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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 CONF IDENTI AL A LFGAT QN 0' rfN USIA Q ' TQX C CkIEMxCA AG~NTL kY Tk E W i ! PQWE S IN THE EAST EUROPEAN PRESS EXCLUSIVE OF THE USSR) DURING TI-fl ~ PERT NCH 17115 PART I ?- Introductory Remarks. The information in this report is based on an examination of the two leading dailies in each of the Fast European countries for the period 3.7-31 March, 1952. These two newspapers are in the majority of cases the organ of the Communist Party (in certain countries known as the 'Jorker's Party) and of the trade union organizations respectively. Bulgaria has been omitted due to the fact that our files of newspapers were incomplete at the time ~rhen this study was prepared. Nevertheless the issues o ulgarian newspapers examined indicated that the treatment of the subject in no way differed substantially from that observed in the press of the other Satellite lands, In all cases, save that of Poland, where they appear dally, the newspapers in question appear each day of the week, except Monday.. In Part II, which follows, a summary is given, arranged. by country, of the content of the allegations. In all instances the following points are included: newspaper and date, source of item, number of column inches, summary of content or literal translations An attempt will not be made in the present report to analyze the allegations, or the manner of presentation. However, several observations are pertinent. In the first place, during the period in question far greater prominence was accorded to allegations of bacteriological warfare than to chemical warfare. In a very large number of instances, casual references or discussions, of varying lengths, referring to chemical warfare use appeared within longer articles devoted to the subject of acteriol.ogical Y warfare. It is interesting to observe the vagueness, or almost complete lack of details regarding the effect upon the supposed victims of the alleged chemical warfare attacks. , t a+ i"~ [ 7~E i 41~~1x4 0diigyp0 ~slk~ ? .~ ' t ? li. dt.ta # ~'i~ t~; a~ca Declassified c ONFI DENTIA.L n Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 4 N t~ p1~ 1 1~ 1 J ' , Ik \w ti h, .~/ Aa can be seen in part II, greatest attention and the ],argent amount of space were devoted ton 1. The findings of the investigating Coassion of the International Association of Democratic Jurists. 2a protest meetings: and declaratione of varioua groups throughout the sar1d. 3. The statement o:C General Ballen at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society held at Hunter College, New York, 1951 14. Communist wire service despatches of alleged,chemieal war.. fare attacks. 5. Malik' s declarations condemning the use of bacteriological and chemical warfare, before the UN Disarmament Commission. L Declassified n Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 CONFIDEKI1 At PART II .. Summaries of Articles In the foiiowing each article represents a summary or condensatio~a of the original, unless specified as a complete translation. CE CH 0 QV A March 18 Rude Pravo Tass The Investigating Commission of the International Association of Democratic wrists granted an interview in which it presented documentary evidence that US troops in Korea had been using chemical warfare, as well as bacteriological warfare methods. March 19 Rude Pravo Tass 3-1/2 inches (Complete translation) Not long a;o the American press carried an admission made by Major-Gen. Ba11en, head of the Chemical '.1iarfare Division of the US Army, that chemical warfare units have been present in Korea since Lt. July, 1950 and that their number is being steadily reinforced. Ballen very openly stated that the American chemical warfare units are in Korea ready to carry out any decisions made by the US government. He praised the use of gas, ati:L~ming; "Gas proved to be effective in World Jar I. Used against personnel it was just as deadly as ammunition. Compared with ordinary bombing, gas warfare is more economical, since bombs destroy property and gas does not.' Ballen's inhuman statement is not the only one of its type. Several other US officials have spoken in the same vein. During January of this year General Lookers /sic', also a member of 1 inch the Chemical Warfare Division and General Chrisie'Lsic7e who is director March 20 Rude" Pravo Tass of the Research Institute of the Army, stated that the US is preparing itself for chemical and biological warfare. CeNFW,.ENTJ&1 2 inches The Investigating Commission:,:of the 'International Association of Declassified n Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 Czechoslovak children protest the use of poison gas and bacterio- ^ rr11 R . , L:: \ Y 11ff j t-. M Democratic Jurists presented a report of its findings to premier Kim Tyson. scion twice asserted that US troops are resorting to chemical warms The cammi fare. March 21 e ravo (CTK; Czechoslovak press office) inches Rud P During the period 10-12 March, 1952, American troops employing planes , and artillery made use of chemical warfare weapons south of piyong? Thirty shells filled %ith chemicals were shot by the Americans. The shells e smoke with sulphur odor. Tear gas and choking gas gave off a yello w whit were also employed. p race CTK 3 inches rantisek Zupka, president of the Central Czechoslovak Trade Union F Council and vice-president of the World Trade Federation in a protest declaration asserted: "US war criminals who have employed poison gas against innocent Korean civilians are now resorting to the use of bacterio logical warfare." grace Staff written 1 inch Various groups and individuals are protesting the use of bacterio- logical warfare Among these, Bishop Josef Carsky has protested against the use of "atomic, chemical and bacteriological weapons." grace Staff written 7 inches logical weapons in Korean March 22 preen staff written 1 inch Malik, speaking before the UN Disarmament Commission stated that the said commission "cannot long ignore the USSR proposal for prohibiting the use of bacteriological and chemical agents". March 26 -race ` Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 er$ of the Revolutionary Trade Union Movement ask coworkers in. Memo Staff written 7 inches 4 . _4r ' IS ~d lo J :L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 the US, the United Kingdom, France, West Germany, and elsewhere to refuse to produce chemicals for bacteriologicai and chemical warfare purposes. March 27 Rude Pravo Vass 2v inches Woricers at the Volga-Don project protest against the use of poison gas in Korea, Pr.ace StL;ff written 2 inches In a longer article accusing Wall Street imperialists of crimes in Korea, mention Is made of a US government publication entitled "What Yati I'Teed to Know About Biological Warfare." The publication in question divides biological war- fare into three categories, involving the use of insects, bacteria, and chemi- cals respectively. March 30 Rude Pravo Tass 5 inches Malik speaks before the UN Disarmament Commission, quoting Major Gen, Bailen's statements regarding chemical warfare units in Korea (see above, Rude Pravo, March 19). POLAND March 19 Trybuna Ludu number is increasing," "Obviously," the General added, "our military operations in Korea are secret.' From Ballen's words it isapparent that the United. States recognizes no ryf;~ k .r4n 7W r P (Literal translation) The official bulletin of the American Congress, entitled Congressional Record, on 5 March published a cynical statement by Gen. Ballen, head of the Chemical Division of the US Army, made at a meeting of the American Chemical Society held at Hunter College. In his statement Balien admits that "chemical warfare units have been in Korea since July 1950' Their ]'imitations as far as the use of chemical warfare is concerned, thereby flagrantly w~ re" CONi'L,h:t1 Tass 8 inches L?c? I ) ._) ified in Part - Sanitized Co Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 CONRDENTAL vic)lat~.f ; internatjonal a reerients and COmmittiri murder a ainst entire se- merits of popul.ati.on. In preparing for chemical warfare and training; special unite, the US, as Gallen asserts, goes on the assumption that poison uses and similar weapons will be used without restriction in the next wax', The general, praising the most barbarous inethoc3,s of cond, warfare, cynically points out that chemical WCQpons will cost American monopolists con- siderably less than would conventional bombs and weapons. Furthermore, after exterminating he civilian ,population, the conquerors will be able to take possession of areas with property undamaged and intact. G].os Prac Tass identical with item immediately above. March 20 Trybuna Ludu Tass 8 inches 2 inches Cavaglieri of the International Association of Democratic Jurists stated that the Association had proof that many persons had perished as a result of the use of poison gas by Americans. Another member, Moerens, asserted that the Association possessed evidence that poison gas had been employed at Wonsan. Trybuna Ludu Tass 3 inches Jacquier, French delegate of the International Association of Democratic Jurists stated that the Association had Confirmed the fact that poison gas had been used by American troops at Wonsan. Gloms P~ racy Tass Identical with item immediately above. 3 inches Narch 21 Tryhuna Ludu Hsin Hua 2 inches At the Korean front on the night of 10-11 March, American artillery fired poison as shells at positions 9 kilometers southeast of P'yongang. On 12 March four American planes dropped poison gas bombs on positions south of Konusan on the eastern front. r1 rt\ r, d~4r~f ified in Part - Sanitized Co Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 sin Kua 2 inches H 2r;:2' J.~raC tics,l with item immediate~.y above. Idea March 28 3 inches Staff written Tr' bona Luc1u ~ issue, wrote and American, in its 31 October, 19 The Neer York Journal Chemical Corps of ,' ntists working in close contact with the the fallowing; Sc~.e the e Truman administration is soil. adhere-ng US Army emphasize the fact that tYi dent Roosevelt in 193, at which time the to the principle expressed by Rre~~' ~ a ' ca1.lY t'ctat under no circurnIstances shall latter affirmed: '~l declare c,atc.gora. rv 'rs;t, 'cal. warfare) unless our enemy uses it ~'j we use such a weapon (ba,cter~.aa.oga. American n the same issue~ ~,7 declares; York Journal and l However, nor the New ? ,].istic." r 1 such an attitude and such a position would be un.rea ~aday in 19~ ~ HUN. RY March 1S Its in Iiua 1 inch S ~abad Ne`; ociation of Democratic Jurists issued a report The xnternational Ass . taming poison gas were shot from stating that near Wonsan, :lay^ge shells con unidentified weapons 14, inches zaba Staff written . d N ressional Record, US chemical ~ warfare units ~s have .1 c Ac~;, cording to the Co rats ;mac ~ic7 and ~ic7 Gene been stationed in Korea since July, 1950. r. have stated that the Americans have been preparing for chemical warfare. Staff written 4 inches NP~a with item immediately above. Identical 1 _-j rJ a Tass 1 inch N s e Lion of the International Association of Demo- c Kim I1-Son told. a delega em to ent of chemical warfare weapons by the Americans I^ has atic Jurists provoked sts that the p ~ indignation throughout the world. March 20 a C~~F~GEf~ l1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 S ~a4-?, Identical with item immediately above. March 21 Szabad NeP t~The Americans have at the Korean front. Ne sz~~va On 10 March, 9 kilometers of southeast of 1'' yongang, American artillery ?c, , with poison gas, \rhicemitted yellow white ?rc~d more than 3o s11e1,1a iill.d lanes dropped. fired r and gasoline, On 12 March, four US p smoke smc~l, of eua.phu The bombs, upon exploding, gave off green lung irritant and tear gas bombs :dames with pepper odor. March 29 2 inches Tans 1 inch Hain Hua 1 inch oieon gas bombs in mil.itazY operations again dropped p 3 inche a Hain Hua Tass Seal. mad Ne- chemical war- a speech before the UN, Malik accused the US of making fare fare preparations. Ne~sza~ Tass Identical with item immediately above. RUMA~ITA }i; ': t ~1 !i4S a I a ` ~. C I~ ; . Wl` 2 inches March 1S S Staff written 1 inch can- acteriological warfare, it is mentioned In a longer article devoted to b iced States have been making use of chemical war that Great Britain and the Un fare in Korea. 1 inch a Sindieala Staf written Viat Identical with item immediately above. ~. Tass 8 inches Scanteja mica/ warfare for, a long time. The Con- gresTY>.esional Record US has been preparing for .; the d) contains a speech presented of 15 Mich ' (no.:year, indicate ,., before a meet- .:, General B~11eri, V chief of chemical warfare for the Army, ? by M 1 He told the meeting that chemical warfare ing, of~ the -,American Chemical Society. CONDENT1M; '7ud~~l~r~~'/~~~ I rM~~~?+ ~ V~e~r'r ~P4/~a1~~u+x r~ 4? ~Y,.~~ ((~i?'#ti i i~~ rt~ ) n+ i t ~j1~ I ~ ,p1i i) P~ ~P r pV~li 4' < c 4~~~i rn~r I ~~{ + SP++i KID, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 Vial Indic La COMFWENTU\. ~ e,nd that their number is being rein- units have been in Korea sine ~ Jul.y ~, `~5in for chemi.cwarfare and training of foxced~ He fuxther stated that pa.ann ~ were made necessary by the fact that toxic special units for this purpose weapons would be used wi'thaut limitatian in a future wax. Chemical warfare: civilian population withaut damage to pxaper'ty the _ could be used to wipe out then take; possession of an area intact. Many other and the conquerors could aders have expr. esSed tiiemsl ves in similar terms, American military l.e 8 inches Identical with item immediately above. 2 inches on of Democratic Jurors carried out an in- The International Associati have been attacked by American planes employing spection of areas reported to re weapons. Jacquier, the French delegate, and chemical and 'bi,olo~;ica'1. warfare stated that on a visit to the Wonsan area and Caster, Brazilian r ~ t1~c had seen;e-calibex` shells filled with cities in the Kan~ron. prav~.nce, y a substance from which eases issued. March 19 Staff written 1 inch Viata Sizadicala ? is mentioned that the US is employing chemical In a longer article it warfare in Korea. March 20 'ass Tasa 2 inches Tass ? 'of Democratic Jurists reported that it had The International Association found proof of the use of chemical warfare by the US. Brandweiner, head of the f ? ~, ~ axed that fatalities had resulted as a result of .~ Inwestigating, decl oison has released by US planes, The French delegate, Jacguier, stated that he p ras on Wonsan. ion ~ d ed ~as, o p ad seen evidence of the fact that US planes had. ro~ :g } evidence of these allegations, and this would be Material had been collected as E: ~~:~"~s - on declared that captured American documents . ~ ubmitted at a later date. te, Kim Il. S ? Uto use chemical warfare. revealed the intents on of the{., Viata Sindicala Hsin Hua 1 inches Mention is made that the US is empl?Yin~; chemical warfare. C Ot~JfiEfvYlAl Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 COMA DENUAL iata Sindicala Hain Hua L inches ? On 11 March, 191, US planes carried out raids at various points. After the raids three b .ga full of yellow powder and toxic white crystals were found near Lantao. March 21 Soanteia Hsin Hua 2 inches On 10 March 1952 at 100 hours, American artillery fired 30 shells at positions 9 kilometers southeast of Plyongang. Many of these were filled with poison gases. Upon exploding they gave off a whitish yellow smoke smelling of sulphuric acid and gasoline. On 12 March at 1600 hours, four planes dropped bombs containing lacrimators and lung irritants in the Kosong Hills on the east coast. Upon exploding these bombs burst into dark green flame, with odor of pepper. Hsin Hua inches Scant eia During the period 1012 March 1952, American planes dropped chemical substances. Three sacks full of a yellow powder and a yellow poisonous crystalline substance were dropped over Lantao. On 12 March, a formation of US planes dropped poisonous sticky substances over Santaokao tic7 and Huan .ait entu f ic7 in the district of Ci An /iisiart?7. March 2 5cant31a Reprint from Cominform Organ 1 inch -- ._- Within a longer article the statement is made that the US is employing chemical warfare. March 27 Scanteia Hsin Hua 7 inches A Chinese commission for the investigation of biological warfare re. ported that a physician saw American planes drop white sacks around Lantao, Ulunpel i217, and weidangati %s3.c7 on U March at 1530 hours. The sacks i ~ fell 2O meters from him, were x 7.~O centimeters in dimension, and con ~ twined white ite crystals. Another eyewitness in the same area at 100 lours .. 10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 ,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 Viata Sindicala CONFIDEN'fI/IL Hsin Hua !4~ inches `On 11 March' 19a~1, Us planes carried out raids at various points. After the raids three bags I 1 of yellow powder and toxic white crystal$ were found near Lantao. March 21 Scantsia Hsin Hua 2 inches on 10 March 1952 at 1500 hours, American artillery fired 30 shells at positions 9 kilometers southeast of plyongang? Many of these were fills with poison gases. Upon exploding they gave off a whitishMyellaw smoke smelling g of sulphuric acid and gasoline. On 12 March at 1600 hours, four planes dropped bombs containing lacrimators and lung irritants in the K0eong Hills on the east coast. Upon exploding these bombs burst into dark green flame, with odor of pepper. Hsin Hua 5 inches Scant eia During the period 10.12 March 1952, American planes dropped chemical substances. Three sacks full of a yellow powder and a yellow poisonous crystalline substance were dropped over Lantao. On 12 March, a formation of US planes dropped poisonous sticky substances over aantaokao /ic7 and Huanpait entu /ic7 in the di strict of Ci An Lisian?7. + r r March 2s Scanteia Reprint from Cominform Organ 1 inch Within a longer article the statement is made that the US is employing chemic al warfare. i .r ,r March 27 k`inches Hsin Hua 7 ti 5canteia . - "k A Chinese commission for the investigation of biological warfare re" " ported that a physician saw American planes drop white sacks around Lan ao, p A~ . id ate /4 7 on U March at 1530 hours. The sacks ~a ti H Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 Ulunpel 5ic7' and We ang _ fed, 250 meters from him, were 5 x 7.50 centimeters in dimension, and con' twined white crystals. Another eyewitness in the same area at 1500 hours , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 saw plane drop whits objects which prOVOCI to be branches "i f acted with baoteria."~ BAST GEaNANY scists concealed their weapons behind a facade of ;'peacetime The Fa t~ 'ion were prow ~ f March 18 Staff written 20 inches Txibuene anon) ~ The International Association of Chemical (Literal trans]. , Workars (International Vereinig ung der Chemiearbeiter) has called upon all ~ their utmost to chec1n3te the ef.torts of the American war workers to do cri,mtinals. The statement issued by them declares: "Demand the inimed.tate punishment of those responsible for the use of these weapons of destructiont prevent the production of materials for chemical warfare. Have nothing to do with crimes against humanity 1" The International Association of Chemical Workers has proof of the shameful acts comrrtl.tted by the Americans. It is obvious that the "death merchants" who manufacture bacteriological and chemical warfare weapons, overlords of international trusts and combines. are the monopali st ic It is known that in Western Germany, the inventors of Zyklon 3 gas, utilized for the mass murder of millions of persons in the Fascist concen' as Drs. Peters and puerrf eld, are free once more, and tration camps, such ready to place their experience at the disposal of the American imperialists and their German cohorts. ' During the second World War the Germans developed the "Triton" nerve anew and revolutionaz?y" methods of warfare. gases, considered by experts as y The IG Farben plant in Ludwigshafen busied itself with the development t of a che'cal intended to serve the purpose of rr sweetening calcareous a m. z~ salty water". This was the first "Trilon" . t !wr Tri es o ~ earchr'. In a very short time, three improved typ x-, ' and Soman. All three of these were pro- diced which were. Tabun, Sar'ln~ ry duaad in the laboratories of the IG Farben combine in Leverkusen and Hoechst. x. w, " " ? ?' p ~. , 'r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 C Et~~61XL elo ad in the coaxes of research on The above named uses were dev p insect asQS ware studied and constantly ia~.des, with phosphoric acid, The g ace in 1937 under Dr. Schrader whoa aecoxding to improved. This 'toad place sr Factory e resent time still active in the Bay oux infQr~tion is at th p at Leverkusen. and causes this penetrates the respiratory organs, As regards Tabun Even weak doses cause visual disturbances. unconsciousness and death. rator Saran is three times as poisonous as Tabun. The number of labs Y its effectiveness gruesomely enough. fatalities demonstrated the Soviet year Reich" toppled under the blows of When the sIThousand Yea heir activi~ war chemists were forced to cease t ,army a the outstanding German that, these men sit idly by in their ties for a time. But who can believe e? Events in Korea prove that they are now laboratories at the present time? very active. However, those who unleash the plague, ehalaraa and other diseases upon entire peoples in order to maintain their own supremacy, are estruati.on is merely a matter of time. doomed from the outset and their d h Tass dschau Ts,egliche Run resented a Association of Democratic jurists has p The international troops it has proof of the use of poison gas by US report asserting that rt enemy positions near F'yongang and Wonsan. agains March 19 staff 162 inches Taegliche Rundschau Th ~, to the Congres~ reparing for/hemical warfare. Accoxdg The U S is p the chief of the US Army Chemise/ Corps, si.anal Record of ~ March 19S2a ~ I ? fic7 admitte d that chemical warfare units have been C. General cart ing out secret operations in Korea and the united States is actively Y preparing for biological and chemical warfare. of 12 March 192 is quoted as stating that +ithe The New York Tunes being th~;roughly potentialities of biological ar chemical warfare are aced in the United States" ? investig ,l L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aproved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 CONFIDENTIAL March 20 Deutsche Nachxi.chtena~entur, i/2 inches 'tae fiche Ru.nclsrhau A1)N(A1a.~emei,ne General German News Agency) -- st S' eranslis, coxxespondirg member of the USSR ?i .~ The noted Soviet sctent follawirag stt~tement to a representative of the Academy of sciences, made the ~~ ? ianal conventions forbid t}~a~; use of chemical or Tass Nears Agency. lnternat are. The US government, however, under the bacterialogical methods of warf disre axd.s these universally l.y accepted canvent~.ons. regime of Truman and. Acheson, ~ sts are employing rnethods of warfare which not even The American impera.ali e. The scientists who have sunk so :Low as to became Hitler dared to urldertah Amer lists in this barbaric crime have ~'or~atten that tools of the s scan imperi the goal of science, from the very beginnings of history, has been to improve men who have become the tools of reaction and the the lot of mankind. These , , an eo le have forfeited the right to call themselves murderers of the Kare p p ~ scientists, Y doa.,n ~l ties committed ' by the 1 American Soviet peoples in protesting against the atroci~ aggressors in Korean and Chinese soils Mankind will never forgive or forget these atrocities." March 22 ].-l/2 inches Tae e RundscYiau Tass On 12 March 1952r 62 American aircraft, in 11 groups, flew over Anju, Anpinhe ic7, Juendian~ekou sic7, DaedungOU, Fynchen ~ic7, Sueian, and Tsiarag 5ic7, One of the planes bombarded and strafed the villages of anbaitantey sic7 t the Tsian aisian7 district, Sandaokou ic7 and Hua ~ dropping a sticky, poisonczais substance along the railroad track between the Huanbaitantey 5ic7 and Janfyn i,c7 stations. NON-SATELLITE PRESS OF EAST EUROPE FINLAND Only one newspaper, the Vapaa Sana, organ of the Communistic SKDL (FinnisYr People's Democratic Union) was surveyed. Twice mention was made of the use of 1 ~a oats" without the addition of further details.. "bactex'ia and chemical warfare we p , On 21 March, an article appeared as an STT-Reuter dispatch from Tokyo and which tOt4FIDENTIAL Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1 CONHDENTIAL affirmed that the Korean radio reported that four American planes dropped gas bombs on positions of the People's Army noar Ko$ong on the eastern coast of Korea on 12 March. YuaO$LAVIA Although the Yugoslav press during this period carried a limited number of "neutral" items on bacteriological warfare, no mention of chemical warfare was found in the two leading newspapers of Yugoslavia examined for this period. ? ySee~I PART TIT w ) it -b- The number of column inches devoted to the subject of chemical warfare by country, was as follows: Czechoslovakia 39-1/2 East Germany 59-1/2 Hungary 19 Poland Rumania 31 Total 193 inches COt\HIDENTL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/14 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200070002-1