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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Ionos h re and of Cases of D sturbances ~.n it oft? Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhniche$kikh Izvestiya Nauk, No 9, pp 119-113, Russian Mo per, Sep 197 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 :. STAT 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 ON LONQwTRN 11QCAiTxN ION0~1'ii~ IND OF CAS OF DISTU t 3A C S IN IT 0. N9 a'ten4Y Pxe~end by Aademi.ctalt? , Vvedenaki?Y ? ti.on ~~ '~ha gc~nexailY' known cirG,amst~nc~, that the ~,'~~ ntita u1h the iana~ah3ze is :~c~as, the shaxtc~x radio eaves on pas~za.ge thxo G . reiect? an ~'ax ~~rair~te~xupted, the wavy, aompe1~ si , ~~ tx~ which, wr~i.~.e c~,osc to the cra.ta,Ca~. wave" off' the shortest wa've~.erl ~ iength, is still capable pI being ref1.eced from thG ionized layers o 'b is wave1e1th, texm,ed the aptamUm, is also off' the atmosphere. ~ '1~h xe.~ ect to Gbtaa.nin~, the bes't possible the most adv~,n'~a ~'eaua w~. p transit off' the wavesa have been est-a1a].a.shed between pl'~~enomerla The c o~~xela,~,.G11a thy?,~ ~ the var].a.t'ions that take place in on the sung on 'the one hand, and the ? ' mabnet~.c field, an the othexhand, i.c-nasphere and the earth clicti eomaglet1C and jonasphCIblC disturbances, make it pass~.b~.fa , t ~o pr ~ . ~ d working Wveiength5 for radio con cx~~.ta.ca,l frequenc~.es n that we are able to foretell the development a~ t1.GT~y t0 the extent ~'i that solar activi.'by's va.t ' is characterized by the follc~wM The candi.,o~, o~ sa~.~.~ pcti ~ ing da. ? ,.~erent which correlate non i~unfor1~.1Y with the phen- the wa1,f numbers, the areas occupied ~ ~ indices, omens, transpiring on the earth ; by Eand ~r~,cu~,a,e, the ampuJ.ses of sol~x acw ?ivs9,unty and spots, he prom~.nonc relative a~ intensity in the su.nspqts and an the solar L ' e a' the Baniex series of hydrogen lines m su7f'~. ~.C of.' correlation is due to the character the xion~unifGXm degree ., STAT' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 , and ~,~fk,~~ ?1t ax o~ the x~f~~A'~`~tCn tx~ motion extib ted b to the d~ac,t~,ax~ a C~ the sun. '~~?,~' tQW~d8the ~C1G a or tati~c the ~a ~ gC~l~aUx why a~.dr . Th ~r~bex ox ~pns ~;oxraed on tie ~-- d area off,' tk~ actiYS x , ax cge nu .., ~'ab~.' e'x'am ye to rs; onstant and ;uc uat oons~dp c sa.ct~, '~y ,ux~aLf; not c u ,~ eax~~ ayC~,e off' so1s~,x the ~'und~nenta,~ ~.~. Y ye',esu1ta.ng ~,n ~x,atw Tl mnt ~,owc Ve z~e~;~,ons ~'cam Yaighex to "a ~.an n~ the ;~ct~. rnant ' tY1e Wha.Ch s due to the deve10P off ~.~udes on ~~-~ snlax` stiu ~vn ude caused by the , d1$P1G.c,ement in 1.0rl da~lental cycle t e h ~,~.na;~~nn off' the se's ?~a1e ~.nc ' tho hello splex'e, and a,.1sa xo~,~~~~.an n~ ? ? sex` a:th at~~ex We1~.w~r~ptiin the eciipta.C, togetr t,hf. ac,~s to .~p~?anF~ n.~ ve cYc;~,es ovaxa.atiQZ~ a.n . in the to ~~. G auseS ~ g1,vF; x~so~ ua~.~ aern,:~a,n,nu~~ (sprig cnr~d,a.ta.on o~ the 100s~bexe; 11Myeax, ann nal and'?7wdaY' GS'n1es~ au?tiflfl maxi-rnm) 3 Seaso the oarx'eJ.at1?on be? ~a er, We shall prisidex In ?~he present r P and off' ~,nnos~k~ex'a.a ~~ .ta,ca~. ~~equerlca.~;s a ~,Ween the J.~.?~,eax C~yG1e at: c L~nlbGxe~ rye handy and tha Wok n ? is d~,stu.~^b~nGes, on t he o end mag~aet on the othcx hand. 'j,GNJTIC AND :CONOSPN~ IT :SON T0 TkI~ i1"' GIG L OF O? NB o~ c;~c'~.t~.c;~~.~'?xequenc;y e 1s i~ s usir g the dat a ~3erkn.e~' ad ~~. sltiingtran and ~ath~c~a haxe stat1ols [iL Wa n ~ mar~'emen~s by the ~.oc;s f ~an between the nurabex a la,neax xe1a. hi shed xom ~g3~ to 1937 a es~~. annum of sun5pots and tha square off' the mean a,,ue off 'the fox the '2 'xequefc Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Judson, in his papor ''Comparison off' data, on ionoaphQrC, ~unM pots terrestrial ma net:Lsm" 2) a ax.d also Smith) Gi11iiand d s an.. and Kirby using the cri:bica~w requenCY measurerltenta o the ~ 3~ ~ s h ra station from 1133 to 1937, established a good aha,nrton onop W~~ ~. correlation practically a strict one M between the WoJ$ numbers and the critical frequencies L'or the k~, F, and F2 layers for noon, and for their diurnal minma0 By now the ionosphere stations ox the world have accumulated enough experimental material to draw conel.usions on the variation of the cr ,ticai frequencie 3 :for the ionasp11er( during the enti.rc 11-year period. The Washington ionosphere station has the fullest expexhimen*tal data (Table 1), and re ul&ly publishes the results o? its measurements in the journal 'T'errestrial Mai netism end Atmo w pheric Electric ity Table 1 _ - Year F ? : f : h 2 1933 5.15 206 1098 3 13 509 1931 6025 3015 3075 3.08 11 901x. 1935 608 3.35 )4.23 3062 18 3605 1936 10 3.7 5096 108 20 7906 1937 i1a~15 3.8 602 5.68 3$ 11302 1938 1102 3.75 6068 y?82 L0 102 1939 1O2 3.66 5,9L, L.8 38 92 191.0 8Q6 3.5 5.22 L025 32 68 1911 7. 5 3.37 14.5 3.43 2L. 48 19L2 7 3 )kl4 3.L1 19 30 19L3 67 2.9L. )..9 3~2 18 .~ :L9L1i4 7 2486 L..8 3429 16 10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 I~i~1ia1~UAs*u6k~+ 61i YN61 ch'aMteriHtthe ?iura 1 thAW~ the C flobserved at waDhiton end in vax'tion in the Gx;i,jor~i exaqua a.cc;ord~?~ to ?thu 5rd~,avsk, cctita,lc-~I the n1umbux N o! magnetic s~oacm r7 n ss have been taken at. 100 percent. lha The m~x~.mm valuo~ or ~ ~Y1~a ~ the m?an va-loos ~'or rho cx~.t~,na7. ?rcaquan- curv(s o1 rdistribution ~ ~a,on o w r o storms 1'1 are s~.ma.lr~' to the cu.rvc; etas f and the number off' man.a~~ ~~ ~ s mean values o,~ the Wca1~f` numlaaro W, oi solaz' ac~-~.vt, ~ya exprs~~~~ac~ a the c'$ in the pxe~maa~~m?Yl ~,'z'c~na ~.9 33 to but ~tii~.s rr;srr~bl.ance of ?trlc ' n~;d a,~',ex the naaa-~.m.~am. r'ha.s rs~;ul~ts from 1937 is not .~u~.].y maa.n~-aa. cause, be.lng the pxoce;ss o1 soa.ax` the ~a,ct that besidcs the priniary o'r~her cause that an~'~.uencee ~thc; oY~arc~a~tc:r ou~tbux~~, ?tYlerc: is also r ~o an C~ a ~ 'h~.s second ca .u~,c , consa.s~t:~ in of the a'tm,asphe1ic ~.on~.7 a,i~?i.ort curves. ' ase dGVe;l.t~p, the ar.~t,vc~ zones o:C the sun the ;:act that as the ~~1^OG in OOrlY1~C~1.aI1 the high solar laU.?tudes towards the equator, move ~xc,~m these a,ctivo arga.s towards ,thy plane wa.?th which the radiation :Crorn o ;C n?ta.y also towards the e arch is more t, ' the ecliptic ( ~ ~nd c on,~egtia each o~ doc]..i-ning aG?ta.va.Gythan during the con;a:t.dsrrlbl.e during the p epoch of its rise fact should be noted that not all of the max- ~he remarkable icna oi the U.?yoat' curve a1' critical frequencies coiri.cide with the ~ rjY~e ma~.i~am number of magnetic s?tarm- maxima o the Wok' numbers. -S. s about a yeax? 11ae curves of critical . frequencies also .,aa,.~ by .~ F ~.aya' and off' the frequencies for o;C the noon va.)a~es for to 2 the E layer co e with to maximum o:L' so1aX' do ~iviy, ~~~b,~t the ~.nca.d rn r frequencies and m in~.m~um values of early morning critioal fr~,q ~1 (n i ht ' lag by a year in their max.arna be- also those at m~.dn ~ hand the '- solar it W, and. coincide instead ~ri?th the curve of solar cux~rc the number of . magnetic storms 'these facts, remarked by us as early as Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 e uenol~ the mnA~~,c Q~s, arid 1a?ax~ ~'or th e cx~,~~,aa 191t,l ~, fx~ car~irmQd ' ~ret~a ~ to'm, were atr~~.n, ~r~ 1943, fox the rawn?r off ma b ;by S. K. Vsal~svy y a5k~, C) an the bads of his study off` 1103 ma~ ncUc storms in the 31utsk catalog [8~ From 1878 to 19}Q The emphiitic betwc err this maxima of thc~ daily val. d~.scxeps.~r~oy ~ On tha ana hand, ucs fax the criticai frequefcies F,~ sxrd E and aninima (o, r1y morning) ~ra and the ~.uct u o~ nactux naa. ~~ the cx cnc~.os a on the othex', may be explated by 'bhe critic al fxa ~qu exis cornponents in the so1azradiatlan~ both p1 r ~,stenet~ a~ two bas :Lng a ubyt~t .z1tiai party ..n the ioniitiari off' the atnLaspheI, nanc;ly ~ the ultxava.olet component and that oi' corpuscular radiation o i riri the dayt:ine a when the principal ionizer ( supplemsntin?; D the ca:rI)u,scu,lax and other radiation) is the ultraviolet radiation, Gn the, maxima o the 1i.year.march of the of the E layer and o;C the noon values oC the rra.ta.t,al frequencies critical frequencies for the F layer' with the maximum of the curve ~ o:f: the Volt' numbers (Fig, 1) o 41 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23: CIA RDP82-00039R000200170008 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 reMd:wfl how:6, whpm the dal~ ~ida At fli~ht end dUX ~n~ tho p pto 'the rad~.a" a the torresksrial sphare is inac iax, r~diatic)n p1ay~ a subs~en~~.~7. 'triqn q~ thq ~'U1"la the GQrpuscU, tha 1layer, wYa~.c~~ is axcc~,lent.Ycon role in the ~,ar~~,zat~an q~ . r; ?trmcd by the 11~ye max'c,h o~ he critical requpncles (Flga i) . vea and off' the curve a~ ~Y~s lag ill the ln11urrq~ thaw cur ' , the awe x'eassan~ mn~aa.an to~r;axds the mr~gnet~,c oxms a.s due to ? ~ a1' corpuscular x`adia~%a,can ha~n~ ~.aw sa~,ar equator by the saurcr as was e, tablishcd by Me Gnc,v~,ck'iev solid t~n~les ~$ w) duress, and !L? Ol ' se ax'a.t~.on bet-wecn the curves a~ ~l'ize remax?l~ able c;Ef F.ct o~' a p d thaw in in the nights as well cx,a,ta.ca~. xec~uenaa.es duxx.n~ the d7,y as tYic coaxicide.noe between. the mar Ch athe ..curve a~ 'the n>.ber o~ curves o~ the nocturncr~.t~.o~~l ~'xe~,ue" ma.gnc~t~.c atax'm;~ with the ex' car~irm the corpusaulax origin of magnetic ca,es for thE, ~~ lay ~ st.tv.tas an additional argument in favor a~ the ,tr,~x~ns e This con theory off' magnetic staxm5 18 , according to Chapman which ~~'erx'aro ?r~ ~,l cox' ,uscu~.ar stream ejected by the sun, they are c~ aus ed by a ~neut ~ 4 ~.tr~~.~ra.olet ~ a,~,bin~ then to u and against the theory of ~;~~ scr ? ' influence on corpuscles of terrestx'ial origino acting aa d~.stuxb:~,n~ Thus, the physical d.ependc.nc e a1 the ll~ye ar rrlarclrl. o.C the ~.onas here on the solar actin. ty o~ the. cx~.t~.c I ~rec~uenc~.es ;far the p But to forecaWt the l1-yep" march a same period becomes obvious . ~ we must have a qu.antita.tc;starnate o~ the critical l . ~'rcquenc~.es values that characterize the ll~yeax' the correlation between the Ae~t~'~~. ~~a.cteri~ G the off' ioniz ati.or~ a Kd x?oc;ess an the sly. a.nd those that ch p Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0002001700 _ 08-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 4rEr~ the *Yo:aneio torso The signii'ic ant statistical constants in tha stU,dy o this ., quantitative rolatiol are the correlation coe~ffieient, in the /:hear correlation, and the corre1Vtiorr ratio, . in the CEl~e Af case o,' non~1i.near correlation After determination of the correlation coefficient, a correlation equation is s et up, by means o1' which the critical rcam guenca.es or the number of magnetic storms are computed. BeTre setting up the eorrelatlon equation, we must f.ir,3t establish a criterion of lineax''ity together with its probable error. The criterion of linearity makes it possible fox' us to judge whether it is suffi.ctent to eonf in.e ourselves to a linear' carrea.ation equa' Lion, to express the relation between the statistical values of the Wolf numbers and those of the critical frequencies, or whether it is necessary for us to pass to equcltions of higher degreeo The correlation coefficient r and the correlation ratio may df'fer only slightly iron each other far a distribution of i, f and N. In such a case the question arises as to whether or not such divergence is significant. As a criterion o1' linearity, Blacianan 9) has proposed that the correlation be considered linear if the ratio between the J mea,ur '~~ and the probable error of the measure of C ~~~ of l~.nc~ar linearity is less than 3, i. e. if (1) Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Tha MAUV4 0 lif~axity i repx~+se1t6d b bablo exxxor othe measure of 1ineaxit1 i$ approxi- The pro mately equal to h (z) (2)Q .' (,,3) where n is the ,r:u1i number of observations, thus, to accomplish thcr task set, that is, to Coreeast the critical axequenci.es j, we must :find the correlation coefficient x between the curve osunspot distribution W and the curve of criti'" and them i we are not co rlva.nc e d that ca14xequency distribution , the xegres Asa, : on (he term IregreSSa.on" currently adopted in the ? statistical literature i ?a.teratuxe wa , intx'oduced by Gallton. It i~ not entirely ~.cal l - apt , It would be c:leaxer if we were to write, instead of the words' ' o re .ression'' or "equation 01' regression", the words: i1clarve ~ stcorr curve" or "correlation equationof the statistical ~?.at~.on s et S (wh , n) is linear, , we must determine the cox'' fi nhi ratio ?ta For this we construct correlation curves o:C the aired distribution of the wo1 numbers W and the critical fx'quenw ca.e of the 2 the noon va:Lue f (Fig ? 2 ) , the midlhight value .. (Fig ? 3) , the diurnal m:Lnimum value ., Fx (Fig ?1~.), the noon value for the F sayer (Fig ? ) , and the number o E magnetic storms N (Figp. 6) b The absolute values have been plotted on these curves, taking the maximum as unity. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Fl5 rq, F, In contradistinction to the law of dull di,tribut .on o sta ci 4 Fig. l), the concept of. paixcd distribu" elements ( tian $ case, ; that is, in studying the distribution ' is used ~.n i,h' ~. ~ ~ etc. '" the diS" of one statistical element' _wr in this r case F a M'a..bution of another statistical el rnerxt is considered, i.e. W tx (Figso 2m6)? In making a combined study of two or more statistical ele- menu, when only a small number oi' observations is involved, the scx stributions is investigated, but with a fairly large ~,e s of di number of observa a tions, distribution tables o1 the distribution of values is studied instead, which makes it poesible to make a those complete study of their distribution and of the relation betowe+en the ~' paired means W and a 1G h F~h h As is commonly known ~O, 11, l2 ~~ for a stns l number of obser- vations the correlation coefficient r'r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 T5 4~ki' _ Q;e ?the~4 iaiitiai values, tra~be~ with t (coo Table 2) in equatiafS (8) to (1Table (a) the noon values of to cr .t cal ;Crequenciec or thc~ F2 i1ay er ; Td ,77 1' O O W, F 2W (b) bhe mldnight values of the critical ~rec~uencic;s for to 1~yer 3,2 0,0237 W, ( c) the diurnal inLnunuxn values oI' he critical frrquencies ?ax the 1 2 :Layer 3,1 + (),O2Lt. W~ d) to noon va,1u.e$ or The critical ?requenci.es for the E ayer~ f :x 2, 72. + 0,01 W', E (e ) the nwiaber a1 magnetic storms: 12 + 0,2)47 W Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 1t e thin ab'trains Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Check vnlpu'Gati?f a were made by th a 'orm~l1a t, and on thi basis theoretical ?orecasting graphs of the 11yaar course o the ritica1 ?rf3quenaies and the nber o magnetic storms wexc~ prcpax d c (Fig 7"11), An the same grelphs the mean values o the xperimenta11y deterniined critical frequencies wore also plotted. As may be seen from these fox'eca ting gralplls, there is satis? f aotox coizicidence between t he experirnentaJ,1y determined points and 'y the theoretical curves, which enables us to make reliable ;forecasts of: the critic tl ?requenciec and oL' the number olf magnetic storms L'or any year oithe iiuwyeax' epoch, i the Woil' number is known. gure 7 F~gUreB rwr.. F~9ure 3 ~"`,~"Irin,ulrY, :ccjLr ?kO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Such procnosae may be mudp'or any point on earth having ara ionosphere 8bation that has assembied enough expeziarwent&L materiai to Cori itz'a t the correlation equat;Lnns 0 .- 1933 193 1937 1939 19L.1 19LL3 L~.Lr!urt? 11, _..w.w._,.___._,,.-., N0NM,LINEAR C0RR LiiION ~~ sfiiii 65,;yf We now proceed to determine the non.iinear correlation equa~ tic~ns Except for the normal distribution of statistical elements little work has been done to develop the theoretical basis for solving this problem, In this case, there?'ore, various empirical rules for finding curvilinear regressions are often used; and iC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 xec?vxss i~ then ac :O jttyng a p;rabal;l,o these yiaid nQ rasu~s~.n~ Lo ~,~1abshev~ last squ'ps! or to using curve by the me~had Q~ mr~th?dh o; to curves show d t y s u xy Pre1;lm,l.n?, s,11aws us to apP?~' Cheby s1ev' s meta d 1a x aG~ e use o;E caxlta.nuad ~ 1~t a ~p1119 ?t11em! W ~.t~1 U th a1S11p~~.t~d me Whev f~he Cheai .. in the va~,uc off' the ~~ndep t~?n that the ~,,r~.xa,a.cn ? , under the ~'0nd, ntc.rvals! cor~sa.ste in he yuc cunt ~r en . b1s ~la~. ~ ~ . ~x' ~.a l~l be ~ttan at egti~ sex~.es; the tex"cns a:~ the ~0~.1.awzng cam~utati~ans o~ Ge Sa~.V'~ w r J r A0(w) ree in W bha~ s'ati$eY arni als of. a.~th do r1' 3e the p?~n ? ~: ext where 1L: .~. R. I~uran~ end D. (c . P . ! the CandL '~:i.ans a.~ a;rth?onala?tY liL/) th?d off: det~xmmn~.n the p ((Q, CPj ) (i = O 1, 2, ' a~.s equ:~v~~.ent to the ~a~^st a~hpti~e canda.t~. hexa w C k ~,nd t,rie -~ecand to h the ?~ ~~ c~tc~~n"J.X1a'~Lan (10J ?~ the cae~'~~:cien~,s A ~ and ' p the d lam ia ( 'an ~~.~) enable S us to abta:n ~') that enter a.nt? equai~i ;f.ax ca1culat10 n} in those arias lner Coxxe1atior~ equati?ns ncar,~.. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 itoxion off' nono~' oquatior~5 whex~a, arcoxding to the cx hou:L be employado A) branch off' the oyclc o~ `Wa thin obt~tn for tha ascQndtfl~ ( ion:L f~,tiO11 or the F 1a er, at nooiU s d d. E1 w x FW *T(~_ 'Q i-cL ~F~ 2 (vJ2 Wz CCPoPo) (XPa CP~) 1-AD' c ( L- ) ) ! descending (D) bxaoC of the cycle oC miri~.inum For thE of ion;iza'tj.on o: the F iayeZ',M ~e ave. (pcWo~ ~{F,.w) C~? ~0~) n (c~ cpa) (c(c1:) For the Ccp04p05 ,. \4o 0( \t'J ((p0 Qe1 + lb. (20) values ?f\icp \4- so(w)-W-~' (ccp) I , /l) `fin (@LM~, ~.-~a,~a C complete (A) and (D) 11 yet' march o nocturnal ionizabien of the F2.ayer we had ~(~ w 1A\ d FW ( ~ ~ yob ~ (v'J+ ~ (c~o) - - p R N +LCPlJ2 (fr)r/D) 'rz w- W CPo(w) (v%J:cQ:) L CWao)~?C(e~ cp,) 11 cQ01(v'J ~... ~~ (4:(;) 0 -i cpI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Coy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Fox the ascsend.tfl branch (A) oC the 1iMy~ax march of thQ nwnbex of magnetic ~vbacros~ wo havoc (%W~) ____ ~W CAD ~;) 2 2 + a (W) (w)- (j c)) +.. ( o ) cp (p ) 2. ( q: ;) L (v) CP ) (' I L ('4 L o) ?II 1. (oL P (w) 1 (1WJ -/ (W) _ _ q 1 1 ~~Y r l 1 ~~' ` I ~u C)1, 2., ' t, 'or the numc;rieal expression o,t? the equations (20) to (23) o o~~ l t,~ hied, we calculate the coei'fcients A and the poiyno~nials Ira and guiding ourselves by correlation table 1, we set up Table . 8 , t') elow , which enables us to calculate 'the basic totals (ci. bottom line of r2ble 8). (See ollowing page for Table 8) Such tables were set up fox each o:C the curves on Figures 2, 3, L1. and 6, the branches of which, or the sake of precision in es- tablishing the regressions, it is convenient to express as a non- linear function with the aid of the Chebyshev poiynomiala ~ad'c.7 Expressing the total through scalar h M n (~ ) 2 %W2 (w2) h -w L 2_ nhWhw (W) w-w nhxhwi,~ h :;i nhf'h n'W huh Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co Aproved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA RDP82 00039R000200170008-4 hW3 (W3) = (w3 , ), n `~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 'c;:: ': :': ;rIil c'4 W PH I CH r~1 ICf.+ N $ p rN g c\J cp'a r-I Va W ~;.I ~ r-1 .1 CV r- p,.w H CVO N C\i I IUaa~ tr1 W cr. . 1-4 Cs Ua ~ W r1 ~ r W rq W H _N rrl 1 N .S H ~H ~N x; rti H cc'j rc ~.. ~~ g :: N G 14?I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 e oo6f 'iciant~ A ' the po:l r OYnia1 (i8) and of the we ca,1cu1ate th ' W fox o 'mtl1aa (20) to (23). po1ynorn;.a18 P FcL,kre t Fi9ur. r b.'. 010 _ -.M. a~F~ M Cp(W) Q 042. -, 1'0 cp(\4) w As a result of this calcuiation we obtain, in place o, rormulae (20) to (23), the following corplitationai equations for non..linear corre1atio1aa s d fi02W+U,268W2, (2k) (B) ~ o,'76 ~" 2 o,6 + O, 38)4W + o,1o w2 , (2) (B) = a, 4B4 + o,68 ~d - o, a94w` , r2~ (H) F2W 0, 647 + 0 3w w o, alsw2 ~ (B) 0,289 + 0,81W w a,20w w (26) (28) VeriiTifl calcuiabions were made on the basic of these formulae, and from such calculations the theoretical graphs of the ll-year march of the e,x uencies and magnetic sttorms were then plotted ~,ta.c al fr~q (cf. Fig. 12 values exper~imentallY found were also plotted ~ l) m The _ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 q~ ~ M ~ 7 IM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 on thaaa graph3. Js may ba s~~-fl ~ ital off` Va 9 with the th??~~ ~tio~ ;CactoX'Y co;.ncidenca a~ tha axpax~ a1i~.b~,a oxa~a~~a athe critical o~1a~, which anab1a8 ua to make ~' magnetic d~,stuxb;jr~caa or a~" yak' ai , ~h~ ~rvc~er~ca.as as~d n~~~~r~ ~~ mama. liw yaax period Fure 14 Fi (W) cP (W) the su~.~~$ of the calCUlati0 obtained by Compa~c~.so~1 o~ ~k~~ xa usthg the lineal? cvrrC1a~iob aq a cua.tions (cfM Figurea i2M:l.6) pr.oia the superiority of the latter. But the accuracy is not so much increased make us abandon the use aC the less curnbaxsoma in the ~~~~~~ case ~o uationS in solVin the px`obiam of mkin?; Foxe ~,~.ri8a~' cr~~^ra~.a~a~; r tio.l w ' at tan, ht h is adegUato 1or pr o pur sus in ffra b appr oa pose 3. 2O " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/23 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200170008-4 x.. !,~ As exper:th ntal maters 1 accumulates at tho Soviet ionaspx~eZ station, the mothod of foreoasti we have sat Forth mray Cain t acAp'l~~ woe on the territory of the USSR; and it is proposed to devota one of the subsequent Papers to its elucidations Q4:: V4rLQ I S'EGTION FOR SC1l;N'1'IFIG T1S REC1~IVED BY THE EDILORS ,NFker~lv,:? nwi~MinYeMMr:.p.M.Mrs~r11M11~V~~MIM~wIMMWYMIMy OF ` 'TROD C'MS ' RADIO T? GYEI1 ItVR/$dL JUNE l9 70 OF TH1I ACEDEMY OF SCII NCES USSR 13IBLIOGRAPHY 1. 13erkner, Le and eils, H. Terr. 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