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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Foc1I AND NOUT { L I51 LGrtinrcI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-O o1' kh i? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 INThOWflOH? F `ty Q4 r o i o n 1?W) Loeb tor, oche ? c h1enhuth o tab d the 1ter b e nature' a the ihoit nt o1 boat-ind- mouth di a oo~ Thin bed b in preooded by tlw r n rkob1o dieoovery oS the Ru ei reoo rohor A, 1, winovsidy,' who, studying mot c diooe a' tobdcoa, ?rt otablohdd that coeih inoitto of dieoaeg in plants pa~o through botoki~i iltorc. oientiiic data in the dthmgh of thv study of ?oot.~nd- mouth diseaoe, after it waa established that the incitant of this inliotion is of ?i1torab1e nture, wao onrichod by whole sorioe of discoveries of rat thcoreticai fled pr~cti1 sign ficr noe. it surfices to recail such &r outstanding di~cov?ry of tho rench it vesti ators V11 and Cara i that of the u1~r'a1ity rnn stv~enna of yps of the foot.nd-mouth virus . Th9se inveoti abard' discovered two immur oio is iiy d tTrer t typos of tho ?oot sld-heath virtc, Indic od oa on 3 Ly by them with the letters IIQtt and U J IP This was not only confirmcd by nib equont research, but ~iv~n ndpp1entonted by the discavory of ti new type "C" ? In addition, there woro revealed numerous variants which could not be aseoojabed with any at' tl~e indicated types of the ?oot.nd- mouth virus At present it is considered that the estence has been proved of three imm?ttno1ogica11y different types of t e 'aot and- mouth virus types. "0", r,Ait, and tt~tt, end of numerous variantz of these Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 T~ new. prab1am Qua ht. T ~ baQampatifl 1rfl t ~arn~whii1t rant ii~ .~ati'ia b~aProPhylaatida ~amawh~t pr~cttca to ~a1va prablam~ dUrantLys ObvlauslY, y vuact bi apprapnratiarca au1ct fl th~ bItt1a Tat rV mote a faat va 'aau1t 1iiee than a A c n a V1? ? This is 5a- tli prasant era in tha solutiar a~ tha prab1am a m~thaU a ~qairt~Tt '?ao~~fltImQ~th dir~a~~e~ aativa nr4 ptv@ Ti pr toblom of rnotho~t~ af Y~ccin~~ion h c1U i' Y tO1V d ~t the pr8 nt momAft. may be cons~4sxed to ba con in oral : n countries el~minu~l-hydroido vccine, ~ nvmb~ar a~ ~ ~ being, e~ic~~d in ~Q~n~y~ ~~ c ~ ~ ;~rel~as?d by Dar~ish in~-ncti~taZ nd -tie ctrug~F1e at~n~t ~aatd~mo~a~~h dicease. apped success~ly i~ Qreat 1i~ht hao now boon shad or the prohlom of vir~s ~ ~-and~rnout~ : ~ o carr~irg in concoctio with diaease, which is a ,,. yen laygicn1 ?e~ctor. it it be considored to be Y serio~~s ai~o~, proved ~condition~y that ~ certain portion ai' anitnn1s which ' ~'oot~~nd-ntauth disuse romein viarus~cartn~ have coetrckcted the from his is derived the n~aces~ity ?~ over a long period me.sures with roSpct to enirm-ls which ? hsve con t.ndfLouth disuse. In many countries the ~rr~c~pd boo ryes which have been adopted with respect periods cci' such q~,eranti to have cnntrocted ~cot~and?mouth di.set~ee remain ~ls which h~ withott adequate scigntLtic foundation. Practical precautions beer a cert~in contrast to cjentific data with respect to virus" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 c i s n QfY Ut Of With ~ ? EQ 4? T t eo ontt 1 to 'oont nuQ with ~t U rQ tQr ur enoy tho twdy oL' thin rob1wr doaur~lato ?rth r 4ata .i on p tici1 p ri" moni tion n ordor to form final eonclu ano On tho o oc ' 1o icct t#eli+iF/~knQ l of vitu -c r +f M. r6t4kt1liiit qu ralttinlFt 'with ro pect to w tn~L 1 which have 0Qntr ctot 'QOt n ?t QUth dt;Q~sQ Monet hat 1o brought mtzth that is new to bear on tho qu stionc oi' ti atubility off' tho foot'4nd~mouth viruc in an oxternal medium, which hap substantially broadoned our oon- capt~ nth respect to the epi oolo ~y of i oat-and-mouth diseaao. Interesting work on t thi question has boen Barrio t out by cur Soviet invantiutors. Coritempoi'ry investitatars navy us yet dorm vory little the area oi', r searc1i on new and perI otion of old' mctnodn of in foot~and-mouth disease thorapy. This is Qxplaincd by a certain underostimation of this extremely important problom, whose successful solution would help prevent numerous corrplicatians of the basic foot-acid-t~aUth disease, and would help to decrease /oases from this a'fliction. The study of the epiodloy of foot-and-month disease nos been compietaly inaoequata. This his happened becauce ninny questions of this affliction gave been decided in the laboratories institutes and experimental sttion, and not under aonditioric of of the epioo ogical medium itself. In this connection practical Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aproved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 thv )u~nQV o~ = o v n irk kjig intO o1 QQ vvvtorv on t mou O t torU houW b bo 1ht in too pr a~v~ti ob~vvv . Marty qu at o th off' tv f oot- . ooo~a~~,~~b bit=~v~~ t1 of v( only t A b ~t.:V~ o~~ ~ bt . rtavt v e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aproved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Fr L tM . Ot N M qtr is mu'. nP,or d in w Y ooi tr o~ ~oo~~~n~~~m~~~-~t ds~ o ar Qp q 1 i rt , riC13 M;ta ciitk~~~ op t zooio0 0,t! :n t wbaio 00 mo?t- doorsaoi d+ing hot 10 or b no r :n t ?o th ~ttm 1 Y*ii, , vid@n i ~ rtat rotn 1925 to 193 ~`~ from data co11ected b'1~cii or for ?th o . 1c . Ia1y, iu o 1avi j aoao, Sa~tn, R. rams, ~~.~ and . to11w~$i 1oi1 widG :19 th~ prod of ?oat-4mci..mou h di ~ t mA r alt 4 4.t ,g.e be to ~Gkl o the be soen from the Laot thai in 1935, aorordnt B1troaU or I ndu i of he U (oh1er ), 66 st ands . rie3 vrora decla~r rctd with rrpc3Cb to diseases d~ta on the trGnd a ?0nd^ ~olovt-ar? adducod certain disease in individual Countries mo~th =most diese epjZootic in the U. Ou,tbreaks of ~ooand . Us have beri ed in the ears 1870, 1880, 184, 1902, 1914, 1924, 1925, and 1929 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-O Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 'rho outbreak ofoothdmouth diooao n 19Od woo tho most ub tintia1 o all epi oot o in the U L'or trio previous yo'o in 1i idatinL the ep ootia more than 1OJOOO head o e ttlo w rd 11ad, at a cost. of hot o 11iot da1lara, ~ ~k1n. A aohsido2 b1o outbreak o footed-mouth dit oaso wu i noted in En ttind as o '1y a 1t39, aftor which this. sitesc did not appoar for 2 or 3 yonro. Froth 1877 to 184. the Foot- d~mouth dioeauo w~c notod a ua11y, t1~e nwnbor o in!:o tod ?artr tondo at timos ranching 1,732 a yoar, &nd tho htmbor 'ot i 'octer cattlo iOO,000 hoed` (Hwtyra nd Marok) , Irt tho period from 1892 to 1912, in spito of the com- pulory kiUin of stock on h11 afflicted fartnstoads, 15 morn outbroaks woro rocordori. Strong outbreraks in &ig1and ware oosorvad in 1922, 1923, arid 1924. Tho opizootic of foot-and-mouth dice&tse in 1922-1924, which brake out .first on the eastern coast off` England and sub. seq ently spr u1 to the south and to the north _of the country, was the tnoyt se1LOU epi2ootic for the preceding 30 yoars (Zwick). tXrin this epizootic 1,140 soparate outbreaks o foot?ad-mouth &Lsetaee were recardw1 and in this connection 53,599 heed of cattle were compulsorily Id11ed. In 1923, 1854 outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease' wore rocorded and 125,098 head of stock were put to death; in 1924, of Loot-and-mouth disease and 88,726 head of 1,440 oubroake Declassified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-O Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 tQQk ff i ere killed ( or1e m Commli~lan on the tidy o F?ot'Md ~ Mouth Dl); in 192, 204 tbV6a1e aaI iY% 1927, 19 autbrea1e s able moi'ta1ity ?rom Vootaad mvu h dl oa sae In 1922 Qonmlder ~. up to 2.~ ~ pera one on the aver z e n 1923 thU oboe~v martallt~ w itL11 hi~her ; mn4e up to 3.1 moat the firof 1n2'ga outbrodk o oob u mouth dl oaae n ?ranoe Qd~nilyr oacuQd in 193, after whloh theeaoo I wt ob: v?dI annually. n 1921 ?ootd~mouth dlceaoe a~Qrtod, in 53 reparti~ento, poplatiof points with 2~3 iar aocted by tie dteeaoe. 6 from 1925 to 1933, an avorae' oL 134,175 In cub~~~~~nt yaks, o noted annually (FluckLgor). new CMdi the ~C1~n Thy:re way a lao outbreak of ?oot afd-IAgttth dUe ui o pi." 71ootla in prance in 1937-1931, the die4ase havlnC boon brou~ht via .. Mareelllee from North Jfrlca, together' v ith imporber3 vo etab1GU and hoga. Almost the entire country -- 72 oC 89 departments .~. c oohed by the epiootiC in a very short period. t.andmo~rth tease in Spain is evldenly ?-~'oo static In For the perio4 from 1925 to 1933, acoordln~ c~aracter.' to fl1cjgars data, an average of 14,519 new rtLections were .~c recorded annually. - nmari~. In he periodrom 19o4 to 1912 Denmark o free of faottnd-mouth disoase CHutyra and Mari" .~ Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030 0 Z Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 In 1912 f ort.tn4-forth w~ br ht nio 1 n r and ao uirod a~n idorablo oproad tho'o - I~O13 rin word b it? roa d 1919 the , aot ri t L o ,od y ta~ a~ :rn 19 i'aotpant-mouth ctieo ao wao t to wn it into t n rk, in Lt11 ptababi:u by from rar }t, arv r~ w t th ro n th x opt on 1 rd dit it inrect1rcnt of all pert, Tc w&u'rt the b~ tnnin of 192, , 0 O oaf ~ wort rncordod f uboe ~orrtl th 'o ban door? aoo ern thb rtmb r oL' farms atfectoc1 by foot"and-rra~tth ctisoaso, but in 192 thtwo bean nrw incroaoo in tha ooioobic viravo. This tiara tote oicoec sproad to Jutland, whore in ono month tt1ono (May) 3,OOQ net wex'c Taco :cdf Inciaonta11y, a pt 50 pe orTb of nil case ar rn is which had become i 'oot4ct dov&opod Boob-end"mOUt diaeaso agsin the following year . This i evidont oxiair~od b the ci.rference itt typos of the vino which cattsos vnriaua epizootic }a ~lM. n Otwrnuni footAanct- IOUth discrase is observod contirnuot.1sly as a state c sickness. Epi~ootics had already begun to be r osltGd from yoar to ye~rr in l6. , The strongest outbroaks in GeV y wore in 1~IJ8-1392, 1 994901, 1910-1912, 1919~l92l, t t Duving the 'oo - nd~ ont dis aee Opp.??otio of 1392, 193'7.'.1938. rrl.fion heLtd of stock developed tho dice (Zwick) After a brief interruption, in 1896-197, a lure outbreak occurred again' durin which about 3 million hea f stock became infected. FOUavrita, a rather protracted period of na&lmoccurrod, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 but ir4 191 49f a new WQ.YQ h1 o ~A2 927,6?4 a, iw' ttokad by a?t?r~aa~~t d~aia a In erint o~ 1914 n rw jas ra&th tn the d~Va~pPmaflt a1 th UaC opicOti b~ . tWa TdWaZd the ~flt o .U1a~~With i/ ,964 t'arm~ a this yaa~ it abtaak7 ,O/~a ~ p~ irt 19119 h Ei ' v rO1` upt r~laoti? 4!ro1 out Vltktt niti aanno~ bii aornpara~ ~rtth and faot~ itt propoiand and: a~a an-mout~~ iMa~ Q~~i?100 in ~ ~a tho faa b that in `rho ?~U at Oorma~~~~ It ritt~~~aaa to pa 1920 bha dtaaaao atekad ~,a papa$an poinb~ vv1th 1,Ob7 in'jct j`cr~n. atla ~~~ / m~.1,l~.01 head: of c~~ ~~~ ~~ t)~ng the aori~ i91 1 j~oaso (2 porn oI X11 stock were a~~ac~~od by In 1926 in UarmtnY, 1S000 a~nad. at that tima in Ormany) dwma~th d i e a~Q wa~a in 1927, ?~rmo jnfactad ty food,-~n 15000 farmt, in 1928, 23,00 and ir~ 1929, L,000 t`arma s (Wa1dmann) , F or the period fram 1925 to 193 avora~o a5 /k 090 jnfactod points Way noted annULt11Y (F11?'). r~~k a~ fao~~nc~~?mc~:th ~.s~aasn In x.937 a sub~?baritia1 ov~t b occ ct~;ng a ~,ar~o area of the country`. urred a~a~n in C~arm~`-Y~ a ~~~`.o ~afl1pmouth di~aaa~ hart boon braht in In this inEtaflc? the boat fr~am Fanoa Declassified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-O Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ~ e rn Hg'y ut ~ ~ o into aAnp in 192o?~19a nub of o irtot u o a of a n~i ndnt wave of ootcndpmot~- dioqtg~oa ?wore nctod1 aooom&4od by masoiv? Qtocka , In ono taro herd tho mortaiil y among cht1t catt1c r aoh d 0 po 'oont Ui i 1&. In Rw a `oo -nnd~maut disc oo i~ off' ethic chharactor. . For the period from 192 to 1933 nn avora c o1 3,56 n?w CLtsOs oi' o~m~hofW oL thv diso u e word rsaocrdcd onnttaUy (Fltc or) . J1i w , In prQrevo1Utioft-t7 uosia 'ooit -nc mouth disoase w s otatic ~tcknoss ? In t3 enco, no stru cle with this Widtly a s read scknesd was carded on thon. Thy rst dtatistica1 data on the s redd or root~nd-mou h disaase in Russia arc ?cund in tho annual repots o the Veterinary Administration o the Mini s tvy of n er mal Atr'ai c . (data on the spread or foot. nd- mnci1h disoase 'Lor the p riod ?rr m 1 81 to 1912 have boon compiled tho bases of roporbs of the Voterinary Admninistratiort of the on tLnistrY oJ` Internal Affairs, published annually in the mLainn I rl~h,v Vtdrinarn 3& We submit theue data in two table. In individwal gubornias, stock mortality substantially eccasded the avera~o delta subnm3.tted in Tablo Z -10- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 TA5LE 1 ' mb6P Mortalitioo Oubhidc Number ' o Ao t P roent of tho` ~~ESf and oblatto Attacked by Foot-nd-Mouth Numb+r o Hood l~scat Nunbor Iroctod Dioaaca - 0attla hdbp, Ooata, 0attlo Shop, Ooatc wiha 11 21 3O,/3 1,172 1, 1.4 1d2 1e0 164,968 19,61 1.7 2 ?~8 1~3 38 /0,679 X0,613 3.6 4.1 18 18 2,992 721 12.9 66,2 li 30 72,b 3 213 1.54 63 1a6 2 214,460 23,540 2.03 1.1 ida'7? 5 1t7,895 7,145 . 0.72 3.9 From analysis of the data (1'iura 1) it may bo scam that ?act d-rnOLth diccasc in prcrovolutiorwry Russia wac recorded an na11y a a ooncider'ab1a epizootic, attacking almost all types , 02 anima1 ousaoptib1e to ?oot-arid-mouth diooaso. In 196 accordin to very pprorrte rackonin, about 2 million head off' stock' (1,705,322) uootic, 246,4 were attacked by tho ?oot-and-mouth disoase opii head of reindeer alone being attacked by f ootandw mouth disoade, of wh 'oh 118,'?17 died and 32,085 waro killed, in aJ.1, 150,802 head of reindeer poriohed from didoa?e. In 1901 a new inter 4 oat- nd-niiouth diseaso ep: oottti was noted, 'tioh persisted until 1905 ? inclusively, attainin Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ? . ?iber (ubcrrs and CT t attacked by Y 4 Di5ea5e r aL.4 tti.? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 E 1n 19Q, whon 2 ~ 1 ~ Q dead c~tt1o , 112,795 W J!3 a other anim 1 worn inI`ec tod .Wtth foot- r thin thoro oa n i a aorta n 1 ontng off" thy. mouth di~aao~ ~ M'tc opi~oatio , but.. c ter 1909 now n~onatio of tho opiootio Q~4t0 sandwiROl~th dicCaco oproadin With 1t1we b1n, oOt rt~ dit attacking d conoidhrahlO ares~ of tho country. o~ x In L',1O rQot.nd-nIouth diceaso 4ttackC4 4Q,9Q6 popu1a ion point, in which 3,137, 447 hoad of 1a o cattle Mono ware in- tnd-mauth diaoace, not counting; other 1ncts of fcatud with f o0 animt1s inf octed with the di9edsa. uro 1. Sprvad of root-end-mouth dicaace in tcsia for tha pQ1iod 1881-1912, During tha imperiali4t vrar ha statistics on foot-and-tOUth saase wore compiled' but during those years it wa hardy less di widespreade Some COfC?ptian Of the proportions of the spread of foot- disease and the 1o:soo caused by it during the war 'may and~riouth be imp by the foUowin ofricial co~nunique r In 1915 on a~~ed ` only ono of tho fronts 24, 623 head of cabt1e, or6.43 percent of the overall number of head cdnsined for the supply of the front, eri hed from foot d-mouth disease. p hand-mouth disc Ise, like many other infectious Laa. boo was a bitter 1e~acy from to old, prerevolutionary diseases, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ua~ n ~ the ~.nat year of the oiv t1 war real atru g1ec iiin t j'0o-4fl1-mouth diaeaco woa not oarriod on, not oot1n cov~xal dntin aornn ated-with th? tran portdtion o ootad dock, At p i nt the inoidonc a off' ?aot" t - ou d o n a oh cto?k in theft ` by Qornparinon with the incidanao oi} boat=and mouth disotise among stock in the oountrie o wodtern uropo, is very, i taken with respect to the overall nnntber of stock ausaeptible to foot-and-math dsoce in thao countee and th'~ iit of rritorie~ oh whoso ?x anon this stack i 1oeated. In tho period 19274930 otock in a oonsiderable aroa oi' the country was ettocked by foot-and-mouth diceaso. The veterinary ar &aniation in these years pravpd to b poorly equipped ~ for campai ning againot ?ont-and-mouth di ease ? A!tor this, with regard to the spread of root-and oath dicaase, an interval at fctt beg.n3 which continued until autumn of 1935. Ater this new outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease appeared, which thanks to widely developed anti?opi~aotic tend prophylactic noasuros were quickly e1irrLnated. Soviet veterinary workers, using contemparary scien ific data and exporience accum fated under practical, conditions in the stru 1G egainst foot-and-mouth disease, are continuing to cope ussesstu11 with the problems of its elimination. . (Prof. Ma~nuscor s ~` (Swoderl), who visited the USSR in 1932 where he became acquainted Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 w do Lniot I'biOf oI the strug to ~ ainst Aa i~ wr lit t 14~fl ~-h S tvu & n t Q t-ard..mouth ~~iooaso~ sa~c~: Union now tads in the ?ot rink o too diooaso trio ~rvot &' boo A. I. ~kQnorOkhOV' tcrt olO, load:Ln~ aountrias a1t' ~turvp o e34 o to y of ootd-MQUth DioansO flr Achiovonts in ind othoda ot' Stria ain it in trio VR". ydtTs, No 1, 1934.) IIIWTORTOAL DtTA In orbtin 1jtret2'o srr ?vot-aid-you disoaUQ Weird ~ tion cva~~ern thU history off` the rise alxtrecaoiy ~p~rse ~~~ orm~ or oot. and-mouth dis so o Doti ess anion ama1 n c The rirst ddscriptiOn of he si foot- fld-mou ?r was m de by HioroflYffiuo apparently sirs to Fracastori\irs in 154, in Venice. The sickress which he descx~?~bad had appoared then in Upper Italy in 1514 (a1~marin and Trautwoin) irate Italy ire thoso days roprosonted ~~~d this was not accidental, s orb the loading ao morci l centQrs in drops,' ana se in anim 1s and pradu.ats of cnimA1 husbandry, and Comer a and animal mnto i 1s, were doubtless transportation o~ anima at that time the basic Capse o the 'spread a boat-and-mauth dissaso This may be assn from the ?ae~ that as early as the 'si~tgenth oontury thar? was ~, in It1Y a system of spec~.a1 attesta-' ~.~a~rod~c tioras ~jven by ..owners of animals ~s to the stato off` health o s. ihese 1attG1' pon their emoVa1 from safe 1ocalitie u -15- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aproved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 9, Qot h f 0f t WC-d ~ ~~~ rho a~uo~ o~ o~~ b o~fl' ~~6 Oa~ o ) ~~6d nth ~~~ ~~~4 one Lo soh t ate . l a o~ that fin to co~~uo a~ :t }vct -f man ~itn hco o, ~~~o~ o~ woro ob ooh-~~~ ma ~~~ ooWa ? Ir 1T!, in ~-~~ off' o u~ing w ni1k i~oIn ~~~~1 n,ooi' o~~dc,~c occ~~tQd o1 Au 100( ~Ub'&t ) di$o~so a~c~r h~~QOn~~` con~~~~~ tha='c tha throttsh i ~ri ~Q111,1~:~~iiFzA ~n~~ ~~V3~~ ~~ caxad d.a~cptionc which rtorc t1tV opi~noLcc, wh~~~~ attac bho rub o~ ?ocb-~flc I~ad Italy, ~d ~'ranco~ Thdco ~o~.~~h~~~~ ~r?~~, w~ th~ dibca~o ctiovrnou~ pro,o~~~ono ~t bhc'itcs n the catrco o ~cth- t '+ ~ rc COT itooLt ?~' Eire horo ouchmri~ chap vrih c~-ou+ nd-~nau~h dise~so tn th?sc da~~ wa a1rcadY cor~~id~~~d 'c cotha ctuo? o.~ thQ oibknQOS in a h ot Y au~ be trang1ri~~~d undor ca~tLtT jOtOtt maA r aan~t" , Which cold 1S11; waldin~er: ~cc1i T ?ohou~n' ca~ion3 ~'?m cfG c,nii t O another ere More even author~ who con 3atc1'&I4 ; and othar o) ? T h 113 ; ot i~eCt~,ous accr~.bin~ tto idor~d that ~bio o9,ak~a~c ~vag ~ , ~ ~, ~ir~'d~ 'i~27; ~x-oc~to, ?t,.~ to atmooPhe~c ~actorB (Huoard an far i2) ow vor, with tha pssage oC t3mo ?ac ~?~; and ~~~. ~ ny A 11 ? ' i . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030 0 ` n o J __.N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Qt ~oo~?and~~o~`~~ a~noa With ao't1rf?~ooono ~t~or~ a~a~~~a~-~d i~ woo ~ovoa1ot by n~r fro Avon rat w q n ttY. Lo ' prt ran h -~ ob~ar~-~~~ono o~~ ~~o ;LnduoQ4 tho oltnoaa ~~~aa~on~naoo o~ oot and in ntii:Ui b, o .` ic~a~ ~~r~r~ o~n~~~ mac gad In ~o ~toond a of to t t eahY dUaoCo~W~ a~ ta roiU1t o~ a ~Jt provit~at p rt oU3at1 j 6ebi on. M, InaiiYt t~o o bJhed in 1'7 ?tha t~1terttb1 Loo1:ior, Tra~oh} and ~~imihuth flA1Ua athe ?oo~Ufld f die~overy was tgfjo aoid tn ovQry the ?t1tarob1e natoro ; a~ th o inc`Stant~ o in~flo`~~o~o way VLre~ mado by 1b,s& an' tho1ar~ etoknoQe a nnitfliL and pifl In 1886 ~wnaie:?& anrtaunoad tbab ho had been e~eces~~ul in ieatin a ca1r w~th blood roin an a ~~ blood ?i'e~b havin~ baon ~'l1ter~d ?~t'~~~1~ a C~~amb~r'~a~h Cilter. bablohod ta't the inoitant of tobaaCO- 192 ?i1&ff " `~~'h'ouh b~C~ifl'~a~, ?~,~tr~~`S ~fld a~~,~;11 r~oea~~o ~~c~~eo~ on pass ~ j01fl00~ tlnooo plants. TY,eee rtm.rkab1e env?e~~~a~~on~ of 9 any rotrn ,,gin?~icad in ?oreiZfl oawnt-r1o~~ R?~eiafl scholar oanno~ t in ' beitnfl'in~ tQ dtscooo them though thet'G hay been ~roat tar&l,nee the iVeSU~atians o~ the Grn eon enti were soon a~0re Nocar i Rod and others dot lioated by the trench inveett~ p u1t of di~forant laoali~ ed flocr_.and-Inoxth di9aase, as ~ho rep oa11dd by the m?dive~'ee namee s f1ictions, was ?requeflbl,Y ` O.nthi'jn'"LJt~-w8tln'rhO0 ~ 8xanthOm, hoo dm0uth die `G , ` etc . (in~ end ~;rausn) . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 THE NATURE O TI F0 ~ MOUTf D I D INCITAW tit of this ?ootd"mouth dicaao be1oog~ in trio rho inci torab1o viruses (u1trI1,v 'ui~a). Trio quostion oL' oats~ory of ?i l of this eauoai ant has as t not bson cona1uoive1Y trio naturo sott1od by sc?.Uenao f just as it has not boon aott1ed wi h rospoct to other fi3torab1o viruses. The tandin Sviot cc ho1ar AcadQmiciO Ot ma1gya con- that tho a br?ibuto, i oron tot' virtsos, of autonoI , oidor~ ty, adapbabi1ity`, and, LinAfy, ibhoir ability in the olactivi s process of roprodaotion to Ap xoservo their own indiviidua1t1, whin is manif~sted in tho eoio charactor oi' the cicknos spas cased b them rovidoc a bests for the 'e koning of viziL'svs as living beings .. .croorganisms, Such a view on the nature oi' filterable hoses i con rood also by the feet that there oa st sc~ca11od t1orpuscu1ar virltso?" (o1smontary bodies) which soorotG speoiric c ariigen3. This connects vir?css stiU ciosor with s microbe (Boycott, ott, wishing to doine the position of viruses in tie system, arrived a..b the conclusion that they stand natural da o1 the transition from inanimate to animate at i?,hs boon quoted by Gam1eya, N. F+) 'rho question off` fi1torab1e' vis'tison was a1ari1ied at the Twelfth tion. VoterinarY Oongreso (1934) in the report of lnt~rn~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Qor1 ch, whQ c oonbi oro that vivo oc vtn cr uniwn . o the cf his numerous invootigtiOfo of the bias. 1o is ~ bthiwLo 1 of vi oo ~ o~ aco `to o~ver~ cn'itia or tha thba off` th ?' 1t 4$tr y o aurrcneo of hu o aoUe horn ncrr1 buotaria" ? T 1t i theory, 4 DracJiR a no hao co st boon cahfirnncd a oriontally b na ono Tha goat mbar of paus ~ c :L:tha tho r autonoin, ~pooiiia tt,ir M? 1 ~ i1ity only conk rrm thoir living nu. Thy m6 F i~ to Oo wr iOf 7Cj?i t ~tuIy ?T S PQJ 'J ~~ F7uID diaoasd (Olitoky, Trabm, d ShoanintO, on the btaio of its in- vcsti ;& ion$ alto a repsed the assumption of the ' vas scular nature o ' tho ?oot-and -mouth di tr lo. {Tho ~xnorioan 0 4~'p nTrtissian for trio study of foot-nd math d~1sr 1t G W3 or ani7od ca throu h the Bureau of Animrl lnduntry of the Dopartrnant of the DS in 1925, conpos acl of Dr E Harry Sho ni of Agriculture a the Dureata of Animal Industr t, Dr. Jacob Tra tt of the University of C,tliforniay and Dr ? peter Dlitsky of tho Rookafellor Ina?titute. } Oppoeite views thospeat to the naturo of virusec are. held by certain foreign and Saviot investigators. ?Doorr Fronkel, Jnnasori, Morphy, &nd' others defend` the of the endogepic origin of viruses. According to the hypot~?sis stand of Doerr and his foUowors, vsrti~ee are enzyme-like agents, ch cause 'changes in the mataboism of the cell itself, as a ~vh:L r31 of which the cell prodttoes the substanceB of rnotabalism. 19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 "MY Vt"'t o ya thQ ?ot iflvooki ator n , "A&fl tA A~bA~g~ Whiqh PAAAAAAQQ bi r6 ard6;1 as c apoai i n=i of di~~;~no~t;ian to ~ prod xtio of ~q O oat y Oh1y Ln xr ~t to a pow mode (t1I ho ih' oata~~o~~ daot th6 ~ { 1a onta1 a (biooh aal) roAotiofl a idion off` too vitaka~ p1ico. ra~u1b ?Lwhich an aoaw ~~to in a aata1Iti~ prooo~?~ ~~~ too vorr ti~p1o for9n, bha rtioip ata1~F of and. ?~ho proatiat oX aatalyoia. o~~i~in~ ~batanaoj tho c ~' In tho aaoo oL oL virus '" awd the lr~lprod Ctior~' ~ ant dovo p c?o> is p1rp1 od and wt havos tho origiita1 oi rho virus tho pro sb oa~n~ t~s a ), cm1, tho vir~aa a~ stab tapcfl, tho virus (t ot&1 pror ct r sata1 is~" i~tvea~~i~a?~r~r ~ or to o ~r noriaan ~n this cor~aot=1sot~ t1~o disoovQ~~ ticu ltr intoroa ~ ? Stan1eY, $tan1ay in 1935''1936 io oL pad via~ua disoaan3 o~ tobaaao, i oii tad a ary'sta11tno pro sin pro" aossing all the pr0porti~s of a virus. Certain invoatigntars have Boa in Star1ef's disaovo?Y of paraaitia aib> ns been inalinod to roots of tho inflima'to nature of viruaeS ono a~ tho p the "ntoot re kablo thing in tho }ty~ov ean~idarS that got that they do not quite fit thG phonomofla desa1ibec1 is the r u 3ua1 a ont epti on of animate anc1 inanimate. The ary ta1lna alb n. galled an organism. those noWlY oi: the inosa disease must not bQ ?aund parasitio aid as it wore. on the border betwaon a,.bum~.ns staid Declassified in Part - Sanitized Coy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 anite and inanimats~" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Doubtlo~sf tt tL oovory o par c tto 1bur n~ po i thA ro t e of p tho onio inQ taflt oomuwh a'~ron ' hor c the Aoitio o tho p rti nc of tc "doad", inor d o tAt o vlruz U but t in no d' a ro o1voo bh problem to wtitt in ro ro onted by vi~cea - "bin" or " tto ~' p pyl, of the basiu of ht invosti at one' ci wii ec tho ,Loot-and-mouth discaso virus ao a hyUrophilic ~y~~oro colloid. Janccor, uain ?tho mothodc of coUoida1 ch mistry~ took th3 vi es to'bc an inoolublo acttve p~rtio1o corn acd o' a slightly denaturedobulin ant tho ro?yoin containing the virus. ,Jgnsson's o perimo th; tno dohy trot=lon of albuminal bctratum and as n r 3 ult or this, the aiterin ai' tho at ucture of the albumina ` did not have perceptlola nlucrtc~a on he activity c1 1 tho vir. Tho author ht drawn from this the conclusion t~rnt the foot.s&nd-mouth dicnasc virus i an inanim tto protoir botanco of ,he ?orrnent typo. atnor, and also olavtyav, as a rest of study of the biology and asoertaix rr t of tho naturo of the virus, olassiLy it as a moloottlar spot;s?ion and deny the animate nature off' the ?oot nd-mouth dit oaso inoitant. Howovera the data of these authors, secured by very limited prelimin try investigations, seem unconv:snoing to On the basis o:' them it is impossible to drew a conclusion as to the dead or livin n& une of the X21?. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Aproved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ant 11 it Vti fl: i N: k veal ail the R!tt C) t, rnn:L;L J t ,e rs:1 multiplY onlYn use. ~i3T w receiVo in host orLT1 pioperute G ma1oy ~ N. Virtu3 Si T tt rt;)y, inho~'eri' :` The Present?Day:, esses of Pxents and M~a~vos thel roc tai' uiii rE o ~~~ fh ,C l ::td' vizi.iea are j. a state of ana~iosis o one &nt those subrc~os Ong` nsice tho iisxt sin a1 oomp1Ob orgw St o the Vis Problem. Against Thom W#. v:ir~1t.i`rf4 tt; e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-O Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Riv~r~ long ego poi c tti ?ao that the r y g v u ? or bit 1o n u..' ton otvr n zh vtial nd ti off` to ho, r r4 t rtiall12t1 jntito tyo: ~atciticr, Acorng to r ~i livo only in tho cc 1i, and not io th ?iuitc m or ? rt 1 r }'O1tt (Jv (oU IWYb ccrtwi r' itmaiub1c tho rnblw~ aV th ?t t th vi E u . Q&krwtc t t+@3 ~ i r# of t @ n akHsM kk titi1ty m cIia, 1 ~ rocot iitr o~ i u to m ti on tkc but of the r byci o?c hoiitct1 prop -rt i w=ith tc ?`i~i-i &rtd t u u i o n n' t ni cm i will b .c cnc p ' ct t c liy otxci ~ c to cu1tivc to ii u} in Lrti ficiLI1 ii1- o ~ o lip, "Irt ~ bt~orp c t c eu1tiv tc vii fl11r~iW IItI my Mtf:'O1ft4:iov, its P?J8ib1 with qu i O Acid tit)t1 ba ;O boL1~ backw rct ew u c1 Lull tncI ?o and tow td art i`ic al modI t w*i ehtut 'iiv :n ; coi1c," M he pr? gout Uro the -bi1ity of corput~culLr vi:ru cc ( l ~mtmt ry bodies) to c Groh c ocific r t on m ~t~ bo con.. cltcroci proved. At lem t t biity to produce obi otuc hnc boon proved ?o v l o ph o t.c coil, th vi `Ur of v dohic, the ycUow ? v r virus, oncI o ~hcrc, on htt quo tion of tins r~ vorcibility oL the ii?ctivati_on vi1u~oc t113 ?O11OVvi1 ~ ctc~ mot1t 'O' AChdcftLciLu Gwt lc mtty c be "tod; "It is nocoos&r'y at the panne Limo to ronour ca ro4al11tlily c~ ha :L $i trvivtl:; of vi. balym, which suppn sec thrnt upon tlho t Lt'lOf of life some vital principle c#isappear it'rovocably, term.Lr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 b 4L1 with aorrf V ub ~n &r4 then osn, booQw at 1ifo ~g4fl Whoh th~ aarroa~Vo aubiiu~to do `~~~ c ~~: ~.~~-? ~ ~ pbn ~rv~ prooi~t&tod wit hydra tm a iV ? far ~ ba~oua co1i wor tho aot~afl off' o1'&1in&f ? ( N. F. "ToxtbQQk c Modca1 M rnLtfl ?iO a virnco Qac nat_ vo T1oXcnssively` ~rn%to h~tnrt;1 0;e cnco "fin f unto 4cf ror f1on, n: tho tho TiniI1W dc~ro~~ or or~~~~at~ an ooc~nw wa hnvo no conoopt o eccrntict1 ?o r tho lawoct Li- . vn cvaat~~ro? It is e~atro~o~ ~ rc~~t~:~~tmo~ttc a~tst~~~~at~oo ' vcn n~robab1e that a~1 tho fax tho ai t 5 viruo s ti fi? t by tho coU of tho hoc in with tt vo a aro sa nc that all a~ it prOp .. ~Wnc 4tjatt is lit%1 to &t4163M1,tdCCd1i tiF1tk -ciivisian? It i8 P U L that a w pr tcin mad Ocu1 a ar surric~.entl Lo tt i It ( 1 y t F nrtli ? th discavorY off' "P ' tits alb n -r' in cry form in vivre sjcoe~%;as oi plant: docs not aQ~t~n- Ei ., o Etta natur oii vi '~tsas ? Cry 11 nc virus dic?t, nrao~ o? th are n1co sncratad at `tho pre Font titnc ?r?m tho tiss~os pt otains with ithis (foot =ar d~niauth &seaso and othar8). of cnitna13 infacted n~ ~'ara ?vVBted off' an ~cc~tm~lat3~on of Theo crY~tal~~ne p1 atQi same o1dmont~TY bodiO3, which have, he wover, an nUmbefl a~ the the ?acC littZe sticks rather th?~n spheroids which is sub-' sequnntly corifthttalso ?or plant virus" ? In th~ opinion of A,cadarric ittha ability of e~,omdnta~7 bof.~iee to farm, (~atna.~eya, ~` Cbrilpb9 iv s in cr t all na f oi'm bi Ori s, in no wty c an- tra~t'~icts n~ the thtl1~~~ Fact that a~` ntar bodies are aim&te microbe&1. .. ~.ame ~` Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ii viowo on tho nturo obo aitd or on th r. oL1 roprooontitivo oft v 1on0 oot mtii'ia trmndo give uo bai c to Como out oomplotol d do's nitol in ?'ivor' off' tho anima to rtturo vir oo Cono qw nt1 , thinoit&t o foot- arid-mouth' dit u i e rn~st t10o b'o oono dorud o "cro tutu", coop otng a 1ivi t: o'nitc rw1t r, Th diooovory of t rn inoit t oL toot-tnd?rnouth di iotoo i~ oonnootod with tho nnrn of loof tor, 'r~osch, d tfh1onhuth. Th so invol: i atom octab1icho1 hid tho incitant o foot-and- moi.tth 4~ F3 F3 tf i a L 1 '-pkf R~ r1 m o t ti3 1 ~ +y i11ti1 nfEt rkh kltt3 it pat : fr~R 1y thrO Igh bactoria1 filtbrs. At tiro owmo timo,` tho virus r~)covorod it tho 'fiibvata pro ors c to ability to o uoe sickzioas in anirnis suscopiblo o food-nclwmouti disiaso. Thus the etiology of faot..and.nLouth disea&o was i' rs `doto mined con- ciusivciy (1497) the fiit rab1o proportias of thu foot-and- mouth disoaso incitanb wero discovered. Thin oubstanc1i ,g dicCnve' of Loofflor, 1~rosch, and Uh1cnhuth did net so1vo the problem o' the nEiture itsolf ci' the ? di,ceaso in (ant, bui &U'tori this discovory new peths fox? ?tho further study of its biology were pr'o e~ted. iz OF THE VIRUS terminatian of tho in nitude of particles of the foot- and-moth di;ease virus is carried out by tiro methods of fi1tration and t,te,'i,lratone fiat of djfforcnt invetigatore w th respect Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassed in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 tut of pi C o tha virus era dlvargont, whioh ~~o ~ha be oa ty fl~u~o aXp. aaa~ll~~a~o ~~ ~ ba ad B ~coto~ ttr1fl n " dot i, r t hi him Ln Qpar - dia to dab g J? , too pint ni1tvatbon of nrtio1as within ? w rafLf btt to mil ttn~bo or Ito Vi4 tf t s ti ma iii d o 11a ~:s a1:b avt['y Eiz 1 bf ord dat orm ficd tho av oraq a wnot or cf tholos or 1h vir~~ as to 1 m ,, and Levaditi d? toxminard par ,it tci rtp ? O d if r t!zflinin th 3 j t fli1ude of f ptioles aL vbrris uo?a a aipocial.ccrrcctbf foi which has bean naiiid the ford fore 1a. A ord n to 1 Ord' daW only ~rnrticb4s of ? t viru i pas t ~otgh ' a fi1to? who o ii o io than .that of? th Coro of to ?ibtcr? Tho 2 to 3 t.~rtias boss not p thro i h fibtors whose poros aro tf 2 m ~~~~ i~ doo , n? and conseq~icnt1y tho of it ij partiolcs is t qw i to 3 to 12 m anov and-1oio dotermine tho se of particbes of thin 7- and boas thai~ 16 m . Thane viru; tie 0 qs may e xiosubts almost coincide with re;iubts obtained n the experiments of aLIbbY and ELt'ord phase authors, on tho'b~-sis of their oachod the concbusi?n that the limit of ultra- r is between 48 and 13 in , and that it f~btrat~vn , of the v~ ~' is c1dsor ta`13 m, than to 4~. In the z' experiments they used the o itholum and "1ymph'r of ph dice ? Aftc r Virus from Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aproved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 toh tYu pp ~M t-hc vir way prc1itht%rY me Uur n wopor'ti0n a =100. mcmbr'Lnc~ a1 Fobs r'c~eh~d 0i,11~~1Y, u~in~ the ac13,oi ss~eeesss t Fl lta'[y`yr}thu tkU thQ o~ of tip ?~otd~ oortQlucion ~ dimoncior~F* 5 lci~ , then tho~Q oi ctll known virucvc , motlth di~oAco vac bra with th@oxi~opti can of thc vrdc o noli~nyo~i~ ire inn bn~c The diLQnutor o~t'te1??~ o1 rho ?oob~nd~mouth dico~ac W ~~ 12 T~~ eh 1i 0.01 to 0.02 ~ otr ~ ~p~ro;~m~~~~cly c~u~1 to ~ ~,~~ tho cU motcV oV tic n 111c t r L robs Artor;icon cafl11i,ion, to iMtnttudd Ae~~or~~in to ~1tit.a at:t ~hc ~ mp . . . M41aro~n~nt off' partaLclec of palclea of do rwJ i~ a~ the ruo on tha banis of tha ~y~tom off' ~o-ca11d 'tr~ioloaUiLt"" ul~r'~~~1t~~rn showc that ire ?iltt'1tion~ throi ~t~chold t~ other ~rticleof identicaby compr~i i partselao haw, b fon wit : `ber botween 20 and 1000 m (Rivers). chargo3 AcooVdi to Sochoid, 1 1co Moth'ow, tic avor1 Q r clay of Vii type 0 i 20 m ; whi21o particle ~.amQtr of ~ari ' of vii it A x' and are cloe?r In mrt~nitude r c are conoiderably 1a ~ to tyre sine of: olements visible in t* rr roScapa Those authors stig~ttions that the magnitude of ~~,r~ on the basi s of their ir-ve tMand~r-outh disesa virus in different p~ioles of the f o0 s is non4tnifox'm and that with the r'ietiee (ties and variant) va help tion mothod it i possible to separate one of the ~tltra~iltra variety of th nother' , particilarlY virus tie 0 ?rom r~ ~.~ of ~ ,,i1i: ee A and . Galloway then, on the contrary, considers w 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ~Y4t b~ 'tha mthQ4 o the ~fl.tud~ o ~~~rant t~pa~ a ubli fh any var ~fQa if and yr ?iw-ts Ot the vitae s ;t~~da o~ or t~~ ~ V11 o~F study a~ the ~ c a~M tftr; ~~5lhMd W praa~-~;tatir suparPA'ar dontri~~~a# Yth it th the ha1p o a basis u mambran?a, Are ~ tha subsAtuant i~:1tr~-tion ~thrch ca11aidal ~ dater~d_no the ca 01' Vi '1 partiol?s a.t` their ao~~ant~ that ti.t 16 to 23 mj. Vus rticlaa oL all three t~pas ~r?v In aut~hor~ ' i&.t~V parr un:1 `arm in t~iOir aXparimon ? wants in bha iii` n; tdda a rtc partic' Was 3 ultra~iltratiQn ~ itudo a~ poticlu or the. rug ~ ~ . to 12 r. datartnin thomago by m~anc o t' w~ighin~, tho diamotO' oI thoso , 23 m 1M, ii: it is assu .mod that they aro sphoricci11 in corm. Ardanu~a rid Pyl with the help off' the oloctraf rr 1 t'Qscapa a obta a smear of Fluid from the ~anod a phota~raph of dic?ase vosic1e. This photograph makes it p0~sib1o to dotact minute particles havin a diamQtor of 25 to 30 mp'. Ir all ~ s e mole c33gCs or the virv~s ? aocore prabability , these particbo 'fl~ authors, the speciric -av ty of the virus irzg to data or the sa - i9 appr OXimat elY .4? w f pyl asgurrtas on lis investi~at;tons that rho the.. bas~:,a or .~ aolutionS, or in aphthOus lymph: f aat.,c,nd?ar~outh disease virus in Y is not in the farm o a individual part~,clo , ..but consists of a an ~. h individual virus particlO (trvirus whole , a~gregat a o~ suc Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ~ r tt&' ), Tito m n&tudo of thooo a~ vo too doponda on the toy ortturo a ono ontr~t an a c ou 1 tu2o: nob t t o or tUro m 0 to 20 Contigrdo tooootio (ri - '?) o tho vb'u ro eta into ,ont U vtrttl nt p olo ant back ovidontly tdko~ AU t tooo dates obt tined d the xooult v' nun row s ivo cny lei tad oonooption o thn moniudo invastitation, oL' ptr talao' o the io ~ahd oath diooaoo vies; ooholuaivo off' this nrnblom rn'wt ba too ob1 u t o' : urbhor i wo tigutions, aolution Until mora porZoct mothodo oL pining the virus ?rom the bulk album a ku i o wI, r t 1d o e'f Edq ntl , tail it i 13 obt ri 4M in ui 4# 'orm, it will bo impooiblo bo solve potiviY rho orobl? oL the ma . ni ludo of paialos oL the ao-end-niouh ~ti oatso virus In mItn t~ltravirus inrections special ?intracellular ?ot'ttL- Y s tiohs have boon eiscoverad, the socillod ninc1usian'bodiesu To s pacificnature oL' theoo ?ortn1ticns 1'CT' many ultr&t~PL vd in- ?ecti+ons hac rat yet bean proved. Theso inclusion bodies have diactostic signi!icance ' such aicl~esses as hydrophobia (Ncri s body), t orna disease (the Joest-been corpusc1a), and small-pox smail ox nhthexia) in fowl Paschen i s body) ? dii Llar inclu ion bodies have also been repeatedly doscribod Tor Totand?'4flouth disease, Gins has described inclusion bodies discovered by him in the epitholivm of the tongue of guinea.-pigs which had developed ?oot.fnd~mouth disease. Trautwoina and likewise Rt , also discovered inclusion bodies in the epithelium o1 the tongue a 9M Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 hu~Jth nn-pi. The per nauno in bha othooyao nimn1 whih hid dovalop d ?oot-&i4-mouth ono o oribct th that tip by Coco Ai hvs not bore vonh eon- ?ivT Lion by rayon. art oh# th the help o' u1tr '-Vio1it 0 0ooo y~ o- aovaWod r r 1av Lc is or the typo of o1oniont~ry vir s bodioa in tha oonnt oi` foot-d-mouth diQ~oe aphtha. For the tuna bin bha author rofns from qty eoitclusiono with reapact to the origin nr1 ntuta or the bodioo. FTT TION ANA ULTTtAF1LTRATION ThE) ; Its ibi ty o1 the foot nd-mouth disos a vivus, as hao baen gd a1roady, was ?ir~'i e tabiih~d by Looff 1nr, Froech and Uhior huth `boy proved that the foot-ancl-mouth i dise u o virus passes froely tough the ~erkare1d rind Ch~nbor1 tin filtors. With this in mind they ride use of tho virus in tho form of the contorts of aphthae~~us~lymph"), which had boon proliminnrily diluted with o 1;40 physiological solution of sodium `chloride. Thu non-ad L ibilitY of b tctoria trough the ores of the filters w ono11xi. 1x by The additton to tht filteia+ P blo 1iid of b. ijjJj ~- vrih sunsoqusnt str fining of the fi1tr ttn into culture mods. Tho brosonoo of virtts 'in the f111rata was veririod by merits of i octing calveq intr venow 1y. While tha stmt?ngs if tha culture media did not produce rowth tho calves became sick vrith f oct id-mouth di seaoe with Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 i !l "~, ?a~ti,,N...., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 j a~41 g1tnct11 PAM 1 J.u~ 0 # l &T I4 'w ah h btn t Y th t 'rLriw (?1 ph" ) b Q1 i v~tt?n. Fracch and U~'nhuth ~1ra praw~d that avax~rtar~ p61 th virue w t n the Ji1tr to '1 c&pAb1e of ~ c ~ ~i~tr~tion oufLn in aim 11 c1 ~O Pbib11 to oats ,tea'%th di as 1. Th ma. a tango (ntrnaw.pov ) Xit u to r 1 &t1 tWV6 pr t%11y ~ ~ Fop Rt tha virat Thor ~dlta di' the inv s ;dd Dior ~ OL LO or, F~'at th, tnii hlanhuh ort tha t ' -b ' ti at? the virus 1mvei bwn con-. ?ir9nad by Hacker n Q r u1 ~, Not to a~tr in Frw~c, d other ifVf;t41ia4, 'rho . ? - n o.t' to arty in contua3biaf 7 th i dy i a b his atiso on,ad ether inveitorc. Abo h~o ~~:c~a~,Ir~~v ?i1twact ut~h F kon 1d crandlo vi i iym h rom ephtkmG t ~~~ F' or a the virus~1ynph ha a bacon dilutod Vrith pie, a 1s1 hy3ia1cio1 s?1utian of siurn chlortIc. tockni r i rd tnnnt, (tho ' }tii h caun?:i. iar an ctw1y o ?oot~~nd-mo1Ath i, oaso was are ani ed in 192 undor thu Miniatry of A ricultvro and 1she Les aM ws composod of Prof. I. Martin , S Stoc1 nann Dr Arkvri'ight, and othors), for uZ' t jOf took 'the vtru3 in the ?orm of smaU places { oi: the a~ithcliw of the w 1s of phthae ( 9 epithe 1 virus" ), n ground thin in a poreel n mart&a &n1 them strongly diluted this with a h9 ia1ogic&l solution o J& Wt1 chloride ~~ ou~d miss w~. ~ ~ i , In`fi1terin such vt't s u ension n? ~tiVG re~u1t3 were Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 oht in d. F 1 #r Uofll wt o a&4 th ou 1 s ect a . G ar in F ~n4 L b opt i o n thr tt h oit obw t b p1 too, Tho s of tookm4dn n4 Minoot With filtr ttion aretifl(t by the foot thatdont1y trio v rug I this we woo odLiorb d by trio Cif r, w, why oh ii tip no' pr tblo th nrrio O: h ? ltor Worn b1Ot ko t by tno coU1112' o1o h o:t` th) oun4 opitholiut~, ' b ogtt ntiyi tockminn :tnd Minnot lift off' th tro~ttmont o' trio vivuc, For ?i1trntion thoy took to viru& in trio fo 4t of 1ym~ frog rAimary &tphthao of tho r! t pig, 1ikowi ivd t pt~a m: are i1ition with a 1:50 to 1:00 physio1ogioa1 sot t on of ooc =iu~ o 1otidc, in this case tho vir o pAaoeo frooiy iit fi1ttation through LorkO old N n.nd Chambor' lain F and 15 bduLtas, dch wao oo ?Lc- ~d 7 the infe tiara of exparirF ntnl animaLt. Thr virtu also pot t frog 1y tht}ough eit obootoo plates, Tate f?iitrate of` foot tt l-moith rliawaso virus obt1 nod by thoso ammo inv sti atom cause 1 'the infeot, an of o p rimy nta1 aim s in dthiti ort of` 1s20,000. 3ot1 orl and M1ib1 r d obtained goo re tu1tti ith fi1tr tion of the vireo tK'rottgh a Mt nd1er cand1o undcr pre suro of 100 milli. metorsr A 1:500,000 ci1,1+tion of the virus wt taken Galloway and Nicolau also used a Mandlor candle ?or filtration of the virus. Thoy u od each time only now candles which had not yet been put in,to determine the donee of absorption of the vi1ts in repeated filtrations. They 'ttsod Lor filtration the virus MS ... 32..x? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co Approved for Release 2012/03/22: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030 0 u p u,5 a Gkrp `,: ?Y ~xwr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ('P1 nph) ? m the gno pig and lutod t with a 1 s O bu oy oo1; tion of pH 7.6. filtoring tQOk plaoo at law pr n'. Ib their o por m ntu c Uowty rnd ioa u ~ tits; t 4 vi oxa1univol, Thoy prduood inoot1an a' oont1 an mgo with v'ario% 4 lutioiut oi` rya rV r 't r itltratioh ao wall ao bo oro? Wtth twos and hroe4o14 fi1trLtt ona ? naor taco mtbindioatod tai' ouanttty ?f vino in tha iltrrto did not diTtiniah aonsitht bly, whi1o in the cAuroo o vivo ouoaoooivs ?tihrationj tho vir!~s dlsa ? trod oompiot 1y. Ql1 buky and ooz rn io a . ?iltrt t. or of rho virus through vrko o l V and N aa~dlos, and aloo through Chtnborloin L, L2, L i 7, , LU, d L1,3 bougio . Thoy took tht~ 1oab-'ten1-noubh i ooo vir+ o in bho ?or o: Cho opitht 1iU1n and ~~l ~phri o a hthho To tho dil~ Cod . rus w?ts addod boftro ?i1tratiott a bufr?or solution of phosphate pH 7.5, 7?: (i'on' l lit r of distilled orator t1ioy .sod ,5 a~cm'. Tho viruo, oroparod Lor ?i1bDatioil, way ?iI'ot ?ilterod through fil?bor ptpo~, and then again through goit~ aobostOS p1tto. In Clitoky1 s ancX Bo' experiments virus troatod in this mtnnor pa sod frooly through 3arkoio1d oandiaa and C1 tnborlain boi~gios, It began to be blool od only upon ?itration through a Chai*orlain L bougio, passod Yrith c .Cfiou1ty through L7 and L9 bougias, arid, Finally, did "not pass at all through Lll bougies, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 n U214:1n tVthe at?n4m0u1 r1ts sI3 , is ad 'bdontheab toy t ~ rn ' jr4 r r ~r h fj2tr tin of the ir with the h3 p A p t 'i Lt tt wi b b hEt th g ely b tt riorb the virus. A 't r tt im t r 4t Of, whoa to rt:Uo ; ncb trM :w: j t t i11 wet or r~Gt'ttn r liin ~rY 'j tr t:tors t'Hu th Fac bu ~i v s "t c r pf 7. ~rrjt toy t 1 oor n ~ h or o" a b1tf.frr hi with yc rLri ' adoo ttof o' tho vtrw" trko plc. Af1~mrntton n btruvt~ only thu'ouh c,rib,b~ gboctJ cthici or c o ont coitrtaor o ' optonn o or pH rho e f~ wt tii whtx h t 'o ~-an ~ outb ti c . aowior thrflr h iiitort d n'irtCCtct has` rror ber!n i b . trod by veru1 irwn r~i" a kor s on t1i y t'U tin rn rtertai it oLt , tho do roe of to ur*iLrrtirrr?t r'rnaritiOf fo fi1Lratan, tho cont:en-' tr tion of h ?iro en ions, on tho t , of the poru of thcy ?i1tor, thti &Leotric char 9, they amour t o ro Fur in ?i1traU O i, the ?t oc r raturb in v? iMh i b i aoo ompll hod t anr1s f rna11yt on rber or other con do is which often oannot bo taken into no accot. Abe was evidont1y the fir t to achieve u:Ltrafiltration of for which he used Haen membraneo i . In nic experiments ..the virua, c coed through manbranneo from No 1 to No 100 and was the virus . camplately blocked upon fi1tra tion through membranoe been reseuro ;of 2 centimeters, Galloway, for fi1trtion with No ~d0y andsr P , .34 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 of tho viruei hay beon in actaft oarlior, ~ Atha ao o on rcbrno ' of l' ord Iev iti, OaUow&y, d Niao u, ta ~ rho a ova appUOU Q411QCLtC)n prepaz frcm t o paraor b o hor- lcoho~. o1utioh n' ao odiohi In th oa inveati ators' a prim nto t1w virua uaoo xt through t iplo pp o?Lon scoot n th positive rosuito x bain obt nad. in out : 9 caao f Stoc1ott&;nn and ? nn t, on tho othcr hand= did not succacd in filtcvio tha virus throuh a doublc lo~yor of x parcent coUoion sacs Qlitr ky, Trtwm, wtci Schoonir aecomplishad filtratio~t thou h sacs af' 5 to 12 porcont ooUodio~, Thp pasin ability of such a ocodion ?iltor wad inoreaod after ppin it in 9 percont alcohol Nowavor, tht meth ' of filtration Way acknow1- ad ed by the authors thorn olvoo to bt fruiticoo and inr. pab1o of a1wa o giving positivo rosr~1 is ? in a soc and ink tanco s whoa they pronarod t13 collodion sacs vtith another e~malsion, the viruo was blocked completely. Therefore it was impossiblo to draw any con- ciuciono fror tnes~ srimonts? For u1tr afilcraton of the virus dltsky and B0?7 used Bochold collodion membranes prepared from various aoncentrationb of collodion in solution in oolid acetic acid on filt?r pnpor~ alwa~I` s passed free/ through filters of 1 collodion. The virus ~` In on case to virus passed through, a filter of 3 portent oolutian of collodion but in all remainin inotanees it was blocked by the grector percentile concentration of oollodion~ In their experiments Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA RDP82 000398000100170030 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 on 1tration tbaoo authors wood a b r o ution o phoop to at pH Mai ow aoaomp1tohoc ?iltratim off' th of -nruh diooioo t ou h a i ondi ultrof 1boz, but she w~ un b1t to obtn conbant and Uornouult, Mora oattofotor rooulto' woro obtind by }kdrow in Ciltrhtion through ooho1d u1t'a- filtor. n heir oxpoirhts the rua woo blocked in ?iltration t 'OU h Zooho1d ultrafiltor o1 9 poroont oolution o.L col odion in uolid aaotio aoid, arid, or the o hor hand, passeo early through membranes of 1 pcront aolubd on off' collodion in the same solid acetic ac14, oa11oviay anct 1t}ode wing the nv3thodt o1 uitrafiltration, appllod lrordrs corroct1ve formula in order to determtno the mos b probable dimansi on tho virus.' Thy work of Ladaviti' Pike) Krasnov, and Wood, and of Krasnov and R inie, was also dedicated to this ouastion. The.. mebhod of uitrafilt ation is usad by inv sti for first ol` all to deterrnina, although approximately, the size of virulent parbioles oi' the virus. However, as Modro'w points out correctly in ono of her worko on theubj eot of filtration and ultraCiltratlon; "Deterrninat on of the magrituda of the pores in uit z'af 1tor is for the time being an e~ctremo1y? doubt r tt or, and the ability of a c ofocli on filter to pass par icl gs of tho foot-.and-mouth dio?ase `virus depends on many factors which often cannot be taken into accouritti ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 a o the q w t , Qn o;t the ?U% el: ti tgnb tho time bQ n canflot bo ~n wo Q off' ~~ot~~uth ~~co~~Q for b' the m thQ 3 a nl It atv ~ cwFmAbIoN O1 T* '1fU at~o~ i &)pli~d widoly i Tho motho t oC oont.ri 1o~i baotoo- o rc ipitation o1 vriout p ztio1o~ n th p ca~. practico : ~o~ of or another. y tiro Demo mrthod cmrtatn invootigatorc o~~o oucpan vs been atto1nptin to preAipi Sato tho ?ooti and-raav th diceaoo t1Q d thus prove itc eor~u c"iO ntt ~z'u. Otho~i investigatoro vo z tho method o cQnt i u ~-`t on to obtain tho haY?~ boen trying YLth iTt a yore or 1c3 pare and oonccntratod form. E:A or ?iirtont~ have ; hovm 'that to p'ccipitate the L oot? d. ,... from its mode by thg con rift al method mouth disease ,+rizi r euc ess l nor anyot i o yet. This, o has in Qssencc not boo cours4 cannot serve as att indication that tho virus in theso in a dissolved tatc. vidontiy an incitant of extremely cat) Wa~ dimenoi?fls is involve:. Ir r idon aU1, 1 alter grid certain sinal1 otIi? p`sicistc consider that the method of cen i `u~at~on is in genQral unfi ated to the preoipttatiof of such email part;Lcles as the ultravirus ADSORPTION OF TIE VIT5S The me=thod of adsorption is usually applied ?ar accuntttlati?n or tho foot~afd mouth di easo viru, 37 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001P0170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 :t ~uaaeedod in this way in more ini the QonoCn~ratiQn off' tho virus 1AOO'aidf ThQ odcorbad v ru etn be alutod brok b oh n n the QoncOntrgtjan of hyd o on ions, Tho proao off' sdaorati!n and utridtion of tha vino OVido 1y' h?~o in itao1' no har o t ct Ql jt, ChArCC q o1in~ I3UWfliflUUt hydro do and. bwT n are moat Q ton ueed ss adsorbon~st Charooa1 io a , oQd ad p bent, cnd in odditton with this adsarbon tho pH oL tha in diwn has no substant t1 atot on tho proaQSS itsolf of adoorption of the virus i or hdsor'ptian of tha virus Oin and Krauoo usad kaolin in aolbinationwith contriftgatian, but thoy did not cuocard in thio , nor in ioitifle tho virus from its nediw, , Abo sbcooodod in adoorbt tho footand-out diseaso virus on o1in3 `dnd picu1ar1y on "oma1" cha'cot1 In ~abmcn~u exp rirnontc adsorption of the virus neitbor succeoded with kaolirn, starch, nor r'ed blood corpuscles. Mo tried to use wood charcoal but the routs wore likewise noative. Va11 o Ina Cara sttcoeoded in adsorbin tho virus an red blood corpuscles, ark also on living and dead microbe bodies. The tcthorbir abilit" of rod blood corpuscles was proved also by do Blieck and ankol. on the basis of their erirrsson r rd Maitland reached thconcision that tbo erythrnoytos of sheep, guinea `pigs, and bid cattle adsorb the virus in sr 11 quantity and easi1 r release it, 8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 l goo awn hdo41a, woh devb thou in ~lkalino colution (kaolin adcorba tho' virus only n naut~al iw)? Aaoo'dt to uduwoy~ &icorption o' the vua can be uaed as mothod off' aanoont~otin ~t This i~ oocont1a1 'W WOO' o tho ocenao off' the v rw in pop & i~ofl whtoh hi wov d to bo wii'1orit in inoculationo. The a oacco off' thin motho is as ?ollowc To t1 m to is being invooti atcd ono adds tho adco bonb aubctanca, then collccta the prccipitato and introducoc it in a suacoptiblo ani 1. by thi thou decoct on o' the viri.c hac suc;e?ded oven in a solution of 1:10,000,000. In this ao1utian;t. was inacttve, bil? conttinod viru1 ii t o1emonts. With tic help of the adortionnothod cetcin.n~rostaors hive attomptod to tao1abo the virus ?rom 1tc medium. Mono of thoOo inveotiSators has succcodod as yot in doii this (Waldmann and Trautwoin) r Pyl succoodod with the method o? adsorption in frcoin~ the virus, ?rom the body a1bumino to tho cent that the albumin producod d nogativo rerction~ Jansson, with the goal of purging the virus font the body /buns, applied various methods of adsorption and olution, but did riot succeod in obtaining it in a'`pure ?ortn, i. e. completely froo of l?obtiinso Later, with the /help of a special method of adsorption, Jansson suocnoded in ,the.?~i`rus supposod2,y completely free of the body albumins. As an adsorbent he usod rpsu~m sulphate (CaS ) calcium 39 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030 0 ,, 'r , krF,."'' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 oon ? ~c w11 oc thit s4t1 th0 hip o tho mothod o Yan~ tho bUi1fl t i~ UUy pooa bL6 to ahom~oal proQip~tt~t~Qn 0 frog the v 'u from tho normi1 p rho viruc ~n puVo ~oA comp1Rtoly ~~oo '4th ~o~p~at to obt~1 - d~ radt intart for too a,~udy of ~t`n or tho baby ~1brnc i X01 ~ b o1e y. ato c I ohs 'i t flincfl, and ah-it- Tho pash jti Joncani with the ha1p o ? the method o 1 orption ?f th Luc with alunum 1ydro do (A1(0H)3) obtainad a "comp1w 't foot?and~ vlrU thato of itiiflUfl o dAo, pococa ing anbigantc mouth dic~co proporttoci cuLT t oak rr} VIkUS c ?i t` atto~ ~ta to cu1tivato the ?oot andMmouth disuse Th virus wesa ~ndorta1cen b Loofi1or anSI roach (1897) and also by by Loeff1or (189a~190~), but in all caws neati~o :th and Vh.oth s wore obtatned. Otttivatian of the viaus dngaged other rasu1t investtgat?a j, also oco of llyt pfe ffer and Or t o1, Hockor, ~ Hsu aiiard and Ok~agoii and others. t s announcement in 1922 that ho had succeeded in Tietze ltivating the viz'us in a 1tq4 artt icia1 cu1tixr o mediwn die- cu covered by hiii (I~artt brath` with addition of 1 to 20 percent. ~.ns_ sores of 1ctrge catty.e at p1-I 7.8 to 8.0) way not conC rmgd by , further tnvoStigationse' . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82 00039R000100170030 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ?w 'h Ic,tamrcwravon d~ceva at n'itnt o;L' ~iI rabtoQnnnVt.tarc hn f dot,-~.?~o~at~t ~ oh () i1a } w cor V rm d by no one. I h wn pre ar d ~ T1' ~ froth with the td~tior~ of p car c nt 1 Q' how, > or P n:1 3 occh with t4 yid of } hic r tra?Yloi t ,_ : c th rcwo Vtf pawcr of the objactiV dice which da~~blc ~j1 tho IIc~ 1jIt ~ ccc c acr~cd s short ctick . (I lcr coVod citwAt td S:rl tV. Th authors r M1t(d the Iltncitant" ter, p.i)~ di#ovCI cd by them Ln t i. Z % ' rl - f Ho VF 'i 0 7 i S A 4 ~ ,.~npriwaw~ ? r the v 'iticat a~ of J th n's acid i'rocch l ~poci1:Liy crcatcd (lic oV y a ~tttifor:ltatl.h rcpr cntat Vacx o cu'flL1 Vtiri 7 z ~~,. c~enc 3 cht1 Kin) did not co'irm '':caitcr srl~ #cC,V{W or -'roactl aaa u do r cnt1y ,g wirtnti i, t1~e di.~ arlci , sla Vin studied th Virn cuit c dcccriticd b the '~ra~~tt~~r~ ~~ aut11crt3, did not con.V I'm it. S ab~ncnl c and i racchc - ctiocoVc wars chcckad by the n l th cortni iari (Bcdcon and t~ait1aFrd h 192, 5tackl trn and 1inne~t in 1926) and by tkccf Ain wicaf co uricSiOt rtd ooa~. 1927), arid. n t2V ' r wuiti i 1v tr ib1Y obtairiod icy all cases De Blioclc end Winkoi cultivatcd the incitant of Foot-arid- mofrth cliseaav in culture media of blood serum with the addition of sugar an n, and also obtainod negative rcou1t~ eiland ~ ~'c~i ( ted1 atlnatlnccd succass fu1 experiments in th(19221926) reps ~' twand?mOUth disease incitanb in a corp1icatod ct~,tivai~ion of the ion s cu.1t iY pre ` red by him, but the compo?itien of ~'a med~.u~n specs1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 jug oultur Declassified 2 if K 1, i t, t' L 4f1 ho n1ih in'v'octigt?r i? tho m?thod of ttgeuo oulturoo to Oahu f~ot.anMmouth disease . (Oneof the ? in :t1 itit Wr1 '# ,' k ~ft'r I 'n r) 11~ d iwod~.ic1;. 1l oC bho foob_and*mvuth diseao 'izcue with tho td r thod of OX LOZ1tItion ?~ was made in tho 1J SI the me Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 1~ 7a t 1thou h the tot of roprouo? ion nt tho v1rus, rath?x tht i itt ourv1vt4, w~a hit oonvlnolr y provod.) ootootian with tho apooo poo~tlirtioa ol" tho Voot-ostd?rnouth di wioo viva the .Mtn 4t introtw d oortatn o}t oo i tho rnobho%t o* t atto oulturo~ t l ~ ~ tbryoM o ti auo o tho ui~wtt pig (lips, ton uo, a tr iti~ , hairi part or tht7 sktn)orvoa as trtor outuruodiutn~ In uoh 'tiaauv ou1turea the"i~ln~la proved tho ruproduotion of the viruo, suoooodin in pusain it through 17 uuttooaaivo pn tm oa and mt tn- tt tnk; it in tha dub joot 3u1turoa for the dur tior of 10 tno than The virLtlcnt3o of the viva in the prooosa of oultty do , a town by tho titianda' roan roho~, did not o rub o~ Thu rnrxitnutrt increase of the virut~ in tho rttaority u Qataoa wo,o notod by tho authors on tho thirct or fourth doy ol' ou1 ivatian to tht thorrna~tat. Tc quantity oL virus tnorutsod 1000 tiri during this titnc, end in on cr~ae as tmuh as 10,004 tirnoa. Tho r it tuat titre or vitus which the ft itiutids tttitt I was 1tt04,OOO. In oxp1 tud tiaouoo of the a4u1 uinoa pig, i iarodac o1 the vices w~a not obaarvod. rho authors likewioo entbliahcrl that the dorco of ihorua~o off' the virus door not dopond on the ol'taraotur of growth oi` the tisc~uo itoo1ts On 1ivor?tioauo roproduation o' tho virus did nod suriuood It1 ouituros of tisnuo off` the chinigun embryo the virus d3.d not tnu1 ip1y which the M it1anas a sooiato with the viruoid& L Obntion o:f: the sorum of urnbryos (the chiokun, ~a is 1ct otiwtt, is not suaoopti ilo to foo'baandMrnouth disoa o) Th r 1ikowi o Boca trot 43 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 1pfl(t on tho pH at tiw r 4 Wl tnct, n p pbabiitty, ie rttta of the ombryon M doquo b, tho o~ooi~ Md or tho ,tIflt t At` tho ohiako ti deb tho'olcVii tvotri4o s Ta 0g Tiro tt~it11tuntla u ottbio oonti~torc oi' em hryn"ti oUQ oL tho uir t pig with had thou adcl~d from ~ ~~`~ boon 1rounci in aroliminory to 2.0 vubio J ~~~~~E ahc iot tioocprute oouti Coro off' o Coati .rfor 1. hours. Air this thoy added to do~ro tiro t ot d ombrY onia tioou? oubio oot~timetoro otiroah iivor ~ p3 aEr%a off` th uihoa ;hid and tho perm cuonbity o Tirod' a ooiutions o ~ The.:. ombryonio did nctt oomhino with this mixture. Quittvatton waa oupt in' a ti~at~otta t With tomp~ratt~r? o~ oarri~d out in Car~ei ood out tares wore atso obtlined in Roux ~7 aarooa Cotztirodo. o ou~.o o etimetars wc-a ploe~i. Tha in whiort up to was geed in the ?4rnt of viruz "iymph" in or,i~inLtl vii us material M/50 f, ~~ ~'ar ooiution at pH 7.6 in dilution or io, phesphate b~tii ttr it?st riiterin i~ throu&h a i'iitor. This rn thod oC tho proposed by theta for muibipitoatian of tho boat-and- t s ,.teit'i , mouth disoas~ virus in the presohae of animate o~i1s, ads ?'aui~d tton in the work of rrany other invesiatorss briiiieflt oontr: Geoke in i930-31s end kows~ 3tro1or in `1944, xN aarr~.ed aut invoctt ations oh sttdy o~ tho tnothoct oL' tissue au1tures applied to the cultivation of the Tot?and"mouth a . ,? r. disoasg virue? ko and Stria ter usod virtue '1yntPh" from 24-hour primary lea N 44 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA RDP82 000398000100170030 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ~phth ~ oL the 4F if\1 lflRtt t aMtt I ?4' Q41tivut1oTL viruo~ huyuted the ruo with :2O or 1s50 btor ooiutiofl of phoephuta pi( 7. tnd ttin puood 1t thVauh aoit iiltor. At t vauo for ito quit v+ tien tho uuthare uood the 1ci (Ottheli 1 titaue) oD the erwyo a the uinou For tha as purpose tnay 1o uooo or 11 pot of un Q tbrye. Aa vrtltur4 rdiutn for tha ti~otw au1tu2'a they uvad b1t~od p1&a of tho enim1 V~'orn which tieeub for auitiv tiah` of tha virus hnd baon taken. Strio tar oleo uaod norum of the uinott piffi t a out ure n~diwn. The embryo fluid whiah w> a addod to the tisouo attlturo i'ar sti r~t1 tion o rawh of tho tieauo itao1i wart propa'od from tha w bryo of to a~no typo of anirltu1 train which tissuo httd bean ikon 'far autiv~tian. Ooake, `in oultvattn rho taoban~1?inauthiavaeo viroe on tho tissue of uinaa uvod a bryo tied oi' the o nbrya of the hen instoad of Qrnbrya i'luid trorn thu strno typo of r initt1, but obtainod gaaror~ly ootisfaotory reou1ts. 'ronko: and Viu Vt to ion auiti ted the virus ort tho ep1tho1ia1 tiooua (skin) of ombryoo of cattle. Tho nulttu'a virus whioh they obtaind i this inatanoa pooseUod etron~or antigonio proporti?s for eporitan?auely suaooptiblo aniralo than tho sang virus obtained on tieeu? o ombryoa of the ~uizoa pig. In expari? ments by these invo ti ators, toot-and mouth disoaao true of typo Ai after 27 pasva os in tho of uree of 104 dayo, at a temperature at 37 de rods Conti i'ade, did not ohan o ite type properties. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 In e oimot~ on oulbivtloh ofi the v1ruo on ti~ouo ofi hmp b oed results wOro o,1so obtained. Ao oultu'o no~ of the uhlohor embryo with oedt (1) p1m ~di~~ the ~ut~~o~'o u o' irod' a liquid;, (2) serum of o tblo with the the _additlAn t~on ot 4.73 eroent u, xar?a or () oatt~.a a 'u1f With tha addl ~ ~ and ('i.) Tiro0 liquid -* it X11 Alton oi TirpdP 0 1~iqu , od' Qaoe~ their obtainad food rec1ts In oecin the oulture viz'uo an o ttlo aid hake byc~ans rtifiioitil infioation and with su~soqu?nt intrav?f1ous injeotion of a to viruo it ivao establiohe~ that the epori cnntal to ntL 1s d ofi fiaot-androuth disuse, ark ooruna obtained firm an immunity to thim pps~UssEd high ti~-b x1y' ooi tunt. Fre e and Vtu' Vavaran stitudo !'Or ho ohioken pl om&, whioh they had at~e~~t ~ed to sub usod tnatoo4 of oo1f plasma, age,r'acar (0.76 p+ roont s car?acar in inCQr In the prosRJ~1o9 of Qcar-afar growth or on ~ s aoluti ) tissuo3 took piaao very slowly, while in the presence c1 ohioken plasma its ty be vary well oboerved. Aaoovdi to 5tr o /errs data, in tho Riams inatituto ona tro,in of aul~uro virus was maintainod, with the help of ticouo s_ aul buros, or two years, f or whioh it was propaated through 118 ~' . o aogin the virulence or tho foot" a pdssa~en. As result oi' thi p ndMmauth d ro a ohed ma nituap of 24 x i174 , ais?~se vir~~ s (~ ip,stoad of the iiii ial virulency of 10G, . In multiplyir~g the virus in tissuo oulturms 5roat importanoe i attached to tho tompsr ttUre anti oonaantrat1on oL hydrogen ions : t ty, .5y f . ILT'? lh. t !4y #r~`~ Declassified in Part- Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2012/03/22 CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030 0 t4',,"' ~x~} Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 o L the med1wn in wh oh the a 4 ro octrri d o t ? At 47 do see Oanti ra a Beth vi 4 ti Lw to e a ~~re Tft4itp1y while t o tomper to dl' 3O de rdo enti rdde the virus U1b liao very e1owly the i ue tU~ et dohs not MI;11ti 1y. And, Final .y, ut ter perature o ' d de reoe (eeti# ratio noithor thu virus nor the tiaeuo mutile~ at a11. Ae far as `he ooneontrd ion of hydro on ions in tho n ti it where rt 1tiplieatian or tho virus bukoa olaoo ie oonsornod, pt 7.3 ~.~ is meat rt~vorable, 4 bo1AW pf the virus doer not multiply at . all. In oht in tho pH of the u~iiu n 're wo&k- alkalino to now rat tnrltipiioation off` `thu v z uo i or+~aaoa Pyl d vbe to autivatic n o1 tht virus in ltipiyin it; in ti9oua eultureu, u1 oxtruot oL sorntnai 1oxds (Toynait t factor), and also oxtraot from thu opithe1iwn of tho piantar surtaoo of the oxtrot ition o u ioti pip, Beth 1i@ whioh had dovulopod and those which had not devoiopod toc t-an&!-mouth diooaat~. 1towevor, pr~roupti'bio inoroaau on tho virus which oould bo at tributod to tho r po ifio notion of tha oxtraot- dould not bo opt&bi ahod by the authors. Thoy notod only tho Tavorable notion of tho extraot on the pH o the rhodium itoo1L. Auer dddition of bhe ext ~aot this rern irtod at a lovol of p 7.6 fnnkol and Van Vdvarox cultivated the virus in a Fluid mediuin in the proaenao of fibroblastf t't bbit 1 ho s, ~nc1 balvso, but tGy ob'bo.toc r.e dtive rp~su).te`. Fr:,i c tltivatioi o tho' vii'w 1d be utiod f1ibrablastr o the 47' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 2012/03/22: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ~Ultiipl,o t MY% of the viral. Ttw foat- n 1-tfcUth vtrL, how by the iiw eti- t1tio Q $tri~1r, the fait/ ado, Fromoi ffd Vin its beet of aii in silted upth1 Vavrer~, ~~4d oth$Dr ~, ~-uitip t Ubo'.U ex eriM fltD ? ~ opithe iai aoi a is~~je~~ tha noy, anti sta t ry 1 rn1 pravod of c~~o~~t~, . iitti advtntatGo Lor ct lttV tiol c tha virw. k the tilt boirL, thorn r i it itvo~ti atod tho oxtrciu iy het intzo eFito wham ~xactiy ins bisque ?itur' tho ~,~~~t~stioaw ttrcs sUitiplic i isidO the O11 itsoif r r of it i surfKca, ?r, ~.~ parhtpc+, only in the' to c1iurn in tho pro one a ' oiootivt tissua. nctbst~noc~s .. ~~rt~ c~A to who?~t~er tho cu~o come It uaso ion,ains u tio off` tho virus itUiife o t , cu tho botsir ` of ossoriticwi td rho iifo h~. reaoho the c?~1t;~tsi thc-t tho virus ovidet'tly ,~t~i . at3o~s+ ~ ltiuiie ittidG thv ca11F, thoi o3vos and that its znu3tip1ioation riot, on growth of th? coif thomolvs, eJ roverai invdst'- atars void, but from tho aotivitY of the iattor. Tho pruasriao of T tho virus iri oultarO s outsido tho ti a cue awns of vt? eviuonao of t niultipzic tiori. This carp be tha result of its ditf a ion from 3,s a the c i1 into the surroundir medium. lnotituto the culture vices` was appiiod'to rho In Lho Rioms of cattlo for tho purpcoo of obtainif5 anti-font" hyper i2ninuniza.tion th' diaeaso oorum Eariior virus far the gale PUrpo8o wau 1d ~nou 48 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-O Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 obtftin 1r tUfl ho o, Whinh` aon i orrrbiy oon ttt 4 tho who1a proof orr(1 irro o 4 tho not o too ~rrt i`oat?anrl^ ~ ~~h 4j ii o -rurtr produa U. In the Rini tituto~ aooor~1tu to Strip xor' r~au~rorr~or~i, up to X000 oubt?o o~htr~~r Qf o~~it~ro viruo vatth o r 3 oQo, o vo propurod trio:ior? and s xparim ntt11y` t trig izt 4 a tt1o with i rfr air .tutu vi x', but ~i nAt obtttif i`'Oh it any~rt(4Ytt, o1' )C j ir~r~tr~nity, ovrt to rnturai irtcrtir~h. ThesEr rortuit nra in optii nontraliation to tho t?ta oniio}ti~ii a thf ouituro virus i rho drn nr4tituto`ior purpt i of hyportuw-uri :zatiof in obt inirt tuiti'i'ocLnd??tour i itu i i ui ity o {~r . ?roitki31 ?nrlki VUJt Vaveror oir u a in orri tivatirk rho vi~us ran the ohoriar&a)arrtois of tho ohiolrarr ornbryo (Ooodpctirturo and Woadrrr~T't riothnc). For tthi pun;poso they use ohiok~rt+s os after r- +~ .rc~ r ~.r .ntnrbrt inr L`or , , 10, ii, Sri 22 doyu. Ao a xesuit of their iswesti atiorrs tho auhort oouid riot oori'irm tho nuittipiio?tt~i rr of the vir~t on thn o}tare oc i arr toi of ohinknn embry'-s. in their a driri nts the virus kupt its viabtUity on ohoriaaiie,ntoi~ i'or only 4 haunt ~n all, at totporature of 40 do ?roos Corti r de. }Iovievt r, in two oa~os they sudoooded in ob.' tart ink srtboul Lure s or the vir'u s. cssa es ~~ nw' a c l~~r~ed sowiri of the v !u oz~ tho oharioaiintois p ~ o: a ohickon embryo, and a 'ro. owiti u6 to 4B hours a~t~r p3,aaing tho viru `ithe thermostat (Certain invostiatore. CaZ 1owo f 49 w Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Por r tUo, u iir the arw method, on tho other hid, obtained ,ositi results, s.nd uoooodod in props. atin the v rug through'20 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Qh~r Q ~ 4'' QhIok 8 QtlbryOQ 1Mttaw rt Q 4r d ' ' an `rP ~i1'ba' i-nd Va~tru141aY~ dav~~a~ad R flUthad a a~11tVta 1rcV1 with pt th pa ianox -afl o ~134bia hor /. T oae ~c~,~ira~~`~,a~~-~~~~ r ~~aad an s tha~+~ ~uqaaadad tau1tt ~ c~ y 1W e~roir,a~ SubUan~'Y otho) an yaaot aQ~ tr& aparntt i thQ cu1ivLt cn of x'tUC~ WarI) a1rr ?d out tai bavorr4 oroi ao mtriofl dieaana virua on yott oai r p opp o t'&1 DuL' c~h ~cn jttany, on too baioff` th oit' axp ar~- , ~ or bha ethor ~}irf1, ra~Qhad ~6a~rh~t m':o~i~ with b~~r~~o~ ~~. ao~~ ~ d~f'~a ~a' Ii ir~div tlU t t tfloo~ thosa au oro ~~an~~ adna~~o~ ~uoLaodod i~ rho vir urn ear "rid yea~t'~ (Tarttla rbra)Thd PrO~o~-4o of the vet ua in r~uah ~ymbidtic~ ouitur" urea proved by rkr~ i~c n. i62 dj4jjaii. In an4 va~a tha bhotl rtcttar 60 onor~tio 'E ~v~t~an a~ rho o in abb~,i~~fl au ~ a~thor~ ~uocr~odc~ io~ts with ~ta_hila~aoo~a~ dtm virus ii In th? ~c~o~Nar~c~-snou~~ di~o doo 1aborabory of the 1asokh Soiontif'io Ronoat'oh Vot~rinar7 Instituta (NnVi) oorimenin the aau~ ad~.1~ adnorrttto 2i1'bar' $ and n~+~~-~vab~on or : the virus o~ ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 uk Lov ' ~ithcd, with vQ~ ir wi~h R{dit~o@' 10 p54 ~ ~th~ ~ri~h yc~a~ aiu wore otto~nr~cis On uZ+ W tai ~ s ~~ ~ur~ ao1~ c tho r~ ccnao o V the ~~~~ Vr~c %I*O~ of _ oo~ ~ihioh can ~ t})YE the odood fl'~t, ~ In ro~catod ~~a~~a~~~~~-~ o~ tho vii~~c, cnd nAt ;~ rcac~t~ wcro abtiad~ 1 v: ~pci~1ad by ori~onta ar ;~ r~o~~ ~~ o~ tho~r ~ - ~ryi rho q ~ th~ YirU to tho aa~incait~a~ hox' by tho hiCh r onflittvty o the ~t~ j ~ tho ~at~ox -t tit, the ~ t c~ o~ aid in th? a ?vit1y doit~ivra vin ha ~ at cu1tiV to u that ho me thod at y o It go~ is ps i'ii~~t of ~~~ ~~~ ,~,11 and a~`i a ~c~wn turiy of the hia1otioa' ~rf~~,o~tioc oi' tho vdrU. o RSISTANC OF T1*) VTkJS 1 octab~~shod ~c bev1 c .. hd?nauth dirsot wire, a h rho i coot high by ~ rather tori~cd i ataro, oharac #. c i Voo ~ h o3wa?chem~ca~ x~ac ~ r by ~u r ~tanco nerou t ago tivtth recpeot to a1t. Ci -dt a p tho ati~rrauz~d~n~ in e C' vaX'iouc raotoro t o ar-~ a~aao o~ thc- prn~or 0 0 tho virus dopGndG nAixlY ~~diUSn~ ` rho res~~.~ta~a ~ h~hoed ~d oe1ta~te, p whtoh it is ctuat of the ~ol~iuu- in Tho de~r~a off' ine c 1iva, and othora). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA RDP82 000398000100170030 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 V %I1Qfa~ Qt the #1ItW1 or o ~ V~ A' bQ4, Pyl . IM tho a~ tthat the v~ro p~~~i4 ai ~o oo~~vet ~ its c~na~t~~~? a1~~a~~ do~ro~nix~ ~ bat;j tLblCttirC* tCCQ~ bi11 ? ttr pur it a 'bady ailla ~t icrd, in st>~ :iititk~ (.,.WC. ~r ri ct llt~I~~J: it r1'bhG .Jut t, ' -;}t;;' Li k 3 t`CY t1 1~' -' t! '~ t:? "Ffs v Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ? of n'g, often nat ?l b 3 Qt to ~an dare t or , whioh in i ono . n~ fl* Q~t the ai hQ ~9 Fgo~tiu o '4Q ? ~ u h ~r4 tt@,I tarry tuvaati atom (oaVf or and t`roaoh, Feat &nd [)rooohoX', ~o) notod long ado, eu~a. ffit, ~~~-1?can and Traubwoiil, Athr o qvontly aravod uxporinwht fy, fat rapid a IterrUata pae ~- o ono ao virua in v~oua t poo o~ anir~ala `o~oa~ptil~~o to ~'o~~t~ah~Mr~c~oh y diaedoo eroduoos t ihtonaii4abor. of ito vtruiana. oo ri'1?r nd LroQoh auQoa dod i inQroastL o vi lenoa or the virus by utana o ait?r ate paaea o of it in aalvoa and }ii. aldnn and ' rautwetR attained tha sum raaults with aitarnate pnsoa a of rth virus in ~uif~oa pie and whioa ratc. ~urhuiy intro od to rho ranke f pao ~ unir a1 tho rabbit ae wall, ~a 4 t nn dua Trattwoin =Yraroaod the viruohae of tha virus for oatbla, but and ubscq uonti in ardor to cause iniaation with it in uiuaa rims, tho o,uthore ~tati to phso it riret through the organimm of a hoc. Many investiatocs, partioulrly root end i)resoher, havo establiehod that prolon~od passe ai' the virus in the Dame typo of mil inteneifios its virulenao with spout to the ~ivon type of ani animal while with roapvat to other bypos of animals it appears weakor. Rowever, this phonomenon is tomporary,' and ho vials, dae to its raptd adnptabili?sy, oan in. one or two pdaoages main osta" . virulonoo for liven typo. Ernst and nresdhet' Qotabltahod bliah ins also that sass a o? the virus iii. animalls wlhioh had in preliminary p ~ boon i~tnunizea (passivoly or ao'ively) leads to the gradual weaken- in of its viruleroo and, in tho end, suoh virus oaaees' oompietely k c Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 tQ onui~o iflAat#on 141 i11Iio ?UaQoPtbio to oot?~d^r~~~h ~ahiawi~oiatoinn 1027 and in hanovor i 2O out- breaka t' M @pi~oc:tia oi" foot- ^n nt L dio(1aao wore ob anai~ hot ? did not ~?3' ad to oatt1o avoh in caeca wh ro both typos o#' anienis wok in the came bu l4in ?rdutwain ~ ~ ). similar phonomonu h vi ? bean rated aovoroi timo~ an vermin ? rtaa in our gauntry, whw foot-an ~i o~ith disease oi' oatti o, in the nbsanue at app'r me prevontiv lustre ,still d ~iob oprehd to othor ti moa or animals auaoontible to foot-and-month diseases phis unique "se1eo tvity" of th? vir~ta for dui`inite aype of aitimai oan be ox- piain c1 by its insuffioie~ uiru1enae ?or othor'typo s of asp whioh hti been t}te roauib uitor at pro o go t paaaa ? in :tho ~ ame din of animal s, possibly, f aanaoquprioo of tho mu -abilit y of tko virus, whioh is inherwit in its very bio1oy. Such soleotivtty of the virus on be ifluniced by other faotors which in oohditiona of tho nab4tral dovelo mane of the in- ?ootion cast boar on the entire opiootio proaesa as whole, often not for din the~iselvas to any kind of aooountjn i pthatics~a Many investigators, (}1eo1Cr, Loefflt3r1 proaoh tnd Uhlonhuth sohipp, rnot and ireaohex, 1 1rlmann and Trautwein and othor~ he attomptoci to weaken the vii us for spontaneoua1y 8usooptib3e animate by Mean of prolonged paaed~e of it through the oranim o nnima1s of tho flame type. Howovor, o11 thu invorstigators' att?mpta in this direction ended unsuao~aslly in the Riemn Institute there was one strain of the vines which had been oropagated through uiilea Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 .ror era ' ~ 9' ~o~sn o without any wke in vtr!tohao or spuntIhe?ua1y suSoopt blo ~nim U (Waldmdnn a Trnutwoin)i i l r rooult~ were obtaitiod tho a grirnrnts of trt~b, Ue iioQ nd s tho invo bi tb o. In abtbn ?Us intavtion, as has boon os~tblishsd by a nuub?r of invQStiators, tha vir qUf beropat?d lonthty thrauh dfy ano t jp Qf &M l 'NithQUt woakonir off' itu vir i'o wo Vith prQ1Of od ago o o thu vtrut it vtru o?loo Y bo waakoned at timen i'or anatho r type oi' aniLsal, but this woakonin rafnains of little dttratiot, sine tho virtAs vastly adapts itself to a new type oi' aniE~i and booors infoativa i'or it. Ooneequontly,. Thr woakonin5 OL' tha vita' viri ciOQ and ~ubsogtont scouring of the aropdrtie8 tho rn hod of proton ed pa,asa o has not justifiod itael' and has no prnetion1 stgniloahao. TEE PLUITY OF TYPES OF THE SOT-AND-1OUT~1-DISEASE VIRUS, The Frenoh inveati btors Valiee said Darn drat winounoed in 1921 the asmwnption of the existenno of a plurality of viruses. In 1922, ih the oxporiu?ntal' study of the `ii unoio ioal proportion of root and motitth?disease viruaee of 1}renoh and O?rman origin they . d red two iinuw.caio~ieally different types of thQ virus, indi- iaoovs oabvd by them with the lettore 0 and A.` Type 0 i$ a foot-andMtaouth- disoaeo virus of Frenoh origin from the dopartmont of the Oise and Typ?A.?is of German on to from Eastern Prussia (Allemagne). ~ The essenoo of this noteworthy disoovery is in the fact that oh of those two typos oause~ imm~tttlty only with reopeot to the 8b- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ~inii a~ o aa~ma~s w~~oh ~av~ dovo~ous r have b~~~~ ~ u~~~o to otIQ~ wIth vtr t~e 0 ~d Oou~b oL n uo of th~~ oar typo Ada b? tn~da?a *a~~ftt~d iO~ttsa wtth vir tinw wftri viruo type A. Suoh fQotiQa i~ atoo ooaond g ~~ ? wh?iah havo dovolop+!d ot-+ajid?u th ~i r@ vor~o ordox ? ?~ ? ? d~~$a~o of t~-Pe A ttnt whloh u r6 iiuiuUflo to U sari `bo ~iioUt?d typo 0 virus (FEU? ) ? k F1~uxo ? ~oot of a aVfar flflflt ?L' ~aA~~and" 3 p~ o suit off` expQ xl~nontal ~niQOt~oa with mouth diooaoo aaa r virus teas 0, A and (ale r 'eal~anai~ and 00mo1~te1Y uniform v1tn1aa1 X00 0 ~td A vir'~aoa aauga a o1otvre ut the disoaa?~ o,nd.tre di stih~~~ shed not 'by their piatha~ nia aotlon an` the o,nirt&1 or~~~nrn, b? by the imp at of tha o~istena~ ~~ tsature off. various 19~aa1 aro~ortioa~ For oro se typ4e ?f Md~~o'~e? ~tlrua proot~nt-days tnveeti~atoro u ~'oo~.a~dmouth o ~t1ari a~ot oxa1usiy? ~?ver~11~'1ea , tho mothod o1 arose-i t for the she our~osQS sorola~la~1 reM therQ are a~bem~ts to apr)1y ~1otions (?OK) by sttaane of prepdratof t Qa1e~1 and othors) f howevsr, tl~eao ~'~e ~ntl~ens (So1ovye~t~e1m, no's yet 1ot~ the stake of ie~barabory re' 1~vo saarah sti~ati0ns ha'~ b Thandi oxp?rfinentallY the Whi~e' Va1:Lee and C?~rro wars exietOnan o1 e. P1ura1i~y of typo o~ viruses, aflotha r ~nve ott~ator h ` othO8ls of a ot foot- 5ri Franne, Sahe~a, anrt:otiuiaed th Yp sible kfeeaes", ae a aonsequean o the pos~ and-mouthwdi~easa s1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Tk ?~fWflad? tha axl~taal@ ai ~t 1t' tV 1'Q' ro a k` ,"gyp tQuo ~'avQr9 (Div 3CV~~tl~fh4tl~~~~R10i~4i~ M1?Qttt~16? "pht411 ?'avar" (Fvrahhoid?) wh1oh to uii 5a1atn' op1rtafl tire 'ti dt~ooVory ot.tha ~1ur~1~ i'aro j1p11o0' ~ ~nd Mrro gad` vtru$ oar~ttnv~atlotoa tna u.n ?irin 1u uflttY" o~ i ou ,o1a tly ~ ~ootMd~mouth~dlooaao (?okah13ha'yi io1lowto~ dovalo~oi~i~t ot th Kovauh , qtratol - Rudova i 1tooro, nit atto:'b) Ui~a?vdrY `dad dalfllta 1UUmthflation of `Va11aa' o d arro ~ soot-~-~ou~h ~~oo and at tha ~ quQUtlata off' i>~ur~-i1ty to d~~ ~ time- a,ttr1otod the ~t~tantion oL ~tha r to rho duo otior~ the f~1urt r a typos off' vviz"uaoa. of study o~ Vtia-1dznarL1 a i+1~yor in the R1ema In~tltuto oould .not ootrm Vo111eo' g and Larj`o` a djoaovario~ on tho bis ol' e~rtr&etttt1 study rtiou ot y1;rutQ~ of Borman, Frai1oh , and of the 1mnum1oloioe~1 prop ~ dog 11d, and urbury, ohoaktn the ltal t1 or1~~~ . hod ion, .p ro a,1ao raachod nogati~o aot~al~~slarta oovory ~ad? by V~-~1?e and uar , or thQ b~a1 o~ thQ1r oxperlmont~l invo at1t'ons ~ Az-d or1y mush s d' '~ rau`~voin (i96) in attitidyln~ ~0 ~tr~-ina o~ n1 1~tor did ~`aldmaun T confirm the djaaovey of the p1ura11 Y virof v~rioUs r~r3~1 ao vjru~?r~ redo by Vo11ee end Carro of Foot?o,nclMrnouth-di~oa dl~oov?rod ~4i11 'q. third tYpa Waldrnann and Trautw?1n th burn of vlxue, which tltoyoall hype e. mug, to reo jotiat /,~~"a` w Y Y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Aroved for Release 2012/03/22: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 vat o &nd rr~ on the hond, tho ~orn nvooti tOrs of tho 4tho2', ooflQ1uivoY o~tobohoa and o rrfiQt tho ~xtgtonct~ n t3rQ off`' loot tl thr 1 0~ dtoroht typo' o1 tho foob~&~Nmoth? d&oo vruu utwota of i d tho thr~o typ i at virtu who) and ~ ro Gor A oo r 'o ~pofld( d o Fronoh 0, d troy ~t~cdid1 A , ~, x1 C Oo*:n I to Fronoh A). Tho dioaovory oL the plurality types of vii'uoeo wns after- ward i aonfirutO o nrirnenta11y by Lebai11y in FrMOO (192.6), by s L Oa aitla d, ant 9u rbury (1927) in gland, by Ol ituky, Train, and Sohaonlna (1926 ) in tho USA, by Mt nuaoon and armanoeon Ln . fl the Ar.,ontino (1929), by ?inka1 in }~a11aflc Swollen, by ~i~~iores (1924.19?0 ), by PtwararzYk in Poland (925-19 O ), Ind by other in- ho r1ura1ity at virusa3 was oonfirmed also by numoroua'. ,v45tiLator? Bono by 8uri in Swit~orland, by JenaQf in epi~oatolo~ioal observa Dent Auetrif, by b, Stax~i in 1t t1y, and others. Only ~-rk, by gasper in agrtner (1927) oottbinuad, on the basis of Ern, hut, and . ~ opfen ~ their sm~t11 investi,atons, to deny tho plurality of virus-typ?s. tidied a total of only d atras of virus of ~noidontally~ the;~ ~t OarSwodish origin, whioh aotuaily oou1d hn~va boon tt~tl, ~ r?noh, and And finally, , thea? odrimonts wore oar~~iod +~rus of .. the _ oo,tne type. ~ whioh makes thorn for this retton extremely out only ot~ ruin?a uttoonv~in?in5 torrtabionalpizootio 9ureau in Faris, 'on the 1n 1928 tho n b~ois of 's report "On the Flurelity of Typed of Foot-ar; i'' Vallee ? ~~ introrluoed a resolution to the effeot that m~+uthMcli~ease Virusos Declassified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-O Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 it wdo flow nooooodry b oonoidor orovon tho oxi~tonoo ohroo imrunolo iva1iy di `for~nt type o1' viz. Id thin oonr~oobion yin 1@ r ornatlona nomm 1&tnre f?r typoo o the virus woo 1ntrodut typo 0, type A, aid type U. Vdi1oe acrd uar o, aid a o Y W nn .w1 rautwoin a'rirra that- the type o of vi ro~o a X1000orod by thorn on~ou fi1]y oontt irflfflu1o1oiad1 POPor~ta, Va11o end Cuxro otudiod ?or U year's the type ohpraatri~tiao o strain of typo 0 and A vir&aoa, oxpoln thornn to tiro rehatian of to moat divorau fdotoro. Thoy props dtod them in paaRaea through various forme of animaia, stored thorn at various temper&re~, shared the pM of ho m,d um, froze then, do i3oatod then, oaueod ohorniodl a ento to reQot with there, and ire d11 ooUOs thou vtruooe eitor fully kop thoir ori~inai type oharactorieticp or did. nid:n&nn and Trautwotn dieoovored anothor whole caries of atypioa1' strain of viruaea.whieh could not bo o1ieei1'iad ao a ein&e orr? of the three tyoea diaoovarod eorlior by yahoo and (:arse, anal Qi so by theineolvea. evidently atypiaQi etruina are rathor frequently enooutiterda Thay were discovered aico by V~11e.e dnd ~Qrre in Frar~oo, by Mannin~or- in Hun cry, and by Ma ruaaort 1n Srndon. Trautwein, in dif:rorontiting 7~ strains of virunoe rooeiaod frorft different plaaos, ostablinhod wolf-dofinod type oharactoriotiaa for only 29 strains (25 strains were o1asifiod as: typo A (0), 3 rtraina ae type (A), and i etrs,in ~s type a, but the romaining 49 trdinc proved to bo atypioal trains (variants ). of thorn, 25 and ne Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Moro vario1nto o too A (@ , ~~ vor 'fin ~ t (A) .n4 18 try na v~ri&nt~ !typo ~. yr ion ~tr~Eh~ woo di~- gv4irOfd in t~ Burin ? the epioti~ of t tot-Rno-e t c d 6@ ~ p/~ iF H in ~wit~or?1an4 (r i) d too o yoar i Oor ny (Vr t n). ~ In bri~nt (Viand) 8 otr~i war* i 3ti c oo i ootod o iit ro iaii of ~ i~nd' Q thor, 1 otrnina were o aooiLiod as vrioua ~ typo 0, 22 t a A 2' so typo . T romainin 13 Utz' t prcv i iual &8c1 were not diffo 'oht d~ %Valdi.nn and Trautvro in o atab1 i ahod loo that upon ~ traina oL the me typo of vtru~ ao:~otdor~bio dirfrohodo Ord raquotiy obw s a narvod. In Va1)oo' a and hinjtrd'a oxpoi'ints individual otrtins of vi1rusos with vory hi5h viru1onav for opor~tanao~aoly susaoptibie on?ttlo ird ~-o o uould it bo tr&nsfdrrod to uinou pi s animat ( th on ouaoo a opt all. In Our ny in 1927 and 1 22, as notod rt a i ootid of foot and~n $ th disoac was obsorvod whioh altoady, a p : affantod orlY pee `and did dot ?t?oad to unttlo, ovon when the . ~ latoor wore in a sin 1o buiidin~ with siak hogs. The opiootio ~ amng ho s vas cauood in this ease by toot? d-mouthMdi$naao typo o ~ 4 'virus. ~`aidrr1&n2t suacoac ed oasiiy in infoeting inoa oigs and hots with this virus, but with great difficulty in irtfeoting cattle. In the Riorn Institute 4 stroins reaeivod from Ar onbine ware invoati ated Thoy possosood high viru1enoo for spontanooosly ~ su tibla artiralu1 but only two of thorn wore tr sforrod suooesa- ac? filly '~ to iuoa i s Ono cf them ( a atrsin off' virus typo C'). gu p ~ neforred suonensfu1iy to guinoai~ only in thf course of was. bra half a your, by moans of alternate po. i gos through o ttie and hop .. In hie day Li nioros roportou strilar foots ?`rotn Argentina, ovidontly .. g Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J03/22 : IA-RDP82-000398000100170030 0 r, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 hRvindt wits tho o iio gtrn o tho vi ru o . in tonQo invuebi Ito o oboorV@ 1 bha k11Owf oil?ot~-" In t'trg? vita of thu viruo Lor ono type o nip ah1 ito woak1y nii'o tad viru1Qnoo Lod' othur ty Q~ . a 6~ ?rooont?1 y s`oion o daa riot,yot vivo t oonueivu anowor to thu quuution in what manner various iiununo1oioa1 difforonooa ooaur atnof ditfarent typuo end vartahto of virus. however, it rnay b@ aohaid?rod oebab ioh t1 t repeat?c paosr a o' the as a train o virus through d?finita types animals ash altar its bio1o ioal ro ortioa anti Avon alter its typo alaoaifio> tion ( i ioh oorrutt ion on toot?and-i cuth diseaoo} Mannt&er `attire thnt tha virus in the or tMam`af anirritle ,~ dSh1y euso?ptib1e to foot and Mouth di easy (oatt1e :and hop under oes oon~idorablo ohdn~o . In his opinion this is o 1ained b the are nurnbor of atypioal strains, disoovored in tho Rtcrn Institute t tho differentiation of virus taken from oattle and reoeivod1 train various oowitrioe Vory i.tterestin data on the mutability of the viva in paste ea ih various typos a3' aoitt 1s was roporbod by the English oom- mis~aior on footm and-mouth disoaso. Tho virus R. V. 1.6, obtainod the proao~ts of from Southern Rhodosia, was olastL'iod as typo 0 in doerminattt of typo ctharaotOristos. In oro~s-itifootion with one of those; strine of tho virus gtainea pigs aoquired in all oases a well-defined irrmi ttiity to. type 0 virus. Cattle in 'eoted with one of V. 14 virueo a did not aoguire, on the other hand, impunity the R 0 virtte. Animals which had d?vel?ped foot?dndwrnouth to hype Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 to ~~' PFJ boo~II1 ?~ak w~bl~ d~~o~-ao t woro ~~wflo, ITQfl n~otia With one o the R. V ? 14 viru' t~~utNoifl and RePpin i!1 turn ?to ~ very obtQrva~ u ~~~ ~ oo ~ tiorc, t1tarbor paoo~~o~ ~~ ~ ~ pi % tho&' riflb~ av? ibho proport os of typo Q '(vtu'i t atp31e~3 straito bo~an to i ~ oL ~a o~ ~ruao~ in au d'o roni t o 0). thara, i typ tea otiial~od 4& varinto of hypo A, at whioh ~iomo ~,~ti~uto, for ~aaoain uiflva pi~~ ao~ulro~ 22 ~br~in o thooo viruaa a All the roportloa typioal or type k rvdti?n o to "fixaiofl" oD virusoa in paasae A_ Qimilar obs ~ way iatod >alaa by the lio~ throe tho or~onia? o~ inoa pig eaigoion* $train oi' virus No 7 a B ~ d#~~ero~tiation aooord? ator 10 pas3a~?~ irk ir ~ raaahod type At ~ ~ . to thQir propQrtio s a=p uinoa p 0o to type AbacWn? etill: more sharply dog ~~,~a thia rosamblan on was also rnado by tha ~ni sh acs~Ls Sian f`inod? A sjlrar abnervati In Liao1a3hire iii 193 virus was taken on jootMaad-mouth disoaso ?rorsfi a siok ax, tho viru have provod, fo11owin~ ari~t11&l di~~?ran~ s ~ ti.tinn, t~ bo a vttria~t of tYpo 0. ? 2ube~qUent1y, in pas~a4e in ps tht~ strain. oL the. virus aoquirod all proporoies typical whiah had aarlter dovelopod foot~afld-mouth ot :.,typo 0 virus . Animals virus did rat become siok upon artif oiai rsoase causa~d by hypo r on with virus of tho some typo. in~~ati ;Lon ley, and Tarrson, irk de" ' ~vesti~ators os The 1ii~1ish fool, ~ ?inin5 the type alassiPiaation o C Foot-~:dMmouth~disoase virus off' oattla whio1L had contracted the sioknesC gaturally, investigated 93. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 tho viroo ai tan~ou~i ` with both o ttlo I ldd pipe n vireo whioh had been propeat@4 in aattio, it wao di~~'o~ ontiat~n~ fAUnd that the vtrue had `d dofinite kinship with two type ^? 0 std A. Upon th ?'irat sea o df thin strain in uino~ pio ho ? s worn ob~orv d upon paoea o' oL it in oattie aoJr pr?po rti O l?th sea 0 in 6uinoa pig it aoquired all tho pxo- but after ~h p ~ 0j and aftor tho 14th pa oa o, way di Turontiatad portiiu oil too . rvoni th pa~oau the ant~ento vroportio~ of typo C. In rho into all throo` typao 4 A, and C - wore diooovproci In &tandd in 1~3 considerably morn train of type A wore dif 'orantiated by oomparison with tho romainin types of viruauS- In individual atrains of tYpu 0 and C v&ruaeo oartain proporttee with raapoot to typo=iuno1oioai proparttOe wero obsorvod. Tho n on Foot.and-mouth Oiooase in ono of its rport ~glish Carotis~io whan of 470 hose of oatt1e itnnun? to all thrau type8 oitos a oase of the virus .? C, A, C 44 hoad of stook bocdm4 siok upon irifeo' urth time with a now stz'ain `of the virus ? 10erma y Lion or the fo in 18O there was reoordod a eooond dove1opr1t oL foot?u.smouth disease by stank in the oaxn horde, oausod by 'vireo whioh upon ..:. - differentiaoion h4 in both oasos.been a1aesifed as th?'same type. It 1 diffiouit toexplain tie sioknose of stook in this inctanoo 8 by a "falling off" of iuntty rosu1tin from ropoatod oontraotton o, It is most probable that the fourth time the of the _dienas with virus far romovod in its immunological stook were infpated ro ertieo from typo o, A, and C virus Wal&nann ms that `aYpt ioal strains are enoountered all the affir moro often as ; the tendenov to wide spread of an epi~ootio beootnee more r trdngly i nifeste4~ "I- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Durt thQ??rj t111 fl ualaaa~l humbaZ' o~ pa~t~t~tta~ paiflt~ Oarffly 1926, whvu ~ (i ?,OQO r~rm tvod6 tt~ ka by di~ado~) wra tf'? M d?mvthhruo types o' t~-a viruQ war? ~'~at~d by ~oot 0 A, d , dhd to?ir ~~ri~nty~ ~a nnin ?n di~i'a rentiatvd s , ~radualty lp2~f v~hvn epizootio droon~6 tarta ?~' ~?o type Od ito vor i to oou1d to di fern to $ubcide, only tiatad vuoavocfut1f. W~1d i, ' o d t tv yedr+ vuhor oa ?dld- Aooardin ~ to ~v htt n sharply da tinod tendon t to rapid ?pizootio moutli dtr~aa vprv hrao tYp o -- 0, A, aid -~ are Onoountorvd, and in ad all ~ yvLrs ot "oalm' only the o in 1e type C and its vta' arto r~iativv ,ara enoo~~turvd~ On tic ciut wail t t i tpt d to tine t duaa . vtrl~noa oL now typos and varitnto drin~ aan~xouttafl botwothe ~p~ api~oatta~ r~d th vuvv ritY a the oorvo of ho opt. d >e ~~art~ot~r ~n dootiat thenne1vaa nvovtt ;ators oharo Watdn1rl11't paint?afMview iii thto Nat an t ~ rtioulur, KitdytdCOVj t~rtn t -e oot~ nd? aut api- t oottcn in Central oboextvod a reverse phonornOnant in the ~aat?andw~outh-dia~dee years (i~ $ 1p4?) with uma11e~;t Aproad ai' the Oted vartantU of typao 0 ld' A, O d in thp. epi~oatic he di~~ar?nti teat inoroaav at' tho opctic wave he years (1941-1942) of area 'e rontttted ' oiy one variant o typo 0. dig ermaoY, end a1eo Ririiard in Pranoe, ix en ox ~aldmann in t~and?n~0uth^did@~QQ ?pi~ooti0 Af , pertmentSl irlvnoti atio i of the boo onuhtv of thftt the vtrue in co~ditia a of' i93'?-3 reached the o Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030 0 aM is ~,,;ag Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 n~tr dvo~p of thopiato o~n. ohafa ito an~~hc the infittohoo of & ov r~i aro t & nembor of otruat1ro Undor o to QQt-1nd?1MJ1th dig goof fdvin ohgn~od ito a art~oo it b~~a~o a~to~r-rrard~ ~aW1~ ntifonio pv@rQ0U sufity tn Rio, ~oquirod by thoii tro- the ?zijirLi tYa o ~ virUa . Thy ch oticn @' tho o t i Oc and eo d = , oaqurrenda of vaFioI1 type d variant of to 'rir t~0fl6 0f the d?v?1amcnt of apioctioo ooatinuo~ to attract tho iri th@ poriod cf attention at pro?nt^~1ay invo~tiatoi$* Moanvthil@, soienao ivoo ua na oonol aivo Ji Wor to thi&~ uoot1ou1, Which hao goat thaoro- tioai acd praotioal ~i nifionoov' Tho n pooranoe of atypicai ruo !o Div most oaaiiy bo oboo'vod Lt tho vory bo i anin of n o~ tbrouk of app ootio. Man inr oxolaino f ~ ~ id pace=o cf tho virus in anitrio highly ~' thio phQnas~~non by the r?p ~enoi4,ivu to foot-ltiouth diooa~Q -- 4?btlo, hobo, she?p, eto t thu atypioui ctrain~ ao '~~,o~itionai f'arI" -- ~e~~itd e ~ rautv~ei~ v~U Antt I In tRio tutor' o o jtt%,on, thoy r'opx'o ort t othi11 mot' th i p 'big a re~oion of tho phyeiolo ioel adaptation of tho foot and-month diooao(i viruo to t dotorrtUato tedium"f Tho li h (onun coictr on th Dinoonaid rf tho fallow n tho most accurate poot and rnou xf~ianation of tho on in o atypicci etrainc -- viruuoo with tliff~~ cat tIJfl otrain~ of foot- ~c-u iQ cai prapdnoitio~ c nd mouthtype... ~ -diMeade vdruec oonci~t of the namo irnrunaloical corn- pon~n1te, but tho quantity of the latter oan vary. A striotly de- of thoao ini uno1ACiaal oompon?nte is expressed only fitied quantity in the etai~dard typos 0, A, and: C". This oorrmieui?n as.u of th eumeti that in o onchtime of natur l developnont of ~, foat-ancl"mouth Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 o~io i~otio with 1fx~d Vrua two drat' i they, iate' pa~~aCa, ono o~ p pobie. ub~ote~t ` th? t (!-qt~fl eos~! ~a' ) the otho~?. T~'UtYt@i1thorn, a~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~'0~"Id~ tQd nirea pi with mixed vir~avo o ax~or~ntai aortditions, in~'oa evai type, o -the oz t~e 0 r~z!>~i~-~ aiw~y~ rt~~e~ ~r6 y nd the othor tea timir~ly oro~rd~d opt punt; in Ulf a pi, by tho l aster. In tha at,isi n of n li investi n ?' ae a, Lan ivy, c1 Tamao~4, rtain tt pea of vir~ues hay=a a vary as=tp1OX ii~oa1oio~1 th oor~diti?na of r~tural dovelop~nt of epizaatiesahoy otrueture thshy vir~u4 the ar an':s~~ of tho Linea pig can alter i:ts a s a ~tme at t a nea' 'l=x~~?~atiana~` ti a is atru turli and di sooiat , ono, dr a rose~t, w in vnri~ of tra sr isston of :the vir~rEs in the oi` ,~tt sins prooe" off' ita na~sa w n ooour. and ~aamla oao~dedp' ai' .Eavcu?ian tyke A vino; and Milan typo C in the r)raoo~a of puscare virus yitiea iii ooiivortt; thorn Into type 0 t 'tor tho th in pigs, pasr~ae aaot'din . ? o data cf tho came invostira~ors, the Riers viruses of ti nd U, of or prolongo i store o if a lyaeriXe pr'eservt tivU es 1k a aoqwirad the prapertits of nodiwn &rnd without to in ulna pip, e'ible niter this to oonvort these strains te U, it tee no loner po beak rota type A nd C. r~ iartnin 'or of f Irmo that virueea of type A and Tho latter is the most oonotant typo of oat ~d over info tyke 0 VtrusoS of typos A ana O, aooor(Uf to i'oot~and-mouth?diser34se virus are observed only at tho bdinnif of :the q,>athor' ~ dada, as a rul ro newty tranafarmod into type 0 The ?pi~ootic:, and at its enc~ a 97 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 to ~fl o~rt%es end dooa not ro ? into ahUr tyo~ IdontaiJ-y,- in Tr~UtVio~rr~ o p ~h~~h oan ~o ~hbo~~r the pho~~oa;~n~ at ~itt~i~~to* ~ " f@ Ito LLot WI'. I O O i t~Zao o ~`~ . o ro the propertiea oL typo 0 atra~n f~~ ~~ A ~~r~#r~ t~~~ao q ~tiotr ~i~atono~ o ~tra o~ ao a a ui 4 u loot its ?nmun- tyto C vtruo , aftol ~ third ii~~ ~roperti~ with cut to itio1t. And ?in~13Y, c' vtr t o' the "M 7'1'i" atr to flrAt oa~tood oaoo the l~ot?~nd-~o~th ~~~-d oar~~ er doveio~d roo r~ron~ otokne~o iz anintt1' w o~ =o1~owoct tho. raartioc of a ptza oodad to obMorvt &n iftanoe whop Rio ~trn~n. $korokhav coo a tc r a Yo r~adp~-M~ia ' of pa rda e s~and~rc~-tY~o v&rtt~oo A on~l ~ ~ ~1, 1o~t 1 ~ ' .1 aar~r~o prt~ve r~dr~ rid ot~ra~ze in ~ir thetr ari~iria1 tYeMt?r~-Portto~ svox'e trfo~'td into o+ypiodl stra~no vaiti~ the prraa~rtio~ Y. onerti are not striotlY aata~t tYpoa ~d_moth ~dlsoaaa vir~t~e~ ~ to sonGt, but ` at~c ar-1y di1t'o rout kind -? var~a~ in tho ~~nc~~o~lca~ off` virus type 0. ataU1y wtth PO ~ A -end C, ati To a virta~, .by oom~ar34rgon rp while _ o aesues thg aharp1Y eL'ined conotant-fie proporiea, e maot ~ o 0 under oandi- eo aan bo tranaformed into kyp Mthe ~ono .~~ wh3.Aoh and ~ have nGod rua of boen deternineds J. Lt niere8 of Amen y d ~ `t~a~ar~ etr~ot~Y deter-~ne aoidex that in do notexi~t senora ' ex1et only varlantB o~ the aJflO t es of the virti-a, but that there 98 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ntig a t tto r two-ye ae d o i pt e i io Obrv~t4n~ Q r no 1e~crr ihtorot were cede the Ens t-aftd??iiouthiceae~ v~ith repeat to the pnecibo ~o~fl:gcoion Qn ?oQ saeiation o e 'OOt* d?r o~~th~dieeace v rub. 1f Hal t th c~itti~~ inkir t . Qno f tie I trtino with atyp is&i tho proaece at train No 12) a rood otab o until the 20th ee o, prapertioa (e a " ctrtinc, . of which ox oacecaed and thou I 1~t" into P . two "aubeidirY ~ all oharae tertie4 it typo 4, the other the nroportaa of torictio bra. . type A. ?or c iittin of this etrain the authors ucod the ?oilowin~ thod Two ~roup ff' wove infected with tho vir~tc, of inoa i ,c wht oh one reur w n i -unizod tc typo Q end the othrr to typo 1A ? of t} virtt the A viruo wad ~tistin~uiahed in tho ditierontiation roup c a i ttni e i to typo , and the C 'lets wt dic- e~ a i=gea .. i~ tin~uiahoc in the athor group, is tW1 1~ed t ty) A. In tha liht of tho data the very quoction of tho a:istonoa ~ in nature hrec rciativaly oorictant types of foot"andymouth- Of only t se virus (0, A, and 4) sir4 off` at'picai ctraine, vs-riantc of dices theca stUt types, is irL Como doubt. To nlieholmission ors Foot~and?mOUth Disease considers that in great Sritat the quantity of typo c and var1ant c at vi ruse o is 00iderab1y r tor and that they are more divercifiod than he had. In its opi iioo., to ether with types of the so far been virtu; which cu 'e gtab1o in the imrmolo coal c? o thane are also If tiona):, ?ormc which could be oe11ed unstable , or transi _"interrl~diate type iowover, the majorityof strains atiil does not depart tram tho limits of the standdrd trp ec D, A, act C which are 1C10wn to uc. - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aproved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 a~r~tac a d~ Qa with tra '~aaar i lfl Qr! I tt he h~~ rY^ ink th~ trnttQfl o~ 1p6 af viF tflt~ o~r wta ma~@ ' Vot.ri~t'Y uo~~~ao ~~- -tofl ~~- ~~~~, fiat the Itarr?~tian~ ntoz ,~tio di f i~Oatia 4'W f end not &t ~ a~oaion of tfla 3ia i* ~~nin~~~' ~ 44t~~- a~rooaa~ 1`a1d~tu, i ~ aonrL@utic,n wit A at too ofl~r~1 fl London t w idea that it ta` hooro- a ~ator~n~r~- ~a~ ~ to the rttutabiiitY t' tYPo~ t~~ t~~o vi~~a tia~iiy iooaibi o to ro t1 this t4 1't LUt th9 bii#tioo o i'orti- t\nd a~~n~ooti?u ti i iQ~i o~ row or oL' bYra tynos~ durin ovon ona ap ?ootio, but tht t opiniot~, too a , ~ti 11 pryh'At tro . t3ana~or~~tic+n ' c~~~o ao~a off ` tho a~ ~~i~t sor vpori toittal rat' ~ ~oodo~ a Vat ioa att4 t~rro o~:oo to .~~~~, o ~ vi~~ tts into ~~~o toor art' ~ t~ off' vii which ~i4~ ct ji~4iiit~-~d too not doP~- ~ m~~ta~bia,i~~~ of Y~ ~orc ti ~t~ of ono typo iota tnothot' The 4t~r; ~ti ott o t the ~~&4tY o~ vi#ros typo~ wao ono fit' the 4orntrr11 'roblo~o a,t the 11th It tit Vot~trirfl1ry Uon~rOdn in ' d Li~nferU an - ~d , ~{aidmaun, o of an rewos ,dan, whore too roports im prob'ioms foot th diseaaO w0ro pre~e~tod. In its 4on- o~ ?andMmou ,, olttr~ior~s the Con~roe~ aokn?W14d 4d that th4 4XiBton44 41 a ~ oi' nif~.oancQ for ao4r~rato, tiu~d~ratand~.r~~ '~Y of viruoo~hay tramendou ~ I ? . ~~~dMmou~h' dtsea~o, and ai~o for soiut on _dr tea Qpizoobolo- o~~~~oo of the p~oblom of aotive ~rtd paaeivg imr~nixatian? the Congro~o aSr,nowiedged it dgsirabio tbtLt in all 4ottntrio~ oi tho world ~ ae Declassified in Part- Sanitized oPyApproved for Release 2012/03/22: IA-RDP82-00039R0 0100170030 0; ~~ ~ . n ~ ~ - 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 of q 6 Q ? ;*uiouth 4' Lt ? tW YtW'Y {r~.t1~}ffQ (~~tmkiv "1t".",~o V~~ao?~} .. ~pq fi. i1:k trll Yf:klC ill d ... ;.1 ...~ v a~ui~ era fit~tt V otztr ~w~th trW rrp0 ~~ortv~ tt i~ w~~~ to of th 1trttd vir~W tvtO Y ~t totko - t4 Atl+w~ ro be ?v 1'o, thotrt~tY t~~~t), and ~,ria (p nUao1-), SwttZot1 swoaon ~ fa off' dY y~ on the baot it to or Dome them `rom v riou~ oo~ trt" reoejged by off' ~~~~e for of thevc~nc~ c i~rihu~ior~ oor,oepion tr~~ riGBa The 172 strtiU of he 0otte b? horn re o. mom Declassified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-O Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Th ifl tYp6 ?; ra oo .r Q qtr at ~~ ~~ Ai ~IitHEdd~t7s*R rM V H~klA~txtl `a+~ 1P ~N t ti tt~t1 type A ~d etr~t of typ !Y1 f~ilkH~ AM ~'u@a~dvd .. ~ ~tra~n at ~y o~ ~yp@ 4 ~ ~u~da~ ?" ~ ~ ~train~ 0.t ? Q t1fl arY -- 2 tr n t Q d 3 ~tratn a too 0 j tmrk -. 2 ptraln~ or ~t~~~1~ta a~' a~ ~,~ ~a a ~r~ont~~ . ~ n~ y t a Oj ~alland .. 2 ~trai t o ~ ? ~'r?m thla ciat~ it t obvioua or type 0 and 3 ~tralnn a~ tYp 10~ typo 0 (82 pornont), . o rodo~~lfl11t typo tn all aotr th?~t p w oilY ~ a'!~o~ ~~~ all (~ pay 1- t ?~~,~ori dc~ovored 1n ~~l0 Yp aarb ), aid tyt~ o auntrl~a X12 p(uraont)o~urallty ty~oc the th~i ~~~ too q~~o~tlon o~ ~ W td 1taorapl~aa1 dlatributlo on ~'o@~^ll~~~"m4uth?d~a@~D@ 'Vi1"t~0 n ~~.a161o~ato t~~d;t~ Tho itor~ o tho aoul` 17 . o bon i~ the torn -~ at tho t~mQ off` t'irat a.~ompt8 to otwdy it dtito from 1927, whop ovo , tie 1i the U~:ralna, ?1r~t di~"o~?on- teatrod two d9~jitho ~?ot?d.mputh~d~aoas~ epl~oo , o 61oX1ent tYpo0 of the ~riru~1 ith th irc,~m~ola~~ca11~ ~ a d of oro . menu d ton 1n' i inaa pi, 9 trait ed to rOmb g type 0, ar-d the tonth strain prov wore alassl~`1?d Vad in 126, I1nid,e~tt&lly, SoTolvyUlV obBI r the co~rcfl~n typo (4~")` rm~, absar'od a thriaa ft on ?no or ~h~ loadln~ had a hg ~ Dot.. d?mouth' dUQaeo of the Demo ropUVt9d sicko~ln~ ~rtlth ~ a tho enures off' aye y over ritar ~wmmor, ~d 1ct~ i1) ~ w3~ - with riot ~t eannoct thla ph?nomeno~ k - = n that tiro tho author d A gY ty~ea the v~ru~~ the p1ra1itY ?~ o~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Q t n ~ Q th* n ~ rci 1 c .P the vi r1 hav ~ a On the i lafd f or1~1y(Jy{[J1n(i4 t 3ei i V' ifl 1? ~tr~tIIt f I1 w i c t d , r o i' d ~; d1' ?t r ~t tin a t?reia the port t< rfl t ~~ nt~t~ end w~r the i; 'f the Union. Ail ` hem w r a1 ~i oct, on the ~htr di ttri trtnvr! i uni Mior~ in ~ pint, ty a 0, a1 in At thnt i;ict thi norv d a bani A r as alu ion that f'A ` h?f tii ite bctr= tnfr w r Q nti `i pr(' t t ft i v r41 ty vir t v; r d n` tr~i E~~t d n the territ ry tho tJni n, ~ "it I n y to tjrdUU~o ( thr~t ? +at- -I1 ~ h- t X i o tip a odu~cd not t ho ;t typo ( a w~ hrt'o tndiuatQct ), try the r tyt~ hnd v~r'iant' Ili U140 a to atr S ;2 c:$tkitl r no~art; od tht~t ire oruparativt i r eir w ~trr n oi` vir'uu tI, ri it t it its two 1 ioaiit? t , Choy had df.'i`ront,iaod thnu ran~~ i-~rioloid~~ily dii'1'event typen. They tuti d tyir~o dit`i~orefoe i' tho~+ trainn in uinet pi a by rann of tho tt otht t o oro n?ir~~A uni ntiori, an 1 t.1 JO b' zr~ariu o study of th protectiVo pm r io of a arumn of anirr~in vihioh had doveiopod e '~ data abtained its the oxporiment wore alno' oonfirmod tho dsaaso. rho in exile t irr~ nt on enima1o naturally cc~nooptibie to`oot-OInc1MTftouth M t1e and ho. ttior and Sirotkina 'ddnnider that it ~ dineane? aat in p roved beyond quention that the two straino of Viruu ntudied by out to be irr nu oio~ ea11y di 'ferout. nfortuna oly, than turned train wan differentiated by thorn with reupoot to type neither ?lanaifiaation, tnd the biolog.ioal proportion of theno virinon in ; '3I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 rtg wQr : w SAS T`r 4 v"ia:t:It f` r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-O pt tht ri ; i1t1 t?A 4 rt: t t"LY 11. , rf ~~a1t V'9~ ~tllt~. i-tyy 4i 1Ykbilwk~ty ~...~ttJckiCd~ ~ $3 Ohl~F1 t 4- kroc pit) otr y pert of the oxporimontrl y and n a,r '?' off` S oertaifl i;;re. obtrn~flod a~ Kind ekov's study o 22, Ao B1 reou~t oL Y. py q times o the year i the oour ofyoars, he Vr~ou Grp a vii: rt t~ t .1 : t k t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ;t? fl ha ~~ a~- ra~aatad~y ~a 0 ?v1r~a d v~r~ v~r~i a P a A. Tha d t' ubta fad pQr ttad` I~1ndy~1av to trVi tha aa~ai~aion fat ~n tha Wrr~tarY tyVaa a~ tha Aata ha h~d,aat~b~~~had ru@" (type ~ end tt~ v~ritnta and do the 1boo~arinta~ data of Q' type A). n ?gUQft ya dr e,nd .$js'otktfl~, 1cjn1yakav), ct t1do aL ~ovtit jnvsoti~nta~a ( 0 aoto~anal aba~rVttivna (~tvai''Y: aV d atha ro ) it tty b oeh~ a tvrrttarY of our Ufiaf tore my ppo~r a~dorad pravad that in th nt tha t~ t4 ?pt~oat~aj tot' with too ohoou~tai'dd n Y typa o~ vrus nd, ir d~str~buttod a ~h4 e type 0, oor, 1e ao bradi ukiOU1nr, vritnta Qt typos 0 end A. d the ~h~-d of ox" ~'a~;oo end ` ~arre uoa il typos of viruua~, oatt1~e sorvt oiuc~voly for d~~`~~oront~ation o " thoir xporic11nt~iriig1s . Tho aanaidor thnt ootti~ pro the t on oL v Ica , n1tho' h use of' them boat sub~ooto for diVLoron root du'riau1ti~s ao ooctpnrod with ?nr this EaAurposd irirvo1voa d oa.r17ifl~ atit~ d~!'~cront~a~~on of ~irua rcnaa pia. They rooomion ovvorod from primniy ~n~eot~en, and not in iti1 ~ni11tEt1~ ivhIoh have ro tich1dh irnvo boon troatod oxn rjntOiLy ?or th o purpose tto of tho t oy of vtr%a n whole group of In tostirr~ imnwn1ty to o tod with serum of tho toot anii&, U ping, drat ooia taken jor exporimont ,~` `ypOs of v~.rv.eaa by t~ooina o~ The method of d~~~e ' s wee i'ir ~t worked opt by Voldman~- crnsa-itnmran~~a`~~ono~ ain6~ p ~~ orfeotod by Wa1dmann and. Trautwo~n ,rtd rainy?r (i924) Qnd than p (12G). ~omowhat ior it was chewed anrt oorii'irmad by Stoakmorrn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001P0170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 . t$ ~d b t~o P41 atv~y 0~ ~OQ'~?~'~0~~~ t~~~~u~~ ~ y n: othOrYO~OOrr ~t? Ot' t0' v~ruTr~utWO~-fl I~ atud'ifl~ rho plor~ t't uooorE~~i~a~od uaod tho cl thod off' Dross~m witbhott with a&tt o f hop. ~t ~ sin aomister tho iinod to mph u~ei ox- ~~and T~ Fuu~~ ;uidcnu t oot.d~Uth djatueo nd pvrimont~~ i'ot tt~d:r iy far di(i'oretttiu'tlo~ oL' typ viAso o ~ the inou pi~ da?a riot at?~id-'ou~h dirrou~o booemo in oatod with L a lion stuooeda ruthor euai1y under ox orimQTtui tovffl, but bhic infoo oonditioYa? for diriteror-ttt Lion of etuh ctrai ra tbwoira rooo~t~-onda f? 6 hou thud WUir& ho than six rout t't~noa oboathOd ini tho iabn~uto dram 1iflQU pi~c in u11. All vi vein od OLabtie whioli huvo do ui tL pis for no loco shah 6 to a,tut be pur,~od ii~ aroiiminurY ~ oalieo c 10 tiitoa. 'Cht.c aooar1ic1~e tr icnu uion" oL rh ~rit' to bha c a oz$~;pt1a;ct of the ii ?D i w ?u4 oottco 1W fltiY fltnX" ooitcbunb roanitc ~ rod tt~ot ini`Gotiort' of vit'uoo~ viii b~ abkti ~ z d with reapuub to 0, A~ e,nd J typo rr~ot bo ~uinen ~9,s imm o ii~tbio f TO bhio end bhoY ua'o prepurect be ovohtU i by meunr of nd uo r roo't' t'y , i. . o ? in 20 to ~O t~fl1to(3tion wi'~h bypod virus?o, u bhore ~- ?if~nb ? I er~oh group ua~ be ~lays, ~~c~y urn used for g p ar ih ?~kt~er words 2 uitteu for ouoh no ieos ~h~~ 6 ~u~.tSeu pip, guinea p imrtttzie to ~yP, od virucUs e,r? foc~ed in this Dose ~a sb, ~c it. .unknow virus whioh ha boon proptod beorehar-d in guinea ~ wn pma+ ' uieo be oe,rriad out .&n ~1~inMa ~a ~,~ ~i~`~erun~i~b~,on of ~ ~` - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 o b Q the re rtUo cr r mi i t1i tUflt41 with 1i tyPM vir4 bUb ?Ur th wh 1 ~ - . th 1i ono Oi &fl t T J fu~t bo ~sa~ ? ovoiopo~ foot ~~~~ Thy ~x rimntai ui R ~ mint bo ObooVVQEi ,f I1 'r no than to 10 thi,Y, 1 t ro~uita ' obo rvatiof ~r ioration iiy If pr tio1'V i the aprro Mato ta~o~t into In of itucwio i'rori uinoa pica wriah had oon~ ut~voi - stabii h, t i;rt~ o4i ioi y of im;11148Q tr'i ~ioouso Tr~ bouioo in tho blood of thot ' aoincio. It cio~rf opot the tho oru ui11oa i~ tr4to With Vit'?@ o ono typo i~opsooo i1Auniif prop. rjti~ o only u, it that typo o vir . uona~qtlaxttu, Ffi its tO soy}ur~i of t iVoa p:ts ihi'ooto I s'rith type A too u~ 'i4 tun bo los c tui t rovoi, i.h oC typo o:~~y ~~on~~:oo o io or o f4ot;ivo a ?rit st rho other two typoo Suc3h soruirti ~rovot ~ sip of the r Q speoi aity- of soru oL uinm A rnl C. On rho bt ? `oot- ci?mo ~t t1ioot , whioh typo pigs whioh hrnvo oovoiop pooitoitY is wo1'1 oafinod for thou, it is poasiblo to ocoom~-iieh s dirLol{-~ntiation o . virus with tho hoip oct Costs of tho tonovtiorit . otion of r orttr. Mowovor, thin striot ~or'ovaio~~ao o irnt o 38r1 ha,e boon ostabiio'ho only fof the ui top pij, whiio in other tnimaio it has a ~ o devi, tono. In TrautWoin's Q ~rjLfts hoto1?OSefo1o Doris i~or~ ~i wgro obaorved in the i1 pinto sorutt of othor aninwis; r i ont off' os~s, .f'or pigs in G poroont. Simiir ~'or ~~ttl~o in 6~ ~or~ a -, o tok~]hocl by rho author with rotpout to the oorux honornona wore s p oonv~,ia~oonto for thou typos of or r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 trt~on P ? 0~~~1o ttbo ~d1~tkJWO4t 1 t10?t 3f it UQtn th thQ ' ~~~~ a- ~~ ~i~a Q~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~o0~~~o1t~ o~ ? ono ht Fop r~ao~io~ o~ co~~loat~~b? ~~o ~o~ to ~ ~ QflQQ~ ,ca4~ tho thoY o 44u0 to r' Othor ru?tOflI Tr' a~ Soho O ~- i coo tvjot~'d the acot , ar , oat attitu " mots c1i ' o v'truo. for t ~ ~, Boa. 1 zero -tta lot r ? qtr Ypobta SoirLtyev ad th r uotlar type for purpo p ti.;ene prred red or tho b3~ o~ r~thQr the author' ~a~a ob~a1 r~~~o~ off ? o#' v? rio n1 1~}, the r~~n orcent c~nub`~1 shown~o 11 oty O. ,.W 1.2 p t1nat1o~ ~ a, f-I?ly'~ u~?'~r?4{~~k'~~"~~, {y~kr?i. PASSA op ' M1 VIRUS ITT 4UI A Pigs bordto~ oonditons the ?oot?and"mouth diso.Ae virus ~n~t?r lsa ~ itainod in uihaa Pi. virus?e obtlIinod From strut usual ~.' ~i ~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 ~r ~ i 1d tiro t4' ~ N' i o to rho typo o ~ni troni w ~h tho v1ru toriul hM boon t on dur1l to uro1 oar 1op wb L' the io and i10o the typo1bo'ia~t~~` t vtru~, ro opioot1 t ovidvntly QV no b~an~i1 aii'iaunao~ Suoh a oanoiuaion wua ro~ohQd b K ndy~kov 9n tho hid u1 g 1t oi' t~~d o v ri u dl tributod ire t1w t rrir~p vi! ontrg1 y It is inhorent1y obvio~*e that not s,U. viruaea from i 14 haturlliy auadeptib1e tta~~t~ -Tth 4iaoae an b unior~ry pathos ania for uinoa pigs, insoi't r ao virulonao is not (Y ctriatly porrnlont and inutabia proporbv of virunos, but on the aontrury U aubjdat ?~v ognaiderble varintin Thin obviously xpiuio the 1Aao o' viru1Qnt trooortios u indivit'a1 viruaoa in tho reoois of `pasts o in in? of T1fl4 t.iohr gtia r ia~ oetion of Guinan t c ata in tha ?oiiowin ~ Thv virus' pitha1iuln io i'irst of nl1 aonsi areo].tin marbar with a in i1 quantity o aond'or row el ~rouiid i~ a p s is d1i1utod with aphyslo1OLia&1 solution i` sodium ohioride, for this is tr'cu rurjod to tho skin, saariried ih k)relimin~ary, oL the plantar surra?o (t1) o the roar ox~ro nity of a ~uinoa pis 1`i ure 4) ? 1nrtad of aonririQStian tho "tnnelin" mothod o be usori. A time/ i rude with the help o1 u syrin a noodle. u e 4. The feot?and~rcu-di?~sa proouss in the guin?n trig o the 1m r ur?a-ae off` the roar octromity ( for Waldmnnn and Trsutwoin.) In teud o this it is possible to pri3k with the some the surface of the plants of the e:ctremity with simultaneous needle nsr'ereno to this pie of ran irjeotion of the virus trs Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 t t gat R-RVtar too rotor to rho uo~ Wrth f vtru~ "boa u~tafl= '" r~tht? tF~lol~f v~'tan ~ua~ a iaM a~ tote i. Enj1r1 ti1Uty ant i?f~tht1y to the or ? n roaatIn ~uQh p~aa~ thv whivh hvo &Lra~4y ~~o te~a been aon~ tizod . For this puroe 1a irjrata Oi GubtaRg ari~o~teaiiy for 2 wka boi'ara tn~oatian' a~ horuai aatti~ o~rum iatra~ ea ~~ ~a it it r~ao~~~ended that far For prima'y paooo,geo in ruin l;oao thafl oix ~uiflv~ be uaad+ sinaa oaa~' test of the vtrus na often more than 2340 ,rant dovolop tho disease (TrautWain). no ~ Yiell-d~~'inQ~ ori~ It a It is very Odom that n ~ n7 paa ?n ' tho "site oi' ih ~a?tion ~~ too vtruc de~olopnt of tho infoC~ian e~ enoraliZttttaare obtatOd at anao with u ea pip. and. a objvqucnt ~ PL ,e or viruo rra;tt oth r_tyPeo f f ar,i>tals ?which huv s tho rt~ult a~ n~bira1 in~`ooiion devalopQ~t ~aot.and?mouth dioeaoe a spot tcio ao,rriad out 1O 1?os than G to 10 tiit1o, unties deVUlon~aont fl tho oourso aL 1O-?24 hours acid ,~onorali~atian of rry 1phthao i of tho ifl"octi an i tho rollawth~ ,2~-haurc arc o~ooess~ully ~ . hievad~ In where viru s from cattle..., cannot 'be '~ranef ?rrod ~-c c~oeo _ sucoeOuxiy to.tho uinoa tai it must bo uoed to ~ L' eat owlno at7'a thou takon from the awino for fection of uinoa pip. In auoh o, d~s~ nso` aaso virus frocrt catt~~o co-n a1mast alw, bo trasLor1ted sucooll~ c, oL altorna~e p~ssa~o. Obaervatiori of to ruin?a p8 with tho f~i flea i s must bo carriod out for 8 to 10 daps with ~araulatod dui p ~ of the animal end aorroopandin~ atdly r~~istratio~i of the aonditior~ reaordin~ with r~snect to to oiinioai e,epect o the disease Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 I1Ar4TT R Tl U ID UTY OF ANiF AL DI A9 FvotM Ui fll th diao~oe ~ttt k@ all ty ar _= aiovo -'aotod im,1, Undar oonditiono of n~tr~ n~Aton oattl?, awne sharp, and onto era Hoot oucoibo to ~'ao?-rvth diaao, aid bufta1o, ai o1, d ruindaur tro aounovinat 1a6o ouoooptib a. MnonL other torn do nima1~, foot-and-mouth di~oasa on infeot doffs d seta. Yfith rea~~?et'to the a uoeoptibilitya font-aid- rrto th disease of horses, the opinions of iit va~ti ators, ~.~d a ao of t raotioa1 workers, era diver ent. Aunt cnima1s kopt in ar ptivity (zoological oar', Gardena, etc., ), iraf`au, ilar~ae, ontolopos, bison, obu, y k , ohano a, roo-book , hi td, rot land o1ephaAt8 are' 8u3o4?tib1e to tQat- d- i th uiaeaaa. v~iid ciovon-footed o1xiriai s -in natural aon4itions evidaly develop foot-and-mouth di st u o very rarely, and havo hardly t.ny do Vroe of opi2ooto1oioa1 imaortanoe (i!deimn). An excootian to this general rule, as we sha11 sec further on, is the antelope. .During foot.send-mouth-diseuso eoi ootics in Mon olia reaostat aaoos of naturn1;infoetion of an~oiooos (''d ") with foot-and- mouth disease have .ben observed. ~;odoe of -foot-end-mouth dtoocoo ~ ~ privity era very se'idam encountered, anion fur-boarin boasts not in ad aoeordin to Stroh' data, and othor investigators affirm that in general Choy do not develop Foot-and-mouth disease, oven whoa they are in ooritarnin1atod 1ooa1ities. Iri the. opinion of oorta3n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 h~V~ Yh opiootoio oot?nd?o~obt~ioooo (OITt gni 8tro6), `owl `try uonidozod un~uocotiblo to toot =end=mouth di~o~oo and nre not d i'~~t d by t i at '&i oondit n a tit tt ht beoi porn t1a ~i~in nrtiL oi~i t thodc ?n the lib rotory to i taot, o nm lo, dory tic hw ku Amara r?don, cum ooc'u1 trtitioin1 intaotiono with ?oot- nnd-mouth di~~oo~o havo bon ~ e?moliahod with rctrn t~ (po ov , K1obou ), wild rtit (3ootty and 'cthion ), h ctorc (ttl lowfY ), and Mold go (inch, tho1ich Qoiccion~ ? Tho mole provod to b unnoooopt b o to to i:t'ioinl i uotioh with foot-and?r oath dicot1co (Fro aka1). dwart i ~uoooodod with crtittcia1 inLootion of bats ? Ainon . crr 11 oxporimant i 1obardtory niiiia1 ~, tho ino old, thQ rabbit, o whito tnatai , otd tho ho oho aro oucaoptiblo to loot- t-n ouch diaoo o ? Men is t~ aartditio 11;r suacoptiblo to tomb-ant"aotth dinoaso? The da roo of aucaoptibiiity to ootwo t?~ o+Ft , Fttr o o voriou c typos c love to-f otr tod tiniin 1 c ii rtcn-urn ltortn On the oaio htand, rot o11 ortiz tat c ct tho o,mo typo, sumo p ;iblo to Foot-dnd- n~auth disctcc, oro aquo11y sai itivc to tho d oasa in tho ar mo opi~eatic yituation. Indivi taol too i t oo, connoc i with tho bio1o ical poau1ioa'itias of tic or? tth :sn (ooalatitution, sox, o, do roo of 1'ocdir1C)., also hos ci nificanno? 11i h1y brod podi rmd otock are oonoidoro t more som itive to foot-and-mouth ditac is thdri ioo&1 indicnoua atoak? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170030-0 o~tt~o 'M : nth sr;: p :Yli,i 1n . fs~t3 o~ttbt ffi0'!t!'C ~'* tl~~ 41Mif~t~~lt'~d'1d~ftM the Or~av d~6o~~0 o!i~oot:o ~n ono o ~~r~ov-~ ~a~~`~~ ~rrd~v~d~t ~ o~o~rvod ~ ~otii'~ v v~h roh 100 noraeflt, whi~o tti trows ~~~~irt6 tho rtixk tt~ ob r rl ff iiat.tvidu~ dint cal n, th i ik iiliik ~~,~tt* ~~i -~ . b ;c ils~. Q ifs pr , i ~t wRh re f u t cry t1, rt. ` v trit :VrQ i h ornLi, { Thr virus vt r i`f{ ?"r , r t#~ w; yy~ >