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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 STAT L; Ro ort8 A!poarin~ in the Works o rho fain teophy8ioa1 4bsorvatory imoni A. T. Voyoylcov1 No 19(81) Trudy Olavnoy 0?ofi~aiah?c5koy Obaorvatorii imam. A. T. Voyoykova, Vypu8lc 19 (81)j 18 author8. Loringrad s 190. (31. pp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 N. I. Yudin Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Preface TAPLE OF CONT tTS Tnveetigation of E Teativeness of the ba$io Methods of Combatting Frosts M. L erlyand and P. N. Krasikov Visibility range of fteai Objeots N. G. Eoldyrev i~. Olimatio 1aators of the Sur#'ace Fhysioowaeographio Prooees N. T. Eudyko 5. Theory of Ground Freezing L~1 T. Sh. Volokhonskiy 6. The+?New DN'7 Inatrurent for Oetetmining the Visibility off' Objects and Beacons V. A. Oavrilov 66 7. The Naaibmetoorologiaa~. Prooeso of Drought Formation B. S. Gurovioh Son~e Properties of Fields of r~eteorologioal Elornents 0. A. Drozdov 9? Water Content and the Distribution of Drops in Cumulus Clouds 122 V. A. Z~ytsev 10. Total Radiation at Pavlovak N. N. Kalitin (doeaeed.J 11. Certain N onatationary Problems in the Theory of Heat Conductivity in Dynamic Neto orology D. L. Laylchtman Ye. A. Polyakova 135 1?4. Dynaxntoe of Climate in Oonnootion with Changea in Solar Activity P. P. Prodt?ohenekiy 193 1~. Vertical Movoment of the Air and Co?tnic Duct L. R. Rakipova 209 12. On the Hyperbolic Equation of a Vertical Turbulenoe Exchange in the Atmoaph?r? E. . Lyapin 17, 13. A Spootrographio Study of the Traneparenoyr of the Atmoophore Tr Ultra-Violet Radiation of the Sun 16. Coe'tgin Oono1uuiona from the 1Co1tusha Obae~vation btation on th8 Phyaice of the Surface Layoz of Air 22~ 8. A. 8aprozhni1cova 1?. On an Approxi n Nethod of 8o1vin Cortaro Problem of Ceophyeioe and Aaroi~ydromeoh~rioo 236 N. Yo. Shv?ta 18. On the Theory of Light So~tter in th0 Atmoaphero 25 X. 9. ShUrin 19a 9om? Prob1ome of the Thoory of teorolo iot1 Fieldn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Worke oi' the Main Geophysioal Ob~o'vatory imeni A. ~. Voyoykov No 19 (6x). Lo in rads 19O (pub1iohed by Oidro~noteoizdat) rTrudy t 1avnoy Goo iziohedkoy Oboorvaborii imeri A. I. Voyey~cova Vypu?k 19 (81). Loningrads 19O =7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Apra i 1949 markod tha one hundredth annivexaary of the in-' eept on Qi' tha Main Ooophyaica1 Obaarvato 7, Prior to the raat Octobor $ocialiat Devolution the obeorva~ tort' was a purely academic actabliahment remotoly concerned with tho elution of practical prob1emc~. Predominant importance in the work or the observatory at that tiny waa occupied by problarna of organi- zation oC standard niateoro1o ica1 obaervatiQna at natwork o eta-' bona, aN well as the proceAOing and publication of these data, This atao t the development oi' the observatory way of appreciable valu?, Ainao nateorolu ical obaorvationa axtended our howl?d e of the climate o ktuaaia. Other tasks (~ysioptic, torrestriai magnetism, inatrwaant makir~) also occuptod a dafinito placo in tha activity o' tho obaarvatoxy, fltu"in tho Soviet pariod tho obcorvatory hat bun tranatormcd ifto one o1 tho tar oat od,entii'io rvaoarch octablichmonte o the Soviet Union, turm problem! of woathor ?oroeactin~, opecial work on the USSR climato, Thr reali~tttion o the pianoocialiot rnconotruction o USSh otato economy and an it~areacin number of problomc praaontod by tho variou? branchoo oi' otato oconotny have conotnntly pod new p ob- 10nti boforo the obaorvatory. 1teoo1ution of thorn problems wa:o con. n ctod with the coluticn o a oubctanti1 numbor oI' short and long roooarch into atmoophoric phyoico, chd othar work., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 The aubjaat opoaium o,t "woryan devoted to th e annto~il na jubilaa of tho observatory ao E, ntain~- varjoua motaorolo~ical which raflaat onl papor~ Y partially tho oontomporary aotiv dQpar~~manto aid ty o~ aoionti~'~o laboratori?a off' th$ nbaorvat Some oi the papers are of goat praotical value such t a.o papers oL 8QrJsynd and Kraaijcov 'ilnvootiSation or offoativonoo 0 of t1i? baaio mothoda of aot~ba rrostos!i1 vollron~~iyi~ "Th tiny oory o aur1aoo ooi1 froad3n&I Oa "Now ~~ot~ont D~w ~ ~ vrilov~ a 7~or th? dotort~ on of dl ota t ~ ~ vi4 i23t 3 joote and lihto1u' off' ob. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 It Q ba o?~atacl withQUt axe ~~pration thj the ~~ o. phyajca~, Obaarvatory had in it a own way bBAQr~~ a matac~rQlo~iaal aAadvmy, whao oonoivo raaoarch wao ovflduatad, daa,,iwith the physiaa vi: tho oarth ~ s Aru~t ~ applied metQarolQ~y, into lc- Q,QrOlp~y, atrflQSpl~arie p ties atmoaph,ar~,c aloctriat tar v1ana~~ia~n, aatinQmotr y', ro~tx~,al y, atmoapharjo acouatica,, and nit MAtaoroloical, ab rA~ Any Q ors ate, c~na , Rostaratiori and davalo-pra ont Ai' our aowtry-~ national a 4my during the ,~QU~"t~t poutwar Five. .year Year i'1~ pracontad noYr p~'o~rlor aolutian or which brought the observatory even closer. to pr'acti prabler~ , Some off' th?tao Jo way the pub1ication of the USSR c~,m~atic manual px- ~7 volu~ma ~ oparatior~ off' m two volume aljJt vSS~~r based on tl~a above manual, oompilation of a aootion ~+ lr~'luanaes'J oatiruat4oc1~~ ~l~ma~i.c ual, alitic doacriptia~~a o? ~'~,dld~onaQrvin~ Mato ?arQat ~, devolopmont of th4 prof, oi active roactiupan claudo, ofractiva an m4thada of combati?roata in a i Sr GUltur ~luantitativ4 motJ~adao, or ?roat ?oraoaatin and a nu mbar oi prablot~a Vim. portant to the nation l QoofA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 MQreovQr, the aynpasiui contains a numbor of papors of prinoi pal impor'tanoa to th 3 further dQve1Qpmont oi' metecro1o y as a science, Those ~aapQrs arcs exemplified by Laykhtmanr s article "Certain non-. stationary prablem off' heat cQnduotivity theory in dynamic netearoloCy~- Yudin t "CQrtat problem of the theory of moteoro1o ica1 holds; Shifrin' "on the theory of light dispersion in the trnoph6re" arid Qther wQrcs. ?apers doal,in with snow c1imato1Qgica1 ideas arp exemplified by the articles of Budyko "C1& 4c f?retors of tho external physico- eo rapk:Lca.1 proo9s&'; Dro dovle "On certain field, features of mote oar oloi cal olemQnts e Tie works of ali.tin, Sapo~hnijkovoy, and kipovoy contain interoting data on radiation, earth surface layer of atmosphorc, and upper atrnosphorie layer~r3 Othor papery publiahod in this eympoaium deal with apocial quoctiofo of moteczroio ieal investigations and are of connidarablo interest. Contort of papers in tho jubilee oympooium indicatoa the advanood levol of thoorctical, mothodolo ical, and oacporir~antai work pori'ormed by tho Main Goophysical Cbsorvatory, In approaching its oontanniul arinivaroary the Main Geophysical Cbcorwatory has oompiled an i~nprdesivo rocord of colic: aooomplithnont by a eolloctive of sciontific and scientific-tochhical workers, and htis rnado its contribution to tho task of building eo rw,.iam in oiu' Uountry, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 iNvE mATToN pF Fx+'F T EV _ SS ~A' :C TIa,OQa~ATTI FROST M, 1. ~er1yand and F, N, Krasikov 1. In the USSR peat attontion has aiways boon devoted to tha wade development o va..uable warm c1ima e a rioultura1 crops. During the period of soviet power the area o gardens and borry orchards has increased many tie. Succes ps of soviet a ricu1tura1 en~ineoring pernhit he north-" ward movement of ouch warm climate crops as citrus, raps, etc. It is 1Q ovm that in 1949 in Ukraine I~ o1davia, Kraenoc av Kry?, Crimoa, mnd Dagostan 400, 000 citrus trees wore plantod, and in 1950 it is planned to plant no leas than ono million. In the near ?uturo evory ko1khoz will have its own garden. According to tho historical director o TaK VKP (b) and the Council or ~nistorr USSIt on the croation o ?io1d-coneerrirlg zonmt, only in tho RSFSR iA it nocessary to plant fruit and bury crops ovor an croa in excass o halm a million hoctaros. 0 doaiaivo importance is tho proSOrvotion of southern climato plant iie in tho co1dor Con-. ditions o1 tho northorn roSiona. In connootion with this problom a groat role is p1yc3 by the dQvo1or none o1 ?rcct-ro icttint ohurin typos n cx'cpc. But cvlin to thorn aropa occaoiona1 ?rosts of great intensity can present a coal tutor. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 What ie rcaro, 'ro to can and do aauee rent dam e to othe' ~roetwx~itant erop3. My inetanoee are known when,due to one or sevoral oprin or autumn ?ro8t nights, the ,e1ds o mare plantations aye shcvp1y deereased or alto other 1ost. -Therei'ore, the old prob1et o developLng ei'eetive plant ?roNt ecunter measures beeomes even more acute, i'or each , rowin p1artt, at come phase of its growth, them eats a cerkin eritioal tomperature bolow which the plant it damn od by Frost or alto other doetroy9d (ij. Cii to1Q oat Rna1ysi3 o repeatcd obsorvations of spri:nj and autumn froste an cic by I. A. Go1 ' t ebor (2J indicator ththe probability oi' tboir onset, as a rule, ib reator as tine intsnsity of roet8 decrc~oec, Tho'eforo it turns out that bhe p'obability the t~naerature ?a1lin belaw tho critical va2w by 1 de reQ i; conc1.1orab1y rcat A than that o a or 3 dofroe drop, and is tituch a ?o ter than tho probability of a 4 or $ de mo drop honco tho important eanoluoion to bo dvawr is that quite fro quent1y during d .n oroua fro to it io ou$fici nt to ?iind a t cth d raisin the tom)er'at~aro by only 1 or 2 dorooo, in order to cavo tho plant From d tt~ o or doctruction. hott! 1itoratu on the eub joct it it 1{nowr th tt with m thod omploycd to combat ?ro tc in ooro it otancoo arch tonrpcraturo incrmgoo or Avon groator onoo ar i poooib1o. At the flWfl timo pub1i8hed worko on tho ubjoct until rocontiy indicato that tho o'cativonooo o tho various mothodo of pnt frost protcotion has booth invoati~atod irt&Lc uatoiy, nothit being known as to the conditions r uirod , aohioving tho noc nary thorn, ofnct, and nothing boin knows to which oi' tho rospootivo mothoth coed bo tpropriato1y +itiiod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 von to ~ nuQr of ~.mpcartar~~ praote ,~~ ~ ~~~uit na ~~3Wox~ wor ~ . rt1 thoro werQ o~.ab~h no norms o~ at a i:'r~rQnt teo oiQ , eal GQ I tiQf . protsctivs msar3uxs ,. '"1 15A Ir+t ct! e th~ ma aM ni+?M~~ of bl!1.1att!!,fl1 ct i'or ~ 1 nt protocttox~ over 1argp xa ~. ?rost defa~nv ~ ryuch bc 3c3 methods a 1o to oroa'btan oi: Limolce sca9sons by oa bu11roff' sinolrr~..pro~U cfliS mc1 c%liroet host 1n by burnors 1 oflflt 6 tho Ua ophysic 1 ()b a' r is 'y a a7 off' o ' oo biVcfos; o1' Lho bac;ic ui thous oV c orn- ciuctod bi tip Frost. ,, h ~ ..(aMwoteoroic@ca1 ar4i1 'ita1a4W t ~ plic~t0~~ a~ thc &Jovo-stfltrnotho w' pt n ~wor to t&bli101? aoc- oi such r mo1l~~tand crQ ltc rc)w d. ~r hog 1~~ :on&i L1,?,anon. ~~~o~~oss rhio v1011; ccor 1flC0 with tho ? o 1O'f.n r1an; # ~i~~~~ ai' pin~ ~s'oc~ ~wototoby anona of stodios wr:nidO aiuotil~a ~tripota~ ythtoh havi boon ir rocont ya~U by oovkhaZWi ad. wt m-ad? or tho tho 1 off oot or tho omokin m~ythoit (bunth o~ wtio1'o pLi ) ~ now~ o4 1root hoa1tht off' p1rt With burno1~o . A1oflS thio tharo wao thoorotical nalyoho of rho hoatifl~ oioot, ~m! ~bor~ tory i~~~itttofl wm& off' tho protoC~ivo proportioo o~ th o vrto1&o de : mok, 1kn hd ~~o d@vO1ap~d ~v in~oVO ?root ~,de~~ L1 ~ r~tto invi~a~ion win&tdo o1 tho ~~ ~~ this oor-n~Ctton, ~ thda Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 'I. attention was d4vot4d to thq`'~mato1Qgjoa1 aeoecerrente of tho dtangor of frootc in v ,z LouA olirr tic zones of U $E, ar~d baaio ?roQt.- cornbating ni.othods were ola~ i 'ied goograpl aal~.y by regiQrU. Abbrcvi- abaci cbnt4ntc of p pcra trcatin thooc p 1ob1err.s pro givor bQJ,ow, (No roeult; Qf ciir atologieal tvestigat.ors are givon herein; they ago given in worke of I, A. Oo1 r teborg . ) 2, Dur;Lng the laot 8evora1 decador ohomic ,11y oreated arnoke ocreenc have boon employod in combating froet, To rove tigato the Offoetivcnt of t1t rn tho , a 1ar~go rrur b r of fiold xpcrimento were conducted in he USSR at well a abroad. However, roauitc of tho oporimente turnod out to be highly contradictory, Oompariaon and analyaia of tho exporim nta bocomoe quite cornplicatccl, and, in the rnn jority of caoo8, is impos aibl ~ ainco the literature doaling with thcac invo, Ligation, doocr not furry h in detail the moat important charactariotica of the ecporimont ? Thus, there ie frec,u,vrr~t1y a lack of data On rnoteorological conditior~o durir the oxporimont, off' of dstta on tha diaohar~q of smoke f~xturos3, and at timoe north r rocord ire g von. Ao a rnault of thia, thernul effoctivonoaa of amok i ecroer c has boors givon entirely ix,adocpuato' X otudy, Occaaicnal norms oi' amolco muro discharge roooirnondod in practice wcr, idontical in difforont moteorologioal coditibna, horof or'o, our' problom wao) bof oro aU cloo, to dotermino t1ie thermal offect of smoke ooroono in relation to mctooroldgi~al condition and the diachar'ge of omoko~producing botancorj. or this ru pooo ?idld rind luborato'y toato word c ondu4t d of the npociol amucI poto wood in our aovkho oo and 1~0lIto csi1 them preduoo done white smoke j3J. (1oro:ter they oha11 bo 1cown at whine ~mude poto, ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Laboratory expariments perucL1 tod tho accumulation of supp1A - mQntry data on tho cornpositior~ of the dispersing phasa oi' the smoke, woi ht conoontr'ation of smoke, eothustion host of tho smoke mixture and the ratio of the weight of producad srnoko to tho woight of tho srnQko mixturo. (This 1t relctionship ht~rrQinafter^ will be known as the smoke production oiTicioncy coofficient - D1PT,) Obtainod data was subjected to theorotical analysis. It war ostabiishod that the tberr1 effoot dhu'in he burrrin of whito srnudfo pots is dotern.Lned by tha following 3 ,factor: 10 Docroasa ofJ;ectivo soil o~u,faoo rah atiorr within tha 2, Diffusion of host 1iberatod during tha braving of omoko mixturo ; Condoneation of water vapor on hy~roccopic cmoko partic1oa. To clarify this solo of tho first factor, that ie, to dotorntna the oornpon mt of thorm 1 gffoct conncctod vrith the variation of ton . wave Mmoko rdiatio, thoro wao otudiod a oyotom of diffornntial oqua- tion of thorns air and coil conductivity, conr~iderin radiant boat trano1'nr in cmoko?oharged air L'Q. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Durin fe1d QxpimIM1t the ternpQratw'o and offective radiation over thQ smQko-fiU8d and snroi~e?foe re ans wore reoordod. A:tsa obcorvattQns wero made on smoko conoontration, wind velocity, huridity of the y, &d other meteorological factors. The rosu1tant thQrr 1 effect was ecompared w,th the fiwd dischar e of white smwi pots. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 L- calving this problom, tho methccl off' comparioon o tompera.?ture anti eri'eQtive radiation o the emoko-.charged and ernoko~fae regions wao omploygd, olution off' this probicrn was obtained by two methodp ; ?ir$t there was employad the approximate method of Frior ar ries, using 4 1 ouxa for the time intorval, and thon there way Found tho exact solution by means of the Fourtor intogral and operational mothvda Those rncthods ,eldvd results that agrood e1osa1y, Obtatod ?ormulas porn~it tho datorrrd,nation o the deeroase in oiroct:1vo radiation and its attendant component oi' the thermal Affect depending or wind velocity, dischargo of smoka?proc using aubstanees, dua~ati on of smoking, otc, The socond ?actor connoctod with tho liberated hoat during the combustion oi' the smoke ri1 tine, was otudiod on the baoia o! similarity botwoen atrnoAphoric diiruQion ci heat and smoke, It was shown [7 that the accompanyin risA in tomporabwro i equal, to tho accuracy of Lactor , to the product of woight concentration of gp~ nnmckA and th? ratio o the heat of conbustiorr of the m;nko mixturo to DKp?. Thin permits, on the basis off' laboratory oxporimAnto and maasurod ooncohtration, tho do tui'rninLion off' tho aooond componont o tho thorwl offnct o' tho ornoko aor?on, ho ttii3d component o1' thermal o#'oot, dutorminod by tho liboratod host of water vapor condonation, takes plaoo only wh?n the umolcu contains a hygroscopio oubotanoo and umold takoa pco at high ro1tivo air humidity, gondori ttion aan tako piacb on condition that the orator vapor to for in air oxcooda ` the vapor tonuion of ho uatur. atod oolutien of thu nubutonco oonatitutit~g the iioporuion phpDe o1' tho omoku, Trin, la'mowin the oompoaition of the l btor ad tho liumidity o the sir Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 and assumin phaso equi1ibriu~n of tho smQko, it is pQSSible tQ detormtno the quantity of eondensed watery u pnit volwmo omoke by usLn tho method described in (5,, Sinoe by wait tho disperaian phase pf smoke eonstitutes a nc1iible .motion Qf the dispersion medium, which it air, the heat of coniensat,on is used only for the hfatin~ oi' air, whQnco it is easy to determine tho riso of air tomparnture k~ On the bans of the abovo fiold experimental data of wlh,to smudCe pots, azt aPP1ication o#' tho abovo-mentioned computational 3chome of the roapeetivo cbmpononts of thq therms l affoct, it became poeOiblo to eatabllsh data on normal dischar~ee of smudCo pots. Thus, for wand vo1oo ty of 1 metor por aeeond at a height of 2 motors and retativo hurn,,ty in the noighborhoc of 90 percent to o, ffoat a l decree rise in temporaturo it is nocoagary to burn eimult eoualy a amud~o pots for one hoctaro. With thic~, comporidnta of the thornl off eot ariain from the above ?actora turned out to bo appro, ,mat?ly oqual to oath other. Foie hWniditioa loos than 80 porodnt tho t1tird o omponant, rolati,n~ to tho coed en aati on of wator vapor, can be ro . ardod a ~ o equal to doro, aino? th? exporim~nt indiratad that no oondon aticri on omoko particles takkos plaoo at auoh hwrdditioc ? It should bo noted that L or low ir hwniditie; due to the laok of oondonaod water on cmoko pcrt~cloc, thcro else takes place a doorsaoo in th i aboorptinn oo. o . ity of the arnoko aoraon rolativo to tht wav? rad.a tion. 1assntia i, thormcl offor~t dQponds on tho . wind volooity. Thud, ?'or calm windo (bout 0.3 motor s por dacond) and tho abovo- indioatsd, didohar o of 0 bmud. go pots b urnad simuZt~noously over Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 area of one heota2 t, the thermal ei 'eet would amour t to about 2 ~ degZ'aoo, when tho wind velocity vxoeods 2 met ~'s per second, thq thermal effect is radthood considarably and fQ~? above eonditions u ow tM to loss th a O, dogree, 3 t The suggested analysis of eornpon~nts of the thermal eft?Qot off' smoko soraon can bra usod to study tho inothod of smoking by rnoans of smudge fires. Tho method of c mucage Tiros c onb tian is ono of the most widoaprvad mass methods used to combat frosts and has been used eztenrively during several annturies, however, tho question of offoetivoneas of snrudgo fires has been r carooly investigated, In order to study this method we havo conducted Field and iabor.tory exporirvnts with smudgo fires [J These axpor mart indicatQd that he v%t1uo of DKpl for smudgo fires is ono tooth that of the white nnudgo pots, but that the quantity of host liberated per unit of oombustiblo smoko?producing mixt e is about 2 or 3 tin~os the quantity of heat obtai~md ?'rorn the white sciiudge pots As result of tho aba a-auggastod anaiyais and eomparion worth oxporimontc1 data, it is possiblo to come to tho oonoluoion that tho thorrnal offeet of snrudge Tiros is praoticaUy deter?~ninod soio1y by the hot of combustion, 'o'ho lattoi' in turn is noti~oably dopdndont on the moisture content of tho oombustion materials and ralativo air humidity, 'or low rolstivo air humiditids it is not oxpodiont to moioton the mato~#i t1 bi?nocI, ao io oiitop dono, einoo in this oaco part of tho boat is oxpQndod vrastafully on evaporation. Whon burning 0 1O0-1d1o r in smud~o hoapo over an .rQa of on h@otar (oaoh heap do i nod to burn for hours) with wind volooi Y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 of 1 meter pcr second, the therr1 i ei of amounts to appro irnateiy o.; de reQC. If the numbar of errnrd a hoapc is increased to 100 per hectare, the thermal effect, under identiaAi oonditionc, will be in he not hborhood of one de rce. 4.. A1on wi'hih the employment Qi cnoko screen ar~d cmudgo fi1rec, one of the basic methods of combatinS frost ie that cf heating plants direotly. Irr practica direct haating of plants is eiLec?bed by tho comtustion of various solid fuels, ac vroli ac of solid acrd liquid fool in cpQaial burners. In USSI direct hcatinJ, oi' p1 ntc by oil burners was begun in 1930 to protoot Caucasian citrus crops. At the care time oxperimental atudiec b6gan to dotermine tho effeetivanccc off' thin nod. Tho fiat auporvi c or of than o ctr dioe at tho Sochi experi=mental station was J. T. So1yaninov L'?j Afterw u cth tho anoct import&nt studies w')rc conducted at tho AU Union Saiontific Roaeaeh Inctituto c' Hwn 4 Subtropical Rogionr (VNIIvS ) wtt h the oollaboration oJ. S. Nadaraya, V. S, Lavriychuk, V. P. Ni forov, axt oth~ra %1J. Works of tho VNIIVS and tho Sochi porimontal Station rcproaont a great forward atop in tho invootigation of effoctivtno o o' oil burnoro. V. p. Nikiforov had conotructod naw buxnorio which oxoollod U` ?m o burnoro. SNX OSSI%, in which wao montionod tiro noauo iity of on~ployinS diroet hoating of citrus plontationn locat?d in highlyrOOtMo~toooptiblo looatione, and thor? wits aluo ootoblio1iod ah iron o1 diroot hoatin utilisation within tiro aoorSian SSI for rho wtntor of 1944 - arounting to DODO noctarot,. Th war and abiionoo o frooto in rocont in 25 April 1940 a diroctivo was iaouod by tho Toff VKp (b) and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 in our , ubtropioal reiQn have PQetPQnQd the ur.vera~l uea oi' burners irr aetua1 prwtice, luring recont ar ~ a1tQntior~ devoted to the problen o threat heat Ln as mean ~ of prQteoti plants ?'ronL fz'QSta was ur'QrtunatQ. deQ~^easod, WithQUt stoppih to review the work of VNIIv and the pooh ecporimQnta1 station, we can observethat, to a Qonsiderable dQ r ~ ee, it is incomplete. This is primarj1y oonnoo toc with the net oQrolO~aiC;al aspect of the problem. No investigation was made off' tho pxablem oi hoat distribution from tho burnors over the surJ'aoo la fie ~ r off' the at~- rnosphcro. The lack of a dove1op theory of this henornerron p mach it difi'icu1t to sneralitho obtained em p tics/, data. The ,first cta~e Q our wr?rk in connaotjcr~ with this problem wry s to ?i11 in these aps oi' krowlods, Since Nikifcrcv ' s buxner proved supori or to all othor o spa . ~ n~ on, thoy woro the b wic ores jwed in of invecti, anon, There aro two typos of Nild.forav t c burrtera; the oo. sailed widk and arrow pipo burrraris Both typos c onh i t cf a c oital tank to 1o11 tho oil and a cylindrical pipo. Tho tank io O.~ motor high and tho pipe i o 15 nrotoro 1iL 1r, jo~ r vora a contbuotiorr tompo tho wid o pipe burr ucoo 1.75 /silo roa o of oil porgy 1iour, vrit,h tho marrow pipe coin 1,2 kilo- raiu pct Dour L92 Initi 11y tho appro''j t~ th~r bal nco o Nikir'orov t burnor wao tudlod, that in thorc wao do ~ torntiii~d tho rolttinn~hip botwoorr tho host ivon up by burn or wa11o b eonv ~` ~CtjOn, r~diMi0n grid tho host of hoatod Sao omittad b 'ho b Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 yeti , to e aturo ?ieLd in the vicinity of tho burn or was deter. reed To do terra ne this teiperature i' c 1,d the equatjcn oV turbuL mt thormo~oonduotivity w 3Q1vod, as un1rr t1 at tho host ouroo can be re} ro ented w a grin vertLQai cy nder, Sinee dUrtf 'O3t b1Wfc '3 open- to oven coru'v1orab1e periocte o tire, the prob1orn ie o otvtionar1y nature. The equation of turbulent thereto-conduetl,vty ire etab1o dition8, accouu'tirn 'o' heat ioCt in the ound., can be r'eproonted Uera tho X axle ie c-ri'mt ~d =ire tho direct on off' tvr~rct c ?air 1 - Bxi w oco tho vrr~;i dire L ~ _ tcmpor 1tu'e dir onco of a s cvcr ht t ur non-ht ed r 'ion; corrocponIirit t rnpcn ature i ' orm~c 'or r ground; 4. U - r1ifcl v~iocity; K, K - horicontai and vortiezA comb oncnto of, tho turbuir1t,ranfiIuv ooo'cicr~t In thr ?ir:it cqo tticrr thcr i of i tt od t crA c arr r~on t~ to tho diritcion off' hat a1on tha X - oinc?, iii the proonr~~o oi' wind, it can b o no o to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Tho boundary c;onc1i ti.on are ro UQw ; t the ground urfae Z = O; 'Then X=ot Cpv Q , Sqr AZ 4H and 7H-. h,)u. y v =:O, 8 for other Z and y, At nlir itiy tYrut 3 tnn frriui ttm burnrs Cl~~ i per t tM t'g i4 g n~~r n taur i; :t ntrortx~ ri s C,, nU ca& U'ir }i Mt id on i.t,y rt' th'3 th4 5 ii; ,*t.;;~t,it k A L1wriiit . c; a r ionL 'tt pr c3iiua d t?y 1 t;ra i nE - Cu. pr r ttm ; ij ,?. a rrrj } t iv h1 ht or the ' v ..i nn#~ t c9 y1i:ndr n1 h , t ~v,~ r ct, wia.i h 1 c,~ Aii rf?fttrr t,hzn thr hit?ht ' th 1mrn'r; ct ~- e inns trr (I#' th burn r; h .* h(~i ht, g tA~i ',ia t!k, wh h wiU y r to t Cotnito t tut : in t tf qt4t,ir~3 i ; vrr y u iipi iris Md, ther 1- t' rE t o & v nti utieit' r1aii in in indir t Two txtrt nis _ w r f j Cyr! t. in t1i N.r t cut it w r to i U;?~t the r ;nd hE tt r ;i:t11, tAmt is , th t tho tt_jr;nai t' n 1i tiVi:tY i1f' r ~;n in ro) in th r c n , iti w M; c ; t r , th t the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 thermal eonduetvty e the exth ie inCe , It w ttkn, in oner1) that In ge arci to the hori ontai, a orpor - oi' to turbulon t trana- i'e ~ eoeriieient K1, it wa eurn cj to be propo7?tj bQ the o /~~7. ~ velpei~~ o: thik# r1!Md' bhk+r{d ii, 'A ( It W1 a1J3a c olei~1er)ci that the pro ter or tho bux' t per Ui con.. idrab1y en11or thw~ the distance x f o ' r which 'bherma1 ot~oct w aa to be dQtera ' U tn; tho nioto . o! sepa ' tion of vari~thief it in joss ~ iblo io obtain the fn ti sclutjq for tho ubovo.mention two Q~- tr eme A study pi' theae solutioi in ie to Chit ?or the ~rd ~ ve:iuec whioh aro of intorest to ue, te~o two so1ution~ ppronol each olril4r , T1rie m4E ~o, that to t ?i t approxjn off, ~~' 1o nod hive 1o eonuEi or to 'owl J h looo~ I.iriting ou a tLtined tiolutio~tj, w? of a ?oiula oi' r ao ttoul applicahi?0~~ tha coooription oi' tho tempt ruturQ fio1 b out ono humor, 'Cho tompor~ttu~o ?itld ?or a ayoom of buror o io obt.nod throu;h oupor~~voi~io~~ of rho tonipoii&iuro bury oi'o . Thug, if thorn ob ro tho o owr u11od ~quo ~~oi~out o~ burfo ~o (d t t Sao botwo n rows io t ho rho diotw~co botwoon rho adjtoont burner;o in ?rio Ohio diotoo boiri ~u~i to a) than Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 t ~ out that the thQia ,. 1 foct of a systrrn o' burn cm b expre cod by tho ?o11owin ?orrnul,s,, which tako into aoount t ho eiAocrt off' MQtooroio cal .actor V'tore - i thCi Crwnp i c ?uricti on 1o - if3 the Q Jel' 8 fuUcti on. In darivin th:;e ?orrltla, ?or tho vor: tioal co]npornt 1c it wa8 r~co~ur d that m 1, that io, 1i' iuoroiuw with hoi ht volooity r~/ f Approxim tc va1of I was obtatood on tho baoi? of auaiyoio of tho thorn1a1 ba:::ieo obi a Uy tho obt$rio i ntu1 it io poeeiblo to oomputc t)rc thwinal ofLeot oL :roet hoatiu dopoodiog on tho do:ioity of bunnro in the PJfltatiori, ?t1 oxpoudituro, hoi ht abovo tht rowed d wind vo1 ~ oeity, A roatwi ular burrior arr r ornorft wt c aloo ttudiod wh r o o tho diotanoo botwoo~ 2owo in tho diroetioj~ oi' the wind io twioo t1i t i th? dittanco botwoon rowoeronic+1~ to the wind. Com tat io~o ?howod that in thin Ufo tho thorm1 of@ot wan ogta1 to that o~ tho oquaro arr~n~omot~t, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 o,d G~ P (H-.h1), a2 6 2 I/3a 1 ~ 2J r(g) ~~ b~Pa/+ 5a? '- C2./ 4(I49~7C22~ q ci) f7' ,I , 2 J4? _t ~ 2 r Jv) ~. ~ 4t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Aa result off' thoo dorjvad formula a numbc~ o~ tablo~ wQ~ o oornpi1od fox dot~rm~~i~~ the thoxrmt~, . o,f'.foct; thoco wall bo pubiiohod in a o rate a io1o? To give an sample: for the wide pipc tr,p o burner cyatom, Ar the avcrao cornbuction to repo, dorr~ity o? FAQ burrror~ pr ono ~~ootr~rc, and wjnd vc1ooJfty o,C 1 rotor pox aosano, tha thormt1 o'eot arrrountcd to 4 - ~ ~~ ~~ rooc T hose va1uoa a~roo with the vxporimonta~, data. (9j Urrslor idvntio al o4flcJiti4na,, with oil axporrdittu e at 1 kilo; ram par buxaor per hour or 500 lsilo~rarnpor ht eta per' hour, the thr nnz i. of 'oat c teal t0 2.5 dQree, 5. Up to this point wo have atudiod ~roblom ~ ~ poi tainirrg to oolUtc v~ this otUC1 permit ua a1ao to point out vraya and rn+aar~c o~ the cf~activanocc o~ maaa othc~a that axe b cirri uacd to combat ,~roata rationali~irr flroacuroa ucQd to protect plant 1 ~o i ?rorn ,root. Th the Cir^3t plaOO this rolat?a to moarr or irrcrorin~ the otfootivenoac oS the umoko rnothodc, So ?ar ac wo know, durirt the introductier~. or the white amudgc pots no studio woro made that wou 4 octablich this smoke as the moat oiTocti,vo type for obit ?rootc Thfl choino of this smoke was to a ocrt&tn dograa aooidori~dl, Thoroo1~ o, wo have invactiga.tod a flumbcr ~~ noutral cmokoo ha~'mlcco to pleta, its 6rdor to pies out Th~ bottom of th~ ohaor (about 12 equ~ro nutore in or~a ico?ooo~ ~ - ) wat cd to Coro der~o, i11 the riot or the char rotiti~ at , Chtnbor (o~ oh o r or uc o ) hbv vol um? of Ll0 aub~,c ~otorc, ,1t j* the oap city= to liberate tht xis amour l 0 orroaponii 1y, 1aborat ox o ~ p rimo~~tc worn ooaduct~d ~ n those ~rnoisoa havin t1~o ~roatoct oa aoit ~ y to abaort~ l:on~ ~~tavo radiation, ao l Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 tomporatwe o: i$ 20 de rood, Thug, artii'ieai conditions were ootabiohoci undQr wh oh r diant heat tan or would be oimi1 bo that taki place during i'resto, At a height rah 4 motoro in the nddio o the chambor a 1voi1~ aniohovoldy o,ctinomotor and a Savinov pyi oometor wero Got up and directod to'No,rd tho bottom oi' tho ohombvr In tho8o chamboro, tho white pot rnoko, ornoke of ainmon'Lum oh1orido, black omoke, on~oko o1' organic mixtures (ornoko heaps) and orange crnoke wQro atudiod. Mothodolo y o the op rim4nt t ooneittod in dotorrninin the radicnt heat trans rer botwoon tho actinometor and pyr eornoto' ro- ceivAr and the bottom of th4 chamber both prior to and during the generation of smoke. irnu1tan+ ouo1y, omolcO oonoontration was measured by sueldn tha smoke thrown lace ?i1torc, tomporaturo distribution and air hw 1dity waro recordod. Theo laboratory oxperirnento otabiihod that of tho L'iva srnokocr toetod, the groatost absorption capadity is posooosod by the black ornoko. in supplementary axporinonts it eras aloo Lord that duuin. tht~ onoration of this smoke the amount of heat liboratod per unit mass is times that oii t1ic white mud pot. for the wh to omo1co and he arnoko o organic v torial, the absorption capacitive worn ap w to1y o ual to thouo asow od during our' pro ouo ?i 1d oxp imonts. Hom er, an the baoio oi' tc obt4n values o1 moko con- ceat aticn~l ifi the h i1 t ant the weight i ' the oeuat11ie tae, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 the DWI wore determined A the tested smQl es For the bi ok cnd white smoke the D1II turned out to be ~g1e,1a wht.1e for he or anic mato' 1 smoke, as in p'evious ox pet'' g ta t wad sound that DKI1 iti one torah that of rents w~.th evoke hop the DK?1 of white smoke 6. since the laboratory QXperj ft nts indicated the groat e activeness of the black smoke, 1n August 1948 ?ield eXPorimenta were oorKucted using this smoke. 1~Aothodo1ot y of theso oxperimonts eras the sari as that omp1oyed in our provious oxperimerria with the white smut o pots ahd smoko a s, smoke sources were placed over an open 1cve1 area, on a lino hep perpondic'Aar to wind direction. Metnoroio icy, rabservr ,ons were conduetoc at twc 1oeations s one tho smgkb area, tho other oontrni po~.rt was without tho a~nokeea. Within tho srnoko qtr?a air ta7np6r1turoa at dii'orgnt hci&htc w3ra rocordod and tho a fect~ ve radi ation oC tho ground wao reaonrod. At the c?ntrc1 pctt, in ddtUon to tht tome r& u~ a 1 orrt ivn ra 1i tion, oboorv tions wero redo of tho wind, air huiidity, d other iactoro. ho th~rna~. o ' " of of tho omako ocon was d+, an terrninod accordin to tho averar~ diie'onoo between the air tomora- tulroc a#1, both obcorvQtion nsinto durinL tyro Limo of stoke cne ti ion, Makin into account tho mioroolifl do oculi~ ritioo baood on ob orva- tiono prior to the bo i2min of erokin In An an~1ogoto tamer the deore~io of ~ otivo rstdiation wao eetiblinhed. - 20 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 the DTWI WQ ' determined ' the toted emokes, For the b1aolc and white emokds the 1KV1 tv'ned out to be oqua1a whle ?or the orante material smoke, in pr-oviou,s experi- menu with smoke he1i4x, it was Lound that DWI is ono tenth that Q! the 1KP1 off' white smoke. 6, ince to laboratory QXPoriments tdicatdd the great e roctiveness Qt tho Mack smoke, in Auust 191+8 i1'io1d exporimor~ts wore conducted using this smoke. 4 othodolo y of' theso oxperimontc was he same as the,t omployed in ow provious experimoms with the whitt smudge pots and groko heaps, 3 noko saureec wero p1oced over an open ieve1 area, on i 1ino perpendicu1or to vrind direction. 1 teor o1o tcai r~bsorvhtions were corductod at two 1oeationc; one wLthin the smoke area tho othor oontr'o1 pot was without tho smoke ar1ca. VIithin the snroko ar?o,ir tornprraturo at dieront hci hts worwo rocorth d and tho a ioct ve radiation o1 tho ground wac 1neaotrrod. At the oontrcl paint, in r111ditiof to tho tornpcr'atuura awl or1octive radiation, obsarv tionc woro made of tho wt i, air hwiidity, and othor fact arc Tho thorin of hot o t tho omoko ac 'on en do- term?d aceordin to the avera~c ditcronco b?twaon tho air tcmpora- tu~oc ate both oboorvation points dnrin the tirno o emokeencration, takt into aooourtt tho mieroolinV tic Poou1i~Aritioo baeod on oboor'va tiara prior to tho bo irniir~ of a noktr , an analogous m or tho dooroaoo of o iootivo radttion was t t&tb h de Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Observation ware anaiy ec to determine rospective oomponents oi:1 tho therma1 a 'ect that are cony eoted with tho baoio ?actors, as was lone n pZeviQus ecperimento, Laboratory analysis indicated that the dispersion phase o1 smoke it barely by roooopic, therei'Qre vre can ne leot the coanpor ont deterrnir~ed by the liberated heat of watoz' vapor' ccrrdensation. Win the results of laboratory and told experirents 'with black smoko and based upon th9 above deo,bsd theoretical achere, it io possible to mako an approximate computation which aUowt a compar~ :Lion betwee, thermal effects oC whito and black omokoo. Thus, with tho disoharr of black sroko mixture corresponding to :~i~maltaneouo coiabtton oi' 50 white snnide pots over ono hectare, with wind velocity o-~o motor Baer cocond, thorml offoct will amount to about de roes, while undo tho amo eonditions tha white orno1cc thorn u1 oiTect is only ;i d x'oe. This indicates thn hi h offoctiveness oi' buck smoke, 'which hitharto was not uo ec1 in conb tin moot. Thor io oufficint ovideneo to atat that bek smoke is harm' l oo to plaft life. It nsa o may ~aesult in a?~no dirt cc to nation of i'ruito, ads thercforo, it io prai4oroblo to uoo blo,ek rnoko in corn 1~attflL oprira ?i'OLi, 'Phrj pi tic,al cc pt n of lcick smoke roquiroo the study of rtpplsinontary tochnicai problo connoctod with refinir the composition or the omr 1co xtu o, po footin th? Zfl?tho4 of oombbotion, a of-ho s~ It is cf intwrit to compare the abevo oitod thorntt1 ofi{oot V L2 io0 of b L ok its smcko With too thor l s1'foot 01? bur ro r tItti i~ttanaous tloustion oi' 30 sdo pots oorrospands to the ooh~r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Qf oQ kiio riic Q' moko r fixture per one hootaro por hour. With thie, for vend velocity of on iir4bor pr oooonc1, tho thermal off eat ?or whito smoke one degree, and that Loup black erQke is tiro de ;rcQr . With direct heats n , for a vrtcl vo1ocit r of ono motor por ~ocond, cton ity of 500 bv,rnori por hoctare arrd hourly oil oon wmption ()f One l 1o ram per burner ( O0 kilogramu of oil per heetare per hour), the thornia1 effort; obtai,nod was 2 j da reos, it nomo to ue thot the on-tin mothodo hvc a number of ocricwc draw- Lid baoic computations, coin tho obtc:inod formulas, worn ado i'vr; rho problem of tcmporaturo variation at night, which is n?cosor~ry in front pro;nonis. uontion? of oct pro nooic tro aloo raid. by uo, baccnrce Solution of thoso oquationc wuc carried out by th,o operational method, 7. As a result of eneraLt ation of tho thooretical ,chemo ct vi cad for the ao 1putatiQn of thermal effegt duo to ro1d g a r oiu-' tion war obtained of a mono eneral prQblem relating to temperaturo variation in the air layor at the earths aurfaco A partiuuiar form of tbir sa1utio~ are worn a nurbor of si nificant quootiorrc con- cerrd,n trcU cforir tiQni of air m rssAC, temperature foreoaetina in tho air layer at tho oarrth ' o surface and front pronosis, rs vroU as de- tornin& i, on of thermal effect oi' mnoke creonc, eonnocted with tho deereaeo of o1fectivo radiation, AU of thoae quoctions have this i,r, c; onm on, nwnoly, ?Ghat thoir iijathcmati,cm1 f or:1ulation rcrf uceo to a pro- cm; of solving a ystom of difforortial equations of thermal con. ductivity in air and round at d_ff rent initial rrnd boun&try cotrditiono, backo) whicF~ wo attomptod to romody to a cortain oxtont, , , w11niari:ik tho roou1to of tho invcotiativc wrrk c oiiduoted by tho 1 i ito tho ba io tnothodn of oombatin front, wo can note thg foUon prinoipol r'ouito: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 1-Th physioai b sos o p1ant~l 'c ?rast prot~ot can by moans of no} e scr'eons, smoke heaps, an4 cil burnw i w~ro inveati dated, 2 The ootivenoss o,V these methods under var ous netoor- o1o ica1 cQfditiono were estab L jhod, On the basis Qi' the theorotica1 and expcrinontai data Qxpondituro norms of the protective substanoos wero sugostod, 4. The possibiiity was detor ned of ornplo n a r ewor, mono ei'icctivo method of smoke produotiQn by use o black smo~co. Obtainod results a11?w he l~erenoe o a number of sin:ftcant points in cannoction vith poroctin and incraasin~ the ooctivenoss or tho basic rngthodc o combating ro ta, Elaboration of thou o points ~md thou' exporiinor~tal vcrii'ic~ation constitute tho ob joct o fur{Lhor work, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 0 V~SI~Y RANGE OF REAL OBJECTS N , 0; Q:,dov 1. Tho b o c ?~ctor octin tho 'vi ib 1,ty off' roa1 t* jActo c1od to bo tho tr f Parofay vi: t1 atmc~ phoro. The w mittafl(o ~ rogo.? tlooioz t o of & mQ phoric i yor hcvin a tl Gi ooQ 1 io equal tot DX1 vtoro tho OQOf i~toft , c1 U'i~eto~'i~oo tha proportioc of tho air d jo knc tho c.ocuy cc~o ~ :o o t o cha11 ot'u y tho c co o~ ob oot oboorvMiofl aloe l r~~o ,on cpproikclint hori onta1 d will latco o roo1vo on th ~a . h ,- #~oopl~or o o u tiori of hazo bri hta Q3 o ~or .Of of ;U bt in an trocphwio layor of Vci, tho fr i1 ~otor~~ino~ b~ tl ickn 1; vd=, &= (a) co4i:r 4oiont o1' tho , ht- t~~io l~hf r ,o ?orr~ pia ?3 kl l~ro ~ atoly b~i~fl~t oc in tho c?imuth 9i' ho Qbraorvod ob joct, lhon ~~ to ~~~ ~ tl c ~ i ti bi t t such fin t nt that the o fi i i i t cniitt co h tic om? ogtml t o T .:: 0, 05, haze br htnao 0 atmocphri _iro cl o 9 porcont of tho oky briL;hhooo 3 ? ch l r o io 0o intonoo, ~l thtt rnny boorvoi obj octo Will bccomo h ~diy vi ib1o, i~c1 othoro 1- o ~ most ti3iott uiohmb1o? Tho 1 yor thiclnooe 1 corrocpondif tc T 0.O an be coin tcd by n trrn of ?or~ 1 (1) cn ooowmoi o f to tho motooro1o is , r o of vi ibi1i1 Y S? Theo, ?or 1 wo 1uwo S ?OIO5N= 3 (3) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 0, i, art novoy, the rrurctb ' w o h Trrr~u a () M more pohahi,o, Thy oha oo or t?2 numbk4r will ho rat orra1izad Lurthar ai rg in t ovQn 4.2 LJ. H4wove), ac array shown by rho rya fi? ors a Q;t: 'o ~mt't1.a ( ) t)rev:.Q1.L3ay thorn W 'Q u o .9 L'j nd In is d o tha nw'iba' in the nr orator of the r.ght atdo oV work. t ?o1iovr' that he b 'i jhtnoM inca eo with tih lncr tt o off.' the it 1Tyer thtchno a, at fit very rapic11y ui there +trora and mar 1raw1y, For w~ nCtnitoly th Lok air `L, yor ( 1- ao ) haze bri htn mn hooomoo equal lrcoo ~ici143firt ni' the 1 ht-atmooplJo41,o a r u~ i, y raj o l o a o+ o O3 b o VL11uo o,V h ai b hint , F LtNe b~1 ghtrro 'ache O Qrccmt o it roato t va luo (Table ) 0.69, wh th taho p1ao t 1 ?oiioyll a?,:ioiir ( ) , Thus, t1ro ci' L r tlao a.X; ' ;; acl aoch+ ~Mua1 to 1// o' taho rats ,orolo; cal vet 1bi1 ty rte o, it h zo hi ht~ not r3 1 coifir f $ur=~ Qr thin n J of to f rt i-itQ t p0 ;3 ,b10 v 1ui . wore+ I be 1++& inLi io j1 oar:; o a ~o ~ (it, u.1ci nod c :c ec1 j r~ or+ ), it ?w1 ; r 1~o s 'orP 'ir flj r~{3d bar 1i &h o oro~xor~ iho air voiumo u.rrow Iin ~ the 013 1 Vur, and bowvt &1r ,n bh her on b ! n` ;jo will r c1r vo o A 1:10 1x thl, htu nj 1 O./3 . k britht* -f + UHio t r~ * l) ' Y htloco c~lo~,i~ oc kY con titutoa 70 porcor t off' ~Qa 'lclf ri - f 113+) 1i hi~r t frr)rrphk ri( ?crrir;r.1:t , Thin hric e brit- d/ tM 4 rr o tai c oa on o tmo phor o y the i4 th r Ifm of which not titutr~o oboe 4 =-o crrr of t -c r orolo lc ~ vac ility -r c. This try 1c:' i~r~ :rrot~ io rent r 11 y riot too :or , or oNirt1- 1y ?rit c o~ 1 r~rb io tn'bt it . ~c t1 c ~rivcn ;roc i,i e om- .1 to ,.1ro vloo o 1fii thlo o livid by , vio got fir h.L o hri~;htn n , wo :vo Th1o 1 of at ~&t to thnfio o' m hc' from Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 bn thr thlc s~ of iv 1~.yar 1 nd thEi m tQorQiQ ~,c?1 r o~,~t~ c~~eh~ i~ ~~v y~ i 4J M d#f': HQ tk1 n P4+r fl Y or pE krSd tiQ1 'rt11 + nd hay br'ighhe3 0.9 0,105 0,094 0.0 0.073 O.2 0.01 04041 0.030 0.020 0.010 Q. 0.22:3 0,211 0.190 0.1F 0.174 0.16 0.151 0.123 0.11 0.2 i.:t 1,6 1.1 1.47 1,3 1.39 1.35 1.31 1.7 1,24 0 1.1'? 144 1.11 1.013 1.Q 1,02 0.99 0,97 0.94 0,1+ 09 9 1' 0,84 0.32 01130 Q,f7 0,7E 0.73 0.71 r 6 0.62 0.60 0.B 0,56 o.4 0J3 0. 0.~1 o,49 O.43 0,? 6 0.4 0.43 0.2 0,40 0,39 0.3'7 ~ 0.'? 0.33 ojia O.323 0.31 0.301 0.2 0.274 0.2t 0.249 0.236 TJUBL'E 1 IVYto t 1o1 _11T ' 2 0) 04 0 06 7 03 09 T 00 01 ~ 2.04 1.97 1.90 )B3 1,77 1.72 1.66 2,30 2iF+~*~ 2.12 ~/~ tv ttiwhich tIgo ojoct to vlo +nd. 13y h1lkhtlocc cs tr{Lot ;vQ moi n tht bi1it1 o dietif ~a. of i ivof ab joct dO 4flde 2 . F ~' ~o ~ lly on tho a of~trtut lw , ,oo~ ~ ~ i bri htnoCU off' tho obi cet end b e1q ro~~d c~t~~ ~ 1n:A1101' it ctbtr&tctcd f ofti t1~o 1rn for Orui. t;o oi: tho dl rota howOOf objoet d back rc8Ifd brtghtl~oo c to tho c.r th~jq two hrl ht1~o cOO. Thiu di oreflcc lc t t ca cl ltivo; ~roe~~ot ~ ' o' biOf d dirpO1OtOff o light by tho tfncphorO, hrightneo ccrliriot dcroLt14t~id1 with tho ~.0 ii~ dio41~c~ bo- ~co0 ~ ~? At con criti t1 d ? t sac the O Will th1i~oct o:nd tho c~corvcr. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 not pereeive tho cr ,11 br . htneso contra t, nct the Qb ervcd object will become r~i3t.thab:.o , This j c 1ict tho vi~- btiit range o1' a aa1 ob joot, which, obviou. -, dopendc on the p'opertiee o the cb jcct and doe6 not ooh. oidc 'lith the met'cc~ro ,o ,cal ;L 3: b:Llity rtn e ~ ilete ors o:L o i o a1 v ibi1ity range d t r ne 3 Only th t1 annparency od' the atmoephee xrd ii corflcoted witl? the propotier of the air c, utioir of c t&1 lath dtrc i; (1) arrd (2) it iii ay to dorivo a baoic c u tion of tho 1,w of va3'iM 'iru demote l)y K4 the contraet bctwen tho object acid thc~ bk- ground n~ec ured rrhen it such a it dictancv avvr y from the object that we c ne 1cet the b. htno cf } h,r v betwean thob8erv? ctnd the ob jcot, ictance 1ec than i/o or evon 1/10 of the mete oro~ iogic~a1 viu b 1ity ran 4o, oan in prjah ieo ba uccd ?or mr ~u t rent of contract i:o, Thea~^et:ca11y, of cone, it i conaido' that conttet KQ is rc curcn ffl the di t a~roo ? from the object, or formula wii ro tho ooc icierrt oi i;htnooo b io oqua1 to th+ r t do o:C tho lar or brl: htnc~o (b kgrounli ors tho o1 t) and thu ooof ioiont of tho ght- atnoopiror c ?oi nu1a ~, Iii' in equation (4) wo 1gt Q. o, w got .- , 0 o it ohou1d bo, Fo poii'oot1y trnp~-iorit atmoophoroK 0 rodleco oL tho ditondo 1 &tt which tho objoot in viowod. In tho gore- h~vo oquation (4) Thu ooof'ioiont 3` o ho Bht-ttmo phoric T ut will, in t1 o A tuo, bo ro ~rdod o o o to ek b i jhtnoo~ in tho u~ nth off' tho Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 oral OR88a~0 acid I~ Oi end wo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 obaeot, fQr e1ouc1ie 7s f ky, xc1 also in overcast weather; with he 13kkT 4x u'Qr1f:. 4! QUdy thr ertF'a wL1.i Its !ad1tMrck, NI'1^' Y 37 J if# t?4lk'h rl+f U there is a dar1c CiQWI in the v Q .n l,y of the object, tht bight ni;ss o ,p,} c#h is t4akcn r 3 13, thEm 1lhe ee ' 'tcj-ozat Q;i j htnoss :3 c;{ag ?? ated, ozjrepOW .n?iy, if' the C OUd 3 1i ht, hQ c;Q 's'toic than tia :tetu 1 one, wht.ch hc1c b kept in m.,ind, L't ~itQr than to ~ct1~r cane; in th(~ econd nrft trace ,t wL1L bo es~? range or U!T Qb j eQt do t, x~t ire on tbA b ~ ai el' ?'a u Lft (4) ;ii l L he j{ +tr#f4 !-b cf n th+Y tje t ,s Qb ervcc1 a'aLn,at t~ a Fy lX ek ;c)W t1, thFt co- otrioleft Qf' 1i ~ t ~c : bc~cora~ s -mLt,v nd or u (ii) QtanpiU~ics ire: Qnf41a44 ( 5 ) :'i ; u .l1 y r+ n21 Qyc3(I j'C J~ ct4 c o1t ic,ai si;,b 1t'tr, uxjzo ~aor~f,rt tc~ (ta y irv t cr~r of Qb jectrs ?i1, ~c~:e otY R rtnnt the r ky beck ? a u `i+1 r ~ :riuch r~ l1fe: ibl(:t, t1) et). =1 it i:'rt M td :;pct?c cic i vir ihiiity r rn : 1i L, in t icy cf c, i of iaeri1 ior, tthott iiicu 2 jai ~b j t tf i fct per o t1y'b1ock, ~ Zr Corr cbinri bt tiad. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 thc:( Gantt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 A sumo for x?unp, that an objoct i pb o'vod t , d flt nco 4 1 .~.amQters W,1 K 0.8. Coruput tior n d u ing T be T'o eontrat I t O.4 tboro QQ:ooPofd tho n'UTbor ~. Qontr u t K Q, yioidf3 hQ co~roction - 0022 We t 2 t 0 , (t= o,1L9 totoorolo is 1 vi bL1ity rang = 6 2 l; for otor, 1: tiro corrootion i not ra ! oC thu ob joot br , htnc ~or~p ~ rund = 1 1i1omotorc. 1idor~:r~1~ Ko -~ 1) rr o ~rcrul,d het = 0097 1 Oontrt boon; orod by moan oi~ n tci+photomotor, hronpv ' o di rphrrioccopc -? - 11 photomot:ic motbodo, ors, proci oiy by rnornc o' typo D7 cr o1cornotor .. atr~~rio~~ir~ tnrthod f Conotruction off' tbo or o ;oirtotor porinito won1'nir~ tlv coritraot of th nbjcct, viowo 1 t ?ou i it oT?tic Al y3toII, L tiro , Tit va1uo of ? ~Qt~- pry a od b}r ii n qi tiro c lbra44er c vo off' tho inct.r nt ,ccordir , to c?nputra- Lion. r~: _ r oc a crnonto two o Vi(J of oboorvntionc ar t ~ orr, Ono orioo ii ttLon dr2rin tho vrnchout (iota o vioibili~y) a' ho object or contrc at K, `frith tho dotorrninntion oi' as t o avo a o of n oboorvw- bion~) which ?1cth v riouc va1uoo of M. Tho otho' aorina yio1do tho vor"ao vo1uo M at the waohout o ttrndhrc contrast X, which i8 knowrt to tho oboorvor. o aoown that n oboorvtAtion i aro ciao mado in tho nooon! iorioa, whiob rooult~ in tha indiv?idua1 valuoo M~ Tho oiiokomotor thoor f yio24 tho ?oilovin KM baoi i oquations Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 c ,7 8 9 10 t 3 ~ ,2 3.1 3.0 .9 2.9 1 f r ? 1o aa~t~r t1~ ~ ma~~~~~~~ a~i~11~' ha~~~?~rat~r~~ , with ra to n~ui 6? i ah OU14 b t 1 , gad in ~rc~tn~r7 1i1h~ . 1 tip ~t a a arr~>t. P ~ ' a dtap1~ oaao~~Q~ 1n viavr oi' ~~~~~ a~av i ~ ;~~an~ ata~~ menu a1 or c~ by n 4 a~ rar U)t. Ta m c~ a~~rar n i lfblN xVsi20 ci,k'b~rtt. tr71' in~ I tha barv~i' Via; not h. . tO th~ ~ib1t ~d w ~niva. tO ua~ Obj~ct~ Qi l~r~o t pvt'poo it to nacaaa arably barn pr tha ab~aat~ t b ~ ~hO14 ba ~.~Oiad fan t tron~1Y objet are j ?tIit'1d th~ Obi?rv~~' ~ ~inCO in uuCh d t1~r o notro~t be o t14 i b t t11p t Ewa tj1tt1vci2sy t obi ootfi o~n tt1~ob~ tt~Od~ ii' thoy tr~ ~r ~na~h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ODJT OonLt'erouo ?Qro t DouDy ?oro t in I.) wk bu11di1L s Light hill TABLi III ?1n Ic O or a et:L on OVEROAST f TilIR O, 0,16 uniner 0,7 0,29 ?-- ~~ 0. a J 0,43 O, O -~ ~ --O~ Q Oponwork tower ; ( try tn u- 1pni0f toworc, cite,) 0j0 0,69 :1JN IN ~ RONT OF THE 3EflV11k ( O1 1 tVATION AOAIN3T LIOIJT ) Openwork ovrorri OJO 0,69 -?Tita tQVff V 0,3O 0 ? --0,Q5 AU otor objocto 1,00 0.00 s1D1r.7S ~O AU ILLU 4I11AT10N O onifo'ou8 i' orot 0.75 0.9 -0.10 Lf tLry Toro i in ounrno 0.5 0,60 -0.20 Ni11;i 0.4 0?,u --0,2 O nwark t wor - O. O 0.69 ? DI1T , 0L(Ui 1LNATION Oonth raut orott 0.x'0 0,36 t p inwork f o r i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 0.0 0.69 --, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ~ c~~.taQd m3tJ1odaiagyl A,ure that the ob~arvu st,mai~ed. (]i t rlee u = L5 1~j DT11 j 'N by th ~1urnb r eoey'tiQn to 012. it;h bhiti, ~ le hnV - 0.4 0,2 0,20, ~. 1 M cQer 1o ,~ nt in ?'c nu1t ( ) hug th 'nio: ;r o1iy Lor JQt t,a 1} v' a Yr`~ ng ? Qa.' v `E ai P r , tJ d a 1 .~? ~'' t , cb j ct 1 " yii Lt; anCuJ,Ltr di R- ~t rf ~ ~bj 1~ -j V ,'dtc1 1'i~ f'~ ~ " 71 /- ~ r Wye f~.ry1 r i tho ~b jc ct w ,i?L sF ;y q7y'' 9 f R~ ~ d ~ zM f,i ~.A ~ ! /Ij p1' ctr ta. ~rt4l; .ei~~ ~i1a1 ! # ~f~ Al i {}fOW3q!i . k t ~1h'tySx~tt~.~, :#.,.jj f ? b 1 s i t d i L1 d; 1f:i_t~i 'z 7 r Jrt1i jlt~;' I~f) hu = 111 1t it 38V) (st) Why Uj:i LlL:L :it i 1 t r rt / ~~1(~'1 c;?n(~ I1'1~1r!J7~ ~~44b1+ `.A a ~~~~ ~1C! U t1j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 l Qfit Lt$ K and (for 1fTQ ~1r N i d 4~ VMS dr{ ti.ngu ih.1.ng prob a:tlit (p e ~anc ~a he object ) end rn~1 pr oh b .1. ity (ioc of obJect vL ibi1ity), Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 P IV ,1e fE.ccem t object LO: :i 1.O 0.80 0.61 S 12 cc;. j 2.2 0 s ?m 'y 2. Q.O6 2.L5 o.co 2.2 Tn~ of visibil oJ:o :18t 2.60 0.038 1.0% 20 0.073 2.61 1? 2r + f.r r` 0.072 2.63 1.9!; r .~ ?O.071 2.& 2.2L LU ci.O7O 2.66 2..l o 0.068 2.69 2.56 2? 0.062 2 2.70 3 0.0!7 2.86 2.b u 0.a354 2.93 2.98 5 u.0!1 2.97 3.J6 6 0.050 2.99 3.33 I 0.050 3.00 itc c.o 6 Y. ,.y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Discernment object joss V Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Let us take n exa~r 1Q. FAQ' ovaroast wQather at a di anoo = kiiomet6r8 a dark structure with dirQnsions Q 2 17,E squarQ metors is observed ei1houstte1 against the sky backgrournd, This autlin6 is visibie over & an~ia of': T= 3' From Table TV we dot to cor' ponding value ?f contrasts ,for discerru nt ?ln K=1.06; for loss of visibility 4n K =i.55. By introducing thQ contrast correction from Table III we get, f Or the first instance = i,oo - O, L3 O, b3; and for the t Goond instance L=i.5~ . O,1431,12. Since for the discernment of the object (the outline is visible), it can be expected that the coefficient of extinction 4,13, if the structure is invisible! 1 12 ., _ teen it is probable that ~> - '-" 0.22. Carr?spondingly, di." carnnnunt of the structure for a moteorologiaal visibility range of S >2L atilometors is highly probable. For to m4tooroiogi ai visits bility ran~o of 5a~ ti t of ~ a ;or which ?1owi :n f iui ! ?o t ?'!ffi ono Tt w ina1 Font iii ti matt r end 1 omi ooo tod by oi~ j a1 o wt ~wpp Tho tutht1t o the 1i L1 1 it di 'o0t1y pro j,ort ono1 c~ the it1 t o; xp ditu of h M duo to tho moifflw. 0~1 in v r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 r w o d the outpui L ( ? r) yr 1th: n t T1 n(3 ,ta1vo) , 1n tDo1)i G , ' Qne avapov ~?t:t on 1 not:1,QQ Lb1 r got ti14 bhc pro ,l4,t tLof e oi' vh oh tho 'c t 1cp;Lao0 1ihc~ c pew tUrQ oC hit in do h-nitO cjuant.ity o#' l~oat clue tc not Lure oyclo s1 h 01' to 39h northorn 1 t tudo ttv) O a , L N 10 po ii4vo' and to c ondon ton) . 1no~ ..,r tho n r~Q 1U V horia1 and input duo ,ti1;ndina1 zono (d . '4 reW Q tht\'Q~n Q q)QndiW o duo to v ~ 'r ?r t ha moi u rf: ' view o ' tho ot1uA1jt~y r o ptt~ ti on and cw p.. or ti. on scar thQ oni e ? with, it i obv of o that tho tore oym1o is w1 on1 r -' .,-b ' 1 n oi' vritho\t Fin`' thA tot31 thvz1 0 0L' tQ oPt&o OVtla. Thotvo;0 1titUc11n1 (t%Vib~Xkrion o t (c ' puts) oi l~ it d,ao 't th ~noio o e o1o, oc rnputod on the opt d t t ti i' ow d&, shown by the cur .. ye 1 ( o:C'to 2. U o?~~~ 1 ors o,C th n; dirtt1l 1 n'O in tho northorf hortrJPho'o iu o11owfl on iv e e 2 y t 1 v o i v i ~ (1mpoon I r clttt j7) cl ~ Y- Q" l c ~ ~ ? kr 0 1 o !put (or input) of heat du.t to ooo to cv- btin ~ s'onto 10 ohown b tho o~rv i (b tr4iA k~ ?)1fl t t oc= oij 1 t~ho o ni o L ( - x) t n l , wo of tlw t, i hot too a raool ho ?1o wF oti:ot , which 10 in _{, r 2 by the o'uvo A~ On 1h ht o o off' trio X 1 0& to iol tivo t~ the g ,t~nQwa1 tho C Iii t,h i 4tfl'ru~ ~ N oor, o o o 01011, w to iv k tr ~orthorr o o ha ~o ; nto 4 bLu010 1 1tUdin~1 ono rrom tha oqutor tp to 10 -1 tidUd northorf, who ~o to the host 1i~ , hn t o t ho 1 r1o Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 i xCo Ai~'iA /P~r P Y' K the th-tAtmophro ,tm (no~rthorn h mi phti ) 1t-~ z .4~i,); 3P,; 4 _,4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 pQ it1,ve; r c~?~t:,Q~ b :.anoQ, :,s addeci a Qon darnb1Q input Q due tQ mQ 3tu~re cya1e - ThQ o QQuroeQ of heat ?nsure tar Q output o;t: ha i ;f:or tiiio ph rtc end Qc Q~n o c3voetion, L'Qr whioh the vQ ~ parcttLve1y fa;L'row nn r~Qqu torU 1, zonQ repr~a aunt t hfc ba i o oureQ of h? t Qn&3r it 2. `The t: opiQ i Ancty (this o e also inQiudQ a pmt ai' the ubtrop e i on), i ih . h i na 'th Qi' Ghc new--Qcju toxial zone, wbero i'or a pot 1v rati&tinn b& ce, r~ad~.wlly Q rA in toward the north; Qutput of hQb Qbervd t'or the moi~tur Jyo13, which roaohc 3 apprs oiab1Q v 1w . Qver~ the re to portion o this one, thQ ou pit oi' hQ& ?Qr thQ mol tine c'o1Q approacho3 the value of the radiation b l inoQ, ;fin view o.t rtiioh the output jai' ht L'Qr t- uQ phor advootion i ne ligibiQ, id th4ro i ni Q ~t~ inr pprQO al~lo rditrtbutton o~ hQat t- t~4 QcQurrQnt, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Lor aU the o onponsnt ~ o tho thorrna1 balano a ar~o approUn toiy ba Lanor c, that :.o, ail the cQMPanont axo o ooo to Qro ao avorago3 over a yva ~ o out! o:r tho bh north :th itudo, whore the input a v1 output o1 k oat Tv~no t on Nono, extonc1in sovara do rood north a d period, 4, The nortl~orn F~An , wh;Loh north off' the tranoition aono, wl'oxo tho noativoadiation, baanoo i oornponatocl by tl~o boat input auo to ((ttuioaphc;ric W~voctiOf, rloiaturo cyoio, lCt, ,n hi hr 1atitud4o, fail oc tnio eurr~ont :L or1e+' to dot a corrpieto pioturo of the hQri or~tal boat x- olron o :I.n yho ontiro ur ao hyo ,coM oo ra l c ho A~., data of i urr heat 2 ahoulcl bo o~.pp1omontod.. by tho q t;s~to of tho intra1atUudina1 cxo}It1n t ; data thin qbt Vi,fod vi11, howov~ r, bo incf acuato for tho ?u i; o xo o bho ; Cot oi' olimntic ?aotoro ors tl,o ours co phytieo- oo- fraphio pro r . i~ It wao notod in our prco'3trr work, intorac;tici batwopr~ rr tur'ai propoieo which tkac ?i?orm vritliin the ontir oj. r'coIrycioo-3c~rrhi aholl, i 13 Th ,o oirc atar?roo is oonr +,t tad w h ocrttii locaii patio oi' tho ph r o tho no it i 'itoniivo dcvClol font f thi basic r~ctj 'ui ~ hua, tho biolo oai link o tho our'COloiao-ooral~io aroooo i ovclol~otJt~ntiroly, cxcopt for is ro11ti1y noliiblo portion a tho biolor ica1 t oc, in the thft iaycr a &ccnt to tho odor y! ng o 'ftco (?rotrt ovct i iiiotcr bo ~ow to covoral tt~n of rotor abcvo to lovol of unr1 njaoc the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 aie'cw3 to fiats ~ r VQ ~ flow Q in the mci .. iy ng wti .. o j iorrnEtiQn end tt, OXQ efQU, taeornQ phe1o iee.1 proee tct veiy dovaioped ,1 to tt~i~i upper 1,thoai ho e iq r, and rma t et veLy' ! n th ;U1MQd;i4vte vie .ni1', ~ Qj the w d6r:,Sind r1 Q, t n imoter/yQ ' .are ea:,on..e5/c r2 r X20 B 110 r __&' 0 20 rho Io 20 Lo , Aquo()uc b i nco oJ' Fi vre 4. Ti eimti bcLctncc Ai i~ tir1 (n+j the i' ho~ni t;mpt t; ro) land (northo , hcr,iict t~ re) It i:;; obvio ?th t tt intono tty off' irate action c' X11 off' theEi' oe occr ion thc i~clvc.;, , c vii with tho e3:i do link othoultJ. ho o tc ~t in the vicinity of the 1cvoi of tt c n ~ ~ y n of ai oo, In view of tttic~ in ore to nal the oi'iooto o tho the it t atth i4 nntt me o J o oyo1o on the pt cloo-oo t ,o ~occc ~ it is j cco,G ry t,o cofilPilc 1Lta on tho 1 horm 1 m1 tquoouc h . ncoo of tho udo1iin our'aoo, ??1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 '4k+~a!!M*lIRMANMHM'MSIM9~tlweFfM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 A i o knQwT, t o thor 1 bat co o the 1 c.1 o vor go tnnua1 Condit ,cano repro r to tht~ aqu 1Lty between the raclia~ do halanco of tho underiyth ur ace d. the mount of heat u d up on ovap~a~~ -,an and turbulent hoot tr near, 1n o1' to dotorrina the aver o laI4tutirlai c1ictrib tion off' thorn 1 ba1anoo off' the pori4on c1i' the northern ho>nicphcro, it i noooo try to d& eni ino the Uictribution aV heat u oct up on c~vapor& ion, which, havin the aquoouo ba1un a cthta, con be c~ano. The avc raEo L t~,tudir~ai aquco n bai mco of the 1 c1 ports o the rorth'rn hp h ~o i5 Chown in 1 i urc (aoc r 3jn to 5(, L'vovich [J) + J3y ut=L1i~i t c t cn ona1 di iribu ti on of ovaporrt- tion, it i poa;aiblc~ to w rnputc host o ~p mctLturc on ovapo ticn (cuvvo L n Fi uro 4) . ubt~' totin thcoc v 1u c tha tot i1 o tho rac iation bc1ancc the under yin u ?i'ao (urv9 i , "m nn the baoi o: ata by T ? , Tor1y 4 (.j nr tit uuthov jj) w t ho Evora c 1V b truna ors atr bution b~-two n to utino phorc a~ h!~ undor1:fir o~ ~co (cuu'vo P). atn,oophoro cyctc; does not chi o o it tin (bcin ponitivc cvcrywhcrc)j the other two noinpononi oi' the hoj n 1 tune' of the u :o'iyin ~ aoo i nk cu;1littac, ao ootpa jcI V1 th the 3Miintion ba ,~ncc o' the carth- port ~t, in p ,1tiou1ar, to note that the ~ 1i&tibr~ianco o t-h undor- Can ar ,z 'i u 4 ~c1 , it is not dif t u1t to oatabiah that v riationa a thu cornpori rit o the h i~nn1 b i1~unoo of 1rnd 1i r E4h Q 1c rhi Al 1 Atit1A& &O kli Ai + ?ro n th vFh iF_a1~ion of tho compt~nonta o hQ oa jt ~- t o; pl~cto thrrn 1 ba1anco. It io irn- i0o do not harigo their oinn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 In tho distribution vi tha 1 Qt&, tctrbu ,ent ht put t of the ura 1oriying atmasph wio euri'aoo attortion is drawn to the ch~raotor t;L )M imu r in namy 1atit ide&t betwaen and O dQ rees oC no? h latitude, which was t'irst ?cund by ti-i author and M, T, Yudin [7j. To this rr imurn there carre pond , weak1y~pronouneed mthirr to od heat exponth d Lor vapor t-i Cr. Figure 4 e1ear1y' chow the eon3,dfrab1c variabil ,ty oC' the absolute vaiuo~ and the mutual inter.-re1atjon hjp of to thori 1 bal,anca C orn onent of land eurToe in difi'oxent 1atitud,it 1 ona , FroM the avail h1e tats it c;an be oneiuded that these cor-~pon ~ 'b aiMo vary con ide?ab1y within the 1iniite oL the , a~ro latitudi ~a1 orios ( ospc;ciai1y t11e quanttie L and P in eonnootion with chaneo in the aqueou& balance), it i obvious tt in order to study th off'cct o the thornal tv fsrer and mcist ~r?~ cycle upon the surface phyoico eo raph,e process, it is neCC9 ary tc,~ have acta ,unto m thoio1Q y ?pr the doterrninatjQia o at 1crest two out e~ throe br,u is cr~;~ one nt ref thorrn1 biance of tho ut~th 1tiyr1afl 3U i C oe, H vin the _ariuecw; b t1anch 4ata (pr($ciia1,taticn and ,'iow), wo r,?m ea iiy dotormine tho amount o heat oxpundgd w ,~ nova tion (h ) whiio tho dotes; inr~tion o' the athor{ cotiiponento o$ the thclr ~a1 baianco (fl and ?) is conrtor tod w'ith ct r i tin c f ieulbioj, In a nunbor o prooodin. wore the whir of tho radiation baiancc woo conned for aaratc ointt uti1ibin obcor;Wttiatlal data, ao wdii ac indir i niothodo of C of putation, tho turbulent hat trar~1~or bring cotiiput d ac the romctinin term tf the that i bai cc c uatioThe voiuo of Ui i o in t~ation~ wu diminiohcd by the impom ibiiity o dirk von icatint o tht computed quarttitiubr vti {h track it `dif is t t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 to ac oo 3 tho corr$otrooo o oo 1put t Lon 1 mettodo r In on work L7 an t o componcntr~ of tho thermai bc,Jarrco or a gtvon t d ur toc point wo ~c aotovrn.nod indopendont1y, in view o;' which the oompict on o tho 'oat rrcc oquation wao ivc1, thus proving tho ~pprcoi b o aocuracy o' t emp1oyod nnthod of computDtion. L the noxt work (4J R uoh cc+mput t can wao pcriormc~d, riot Lor in&1 point, but for corrsidcrabi territory, ar~d there, t'or the ?'i rat time maps oi the thor i t1 balance c oponen 1dM o tho undoriyin iud ourfaco WerO corr~tructcd, Po38:ebtlty of canparai1v& y r1otat1oc1 And accurate ccrnputationo oi' tho di tributi on o! the thorn li b ir-n c c ornponorrt o o' iand t'f oc c cirri 'iod in works Y arrd ?cr'Qatcd Ground Tor the u a 0 t,ho thorfu i ba:thnco rata c 4ori n cur es in he nv ti i:ition ci the ofi'oct cad clfl t ,c 4' tctc zupon tho our aec phy ; coR do ~ phic prooo~o. Ira thin cor-nccti1Th it can be ottod thrtt at pro ont corrput'ttions of thoiarl bi,iarlco off' iori;,',nj ourfaco have be ri ~r~cio with co'tn dogroo3 o#' rtccuvacy for n canciio;b1o pert of tho onti.~ri land mrrfaeo (world J Qf T. U, t r1yaiId J, r nd othcro). hovin the data on tha thermal n1 aqucouo ba anoo of 1 tnd curfaco, it is r~atu'al tt pose this uo ti?ns are the cAmponrnto oi' tho th? rmai aquoou br lancco i doper dotrt qw litiot or tr they cnnnootod by rot do i hip upploinontary I;o the ba .,tnco oquatior o1 in rho work (, cl aptor 7 it was sot bit iwi tit the tcrmo or rho thorma2. and qucouo balnooo to connoctod by one supplementary rdiation- ship, which id ca11 rho Bonn at4:ng oqu tion. The baeis of rho dovia- Lion o the corinoctin qu t on ie pro ioatod upon the .~o1lowin phyaioal coneido~~atian~, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Lot u~ ?Ewdy he rc1atjonahip botwo n tare o the thin 1 anci a uoow3 baiar oc ?Qr two oactromo oa e ; in vory dry and het c:wn to anc ifl vory mai t and o -d oli,mato. In tho in inNt noo which charactori.Zed by nm :U pro pit tiox~ total anc rcl,ativ , largo V&LUoc o radiation baianco, thq coil iq dry, in view a which all the raoioture o proc~-pikttOfl 'L ?ot ,nad b' mo1ecwU31 ?orcoo on the o:.1 partjc1a3 and i, oxpondad thou ;h evapox ti nn without xivc~r flow ?oxs tion, In view of thi it oars be coneludod that L'or t31 ~ ?iciontly fare vtIucac cal, tho ratio, cot'ficiont o! Liow,pxoachos zero or', Lr what is o uivalont the vacua 4 aproachac unity. In the apcand ca a, whon tha radictLon biian c is Mn~,aU aid 1axoc~,itat;l,c!` i a raiativoiy 1Lu'o, soil, 1, ir~A a ctxtca ci urpiu rnt,ictna 3, tho po 3ibla td nurn availabth amount of thcx nai cmwcY bon ucad fcr vapc Batton, Tha vino of tl i m4JlUT outlay ccr~ ba acti,r4ttcc co~i iciorinI the v vcMlk natu~ o o the turbulont th ~a 1 oxc1aan1o b 4 on th ~ untl x;iyi. ~ a j xA .rco and tha atino2 ahoro. M In study 1-y this wathar, 14 ? . din L'LJ a~c3 in cox~j~ ot1 t wortcc it ww~ dotc+ minod th! t th turbuicmt tharmoccn(uct1vity of the iowcr ci2 layer dop nrl c Loticith rab :y on tho dirocti ors off' tho vortic 1 t~ bulc t boat i'low. Li tho o r~ tcmcoc w1n the tr b?alont 'irw is di:rf at` i 'k 1 thf th tov rc the tit?rios ho ic, tho cor~ci cry bly ~' atc ' ititoncity o turbul't?=t&t rtt in i suit it 1o attt to 1nri3c va,iuoc comlcrabl w*ith t'hc basic coir-po11(~tc off' the r~r1diition xiti tlrc~mol bin i i. 4f r 't vu ?1w th iv i i 1tl ~C ' t~ ~' di m t3jbr tion an icr b1y rotrcc he itit iiity of he try-cfcr, i:n v cw to t1 ti ib lc at ?1w of hit tjarn o f try bo compur tiv!i tit Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 A a ro 3uit of Qr P4'iIn thQ ht fl 1 Ve rtt! or? h P 1 VJ'tth the moi-c accux tc exp 'imcfts 1 C t>a Qn prectpitation? f 1o, v Pcra" R 1 Lion th:-p at $3 ':.c3 the o u .can where h, ohs th r PrO nt to hnacrbO1ic tanCent, c~ 1 r1 , .fl() s ,n rcpoct vciy. caicr , c/ ,Lju:+.r( eontinc3te ,r 1f u'c Diuti v ri pion of 'r` 1 441' ,t rjcl 4 r tic :,rota coc tiro the ~ I M ~ 1 - t V d uoouo b u n 1cco2 if 1,i Wu nit' W?itinC the ocjwitionc or ?hc nc1 aqucriu bc,l&ncoo or the or1yir r r co in ho ? ?* in Li- r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 (thornkl b&lanco eort pon mts are d?'jvLc1 cl by Lr, arr~ aqueous l1 n ecrm- (tf'ntk are cUvdod by ?), We;) U- tote that the 4 r~tty~ va:.ue of tht) component off' tho thexirt 1 and aqueous ha.1aaneo aro eonneetc~ct by oquationo, and that, ecru, ccuc~ntly, only onto o:f: the o qua1ntitico io an incopondent variablo This coneluo?on ha a Gartain value in the study o rho et''oo Qtr elrnatic Aaetoro ors thn ~ aco lr s co- o r .lac pracooo :2. 'rho otudy o thr, ci? ec; oj' c~ ,rrra c eo,~ ,on or tlra Rtir'$ tl Ph/obeo- o ;raPht.c proao can hti v Lo .. r tt:' purpo e the o1ut orr or , irnpcrrt,ant ~?retlf~ru Thti ?'ir t or 1r Q1v t to tho eetalrli cirmottt o QuLmtitaativo connoe? Qraa betwot rr tho c;limM Lc itctore herd onality ( on boutari c ) of tkro l)cL ie raturai Jrocwreo , whit' ~ in ?ut jrlo 1ou1d por:nit tho ? :nd- ,rr oaf a Loho ri ii thooroti ual e4~~a~rat~i on oj' tht w or~a ,itri phonornotr on $ol rtiorr or this r'ohlom i~ 'acil y atod by tho conpoi t:tvo1 y thor'ou :h ampii i_ try o on ruty of "to utat are +o t~ oil h hro- lo ical ph nouonn, and othors, Thr, oond pro'bi nt uor~oi~it in tho ahlic otrt of do inito uorroetian~ hotrvoun tho c1i,eactor~n tho~rrtit~~iv charwrtnr~ i C4 o i i ' t ' i h&ni c ; nth r t w i j i n thin it cti atr ' trrro~tdo with nt difftcu1thjn in thoto fiid n .hvn.n: gtphy h vin ; 9:rr dor unt ly tki lop t quanntita t iv uh raotc ~ ut e o.~ ~~rncQcn ititt n ity Ohio ~o r by orn anti c1 ro for oneib ~ ~ ~ i iti~n for th~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 dovo1bpmont of tho ooc nd problem rnishod by tho hyc iQJ, ' 1mvin vo1uminou qw n. titativo to i on the rivAr flow total, which way '6poatociiy omp1oyoU ?or the cctab ishmc nt o orpixica1 can- n$cthQns W1th cii do Factor The thira prob1om in the study off' o1imatc v?ioot upon the our ?aco phy ,co oo rap/ ,e )roeeo , roiution o vr'ti h i i oorrneot d wLth tho solution oV tha socond problom, oonci is the an~l1y3i oi' the ro1o o oimatio condition in the complex char cto , t1on 4 the ontir phy~ioo-ooiapar rocs -- intcnnity of tho proven. of the available studio the t~ ~ic p1aoo in tho oiriborotion o1' tho cited problom, oopoein11y the third oio occupied by the iolovn Work Q A A. h1 gory Gov, In our iyolccn this cAnnceton ,rs ,~,~/ nu~~anr o A. A. u1 ?evIyovl Idea yore ti1i cd cpeci'ica; ly, t112 o ct copt of the detorminin effect of the t1~ n1 a=id mcai3turo upon the devolopnent of the k,~ri'n.ao phycnao-oo=~p~,r p~oauo~ woo uceoptod, Coy iclorinj the proviou i1y cued tht n o' th pot 1. in thr dovo1opmont of 1ho oureo p)~ynieooorahjc proconn off' cntio a1nraet4 ri~ticfJ, ro1o:tini to the unt1 iyng ur aoo love/, w aooumod that tho pl ico- oo raphjo c?r lit i iminodiito1y onnoct d with th~ diotrtb tion of p r oto o which doter no the oo~npononto of the t1w: n1 and aqueous b ooon o tiro une1 w3 yi n ot~rf oo, It vac ootdb ohod teat ?rw the promoter d t r .nc the Ao1ativo vti1uon o o p ntn of the thormn1 a uiou bal noon wa o tn` t ~h 1~ do '' or , totio~ ' find do nct dotrtnin r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 J. $ omew t to a k4N ur rto, but MtiU a iM o f k+141 M betwoor thb iQQlinoa oan and the aobotanio z ones rxoa wao otfn ?o' the North A .oan tor.,toy' a1thot h tho av ,1ab1e r~4ia,t ?Qn ba1arjcao and prooipitatjon 4a a for th a cc ntinar~t wire Qi' c om ar.. ative1y low w euraey. Tt is intereul4n to rote tha eorz'eot 'a 1ee~ ti an in thin e cinputatior of tho extar once aouthwarc iap1accment Qi' tuMx'a ca#~ Ne~v:owv11a.nd (up to the 4h no~'tho 9n 1otitudo), r7iux( 7, l~aiinoa Qt tho paraaete(arooe~ ~xhatohe4 aroaa 4opiet high mountain re ior~ , ) At tho sauo ti~wa att nti? d 'oeta4 to aQrne 4i plaeernont o! the ttmt~F4- Corot bowvIa wy toward tho north a eor pared with actuality; thi 4i e ;op Lfloy r. c n by oxpla o tQ a QonaiUo ;ble de a9oe b thQ obviQa 1 F r rrc e ~~ r ~;?~ o p 1 Kpit ~ttf?~ try jrti for than o ~o ~ Quo takor i'vora- t11Lo tvaiiabio &tpa (:r27 an4 other,) 4uQ to ~1~o oworo4 ontimato off' the tots#it f i1 p'Qcipitc tj0# , As t 'o t#.1t 9 oQ~~~oot .nrr o tho rfoe pitatior~ 4at~r~, ro{a;Pot1=~ bQtw on Qntiir tc 4 ah act ttai 1Q ati oil v tho ~eobotranjer#1 ono rain bo oonoith rabl im y prAVOc1 ?dr'i'o mo4 ooinputc~tic-nt 1i dU to that th 4ittributior oJ' t ~ baciio oobotafieal ono t onoralli eo ~ru pondQ to thu dit t1 ibt~ti . Grf r_i t1tf~tlQt~r I which otorr~i9r~g~ tl~o 1at~ivo va1Uof~ 01' the comw porlot to of t1II horm 1 Mn1 a W OUL1 ba1aa o e ? 3t i Qbviou that within tho bouridi'ioo of the Como ano tho o to oboorvor( r~ to aU valttoo or tFIo r r ia,th)n b1i:A o of tlio tnndoi'lyjn. o n o ~~o bL it" a~ the b t~ ~~ ~ e~~ ~o a 1 "of,o~ whitih 1o1 ~a~ to diL'-. rortrt in d1f int~nit} 1QV, o t1~~ aao piea~. . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 proc4, In Qrcer to eh r cter L Q zpn i Lon with i?' nt n n 1, b' ,t is nQo ry tQ Q npiQy two p rin ter , which UC3ter11ine the ab ca1ute v iw Q the npcnen Q ~ the therm ?i nd UAQUS l) L~ 1 lcQ , 1QI thj uurpo e, It i convQnicnt A' a ntnnber o ' r 3:u?Qfl icy e:Le ct the rwmtitio,s 1 nd , Lr TunUr?c ~mdo~rt p ojtn~t i 1o f th t 1 c ovbotw is ti Conan (t~o~nhLttctad a~ 1_h noti~iort~ wtd ' o f ha Q dr a t '_rt tin r i :;4 r ' >3h~ w . U1 is find L 1orw Lr i4l th( ao poncLin , th iia ,obotttti a :1 to,md riaa baits oli wn t, v rt.i?1 uid hori ,oftlti iilao, It oahanu tia foie + ' s ch tt ;i '&yh i~ oh n if qtu 9, in view or t a n~aa; tha ~v 1i b dot on tadi4ii4fl W iLh(t 1f the tro 1aIi Ind a Lori 1 z t1 io-7u, iow tio~ o the aorroiidii jo1i~tanic1 on Lpprox21I;M try 1U LLhjfat to L' :lt}Th14 t LUoidEttioh, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 The aoli line j.n rj io boun the raogion Q , viii cad r and R (or - 'c' mounta ,n r~ i once ) , within the iimits oi which co; nit va1ucs off' tiro :o1amotar vertical ~ 1inos ) dot'inc~ the basic goQbOtartLQ i ;~ar~oo s tun rr ~ i?arQSt, st` R~ so-p aNcrta~ and docort~ Lars vari.:.t:,onc in tho \raiuo od' ho ?orost zone radiation ba1wco & ct somewhat ; ma1iox' than os ir: hci otopno conga are due to noticeable oobotaniaal variations v. thin the bowida ijes o,t' the s t ono , with the unchan;oct nature off' the plant life, (From the spocia~, featiwes o~ry the is h in, 9 we oast note he i.n lusion, aceor in to the charactcr. i, 3tiu values or and L a off' Moist gavanntts in the ?orost rc on instead Lr ot: the sto ps ro ion; this , encaraa1l~' in a roerent with the pre aenao off' ?oreb plant life in such s~rvannaa, ) i,nco the zaoi~ality oL soil is clo;a@y oonnected with thr Nonality of plant life conclusion t ro oho iAcl tivc to ti crnnoct~,on o plant 3iJ'e oneti with ctofinite vc luoi oi is rmot(rs It anct a ?i - woll to t))c soil ctnos. Como i oncta,n to this it is possible to e~ t&riLph ht Lis the '~ari~t~ct~cr irrtc;rtowsos thn ctoii t!s ?rlrio ehra in the f(UMw`1ng orx1 r: (a) tun4rc~ roils, (b) also bon ?ort oil, yc1low ochort~, rjE3 soila~ and 1r tit roils (tu wsrioty oi' soil t',r os in ti gr1oup is connnctotI with rddo Yur'iationp cr the It prrra~cotor); (c ) blr~ct, arUrn rii black soils oL sav n ; (d) chootnut coils; and (o ) tray ooilo , Dopondcnc~ of soil on ,ity on tho cli tic ar tmotoro f1 ti tt 1 can be ex jro osod in th e onoral ?orm of i ~ ~ ~ ~ rush iimilo.r to t ht of the pl t ltf ono graph off' 1 i ro 9. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 .' wj .. I 1 5 2O . 2i) 3 4V '9. QL' rh of Loobotarlioal zorai1ity, bxtwoon tho zo a 1ity of c] oio jo l a yr o u~~~ to ono o uonr c tho oyot or (2), (), (4), A on which it fofowo thrtt Vho coo ;ior~ of Llow io oim p dO1i:.nt d by tho i r ~n0t, tho u irwt1 t' log ' tho Utflk thou 1a a~ oriohtj~ ( a ), (3), /,) !u1ct tht &bavo-oitoi VIufo or rho p i n1 to1* f r. ;1ro boon i o t OthttiThtt1 + a a o rot diftuit to ttiiJ that tho turno tho ooo~rioof r1rw tihould bo its o Tr` ~ in t1~ ~'or t t ratio botwoon 0.7 to O r 7j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 FQY T i e vc-c3 of nnodoruto 1ttuciv Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 in toppo from 0.27 O,O, to. It way po ,ntod out that thorn va1u agroo gat a aotorL1y with tho re uit o.V omp1r oal dotor nay . ?t:.on o:' :,cw c oO 'i , o'ent o o ' iy c~ o~ o xl~ ,e z on. oquations (2) (~) (4) The abr~olutc vaLuor o' ;'1ow to'taLs, oomputod by mc~a,nc oi' 4:e i~ tiro aro shown a unction off' H cn( H iozm of it oleo in the r ph of Fl o 10, which l ; ia1o ou to tho graph ?' Fi uz'e 9 (t110 Liow to~ilo are ivi n in oontimotor3 por year ) , T'ho traph of 11'i?ur0 lo ,vo vno i i idem o' thc~ avso Flow totals in the b1,ci;hyico~oorapl~i~; nano? Flom the ivo~a data it ?oi1ow than tohyc~oMoo~rl~ic zonoo h ivi.r,; ccrtatr tylao of p1ant 1iJ'e soil thcrc oorrotpon dofinlto ra4ationc or tho 1c'; ono ,c~~ont vaLu 6 rd vat o o t1 elim tie pAraanctorc R a~~c1 . Vlith thin, tho c1t1 tic; oha'aeto tier WQ tv br tai-odranttnc t ono and to ~. r}vino tho n t~lro of plc t itfo end tolls, cnd he order of ma nitudQ oi' flow c oo 'icicmt Tor Lho valley-iko and flan-1fOUntaifouc charaatCV jai' tin unrigrl n u. It can be uppoicd that in ountainou ro ion tho iinportanoo of cl~ic ?actorc And artiou1ar3ry of to indica?Lvd: paramotora on the su'frico l ycico~ oo ra h c procw i remnino vary rcaat, 1~owavcr, it is qultc p obab1o than bo idoA the o1iiattio Factors) h a ui or o cacoo ho vertical ph ` ico- t,o r?tphtti ion it i 'Coot d direot1 by the t op ot a by the unt orlylni sumac o, why Ch chant o c the 0 ors t i ors of cnri too ?low, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 .ar ea1ort& 1tc1ation$h:1i:) botwoon Clow totals and ?L1,ma:t,e actor; Thu uconn ctin quat onto dcpictod rz pheliy n 10 pan bo u c)d not only Lori coritputi Lion o rho cl arac c~~ ,; , c va1uc off' o efric .ont' rind ?'low total, n ! ~~ co- o a ji .c onoc, but 1 rn ?'cr di:L'oci o, ~~r~ u~v~fiion off; flow in ny oA t hic ro ion ocordij to ci~a?Ltic ciatc, rf'4v if such cp~ tatio wci 11 obviot Ly c;orro pone, to thi; aoiUtion Q' ofC of tho pJobic~ c, ontorin tnto tho , ocond pi obw i iM of at~ady oi' thct of cliwttic i' ctorc upcan the curftco phy; ic~c- lrt c~ hr to vcr?iy tho ro ult o low co put ti r b c ,i n (:) L o~ i tricof ,v1c i Ada b We n tiro cmi~tttd 'low valuo aL ?9 coy ~ ptr~tivciy rivor rocorvoiw.h tl ??~ d ct' h :iromfa ~io ?lvr dotorinin tioli b Vlundt L!7. otuit: ti i i ooi p trGioori ago 1~cw1 b:, 1 i uro ll, who o tho inca trod vcth oo o Llow coon iicntc ()o pro show alonL tho ab ci o t, ~ 1 the cotnputcd vnluao o () jo cl c~+ lon th?:i-rinto~ y ninrj of Uio out r , ) iwt X130 r i on b o o thtt t#o td~,ilii'oos i, i ooTlo to svn au oxnct thocoticl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Fi7ure 10. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 p:L n ttion ' ' rt4n o~ jrjua1 d pc nclcmaioa c' flow tot~r1 upon he Q:L t atiC 1: Qtr4 3, aid, part&cu1ar1y off' the dop ndotru 3 at flow o preaip t&iin Lound b 1 Ur T7 and Ut i. cko ov kLy Q7. Fi ~urL2 bov-the o rolGd4onthip p 1-ua11y (eurvo G 'Q ,'Q I t j, L, Q1 o1cv k yi r lattonuhLp for river' Of Ea atom/ urop ; c vc j3 r? pr'e ent Ke trt cacuatLon ?or tho VVr rtemT vz'opectn 3 ivQr ). Th wE 3 11O tQWl tho UQpQnclQrne Q,' total L11' w on preei pit xtl On in a oc daneQ with th c c l a' ~r (2) ?'o;' the v raf va1UO Of r di ttion bat nu( c ~trac ari t c of h laur opean p1 r1.nf} re ion (curve A) T hr t)()cl iL VQetllant thr~ roc iJ=tC f L'1ow di)tr Ir '6{L,?IjQf btlSQd on c I~1 rFl i;' c {,z tta anc3 c~ r tt er ( 2 ) w.Lt'a t rc~ nu birPi L1OW !j tCVi 13 ( "' ur7 11) &id v~ith t'1o anp ri ~rl f?~~ ~,f c ~ n ' ?lrv'r upon tha c?11; ntti, ch~u~ac tjt (jc,urca 12) p rev t that r )..fl tjC L Ctc~r ; 11 ct o;,t! in is + ' r ; t ,fat?s cC Liow 9~.m 1 O('fn iNe r'ei r"v iirn cud thrtt~ th to onrau&4 etr ff the tot 1 :'low with Lh ~ +a1tl,ra t c c oncl ttiotr t 5.1Lit:)n ; ). : +a1.tit cn n U : i r) r u prQb1C m .nvr~lw,r.rt ?Lho , rncl b'1 ~-~ toy&, i&a f1: t1,1 t ~ -i a, 1~, ~ : afar r 1 a to, ~~~ , ,y i, tltr , Ott ?ax ~~l f~c x r, f t jt, t tv { onn f t or }i 1 + t+'f~;.i 1 a ,r~ t1 f S tt l ' O1` t Y1t tX1 l Ui r t ~ ~t } t l f~l f~ ; alt la mut id i 1wIU n ' ct i# y t17fr ?ns , tPIcrfjb ci o}i'- plc 4iy ktt1rl tht n i ~ i nt ~ ~'~~~ tlr titrnt # 4~iv r l f r :c~ r,~: f fj pr u t Thy po6t it ilty o tttb1i.fit,1 ~ -~3 1 tt-~ i-tita iii tlit tttri@o n ?utuo apptr itlit. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 i14i ;uu'o ii. t ra;~~i ~t:.on al' ?1e 'by ,iitiC it;,i ijf i1i Iir ~( end the C1 s ttC owlition. . yr r c1 precipittt,ion a of try jet=nits off' ta r C1 Ucv i3Mp ~ y Vii. riL:*I y spa , ~e.l ,r i:Ltinihtpu ar iii t1r 1 ~ct~ ~e~ boo~m~~ n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 a rvt tmcta '/yc v Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 1 Dui c t1i ;t c particu , ir1y ? ;1r 4 nt to tx o enor i UntOn ity of ' JT; Q p 11 ,G prooea t a whoi3, it :I1s po 3tb:,t do rat up ~i i1 rQw,e:' probi cr limiting the tit to o t ~ of t U pa ;t i cu1 r 1x t11r3 t 1a a n c Qf' ad qu ~t,e date wh oil would p ern t the ~;tudy cJ' U o ant , ~Q (Qm c of tho :Uiton Lt;y; c1 ,rUGte1~ittcF off' t11o u ' f1 ~f'I ,.S ro, ;.n t;h~~=' -,~~~itt ~?' tt~k?~~'F c .1c,Ii A At 4dh the pll r; o o oL,r Pht { , # ,a the l ;ht of A, A t 9;i 1pS~V r e fpti on, t, the a Qt t a ,~ ~ t 1 n~ ~aF1 'V~xL" hi4) Uh o j uni uba t v c t3 L Qt hou t Li [ ' . tI .~ i ic;tat of t1 k u 'L rf: ti? i 3 r)4 end :tt (iu:'for~f tit ~~a~ rt1 1 V i iti c1 :fu cnb p1i do ~a i 9 l e~ ~ r t, cyst : net14F ~{~ pt ? z iy Fdbk~l ~a l dA; t : 4 1~ s~ t~ t'~ d h1I1 rho bsl. rc r nt 1 j t1i r'o pi of ~;y t1 I , ?d 1tt i in 1 i b,' t'i 1il r tti ~ o' 1 t, 1i st i ihp it cI th ..v 4:i , :3 E ~ 1 t j ~ t 1 ~ ?1 t~1 r ~ ~ f 1;h bi~1o i t1 i 11 g L~1ciritm r-' quarry nti + t per ? r 1ti t tr piw i, ftr tt, fl AJ ~ w oi2: iii i ' r mt 11 ~ 1 a- ? ~ 1 r ~jt ~- fog v rc1 O$~r) tuLL:L tmow, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ' 1 t??' i lr' u t St Pi:';! L. Sh. Vo1okhon k'iy IN''^Ro 1JcT;I:o:v Ql Lhe t) ; 3i of tub ~:3 d~j Ln{ :itc ntr y am , 3 oii d Q -r~ , rwz C 0MG to c bi~h.~S c +,r1ln1G>.~ phy~,Ytcr-t1 pbono~11o1ionR Qr c 3 v4Ii"Y1tia zT; :i, a sp ho1 Li note t1-ie i1i 9Qrti' x#t ' pct t1~ tt a ou ad 't; mp' fo ' ~ 41 kli p1i to 7 0 cte 1r een ii ~r4tdt~ 3:7? 7.tu eN eX'tCfdif , 'io QcQTUI rise,+pQ}tfN H'QLttxrr, be1oti tho 4ifr '()fl A`L1 Qf this ?aI) r cQ!ap:u eLitE t1 c a rf a(ty h jh2.y d i i1 c)-it ' l"oh ! r)1u' j t TLc~Jt '1)v lsrc ' r" l rjr ; , ,1,i' d ; U b1Q +'o i ~{a 41o 'niQ ? t?i rk ? A?~1 inn L1 i1)i . O J 6 t 1~ ` ~iIV~i ~klk~f~~li ~ri;i..th~4f t:1lciOUf(" itt1Ffph)-'c# 1Gt1~'-{'9 a~1ed~ 1orit o :I itl nf~t c14 ?''f s+c~1 t C( 'tat .. UQP11h ? 1e 'L1 c ;ua-~~a t t e~ _ r {'tuvo t W1Vi 1C41 tt C'OP 1 1~ 1-~ h{ U t_ I t1 L i' t j Tfl t" t i21It7 t' t t ~ , Th _ ~h : ~~ -1~ ~ "ob1 ~i vt y io {hut oi' ?r is ;: ? `1} 1 _ r~iioo r ' h arc t ntwni of oun me , tat 1~ ?r ~i r0 1i1tt t p rtA.t 1 t o r~ ~`~ th0 1 thtr Toro its M not 1ei;j t ?t i i its ~rti iiY. 1i this "tr .o ,o wt 11 ihvotiti tt~ o1 y t1 ono n ~ a r t ob fli1 ~ . the roue vii"ti t h fi ? Vto haU tt k? t1 y h ri its i1 1 n in th ` o t o tton of hr ovn1 d oomp 1 o Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ,. r pfd : C vio l ht of i-r)t tity p w ti t V olu;m ; _ dG)pth; t-time coon ii a t of tee, ?ii o~ :rat. fctht; (x,t)- toobur~. ""1R 3 ? hy1l3i that tIIC,S Bub~~~ V qW~tl~~ty th~ .~iVFlG9~ purt:orL o~ thi rouri, ir~x x'o1or~ to t~~ uu~rOn portioii oi the ho .rab1Om no?oo~it.ttitt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 } off' rozcm mo . tune, This 'ra],u , Wbic3h is ?unot;Lofl of depth r. an b oonai~4r~~ a mx~ ~~ th6 &haU d not? t ka W, AU o the o atin that, , the t natrumQr to WhiCh rQg flt~r the depth a. ' tha ixai.rrt ba36'i are the u1~a~t~,c~r~ tl~at ~ t m,~ ~~Pth th6 vai~C W u nd~r O t ~~rat~cant~.nut~4T a s o va:Lufrom to ro. A tuQJ 1Y bhta do not ha,ppcm, and thirei"oro ~r~~~emetora .nd,oatO ,ri1.y oc~t,nOt?v) paai'tial nuator aiiy on phy rii?nt. of th ?ra~?~.n~~ ~t . Thai , indt fiat-Ona o2 ?reeZ~'mQtox~ dopend ~ ,~ror Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Wo t.hat found mQ:L t'ura cha i ; at Zc Q de rQQ O n1 ig dQ (1:1ip;.uve :.) t ~ v ,it l 1o t p 1opa ate tQn oqk; tjan ?o Qao1 m ad;,urn s ~1(X,t)=a 1 e(x,t); Vie :tho oor :Lder t.t oh raodi.u;n ha its own CQnSt T with tiniE d in p oo ~ . tliormQPhy ioai con tint , All r this p rin t : .: L,(4) w N a.F rs nr rw ?w ? .r ~u~ldar be~w~~h two tia$b ' ,i ds h tU ipp1y ~nodium I to n i; io~i hod of d~torrin& ion of Tt n rtu1n extent w inn - iko into ~co i the pro oJt th, rr o ing t mp r tui oontinu and minion of rolnd noiot Wood by ti. L, Liykhtmrn, Do~trir of PhoiCO~t&tthOTAU1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 [J, Libor t on of ho h e t s c ?n of ioo d m , r t r n o ilo ,ot~ 'o r ouit a to t ~ r~rto a of t1- ti co~- eff o:Lont, wq ObU in ito of oot vo v: 1u for t hatero ~fleOU m iu~ , wlTict ccansiot o' tho ,'oi nd and two ,1-ate, ol~a o , wlloroin to 'f b r ted h i off' convection, Mi 'r& on oi? ?ounc mod tutu ttko p1 wo ciao by uLvano o vo por tb rmo i'iW3LQn. Tho 1&~ont boat of condonoatiort io taken into fi'+Lc,tivo v?;1uo Q!' A2. coourt,utorn~tic~i1y in ooiiaputint the Wo can continuo the ?ormuial4cn o' ' ai1c3 t tr'ct j~robif rn, 'rho ;pwc ' t ?lotrr of ii t ??rom tjao boun Lary 1 to tr n the, 'two p1 i u1 to ho (1OWnw~U~d fcw oV hoot p1w th+ iat4ont 1~QM' of ?flf ion A ico. Thio i, the cc-r ieU tin' ond.iti n . Thin ?orn1a io w itton in ito into rci Form t P~It)=K, f aXx z~ '- 0 x=glz? - i tlio 1a1ont 1roo,t of 'cioc of (3) :rt nocrnra t~h&tt up to now, hero h o boon rio cloktr? idoc to which indox ohouic1 tau i with, x um - ar thorxi (for oxunp1o LT7 ) oft th, tr(1oc 1toyt1wr. Actu~11y the Pronto of t1 v?r~:~tc nitxic, hLevo tuwiuzt1 vo Mcit~aoo of niovomont, nd opon+ ri, on our point of rorcrcnco wo ttlco cithor , or / Z 1 ifforflnt Vo o tiioo rW UL1~ j the kr one of goat o roe oo~ of If ice ?1o to i w t r, tho~!o two no otror o , oinco ho depth it~morcioi foiiowr the tnoipio off' Are imo oo w, 1?rr vto t~ko lR3 W I h the th.oknooo of ice, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 i Th?r 'e two types o? xc.md ?e n: n ; :,, (T1 Qa e studis h etn) , I 'o .ng mo t ~ c;xp d~ :,;to thf ?rQ po 'ti on cad' rho capii1av os 4 / , n ~ to thQ r 1 crovolure o1 tho hetoro noun ~m diuun, 2. The around j hi. h1y n~oj t, t rc j lain ?roc ,npce to the ld thQ xOund sv(:,1$, conditions (h rt to ?ixQd d ut,h wh 1c h 1 i~ot, roehid ly te'fns font,) ; or =~(t)< 0 (4a) .;_ 01 (x., t)0 L(Jt)k - (t) 'O. + (t) L: (ti1)17 ~td (t) tthi1t1 f . VW ?O' t 0 Tlie tnit4~1 ~orrr~i#,iert: :. f(x~ >0, :iii f()kn in the int~rvr~1 , ?(o moo. D ?(h) = (0) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 (4h) (5) 0. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 We a.4ok ? or 1i such a ctttf the p abl n hay laoon eons dArab1y w r ilizo C omp4rrcd vriti~ i,t oLuttQf by to 'r z, Later m9 ^ o' uc e ui attertapt~ wur rnaci6 to civc th p n crrnI%Uatc to 3tci'+ n c y tc ri and that ar ~`gl~~.~3rr in c ~aat can (1) " (6). V[sj nGt?1 (1 * ccrtai ~ of t1 ; t Trpt) A. U, 1 o1e n kQV in _. tt the t1 r;ory raf oe ?o'c t c)n ors the t3arM uiEacct; C7 Md made a ; or&ow c 'rcr 1n h rc)1utiQf td;C t1tprcb1 rn, dt r?- Iy}. l r flf; ht t ccrrmlfi t la' V uc1(1 . This QI'Vcr~ ct~ t'ctcd b ,T i~Aictca candid tc, Q ' rhy~ r.e -j attic at ciencocc-r~ t :t i 2 u ~ r ho J? curia or cc -Y th r 1e(1: um / , -~hii in t1v doriv~~d cl arac c.p rtic ?quatiorr K C, ni()v ht t tac tiy art wrrcd g (t) tc be a c (,ii Cant . ~ " u~1r c tcir?r irr a rrt ii or c ~ irapc ; (257 L"7 tint rrtcrn 1 - (6) 1~ tr, caorroet cinc undr11~cd ?tc chact ao1ution. . c air !1 i::i to1~titn i t,hc 1rcrbl,ty cif ' f4 ?~.ad~~k~rtafc : cn 1rv )a off' t1j:3 tr 1; t ~ t 0ij~31wit;' c4' 41r '1 c; tl rr, ; try at,~~rr;t cad to tYr1c it t r~cc cnr;t tip+; are i-+r+m c L. 1 . i~r,~b~~~r~c t1n;rr1 ~A tl u~1 f Li7 off' ; rndl to 'f , o it c crnYt . tat ro f1Lf 'cr the Jtrnp1- t try t ~c 3. r ftjjflt 0$ tb() ooft1itiofl ( ) brit r ti 11y 11y th po ri-1o ho olutlof mt_t ' n i tho tmport~nnoo o - tbo initi 1 can- ~r~ ~~~ in t t ' iiiu3 i; nt ~o nO tirr tho ry tht~ noon t4ita of 1 ovri (t) i3 iit o~1I~ In nt lift this ?unotion :o vory o1ooo tr boi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 f' he condition Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 3inQ tl~e QXaQt oiut on Q 1 th r$ alr~ (1) (6) ie d to ' n om p Ot Q C s ndP tf ~ r 1 Q ithXfl~ Wt h Vt C1 i s d r r .a oxirnatQ ~ua~ lint: az) a ut toz,, b d on tQ t $WflPt 1 can that ,fi'unc.:i on a (t) ; pp oaeha$ rjfl& ri,t~j~ DetiptraYf1~t r'~tinn ~1 , ( t1 ) .k ~+ ~a ~ .. 1 #~1rtnin the une M {~o Mh d tt1!1`1r1[ ~ t r~ww 4, w rd o $ i : that to tl'm jntcvct1 7 ?reinlnl a+n pd ocec+1 i*t:it1'+ M6 M~ iM H y 1 ,' r tr Lii nc1 v ,th this it po biR to fry fld -r,tj ()? CorAclition (:3 ) yto1d nam. r. i 1 v 1w ;rQr \ --^"'rVNrcrimrir,ro.~a,r^r, r? 1t of wl ch vT het t1) ?'v,nc;?birM: v(t): (') v(t) ? t b p . r4QXjrrl1t? or oi: t1 r qu rt + (t) , In th ?ut~; 'O WO QThit the ba#p ialA 4}r kdC#'ck}t . }tqgo 1i, C i a T1 c probi m CiW l r;n ~'J. tQd a; 8 ?(t)40; A IRaO Kett dv, ~.Evz at 9C'u,t)4~ KL j o~ when t>Oi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 This prob1 n wt h n~wr~1 ; iv d by , g, Lyubcv . m 1o Ln to ; Q1XCI method h' ought ti soiut?L . o in bi LQr,?m; x~unc;t t rr and. X, dcyi-4i m:Lned cm the to ~ .M off' bounda:'i o nditi~ra ; f crfr the two joi t1 into rya , qu t - l ~ uf~ r~ Qper atiun 1 m9th ~ a '''1. author hw1 mad r~it'ic tnt 'rior in this U ti rnir1.t#MP, ?~hiQha;itfxi &f dtvtr'ant iftiE~rii arrteirn into the ?tna E~xpraion, 1 r ?r t hQ ? m t on (t) ? 5 o1nt Mn of th j'r111 b df f otOct 1y ulrfr r11 t df~ ' or 7+c00 i(t)=hif t th ct t1a ? (p) t~ d l f ~~~n n Use-. r t f of f3 ut ~~ ? y. L;, - v h d (?1.n(1 t3 rj r ) ep4tr'a .i r1 ; C$=&(p)' Th turn' tad iii ,hf~~ U Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Qo icc rin, that p" ~ (his a b ci r baurc1, Ti + n t}: 'arrrn i only valid ?or 11 > -i) and u ;,n V s u f ,, t1 O21U ~) b , a , Cb ov obtainod ; 1 rt a r) P(t)rj (tr)t' 0 th a i s a div ' ot ilttc 'z 14 Aet' 1i1y v'r i~Quif do tho ? i2.q~ =ia (y) 4xp4po'(y) ~n r ifCt Th: _; and pj)= o ~(t) (rin in 1, , Ly bov1 we 'k O (o) 0), thou a'fr)dZ. pitij ;;w_ ,! 0 ifftf~nti tU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 y4.=v (I (1 ( )e --A ?EJ fr _U__ ~ lr~)e n 1~ c~~ d it -(-i___ FA(e iitLQ (A) dn ~Y71k-fl) -P)i' (A -4JMi)'e 0 X(?)::: -Q pfe~Ptdt t : tL A(1)e ffr*1)% Chw it thci ordor rf i?t r~itiva~ s r... CP);-M4Yfi(l)ldfl fe' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 w cionote to ntovLo nbeg-a1 byj}j,n t =1+ ? we of iwd ' __ p - (W*AY __ ___ X(1i :iiA(l)e1 d1 ' (v;;vi)L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 -a~x+r1l-~z ~__N S "X ~z dK _~~P+z Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 it a,o Q)dif to () S=Q and :3'incC ....? cD than Z=(p)=- p +(Zs1)~ w ( , t)_? -! t2L~ I T}~un Th4+(Zs + P ~~Y }i tzSp~zJ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 W1rc 14(4 t)== -et%+1%~(z541) 1But [6l )4 p~ MMM~nMpMN~l~1.MMZMMWNw e - L(Ls*1,) crfc (Zsi'1) Jj s 4i11, th ?rmu d fog "P gy(p) [?j, w got, a] Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 S,/a' Wej~t i'i! Y.u-) x{ -(Zs I *Z Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 zi (t)= -(acD)~ r~ (~) j e trzs.i>'+13 p`g X l 1 -(2sr ~e J,.- -z (25*2) 1. erfC ~" ~ (s+t) erfc Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 -I- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 (n n; ~1cture aeQuIc tf Q,nat:,one wo set: r Z()= -4cD() r ftcr r! J) nd hoar ot1~ e1emenb~y true 42t e 8 ro e z Y'7*-() _a -j--erfc 2s~+t Lt; wcnk q4 i,t c iiy a?b h.. cri 1uation c4' tho ? tator unc~r tlao int,' 1 ?cr thrir 1L1i7 z e:(o,q) 5 ~ $t 0uid?'w 1 i a 11odU1ji to K M rc~np1 tc oUi tcai IJ a/M1 sin1L 2s? 1~x = sn(2:+i)P'xz TAP=z Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 -I- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 there we have Lets = K, v!h.oh yieida x ( sinZs'4) ) \ ( 1 i I __ wsaasi.s+ww~ aww_ sh (z~+1)z / z 2s + 1 ' s 5 ?/' ~-L\ Ij):i ri I~~O 2P1?Nz5+i zj~ z r I~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 cond 1i aor~ent of hQ ?~ r ct on t ~ thQ r~ x~:, J' L is c jjj'f c i1t to that; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Th~a Wa have to i'i.nd V ~(ac d;:n uichi m. ) 1,)t W3 rater ly j%~~a y=ie r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 To c1jtorr.ira '(g r) ae=a'a 0 t 4 t 4X ;Q ; v )1 - 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 thu (p) - z f -z IC vic 1nt1* :h co Hu'tOv 3r b o w hid z - (cD)2 AV1' tJ; bt iidt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 A[(3-+)1~=0' Z1c'p?_..q'c.)2M() > M(p+z1y), 1 (p) ;.. A1 ('p Conse9ue,t/y Z2(t)=xfQ where w(p,~ ()wfr,)a'e, -100 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 w tucy e F> but (i. - - 1 -(2s)~ ~z5 (tJ ThQ9cforo )~ iv ift i h1ct the VW1t4UOfl 1 spa L2 `i) , (1'o' po itiv# V t Qj $m ft ~ the ~x z m idi con- Vl'Qnt . ) Cp A tl Q~ r wrrnt t n Rio , , th fttio 1~idiy kbi ;19r'ib3~ 1~J Thin i d J ~ st l&~ itr do ci' pUion at ps "-+ 0. ?trm>:ti 1 irIdicLt d t r the, in rW 1 t ; - 1OL r Tha Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 whc~ ' I -~ff)-ep aerfc(2EV~-I-~~)] 11(21r)dz. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 t I: ~ _._ .... ~ erc Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 CQfS 3CrUOflt1Y T -j- z PI4. cc e erfc zK~ P~ r \ __ -}T ,F?& K erfc 1t wrc1; A (p)('cD)M (+z1) - -(cD)1AC( fzptJ rr t L(zff)dr_. w(t,g). A(t)=x/ (r)dv; IQ D)1 C1*Z(s?x)) _ +z(s+1)~ 1 Igip +2S)z ~+2s~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ~Cl~'+zSP)xl +zs~ P(e)t() (t,e)de w(M)+z51 ,Sind 1s p then A(t) =-(acD S X a ,. :zsLze f )2 -4F ;ZIlsZ ~(~) fr__~-E)e as'p' 1' T :o4 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 )ut :ttj on or tr n~:or t z ou h th?i earth' i ee acoor~in to it c t,c~mpQratu'Q v ~'`L tjon (during vint ' rr}. This r R t it hou._ct be re ' c to pciint () edium Vo f~ic1 -f-Zs~ erfc(jP')} e (acD)t I q(?) 8. Oe'P `) Jr-1 2 1&(-) PS _____ -F Z 1 Se-4e erFc 9iNen at B= -a=zax K=h e f?O;O44A;/(o)=O4 (o)=/(h) -io ;vt4A; ~Lf'~v ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ` hirzti our t y ~a wcii Lr t1~ irz tiny (cafc1jt:o Limit d )h U't jwob1 Q111 It k at -t' ,c~~ tj un : eQno;)rl d, it, o t r; ' r corn 3oncr it the 3o ution c>t thf vJ7(MuI1) I Tht ntQ 1 ;ti s 'taf ,~ thtt . ~ Lion e)J: t ~ r1r %1 COfdL\ L v?ty ( ;tLy ~A tnd /A. ) ut i j Thus, rc~ ~ U# t i JI11)if; w knnw:r1nrmi 4f9 A tnc1 ,At ,v~i~st kd 0 ' 111&d4 `~Iryy Idt; 1 cli ,'y, c3 O11~ ' ;(fl1 v:t. 1i~J 11) t 1 1( \' v f1id tv) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 '-iY _____ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 al.d M4 G i'?' ~~~ v Yrr, r~;tE O??l , Vft kfR-+r 1 ~.d P t 4 d 1 i-f' I (e' ~r(t-r~l pr~R Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 V t1 ~ 1 pi6)e e dt - 2-it! -u1(P+2) ( _x(p+)J:{-9)2' e j,.ie d1J e 4a1LX dX () A=pe /".(ry)e Grp p)L&;vr1y dvj 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Lit us co, ,d? that, tf'co U- tc thy; cond?then a' the raa^c-biarfl h th~ l~of ic1uces to a pQ rtt with ro tcrnperatu ; ~ ~'ox ~~ ~ ~ ~ La-b u ta1Q " (:'O a w1-(l?1 not v iim t ~t ,Qn, :3tnce A . tbt dcpt1T tQ t1 i,cth reo fl dcer nc~t 'b r;d, The ?OCO "c, We c rr OOf 3id6t that Terc?V'o;L1 :.n the : ntc ru1 A- 1 'e Grp ~ J fri i )e ('Fp 2 p e r? (w+p&,) ., C([p ptr ? gyp) . fL p Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 thQ;1Esf O4'tj VQ ?act w tI + cn'nfan 1': c:t ti, ~f f i w 4)sii ?ydy Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 7:ere is a ';rmvlc~ (s): )1'l) ?Z )C shy c (k'-- g ) , O~,ationary Ncrma~, I1,crQptfr Advur'tve Ivijcrosinv voctiva- tationarYccon Mymm~t1ic icrosingUlar '~ri?~ aiionary fl praivo P 1croLi1ar taticnary DaIarosivc Mi:crobinar Adv~ct.ivo Microcinguiar Atvcctiva Micro if U "' 'irct ilayiwnctric ,oroiingUia' rico 5~i 2 Acv?ctiv? ionr proooivc ~4icrooifGr i0e0 Mivctivc,crceint1Utr ?N. 5,3 o.2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 192L outhea ern TSB Ukraine 1927 Southaaeten ET 192$ Ultxa~n? 19:1 aou~ea~;ern 1i.Tb, wetoxjn Siberia outhaa tern T, Vterf Siberia J93$ gouthea5tern T, ,1939 ~outhea~tern 19L outeaatorn 1T ~~aa~~mum Average Avera~q Avexae Avexae Average Average Average Avc~ra~e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 cII2 c) c~ AYera~e tht 13 192 ou ll~ i9219uhe~eterxa' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 (~ ) ______ (~) ,,,,,?sv~sr-srsr-rs~T,rc ('~fl eccnd Aymm rie Micrc$inuir AdV6,lti Y ~ _?} 11~sktiI **k~~~ M*1~~1d kJ Staticfcry tctionry-AdvoettVe Mve ctive Advcc'ivo tativnitry AdvdCtiY~ AY C'iivo Aclvoctive a ctionf37 Depree tvo 4icrcbilLU1 Norm :L crot~inhr Nicroeinu:lar First AeyMraetrlc M3Icro~in r bones ?opreeeive,croinr icroeinuiar Micrccinguicr First Acyu otric ,croAin u~~r aoria8 oprc 3ive tacrotainfr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 /q' y?F1R~f tl ,`f y' "M ~ M i~tS~ y(}~ ~ihI pCC~I~'~'t~1G6 4the i741i~91n~k7 ~~~~~ drou~ht~~ormi~~g dQ fQt V Q1a r4 tl~~ unity Ar deva;LQPmeat o~ t bons the gen6x3i oircuiation remains p~'ocees; as unct?r &,i cvndi racr?motIQrolo@cai process, off' which tha unitary, dust as the proce is alwaY s a :?ifk, also remains ur ita 7. drought?~a~g e~ LQ. M' one tine tl~e wrtter prQpoesd a scheme fox the . - ? m ear cYaiee oi sour activ~.ty ~- tie monars ~,cxostructura o~ the ~~Y to his soheme, each monar is composed of groups (15). Accordin~ or J.uctuatione o activitYs united by an internal physical ea1a~ ntin~ ttV Linal microstages a1 eolar activity. 1inage and repress s es is subject to wcU.-knawn regularities; ThQ disl~riuution of r~icxoatg - mortars te arq oompara:t)16 to a long subpsrioc~ of of sy~aetric Yp ir~dction (2). The structure of as~~n?tric the 190.yvar cycle -- th6 ~nonars is simiiar to that' oi' the short subporiod off' tle 194-year cyci?. l,'he incJctton ie composed of monare. In turn, monars aro uation microstages. This siiniiarity repres?nts CQ2npo8Qd 0' ?1uCt nQt meriy an ?xtornIl recemt'lances but tho aaanirestatiof o a a1 causation whit is responsiWie ?or the devolop- unity u~ physic mint of solar activitY in its various orders o1L' significance. As cliktion is comosed of tone of monars, so the ?ong arm o2 tfl? in thv sym;notric monrris c?mAooed oi tons off' ~~.uct~atio;~-groups, t- vided into '~ou~ s Tho asyimn ric lnonar, liko the short inic~ osvri? axr o tho indiktion, is cornpooQd o~ aovon fluctuation-groups Th z'CC mbinncv io not cofl1in~d o OXtornal similartW off' L niovts itsa cico in tho intornal ro~atiotchip ~truCtU, but Aotoriotics of anniogous phasos? The naximum do- botwecn th? ohnr volopmont o~ aQttvit in the ou1porioco of tho indiktion is ob- y 2% Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 servr~d in thR singular seri,es~ In the individual monar~ the maximum m nifesttion of energy is du'in the microstngular series. The duration of the peak periods during t1 ~ymmotric cycles is the fbe greater than' ciu'ing the asyirunatric cycles; during the formor the microsinguiar wrier are composed of four members, the micro inguiar aid three mieroasymrnetric3, while during the latter they are composed Qf only threo members, the microSinguiav and arena ut difforent .lavols oi' subdivision is cozt irn?d by the course microbinurs, As in the indiktion, there ie a ?undamantat differ- nnco betwoon the initial phase of a cycle and its final phase of a cycle and its final phase, that is, the physical asymrneitry of tho subperioda of tho indiction i'ind adequate expression in the asy uiitry of the monarr$, This close analogy between the pheno- two rnicroasynnnc trics, The activity in she symmetric cycles is lower than that of the asyuunl trio cycles inasmuch as the snort arm of the inctiktion undergoes a more storm development than th4 long arm, Tie minirnwus of activity coincide in the indiction with the doprosaivo binary, anci in tie separate n oriare with the daprcrssive of tho graduai uccumutation of characteri?tioa during the period of dovoloprnent of ail monare which havo been obnerved, Table III. givc'a thq distribution of the aaparate atogea and groupa of ntmgoa of 5 monara ,from W89 to 191th (is). goiumnn b and ? of Table II give tho microntructura.l stages of tho monarn and the indicon of the mean stroan of solar activity eXprea?ad by the lativc umbor of sun spots during tbr? ton months from Oetober of the pracading year to duly of the drought yoar. On mining TabL? Ii and Figure 7, wo noto that the doprosai a microbinars Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 the ~ rinciPal ~,e?velop~rent oi' drAu~ht" ineide in Limo with ~ CA tiAna 'the dev~iopment o~ cir ?armit~g praaeaaee o~ Cta ~' type. cu ~ rra~ ty?a is a1?r9 toted du~,n~ tha tiA Y ~.at4r~' proceeeea o~ sta ' coura? or other m~cyelan but to ~ leeasr t~agr?s .. tlzv nearer ~,a ~ to the micrQeinular oi' the ayeie, the the ~iVOn raiCroata~a i6 lOwpr tyre mean acv.ty of the iVet monar (Fiona i~4). ~~, be noted that thu d,eVeiopment oi' ahVt Ctive pro' Tt must al Circulation is encOUntt~r?d with particular c?gaasa in the ~?tar oi the microa~,n~u~.ar Cycle. ju.though frequency during the couree aico round in other mieroCyciaa, their advective proc?aaes era ac frequency d8CreaAB the dip1 f Ce between the giv?n micracyCle ~ Cnd the mieroeinular incraaaes, and the higher the moan activity , or the ivon monar. For thin rc;aaon advective type proce8ae8 oC an a rule during the ?ingular and during drou&dt :or~nati?n occur tde fret aaymetric r aroaingular & riea. tab O5 and #'rom I+igure$ 2-( tdat the It i oi~,ow Troia the /5,'/, catas'ropbic drouChta of atatiOfrry typo in 1900, 1901, 1921, 19~i and 19Li coincide in time with depreeaiYe micael)inar~ and polar cti" tyt a mean re~.aiivt nwnb~r o Dun~po~a low ?evela o during the poriod ?rpm October to July ranking from .9 to 32.3? o 1b90 and 1891, which bolongod 'rho ca~antrophic drou~hta to th ?tationa typo, coincided in tino not with dcproocivo micro- on. '1'hio is oxplaind as ?'olioWUt (i bin' but with nod binar from 178 to 1901 (igu:~en 1 and 2), durini tdo oourao o~ the ar activity mQ1i ood iow, and conncquentiy ~tation- crY trrnitn in the gonor CirO~~ttO~i (2) tho prcdominatod ~, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 particurlT low lev~1a o' aotiVLtT ob~orv~ct ?rvm 1t~? to L89Q (Ft~uro 1) d to the ne a L oirou anon r maifin ~t a ~a~u~t~ a ra onWto'~ for tti pr?traot~' preciomifnco low ~,~v~~ ago ~hu~ being ~ doveLo am~nt o~ the mac~amo~~o~c?~o~~ca1 or 8tatiQfa~'1 actor n the #ofmaf( N?rrn ~ mkrabinar m~c~obr'na 'J ,u I 11q \1 Y%JIWE l ) '4, J ~ M ~ Sr'n v'ar I L , /Vorrna l m,crobi'r?or 1%J I F ,i/tro s,,,1'/a' I .I ' Is arison 1~e caurs~ of %e re/ative narr~bers Z C omp , d b4Q monar ,4m /8B9 M of Mp$ 41;d e micr~sn'twtt #ts, 7''a drou st t f rofi 4 typc~c of ca wa4h the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Fi9'~rre 1, Relative number of sur~sPots ?2/7d m~trasfru~tr~re of the rP'o'ar, /878 -/889. ...,. ,ee~ ~.o~ raid iR4B t89! +e9s ~8~ ~~v7 ~eod r8~9 ~-oo~~ooi ~ioaz Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 z2 ~ yerni; 7c lie 21 l `! tas fr?3rn? / droll 4''; ,t ? adi' cWi'e 2 - 5 to /?ay, j adVeC7&i Ve 5fatian Y '-adi'ct" ; w~ i90l IX902 Ji9a3 /94 /or/9,6 /907 J/9a8~/9a9~/9/a ~i9i/ ~/9'.Ii9i3il9/~ i ite 3, Corrirr$on a7 "4e cocI# of ' thy, reltZlt/r4t rnrnuib rrs 0 Jurrs ads and ?'*? D.~ ~"rvC urn o 7" " lam with 4e yp s of cQ?1a.7'Po,ph,G (3;~ 9.2 74;p A4r mil lni~rob~~ar ,Yarr?a, / mi"cr ? n ~1lGrobiA~~ i9i9 I''1 I *'fI i9i` ~i9i' t/,/9 I '9'9 I1 i9.z# Iip,u I I9~i I /9~41 /925~'9fl. fitdre 4, ~an~~arison c( die coarse of ,'4E K/a~v~' nvmbers 4f dNAS~pO~.f Q.r9d 7%e MICl~~fYYiSwdf ly1[ mOAeti" yI'ON?1 /9/3?/923 the ~V,i,Gs of e7faffi^o~0,,iit droy#-'`.t, .See i1 .2Ij ends Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 w~ cangluc further, From the tables pre8?nted and Figures 2^a, that aJ iI the catastrophic drou hts of advoative typo in 1893, i90f, 1907, 1917, 1927, 1928, JV9I36 L9:8, an 19:9 coincide in tiine with niarosin ular series and high 1sve18 Af sour aativity~ thg mean rc~latiV nurnbez' of dunspot8 ciurin the pe z'io d f rcan Aato ber to JuJ.Y varies from 55, 2 to i08. , and in 19Lr8, according to preliminary data, it readied about fii0, he drou& is or it$93, 190 , 190(, 19i7, i927, 193 and 19:8 oeourrad during miorosingular eyclss proper, while those aL' 1907, 1928 and J.99 occurred during the f ir5t asyrnint trice oi" the mieroain uj,ar cyc148. The drou hte of advQctive?stat onar, tran- sitional type in 197, 198 and, i920 occurred Burin; the laet aeyinmotric8 of the miorosin ular s4ries, wile the drought of 8tai4onaryadvective type in i92L oecurrod during a normal mioro- dinarn t rm. No r++-, I4i'e & lylr~ro 6innr , eppg!J,$i,_G "cro6i n ar i _ u /9;3 1 /921 I '9i ~9u I '9tJ I '9's ~ /9ay J''I'9" I I /9jj &1,e l, COI7M:?Jl'iscrl of fl~itcD~rte fMde r/ofive nvrrrbe.#tt of" svnspol:~ ar'd ?ht M#CrQStrgdetare of t~i~ rron~ {ro.~+ X9.23-/933 ;MP.5 D ~~'ats'~%phrG Cm~jh/c , l.~ 4?Z~r i~erd~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 /9J3 I iii I /943(" I "3G) /J7 (/938 j /9i9 j iUo J/94/ i9A' I 1D11 /94~~ ~, Lire 6. ~omPctriion d' Me course of fit five numbers 0f sa,1$,o 'u it nd 44e rr~, ~rosr`~erafvrc t ,f Mt rron ar fro.r, /9.33 ?/A~4 w111%f1, Md? ,/pcs a/' ~ata,rPrrrph ~a dro yh,4s, (/9. 2 ,a~ L~ en d. J 11, ho accurato pr diotion of Drought is poooibie only if a roiiablo ?oruoapt oi' ~riu unr ral ciroulation oi' tho planotary atmoophoro can be mid. Doaidoa a knowlr~diu o1 currant procaaaoa and of the procuding duvolopiu nt of tho g?norai oircuJ.ation, a ?oruoaat of sour aotivity is aiao noouaaa for thin. such a forucaat Hood not nQcuaaariiy prcdiot in d?tiil each individual imponbin ?Lucuaeion off' solar activity. nor the purpoac oi' long- t?rm oiimatio 1'orooaating it is a~auaaaty to know only ado typo of cyc;1o, itn activity, intunsiy at thu paalc opood, and thu datoa off' its uxirumua. 8ttiaticai motl1odo at thu proaont tImQ aro appiicabLO noithor to ?oruancting coJ.ar activity not to rorocaoting thu duvoiopmunt of planetary gonorai oirou L i ion, in viow of tho brief purioc Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 cove by tt~ ae~ee vl Cb6erViAnS An h~Ch the ?0r@Ca&?~' ~-~ ' d asset oi' th~ devalopmant cif the general compe:Llod to r81yR A for circulation t~ made. up Q n tha whgl~ off' sAparats i'oroca6t8 of its intsnsity, tie of preva iii~- ~x?cesses, devolopment 4~ thQ ~ r~ f vailin~ expansion hd developmont of tho ~,ona. a~. rculat~,ons, pro transfer' A climatic i'orecaet cannQt ea- procossos of wort-east n er days o tablish the aMa of px{adia1i tha w?ath by '1'h marlin of ~ n of the tizrir~ of ono?t and ?el?se caf the error in the preciictio jrc'Ul,ation inereases with to j,en th of the jndividual s take s of A c an error of a sin to montf in tho forecast forecast period, lnus of solar activity or of the general circulation Vitas no praCLical liabili'Y Af a alimaic 1oroaast, Tho Forecast?r affcat on the ra needs only to know the mean valu?s for the rnicrastaes of solar acti = the eliabiijty of thoso i9 entirely s~'f ici?nt for v~.ty t- ~~~, r L Poneral '1'h? making a breako:ow~~ of I~C planQtaY oirculation, mean /cool of th separate miorostsL?s can ba prodictc~d well onough Q microctruoturc as a i'unction of the oxpocted from a table showinf~ ?tress thrin~ tt~? epoch of tiro pock activitY. It is i'roqu?nti.Y possib for the ioreca?ter, who takoa the procodin~ historY into accour~t, to w0rk out tho ' rritWri diotribution of woo most tion mambo's on this basis. tut this is poesible impOrtQnt CU'CUia .. it must bo undorstoo -- onl with process?a that are stal L4 wed d Y of sufficient ucopo. 'the strdn t onin~ iind s~&w onifU of the go iorai cii- L2A O%ALiOfl the ianott. +11lOS h~ i~ brbuLLY irQW'?~ o tho of solar nctivitY, oxcl'odin~ the abrupt revorsi i~ smoottjod curve during the opooh of in,ximUm anti tY; The inortift of the onorai Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 aubordin?~to pooition in that oiua:Lation, bOcomini strontor only during apocha of conaiderrbio doprcaeion of Solar' activity. Tho circu:Lation is detQ ,ned by entire deve1op1nent during the recodin two ar three ~rsara, With which ti~A i"orACaater' should be ?arniiar?~ polar cttVtty exerts ?nJ,y an ino , ct eit'eet sward niodit'Yinn this inertia, by way ei' it attain on the hydrob iea1 eonhition of the oceans, '1'hs hie the level oi' solar aetivity i'ar a liven rnonar (l"year cycle of ao Lax activity) the higher wiU1 be the atreca of he general circu1tion. The rob oi' advoetivo pxoeeaaea grows anon important with the atren thenin of the general etrcu 1ation, while that o it atrionaxy procoa ea rows with its aiaekenint. This e,ationohip dcponda p~rimariy on the mean atreaa or he general circulation in a given epoch (oi' tho order of a sin a monar), and the ibrecaater anoint be very ?arniiiar with thia manitudo; and in the second place on tine expected mean cause or aoiar activity according to the ata~oa! When the illean level o? the iative numb' Af nunapota oxcoads LO, it may ti eoniidentiy expeoted that thr~ stns oi' the general circulation will attain a hi&' ,Levo;t and that the atntionery procoaaec will aaeumo a c1oar1y ?oi;towin eyeie a in recent ti~nea conatitutod ouch monor~ z A NQnn 1O1ativO NWflt oi' SUfletc i'or thu NQnar 19J.7 LU3 1925 0.3 19:r! ~ l9tta co.o (on1 eOtiin tOd ?or purpoauo oi' o un- toion) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 wile' on to 4ontra 7, clu' n too cyeles s Mean Bola ivy Number o;~ guns vas ? - ~ MQn r 189)4 37.8 1.907 tiony process pre~iominated over advectivo prOGes~es. The i T e ect o1 the ciroumatance was reiri'orc@d by tho 'act tkaZ a pro" found de aression of the indiktion (19OMyear cycle) occurred , , i1. /~ ~ ~ g ?al /, f On~tn ,icrn'ert s4ow won ~ a. rarer?1,~ & e #,e~+eed) M ) dt Aer#Irht~Q/ l/~G $tiou~ '~ m# mJ~fS l )'4#f f ~,uid t W M$ o/ a u' Me 0 k in,fl~! ?,, ' E ors rn ~ ~ ~' JeI-J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 during those ;Latter cycles (28). b J 9Ldtd 1~l~rDphicdrove 4~sI,, isj~'~ht~fior~ ?f ~ 1s5 .L1 m/ Poc&eJ or 144E / / ,4fre ~ (a) 4it' 190fmS tni ar ('l)horv ) nsrab6hi01 /,Y Thorf IylloPd/ra' /Q (ci r res ire . ( 5;) dSsIMe m'~ bl r, 199''"'7' iC / , n v/#ul (4) d r~'~~ ' Dea: )1#t?.7p.) , ; , (8)advecfire ?i~otie'uty #~iPe. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 i3, It i~ r r n re difiouit to ?orccaat tho type Qf the ch5n~e8 in type of circulation can be rather roiibbiy ;forecast datos of tho9o transfor phcnonon~ during the past two or three yearn moridionai tranofer will be predominant, duch fareeaat5 must be based on the ompirical fact that 'tho Uuration of the period during which on transfer or the other io predominant inaraases with dacresin solar activity and decreases with ina ' th in1 solar activity, Neither ~rainsf'er is oboerved in its pure Lorm at tho present time. A second transfer is always associatod to some decree with the dominant transfor, 'With a calendar showing the eircuJ.ation, that is, to indicate whother tho west-onet Ar In forooaotin such chsng?a of type, over periods up to oi~e year, an accuracy of tho ordor of one month is attainab1@, with tho aid of the i'orr?cast for the intan-ity of the soiar cycle, hi. Stability in the rhythm of these chap ea also depends on the ro ularity of the gener&i circulation. 13y the latt?r ie unoeratood thy; corro3pondtonoo in eXtont ancL in tim@ o#' rocurronco between corro8polt1in~ procoasea in the oyolo (29). R uiarity of the unorai circulation depends on thu re~uiarity of aoiar activity, and ito curve can be amoothoU with rolntivo ones into an aocura'o a1tQrnation with tho fluctuations of solar activity, ' lie 1947, 1928, i97 and ?9L3 cycJ.da wore roguiar, while thono in 1883 and i69L worn irrogular, and to i9~.7 cyclc wt re uiar for only some of i to too u, It must bo noted th~it tho ro~uiarity of ao L i ootivity is oubjoot to boou1~r upward trond. The wino-typo oyc1en of tho ninotoonth oontury chow i'~r boo roi,ty than 1hoao enum~ro.tod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 abovtd, ''h ,s re uiarity mint be di tinguLshed frram the inertia of the gents ' eirculation, l guiarity is introduovd into the genera, circulation by the rhythm imparting i 'luenco of sAiar activity, while the inertia oi' the general cirouaLation is due funuamentalJ,y to t1 transfers of heat in ocean waters and to the ehaacter of the surfaces underiying that oirouiation, i~. 1 xpansion of the active zones of the subtropical high pressure belt and the arctic high pressure boat into tho zone of ternperate Latitudes is a determining factor in the development of the genera, cirou:L ttion, For this roaeon the next stage in formu.u Latin a forecast is the determination of the dominant expansion, AnalysiQ of the eauae off,' aemiannuaL ternparaturo fluctuations during the reapectivo monc~rs confirms the fact that at certain loveI8 of solar activity the zonc of te,nperate latitudes is div dod into two subzones s a nort-~drn and a sauthern, This division Inani~'ests itself snore strikingly with noreaaing solar activity; on the other hand, it bocomea Lena apparent as aolar~ activity siockens. With intensification of advte aM s Paee is subordinated, at o iaveis ??' deveicpment oi' 8o1a1' activity and o? the dneral cirouJ ation, to ho west-oast disp1aeo- A merit of anomrtiies and proce3ac9. At hash strevses in the enc~ra1 circ anon, the expansion o the activo pones scr?ono the west.. at transi'er oL procosses, `l'he basic ?acto2 which dotormtne tho conditions during the rowing $t aeon aru: 1, type and stress oi' tnc t~aaic transcir; 2, Gatos of too inning and o1 oL the aitorna$ir~ oxpanoion or to subtropical 1i.t1i prQ?sure belt or the a ansion o' tho arctic, which ait~rnatcly dos+itto; tho re uiarity o' tho cneral circuJ,atiof; ii, t.ho eta or tho monocon circulation ~- whothor stim- uiatod or dopssod; , tho oco ,c cirot L tion~; t, tho wt-oatrmoi'or o' proceat oo. L9. Wo ohtll now ooncidor th& torritori 1 and .ompor~i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 do,- distribut arocoas cif drought i'ormation, Under to ' the ~,on a I tranefAr processes of drought i'ormation n~tiOn o;f: th~ m~rtiiOn~i both tl~e youth Russiar~ plain and Central n+3ver slm~l,taneous.iy embrace AaiA. Aoros 'chew in eneral the transfer hind iAS a territQr ~ rn the eastern M diterranean anct from the Ult~ck marine air rnassos fro suaer- l shed. Tf one cif theso areas is occupied by ea is a,cco,npi a s then the other is taken over at heated continental r rnasso, tyre wine time by rrarina and ?'orrflsr marine air masses, and convera?iy. 'When tho reintively rlry anU thQ relniive~,y moist air a?asse$ move irrdCu,iarty, their paths int?rseat each other ftqueftlyt Wnen they move rogularLY, they remain apart. In the forrer caoo eo .graphic provinces have climatic and atriOUitural both physical and g~ conditiono dose to the r1~an vluos for a torn of years, In the one of the territories Wil,L have a plainly uni'avorabie ,latter case, narjent ac tnu process of thoutnt forr,ration develops, agriculturrti enviro the oth?r will have a cie,arly favorab,ie agricultural environw while rn?nt an expreaaud by thu increase of hurridity. This statement is the stationary type of circulation (i921, the accurate both for rouCht in ropoan Ud i() and for itc advoetive type (i917, the d drougnt in t1r4 southeast part o?' uroouan USSR, in Contra/ Aoia. MU in Knzakhatarl). patho of transport for humid air macro?o are as fol:ioWOt a. Tyr~11onian boa ?- Mono basin -? noithWard; driatic boa ?" upper Danubo -- 11b? and Odor; b, A c, Lek Boa -- DnOPr bin; dca .. basin of Middle and Lvwbr Voila ?? ma d. Mack bin; 22z Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Wn ab bast Syr-Darya bin nd Flow i ther in the ,rectio of puthc e and ~ merge a bake c? me rn to the north ~aF latitude ~~,kal~ Pa~1~s a ~d b , al ~ and d mere at t!~e Upper Voi~a -M From ~5 degrQec 4 ,Paths o SQIltZhax' tO UQV' ktY. The northern dry air ae we;L1, fequont,y ?'ol).ow the mrpse ~ oourse of ale rivbasin. Only tho woatern typo of Kara Soa rmined by the Ural chain, intrusions ar? anera.l circulation, too, is of deoisiva The regularity of the ~ dvoctivo proossass predominate, When inFluor~ce in case whore a than -- if moncoQn jnFluencea are r~baont this re~ularitY i~ rest, pat tward ha of tie humid air mesa?s will or weakened -- the ou bring ~ Unep basin (in the broad acnaa of tbring drought aithor in the . word) or in tho Karia Vo1, a i~aain, 9n the dyt~aanio-~nvnaoon air- d it dote~1~.nea tho ;locatiion of tho :~ ~ d?v culation is atron~l, _ oloire, 1'oco8 oi' drou&ht Formation. r IF circulation is not rQtutflr, then, duo to t1to physical wt1 c drought cannot dovolop on tho oo~raphic conditionsf cataatrophi _ U~, ~xcopt For its oactora and eoutl~oaotor~ ~uropocn part of tho F0rmur ca?o, a i'orr"cact ?F th? diutribution o_ the portions. In tho ~ l on tho in~rt `il qua Litioc of thu genora aFFoat?d ftroaa must rely 1tho attbility of distribution of tho air maccuo airculation and on i'orucasti is ?aaiur. Tu ro,Lo of thn paths, In Ana lat!cr case rouLenorAl oirc ati?n roducos to tht Fo iowint$ ~a~-it~ o~ thu ~ cossos era guar, sporadic t,Oufltts roour in a~ whop tho p~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 . a3t tranofor io dominant, the iocation ao. When the w?ct- noxtnorn anct oouthoxn eubdoneo i~ the Qi the boundaxr7 bAtwson th? ?irot problom 'whlch must bo celvod. This io do~orminod by the ?or~ca~t i'or th ?xpansior~o. When tha erotic expansion doinatoo, o d oout13ward, and 'cane dovQlopWnt othe this b9ur~dA7 is ohiftQ ~1rOt~h~?~?~'mat~,On prOCe98 iB then coneentxatod on the at?ppao o outharn nuooia, in the Krimea, ?ra?CaUCi U8, LAwox Voiga, anti ~ the 3. whon tho oxpanoion of tho o+ibtropic~l ''rangvol~a ~t4ppg doomir atop, the bo~inda'Y is ohirtod northward, high precouro b?it and the process oi drout ?orr,lation orn'braeoa the north Qrn raglono { ad. Chor1~o~om provincoj Contras Povui' zha or the UkrainQ, the CGntr that div'ido them brow 1vn er, anct a crstastrophic drought o ~ al ~ where the ~~hysiaa~l and dQVe7~op only in ,loa~litio ircum~tance LavQx such ~eo~raph~.c dsvoioPmans, (1~9? and i69~). each c time, the ~ oxiattn~ rola niP8 bgtwaAn the c~xpan~iono off' tMo basic act tio ive Zoned mu8t be tai;on into ,aocovnt. +4 rho Whoa the circu~.ation i~ irr?~uiar, ro h~.c drQU~hto (190b, 191?) tp er~.od~ o~ raid hta do not cur rhythmica11'Y'Th@ p ~poxadic dro~~ an aot.v tY: VQri otan ?prming oataoui and otrengthen tinei t1 In the oam w h proeoo1 hr can '~? ?~~,ar or irre~ r, way ~- o on of developmo.Z~t o~ t~Q droutht ir it io rguiax, then the r~i s iocatod to the south o ho divioton botwoOn ?o'flnation procooo i th? dov?opmont CI' sporadic drought over tiho oub~oneo, roaulting in _ d and aLL o tr;oc~tarn iiboria. 4~hon rhoonordi airauation io wca.{~ 1w fie~,aaon iiuonao ~ bution o1 catastrophic drou~t io dato goat aroao, ono dis~ri - ;, than jo, wi~on indpsnnt monsoon procoonoo are ao~v~?~-, ;;I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 drouhta oi' the 191 type are i'ormed. hen the genvrai cix'cu" :,atiQn is stran ly devolopecl rn t the monsoonMdyna1dc procecsee are a lovely1adda 191I5 type drouhta (Danube basin) arc huilt upa180 wnon the circulation is irret.ar, the diatribUt'ton of c~ataQtrophic drought iB detormined by the Ui8tribution oi' quasi*stationary a togother with the monoon-dynamic circulation) ant by procaaae ( the physical and eo1raphic conttone (190l anct 1911). When the proceas o? drought i'ormation evolves under the aegis o the west-east transfer, the paths of disc/'iarge of arctic air on to the continent of Europe acquire essentiai significance. It the circulation is e1L1ar they 'cake up a permanent territory and are responsible or tho i'ornr~tion oi' Zonca of mer or and oi' re ions of precipiti tion. Wan to circulation is irregular, thcae transfers t. ke piece along different paths. Tanks to this ?act, the regions oi' rain"all emcrace various terrttories where aporadic drought has doveioped ann iessan the acricuLturai effect. The present paper ivea only a i'irat rough outlino of the mothodolo y off' c it attic foraoastin~ of tho devciopinont of the The development oi' rho mathodo1o f of climatio forocaatin Wii drou ht~fo anon proceac on the n 'open territory oi' the USSR. ?arvo as a aubjoct of i'urar reo?nrch. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 m Prature pre 3V, wind, end proeipLt Lion) tiro r rtt:M1r1 o~onoa; of cf ntt~ro t Un th r ri fh r ntn: : riN1 n r l r t' '~-r~r tort:t~crt ?7 veyrrt?n crr~ ttrVy riinu ern t1i~opI4n trr- ri torh? off' the ?J5 h i n ob r'vo i nt i vi ' tdut1 pott~t r _ - r n r pJ)4il; :no i~ A f t W r d i r. t. h pain a t~br' nt : 1 r in tirty ~4s117 or tr 1tilo~ft t t CF l!# U} t)f P tit is1 91EVI ovcir4 h t rri1t~Or Of t n 1 nk o h r. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 0. A. UrQ7aQv Do in to rooont tires of m~ttcoc T way ccnc+ rrod, wt.bh raro ox o~tion?i (broc 3s, rnoimt~.ft Vaiicy c~irc iut1.Qn), aniy with he Study c1 of tilif c1.mat0 of dcrote points, indrrdcnt1Y of whothr c1ito could be ia1yM d into copnrato e1cmont or complexes of of raronto. Ther? W 1o rc1atively 1jtt ?o re O U h into tho t iictau~'O oL' the ocur o of tho ~rc thcr r~ n .very 1aoo t'in t4rire to t no, Under ~auc i'1 c;o rd~ t; ,err , 11en orro red'er'r'or1 t0 tho c1 r~rc~ ,, at` torritcr~ prbat :ara41,1'y r ar't via mor iy tho rircro cr 1e ueeo c~ ?i ,nt(;rpo f~t{ton ti dr tr for e'jav to Wtt Mtl`ie territory'. :Lt i ,; truQ tit the com ( U,of l~c~tw fm the ccur'Nc oi,' the v'~cr thor a ~ rrF~t~~c~tau pr$it wrrrv;^ta~r;od, 1')ut tl-'y VI uod cn1f ?'or wor cL n out n~~ Mgr .Pr;1 f~rrtrr, '' t1 oany 1l Qt' th i C .. in oo c rrco, Th(1 t tt: i 1 ntrihtlt ()rr r~ ;r3at l~or' iflDf r't(nt citj1rttic ictcr; it, off' oonc_ir~f to Ui ' r '! hr'r 1 tho Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 1~ro hti~, ccp9nrt~ng on their or,f'in, fW`i,Y ca a s ;C dti wa f(rcirt tQxrt,tQv:,ai i4v.cturQ, r?nP 'rom to oant4 QuF inc 1r r~r or a vaf3t L3!flcl i?,h keri territory c3Q~rj t iio Win' $oLd c1 tbUtiOf ot' o ,L .,jLt,at]c ~ and crop e1r1 aeco cifi to t1~0 pt ? sit' ti fldOV Q w "tor'" t1rit0r.;1 :1.n t.mc cad cir{ouChtr he t~,ra3nsjr)fs off, t,ho r QfS oc~v ro;I by w .dt prod cnc1 ont tun r~ }~ n , new torir1S, thUfdQ torm , cr 1e t arc of inter?t, or tho ct .mof ,on (i t? '~ rn no tivc de rc :f1' tto d , icu1ttt ciawod by too p*en)mcfa to , ra c ;mct air t ? nflportat .o) PTd tO Qon1~ .c U, r UfQ , are ;i 9ta c+ h prod1 of ng he pay 11 t' t th mder 3to:'m Lor the avic:cticn t:c rvi( a~ it' i by no uldazaa irr 1cva~)t to kno?r t~rhr~tb c? ~ ~ r f alr nc' wt . t "i a ~ a o, k a ~ ri xa , :t 1i ii1 eM tor t 1 " 1,y a c , with lr" 11 tui"lit~rcitQ' fit whtoh ark hard to Ta~~j' ccaa ,1- a~~ ?ri?cironcdl 4j' 1~crr~1 ?r;thc' pnoricna pce 'in(a cs?~ :1vQf rout( cp1ct 3 y tc th ! c ~~ tr r ? x )U pit cn t1P i'Ut roc thQ c1 ~ r'V'Ji~ Orr a Erwin point (fit ki.rp1ttnc~ is r1ir1i ) ci tW j , ;;v Jr the ~ j~,r~- r i ~cr Lh , ? tc+ r~ c g,ni:t ~ 3 t a rt r ~ pot J: c c~~j, e a ? v ~1,y' r~ri t c, y F ivon Fj ~-~ rt iF U~ P` ki :i h'b it i, rnt rr-~~c1 ~L't t cr, ; into th) kb # 1 '1t,Y .h3 4#. .}~ ~ 1f4~ ~ 1 V 4 i/E jij 1d_ 9.i 1~1 ~t1.1j~~ V ~m~ lM~ t1EF~ L1 V M Jl ,t..~ the! Y r c r ,r t f cry tar ircr ?~,1 cr r~ ~ t ntorr i,~ I T1 or t1tiyfi vFd: b#1 i-~ ~j~ x i ~} ! it r iv n poti ~ , n i Li' Of t1v rr , ca ~ f tlit with tit L't n ett . th by 1 t 11o,1ri , : &inp1 ? Lt th'i b ic r iit otth ? Th r;ut~ + ' t arm ? . p r month i thr it tt i t h i~h rn. 1w iniiy Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 dayo per month w::L1,1 thoQ bo ?u'nr1anal a1,an; that r'outc? ~,te ir~Qi'rtt o thQt?uetf of the phahoion the ,nE Yrer wUl bo v ray jdQt ' n tc ; from to 3Q, ob& iity oi' m ; rp1 n0 ?1 ng al n r t1~ + route anoount Y'tuC (ran 30 days) in t1 event t'it;, th cur er o 9, Lunc1o to:rM Mat l/r~(//1*$ /1a( (,pq ? A( anY #, - point on thQ oir1t ;fir. xs ni.~ m Laot t4 c~ month; :n that oar o, on thra ~ day3 of the month thundo , to rn TLU bo (b33r'ved iim itanoou 1y ov 7' the ent rA route; &r1d ul~o o days wiU pro awfz'1t i;)1 b, roc ~ 1M/i fl1 Th cier3tor~iU' 'riU oecw' d1y 1,on&th oi: t1~v ' ut, thoxo , . 1 b t1~~r'? th~1ndo2~it Wt1 4j hQ thuwlor;3to7'm;3 ffU1 f ouf3iY a tonal over tho onti r 1- ,i i:i'n1 11`x& 1WJHOf , 1iE J t3Q11' wh fir' b twoo Gho tiv' of:tr'omc 1.1-, bj t it will cw:ror ?'o ''oro t o on13 wrd di4 t'or'ont pahonomont., coo ao ic~i i. not n1y Qn hi' ?r Y u fCY lnn the i'utf3 but a1 o on tare ion?;th o1? th0 'uutc~ and urn to pt~1 truoturo of 1~0 1~orlomo-' non ?,tk o 1!, T11 i c o ' the u1r to oV , 11)vlr~ pint mtl t col i h ; cf oto c,~} t1A~ i ~a~ o : t c qtr uC tWo of ?to1d o 111 tae olc~ io . i~ 11~ ;1' t: e f1'h: a ii b i r4 ,roc phiw 11y i17 ovrn A , N . Lob th v, F. Tot t tuid ottr ri V1i it roblENmo nit k1 - fti ~t1~o1,0 } ,ot irl 11i t Y a thn T'A4=~ IirL r11 it of t 111 r~~ 1 P th orotioU11Y f ?A uotio : iy- its 1mt o' the oimifo1OE7 off' icnt of i t lOk4 i Zofonttheir oh no oij, tnt1 the innonti quit{ end int r- ti t o il L1 1i11i1 t the ?i th ~f r t o' i e io l mn m atir The 11 th do 1 to ?o ~ ho i-ivnn ant inv tigtt~Mf of t1 i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 biRm haQ boon cua opec to QmQ c~ tent with the d u ' ?arQb.' , theory arid oV ad the wt ?'1d h eon done by QV' t oho- r (i)a (2)a (Vi)a rrlQta c Q .~l t~ A c tat n trounta Q' work It bQQn clono by theiflJci1v3 n he study o~' j'jol,d t uC Q t' r Qrn tit U point Q viu;'r '? , Kf1QYJ1Qrl t 3 fl (J(1 n ' 1;Q MaEln V t~ UQ Of bhc a:Qnt of thQ rrlQtQQ 4Q1QLt,Qal QiQment undcr v ~1 ou con;tttiOf Ql),ntaifl lope rind, nor 1 &1iE Of vlatFr) , n uorno tsiof w:~ t1l ., : i 'Qb=LQm thQrQ ar Qciatc d q, o t QU Qr hO app1'l c~atton o } ~U e L i t C-iQr" " v?th. h iQ Qrte Q nQd i'i l It r 41 ~t ~r 4 ? Q1ctr,: Q ~1e,n3nt, thQ tt3Qrv t1' QQ air tin pot r~ Wt O'' sQt~ .Qai Q',a~aQr'~ ~t1? on w'tw1 tahQ t; +11t'tUVfi1 :1. (fl &1c1 tir ;hQ del it ; butiQf 1Q( t,t Qr, ?Q j irQ Qr p1ot1 ; ''t} c1t li t?;LQ f lttrt' Qr c ?ail -, trvQ $rF t cQl,lt: t;1'~ arc e L ~~~~?k~ Y~ tF~Ft _1 l,it:t~tlf{U nr i it 1. w',th -~ r ~: iir' ~;~ i:)f1'',v~l tc .bh~, ~~,~~~~,cnl"qtr 1a'Lnti ;l q+t;t.~~j~ it VCC~ 1 her.?t jta ciWf a.n1 fir uxlt pr t(t : ll rt r o~ l rir #'rQ r cr . r{r t r tj ts:t vr th t) j?O- ,thy yio,d1t, i, t,t 13(n f tha pr ~ r i 1t V n t .f9 ~ p1 nt ftn a 1ef . tt f tiOn z' c r~l t1 ri Thii it t14 ~ t ~rn n1)111 4f the 1 t 4 () Uw d ~ iiK~rt i i ti ti f i '1 i :f4t b; ir4 ;tv 1 rl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 C 131 a O pt h6 ;ti' a~ ~.th()r' rorwttn rJ. jar 0 ' QVU!Ql' , ThL3 pitQnof'iefof lr (io x1ec 4ed 'd t+b he that th 1 iiiit of t 1 (T Ph~f 3 Q t11J pO 6ii 1: v t1.uo$ 0 ~~ m . G r.~7a sip + ; 1i Iar r .tom the 1 iridt wit t w1 i. 3 they ft1uo Huto ? vivo a brtiweon to reF.d x at n~ '.l~Qx-, ~ 1-`'~'? ~ tht hadM to 1n' v rL. n ar Oj' t1 ~11'f'arenco b twc en t1'e va uf1 o thpaa uw tttir1 t anion a c 1oo to ~~ c11 oth ' ? ~ i? a w)'r xe 'the irrtr;.aL On : th :31()me, ~a~ ~ K~at ;l a .l+yr jr i11 fQ t Q cmttr r Qj' ,1 p ~ r ,cn.:, prQeo 3 t3- cont ,ncy o' the U a- turbad T1~ b nc)tnt ?or t mpmrntU' if WQ QP~ r 3tt3 fOt (l th6 ~ r l 3 ~ r?trnta)1y V iu ~ t)u t vr! tb ; ] u f for p r Md 1 or dpi, -y a 17?r tw'Q ;Co t fl' ;n t,;: tit on t ,t& on 4 f~ 1a~ the t; 'Yi i b 1 fl'~e D1' tIh+3 1 O( 1&t T t a )ta h~tarlr4le' 1j2 ;J ihc ~Q L 4f }/ of 'lrf toe~eo 'i 4/,t' th+ t f 1t)h~ +j ti3 C4 ~1 Ira+,~~ i Tay b rQ:: c1i1:I on, 'i:1hr uA ~t ; off' ~ r r ~ - t~ =a1intcm ~~ ,I #~ ~`d ,- ,'fix -. g"' t' 1r tt t 4 t1t#ls'16 ~Ix flI o ~dl {=d tr pry s; n ~ y~~ +t th, tai aY ~ it n ir:Ltu di ri# ` :nt r~' t la 1`'fa7 r' this, i,x U ?uth,wv~ cvu' try ut~p-~~:~r V i2 t r ti 11i ~t eta a:1~'- a ~t~ ? j1 j +~ V t 1~ ~i p c t i11 to xp n e~ f 1 1 in 9 t pft iTh 4tflU@ wuJ bit ?o }`nth tmiiornt II4tr4 in T tiya, thn i v y It ht v}rr1& tlity ai' ott?pm&tur M n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 f th r i 1Y.4ht yrck, gdhr:S3 it E" U;ho jth fC j1alr~~ ? n 141rt Ir~rcrt t1n t1;r!1g (lFii:tMilr, i ti s'!i rj tt ~d1 Q+~#17r31V Oi t~hSi to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 r'cueflt ri- e to tare? 'r t1'Q arc C Pr n4 'tQ, yr th ; teen the .n :C thEa rnc1. act an ;1:zon &nW:3t COY djr otton, vhich ao o the pc1~a 4VE tr Q ' tr i~tcn' t iu 14 att ?ttho pU,a a&biiiUy' Of cQn , the grc;at c xpond t~1 o o host with tho t r T n Q tho flflQ ica(l t Iii 3h oeQ 'rcncc cad tcn~ r~ tea 1o 3o to Q do rQt 1, v1t in ch r' ,i;r 9 t .c type of ~~h r- or c (Ii atxibuttQn wh~.eh roc ov i;hQ cmtr~a L 7 onQ oi' the uric ,, , vrl~,^p ti not round iii olrrVO ~ y, t} ~;Y34' Jnt ~~ yh1 A 1ir~ t t ay oi' ' ~a 1i3 a44~~b kl~ v4 qu nbyr. ,4 ' 'tCt):Qil; v I) ? Po1v1ov ccri ' a ;~c the (1ic.pp( rance o t rrcl~r C) oi' but c4 curvy 'ov ttti r V~ th no -j1; tiZ' t np I{ tW . rr1 rhov~ ~1ncrrtion f:l p~ciz , ,a1.3 tjcp dr tom nhinc to ,, ocvt 1i.n r t nt 'i. f n~~ ~t:' tW~ c crarE .L1,ti on to t?A 1c x tti'rccwt tho t~cm ~ rye i urn rat ita ?~ ctort=, rr whoa the t ,r, ;~ r{ t ~c - ~ c 1cC t11r +u1 1 0 c ca rotc ;rc O 600 k 1~ ct it i 'hit to ti 'icc 1-h3? 4Y~'r orbntJ O Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 notnt ;t";''-~ 1' U j r~or1tf~-rj~c;~~ ho1~r+;~~a Utfo~ fg, t h r?n ttn yrr ;Iiorrtc o' tf r1 ~:~r~ct,lr'+ M 4 n 2l}o Idhfl qu : r or h of th11 L&t \~~ r hth t f c' the t~ ~~n cr .. (fit ncj hhcr'in , r t t&c:n (nx )rcc y by the v rt nc~ rr by 1i nt nd y trtt d,ttnc ~,t~~cn tic q ,a r~:ct&cuU iinccr Thiti ac ~ cn vc i; Md for t rn r t roc ~ Fi m J tJ.4. ~~ Pit' OflritfM't ~ Z1t !k. 3~W ~~h914t '1 t~1:t si t?LP t1 up 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 n tf d end era or c e3 to pr QbbiQ WhtQ1 e g frMT the , W prc ent QW e11 ~. ~ Ct za 3tiO Q ' . te;nnr r4atu 'O cycle 11021 Moan !flofthly t tnp 1' W'.s ncl ~ ~ ink the , ~ac~ ?rit~l ?or i;ri \r.du i pc r1.Qd . rt, ha3 bQeIt Q~ p .1ical;Ly e t~ibU c (10), (U),, tiat1 the .fl'" c jr.~ aQ Lth ref trp 1tUP( chi. ~ rcu1C 1Y f" or c3j ti' nc 4ei! 1' 'O41 0 to (Ors 1c1.1met, 1, , mh? ?rrrr, 'or 'X'oatt?r cltant;N 1jsa;i 'tot! #~F 1~aln ir1v*~1t,,C, big;. ,., iy t c ,R ; UP ( tht: t 1+c yonc hip point t1 ic3 ?fl ~~Fa y ' , ~ . .y F iwia 1 tint I y r~ v r'y 'r t, c1 z+, cac th or i ~1i i Qr~ ) trbwa n th rodin F t oil ( V l-J:r nt :tk ti.A /n F.,` Ne "" 1?, ch hwi br n C1O11f QcL t4I U tj this wnping. In t encv ti, 4 lU 11, r~ J - d? i:.14 T r c at1 ;l ; a `y1Q t t4 i ,t t, rl L it;;Ln ; pu ,t v 1l 1 i o (a i;iU.1 j bla~ ~a, j' ' ? a aye ~~)t ras r?j }y `) wp~r~ } a A'Wpn g. i+aF &' hQ v)j?f:1e ~41~~b': itc4"i \dr )11 t~i j~~,+191:f !i Th y in hit the ,@i 1iir ttia p cu a' tirfJ (' ; wind 'rn Mjr3 4 1k ~ 1it i t~ X91 ~~r ~lL 1~k7 1 ~ with a 4yov t'eU hOUt, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 dog nut ?rto1.c~ eta; c :f1~`+ M' ?~ ~ oi~~tiQn o , 1i pvobit i. Th - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ~.,1r v~1Luc bQi]1{; about tho same a1 ?'700 t~n4 1300), ;hi1 th vetI part o ibri t i 0,6 (t 0700 how) nGi Av b4kzi f4f41 4~ la tJ pvob b1 , (t llQfd()rat Q ether', th ) V L1U- f Qf Jr t1 ,1 {S t F'f~~', ~..i~l ,2 ~.l~,dylt,iM ~-~1 ~'~~~1d` ~!~ ~ .3 ~..d&~l~c1d ~11""~al~m1 Mk ! ~ fit'^7 ~~ 'M1~kl~@~1s4.k ~~ ' E~if6 ?r1 1t' 1i1 r a n u ; t, ex Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 1flQt only upon the pr is on of t1 e - rig&2 1 C t but a sci upon Ue c~ra Qr ciftrbuton aid the natw{Q Qf tho lacatof of Qr~ in the 1e MQ 1, T'bo p' e .; iQf Qi jriear rlt6 pQi tb f ?'' pl f8 ur'ceQ hay ic~t;1 +rinc,QVQ4 bi A. ,1',G11, 0- \,'QQ~! A, .t-. ;11E;po , v l y rv IJ, V. ? var (p), (12), (13), (L4), 1J;$Q (Qti~y rab t inec to Q1a,QW?n ?'o~ry r.~~1a Q l U1 4 t error o tnt rpo1ation ? ( ) (the U =rc~ncc be twt a r,b~ vv c1 I''or t -it siMp1 Q 3t Qt o;C i.nterpo1& iOn X'Okj ti 6 E LULdU3M&1b point3, .t t 1 Get iI vex1tjr4 * O. n Qc uii to ' i t 'r l c fro ^ . T Urawing t1u " un i f~ { tt u l3,ty tbpoll t or. rk f:uC 1 ~' 4 ~r#t i'/' :rii wt,ti!i w1t th j f Ire rv4 ,~??-~,+~ ~ ~Qn~ th' TU L:n + rit;)iiy toinl`! j fl ~fi ,n j fr:i? Rf J:j11fir tip ~ o t 'p rt c t' tai' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 to aecount that bcoausA off' tho iao1 of It ~uust be taken ~,n c~.rcumst~nces as ~ whQ18, c~e~artures uniformity of the surraur~c-n in tha weather my ranch four t:Uis the moan dopa~'ture ~ a1Rrr~nts ' distsr~cas ~ Therefore anly a natwOr* of etationa with oi about a n assure in a~.1 caws tha curacy Q~ isc~- k~,,orr~~+rs ba~LwoQn tham Ca linear departure f ram the norm of up to a,~ degrees s will sti11 assuxe accuracy within 1 drraa; distances a~ 200 ki1oU~t~r do rag n plotting will be ?bscrvad in while errors exCaac1ins~ U approxiute1y only I percent of the area, ?inslly, with tntar- the order off' LOO kilomctarc, althou h orrora statian distances on ~o will alrady ag errors ovex' ?i~ datre wi11 only raxely axcapd 1 d@gr , ~ observed in 10 to L percent of all thc 1oCa1ities? With rnatOr ~ ens the nccuracy of tsolines up to 1 darce distanaes between Qtat~. ~ ~,n is not entirely as6ur~d' At a1i~r~tiC baundaria s (sca, dry land, u ounta ndin 1 ~ and adc~iti~ana~, stations should ra~.ansy accuracy fa11s carneapa ~~ ba used. culat.on, 'hut applied to the ya1uos of A similar type a~ 0 1 was Wed s thQ basi? of nwnerous studied teoroloicei e1eflOnts, ratiat~1 location w~.thirt a network, by the QUO on tha theory of bo ode howa ve r, with repot to the A fors obcarvatione y tod above . 1n the first place, the divortV4nce u1CUIaU:Cn8 prOC?n iolad qun.ntity d9os not rCprc botiwocn a observed and t~:On, CtnOC the Qb~CrvCd qu~.nt~:'~Y iC i1t the e * ~error O~ interpola thC tieCriOf tflt@rPC~4tt0 ~ ~:rC 1CQ6 not entirely acCUrate atid th&n , The truo error of ifrpotion Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 rot vn:1uc of vjh1.cmay a1 1)( cibtA t~.nec1 .r. 'nir~ tllc) ro1.(1ttc"11 II, Lh=11,3 ..,,y,, ti 'n91 y, ,1 ? j`L 1 sk:t11 F~ ! l vrith L+r tie v&,Uf9 c.1 the co jcd?nt of mfT 1:,Q Pieta~a ~mi;fl(d to b t1+e v~'::Lue of pro n. L.L. ?'unc ti oof t14 . t i*i! r i + t .u th fti~yt f ~tirI \J j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 F 400 i+1ii: arj~4,+f~ F.~ ;-,i.' 4# ~ ",yot) t't,lA.fx,~l# a~a (,4., 46e .~~'t:!..{.ttt..~.Q~4 ? o i ;.:1)f. it '1 f31rjt fi ~ waia 1 f r:! ' t ~'" d~iti y~ ' 'OT' J; i iary rirj J1. iy :Li the C ~n,LLL R Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Ti .at of + j' '1 s-I r.' % Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 rt a' Li cri (l'~~'iii', Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 y+ f1 of ?r+,1 ~ T; {c itv1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 -Lv L ?J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Tt11 .! t 1r7tc r c f tn4.arcuplx tt c'i 13i; l rt 1 P ; # 14 tta1;.bL Oh p fO()', r tnt' (:l 'td t1: r t 1A`t 1 ktt tl f h l t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ?orn1't:L .. Q11?: t l' -: : t: 1 j 8 ''1?`+'~1 - e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 niet?iic Cni.uinr: , c'-'-# fYljtfl l i 11:3 vcn ! with ;,ndux () -! ch iN ,'ttti.e i)3 t11 ii u~41 ty. t1i;G' k i ?&, +t .l.E~ r t..ta-!"# ,.N,. tClJ { gay, mdds.}~ 1.! on the ~ f~ t18Il.i E1ro C ? it h~M}9 ,:gtiCf'i 'i loot ~ 1 ~t ~,? a r 1 "i~ 111 :. L1 i:he 1TK) r 1 ^r?>tr f 1 4+ f e ?r+ , T ~,tl t ci: rI' o~ r#~;t1~Ct~}Ate4 F ( ) 1~ dl; 1At7rf.1 or eons dr~44,bitll,:j~vs ci' p V k' i p ~ 7 4at~~ tic X11#por t b4Ef'afl ', z r ep7 oi: he rP di,fj'erraac of the c:l fC3'eLi 1 ?t L, i 1 44 aanl ir" ?:i - c Ufly4~sid~r`..i.t~.t`~?'~) j9'~ rr~ff s f' .'!. j)() l t ~i1(~ ~.t#j's+()f Ch A (? qq ~y f'i {=i :i~L 1.{f S f o } X1 1 ' l ~ ~f :'t !,. ~ . s4 1 ~ t. . + ,., z, ?L T41'(11i ( . ii rtii .t to t v(:r Pfy~~ ~~1+kd".31,! m ,1 i 44 R qq a j ~ ~ (mil 114 i tl+l kj ~ 4~4y i..+'3&i d,"Ca/'spar ~: c 9 4+11 ',d_ta,~ !, e e .J; :,Vd (s t IA tIA 1 tt r r ''yti :*vi rrr~+ tF tt k r : t; 1 --th ~ 4 Pj j tit ' V' b i1: r ;, j : t rip:1M of r w;1 t r 1i 1 , r; iitp1~ ui ~ d by the t th ' uf ter bto1. Ph { , ~Jl1 t't~ ~Ai ~ f LW if i~1 11 fltth L n' Fr the of }iiY$.~ Iig ihy+ CIiLt7 it7 ,1G niii1 ii U7.:~ 1 i ob : 48 - Lf Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 '.uvi ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 E flt: f' ;2hy-t: 1m: c I'f)pt t' tir in eompar~.3Qi . V; .t11 the ha. c4 cia, and, .rpar'a4eU1 i ha var l fg ;.ntenirtty o:1: r6pet .t ofl in ()r3 ~a5(3 or afath(4', T?" ' datra }.r3 Oft d under 11 i'( E3~1 ; the L caaof` ,Vhy 11cj~1( ~ nj e; vieath1; r ? o ` a ;Mt?n a' E3(i CT t1? i o ib ~Et:Lc1ta~ }.IIns only aeh~..rav,d (11tr1but c)ls i'~j ' th d by T r A r Di i tc (,r h por Lod 2 ,E'Qbr~.~+~1 ~';,r x9{+; ff ^~ */h 19.'2; f +^+p ~' P L11 1922 Larch ~i9h ~:qe t,d o ~ 9~ C?eivt~' {,U a ?~ ~ c roJ11 r~t7 1~~ ~~'1hd ''~a (4{ f ; ~6"-'ir',..~t ri. t.1 ll is v ? a~ c! ctt? ?'i ' t t i nc c )h"1 j3yLQpti`? t,n11 t L::-'~ end thci .j,,~ 1 c~4.it.rRi StQ r'~,i:rt b,Lc) ? Mj Mkl p* Q l: " f _e1i1 W ,r 'i Luf or ' fa. or+2 In ?' t lE, f 0.34 ti thca OeD~t`1~ rr~; n t,1 r tbLrc ~ W id 0r02 in L t?a~~ T + Q:T''~ ''Fl}' t '`~ 1ow 1t j1 '1'i` xt a4 fi 4; i ;r the :1 " 11~': a 4 1 ? }' ! ~3 l 14 i~' , t~ +l t,+ 4: s < js ~, ~r c):i' # WT 'U'L a'r,: off' ~.ni, 't l' i A t ~ t4' ' is ~c ittt4 C1) U iM '?1 ~pW 4 ^a1 l gal ~1?,'t t ldkt iy (4W1i&.tt ~~. ~LtW ~'[k tFi, fly t ki 1'. 71~ t~# 7 11 ( fa ~ Y :t Lii ri4 '1 t1 w Q~P ?Pi~ h kk ~ th' trn~ +r Ira?r1L `r 1f 'i -l 14t {r ~' dt'~~~ :i1 ii 11} 1j f rind ~ ~. 11y b1i v1x it'y ti nt! r t' k tiitiy _ 1 j ~t to ti ' viii ` i t 14t by i ~Mr1 1' th . ~ the 'i 1d or w 3 t ' v i i f, r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 cQ. ; 4f ftt,aai "UOW t3 OL' 3j.' ' tQV 1 p'Q~ aure Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 17 1-ViE V. oi' vi'Lnd gc) oc:h -e a ha 3 WQ kad on th ?xcquu6TcY di, t'ibU i )I3 The pr~ 3erIt pipe 4 v t i1 not ~ tbs. WQX' , t Ltii Off' pur y c l!r; A1o1o{0l c?~ac tar , In adc~&ti o Chore arc) yrvith Ghc a e T1+1 o t' )o:L tle R., . ' d'O fl r c ;(it~U~o1Qnoo, Lhe vari Q o th vo OQ ]b n (~I.n :Et ?' vind yi0c1..t \':h ro? a r1 Vth t' 9rt..i Qr 'i o 1i1iitudo fl at~1~ \. I ahc dip ;n,, t r phi. p JR ?t x '' ti f tcirao t l'1 ttior ` thuc,rti t1 v1ic 11' ( p t h tintj htvIt v`i ! ~ ~ i~ ~t ~~' ~^! yy~~II33 q y~ yyrr~~ rt:Li4 i 9 {q~ F1 t 8iit ~ute1 ~,... :h w ~!v~ y`i~i? ii '~1 y~~tl: k (~s/i) rTqi 4, !! ~ y (,bt1Li 1:y tprtt vihh C p dtt i;t r ~ t 3f ri r in ?i i 'til ni it ~ 0 r 1 k lot t r 1 lltlEt ! ~ ~ 1 t tht:' ~ c l ^ ~ 3 19;k r i l r t ~. 1:! 1v MTI Vi1\1 1wti t 1/3 iti tithW t4 1 t / 'h - c lci:I i; 1MtP of . 2 Erin;: ;i.y with ch ;T1ftd i'athQr iii mofn~ o'~++t;c4`+C!ta.C~Lf A. l'R . thEtt ? nr the j eic t cep L(~ ' eid off' fi- o;Loc''i t ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 )1141 t oV a 1 the '3r1er~1 1' rorj.l rrotO t1 ' o t1 an to c '1 -i Y to 1~or iors ~~4~ ,' ;~~~~~,~ ra~`~~jce ,~~#1?e ~'i~~'(Fl~ci,F?~~'~M~`]I' v1 oc' j,t ii+ ^ ; ( 2 ) r t' t1r gi'o(.t r raj 1 ) 't4:,. OflI it t +t' to the ab (n1~ R~?' +o ~ , ?t `ty t t t,,., -ai 'i 1ir~ t~~.,t~~x1i~ j'k ~{ + Ri'. r f i Ci.4~ L, 1 a , iir 1, the 1 w; , ?a t y }} i yy {"QSi rir '(: y jLLd i" 1. !,. i s1 Qkl fi "+ tidkil^ 1.1? A54~ 1(,~~ ~ FIx!Y4'-A et lJI1 rri41 - , te'a' i , 1 } }j ray`r'a t i':~i iI i ?;; pt4 he :'r)rtn L ' 1. f1#y 1jigl i ~i 1 Ec J~i t 41t i'jtLt?. ir'L y o "'? u lf:ll 4ff~'i j 9,i3..,1.tf s'7 a rj,t1:_.1 A 1 ; r its 'rur whca ver,r-eu tae eor eiU 0 '1 rljf? cr=: t frl.aFll~r.'~#.' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 lp ut,hu?' , y7+;' Ili Cf~tl r;,1-1( r ' 4.'j'i'i:!1', : j' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 *' ' r ' C ~ 1~~1~. ;at.~~i.. w L' Vc i 4r.t :1 mr rr''ertd1.4 #1ar1y tr to S t rr()cR al ~:.t L: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 '4) .C,, _. , r i 1 A ti'ir C~ ~ . ~ ~ /Z) vs and Y/y,, E i ,., "V t o~ ~aru ~z/z Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 C' W ; ?t1 L) . r ;~ ' - rd ~('!tij p t r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 and1. 1; } f) TI C Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 :t t, ~.rl( ltily *~tf49` . (i !?^. F1 y,)J '1; , '~ cr ( i,r j t , "1.1'x. ~tl fl d Lr,~ I r' c Y ?L{1,a :1' ;4, !,, t, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 c(i l4h th a ~rrrl~;; :1 ::poii ~~i~kY:k killf~ iYY ( )s 1.i t1bt , pr 4i 3ti rf'1 ~14t 1 Q1 C t41i% c1S :iL cif' thc ?`{x~11;+ 1~ i~yrr.=i v S 1x ~i" 4, r 1 l t t: wc' r t h t' r I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 the 1 Q!?Lt Lczuov~r'4ct A. ,... i ~1~;~~Fdr~l~,xr~~ o thr p` aurO f''.o.d ? In th;1 ea^ ~ tur ~i 4i / i'c'Il ? i'c44~ ~lr?~ U~' IL Can 1 Qfl t,-e be s o,i: t1 g fl a . ?C~'mv 1s~ 3 of a,r-j of 0, I;. t onS 4trE 1u!;L.'e fie; I u' f#, r E1 .2ovrr of 21)IV ;1i Cj & =tip c crt',t,) t1 to t1 c ~.; fah Lorn F1 )1 : s ? *'1 L) I.I r4 ti Uv t w:1 A # 2 a 'tirit " 1 pry' 257 - ;'41d the l p 1~ v th~i't the 'orrflu)3r ?'o1io\'r3 t't`'.~d1~1 e x, . F J on t1r c:!tUX t1 \ -Lf(. 1);panor I,y?.n tha e r1.ti" }.'! nti 4 Quid 1, i tt-~' T I R, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ' rj J'l1 lt't'i'e c)f L: U, L / Y ldir e Q~j'Q pQn,di< 1)roc 1 e:Ly a n a:L eI! i,1 tQ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 4:. p~~ ---~0 aid ( x3 - 0 M 2 (d ~~ =o PP d, /2 /3 ~~QyQa o e ='t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 cr r d,z Nt~.L 1-Q1ici3 'tt!ruQ 3 g~,~'IA~.t1 yrid 4 4?Ijf11+AY wr, X74 i 3 a i~ Ft F+11 I I1 ai. 1.3 k cv wc 1~ { nblh1 ~r~e4 i>c iitl. a ti s~:i d v 1 ta_+ ry: t ai :Liw, J: 11~ ; t 1D?m" ' tti tIm ;Li 11u t n p of of th )xart J'r)p t eost Qpii c i i t `3 t,l 1 ~ .4 a a -- }. c' 4 ! *Y 1U ni! t4r.t~ .-. 11 ti 1 derd#+ 1t iid, but iii t11tJ ri c cn t >' om the in 1uo i o of ht t4 f .t4f Lt t tW i it X11 itv n dur b3M di t Ar o f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ~#i dl i yi 1 1 t;~; IV)rit :4 t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ZE.ti T' w t 4f)r than t u~nnor , ?1'l ::t ., :t 4 'i ~~ rrlt.:x! t ;.~ ld;L t A t)V' C ,' (j4 f* : y1:? z,ljil,ti !t; c.)' t b'~`- 1 1yt ~,e iii ~:a i9e.r1 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ti!h ' w k4 Ott v 'r l Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 d vtr t rro11 the 31 411 ' ' b/ ~ c'rQ 11 4 t1111 ;i, Z1 't bhp t y1,butiail ~:' (kQ ot 'Q ~' t ,lOI'-1Vt1 dtEtLbuttOf, + , ?o:L1,cY i a -t1 at to pic)t ', tat i:~I'Oc:i pt ;t. on it c1, Lne ii.tl;ui c'vc VUxi `;() pr'` a rrF; ':c k , n ' tbo 4:,i Q[' fi t+Fy . 100 icy 1 cfi~a n o v` jA l.i ..4ay c 1 " -'- i,~t c r}r:' C V1 I t , t i..!. 4! hr,/ # ~?,,' ~ ~ 1 , ? nr,~ 4 . ~ . r' ~- r. 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Ct")i''1"Q1 ;~ltt; C) p;I f1 ,) r d?t, , , act tho' fiOlift3^irr, r' ~1 1Q t~t',4 4f, tL'.fillets t b c g1 (~'$* r y11 >:1 1 ,.~-ii r.~ ~t~ry 1 ji.'~r , 1y ~, i~i ` 1 8' e '~?' M, et* 'fl f1 tI i A+! f ~~ 2 { t;~ iG ly J,x is;:46,ft ~i R1 ,. 4!~". Y,.nzf f1 1I 1# "1jfi I? :;t k~:~Zlt3 Yi,!?l. tl t,. ?-,1 i, aY :.a :L, Q h& t a yy s it i i It ' te11 9f1 tlit&t 1J'r i titi ~ L1 1 ~IOr: b aq t f .iI1 ?; t ?vui?, ff t 1+h tPr1 ' t)rxt , ?:h 41h prrii it1 { 2 ?t 1I +Ml In it"' J i1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ~~ L. c: on j oiI' exter1 i,v3 ernl3 r'i.Qai d,atM; a ' tQ f '1,c :i ?'gi o c):r t 1v:- 1 S 3R r pp i'c\?ri1T h-} bc:o D, _!'k:ri;Fi inztt Ui~ i eL {,?.r) 1~.'. r)r't. 1.w nt v,1.t11ra,~ 11fa n.A .. -~~~1 a 4 61 A . ' j F t'Ii 1 - : ' i a li3.h'c o n 7q~ Q e t1 ) rt ~J)Q'ff o11:41 e;.c1ont :: 1i.h( :Lo-F; }1_`rra, ~ r t:' v::ti' ' u; fl ~.teur f e irij' ii:4 1 -ei ; Uh.'e exij ) li J lv ''yF;US.fn ;t.1_ cJ the form 1 P r1` it l) t~ 1 i? )i1 au.t:1-Qn # t4c4r1' 9 a t ~)*# .a t , u1c)nt1-I l'('~ ,r3 ifs? `~( 1r . i , P cats ti~~'(1 X :i 19F } t Cf 'ut~ ? 3 :r# i 1 a1 a J f'1 t ' l7:~ n1t'tt4 :: 41 aiI '1t111`9k # er t # L ,~~t rl" r4 - }J qq#+~Fy('C 4i Fn'~s i1t 1 #~ d ii t ~11~L1 ?,jd Jwi, ~m fm6: 1fh4f1 #a 1s # n ...t i ~1 Tt ~i11~?I~sfta{ r4f;J14t3 ;, J11T ii ~?"; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 t l }~ 41 Mti l+"~r~~^ of 14l)e PTC'C 1.P to t' 25) 1 r, }~~aN (? 1r'' 1t1? i O, f; J, of n V FA tR ;E9 t' X':t !11? ;1.ont lea p ( ado :1 t L f) al ttruc 1 u.r e *t 1 !lr! Mt d ,.azr" LI#.,~tr~~>!~? Li V 1 Mfu'#"5 7Itvf CY~rnW"'/ '11i7 ,w t UrLt3,1 )I~i~ ,~qa l, jm '1 'a d 4 =.d. tt Y' :t;..('.,{ a 1 C~fIi Yv Ck ~s.i.. ti 4 $1 4.` ii 1~ ? !3 ; ?fir !. ? fl 14i 112 I ?( ?3l : y 1 ,; Ml` ;~wre t + 1)u1 ' 3T1 t:j : in a? .11 m+i' Ls T 3 ': L1 r4 i-I U :U 2* t U~C t V?IZd I M c:Uon at' ti dt, N4t,urOs ! "o. 13 Of 1) 0 9r.I 4 * spa ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 a aJ 1 ry.R L ,3 '1_ t, ~. ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy b r' Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 1-q) tQ6h, 2R (1.h,) t~; ~ar7 6 ~iJr" i 1 n ~d cOrd u4 ov la a('4 ~A2) 1 r? 1 ? 1,1 r :I ##-f e -ar t41''". Fp2 z )fy=)2=dP%P? p._1, -_2os71..ccsp2), Ill '2 F()Hp2-pj 2/ Casj --les ~a R cos ,1 f. ;;P2I 247 e'1`ti . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 c1r /~ Cass ~-s t cos y l cos p~ --cas ~z _I . 41 I t a7.;: ; Ps t ~?& a ?212 1n 1~r r I. s' iJ~,l r''1~ ,. li ~L t }. x17 ` +;I +1 I~ t I c r f t} 1i i i",'. r 1 :~ 3?+`t S ie i' q'a t. rti +iu bit t i:ni .--4t' ti1l 17 4h': 4 ~l ~it,.?:L9, ,f S 8! I,i ,,,.44 Ad C9 R'k s!^?, t7 :j ^ wi,r i7 f41-i~ .t , 4} t t;d 4 n ; t ' ~ti L:114) r ;'j } R35r1i r! 1/ riaL 4 :Lt r" r'7 _) ". I U1 tti1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ~r4ci::o Corvr31f-' r"~ 3 hc'\'t1 t.~(:cTiL 'ii. "~yla ;~.l i~~ 17 ~ rLl t?T t41y i Ji" ''1 Gi on ?jeId~ *dh mn tiat -ch .rani T'( c 14~E tQ tit :,'i'io[)n the _~f4+}t1 itiid~. cdf i,T'cC,?-C:I.t a ~. 1 b)J ) , Vj :'1 t.A .1 ?1A ' i' bi~ ~. ~ x4 T J p-..y pd . '{ a .i. 3 'i~, n t' i1f: e u t:L on Lt i .;`I a ~.Ji' ? Vi=i M.; h n~ ~t J'+ .t L,ta ()d< j ) :t 41'x1 L)I A Yf i 1 ~ -1 I }} 1 fi( ,&~ ~! ep'~ d S.. , r4't,' t{'ti 1jr .ti dy ~,e 9 b L 1 d`~a F ' ~j 1 I t' ~ ~ .L'.)ir'~i~ `t f :jr'f' ~:, j t' of u1` l ".! +,. ~'?rY u'it..,1 t `?. .i :rL fl r= rL ,j,pr'y' { f?J a d.1 1 Hcltrt 1~ ` t: ofl?,. (),.1 3,.ee~ _{-~ ~ ?~~i4i?.i ~ .'id nat r Is Qr! r: y r' ` ii V1i ifl+~s 4hiiat '~tx1j.rt,i# 'u d. i' ~n 1 14 !5 m ei nit' t :' r(1 It ddh' 4e1i.~~1 YY .dt~m6clt i!f~'j}~~!{+.~~kk i 4.'1 s,1-~ t '4+1:: is r~ wr ,rlt~ (' t1h ~) v 1i i jlt6 tc`l 'rp=.,~ st . 1 :i ~i~t.~s *yl tt1 Li jt:j I o :; tfli:t 4, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ri'' ? i L , T 1 *4 i.l t4Y-u,t rcj.1 o Ui~e liO t11f ~.'Iw~1~'4+}? ,I. +;,1 105 rir L41 ittttbcj1 ';fi> r i. t11? c". oefi;. ? ? l i" ei Li, oh n 21 t~ii:, If-1 ati.\ 0 d ~ f f 99 t tt**i~ i ~- t 7xg +'~1 #'?t . l . ,. A ~'F?~~^I,3 i,FAiw.ll 44x1 1:.:, 4 (T~ 1iR 1Y,f 1y z' x? 'C)1 tii t i ,:; t i j' e c } ( \ c1 b~ , hilFf?ca11 t1,i r~ i?~d.4 a:1 i tt point t. i 1i t.~.. r'car rh'+reP4~,,-"f '{s 3F 1'1 ~ Y4}1`l i ' 1 Ih d ~.. _ , a i; (UU Ott() 1 fit"' 4 c1~ u c ro; rF ~ryd.? xa ~ 1){ .- j'. I ~1 cq is=~ s ' . ~ ct I)r 1 t3 i i 4,R Pk !1- t ri .xx F~ 1+ 4+ Ac= c~r4t: s #3,rs': Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 on t1C+u~~ ca.Q\i 11+K 1 +'~ N 1 4 c, y nat'; d! Q1r"kVC +) LJ(I o;1 ~ 1 ro;t ~T l~S ~ ~. +1 27/ t' tl( ?"v ni+ 4!1c + Cl a~! ~ { rh s . ~ ~p7 fi un,, y1 j1 1yi s t: Y'i. ~ r t. ,, .N 11f~ I f?1Aai1'tl Q U Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 t7 ErtiF\ tt }r q 1 r+('3rl{r fl # C 1 MA~I.I rqr . '1 ~~ } ~~~ ~ ~4 ~ ~4 ~. 1U- .U ~. J L?J' l~l4i?I 1v U . U a~ blJ _ ` ~ flslllMK!iT'+M'F'`1t ~^1'FYS??~,4q?Y,?R^!1 T " r?,9 oL t? n )e' a ~ x :'1-?i L:'.. ,,;R4r~ ~.t. i S st, ~.. '1,r 9 Ii t1.~ ;r tM b1 _j l7 !ftt y{ t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001 f t, +' ' I t s y tf' r 1(t s;{t i r9" r.J __ 00190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 1JT OD OF L1FA;3IJ ThQ ! tmr&oruj o tie eoutt rcp were tic trtrttterl by the n~ ,ctr9caph t r h a nt thod ptect b r the Q ntr& Qfah~- tQf). Qb r~ vatQry (J , 2) Th m6tho(t r,i1 ova the r2iE t, 4ir~~r ? Qt' e1 ov 1 from 2 tC) aa) li1,~t'~ Xis 1,r~ c laxa; pa For c~tb1o to Ut~tCj" f' tho dimortst ,;rer ro S tv:o re o r a it vtar trtt~? ripe;; IitL11 than 1.n (1j tnft r vttth e4rborn : n .h f'1rr t plitc: i not of k;h t dr '1cv- i rrou and tho a;1.a find ' fed k:o r c1hort , they oorrd r 1 c~ , shOr't~ ? Ob ~t~ ttVO a 1d. nc~t lay i,u r:d art aQ OW't 1' tO vi ~ ' t # f %J t1 i E t'Q ~ 2 X obj C)ti O Dnd U x oouh r woro etipic'y d. The t r er to y thmt dre 1 1r ::;r r th rr ~, tittrr'on f d1afn(It ,). 4ti t t tt 4 Q L UN by irbv11'na sett r't~ra tt~ n rte 1 t~ cju ut !t bc, Q Of typo f (t the i 1~rr,= `dry +n bra A tip tntc etrrtH r? drn r trthtn , to ot1?trov rcd : ~3}'ta s? t tth t:iJ . ?fl f t {cut tt t tl, t ct~ll+ r, t)'t( 4th). .. a ttt1 t' tstc t t;r?t-.t t d o ~v;T Oft cap} tt r r' nt, rmd ;ntk r ~ 3 tg t t ib1= t tho rtd t t;ryd dtre~~ rrtt rtt wlthtn tha t.etdt ~t~d 1irt9tt , ~1 ! 1 ?aud dr cp t;& 1?~c iQrt ? within ltu e Th rtcro ht~t Arta hfi wt r r~ r~ d by r- jt~utt ho trt t u t f t1' A12' t?t per ~ r'~,~ r dw It rte ? esttrr~- r' ~ ruht1 1e e t tft tc r~ , wt,tfh i I ml tart r~ w ~ c~ t' t ; t ? T1t r~ qutf~ y f d 'ti veer; than tt1ir1tr~t1 rtr'tktrtt dr't dtt~rr s.rzr t~ 1f ~f t1r e c trr' a arrt , c nd dtetrtl utir,n cucv with 2 t rcm 1ni t rvrt war then itruot&.. '('ERM 14AP1 1 OP WAT 1l N th' Thy vH tt r -~tt ffl f v ud w d t rm1te~td by u rr w rt thud tttktt Usp t f hc ttrt~& ' hdr J iU i ire t& t~id tf h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 Q( 1e.ty C) ufi-n ([uant: A?1~l1::.~ ~,ik1t' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/12 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100190014-6 ! yr c a :i :t.4 rd ?) i1))1 Sri,4~9 t; 1 r ~~ 1fiti1~ 11 1, e .,. t1j 1 t- +t 4? ''{{ t~ ~~ /#, i II r :tk'j'~?),I rr-rta~41 r is ~ s'*I ~'I~x J~fl;tj, , atl.~Ca !(t l..1utlalt t# t,a! r, 1 s'i+rljc1 ~d ?oG tho af:w o rein t II 1 Ifi _' ~~ ~' =a ~ ,i'? i j'b or ~ c; 1 y VI;': V C )r4 ~d 4' 17 u rM for r"'tl)LdJ `/ T ai~ er , AV Q1a :'. 'pL~Ui( ~(-, Lc"1,1+1! i;4h, t1'Iri;l;,'fi (arllf ti ;J( .a L .~,' 5 W ^ a r j x) ! i.,~.. c)I 1 :J: ..1 4' 1c 4' ti:l t ,ir '`j f)11L J1 te L1 vt~1li.fi , -1hi i aris, r j t't j11:1 ']ti Qy? ii ;? ~ 4y~y 1 ~i, j ~q { 1.'1~'41i141 s~k! 1, t..LL JA Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release r0 ~~ ~.;.~,~a~.~ ~~~~~ 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100190014-6 j'R#i ?r' ~~~~~~~ ~~t~Cfa;~ c~~' ~,a~y~,~, y..' r _~.1~~ A1~~- ~M I Iii ~~`~"?'~~'I }.j~~_I'~C,r,1 A ~~ `,t', ~ ~ ~"a ,!. '?~?.~, ~:i ~~':i t.~ i~ G' cif? ~Z t 'J ~~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/12 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100190014-6