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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 F OE WORD ed by physical observations, and no clues are furnished as to the origin and subsequent development of climatological processes. This reduces considerably the reliability of deductions drawn from this data and their usefulness in the evolution of a detailed climatological analysis, Information on the eliirate of various Territories of the Soviet Union must be made more precise, not so rnich by the passive accuna.ilation of observation data, as by the method of physicowgeographica1 study of the natural climatic zones, which are climatic units in our vast territor- The climatological studies of our country are not yet complete. Although there are statistical data for most USSR areas, in some cases for long periods of time, the above data are mostly averaged results of what has passed, and cannot serve as a basis for climatological consider- ations of the future. In many cases the statistical data are not support- ial expanse. The purpose of this book is to segregate from the territory of the USSR precisely such natural climatic zones (defined by their climate forming processes), and the resulting general weather cycles together with the order of values of their meteorological components. The clima.? tic study of a territory is to proceed along these zones. The c1intic zone serves as the basic unit. It represents an area, within the limits of which there is a certain continuity of the meteoro-. logical circulation coniplex, which determines the perennial course of the weather, i.e. its climate, When adjacent zones have analogous characteristics of prevailing air masses, they are incorporated into climatic units of a higher order of magnitude, into climatic regions. Thus, the distinguishing feats whose circulation pattern corresponds to the zones composing the region. Lure of a climatic region is the nature of its prevailing air masses, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 The climatic region may consist or only one zone if the circulation cones ditiona of the prevailing air masses are hcniogeneous. Areas, within whose limits local factors exert a substantial in- fluence on the weather, without causing a change in the general circuJ-a- are considercd as climatic sub zones. Thus, on windward tion features, matmtazn slopes ? atmospheric precipitation is often observed on semi-dis- anta.nued fronts, where there is no precipitation in the adjacent valley. c In other cases, when the same mountain slopes are leeward, a thinning formations will take place over them. A locality, in which out of cloud such variations occur, can be defined as a climatic sub zone. the zones and sub-zones there is a micro'climatic section Witkn.n with certain individual factors prevailing that do not influence the gen" oral evolution of zone or sub~zone weather. The segregation and description of climatic sub-Zones and micro climatic sections are not within the scope of this book, since this is a subject for detailed climatological research in individual zones. In the construction of a general zoning diagram, the following materials were ut11ied: Cla.mat?c atlases 5 of the Nain Geophysical Observatory (GGO),~ and the Synoptic Charts of the Central Forcast Institute (Ts IF). In describing individual zones, the Climatological Handbooks of the Main Geophysical Observatory, plus descriptions by Reablics and Regional o~~detooro~.ogical Adndnistrations, and additional monographs Regions, cornpiLed jointly by the in Geophysical Observatory and the and articles by various authors, were utilized. Examples of the synoptic aspects illustrating the described processes were selected by V. M. Kurganskaya, Candidate in Geographical Sciences. I take this opportunity to express sincere appreciation to express sincere appreciation to V. S. Voxynskaya, for her thoughtful and warm attitude, which hastened book. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 CONVENTIONAL DESIGNATIONS FOR SYNOPTIC CHARTS OCCURTNG THROUGHOUT TIDE TEXT Clear 0 Overcast Light Wand Strong Wand Gusty Wand Lower Clouds r ,6 Rain Showers p Figures at Isobars designate barometric pressures in nd11iiters. Figures at Stations designate temperatures. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 REST R1CT EO CLIMt TE FORJ1I PROCESSES OVER THE EXPANSE OF THE USSR The territory of the Soviet Union occupies an area of some 170 Pacific air masses. This is concerned i' the initial warming up of the mari- latitude degrees by more than 50 longitudinal degrees. West to east it extends almost from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, and south to north, from the sub-.tropical zone to the North Pole. This vast ex.- parse of land, being surnmer-.heated and winter-.cooled, is the determining clirrtic factor for the greater part of USSR territory. Excepted from the above factor is a wide western belt, which is strongly affected through- out the year by the Atlantic, and a narrower belt in the east, which is affected in the summer months by Pacific air currents. The influence of the Arctic Ocean, facing the continent with its wide front, is, to some extent and in some form, felt throughout the entire territory of the USSR The effect of the continent itself, and the surrounding oceans, on USSR climate manifests itself in various ways depending on the season. In summer, the basic process for practically the entire USSR territory, excepting the coastal belt in the north and in the east, deals with the formation of warm continental air from the incoming Arctic, Atlantic and and an absolute hund.dity of g grams per cubic meter; the continental air, per cubic meter; the Atlantic air, a temperature of 16 degrees Centigrade ature of around 13 degrees Centigrade and an absolute hand.dity of 7 grams the newly arrived Arctic air over r~loscow, in June, has a daytime temper- tame air and its supplementary hunu.dificai;ion. According to calculations, a temperature of 23 degrees Centigrade and an absolute humidity of 11 grams per cubic raster. However, since the air is warmed at a faster rate than it is humidified, the relative Immidity, as a result of the change, is actually lowered, For the Arctic air, the relative humidity at noon is 40 percent, Therefore, both the humidity deficiency and the evaporation 45 percent; for the Atlantic air, 50 percent; for the continental air, rate increase. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 the southern regions of the USSR, where the warming up process is parti.oularly intense, the continenta1 air of the Temperate zone is trans- formed into `hopica1 type air approximating characteristics of air over Tropical deserts. Upward traansndsrion of heat and moisture in the charging air is due mainly to ascending currents, which are easily formed in the relatively cold nn,ritimtie air masses over the warmed up continent. The considerable heating up of the earth's surface and contiguous air over USSR territory during the summer is stimulated by the unusual astronomical conditions and nature of atulospheric ci.rculation. For instance, duo to the long day in the north, as in Yaicuts?k, in:;olation in clear weather may reach 90 percent as compared to Tashkent. At the same time, due to circulation conditions, cloud fcrnsatun during the summer over the conti- nental areas of the; USSR particularly the more southern parts, is not ex~ tensive. T1ni, the astronomical factor - excessive summer insolation assumes a still greater chin ttolog.ical value than usual. (See Figure l be.- low). In the central parts of the continent, due to prevailing anti-cycloM ntc circulation, sky cover is not oxcessive, and winds are not strong. Such conditions are conducive to the heating of the terrestrial surface and of the lower atmospheric strata. Cyclonic activity in the swnrr~r (not counting that in the western and far-eastern areas ) ig directly connected with the Arctic front ? This front is now located axone the northern shoreline or recedes in the form of separate outoxrops into the dep'bha of the Arctic. Arctic front cyclones pass mainly over the northern areas, while the outcrops of ha,gh pressure - which divide them together with the cyclone series enclosing the anti. cyclones advance into the ntLddle areas, (Figure 2) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 v&,,4H: ~e...r., .".,r RESTRU)T Ik i }WMWN(?~INi~ M11w.?MVr M.~.q Mrr4yrM1MMwMlatipy ~ M.NNYwi~t... y.{..~~ r4 hAx. ^. `- w4r.A~ -`+w?Yr w~11~a it/~l~e.h n..v: ..w.,. t ~ New w~ ~ ~ N~ Mun~,lnh r.N,w,`.r.fw ~,,,~"rMiyi+:4'~Nhiil'dM~R:ui~n. M~;,.y~2rl4r~Mlw~o,M q ~? r +r~rr~.w;w.5a,r.w'l ^ ?tJl w~tt~r4Yt?;J, F Cyclone Scrips Enc1osd,n ~,nt~,c , ~ yo1one over Western Saherla' in the stunner (14 June 1937) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 F'a: re x s Recurrence of Overcast in the Slties over, USSR TPrrjtoxy in July.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 The Arctic air entering the enclosing anticyclone has very low moisture content, since evaporation absolute hnxiiidit7 at near-zero tem- peratures is insignificant. The 1owmoisture content of the Arctic air and the downward motion in the anticyclones are reasons for the slight degree of sky cover developing over the central belt of the USSR interior, Over Central Asia, where continental air is transformed into Tro- pical air, the smoothing out of temperature differentials between the ix- coming Iranian Tropical air and the local air, leads to occlusion of the fronts, and to a general reduction of cyclonic activity (Figure 3). The cloud formation over these areas during the summer is at a minimum. Thus, the character of atmospheric circulation, being the cause of sight cloud formation over the area, promotes a greater insolation and accelerates the heat effect of the earth's surface upon the atmosphere. At the same time, the circulation itself depends largely on the warmed under.-laying surface of the earth, which, ir, turn, has an effect on cyclonic activity by creating, in some areas, nevi seats of cyclonic disturbance, and suppressing same in other areas. In generalizing, the following points must be emphasized; 1. The process of transformation of the incoming maritime air masses (moving into continental air), embraces, during the summer months, prac- tically the entire territory of the USSR. And in practically every area, the warm continental air mass prevails. Thus, continental summers, even beyond the Polar Circle, are sufficiently warm to permit cultivation of some early'ripening bread and truck garden crops. RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 x..=nra?.nro.~, Figure : .,,.The Transformation of Arctic Air into Continental and Tropical. Air over Western Siberia, Kazakstan and Central. Asia (5 August 196), 2, As a result of the heat gained in the transforiration process, the inconth g maritime air is additionally hund,dified in terms of absolute humidity, but at the same time recedes from its saturation point. For ex- ample, the humidity of Atlantic air during its transformat' a.on into conti? nental air, undergoes an average increase of 2 grains per cubic. meter, but and vegetation, which accompanies the process of air transfor nratjon, is the saturation deficiency together with the evaporability increase by g grains per cubic meter Evaporation of moisture from, the earth's surface one of the most important components in the internal humidity turnover over the continent. 3. The sunrnner transformation of the air masses (wurming up and addiw tional humidification ) is mainly due to the underlaying surface of the earth ?r Wtnter the transforming of relative/ wa, Y rm mi.r masses into cold continertM l air merely begins at the earth 's surface, and continues in the free at- rnosphere under the effect of radiation of the air. ness itself. Rising air Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 currents enrging from the earth t s surface hewed by the sun, carry the heat and moisture into the upper strata, thereby making the process en-- era). and hastening completion of the transformation, Thus, the c1ims,to-. logical value of the continent is at its maximum specifically during the s~,rmner transformation. The territory of the Soviet Union is an area of continental air formation during the winter as well. The winter transformation of Atlan- tic air into continental air consists in the cooling and desiccation of the air over the snow blanket. The transformation of the Arctic air in- to continental air, on the other hand, consists in warming up and hwm.difiM cation, air northwards is much more pronounced than in the summer. In Central summer, Therefore,i.n winter, the temperature drop in the continental Astronomical conditions, which determine possible insolation and warming up of the earth's surface, as distinct from conditions prevailing during the summer, depend to a great degree on the geographical latitude of the area. The possible (in clear weather) insolation decreases rapidly towards the north. In Yakutsk, the maximum insolation in January, compared with same for Tashkent, is only l percent instead of 90 percent as in the Asia it is 5 degrees, in Trans-Baayka). 25 degrees. The circulation characteristics in the winte7, as well as in the where overcast and winds prevail during the winter (Figure 4). summer, throughout nest of the USSR, are favorable to calm and clear wea-. ther, with the exception of the north'-western half of the European part, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 The cooling of the Atlantic air over the continental snow blanket .+r. Nwlvnd,n+,~ft+,;rw~wr.,iNa,w+rr..rr.w xr.r r:r ___4.r. r_4*_.__.ww: +, r.?.rw?.rr.IMMRM'A`MY'^ ?1 ? Ln eirt --~??*eu.`u~uvua..,, .~.,?.w+wrre 4jY*,# 0*i a. rsxn,w'rwnr'rI Fjure ; Recurrence of Overcast over the Territory of the USSR in Jane- masses is more pronounced and penetrates further inland. For example, in a result of which the effect upon the weather exerted by the incomig5i~ In the winter, the effect of the underlaying terrestrial surface upon air masses is mostly limited to the lower ~tmospheri 7 strata, as or double the range. This is also due to the higher velocity of the air degrees Centigrade, and in January from minus 30 to zero degrees Centigrade, Chkalov the July temperatures, on different days, fluctuate from 15 to 30 masses during the winter is considerable only near the coast line. Within a short time a cold in- frequently driven upwards by the colder continetatel air, thereby ).osing the higher strata. In addition, maritime air over the interior areas is termixing of the air arid. with the tranQndssion of the cooling effect into terstratifioation forms from below. This interferes with the vertical in- for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 its direct contact with the underlaying terrestrial surface. Subsequent cooling of maritime air is effected by gradual intermixing with colder air masses and radiation. Atlantic air is de$:Lecated by condensation of its moisture on snow surfaces (a process which reverses that of sunder evaporation), as well as by the considerable precipitation at the cyclonic fronts. In its transformation into continental air, Arctic air is warmed rather slowly. This is due to the fact that, of the alight amount of so-. lar radiation available to the middle latitudes during the winter, 70 per... cent is reflected back by the snow blanket. Hamx,di,fication of Arctic air is due to snow evaporation in all the USSR areas the relative humidity in the winter is 70-.S0 percent over the snow blanket, However, the thertrc.i effect oi' the terrestrial surface in the win-, ter may be weakened by two factors : (l) the very lour thermal conductivity of snow, which causes it to assume the temperature of the air moving over it; and (2) warm air arriving over the cold surface of ?Ehe snow frequently forms radiation-.retarding fogs. Under these conditions the terrestrial surface practically assumes a thermal neutrali?Cy vrith relation to the warm and cold air mna ses, by strengthening of the winds in the wake of cyclones, The cooling off of the bottom air layer directly over the snow blanket causes a near-surface inversion of temperature over the entire USSR continental area. This condition is disturbed only from time to time This inversion is particularly strong in the moot climabica]iy conta.nentaa. the exception ` of Trans?Caucasia and the southern part of Central Asia, mean temperatures in all the mountainous rogiono of the Soviet Union with Teraperature rise with altitude within the lower lialf~?kilori ter limtt recurs so frequently during the winter, that it even affects the part of the USSR -- in Eastern Siberia, where it, is expressed in 20M25 degrees Centigrade for 1 kilometer of altitude, in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 %EZ0T~ictEa Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 LU The ma do .im formation of continental temperate air takes place over Siberia in the vast and stable ~nM..nvr.7 in~a (1M m,, tZ Figure 5. The Evolution oi' a Siberian Anticyclone (24 February 1936). In the northwestern part of the USSR IThiropean territory and in the Far Fast, the migration of air masses and cyclonic activity are of basic importance. Bare the part played by the geographical latitude becomes of secondary importance, while first significance is assumed by the circula~ Cory factors of the climate. One look at the chart of winter isotherms makes one realize the climatic significance of advection (transfer) over these areas. The migration of warns air from over the Atlantic to the European part L;f: the USS7 compensates temperature differentials duo to geograp h1M cal latitudes. Thus, the moan temperature for January on the Kola Penin~ Fula is the same as in Central ICazakstan; in Leningrad, the same as in A$'trakhan'. In vladivostok, however, neither the geographical latitude (the :ta titude of Soohi), nor the seashore xocatio~n can hinder the effect of the cold Eaot?Siberi air current (rising to an altitude of 4 kiloim tern ) with tho result that the January temperatures there are, on the average, colder by 3 degroes Centigrade than the January temperatures in Moscow. Cyclonic activity as a climatic factor on USSR territory, has great significance, and is closely linked up with the two previously zr~ntioned Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ESTh1t11EO processes wM? the migration and transfornn,tion of air masses. Prondrient examples of the almost eorlplete absence of fronts are found in the Trans- Baykal area in the winter and the Central Asia deserts in the summer. In both these areas there is practically no precipitation. But for cyclonic activity, other areas, too, would have a snow deficiency i.n the winter and a rain deficiency in the summer. Cyclonic activity, therefore, is prere~ quisite to moisture turnover on the continent, since moisture carried in from over the ocean is precipitated principally in cyclones. Moisture precipitation directly from the maritime air masses takes place over the USSR principally in the winter. During the summor the mois- ture penetration deep into the continent proceeds first by humidification of the continental air masses, then by precipitation from those as they are carried into the interior by general atmospheric circulation. only a on terrain that has been over heated by the sun, with considerable re~eva- involve only sniali areas. Furthermore, convective showers usually fall showers, although at times of high intensity, are of short duration, and rains. The latter are most important irrigationally, since the convective form of rapid and short convective showers, or long-lasting continuous Precipitation from continental air in the summer is either in the the rear of cyclones. stable precipitations", is precipitated directly from the maritime air at comparatively small part of the moisture, in the form of so-called "un. cjuently occurring against the background of continuous rains, and creating, perature declines, are to be distinguished from cold front showers, fre-. Thermal convective precipitations, unaccompanied by noticeable tem.. poration taking place immediately. continental and Tropical air masses which constitute the warm air of cy USSR territory, are cyclonic front precipitations. They fall from the Continuous rains furnishing the basic volume of precipitation on together with the latter, long periods of overcast. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 dr T the summer there are three zones of cyclonic activity over Faring USSR territory. Arctic Front Zone This zone x 's located principally along the northern shores of the ~'ha. Euras t? Depending on the inflow intensity of Arctic or Con- cont~.nen ?x , rras~, ~es, the Arctic front may be c~.spLaced in two directions. ~,anental aa. 1Nheri cl~s ? .placed southward, it reaches as far as the central belt of the Arctic air fills the entire northern half of the European USSR, and the a considerable decline in temperature, particularly part. This causes s This noticeable sometimes, in the form of light frost. On the other noticeable at night, handy the Arctic: front may pass into the depths of the Arctic. In this ~' re the warm continental air penetrates into the Arctic and is accon? can panied by a temperature rise up to 20 degreeS Centigrade for the nearest islands. In the Arctic front cyclones, Arctic and continental air interact. Atlantic air also :~ 'u present at tames in the European part of the USSR. Front precipitation falls r from continental and Atlantic air (Figure 6). 1 H ~?K,7 a t t -'p ~ ' , Evolution of a Cyclonic Series at Arctic Front in the aun~nar ra. Ur8 6i.. (9 Juno 1933) in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 REST fl%i 2 The Zone o1 Arct~.e? `ron~; Occlusions Occluded front cyclones are not fully independent formations, but represent a secondary form of the cyclo-genesis of the "polar" front. This divides the air of the temperate latitudes from the air of the sub- tropical belt. There are two outcrops of this zone on USSR territory -w the European and the Far'-Eastern. In occluded front cyclones there is interactivity of the maritiir air (Atlantic in the European part and Paci Lie in the Far East) constituting the cold mass, with the continental air constituting the warm mass. When the v~arm sir occupies a cone- siderable area over the European part and overflows into the northern re'- gions, the above mentioned cyclones pass northward and merge with the Arctic front cyclones. tiThen the continertta,l air fills only the southern part, the cyclones move eastward over the middJ.e belt, and the Atlantic air penetrates into Asiatic territory. Since the continental air eonsti'- Lutes the warmer mass, warm front precipitation will follow. The name "polar" has been historically retained for that front which divides the air masses over the temperate latitudes (polar air) from the air ma,ssos of the s ubtropical zone (Tropical air). Over USSR territory in summer the polar front is present in the European part and in the south- ern part of the Far Eastern 1 aritimv Provinces (Figures 7 arid 8). JJ'yv r e1", 1 the USSR (28 July l935), Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ~~. i'.i: Sun uer Cyclone over the Far East (17 July 1938). In siumnox? the southern part of the Far East ?~ritima area is on the junction of two fronts: the continental. East Asiatic Polar front, extend-- ing through 1~ ongo1ia and North China, and the Pacific ocean polar front, beginning in the Sea off' Japan area and extending eastward over tho Pacific toward the western shores of A nt ri,ca. (Figure 9 ) ? During spring and at S in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 aES tC1 I The European and the far eastern outcrops of the pour front differ somewhat in nature, The European outcrop is generated from time to time as a result of the double'-phase transfornttion of maritime air, first into continental, and then from continental into Tropical.. Between the air masses of the first phase of this transfornmtion and those of the second phase, a new front is generated in conformity dth the direction of the air currents. In its medium position, the European outcrop extends from the Cri1nca toward the IViiddle Vo1aa ? Sometimes the Tropical air reaches the Baltic and the White seas; sometimes it remains within the limits of the extreme southea.3tern areas without crossing the Volga. Cyclones at the European outcrop of the polar front are generated priir ri1y over the Ukraine. Precipitation falls from the Tropical, air, which is hunddi:Cied over the southern steppe: and the Sea of Azov. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 and the far eastern outcrops of the polar front differ The European sornevrliat in nature? The European outcrop as generated from time to time as a re the double-phase transforma'tion of maritime air, first into result of t and then from continental into Tropical. Pe green the air continental, masses of the first phase of this transformation and those of the second phase, rP, a new front is generated in conformitY tivith the direction of the In its medium position, the European outcrop extends from air curt one, toward the Middle Volga . Sometimes the Tropical air reaches the Crimea the white sea; ; sometimes it reanains within the limits of the Baltic and the extreme southeastern areas without crossing the Volga. 3u3rUer C clone over the Far Fast (17 July 1938). r the southern part of the Isar Fast ?VaritimG area is on the In 3uflune the continental East Asiatic Polar front, extend- junction of two fronts : nd North China, and the Pacific ocean polar front, ink; through Mongolia a the Sea of: Japan area and extending oas:rd over the Pacifio beginning in toward the western shores of America. (Figure 9) ? During spring and at Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 AESTRI r f+ p" Gitu the beginning of summer, as the subtropical higliwpressure belt is displaced northward, and the Tropical air current flowing in the direction of the temt- perate zone is intensified, both of the above mentioned fronts are shifted from the south into h:lgher altitudes. Toward the middle of the sun~ner, the Far Eastern zone of tho Polar front reaches the s outhern boundaries of Soviet territory. As they move northward, cyclones of the Far Eastern Polar front .ire ra- pidiy occluded. Secondary cyclones are frequently generated at these occlu- sions, since the contrast in t emperature between the cold maritime air and the warm continental air of the temperate zone is sufficiently great (greater than at the occlusions of the European part). The distribution of air masses of various types in the Far Eastern cyclones may vary, but precipitation falls mainly from the Pacific Tropical air which is flowing along the western brim of the Pacific subtropical anticyclones. This southeast current of maritime `!Topical air moves onto the continent in the form of occluded cyclones at an altitude of two kilometers and supplies the moisture for the monsoon rains W1Nl7S t Recurrence of winds within a Quadrant of the Horizon (Arrow points to center of quadrant). 25 to 40 percent of aU'` observation8 k.+ 60 to S0 percent of aU observations I..+ 40 to 60 percent of all observations# 3over 80 percent of all observations i -~-~- 760 I5o8ARs ST Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 '760 TSQ}3ARS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 I~EST41C'i ~: the beginning of sumnier, as the subtropical high-pressure belt is displaced northward, and the Tropical air current flowing in he direction of the tem- perate zone is intensified, both of the above n~ntioned fronts are shifted from the south into higher altitudes. Toward the middle ~f the summer, the Far Eastern zone of the Polar front reaches the s outhern boundaries of Soviet territory. As they move northward, cyclones of the Far Eastern Polar front are ray pidly occluded. Secondary cyclones are frequently generated at these occlu- s?ons, since the contrast in t emperature between the cold maritime air and the warui continental air of the temperate zone is sufficiently great (greater than at the occlusions of the European part). The distribution of air ms,sses of various types in the Far Eastern cyclones may vary, but precipitation falls mainly from the Pacific Tropical air which is flowing along the western brim of the Pacific subtropical anticyclones. This southeast current of maritime Tropical air moves onto the continent in the form of occluded cyclones at an altitude of two kilometers and supplies the moisture for the monsoon rains throughout the entire territory of the N ritime Provinces and the Amur Basin, up to the water divide ridges. 1 v. r i.F WI Recurrence of Winds Within a Quuadrant of the Horizon (Arrow points to center of quadrant). I au-..* 25 to 40 percent of all observations 1 'L6o to 80 percent of aU observations L+ 40 to 60 percent of all observations 3over 80 percent of all observations STB~. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ES1RiCTEd~ k~':i ure 2: Pi'essure Areas, Prevailing Winds and Frantal Zones over the USSR in the suiiuner. In the central part of the continent, over the territories of Ica-' zakstan and Central Asia, the Polar front dispe'es in summer. This i due to the lack of sui'ficient tezrlperature contrasts in the expanse of thoroughly heated air mass over the temperate and subtropicai latitudes, to the dryness of these air masses, and to the absence of pronounced air currents inside the discontinued baric deprsions. However, even in su uiier, cyclones are passim; over Central Asia, but, due to t11e sluggish n.cas oi' Fronts over the plains, cloud for stations in these cyclones are insignificant, and precipitation is rare. On.1y in mountainous areas, because of the turbulence in air currents caused by terrestriai conh'igu.r- ation, the fronts in passing; cyclones are reactivated, clouds appear, and moisture is precipitated. The map shows pressure distribution, wind dis' tr .bution, and the location oi frontal zones during July, The Arctic front zone during surruner is hardly pronoumeed and, therefore does not appear on the nip, During the winter, there are only two zones of cycionic activity over the USSR: 1~Arc~ic From The rneaia location of the Arctic front over the uropean part is about the same in winter as it is in summer, but the amplitude of its osciliations is grater. In winter the Arctic air soretinx s extends as far as the 131zck Sea, and on rare occasions even penetrates into Asia ?tior? Over Western and Central Siberia the mean location of the Arctic front is along the 70th parallel (70 degrees north latitude), but some. tini descends farther into the southern areas of Central Asia, In East.. ern Siberia it passes over latitude 65 degrees north; in Kamchatka over latitude 55 degrees north? Such location of separate outcrops of the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Arctic front is caused by special features of atmospheric circulation. Two air currents force the Arctic front to the 70th parallel; the powerful southwest current of Atlantic air over the European party extend ins along a trough of low pressure, and the southwest current of continen- tal air over Western Siberia, extending along the northern periphery of the Siberian anticyclone. The Arctic air migrates to meet the southwest currents of the temperate zone with their east and northeast winds. Thus, the Arctic front over these areas is rather turbulent. Over Eastern Siberia the north current prevails, and in the east-. ern part of the Siberian anticyclone, the Arctic air, too, extends consid- erably farther to the south. But since there is no stable countercur- rent from the temperate latitudes, the frontal processes are rather slug- gish -.M sky cover is slight, precipitation is low, snow blanket insigni- ficant, with an exceptionally deep freezing zone penetration of the earth's surface. Over Kamchatka, on the approaches to the western brim of the Aleu- tian depression, migration of air from the north is intensified, and the Arctic front zone descends even farther to the south. At the Aleutian outcrop of the Arctic front, cyclonic activity is re-intensified, due to the southwest countercurrent from the temperate latitudes, with an atten- dant increase in sky cover and moisture precipitation. The southern part of Kamchatka has one of the heaviest snow blankets. In addition to the self-contained cycle-genesis at the Arctic front, there is observed a re-generation of semi-.extinshed Atlantic and Medi- terranean cyclones, after they have passed over the European territory of the USSR. Although those cyclones usually are regenerated while still over European territory, this activity is particularly important to the subsequent development of cyclonic; activity over western Siberia. Precipitation from Arctic front cyclones falls from continental air as it does in the sumtir. But in the regenerated cyclones of Atlantic Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 origin, precipitation falls from the Atlantic air. This circumstance also affects the amount of precipitation. 2 Occluded Fronts Cyclonic activity at polar front occlusions develops during winter over European territory and Central Asia. The occlusions passing over European territory are a part of the Atlantic Polar front, or of the Med- iterranean outcrop. In the first case, the occluded front colones move from the west; in the second case, from the south and southwest, In both cases the na tritime air constitutes the warm front froir~ which precipita- tion, while the continental air constitutes the cold front. This interrelationship is, therefore, the reverse of that observed during the sutmrr (Figure 10). /\ f J4 f ~.~~ vI #,~~ J/4 r:tguro i00; Winter Occlusion CyeLono Over the European Pert, or the u;~-~ , (18 February 1938). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 FiiU: The Depth of the Snow Blanket on USSR Territory, The principal paths of occluded front cyc1oncs over to European part pass from the southwest to the northeast. In connection with this, the amount of precipitation and the depth of the snow blanket decrease in a southeasterly direction, This connection between the depth of the snow blanket and the frequency of the passing of Polar front occlusions carrying maritine air, can be traced throughout most of the USSR terri- tory. An exception is found in the extreme southern areas, where the smaller amounts of snow are due not only to precipitation deficiencies j but also to frequent thaws, (Figure II). The snow blanket is light in the northern areas of the Asiatic nn,ir.s,nd, where precipitation falls only at the Arctic front from conti- nental air, In Central Asia, occlusion cyclones are linked with the Iranian outcrop of the polar front. This outcrop passes over the s outherri part of Iran in winter. it constitutes the southern limit for the extension of continental air formed in winter over the tenperate and subtropical latitudes of Asia. The warm sectors of these cy~e1ones are filled prin. cipaUy with continental air from the southern areas while the cold sects tors contain continental air of a more northsr~.y origin. The to erature Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 differential between the warm and cold nsses in these cyclones is small, and moisture content of the continental air is also small. '.Chas, these wirrber occlusion cyclones over Central Asia are not very active, and preci- pitation fturn them is slight. Cyclonic activity during winter over USSR territory promotes the external moisture turnover. During sumrner, on the other hand, frontal preapitations from continental air constitute a phase in the internal moi;hture turnover. The chart below depicts the distribution of pressure areas, winds, and frontal zones for the month of January (Figure 12). During spring and fall, cyclonic activity over the USSR undergoes modifications. In the European part, occlusion activity diminishes in spring and fall, since during the transition seasons a change of algebraic sign in the thermal ratio between the maritime and continental air takes place, with an attendant leveling of temperature differentials between the res- pective air masses. This trarmition period is short, lasting only one month in the spring and one month in the fall. April and October are the transition months for the central areas of the European part. With ref- erence to synoptic observations, ~Ysarch is the end of the cold period; i'ay, the beginning of the warm period; September, the end of the warm period; and November, the beginning of the cold period. Characteristic of the cold and warm cycles is the algebraic sign of the temperature differential between the continental and maritime air. In sunnrner the differential L positive, in the winter it is negative. In larch the warm sector of the occlu ion cyelnnes is still filled with niaritine air from w hich there is frontal precipitation, In lay the ~varm sector contains continental air froraw high there is frontal precipitation, and only in the rear of the cyclozie there is casual and meager precipitation from maritime air. The same phenomena, but in inverted order, are observed Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 The leveling off of temperature differentials at the fronts causes these fronts to becorle sluggish. Precipitation then assumes a lingering characterises tic, particularly in fall when the air masses are gradually cooled off and there Recurrence of Winds )thin the Limits of a Quadrant of the Horizon. From 25 to 40 percent of all observations L From 60 to #O percent of all observations Fx~2, Pressure Areas, l~revaiiing Winds, and Frontal Zones over the USSR in Winter, Over Central. Asia cyclonic activity reaches its maximum in spring. The highest temperature differentials then prevail between the still cold continen-. tal. air and the Tropical air arriving from a high-pressure belt. The Iranian Pn1: r front, Thar hrw r+n a.., L r. ur6 ,L ; ;)pr1ng uycione over 'ruriar raa. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 From 40 to 60 percent of all observation$. Qver 80 percent of all observations Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 The leveling off of tenlperatuz?e differentials at the fronts causes these fronts to becorne sluggish. Precipitation then assumes a lingering characteris? tic, particularly in fall, when the air masses are gradually cooled off and there a.c a general tendency toward vapor condensation. Recurrence of Winds Within the Limas of a Quadrant of the Hox ^ izon. . *t+ From 25 to 40 percent of al), obsarvatjonstLFrain 60 to 80 percent of all observations From 40 to 60 percent of all observatian ~.*Ov?r ~C percent of all observations rxl~ -- Pressure Areas, Prevailing Winds a ~~ g , and Frontal Zones over the USSR in Winter. Over Central Asia cyclonic activity reaches its maximum in Spring, The highest temperature differentials then prevail between the still cold cantinen~ tal air and the Tropical air arriving from a high-pressure beat a The Iranian Polar front then begins to move northv~rd and arrives over the territory of Soviet Central Asia (Figure 13). t a C,, ~,rt f +`a ure ~.' : bpring UyeLorn over '}:men a. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 The occlusion cyclones which passed in the winter are replaced by the main front cyclones. An increase in temperature variation accom- panies this replacement, since continental Siberian or Arctic air with a temperature close to zero degrees Centigrade follows immediately in the wake of the Iranian Tropical air, which has a temperature up to plus 30 degrees Centigrade when it enters the warm sector. The Iranian air after the vtinter rains in Iran still contains ample moisture, with the result that in the spring there is maxirrim precipitation over the plains of Central Asia. In the Far East, there is a gradual discontinuance in the autumn of sul~mer cyclonic activity and the evolution of the anticyclonic cycle. Autumn, moreover, is the most probable period for the appearance of ty- phoons, which are the Tropical Pacific cyclones regenerated at the Polar front. They are distinguished by winds of exceptional force as well as by abundant precipitation. The central typhoon area passes to the south- east of the Soviet shore, but the related precipitation areas sonetirr~s extend to the southern part of the T~aritime Provinces, with abundant show- ers and, in late autumn, snowfall. Such are the general conditions othe migration and transforma- tion of air masses and cyclonic activity over USSR territory. We will now turn to the investigation of these processes in individual areas. TIDE EUROPEAN TERRITORY OF TIDE USSR The European territory of the USSR is not distinguished by diver- sity of climate, and the regional and zonal. segregations are rather large ira size. The manner in which climatic conditions are distributed over this territory -~~ a vast, nearly unbroken plain ~- depends on basic cli-' ritological factors,such as radiation balance and atmospheric circulation, Terrestrial configuration and other supplerentary factors are not ossen- tial. outflow of radiation the radiation balanc7 within Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ?S'tl1iG'tE~ the winter the principal meteoro~.ogie47 process over this region is and of cyclonic activity at the Arctic front, and iz; the summer it ie the region of laro3reSsiva heating and transformation of the Arctic air, a- Tha~, ral Atlantic-Continental Re ip Here the Atlantic and continental air masses prevail, and cyclonic activity develops at the Polar front occlusions Its southern boundary runs from the central part of the Dnestr Raver to the paddle Volga. In the limits of the European part, shows little variation, and is predorni~ nantly governed by conditions of atmospheric circulation, In the winter, when radiation inflow particularly depends on the geographic latitude, the sicy cover over most of the European part is 80 percent, In summer, with considerably less sky cover, solar radiation, for astronomical rea- sons, depends little on the geographic latitude of a location. by conditions of circulation, including the migration and trans- formation of air masses and the cyclonic activity at the fronts, the European part of the USSR can be divided into three climatic regions, as f oU o~rrs l Northern At1anticArctic Region In this region, as compared to others, the influence of the At- lantic Ocean and the Arctic predominate, The northern boundary of this region, to the west of the White Sea, lies beyond the continental limits, since, in the winter, the Arctic front pa, ases over the sea of } aar. entz (Figure 12), and, to the south of this front, air n sse,s of the temperate latitudes prevail. To the east of the White Sea, the boundary runs along the Polar Circle, coinciding with the southern boundary of the tundra. The southern boundary runs from lake Ladoga to the source of the Pechora River. In the winter it is the region of migration of the air masses the migrationf air 'masse; .n the sumrr>Qr it Is the formation of con-' tinental air. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 The zones indica'tcd above are natural climatic zones in the: sense that 1n each one oi' them definite characteristic cycles oi' radiation and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 t;r This is ?ttic principal region L'or the transformation of air masses rriigrating toward thr. European part of the $oviet Union during the entire year. In the winter, continental. air is formed from the Atlantic and Arctic air masses; in the summer, warm continental air is :formed as a transitory stage in the formation of Tropical air. Each one of these three regions is divided meridionally into a west and east zone. In the western zone, those processes prevail that originate over the Atlantic and over western Europe; in the eastern zone, those pro- cesses that originate over the eastern part of the continent prevail. The climatic boundary between the western and eastern zone; o1 the Atlan- tic-Arctic region coincides with the meridian followed by the Northern Dvina River, nearly biscctina this region. In the Atlantic-Continental, and particularly in the Continental region, this boundary shift, westward, and runs from the source of the Volga to the estuary of the Dnepr. Such shifting of the boundary 'Lo the west probably indicates that tree continen-' tal. features o1' the cl:Lmate in tiie European apart of the Soviet Union be- come more pronounced to the south; in this sense, the 'tnliildestt~ climatic conditions are those prevailing in the Atlantic-Arctic region. In adt.Lion to L ':e western (LianLtc) dnd ea 3'berrl (ConLLltental) zones of the continental climatic region, it is necessary to define the sec iterranean zone, occupying t he high-'al.ti ude part of the Crimea and its southern shore. The northern littoral of the Caspian Sea, duo to circulation chara.c- teristics prevailing there, is related to the Central. Asiatic cliriiatic region. circulation predominate. These cycles dotarmino the course of tic weather Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ~~j1$1G6EC1 and its meteorologica~? components. ~? ' culation processes over the European Lerr The climate ~;overn~.n~ ca.r an nature, particularly, with ? of, the U`~SI~. is of a rather fluctuat g a.tory s. location of zones of cyclonic activity and anticyclone reference to the The latter areas, where the .bransf arrnzta.on o the air naces begins, may shaft considerably wa.tha.n the period of a year. Such shif tira~; wall cause ? s situated an a plain unbroken by the boundary lines of cla.mat~.c zone, nfa. rurata.ons, to become daf~'used and. adequately prominent terrestr:~aa? co ~ transformed into wader bands. saes the migration paths followed by the air masses The dare ctaon of ' over the iropean part of the USSR r~~ coincides basically with the mean dis- tribution ~. of pxessu. this points to the stability. of circulation. lbw- ~ln. ~ty, de; ~ender1t on the dastra.bu'tion of land ever, re; tY~a.s lame scale s~ts,ba.~ure the existence of what is usually xe ?rred and water asses, dyes not a,~~~a , ?' of the e of a zone. Q slight yearly shifting to as of cla.rr4~,t, character- t Y 'y considerablY affect the weather zones of cyclonic aetiv~ y ubstantially n zone or extended belt, 'r thout chanigng s a.sta.cs of a cert~~'a. tirr~ . Generally n of pressure For the s ame period of the mean distribut~a clon~.c activity, a given region is from the zones of cy speaking, the further ~ t~cular amporr ~r . s climate. Cyclonic,ty is of , the more stable is ~. t the more nor~? n part of the USSR, specitcally over i;ance over the E'urapea of the latter. s great variability in the climate t1~~erly zones; this cause of the USSR The distribution of air masses over the European part is recurrence of the basic types of air ' illustrated by the maps showing Th ? se papa c relarities, dependent on the above described circul.atioL can a. d i a 51x-year period (~.931+~-193~) ? were composed from data over 'bons are d . masses, a.n acc y .t the basic . ~ ) F. D..uque (Figures 14 and ncc with ~. . arda c ?n during this _comps,ratively shoat per o clearly defined evo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 x?,t'IRS"`.rtU'I4 r?,m,...r,.wenwn,w:wrtm 1~t ~ use, .~~z~,ree,14 The recurrence of basic Fi ure Z. ; The recurrence of types of air masses over the European basic types of air ~r~sses over part of the USSR in winter (from A. F. the European part of the USSR Dubuque), in sunurier (from A. '. Dubuque). The Arctie air arrives over the continent more frequently in summer; ire winter its entrance is hindered by west and southwest currents. Neverw theless, during the winter the Arctic air penetrates farther south, since during the sumuer its transformation into continentai air proceeds at a more rapid pace. in fats r dgration, the Arctic air is carried more frets quently over, the eastern zones than over the western zones. pressure gradient force, and, on the other hand, on the more rapid trans The Atlantic air, simf=,iarI,y, tikes a deeper penetration over the continent in winter, This depends, on the one hand, on the value of the formation of thi3 air in the sulmner. The Atlant,;i.c air extends nuin1y over the northern half of the European part of the Soviet Union. in the south., ern zones, its entrance is observed n&ch less froquently. Tropical tir, migra bing from the southeast, is observed over European territory n ain].y in the sunner. The entrance of Tropical air is regularly observed over the Atlantic-Continental region, predomi.nantly over its a e st ern half. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Continental air is the basic air n~ 7s over the nv jor part of the European territory, i art9.cu1arly its southern half. The recurrence of continental air i.s determined on the above maps as a value complementary to 100 Percer~ t LT00 percent being the sum total of all the air masses?. The recurrence of continental air over the southern half in .sununer amounts to 60-70 percent, in winter, 80 percent and more; over the Atlantic-Arctic region it amounts to 20-30 percent in summer, and 40 percent in wLnter. 1. can temperatures over tl'ae European territory of the USSR are to be considered as resultants o the type of recurrence of air masses of vari.ouEJ characteristics over the various zones. (/Figures 16 and 17) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 The shift in the disposition of isotherrrms from winter to summer The geographical temperature distribution depends on the percent.- the inflow of warm masses from the west, as from the inflow of cold show little deflection, and this deflection result; not so much from mass, or is arriving from the east (not from the south), the isotherms ern zones, where the continental air either constitutes the local air air from the more southerly zones; in the northern region, from the cen- tral region; in the central region from the southern region. In the south- The dispo ition_ of isotherms in the winter is characterized by their sharp deflection northward from the lines of the they run from north-northwest to with the `exception of the southern zones, the deflection angle is above 45 degrees, In the western half, it results mainly from the migration of Atlantic air; in the eastern half, from the migration of continental a?^ses from the east. In the summer, the isotherins are deflected in the opposite direc. Lion, but to a lesser degree than in the winter. The falling of the the result of a dual influences the entrance of Atlantic air over the mean temperature westward, and its ruin, in an easterly direction, is west and Tropical air over the east, and vice-versa, takes place more or loss simultaneously over the entire territory; in the spring in April, and in the fall it September, !gay the continental air is warmer everywhere than the araritime air; in sky cover depends mainly on the cyclonic activity. Thus, the location age ratio (recurrence) of the various types of air masses over the zones of a liven territory. The distribution of atmospheric precipitation and October this is reversed.. the zones of cyclonic activity, and the intonsity of the latter, are reflected in the distribution of sky cover arid atmospheric preciaitattona. The distribution of atmospheric procipitation for January and shown in Figures 18 and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ..'Y.I ^?'A.t?Jt 0.AtE'.**' .p #.i.: l ?fI).q,nn/...).I..?.!wf., 1..N Figure,s Amount of Precipitation in January. w_.. ...eb....+wP.... k.,,,,,...,.,h..n... oaf ............. ..,..,,.,,,_,w,. ?'. ~?.M.e14aYbitid l:J In the winter the distribution of precipitation and overcast is more homogeneous than in the summer. Over most of the territory, the recurrence of overcast in January is 70."80 percent', and in a mouth's time there is 30.40 ndllimaters of atmospheric precipitation. Only over the southeast zones ad over the extreme north is there less overcast and less precipitation. This is due to the fact,' that high pressure areas pass over the abovo zones, and linger over the southeastern zone. Over the rest of the territory, in various places, cyclones pass in the winter 4ESTfll Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 . 4 ",...o...e ^Fd''....I h`-.ti ,. ? 1./. r?l.. Ji Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 (their direction prevailing from west to east and following rather vary- ].rig paths), Passage of these cyclones results in a rather even distri- bution of atmospheric precipitation. In the summer the ;cyclone paths are more definite; they run prew dominantly from the southwest to the northeast or directly from south to north. Thus, the southeastern European part remains out of the lnain path of the cyclones, with a resulting deficiency in atmospheric precipitation. During the transitional seasons, the most important phenomenon is the thermal upswing in the spring and its downswing in the fall heat transfe7. Of the processes, which cause a rase in t , emperature in the first half of the spring, the most important is the migration of warm air from the south. This comes about in the following manner: a law pressure area is over the Baltic, while a high pressure area is over the inland seas of Aral and Casp.iy aspian Sea; along the southeastern rim of the low, and the western rim of the high, southwesterly and south- erly currents are generated; along these the air of the Atlantic-Conti- nental and the Continental regions flows into the Atlantic-.Arctic region, and into the southern zones flows the still warmer air from the south of Europe, Iran, and Central Asia. Figure 20 gives an illustration of such a synoptic disposition. r,~r 24: }fat Transfer Conditions in Spring (25 April 1939). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 In the ...autumn the characteristics of the atmospheric processes over the European part are predicated upon the gradual cooling of the . continent; this cooling causes an increase in atmospheric; pressure and the evolution of anti-cyclones. Over the Asiatic party the increase inn pressure early as 5?pternber, and over the southern becomes e,ndent as half of the European part, in October; at the same time an intensifica~ takes place over the At1antic-G0ntinental rE Lion oi: cyclonic activ1ty ~~q1 .. -,! 1 n S A M w n w,r,4,rw,4N.rry. rl 'I n ~?1 .M.1..I4.IWJ4MM4.44'M4N.YIM. ' 1 ~M 4. I'1 r1 N TV1 /'11'1 1? ,,.,.rx , r.rc. au.4.,u+ L _.. _.._ ?0? r ? ,.._ --- *_.. _._..__?_?___ _41 r?,-...,? , ,. . Tha Vin,.. ~~Arct1C Re pion pion is formed mainly under the effect of climate of a rQ~ The c the ran. during the winter and relative'- migration of air masses , re'ata.vely ?vra ly cold during the summer, as well as under the effect of cyclonic acti- vity. winter are the southwestern air of predominant importance in the ' o~ At~.antic air extending it' currents. Thew may consist of a current self a1ong the southern periphery of the cyclones and p~,ssin1 over the Sea of aarents, or they may consist of a current o~ continental air from the Atlant on, ~~.owing in the noxthti~estoxn and `~.c~Con~:~nenta~. region, northern riln9 of the high pressure areas Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 w stern half of the Atiarttic-ArCtic region (the Iola Over the Peninsula and Icarelia) Atlantic aa.x predorr>inates and over the eastern part (the territory of the Arkhangel region and the Korni ASSR), contiw nentsa air predominates . It is easily seen that this is the result of pressuxe &.s nip~.e is the synoptic disposition of 2 Nov- ember example 193 (Figure 22). 1 1tV "~"?,r Southwestern penetrations of Atlantic Air. Over the 1 es ,ern the Eastern Half of the At1antic-Axcta.c I'1alf, and Cont:'~.nento,7. Air Over nega.on of the European Part of the USSR (2 November 1935) The weather in the current of Atlantic air is warm (minus 2-3 degrees Qenti~rade), windy, overcast, with 1owwa1titude stratified clouds and slight precipitation, as e, re;u~.t of general radiation cool- ink of the air masses. The temperature in the contirrefltl air current is Centigrade, the sky is predominantly overcast, ma.nus 10-15 degrees with occasional clearing, and there 3.s usually no precipitation. ~ air is preceded by the formation of The penetration of Atlantic. warm franksector, enclosed by cold sectors. At these fronts occurs the basic amount of precipitation upon which the depth. of the snovr blan-~ . ,_ ket depends. , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 F .J 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tEST %ori ?0 Particularly striking is the effect of the warm Atlantic air current over the Kola Peninsula, with its greater part beyond the Polar Circle. By the weather characteristics in the winter, the entire terra- Cory of the peninsula could be relegated to the middle latitudes. Two outstanding characteristics of the climate in maritime middle latitudes are observed here ample snowfall and tremendous sleet formation. The generous snowfalls cause snow avalanches in the mountainous regions, similar to those occurring in the Alps and in the Caucasus. In addition to the Atlantic and continental air of the Central region, the Arctic air also penetrates into the Atlantic--Arctic region, The character of these penetrations depends an the disposition of the Arctic front. 1/then the Arctic front is over the Sea of t3arents, the Arctic air mass penetrations into the continent proceed with the active pressure intensification ridges. These penetrations divide the cyclones, and are, therefore, of short duration. Cooling effects alternate with new warming effects as the 5ressure intensificatia7 ridges pass to the east and are replaced by cyclones. The most powerful penetration, in the sense of duration, takes place in the wake of cyclonic series, within the enclosing anticyclones. By the time an enclosing anticyclone is evolved, there is a considerable shift of the front southward, and the Arctic air fills the entire Northern region. Usually, the Arctic air penetrating into the western and eastern zones of the Atlantic-Arctic region is of different origin and character- istics. In the west it is maritime Arctic air,' warmed up in its lower strata over the Greenland Sea and over the ice-free part of the Sea of arente, coming over the continent with this warm interstratification (the temperature sometimes close to zero). In the east it consists of considerably colder so-called continental Arctic air from the ice fields of the Central Arctic, with a temperature of minus 34 degrees Centigrade or even lower. The synoptio disposition of 21 December 1939 may serve as an example (Figure 23). F'1HrrF,p 35 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ?$1 11c1: c Fi uz, e 23: Penetration of Arctic Air into the AtlanticwArctic Region (21 December 1939). In the wake of the cyclone departing eastward, cold continental Arctic air moves into the northeastern zones, while the relatively warm maritime Arctic air flows toward the Kola Peninsula. Typical weather in maritime Arctic air is a turbulently varying sky cover, violent gusts of wind, and short lived precipitations, called 'charges" by local seacoast inhabitants. In continental Arctic air th.e weather is relatively calm, with slight sky cover and strong frost. The formation of local continental air over the Atlantic~'Arctic region is observed rarely, and has no essential climatic significance, since the prevailing conditions of circulation are rather favorable to the inflow of "foreign" air masses. The mean winter temperature depends on the number and duration of these penetrations. Penetrations of Atlantic air into the western half of the Atlantic~Arctic region are most frequent. To the east the number of penetra Lions decreases, and is accompanied by a decrease in the mean temperature ? Also of considerable importance are the variations in the temperatures of the Arctic 'air mrsses The maritin~ Arctic air Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 00200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 iCTEO penetrating into the western zones is warmer, on the average, by 2de- grees Centigrade than the continental Arctic air flowing Into the east... ~; ern zones. As a result, temperature differentials between the western and eastern zones of this region during winter average 5 degrees Centi.M grade, As for example; Mean Temperature lmaudra (67? )4L1 N; 33? 2' E) Pustozersk (67? 35' N; 52? ii" E Dec. J, an,, Feb, March ?13? 8? The differentials in the maximum low temperatures are more pro.. flounced. In the Atlantid.Arctic region maximum low temperatures are use- ually the result of local thorough chilling of the Arctic air in clear and earn weather, The longer the duration. of this chilling process, the lower ` the temperature will fall. On the Kola P ena,nsu].a, even. in the in.. terior, the maximum low is minus l~O degrees Centigrade (except, perhaps, individual non?draining troughs), since calm and clear weather does not last long there. In the northeast of the Komi ASSR the maximum low temp-. perature may descend to minus SO and even minus ,a5 .degrees.. Centigrade (when a stable anticyolona is formed ) . On the other hand themaximiun high temperatures, caused by the most intensive penetrations of Atlantic air, may reach l?2 degrees above zero Centigrade in both the western and eastern zones. Winter precipitation in the Atlantic-Arctic region, as already mentioned, comas principally from the Atlantic air, Its distribution ,..depends on cycl.vnic ,activity, the fre uenc 9 Y and basic direction of the passing fronts. Within the limits of the western half of the Atlantic?. $ESTRICTEfl: 37 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tESt Mi Ei Arctic region, the occlusion fronts, at which there is precipitation, predominantly move from 'southwest to northeast. As the Atlantic air advances in this northeasterly direction, the amount of precipitation decreases. It would seem that the thickness of the snow blanket should be at its maximum in the southwestern zones. The reverse, however, is the case. The thickness of the snowblanket decreases noticeably toward the southwest. In the south of Karelia its average thickness is S0?60 centimeters; on the territory of the Komi ASSR it reaches 80 centimeters, This is caused by the following; (l) in the eastern half of the region the snow blanket` gets a head start of a half month due to the earlier arrival of low temperatures; (2) in the western zones the snow is com'' pressed as a result of warm penetrations, and is also partially melted during the winter thaws. By characteristics of circulation and weather, the duration of the winter in the Atlantic-Arctic region, with the exception, perhaps, of the most southern zones, is from November through March. Circulation conditions vary, riot only from autumn to winter and from winter to spring, but during the winter season itself. During the first half of the winter, circularion is characterized by the intensification of the Atlantic air current, during the second half, by the development of high pressure areas over the European sector of the Arctic and the subsiding of the western current, As a result of this, February is frequently colder than January, and sometimes March is colder than February. Toward the end of the winter, with the development of high presto sure areas, sky cover diminishes. During the month of March there is much sunshine? accompanied by frost, in contrast to the overcast, windy, and mostly damp winter weather. In general, March has the smallest amount of sky cover. Spring in the Atlantic."Arctic region is characterized by the in~ tensif .cation of the. Arctic air inflow,` which is also accompanied by an increase in its temperature. In April the temperature of . the Arctic air tST*.i ... En Declassified in 38 Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 zones is about minus degrees Centigrade, and in May, over the northern about plus 3 degrees Centigrade; this rise results from the heat the receives while passing over the continent, since the temper- Arctic air central Arctic at this time of the year is considerably afore over the lower. In the spring the temperature of other air masses increases . rapidly this ' s particularly true of continental air, which at the be- , ~. ginning of May is already warmer than the Atlantic air. In the spring, the continental air migrates principally from the A . ental region. Therefore, the rise in temperature is to ~~lanticr ~ont~.n be linked w beginning of the heating process which the continental with the a to over this region. The inflow of Atlantic air in the is sub Ject spring is decreased, and is at its minimum in May. the month of May the mean temperature level gradually passes During across the zero point: and at the same time the snow blanket dwindles. This dwindling of the snow blanket, dependent on the location of zones the Atlantic -Arctic region, to the north or to the south, goes on within a month. In the southern zones the snow disappears for a period of almost by the beginning of May, in the northern zones, by the end of May. June can be considered, to a considerable degree, a spring month, particularly in the north, where there is still snow in the ravines, and the lakes are just beginning g to come free of the ice. Warm weather in June is still not too reliable, and even in the southermost zones pene- trations of Arctic air cause overnight freezing which is destructive to many agricultural plants. The day temperature of the Arctic air in June is plus 10 or plus 12 degrees Centigrade. During calm and clear nights, the temperature may drop to zero and even below. Microclimatic conditions fluctuations. For instance, the temperature will decidedly affect these drop below zeroi particularly in those locations over which the air is less active, as over depressions and forest clearings. The eastern zones %ESTRiti ~ Release 20 1 2/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000 100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 in particular, because of Arctic air penetrations, are subject to these nightly freezes. The summer season in the Atlantic Arctic region extends from the end of June through July and almost to the end of August. Climatic dif- ferences between the western and eastern zones are less pronounced dur- ing the summer. From west to east, the warming of the Arctic air and its transformation into continental air constitutes the basic process throughout surnrer. Isotherms, therefore, are disposed latitudinally, and everywhere temperatures increase to the south. The temperature rase southward is caused not so much by the warm air inflow from the south, as by the warming of the Arctic air moving over the continent, since over this region, northerly winds prevail in the summer, while southerly cur- rents are rare. Sky cover conditions, too, are relatively favorable to the warming of the air masses. Through July and August sky cover is somewhat above 50 percent. At times, in addition to the continental air from the central re- gion, there are penetrations of tropical air from the southeastern zones, with temperatures reaching 30 degrees Centigrade even in the northernmost zones. Such penetrations are infrequent, yet normal for the Atlantic- Arctic zone, particularly, in the east. As an example, the synoptic dis- position of 16 August 193 (Figure 21i) can U i ~:1k /: Fi ure 2: The northernmost penetrations of Tropical air (16 August l9). Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 On the whole, summers in the Atlantic~Arctic region are not alto- ;ether warm, and the amount of precipitation, although not excessive, is ample. This results in considerable relative humidity, particularly in the northern coastal area, where it can be considered as high. In the southern zones, relative humidity during the day is about 60 percent; in the northern zones it reaches 70 percent. The amount of monthly pre- cipitation averages 70 millimeters. Amount of precipitation increases toward the south and decreases toward the north. From west to east, the variations are insignificant. In the extreme north only the layer of Arctic air contiguous to the earth is warmed, since the air arriving from the Arctic will some- times be stratified in stable equilibrium to an altitude of 200'300 meters, and incapable o1` developing convection. At the same time the damp sur- face of the earth is a poor absorber of the oblique radiation of the sun (the mean July temperature of the soil at a depth of 10 centimeters is below 1S degrees Centigrade). The Arctic air is warmed here, on the avers. age, to a temperature of 10-12 degrees Centigrade, but the thin layer of this slightly warmed air is washed away by the arrival of new Arctic air masses, or even by a simple increase in wind velocity. Thus, even as law a temperature as 1012 degrees Centigrade is not stable. The inata. bility of the temperature cycle is further intensified by the relatively warm penetrations of continental air. The mean temperatures for the sum. mer rnonths of July and August are 1012 degrees Centigrade. Actually, however, the mean daily temperatures wring the same months oscillate from zero to 20 degrees Centigrade, with a slight tendency to remain with. in the interval of 101 degrees Centigrade. The occr'rrence of night freezes with temperatures down to minus 1-2 degrees Centigrade is possi- ble throughout the summer. On the other hand, day temperatures sometimes rise to 2 degrees Centigrade. In the Arctic front cyclones, which pass over the northern zones, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 the warm mass consists of continental air, the moisture content of which is at its maximum in the second half of the sunner, with a resulting max' imum in the amount of precipitation. The summer rains are of adequate intensity. Of the total number of rainy days, one half produces not less than 10 millimeters of daily precipitation. The passing of the cyclones is accompanied by considerable sky cover and overcast, which in July and August prevail over two thirds of the time period. In the coastal zone, in addition to sky cover, there are frequent formations of fogs carried by the northerly wands into the anterior. Indicative of these general conditions is the considerable humidity, the daily values of which are sustained at about 70 percent. The arrival of autumn as characterized in the AtlantioMArctic region by the diminution of northern currents and the intensiiicataon of the air mass migration from the Atlantic"Continental region. These changes come about when the cooling process of the continent sets in and high pressure areas form over the southeastern part of the European terra -Cory. From the middle of September rather severe right freezes are pose- sible. These early autumn freezes, unlike those in the late spring, are not always preceded by cold carrying Arctic air penetrations. They can also take place in continental air on clear calm nights. The migration of relatively warm continental air takes place with. southerly and southwesterly winds, and the September disposition of iso~ therms approximates, in type, the winter disposition, i.e. the southwest.. ern zones are the warmest. The amplification of currents from the south and the southwest results in thintensification of cyclonic activity at the Arctic front. There is more recurrence of low overcast, with an increase in the number of rainy days. However, the amount of precipitation remains the same, since the temperature drop and the drop in moisture content are simultana Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 TES September precipitation falls mainly from the warmer continen- tal eous. air, In while in Octobery and thereafter, precipitation occurs from the Atlantic r, the internal moisture turnover stoAtlantic air. In October, the internal moisture turnover stops, and. spontaneous precipitation from the maritime air begins anew. Shortly thereafter, the settling of the snow cover will take place; this process lasts through October, beginning first in the northeastern/ zones and ending, by November, in the southwestern zones. n in the Atlantic-Arctic region, by the characteristics of Autum the synaptic processes, is closely related to winter. The basic indica- winter's arrival is the appearance of continental Arctic air, Lion of which differs radically from maritime Arctic air. This appearance is noticeable as early as September, but becomes clearly accentuated only in November, which is, therefore, the first month of the winter season. The At1F~ntic-Continenta~ Region ?_,.,,_,__?_. ~. Conditions of winter circulation over this region are similar to the Atlantic4 rctic region. Here also, the nd.gration of Atlan- those of tic air prevails in the western zones, while over the eastern zones con ta.nental air prevails- The Atlantic air arrives as a warm mass at the occlusion fronts. Continental air extends from the oontnental area in the western part of the anticyclones (Figure 22). Thus, here, as in the northern area, both the Atlantic and continental air is carried with the southwesterly winds in relatively warm currents, making the Atlantic Continental region an area of warm advection (transfer). The main area the formation of winter continental air is the southeast of the for European part of the USSR. The winter isotherms in the Atlantic'Continental region, like tho se in the AtlantiCMArctic region, run from northwest to southeast, perpen" dicular to the southwestern warm currents- Therefore, with relation to moan temperatures, the north and central areas differ comparatively little. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ra~e7~o Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 For the area of Kiyev, the mean temperature for the month of January is only 1-2 degrees Centigrade higher than that for the Karelian isthmus. For Saratov and Arkhangelsk, the January mean temperatures are the same. In the coldest zones of the Komi ASSR, the month of Jan- uary has a mean temperature of minus 18 degrees. Centigrade, while in Kirov (formerly Vyatka) it is minus 16 degrees Centigrade. The main distinguishing feature of the Atlantic-Continental region is the extremely rare appearance over it as Arctic air -- twice as rare as over the Atlantic-Arctic region. By conditions of circulation, the AtlanticMContinental region can be divided into two parts; the western part, where the influence of th; Atlantic prevails, and the eastern part, where continental features pre- dominate. However, the transfer of Atlantic air eastward is less pro- nounced here than in the northern region. The climatic boundary, in the specified meaning, between the eastern and western parts lies between Smolensk and Moscow. Zones to the east of Moscow are climatically more continental than those to the west of Smolensk. This becomes evident by comparing the mean temperatures, let us say, for the month of January, which is minus 3 degrees Centigrade and above to the west of Smolensk, and minus 12 degrees and below to the east of Moscow. The basic air mass over the greater part of the Atlantic'Continen- tal region is the continental air. The properties of the latter, and the circulation conditions in which it is most frequently observed, determine in the main, the features of the winter season in this region. The tem. perature of the continental air over the central zones in mid-winter i.s about ninus 12 degrees Centigrade. It is encountered in the forward. part of cyclones or in the western half of anticyclones, and is usually accompanied by considerable sky cover and moderate winds. Weather characterized by frost, mild wind, and overcast or consid- erable sky cover, is the most typi,ca1 for the winters of this region. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 its sl Vff ii& n Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 It has served more than once as the (reative7 theme (perhaps sub.-cons- c the paintings of winter landscapes by some of our great ~.ously) for such as Perov's By the Last Tavern" and "The Funeral of a masters, Peasant" , and Pryanishnikav's "Empties" 5robab1Y empty cars, or empty cart. The last painting gives an excellent portrayal of the sensation experienced through sustained exposure to this cold, which, though not too excea rsy 'vo, makes one shrivel, since it is accompanied by wind and dryness irk the frosty air. It is this inadequate dryness against the background of rather low temperatures, in combination with a continuous, though mild, wand, that constitutes the most essential climatological the continental air in the winter over the European part of feature of the USSR. Arctic penetrations are observed predond.r-antly in anticyclones, enclosing a series of cyclones. These penetrations over the eastern Atlantie Continental region are accompanied by frosts of al.. part of the as those in the region to the north (minus 40ML most equal intensity degrees Centigrade) . They occur' however, less frequently and do not last as long. In the western zones, the temperature drop does not reach down to minus 30 degrees Centigrade, since the Arctic air arrives with ~. the returning g southerly current of the western part of anticyclones, cr ridges of high pressure. Skirting from the south an anticyclone, or ridge of high pressure, the Arctic air is somewhat warmed, since, genw erally, conditions on the western periphery of anticyclones are avorable to radiation cooling. The result is cloudiness, intents less f equently, a decrease in the vertical ca- ?ficat the wind' and,, fr sa. pacity epthg of the cold mass. penetrations of Atntic air, as in the case of the Atlantic-Arctic ~.a region, result in abrupt warming anda an most eases, a low overcast; the warming at times becoming a thaw. In some cases, the Atlantic air will . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ED Eti1 R1C1 extend to the Urals and even beyond, into Western Siberia, but generally speaking it seldom penetrates into the eastern zones. Over Moscow, for example, in January the Atlantic air constitutes 20 percent, and over Kazan', B percent of all the air masses. This affects the temperature: in the same month ~anuaril the number of days with a daily mean temper ature of over minus degrees Centigrade is nine for Moscow, and four for Kazan'. Penetrations of Atlantic air into the Atlantic"Continental region during the winter are practically always connected with cyclonic activity and accompanied by precipitation. Precipitation from the Atlantic air continues also in the occluded cyclones, that is, after the Atlantic air near the terrestrial surface has been displaced by cold continental air. Thus, the distribution of precipitation over the territory depends on the general direction of the Atlantic air current in the middle tropo- sphere. A decrease in precipitation takes place in the direction of the migration of Atlantic air, the moisture content of which decreases with the falling oz' precipitation. This can be seen from the following exam- ple Ninsk Moscow Kazan' Amount of Precipitation in millimeters) December S. ~,..~.,.....,...~...~..... January February L~Li. 14 l]. 39 37 33 29 27 The depth of the snow blanket in the Atlantic~Continental region, as well as in the Atlantic'-Arctic region, diminishes toward the southwest, although the amount of precipitation increases in the same direction. In the AtlanticMContinental region the consolidation and partial melting of the snow during the thaws occurring in the southwestern zones, affects the depth of the snow blanket to a greater degree than in the Atlantic- EST11C1'EU I i for Release 20 1 2/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000 100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Arctic region. Also of considerable importance is the Fact that the snow blanket in the east is established 20 days earlier than that in the southwest (in Kirov, by the end of October; in Kiyev, by the middle of November). With the penetrations of Atlantic air, particularly in their first phases, sleet is often formed. The most active sleet is formed in the cold wedge of continental .air facing the oncoming warm maritime air, when light, supercooled rain is falling through the cold air. The cold wedge f continental ail is rarely over one half kilometer in a verw tical erection, and has a temperature of only minus 2-3 degrees Centi? grade. Such a high temperature for winter continental air is due to the following: (1) southerly and southwesterly winds blow in the forward part of cyclones; (2) since the wedge of cold air is thin, it is warmed by the rain falling through it and by mixing with the ncoming7 warm maritime air. There are several synoptic dispositions favorable to the forma tion of active sleet. In the central and southern regions it will be formed when the anticyclone is located in the east, and over its western rim the continental air is moving toward the Atlantic air which is arriv? ing in a western or southwestern cyclone. (Figure 2~). Ikli'RA4?'~M-nlprt.~Ai,u~:>rgll4iUr~i.yy4i':1~1tYA>,,raralen~ +wMrW+NL;f+,.xMawwuaw+h+SMn+~nyP1w?y+Lwgh..+i. A., ? . ~ with. rah C clorL7.c act~.v~~y~ rnat~.on proceeds. However, under cond'Lian~ oC cy r relative hun~.d~.ty will increase. er sky cover and prec~.p' ~td ~ ~ tinental region relative hlu~~jdity decx'eage$ rather ~:n the Atl.anta.cwCan rapidly toward the east. For 'or' a air wCor1tiner1tal region, where trans ox' the Atlan~a.c ' it is very Cha~`~Cter1.S'~~.C that se s not attain its h~.~he~st 1' ~.I1LLt, , ma,G, ~sc~s dor~ relative r ~ May June and onward, since hu7rLd~.ty is on the increase ~'roars Y ape rise in ten:peratux`e occt~a?s, Wa,th c i1cally :Ln May he most rapid ~ , , , ~ keep pace During the ,~urnr-aez tht,~ c, .LS, an the wkaich ev'a~:~o~'at:Lran cannot aund into one hand, a more pronounced transfer off:' 110jsture 2r0)Tt the gr 'ori ~ :ravers and, on the athez` hand., an he air in the Cont~.nent,al re~~a. ? da.t of they At~.a,.o air arz a_v ave increase ,; r` the in the a~~snl.ute hur~n. ~' continent., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 RESTRICTED d Mild Winds (U7. meter/per second) - s Moderate and Strong Wan (over G meters/per second) y Jul Oct Octabe,r ~"'. _ Vitebsk 22 10 11 23 Kazan' 1~2 21a 10 17 in the direction of the wind is less noticeable, since The shaft it ' . takes s . , place within the limits of one quadrant of the horizon ~?~ the westerly winds prevailing revailinG g in the stammer shift to s0uthwester1Y in the autwnal. Also, the continental air gradually becorfC:S colder than the Atlantic air. The dividing moment is usually accentuated by snow preci- pa,t?at.ton over the central and southern climatic regions. However, if the snowfall is late in coming, the continental air is still colder than the Atlantic air by the end of October. Based on obsorvations over a period of years, the descent of the mean temperature across the zero ~. ~ Centigrade point takes place in the first ten days of November in the point western zonesr and two weeks earlier in the eastern zones. By this established, although in some years its time the snow cover is usually formation is considerably retarded. The d~spasition of isotherms in the At1antic~Continental region ~ in the aul~umn gradually approximates their winter disposition. This ~. approximation first occurs in the western zones in September, since over ' t~ territor1ya the transfer of warm air from over Central this part of the In October and November, when the southwestern trans' Europe takes place ? fer of air prevails , the isotherms throughout the AtIantic~Continental from northwest to southeast. Thus, not only in the region are disposed winter, but as early as the fall, the western part of this region is wanner than the eastern, ; this,along with other indications, points to the arrival of autumn. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 :CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 RL:STIIICffO During the first half of autumn (until the middle of October) the radiation balance of the bottom layer of the troposphere and the underlying ground approximates zero, and the transfer of warm air masses from the south in the anticyclones takes place in clear weather. In connection with this, almost every year, by the end of September or the beginning of October, occurs the "autumnal return of heat", or the so- called '~grandxfia' s summer" ~ndian summer7, which generates calm, clear, and warm weather -- sometimes for a few days, sometimes for n entire week. It is particularly felt during the day, when the atmospheric layer nearest to the ground is warmed considerably. At night, in many places, particularly lowlands, there are spots of dense creeping fogy in some places this fog lingers into the late hours oi' the morning, interfering with the warming of the ground and the air, and causing an extremely heter- ogeneous temperature distribution, which becomes equalized only toward the middle of the day. On such days, the weather is remarkably clear with practically no sky cover. This is due to the fact that the inver- sion of temperature taking place during the night remains in effect at a certain altitude during the day as well, thereby hindering the develop- ment of convection. The "return of the heat" phenomenon is due predominantly to the air transfer from over Southern Europe along the western rim of the anticyclone which is located over the southern half of the European part of the USSR (Figure 29). A' .L. W.. a wsRH.nMiMSRFM+~1 i Jr~uq++ff~:n~RaM~s mIM.Mf a 1CTEIi s9 in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 IIESTRICTED :TiiCiEI) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 The passing of cyclones in the autumn is becoming more frequent in connection with the intensification of cyclonic activity over the Atlantic, followed by an increase in the degree of, sky cover. Minsk Moscow Kazan' Recurrence of Slur Cover (in Percent) JujL: October __ 48 6~ 46 67 L 70 However, the amount of precipitation as compared to that in summer decreases considerably, since (1) with lower temperatures the absolute hund.di.ty of the air masses is diminished, and (2) the fronts over the continent become less active, due to the leveling of the temperature con. trasts between the maritime and the continental air. The diminished ac- tivity of the fronts is also expressed in their low degree of. mobility, which is the reason for fine and long-lasting precipitations so charac- teristic of the autumn. The distribution of precipitation over the territory in the autumn is more homogeneous than in the sumer. Minsk Kazan' Amount of Precipitation (in Mii1ireters) Summer (June-August) Autumn (September"November) 216 128 166 117 The contrast between the western and eastern zones during the summer reaches up to 80 millimeters, while in the autumn it is only 10 millimeters. Rather characteristic of the autumn season are the fogs. Autumn fogs over the Atlantic"Continental region are predominantly of a radiation and advective'-radiation genesis, particularly during the first half of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 iESTRICTED auturlul. They occur in the central (and even the eastern) parts of anti- cyclone$ under the effect of the nightly cooling of the bottom air layer, as well as in the relatively warm air masses as a result of radiation while moving northward along the western periphery of the anticyclones. In the latter case the fogs attain considerable altitude and linger on for several days The end of the autwnn season gradually merges into winter, and it is rather difficult to isolate any one process which would particularly mark this merger. Sometimes frosts of high intensity arrive as early as November, as in the Moscow region, where the absolute minimum tempera- ture for November is minus 28 degrees Centigrade. In the course of other years, the arrival of winter is considerably retarded "nature waited and waited for the arrival of winter, and snow came only in January, on the night of the third." The Continental R~eon As already mentioned above, the Continental region is distinguished by the most continental climatic features, as compared with the rest oC the European territory of the Soviet Union. In the winter, it is the main area for the formation of East-Euro mean continental air, in contrast to the central and northern areas, which in the winter are predominantly areas of advection (transfer). The forma- tion of continental air takes place in areas of high pressure (which are either outcrops of the Asiatic anticyclono, or independent anticyclones), along the eastern periphery of which, at times, is established a direct current of Arctic air. Along the southern periphery of these high pres- sure areas the continental air flows off with the easterly and northeast' erly winds into the southern zones. It then skirts the anticyclones from the west, and extends in a southwestern current over the Atlantic-'Conttnen- tal region. TUCTEO 61 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 riCTEU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 In the process of such circulation, the entire Continental region is filled with relatively cold air. This underlying factor causes the following two characteristic features in temperatuxe distribution over the region. (1) The mean temperature level, as compared to that for the Atlantic'-'Arctic region, is not as high as would be expected by the differ- ence in latitudes. The mean temperature for January in Petrozavodsk is minus 10 degrees Centigrade, for Poltava -w minus 7 degrees Centigrade, for Kotlas -- minus i).~ degrees Centigrade, for Stalingrad -w minus 10 degrees Centigrade. Thus, the temperature rase southward is only one quarter degree of temperature per one degree of latitude, and even on the shore of the Sea of Azov, the mean temperature for January is minus degrees Centigrade. (2) Deflections of the winter isotherms, from a latitudinal disposition to the north, are considerably smaller than in the central and northern areas. The difference in the mean January temM peratures between the extreme western and the extreme southern zones is about )4 degrees Centigrade for the south and reaches 3 degrees Centigrade for the north of the European part of the Union. The relatively low mean temperatures for the winter in the Conti nental region are a result, not so much of a general temperature decline, as of abrupt temperature drops caused by cold it ras7 penetrations, and along with considerable frost, there are also many thaws. In Rostov- on-'the-.Don, with a mean January temperature of minus 6 degrees Centigrade, 2, percent of the days of the throe winter months have a mean daily tern" pei'ature above zero Centigrade, and 20 percent of the colder days have a mean daily temperature of nunus 10 degrees Certtigxado. Minimum annual temperature: everywhere, with the exception of the maritime zones, descend below minus 20 degrees Centigrade. The absolute minimum temperature for Stalingrad drops to minus 3 degrees Centigrade. The lowest temperatures occur in the cold air masses arriving from the north, with additional local chifng taking place on calm and clear nights. Thaws are partied'. ? 63 .. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 aEST RICT ED 1ar:Iy frequent in the southwestern zones; for instance, in Nikolayev during the winter (December"February) IO percent of the days have a mean daily temperature above zero degrees Centigrade. The Atlantic cyclones in the winter predominantly' pass further to the north. Those that get into the southern zones are usually moving directly' to the east, and precipitations caused by them are evenly dis- over the territory. In addition to the Atlantic cyC1ones, over trit,uted the Continental region, pass the Mediterranean cyclones, penetrating routes through the northern coast of the Black Sea, from here by various rsa to Novorossi sk proceeding further northward or northeastward. ~' ~ Odes The precipitations cauaed by the Mediterranean cyclones are distributed zones more or less evenly. In connection with this, over the southern. the amount of wirater precipitation varies little within the limits of the Continental region, coming to 90 millimeters for the three winter months, and only on the shores of the Caspian Sea does the amount of winter precipitation drop to 60 mi1umeters. The snow cover of the Continental region, due to frequent thaws, ? ~rna11 and unstable. A more or less stable snow cover is observed in ~s ~, the northexr part of the territory. It i$ late in taking hold and early in dwindling; ? in the areas of Kharkov and Stalingrad it is sustained from of December to the middle of March, reac1iing a depth of the beginning ers by the end of February. Sometimes the snow cover will ~,~ ~~ centimeters dwindle al,most comp1ete1r in the course of the winter and then reesta" bush itself. In the westein zones, under conditions preceding a thaw, there will be formation of f o g and sleet (Figure 2). in the Continental region arrives mostly with the inflOW$ Spring " ~.~ of warm air from Southern Europe. As an example the s~rnoptiC dispo s t ion 1939 (Figure 26) can be referred to. The Atlantic air ~.on of 17 :STiiICTEO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 is warming in the outcrop of anticyclones over Southern Europe, and with a'westerly current penetrates first over the Ukraine, and then further to the east. Under the effect of the warm air, and sometimes warm rains as well, the slight snow cover disappears rapidly. and from this moment on the territories of the U1'aine and the Lower Volga are in themselves a source for the warming of the air, This process rapidly embraces the entire Continental region, and the snow cover disappears almost simultaneously in the west and in the east during the first twenty days of March, merely lingering on for two more weeks in the northern zones. In April the continental air over the southern climatic region is colder than that over Central Europe, but the high pressure prevailing in the winter is gradual dropping, and the cyclones begin to penetrate more frequently into the territory of the given region, particularly into its western zones. There is in connection with this, a slight increase in the amount of precipitation from March to April. The weather in April is very unstable, the absolute contrast between the cold and warm penetrations reaching possibly Ii0 degrees Centigrade (from minus 10 to plus 10 degrees Centigrade), yet alhaost yearly there occurs a drop of the mean daily temperature to minus 5 degrees Centigrade and a rase to plus 20 degrees Centigrade. The same occurs with relation to humidity. With the cold penetrations accompanied by precipitations, relative hums" dity is never below 80 percent even at noon. There are w~ such days in a month. Inversely, there are, on the average, four or six very dry days when, toward midday, the relative humidity drops to 30 percent and below, which usually coincides with warm penetrations. In March the temperature oscillations are no, but occur at a lower level, and relative humidity does not drop as low as in April. In the sprang insolation increases with the height of the sun, lengthening of the day, and the decrease in the degree of sky cover. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 IESTR1CTEO However, sky cover decreases not as a result of an increase in the num- ber of clear days, but rather of a decrease in the number of days when the sky is overcast. For example, the recurrence of clear and overcast sky over Poltava is (in percent): February Clear (0??2 balls) 20 Overcast (840 balls) 7 April 2S This arises from the fact that in the spring the formatiori of the shroud of low clouds, caused by the cooling effect that the underlying ground exerts upon the warm air, is discontinued, and there remain only cloud formations of fronta]. and cumulus convective origin. The second half of May in the Continental region, strictly speak. ing, belongs to the summer season, since it marks the beginning of the process for the formation of Tropical air. This means that the continen- tal air is further heated, not only in its lower stratifications, but also in the middle troposphere. When it meets (in counter-currents) with the air masses of the Atlantic-.Continental region, a front is formed which generates cyclonic activity. This warming of the air takes place predominantly over the eastern zones of the Continental region, lying to the side of the principal paths of the cyclones. Correspondingly, the Nay isotherms in thG eastern half, as compared with those in the western half, are shifted considerably to the north, and it is much warmer in the area ofi the Lower Volga; than it is in the Ukraine. This condition, s just described abov7 does not yet prevail in April. Mean Temperature in Degrees Centigrade April May Kamenets-Podol' sk 7.7 1.6 Stalingrad 7?8 17?x" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 RES1K1ClE It should be borne in mind, however, that the process of transfor- air into Tropical air only begins in the month of mation of continental May, and the tomperature contrasts between the western and eastern zones are caused mainly by the warning of the continental air in its bottom layers. The percentage ratio of Tropical air to the other air masses the month of May, and its frontOMgen,stic value is is still. small during accordingly small. Thus, the inereaSed precipitation in I~ay, as compared with that in April, should be attributed to the frontal precipitation from conti ?nental air, which, due to evaporation, contains more Moisture than the Atlantic air. There is also higher pressure over the Continental region during result of the activitY of the Azoric anticyclone. the aurnxrler, mainly as a Abundant inaolati on against the background of a pre dominantlY steppe and in the southeast even semi-desert landscape, causes a landscape, considerable heating of continental air and its transforrfl tion into Tropical air. This is the basic process of the sumnier season over the Continental region. However, this transformation does not embrace the entire continental air mass, not even its largest part. According to G the period 193?1939, thG number of days with Tropical ~.lcu7.atlanS for t air predarninating over the southeastern zones for the months of June, July, and Aut:,ust, amounts to 30 percent. Part of it (~ percent) should be a the inflow of Tropical air from Central Asia. The pre? ?~tributed to senc? of such as ? relatively small amount of Tropical air seems to consti" tute the decisive factor for the summer meteorological cycle over the greater part of the Cont tal region (high dtem~aerature, low humidity) ? ~.ncn The explanation lies redalr~.nance of anticyclonic (with in the p its mild winds, ten},perature inversions, which hinder the fornation of the influence of which the bottom layer of convective clouds), under considerably overheated to a state when by tempera- continental air is Lure arid humidity it apProximatea the characteristics of Tropical air. tftSl RICT ED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 9 ~ICtED The above depicted differences between the western and eastern areas of the Continental region in May become even more pronounced in the summer. The climb in temperature and the drop in relative humidity toward the east are intensified during the sunm~er, as quoted by values in the Table that Follows. Ike mature Ilum_tlitr at 1300 I~auzJin Percents May June July August Nay June July August Kamenets- Podol'sk i).6 17.L 11.x. 18.8 L9 >L ~ Akhtuba 17.0 2lx7 21.i.-7 23.0 Lill e )40 38 .w_____...~________ ..... ._.........Sa...._.-.......................--.-.........~ Difference 3.1t.. h.3 ~ ?3 L.1 a 10 iL os: particular significaz'icc is the relative humidity curve * As already mentioned above, the relative humidity in all zones decreases during the spring. From Nay on the relative humidity curve of the western part is different ?rom that of the eastern part. In the west the temperature climb from May to June is smaller than in the east, and evaporation raises the relative humidity. In the east the temperature climbs faster, and there is less actual evaporation than an the westr as a result of which relative humidity is constantly dropping. In the east, also, there is more frequent penetration of dry Asiatic air along the western periphery of the anticyclones located over Kazakhstan and the northern part of Central Asia. Toward the end of the summer, the drier air from the eastern half fills the western zones too, where in August, relative humidity is again dropping. The climatological significance of Tropical air is not 1ianited to its effect on iemperaturs and humidity. Under favorable conditions o? circulation, such as the convergence of currents, the Tropical air will form a front with the air from the Atlantic-Continental region. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Zbinerinka Akhtuba (in millimeters) June July as 014 2$ 22 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ESTRiCTEO At this front will develop cyclorac activity, with cloudiness and preci- pitatiori. Thus, the process of transformation, creating / certain de- gree of] aridity in the Continental region, carries within itself the cause which retards its rate of evolution. This is the 5pecifiO fea- ture by which the European territory of the USSR is distinguished from the Central Asiatic territory, where the transformation of the air masses during the suunmer months attains its ultimate degree of evolution, and is discontinued only under the action of terrestrial factors of general in-portance. Frontogeriesis and cyclonogenesis in Tropical air over the Conti- nental and Atlantic-Continental regions occurs predominantly to the west and northwest of the center of transformation, .e4 mostly in the west'. ern zones of the above named regions. The Tropical air occupies the warm sector in the cyclones moving northward or northeastward over the Ukraine. These cyclones sometimes carry the Tropical air to the northernmost areas of the European part of the Soviet Union. The Tropical airy from the south- eastern areas penetrates into the Ukraine along the southwestern periphery of the anticyclones. On its way, it is humidified over the lowlands of Kuban' and the Sea of Azov, as a result of which it furnishes much frontal precipitation, frequently accompanied by powerfl storms. Figure 21i de~ pacts the deve1oprraent of such a process. Precipitations from Tropical air are an essential addition to the precipitations brought on by the Atlantic cycionea, so that in June and July there is maximum precipitation over the Ukraine, as compared with the rest of the Euu^opean territory. At the same time the amount of pre- cipitation in the southeast does not increase: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tIESIRICI E~I Very characteristic of the Continental region in the swmner are droughts and dry winds. A drought is the result of precipitation deficiencies over a long period of time. Yet, not every prolonged period off' dry weather can be considered a drought. Drought :Ls not only a meteorological, but also a biological concept, and this, mainly, is the reason for its climatological significance. A drought is "a combination of various phenomena occurring in the soil and in the air, and causing a disparity between the indispenM sable water consumption by plants and its actual delivery to the plants through the soil" (N. V. Bova). Such a condition comes about after some preparatory period, the duration and intensity of which depends upon a whole series of circumstances, such as: the value of the 1) au- tumnal-winter humidification, the condition and vegetative phase of tip plant, etc. The setting in and duration of a drought may vary from year to year. There are spring-swnnuer and summer droughts with a duration of a month or even loner. Droughts that begin in the sprang are usually long, since in the southeastern areas of the European territory the second half of the summer is usually dry. Droughts of long duration are the ones which us~ wally affect the largest areas. This is caused by the fact that the drought is originally brought about by conditions of circulation over a certain area and, given enough time, the surface of that area will itM self become a factor which accelerates the intensity of the drought and will, therefore, inorease the area of its effectiveness. The complex of conditions favorable to the setting in of a drought occurs in the southeast of the European territory of the Soviet Union quite frequently. The recurrence of drought (in the sense of the defi? niition above) amounts to !10 percent, as can be seen from the fact that for the period 18941939 there were 18 years during which droughts occurred. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ?7pw Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 IIESTRICTEB One fifth of these droughts began in the month of May, taking in the entire vegetative period and striking the southeastern part of the European territory, the area of the Middle Vora, and the southern part of the Ukraine. The droughts are, to a considerable degree, a result of the transformation of air masses over the continent, particularly the transformation of Arctic air. They are intensified to the east and to the southeast (Kazakhstan, Central Asia). In the European territory they occur frequently, but not annually (with the exception of the Cas- pian lowland). In Central Asia and in southern Kazakhstan they consti- tute the most important feature of the summer season. The dry wind cycle Is a phenomenon still insufficiently investiw gated. It is characterized by a peculiar condition of the air, conduM to extreme evaporation. The temperature by midday is IO degrees Centigrade, with reiative humidity below 30 percent and a wind velocity above 10 meters per seconds The basic difference between a drought and dry wind cycle is that in a drought the plants either perish completely, or are partially struck, beginning with the roots, as a result of a moisture deficiency in the soil after a prolonged lack of precipitation, while in a dry wand cycle, the pmts are struck by disrupting the process of transpiration for 1?2 days, with the upper parts of the punts eying first. Dry wind cycles rarely originate in Central Asia. They are more frequently evolved at the periphery of anticyclones over the European territory. In these cascs the high tempnraturds and low jeiativ7 hu? midities are due to the adiabatic process, and the dry wind cycle can be considered a de30ending current, tied in with the katabatic cat from. The direction of the winds during the dry wind cycle may vary, but they are predominantly easterly in the southern quadrant of anticy- clones. As an example, refer to the synoptic disposition on 21 August 1939 (Figure 30), where the cross-hatched area represents the area affected by dry wind. ESTR1CTEU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tUEST ICTEU 1-..?w .. w jY , /MV,P}1~'tW/IMY?1.1 hIW.;Y4;....'`s4,rr11Y1',:.xt,~ ~.~,.1er?Inn~r,H,.P.;;, YMw uPl,b?V?wM,Y_Fa..'rnN,..Ww.ww',?M?N?r Pw W'rr.'IVY.wn??? 1_ 30; Synoptic da.spo s tion during a dry wind cycle (21 August 1939)+ During the first half of autamn anticyclonic circulation still. hilt in the Atlantic~Continentat region at this time predominates, ands w autumnal bad weather sets in, it is stir warm and dry in the south. Such a situation is depicted in Figure 21. The anticyclonic character istics of September and October weather can also be seen from the Table immediately faliowing; Voro shiiovgrad (formerly hugansk) September October November The warming Process affecting the air over the steppes of the Con" tinental region is discontinued in September, and is gradually changed into a process. Yet, the eastern zones are stiU warmer than the western zones in September. In October the dtapasitian of the iso t for the winter, and even over the southernmost therms app - ~~a~?s the zones the continental air becomes colder than the Atlantic air. Autumn returns of the heat are sometimes observed rather late in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Number of days with Precipitation 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ESTI1tCTEU the season. They are caused by the inflow of warm Anatolian air along the western periphery of the outcrop of the Asiatic anticyclone, the formation of which at this time of the year depends to a large extent on the cooling off of the sand steppes of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. This is one of the clear examples of meteorological contradictions, and the specific synoptic dispositions for them are depicted in Figures 31 and 32. .,n.r , p.owy...p r4*viwi ~. +:', ?(~ s r: d.: ~/I,"~,. ,,,, A,.A +.Mlr ljxnir~RIfNJAAI~~JrWVM "e{,;., + gure 31? The lade autumn return of the heat over one', xianca.c~uoz~ca.- nental region (23 October 1937) Warm autumn weather in the south (114 October 1935). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 rNW~IrIMW.d\W WIM~ s.730. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 REST RICT Eli The Crimea By circulation conditions, the Crimea can be relegated almost completely to the Continental region of the European Dart of the USSR. During the winter the predominant air is the continental air, flowing off with the northeasterly winds along the southern periphery oi' the areas of high pressure ~eveloping7 over the Continental region. During the summer the northeasterly winds bring the continental air that has been, to a considerable degree, transformed into Tropical air. The air flowing in from the continent and arriving over the sea, is somewhat warmed in the winter and somewhat cooled in the summer. This warming or cooling process affects the bottom layer only, since the area of the Black Sea is not sufficiently large for the air lasses to tarry long enough in their migration to become transformed into maritime air. Additionally, in the winter, when the surface of the sea is warmer than the continental air :Mowing over it, the air is subject to layer instability, favorable to the development of convectional heat transfer to the overlyi.n; layers. The pressure gradient forces are rather strong, and the air masses are carried rapidly aecross the sea. In the summer, the winds are relatively mild, and there is stable stratification stability in the air, since the sea is colder than the air. Never /Tayer theless, the sea affects the terrtperature cycle of the coastal belt to a considerable degree. The land elevations of the southern part of the Crimea are of a magnitude that introduces essential turbulence into the atmospheric cycles developing over the peninsula. This pertains mainly to the extension of cold continental or Arctic air, and to the advancing oi' the fronts. The height of the Crimean mountains is greater than the thickness of the coldest bottom layer of the continental air, and, in the case of Arctic penetrations, it is generally above the vertical capacity of the cold sT IicT Et) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ESTgCTED wedge. The cold air, forced to flow around the Crimean ridge, penetrates over the southern coast in a diminished mass and is already considerably warmed from passing over the sea. This is illustrated by the distribuM tion of maximum low temperatures Lhe Russian text calls them "minimum ternperatures7 on the northern and southern slopes and the highest alti- tude zone (in degrees Centigrade): Absolute rr,axi mum low temperature (1929) Simferopal~ Minus 20 Minus 32 Ay-Petri Yalta Minus 19 Minus 8 Minus 26 Minus 1 The lowest temperatures occur to the north of the mountains (Sim feropol ' ) . In the mountainous zones (AywPetri) it is waxer during tree cold penetrations than down below in the steppe, and, finally, on the south shore (Yalta) the mean maximum low is higher by over 10 degrees Centigrade than on the northern slope. In Yalta a minus 10 degrees Cents tigrade frost occurs only years apart, and a thermometer reading of be- low minus 1 degrees Centigrade is virtually unknown for the entire per- iod of recorded observations. These figures prove that the land eleva-' Lions of the southern coast of the Crimea constitute an effective shield against cold air penetration. No less significant is the part the mountains of the Crimea play in the activation of the fronts that pass over them, particularly in the winter Mediterranean cyclones. These leave in their wake a large amount of precipitation on the southern and southwestern slopes, which are favor- ably located with relation to the direction of the warm, moisture carry- ing air current. The swnmer cyclones of western origin furnish precipi-- tation predominantly on the northern slopes, in amounts, however, smaller than the winter cyclones provide on the southern slopes. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ~ ,i ~W-'ftY~ n Amount of Precipitation (in millimeters) Winter ' Swter December January February June July August Sirnferapol' 39 39 32 71 77 28 Yalta 70 82 ~b t~9 ~6 27 considerable effect on temperature and humidity of the Crimean A coastal belt is exerted by the proximity of the sea. It was pointed out vcr the Black Sea, at any rate over its northern half, there above, that o of continental air with somewhat modified characteristics is a predominance in xts bottom layer, which ruorlifications bring it closer to air of the man-- tame: type. This factor, as related to the temperature cycle, will cause a the yearly amplitude (by raising the winter temperatures and decrease in th lowering swiuner temperatures) and will also shorten the frost period. lowering 7 ~ the The number of frosty days in the central part and the coastal belt is shown below : Kurman-Kemel'chi 120 Tarkhankut 6~ Sevastopolt 3 Yalta 1.0 Feo~dosiya 71 In order to get an idea of the part played by the land elevations and the sea, with particular reference to the slackening of continental influences temperatures for the shielded 5rom the se7 and ex" in the winter, the mean red v the se7 a parts or thy; coastal area are compared with the mean tern" poa ~ ,. peratures for the central zones he Table below gives the results of the coin parlson in terms of moan temperature differentials (in degrees Centigrade,). December January February Yalta less Kuxman'Kamel'ch b 5 Taz Ithankut less Kurman-Kame1'chi 3 3 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 auTEU iE$1 The first line shows the combined effect of the land elevations and the sea, the second line shows the effect of the sea only. Special features in the conditions of humidity develop mostly in the suzr>zner. They pertain to the progress of the daily relative humidity curve, which, in the coastal belt, as compared with the central zones, is very small. This is due to the effect of the breezes, which modify the daily humidity curve in such a manner that the relative hutni.dity during the day is higher over the coastal belt, while during the night it is higher over the central zones. During the cold season the coastal area is subject to considerable fog, which is generated by the humid air from above the surface of the sea extending over the cold littoral. The characteristics described above do not as yet warrant the segregation of the coastal belt into a parties cular climatic zone, since the proximity of the sea does not disturb the general progress of the weather in the coastal belt as compared to the interior. It follows that of basic significance in the climatic zoning of the Crimean peninsula is its terrestrial configuration. The peninsula can be divided into two climatic zones. The first one, comprising the southern part of the Crimea, is of the 1eiterranean climatic type. It can be divided into two sub-zones; the southern lit Loral and the mountainous area. The second zone comprises the rest of the Crimean territory, and, with relation to climate, it blends with the southern part of the Ukraine. The climate of the southern littoral and the mountainous area is integrated not only under the influence of the continent proper, but also under that of the mediterranean region, since by i.ts location the southern part of the peninsula fails within the sphere of action of the Mediterranean outcrop of the Polar front in the winter, and the Azoric anticyclone in the summer. The extension of the Mediterranean climatic cycle to aremote an area as the Crimean Peninsula is due to the part played by the Black in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 k a direct continuation of the r1e~,.terranean. Seas which is, so to spea~ the printer tc;dl exerts an effect upon the paths of The Black Sea undaub y the development of the high pressure outcrop in the cyclones and upon this high pressure outcrop is an abrupt decrease summer. The effect of the ~ south- :er over the.. Crimea as compared to the in sky saver the - ? ~umn' ern part of the Ukraine. of the Crimean peninsula is one of the The southern littoral is most favorable clim~~~,ica, to health and rare s of the USSR which Z , frequently rated with the flncst 1~edi~erranean health well being. It is and clears a rating is due mainly to its mild wiZtters reaort areas. Such is sunny sunur~rs. The mean temperate of the coldest month (January) hich is B degrees Centigrade warmer than plus 14. degrees centigrade, w Caspian, 12 degrec;s warm+sr than equa.- amts of the same latitude on 'the , p lata.tu~rlal locations in Central Asia, and 22 degrees warmer than ec~?~ latitud..nal locations in the Far Bast. of Clear Sky (in percent) Recurrence June J. ~Y Kirovograd (formerly Blizdvetgrad) 27 3~ ~ 31 6 Khersan b~ ajmSeropol' 63 1.2 7 Yalta. 63 Li 6 F'eodosia ma c i.mum low temperature was plus 3 degree S In l9l~ the January of 189 9~ the temperature was never below tirade . In the yr1nter Can g plus 14 degrees.Centigrade. On the average, there are only six days i.e. only six days with a daily tempcr? during the winter without thaws afore sustained at below zero Cent.gtads. Out of the entire number of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 1ESTRCTED 15 days with precipitation for the month of January, only 5 are with snow, the rest are with rain. The amount of precipitation in , . the winter is cones siderable ?w twice as much as in any other place within the European part of the USSR. Yet, the number of days with overcast is relatively small. It is of interest in this respect to compare this area with Belorussia, where overcast in the winter is at its maximum; Minsk Yalta December January February December January February ~' u{pry millimeters) !t L6 14 70 82 56 Number of days with precipita-tiori 1$ 17 lt~ ~ 1L 15 12 Number of days with Overcast 2L 23 15 12 13 9 In Belorussia the overcast weather is only partially connected with the falling of precipitation, since the number of days with overcast exceeds the number of days with pr ecipjta Lion. In Southern Crimea, on the contrary, even the rainy days are not throughout overcast, Not to rr-entxon the fact, that in Southern Crimea, with a greater amount of rccipa. p tata.ori, the nuanber of days with precipitation is smaller than in ,Belorussia . The arrival of spring in the Crimea is connected with the inflow of warm air from the south. These are the warm air masses from the southeast of Europe (the Balkan Peninsula), or more often , the air from Asia Minor. A typical synoptic disposition assuring the transfer of warm air to the Crimean Peninsula and the north coast of the Beck Sea in general, is the loGa,tion over the Caspian Sea of an anticyclone along the western periphery of which the southerly air current originatos. One such case is depicted in the synop- tic disposition for 15 April 1938 (Figure 33) Amount of Pre- cipitation (in 78 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 i1ESTfflCTEJ TIIICTETJ May 12 April 1o May Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Figure 33: Transi'er of warm air from Asia Minor (15 April 1938), For instance: southern littoral, as compared to the central area, is at first retarded. able heat. Therefore, the temperature climb in the spring over the In passing over the sea, the air from Asia Manor loses consider reduces sky cover, which, in turn, results in increased insolation. infJ.ow of warm air, the extension of a high pressure area over the Crimea A similar situation may occur in March also. In addition to the Yalta 2,5 Li. 6 Mean Temperature Climb (in degrees Centigrade) F bruar -Ma h Ma l A? priJ Nay meltchi !.5 6 b Kurman?KeM Yet, sprang on the southern littoral is warmer than in the central zone. Below is a tabulation showing dates for the passing of the mean temperature across the indicated levels (in degrees Centigrade), Plus lo Plt ~ Kurman-Kemal'chi 25 March 20 April 12 Yalta 3 March Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 fIEST %%GT EU As early as April, but to a greater degree in. May, the temperature climb over the southern littoral of the Crimea takes place in connection with increased insolation and the general warming of the air over the peninsula. Insolation during the spring increases very rapidly: on the average, 1 square centimeter Cf terrestrial surface7 absorbs X000 small calories in March, 6L1,oo small calories in April, and 9900 small calories in May. The fluctuations of insolation by individual years, as affected by the amount of sky cover, are of minor importance. During the spring there is a shift in the type of cyclones passing over the peninsula. The number of Mediterranean cyclones decreases, and the Atlantic cyclones take on principal significance. This reduces no- ticeably the amount of precipitation on the southern littoral, while in the central and eastern zones of the Crimea the amount of precipitation during the spring is somewhat increased. The summer in the southern coastal area is very warm, yet it can-' not be designated as hot, since, with a sufficiently high mean tempera- ture of July and August (21i. degrees Centigrade), the maximum high is barely above 30 degrees Centigrade, and this not every year. Daily tem- perature fluctuations are not great, and, on the average, do not exceed 8 degrees Centigrade. Humidity is considerable, but not excessive, and its daily fluctuations are small, which is due to, not only the small daily range of temperature, but also to the breezes, the force of which is amplified by the wands from the mountain slopes. The daytime humid breeze sustains the relative humidity, which, otherwise, diminishes with a rise in temperature. Inversely, the dry wind, descending from the mountains during the night, stops the further increase of relative humi- dity. Relative humidity fluctuates daily within a range of several percent, its mean value being 60 percent. Of interest in this respect is the comparison of the range of relative humidity between the southern littoral and the central zones of the Crimea. k13'iiiC3E~ . 80 ~ in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tS1 tUU ED July August 700 Hours 13QO Hours 2100 HHours, 70,r, 0 Hors 1300 Hours 21Q4 Hours Yalta 60 57 66 S7 53 61 5amferopo1' 7~ 1~a 77 76 LJ. 75 Against the background of the above depicted temperature and relative hu- midity cycles, takes place the absorption of the abundant insolation, which is a general characteristic of the summer in the Continental region as a whole, and the Crimean Peninsula in particular. The predominance of clear days points to the dryness of the Crimean summer. In the passing of the season from spring to summer, the amount of precipitation at first increases, then diminishes again in the month of August. The average amount of summer precipitation (404a millimeters for June, 5~?60 millimeters for July, 20'2 millimeters far August) varies considerably from year to year. ~ There are years when summer precipitation is in excess of that for the winter, accumulating to the extent of ~0 percent of the yearly total, with the abundant rains failing during June and July, and the month of August almost invariably The sea breezes in August help sustain the relative humidity almost on the dry. same level, as in June and July. August in the southern littoral, with rare exceptions, is somewhat warmer than July, and the mean temperature of September is close to that of June. Yalta Relative Humidity (in Percent) Mean Temperature (in degrees Centigrade) June July Ault September 20 2) 2L l.9 September weather is like summer weather, not only by temperature, but also by relative humidity. Relative Humid?tY at 1300 Hours (in Percent) June July August September Yalta 60 Si 53 56 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Thus the symmetry of the annual temperature and relative hu nidaty curves is c1isturbed, and the arrival of the autumn season is to be rele- gated to October. The shift of the maxi.,mum high temperatures to the se- cond half of the suiruner is due not only to the proximity of the zone to the sea, but also to the general conditions of circulation. This is illustrated by the September and November extension of an outcrop of the \.zoric anticyclone over the Southern Ukraine and the Crimea, carrying clear and warm weather in its wake. For an example, refer back to figure 32 (1L' October 193). The appearance of this outcrop of the Azoric anticyclone is the reason for the prevalence of calm, clear and warm autumnal weather over the Crimea and the Black ea coastal area of the Caucasus. For this reaw son, this period is considered the best season of the year. The circuM latorY process engendering the formation of this Azoric outcrop is not yet sufficiently understood. Possibly this process is to a considerable extent due to the general cooling of the continent, which causes an over- current in the middle troposphere from the Atlantic side; in the north at this time there is the beginning of cyclonic activity. The beginning r of the autumn over the southern littoral is indeed the finest time of the year. The temperature drops somewhat, yet is surricienUy high. The mean temperature passes the plus l~ degrees Cen" tigrade level during the "teens" of October, and the plus 10 degrees Centigrade level around 10 November. The amount of precipitation after the month of August increases rather rapidly, yet the number of rainy days increases but little. The number of rainy days in October is smaller than in June. The auio>rts of precipitation in the autumn, as well as during the sunnier, vary through individual years, and the autvmis are at tines very dry. In the second half of autumn (in November) there is an increase in the amounts of sky cover and precipitation; rainy weather occurs Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 E'ST aid EU during one third of the month, and on rare occasions (not every year) there is some snowfall, Also in November occur the first autumn frosts, about two or three times during the month, but some years there are none. The Trost rapid general drop in temperature occurs from October to Novem~ her, when over the Continental region the formation of winter continental air begins in the areas of high pressure, connocted with the Asiatic anticyclones. November over the southern littoral of the Crimea is de- finitely a winter month, since there is more precipitation on the south- ern mountain slopes, as compared to the northern slopes, which is indica- tive of the shifting of the cyclone paths in accordrttnce with the winter circulation cycle. The mountainous part of the Crimea rases to an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. The altitude does not essentially affect the conditions of circulation, except that during the winter cold penetra- tions, the mountainous zones are found in the warmer upper layers of the cold mass. Also, under conditions of local radiation cooling, with the downfloir of the cold air over the slopes, it is warmer on the mountain tops than it is below. Yet, the formation of temperature inversions in the mountains occurs rarely, and has almost no effect on the mean tem- perature differentials. Yet, when compared with the coastal belt tem- peratures, the vertical temperature gradient becomes considerable, due to the warring effect of the sea. As can be seen from the the tabula- tion below; December Ja ~ Feb,. r uary Yalta 6,1 3.7 1.0 Ay-Petri. Minus 1.1 Minus 14.2 Ninus 3.2 in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 r s over a period o2 years the number of According to ob,~erva~ta.on . in December .,,. 2, in January w.. 28, in ys with frost is as follot ~s . h wM 2L, with the ternperatw.^e rising above zero ~'ebruar',~ ?.? 2G s . ~n I~,rc centigrade during the day in LSO percent of all cases. The snow cover in the mountains is of considerable depth and is sustained on the average about two months. distributed quite unevenly. In the soothes Winter p~^ec~.p tata.on is -in rid e], particularly near the slope fac- ern part of the Yalta ~oanta g_ ? Ze amou~~t of p~"ecipitation in Decembers January ing the sea (Ay-Petri) s tl ' 7ra11imeters per month. On the northern mount- and ~~~'ebrua~^y is about l reci nation is one third the above volume. ain slopes the amount of D p An important climatic feature of the mountainous part of Crimea ro~ t7 ~~rinds, generating frequent snow storms, is the occur^a,ence of st~ with the warm and calm weather pxeVe, which is in sharp contrast .dith the strong warm winds, there is f or- over 'the. southern littoral. . the leeward slopeS. The Crimean foelins are cones n~,~;:>.on of foel~n.~ over tit During the passim of the Niedx- nected mainly with cyclona.c ac Y. then and southeastexl~y winds form f oehns over terranean cyclones the sou y C clones arriving from the west form foehns over the northern slopes Y the southern coast. The foehns over the southern slopes are not as ~er the northern slopesa and they occur less fully developed as tho,~e ov re uent during the winter and spring fre~,uent:l.y. The f aehna are mast fq (larch-April). oLr ten- t swnr~~er in the mountainous area is distinguished by 1 of x^eca,pa.tation, as compared to the atcppe pcratw^es and a great amount 1~ and the southern The temDeratu~^e drop with the inareawe in ~,l . '~ altitude is particularly pronounced at the stapes, and is due to the n temperature gradient between Yalta awerful ascending currents. The mea p and Ay-Petri for the entire summer is approd.mat01~ 0.7 of a degree titude with the mean temporatura fai^ July Centigrade per 100 meters of al , at AyPatri close to l~ degrees Cen'tigrode, about the same as in Arlch- .. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 angel'sk. Thus, within the extent of only one kilometer the summer tem~ perature cycle, as related to altitude, will have the same range as the temperature cycle over the entire European territory of the Union, from north to south, from the White Sea to the Black Sea. This is the reason for the maintenance of numerous sanatoria at various altitudes in the southern coastal area of the Crimea, with a choice of favorable climatic features for various convalescent requirements. Auturua in the mountainous area, as well as throughout the Crimea, is known for its calm and clear weather. The first autumn frosts occur with the beginning of October. THE CAUCASUS Among the clitrtological factors in the Caucasus, terrestrial configuration is of almost first importance. It effects tremendous changes in circulation conditions in the bottom layer of the troposphere, which is of the utmost significance with relation to temperature and humidity -p the two basic factors in the division of a territory into climatic zones. The Caucasus /mountain range lies on the boundary be- tween the temperate and subtropical belts, and the system of ridges of the Great Caucasus, by retarding the meridional transfer of the cold and warm air masses, accentuates this boundary and makes it fully unmistakable: Northern Caucasus is in the temperate climatic belt; Trans-Caucasia be- longs to the subtropical belt. Of greatest climatological significance arc the ridges of the Great Caucasus, as a hindrance to the migration of the cold air masses from the north. In most cases, when the Arctic air reaches the Caucasus, the high mountainous wall extending throughout the entire width of the Cau- casian isthmus, with only narrow passes along the coasts of the flack and Caspian Seas, prevents its penetration into the valleys of the rivers Rion and Kura. And only on rare occasions, which do not recur every year, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 MYMMN.IMw.N'wwM1.iVWm1Vn.M.Nh.MMPnw.MM!.~i )#f?, .~evN'r4~mJN MY....w H.'rlu+ ~. !at' Wn1ar+.s~W+k~..rAr Fi ur L : rtoo Hours 2 December i93d? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 the cold air flows around the mountain ridge from the west and from the east, enclosing the high-mountain area into a sort of warm island. Such a ~ynopti7 situation occurred during the first days of December 1938, and it is depicted below in Figures 3).i, 3S, 36, and 37; these show the consecutive stages of the cold Arctic air penetration and its by..passing of the Caucasian ridge. ~..WMMM,anh larMH kr9 NiAu..'w4i,i. ~~ll'l+.~FWM'A:.1'.~~:.~.~.~~.rFV~l,:w+/,.A~'V. r~nV.'Mit+4"4.(.rMMryW7MNLMw'nr{a,'XIYJ H'l~m~'PmIWMMIi.M ~kMW V FMf1~1'N~M~?iYNi\IMk~Nm~'f`ION4+MIM9~NwlMN~wM+Ai.M'INI'Mfer~n~NMW mrw.INM~N+fMFaxpm.MbA~eN-.+~hn Fi urn: 700 Hours 3 December 1938. M ~~ M Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 December 1930. ]a,guxe37,.lmAedance of the cyclones over Western TransMCaucasia (1i The general synoptic situation over the continent, under the conM dttions of which the Arctic air penetrated so fair to the: south, was as the eastern half of the European part of the Union was dominated follows : owerfu. anticyclone, enclosing a series of cyclones at the Arctic by a p front with one of these cyclones situated over the area of the lower sh On 2 December in the morning (T~'igure 314) the Arctic air arrived Irty over the Sea of Azov. The Northern Caucasus at this time was filled with continental air from Eastern Europe, and TranswCaucasia, with continental from Asia Minor. The temperature in Novorossiysk was plus b dogrees air Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Centigrade, in Sochi ~- plus 6 degrees Centigrade. On 2 December the Arctic air reached the Caucasian ridge and began to by-pass it, extend- ing along the coasts of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, Toward the morning of 3 December, the Arctic air moving over the Black Sea coast passed over Sochi (where the temperature, as compared with the preceding morning, dropped by 13 degrees Centigrade), and the Arctic air moving over the coast of the Caspian Sea passed over Ierbent. In the area of Novorossiyslc this penetration was accompanied by a powerful gale. r~'oward the evening of the Same day, the Arctic air flowing over the flack Sea arrived over the Turkish coast, and the Arctic air flowing over the Caspian Sea arrived over the Persian coast. In Datum, with a snow stormrs raging, the temperature dropped to riurtus 8 degrees Centigrade (a drop of 1 degrees Centi.grade as compared to the r~iorning). The cold air filled the entire valley of the Rion and the lower course of the Kura. During the day of 3 December, a snowstorm was raging over the entire coastal area, from Baku to Lerrlcoran'. Yet, at the northern slopes of the cons tral part oi' the Caucasian artountaira ridge, the Arctic air had only reach ed the altitude of 1000 mcter and the old7 front did not get over the mountain ridge. At other time? the cold fonts succeed in getting over the Cauca.- sign ridge, but only in such places where the altitude cl' the ridge is below 1000 meters, The cold air, upon reaching the mountainous wall, begins to warmn sorriewliat, and the temperature on the lope, during cold penetrations, is frequently higher than the temperature in an adjacent valley. This is due to the internixing of the cold lower layers with the warmer upper layer's. With the inflow of new masses of cold air, the warm air over it is forced upwards. The result is greater precipitation at the northern slopes of the c. With relation to the warm fronts, the terrestrial configuration also plays an important part, by activating them and thereby causing Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ,c :i "1 s:L ht~ aka?~ increased precipitation, as in the case of the substantial rains over the southwestern slopes. Abundant precipitation over the southwestern slopes is clue not only to the activation of the fronts, but also to the retardation of the cyclones over the coast of the Black Sea in their raovement eastward. This retardation is caused, in addition to terres- tr a1 configuration, by the evolution (particularly in the winter) of an anticyclone over the European territory of the Union, at the same time that cyclones are passing over Trans 'Caucasia (Figure 37). Not only the ridges of the Great Caucasus, but also the raOUnt8.ins of Asia Id.rior exert an influence over the circulation of the lower ~tT1lo6plre11c7 strata and over cyclonic activity. The Tropical air arriving from Asia I~iinor, in its descent from the mountains, is very as can. be seen from the synoptic disposition for 28 December 1938 (i'iure 38). (29 December 1938). Such dry adiabatic air extends at times over the Illack Sea coast all the way to Sochi.. The cyclones arriving over Trans-Caucasia from the soutl'1, are also frequently dry. Yet at the same time, 1f the Trop ical air is moving not i.mmediatel7 over the earth ' s surface, but at in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 it will be some altitude (at the occlusions of the Asia Minor front), a source (in the secondary cyclone) of considerable precipitation 1 / _u t, 'me winter occlusion of the Asia Iinor front (23 December The climatic significance of the Caucasian Mountains is also ac- centuated by its vertical zoning, which is due not only to the general temperature and humidity variations with altitude, but to circulation in the free atrttosphere. Thus, beginning with an altitude of 2000 meters, the leading part is played by the western current, with the accentuation of the effect of the Atlantic arid the 1editerraflean. The Black Sea and the Caspian Sea lyd,ng, respectively, on each side of the Caucasus, are not equivalent in their effect, upon the climate of the Gauca.a ru~ . This is due not so much to their indiv~ dual characterw ~ isticsa as to their respective locations. The flack Sea lies ath~'iart the westerly air currents flowing toward the Caucasus, while the same westerly winds dominating the middle troposphere, carry thy; air from over the Caspian Sea into Central Asia. These bodies of water are limited in area, and there is insuffiM eient time for the air masses carried over them to become transformed into maritime air, Therefore, the air masses circulating over then Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tI iS1RICTED in Part - Sanzed Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 are predominantly continental, undergoing certain changes, with relation to temperature aril humidity, in their bottom layer only. In the winter the lowered pressure over the surface o2 the Mack Sect causes the deflection of the Neciiterranean cyclones to the northeast from their rein. path through Asia Minor, with the restating increase in the amount of precipitation over the seacoast and the western slopes of the Caucasus. In the summer the relatively cold surface of the sea creates favorable conditions for thy: extension of the Azoric area of high pressure eastward, and for the establishr-ient of weather character' ized by a light degree of sky cover. Over the seacoast ~o percent of the summer season is almost completely clear (a particularly large num box' of clear days occurs in the beginning of autumn). The predominant circulation over the entire Caucasus in the slum' me r is the transfer of air masses From the north. These northerly cur- rents are connected with the eastern periphery of the Azoric anticyclone outcrop, and with the western periphery of the Asiatic depression. The continental air of the southern steppe bolt, in various phases of its transformation into Tropical air, is transferred to the Northern Caucasu 3. Over Trans-Caucasia the predominant air is Tropical air, which, after it is formed right there, lingers on due to the prevailing wand deficiency. In the winter,, there is a flow toward the Northern Caucasus of continental air fron,i the east and northeast along the southern periphery of the areas of high pressure. Over the coast of the S]a ck Sca, from the southeast, along the eastern br m oi' the Black Sea depression, extends air of a basically continental type, but with maritime characteristics a.n its bottom layer. The same kind of air is observed over the Caspian Sea coast. Over the Armenian highland, in the areas of hash pressure, there is circulation of continental air of Asia Minor origin, which pene- trates into the central zones of Trans~Caucasia. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 The Caucasus can be divided into three climatic regions: (1) rii Northern Caucasus, which constitutes a part of the Southern Continental climatic region of the European territory of the USSR; (2) The high-al- titude Great Caucasus, a territory constituting the Caucasian ridge propel, with average altitudes from 2000 rrieters up; (3) Trans-Caucasia, which includes the Kura~Rion corridor and the Armenian highland, The first two regions are in the temperate climatic area, while Trans?Cau- casia lies in the sub-tropical areao Northern Caucasus The climatic region, of whic1?1 the Northern Caucasus is a part, borders with its foothills on the high-altitude Great Caucasus, and with its flack Sea and Caspian Sea littorals, on sub 4ropical Trans~Caucaaia. Along the northern slopes of the Caucasus, the boundary runs at an alti- tude of 100?2000 meters, an altitude above which the cold air masses rise only on rare occasions. On the Black Sea littoral, the boundary lies between Tuapse and Sochi, and on the Caspian Sea littoral, in the area between Derbent and Kuba. With relation to circulation features, there are three distinct climatic zones within the Northern Caucasus: (1) The northwestern 1editerranean zone, which is a continu- ation of the Mediterranean zone in Southern Crimea. Its eastern bound- ary is the river Belays. (2) The central zone, which by circulation characteristics is connected with the south of the European territory of the USSR, and way, therefore, bo called the East~European zone. It occupies the ter ritory to the east of the river Belaya, the Stavropol' elevation and the adjacent to it central part of the Northern Caucasus up to an altitude of 15002000 meters. (3) The southeastern zones where the influence of Europe is gradually subsiding, and the effect of the Asiatic iand mass is in its Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 a mean temperature of over plus a degrees Centigrade will occur in yatigorsk. thaws occur rarely. Thus, it is not every winter when days with sivc ascendancy. It may, therefore, be called the Asiatic zone -~ it occupies the basin of the Terek arid the Dagestan. The winter in the North Caucasus is characterized by continental features, and the predominant air mass is continental of East~EurOPean ori6gin, The percent of Atlantic and Arctic penetrations is even lower than that over the 5t1 e~pe~Continental region, with a subsequent decrease in temperature variation. Thus, the mean January temperature in Pyati- gorsk s degrees Centigrade, and in 70 percent of all cases the is minus mean daily tempc,ratu'e is actually' close to this value (fluctuations do z ? exceed plus 3 de gees Centigrade). 1~mile in the AtlanticNConttinental ~~ not region, the number of cases in which the man daily temperature wring is close to the mean monthly value is less than 0 percent. Januar~ {rl~e con?ta. ' nental feature is accentuated by the stability of 'temperature in the above indicated sense, and also by the possible sudden temperature drops in individual cases. Freezing weather in the Northern Caucasus can go down the same level, as in the area of the Lower Volga, that to is to minus 30 degrees Cent6igrado, but is of shorter duration. Dxten" In connection with the orographic lifting of the air in cold ard, particularly., in warm penetration, there is frequent recurrence of cone pact fogs enveloping large areas. Under negative ten~1)c,ratures close , to zero Centigrade, these fogs, consisting of supercooled drops, often result in intensive hoarfrosts and sleet. According to reported data, the area particularly affected is the area of the Caucasian Iaineral Springs (spas). It is reasonable to suppose, however, that other less reported areas' on tho northern slopes suffer from edensive f ormat:i of sleet in the winter months. In the area of the Caucasian Mineral Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 itS t Springs, the sleet f orrriatiorrs are so heavy that almost every year there is disruption of the electric power lines. The sleet intensity depends to a great extent on the local wind intensification, which is due to ter- restrial configuration. It is of interest to note that fog and subsequent sleet are formed rarely in localities lying above the 700?800 meter level. For instance, in the same zone of the Caucasian Mineral Springs, the fog; is sharply discontinued between Essentriki (altitude 600 meters) and Kislovodsk (altitude 800 meters). And vhile practically all of the zone is covered with a dense fog (accompanied by a rather strong wind), it is calm and clear in Kislovodsk. Orographic turbulences connected with the flowing of air onto he mountain slopes, are not always accompanied by the formation of fogs. Said forn-ation depends upon the hurrd.dity and temperature of the air mass. Soretimes the process is limited to the development of overcast. The synoptic conclitions,under which there is inflow and lifting of air, evolve rather frequently, wherefore the winter months on the northern slopes of the Caucasus up to an altitude of 800-1000 meters are distinguished by considerable number of overcast days. Below is a tabulation of data on overcast in the area of the Caucasian Mineral Springs. Number of Days with Overcast Decd January Zheleznovodsk 16 12 Pyatigorsic 17 12 Esentuki is 11 Kislovodsk 8 3 of course, overcast in the Northern Caucasus is connected not only with the above described process, but also with cyclonic activity. The cyclones) passing over the Black Soap generate considerable sLy cover over ove~oast is carried by the West-European cyclones, while the Mc ditcrraner n Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ranean cyclones. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 the northwestern zones only. At the source of the Kuban', the Mediterr- ranean cyclones are accorlpanied by foehns, caused by the downward move' ment of the air after it has crossed the Caucasian ridge. To the east of the Caucasian Mineral Springs area, the flack Sea cyclones are not observed. Cyclonic activity over the Northern Caucasus during the winter is riot of great intensity, and the amount of precipitation is not greater than in the region of the Lower Volga (about 20 iniilimeters a month) . The nwnber of days with precipitation is also comparatively srlkaii, some' what rrtore than half the number oi' cIaya with overcast, which is due to the above described lifting of the air along the mountain slopes. In :3 degrees Centigrade warmer than that for the central LastMEuropean zone zone of the Northern Caucasus, is considerably miller. The Kuban' area has a mean January temperature of about minus 2 degrees Centigrade, i.e. connection with the small amount of Irecipitation, on the one hand, and the frequent thaws, on the other handy the snow cover is rather light and unstable. On the average, it is sustained for about two and a half rliorrths (from the middJ.e of December to the beginning of Larch), attain- ing a depth of 10"1.S centiruetcrs by the end of February. The winter season in the area of the Kuban' and on the Black Sea littoral (Novorosaiysk, Tuapse), constituting to Nediterranean climatic ridge, is due to the more frequent penetrations of maritim? air which is tcrnperature increase during the winter, northwestward aioni the Caucasian phone over the I{ubanr lowland being filled with cold air. The gradual with altitude, but rather increases somewhat, as a result of the atmos- to an altitude of Soo?iOOO meters, the mean temperature does not drop planned by lower altitudo, since in the Northern Caucasus in winter, up f tho Northern Caucasus (,Stavropol.', Pyatigorsk). This cannot be exm' carried from the I3lack Sea with the passing of the southwesterly I~editer- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 It is still wanner than that on the littoral, which may be con- sidered as a sub-zone of the Kuban' zone. The mean January temperature in Novorossiysk is plus 2 degrees Centigrade, in Tuapse, plus L degrees Conti grade. Such a comparatively high temperature is due, first of all, to the direct pro.hnity of the sea, and, second, to the presence of the mountain ridge. This ridge acts as a barrier hindering the continuous inflow of the cold continental air from the northeast, toward the lit- toral, and allow:Lng it to pass only in those cases when the vertical depth of the air Hess exceeds the altitude of the ridge. In line with such accentuation of the respective effects of the sea and the conti- nent, the temperature fluctuations during the winter are sharper on the littoral than on the slopes o1 the Northern Caucasus. Cold air penetra- tions sometimes result in a tempcrat`-^e drop to below rdnus 10 degrees Centigrade, whale with warm air penetrations the temperature rises to plus 10 degrees Centigrade. This 20 degree teruperature jump sometimes takes place within a period of only 2 to 3 days. Another feature of the thermal cycle over the littoral is that the winter frosts are accompanied by strong Brands, reaching at times the strength of a gale, which aggra- vates greatly one r s sensitivity to the cold. These cold northeasterly gales are known as BORA. This phenomenon is also known in other areas of the USSR, such as Novaya 7enaya, Ballchash iakG, Baykal. Take7, and the littoral of the Sea of Okhotsk. The BORA seta in at the moment a cold front passes over a mountain ridge. Its subsequent evolution is due to the overflow of cold air spreading behind the front. The bora conti~ flues until such time as there exists above tho ridge a cold air currert of sufficient force, which, in striking the mountain barrier, begins to pulsate, imparting to the wind a peculiar gustiness, a characteristic distinguishing the bora from other winds. Since tho air currents are des- cernding, the passing of the front is not accompanied by cloud formation and precipitation. The sky during the bora is clear, with the exception Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 located on the southwestern side of the baY~ off'' loaded Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 teristic dloud bank alon~, g, the maunl;aln ridge. a o . ernain5 stationary regardless of the powerful wind, This cl~axac bank r , cloud clearly dem ,e occu1aaed by it is onstrates the fact that the play rnexely the place of intensive cloud f orr~at10 n, At all ts.rne s pieces of, this cloud rtLaea are tal^n . of ~ by id and fade away, with new clouby t w N of the cloud bank is due to cond sections appearing. The ?orrflation ?ed air, which is f orris d as a result of the sata.on of vapor in the rarefied en J turbulent backwa5Y1 at the sunuc it of the ridge. Figures 3~, 3y, and 6 above. The As evolu soon tion as of the the front bona has can be from moved across the ride, the mild e 3 (Figure 3).~) shifts to a northeasterly w,.nd of dal southwesterl;~wand (I'.~f~ sharp ~ drop in tempGrate. On 3 I)ecem 3ortaon: (Fa.~ure 3~) s with a s roI P e FigvLre 36), since there is stall ~ ,isent over bor the bona cont ~ ~.nun ~s ( able res the ride a strong easterly cup r cQ11ditioned upon a consider P ent ~ ntic clone dr~. between the continental a y sure gradient force at the bolrrl ~ ~h of depression over th. Black Sea. and the trough The bona attains its maX.Lmum force over the zone of Idovoross1yslt. The wand from the mountains cauuee tremendous agitation in ~~ the aeraods of the borax the day the bay below. In the winter, duxa. ~nk, ~ off Nvvoxaasi . cauldron, over whack rise clouds o vapor. ' ~'slc resembles a bo? ~.l~.n~ se,tions in the frosty air o The vapor clouds are the conden stxonr wind. The waves are broken into air moastua.^ evaporated in the ~ ~ tl>s ~ e d s spray by the wands and the supercoolop se t'tle in the form of hex .ink o:C ships in the bay, and on sleet on the hulls and the the walls rag~ 700 rna'ters 18 adiabaticaUy boated, but the tempera . , a power and ena~.n., from an aptitude of 600? breaks pcomet c poles, etc. The air current desc . tore increase of. 6 lines which are heavy with slce~ up 4 on t~ uemt~.Y causes the sl,ontaneoua roll~.n~ o . ; re The boy a o. a ~?'ns ahem, breaks iti at sidinggand at times eve n over railroad cars ~a sets and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 the littoral with the southwesterly winds, frequently of ale proportion$~ These gales, however, in contrast to the cold and dry northeasterly gales, have a positive temperature and arc accompanied by precip.tationp? Thus the inflow of the cold air rnasses and the transfer of the warm ones are accompanied by strong winds, frequently ascurning gale pro' Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 degrees centigrade does not compensate for the general temperature drop caused by the cold penetration. Beyond the mountain ridge the tempera - tunes of the cold air run to minus 20 degrees Centigrade and below. The adiabatically y induced temperature rise of b degrees Centigrade estabii$h- ec the temperature on the littoral within the range of minus 10 to minus ~ 15 degrees Centigrade. This temperature combined with the powerful wind ( mean wind velocity about 20 meters per second) will cause the same senM cation as the severest frosts of Yakutia. The bora usu fly lasts a few days, but at times lingers on for over a week. In Novorossiysk, for the three winter months, there are, on the average, 10 days during which the bora predominates, with a mean daily temperature below minuS degrees Centigrade. Toward the south, with higher altitudes of the mountain ridge, re, the bora occurs less and less frequently, and fades away completely ~ between Tuapse and Sochi. The combination of calm and frosty weather is practically unknown on the littoral, since, with calm, a strong effect on the temperature of the air is exerted by the direct prox ri ty of the sea, with the addi- tional protection of the coastal belt from the inflow of cold continen tal air, afforded by the mountain ridge. In addition to the part played by the continental air masses, the transfer of maritirrie air carried by the Mediterranean cyclones is also a As mentioned before, the cyclones of the Eediter- :~ great significance. ranaan front reach the shores of the Crimea and of the Northern Caucasus already in a state of occlusion These cyclones move, in the majority of cases, from southwest to northeast, and the maritime air arrives over Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 portionsp The zone of Novorossiysk in the winter is the windiest zone of the entire Union. The recurrence of strong winds (over 10 meters per second) amounts to more than 20 percent, out of which one half may be designated as gales (above 1~ meters per second). The mean velocity of the wind for the three winter months is about 7 meters per second, and over the ridge proper it is considerably higher. Duran the periods of relative calm in the atmosphere, which per- iods constitute 30 percent of all days, there is a prevalence of mild southeasterly winds, which carry the relatively warm air from southern Trans-'CauCasia at a temperature which at times is several degrees above zero Centigrade. Cyclonic activity in the winter brings a considerable amount of precipitation, and the printer is the most htuni.d season, since the ridge slope facing the sea is windward of the saturated southwesterly air cur-s rents The effect of the presence of the mountain ridge with regard to precipitation becomes clear by comparing the amounts of precii)itat;ion (in millimeters) for Novorossiysk and for Anapa cuxr~ulative amount of precipitation for tl?ae three winter montl~is is as Decd January February Novorossiysk 82 7Li. 62 Anapa ao !4; 38 Toward the south, tie amount, of precipitation on the littoral in creases, which is mainly due to the rising altitude s of the ridge. The follows: 218 mil1imetcrs L'or Novorossiysk, 381. millimeters for Tuapse, )497 millimeters for Sochi. Snow occurs on relatively rave occasion, and liquid precipitations predomir,atc. on the Stavropol' Plateau. This is due to the almost cotatinuous inflow In Dagestan, regardless of its more cauthern location, the winter is not any milder than in the area of the Caucasian l~iinerai pries and Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 'n1e;; even of Asiatic origin, the nortl?1~ a~';r~ta.l aa.z , at ~a. -~ d: , Or~t.y in the direct, pra~cimity of the Caspian ca~~,s~;e~^~.y' ar~~ta.cycl.on,>wc winds ~'ie saiacwhat, yet remain i.n negative in its mean l~c~^a,~re Sea doe a the tern ~r ~.e the month. oa' Jarnry is 6 degrees' Centigride value. In :~l~.hac.h I.a C~ 'the ~ sa~Yte sharp cantraCt bet~reen the 111ack yea colder than ~i in mocha.. the ' n Jec~ littoral prevails with rclz:t;iail to ~~r.ecir littoral and the CaC ~l~~-a ~' .~'ta,tion ?'or the Dccermbcr~I~clarz'y period in ta,tian; t;he ar~auYit o~ prec,a.r.~ .. tors in I~eLkhach?i~ale, it is 110 zrullitiIPter: . :LS al7(,Ot ~00 1~a.lla.mG Sochi a in the Northern Caucaau3, in the 1ow~ly nE; onca with lllc: ,,ur~u.+c~^s ' ~. tl!~;r loot with little N rain. On the i~lou.nt? ra steppe chars,ct,era.sta.c~, ~, are c,a,n slopes, however, with ruin; altitudes, the tempcratL>_r~: drops, and the amours o1 preciIaita,t1a1 increases. for instance: Mean TerTII ~ centigrade) and Amawlt of Preca:}~a,.tat:t.on ~e~?at?c (in 3~c~rac Cen~,a.' G~ ratl~xers) (precipitation) (remise (in illi.meters) June ust u3t u J~ w I~ovo~RarrannavSkoye 3 ii. 2). 2.O ~9 3, 30 (Alta.tude 100 i;ete ) L 1',? .~t 126 80 I) and2hika:l 20 6 ~ ' . ;A~,ta.tudc 630 t;eter3) ~.~. an tl)e plain to the north off; dndzha.l?:an, 1t0v00rr~x1avskoye 110 at a distance ?rofli it somewhat over 200 1ri,J.omct0~'a ? Such a cansld0rab10 d t o a, ita.tion over the s~.opea, as cornparc ~ ,,,,~~h ~r~ in the amount of pr~+ti ~ i act is due not only to the intensificatbon of the passinve lain th , e p the o" is ? rder tli jrI'1uenco Of the errestriag relief, but also ,r' r ve h a rogeneral-~.on of 5era.?di5c0n1tjnUed occlusions, which, over tnc: plain, es inou3 zon lready uce precipitation. thus, the mourita lready ceased to ~~rod ~ a a it a- a greater amount off, but also more frequent, precip recoiva not on~.y ~, Lion than doer the adjac0nt plain. In the beginniflg a~ the sintuncr, the number ol' days with precipitation amounts, on tlic average, to l~, while Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 in August it is decreased to 10. In the process of the orographic regen- eration of occlusions, arid, generally, in the intensification of fronts under the influence of ~errestrial7 relief, of great importance are the thermally ascending currents convection currents7, evolved during the day over the slopes. This explains why in the falling of frontal preci- pitation over the slopes of the Northern Caucasus there is clear evidence of a daily cycle -M precipitation occurs predominantly during the second half of the day. Thus, in addition to frontal precipitation, the mountain Slopes also receive local convective rains. The summer rains over the mountainous zones are intensive. During the sunurer there are, on the average, l~ rains in excess of 10 nd.llimeters per day, while over P9oxcow there are only six such rains. Not infrequently the amount of precipitation rises to 20 millimeters a day, and on rare occasions as high as 200 millimeters in one day. The temperature cycle show: more stability in the summer than in the winter. At an altitude within the range of from S00 to 700 meters, the mean daily temperature in 90 percent of cases remains close to 20 de- grees Centigrade. At night it descends to 15, and only in exceptional cases to below 10 degrees Centigrade. However, temperatures during the daylight houz' often rise to 30 degrees Centigrade. In the area of Krasnodarsk, the summers are hotter and dryer, par- ticularly in its eastern part, adjacent to the Stavropol' Plateau. This is partly due to the effect of the foehns evolving in the down-slope air current, in the presence of easterly and southeasterly winds, which pre sominate in the sunnir. In this area precipitation increases only in the mountains. Stiunmer on the Black Sea littoral is little different from the sum. rner of the continental steppe-like zones of the Northern. Caucasus, except that the daily temperature and ielativ!7 humidity fluctuations are, na- turally, smaller. At the seashore it is warme=r and dryer at night, less Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 warm and more humid during the day. eei~~itations in the northern part of the littoral occur Sumrner pr ~ ' he passin o?' the northeasterly cyclones, the paths .naritly wltkl t predarnd the eographical7 direction of the mountain ridge, of which 1rrith this be n for practicably the same amount of precipitation an ~.nthe reason ~ the southwestern and the northeastern slopes. There is some decrease in the amount, of . ? aLatton on the coast during t1.ze summer, as compared ~. her- the cyclones arrive from the southwest), tiaitl'1 the 4nter lnOlltrla qtr above, is due to the development over the Black Sea which, as was s ~~ shown shown of an area of somewhat increased pressure. however, the dryness of e predicated not only on the extension of the editerranear1 uiinier here area of high pressure, but also on the inflow of dry continental air from the sautlleasLez,zi regions of the European territory of the Union. The ~- close tie-in with the continent is demons'txated also by a sharp reduction :in the amount' aitat .on by the end of the surimer. This charactamount' of preczZ continental cycle gradually da.sappea's toward the ?,tstic feature of the south, and in the zone of Sochi is hardly noticeable. ,y Ama precipitation (in Millimeters) u.nt of June July August ain r and the pressure gradient forces are smaller than in ridge ,alt,a.tude~ The inflow of continental air over the littoral is much more even during the sw?ier than during the winter, since the vertical capacity of the is always considerably in excess of the mount 6 31 1C0 66 78 914 82 lochi 62 Novorossiysk Tuapse the winter. Yeti every year, specifically in the summer, there is the winter ones, accompany the cold penetrations and are observed upon the recurrence of the bora. The suiniier northeasterly storms, as well as the passim of he cold front. The temperature differential in the bottom Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 layers, as between maritime air and continental air, is small during the summer, and the diabatic warming of the air, in its descent from the mount- ain ridge, may even cause a rise in temperature as compared to the day before. In this case the bora assumes the characteristic of a foehn, i.eo the temperature rises to 2, degrees Centigrade; its daily fluctuations disappear; relative humidity drops to below 30 percent. If the bora occurs in the middle of the suarniier, it is as if it breaks it in two halves. During the first adequately humid half, pray 3es and trees, although not very abundant in this part of the littoral, look fresh and green. After the bora everything dries out, becoim s yellow, and lingers in this state until the end of the swmiier, since during the second half, the amount of precipitation, in general, drops abruptly. Frain the above it becomes clear that the bora cannot exactly be considered a beneficial cliim~tic phenomenon. Yet, there is a positive side even to the bora. It serves as an excellent natural disinfectant for the northern part of the littoral, and has great value as an air stag- nation inhibitor. It is largely the bora that pikes the area Novorossiysk- Tuapse the most beneficial to health, as compared to the rest of the lit- . toral which is oppressive and humid. This was recognized by A. I. Vocykov. However, the actual blowing of the bora is difficua.t to take, particularly for pe=ople suffering from neurological disorders. Some neurologists as- cribe this to the rapid minute fluctuations in pressure, caused by the above indicated pulsations of the wind ora/. Dagestan is the hottest and dryest part of the Asiatic climatic zone of the Northern Caucasus. In the foothills, whore the temperature begins to descend with altitude, the summer temperatures are analogous to those over the Kuban' plain. At an altitude of HOC meters the inean July temperature is 23 degrees Centigrade, while down below, even at the Lion in the mountainous zones is appro d.rnately the same as in the foothill seashore, it is close to 25 degrees Centigrade. The amount of i~recipita~ in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 plain in the northwestern part of the Caucasus, while the littoral is clearly dry, there is only 150 millimeters of precipitation for the period June~September in Nakhach-ICaie. The basic cause of aridity and high temperatures is the intensi- fication of the anticyciogenesis, which is characteristic for the south- east of the European part of the USSR and for the area north of the Casw plan Sea. In addition to abundant insola'tion, there takes place in the anticyclones a transfer of Central Asiatic air, which in its relatively short path over the Caspian Sea hardy has an opportunity for cooling. The Hi hAltitude Area of the Greater Caucasus To the High altitude area of the Greater Caucasus is relegated the territory, the cliratical conditions of which are resolved to a considerable degree wader the influence of a free atmosphere. Notwith' standing the fact that essential climatical differences are observed in the Iiighwaltitude part of the Caucasus, the area in its entirety can be considered as one climatic region, since there are some general characw teristics pertaining to it as a whole. The location of the mean level, at which this region begins, can be tied in with the altitude, at which, in the surrounding free atmosphere, the change of direction of the basic transfer of the air masses occurs. Over the Caucasus, beginning with an altitude of l OOM2OOO meters, the westerl~r transfer of air masses predominates, while below the winds are predominantly easterly. Approx" mater, beginning with the same altitude, the maximum value in the annual temperature cycle is shifted to the month of August, which is characteristic for the temperature cycle of the free atmosphere. Thus, tho bottom limit for the High''altitude cl bnatic region in the Caucasus, is the already mentioned $OO'2000 meter altitude. The character of the terrestrial configuration of the Iiigh?alti- tude region of the Greater Caucasus is such (the absence of lame pla- teaus), that the undev1 ring surface affects comparatively little the Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 temperature of the air flowing over it. In addition, it is necessary to remember that the degree of sky cover is comparatively low over the central Caucasus only in the winter, when the cooling agar, flowing down- ward, i$ replaced by warmer air from the surrounding atmosphere. 31r cover is considerable in the summer, and there is little insolation of the terrestrial ;surface and the adjacent atmospheric layer. The temper- ature change, with relation to altitude, within the limits of the High- altitude region, is very close to the change taking place in the free atmosphere, and can be easily computed without direct observations. The mean temperature of the coldest month (January) at the altitude of 2000 meters, is around minus 8 degrees Centigrade, the mean temperature of the warmest month (August) is around plus 13 degrees Centigrade. The daily temperature fluctuations, caused by advection, as in the free atmosphere, are not smaller than over the plain adjacent from the north, and are greater than in the protected zones of Trans-Caucasia. Relative humidity in the High-altitude region is generally higher than in the free atmosphere, particularly in the summer months, when there is moisture condensation in the currents rising from below, attain- ing a mean of 80 percent, The products of condensation, fog and clouds, which, in these altitudes, hardly differ one from the other, are predom- inantly local formations, tied in, to a smaller degree, with the process- es in the free atmosphere. The fluctuations in hwnidity, as well as those in temperature, depend on the changes in the free atmosphere, and are more frequently observed by their absolute values, than they are in the areas located below. The activity of the fronts over the High.altitude region, as com- pared with same over the lower zones, is increased, and with it there is an increase in the amount of precipitation. There is, however, a limit to this increase, since with the increase in absolute altitude, the moisture content of the clouds is decreased. This becomes evident Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 at such altitude, where the clouds become predominantly snow clouds. This explains, incidentally, why the zone of maxinum precipitation is clearly in evidence only in the summer, while in the winter, with snow precipitation, it is not in evidence -- a phenomenon generally observed in mountainous locations, particularly in the Caucasus. These relation- ships allow the indirect determination of the altitude of the zone of maximum precipitation by the attitudinal changes in the character of falling precipitations (rain, snow). The increase in summer precipitant Lion with altitude in any zone is observed for as long as the falling precipitation remains liquid. Beginning with the altitude where, to" gether with rain, there is snow, the amount of precipitation, with the further rise in altitude, is decreased. This is not in contradiction with the increase in the snow cover with altitude (up to a certain al.. titude,of course), since the increase in snow cover depends not as much on the amount of precipitation, as on temperature conditions. As much as it is possible to judge by the meager observational data, mixed precipitations (rain with snow) begin to occur at an alti~ tude of 3000 meters. This level, then, is the altitude of maximum summer precipitation, which fact is roughly confirmed by direct obser? vational data. As to the volume of the snow cover, it depends not on1~r on the amount of precipitation, but also on the duration of its existence a which is rapidly increasing with altitude, The I ighp.altitude climatic region, like the region of the North ern Caucasus, can be divided into two zones; the western or Mediterranean present, and the eastern or Continental zone. Basically, the difference zone, where the influence of the Mediterranean climatic region is still (Continental) zone, the occlusions of tho western European cyclones and dominate over the western (Mediterranean) zone, while ovor the eastern place over them. The occluded cyclones of the Mediterranean front prep. between these two zones, lies in the character of cyclonic activity taking Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ESTR1GT0~ the Iranian front cyclones predominate, advancing at times almost exactly along the meridian, from south to north, over the Caspian Sea. The cir- culation peculiarities of the western and eastern zones create differ- ences in the annual cycle of precipitations and their distribution over the slopes. There is more precipitation in the winter than in the sum mer in the western zone, even though during the summer there are, in addition to frontal precipitations, local thermal convection precipita- tions. The maximum amount of precipitation falls on the windward south- western s].ope. In the eastern zone, there is, on the average, half as much precipitation as in the western zone, as a result of which the snow line in the east lies 500".1000 meters higher than in the west. Preeipi'? tation falls predominantly in the summer, with greater quantities on the northern and northeastern slopes. The climatic boundary between the western and eastern zones passes approxi.n~ately along the upper course of the Kuban' River. Trans'.Caucasia By conditions of circulation, Trans.Caucasia can be divided into three climatic zones, The first one, or Western Trans?Caucasia, basically occupying the Valley of the Rion, can be called the ]Black Sea zone. The second one, or Eastern Trans-Caucasia, occupies the Valley of the Kura River and the lower course of its tributaries. The influence of the continent is felt strongly, and the zone is known as the Continental zone. The third zone, containing the Armenian upland, is called the Armenian Highland Zone. dueirng the generation, ovo' the windward slopes of ascending currents, the Lowland of Kolkhida on three sides, weaken the air currents, by in- Western Trans-Caucasia (the Black Sea zone) is an area character-' ized by the stagnation of air masses. The mountain ridges surrounding while it is ascending along the slopes, thero is easy formation of clouds, which are retarding the horizontal air transfer. In the saturated air Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 and the ascending rcendin7 currents are accelerated because of the saturated air instability. This occurs with particular frequency in western Trans ~.ty. Cawcasia, when westerlY wands are blowing, since the Valley of the Rion 1?s open mainly to these winds. Thus, the considerable degree of satura- t?on of the air over the Valley of the Rion, is conducive to wind retard" ~, at ion, causing thereby the stagnation of air rasses, with additional sub"' Sequent saturation. The local climatic conditions over Western Georgia are so unique, that they impart to this area characteristics entirc:1y strange to the ?nent, but very similar to those of the humid subtropical climate conta. of the islands of Southern Japan. Western Georgia is, perhaps, the only pace where the effect of local factors upon the climate is so strong. At one time some thought was given to the existence of soMcalled '~clia"' t- in the Caucasus. This idea, although true in part, has tic spheres little local significance. In addition to the vertical currents, generated when the westerly wands blow over Western Georgia, there is always the tendency, as over any mountainous country, toward the evolution of a local thermal circu" ,ration. This, however, as also observed in other areas of the Caucasus. The winter in Western Trans-Caucasia is predominantly mild, with little difference in the mean winter temperatures between south and north. Mean Temperature in Degrees Centigrade December January February Sochi 6 Only on rare occasions wili the temperature deecond to minus 10 3639, although typical, fox the given process, does not recur with every degrees Centigrade, and the synoptic situation, as presented in Figures winter. The temperature Fluctuations, generally, are not considerable, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tESi RICT ED the valley (as in Kutais), the foehn assumes an intermittent characters Trans-Caucasia in the form of warm and dry winds. In the upper part of upper part of the Rion Valley. The foehns frequently pervade all Western forms foehns over the western slopes of the latter and over the ridge, wind current. This current, after crossing the Neskhian and Tmeretian since cyclonic activity, which is the main cause for variations in weather, takes place mostly at the occlusions, where the Tropical air the terrestrial surface, The temperature fluctuates is cut off from within the limits of the temperature differentials inside the continen? tal air mass res, as between its Black Sea, Asia Minor, and Trans~CaUCa5iaz1 varieties. As to the Arctic front, it is usually situated only over the northern part of the sea (Figure 39)? There is also another reason for the winter temperature rise in 'Western Trans"CaUCasia. It is the adiabatic heating of the air in its 1r decent along the slopes of the Meskhian and Gurian ridges, with easterly and southeasterly winds. The easterly' winds predominate in the winter ~~' over the Valley of the Rion, and, on the average, are warmer than the wester1j and southwesterly winds. The easterly winds are frequently very strong, and form foehns. This occurs, when over the Caspian Sea develops an area of high pressure, the Black Sea ?M a trough of depression, and along the corridor over formed by the Greater and Leaser Caucasus is established a southeasterly' May). Figure l~0 shows a atypical synoptic disposition for Western Trans December January, February), 3~ percent to tho spring (March, April, foehns exceeds 100, out of which !0 percent fails to the winter months effect on the nerves. The number of days during the year With strong and, like the bora over Novorosslysk, has the same kind of a depressing Caucasiat with the foehn blowing as on 16 April 1937 The foehns (gusty, dry, warm in the winter, and torrid in the sLuruner), and the entire synoptic disposition during the foehn (brought Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 about by the slow descent of the air), recur so frequently in the winter over Western Georgia, that the mean values for temperature and humidity are affected. Poti is warmer by 6 degrees Centigrade than Tbilisi in the winter, although the difference in altitudes is only 404 meters. And while it is true that part of the warmth is attributable to the sea, this effect is hardly sufficient to account for a temperature rise, since the wands prevailing over the coastal belt are from the continent. Relative humidity in Sukhumi, poti, and Batumi is lower in the winter than in the swn,ner, a circumstance that has been noted for quite some time. Furl: Synoptic Disposition During the Foehn in Western Georgia (16 April 1937). monthly precipitation for the same months is 100 millimeters for Sochi, ,s1qr cover cuts off 70 percent of the sunshine, and the mean amount of Rain in December, January and February takes up ~0 percent of all days, Intensive cyclonic activity is generated during tho winter, mainly in the form of occlusion cyclones at the Asia Minor Polar front outcrop. and 220 mi11i neters Lor Batumi, Rain usua],],y falls with westerly winds, which at times attain such velocities, that west and southwest walls i buildings have to be protoctod with light sheet iron. Throughout most of Western Trano-Caucasia, the winter is the rain- lest season, by the number of days as well as by the amount of precipita. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 t . tion. Only in the southernmost areas, such as Batumi, is there an equal amount of rain in the winter and in the autumn. distribution of winter precipitation in the Rion Valley shows The one unique characteristic, and that is that precipitation decreases with distance from the sea in the direction of the Main Caucasian ridge, even though the southwestern slopes are favorab1{ exposed with relation to the fronts moving from the west. This is a result of the impediment of the cyclones occurring exactl;r over the coastline, as shown in Figure 37? The main reason for the pause, and at times the discontinuance of the cyclones over Western Georgia, is the area of high pressure generated over the central part of the Caucasus and the Armenian Highland similar to the winter anticyclones over the Alps. Climatological maps do not show with adequate clarity the area of high pressure over the Greater Caucasus, on account of the discrepancy in reducing it to terms in rela- tion to sea level, but the above area can be easily traced by following the wind distribution in the free atmosphere and by the conditions of slur cover. $lcy cover in the winter (particular]v in the first half of it, when most of the precipitation falls on the coast) over the high- altitude zones of the Caucasus is insignificant, and the high mountain resorts of Georgia, in this respect, are similrar to those in the Alps. Toward the north (5'uihuni"Sochi), the distribution of precipitation with altitude becomes normal. The winter precipitation over Western Georgia are of a different origin, and their distribution over the territory is of a unique character as compared with the origin and distribution o,t precipitation over the northern part of the Black Sea littoral, front Novorossiysk to Tuapse. The basic process during the summer over Western Trams"Caucasia is the saturation of the air. Mean relative humidity, under conditions of stagnation of the air masses, attains a value of 80 percent near the for Release 20 1 2/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000 100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 sea and over the lower part of the Rion Valley, Temperature fluctuations are also insignificant during the summer, since the air migration com? predominantly from the north, or with the outcrop system of the Azorean anticyclone, or with the Asiatic depression, warming up on the way and acquiring a homogeneous thermal structure, Local conditions have pracw no effect on temperature, but they do affect humidity. Typical in this sense is the synoptic disposition of 25 June 1939 (Figure li.l). ~yrloptic liispos Lion Creating the Stagnation of Air Masses Over Western Trans?Caucasia (2S June 1929). the day, the temperature frequently goes up to 30 degrees Centigrade a As a result of some loss of heat through evaporation, the ?temper? attire decreasos, and the mean level fox July and August on the coast be? conies 23 degrees Centigrade, with some fluctuations either war. During descending to 14-17 degrees Centigrade at night. Cyclonic activity does not essentially disturb the homogeneous toted by what was ` previously the Atlantic air, now warmed through over outcrop of the Polar front, in which the re1ativgr cold ma6S is constis Black Sea littoral of the Caucasus, are connectod with the East..European temperature cycle. In most cases, the summer cyclones, passing over the Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 STUCTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 the continent. As an example, see the synoptic disposition of 7 August 1936 (Figure L2). Fiire ; Cyclonic activity at the East"European Front (7 August 1936). Although in this part the East-European front is not sufficiently active, the local air is saturated to such a degree, that there is much precipitation in the passing cyclones. Furthermore, the sunnier cyclones, too, frequently linger over Western Goorgia if a sufficiently powerful anticyclone develops over Central Asia. The amount of precipitation inM creases during the surriner, and over the southern zones it reaches 20 millimeters in August, and as high as 300 rniUimeters in September. At times precipitation takes the form of abundant cloudbursts, attaining a daily amount of over 200 millimeters. The cloudbursts are accompanied by powerful thunderstorms, which 1.s indicative of the ample saturation of the air, The cloudbursts are mostltiy of a frontal origin, the latter being fronts of warm penetrations of Asia. Minor Tropical air, having considerable saturation stability, which causes cloudbursts and thunderstorms even at the warm fronts. During the first Mali" of autumn (in October), when the East-' Eu- ropean front is discontinued, and cyclonic activity over the Mediterra? nean, Asia Minor and Iran is not yet adequately developed, there is a r ela- tivoly dry period over Western TransyCaucasia. Rains are less frequent, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ascending over the Valley of the Rion, and descending over the Valley of the Kura. This circumstance has an essential effect on the relative dry" mer, inversely, wester, winds are predominant, and the current becomes sky cover is diminished, yet relative humidity is as high as before, which is due to a general decrease in ternperature,thus confirming indi- rectly the thought about the effect of the foehns on the evolution of the winter minimum in the relative humidity cycle. Eastern Trans-Caucasia (the Continental zone) occupies most of the Kura-Rion depression, lying to the east of the watershed ridges connecting the Greater and the Lesser Caucasus. Eastern Trans-Caucasia, with relation to the basic atmospheric processes, has a lot in common with the western part. Yet, even the similar features are so peculiarly refracted under the effect of local conditions that the climate of the Valley of the Kura is in direct con- tradistinction to the climate of the Rion Valley. Since Eastern Trans- Caucasia forms essentially a single corridor (although divided in two by the Meskhian and Adzhar ridges) with Western Trans-Caucasia, between such gigantic, solid masses of mountains as the Greater and Lesser Cau- casus, it cannot essentially differ by general circulation conditions from Western Trans-Caucasia. Over the Valley of the Kura, as well as o ver the Rion Valley, in the winter, the basic air current is southeasterly. Due to terrestrial configuration, the current over Eastern Trans?Caucasia is an ascending one, while over Western Trans-Caucasia it is descending. During the sum - ness of the winter in the Rion Valley, and the dryness of the summer in the Valley of the Kura. The cold northern penetrations in the east and the west of the the Kura Valley penetrations occur more easily, and are less subject to Kura-Rion corridor take place by flowing around the ridge, except that Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tho w~zrning effect of the sea, and, .n addition, are cooled by local radiation. Local cooling also taros place in the Valley of the Rion, but to a Zeser degree beeaune of a greater degree of saturation in the w Although there are marry common features with relation to cyc ionic Fi ure Lit: Cyclonic activity at the East-European front (7 August l96). In addition to the diffusing effect of the Z4esl hian ridge, which becomes pronounced during the passing of the westerly cyclones, the Main Caucasian ridge exorts no less an effect during the movement of the fronts3 Part_- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 activity, there are also essential differences. The winter cyclones in the summer, since the front is usually situated along the meridian of the East'-'European front very seldom pass over Eastern Trans?Caucasi.a Tbilisi ' it as on1Y about ~0 millimeters? The paths of the cyclones ~. , three winter months in Kutaisi is over 500 millimeters, while in the of precipitation decreases abrupter. The amount of precipitation for ' ~ current descending along the declivity of the valley, and the amount air the east of the watershed the fronts are occluded in connection with the usually ro i Westetn Georgia into Eastern Trans-Caucasia, but usually move ~ ~ 1' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 AttS1 t%G1 E from the northwCSt to the southeast. A siiilar effect is exerted by the mountains ' ~ns of' the Lesser Caucasus during the passing of the cycl~Dnes over from the southwest to the northeast, or, generally, from the Kura Valley south to north. The f oel zns, so frequent in Western Georgia, are less important in Eastern Trans-Cauca5ia, and are generated under different synoptic dis- positions. They recur predoriinantly in the winter over the northeastern and eastern slopes of the Lesser Caucasus, during the westerly wands at the periphery of the Armenian anticyclone, while the cyclone passes over the Caspian Sea. Foehns are also generated over the southwestern r of the I1ain Caucasian ridge, at various places along to entire slope r of the Kura , during the development of an anticyclone over the Valley Lower Volga wer Volga and the Caspian Lowland, with he simultaneous passing of the cyclones (from the northwest to the southeast) over the Kura-Iion corridor. At times the foehn is not accompanied by a rise in tempera- ture but only by a drop in relative humidity, which is due to the insuf- ficiently high potential temperature of the air flowing over the ridge, which in descent has only enough time to warm up to the temperature its of to ?he local air. Such a variety of foehn is, so to speak, in between the typical foehn which is a descending current of a warm mss' and the , which is also a descending current, but. of a cold mass. bor a, At the southeastern terminal of the Nain Caucasian ridge, there frequent eneration, during; northerly cold penetrations, of a local is g eieration of the wind, due to the one''sided narrowing down of the acc ch it is no't a "filling" wind. This is the same cold anti a b?ra, lthou background, and by its very nature, the nord has much in common with the to force coinpetes_with the Novorossiysk bora. By its conducive synoptic Apsheron Peninsula, and is known as the Baku nord? which, with relation channel of the air current. This effect extends itself over the entire Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 cyclone over the southeast of the European part of the USSR, and the trough of depression over the southern part of the Caspian Sea, similar to the depression trough over the Black Sea during the bona. The Baku or Apsheron rlords, as well as the Novorossiysk Boras, usually occur in the winter, but will sometirnea be observed in the summer also. Several climatic sub-zones may be segregated in Trans-Caucasia. Of particular importance is the Talysh sub-Lone situated at the extreme southeast of Trans-Caucasi.a. By its humidity and vegetation it resembles western Georgia. It occupies a narrow strip between the sea and the Talysh ridge, also the lower part of the ridge slopes up to the altitude of oo.6oo meters. By conditions of circulation, the Talysh sub'zone differs little from the remainder of Eastern Trans?Caucasia, but the effect of terrestrial coni'iguration upon the climate is even more pronounced here than in Western Georgia. This is particularly emphasized by contrast with the arid Mugan Steppe and the subtropical forests of Lenkorania which lie alongside. The Talysh mountains do nob protect the coastal belt from cold air, penetrations, but they do affect conditions of precipitation. Pre beginning to cool, penetrates into Eastern Trans".Caucasia, forcing the cipitatian occurs predo]ninantly in the autumn when, after the summer in.. terval, cyclonic activity is renewed over the southeast of the European part of the USSR, and the Last European continental air, which is just warm Trans'Caucasian air upward (Figure L3). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ~~tP 1 ~Itl gg`` I a%tTEfl 7~ ~M'L;1' 1igure L3 ; The synoptic disposition conducive to abundairt precipitation in the Lenkorania zone (2L October 1939). and determines for many years the mean cycle of precipitations and their distribution along the coast. abundant showers occur. The process described is basic for this zone, further south, where the mountains come face to face with the fronts, In following this process, the falling of precipitation from the Trans'Cauca$ian air is induced mainly by terrestrial configuration. On the leeward slopes of the Greater Caucasus facing the Kura Valley, and on the Apsheron Peninsula, there is no precipitation, or very little precipitation, under this disposition, But in the Lenkorania zone and Amount of Precipitation (in Millimeters) Lenkoran' 16 67 168 236 166 1125 July August September October November December Baku 6 7 15 2L. 29 206 Relative humidity on the Talysh littoral is high the year round, particularl~r during the autumnal rains. The winter is somewhat colder in the eastern part of Trans-?Caucasia than it is in the western part. However, the general thermal reserve in Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 the soil is so cons.Lclerahle, that thr: cold continental air from the Eu- ropean part of the USSR arriving here is rapidly warmed through its 1 wer layers. This ..s helped along by considerable insolation and the ab sence of a stable snow cover. In connection with this, near-the-surface temperature inversions occur rarely, and, in general, low places are warmer than high places. Thus, on the Plateau of Kakhetia, there are some winters with considerable frosts and with deep snow cover. The winter is only somewhat ndlder in the Talysh sub-zone than in the rest o? the territory, seemingly not in keeping with its southern- roost location, and with what would appear to be its isolation from the continental part. The Talysh coast is open to cold penetrations, and the protective efi'ect is exerted only by the sea, with a considerable thermal reserve available in its deep-water southern part. The sur~utaer in 'astern Trans-Caucasia is hot and arid. The Valley of the Kura during the suwuner is to a certain degree an area of stagna- tion of the air masses, since at this tune of the year the northern meri? dional transfer of the air masses predominates over the Caucasus, and tI pressure gradient ressure gradient forces are insignificant. Sky cover is small, and in- solation abundant. As a result, the mean temperature for July and August over the plain attains, and in spots exceeds; the level of 2 degrees Cent. grade and even on the littoral the proxiin1 ty of the sea hardly re- duces the ten7ers,ture oi' the air. The mean tennpc~rature for July and Au- gust in haku and in Lcnkoran ' is about 26 degrees Centigrade. The causes of this aridity were analyzed before. The climate of Eastern Trani-Caucasia, when the analysis oi' it is based on f orrnal con- iderations, such as the an d umnmers, may be re1eated to the I editor- ranE'an type. This, however, is genetically untrue. ley the characteris- tics of the processes taking place over Eastern Trans-Caucasia in the swn vier, this area can be relegated to the Central Asiatic region oi" the transformation of the air masses. The meteoroldgieal cycle oi' its suxr Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tra.buta.on of terperatuTe is very uneven and spotty. Also, when he atw rrlo;phe are over Iran and Asia I1inor is filled with Tropical air, the latter ~ ' n roost case, also extends over the Armenian Highland.. 1 The saturation of the ai.r masses circulating over the Armenian Highland, is somewhat lowered, partly because of their considerable height over sea level, and partly because of their origin. The winter aar,ta.nental air in the Arrnefli-af anticyclone has, near the earth's surface, a relative husr.d to 7 ~J percent, which is due, irr particular, to ~..ty c1.or~c ~? ~ ~ I the IarCence o!:' the= snow cover` Generally this air is rather dry, since c,~ it does s not contain air masses of maritime on ;in, and, in addition, it rnovcs st away from a state of saturation by descending in areas ~.11 fti~rtl~er In the sum]flcr these air masses are fully contincntal, of high pressure. f over Iran and As J;inor. In its layer contiguous to the earth' I elativee humidity in the suxrrmer is maintained around surface , the mean r o percent, which, combined with a mean temperature for July of 17 degrees ~. centigrade, is indicative of the dryness of the climate. In the Noscow s nple, the same terperatua^e is accompanied by a relative abla.~t, for c,. ~ar ' dit r of 60 percent. The summer deficiency in hund.dity is also indi- hur1~. ~ cated by 'n 'icant cloud formation, w hi Ch assures abundant insolation. ~.~.~r' ~f Uycl.ana.c activity over the Armenian Highland is not very intensive. ~' .. extends further ,c.r , sot tti~ in the winter. In the surru'rer it is sonrwhat abated, It in connection with the formation of Tropical air over the vast expanse progressing northward and the teinpcrature differentials bctweon the is uthwcst Asia. And oril.y in the spring, when the Iranian front of all a not yet sui'f ijci.cntl great, is there a frequent passage: of cyclones, ~' opine acc, ,,antuatlan of the frontal tone, and its subscatiu r t ctisplaceraent s similar conditions occur in the auto in with the devel- ca Soraetirae , s us. induce the spring rainy season, so common to the entire l,e sser Gain which to the south toward Iran. for Release 20 1 2/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000 100200005-4 continental air from the temperate latitude: and the Tropical air are Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 itS 1L I The annual cyclonic activity cycle over the Armenian Highland, and the cycle of precipitation tied in with it, can be relegated, to a great extent, to the Central Asia type. As already it rationed above, the Yerevan IIolJ.ow and part of the Valley of the Araks up to Nakhichevan I , can be considered a sub-zone in which the clinkate characteristics of the Armenian Highland are particu- larly accentuated because of certain peculiarities in terrestrial con- fil;uration. The sharp continental features of the climate here are manifested by high temperatures and aridity in the s ummer d The mean temperature for July at the altitude of 900 rr>eters is 2 degrees Centigrade. The relative severity of the Arin, winter in tliihollow is rttodified by the fact tIiat the cold air, flowing off the surrounding rnotwtairrs, is warmed in its descent. On tho slopes of the hollow, as in the area of Yerevan, the mean temperature for January is only minus S degrees Centi- grade. Also of gr& at importance is the fact that the cold air is flow- ing down along the Valley of the Araks. The vast hollow is conducive to the diffusing of the fronts that pass over it, and there is very little precipitation over the Yerevan sub-'zone,. T'he mean amount of precipitation is somewhat above 200 rri lli- meters per year, which, against the backdrop of extreme surer heat, makes it practically a desert cli.ruate. This sub-zone has a spring rainy season, which is due to the intensification of cyclonic activity over the Armenian Highland, CENTRAL ASIA The territory of he Central Asiatic Republics, and also the scuth- ern part of the Kazakh SSIt, are situated in the sub-'tropical zone. The air n sses of the Temperate latitudes predominate over these reg:Lons in the winter, with the exception of individual penetrations, while in the suer, er, it is the Tropical air mazes that predominate. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 S, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 At the same time, the entire territory lies in the belt of the seasonal migration of the western Asiatic (Iranian) outcrop of the Polar front,. Cyclonic activity in this frontal area is generated primarily during the cold part oi' the year, since it is at this time that the `f'r()- pica]. Iranian air moves in a current directly facing the cold Siberian air masses migrating from the northeast. During the summer, over the vast expanse of the interior of Asia, the air, due to intensive heating, is far from a state of saturation, even at great heights, which diminishes its ability to rise. And only in mountainous areas, where terrestrial elevations activate the surfaces of the fronts, does cycloni.c activity manifest itself with adequate force during the surruner. However, swrrmer drought, induced by diminished cyclonic activity, penetrates, toward the end of the surnxirer, even into the Inountainous areas. The territory of Central Asia can be divided into two climatic regions : (l) the Lowland and I1eda,un.-A1titude region, and (2) the 1lighM Altitude region. The first region contains two zones: tl'le Subwtropicai Iranian located roughly to the south of Paralle]. LO North, and the Turanian zone, which is a transition from the Sub-Tropical to the Te]npcrate belt, and is located to thG: north of the first zone. Over the Iranian zone meri.dional penetrations predoiru.nate, rr.niCesting thcroseives by tho repa.ace~ rrrent of tyre Iranian Tropical air with lQeal Central Asiatic and Siberian air. Local Central Asiatic air masses are formed over the Turanian zones with the number of western penetrations of European air increasing toward the north. Abutting these two zones, iie: the Ifc~diu nwaititudo zone, up to the height of 2~Oo meters, in which can be segrcgatecl a whole series of climatic sub-zoncs. The charactoristi,cs o,C the circulation processes over these sub-zones is the sane as over the Plain, yet the weathor may change under the influence of terrestrial relief. i1or example, precipi.. Cation may occur when there is no precipitation over the Plain, or, in-- versely, a foehn effect in&y be gonerated, or Lhe ternpcrature baclcground Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 T RRLT iu*s changes with altitude (during tlie winter there are frequent temperature inversions, within the limits of this zone), or there is the evolution oi' mountain-valley winds, which are not felt over the Plain, or there are essential changes in insolation, dependent on the slope exposures. The High-altitude climatic region falls into the sphere of inf lu- erice of the westerly air currents of the middle troposphere. These air currents, while forrrurig a continuous complex with the air currents below, may have an entirely different direction with relation to the currents in the lower layer. Many of the phenomena, taking place in the middle troposphere, such as the shifting of air masses arid its ef'f'ect on the weather of the high-.altitude areas, either reach the Plain in an abated condition, or do not reach it at all, which is due to the leveling effect of the under- lying surface . Therte11orc4, the weather iz more changeable at High aiti- tudes than it is below. Tlae Lowlands and l~iediuzu-Altitude Re ;ion The Iranian zone embraces all of Turknlenia, half of the Tadzhik ssr: and the southeastern half of. Uzbekistan. The weather over the southern part of Central Asia is very unsL&Ulc during the winter. To typical ynoptic7 dispositions prevail. WThen the frontal zone is basically situated over Iran, the cold continents;al. au' pours :3.f oven thr; entira territory, extending frozn the nor'the, st, f'ron- tltr, vast anticyclone situated over iberia (sec Figure )4)- In this case, the mean temperature level descends to several degrees below zero Cent:Lgrade, reaching at times minus 10 degrees. When the front is di.s-placed northward, and the :Eraxiian air penotrates over the te:rritory of Central Asia, the temperature rises to 10 dr~grees above zero Centiradc. }lowever, before hone, cold air flows in again in the wake of the depart ing cyclone (see Ffigure L~) . Those rear cold gene rations are accornpanird Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 in rrta;at cases by strand; w.>.rtd6 with h some rain and snow. The ternzaerat?'e . ? ' r ~.ns ~0 degrees Cent~.grade (plus 2~ range ~'ox the winter rnoi~thr? ~ a' ~~1 > 2 ) , with the r?can level somewhat above zero Gentjg1 ade . But oven a at~~ , considerably, by ~.nd~.vidua]. years the r~~er~n ~em~ez~s.~w.^e level a,~~ ~c' ~.~.l for Aa}~~k11abad f luc~~u~ates with~?n the raeri~fG The mean J~,nuaxy teaapexature .L to plus 7) . AT:1. defends an the (from wlnu of ' l3 de;~xees Ce ntl~,rade ~,sa.t r Of ., ions the number and the inter ~.~^;aur~ncy of the cold Z~cnatz a.L ~ exat~-ors oj' cycl.ona.c act~.v1t1 avc~x Tram is increased with the aces/ '~ seasons the year (OctobeI' - March) is the xa1nies The card ha1,i of 0 rt>~.iJ,i- amount of preciPita~ion is only 100 > Evel'~ at tl~at~ the tots.. iite to r ? r r , ~.. .. ,;i. ~on 03' cold Oan'G~.rrent~'aJ, air over Central , ~~G~w ~~o ~~?~hr~~aste~ n ~enetxat~. Asia (2). Decerrrber 1937) in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ESTRI?TED f~ ,. ,./c ~, IL. ? Figure i: Penetration of Arctic air over the territory of Central Asia in the wake of the cycloric (7 January 193). Over the "edi1J.a1titude zone of this area, as eowpared to ondi- tions over the Plain, two particular conditions occur: (1) during cola air pcnetrations, the air usually does not reach above the XOO-COQ meter altitude, thus exerting a cooling eff'ect upon the relatively low areas, with a teruperature inversion taking place as the altitude increases; (2) During he passing of the cyclones, the amount o2 precipitation on the southorn and southwestorn slopes is increased, while on the northern slopes roehna are generated. In particular, a considerable amount or precipi- tation (up to 500 millimeters) occurs over the southern slopes of the Gisar ridge during the three winter months (December - February). Cyclonic activity is accelerated toward the spring, and attains its highest intensity in march-April. During the k acne months, the Trani,,in frontal aria, a.ii its gradual northward shirt, pusses over the southern part of Central Asia. Figure 146 (s moptic disposition of 23 April 193k) shows two areas of cyclones, one at the Arctic front, and the other at tho Polar front (the Polar front cyclonic area occupies a somowhat ruorc northward position, than usual). Sometimes the Arctic front larogresse Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 .far to the south, and practically joins up with the Polar front. When that 0CCUY'S, the cold air penetrates into the southernmost zones, 1oweii ing the temperature to zero Centigrade, from a Tropical air temperature of 2~ degrees Centigrade, which prevailed the day before the cold pene- tration took place. The Arctic air penetration in the spring is accom- panied at tirries by snowstorms, with the snow covering trees in full bloom. Fi ur A: Cyclonic series at the Arctic and Polar fronts (23 April 193L). days have a nrrean daily terl1perature of over 2 degroes Cent?i.grade. With ~,h;arch and April are the months of maxirnuan precipitation. Spring is a short season in the Sub-tropical area of Central Asia. In h~0 per- cent of all days, the iucan daily temperature over the plain in Narch is maintained at plus , - 10 degrees Centigrade. In Nay, ltO percent of all In March-April, with a mean temperature oi' plus 10 - l degrees Centigrade, rela ion to precipitation and hwriidity, the changes are just as rapid. the amount of precipitation is 1.Q millimeters a month, and relative hu- monthly temperaturo of 2 degrees Cent?grade, the amount of predpitattQn midity, even during the day, is above ~0 percent, In May, with a mean Ls less than 15 Yui.llimeters ?or the month], and the relative humidity in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 during the day usually falls down to 30 percent. There is much rain during the spring in the rnountairious part, with the amount of precipitation in niany localities for the month of April up to 150-200 millimeters, and over the Gissar ridge -- over 300 millimeters. In Nay the amount of precipitation, even in these areas, decreases, but is still considerable. Conditions for the growth of vegetation in the mountains during the spring are very favorable, what with abundant precipitation, a mean temperature not exceeding 20 degrees Centigrade, a daily humidity of about a0 percent, and considerable insolation. Even during the rainiest month of April, the probability of overcast is less than 50 percent, and the probability of clear weather more than 30 percent. The rains frequently take the form of rapidly passim; showers, and are accompanied by thunder.- storms. The summer everywhere is extremely dry. As early as lay there is a sharp decrease in the rainfall over the Plain, and from June to Septern. ber inclusive, there is practically no rain at all. The aridity in th^ the Middle latitudes arriving from the north are subjected, and with iriena are tied in with the intensive heating, to which the air masses of extends upward to a height of several hundred meters. All these pheno.- ing tht level of 50 degrees Centigrade. The air, heavily laden with dust, temperature is 3035 degrees Centigrade, with the absolute maxinn n attain- During the iiilonth of July, in more than half of all days, the mean daily day dropping to 20 percent, and, in some cases, considerably lower. air attains its highest limits, with mean relative humidity during the their transformation into Tropical air. either in the ridges of accelerated pressure, progressing southward be. the sunx r are very favorable. 'the transformation takes place Conditions for the transformation of air masses over Central Asia Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Ic, r - ): 1 , +E Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tween the cyclones and passing over the lowland of Western Siberia, or in the .. of the East European anticyclone. The synoptic disposi tion outcrop tion with relation to the latter, is presented in Figure L~7. Figure 1.7; The transformation of 'l'ast European air into Tropical air over Central Asia (2 July 1930. As a result of this transformation, there is a drop in relative htuniditY, a rise in the condensation level up to several kilometers, and a djina.nuta.on ai Cyclonic activity. There is no precipitatiozl, arid tho passing aJ' the i'ront is not always marked by increased cloud r orir .tion~ . teii peratUTe fluctuations caused by cold penetrations, may amount However, to 10 degrees Gant:Lgrade even in the middle of the auiruer. Figure L.i3 shows an example of a Siberian air penetration over the territory of Central Asia; there is no precipitation, the sky is clear on both sides of the front, but the break in tcrrnpera'bure is considerable. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 swruner (22 July 19310. figure L3 : Penetration of Siberian air over Central Asia during the riser. However! even during the drought period, rains of short duration, with dry air, the volume of which is ever increasing throughout the sum of the dew is discontinued, and the mountainous areas are gradually filled humidity of the air. With the arrival of the arid period, the falling only in the considerable daily ternporature range, but also in the high brushwood and trees. The cause oi' this abundant dew formation lies not pensated by abundant dew, settling not only on the grass, but also on ual decrease in precipitation upon the arrival of summer is partly corn-' lags behind, and occurs during the second Fialf of the swrnner. The grad- beginning of the drought in the mountains, as compared to the Plain, and September, i..C. less than one percent of the annual amount. The Lion there is, on the average, not rrtore than 10 millimeters for August is just as sharply accentuated. Even in the zones oi' maximwn precipita- The period off' sununer drought in the mountains is shorter, yet it accoutparth c1 by thunderstorms, at times occur in the `mountains. The arrival of autumn is marked by intensified rainfall, which is a result of the accentuation of cyclonic fronts and their more Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 aSTL4IU; ~u Central Asia as early as the beginning of October (as illustrated in Figure . However, in the autumn, f ollowin directly in the wake of an extremely and suxnur~r, the moisture content of the air masses cannot be h; 1, and there i.s less precipitatioX than in the spring, i,he latter ti?tor 1~cr tod of accelerated cyclonic activity, when the Iranian bc,n~ ono about 200 millimeters, the amount of same for the month of November is 10 l r7illa.metens, while in the mountains the [innua17 amount is from -100 to ~0O millimeters. Beginning with October, the pressure rises considerably over the Sub-tropical and Temperate latitudes of Eastern Asia, and there is the evolution stable antic3'clones, wh .ch are transformed during the evolution of winter into an almost stationary anticyclone. With the development of areas of high g ,,h pressure , reduced cloud formation, and reduced wind velocity, the a gins to cool rapidly, and soon a considerable temperature differ-ential is established between Eastern and Western Asia. Cold penetraw ta.ans , not on.~.y from the north, but also from the east, occur over Soviet firorit is moving across Subtropical Asia toward the north. in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 c cent passage over the southern part of Central Asia. At this particu- lar time of the year, it is the Polar front that is passim;, in its dis- placement from the northern areas toward Iran. The accentuation of the fronts takes kes place as a result of the more rapid cooling of the Siberian and Central Asiatic air masses, as compared to the Iranian air masses, thereby the temperature contrast between them. It is also a result of increased pressure gradient forces, with the development of the winter Asiatic anticyclone. However, there is less precipitation in the autumn than in the spring, since the level of condensation in the Iranian air, although it has been somewhat cooled, is still at a very high altitude. The amount of precixitation begins to increase in Novem- ber. Thus in desert Lonea, where the annual amount of precipitation is Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 wazt ~c north. The synoptic disposition of 2 F& ruarY 19311, ~, ~ ed in Figure O, can sc rve as an example. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ST ELI '.~.n'~uz ,c 149 Cola/ ai.x' pr,netration fX'o11t the cast over Central Asia in the auturin (31 October 193Li). `Ite Turanian climatic zone, which is a transition zone to the with regard to temperature, precipitation, and cirN Te rnpe~Cl~,c~ ,r 1ata. ' tude s c,.at~, en~lax ^aces the rclr~index' o2' the territory of Central, ~.or~ conditions, A sia to the north oi' Parallel, l}U, the southern part of Karakh$tafl up , to 1at north, the area of the Lower Volga, and the mount .,ucle l~` ~ degrees a rritorie$ Of the Kirgiz SSR and out,heaster1 Kazakhstan. ~~,nQUc t~ `^h.4; is a Local area for the ?ornta,tion o?' local Central Asiatic ~ zone a~~ air Ilsses such as Tropical i.n the swruuer, and continental in 1 }ie winter. , At th e time an essonttial part is played by he Iran Cep' o European air masses s in the westerly cycioncu and anticycl.G11eS. The ef'f'ect of this ~ weQtcz , ^1y t rans:f:crs as wa a pointed/ out above, is generally accelerated tn~ 31I'ec Ilt-' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ,: E-a.str^n 1uropOan cyc1or1e over Central Asia (2 February ~~ 1.~;1~~~( Tl~e L 193.). 11ie Sub 41'opicai Neda.uritwR.ititude zone. The Iranian as compared with The mountainous nous part o1.' tl'~is zone r~iust be considered a special subone, in which the general circu7.atioan co~'c~it?a.ons are !) hwhich the ~,,c~. bhe same, yet ?.~~a.onu var^Y n response 1;o tk1~~ Cf':Cc~CFai:' i~er~ .. w c~? ~tl~e~^ condo , ,. , is a.cs;~ !)rECi~aa.t,ati on here in ~,l,.e ti~ra,~1~;e:r; x~estr~.aJ. col~,.~uz, 4~~~.on~ There s pass considerably further south, while the westerly cyci-Ofes ~'rar~1c~rc~,unc d are mainly }significaflti or the n:aunta; noun arar oi the Kirgiz SSR an .~ ten~;~rrc,tt~xe; cycle is off' areavari.abity and ~;astcrn l~azal~YYS~;an. The l anu~x~ ~ terr~E)ei~,~turc in the atGppc s and e l~c Gnn iderabi severity. T rlltealr J ~ 1ata,tucl4c care apondinL to that of lto stavM se:rrclescz'ts of Kazakhstan, at a on"l)ori, is aa,raost the sane as in !~. 'rove (i:ornucx~a.y Vys,tka), a..o. minus ~.I~ ~. degree a Cen~~~ .: ~ radc , which, on the average is ~.~ de~rer:s Cc nti grade colder than the southern Subtropa :,~,:~ zoxrc, '~liere are days when Ll~o ~'ros'b c~cs- . c~ 1C) de- cenda7 ~ r 1o- minus 30, iririus 3, and, in excopU.ofal case s, to na.nuk blown of1 by tho wind. Eastcr).y' winds carryir cold air From ] astern A ? rtc dry snow, i~arcLLy cpverirL; the around, is easily groca CoriLigradc. 4 Asia, prevail. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA RDP82 00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 aESTRICTEq With to spring , the Iranian front cyclone s pas, more frequently, Ala. first over the ~ oi' Central Asia, then extend into the north- em southern . part ern areas. In /ray, when the Central Asiatic front becomes abated, and precilaa.ta.t;ian is diminished i.n the s auth, the passage of westerly cyclones over the northern part is accelerated, with restiating maximum precipitaw in the northern part of Central Asia, over the plains, tian. Ho~rcvc.r, even the summers are very not to the same degree as in the souvery arid, although t from its winter distribution, the ,umrcer temperature with- DJ.,.,ti77G in the entire territory of Central Asia varies little with relation to latitude , and pL1p.~uf11I'fl s e2 in the northern part is almost as torrid a in The differential in the mean July' temperature$ the aub~t;ropic;al parta is not more than 2 3 ~ de green, but the number of hot day's with a mean of over 20 degree;3 Centigrade is half as large. The daily. temperature hot weather E)era.od (in the above sense) lasts b. months in the southern 5 , .. al part , and 2' months in the northern part ,~l.l~trapa.c Within the s boundarics of the Turanian zone, the tedium'-a.l.titude area da.f. f ern much more from the steppe and desert parts than does the respective area, within the boundaries of the Iranian zone ? Tdith refer- a to the winter nter temperature cycle, the differentials are the same as enc,c in the Ir ~ Central l~sia, i.e. up to an altitude of l. - 2 a,,an zone of . Cent c 's a tertl1~eratw'e inversion, The area of Lake Issyk-' l.~lc~~~ieters, there e ~ Kul. ' is of particular interest in this respect, since at the altitude of 1~O0 meters the winter nter is warmer than at the same latitude below, at the mouth of A7nual7a,r yaR One o1 the reasons for such warm winters is the lake itself, radiating into the air a considerable amount of heat. In occurs in the mountains of the Kirgiz SSR, the evo- c1dditlon' to it, there l.ut bons, causing the temperature to rise with a1ti- ~.on of general condi it is the `result oi' cold penetrations that do not In some caws a. reach the higher altitudes, but extend irainly below. In others, - always inversely, it 3.s ho result of a warm penetration at higher altitudes t ESF81CiED ?u l3)4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ?EsrRacrEo not reaching the low-lying spots. The general circulation characteristics are basically the sane over the plain and over the mountains. Yet, against this general back- terrestrial conf'i.guration at times causes unique modifications ground, in the various cycles, as, for example, the intensification of fronts a'.fl the European cyclones can c yclone s arriving from the west, with attendant consi.- derable snowfall over the windward western mountain slopes and over the f acin r to the west. When passing over the plain, three cyclones valleys ~ are abated and produce little precipitations In the spring and, particularly-, in the summer, the i'al7.inf of precipitation over the mountains of the northern part of the Kirgiz SSR, and al.on. the entire northern Tyant Chant, is also tied in with the pas- sage of the westerly cyclones. Thus, instead of the surmer draught, which is a characteristic cliriatic fe~atw'e of the plains and mountains of the Cub'.tropical part of Central Asia, the sunnier here is the maximum precipitation season. The moderately warm and hunt.d suxrirner and the rela-' ~~ tivcly nnild winter of this area, with considerable snow cover in some pla ces, does not fall in with the general sharply continental climate of Central Asia, but rather resembles, climatically the Atlantic-Continental region of the European part of the Union. High -Al titu- Re'iofl circulation of the atmosphere over the H?igh-altitude region of Central Asia was studied very little. In addition to air currents of general significance , a largo scale thorrnal turbulence, generated between the mountainous part of the territory and the plains, should be of great importance. This thermaj7 turbulence should be particularly intensive in connection with (1) the massive bulk of the mountainous Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 00200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 RESTRICTED elevations, comprising a conglomeration of great mountainous junctions and vast lofty plateaus (particularly in the southern part), arid (2) little cloud ?oririaticn and the intensive evolution of radiation processes, Theriiiai Curb rlence is of particular intensity dw'int; the warm seasons but even in tlio winter there frequently weather with little cloud fore ma'ti.on, and mountain-valley air currents (in a large sense) are generated. Acccieratecl precipitation during tlmre suiilriier, over all the High-alti- tude part of Central Asia (the reverse is taking place over the I)lairi) ' a characteristic i'cature oI the i)recipitatiori cycle:, and is tied in with thca evolution of convection currents over the mountains. Yet, convective pr c:Lpitar,ion Is only of local significance in the mountainous areas, and th . feedixi of the fare Tillers of Central Asia is tied in rrb only with the snow acc.wr,ulations in tiic mountains, resuii;in ?roiii winter cyclonic activity. The snow accuiriulation is hea.vie rt on the western slopes facia the we~jterly and outhwetcriy air currents, As proved by aerological observations, over all altitudes in ex- cess o;t: 3000 Teeters, whether in the south or in the north of Central Asia, westerly air currents predoridnate throughout. the year. This cir- cul.ation feature i iiiics the entire region, and, to date, there are no es enti it :reasons c, for the _ division of this region into a southern and northern zone. locrcver, the climate of the high-alt tulle reg;i.on is very far from being hor}ioCenc;ous, which is due mainly to ti)e variances in terrestrial confi urat?ion. Thus, the climate of the lofty plateaus and some high valleys is arid and sharply conti,nenta,],. The climate of the high mountain ridges is humid, with a more even teaii i perature cycles The surface of flat topographical, foritations a under the conditions of a raref;Led and dry atmosphere, is subject to ;; heating during the day, and cooling during the night, The flat c Dell a.ti~x ations are not conducive to he intensi icatjon of the fronts, an r, in 136 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 00200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 RESTRICTED addition, there is, at these altitudes, a.nadequate moisture in the air, ~ ..- -~' . . 11~ich results in little, in some places less than 100 mill t more than in a desert area. The mean an meters for ..the year, 1.e. no Waal temperature range is about 30 dees Centigrade, with the diurnal . 7.~'e range at times being the same. Over the FamirMAlaY zone, lying at an altitude of 3000 meters, the mean Ju7,v texn,pera,ture is around 1 degrees, the mean Jan- uary temperature is minus l~ degrees centigrade. Upon ~heoreticag re- uary ~ duction to sea ;Level, the respective readings will be 34 degrees and ~ - zero Centigrade, counting the mean temperature gradient as half a :degree per 700 meters of altitude. However, as per direct observations in the :. free atrao sphere ., , the ~wnmer temperatux'e gradient is higher, and the win- ter one is lower . than ~ ha7.f a degree per 100 meters.. Thus, the summer is warmer, and the winter colder than the corresponding altitude ove~^ is sea level would indicate for this conc. This is due to the effect of vast flat terrestrial surfaces lifted to a considerable height. With all this, the. effect of the free atmosphere is felt, mariifeatinL itself by frequent winds of high velocity. On the mounta ridges protruding into the free atmosphere, the ~.i The temperature range, arrnual and temperature cycle is less continental.. with altitude, particul3xY' the annual range. diurnal, rapidly :diminishes Over the sloped of the Fergan Ridge, at an altitude of 3000 meters, ..the.... moan annual temperature rang re is leis tn. 20 degrees Centigrade. In addition, complct?~y' different proclpitetion~inducinconditions are evolved over the ride. The mauntair~ rid e5 activate the passim front ~ and force precipitation even from the rather dry Central Asiatic and .. . f Iranian Tropical air masses. In the winter, when Neda.terranean and At"- lax-it iC air penetrate s with the wester7,Y cyclone, theta is abundant anew western _Tyan' -Shafl' . There is no re7.i,M that feeds the ..vast glaciers of 4r . 13? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tIESIRICTED able data on the maximum amount of precipitation falling ains of Central Asia, yet suppose that under the most amount of precipitation In the mountains Central Asia, in the northern areas, many sub-'zones can be segregated in which local Lac" tore, against the background of the same general circulation, create essen- tial variations in the climatic cycle. These variations, basically, mani zest themselves in different amounts of precipitation, and are determined by the maeroexposure of the area with relation to the winds prevailing in the western quadrant of the horizon. Under nlacroexposure is understood the basic exposure of the slope, with which the factual exposure of the various sections of the same slope may not coincide. Slopes generally facing the southwest, west and northwest, and not respectively closed in from then; sides by neighboring mountain ridges, receive three or four times as much precipitation as the slopes facing in the opposite direc- tion In the generally and climate of Central Asia, these fluctuations in the amount of precipitation radically change the appearance of a local- ity. 0On first sight, it creates the impression of considerable variations in physical and geographical characteristics of wide significance, and only As a striking example of the diversity of the "local climates" (climatic sub-zones), may be considered the Fergan Hollow, The area of the motley distribution and the restricted boundaries of these vari depression is not extensive enough to allow for the possibility of the existence of essential circulation diversity over it. Yet, the cli- valley exit, a unique' climatic phenomenon, induced by topo- graphical configuration, is encountered. winds, of extraordinary force are generated a thiost each time Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 conditions in some of its sections show a considerable range. Lven over the mount-' y? some observations, it is reasonable to favorable` terrestrial relief, the annual reaches 2000-3000 millimeters. egated landscapes betray' their local character. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 cyclones pass along the western slopes of the Pamir~Alay the southerly c~ Mountain Range. These winds occur predominantly in the wintery but:. are also known to occur on rare occasions during the summer, and they are a 1 equal in force to the northeasterly gales over ~o o U ~ a Ii r' ~ p' , r~ o cad r4 r~ 139 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 Novarossiysk. The tabulation on this page is a result of observations made at the station Ursat' yevskaya. This phenomenon (like the Novorossiysk bars) is a local intensification of the wind flowing over the Turkestan Ridge. No current special research, with relation to the evo-lution of these winds, was done. The basic concept, however, can be construed as follows: the southerly', or southeasterly current in the forward part of the cyclone, in colliding Turkestan Ridge protruding westward, with the encounters an impedance to its lower layer, and only the fast-moving upper layers of the current come across and glide dawn the north- ern slopes of the ridge. The corresponding location of the ridges at the exit of the accelerates the easterly component ~ valley v of the wind. These winds are usually farce t accompanied by rises in ternperature, drops in relative humidity, and almost a complete i' disappearance of lower stratum clouds, which , indicates that the sir is moving downward. frf The recurrence of southeastOr].y winds A at the exit of the Fergan val.J.ey is around so percent, and their rner~n velocity is 10 : meters per second. The temperature during these winds frequently rises a few degrees the mean level, as a result of which above 00200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 aEsi ICTED are superimposed features induced by the surrounding mountain ridges and. the waters of the lake itself. The distribution of precipitation, falling over the various parts of the lake basin, shows with particular clarity the paths followed by atmospheric moisture f ind:irag its way into this basin. The southwestern half of the lake, closed in from the south and the west by mountain ridges, receives very little precipitation. The latter increases at a rather rapid rate toward the northeast, due not so much to the evaporations from the lake being carried in that direction (precipitation over Issyk?}Sui t occurs predorldnantly with westerly winds) , as to the fact that the fronts, movii't in from the went and the southwest, in their descent from the surW rounding mountains, are abated while passing over the western part of the lake, and re-activated when passing over its eastern part. The moat rerriarkable climatic feature of the Lake Tssykr Cut' area is its very mild winter, contrary' to its continental location. Mean temperatures for January and February on the eastern shore are minus degrees Centigrade, and on the western shore they are even higher. In order to properly evaluate the thermal effect exerted by Lake :Csayk-Kul', it is best to compare its temperature cycle data with the data for Lake Naryn, lying at an altitude higher by 2O aneters, but one degree to the south, and also in a hollow. The mean January temperature for Naryn minus 16 degrees Centigrade. Counting off one degree of temperature for the absolute altitude differential, it can be assumed that the masses of water, constituting the lake, :raise the teiuperature of the air, on tie average, by 10 degrees Centigrade. Such a significant thermal effect, exerted by the lake, can be explained by the fact that the hollow is closed in on all sides by mountain ranges, which, in causing frequent air stagnation, accelerates the features of the "local climate". The still higher temperature rise on the western shore is induced by the foehrn effect created by the air, in its descent from the mountains during the westerly winds TED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 00200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ttUT ED WESTERN SIBERIA Western Siberia, ciirliaticaily speaking, embraces a vast geograph region, over which the effect of the Atlantic Ocean is still suffi~ ' entlY pronounced, but, at the sarrie time, the peculiar characteristics c~. the vast continent of Asia come into prominent play. This territory 0 contains all of the WestWSiberian Plain, the eastern slopes of the Urals, and the western slopes of the Altay Mountains. The eI'fecb of the Atlan- tic over the territory of Western Siberia increases toward the north, attaining its maximum during the winter. The; effect of the Continent ( all respects) grows toward the south, and in the southern areas it in al is equally pronounced 'during the winter and the summer seasons. The temperature contrast between the ocean and the continent is particularly sharp in the winter, and, tied in with it, the pressure gra- client between the Iceland low-pz~ssure area and the Asiatic anticyclone attains a considerable magnitude. Due to the particular character of the distribution of air currents, tied in with the areas of high and low )ressure (Figure 12), the Atlantic air current extends over the continent, predomnantlY, in to direction from southwest to northeast. Thus, the degree of its of ect upon the territory of Western Siberia increases gradually from south to north a The migration of Atlantic air in the winter toward the continent of Asia takes place predominantly in the Arctic front cyclones, in which the Atlantic air is frequently forced away from the terrestrial surface into the higher strata. Thus, it has little effect on the temperature at the surface. However the continuous cloud formation accompanying the penetration, also the falling of precipitation and high-velocity winds, are factors contributing to a sharp temperature rise over the northwest of Siberia (see Figure l) 1L2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 urc 51: recurrence of Sky Cover, Wind velocity, aria temperature over Wester? Siberia in. January. In the majority of cases these cyclones are abated over Western Siberia, coring to an end as they approach the area of high pxc~ssure, which occupies all of Cexitral Asia almost continuously during the winter. The abundant snow, which in the north (with the exception of the Kara Sea littoral) accwiiuiates to a depth of one meter toward the end of he win- ter, is also tied in with these cyclones. The precipitation from the cyclones, regenerating at the Arctic front, comes from the saturated Atlantic air, thus representing the external moisture turnover between the OCCaf and the continent. The Arctic air, in the wake oi.' the cyclones, exteixcls far to the south ithout encountering any impedance over the plain, and only the approach of the following cyclone frotrt the west forces this air again to the north. During the periods of interruption in cyw clonic activity, the Arctic air generally remains over Western 3iberia, is slow] y warned through, and transformed into Temperate latiitude air. Alongside the path of the westerly transfer of Atlantic air, the continental processes, as was already mentioned above, are of great itr,~ portance. These are, the cooling of the Atlantic air flowing over the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tair;ed alit:icyclonc s. This s'tabi,e re 1O ;( flC' S1$ iS also a , rlic'l rli. 'C; "t . i ,a~ r11ti~?~. ~ C:Cr, ~. bs t s and 1 $C? Lion 01* tr;e col tine tM 1 G'h{U aC tcr i vo- ut: o1l :i.s the cooling or ti Corr'tirlcant. The i'?i,'ial sts; ;;cs oi: trari f l the $urnn,er, but is, generally speaking, acce1r;ratc'd toward Ure south, ,yrhi.cb ration oi' the Atlantic air into continCftai Over Western i1 er'ia take place in the anticyciones. The cooling of the i tlsnt:l C riir nrae occurs the 105$ oi' heat throu h radiation over the cookcl con'ti~ as a reult oi' len.t. All the$e rxocessc~ s are accelerated toward tyro sou'l', Et 3 Lho cii .. r. tar1CiB from the main path in lath of the cyclones bccorncS gr1retcr over the rrorth- , ern part of Eastern Siberia. of AUantic air ovar the contiancr t i s di.ri ml;i.shod duri no The i.rflow Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 continent, the slow warming oi' Archie air, and its transformation into,nta,l. 1 "Acmpc.~ratc zonc~ air. 'flue latter air is better defined as 11e,~'~t'errr Siberian continental air, since this airs clue to peculiar circu- ation conditions over ~1estern Siberia, i.a fi.i'icrerrt from the LaStern. l European and the Eastern Siberian air. The rr~a:in volume of continental air present over the Western Sib cr ~ ~ coias with the transfer o:r air nLa, sae, from he more southern .! .Err plain areas with the ; outhwes'l;crly winds along the northwestern rim 01' the Ccntrca1 Asiatic antr.cyciozre outcrop (;roe Figure 12 :i,.r prec cct:lf text). air is gradually cooled in its northward rnigratiorr, and i s thus c1? This ~a tin xishab1e from the Iasterf rea~te,.-~ clc~~r~Fae cri' ~~rc;ti.c~ ~~:i.r. The latter ~e 'oi' 1"~.r~r~~~t.i.c ;' ~x^, r~r~cl ~ ?~ i&.11y tlc basic sources !or:' tlar. i'otit tion oi' Asiatic continental air, partlcula,ri.Y over East Asia. The ~3ouLhWCater."1y wi,nd, lane: v +iiii during I.l.e wiartr, are tled r In tial~icla are i'requent:l.y cvoiVccl over' !lJCtIn "rJ.~,l~ ~.~,M^~.7 of ~A~.}~. are m ' ~~.c, a, ~ ~ ?, ~, ~ e::i.'-cor r ?sia a~vr.cyCiOric or a s siberia, eithers uoutcrop p o1 ;er r, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 s the reverse of what happens in the winter. The predominant migration toward the northern part of Western Siberia is that of the Arctic air, which is rapidly warmed over the continent, and transformed into conti- nental air. The, Atlantic air penetrates far to the east ~rth the cyclones, ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ In the even ciux'ing the su7ra~rer, arrivinover We tern Siberia Clones, it is frequently transformed into continental air, while still over the ELU'opean territory of the USSR. The basic process in the suiiur r is the formation of continental which in its characteristicc~ is little different from Eastern Euro-i air, pean continental air. It is perhaps somewhat drier, since one of its rrar.n components is Arctic air warrr~cd over the continent. This, specifi- cally, is the manifestation of the effect of the continent, arid the more active the continental air nlaases are over an area, (as conrparect to the a Atlantic arid. Arctic air ma$ses), the more continental the climate of . `Aa1s, the continental climatic features of Western Siberia area ~ z the during the sunurer are accelerated toward the south. 5urrunor cyclonic activity over Western Siberia is generated in the Arctic front, in the south, predolz~iPantly at the occlu the north, at s - re casess at the zriain Polar front. The predominant ~,on~, , and, only in rare in the Arctic front, as well as in the Polar, front occlusions, warm ma s s a. constituted ?Guted by continental air, wiaich is the main source of precipi- ? r, c~a~.c rra.sY~ed, n Tine water vapor quantities in the ront mental air are tatxas . mainly, through evaporation of moisture, and, in this sense, the surarrer prec'p fl over Western Siberia i~ of the internal moisture turnover ~.~.Latta.o t~~ac, . And only in the rrrain Polar front cyclones is the precipitation from the Tropical air advective to a prevailinC decree. on generL i circulation conditions, Western Siberia can be Based e climn'Lic regions, which are a continuation of the e) is ~3,,d into three ~ niat1G { 1~a.0ns of the European territory of the USSR, as follows the Z Lic~ArcLic region, t1ic central or Atlantic-Continental northern or At;larr region, and the southern or Continenttil region. With this similarity Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 there is, however, an essential difference consisting in the fact that climatic variations from west to east are considerably more sluggish over Western Siberia than over the European part of the Union. The win- ter temperatures are significant in this respect. The di 'ference in the mean January teIriperatures as between ]elorussia and the Midcfe Volga is about 7 degrees Centigrade, while an Western Siberia the temperature dif-ferential, corresponding to the same difference in latitudes and distance, is only 1 degree Centigrade . Over the area of the European part of the Union, the effect of the ocean coinpcte s with that of the continent, whale over Western Siberia, particttirly an the more southerly zones, the effect of the ocean is already attenuated to such a degree that continental fea? tuxes practically pre ;inate to the same extent, both in the western and eastern zones. Thus, there is no reason for dividing Western Siberia into western and eastern cli.ri;atac zones, a is the case in the European part of the USSR. The three regions, segregated above, are to be cansaderecl, each with n itself, as climatically homogeneous, and. as representing one cli.- ins'itic zone. However, two clirraatic zones are segregated within the Conti- nentah climatic region, the Continental zone and the Altay zone. In the extreme north oi:" Western Siberia, just as in the Luuopean territory of the USSR, a j)art of the Arctic climatic region is segregated in coriI'or- iuity with the fact that during the entire year there i.s a predominance Qf ormat ve7 Arctic air. As coaupared to the European parts the bound- aries of the respective clizi~atFic zones in Western Siberia are displaced 23 degrees to the north (see Figure 73 at the end of the fool, -- pia- graiiuruatic Chart of the Climatic Regions and Zones oi' the US,3R), which i,s dui to the general intensa.fication ol" the continenhi features ovc;r the t errs tory of M ia. This displacement of climatic bounclari?es is par- ticularly conspicuous due to thc' exis?tcnco of ?thc Ura.L Mouzitain Uange. The area of the Urais cannot be considered as a self-contained i1t Tjt/C Tj 116 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 AI i n~~lFn M 1147. clin~z~~ic region or zone. Thca.x western stapes, cliir~~.t~.cally, belong to ~~ ~' The Ural Range rnex'el~r~' separates the Europe, the pastern one, to Asia. - ~ the Asiatic onea, but :does note by its effect, Luropcan climatic zones from . create the d1tfcrenco a between them. These differences are created by e1fect a1 the powerful factor of atruospY~eric, which, in its turn, depends on the magnitude, Form (in part, on ~~11e topogr~,)hy), the , gcneral geographical rlsposition of Europe and Asia. It is noi ; ..~ and Gh ~c the 1Jxal I~iauntaa.n Range that sets a visible boundary to the extensiojl of the occar ut rsthcz, the and caml~lex ther- mal effect ? ~ eastward, b .ntez'rela~ ~ ~ between. . ~~ the and l~>~ass7 off' Eurasia and the Atlan- ?ne the ~~ paths, the I'orms, and the volumes invol tic Ocean, that ~, onsl~,~ predctc~xr~~a. , , ~~a.,rrt ~ air n~a~sscs over the c?z~t7.riEnt- Were the vcd in the transic;r of pktr~. M ' the surr outcrop of the , anti'' ? .ans.,.~on a{~ Ur~a1s riot ' there, tl~e ea~tc, c of Atlantic air massGS toward East- cyclone, controls Lrols the ~e migration be affected S By the same taken, the winter c~r~n Europe , would hardly auth~,re"atCZ'ly a .,erlt over Western Siberia, tied in with the Asiatic air clu~x anticyclone, would hardly became warmer Yet, the Urals, although ~~h not cr~eat~.riany climatic boundaries in There is an essential he above sense, do accentuate the existing ones. and winter precipitation over the western slopes, acceleration in sun~~r due to the intensification c c~.anic fronts arriving from the west. The reverse intensifiinteintensification of y . with relation to the eastern slope s of the Urals. Urals over the entire western Siberian Ne plain, to the cast a~ the ~ ~, r~er~~,ins ~aractica].lY the ~anle as over of precipitation thplain, eastern the amoti~n slopets of the Urals (see ~'arures 18 and 19 in p21ecedin~ test). Generally speak of precipitation over t~~eStexn Siberia is s~~taller than that over , the the amount European part off' the Union, butt its acceler- ation s the Urals], and its a~;tenuata,on over ?-over the western slopes the eastern slopes, imparts to the genera~. f~.uctuation, which is supposed ~ the character o? an abrupt change The sais true with to be ` gradual, ~r EST Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 iitSiiHCTEfl relation to winter ternpc ratu.r~cs, in which there is a very noticeable difference between the above territories (see Figure 16 in p preceding text), Winter in Western Siberia is colder because the coca 'r t:I..ielita,J. Asiatic air is colder than the continent~ll. European air. The Ural Range . merely disrupts the gradation of this transition. When the European air, in flowing over the ridge, comes in contract with the colder Siberian air, it continues its oas tward flow above the cold air without descend- ing to the surface of the Plain. This causes the above me.1.. rtt' ~~ I1G d abrupt change in temperature. The Ural Range, by virtue of its disposition in a meridional di- rection, cannot essentially affect the migration of ' air masses in north- ern and southern air penetratjons. It also presents no essenti~ ' a,J. impe- dance to the eastern penetrotion$ of Asiatic air, since the latter cux rent; tied in with the southern periphery of high pressure areas flows mound the, rnountai.n ridge from the south. Neverthelr s, the ciixtatic conditions of the Ural 1ountain zones , have a xuunber of unique characteristics, not only with relation to the cycle of jLndi.vidua1 meteorolo rioai core. onents, but also with relation to weather, whic1, against the background of the same ~en ' ~, ezal circulation conc?Ltionu, rraay diffc1 as to t; lie western and eastern slopes, , and the ridges and the vail?ys. In addition, there is a variety of m.l ~ . J' czocl,,, ~matjc eec- Lions, tied in with topography and vegetatior. The mi Crocla.rnaka.c var.L- ations over the Urals nay be considerable by virtue of t ~ he r ,enerai, con- tinental features of the climate. Variations in the alnotrnt of precipitation between the ~ e w~.dtrn and eastern slopes of the central part of the Urals reach i ~ , in places, 300 millimeters in one year. Thus, the amount of annual precipitation over K: zel', located on the western slopes, is 630 milj,irnc tars, tirh:>.le over Chelyabinsk, on the e u3tern slopes, it is 380 rnilljrn= 'z ? ].!a3 o' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 00200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 iG I C!1 f the Ural a is su1i'i.cient' to indicate `temperature The a height - ~ The var:i.ationwhich take plaCC~ ., with th a1t:t?t,udc, in the free atrnosPherr:. In ~u by ~ - ~1xadur~~, ~teanz`,c~ratua~e da`~ala wa.~th altitude, summer, this is t~,~nii.est~,d ba ~ ~~ + , ? At `the latitude o1' U:Ca, the mean ?~erra}aex~a~ture as in "rahc; Southern U~,,ai.,a ~ ~. drop ( degrees Centigrade 1aer 100 1TICtCTs O altitude Such a COnsi- . e gradient indicate: the. degree to which the Plain ;i.s drarabl,e ter~l~~c,~ratuzra ~ heated dur':. 1, an the European as well as on he Asiatic side S aa~, bhc ~i~~utlcx clr~s a with ~tra,tacurnulus cloud :~orntians i A conwri, . ~ ., nw7>.her of ,~ c~cralai.c e , a JUL .t 5Orati altitude 4rh?ch i,lnderSCOrea the dyramiC n a tern}:~c~ra btix r , `~ a. nvc, ,r a. oils are ?relt?uerlt1y , Ccor~tpanied by sudden drop, in rela- s With the },rs~"a.n~., r o1? tree winter antiCYClon~S over be Urals, the ,.,a~ diertt in thie mountains ire(ju. ntl.y becomes ne 3a- vertical tclnpc:r,.rturc~rra ~i, so s with altitude a which is duce. to :i. , e . the temperature -~ ;aturo ~.. , occurrence of tC11n t')"C~1tUrC inVCr aiaTlS These in the 1S' atmosphere r `Yze slo aes ai' the Central and Southern Urais during the registered over the slopes sunltaor. This ~.' indicative oj1 intensive d:Lurnai convection. is strata. of such an inveraionS, observed at 0700 hours on a Decem- ~A case a. }7e a`1 riverSiOTIS generated as a resUa.t, of a descent of air la`~,.CyC~,Qn~.O ~. ~ ber morning, t.s to ula"red below: 't'emperature; Relative Hwnidity Name of Localitfr' (Degrees centigrade) (percent) Ufa (Altitude 97 1'10 neter$) 11.1 -12.0 p.11.3 72 87 The above ...shawl that to rise in temperature with altitude Comes to 12 degrees Ceiv~. l_grade for 700 meters pf altitude differential, i.e. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 'a si aICTEU 1.7 degrees Centigrade per each 100 meters of altitude differential This is a result, not only of dynamic heating of the upper air layers, but also of cooling of the air in the immediate proximity to the terres- trial surface. The latter is 'particularly pronounced over closed-in valleys, For instance, in Zlatoust, during the same hour 700 hours in the morning7, and on the same days s in Table above the following temperature readings were taken; 2 December, minus 20.7 degrees Centi- grade; 3 December, minus 22,1 degrees Centigrade; ) December, minus 19.1 degrees Centigrade. The above indicated features in vertical temperature disbr bution, also the rise in the amount of precipitation Tyr i. th increased altitude and the formation of cunulif:'orm clouds, are the =?ost essential variations, tied in with the vertical climatic tonality over the Urals. And now, for the characteristics of climatic zones of the Western Siberian Plain The southern climatic boundary of Siberia runs over the territo^y of Kazakhstan somewhat to the south of parallel ,O north. The transition frown Central -Asia to Western Siberia is marked by intensification of sum- mer precipitation to such a degree, that in approaching Parallel SO north, it becomes the maximum annual precipitation. From there on, to the north, precipitation still continues to increase, taus affecting the annual amount. This change in the precipitation cycle is gencrnlly tied in with the more freq~>ent passage of European cyclones over the Atlantic- Continental region of Siberia, and also with tie lower level of condensa- tion in continental air, which, in this region, is subject to less heat- ing than in the south. Penetration oi' European cyclones over the 'Atlariw tic-Continental. region of Siberia, and the abatonient ref the surtner trans- formation of the air masses, indicate a relaxzttion in the continentality of the climate, although the annual temperature range, as compared to :Lo.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 The tr wnsi.t1o11.l seasons f the year, pertaining to the above formation ~,'ca1 air, takes place over this zone in the swnner, :>?nto Tro+~. : rocess over the Trans-Volga area. The full develop- he p The warming of continentsrl Temperate air, and its partial i,ran- southeaern European part. In the eastern section of these outcrops, s t ratin ~ over Southern Siberia, also extend over the sure outcrops gcne ~ formation, the inflow of formative air masses from the north, and the the winter, the n tic fci.onGs or high pr of prec~,pa.,a.t~.on . fall During tied iii, but also by the accelerated (as compared to Central Asia) cloud f f'erefCC in :Latitudes, with which potential insolatiof is only by the dLf 7zien t of this process (as is the case over Central Asia) is impeded, not Western Siberia, it is always colder, than in their western that is over section over he Trans?Voiga area. rise s lator, and the autu~ n temperature drop occurs earlier, ovor ~. aCGl area7s, show sharper contrasts yet. The sprin tonrperature -ncntioned ,.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ge over the south of Central Asia is 30 degrees Centi- tcmpora,t.W ,. rangy, while over Central Siberia it is IIU degrees Centigrade, this in- grade, a crease while being accounted Lar by the accelerated temperature drops in the um wa.ntPr, the relaxata.ozl of continentaltty is manifested during the sum- Cubtrap Central Asia, rises considerably. For example, the annum, Subtropical the winter the Atlantic air extends over Siberia rner months, since in near parallel GQ north. nion (the Middf.e' and, part1Y, Lower Tra ns~VOlga ), par- territory ticularly of tllo t1 " ,n~r the a warm Irtonths a the winter being somewhat colder o ~,cuJ.ar1~~' c~ua..~.; t~ The northern boundary of this zone in the western half of the territorY north, and in the eastern half of the territory, passes . near Parallel ~ 1 southern climatic zone, or the Continental ?Je stern Siberian The SUL Zane, is,, r to the southeastern part of the European ,r while the layers contiguous to the terrestrial in the upper layers, surface contain, practically at all times, cold continental air. ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 u Western ,Siberia than over the European part, Since a southerly air cur- rent predamanates along the pex'iphery of the spring anticyclones over the European part ' pitation in the southern part of Western Siberia, ~he amount of raze;ca. as corap northern zones of Central Asia, rises sharply. The;d o the naz aiaaurit of annual precipitation in Akmolinsk is in excess oi' same in I.?azal1 '.limeter,s, with the differential attributable mainly n~k by 200 trul to the ttramcr, vrh, radically change F3 conditions with relation to the N grotiath of vc;etation. In the southeast, the Continental Wet~rn Liberian zone borders iuauntain aange] :i.ies between two clirra- upon the Al toy 7,ane, The Altay C " order of magnitude; Weatern ciboria and Central regions of the first t1C regions - < ~in fieat~c for Trans-Ba.ylc,,1., manl,- c~c ~ A d. ~.t~. festect na if is the sharp rise in surr>r p~'c;cir~-`~'~ 7:a.r.y ; in the scutl7crn ha , tation, which in no way can be attributed to local ?actaxs. -5omc; a.nter?- p the Pacific monsoan. Yet, the p fCetivefes5 -~^et ?t~~~~o as the -c~ .~'c~7 ~c~~ a~ to the Pacific baSif, ,e . to the eastern and off' this 3nonsaon is 11.Mitccl I&TEI) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 : southeastern, slopes of the Yab onovyy flid;o and tl'io Greater Khingan. -Jutrirrier precis i.tati,on over Trans-Baykal is tied in mainly with the ?~iongo- lian front cyclones in which the warm mass is constituted by the North China continental '1roI) cal air. The mean daily temperature, in rCror)lcai, air penetrations duTirrg the surrinc:r over the southern part of Trans-Baykal, Is soraetirnes above 2 degrees Centigrade The mean temperature i'or July over Kyakhta is tip,~arrre as over Kislovodsk (which has the same altitude), even though there is a considerable difference in geographical latitude. ~f'l~e amount of precipitation for July and August goes ul) to 90 -iOO rralli- meters, which :is cony derable when compared. with the 3a rrd.llinzeters of precipitation for winter and spring. However, even during the rainiest ears, the amount of precipitation is always less `thar'r 200 nr~illire:ters a rrror?rth, ?wh1(, in the ;Pacific monsoon area it may exceed 300 'miliiM meters i Some sumrllers in Traps-Baykal are very arid, wl'uiie in the rriorrsodn area drought never occurs. All this confirms the `above mentioned predom- inant connection between sunnner' precipitotion over Trans-'Baykal with the Mongolian cyclones. There are few rainy days In the su~rtner, acrd preci~ pi.tation takes the form of short showers. Suitarer sky cover is relatively light, and the duration of sunshine,' even during the rainy season, i 60 percent of the potential. Autumn arrives 'raii.dly, but the w a Cher rerraa Lrrs remarkably dry and clear. The transition to the equally clear arid dry winter; season is /racticaally7 unnoticeable. The anticyclordc cycle carries into its o,wn as early as Septembcz', and the general torttperature level drops rapid- ly. Mean daily temperatures below minus 10 degrocs Centigrado are rc i- tered in October, :and by the second half of November, the winter cycle ?with its clear, calm, arid severely fra2ty weather is fully stabilized, see Ficur l75 " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Fir;ure 9: Typical weather I'or the end of autumn and. the beg inf; of winter over Trans'-1)a7ka1 (2), Novether 1939). TflE FA EAST The areas of the Soviet Union `within the basin of the :Pacific Ocean are known as the Far Eastcrn areas` The terrain the liar 'East as a separate hyc3rologlcai region, plays a decisive part in the estab1ish~nent of a climatic boundary between to Pacific area and East? ern Siberia. The circulation processes evolving over the pacific Ocean affect the Far East only pa ially, and show no tendency for deep penetration$ over he continent. Therefore, the mountain barriers easii:y arrest tiiiir x gres3 westwards and accentuate the boundary of the c1 Ii~at4ic effect oi' the pacific Ocean, and perhaps even displace it sorucwhat to the cat. As to the continental influences, which manifest theinselvc 3 mainly dhirinj the wintera the mountain ridges are no essential barriers, since the; vertical `depth o the wintor continental ai.r !naseOS exceeds by far the altitude of the so ridges. When comparing the vast areaafooted climatically by the Atlantic Ocean, which c1 iect extends to the Yeith cy R:iver,with the narro'r I' ar Eat L It?sTR1crED _ 176 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 EU i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 aEsTa%ciEsl ern belt, aver which the effect oz to Pacific Ocean is predominant, one x ealize c the great physical and geographical significance of the ester1y trarisi'er of the tropospheric air naes over the Ternperate latitudes. The climate of the Far East is composed tinder the alternating effect of continent and ocean. The continental effect redominateS in the wintE,r, mardfestint :Lt seif in a mighty northwesterly continental air current, C1o1~jing ofi' along the eastern periphery of the anticyclones, consturtay generated during the winter over Central Asia and Siberian Tr1e vertical depth frequently attained by tJ)?s air current is L kilometers, The coldest b'ottor-~ layer of Ea tern Siberian air is retarded in the area co,a{'orm nt to the raritime location o.[ the area and its geographical 1 tti .of formation, and this air arrives over the Far East with a somewhat hig, er.^ temperature. Uowever, even this teruperature is verj lair, and inot tude Thus for e:xaiiip1e the mean January temperature' in the 01', a Day, enclosed`?rom the north and Uie northwest by the 3 khote"A1in' r4ountain Range, and i; ink at he latitude of Tuapse, is rrlinus 12 degrees Centigrade, ?.Co nano degree below that of Moscowo In Nikolayevsk_naMAmure, where the recurrence of winter northwesterly continental winds is 80 percent, tle mean Jatma yy' tet,,perat'l.'e is 13 decrees Centigrade lots rr than that in i b,, shev .it the, sar7,+ latitude 0 The ei'fect oi' the oaea Strorkae st during the aumn-. r9. It is co~f1Doaed o1 tT7,a 1)a3ic l)roco sse (1) t1 a f r UWic r oi' rnaryitirl,e Tr,rlr peratc: air with easterly and southeasterly' winds in the bottoan layer, in tha Forward part of the cyclones (the me an depth oi" this layer is 1 kilometers), and () the propagation, from over the Subtropical part of the ocean (also in the southeasterly current), of warm h,urriid air. This air, however, s, :lrr most cases, even over the southern part of the area, severed (at the occlusions) frorn the t r:'estri;al surf4ace, and extonds over the top of the colder layer. Summer temperature and humi Lty over i77 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ii ittOl E~ xtjTr'te belt are tied in with the first ,pro9CSS, while preciraita.~ the. mar of cyclonic activity, at the western outcrop of the Pacific Ocean r..t~.an5 a ~' front (see Figure 60) tion i.3 `tied in with the second one. Cyclonic` activity &tt the rya extern outcrop of the Pacific Ocean front during the sui ter (23 June 1916) the Pacific front cyclones, the 1ongo1ian front In adlition to to The amount of preclaitatiOf in The i,n.fiow of iruu'itim air in the bottom _layer reduces swnrner ternperatu only over he littoral, but also over the interior. ~.o~~ . not only G s, carr in{r the _ c3ry and hot North China rdr in ssc s, ai o penetrate ,~cla,fl ,c:.~ ~" ~a over the southern part of the tbe3e cyclones iM s,rlall. The warmest sumiiers are observod`over the Ussuri /liver Valley, and along the Amur t~ivcr~ corresponding in latitude to the the middle course of Sauthezn Ukraine : Summer temperatures here are the same as in the Atha n - ntinental region of the European part of the USSR. ta,c Co Sununez precipitationfrom the maritime Tropical air, which i.s pros. pagathi her layers, mounts to 70 percent of the annntal rcM ~:n~ in the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 sTN1CiEt1 cipitat:Lora. over the southern zones, and to somewi?iat. i~ ss over the north- em Tl par t a Over the ea of Okhotsk, in the surnm r, is t voivod a high pressure area, a1on t: e eastern br Lrn o1 ' which the air i':Loir s off southward, toward tiiioa r)i' Japan, then returns to the north, along tho western ieripher+y, It1h `Baca ac utirc" rs t;c:r.~l,:;r. coi:i grater urrNrrt? Th:.s air :L cooled o?'i' over. the rr;:1"at .ve- :rf the nor"thorn fart of the oT Japan and the ,t.,,r~ :i.t as a r suit o;i' Yrhich t,s re1 ii:1 ve hurii iib y is con aiclor"zbiy increased, i?i:Lth ?re;1uent S orn at?ion oj' care i od b i the winds over tiie coast To R t:hc rrtoi't;1a,, tiro: tet1j rc ratur"c; di.i'fc: renti?a;L betwoer`l f;he air rid the surface o: Lhc water :L3 docr'oase c3, and he t'e Is. icsr foci :rorrna tion. In Ju11r, the number of days with Log over '~liadivostok is 1$, over 4:Lkoia;ycvsic-na-Arnure only 1, mean r& Live hu ddi t;y in "Vladivostok is f' aorcent, in Niko a.y"~ (~vsk-na-ArauTe it is 7? +.)e rcc nt, Thus, the constarth inflow of camp air, frorii over the norti~orn par t of the of Japan, i s ro apon aibie for the. r:XCcr 7S?i.Ve huultdit:' of the ;atmiin er" in Liao 1~" r East. P dete1^IT1ine the and col d winters, and the 'rainy hour id summers, consti Lute the prsLnc:Lpa1 ci trracL ris?tic oi.' the monsoon ciiiuate oJthe Far East. The winter, nor?threster"i;y ctiu"rent of contincn.ta1 air is the winter monsoon. The r ue& ion is nosed, as to which air currant constitutes the summer monsoon. Is it the lower current of maritime Temperate air that determines the basic temperature and humidity cycles? Or is it the upper, Subtrop pical air current, from which precipitation is falling? It 1L fl ly both, yet separated from each other in conformity :Wit}. j,l~c processes and phenomena peculiar to each. Thus, the basic part in the formation of the climate over the Far Eastern territory of the USSR b&Longs to circulation factors ? F i.cures 61 and 62 show dia ramatical1y the distribution of air currents and thc: location of frontal zones' over the Far East during the winter and tho summer (accordir to N. V txomouoov) erG 79 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ae soasonaily alternatin cone! rrc nt ri and oceanic ei'S'ect a, which Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 MIN~M1NMwMMVrYrMM IIw"M..MIMYN, 1/-s---,.-_MM.4Mglyf, _$_ ,.I.IM1 Fig 61; Distribution of air currents and location of frontal - zones over the Far East during the printer (N. V. Strertiousov) , -'fl44! bN1 nr~?e~sy In+oy I~N^Nrrlvr Fire 62; Distribution o1 air currents and location of ?ronta1 zones over the Far East during the s1.unrner (according to N V. Strcmousov During the winter continon'bai air is propagated f ar to the south, beyond the boundaries of the Soviet Union, and cyclonic activity at he Polar front tales place in the Subtropical latitudes ovor the Pacfic Ocean. The Paci2i c Ocean air of the Tcmporato latitudes is propagated Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 00200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 :tacTEth in the rear of the departing cyclones, and is carried by the latter to the east of the Far Eastern littoral. In connection to .th this, the re- currertee of continental air over the Isar East is 60-70 percent in the south and 00 percent; over the lower part of the Amur River, Figure 62 shows two summer outcrops of the Polar front, a conti- nenta1 outcrop over Mongolia, and a Pacific Ocean outcrop. In the cy- clone a ` at the contineirtal outcrop of the Polar front, the ~1arrn sector is filled with contji.neratal Tropical air, while in the Pacific Ocean cy- clones, the same is fille cl with maritiTrie Tropical air, A high pressure area is developed over the Sea of Okhotsk in the summer, and it is main- ly from this area, that the air Is flowing off into the roar of the pass- :in. cyclones. The same air inassCS arrive over Primor~ye and over the Arnur Valley, but they are carried by the southeasterly current, which is returning from the south considerably warmed. Based on the above described circulation conditions, the Far Last can be divided into two climatic regions: (l) the Monsoon region, csom.jrisin r the `basin o1 the Amur River, the Sea of Okhotsk littoral, and the southern hail' of Kamchatka, and (2) the Pacific Ocean sub-Arctic re^ gion, cornr)X1is1f the basin of the Anadyr River, and the part of the Karlichatka Pertnsula to the north of i,he mouth of the Kamchatka River. Within tho Non soon tenon, three zones, differing from each other by conditions of swnmer circulation, can be aegrogatec1: (1) the Amur Riven zone, (2) the Okhotsk zone, and (3) the Kamchatka zone. TIC o R The Amur River zone, which is the southernariost zone of the region,. occupies the basin of the Amur River down to the State boundary (with the exception of the lower part of the river course), the southern part of the Tatarsky Strait' littoral to De-Ka stri , Bay, the southern half of "a.khalin and the southern Ituriles. Southeasterly winds from the ca of JEflICTF! 81 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 rni11imeters and not :Less than 2C) m,LilirieterS of rain, . nnwi y, by the end of the summer and during autumn, there are, on the average, 10 typhoon which are regenerated' at the Polar front Tropical cyclones. In addition to 'great wind velocities, they are arcomp- anieci by abundant preci:pita tion. They typhoons usually pay OVCrthey zone with their northern parts, and over O milliae,eters of rain fa1l during the day. When the typhoon occurs at the end of the aunr:er, with ~a the;; z'i.ver full, the in'bcn;e rain brini Of a flood. During late autumn, the k~ f};>iroons are not so fre+ quent, and when they occur they are accomp- ani.e d by ample snowfall. rr}.re printer cycle in t lic ,Aux 7ofc re 7er()blc: that of Trans-paykal, but tcrnperatur(rs are higher, due to a ruse southern location, irithacce:L - orated 1l7So1~1t1on and iciarf ' quent p( ne trattons of warm air r ~ co . The potential insolation for January in the ir:Lmorskiy Kray, ~iith respect to geographical latitude, is twice that of the ;3outherri part of Trans- Baykal, which, against the background of equally light sky cover, has considerably .higher temperature . The penetration of - relatively warm air masses over the A~r~ur zone may take place, both from then direction of the seta, and from China. But these warn, penetrations in the middle of the; w.Lnter rarely result in a thaw. On the average, during; she 3 win" ter months in Vladivostok, there is one day with a mean daily terrperaturc above zero Centi:rz'ade For the same period, there are 12 days with a moan &aa,ly tcrnpera tu~e from zero to minus degrees Centi radee, whilc on the ~xtrernc; southern' end of TransMDay}gal (in Kyakht ,), there ;1, noire;, and only 3 days have a mean daily temperature of from minus to minus lOdgreos Centigrade, the other days all being colder. In tho reinter, the maritime air arr:lvos over the zone with the rear winds, passing to the south of the cyclones (see Figure Q9., syr opt>ic' disposit?ofl of 21i. Novern1xr 1939). The relatively warm air arrives frorc Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 00200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 CT 4D over China, where it is initially formed in h-i;h pressure areas over Parallel 30 north (see Figure 61) 'jl e winter teirrpei'ature rise (as compared to Trans43aykal) is a s o clue to wind acceleration, which takes place in the belt between the Si- berian antics clone and the Aleutian rninirctuun /ressure7 area. Winter precipitation is small, arid there are winters when the snow does fot cover the entire ground. The snow cover is stabilized only late in the ,eaon, since even in l'lovernber the temperature hovers around zero, with the L'ailing snow melting. The dwindling of the now cover takes place in April, by iile:Ltng and evaporation, since the weather is rather 1 clear, with 1cy cover i ncreasif ; only thLrin they ;second haJ i of April and in May. As a result, the spring ?lood stage in the rivers of the Arnur zone is not ig)diicant, arid i.s accelerated only at the lower course. of the Amur, where there is con si derably more snow, The Okhotsk climatic zone coriwises the littoral of the Sca of .-......_..?-.,.?...?..~ .r............?..__ Okhotsk including the lower caurce of the Amur, the northern hart of to Tatarsld.y Strait to De-. fasts. I?ay, and the northern part of akhalin. The characteristic i'eaturo Qi' the, Okhotsk zone during the um E~ is the evolution over theca of O1:hot of an area of hili nressure, from which the air niasscs, coolrad over the -ca, flow off towarch thr littoral (see F1 ure G2). For most of the littoral, the winds ?rom the Sea oi' Okhot3k ? are southcri,y arid southeasterly monsoons, occ urin during the warm period, from May to August. They bo;i,n almost a month after and end earlior than the southcastor1y winds of tlie' Amur zone, blowing from the a of Japan. The 3uxnirier temperature; of ?thr ai.r mares,, bcin;i ?ormcd over the Soa of Okhotsk, cliffex+s little froar, the te~npcarature of the water, therefore there is very Little Log formation. The fogs hero are ?'orn ed rather in the warm continental 'air in its migration over the c oa, and arc carried by the y breoze . toward the , shore, whore ?thoy are M1' 18 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 N ~ d+~ tsuc i rapidly dissipated, while. lingering rather long over the water. Thus, there : ; considerably less swrr,or fog over the Okhotsk zone, than in to south oi' the'. Amur zone, In vlacti.vostok, there are G.O days with fogfrom June to August,. In N: koiayevsk~na.Arntuie only five. 1!1ot only is there lest: fog, but also the relative humidity over the Okhotsk zone is lower. The very late arrival of the suiarner warmth is due to the same cause, ire. the prevailing winds from the cold sea. The mean June temperature in 1'1iko1ayevsk.ri.a.Artlurc is ii decrees Centigrade, in Okhotsk and Okh~ on E.akhai rt it is 6 degrees Cerrti trade Generally, the s wltuer cannot be cons:Lder^ed warm. Only over the lower' course oi' the Amur the nno rr August temperatm e reaches 16 degree Centigrade, and it is considerably lower in the rust of the zone. In Okhotsk, the mean August temperature is 12 degrees Centi :rade. Ma drum temperatures over the c ntire zone (not counting the lower course of the Amur) are not above the maximum terp ra- Lures over the Arctic Ocean littoral, Surrinner cyclonic acb?ivity is tied in mainly tirith southerly cyclones, but there is also forniation of secondary cyclones at the occlusions,' where the warm mass consists oi" continental al. Thus, summer precipi- tation over the Okhotsk zone coa+,es not only from the Pacific Ocean Trop- cal air, but also from the continental air arriving iron Eastern Cihoria, and ?rom the south of the Far Eastern territory. Tropical air penetra- tions (at the occlusions) become rare toward the north, and precipitation is dirr,inished, Over the south of tho zone precipitat ,on remains ample, particularly over the weetern shore of the Sea of Okhotsk (on t;he slopes of the coastal ridge), where there is as rruch precipitation as in the south of Primar'ye (in Vladivostok), but in Okhotk precipitation has already dindnishe'd to about half the amount. The amount of prc;c?ipitation also decreases toward the east, the annual amount in N kolayev kwna-Aanure l86 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 ts11tuCTEJ and sbiii' less in he nartbcrf part of Sakhalin. is 10 irta.lla.mctcxS, ~ 'ac- there ~. also a pax~t,s.cua.a1 :[ xn Uriz~t~Lex crcu~,~,;,`~ ; ~ ~~ ne ~'r~~nr ~;,}ae ~,mur zone, i.e. cyc~.anic acs at Gt:l,f the c,rc~ Arrlct:r..a~,_cs ~~l~.,~ ~aa that vity that 'c front. As rrier>,tiar1ed in t}~C preceda?g text, the lo- cat zone over ,vcr Es;stez^r>. Ya}cuLa.a a.s, to a '.an a~ the f~^antaJ. r ' al causes, but also by c?nditions of gen- degxc;~, determined by araxa~ha.c zone ai' tl'~e: Ica af-()khotSk is the natural place exal circul.ata.or~e .Che where the Yakutiafl Arctic air and the pacific t)cean~ aiz~ meet. The Arc- t arecj.~~itatian, cons.dc;~^a~)~.~' in c~r;:cess ~.c cyclones provide the winter ~ . ^:: he ~;a~athern part athe Far East. ''lT~e snow awinter ~rarec~.~a.~~a~.~an in :~ caves is also increaseda It is of interest to tote the aistrihut pan ai the anew cover over the t~ . , Amur Va;lle3r, and the general hyc}z^o1ac`.ra1: cycJ ' a,i~h ~.~,o In the ecnLxs~l part of ~t~h~: ~.irtu~^ az~ca, o:L' the river , ttied in w the snow cover spring flood stage is pxG~ct~.cal1.y absent' .t.5 t}~a.i the, with aniy? anG high ~,'~lead durin the surrurlexo Over the lower river area, : r-.hers ~;ha.c~~ by the End of the 1hTa.ratca~, c~ausa.ra t1~FA snow cavc~^ is '~0 cenl,a.m?, spring floods a. ?n addition to high water aan thc~ swnu~ler . Regarda.n? w~:i~tc~r ,, tied in with the Arctic cyc lone s, ` the western littoral of the Baca ai Okhotsk, and its ts :,art which has rnaximuTh srnnruer }:xeaa.}aa.~a- ? , tian, are in an unf av arat'1e position. r21~c; warm season precipitatiart, irrduccad by the aut}acrly cyclones, with rc1.ata,Qn to which the eastern .acrea~7e5 from the ,i~outh of 'the Arnur west- llaQUntaiT1 slopes are windward, ward. by the ~~ori~hGxly c~yc~.aneu, c~irnir~ishe~ waxd~ Winter ~rec?~.~~it~..cjx l, inch toward the west. snow blanket attains its maximum depth. Thus, the ... s the /ewer course of the This is partly due to it being sustainc,d ,~mur ~ of November to the bcga.rlr-` off" May. on the ground, fraan the beginning ? conditiorLs? differ little from continental can- ~.nte~~ temperature ,~ articularly in he south of the , no da,ta.ons over Las~exn Siberia, ~. The paean te?npEratuxe of the winter month s over the lower course off' tit Amur . southern ai't of Trans-~3ay~~a1 about Lnus is the dame as over ~hra 2 degraes Centigrade far Janear . The duratiar~ of the period w;ltl~~ nog : ~') ESTRI(TF Declassified in .. 187 Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 tas I tUCT D . Southeasterly winds o?' the'Okhotk anticyclone i~rcdondnate in tthe Starner over northern Sakhalin, as well as over, the greater part of. to Okhotsk zone. But, in adcli.tion, Northern Sakhalin is caught by the rear part o:L' the Pacific Ocean cyclones moviiz over the Kurile Islands toM ward Kamchatka, with the re seating acceleration off" the cold and damp northerly winds Summer precipitation over Sakhalin, as well as over the lower course of the Amur, is lower than ca lie over the ,3outher'n part of Priiitortye. The northern tip of the island, in t1d sense., is subject to particularly unfavorable conditions over flat ,Bores, ` surrounded by the cold sea, the vortical e~aperature gradient is small, and at tunes has even negative value, which creates a stable stratification, imped- ing the risin; air 'currentso The mountains, stretching along the eastern and western coasts' of the island, protect the interior ;fora the damp and cold winds from the sea, as a result of which the surnnrers in the interior of the island are no colder than those over the lower_ course. of he Amur. . The Kamchatka climatic zone occupies the southern part of the peninsula up to the `mouth of the Kamchatka liver,, and up to the Northern Kurile(;$ During the winter, the effect of the 'continent over this zone is considerably diminished by the air currents of the western dart of the Aleutian depression. in the rear of the cyclones, passing to the east of Karnchatka, northeasterly winds sre stabilized, the air from over the i3er:Ln Sea, which, even' though it ?reezes over in its western part, is not as cold as the continent. A a an illustration, see Fi tire 63, depicting the synoptic dispos?it on of 9 December 1938. 11 L .1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 00200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Frye 63 k eJ , 1. o1.r (,):3 tt1 of (./c1D?1e (9 j)(' L ncTI 110! 1.Lni'; i?7ir..c - i I ( ()C()nta the boundary for t1~e }~~~cpr~atja.nof To the east of ~ ~ formative Arctic air, during the summer, is the Anadyrkki.y Mountain 11an e. . ?::..: ?.. ? ... ESTR 44 200 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 00200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Tii transr~ r, in the c~"ciorlc's, of Atlantic and Eastern EuroJ?ran 'flI., k:I ir rC~,# lr,t 3 in a l ti"j7 'tC !lf Cr..tsL3r e r L $E over the A t#i an ti.C c'11c. T1ic 1r4e 1.f Janua t cite c1e4 .a, i cs :Latituc1.cnorth, ndnus wintor, with a sharp predorrdriaaice of souther:1. r winds from OVCirrlber to I'iarch. However, In connection T~iith the rapid formation of occlusions, and the subsequent extinction of the cyclones as they movo erstward,. It)recipitation :U3 ligit, amountin ; in tI~e ii'rinter ovor blie r)ax'ont> Se, and over the west cc st of Novaya ; errd.ya, to 2OM3O millimeters, and over 'bb1:e area crS' the ayara yea to about, 10 millimeters. It should be noted, h()wever, thut the meat .;xi.a~ o:t' t:,hc wi.rjter preci a .4,ntion (snow) :i.s cne JJy uuro;Ltablc, ;:iar LLcularly in the Arc l,ic l)c~CauC the dater Snoc"r 15 blown out of' the rilt viO]feteT1 s l){ the strong ui r'id. Yet, the preci.pitotion {:lof c .eucy ,s coni:Lrlc~ed .rl(?i.rc ctly , ~. tho sha1J.ocr snow cover, whicb, b ~ ix ar a 't1he month of April, . over i'ovay fi Zevi.y ~ a ~.~, ~.,, the R. Se ~ littoral, rri~ the i,c?lands, att,3,i.fl a nioar'i C1cpt1 o ` o,liiy 30 centimeters. {T'i'c gauging 01' con. it ioi . The abaci cyclorti.c act:a,vIt' castward Is n ariiiested. rd sled `cloud ;ror~i t:Lon, The recurrence of January overcast over t1 x: ri e 1 t. 1 '~ ~:ea :i70 , '. ~t'nt 0trCr the ~ira S'ci ?6 ?, r.c~ over i"1C GEC ta4 rr Coast of Elie Island oC Nova a ZOrnJ.ya, it .i llninu 11 k; rQe$ Ccmtai,grade. In 1937, the mean Jaana~aiy i~ ml e~ . uae over Lkhya r'ay was niinus 3 `de hies Centi radc Ob;:crvat!on~a imride thc,ro' ?or the period of i)eceniber"February, registered on the vcrau~o, two thaws, anc1 during one January there wre even 6 day with thawi,n wca thor. The war in , effect of the Atlantic Ocean ialso indicated by the r~?tLn1ruxn tcmW perature distribution over the zone (Figure 68 ) Declassified Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 la It non-lioriiofacneous cIi tribu't1.on and Arc~t;Lc hags just a.s c?L a i.c itt~, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 1OVT xc r uiir :,u;a ,LEI 1i", !C r;n c1ia~'~?~. ~? of i ~ io:r ~i.r C' >fA"" 1;a'~~4 iI IO ~JUtqr. iL L ' i?~ bic + , . ~ u r ovt" 11C :a:; rvt: to ,'r;.lb'';i '.;e ;;. p' i.ut f! f t l"l?of;;L'Uion ; 12f,k, :Lnerl from ;'ov(,s;,b?"'~'? a'I:1'1c" of ArLiy 1.c~ rl urnp Inter e;son. t,)r?Cu1.I. r7, t}rc, c1, of tit; 1rJ;1,~?" atic ti, }l.r" foies 1i'~ - r~t qunn11.y C()d+~i( r ti t n' bi~~'= :Ide?l,U,e of sral,o? !l1 count:, t o coicc. U+ alonU1} o ~aJe year L ~. thInon~ Pi1 ~` ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~. tar s i, to~5.!: Ln tJ k;r. overt ~, ? a ~~ fi? of ~ ~J~l ~fS i i.1. u1 C o e=i,*Lt+s,t. 'ii 4 ( t`~ i +! ya~ '1'~ yyyy , b ~,u { 1~ 1~rIi S':i': ik" E' 7]L o 1' b I. ,A tJtA47..: U Lc i or:: u.,rr:Ln+ +,. 1h ~/rr: (?tl:Lnu ~ 20 1reed Cent4grade ) recu r i.i ; in st,., bt,1.i. cf Cye Le ? Tht' 'o are ' ctica11y na thaws in Iiarci able warmth during the days and ky covc r an t,1 t~ fav+Fzt ?e s :L he p rce t f with J clear days registered dur:Lng thrip on 1i i c ' ~c~ ri(# i.nri . vidual years. Warm spells are frequently registered in the mn c1 .1 ~ of the win JanuarI due to the acceleration oi' warm air trap' i'or :Lntc) U)c= Arc bic, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 j, L, n~~. ^711+a ii4, r 1 } ~rl~,u' iy~l (^I c Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 `Q yyr1r` M1M1 b tied :in with the acccnbuation of the mid' winter to npera urge and ui~essure contrasts between the Atlantic Ocean and the land nass of Eurasia. The warrrt spells. that occurred for the last 20 ,years in the Arctic we re particularly pronounced in to Atlantic Sector They are a a~esuit or the accol.orat1,i,on of winter c:~rcu1at:Lon over the Atlantic sector and tl?!!e transfer of tla.c ai Arctic of the `L'empcnatc iatit1idCS into the r'he recurrence off' lr i 11 vr.l.oci.t WirlCIS tu^ira; the ~,rinber in the AtLanticc zone :is considerable ? The mean wind velocity icr 7, and, in st)oiS 8 and even 9 meters per second. Storrtas (ovor i' yrek,er 7 per 7ocond} a t1OWcvOI 0CCuri'requr~n lJ arLly in one :Lc)caiities, urger ti.c effect of coastal conditions, whi:ie; in the o7en ; ea 11icy are considerably iess irc- cjuent. Oi rarticu1ar Irequoncy are the severe northeatc.riy &aor'uiis aver a;atocbkirr char strait, up to ItO meters per sccond. Over Yuvorskiy char sct , ever e ~yies do not occiu', yet the mean wind velocity i. ; id. tier tilair over 1:atOClkil char, The wind is;r{eati;y accoicrated as it blows over the r:ount i,n rangy,e on iova;yia Zeruiya, a;a a umtrlg the character of an (t t~fto;3pher'i.c ava'ianche, so t;rpi.c: ri. tor the _bora, rTlie Novaya Zemlya born, like the bona over l?fnvorassiysk and i~ kc aykal, is a cold, air current dosccndizr ; from f~ tho mountain, and blowing alone the periphery of a 1ril,r pr1er ssurc area at the time a cyclone i approaching ,from the other sidc or tho mountain ran;c. The born is ruoa frcqucnti,r :Ulducod over the western littoral of Novaya Zemlya, with the e;voiu'bion of anticyclones over be east, and thr simuitancous approach of a c yelonc from thy;; iJarent Sea. The bora occurs also over the eastern ahores when th situation is reversed, that i, when an antlcyclone is dGve1opod over Spitsbert;cn, with the s?ixrtuitaneous passing of a cyclone over the Kara Sea,. The force of the bona raking over he Island of Novaya Zemlya' is as treat as tha force of the Novorossiysk or rake Baykal borax the tomperatures howcve Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 (Li.) The boundary of the Subtropical part of the Caucasus passes along the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, at an altitude of 2000 .meters, separating thereby the Armenian. Highland from the Temperate zone in Trans-.Caucasia. Farther to the east (beginning with the Trans- Volga area), this boundary runs approximately along Parallel 46 north to Lake Zaysan and to the state boundary of the Soviet Uni one The location of this climatical boundary in the Caucasus is considerably more to the south than it is in Central Asia, since over the Azov-Caspian Lowland and over the Northern Caucasus, the process of transformation of conti- nental air into Tropical air is attenuated by the proximity of the seas, and over Central Asia, on the contrary, it is intensified by the presence of vast steppes and deserts m By conditions of atmospheric circulation, the Subtropical part of the Caucasus is divided into 3 climatic zones: (l) The Black Sea zone (basin of the Rion River), (2) The Continental zone (basin of the Kura River), and (3) The Armenian highland. The first zone is characterized by the predominance of "local'' Black Sea air masses, the second one, by the inflow of continental air from the north and from Asia Minor, with the narrow coastal belt, over which there is also felt the effect of the Caspian Seam The Suramskiy Range is the boundary between these two zones, Over the Armenian Highland predominate the air masses of Asia Minor and Iran. By conditions of terrestrial relief, some sub-zones can be segre- gated within the above zones. (6) Sub-Tropical Central Asia consists of 2 climatic regions; (l) the Lowland and Medium-Altitude region, and (2) the High-Mountain region. The boundary between them runs, at an altitude of 2500 meters, along the slopes of the Gissarskiy, Turkestanskiy, Alayskiy Mountain Ranges and along the northern slopes of the Tyan ' Shan' Pa ge, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 RESTRICTED ion zone, oc 'cupying the southern part of Central Asia up to Parallel Q north, and the Turanian zones over local Central Asiatic air is same time the Eastern European effect is pronounced, formed, and at the it borders in the north on the Temperate zoned The High-Mountain climatic region is one circulation zone, since at altitudes in excess of 200 meters here the general circulation con ditions are homogeneous. the mountains and foothills of Central Asia, several sub-zones In can be segregated, as a result of the effect of terrestrial relief and other local factors. Examples of such sub-zones are the Fergan Valley with the adjacent foothills, the area of Lake Issyk-Kul', and others. (7) The territory located within the Temperate latitudes, which is defined as the zone of transfer and transformation of air masses, climatic zoning is complicated by the introduction of units of a larger r.tic zo order of magnitude, than climatic zones and regions. These are areas of transfer of air masses, and there are three of these: the Atlantic, the Arctic and the Pacific. Climatic regions and zones are contained within each one of the above areas of transfer. 8) The area of transfer of Atlantic air masses borders in the ( south on the Subtropical zone (in the Caucasus and Central Asia), and the Arctic. The boundary with the Arctic, to the west in the north on of the White Sea, passes through the south of the Parents Sea, since the Arctic front at this sector is beyond the lirn.ts of the continent during the winter. To the east of the White Sea, the boundary lies on the con- tinent at he latitude of the Polar Circle, coinciding with the boundary ' tundra. In Western Siberia it follows the line of the coast, de- of the viating g to the north, and reaches the mouth of the Yenisey River. The eastern boundary follows the Yenisey River along the western slopes of the Central Siberian Plateau.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 IIESTHICT?EO ( 9) Three climatic regions are segregated within the area of transfer of the Atlantic air masses; the Atlantic-Arc ~ic region, where Atlantic and Arctic air masses predominate; the Atlantic-Continental region, where transformation of Atlantic air into continental air takes place, and the Continental rem, where continental air masses predom- mate. These three c:Lirnatic regions extend in belts from west to east along the European part of the USSR and Eastern Siberia. With the inten- sification of the continental features of the climate, the belt of the Atlantic-Arctic region narrows down to the east, whale the belt of the Continental region becomes wider. The boundary between the Atlantic- Arctic and the Atlantic-Continental region in the European part, runs from Lake Ladoga to the headwaters of the Pechora Rivera On the eastern slopes of the Urals, the boundary begins at the latitude of Berezovo, makes a sharp break as it crosses the mountain range, and then continues to Turukhansk. The boundary between the Atlantic. Continental and the Continental region runs from the rciicld.le course of the pnyestr River to the lei` cidie 'lolga, then to the headwaters of the }3elaya River. This boundary, too, makes a, break as it crosses the Ura]_ Range, and, picking up at the latitude of Sverdlovsk, continues to Podkamennaya Tunguzka. (10) Each of the above mentionedclimatic regions, with relation to the degree of the effect exerted upon it by th.e Atlantic Ocean, is dLi-vided into 3 climatic zones < two hones in the European part of the USSR, and one in Eastern Siberia. Thus, the Atlantic-Arctic region is divided into the following zones: We stern European, Eastern European, and Western Siberian. In the European partaf the Us3R7, the boundary between the western and eastern zones runs from Arkhangelsk through Moscow toward Kherson, and as the' continental features are intensified southward, it is continuously displaced westward. The boundary between the European and Western Siberian, zones runs along the Ural Mountain vane, and, in Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 the Continental region, it is considerably deflected to the west, in connection with the intensification toward the south of the transfer of Asiatic air masses along the southern rim of high pressure areas, Over the western zones of the European territory of the USSR, there is greater development of cyclonic activity, as compared with same over the eastern zones, and basic significance belongs to Atlantic air masses, even though their characteristics were somewhat modified over the conti~ nent, Continental air, resulting from the transformation of Atlantic as well as Arctic air, predominates over he eastern zones, The conti- nental characteristics of the climate are further intensified in the Western Siberian zones, by comparison with the Eastern European zones, (11) In the southern, Continental climatic region, in addition to the Western European, Eastern European, and Western Siberian zones, there are several additional zones, The southern part of Crimea, and also the northwestern part of the Caucasus, constitute a zone that can be called the Nediterranean zone, since the circulation processes generated over the Mediterranean, are predominant here, such as the passage of Mediter- ranean cyclones in the winter, and the extension of the Mediterranean high pressure area in the summer, Three sub-zones can be segregated here: the southern littoral of the Crimea, the mountain area of the Crimea, and the northern part of the Black Sea littoral, toward (but not reaching) Sochi, The foothills of the Northern Caucasus and its medium-altitude area (up to 1500-2000 meters) are also a part of the southern Continental region, comprising three climatic zones: the western, or Mediterranean z, the central, or the Eastern Euro can zone, and the eastern, or Asiatic zone. The western zone, a continuation of the Mediterranean zone of Southern Crimea, has,, as its eastern boundary, the Belaya River, The central zone occupies the territory to the east of the Belaya River, the . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Stavropolt Plateau with the abutting northern slopes of the Caucasus, fly circulation conditions, this zone is tied in with the southern part of the European territory of the USSR. The eastern zone, from the head- waters of the Terek to the Caspian Sea, is frequently subject to penetra- tions of Asiatic air masses, In the southeastern corner of the Continental region, within the territory of Western Siberia, lies the Altay climatic zone, which is distinct from the rest of Western Siberia by greater variability of cir- culation, tied in With the penetrations of Central Asiatic air masses, and with relief-induced intensification of westerly and northwesterly cyclones. (12) Between the southern Continental region of the European part of the USSR and Subtropical Trans-Caucasia, lies, at a mean altitude of over 2000 meters, the High-mountain climatic region of the Greater Cau- casus, from the headwaters of the Belaya River in the northwest to the Samur River in the southeast, Conditions of circulation arid character- istics of the air masses over this zone are determined, principally, by the westerly transfer prevailing in the middle troposphere Within this region, two zones can be segregated: the~restern, or Mediterr~zone, and the eastern, or Continental zone. The boundary between them is the watershed between to basins of the Kubant and Terek rivers. (13) The area of transfer and transformation of Arctic air masses occupies the territory between the Yenisey River in the west, and the Stanovoy and Kolymskiy Mountain Ranges in the east. In the south, it is separated from Central Asia by the Sayanskiy Mountains and the Khamar- Baban and Yablonovoy Mountain Ranges, while in the north it adjoins the tundra. This area is divided into 2 climatic regions: the northern Eastern Siberian Sub4rct c region, and the southern Eastern Siberian Continental xegian. The boundary between these two is the l'dizhnyaya Tun- guzka `River in the west, the middle course of the Lena River, above Yakutsk, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4 the anticyclonic cycle of the eastern rim of the Siberian anticyclone is predominant here. (2) The Okhotsk climatic zone, comprising the northern part of Sakhalin, the lower course of the Amur River, and the littoral of the Sea of Okhotske By comparison with the Amur River zone, summer cyclonic activity here is attenuated, with the air masses from over the Sea of Okhotsk predominant. During the winter, alongside of an anticy- clonic condition, there is observed the passage of Arctic cyclones, at times accompanied by considerable snowfall. (3) The Kamchatka cliff zone, occupying the southern half of Kamchatka, and the Northern Kuriles, differs from the two preceding zones by the development of winter cyclonic activity at the Aleutian Arctic front, and by a considerable abatement of continental effects. (18) The Pacific Ocean Sub-Arctic region, located within the effective sphere of circulation of the Northern Pacific, occupies the northern part of Kamchatka, and the entire territory to the Anadyrskiy Mountain Range, Circulation conditions over the region are homogeneous, making it a single climatic zone a The territory protected from the effect of the sea by th,e Koryatskiy Niountain Range, is a sub-zone. The effect of the summer Far Eastern Nonsoon does not reach this region, and the effect of the continent is hardly manifested. (20) The Soviet sector of the Arctic, irrespective of its size, can be considered a single climatic region, since over its entire expanse only Arctic air lasses are formed. Its southern boundary extends almost everywhere over the continent, with the exception of the Kola Peninsula, where the southwesterly transfer of air masses of the Temperate latitudes is so intensive that the Arctic front zone is :located, on the average, to the north of the continent. Along the rest of the northern littoral of the USSR, Arctic air masses are propagated not only during the winter, but also in the summer. The index of the predominance of formative Arctic air' during the sunu?er, over the continent, is the tundra landscape o The Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100200005-4