Flat 39. Hemp l~0. Castor-oil 41. Sesame seeds 13. Sugar beets 1t? Others seeds 2. Peanuts 1414. Melon seeds Fruits h8. PotAtt s 9. Fresh vegetables ~0 Puusan Acreage Under Crops and Amount of Yield by Crops and b Nsiens For 1 1 "i 4 It I a. 5 ? I 4n~Eung City 11., 1,211 20 1.1 tl - 0.0 1 - 0.1 60 5., 111 0.21 ? 16 0.0t 0.0$ 0.02 0.oi tl, 101 ;;!,++ k 1,11 1,11 '$i 2,E ~,ttt 2 1 1.02 i Puhai,hed by the STAT STAT R.Aetlroh eoUoo, ~auth Manohtu is li~xiiiy Wovember 1942, , ,' in CI 4". f9 !~ r C4: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under r crops hectares 3. Damaged acreage with no yield Total damaged acreage hectares drought hectares floods hectares 7. others (hectare) 8. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) P 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13? PrinciPal crops, sub-total Soybeans :is. Red beans 16. Green bean . s 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian g 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat ,2, Rice i.rrigated 23. Rice unirri ated 2I. Barley 2? Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28 Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 2. Perilla seeds 3. Cotton, imported species :314. Cotton, native species 3. Tobacee, US species 6. Tobacco, native 3 species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 0, Castor-oil , ' ^ Sesame seeds Sugar bigiete ~+.~a v y Others Other- crops, Fruits fl ES I Fil CT ED Acreage_Under CroP~ and Amount of Yield by Crop seeds 142. Peanuts . I hw. rra.~on ;seeds sub-total 48. Fresh vegetables Ruus an Potatoes N53 Pubithwd by the R.a*roh 5~otion, outh Mnnohtwiw }t&iiw* Nuvembsr Y ~ 94 , : ~ Lnw tl.,i ~A Id '` Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 i. E S I r; I C; i E U Acreage Under Crops and Amount of Yield by G~'ape 1. Percentage of carious crope 2. Acreage under cropa hectares 3. Damaged acreage with no yield . Total damaged acreage hectares . drought hectares b. floods (hectare) 7. BY others hectares 8. Acresga harvested (hectares) rvested ectares 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 114. Soybeans 1 . Red beans 16 Green beans 1?. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolia n8 19. Italian mi11o, 20. Maize 21 Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice unirri ate gd 21. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa 28. Buckwheat 29~ Special crops, sub total 34. Ramie for fiber 3l. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 314. Cotton native species :3g. Tobacco, US species 6. Tobacco, 3 native species millet 37. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 1. Sesame seeds 143 Sugar beets 1. Others T Utzer crops, sun-total 147. Fruits Potatoes ana Dy gene ? ' or ~ LY4z] Feng.oh'stg : I', ,,.. ,. lEL __ * __ ' ,* ft :Jnr , .~.~ q.0Et .,~ SISI! Ui 11$' *. . z s L4 u;N i , t' !R fi f $. LW - , . * = o. A o U . r 1 !at! 0 ~ * '4S.71 $L 1 b ~i! 1- 0? a,1, . '1 4I ? _ .. i , o.o: i l,t Ea * . r ;. .. w - - !, S r i,pr rot - 1, !.! !.) n . I 0.6 11 0! ,ji pt14 1.11 U $l au ? ,,, ., M N a. i t - t 1u f * A - - - * E1I T I ,. - L4O :,10 !a1 ; i,Na * _ - - - . : .. _ , - t y (?M ) - - * * (k$P) i. ,M ?1 _ -. 0.01 so ! I` 1 0 - ; S. I ,, M - o ( - - - . ,_ . - - - ,, LI 0,1 wu u yi H 4 ? Ak * * ______ . L2 . J Ptlblir~hSd bY the ~ ~ it N3 $~ a 2 , ' RaaMrah eotion y th Manohw'ia ftaiiway~ hovember 194 S~ au Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 ,~. ~ ,I L.VJ C STAT 1. Percentage of varioui crops 2? Acreage under eroP s hectares 3? DamnBed acreage with no yield 14. Total damaged acreage hectares . drought hectares 6 B floods hectaree 7. By others hectares 8. Acreage harvested (hectare) 9. Yield per hectare kg 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13? Principal crops, sub-total 114. 16. 17? 18. 20. 2. 23? 2. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 :? 3? 3? J6 Soybeans Red beans keen beans Other kinds of beans Kaoliang 19. Italian millet Maize 21. Wheat Rice irriBated Rice unirrigaced Barley 2. Oats Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat Special craps, sub-total Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Perilla'seeds Cotton, imported species Cotton, native species Tobacco, US species Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilon hemp 39. Heip 141. Sesame seeds 143. Sugar beets r rug....... 35. Flax 140. Castor-oil seeds 142. Peanuts i44. Melon seeds 146. Other crops, sub-total 147 ? Fruits 148 Potatoes 149. Fresh vegetables 0. Ruusan N53 I~ro-uA'MNANarnrma~~n:~,~,y~n?n~mYmsM t?;;w?,dada'ni~r,,.vm,M,J7urr;!!~k~l!:wM!k~! ~e 5C o - t 1, bltt.hed b the iat 1 a ~,,, Y Weasela1- eut1Qn, -'aUU h1nnchtu'1a Kr&il.way, A'nvembex~ 1942, ,. ..:1 ,L, , " r a i 6 7~ -F ! ,L 1, STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 .,, ter,.,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 37. AbuLilon hemp 39. Hemp 41. Sesame seeds 43. Sugar beets 45. Others 38. flex 4. Castor-oil seeds 2, Peanuts 1414. Melon seeds:. 16. Gh er crops. cub total, i~l. Fruits t 4 . toes 149. Fresh vegetables so. R ~ uusan OIl II 1, N1 '' l a, r a'aiL S t Q X 194, Publi .hed by thM RsiNruh Section, 'south Mnnchtu'ia }ziiwaY, Wc)vember 1942 , i C. 1r3 e ~ '~ ) &Q~yy( {ry, 6 T uL W"11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (MT) 11? Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 1!i? Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of' beans 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3. Damaged acreage with no yield 14. Total damaged acreage (hectares) dra ht (hectares) u6 6 floods (hectares) 7' others liectarbs V , ; . ,.a~ (hectares) 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 24. Maus 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (unirrigated) 24. Harley 25. Oats ' 26. Millet 27. Sava fillet 28? Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Psrilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 31.i. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 0,0 o be no +. 1t LU :p ^ rl' 1 a a .Ca. 7 014 * r r. ~ STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acrea~,,ge Under crops Nectare 3. Damaged. acreage with no yield. 4. Total dame, ed acre g age hectares 5. By drout~~ kit ha dares 6, By floods hecta res 7? By of }per s hectares 8. Acreage harvested h?cta res 9. Yield per hectare 10. Total yield. MT 11, Kinds of crops 12, Total 13, Principal crops, 14', Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans sesame seeds Sugar beets Others Other crops, 1M' a .. 17? Other kinds of beans 18, Kaolia ng 19. Italian Millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice uni rrigated 2l~i Barley 25. Oats 26, Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, subtotal .30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton imported species :3k. Cotton native species 35. Tobacco, US aPecies 36. Tobacco, native species 37? Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil sub-total seeds 42. Peanuts L44, Melon seeds subtotal Fresh vegetable s Ruu san ro~mrvtxsM,ipAkaYe!N~ek.HiMrNwrMA~?~9.6y1 ro1.~ S~otion youth Mnnahwwia R i1waY, Wavambar 194 KaAll ~ _ i. l;si~ w . . and by Hsienr .~ S'&i1 2t F n ____________________ ____ 1r? r ~'. , h : _ _ * a '3 L iL, 1 t'L a .r _ ?~ ~ 111 r, 1p L S , 1, , li I. ~+ L L$I 1 , 1 1 i. * N 0 >t 0 111 i~ '?, s N 11,11 1.1 ?... ,, 1 1 '., M L . I.O01 r 7i ,?1,1. 3 a ? 19,1 :1,11 h ; i I 1 q, 0.1 1 . , -.? . Ira 1 >j L ~ N 0.03 1 + r . IS : * N o, 111 ?- 14 It N ?h Ir - - - N o, 33? - $, 0,11 ', 1, II I 0 . Ill . I,ot - I.of ,?. t N IA fP N : , 4' Mr a bla - ,? . ; . ,,. F' 4 ., b' M N M 0.13 . 34 1 l ;:: i 0,0 ! '- w i , * (1 '~') p 1 1 ;,' ~r * W w ,.. , ., i * U N 0,11 " 1 :4 I I f'. D. N - - - - h y t 7 ($ $) ;' .,,. N *(:*$) ,~ .M * OU - r eM dl 0,, IN - ~. .N A ., ?? : ' : r - , ,. ~ rIY u.s. fr/C r + p t, ?~ . 6111 r. ., I' 4 . N . 1 - r: i 1 ~r ~h ~,,, ~, ... .. ~ 1 i rrII } r 4 - ; . , 4 - STAT i STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1' f + 14 L r Y 111 g p:nLA . STAT 1. Percentage by various crops 2. Acreage under crops hectares 31 Damaged acreage with no yield 4. 'total damaged. acreage hectares 5. By dro aht hectares 6. BY floods hectares 7. By others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9? ield per hectare kg 10. Total yield MT 11. Cinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 1Zi. Soybeans 15. Red Beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian Millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irrigated r23. Rice unirrigated) 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33? Cotton, imported species 34, cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilon he 38. Flax 39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts J. Sugar beets L4. Melon seeds 3 Ip . ...... -1 1 17 .'1 q -. cl 46. Other cra s sub-total p~ 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49, Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan t Iurai ak51I 0151 01ot 0,0t 0. It 2.I5i1 5,012 2,0?I 5.0 11 2.12 ? 4,OCI t I.. l ~ t1fl i. t I I;, , 'I, lit x+ +~; k 1 hfi chit b.d by the P STAT t~avambSr 1942, nahUri* 1Ailway, Dion rat~Gh ti1a 111A~2'g~1 ,.~C , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percentage of various crops Acreage under crops hectares ~' 3. Damaged acreage with no yield 4. Total damaged. acreage ed acreage hectaree 5. By drought (hectares 6. BY floods (hectares 7. By others hectares 8. Acrea a harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beams 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian Millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 2. Rice irri ated g 23. Rice unirrigated 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa Millet .' 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31, Ramie for seeds ~2. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species :314.. Cotton native species :35. Tobacco US species 36. Tobacco native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 39. Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts Ii- Ct _ 1,,. x ,. it I.....''. I --^ 'T). , JIZgCLI vvC7ua -r-t Itp1Wl ait3t3lLR! 46. Other crops, subtotal 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan t,' . ~utYwmfa~rlAw+r~.u~rc~nxaw?mm+kMil~ndn9m^~~Mi~,'nw , us to RyaMroh Seotion nuth Manohuriw Railway. Abvubsr 1942 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 o, it u $4 '~ ... ___________ . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 t i err Y + I1t ry r ii ~ I L J Gu 2 M~ Jr.r..a~,Qndsr, .~ro++n nn~ Dy Haibns'(for"1941) Hwin-mtn 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreap ae under crops hectaree 3. Damaged. acreage with no yield 4. Total damaged. acre e hectares 5? drought hectares 6. BY floods hectares 7. By others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare ks 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total ]j4. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian 19. Italian Millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irribgated 23. Rice unirrigated I .- 2L. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for eeeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 3L~. Cotton native species US 35. Tobacco, JS species 36. Tobacco native species 37? Abutilon her - 38. Flax ~ :39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil seeds 41 . Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts 43. Sugar beets !4? Melon seeds 45. Others 46. Other crops, sun-total q r~7.1 H Ni). rn t.atnAt 49. Fresh ve 50: Ruusan I Idl1 I. SI Il,t I I. r Ildl o~ m ier?s., Fublihad by th? -- ~ a th Manahut in Navemhsr 1942Kail y H.wNrah 5eot.ion, au Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1? Percentage of various crops ..,2? Acreage under crops (hectares) 9. Damaged acreage with no yield 14. Total damaged acreage (hectares so By drought (hectares) 6. By floods (hectares) 7. By others (hectares) 8? Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (MP) U. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13? Principal crops, sub-total ].lt. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16? Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. %aoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 23. Rice (irrigated) T3. Rice (unirrigated) 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 26 ? Buckwheat ?29. Special cropay sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31? Ramie for seeds 32. Peri.lla seeds f 33. cotton, imported species 314. Cottony native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. imp !0. Castorroil~ seeds i 141. Sesame seeds 2. Peanuts Sugar beets 14. Melon seeds I1iS . Others t~6. Other crops, sub.?total 147. Fruits 146. Potatoes 9. Fresh vegetables 0? Ruusan 5 *IL.. US) I ki m 411 100.31 +n l,sol IS ........... I~yYlAl~m';ninm~unr~runareMMpr.~anqu'~tmpftiurlmmti~vriainMm~4s+NMY,'AMt!C,~!gp~ukD."1tl~~119bIMt "'s ;,. ,y53 Il~nahytinn ANrfoulC~m~ 9jifCi~bioe for 1941, Publlwhsd by~he Raassrch Section, 'ouch Mlnnchtuia Railway, Novwmber 1942, S; r u: I ,j 1N ynw a1 ~. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 , .I?:: ?i) hip . 'I STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Percenta 7e of various crops f, Acreage under crops hectare" Damaged acreage with no yield. 't'otal dama ed acreage (hectare Tay drought hectares By floods hectares By others hectares Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hectare (kg) Total yield (I'IT) Kinds of crops Total Principal crops, Soybeans Red Beans Green beans Other kinds of beans Kaoli- r 19. Italian Millet Maize 21, Wheat Rice (irrigated) Rice (unirrigated) Barley 2~. Oats ~ Millet 27. Sawa 1`lillet Buckwheat Special crops, sub-total I~atnie for fiber 11ani.e for seeds Perilla seeds Cotton, iiported species Cotton, native species Tobacco, US species Tobaccoa native species Abutilon hemp 3~. Flax. Hemp 240, Castor oil 141. Sesame seeds 3. Sugar beets ~a . Others seeds 2. Peanuts Melon seeds G. Other crops, sub total 7. Fruits 8po .. tatoes 9, Fresh veI?etab1es. n,y?HHY, lY'KkV W~l N93 j4atio3 d . Published by the November 194 ANrQ}1 ,C380tiAn , Ul1th Manahuv ia Ri iiway, RA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 C,42 0,11 0,01 0,0 0,01 0,13 1~ 1 y7La. 4 al 111 til I,N II rw_MMI~M,WAY'MMl4KV1~7IA'AMM~'~MML~.GM~MA' STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT ~., Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3 , Damaged acreage with no yield 14. Total daina ed acreage hectares drought hectares 6. By floods hoctares '7 .n_~ ,.~. (?d?% ,a , ?y u Uht::.L 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare kg 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of craps 12. Total 13. Principal crops, :ih. Soybeans 1, Red beans 16. Green beans sub-total 17. Other kinds of beans 18 Kaolian. 19. Italian Millet 2. Maize 21, Wheat 22, Rice (irrigated) 23, Rice un~LrriS aced Barley 2S. Oats `'6 Millet 27 , Sawa ~lifet ~ 28. Buckwheat 29? Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 2. Perilla seeds 33Cotton ported species 3 Cottons native species 3 Tobaccoi US species 36. Tobacco native 37. Abut ion hemp 39. Hemp Sesame seeds species 38. , Flax. 0. Castor i seeds oil I` F2A Peanuts. ~ LI:j. w'aai' be s i~LJ,. uelOxl seects ethers 6. Other crops, sub-total 147. Fruits 8. Potatoes 9. Fresh vegetables o. Ruusan . - -i J; ~lT tat Irv nghujjftJgria1ttr(.S&tiitiO1 for , Publi~hsd by the RmeNroh Section, ~outh Mt nohwis Railway , t~ovsmbsr 1942, gp;s~ ..? F : 4 L1 t' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT 1. Perceita e of various crops 2. Acreage under crops hectares, :3. D~unaged acrea fe with no yield Total damaged acreage hectares By drought hectares 6 By floods y s hectares 7. BY others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectare a 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Tota:L Yield MT U. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, s. sub-total 1)4. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16 Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19 . Italian Millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23, Rice un'arri aced 2L. Barley 2. Oats. 26 Ivlillet 27 Sawa Millet . 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 3)3. Cotton, native species . , :3;. Tobaccos US species 36. Tobacco, native species Abution hemp 38. Flax Hemp 0. Castor oil seeds Sesame seeds 2 Peanuts Sugar ar beet s Others Lth. seeds Melon 16...Other bras tw.-t i 7, Fruits 8. a otatoGs. . 14.9. Fresh vegetables 9. sh O. Ruusan Puhti~hsd by the - 'ie R iiwaY, Novrmbsar 1942, Iieusxah c ,ouch I~nnahtu ~otiona rnr Lr~v. p A . C. ti t r; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 37. 39. .l. )4 L3. 3. 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1 Acreage ;Under Q'ops 9* and,:bY Hsi exis '91 I 1. Percenta go of various crops ~ 2. Acreage under crops hectares ~, 3. Dana~.~led acreage with no yield 14. Total .~. a1 damaged acreage c hectax cs 5? LW drought hectares 6. :i3 floods hectarec, , Y ?? BY others hectares 8. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total Yield NT 11. Kinds of crops is Total 13. Principal croPss subs total . Soybeans is, Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian r l ~, 9? Italian Ni11et 20. Maize 21?Wheat 22. Rice irriI?ated . Rice unirri aced 2tt? Barley 2. Oats 26 I'Iillet 27, Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special craps, sub-total' 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds -33, Cotton 'imported species 3)4. Cotton9 native species 3S. Tobacco US species 6. Tobacco, native 3 species 37. Abutilon Hemp 38 Flax 39. Hemp 140. Castor oil 1. Sesame seeds 143. Sugar beets 1? Others 44. seeds Peanuts Melon seeds. L16. Other c xrotis sub tota1 147 Fruits 8? Peal uts L Fresh r.9. vegetables O. Ruusan ?.+... . y s a $ ar 511 --,......,., Itan~,nwlwM,tovlrr.nrnwnw~~4AitA'MAM`N!u,k,n,?,LUKq'SuMnit ",.....~... T N53 5.9[~,Sou1C~~rtiy,,~at~i~Eioa for 19L3 , PubllEh.d by the fto$Nroh ceotion, 'outh Manohtwia txilway, Novombor 1942 p .. 1 5 U k.,, STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3. Damaged acreage with no yield ).4. By drought hectares 6 floods r By (hectares) By 7. By others hectares 8. Acreage r Harvested (hectares) 9, Yie:td per hectare k 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total :1.3. Principal crops, sub-total ?:? Soybeans ~ L.!:,. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian 19. Italian Millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice unirri aced 2. Barley 2. Oats 26? Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special croPss sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton imported species 3 Cotton, native species 3S. Tobaccoa US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. 9 13. >? ~. Li. cI.r Total damaged acreage hectares Abutilon hemp 38. Flax. Hem ! U Castor oil seeds Sesame seeds 2. Peanuts Sugar beets Melon seeds Others s 1~ ruxts t 8. Potatoes 149. Fresh vegetables :;O. Ruusan a Ni3 'II ~'' z M Z'd I *'R a M a 7' 141 !a9 ifs,,?Fi ," i iAI 1 ?S fig "F` ~t T rr: Pub1t ;hed by the RMroh $eaton, auth ti-anohw is tt1nay, No~'ember 1942, oA ~, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percentage of various crops Acreage under crops (hectares) Damaged acresgP with no yield Total damaged acreage (hectares By drought (hectares) By floods hectares By others hectares Acreage harvested (hectares) Yield per hectare Total yield (MT) Kinds of crops Total Principal crops sub-total Soybeans Red beans Green beans Other kinds of beans Kaolian 19. Italian M g i11et Maize 21. Wheat Rice irriagated Rice unirrigated b Barley 25. Oats Millet 27. Sawa Mi 11et Buckwheat Special croPaE sub-total Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Perilla seeds Cotton, imported species Cott 3w~ ons native species 35g Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. ~ 3 . Flax He :39 ~0 Hemp Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 4?. Peanuts 43 . Sugar beets LLi Melon seeds i45? Others !Lt L:r-'ai 4 , Fru ? its -"a Potatoes i9. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan aid' Reims o.1 'so' o.$1 o,a Fr=, #53 tQr r ~ 5 , Published bar the rah ^t{on. outh Mnnohuri& Riiiwev, hovembey~ 1942, Re Ass , ' . ,,',I , t9'l' lip 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percentage of various crops Acreage under crops hectares Damaged. acreage hectar,ee R Total damaged acreage hectar By drought hectares ;r By floods hectares By others hectares Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hectare kg Total yield MT Kinds of crops Total Principal crops, sub-total Soybeans Red beans Green beans Other kinds of beans Kaolia 19. Italian millet Maize 21. Wheat Rice irrigated Rice unirrigated Barley 25. Oats Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat Special crops, sub-total Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Perilla needs Cotton, imported species Cotton, native species Tobacco, US species Tobacco, native species Abutilon h? 38. Flax He /4,0. Castor-oil seedI Sesame Seeds 142. Peanuts k ar beets 44. Melon seed. 0th era Other crops, nub-total Fruits L8. Potatoes Fresh vegetables Rausan Y~o YanohYClaSL Lilt i,ri ;,. It fl1 !,2'L., , Puhllshad by the A'awtlb$r 194 p ~ Cion auth ~'anohtU i* R iiway, ~ss~r.h r.HC , ,r. r I STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 rESTFIICTFD 1. Percentage of various crop 2 Acreage under crone hectares 3. Damag~ . ed acreage with no yield 4. Total damaged. acreage hectare 5. By dro ht hectares 6. BY floods hectares 7. By others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare kg 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinde of' crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irribgated 23. Rice unirrigated 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 2$. Buckwheat 29. Special, crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds .32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 3L. Cotton.nativesPecies 35, Tobacco, US species v36. Tobaccof native species 37? Abutilon hemp 38. Flax :39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil seeds i 41. Sesame seeds 4. Peanuts 43. Sugar beets 44 Melon needs ~? 45. Others 46. Other croPs+ subtotal 47. Fruits 4 Potatoes L49 mesh ve *e a,uiet 5A. Ruusan and by Haiene (for 1941) I Acreage Under Crops and Amount ot' Yield by Crops 4*5 11T53 O.1L *51 0.01 Publlshsd by the R.AKroh Seotion, youth Mnnohwi& R.aiiway, Wowmb.r 1942. 1 sM,n4"? D I1. N r?~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under croPa hectares 3. Damaged acreage with no yield 4. Total damaged acreage hectares 5. By drought hectares 6. By floods hectares 7. By others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare kg lo. 11. Total Yield (MT) Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crpps, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirrigated 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 2e. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds Cotton, imported species 34. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco,. native species 37. A butilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 40. Cantor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts 3. Sugar beets 4)+. Melon seeds 45. Others 46. Other crops, sub-'total ~7. Fruits 48, Potatoes ~9. Fresh vegetables 50 . Ruuean ATpvembss' 1942, Mnnchut'ia 1lAiiway, ~HUt;iOn ot1Ch Raa~roh , .,, _....... i_____M__f,, MIflS. htishad by the to , Pt i ~t ~ s?i 1 li,13 U1 1,11 It L I,t11 - 31. li,3t - $, 4$$4 - o, 311 .~ o, s - 0.11 9 vv y'I'y 11.I P A ~1 y % .t o,l 1,U Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT 3? Percentage of various crops Acreage under crops hectares Damaged. acreage with no yield 4 Total lama, ed acreage g hectares 5 drought hectares 6. By floods hectares 7. others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare kg 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds o? crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 14'. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. 8aoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated.) 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 83? 3W. 35. 36. 97. 39. 47.. w3. 45, wo. 47. 49. 50. Rice uMrrigated Barley 2.5. Oats Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat Special crops, sub-total Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Per illa seeds Cotton, imported species Cotton, native species Tobacco, US species Tobacco, native species Abutilon hemp 38.i Flax He 9? Castor-oil sood Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts Sugar beets 4. Melon seeds Others Other croPs, sub-total Bruits 43. Potatoes Fresh vegetables Ruusan CL X61' B i LGA &R 4,111 !J1 t,t 4,0) RuMrole section, youth Manchtwi& ft iiway, Nov.mbsr 1942 "t ! ~~~x ~nt~. t'~ yam ~r.~ ,N ,.. ,r~ A qo q " ~ Nm ~.11 L Arco T Ail i!LN dF:~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3 Damaged acreage with no yield 14. Total damaged acreage hectares BY drought hectares 6. BY floods hectares 7. others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare kg 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 1L Soybeans 15. Red bean s 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian 8 19. Italian Millet 20e Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirrigated 21g. Barley 2. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 314. Cotton native species 3S. Tobacco, US species 6. Tobacco, 3 native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 140. Castor-oil see 1. Sesame seeds I2, Peanuts 143. Sugar beets Melon seeds Others 6. Other ' crops, sub-total . Fruits 18. Potatoes Fresh vegetables ?U. Ruusa 5 n F RESTIUCTED Acreage Under Crops and Amount of Yield by Crops and by Asiena (For 1941 w. Cb t eta ?t S ~1 1 ? . I ? , R w ? #1 ;~ w? ? , .1N.U L 4t LI B M A ! N '.: ,} Mt 11,1 11,11 1.1 t,ll Itl 11. ~?~ . 7k: Z 7it.4* 1,1 ' 611 1 13 ! MI Ir a O.t ~' ?4 Z 1 t III t. 1s a - 0,L 2$4 I 1 3 1 ,. , S$I 71 11' a* Z M 1,11 ' I,Ot 3t l1 1 N I , * : 3u.!$ ' 3bt UI 11t tl 10 U,!il 1.10 ' I,it ?$IN M? 31,11 '- 71,13 11 t14 tl II ti.t.i 13.1 Iii ? K a 1,31 N e 3 , ?ti 'P,Dtl 1'o r . 0,13 1 6 11 II ? 11 K 3A I.1$ 1,131 101 /0 31 I 1.31 1301 ? ' 1,111 1.111 * * 0.t2 ? . I6 1 , 1 Ilt ,' N k - * . 0,01 - 411 11 . I,I 111 IT 10 ' 1 - 10 ' S . i 11 $. 0,01 1 4 3 3 * w 3.41 1,011 3 1,011 111 5( IS #ari* ,r ~ t.ll t,t :: 11 1 1 1 ?.. ~ *1* 1 dM Q,01 31 t t t t 1 1 N 1 I' 3* A 0,03 tt 1 1 _ l 10 F) 0.01 11 1 11 $4 i$1 1 051 . 101 $7 U 3 t1 $U t I . 117 '' ? 31 * * * - - - - - -. . - - - . : *1* ! K 0,11 100 t! 1 I t 1$ K i01 ? '1 4t N - - 0,11 101 1 i - 11 ' TI lii 1 1x ? * - - * t i ? o,ot 1 t $ ' III . 0.4) 30 ' 31 31 - tl f , N 0,11 1N ! 1? 1 1 m +~ # a o,n to 1 1 L,., ? I,el i 11 IT * - R P 01 - "' ;iC .e 1,01 933 11 t 1 rx ' t t IM ,,, ?l a u , l 0 111 i? - : i? 1 ~ l, I1r I j N Y t .n ' t'; ! 1i. ~ h JAN 1 ~! ..TNwMN"11 ,.~ ~.,..hw.,?1 ', . i.Y'i11N1m yp.. x m ?"~ "'?~: 4 1 y,i I A IAi w.i lr his ~1.! i __nl .! AI ah.aY, Y ' 1Y ,?N '0 1, F~d~lla,hed by the I ~ ~ i lu'ia }taiiwa , };ovdfrbel' h.eM ~.. - rah Seotian, c,uth ~~nnn u Y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 I Acreage UndL1n ..--and by Hsiens (Fos 1940 '. 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3. Damaged acreage with no yield . Total damaged acreage hectares . RY drought hectares 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 18. K~aliang 19. Italian Millet 17. Other kinds of beans lu. Soybeans 1. Red beans 16. Green beans 13. Principal crops, subtotal 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 10. Total yield (MT) 7. BY others hectares 8. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) P 21< 23. Rica (unirrigated) 26. 28r 39. Hemp 0. Ctor-oil seeds 6 Tobacco native species Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 3. Tobacco US species 31i. Cotton, native species 33. Cotton, irrqorted species 32s Perilla seeds 31. Ramie for seeds 30, Ramie for fiber Barley 25. Oats Millet Buckwheat 27. Sawa millet . Special crops, subtotal 1. Sesame seeds 2. Peanuts 3. Sugar beets . Melon seeds St Others 6. Other crops, sub-total 7. Fruits 8. Potatoes 9. Fresh vegetables 0. Ruusan Hs#ng-luag #53 9 , f! 7 ' r I1 W Publi:shsd by the November 1942, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 lo, ( 3,l1 1.01 3$ 0.41 15? , 1: 10 5,$E o,1~t 11,1 ' 5.12 42,14 13,011; 611 H 11! 0a0 to o~U 34 ~r+~!lSrr:~acm~tMrln~xus~YrcwiRiFm~t~~ , iat r ieuZti ae ~t t i for i9k1 .l. Section '-ol1Lh ~~ttnchlw to R. ilway, Re eedrat~ STAT 6. By floods (hectares) 1i ~ 4~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various Drops 2. Acreage coder crops (hectares 3. DaIL6d acreage with no yield k. Total daaagad acreage (hectar 5. By drought (heotares) 6. ~ rya, (hectare n3 7. By others (hectares ~. Acresgs harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) lbo total yield (MT) U. Kies of crops 12. Totei 13. Prinoipal crops, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beau 17, that kinds of beans 18. 1(aoliaag 19. Italian Millet 20. Mare 21. Wheat 22. Rios (irrigated) 23. Rios (unirrigated) ?.Ir. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Saws millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special oropsf sub-total 30. R'inie for fiber 31. Rsmie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 34. Cottony native species 35. Tobacco, U, species 35. Tobaccos native species 37. Abutilon hemp 3$. Flex 39. Hemp 40. Castor-oily 41. SeeaQe seeds seeds 43. Sugar beets 42. Peanuts 45. Others 44. Neloa seeds' kS. ether cropsy sub-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruuaen MS3 ~'1 s G U ~J r, o. 1 0.1) ,.?1 Iii R asSroh SHotion, th Manohut iw Wai1,way, Navembsr 1942q au 1. i l STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percentage of various Drops Aorpage under crops (heoLaree) J. D~saaged acreage with no yield y. Total d.umged acreage (hact4ree) 5. Her drought (hectare) 6. By floods (hectares `B, Acreeg. iaiweated 9Yield per hectare (hectaree) lcg) 10. Total yield (MT) .1].. inla of Drops 12. Total 13. Principal Crops sub-total 7+-r. Soybeans 15. died beans 16. Green beano 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoiiang 19. Italian Millet 20. aize 21. Wheat 22. Rica (irrigated) 23. Rine (unirrigated) 24. 26. 28. B.y others (heotaru) Barley 25. te Millet Buckwheat 27. Sawa millet special. trope, sub?totel 30. Mamie for fiber 31. Reis for seede 32. Perilla seeds ,J3rn Ootton, imported species 34. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, Us epeoiss 36. Tobacco, navtiv~ species 37. Abutiloa hemp 38. Flax 34. H*p 40. Ceator-oil ll. Seseiw seeds seeds 43. Sugar baste 42. Peanute 45. Others 44.; )ls3,on seeds 46. ether crops, euD-totem], 47. Fruits 48.! Potatoes 49. lareah vegetables ~0. Ruuaan i LNf1M'ICWMI:Yli4CItlI~~M11Mi4M1~R~Y,b"d~'M1%19L!G N53 YmahS~rlan ~rloult~~r~ St~ti~E,~pj for 1941. Publlsh.d by the Ryas rah Section, 'outh ~7nnahtu'ia liai1way1 November 1942 U hm? 4.. ti,' I P 9 T E STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops (heotare 3. Damaged acreago with no yie k. Total damaged acreeg? (hec 5. By drought (hectares) 6. By tloada (heotnres) 7. By ethers (hectares) g. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (MT) 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Prinoipal crope, eub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Rd beans 16. Green beans :17. Other kinde of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian Mule 20. rrais. 21. Wheat 22. Rica (irrigated) 23. Rice (unirrigeted) 24. Barley 25. bets 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported, species 34. Cottoa, native species 33. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native apeicea 37. Abutiloa hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 40. Cs& wr-oi 41. Sesame seeds seeds 43. Sugar baste /r2. peanuts 45. 2thera 1,4. Malon see 46. that crops, eub?total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetable 50. Ruueaa 0,11 1 O4$ :1 t,tl , 111 0, 0,0 0,11 0,01 0,1 0,01 ' ate 0,01 , tL4 , 1 1 tlt 1 Ii t L1 1.15 111 III 1 $? 1 41 11 1a 1,1 yuypetNMHirm~~xnmWV,1UIYfdPgNn"L'tlAlN is- 1 for 194. Puh1i shod hY the ra194h ?ration, +puth M nohu1iI I1 iiW~y . ~'cavembor 194h R.AM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Y;. tI iasii STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of varioue crops 4 2. Acreage under eroP s hectares j . Dam ed acreage with no yield 14? Total daaaBed acreage hectares drought hectares ' _ floods hectares ":b 7. others hectares 8? Acreage harvested hectares . Yield per hectare (kg) 9 P 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, subtotal :1.14. Soybeans l. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beam 18 Kaollang 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irriBated 23. Rice unirrigated Oats 21s. Barley ? 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat 29 ? 5Peciu1 rnPs , sub'?total :30. Rande for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 1-_ ,. 2. erilla seeds Cotton, imported aPecies ~~? 34? Cotton, native species 3. Tobacco Us species 6. Tobacco, native species 3 r 38. FLax 7. Abuti.lon henp r 39. Hemp 0. Castor-oil seeds 141. Sesane seeds 2. Peanuts 143. Sugar beets . Mahon seeds Others b? Other crops, sub?tota]. i V b Fruits A Potatoes 149. Fresh vegetables 0. Ruusan f - dcr...a....i1ds.Crana.., 7 anQ by lisieni' (For 194 N53 ~pohL ian Avrlo~~t~~*~ Stati~tiao for 194, publlaMd by the RUNrah Seotlon~ r ' , 9 r 'outh Manah?ril FtiAl1ay, !ovwmbsr 1942, STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Aorea a under crops (hectares 3. Damaged acreage with no yield 14. Total lamaged acreage (hectare Se By drought hectares d? .Ry floods hectares 7? others (hectares) 8 Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare p (kg) 10. Total yield (rtT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13? Principal crops, b- autotal 11 Soybeans is. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian 19. Italian mule g 20. Maize 21 Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23 Rice (urilrrigated) 2Z, Barley 2S. Oa i s 26. Ue ~ t 27. Sawa 7? millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramje for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perii].a seeds 33. Cotton imported species 314. Cotton native ~ species 3S. Tobacco US species b. Tobacco, 3 native species 37? Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 140. Castor oil, 141. Sesame seeds 143. Sugar beets us. Others seeds 2. Peanuts Melon see b: Other crops, sub'-total 7. Fruits 8. Potatoes L19. Fresh vegetables 0. Ruusan Ni3 nchurlen R.Assroh Seoti.on, 1* 1,011 311 Oil II t,411 -. published by ouch hlanahw!* I.iiiw&y, h~ov.mbsr 1942, 1 !, ~t r u , the I,, .~ STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 $14 N 1,u$ 1,131 1 $1,111 11$ 11 1,11 f a9 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1, Percentage of various crops 2? Acreage under crops hectares Ramagedcreaga with no yield 3. 14. Total damaged acreage hectares H drought hectares b. floods hectares others hectares 7. 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare (kg) P 10. Total, Yield MT U. Kinds of crops 12? Total l3. Principal crops, snub-total l1. Soybeans :l . Red beans 16? Green beans 17. Other kinds of beam 18. Kaolian6 19? talian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) I 23. Rice unirrigated i 21 Barley 2. ats M 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet ,.. Buckwheat 29. SPecial, crops , sub~total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32! Perilla seeds 33? Cottan imported species ,3 . Cotton, native species Tobacco, 3 . USspecies v36. Tobacco native species 37? Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 1O. Castor-oil seeds 141. Sesame seeds 2. Peanuts 3? Sugar beets I. Melon seeds u . Others ro as sub-total 6. Other cP Fruits 8. Potatoes 7? 149. Fresh vegetables 0. Ruuaan ij r' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 ._ iI4Ml'MW,''onnNr+~~~m^a~iIIlGflniklA~.~wfiNM'JN,gStIZIYAgkyR d~A'A '4M1 ,Nl,4M'j.M!Itfl u, "11 ; i' iar a 5' t Jcr 9h1, ?ttb.iahed by the Rea.srol~ S otion mouth Manchuria Rat1wcty, r'ovember 1942 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 t N5~ I ?4 u 0 + t I ( 0) a ~ c~tr~ra 4 ~J * w ? M ?: t,tll~ -Mil I,311~ 1. 14,I$4 to 4.1$ IOM$ 411 1,1 11,11 1,111 a ~- ~ ~ I _ 1,1 ~I.nchll 1oi ,,,, x, ;, t Puhlt,hed by the ~ , a Railw y, t~oVAmber 1~~% RIAMI O1i ,.~eotion, auth Manchus S Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentsga of various croPe 2. Acreage under crops hectare 3. Dema8ed acreage with no Yiel 14. Total dampged acreage Nectar . By drought (hectare) 6. floods hectares 7. By others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield MT U. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal craPss subtotal . Soybeans 15. Red beans 16 Green buns 17. Other kinds of beans 18 KaolianItalian ..9. mill B 20. Maize 21 Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice unirriBaced 21. Barley 2. Oats 26 fillet ? 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, subtotal 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 3:3. Cotton imported species 314. Cotton, native species 3S. Tobacco, US species 6. Tobacco 3 native species 3?. Abutilon hemp 38 Flax 0 39. Hemp 0? Castor-o i . seeds 141. Sesame seeds 2. Peanuts 1Su6ar beets Melon se Others 6 Other . crops, sub total 147. Fruits 8, Potatoes 9. Fresh vegetables 30. RuU$an mIj! .Ut. 0,I tl 1,1 1, . 1+l) TI '41 boM 1A11 1 $ t 1,111 1 ltt ? ll,ul 91 11 1 . 1 441 , ; llof l at 113 11 10 1,111 .- lot _Y.N'Ne M44~R"A'"PT1".RKMINP"AT1Y4*MAN't9Wt~1lf!Idllll~ i STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1 Percentage of various crops 2? Acreage under cY'oPa hectares 3. Da* aged acreage with no yield 11. Total d ed acreage hectares . AY drought hectares ?6? floods hectares ?? B3r others hectares 8? Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (NT) 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13? Principal crops, subtotal Th. Soybeans ]5, Red beans lb. (green beans 1 Other kinds of bearte 18? Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Maise 21. Wheat 22, Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice unirriBaced 214. Barley $. Oats 26? Millet 27. Sawa millet 2A? Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Rand.e for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33 Cotton imported species 3? Cotton native species 3S. Tobacco US species ? Tobacco, native species 3?. , butilon hemp A 38. Flax 39. Hemp 140. Castor-oil seeds 1 Sesame seeds 2. Peanuts i3 Sugar beets isit. Melon seeds I. Others 6? Other crops, sub-total L7. Fruits 8 Potatoes 149. Fresh vegetables 5U Ruusan iet r S t o . , Published by the #53 n youth Mnnahuvts R~UwaY , November 1942, ReaMroh t tio, r C V T r i F r t.~ ~ 4' is ,i '.vE 44.w krvJ 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various cro pe 2. kcxeatgs under crops (hectares). 3. Damaged acreage with no yield 14. Total damaged acreage (hectar 5. By drought (hectares) 6. By floods (hectares) ?. By others (hectare) 8. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (MT) 11. I(i.ndr~ of empe 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 114. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Cr: aer. beans 17. ether kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet' 2 0 Maize 21 Wht ..ea 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (unirrigated) 24. Barley 25. oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Specla. crops, sub-total 30. Raniia for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cottony imported specie 34. cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. F'auc 39. Hemp 40.t Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds li2. Peanut, I ' ! 3. Sugar beets .Melon seeds . Others 6. Other crops sub total 147. Fruits 1i8. Potatoes . Oe9 149 Fresh vegetables 0. Ruusan 0,01 0.01 1 o,la N59 for 1961, Pubtihad by the R.Allreh r~+otion, woa th Mnnahuriat tlYilwaY, November 1942, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 RESTRICTED Acre a Uicide and Dy Hsiens (For 1941).. ,~ 11 III It i11 10 +~1 --1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percentage of various croPe Acreage under crops hectares Damaged acreage with no yield Total d ed acreage hectares AY drought hectares floods hectares BY othere hectares Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hectare (kg) Total Yield MT Kinds of crops Total Principal crops, subtotal Soybeans Red beans Green beans Other kinds of beans KaolnianB 19. Italian millet Maize 21. Wheat Rice (irrigated) Rice unirri8acted Barley 25. Oats Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat Special crops, subtotal Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Perilla seeds Cotton, imported species Cotton, native species Tobacco, US species Tobacco native species Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 'rlemP 140. Castor-oil seeds Sesame seeds 142. Peanuts c,. L._.t_ 1.1. oleo;!- uev~~ ~4? 1"1t7lvtt Others Other crops, sub-total Fruits 148. Potatoes Fresh vegetables Ruusan : :. Riia W rte,,q tour ?714L7 ~? Iharhin t- ? ;. M L'i ill,.. Y... "r ?I 'Y V. . ~1 IM IM ? ~ } 1, , as ~... ". 11. 1 ? ? ., ~J + Mp 11,11 - -I ,, S., ;l o-l I,I? : 11111 1 r ~: i i ?1 . Ir + Y 0.11 )$$ 1' .. .. ; M I 1111 it - - - ? t: z E M 0.6! 1,1 Isle ,. , $ a 33.4 1 11,13 11, 1 1 11 i, 1!161 NA ~ 1 NJ . U , t 3 #1 . I,0 !,tat i , - t.! 1 ~ i ta It. 0 0.09 6 - - 5i is * to 0,09 11 - - - 0.02 IZ . * 1 0,09 U - - -? 5$ .1 + 0' - S I,Ot $. US - - '1 1 t 1 t M - - - :? I,N ~ 11 I1$ I q t O I?; sla It 1,1 ? 1,1i i 1 t ... M M %. a Od1Y 1,0t :.' I ?. 4 1N 1X 0,09 61 _ ,- _ !1 , Ml NI : f i ; ., a ($:%) 0101 11 $ ' wt . * M 1101 9,111 ? 1 It 1,11 N ri~ 0,01 Ifl = I! -? . j ? 11t m N o,t9 11 - - It S?l iii ~r? ' $ (* *) 0.11 t - .. NI ? `;'1 NI ..` ~ 11 1 n a 4, f 1 (>>N ?) - ~. 4 ?.. I a (k F)' 0,01 IM _. 1 ~~ t .~~?., ?.;M' ~~, . 0o 1 - ., 1 ~, ? ,1 ~l. * * 010! 1 _ '., 1,11 1t .,? ~~, JI a a - N 0. 1 0 i.wA .Irv. t4 .. : "' Is ? U. $P ? ? ?: ,i .. :' ~Ib 1 _ u 11 1,1 n l, 1 ? ,1. ;~ ,, t. le,d, . ., o I ~- 1 r E ill i * a a 111 1 i V 1 ,I i I~ >r Y J ; ~ . .a 1 ~ ~ .. ... .1 . ~~ ~ ; : .......... ~ 'nV n1 ?'..'.WU.V ..1 n.nrt?? rerWal..~ 1 ~? s .'?~1 .1_. , ~~ N ," 1 k53 ror 1%;q AahltF,hed by the is r icl. ; e ;~ t ~l Reeellroh Section outh Manchuria H;aiiwa r, Wovember 1942 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various croPa 2. Acreage under croPa hectares 3. Damaged acreage with no yield 14. Total dams Bed acreage hectare a S. By drought hectares 6. By floods hectares 7. other; hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 114. Soybeans iC Red bean 16 Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. ltaoli a-ng 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21 Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirri6ated 2 Barley 2. Oats 26. Millet 27. Saga millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton imported species 314. Cotton, native species 3 c, Tobacco Us s ecie P a 6. Tobacco, 3 native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 0 Castor-oil seeds 1. Sesame seeds 2, Peanuts 1i3. Sugar beets Melon seeds 1. Others Z6. Other . crops, sub total 7. Fruits 8 Potatoes 149. Fresh vegetables 0. Ruusan AuhtishSd by the a , mouth Manoh~u is RAt1,w y. Nawmbex i942 saMrpll ,.eatian~ R av a t, n ,. -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1- ::. % 'J r ; * ip, N, ? It 11 ,,, . ?, ? . w w 3 11It - ??t'! I,I, . 7,50 ?' 't t t4$ ' ; ' 1, Lu - 1 1; e = I. 111 .11 ' . x * t M o,t lot - - . t 1 tt 1 t! 1 I,N a o:.It a 1 N_ NT N FM 0 0 ii 4,031 4 1 ' I ,1, N o, a ' K 0,1 II! = 11 !.1 ' 1. 1 s1 , M o,: !01 ' - tN ? N , O O3 11 - ?11 1 411 ? UI .1 a 0 - . S 1,1! I,lat 1, It $$il l,$$ o,al :la is iii N 1 0 w o, tll - t n ; n 4% i$ sill . all t ;,, ~" M mO a t: ,I 141 ' $41 ;;' . * M 0,11 ' '1 _ - 41 74 a - -- all 11* M AM * M 2,01 I,11 Id Tt i fl OJt tot r tl~ Ik ^ It 0,03 24 - t ? , - TI iw ?(* $) 0.01 11 . 1 11 ill D .$ r t,7 i ) - I 111 (:) o,o *1 - - .. t ?I ii ' 0 a 1 w w 4 ii I, 41I 1,1 t ?? I - ,:1 , . . , w 4 P 1 I+ a a,; i, S STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 I~~ew~-r~wwr~ A? MN"r~ /1110 2. 3. 11 . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. . 1. 16 ? 17. 18. 20. ,2. 23. 2. 26 .28. '-9. 30. 31. ,32. 33? 3. 3? 36. 37. 39. 141. 143. 146. 147. 149. o. ti Acreage under crops hectares Damaged acreage with no yield Total damaged acreage hectares drought hectares floods hectares others hectares Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hextare 'kg) Total Yield MT Kinds of crops Total Principal crops, sub-total Soybeans Red beans Green hears Other kinds of beans Kaoliang 19. Italian millet Maize 21. Wheat Rice irrigated Rice unirri6aced Barley 2S. Oats Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat Special crops, sub-total Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Peri11a seeds Cotton, imported species Cotton native species Tobacco US species Tobacco native species Abutilon hemp 38? Flax Hemp 140. Castor-oil seeds Sesame seeds 142. Peanuts Sugar beets 1414. Melon seeds Others Other crops, sub-total Fruits 148. Potatoes Fresh vegetables huusan Ft1~ k n o ~' ' x, Fi4:T iU u1 1t 11 3t 1 tt N93 ~~LAprlaultip; S~ 't~ti~yiya for 196] Puhlish?a by sh? , (.$ role ~eotion, Mouth Mlnnchtwla fl Uwgq AaVSmb$1' 1942 11.1 . 55,351 11.1 Is. i I Isa N' m 4M M 4 Nr a, ldt1~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crnpe 2. Acreage under crops (hectare 3. Damaged acreage with no yiel 14. Total damaged acreaga(hectar 5. By drought (hectares) 6. By tloodb (NectArea) 7. Ay others (hectares) 8. Acreage hrrveated (hectares 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (MT) 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, pub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16? Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kac2iang 19. Italian mills 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (unirrigated) 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Rands for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 34. Cotton, native species 3S. Tobacco, US species 36+ Tobaccos native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. F'.lruc 39. xenq~ 40. Csetor-oil': 141. Sesame seeds 143. Sugar beets Others seeds 2. Peanuts . Melon seed L6. Other ~ er crops, sub-total 147. Fruits 8. Potatoes 149 Fresh vegetables o. Ruusan ,* i It,3t 1,51 tl ii Ij? t1,1 I,IN , I H ?. SI It ' ' Sb 1,1 010 O,A , 1111 0. 11, NI I I, ' . a~ IR . 1u s 0.1 N 0,0 ytyll n 01.t 411 t ?4$; I t,ttt~ 01 , 4? , imi Puhli..hsd by the ;;;4tF1:JI.------- uanhsr 1942 N o R.Mrah Huuth Manchtu iu itw*yq ~ ,,~~ot~on , STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT c 1. Pa^csnLags of tarLous crops 2. A~orsags under crops (hectares) 3'. D~esg.d acreage with no yield 4. Total damaged acreage (hectares) 5. By drought (heotarss) 6. By floods hsctarss) 7? By other. ~}NCtatws) 8. ~arsa6e harrsstsd (heotax+ea) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (MT) U. Kinds of crops 32? Total 13. Priucipal cropei evb-total :alt: ana - _ 1,5. Red beams lb. Green beaus 17? Other kinds of berme 18.lcaoliaag 19. ai]let M-,- Wheat 'O{/? Maize ~y Ll0 ,~ II~ii4 22? Rica (irrigated) 234' Rico (~mirrigated) 2k,. Bar3i 2. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special orope, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perill* seed 33. Cotten, imported species ~. Cotton, native species 35. Tobaccos US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutl.laan neap 38. Flu 39. Henp 40. Castor-oil seeds kle seeams needs li2. Peanuts 43. Sugar beets 1111. Me1aa Veda 1g. Others 46. Otter crope, nub-tots/ 1.7. Tr'w.:~t.. LR _ Pn4n+nwa . sow -_........ 119? Fresh vegetabl 50. Rmieau ~.'j'. 1" '". ,L} I.. r1. I 3 - N53 ~Rp~i18Z~a.Ar'rioulL?~ir~ Stati~tioe for 1961, Publlrshsd by the Rssetroh Section, mouth Mnnahurie R1iway, November 1942 L . M C . t o,s e,ah Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. 1'.resntago of various Drops 2. 1or~age wider craps (tuatarsa) 3. D~uoapd aorsaga with no yield 4. Total clawged acreage (beo4rea 5. By drought (hectaree) 6. E~-' floods (hsotare s) 7. $Y ogre (lhsotares) 8. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (1c8) 10? Total yield (MT) 11? Kinds, of crnpo 12? Total 13. Principal crops sub total 114. Saybsans 15. Red beaus 16. Green beans 17. Other /dads of beans 18? Kw11anB 19. Italian millet 20. Maiae 21. Wheat 22. Rise (irrigated) 23. Rice (mirrigat,.d) 214. Bsxl' 2,. Oats 26. Ml1L~tr 27 . Sawa millet 26. BuckWheat 29. Special crnpei sub-total 30. [tuui,a for fiber 31. R*iie for seeds 32,E PerllP seeds 33. Cottony imported species 314. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobaccos native species 37. Abntilon heap 38. Flax 39. Heap 140. Castor-oil seeds 141. Seeame seeds h2. Peanuts 143. Sugar beets lh. Melon seeds 45. Others 46. Other crops sub-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes lag. Fresh vegetable 50. R,maan 0,4! ! I ? I,ON I, 11 ILN' ! I,Illi o,4 , !11 II,N II,ON Ns3 ,,,,~ .t , lt uhlt;.hed by the P A'avernbS~r 1942. a r ~'~n Ci~aMrah notiofl atlth ohUVi* faiWOly, STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of carious cropr 2. Acreage under crape (hectare) 3. Disg~d acreage with no yield ' 4? Total cLmaged corsage (beatarae ~ 5. $r drought (lactarss) ~ 6. BY floods (hectares) 7. By others (heatarse) 8. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) lil. T.otd, yield (ice) 11. Erode of crape l2. Total 13. Principal crops sub-total llt. Soybeans 15. Red bans 16. arssa beans 17. Other kinds, of beans 18. iCewli,ang 19. Its~ian aiUet 20. liaiss 21. Whet 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (wnirrigatea) 21-. Harley 25. Oats 26. Mil'Lrt 27. Saxa millet 28. Bnckxt-est 29. special crape,-aau-total 30. Rauaie for tibsr :A. Ramie for seeds 32. Penile seeds 33. Cottony imported species 34? Cottan, native species "35. Tobaaooa Us sioeciea 36. Tobacc0, native species 37. lbutilon heap 38. Flax 39. Hasp la0. Cantor-oil see X41. Sesame seeds 1t2. Peanuts 113. 3nBstr beets flit. Melon needs 45. Others 46. Other aropa, sab?tota7. 47 Fruits 1~8. Potatoes 119. P'reab vegetables 50. Ruueaa Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 0,07 0.0I aq 1,11 0,t1 ! .U';" 1.011 1(h ,1'44 1,1 1,1 1IL1, 1,11 1,11 . III : 1 . 11 111 L 11 1 11 11111 N l' r ?i r :A ~^ ~J i N: R~ Acreage Under Crops and Mount of Yield by Crops and by Hsicns (For l91) Hsi-s .~ #53 iar icy a ;3 t for 1141, Pubit4Jhed by the ResNroh Seotion, mouth Mnnohiu'ie b t1way, !;ovnmher 1942, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of carious Drops 2. Lorsaga uadsr grope (hectsrea _ 3. D'insS.d acreage with no yis]d 14. Total damaged aor.age (hoc 5. BY drought (hactaree) 6. By floods (hectares 7, By others (hectarea 8. Acreage barvestid (hectares) 9. Yield per hsotsrs (k8) 10. Total yiel4 (MT) 11? Hlade of Crops 12. Total 13. Principal crope~ sub-total ]l4. 3oybwm ],5. Aid bans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19.Italiaa millet 20. Muse 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (IInirrigated) 2l~. Barley 25. o4ta 26. Millet 27. Sawa jnil:let 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. ftmnie for fiber 31. Ri.e for seeds 32. Peril],a seeds 33. Cotton, Imported spacies ;,;Ii? Cottony native species 35. Zbbacaos us species 36. Tobaccos native species 37. AbuCilon heap 38. Flas 39. Hemp lt0. Castor oil seeds 41. Sesaae seeds 42. Peanuts 43. Sugar beets faL~. Melm seeds 4s. Others dt6. Other crops sub-total bT. Fruits 48. Potatoes 19. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruuean S.. 1,1 M 040 1 , . , lal~ k53 Mamie 4F sr~ Sal I,1I I,tIM Puhlis,had by the , auth Munohtu is HAiiwy R.0*roh Section a, Rovenher 1942, STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1? Prrcmtage of various crops 2. Icreags amd~r arope (h.otar.r) 3. Darg~d soreage with no yigld !a. Toll daaagsd scrs*ge (hectares 5. BY drought (bsotsrss) 6. Her floods (hectares) 7. By others (hectare t) 8. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9r Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yi..ld (MT) U. xiads or crap. 12. Total 33. Prl.n;.ipal crope, aab-total lli. 3oybaufe 15. Red beans u. Green bans 17? other loads of beans 18? Kaollang 19. ItIli,aa millet 20. llaisa 21. Wheat 21. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (tmirrigated) 21g. Earley 25. Oats. 26. Millet 27, Sawa millet 28? Bnclnrheat $9. Special grope' sub total 30. Ramie for fiber 3].. Raida for seeds 32e PerlZls seeds 33?, iaported apecies 3l:s Cotton, ELSt:S'8 :.1:e.Ci3w 35. Tobacco, IIS species 36. Tobacco, native ep.oies 37. Abutilot- hemp 3$. Flax r39. Hp l~0. Castor-o31 seeds W.. Sesame seeds 1s2. Peanuts 143. Sugar beets 44~ Mslan seeds 145. Others Isb. OLlyr crepe, subtotal 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes lt9' !!'sh vegetables O;tO O,N 110 ul to I 1,111 1 uo 11 t? r #53 tiog,for 9h , Pubitwh.d b tho Y A t. shah r~+otion, 'youth Manohtu'~a i~ilw~ty, Nnvembor 1942, V? a ,,~ G. Ti STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Rt w~w..y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percentage of varicsun crop Acreage under crops (hootars Damaged acreage with no yia Total damaged (hect By drought (hoctares By floods (hectare3j By others (hectaroa~ Acreage harvested (hactaroa Yield per hsctare (kg) Total yield (MT) Kinds of crops Total Principal crops, sub-total Soybeans Had beans Green beans Other kinds of beans Kaoliemg 19. Italian Millet Maize 21, wheat Rioe (irrigated) Rice (unirrigated) Barley 25. Oats Millet 27. Sswe, millet Buckwheat Special crops, sub-total Ramie for fiber Fm,:e for seeds Perilla evade Cotton, imported species Cottony native spieiee Tobacco, US species Tobacco, native species 4butilon hemp 38. Flax Hemp 40. Castor-oi Sesame seeds seeds Sager baste 42. Peanuts Others 44. Melon see ether orope, sub-total Fruits l,$. Potatoes Fresh vegetables Auuaan EU , I,1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 l,! l,H3 1.11 . DIGS! 0' 115.S ' 1,70 , A $ w ,)w Mr i~ M m O oat ? io P ^ o,u us N '(1 F) 10,01 11 w w w 11* U M w w ~t' n ~ y ,. 7 I0 *- 0.53 U? tol 11 IM (yt*:ri) I I $?+y 4 rvlyylSMyMM~Mwi+w~ ~,,?.?, ~nw~r.i U" !1 N N 11 ?$1 !, 541 N l's hill !,'o1 ? 5 !I1 I,1 N53 ~ro9G~.i- w t,1an, r,uth Manchu is fintiway, navember 1942, R.ANrah a . ;, Percentage of various crops Acreage under orsPs hectarep Damaged acreage with no yield. Total d8ma6ed acrcaga hectares drought hectares floods hectares others hectares Acreage harvested he tared Yield per hectare (kg) P Total Yield MT Kinds of crops Tots/ PrinoiPal crops, aub-total 5 0Ybeans fled beans Green beans Other kinds of beans Kaolian8 19. Italian Maize 21. Wheat Rice irrigated Rice (ua>irriBated BarloY 25. Oats Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat Special croPs- sub-total Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Perilla seeds Cotton: imported species Cotton native species Tobacco, US species Tobacco, native specie. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax Hemp 40. Castor-oil Sesame seeds seeds Sugar beets 42. Peanuts Others 44. Melon seeds Other croPa: sub-total Fruits 48. Potatoes Fresh vegetables Ruusan Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 millet II.H 1M,111 'so I 13.11 $00 5,001 1511 -I 1f I.II 111 11l 1 L 111 1 t ' T 1.47? 1!T -- 3*1 ILis 17 '11I r. 111 , hIll, . TT t , t 1.01 I. ?,w.._.. 1 rmmarP# ' V ., .;~., M (0 7w unnma+~rorkgtlat~g1AM~PNIIIPI. ., oiiuii*-Ui #53 tX a 5 t t9 I1, ? L1tG:hwd by the liwaM1ah . Fotion , at1th ~~nnahtuI Ewa , November 1942 P { ., i 1v II ii I II I 171 kl,' F ~: f rl I/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 p~1 I~ y~+ r ar Percentage of various cro Acreage under croAa hoot tImaged acreage with no Yie .. Total damaged acreage hest drought hectares Floods hectares ethers hectares Acreage harvested hectarea Yield per hectare (kg) Total Yield MT Kinds of crops Total Px'iricipal crops aub-total aoYbeans fled beans Green beans Other kinds of beans aolian 19. Italian mile Maize 21 seat Rice (irrigated) Rice unirri ated Barley 25, ats Millet 27. Sawa Millet Buckwheat SPecial crops, sub-total Ramie for fiber Ramie for aeede Perilla seeds Cotton, imported species Cotton native a Pocica Tobacco, species Tobaccos native species Abutilon hemp 38, Flex Hemp 10. Castor-o1 Sesame seeds seeds Sugar beets 42. Peanuts Others 44. Melon seal Other crops, sub-total Fruits 48. Potatoes Fresh vegetables Ruusan Jl~ots~ ~ r.-' Aore o Undo *o p$ and ~. sad'r iene For 19 . xhorchioaet w N 1T.rr. ' ' .iE !!1 1* * It. 1 1 1' 14S M , . M : * er iS I ),, .iI. t,. , rrr j ~.~ 11. 11411 19 III 1 11 $4j41 . 9$ ? EI k ', Z 1.1 r.$$ 3 10 t t. 11 N I 1' . Y 0.3 ?111 .- !1 . 611 NI ? E to a t,tt 1.313 1, ;IC *I M 1,41 I,I! t ti - ,I I.1 Ito si ^ , 4 ' 21.19 I4,lt5 11 1~ 11,1 11: , ' 1 I M 11,11 10116 I!1 tO 30 1.1 ,. 10,61 11* I . $11 I E M 11.19 . 61II ' t 1 1, 102 I! 1,>w + 0 0,06 21 - t 10o * to 0,61 361 ass 1,11 ' 1.31 M 4; 0,01 16 -I 16 000 ? i k ~ 0.0 24 :1 1 1 0 0 I I I.1 I,IIt a t6 1 1,119 ' IN 1 N M 3.11 I,e37 1 1 1.W 101 11 1.19 I w I,t9 6,119 3 t6, 1 I 6,11 64 61 3. M , t '1' ?r 1,1 ,, . 1,11 ,U?: 1 $T . , ~ s M !0 , 111 13 13 - 44 a ,s ~ * , L1 M O.! l . Itt It it 11 (I F) 0,01 . 11 t6 t 1 $ * * 0,01 1 - 11 4 ilt u,JI " z o ! tt 1 , e 6 * 41 * 0.03 21 t ! 1 N s $ i* $) 0.01 - >d . * - -' ~ y t 7 (~ $) 0,00 1 I I 1 . , . :.1 L ,$O , 1,1 ' 1 LD /.911 t0 - 1,f11 . 1t ,. t s a d~ o,o0 1 M 1 1 . ,; 1* m q 11,1 1 . TOI 1 s >* - U a ri a p" . . r '., + 1,t lb - , ,., o II 1 - i~ . ,., ; I M ~ IMF er- ,W o, ? .1 - N 1 . ; . . L ' . -1 1 ? 1 ? 1 i for 19h1, Pubii:;had by the 4r ,riot 'i e 5 ~ ~ i . N3 ~~ w t ~ ~'~nohGU is Ranetlroh ot,ial, au~h Raiiriuy, November 1942? STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage wader crops (hectare.) 3. Ilameged acreage with no yield 4. Total. ciunaged acreage (hectares 5. By drought (hectnrea) 6. By floods (hecterea) 7. By others (heotaree) 8. Acreage harvested (heotarae) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (MT) 11. Kinds of crope 12. Toted 13. Principal crops, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. &d beans 16. Gruen beans 17. Other kittde of beans 18. Raolieag 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Ripe (unirrigsted) 24.. Barley 25, Date 26. Millet 27. Sews millet 28. Buckwheat 2g. Special trope, subtotal 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Rahiie for seeds 32. Perills seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 34. Cottony native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Ta3acco, native apeeies r37. Abutilon hemp 38. Flex 39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil 41: Ssaeme aeedb seeds 43. Sugar beets 42. Peanuts 45. Others llf. Melon seeds 46. Other trope, sub-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Auuaaa Acreage Under Crops end emd by Hsien~ (For' 1941) bqu .iho l it of Y ri . v `~..:Y ? ?? . ?., ,,, `~ M I I' ~ ? it IN. 111 11, 11 ' :.'. {raj ~. ,, .. . . ,',?... M M tM M ?? icy, + kh It to 11, 1t * T tLl I,1? 1,11 . ?. fIA ,I? 9 ,'tai I 4 Z o. I,I 1 t * M I. I,t IVI -- IN 1! a* zs 0 a 1 aM * * tl. 13,5$ t,$1 - t , N,9 .. ; , f fll 1i yy M 1a. 1t,12t 1, 1.311 - N,1 . Nt ?P , ' hill q * 7.4 23,5$7 ?31 - 1 tt-1 1, n ! y, + * ' 0. 11 1 ' * $ o.a I.I a a 1 11 I ?l fi 0.01 3 I r I - ' . Ill Ill M I 0.01 I 1 I ISI III k M 13.1 It.t 1.101 1,111 , 4o.$ ? Ill It ~ ' 4, 0.t1 ? 11 t tl 1 $ill NI ~ , y;,? M Ir 10., 31,511 11 , i'e 1.3t1 aa,l a .: It1 I . ; ,' , ' 1' l NP 1"I 11, I$i IM 1 1110 ... 1., :.. f L M M M 1 o.1t I,1 to .t t , , ?~ fi m I, 5,I lee 1 $. .11 : o, le e I 11 * M M .. , ;~ . t ik IN f, # MI N oAl at -. - M (* *) b.ll a r- n 0.11 I - * :' ( 41 ? .1 a * *(**?) L 1,1 .111 - t p I e . I .. 0.1 LI 1 l 1 ? ., , ~ e . ~ l . ^ * P Yt ~ + ,I, L i ' y ' ?;rll f. n. ,R M M 1. 1 I ; r * ; 'U ~j i ; : ; ; I 4 I t _ _ L ReRNreh ceotion, Nnutlh Manchuria R~ilw,?-y, November 194 4l i3 h nah~iagpi~r#cultnr~t~tistioo fpr 1941, PuhlisMd by the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. 2. 4. Percentage of various crope Acreage under croPa hectares Trnzaged acreage with no yield Total d ed acreage (hecta 3m drought hectares 6? floods hectares 7. athere heetaree 6. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare k8 U. 12. 13. '4. 15. 16. 17. 18. ?A. 22. 23. 24. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 39. 41. 43. 45. 46. 47. 49. 50. Total yield MT Kinds of' crops Total Principal crops sib-total Soybeans fled beans Green beans athar kinds of beans Kaoliang 19. Italian millet Maize 21. Wheat Rice (irrigated) Rice unirri at d Barley 25. tote Millet Buckwheat 27. Sawa millet Special crops, sub-total Rae for fiber R a for seeds Perilla seeds Cotton, imported species Cottona native species Tobaccos US speties Tobacco native species Ahatilon he 8 Flax Iemp 40. Castor..oi sesame seeds seeds Sugar beets 12. Peanuts Others 44. Melon see Other crops s sub-total Fruits $ Pottoee Fresh vegetables Ruuaan Aoraags Under Crops and amount of Yield end r Helens (Fr 1941) o go1a scc& aT , ? -?X? j?I A /L: !J ~. * NI III, n ! 11 , ... ,,, M / t M ~- Ilt K w - , r : l 3.$ y t. ! 1 , 1 1 4 x o,u ~ 40 * 10.11 III r - ?. 41 * :411 lN z M !r!1 t et N a ILII t,n . I tI.N ,1,11 - 11,11 , a ' # t,tl ' tt * 10 . * M 0,01 11 - N , - * 0 - - - * t0,11 N,11 - 11,1 ; 41* M . N? 0 n11 I1,l11 ? ? II, 11 o.* ri M T . li fi It In "1! t, ,,, .,, p !, ,. w M D o,tt tl - t W us ,..,j 0,1 ~ * -A t 1 la - 1 It , W$ :j a (a1 - a 1r * 01 - - - , T * * M . - ~. * ^ * - # * A. 0411 1 ~? ,1 * : Ml . : s * (*' *) 0,00 : - tI ? . 7 / (* $) - - - t ,4 M ? (:&*'fi)'. 1111 11+ ,., M * "- -- - . . r N IC a - - - - , k - 1 r * fi M: t, 1.N *'- 1,111 . z -, i A . M N N III N M1 1 I. ?, ~/?. ,. a n Fubit hed by the N53 ~ RIAMroh eotZon, ouch Manohiu ie Wiway. November 1942, STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops (hectaroe) 3. Damaged acreage with no yield 4. Total damaged aoreege (hoctaree) 5, $q drought (hectares) 6. By floods (hoctaree3 7, By others (hectares 8. Acreage harvested (lxeotaree) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Toted yield (Mr) 11. Kinds o!' crops 12. Total ]3. Principal crops, sub-total L4. Soybosne 15. Aid beans 16. Green beaus 17. Other kiada of beans 1$. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 20? Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (unirrigatod) 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29 ~ Special c*ope, sub-tote,/ 30. Aemi? for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 3?. Perifla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 34. Cottanr native speoiee 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilon heap 3. FlRx 39. H&tP 40. Castor-oil lrl, Bassos seeds seeds 43. Sugar beets 42. Peanuts 45. Others 44. Melon seeds 46. Other crops, pub-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes yq. Fresh vegetables 50. Rouses i-, i q Y, ~{ 1ti,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 a c c ' jb r ' u .n I L. El i , /1oruge iJcuier Crops and and bb* Hd1iu (lror' 1941) F(.AMrah , S aeution, ou~h Mnnahtwi& k~aiiwaY , Novemb*x~ 194- ail U1 all 1$.11 "1 I,$7 4,01 0,t1. Lt Ir111 411 ? 111 sip i,ss ,u 4,4M I 1101 $,111 ill 6. N53 Strtletioe_.far 19631 Ph1tsMd by the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Aex' 1 STAT A1'(7,!1 rr'~ 1'!1'1(1(,~~Y r rc) ).; h(!Ct1t'rclr 1'~(rlr(1rr(~r1 't). .I(.:, . w.l ~ I ,y.l.r.,1. 1c) 1;t1,1. (1.'!Ili~Iw?(::.(1 1lCI't f, 1111. ,rf3 5, fly (.11OUJr}it 11e'ft:nr( I 1y [,loodn 11t1ct ar'e 11 ?By O1,11(?!''ra 1t(?C1TY(?,r, r 3, Acr(11?!,rvC?t>(,((' i1Cct:'nr; n Y;1.1,;.1,(f 11 i.rrl.r'u ].C) 'f 1,,'11 y:i r' I (1 i 1 ! , 1~;1.I.I~L~I O1' 1'r~ r, .13, P1" r)C.1. pn?J. ('.Y.1~( , - ~ ;;1)b?-t(,tt)1 1 I r~ :i,l., (:)Y1h ~1I1 . 1.5 , TZ;;(?1 1~~"111;, 1.((', Crf.)i~11 l.)C;.11~; ..; , (Jtll(1' 1;:171(1 of 1..~,, iv.O1..i11i> :1.9 , ~TI,'1 nn:i. 1 r^, ; ~? ,~ 2 1 , Wheat Y ';: , R i. C c :i. r:rI fr1, l; O(1 ;. , 1'+t.' r]. oy ;:5 , Gc) L J , 1 :1.1.1 i1, r.: r , ;3.W,.1 lil :1.1.1, i. tr u , i,3t1 CL W11( 29 (Y , ,.ap('G1. ?.1. (:7'.'(.i 1} 1 J s(?, ?R.jill,( C()r .f J.bO:r 3,1, i:,ci.Yila, l: 1T' CC1 r :f , .,o~~; L(:)1:1 , :l.r~ll,.1or'I:,ec1 1Dcrr,_'S . ?t., CotLOf 17,1,E:Lve sp,cl : o, a 35, (1,oba.CC0 1111 r , -' 'r f? f1 .36 , 1oID~iCC() x ;(",oC1.r); :37~ .A1)iItiIOf 111f11. 3e'; 39 , iTc?i lV) ~ 0 (~as~, h a Q~. -x.1.:1. S 0 c ds /3:1. , SO3r1.f11C (T?(:lll ,I. en 1 nit /,.3, +Tag~Ti' )'.'t: ~1., Nej.on see J.5 Ot fl(' ';' /' (_ I II ) , 50 - T il.i.1.',s 4` S Po)ta"toes Fresh ve oLab1. ~il.illw>r~11`~ 0;1 0,1 1,311 11 ITO to t to ~~,,{4?m'.um..,,,wmn~?in,wr;rsuxlt~G+r;,eh,'rw~MNA'J.4,?I?kTQP~q~ 1 h '1 sal,, S4 1,111, $ T I. I 111 ^ I31 ., I. 34,111 TI 1 IL 3 ,IT :. 57 C' t$ 4.741 I Nt II II 411 1i , I ,451, . 1,031 II,1I TII, t,TT 1 17,171 II ~ ( Nx3 to 194, Ft bit hei by the , I.AMrai R(ri1W+tY ,November 19142, ~~ , 3eotion, aouch ~~lnnohujiM ( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 I II II I, ' 1 1,101 I,t I I,I . II,, IO 10 I,IIT III - I I ifi,fiIi 501 - 5I 1, :,), (r.' ;rl I)I' .t11 :i.~1 , O'Lh1i 1.1i11 OIL 1:: i s l..l~,. 1O1 irtl1, ). T1,r',1.iiij~iri 1r1 .J_let ;:;Q, 1??, I? 2')., Uhf,~rli, 2t i , Bn r'1. (.y 5 , (.)at., F11 t h1 1 . c 18,1,. l e. 1~t.r(:1,w}Ji. t L )r:)~1( i.t.:L. (:: J. OI)s, i Il?t(D1i C I (.:)].' 1'J.1)( :3i. Tt;?i1n i (J ro?r (.l I i :i..;11.t). eL.(3, (.O?t:1Lc':)11, :1.n)OTtk'd s [Jeci.. l (;a't L;(:?'ll. )`L1l,.i_ve 1 ec:i..e:.1 (')b(1CCO, rir:):t; i. , 0 :?;pec ...ct a A' 3 ?7 , Ab1,i t,:i 1 ')n }i e)?:,.p 3~~} , 39 11(( LC) Pr: ?(-r I..'i 11r1., ~1iih:~ l!'.!.1uti.' )(1 1(1. Llt)111~i~;p(l ~lc:i, 'ft, fi d:t'o if~11t I)q('L`rl: r1 (.)U(1 ,1 ~a ' O ,1Hrh( Lnrci hltt ~ I 11 c: ,,tt ) Pt ?rr' h (J(~ I;r) vl .~ l r , OI' (iTOI) I1CO .rri~ ri te(1 , I nrL_r1' irr, ";e:aalile ''iOO(f: CI~(~f):) t i'3(a1).-1() i.rl.] 41. r.j~L~{Ylaboet 45 $ ()1:,,I1(1x, (,:rc) 1), 7;1.11)...t,(1 1. Fr'uIt. !'3 Pot's). L,t~3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1111(1O1 C;1.'( (h(~)(~ Ln~r" f.(:t'r(:1'1(r( J:i.1;1) iO ( }. oe Lt 1,1;J.?( Ca.,511or--ni1 D C(:13 1:'o n,nu:t, T e:Lara M * M I 5>f IL M 4 * + x1 1,Ni I,81 I x fi * w - "p S i>r M S 0 0 L05 90 0,21 0.02 4 0.05 0,10 O,N ii Mme'/ ~ I I N 110 01, . 1,100 III 0 5 1570 101 3.511 fl ,'t 311 ' LIPM 7 ,, UP i I,i kYl t5 Nf AII' Pt, I,"~ M L >S.I. q ,. U tr,xlcI L)y 11s1.()r] ; T'os? 3.C)4]: l ;,h.1 by the , uhi g ~ , t ~ , November 1942 i ~. ReAMra1) ,.f cuon, c,uth ?vlturahtu is 11iwF,y 1~~, , ~ a~l' 'I )nu n~~a sn ~C'+1 '~~? ~' 11' fPi !~I! - 6 {p -' N I Y'A !gin ' ~~~ ,5w f.~ ;~~ fi ;ill S~I ro 6;Y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 P(.;rr'e'Ill,,t11'(' r (.''X'(:)1:)~; Act'ut l; I)r(1t'I" (,:.I'(,~17;1 lIC'Ct,C11' I n c:r (? ti 1 :I ; w:1. ;ll 1)(.) ,Y.1(, ....,l '/'01)1.1 (~I)'')iI J'I)(1 1aC1'i:1!)(~( 1 y1 // ( 1' 1'.y ( 1.C)( (1;1 (lir::rI,rlr' I ;y O1;l)Il(: 1.i,j'o ; ) , 1 Ac:r.'r;t~.f lir :r~r:;: flt,~ i (h,..,c1,1`12`rar~ `), Yi.r].(?i )(?r I,,ff)rl (y lr :lO, 'f'ret;1:1. ;y,i c,Lc] ' '1' 1.1., 'i1i..caf; r.)i' i..: t Ln.1 , :j..L~ , r'1.':l 1")r:,t Y 1 (; 1 I 1,, )c).y.l)()rlll i 1 :i , ..)11 l)~?. t I .1x~, Greet) 1)',11~; ?1?r7, ()Ilf )e i' lc. Il(l~i I,?' 1~ Ir)1..I1iiii; ? ?" :1: t1t.)JI.:i.r: n r'n 1.j.1.((3t ; l.. , Hi. j,.;.~( :.) 4. .1 1 II(:;.:.$ ;_ I C0 ~:1 j.'r ,:td) 11.Ct.1 1.11)Irriei:.rt;uf1 I.L 2) h`l / . .i( (, )OC :i: i. ( 'I ( )r?l, uI.). _ 30, T? n1n:I.o .C('~r f :1.1:r 31, ll.arrllT.e :Cc;)r :eu(.1 :3,r,:, er:i.1.1,), :.(:)t,GOn, :l 1)11',O 1" Leta (iS, )1.F,. COt:1trOt? r']trI'T( ;) c:1.CS 35, Toi::)aCC() 11:; 1 "iO 'I'r, C 1.1. 1 .ve Jr7, T1i:)u'lr1.:1.o1~ 1)crfi1) ?`~~~ ll~ilw 39I 11e1)rp ll0, Castor-o cee;c37 ?l,j; 7IuL; CJ L;LI 1 11.~1f;rr Ir.; 01$,11 er 4 111!'{ !,,/; , ie].O1') S Ct~11er c:rO1~)s ri'tb--totn_1. Fru:1.'1,s 11 t.~ r Pott)t()e; lr): (1 fl 0S$ OAI 31,11 0,'11 0.0! 01N 0.4 Arc) -Kb orCh L.n th a I., Pubithea ty 1 e St t t'. F ,e 159 h'cwem i ~ ier 1942 { 1 a ' ReAGroh otian, ~buth hiuis ~ E h~~ q TflIC U TED Acx :!Lc Urrcir)r C'rolai:~ 1)r1(t .Ari)ou11 (.) is o r ,:rol:), Y "r r' STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 itL:iRPc1"ED A]:'oa(.ro 1JIidott' Crci :); ~ I1 Ai is 1 11..1.111 f.. H1,d 1.)y 11s.i. (:)r:3 For J.9,'] -.,,,...,,,_...- ~. I41 '11 .$ ti *'.! f$ 41' 11 U 1 1 *e i 1 1 1 ', 11 I,I,N 1,701 1,1 -; 4,t, Ill. . V.11 t I :3 C Puhl~h~d by the h ,xHOGian, aath ~~lnnahlu ~ }tiiiw y, t'ovembar 1942, RellMra ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 r11L;jtri' r)S' lrfI'iOlt,; ~l'i?I:rl i) Iflfil(,r,n)t'I 1 i(;et,r .1 ?) 1 I , ))IIlrl~!'f;( l '!l'Y'r;!l~'i! (lltli Ti) yl i ~i'r'il I (l~I!IIIr+ ~r r? f'., e'. r h '? \ un !3 ~ (1:'()11 'l,l, II(~: t,T '(.,Y I 1 a. ?,i ...'1.iinrl, Hy liLll~~l'~,; A(,:'r'((?r(IIt~??I'11d,13() l? lrr, L,,r (. Y:i o rl 1).j' 1 To ,1 ' r 1;i nd~ 1 O I' J "1'Oi,rj1 P:r'1nt. i pi :i n,y'1itI; cH1 1 ? J'! I'l ~l (11;'O'11. lil.rit?:; ii1 C1 1' 1.11(.1 i_. 1~'l01.i f " 7.,), TLt1 L:t(I 1n11.1.. L:i.(`e I l ' I1'1,i:r+1.11?(~ fl :)ra..(:r : , 1~;r1 f,:~ i :i.11 :' , ; \41:i. in:i I;ti(:lr\'i ,..1?.t' '''( '~,L'i.l_ (1 , Il?,;> ;1111?ni, 1?~rull .Ei .1'(::)r fi 1;)e:I tf I I I :I. rrr i ;c(:(1 11 i';E1 CO'I?, ( )1`I 11111?)(r'I;E'(1 l.;c 1 f!'; Co I.,LOii l , .u To1.)ac co , 1T 1 ToI) C CO n'i.t i.Ve ")eC i .. '\ t.l l )l.i?l: 1. Ori ll(.al1.,., 11i}I 1.1) ' 1 , ' , r. 0th ., (,.1 s ., , Pe;3 n' ii; 1 }Z , E x.()11 "e? (1 ; (.} l i b O1.~ Cc)J,1i r l.? ' , F ' i 1.,1.1....: / (' i ~;.? f pl.i:u 1a.i .r _ .I. -..~. ? .?, C U lxt'1 Ij ) t;. ISMII . , III,yN `~ r Yi ryl r? l~ r Crr) 7n pia ;', i.? IC STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1 . r'Orrc,(;)ltt,r)(r(i (.1 vr1.1'.ir~til;t (1:'()1): 1v('r n; un(h r' r,(~() ;I 1v,cI:trJ. l(T :(Ita.l.tir fl(:) y.y.c..l~ 1o1,,1(,1 ,I,uu~7 (.,rl _t ..l .rtli, (li,,tl /r(r 1.v3 . (1 rout h f, l i c,c Lrt t :. 1~ Cl.c(()d 1Ir~i c 1N>< i ot:,1't(:tr 1tr.1C Lr:trl.,,,r rt'1'??r,1t(-T'vl1t.;C;r1 (1((,:CLLtt1(, 1'Il'r'I (l J.('I.d / l lr '1r(>I,LI.1. ,Y , c:t I1(1ul C'-)1:11i `I~o'irtii. 'r'i u. ,i. ('~')'(~r1)r >lIl ~_-I.oti.. E ~ ( 'l)~. rlr; (1 1.) .: t (~t1.'(?)(:'rt OI , Ct (,'1.110;1:' 1'7.11(I!'i 1)~)f1S , Tt,?.i. +.rt :ri:i ].1 et R.'eu t,c(l) i :1 :,u 2 .. ;)~(w1 11I:i 1.a-L fl1.C~: :i.n. 1. ''Il I1(;r1, , 1, i lie t, ,r7 , )s:i.W7, fh i. a_i Otr 1 '1:. ;,;pl,'1dJ, I :n 'op- t .]1)i.I')IJII.l, (.' Ce. I :.i, 111?/" ~l er':1r.1. (, ;;(;(,( Cc11,t,o r :1w po1. r,3rl t? ci .,,. r :~ec1.(' $ (Jo':1tont rrrara.VO 1 `f'O1)acC':) 9 n(:l;tIV'l: 37, A1:u1r:i,1 ..on lreI' 1.1. 11111 ,;osTII(' ,7(j(.:'(1( 0t;1'.1or 7 th?,r crops, Frll ..II ' 2'1d iS ;lai:lr.t T.1 / i l,("I, O.!a; 1;,oP-C)3.1 Sri( (1 2 n1Yt, 5 'I.!; R 1 :1ori seed ,;1.11).-t:- L :+.J1.. /; {. 1 Potato e~ 1 and b' 1113i;cl t Fc~x 1941 . Ch' a- ri N59 lll-OD~1C-i?- 0, I 0.0? 51 ^, 1,r '0 o,ol 0,71 o,tl 1%V . 't e(S' 1 u,. ,, Ii, I. Is tafwaY, November 1942, n~ Huth ~lnnohtuis y - R~AMrall ,.~a~~a STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Vii' '$ , ii _..._ iy 1. Percentage of various cropa 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3 . Dame ed acreage with no yield 4. Total dama,ed acreage hectaree . By drought hectaree 6. By floods hectaree 7? By others hectaree 3. Acreage harvested hectaree 9. Yield per hectare kg 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, Bub-total 1.U, "ovrpene u 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated.) 23. Rice unirrigated 2L1. Barley 2.5. Oats 2b~ Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 3l. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species .. 3>i. Cotton, native species 5. Tobacco US species 6. Tobaccos native species 37. Abutilon he 38. Flax 39. He 39. Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts '3. Sugar beets 4. Melon seeds w5. Others 46. Other crops, sub-total if L na L9 . Fresh vegetables Ut~san 5. $,I01' Ali 3Wb w.,...+... ~uw.w?rnar+rNwavnunnritRrkr9JIdIMM.r'1"MM+un, GN+NMro14u~nM~'4M~d~Pi1~MIM i tI N53 '~n?hur3a~~,rloultiu~ Stati~t,lp,~ for 19d1. Puhlinh.d by the R.assrah SPotion, n' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 of h Manohw'ls ltilway, ovambsr 1942, STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops., , 2. Ac rea; re under c r > a apis hectares i 3. Dome ed acreage g with no Yield Total dama~;ged acreage hectares 5. drought hectares 6. By floods hectares 7. BY others (hectares) , 8. Acreage ha rvested hectaxes 9. Yield per hocta e p r kg 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of crape 12. Total 13. Principal cr ope, sub-total lI. 5 oybsane 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18.Kaola ng 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated.) 23. Rice unirri ate gd 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27? Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat wx.- hJ1i;.ua.L crop, otaL 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 2. Perilla 3 seeds 33? Cotton, imported f species 34. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco US species 6. Tobacco, 3 nativespecies 37. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. He 4o. Ca mp story-oil seeds 1. Sesame seeds 2. Peanuts ~. Sugar 3 beets M ~. elon see , . Others M6. Other crape, sub-total r. i~ruitl~ +8 r ota~coes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan 0,5* 93 3.1$ 1,1 s I4 131 25,2! II,II$ 17,21 1,030 11,21 7,171 LU 1,111 13,37 7,410 0.14 10 $.t21 4,000 ,-wrr., .'-"w-- ._ ,.,.hod by the j #53 ,~ , St t a lam, November 394 c t n.AMroh ~otion, cuh ~anchtu is R~xil.way, ,5. H n I: G L;i ri Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 fl ES CT ED and'by H.isae.(for 1941) . vas-Y+i~ STAT I STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percentage o Percentage of various crops r '2. Acreage under crops (hectares) 3. Damaged acreage with no yield 4. Total damaged acreage hectares 5. By ought hectares 6. By floods hsctres 7. B other e s hectares Acreage harve steel hectares 9? Yield per hectare lo. Total yield MT 11. Kind.e of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, laub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red bean 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian g 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat -2 Rice irrigsteel 23. Rice unir rigated 211. Barley rley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub total 300 Ramie for fiber 31. Bernie for seeds :2. Peril a 1 seedy 33? Cotton , imported species 3LI. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 6. Toba 3 cco native species 37. Abutilon henrp 38. Flax 39? Hemp 40 Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts 43? Sugar beets 4, Melon seeds l45. Others emit % .r% -,e.- 7. Fruits 48 Potatoes 9. L i9, . vegetables 50. Ruusan list' U 'sii. 111 1 It 110 : lot 1 11 0,11 it o: i 11 0,11 a:bt' , ' tilt .54? 1 Lift e.1! #53 for 1961, Publi,;h.d by the Rit+lwrah Section, 'ouch Mnnohtwia Railway, NoVembsr 1942, } V h ~ ~ , I ) N Li.wbj 10,11 1,110 ao,t oft STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crope 2. Acreage ander c rope hectares 3. Damaged acreage with no yield. 4. Total damaged acres a hectares 5. BY drought (hectares) 6. B floods (hectares) y 7? BY others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hect a res 9. Yield per hectare kg 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops- sub-total ll. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice . irrigated 23. Rice .unirrigated 2L. Barley 25. Oats 26., Millet 27. Sawa 7? millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 3:3. Cotton, imported species L. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilon hem 38. Plan 39? Hemp 40. Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts 43. Su.gar beets Lt) 4. n seed fir. Others 46. Other crops, sub-total 47. Fruits 4 . ~t oA ...... ... 8 Pots... A ?y, Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan sa iat o,Q1 a1$ 0,11 p u1m ~u It I,al: 2,701 I,~OD ' 31,23? 31,11 31,041 100 412 I 42 151 : 113 11 !e S? 2,00 I,~PI Is11 11, 11 1 1,11 1,1 1 11 II,M 4 410 'llI Puthli~ahed by the c (i1A11~rQ ,ia }tai1WaY. fovember 1942, h ,. ~+ot,ion, Guth Manchuria 1 T ~ ' ^f ~ I.,A AnM STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1 Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops (hectares) 3 namaMe& acreage with no yield Lie Total damaged acreage (nectarea) 5. By dro ht hectares ~ floods hectares 6. BY 7 By others (hectares) Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare kg Total yield (MT) 10, ,, 11 Kinds of crops 12. Total 3, Principal crops, sub-total 1 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 21. Wheat 20'. Maize 22. Rice (irrigated) unirrigated) 2 , Rice 24. Barley 25. Oats 26 Millet 27. Sawa millet 28? Buckwheat 29 Special crops, sub-total 30? Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds 1. 2 Perilla seeds Cotton, imported species n, native species 4. Lotto 3 '35. Tobacco US species 36. Tobacco, native species Abutilon hemp 38. PlaX :37? Castor-oil seeds 40. . Hemp :39 ny~;; -c L2 peanuts ,. ~ n ? aLI MA1or c; ds L''N^ '_t, L5, Others L46. Other crops, sub-total $. Potatoes l47 . Fruits !19. Fresh vegetables , 50. Ruusan Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 st ?..^r ta.t +MdNrvb,{N! 11hNY~Ifi~MNSPFgN~~N~twccmwer~e+w. S~ut,lon oath nnohw'ta ltiiiwaY, hoaember 1942, e rnh , D1 Re ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops ,. 4T hectares ~t iel d Damaged acreage with no 4. Total damaged acreage hectares 5. BY drought hectares 6. BY floods hectares 7. BY others hec dares 8 Acreage harvested hectares 9Yield per hectare kg 10. Total Yield MT 11, Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18 Kao1ian 19.Italian milet . 20. Maize 21.Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirrigated 24. BsrleY 25.Oats 26. Millet 27.Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Teri l,la seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 34Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species e 38.Flax 37. Abutilon hmP 9? Hemp 4O.. Castor-oil 3 seeds 141. Sesame seeds 42.Peanuts 4Sugar beets F.Melon seed 3. ~ 45. Others 46. Other crops, sub-total 47. Fruits 4$.Potatoes L9. Fresh ve!etables 50. Ruusan 0,02 0oi 0,05 0,U 0,00 .1S1 LII$ i1,5N 1,311 611 411 401 15,t34 11,131 12,155 121 3,lt0 $4 2,011 1 1$ ,1 . it a 20 $0 100 y u0 216 215 rrw Yrn?nirrv:rP~?ry.'rr?a:4d,1~1?,KAYM453~~.. , .. b Y X53 NancA eanl s rol'NCtion, >i~ e4M y c1 Pu17li had November 1942, lenohuria }h11way, oath ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 I'll 1,1 1 141 1 Ill NI IN a1 Nl 111 IIII >II 401 I1 ' 'ni i1 ! ' 11,11 qt 111 1L1 11S' 15,11 111 114 11$. 100 12.03 111 $35 11, 2 f 101 111 $53 1 143 2,33 11 13 1,155 STAT STAT 1 Percentage of various crops Acreage under crop hoctar'e^ 2? ~, Umagod acreage with no yield Tote1 damaged acreage hectares drought hectares 5BY 6. BY floods hectares ?7. By others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9Yield per hectare kg 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, ub-tot'l 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Cther kinds of beans 2$. Buckwheat 2? Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31' Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33? Cotton, imported species :34. Cotton, native species 35? Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species ,3 7. hemp 3B. Flax 7. Abu 39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil seeds 41Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts beets ~. Melon seeds Sugar 43. 5. Others 4 4Other croPss sub-total b. Fruits 48. Potatoes 47. 49. Fresh vegetables rn T' _ 4-r~ Itu.u,ari Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 vJj Acreage Under Crons and Amount of Yield by Crops ' l end by Hsiens For 19411 . * t / tu, tt JI PJ, Ilt 11,11 111.11 ~r w r r 3.11 1,11 0,02 20 1,13 6,320 lww 9 d, Mt tR tau ? ? IN w * 0. IOt u *, ! 0,1. ill ( .:F) 0.1 115 n n $ - n y t 7 (M IN) f IM lD N ~ ^ x , Y! 0,03 32 0107 11 0,1/ too 0,t 211 11 0,41 111 It 14 :'t j73 i.y ~N \~i I~+w~~bvrR~aLL?n. i.Mu.YMI unM~'A4f--! "~, ~ ~ ~.~Yt ~Igi`.,~,?,~i~I~A 17~?~ ! p I't #53 or ].941, Rea.sroI eetion, 'auth Mnnoh wia 1t~1iway, NOVeinher 1942 T' ai-lai , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Pu6.lished by the STAT tilt 1,000 1,000 t$.1,1, 1 t 100 100 1 0 100 loo t,1 . O S 50 Sc 1,041 1I1l 2,001 t,ooo to,H i?1 " i1 1 6,601 ?1,1001 10 tl,~1 a'i 1 1 000 1 900 stu a . ,t t !0 , 1,000 , 1,000 , 11 111 >ti~ 1 1 1 1 + - - 111 110 lad' :;11 10 10 Ic 111 4,7i .I rot $11 100 Ioo 100 100 60 60 - It 11 =6 It 1$. Kaolian g 20. Maize 19Italian millet 21, Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirrigated 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops (hectare) 3. Damaged acreage with no yield 4. Total damaged acreage (hectareq) 5. BY drought hectares 6 By floods y ~~~u~ (hectares) 7. BY others hectares 8. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) P 10, Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total, 13. Principal crops, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice unirri aced 24. Earley 25. Oats 26. Mifet 27 Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla. seeds 33. Cotton imported species 34. Cotton. native species 35. Tobacco US species 6. Tobacco, native species 37. Al~utilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil d see s 41. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts 43. Sugar beets 44. Melon seeds 45. Others 6. Other crops, sub-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan N b } q ;r a I - - __ Acreage Under Crops and Amount a e? ,? by Haieps (For 1941?' :zz:;-7 L/--- " 2mb ' * S i* !!~a?s J 'j ? ,. * Ilr till, 111, 4j11 ? 1,44 1,11 ,,, M I t M , * Nr SL ,.,N La t, t~ N N Itl W * 1 1 lo,ofl 151 'III , 1$f? , 1 ' 11 . In 1 + k 0, !1i ... N N * Y L t,UI !1 - ! - z, 4s 'si * I * 1, 1,61! - I A 1.52 21,511 3,u7 11t i 2141 ? 1 t 11 M 11,0 11,00 , 1!! It . 15, 111 Z I1 1 A ? 1,1 s,o5 ,,, a t tl , ~. *, M 0,1 t11 !I III : 51 151 * $1, O.1 ISO 1 1,111 ? 1,111 M tw 0.01 1 - I . . 1 Ilt 0,0: ' M 0 ? 0.01 1 51 511 * 15.7 11,151 1,111 1,11 15.511 511 5 1,81 M I.O. 1,111 1 1.11 101 51 1! w 12.1 11,11 tll *. tll I3.$! 115 5,4 w 4i r1r 15. 11,111 t51 Ii H ,.. ' ,., ,, M M 111 aOjf aot It tt t ? P JM 0.1 10% 1 , 11 !I ~ 1*1 , M (M :) o,o to 0 M* N$ ? 0,0 1 - - 1 4Ol 411 4 0.01 1 .. * M l - - - S * * 0,0 !i .. d II S ? (* $ 0,0 50 $51 M * - , 1? t 7 (>M *) - - - 1, 10,111 1 1 M * 0,7 111 Il 4 r 111 Ill Ii M M * 0.01 I! ?- II 151 $ I, . - IS i,l 1,111 . Io.ol 1 1 :a ? f + qh t, *51 $51 r,. t ,,, . ? 111 ? N ? o. f* M M * 01 I,l si' .... ' ' .. 4 ? : -1 ( 4 _*U Nti3 IieaNroh ection, auth Minehui pia ItiAiiway, November 1942 s iQtl ? I e Sim 1, ?uhlihed by the Khbrc6in set. Wing iiMi::= STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. 'ercentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3. Dc'maged acreage with no yield damaged acreaGa hectares ~r Total drought hectares 5BY 6. BY floods hectares 7. By others hectares $. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare kg 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of craps 12. Total 13. Principal croPs>' sub-total 14. Soybeans 15 , Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 1,$. Kaolinn 19.Italian millet 20. Maize 21.Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rico unirrigaced 24. Barley 25.Oats 26. Millet 27.Sawe millet 28. Buckwheat . Special croPss sub-total :30. Ramic for fiber 1. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33? Cotton, imported species 34? Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US specie8 Tobacco, native species ~. 3 r37? Abutilon hemp 3.F1ax q.Castor-nil 39. Hemp 4 seeds 41. Sesame seeds 42.Peanuts 43. gbeets .Melon seeds 4k Sugar 45. Others ''? Other crops, sub-total 40 47. Fruits 48.Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50, Ruusan i ? ,J i :' .: ' ? 44 T, r e Under Crops and Amount I ~ ' tp and by I~;ieee For 194i t Khorcbira Eel. * I,. tN, 1',x.?;11, 1 . a a t w ~ , o,..; ,,* IN' I,N1 - .u .1 .. 11 :k Z / 1.1 $,0 1 N 51 ~ t% k 1 4 j o,1 51 - - ' t k1 a = 1.11 I* . r '~ M 13,1 aa I It1 ' It II ? " ~ til 1 ,~ ? T ? . tt . a tI,N . 15,101 1,11+1 I,tr ;, . 11111 H '. i fe;11 y~ 11 111 1. .. w? w: t? qq O.It 51 t1 11 - 11, ' * M 0,01 to - 11 .,w 1.411 t ' ' ; , S I , , f'16Y u ~ ., ~ 0.01 1 . I a II,11 1 ? 1 ,11 1 H 1 1t 1,1 ar 4,1 10,11 1,011 - 1,031 : 1.1 *01 4 ?- ? $Mri~ .. ' 111 4,11 : $,At ii : - 4L ~:l: " ,1. J11 ." :' 1?. M * a 3O0.51 1 1 I - I -~ t1 ?' ;: 11 :1a ,, ~. fi a a I, 11 t0 t0 .~ ill . 11 ., a (ay*) - - ~. Yyi a e M - .. ;. , w ~ - - - ~ I ;.. , I. Ott 111 1 nl ?1; i ~. m a 4I) 0,11 1 .- . , :t a a 0,o1 50 1 - 1i r I. . *N~ tom)- o,$ t11 t1 .!. t ,,,,. . .t, ,~.. , :' 0.13 . It - $1 01 11 $4 ~ ? ,. , NII a RI 111 z ' N? i 17 f 1 vM , }}~~ E a M ? ,1, NI ~i' .11 k.T ' y i1MI 1 k i " k 1- " 4 I fl' ~ I ftl. .^ IZ , K eAellroh ?ention w , oath ~Innohtuie Itail,w&y, tiaV .ember t91% ~~ #53 M > or i941, ?ubttc;hsd the A 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STA 1 ,Percenta e of various crops 2. Acreage under crops hectares Damaged ucrea e with no yield 1,,, Total damaged acreage hectares By drought hectares ~ 6. By floods hectares 3 others hectares 7. ?Y 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield MT Ii. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13? Principal crops, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaollata 19.Italian 20. Maize millet 21.Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice unirrigaced 24. Barley 25.Oats 26. Millet 27.Sawa millet 2$. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total C. Ramie for fiber l.. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds `. Cot on, imported species 3.~ 34. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38.Flax 39? Hemp 40. Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 42.Peanuts 43, Sugar beets 44.Melon r l~lLr.Z,~. seeds M. Other crops, sub-total ~ 47 Fruits $.Potatoes 19. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 '?er Gros and Amount ofYleld by ropW eeeU +~ a b-- hsiens For 1941 Khorchin West Wing South. . f 41 "St 0,01 0,07 0,01 0,00 0,01 0,11 0.01 11,111 0,11 211 a,! L1t0 2,700 500 4 ;s*~r 1,100 2,350 as, Lr :4 I, ; ;;; ,., Publirhscl y 5L a ~avember 1'4. As91ra11 S0ot,ion , 'south i-nahtu 1t 1iaiiway, ui . i . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT IN 11 g,01 10 la, 6NM 11 600 61 IM t00 1 4 F.M 16 11 ;11 111 3,22 , 11 1,18 610 ? 9.114 01 1 1,00N 13,7 1,061 1,12 16.19 $02 87 ? 11 061 $31 111 11 351 36 11 30 810 b1 620~ 1,171 731 1 M6 1 . 390 8 810 .6,680 ' 11 111 a,s - $051 I , 33$ 33 2 8 1 30 100 1 31 3I6 I 10 400 1 6, 11 t,o1 1 u A ~. 1 $i '$1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percent. go of various crops 2 Acreago under crops (hectare) 3. Damaged acreage with rlo YIe1d 4Total damaged acreage hectares BY drought hectares 5 ~ 6. BY floods hectares 7. BY others hectares $. Acrea o harvested hectares Yield per hectare kg 9 10. Total Yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops: sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 1 1* 18. 20. 22. 23? 24. 26. z$. ZQ. 30. 31. 32? 33? 34? 35. 36. X3'7. 39. ureen beans Other kinds of beans Kaolian 19. Italian millet Maize 21. Wheat Rice irrigated Rice unirri ated Barley 25. Oats Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat Special crops, sub-total Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Perilla seeds Cotton, imported species Cotton, native species Tobacco, US species Tobacco, native spe'ies Abutilon hemp 38. Flax Hemp 40, Castor-oil 41. Sesame seeds 43. Sugar beets 45. Others seeds 42, Peanuts 44, Melon seeds 46. Other crops, sub-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49? Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan .M 'm wn ya Acreage Under Crop and ao ' by .ins r ~ 194) and Hs~ Khorchin' West Win ? z , It lJ1* ILI1I I ,l , 1I ..; '" . : I a ri 3 , , 'III It $t .U ,,.- 1131/ 1,N .. - 1 r , ,* I'4,11 111 ! t ,, 1II : 111 d' = /,1 13: T 40 411 , * 1 0,11 1 - 41 . 414 , Z M 0.21 . 1 .! . 4 ~ '. . I1.17 , I,0 1 I 1 ? 111 , ^ 22.11 1,51 1 3p ~? 3. , 01 411 1.11 3 A *U.4 11511 Itl t1? r* Y V'" V7 !!1 7RR y , .1 ?~ * 0 2111 141 141 i4 rr 'i I ' ,' II ? * to ,- ,. i * * - * IM 0,01 11 10 - 10 + 11 N1 0111 ~ w 30 - ' ~ a I' ,;.; 2110? 1,142 II ? 3,II 451 1 Is 0,54 t II 15 IC 104 . .1 1 1 . 0 , 13,13 1,111 340 , 1,1 511 41 1~ 1111 .,, *fa 4 * 0,o 15 I I ?I 1 1 A 0,25 40 1 - 1 II 4O YI 54 (* 0,13 11 - ?1 T 1 $1 ;i SIIS * * - t * 0101 1 - ..; 1 * N N - - . * o.ol 1 I - - 1 , _ (* *) 0,01 1 1 0,11 ~ 111 I II ?1 . II $ 454 , e~ t 7 (IM $) . 0,u t I _ * o,o1 * ., 0 * :g; x - ,js p .#1 P I r1.e 0 a a 1 ,4? I, 111 .~I. M i ,, al 1 !I .~ , .. fie . i' ' . 1 ` 4 . . , rtM5 a. , ,ta ~ v_iq. , i~mrr~Rl!i9'(gN~4~ih?pV? ' ' Mo`Mnsei?u N53 ohur C-n ~rcriou i ~e SAC tar i9i1, Pubila;hed by the ista~.-.. Renesroh ~eotion~ cauth humah~u 1a R i1way, November 1942 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops Acreage are 2. under cro s hec?t e P 3Damaged acreage with no Yield hectares + Total da.msced acreas rnehectare , 5. BY drought hectares 6. BY floods hectares 7. By others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield Per hectare 10. Total Yield. MT 11. Kinds Of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total l4. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans l7. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated.) 23. Rice unirrigated t~ 2~. Barley 25 . Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33? Cotton, imported species :314. Cotton native species 35? Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco native species 37. ?butilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp Lt0. Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 14'2. Peanuts 43. Sugar beets L14. Melon seeds I UI,.Ylr~TC! h r-'' _ . Y . 1i ~t~'Gr e O S, i3lLU"'4~J Y L L47, Fruits L8. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 AcreageUnder Crops and Amount of Yield b. ~ siens for 1 1 and by A 1, 11,111 11.1>>I ,$.u, 1$,111 u.$ 1Lt51 6,2i1' 0,12 711 10 0.12 IS 0.10 514 5 15,73 1!,707 1,517 20,0, ? 11,111 2,000 ia.~? g, 0.1 311 551 300 0.1 0,07 05 -? 0,00 2 -- 0.10 0, II 0.01 0,01 1 0.00 1 0.1 101 0.71 100 0.01 0.01 15 10 Itl 20 10 5 2,51 .I 1,001 5,01 20 4,221! ,..~. ., R 1 Pul,lihad by the u ~ ~'~ll 1 I '~ at t~ o 1w h9'x', 'outh Mnnohut la Rid. y 'nvemt~er 1 , Re~Nlroh ,~eat,ion, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 IT Acreage Under Cro a a . nd and. by Hsiens for 19+1) Shi 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. lo. 17 12. 19. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. 22. 23 24 26 28 ?9. 30. 31. 32? 33? 3L4. 35. 36. 37. 39. 41. 1{6e 47? '+9. 50. Percentage of various crops Acreage under crops(hectares) Damaged acreage with no yield Total damaged. acreage hectares By drought hectares By floods hectares By others hectares Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hectare kg Total yield MT Kinds of crops Total Principal crops, Soybeans Red beans Green beans subtotal Other kinds of beans FCaoliang 19. Italian Maize 21. Wheat Rice (irrigated) Rice (unirrigated) Barley 25. Oats millet Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat Special crops, sub-total Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Perilla seeds Cotton, imported species Cottonf native species Tobacco, US species Tobacco, native Abutilon he Hemp Sesame seeds Suar oae ~s seeds Peanuts Melon aeea,s ?. Other crops, sub-total Fruits '+8. Potatoes Fresh vegetables Ruuaan 15.20 IZra1 113 31,01 15.01 23$ t 10 130 III t?r ? r i , f11) 1 ?i 10 ?SL 4$i? $$ 301 r ? {.` i .P~ iar a,1c~ i;~ a~ t tr 'o 1941, Fuhit shed by the N5g tinohur ~ Itr,~ ~~ Ir Ctee.iroh eotion, Uouth h9nnohur1a ltniiway, November 1942 species 38. P1ax 40. Castor-oil w1 r,r j"^ F t... ? j STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under ~, crops(hectares) Damaged acreage with no yield Total damaged acrea~;e hectares; 5. By drought hectare (1 6. B floods hectares 7. By others (hectares) 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare 10. Total Yield MT ll. ,p., .j 01 crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub- total l4. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans l8~ Kaolian 1 g 9? Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirri ate ~ d 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub- total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 2. Perilla 3 seeds 33.. Cotton imported ~ species 34. Cot otn native species 35. Tobacco, US , species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp LO. Castor-oil seeds 41. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts 43.. S u2ar baste 44. Melon seed 46. Other crops, sub -total L4.7? Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan ~ " E D t ,, Lc) Acreage Under Crops and Amount of and b Hl~iens for 1 41 ?l ~~ t fir, 1,1 150 1,000, 02 25 14 13$ 14 54 I l l fl 6 r`. ' . c; !~F ' w~ 10 10 ~.I 14. Yield by Crops u1,u Ill NIA 01,111 754 111 1.1 1$ 11 ,11I . 1,1u u . nl 12, 10 131 11,111 11. 5T.01 11 11,101 1,01 1,Ill 511 101 2,Oil 53 IL Its, 1l1 i t1 1,NII 15,11 11 41 +r.,,, sass .pn >w A 1,11 1 1 1 I.A, .. 11 ~l t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 I$l 111 4 N1 111 1,002 11 1u1 011 554 111 410 d 11 41 41 .~'; V ,..rwwr~NkA^rrnnenunao~~+Mr Pul,li;hed y .... N;3 or i9. rAStt ~ 11 1 hcyvt~mkior ~~~~~ , th hutneiuu,is rU~i1way. A414roh al,ion, Uu 1 , STAT 10 1,10 1,010 1,3 111 IS? ' 4,11 $11 Ulj ? 1,4 ' 111 u 101 45.051 1,01 11,11 111 1,44 2,012 ? l1 $23 IJ i 110 41. Li3. L4.5. 46. 47. ~9. 50. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percentage of various crops Acreage under crops (hectare) Damaged. ed. acreage with no yield Total dama ed acreage hectares By drought (hectare) By floods (hectare) By others hectares , Acreage harvested hectares b Yield per hectare kg Total yield MT Kinds of crops Total Principal crops, sub-total Soybeans Red beans Green beans Other kinds of beans Kaolian 19. Italian millet Maize 21. Wheat Rice irrigated Rice unirrigated Barley 25. Oats Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat Special crops, sub-'total, Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Perilla seeds Cotton imported species Cotton native species Tobacco, US species Tobacco, native species Abutilon hemp 38. Flax He 40. Castor-oil seeds Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts Sugar beets 44. Melon seeds Others Other crioPs, sub-total P ':t3 'ki. i~Ju~1~~E7$ Fresh vegetables Ruusan AQxepg6jjnder 0~_rona g r+~ and. by Helene (for 19N~1) vorio? :LIh' . N .., i in SI ?h : N 1. A11 isa 11 a1 1,1111 1a1 *1 '.'Irq N1 11.19 $141 0,91 Its 235 ~ 9,111 # 3 M&flCWift(HrtC4flJ3tttItjQfl o ~! , Pubti;hwd by the R.t+Ntroh otion, ouch h1~~nohw'ia I i~i1way, Noverber 1942, r ro.$ Ir R p, r f L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops (hectares 3. Damaed acreage with no Yfield . Total dama_ eci acreaMc hectare 5. Py d.rou ht (hectare) 6. PY floods hectares 7? By others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare kg 10. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17? Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italiam millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirrigated 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special croRps, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla. seeds 33. Cotton, imported species , 34. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37? Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39 Hemp 40. Castor-oil seed 41. Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts 43. Sugar beets 44. Melon seed 45. Others 46. Other crops, sub-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan "us I,tll I,fl9 140 11,150 i8,o~o 18,114 40 r 1'~7Ef',Nhf 4UPh11 p 14.21 rot 11 I S. 4,I3 Itl ' Itl u i.s*t is I3I $1 ? sll 4t1' 1 pi fl 1 t t 4$ t III a a 1914. Puhli,;hed by thu ~4 ~ viol , , o ~ ~ t G~ 53 l;esellrah ,,e9t,ian , 'ouch huchux is Rrt1way , November ~.~,,'., ~ ~ 'T C R Iw,~ S i I^% rA I E F rn 1 Acxela`ga Under Crops and Amount of,Yie1 and by Hsiens (for 19141 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percentage of various crops Acreaga under crops hectares Damaged acreage with no yield. Total damagged acreage hectares By drought hectares By floods hectares By others hectares Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hectare Total yield MT Kinds oI crops lU bt~l Principal crops, Soybeans Red beans Green beans sub-total Other kinds of beans Kaolia 19. italiam millet Maize 21. Wheat Rice irrigated Rice unirrigated Barley 25. Oats Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat Special crops, sui.'- otal. Ramie for fa iber Ramie for seeds Perilla seeds Cotton, in orted species r Cotton, native species Tobacco, US species Tobacco, Native species Abutilon hemp 38. Flax flESTfl[JTED Acrea a Under Cro a and Am g ount of Yiel b 0 and eisn y e for 191 Hemp 40. Castor-oil a ? fM M, + seeds * ep rI M Sesame seeds 42. Sugar beats 44. n. +. vur 8 Peanuts IL ? ~] M,~.~ elon seeds . , a ~w - 1 Other craps, suu'-total Fruits 48. Potatoes Fresh vegetables Ruusan 4U UM NI 10 too 60 1,010 040 110 1101 S 10 too 60 1,010 lot 010 110 1,11 '?0t La Ir1U ul sea . 1111 $4>e,w sit Ial #53 is r~a~ 5 t or?, 9Ii, Puhii~ahsd h the Rengroh Seaton, mot. h MnnohtwiA ftriiiwa r, havember 1942, pi x,54 9. STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT 41. 43. w.5 46. 47. 49. 50. Percentage of various crops Acreage under crops hectares . Damaged acreage with no yield , rr Total damaged acrea~,e Nectares, B dro aht hectares By floode hectares By others hectares Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hectare kg Total yield MT Kinds of crops Total Principal crops, sub-total Soybeans Red beans (reen beans Other beans Kaoliang 19. Italian millet Maize 21. Wheat Rice irrigated Rice unirrigated Barley 25. Oats Millet 27. Sawa millet Buckwheat ecial crops, sub-total Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Perilla seeds Cotton, imported species Cotton, native species Tobacco, US species Tobacco, native species Abubilon hemp 38. Flax Hemp +0. Castor-ol seeds Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts S ar beets 44. Melon se Others Other crops, sub-total Fruits 48. Potatoes Fresh vegetables Ruusan ml . I,t ,s,1 ' t, 201 251 H ? 4$ . ?' nl 111 5t ' 111 10 , 51 1113 100 1,1 541 ??1II N /kilt 11) 3 10,11 1,20 1 21,011 11 1 )L$I 1,35 111 ' 11,111 75 11 10,11 30 20 103 511 150 210 150 "i St t t c fn i, Puhii~ahed by the is mouth Manchtu'ia It Aiiway, November 1942, RsAsirah Section, :zr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 u.11~ ?$.v1i~ 1,111 7.1 1,131 150 LII 1,011 Ito 110 ' 111 10 1.30 1,113 100! tl,l ? 22,13t t,550 f,it 23,t51 2,110 20,70 11,115 1,531 0.71 153 50 -_?i.. - ___._w""'" mnMWxmM 1XFIN+M MnR09MYfA 'KMM4'JkY4I9N1,?I9"III NIIKrX~ 201 1,5 - 5t0 6 2,701 I It 13 III 151 23 3,137 iS$j .. 10 . , Z 11 4t 5$ 3 11 .1~1 10 53 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Acreage UnderL~rope~ ad n~~ount of Y:.eld by, Crops and. by Heiene (for 191) 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3? Damaged acreage with no yield Total damabged acreage hectares 5. By drought hectares 6. Moods hectares 7. By others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare (kg) p lo. Total yield MT 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 14. Soybeans 15. Red beans 1b. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolia 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat z3? 24. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. -32. 33. 3k. 35. 36. 37. 39. 41. 43. 4. ~7. 49. 50. Rice (irrigated.) Rice unirrigated Barley 25. Oats Millet Buckwheat 27. Sawa millet Special crops, sub-total Ramie for fiber Ramie for seeds Perilla seeds Cotton, imported. species Cotton, native species Tobacco, US species Tobacco, native species Abutilon hemp 38. Flax ~? 3 Hemp 4U. Castor-oil seeds Sesame seeds 42. Peanuts Sugar beets )oil. Melon seeds 9.... , v~laat'6 v~illar (GL'C~ b, k7uvA~uVUitiy Fruits 48. Potatoes Fresh vegetables Ruusan #53 is o- St t i 'o Puhli,whod by the R. rch ration, uauU Mctriohtu'ia iniiwaY , November 1942, STAT I STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Pa~osantsge of variooe crop. 2. Acr~aa. vmd~r crops (h.ctar.a) 3. D.g?d aoruB. with no yts3d !t. Total dagrd aoragi (h.cLar.s 5. By drought (t?otar..) 6. By floods (b.ctsrer) ?. By otlwri (hectares) 8. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare(1c6) ]A. Total Yisld (NT) U. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops eab4ota1 14. Saybaani 15. Red bane lb. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beam 18. Kaoli*ng 19. Ita1tau millet a . Mniss 21? Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (irrigated) 24. Barl.r 25. ate 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 29. Buckwheat 29. Special crops aub totrl 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Raunie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported spsciea 3h. Cottony native species 3;e Tobacco, US specie. 96. Tobaccos native 37. Abut1icn hasp 38. Flax 39. Hp 40. Castor-oil seeds h1. Sees seeds 42. Peanuts 43. Sugar bets 111t. I~ai~e a~mde lt5. tears 146. Otter crops, sub-total 47? Frnits 48. Potatoes 1.9. Fresh vegetables Oe RUl#Uit ut a Y. I~ iot on, -au~h i iv R.a1Mra }li4%WiI~ vembar 1912 h 1.dr o.bS 0.11 0,11 0, t0 e.e~ 1N 1.1 1L3 .1 i 0 31 $,N Li 11 1,6 t0 Itl' 1 NI If1,41 1.1 1 I,! ? 44 U 1 u11 111.1 1.111 ?1 1,10 1,011 1 , U u1 1.301 I 1,1 I,! ?r au 1i II?I '~r r E. _::3 . M53 ""`'?^ *joulttu'. ~$:t.i^cioICor 19G1, Publi:h?a by the A E S I ?1 : C I E U Acreage Uzxler Crops ~md Aiwur*b o.! Xiel;[ ? by Cops and by Iieieris (19141) 1.111 I 3.11 0 1,e ;,, STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Aoraago under trope (h?ot,*rsa) 3. Da~pag~d aoiwge with no yield 4. Total daniaged acreage (lsotares 5. BY drought (hsctatss ) 6. By !load ()?ctarN) 7. By otIsri (hectares) 8. Aarsags harvested (hsotarea) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) lA. Total (lam) 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total. Principal crops, aub?total 114. Soybeans 1S. Rid buns 16? arson beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoli+ng 19. Italian mi]]st 20? }Iaise 2].. Wheat 22. Riau (irrig,ited) 23. Ri+o? (mirrlgated) 21. Bar1e25. Oats ~. M~~il~~]~st~,~ 27. Sawa *illet 2Q{~ aYV6wy~1~~Y 29. Special crops, 30. Rannia for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, iaportsia .peat.. 311. Oottons native 35. Tobacco, US species 6. Tabasco, twtiw species 7? Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Heap 40. Castor-oil seeds iii 3er6wn Gnus q2? Peinu ,s +43. Sugar beets 44. Melon seeds 45. Others 46. Other craps 4T. Fruits 48. Potatoes 119. P'trrh vegetables 5o. Ronxsm 2.013 1.107 10$ 11 - I J Sao ;,11 t$~7 , ? 11,111 1.11 107 O,M t, 0 o,41 0.01 0.H ,eLaswun..Mn,w?,tovt,mnnar9r~ r,BNk+1Ak~'np_u~p~~ 4~h'1 #53 nhtran at I A ;3t C . I or Pub11hwd by the r~r a u_,,, a ai o,1 Massroh duration, youth Minehtu'in 1 iiway, November 1942, r, a Q `h`~ moo (' ; 4{, y utt s X ? L ~:a~~ ~' u R91~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 $I ~ ,r. .. ?~ t. 1-~1. 1.U 1.11 1 II, 1.11 1,1 . 1 .. ; 11 .1st ,1 l STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of carious amps 2. Aarwag. under crops (h.cta5) 3. Dmag~d acreage with no yisid 4. Total dazag~d acreage (l~otaLee 5. By drought ()*ctares) 6. By flood (l*ctar.s) 7. By othsrs (hsctarse ) 8. Aarug. harvested (hsotares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total (!fl) U. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops cub-total fit. 3aybsans 15? Rid bsans 16. Green beane 17. Other kinds of bans 18? Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Mais. 21, lilwat 22. Rion (irrigated) 23. xics (unirrigated) Zlt. Barley 25. Oatt ~ ? Mi71st 27. Sawa millet 28. BnakxMat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. R+anie for fiber 31. Rams for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cottony iaport.d species 31~? Cotton, untie species 3!. Tobscoo, US species Tobacco, native species 7. AbuLiian tip 38. F],uc 39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil aseda iil. 3eaa~ea seeds !t2? peanuts 43. sugar bets Ui. Melon seeds k5. othert 46. Other crapes anb-tot,al 47. Fruits 1~8. Potatoes lag. Fresh vegetables 50. Rwean 2.013 1104 0.11 ,2t 0,01 110 .0.01 114 0,01 111, 0,3 611 0.01 1 LO 11 t 11 U 5 i_.ra19c Rs Mre1 eetion, ~ouU Manahuri 1t tiway ,.111,111 ~. .-;,! ;. 111 . 7, 1.121 141 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. 4'ercentage of va:oaa crops 2i Jlaxrage u~r crops (lrataras 3'v Dsg.d atst~ags With sue: yiu5d 4. Toi.;i araagect icrsags(hootar. 5. es arouh# 6. By floods (hecrar,:). 7? HY others (lrct,aree) 8. Acreage harv'estsd hscte~,t!ns j 9. Yield per hecfiau~e ~kg) 10? Total yield ()rT) ]1. Kiade of trope a2? Total 13. Priaaipal crope, aub total ]1a. 3oybeana ]$. Red be4nt lb. Green beans 17. Other kiade of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Itallau millet 20? Maize 21. Wheat 22. Ri,Cb (irrigated) 23? Rice (unirrigatad) 21~? Barley 25. Oats 26. liil].et 27~ Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Specisl trope, sub-total 30. fami* for fiber 31. R&mi? for seeds 32. Peri.]la eeeda 33. Cotton, imported species 31t. Cottian~ native apscies 3~v. Tobaccos US apecise 36? Tobaccos nstirs species 37. Abutilon henn 38. Flax 39. Hemp ls0. Castor-oil seeds 141. 3esass seeds. b2. P~snuta 113. Sugar baste Wt. Melon ei! b5. others 46. Other cinps, sut-total 47. Frnite 48. Potatoes 49. Frah vegetables 5o. Ruuaaa Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 f'3f''l"C~16Y Y Cfl Acreage Under Crops and Vount at X141d by Crop and by Heiene (For }941) IOO 422 210 225 342 170 130 ' $3,113 250 112 ? 5,450 ! H 333 2FO 20 313$51 104 121 15,110 271 12 $1,741 C,0 2,451 2,414 151 2,231 2,553 730 511 $40 5,5 I 21,55 +h I 131 1k : o,or z * M 0.21 * * 20124 M ' 10,21 #) . 25,80 +J` 0 0.42 * * ' 1.83 ! 1,11 * 0 ^.10 1,44 M, 1.15 I 0 0.41 141,145 33,, $3 31,1$, 11,105 40,01 ISO 2,55 2,102 I 51 I ~,;~ iat a t~ e , t i o 19h.1, Pnhii;hed by the Yl R11eMsoh ."cotion, mouth Mnnohuriu R.i1i ay, November 1942. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STAT 1? Perc.ntage of TarLone crepe 2. Acreage nor amps (hectares) 3? DawnB~d acreage with no yield j1. Total daar&gsd acreage (hectares) 5? BY drought (hsctar.s) 8: BY floods (hectares 7. By others (tuataras; 8. Acreage hnrveeted (hecte,roe) 9. Yield per heaLax. (kg) 10? Total yield (I'!'1') U. 1Cinda of cropm 12? Total 73. Principal crops, subtotal 11t. 3aybeans 15. Red bsaji 16. Gren beans 17. Other kinds .f beans 1$? KaolLwg 19? Italian millet 20. 1'laise 21. What U. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (+mirrigatsd) 24. Barley' 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 281 Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub -total 30. Ramie for fiber 31.E lianie for seeds 32. Perils aside 33. Cotton, imported species 31t. Cottony native species 35. Tobacco, US species 3~? Tabasco, native species 37. Abuti]on heap 38. Flax 39. N~wp 140. CAStor-o11 seeds yl. sseaie aade 1i2. Peanuts 1.3. svgAz' 1i5. Otherabeets 1I1t. lio].on seeds h6. Other crops, aub-total 1t7? Fruits 1~8. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. ltnusaa Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 J +wivoe uraer Crops sad AIrO1mL o: Yield by CY'Cps and by Hai,sns (For 19111) t 1.liq IJsi , .,,, IJf ;ii t!, , i1 N 1 i H 111 l,,~11 1 2U$ 1,11 0.01 Oil I." 1.16 0.11 0,01 Y uY ! . noh._u_4ir iat t~ i'eSt titi,o~a for 1961. Renellroh Section, mouth Manohtu'lu IIailway, November 1942, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Puh1t shed by the STAT i STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Peroaa'tag. OT rarJ.eva crop. 2. Aeregs uad~r aropo (hcctuve 3. Dyagsd acre xiLL no yi.]d 4? ToW. dua6sd aorsag~ (hao 5. p d*'ouht (bectsiw) 6. Hj floods (lwctaru ) 8. Aoxwgs harrsstid (hwtarse 9. YLld pay b~cta:v (1c8) 10. Total yield (IQ) 11,? KiMa of crops 32? Total w crops, pubtotal i1t. 3~b~ 1$. R?d beans 16. Onan beans 17. Otter kiids of beans 18. B.aoliaag 19. Ita1 iir- ai11.t 20. Muss 21. Whsat 22? Rios (irrigated) 23. Rice (vnisrigated) 2ls Htl1/9' 25. Oats 26, Millet 27. Sacra millet 28. Bnokvlrat 29. Speoial crops, eubtota]. 30. Raids for fiber 31. R+unls for seeds 32 P.ritia seeds 33. Cottoa, in~portsd apec~Las 314. Cottony natiye apecies 350 Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abuts],on hasp 38. Flax 39. Hrp 40. Castor-oil seeds 1~].. Ses~ue seeds ls2. Peanuts 1i3? Sugar beets 1~1-. Mslan seed 16? Otiwrs 46. Other crops anb total I7. Fruits liB. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 50. ltmotan 1 nd~b~y 8si~us ?;oof dl bs Q Fr' ,6$0 eS .wn...~wrwe.?,w,wxaenmrmxawr~,,eimiuw;tiarnwNllMYtlrvw,WlNT,+q~XYtQWirM~i~,YM1~SM1"fi~~,g0~ the #? for i9 h.]., Pubiie;hsd y is 3 ens r 1942, rah a00ti011, -auth tilnnahuu is Ctrail~way, t ovI AIrl e ~9 l>~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Peroeatage of various crops Z. Aorsags uZK1Sa' oropa (2wotatre) 3: Daaaged aciwgs with ao yia]d b. Total da~aBs~ acraag. (hectaxre) 5. By drought (tuotarss) 6, By rioaL (bsctar.a) ?. Her othera (h otar..) 8? ?aratiB? harinstAd (h.otar.s) 9. Yield per hector (kg) Total old (Mt) 31. Kinds of Crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops sub-total ]lt. So7beans 15, Rid beans 16. Green beans 17? Other kiniL of beans 18. Baoliang 19. Italian mit1.t 20. Maass 21. Wheat 22. 8io? (irrigated) 23. Riau (nnirrigatsd) 21. BsrIR 25. Oats 26. Mil]..t 27. Sawa millet 28,. BnslwheaL 29? Special oroPb sub-total. 30. Ite-ie for fiber 31. RurU for seeds 32. Perilla eee3s 33. cotton, iaported species 34? Cottons native species 3. Tobscco Us species 6. Tobacce native species 7. ?buti]nn heap 38. Flax 39. Hasp !~0? Castor-oil aseds 111. Ssssn e?sdr b2. Peanuts 1,3. Sugar beets 44? Melon seeds L5. ot1rt h6. Other crops, eab-tots]. Ia. Fruits lt8. Potatoes 49? Fresh vegetables 50. Rausan W AorM6~'IInda"Crop~' and by Hrjems ('car t,Tfl 74.54 t,t 1,110 d 0,01 1 0.21 192 0,51 321 o.) . 1$ 501 0 0,01 1 0.11 $52 0,01 1 a., ai,iI L$' ISt #3 is r ~ u t~ e 5 t o , Puhitshed by the Reeeirch section, 'ouch Manchuria Raiiway, !November 1942, V *3,5 ? 15,91 3.11 ' 20$1 - 0,41 ti - 0.5 31$ - 21,t 15,52 0.1 1,21 1L3 ' 11,001 0,11 Ot 2,10 5,201 320 0,00 51 5 0,50 921 - 0,03 15 ,0.33 21 - 0.31 293 - 0,11 112 - v E, ,i ? S ~ ~Yd fi r x, E: STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1 P.rcent f . gs o various crooa ~r crops (ctr.a D n i ed 3. ~. pith no yield . Tota Is l 5. By drought (lrotar (hsc a 6. By floods (hectarra ?. $ otturs (1Netares; 8. LOrsag. harvested (prwctar.o 9. 154h]4 paz' )isctars (kg) 10. Total yield ()!r) 11. Kinds of crop 12. Total 13. Principal croPes anb total 11t. 3arbMna 15. Rid 'oeaaa 16? Aran bs*na 17. Otb~ur kinds of bsan~ 18? K*ollan6 19? Italian millet 20. Malss 21. Wheat 22. Rico (irrigated) 23, Rice (nnirrigat.d) 24. Harty 25, Data 26. Mi11.t 27. saxa millet 28. Baelarhsat 29. special Drops, sub 4ota1 30. Ranee for fiber 3l. Ramie for seeds 32. Peril],a seeds 33. Cotton, imported eFwc3sa 34. Cotton, astir species 3S. Tobacco, is species 3~. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutiion hip 38. Figs 39. Heap 40, castor-oil seals 1I1. Sesame seeds 12. Peanuts 43. Sugar beets IE(t. Melon seeds 45. otbsra 46. Other crops, sub-total 1F7s Fruits 148. F6fatOS11 1-9e Fresh vegetables 50? Ruussn 0.0I 0,10 0.10 0,t1 ias hits i %I* ,: '9't.. ?wrww,u...anriwWla/1MN8M', , Pubii hed by the 193 R11e.iroh $3eotion, -'ouch kanollurl -tn, ,., raf yl navemuec lr~ - ~mld b! H/i~''~ c .as .* 11 u nM 111. ;k = Vt111 I I/.: 15 '1' .1 1,01 1.111 1' * 0,n tN - Z * N I M Oil 151 * t0.1t 13.U lii a 711 I,ltl t l i ? , t11t . 11,16 !a '1 0 lii t,UY It, 0 tt -I ~, M l T :k * ?0.$l 11 ;a * . 0.01 1 S 0.11 111 IM 0.?1 411 C o.l 551 - tt0 ll 11 111 t a 1 . !l 1.51 1.$1 Ilil N . ttl t. 1?sI ! 1 N~ :a1 Il '! ILSII ' 1, : ll~r n,~ its 5, (/ 1, l I. 11.1 ;10~ ; '!e M wms. !F t t 1.111 t, t.1 it 1 t t ettl ' .1 1 ' It 4 II 1,1 !d ; 10 h I.t 10 N i1 , 11 C Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. P~rosntage of varions cropo 2. Acrsag. vaduc crops (h.ctar*e) 3. Daa6sd &crsags with no yield k? Total damaged aorsags (bect,a=ea) 5. By drought (haataru) 6. $l' floods (h.otsr.e1[ 7? FT Ot11sT/ (hectares) 9? Aor.ys. harryit~d (heCtarei) 9. xisia psr astray. (kg) Lo. Tots yisia (Mr) U. xsAaa or prop. ].Z Total 13? Prinoipsl crops, sub-total 14. 9aybsazs 15. Rod bane 26. Gi'~ui bo'iI1G 17. Ottr kinds of beans 18. Kaoliamg 19. Italia sillet 20. )laize 21. Wheat 22? RiCs (irrigated) 23. Rios (unirrigated) 21g. sar]q 25. Data 26. M171st 27. saia millet 28. ,BnckirMat 291 Special crope, sub-total 90..ltaois for fiber 31.'Raai+s for seeds 32. Per4lla seeds 39. Cottony imported species 31i? Cottaan, native species ~? Tobaccos US sp.cie~r . Tobaccos native apeCies 3Z Abttilan hemp 38. F]ax 39? Heap It0? Castor-oil seeds 41. 3esgs seeds 42? Peanuts: 113? Sugar beets Ito. Melon seeds li$. Others 46. Other crops, sub total 7. Fruity 1~t3. ?otatoes 149. Fresh vegetAblei o. B,m,an ,* =..yit, is d,? I. 1.1 HZ * * 0.11 tM * i IM : 1,11 $1 * .jI I U1~ n a I/,tl ? ? 44,11 t,'pi + .., , 1.44 ttl *, ? '3,11~ tl ~w oa?~+..m+uur~+.vPM:k?u nn~a7N~~r"~M~+~uKP~rnv~'MX~1MR`I~'k wMnashM ., r ReeMroli ot; iar, ouch hlnnoh ,iiwr~ November J94.; a ut~a 1 Y ?e , t #53 !noh;;fl iFwt ~' Futalied b tha Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. P.rasntags of varioua crops 2. Aorsegs under crops (hoc'Car~r) 3. Daaagsd *crsag? with no yield k? Total daaagrd aorsag? (hsctaise 5. By drought (haataru) 6. $f floods lwotar.e 7. By others (hectarse 8. Aareag. harvested (hectares) 9? Zisld Pa' hsat,ars (k8) LO? Total, yield (MT) U. Kinds of craps 7.2. Total 13. Prinoipal orope~ stb,.total w. saybsans ],5. Red bane SLU. us'rew uew[ts 17? Otter kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Malie 21. Wheat 22. . Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (unirrigated) . 21i. Barlep25. Oats 26. Millet 27. swa millet 28. Buckwheat 79t` Special crope, sub-total 3Y? .RiR~i m:s-- wa +awt 31.'Ramie for suede 32., Psrilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 31.? Cotto~i native species 35? Tobaccos OS speciet 36. Tobacco, native species 33?buti.lan hemg+ 38. Flu ~9. Hp ItO. Caator.oil esede hi. Sesass seeds b2. Peanuts 3? Sugar beets U. Melon seeds 145. Others 146. Other aropa' sub-total 7 48 . Fruity. Potatoes 149? Fresh vegetables 0. Rnusan 0.12 t! 0.1 IM Fuh;u;hed by the #53 1942 b ar m ~ is linilwa Y have n oath ~lnnahu x of L L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Ip o,s 41 23 !o~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 r~uii~acrEo Acreage tiMsr Crops _and,Anount of ?field by Crops .aa v9 n.a,.a~ ~r~or 19R1a.) T'mog-hna 1. P.rcmtags at varlovs orope~~, '~. `~'~ 2. AarwQ. tmdsr crops (~esarN~ 3. Da6ed aarasgs with no yie#d'. 4? Total damagsd aorsags (!wo 5. By aronght (leataxw) 6. ~ rlooa. (h.otars.) 7. HY othay (h.ctarw) 8. Aeruge 6arvsitid (hectares 9. Yield per lsatsr. (kg) 30. Total yield (Mr) 11. Kinds of craps 12. Total 13. Prineipal eropsi enbtAtal Lt. Soybeans 15. II.d beans 16. Grs beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kao1i*i 19, Italian millet 20. Miies 21. Wheat 22? Riau (irrigated) 23. Rice (wdrrigated) ?b. H+I'l,ri 25. Oats 26, xilisc 27. sawn millet 28? Bucbrheat 29, Special crops, sub tots]. 30. Aamis for fiber 31. Romig for .ads 32? P.rilU aseds 33. Cottm, i~port.d specie. 3!~? Cotton, native spsciee 35. Tobacco, Us species 36. Tobacooi native species 37. Abnti]iom hp 38. 1-lu 39. Hap 40. Cutor.oil weds _ 1I1. Se0a1-9 seeds I2. Peanuts 1L3. Sugar beats lilt. Milan seeds b5. otiiare 46. Other oropsi sub-total 7. Frsits 48. Potatoes i41. Freib vegetables isuWaaa T?avaml,er 1942. Mnnahtuia RL iiWay, tiAn, nu~h ~~AMrah , ~a II, 0,1! H o, It t, 1,31 as 0,11 llta Wnchurie~?_..a,.,,l ., r 3t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1 :w IM I III 331". 111 $,II ' 1,11 STAT Repieo 21 Wheat ( i'r:.ri6~7ated IU, L ~' ~ 23 . Tt rIuP,~ t.,Y r:L rate d T1.r1c.y 25 Cats M.11t: 27 r Sawa m:i 11e t, 11 r 1.,O, ??C. r1'+.! f:3 for fiber 1 r Lmio for seeds " 31 32. Ferilla seeds n imported s aeci 33. Cotto, ~ ~ 34. Cc:A:: n native; C; )oci'r3 35 1 T:b .. Cco, ;pCis3 b I, 211. cr'.~ -- fr w /4.' 3e&Ine da '9 s i a 3l,v.., Others Otier Fru. t3 Fresh Vegetable i V Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 rc~rcontag'e of rLr'10113 CrC+p~ Jca o under crOp 3 ':) D:Jn ~t>,d ac.rol ge with >nQyl~id c Total duna6god c:erc By d1'ought hectare a By flooth) (hecLar.) oth:r3 e .~ Acrfia c harvc, ;i;,ed hectrt.t'c ca Y.r,ld per hectare k.g Total yield MT l(.'.~iId; of Ci''cip: I PI'S. 1'"i, .)L1 t,rf; r,~ r,?1__. r, u11' IJ ~,fJ ,';_ LIAd F neLO y . c` x 1 x,M?o5.:. r M u t Me1)~~ 3t: Cy(1. i; A 4k+ ,l 48 Y Potato M 4 i ~i N IA 4~ N ,1 s++w7 'r MII M M ;au ?irn 0. M 1.{'1'i Cv }t UC ' ;i !_i; !'.arlC~..A ')tWL a'nd by I?xs 1. r'ifl For 1941 W In shirt Ii 5.99 0.20 1.29 0.94 1.47 . 4$,111; ,1,t7~ ? 23 15,911 111 115 921 159 , 131 9,212 ? 9 5,352 1,525 3,12$ 2,251 5 924 459 715 572 (jf Yield 11 5th 121 101 $21 331 , 1,274 105 5,917 1,07I 1,0$1 ? 401 2,154p 723 124 ' 553 , 451 721 . 143 19$ 151 153 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 III 523 51 41 10 1,07 Ilt 1,341 M ~,ici1 t? r~ ;~~ t, iaq n ' 1j1, plisheel by the Reeii'oh t,ion '~ouUi ulchuvia Wd1w~y, Noverobor 1942, STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 ,, l~'c ' .l`rteritage 0C \r ).r:l,Otlci,,,.~~7a ra Acrefunder Cad:)' -,c ru. T L1 1 EJ 11.1..,? tii., r druta al c; (11octa rr)r ' ~) ``'' 'lc~lr+ci 1tici;ure, l ) Acreage hz,tvo ;'L's ,,ta Y.1.eld p er h;c l,al; .' e' (kg) :" ") G T a tal ybu1' , (MT) ii G K.I,ndof cro T. tul 1 i y .iub-4ota1 L,fI 1 10, CreU'n 1):a1S 17, Ctixr kjIxrj& 1;, Kaolian v 1~ ~ ~ m xta1:Iarx. Ina.l 1Ct 21 w ti'fl11, 2 t rice :1rrigutod u Rice; u 1rr. j r~l'i r Parley 25 Oats r 11 " I. 27 3ata ' r?urlkwhea ..1,. ciaI r 3ul).-t(rah. 3 r O ly4ielni ii for fiber' 3L P m:SC for S3C L~a 32 - ForL1ia seeds Cottony im OI"ted ^'t ., .CC!tt,~srl . native G1 pe, " ~ Tobacco Us " G : e. 1, .i(.i b.lCCOa IdafJM VV 1 `1 ,! 1 x J3 v Fla .r". A3 li,~~ rry G x r}OGr ~1~~J, ~o:~~ U 41 llt 42 . $ bet 4J 44. Me Lm ~ eds, C the :r' Othe t, crops t Pre;3h ve o'ta ,,. r 1 A1V 0141 Y"4 6 (? .A r?s,J'wM a He n4191i ah t on , ? ouLh h u c1-tu~iu it: 1. 1,w ~y, clvr~sllt' 1,94, 9,5171,211 95 1,191 0,301 3271 431 - 13 2911 0,04 IS t 9.11 ? l l 13 ,.. Y.Oi.. _ ..... 11.x.... li 1,10 419 I~ IOl3 411 10 814 10 15 1,91 10 3,91 550 II 2$. 1 I 512 21 31$ 7S 918 ' 2 99 3,53 401 Ii , M rr~f+v s,,,,? ~ n h.,i,,lt'I;Poi ~ti~aaj$3ai$~tr.M ro~~Yrlrk4',~a~t"r+Y,%4,L"ad'@~'r~NhS~f',v 1.911, I'Il-,1I;:ha~1 iy thc -reb and ?'o, 1I;J! +n,. 'l I I 474 I ti' i . ' -- ;!,,i::: j -"i . * I. 111, ' :1! 11 ~k / .1 I,lu 1 tll S? :t,ln . ,a ri 93,2 $S,ln I,nl 11 t! 1~+ t1 'l" ~ I I I ~ I ,11 :k : i 98.84 'I. $ 1.25 * ! 0, I 0 z u H $ i . 1.o1i 0.88 9,18 9D ~ 15.94 i 0,12 ? 11,40 0,02 0 1.81 * * * 0.18 0,20 c` X71 ,, ;r11111,1Xy, x' For 1941) 9,391 2,120 21 32 1,011 1,211 410 101 11 10 203 32 10 -1 ll 11 329 89 -. 'I at 240 326 111 ._J I 111 206 .09 3,200 899 1 16, eU 2,634 5,209 199 ? 12 , 51 10 4,441 39 19 II 20 3,125. 3,138 - - 3,439 299 9 6 - 1 824 Il& - 119 501 259 18 + 238 91 25 26 12 M 20,12 I.00 IIUf~.C12 Un ::__,____.. I STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 w~~l 1: yry +. k ._ 1 k.,. Pei^c:utabre of varl~ral;,;t''t:yps Acr~ taa ro under crops ~1 . U L 11: t~l no yield cta area ;e I7ecli.f`w i~ fly drou.ght hocttnre~ By ,C1oots hectares J 1l' others I~ectare,: Jar : 1 C~ harvt~'$tQd h C" I:`L1'' )ii Y:I.o1.d per hectare kg Total field MT K!ndof cr:)pJ To trli r,ia. ,~I.1c' 1 a GY"U ~a 31Ih.,toLal . ,~,. ~ ~. I i "oy oybe anti Green ur1) Other kind;3 Of be m Kci , 19 Mali to ~i11fi t o Zl~,CI Maize ?1, Wheat R:Ice 1z'ri ated Rice a rr :'?s tr}d I3a:rleJ 25 ti Oa?t Millet 27 SI:tlrla al:tlleMillet Buc?Icwhe~.t Special crops, 3U1)- t,Ota1 I Raul:I.e for :r ber? Fe r:L1la 3(4.1 Cotton , I.m1 : ort,d secio ~' Cotton native a Jecl,t:3 Tobac Us ype 1.e,3 ~ I 1ativ~ , ae^iee Tobaccos ~ Jtut.tion hemp 33 Flax II ' ers 40 , Cc tt r- oIl 1 r1 Sk~i3tillle seeds ~G}~ti . Peanuti3 Sugar t: 4 , Melon eedt O there O,,.pter crops, 3ub4ota1. ~ I 1 t? 48 0 Potato a S Fre3h vegotab1a3 Ruu;31m *. Nt 111. u I Ii I,1 . ,^11 ., t~ ,*l iuu/ II,II . 41,11 ? t,! ~ 1111 r 1,tM. . , fl , 2N 11,11 Z 28.11 11,111 31 IO'. 113 11 11,111 IOU It4 1,1 'I" ~ D,5e 31 as , 1 2 1 t III ' 101 1 f r>k z D,2t U I~ t 11 451 ' 501 1 ~ 1~ ii: M 3,31 1,1 11 t&i 5 55 : 1,70 1t ;061 . ,: its ~ M 2.0 7 I,II 20! I$ ID IM4 III 57 103 N 23.11 11,8 31S B5 16 215 It,tT4 71 501 5,52 LOS 1,317 co ~ . 1: ~. 1,tyT III $51 VI,II 4 0,28 112 '- -I U! 51 : 521 1 ,, Ip 11 1 1 5,011 ? 750 i 10 701 5,25$ 1,21 1,111 7,451 * 0 10,11 6,81 . 568 1P 200 Zi sot 42 431 t,41 ' * 1,31 71 10 I i _ 711 37 317 1T 0,11 44 17 13; 1 501 39 525 It 23 $ all 23 - - 2N 5Bb 55 13 . r 0.53 all 157 lo. y 147i 181 31 117 II 'F' *_.Ii 7 1.11 1,111 $ 11 11 .: I s IM M M 0.31 111 , 5 2 ' 1 Ill 11 15$ 11 0,01 4 - ?'? 1 5b 510 (:f) n ek 21 ,- -- _i 1 1L 1-_ 111 I I . - ' ~ .. -i - ( ~- ~ M IM 0,41 2t$ 10 10' 211 I,It I 1,554 31 aX 11 0,01 11 3 3 -' 13, 1,01 1,15$ 4 0,01 I - Si 0 , 100 D. MM 0,13 501 It It 111 1) 151 * i (7INI) - ri * (ll*P) -; - ~ - i . ~ M 0 0.0t II -I -~ I 1 tt tT - ~ -I .. ', :f. * H} * i _; _ - I 'r *t 1.11 1,1 I1 1tl w11 ? ' ,, 0,05 IT - .'-i ' - - 1, ? , ? A N . I,N 3,T $ Hj 11 III LII ttl ?1 h fl~ll M . , A' r# t ! i .+ i a1 ' ' A, r a5 1 1 1 "v~~rv,...+.e. ~,u,qpe,,.,ti5iM~4{.~rN~17:Ik81,ns:u!~!'~h~P4,nn;9 #53 _ oor rbat.;hed by the k,a ~ou1h h1inch w?1a It,11way, ov~nbar 1942?, lae~1 ~h , t a11 on , A e "'b rt3 Under Cro `3 and 11 h.,Y 4w~t~, ( 1941 tY11d b Hr'ien;Fox' Ho-lug STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 20,11 2A1? O.Q 0, I1 a,Ia 11,1 21J2 3.27 1,11 all1~ 1.11 o,2T 0,1 0,11 T,14 1,IH 1. Percentage of various crops 2. Acreage under crape (hectares) 3. Damaged acreage with no yield 4. Total damaged acreage(heCtarea 5. Hy drought (hectares) 6? By floods (hectares) 7. By others (hectares) 8. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (MT) 11? Kinds of crop 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 114. Soybeans 15? Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaol3ang 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (unirrigated) 24. Barley 25. Oats 26? Millet 27. Sawa fillet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 31.r Ramie for seeds 32, seeds 33. Cotten imported species 3. Cotton native species 3 Tobacco US species 36? Tobacco native species 37A,butiton he 38. Flax 0. Castor-oil' 39. Hemp seeds 141. Sesamd seeds 2. Peanuts 143. Sugar sets Melon s eedi Others 6. Other crops, sub-total 147. Fruits 8. Potatoes p49, F' sh Venetables 111 Acreege Under Crops to ~l M+~tsu ' a . I~ II TO 10 1, IN 11 IC& 110 _ 11 1 2 81 ITI 11 IN 9 19 $1 #,53 fO j9], 1 Ftihii, hed by tho]wr~ 1 oveinbev 1942 ? ~nuLh hiltnrhut i:a Iy , , t7egellreh ,.Qc tian, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 is Percent a of various cro s ~ P 2. Acreage under crops hectares 3. Damaged acreage with no 7field Total damaged acreage (hectares) 50 By drought hectares 6 floods hectares 7. others hectares 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9? Yield per hectare (kg) P 10. Total yield t r U. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal croPss subtotal 114. Soybeans 1 ? Red beans lb. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaolian 6 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. WheAt 22. Rice irrigated 23. Rice unirriRated 21j,. Barley 2? Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 2. Special pedal crops, sub total 3n; Ramie f nr fi her 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds '33. Cotton, imported species 34? Cotton, native species 3;. Tobacco, US species b? Tobacco, native 3 species I7? Abutilon hemp 38? Flax 39. }emP 140. Castor?oi l seeds 141. Sesame seeds 2. Peanuts 143. Sugar beets . Melon seeds . Others 6 Other crops sub total 147. Fruits 8. Potatoes 149. Fresh vegetables 50. Ruusan Renesrch ;otion '-uut.h nehui'1t 1iway, vo tibev 1942, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Amount of Yield by Crops U i;d I . Lw 5ie.?: ::; i;i.i ? r !J .. rr I 111,11 U , 1a ._ : _-, 111 ... . ' ? .. ., , * . tr w 1 ' 1? L '+ It 11, 1113 - : 111, 1 '.:1 111,1 * Z 2s,0 13,117 11.111 1.141 1,14 N .$i +A 1 1,5o 5,001 i.lll' s* N 4,11 * 111 o,N 3,11 ,- $.M 11 t,t * ;: M o,30 1.110 1, N ' gil ` 1 * 17,10 51,111 11, I, i,111 1 ^ 20,70 11,0t0 ?L 1,11 ' I.$ $4.7 3i Ib ? 13.11 45,11 41,11 1,11 1,011 1$11 'I' w 7,30 21,$49 - t4 1 1 tl~ll * * O.I$ loo - t, t;1 1 I' I. 1,40 4,111 4,111 I.t1 Ilrll :k i o,14 417 ? - - 411 1,01 101 At 0 0,00 1 - 1 III $4 S , 3.0$ ,12,170 - II,ITO 1,150 1.11 13,41 * 2,00 1,111 - - - I,su' 1.111 1,1 1,11 . 0.21 I10 - NO 137 131 711 4, Kt .11 , I,t11 1.111 ,,. *1* a * 133 411 41 1 ~ i W 111 0,10 I,1 - -- ` IS,? ' 711 15 llt d / -r 1_ 1~1 U F Y Yt ?l IT III ' 1u 41 ^ ^ * ^ 11* M S # * i~ 0,10 334 330 to to , to ^ * (* ) o,1o 334 - 330 to fl I lot * 0.50 1,111 . 1.4$, 131 I,111 1,11 y * 7 (1M $) *,*(*f) J $ * . u, II 134 wN 134 4 - 450 M l ^ 4 a M 1,33 ~ 1,136 - 443$ II,Nf II,011 11,11 L -r ^ r w ^ ^ t 111 #r 1,11 1.114 I,iN a ^ 0,01 3I _ ~. ^ M ~ In . I,tal ,- 1 1,11 La1 ' r _ h w .. .. ! .. ' a v y O,N I 141 ?. 1 ,$I 0"'1 ,,, _ :.r; yYhi h4,r,CdMA!'tA1+1!lpM17R:4M~k1rRh7fMS,tt1~"X131%MHW7aMMUrNy,rewmuv,mnrn.ww..My+Nw ti a inr lnt t~ixA 5~ ti tt f c~ ? 19JPnhlthed by thro Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentsge of various crops 2. Acreage under cx+opa (heatar 3. Damaged acreage with no yie 4? Total damaged acreage(hoctar, 5. By drought (hectares) 6. By floods (hectare) 7? r others (hectares) 8. Acreage harvested (hectares 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (MT) 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, sub-total 114. Soybeans 15. Red beans 16. Green bean 17 . Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22? Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice (unirri.gated) 2Q. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Raunie for fiber .11 T_ _I _ .D__. ,1. fl4mJ. jar sac as 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton imported species 31i. Cotton native species 3S. Tobacco US species 36. Tobacco native species 37. Abutilon hemp 38. Fleas 39? Hemp 140. Gastorm'o seeds 1. Sesame seeds 2? Peanuts 143. Sugar beets . Melon seeds s 16? Others Other crops, sub-total 7? Fruits $ Potatoes >inohtu ~tx y C~41AMI oh ..c e Lion , ,fl r~` ' 4;ry ~p Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT i STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. T'g r(,ffa~ O 1 ' v tri.( ti c '1 Acz'crl(ru -IrIC1or rropn 1.I~~cC.-~?~:: - D).111.)r1CC1 r-rl C)rll;O wItFI fl() y1()J.CJ /1.,, i.."Ot,~),]. C11n;:, (1. C:11?'~..:tI,fcc 11OCt;aU'C 5, By CiT'C,11f;"1it, 1i...C,trc,s 6, 113Y f:i.()c)d 1 (1ioci,ares l - fly Ot 1rc, 11octai u (i .IIC;r(~I,f';(, ' }It~."Vc riLo1 +: 11C''I;t l1'(J ) , C ,. . ), Yl.(3].c1 )CI 110Cl (Jr'(J (cg) I C1 Tr 't;ri.:1. ,)r' - , j , , t, .1 .r ..l. cl , ~ . :t,] ,KIIIC;i,,; of cr('' ): ~I ?.C)trI .I. r?.nelpa1. cr(,)p,:i , rl(h-t,otf).1 )oyb( t~.flS Ro(1 }:)c1?.llGrc)c.'n b%r.l.J :; O-ti-ic ?I' lc .i-i1, at,' 1),. t~t-'I~~ La: ().] lure. l ), lt:1ai i.t..n ruIJ.J.C7t i'; ai.z c 2].. , 1111 cC:+. 1, I.cITTIE?)LC(1 R.:}.cc (uni1:',{i:t.i :Bn7.1. cy 5 , Oat.; 1.iC.t "7 , a:.twr:1. i i J a.ct BuCh:w1 .l1, ?y l i)-'LC) LU1 ~ :n.zu?1ii. rrr 10.,(1 ; w r c ~lj r" Cot,t,(')Yl,;i1'Ot(I ;', 1) (,tUS Cott,C)11, 11.,). I.., :i. VU S]JC?.C 1.(:) :; *to1:.)41cC11, 1J .i ,OC'.i,+::' S l.a :) icco ?i=4.G. 1C1' ,a)1)uta:11-c)r 1:i oruip ?T_ Flax (;lilp l; () q Cap ator-s -.:a.J. Seccis Sc? :).11103 d,3 4.A.. :)ctT11~t',~:'i I StiFrnr 1)e ;i,5 /.,/;, 1' J..Cn seris .:a C't,1:xo r cr )' ~)...a Friu..t4?t, Potato os.; ', C :; p),!, :,!>,nntita .1 lt 1],way , )VdlilbOC 17/ IZAA411)I'p - 1? -~ - }1 (~-u1,1.o i "di G I1 J R L., 7(.rQE)gt; T1 iT1,6r raps (UlC liC,, , : nd b rii i ,.)l n For 1941 ~:i} 111-,1. C~.:D p ~.. ill --- S , , - :; III 1c * MF 'II$40 1 1 p1 , t a, . ,a ,.. ? I 111 It, 1,01 ' IIO, IM 10 n It f,u1 .1,1 1.117 ttl 7l' : 31.11 11,11 tl t) , 31, 00 Na al, ', 'I' >: 0,90 lu 111 It I 1!1 711 I * 0,20 UI 147 11 110! ; * 1* 0.36 431 43! 131 ,hl~ a0 m 11.66 !0,430 76 90 .- ' t0,a11 1,311 1,311 tl, * 13.10 11,911 10 10 11,911 1,110 1,I 11 111 , A * W,Ot 11,096 43 1 11,03! 1,31 I,a10' l1,t + 0 1,03 1,272 I,ti! 91 111 N * to 6.64 . l,l4 60 00 1,910 2,10 t,ltl 11,11 Np 01! 1,131 21 1,131 I,Ua 1,113 1;t . ~ 0,16 103 - -. 103 91 716 11 I * . ? 0,10 123 its 931 752 ' ! 2,10 2,119 1,553 I,OIt 1,0111 a,tl $ 910 0,313 -- 0,313 I,OIt 1,012 IO,t4 I * 0,40 404 - - 111 91 913 31 J i' 1,11 4.511 al - - 1 4,114 ?.. ". ? ' M ' N 1A 0.61 601 tl U 111 410 IN 30 sr . )A 0,33 401 - 409 10 700 t 0,30 370 4 311 131 110 1 4( w `r >1c M N # * 41 2.21 2,941 4 1 t,117 It 011 1,11 0,05 ll - 01 e50 110 Jl ..,. 4 * 7 (IN $) - - * *(a) - ..; - ~. w - 1A' * ak - ... ... - Ilk - - w S { , . k - . z * - - , - ., ^ r a? 4 4h ? l: 11 t,n N ., .. 1, ,,. i? S .. - - ,.. .- a, ,,, ,., A ? . I,00 I,t$5 t 1- 1,1 f,l Jt * I,tO 1,41.5 +, 1,451 'se ? , I I, i I I I i 1 I 1 L!, a $ IS L_- L_- I__-' L__- 1 __- __S_ ?_5, z? ^+'a 4V y L lVM STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 I ~ t ti: ens 4 7 , 1 n a r l ?1 I' 't I qq ,' . ?1 111, .l l:;.l l ~ ~~ ~~+~+~~?rk^ct}-,~-' ?~'I ?~t,~- 1, ,I)f'(: ( ) V~11'i 1.iiI;i 1)11(!0;; A r.' ; t: l lfl 1 , (., X. c. ).y (l? WC l,L1 l,1 (': .iljllt'I;(i Fal' wI.:jla ilO ~~;L.I I?l l IoLt ) (iill?.If Jil ~I(i.i,I~f; (Le'( ! x 1 !y .1 lII\.j1' ~ I1 ~1 [y~ ()I\1 II(.`yi~LI1:t11()4.:/ AC1':J,I;hV,):).1V ,:.; i1 ?I ';;' 1 ~ Y.i,(?1. i~ p'.:r 1)(~~:1'7'.. ~i?l t) r J,G_, '~'(:lI,.~..i ? ?t 1 I . s ?11 d 1111 Lf?'.'. 1'i.lil'il, 111 --i,ri1.:1.,,1, , y ( 1}:1i(IFF r. "r"'i 'I:H;, C I11i,1' 1. i.11f1 I)f 1ir +tl 1.&..)f ';i;', r',I, I'J I? ;.,,t, frI (i!lT, 4, , r:i':ty 25 Oats 1 .1 '')r7 Sawa 1i!:1,1. i:~'i~~ tl a r,Urua C coil r:~.u(-:~i? 1R l1ii: c' i':hx` 9E';( C:', C(7t)() l?l :i..I ?lr)O:I't'~!('1 f1''I~ Cot,to)') , 1.1rat,IVC : . ol. 1 A1.)1i1)11',r( is t (a'Ci,.l?) l cnhi-I ( )1.1' (1)1;1.1 I'~ QI,1,1 I'+ 1> . 1" 1 ( 1A1. '; s17.k,~ r t)1;.),'tr~)i. Il'.l"1i:.i.t.> ? P;) `.. Ff(,' ,1 Ve[,C'1;P;li.L. ti11,11S:t 11 La0 lL't1(1 l.jr fl.;(:f.:nlr.; For 3.941 IIarb,I n C it * ,t 4 n ** . J * i i ~ k~' ~11 ? u,* , 1 t A N, 11 1 , 111 1 1 1a ~~ i r i I' 111 ILI 117 .'- I11 1 N I,1 ,I,t$ M,/1 1 x ~ t4,4 IO,U fl - 101 III IO,I?1 1,11 11111 II, ' , L01 111 ~ 111 11 111 ' * w 0.3 11! - ; ... I TI ' TIT i, . -~ 131 1 ii , M M ultt Iltto all a 1!1 ? 1, I1tl I ? ,$41 10, X, * II,01 11101 Ml - 1 I 1,11 bill 1,11 1, I1$8 9,00! 51 -- 11 131 4,5O ' I,Ir 1,11 , 1 fi w 0,00 1,131 t,l $$ ' - It 1, 4 rK M JOT 16 31 - 31 1 1111 ` t,e11 I, y, N M I. EII t t - iii I,II 1,101 i 11 6 0 11 ` 111 0.1 101 ID 10 I 11 11 M t. ? 1101 t 1,051 lllu IIII I,tl I II It1 It 1,11 1111 10 * . 0111 II 1 1 IT 11 10 ~ ' 11 * tf M , 4 1 Nt 1,1 NI I! 111 1,1 ' . * M JN 0,0 10 11 111 . I Mf M 11) 0.1 1 1 .1 1 tl 1 ' ' IM (M ) 0,0, '1 It ? >it M _I -, * M - - - - I I I* M M - I r 0,0 31 tl M * ) 0.01 1 - le , 0103 13 - - 1$ IOL NO t 7 ( $) - l ".. M M (-{) - M 0.03 1 - - I 11 44 * 1G i~ - - - M M 1 I, 611 ... 11 - tt 1 $141 1, ? .r - ., ~C M 1 ?- ,. y4 ; , i ^ s o 111 iJ~ ~ 11 /4 Ilu t - I 1 11 I , 111 11 ~J w 111, 111 - 1 I' ?1 'M M ? I1' '' SI r I,t ~C M w M 111 ' 1,I0 II li III . kL : : kH 1 4 4 _ fJ _' 1 . 4_4 4 _ ._ _ inr i ~l0(1tl la ;3C i fox l91, Fut,ii:;hed i,y the 1iefl%$x 1ah , (aob.on , youth tikinc) v1a ?)it 11,w y, N vnbur 1942, ? ;?ry ,^ %;?p, ?IC?n ;rim Ilr H II :' ^ 4 I~ru pp.(, 1I k ~~ QQ'p7 Y L t' QI/p L STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 liy .r,!.((.)(1'; 1.>7/. g) ',h r.., 11 CLt?'.l") AC'1.' 11".,1;f.'V';:; +I Y'.(:"i( 1 111.1~1L1'1, 1: r T' ''::'.i ;? 7(I r+~ ~lf'.?h,l(II(:1_`I )r:; 1,11rY .1Litl1t_1r:;'r.'or1:3 +~~1111'l?,''!-l(i !y: i1 1.1i U) '/.iH L + +,1C11 (1;/ru'. 'I(?'X.'t'i,11ri.' ! llt.;~: x'11,'1'1: (:i,'O1j1It 11 ;(; (. ' i.' ; ' ) 11 1 t) y`l, L .' , 1~ +~ ~1 1; x.111,.1 if. i, i.,,1 , ~? ~; I. ~,~4l1~, '1.-1 , . (..,,.i nut '~11 ~?) '1 ~. ,.I .r~ ~?~ 1 ail) I?~..~ , l 1 ~ I I. l:. f'I C'Y ` 1. 1 111; 1'~ r I '::L? l i.; r r i. ar i.e 2Ja ()a' b c; 11:, Sown ni.a 1.r,.l. T.;(1- 1?1- `111 :;; ?.:c l.Z~.i r''1'f', i ~.1 u 1.?i t:. C(1'R' r 1 t:! (? ,.. 1 )111; r; for (:;':(1 ' :'I.,r:L.J.1. y?'ra Cc'1,Lt 'H.p i?1il' o'r'tt~r1 C(1 .. (.!f A L1; I,I v C r, [c11.:?Li. (:) 1 T, (.)b;1('' t Al: 'I1 [)Yl +:1.1t. , I li:l,l?i/ Ill iC?:L. 11 t1n1, ;1 +1a(1::; .1 .C) ..}l(:';I. 1 ..U1 t.f 'V'( n O1..1,. /+;.l.?i, T )hri T) J 1'MO rY YFn 1Y ,1 L M i t1.11i1 1,11, 11 :i?I;:)tl (1''l7r 19I.i) I#rbi ri L LL z, 1N Z. ; r ,'r ^ . . ' 1E .? Mr $ It, US - 1411 ?N. .. .,. '; 11, Nr 3 ' 1 la I ? 1 1 a 1 ' 10 11 , h Nt h. I td 1,1 1 1 . 1 , , . ,; 1 , I tl. i0,11 !1 - 161 ttl 10,111 1,10 I,I11 il, 4. I 1.01 111 11) 11 111 ;y ~ , 0.1 Ilt w, ._.I - I t$ 111 I :' ,~ z 1[ M 0,11 Il! III $11 11 ' * ~ II.tO t,tt 1 1 11 II 1 1,t1 I 1 ~ 10, ? `. M II,O 0,10! 541 - 1 I 1,00 1,111 1, . b 0 11,$ 5,06? 64 .` 111 Ill 4.501 1,10 1,11 1 0,00 ! Ilt t,l SS L . Ol 1,10 yk M 1.07 10 91 +-- 11 1 t,il L111 , 1. ; 1. tI t t I bll 1,161 '' 7k 0 O.tI N 6 6 ? II 10 011 0,1 101 10 10 1 $11 : 11 p.31 ? 1,011 I 1.051 1,111 1,11 1,11 'i ~ MI I, 1!1 * It0 1,11 I,11 60 f p r 0,11 01 1 1 - f1 11 10 " m t a , 3Y ~r fill a1 1 On ". ? U. ., * * * M 0,01 10 W ; Mo 1 ;' *'f >X M 0,10 1 1 1 1 tl I Th (* .:f.) 0,01 '1 - 110 ,. ; * si1 ,>r1 ~.I - - - * M - + W 1* I'' 0101 ? 11 - St N I q (~ *) 0.01 1 - 1 a G 11 ~ 0,0 11 - - I1 sic 1 1 7 (IM ) .... - ?d a * (elf ''f~) ? .- $ * 0,01 I - - 1 11 1 1G - w tk * I12 611 - Ot 1 0,01 1, ' :f 111 _ , * M. r" r + Mt 1. 1,11 I - 1 a w 1101 Ia - ?- 111 ?1 * bM t :q 1 iw1 I I {!*I I um i * ._. ~ I 4-m I I. ns,pp ?,~T ). I, I I . 111 :( ~Y L ' 4 :!! " L. 4 '. 4 T. r ~stt,?"mpYttud?"~+`X111~(4~gYdcRk6YaVM,V.r,1'rghr,.~+;+r,,n7nr.,,wn~,..n.,,.~?.,n.".m,~~.,W??., ,.~,rxwAWryY~WW(1 fn ' PuhU,hsd by tho Ita nu4roh ."eot,ion , youth h,1tinohw'ia ?}t ?1,wlayr, 12()vemb i' 194 , u a : 1I tl il,r ~ 1 ,1 v A) r STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 t '+. '1 O;..4 P I? I U ,2tli it. W UG ti e: ~. ,>i' ,f;~t',italn.l CI'() I., dC,I'i!:.! O I(1f'.I' L`t'fl li.~ :'~+.'~ ll(.LZ'', ~' }x);.1111 (t. C;("r'!1Wi,t,}I rlO yl.UP.f) r ,I: }tt r: ,ra:r'O;y C,Otr(1 (1~Ll lr}; t(t(} LY LIJ ('rr.,u,f11(, (1 :.1 J 1.i .C1( )(1;, laJ r C9 CJ(?!';1't; (1)uC1L,Lff"'. ,: A:.5( '';I: II!11'Vt. ti(1 }Il;ct.!.la -, , r r1 I, I~ LI , r I, Y'.kC,.},C} llcL/t_lrc.' }r,i~ 1.(.) , '.I'.;?.:I,`:'.J. y.i r_1_.?1 i'ii.'(' ) .'-1., 14. 1..k 1*i O.1 (..,i (1 li.~ + ri - r, , (:, P.r.L.ilt;'I 1. /;, , ?1 I r , (i'rE) "1'1 Ot,}k('~' lt. 1.1)r1 , D.f' 1)(l I } .r , 1., i.U)~1?I11j1() , I L,n..l a.f1.!"1 III:L~ i. t, ,,, i'i'1..l ii t '_.j. , ^tj' 1 i c0 iyH a ..Lc }i.:t.;'c' X1.1flIri t+' c1Led J. i.1'.LLc \. ;!5 t; ? r). l , ::.1WJ. I C1 (.I..'t, .: 33. 1 .J), .3U. ,7 "% 39. Tp:?ccJ. '(ar)c; } ;;1.).1. p . iI(.&.l.kli. C~ ~.I' C' i }:)r, , }iull ll 7 t " o.r .0 : (1.73 ~7:I.:1..].!i . C)}; UUl :1 CIH1)OT t)' J. f3J',.C.1. ( , Co'!:, (cJn 11~)k,:i~)`t3 ~3pi:.c"ie 9 ! .I f 11 bUtJ. ?..Ctf }l (-;il;p 3 , FiLlX. T1oirt 4O, Captor-oil rtfsa,t11e 5O(:)(L '~ [3u 1ye / LOt}:a, rx c t,}It; ry CTU )S. .~ t Frt]i't (?' T'1._ .. _,.. 53 f Fe ') ut. s s pub--total 4L, POtE i,OS U.I1 I$,tl 0,11 0,31 0.11 15.11 70.31 11.50 1.15 2.11 0,31'. 0,10 0.05 1,15 3,71 0.02 $ II1,IN~'. ' 1,111 'i ?1,14 19q 1, Pu11?hef.l by th~1 ianl~~l1~ ~~i)V~)111~?711' 19/-~~, Wtl 17 It ' , 1 y , JGh P,~}13 AIN4 ou 1ne(ui ... w_ R;'nd }):y Hsi. STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. j~ercentaQe of various Cropa . are e under crops heat ~ acre/ 9. Damaged acreage with no yiel 4. Total dnmeiged acreage (hecta 5. By drought (hectares) 6. By tlooda 7. By others (heotaree heatsres~ 9. Acreage harvested (hectares) 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (MT) U. Hinds of drops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, cub-toted 14. Soybean/ 15. Arid beans 16. &?reen be l1~ 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliaog lq. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rica (uairrigsted) 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawn millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, cub-total 30. Ride for fiber 37.. Remie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 34? Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilon hemp 3$. Flex 39. Hamp 40. Castor-oi 41. See&*e seeds seeds 43. Sugar beets 42. Peanuts 4S. Others bL. Melon .ems /+b'. Other cropa su b.tota ?,'rust ~ a 48. Potatoes 49. fresh vegetable a ~; U. kttuusen 0,81 530 0,60 324 for 191 1, Puh1lhed by the 5 ~3 r ~t l,h inchurln It.ai1w y, 1oveinber 1942, , lienellroh ,ec, t~ on , c1 a ;^ r~ k L!: L1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 ~: ' ~i L ) N~ Acreage Under Crops end Amount of' f Yield CtoD wr.,~ Lr. 1'.1..1__._ .Iw.y\ .?~ 6,14 3,518 31,12 20,806 ? 0,12 312 K ~ IM 1,18 4,063 . . , 007 , 31 -A 0,221 121 0.241 11 C II 0,45' 244 111 $$4 114 111 31,170 W 111 10,11 1,231 111 111 "" 1,09 X13 It 111 11 6,51! 1,180 I,III 1,11 3,811 111 814 3,4 20,161 1,310, 1,414 81,11 alt 101 120 11 3,124 .2,21' t,411 1,21 31 1,01$ 1,012 1 121 $28 US II 11 fro 110 S 238 118 132 II 525 124 131' 41 324! 141 141 10 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Percentage of various craps Acreage under orops (heatnrea) Imaged acreage with no yield Total damaged acreage (h.otsree) By drought (heotares) By floods (hectares) By others (hectares) Acreage harvested (hectares) Yield per hectare (kg) Totel yield (1r) Kinds of crops Total Principal oropa, sub-total So;; beans Bed beans Green bean Other kinds of beans Kaollang 19. Italian fillet Maize 21. Wheat Rice (irrigated) 23, Rice (uniriigated) 24. Barley 25. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 2E. Buckwheat 29K Spaniel crgpe, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for 8eede 32. Pezi].ls seeds 33. Cotton, imported species . 34. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, Ua species 36. Tobaccos native species ~7. Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil kl. 9esaue seeu'a seeds 43. Sugar baste 42. Peanuts 45. l~lr. Melon seeds 46. 3thera thor crops, sub-total kry. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. Fresh vegetables 90. Ruuean .J 14,,. * 11. 61r ? 11,11 * i u.u, 'F ? I 1,201 111 z o,14 z * :~ * .,211 N 7.Ui * I,41! 3 AI N 44,131 *1 0 1,17 * * 1,2C, * 0,031 0 0,451 N w o,41 0.40 $ 0,50 . * o.It i q1 * tti N * It U1 ? $ip Acreage Under Crops and 41ao _ C , and Lq ~i~txibwr (For 1941) * ? 0,61 (*? *) 0,01 U * 0164 yi'7 ^ ~r (4:*f) M a ~r k N N ? :~ ~t Y r Mli Y~'~ ' Fb C? 1 t1, 1 kJ ~L1 131 - i 116221 t o6i 101 1,140i 111' 1211 I,o161 331 210; I I 2261 3 HI 1.2531 40~ 10 1 -I U + f :f11 * w ol1 * N . 1,06. M ., Ree?wroh ;"4,ution, woulh inr,)1>u1s~ ft1way, ovembar 19i2, I 11 ~?I N3 0 1, Pub!&nhec1 by the ~ 1)~ x , `Cd f,i ;1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 10 Percentage of vaz'ioua crop. 2. Acreage under crops (heotar ,3. D ed acreage with no ie Y , Total damaged acreage heot 5. By drought (heetarea) 6. By Flood (hectares) 7. By others hectares r. 6. Acreage harvested (heotarae 9. Yield per hectare (kg) ].0. Total yield (MT) 11. i{iads of crops 12. Total 13. Principal cropai sub-total 14. soybeana 15. Rea beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Ksoliang 19. Italian millet, 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. A1ce (irrigated) 23. Rice (unirrigated) 24. Barley 25. ?nta 26. Millet 27. Sarre millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31, Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cottony imported species 34. Cotton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. Tobacco, native species 37. Abutilan hemp 38. Flak 39. Hemp 40. Caator-o 41. Seeamc seeds seeds 43. Sugar beets /N2. Peanuts 45. Others 44. Melon see 46. Other crops, sub-total !.?. Fruits 48. Potatoes 49. Freeh vegetables 50. Ruuaen 11,15 1,10 0,01 0,05 5.11 12,01 11.11 !tilt 11,0, 1, IS 2,11 0,50 0,21 0.22 I,t roh ~utian, 5,131 $21 113 15 II I it 2 l,ul 213 3,123 I11 5,032 152 3,131 $5 5,121 511 , anra~rrn;?,~ uo , $51 111 I,11 Ill 121 hi tll 1 12 110 I 1 5 511 u1,11r,hecl by thc~ o l., P uu th~n ', V,lllinrt 1 1;~ . ~ at t ti ~a r ~ o r t'~43X~. , nahtu'ia lt~i1WLt . ~IVAfiI~?' 1G~E 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 9. Yield per hectare (kg) 100 Total yield (MP) 11. Kinds of crops 12. Total 13. Principal trope, sub-total 14. Soybeana 15. Red beans 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of banns 18. Ksoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Naize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 29. Rice (unirrigated) 24. Barley 25. Oats 26, Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 2. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Penile seeds 33. Cottony imported species. 34. ;~tton, native species 35. Tobacco, US species 36. 37. 39. 41. 43. 45. Percentage of vari.ous Drops Acreage under Drops (hectares) Damaged acreage with no ylold Total damaged acreage (hectares By drought (hectare) By floods (hectares) By others (heaturee) Acreage harvested (hectares) Tobaccos native species Abutilon hemp 38. Flax Hemp 40. Castor-oil Sesame seeds seeds Sugar baste 42. Peanuts Others 44. Melon seeds 46. Otter crops, sib-total 47. Fruits 48. Potatoes yq. Fresh vegetables 50. Rouses _ >IRA Acreage Under crops and Amount ____ ofZi and by Helena (For 1941 i ,, ,. , 4ZL ei~*, r..~ * * ~* :r . I ? I. ? -~----- 0 ?.'.t 11 , .. / :~; Sly' .; 1,1 '-.~ ,11 ? : . : i., M * 1 0 13 . . IIIN 4 Mr 1111 II . . . i7 : ,? ,. * , i t I,so 11991 . 1,$$ 111 1.1 ' 'I' >x IITO lol Ill 1 01$ tt - I !t i 411 111 411 I t L * 2190 ~ 119, 11 1:11 ` ~?. 1 { i . 4,20 7101 NI MI . U fly ~~,,r a 11,16 111111 - I,I$l IISI 1,01 1,77 ',.. 1i , 11 ~ 1 61 11' ? 167 I - Nt , 1,1 . 0,1 1.11 * 0 19.It! 161. - ..,. , IN 1 111 1 * ~ 1,10 419 60~ 03 I,T l,II IT .,1. i 0. oI It :A: 0 I 1 lit TO 1 11 1 Il I '1 * 0 ? 1,13 T6 I dt' 119 - 11$ 111 1 ,~? .: $ O,tt' II - -i II NO 1, I 0.11 , 41 - 11 It ill I ' ,3' ] IIN~ 11 ~ 11 111 . 111 11 , - * Ill/ AI 0,1I 1 ~ 1 917 ?_ Nt ' ,, . . . - . (M P) 0,99 t - t s . It1 - $ - II I . _ _ _ !k MM M 0,19 T T NI 11 * lR 1 ~- I 1 111 IIC .' ;`. (r ) - - - ~, , .. , ) - I $ * o,ot~ I -- - - _~ -. . a I z . T I - - ? 1 III .., - -, - ' + -'r' 11111 111 ^ `u' 111 ', 111 J`` 11 ; J ~I J ; *1 w -., - I>j M ~ tlll,~ ITI n l ,,sII __ F , (fit ?, :: '' .- a * 1111! HI! ~ IN ' 101 . ,M . :,..311 ,?. 1.~ $ ~ a,, ?..i: i ..........y,,,....:..,. ........,... ,~m+rr. .. ' . ~- . ., //53.1? " a t~i~1e ,fit t. or 911, Fuhit;hed by the .. h.,r 1. 1 m ~ Reneallruh ` ut1ion, -'cauLh lnahut' llrv1 w;iy, l'nvnmhar 1~/4 11 asi I: u r STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. Percentage of various orope 2. Acreage under Drops (heotare.) 3. Damaged acreage no yield k. Total damaged acreage (heotaree! 5. By drought (hectares) 6. By floods (heotaree) 7. By others (hectares) 8. Acreage harvested (hootaree) 9. Meld per hectare (kg) 10. Total yield (Mr) U. Kfnda of Drops 12. Total 13. Principal crops, auto-total 14. soybeans 15. Red berme 16. Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Ifaolieng 19. Italian millet 20. seize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Nice (wnirrigated) 24. Barley 25- Date xb. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. laamie for fiber 31. Hemie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cottony imported species J4. QotLon, native species `:35. Tobacco, US ;ipeoiea 36. Tobacco, native species 37, Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39. Hemp 40. Castor-oil 41, Sesame seeds seeds 43. Sugar beets 42. Peanuts 45. Others 44. Melon seed 46. Other crops, sub-total 47. Fruits 448. Potatoes uo STAT i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1? Percentage of various croPe 2, Acreage under cra hectares 3. Damaged acreage with no eld Li. Total damaged acreage hectare a . By" drought hee tares ''6 floo da hecteroa 7, HY othere hectare 8 Acreage ha rveated hectares `9. Yield per hectare (kg) P 10. Total Yield MT U. Kinds of crept 12. Total 13. Principal croPas sub-total )J? Sn 4vz_ ean. -T.~ :is. Red beans 16 Green beans 17. Other kinds of beano 18. Kaolian g 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice unirri ated 21. Barley 2!. Oats 26. Millet 27. Sawa millet 28ti Buckwheat 29. Special crops, sub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Perilla seeds 33. Cotton imported species Cotton, 3 . native species 3. Tobacco US species 6. Tobacco, native species 7? Abutilon he 38. Flax 39? Ne O. Castor-oil seeds 141. Se5a*e seeds 2. Peanuts 3. Sugar beets . Melon seeds . Others h6. Other crops, sub total 7? Fruits 8. Potatoes 9. Fresh vegetables U. Euusan * ,11, * 'h n. ;k I 11,1 + 1-0.14 a I 0,0 d4 * I I , 0.41 M 5.1! * 15.31 EK 0 , 21.11 + 0 0.11 * ? I 11,11 I M 0,23 k . 0 0 . Iii * 0.31 M? 2.36' I 0 ?1,11 #59 l,I riar~,? io e St t 'o 9 J, Publih?d b the Raaosroh Section, youth ~k nchuria Rfa11way, November 1942, STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Acreage Under Crops and Amount of Yield Cro a and lr ene or , . Feng-oheng * 1t ' la. / n ,11+ 1 ,1 H 1,1 ? 1,1 , N,1 . ,, i , , ,, , ? ..i + N li,l , siMs 1,11 - 1,141 11 11.1 11 ' $ M' a 29.18 8,012 3,211 - t.i;l 1,01 5,141 , 731 . I ,III 4' a 0,i3 191 - w 1 !I 111 .1 * a o,ot 1 -I -1 3l 3I$ r ;* * I M 0.1* 11 - tl tlt N ? * 16,91 6,111 1111 ,- I,Ots 100 3,11 T 1011 31 a' 13.31 1,11! 1111 111 11 :,111 . t I,1 3.11 E 0 * t1,t1 1,111 1115 - 10011 IN 1,01 ; ; 111 1.0 , 1 rh ? Ilr 0,61 111 61 61 i4 ei' 98. .,o :41 .. 1,10 026 106 10 610 l,Ot U ~3S S I 0,t1 .57 30 10 3 11 111 1.33$ 0,0 10 - . 1 111 ' 100 * w 0,2 16 11 13 1t I. 1.11 611 11 t3 10 441 - 11 ' 1 ! , 1.11 2,013 31 10 t 1,111 01t lot 1,011. I , . 0,11 11 11 - 11 0 0 - q a !M 1w , 'I' If t 1+ 0 1 '" , M M M o,01 20 ~- !0 tl ! ,,; f ~ m 0.07 24 11 11 $1 '.~1 11 ($ :f) 0.0! 1 1 111 .,31 $ie * M - a4 * M - - - - Ik r le o 0o I 1 3 .- . * * M 0.00 11 0 I! !a 11 e R(R Vie) G,6i 3 - -- - --- A . 0100 I -* .1 1 11 , 4*1 (r12 *) - ?r 1M'(~kl~e) 0,.1 1 _ I -~ 1 ,341 . ? I4 ';'. - - - ' r; ' I~ - .- 9 . , a :p ~ - .~ - - If - ..r ;j# ih ~ 1,11 1.111 111 - I . n, ,, w ae 11~ lu r , - -~ - 5 * ? LY t LO S I ,I *', , a IN 3,1 IAN IG! - 11 1.11 ,, 4 ,,, hr. , I I Percentage of various croPa Acreage under crops hectares Damaged acreage with no yield Total damaged acreage hectaree () By droughthectares By! floods hectares others hectares Acreage harvested hectares Yield per hectare (kg) P Total yield MT Kjnde of croPe Total Principal crops, sub-total lii.. Soybeans 1 . Red beans 16 ? Green beans 17. Other kinds of beans 18. Kaoliang 19. Italian millet 20. Maize 21. Wheat 22. Rice (irrigated) 23. Rice unirriBated 2L. Barley 2. Oats 26. Millet 27, Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat 29. Special irope,ub-total 30. Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds 32. Penile seeds 33. Cotton, imported species 314. Cotton, native species 3? Tobacco US species 6. Tobacco, native species 370 Abutilon he 38. Flax 39. He 0. Castor-oil seeds 1. Sesame seeds 2. Peanuts 143. Sugar beets . Melon seeds I . Others 6 . Other crops sub-total 17? Fruits ~8. Potatoes r~ 9. Fresh vegetables ?'u. Ftuusan s put,lts';hed h the fan N53 ~,i th Mzlnohu>,12. It~a11way, t~lavoUihOV 1942 ,t NnL~Qp , 1 ? 1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012!05125 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000300070001-1 1. PercentAga of YariOUs crops 2. Acresga under craps hectares 3. gacreaga with no yield Damaged 14. Total damaged acreage hectaree ~. 1. By drought (hectare5) 6. By floods hectares others hectares 7. 8. Acreage harvested hectares 9. Yield per hectare kg 10? Total yield MT U. Kinds of crops 12. Total l3 _ Pr nci pA1 crops, subtotal . Soybeans 1 . Red beans 16 Green beans 11 ? Other kinds of beans alisp 19. Italian millet 18? Ka B Maize 21. Wheat 20. 22 Rice irrigated 23? Rice unirrigated e 2. Oats 2 BarlY $6. Millet 27 ? Sawa millet 28. Buckwheat - 24. Special crops, subtotal "0? Ramie for fiber 31. Ramie for seeds . 32. Pezrilla seeds 33? Cotton, imported species \ :314. Cotton, native se dies Tobacco, US species 3, ? 36. Tobacco, native species 37. .Abutilon hemp 38. Flax 39? Hemp 0. Castor-oil seeds 141. Sesame seeds 2. Peanuts beets I 4. Melon seeds Sugar b 3? g I4? Others ? Other crops , sub-total 6 is Fruits 146 ~"bL TrQ y Fresh vegetables 0. Ruusan I 1I ? 1+1I 0.lI 0.01 V1~7 '1,11 11,11 0,11 0,03 lbeelm>