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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020070-1 NITRATION OF SATURATED HYDROCARBQn1S AND THEIR DERIVATIVES NITRATION Ghur Ubshchoy Khimii, Vol 18, No 3, 198, Source. pp L73-.L78 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Coy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020070-1 STAT` Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020070-1 IT I'rRATIO OF TOLULT~1 INTO PE,1}aYL-~ NI TO-TE'JEaJE A. I r Tjtov, Laboratary of Organic Cherais tr'y of the 1ilitary Acadonty imeni E. Varosllilb, 0 ' E The pruson f ? work re1.~~resont.; tho practical application of our t}leoI'y t and she aiky1-be111Ze11O side chain for the purpose of for r!itra~inparo.ff~.ns evelopl.n,~M hod.s for obtaifa.n , mano nitz'o derivatives . d, T ne , . nl lrrlov~n way of na.~l;t'atin~ toluono and other alkyl- Till recently the o y the cl`i.ssica1 method of I. K0ova10v. T"ne lab- benzene uid.o ChL1],T1S has been i- ~',thanc~ by ]aeatina mixture; of 1iydroca1b0n and ia. tee' obtained phenyl..n~.tro rr~ ~ ~. gravity 1.12 in a sealed t1.T1a e over a waterbath for 4~~ tric acrd a,c si~CCa..E.~c ,, y hours . ted Konovalav from describM s preven .., an mechanism ha The 017SCL11 C, 1 CaCi ,~ ~.~ ; ^~ ~ ~ ~~?; ~~'S. ,1?y r:~.p,t r.", r.y,~. W ~ +:. +`?...., ~ ,.~ t,~ ~.. ~' ~ , s ,'tr~' b" C~ per- , esis a.d?egua.~~eJ.i Thus, tho i onovalav ecx imnen '5r1~: :i,n~ tn.e s ~h ' , ? M 'i anal C~;ollcrian? and Van Raaltc, who either did not o o- f'orri>.ed in.dependentl,y - ~ '; all or at r~.ast obtained 1.~2 drops of ite ?'~1oi'I~har 'vain phenyl-nitx"o-rna~,hane aL a alav des ,ite the f w ~, could P. P? Shary{;in (1.) r.o,~ica:?ta. the results obtained ?~al.e than. the data of the others. Slr.oryg~.ra' s face that his data were more :~avard. l f . u r the reasons of the failure v~ere not SUCCess attempts to accaL~nG fo C n research in nitrating toluene in the side ohain, we , (,o1m. ~inua.nour 4 e. ~& M sx~adan~ the ~caction ir1 open con- nalnr satisfactory methods for L fl OW So a h.L~T1 ~ dr~c~ds of n'ram~~c; of pl~enyl-rm.a.tro_mathane. a ni- u a. ~0 obtain ' r~lL, r, pBCi~'iC agent, nitroen .~..~a..~d~ can be used a, well as ni~t,z'ic acid ~ tin ~; tra Cniadfor a period e~' 4 hcu~':~~? to bh hoatecl. at, X10 - lOQ dcgr0cs r ravty 1 h have been ac1'iiev~- ' rr t from the data of previous,The~;c~ rc,sults, verb different fran 0 r.s Fs d 1 ,,t}pie foli.oWin~ bheor'e?~ical analysis. C t re orts (2,3)) the 1nechanism of forming mononitro `~.ccordinto our x~,r.s p r derivatives with nitrogen oxides. and comauncls by nitrating paraffins and tliel p Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020070-1 TTRAT1l) E DR0C~JRl'01:TS MD TI:JJEIR DERIVLT1\~1aS ~l. J .i'J. S~,'1' ?M.?..w...... `i _ r _~ __ OF _........,:., __ .._ .,_._..-___,?,.....w,....,.....,.w.?.... . ,,,.w ;~rC~1'~T:l''.1;'~~~a '~~h~CVA.J. I ~f ~z t~:[:~.,rl;l.O1~T C~~' ,(', I1 . G r 1;t0l ~+~ ~,~T.hS~ T~1~u;1~,~, STAT II Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020070-1 fli'lri(: oid. is us fo11ours ; k , ~~~~ ~ ~" ?rf4 G~ `~ ,. rf "'^ " ~`~ , a) h"dx' QCC1rbQ1,~ wa.t).x mono mer ic; nitro ara dioxide: iZu +. NO a R 4 E[1~TC)2 6 a 'v G . 1? subsc uently, alkyl ib: s v1ih the radical m.oieCUi0 RH&. ;NU2 ~ RN02 The most i:ciport';r,nt ieaction competifg w1'1ah the laber process , will be the r~ 6 or' aikyl with n iro6fl oxide a rhi$ y is cor7vor`ted in'co p~renyl-~dinitro~ 10W~.i~.r, n,~.1;ro-corTlpol;!rrCt Zti` sLl}oscquen'~~l.;r .!.~ ., ? : ,; ` v ~~' V;ror'c~al,3(7 Clearrca methane as was shown in the provioias report (u nd,i'iorrs for ni-broco-cornPour'ads a.r.ito doriv.~ up the corLvGrsion eo and other produc ~s a '~f tisres A Su]aplG~lEn y accessory roCLion appears to be the interaction of `-ho radical with dimeric ni ~rogen dioXi de N2 O. , givifl ~ ducts which will e explained ir'i detail iii anothe::c?raptr e oX1d.ized pr a- From 'rhe ?'oregoin it follows, that for acceleratinc the nitration of nitric oxide in the liquid p Lase anal it into the a.irec:tion of f :ni n~, mono~nitr'o deriv'ati'ves, we shonJ.d build up duri.n, the reaction z su~..Excie t; cuantity of a`iD; and, roduce as far as possi'b1o the cor Ceftr`aGican ,~ of ~.J ,y1.2 C) i , ~)'1(()r'kin , with. open containers we succeeded in perforrnif NO and. . the reaction at a temperature of a'boUt 100 degrees and. by employiIti ; an eX- c solvent or still better the hydrocarbor1 itsolfo The utilization. osy,, of of a large quantity of hydrocarbon guarantees sul'?'icien'l, conce1~tfabi0n of fro the reaction, and the tonperature rise is of minor importance ~~ dltr~.n~; the in rc1ar t_uion t0 1J0/N02 NZ ` O. /N02 due to the sharp decrease in the solu- and she cofsid.0ra1D1e increase in the aissociatio~rr bility of nitric oxide l of 2 0,'1 Whlctr approaches 100 percent, under these c"onaitiOns I The de- ffoct of 'be1nperatlzre and the quantity of hyd.rocar'bon on duc'L:r.orr about the o t:h.c yield of the, mono-..n.!. ' tro derivative has been fully proved by experiments. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020070-1 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020070-1 Ipara.llol with tc~ i1s,o of excossiyc1'ocar'bon, a 0d h1 inM cr' in the yield of riono~rritX'o compounds has also IJoen hra~a;ht about introduction 01 U"~ ~"f7f dur' n , the ro ~cti()rr a This iSu explairlad introduction J-~.Ly CGf~a1dr'bons ? As it is shovrn by the stoichionlctri.c oquations ,('o11cavea.n~ of i'aa na.ur ,.a'La.rr and oxidiuin reactions With nro;en clioxido, as follows 2G H 5CFL -- 3\')2 2C J:f. . Oh';) i'T()) H 20 NO C6 H CH + 3No2 , Cia (JQ()ii 112 0 + 3'N0 All of them form nf:E'ic oxide by the unpz'oductive consumption of nitrogen dioxide . ,lfcirc,.rtlstafce i.rtvoiVGS ~l red1.1ced partial pressure u.l,1d con- a. C~)fCefY'Lof of1,iO7 in the h'jrdrocarlJon, 'Vdlalch decreases the sec{uently rapidity of the .. the act'iono The introtictiorl of oxy'r'-;en, i1ianSformin rapidity flx 1'''G the ' ' _ into dioxide, ough. ; to cOrltr'1OU ~e to the more e r'bens lve and r.11~GY 1C 0~v~1(.lG a_ a-...e y d n f;r'ogeri arid bo the acceleration of the reaction cGrmpcomplete use of the r~GUn ' r'a'te , a fact CG:7I1.r'I11ed b ~1.o OY.1C1.1Zlnunder these CGi1d.lf~a,oTlS by eY} erl'n?~: Jti T - he final analysis took place eXClusiVely the expense of tie ox;y onr For cff'ective nitration of toluene side-chains by nitric acid, ac" cordirlto our theory, the following should be provided: 1 7v L)'rT r. i.) > >'ii~ r '~ i ~7~'(~~?~~j~ ~,~~, L)~~ ( l ) iIT' I. :L r:OG.Ea ,.... , (.1 RAC ~..! r4TI ~4h S F.ES.u~. AT ,. 2 rr`I [i l'1,L P O[~ ~iTI TRI (.~ Ad. ID 3TJi L1) U? 'JD aJ~ T.fE ti:J (JJlj ))cJ:L J. REAC TI ON 1L) CO . Cr TRi TIo:i OF N 0 . ll iJI ?~i1.} 1)~rl~ l ~~,YC~ '~'~:I'i i'VJJ~IJ ',1 !;;.i .~T i ~;) .I. ?~ ~.,1~ s _ y i 1 i CO1L j 1 ,i, s TO ;,;JI' '7a-J: ~ry .C~1:: i i~'l:Z.c'):?;) ~w11 ;:fi 'J::(l~j 1~L `~ . TO THi-a NIJ VLEUS t'1) FR.UI T):r~ 'i'ROYT2' G THE F(,}~ 4lil?G i'I%Ei `f..~ QBSElt\l. , CLE OF T.!i.L RLAG t r" T1ICK J)EvEL~ ~l%'~~Cp.FOR ' THE I ~~,1Fi,1`w`i ~'~E~f 'ta:~a~a C ,~~ l?i TUI LL `fi~()G'Etd~ iDIOXl: 'E To e first conitiora it is sufficient; to add initially a f u l f:r.17 ,.th certain quantity of n itrogeri dioxide or substances which can produce the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020070-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020070-1 l'l1X'i0 ~1.C',7.C~, such tea p y 'a c'b J. n i:a VJ 1 la ~1 J,~:tt?l,c~l' c~~:~un.s r~ o ri r> > ~,x ozl . r~ror~.~.xc:t. o'k hornocaa. . ' t s ~:f'~':~I.x:+ C;,r1C~7.x~, of `I;~10 paX ~' pxat:e SS ~O LU(} } C , . .1rl.1. !1 J .J ~~ ~ ,C i`Ga f'ox' pr ac:luc~.r~~; honyi-n,roM~:Q'G', :fr?bh()x conf:>rrB~oc~ by `bho cxpOx';1.r++.ex ,bx'u ~..x ,,o~~ar' r)cax,oa,n,d acid a~k; spaaa.f`~.c- ,.~ ~ n~.'G2'a~~a.on of ~oluone ti?~~. ulz na.k,~, } lLti1, of raox'e ?l, 50 pe}~cc~~'L 'l.}?xo,n s'Loa.chlo- .~ , -~,;~ ar.+ open ve;,7clu ?M an o~~`~a ~., x' I;~.v~, y reo ?l x':LGaf tr pc, S s i to.i e , UYa 5 a'~ GC;.7. ~?.e d 1 , ,, s c~1do wac~ c~,s ~ the accc~lei'oa of ~"~.r~ 001 ucx s:>.an o~ ~ ~.. method. for ~,h a a l~.caw , r by -L1ie a.d.di-?n of mines as px opoSe(i axd te x~~ and SOCO'('!C~aT'~!' x1lanOx~:L'a GOr(1pO'1~x1C~u, tiVc~.u ~~lln?~ ,~ Thor' the Gx~;~;'acLa,on of px eatcished. ri I,,...i. ..r.., f R4.a',J LC. ~.tK V Z',,I~-~~.El~l), 62, 675 (93)) , P. Silory~~.n and ~okolo 9 1 21 1 jtov, ZU-0i 1h, 1B96 (196)1 a~ 1 V / da 1 `Cj'cov, Z L-0-Kli, 16, 465 (19B) P, ` , tov Zh.-0-KU, 10, 1(Jr(i3 (1700) L.I_ D J.'d. 1 .~ ~ , i orlova1Ov, Z. {'()iH-O, ~1, 25< iB ; "j .e J.l~ .C 1 4 9 c) , Suljrai.~led o EdfOria1 0f1'i.Cc FebrU ';)l Ca 1945 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020070-1 11