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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
LATION O 'a loll - ?* R APJ. ?
Q(AB`Tlf 0A14 'AAT.iOT
t o T . Dubin
An xporimont is the AetermjMtion of Boismotootonio a i4
6 ~a
chapter I
iat~n- du~a
krthquakeo ooour ftnnuelly i$ the ter it?ry of Gary Oblamt in
Tadehik R. !rom the standpoint of the numbor of oeiemio oh
reoordod within its boundaries from 3912 t? t948, this oblaot
oooupios one of the first pla~oec a~ong other regiona of the Boviet
IJnion M mny, or oauiblr somewhat more ceiamio shocks haul
occurred only in the
nieghboring eastern part of Btalinabad Obxaut,
vhioh is adjacent to the went. In these two oonti uoun territo iea
aooo1sd1n8to rooordn of ceiemographio otftione from 1912 to 1.937,
ire., for a period of 2~ yeerm more than k percent of' the earths
quaken reoorded in the whole of Oentrel Asia ooourred and about 25
percent oi' the eertbquakes which took pieo? in the territory of the
entire Boviet Union (29) Tor the past 1.2 `yearn alone from t93
to' 197, many hundreds of seismio ehooke of mledium end weak inters.
sity, and four destruotive earthquakes of 9 and 8 pointa, have been
recorded in Garin Obtet
~~ a 4nrm Obit are aiway~ eooompantod by
severe hsrdehipc. 'Pot' the 12 yearn msntionod I. large number of
population pointy in `various rayon of the obiant were dontroyad in
earthquhkDuring' these 12 years the government of the tESR
allocated to the obtest several tons of millions of rubles for
if,jf 7S(
c ap f f
:E:'::..,??,.: i ; Sy r I t`.;
/ yy f
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:- -.- :~.
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rooonetruatian work, a ropQatodty oxompttod thu pvpu14tion fz'
taroo and dotigerioe ,in kin4.
Zn' aonn ation with .tho frequent r~aurrenao .or atroe earth'
iuakaa in O i QbLaot, tboro ie Beat oigniriaanae in the roaroh
within to boundnrioa for p~oano of reouain tha doetruativo'
effoata of aeia~ia pbonomona. Aoaordingty the oeioniaty or thou
torritory of Oarm Qbiaot has boon invehtigatad in thin artio3o9 and
a eap of itu eeiamia rogiono h~-o bean arwn up (i.e. piaoea whore
oarthquakeo are aurxentL' taking ptaoo have boon toasted ) , with s.
view to the eoomamrdation of approprimte neaauxea fox the j4ann1ng
3r aonetruotion to ,o,ido proteotion agairOt each bakOe
Ae is ' known, earthquokee in Qarm oblaet axe ae ueed by toatonia r
in pa ioutar by mountMn$orming prooeoeee (8, 9). In the aurae
of the author'o neiemoteotonio xeaearoheo it wao aeaertained that
_ oortsin extent
the epioenter? of the ee earth9~ uakee ~ aoinoide to a
with thv tined Of reaent Alpine fnutte in the earth's cruets and
that theix fooi Lie along the plane of the "auLte, at depths from
2 or to 2 kiiometero j leas frequently deeper. The occurrence of
those fauttptane earthquakes ie probably oauaed by breake in the
continuity and ahiftinga of the mountain roaeaee. The above noted
Aline tectonic fauns, with which the earthquake foci are connoted
aces within the bounde~xiea of
g of ma
which the eh fti
and .: along Bich th i n6
Qaxm Oblast take tare chow up aLeariy on the earth 'n ~ 'le surface. The
discovery of these oLoee connections, eeoiiy oboerved in nature,
between aeiemio phenomcnd and reoent fauna in the earth a oruat hab
made* t poocibLe to aivide the territory of this ob act into seiamio
regions on the baeia of the reoutte of stu&y of the various oonae-
quonood of tectonic movemento
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
Data tox thin ctuay we o aoLLuoted by the author in Garin
Obit during tho couroe of tkLd expoditjono a there
over a
non?continuouc peric1 of ax yearc~ within the poxic@ txvm
to 29247 ?noiunivet at tint in oonnaotion with the oe
mi icm of the
T &hik?Pan1r expedition of the Academy of clonoee W83 a'
, and ub
oequentLy with that of the Tadzhjk bzarto
or the Acadomy of
oienoeu 1Jg8g and of the GoophyaicaL tnotituto fl the Acad
omy of
goiencoa TE ,` Thin artioie 4gpocoh at a oeoion' of the Learned
Oouncii of the GoophyoiaaL tnat tote of the Acade o1 goi?nooe
~'' of
the V 8R, Mir;?! , ?91e8.) wao pr?pared for pubiioation in tho eo a ?
goo1ogio12. 1 Iboratory af' the GeaphyoicaL net, Thy author
expreauuo appreoiation to the director of the iabos~o-tory, ,Pzoteeaox
G, P.'Gorshkov and tikewioe to N. Y. Ye?hnyakoy and fie. Y.
Buvarenek7, for aeuiitanoo and 'advice xerlexed.
caoia7 tlo?teiinin tj nr~
At preuent, for tbo divioion of rariouo territoarieo into ooiomio
rogions, the ~oicmoctatiotioaj method in tinuaily apPLied, This ncyt-
vithntanding, x have eeieoted anathe ' the seiomotootonio msthoa for
dividing into regions the territory of Garm Obta t. Se notion off'
new method of determining eeiemio region requires Qpe0inlx ianation.
The eeiem.i atiatioal method of determining eefhio ar'ogionn io
based on the aoeumptiof that earthquakes at present odour re Mari
g :...Yin
tho same p noes ?. pLaoea whioh in most oeoee have aixeaaY bean basted
through etuay of the effeote of earthquakeo. Appropriatoi this
amethod ie founded1 on the use onry of etatietioab data on earthquakee..
xt inobudee the gathering of information on the diotribution of eatb-
qunlcee of venous intensitiee, analysis of thio information and next
the oom,iiatjon on the baeio of the given cteta of shiemootatietioai
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pa or eeitia regions . On chase spa ars piotted 'in onQ way o
onothor the p1oeo at ooourr nee d areiw 'ot d&i'i'ueion al the ,
otronaoet edrthgoekeo which havo takon plaoe~ durih~ the oouroe u `
eon Uauatiy briot~ pexxad of tip withif the: boufdar1?a o1 'tho
tarritorice' berg etudied ? Mapa o thin n turn aru aonuidexed oam?
Tbo abovc-mentioned brief p riodo of time for which aoistaoota'. tiettoai data axe ga~thexod mumber for varioue phaoI3 ro nevorai'
term to aevorai hundreds of yeare,+ depending upon when within tho
boundarioo of a ......certaintorrtory the roguar raaoxding a otudy of
oarth a kee was bogua. xn oompiling aeiu etat atoai oha'ta, it ie
aaeumod that in the futuro oarthqu*ku with repeat themseiveo in the
of ptnaeu and wilt from tine to time attain the acme meximu~ intone
a ty au oartior but that in those pteaee vhere they have not ooourrod
boford1 they ahouid not be expected. The latter areau ire aiaaaified
on the cubJoat mop A in terma of !tiatanoe from. apioeaterc whioh have
appeared and in torten of the degree of woak tremoro which have
reaohed theme a tier as aneisn tc regions or region, of Low activity.
Thono eeintw??tatietioaL nvipa' are aooeptod by many inveetigatoro,
zatiana, sn maps on which eenentia3.ty
and also by aditniotrativa organi
a1i ioodtionn of poeaible future earthquakes have been foreoeen.
me aein~o-etatietinat method in quention"for diviaion of aeiomio
regiono, cannot` be apptied everywhore with` uniforms nuooeen for ita
nuoaeeefut application much etatiutioal data in required, which in
tunny neinmioaity active 'egionn in available in extremely inMoquate
c1uantity4 Statistioe~. data ennential for the determination of aeinmio
regions ntuet to ootteoted over ouch a tone intervat of tits no ae to
show during the intervat the activity of alt (or the majority of)
earthquake within the boundarien of the territoxy being
foci exiting ,
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
atudiod ar situated in nai hboring? ogior~ ao~wtantLy aotiva
fr?m tuna to tip, oven though they mad bo reoorded any ~oae, xf
thee intormL? axo o) o t, then any iouL ano groups ? oo wi
not ifeat thuioLveu a thew o'owUt iwt be dioaeva di
zt o naturaL that with the uub foot eoiamuatatLetiat L ma~thad
of dtviaipn Into regions, Laaeo of tho devcLopnt o auoh unnan-~
footed foal wiLL be erroneouoLy oLaooifiedas aaoLemia a~rrone o
aroao of Low aotivity, aLthoogh at ahp momont ntro farthquakae y
tako pLoo within their buundaricO. ConaoquentLy, undor thooo oir~
oum tanoaa, with ctatiatioaL term/ oaox'oe, the 4p11iioation s~f
the ooiomoatatiatiaaL motwd of divieLon into iieiorniu riuno wiL1
nit- r3t2oo tho Aaoirod roouLt apt moy a roi load to diato Lion of
the truth.
(In Litoraturo on the eub oat theiC La encountered a Largo numa
bor of mapn of regions, uftled a~i?miu mapa or dirnrna of
eoioic regionb, with no indtotion of the data on which they are
baeud nor of tbo moarw by which they hAve bean drawn up. Xt to
neooeoory to noto that an oa~erwheming quantity of ooh, ape in made
u;, only nooording to atnttetiaft data and by the bootetiotioat
mothod. In canneotton with whit has been revoe Ied, for a truo erfLna
Lion of nriouo aoiamio mapo an for aoooin todntion in rooding' them,
tho method of their oompttation and the typo of data anion forme
their boats ohouLd be noted. Por oxampis$ "Map of the C3admio
ragtone of auoh?and~ouoh en obLut, dre-wn up by the rieomoatatiottoat
mothod, bacod on data from 1890 to 91O" , eta. for ttnother method oi'
di,iaion intod,regiona, coo 3.) TeroTxe, before the oeiamoatatta w
et. `k z*aciy -d_0*0??
ticaL method of division into eeinmio xregiooa oen bo a plied, it
must first of att be eooertained whether the oorreaponding otatiotio
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
data are qu 'ioieat fo' thi whethez' they wiL1 vo a true
ILotux'e Q " aoia~iaiti. Zt io extruxtLy auwpliu tod to &etaxx ins
the w.tnitum au'fioient ntervnl duzin whioh ALL or the jc Lty
or Thai uxioti in the aai mioaLly aotive territory bier` atuaiod
uhouL4 t nLiu t thogx eLvoe ? Por dL L'orent rogiona thin intorvaL
wiltvary and will lope Qn tho dogxx~e of aativity Uf teotoni0 pro-
oeaeaa and the number u aantinuouoly aotive toot
Lot ua atte t to dotormine for what period ~tatistiaal data
fur tho mountain obLaet n of Central Anit, inoLudin O 4bLaot}
muat be ootLoated qQ thit auiemio regions any bo )ooated with thou'
he Lp aLono
Within the'baundax'ioe of thoao nountin oblaet'ti there arc
any tone and' oven hundreoe of 'different potontiaL soiemio faults
in the earths orast, o-nd at tho ease time there is a oorre.pond~n~
number of areooiated earth ,t*ko' Thai. In aer~tain of tbheee obJaet~u
strong earthquake oaour on the aver of unao emery. LO to L3 yo~rn
in othore every t to 30 year, now in one, nir n another ptaae,
now aiong one 3 now a.on3 anotbar faun. Cunueyuontly the ` nativity
of all thou oxiatin~ within the bounO4riee off' 8 certain ublaet wiii
bo abLe to nnifeet itself in euffiaent 8e~reo only in the course
of r~ny hundred years, in aertain territories only in the oouree of
several thouedad roars. It is evident that for etzf'fioiently
effective OtermitAtion of eei13mia regions by the utattetioeL data
far suoh an interval would be necdett
Such data, however, are not avail&ble. We have regutar eiernia
data far these oblaot'a only. for extremely short periods of time,
numbering from 30 to 100 years, no more j and for Barn Oblant thoae
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rata axa amiiabie only for or o r~ oonua4unt2y, tho
data i quouUort are axtro oiy ir&ftde unto for dieaora by the
a aiemoatAtiutioaL iiiotha~ vt tORtiai uoi m1ait ?xiat1n in the
tor'ita'Leu 'ant nod Thorato'o, the 4Saoovary or a i ooia~ta
i'oui, o' at toant the 3ority of thou within their bound riou,
ino11t1diug tho boun4ariao of Gary Obiaat, 4ttirau thQ appiioatLon
oi' othor beeidvo a oiamoatatatioai data and the apiioation
oi' anotbvx, z ew mothod of detorEttnii,g ueiamia rogionu, 'with whouo
h*ip it would be pooaibio to 'find potenttai foci whtah ho not
yot` m fentod the iolvoo as onrthquakOI during 'the OOUZ? O 01
tho above-mcntianod ohort intervaio f Suah an a 1ternatiye .nothod
of dotormtning aoiamio rogionn i? the eeionaotootonioatbod .
Thin othoa io baaod on 'thO aoou tion that at p e ent in m*ny
diatric3tu deotruottve earth uakea in the eartb'u' oruot occur Mn1y'
at rarioua Ott 2II d1optht --up to 2) or 30 kiiometero, irn requently u
to ~O kilomotora aria deeporw~ae the ~'oftult o' oharp retativo din?
plaoennta of aaou off' rook otrataczong teotonio rcutto. Theae
oazth ua1cea occur ayctoilLtioally in definite tootonto zono+, at
rtouo intoh of' tire ? Pro~eding from this au a. reterenoo potnt
tho mathod undor conoidozation oom rohend&i, in the author's oonoep?
Lion, a study of the ohcioa of present -day tsotonio t ovet~nta in
the oarth'a oruat, inoiuding. the fining of onriouu ooiataio f auttci,
ii.o, of ?aultu atone which the ohi1ting of rook maaceC takea piano
and- along weioh oarthquakoo ooour. Togothox with therie` ?'aulta aro
1ooatod the conatantty aotive oarthquako 'ooi anuooiatea with them,
and tho oorrouponting opiaontral zonoa The lattor nro uoed oubge?
quontly`aa baaea f'or thn compilation o eoiomio mapo~
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
It tho minitm m, that for aotia@ 1ZVPO they a aboon'
tho eejemoteotoflia mathod .off dots Diooioa o
a oc ain
udi?o the geoLogiea~ ooa ooitiofl of
+ a ne wLthin ita boundarieo the et!eotci nt 'tho
a~Aa std aoo
'~ p~lrq~ At tho mot xeo?nt inu iudi q .tors 7, { tuvOm~ntU.
C'a. ooaa the ~rii9 c) ~ehoxako-, ioontod hhe
a ia entar of the ? oarthquako t3 r AprL3 24; 19111., whiah wee
y ,
~ootroyed snd ~tiI cwnW1 rd a1ou ntope.
Photo by Z. Ye. aubin A:
thcaa otTotor tune deoov'ere the ~enerS2. plan of tee mat reoont
the aam tine 1~oo&to the vast ui rooont ~aulte in
movamonte and at
tlno o oruot. )Ioxti with tho help off' ~etoantatiatsc1datat
enta1 ac aoLt a nun~inotrumfntc'l, (trtetrun ntaL
ii` 1oaoibi3 intru
Tor dotatied dotozininftion off' eoi~mla rcgione, moat
data, apaentiaL
1)0 puoaeaoed to a rooioion, oc noted below in l6.7
bigh deg~~ *i1 ~
whet1Ier theoe noweet teototto rtovomenta are contin
ore aaoortaine
ulouo, what rotenetty tho' attatn, and whether thoy r e ta1dIg Uioe
ur-t U beforo, or in tow a1t?re6 form
Thie 3a donna in the folLowing r~nnox. One gathers :ai . xeoorded
deipmootatiatioal tata for the area being iatudied and detexniinea the
geolo,gioet oondittO Under which on~rsoua incivt ttt earthciu oo~ have
takc3n pxMo ? 'hie bein doner ont aaoertaina along what won type
to and undor ? whnt in geoiogic&l condttxcma aubtorranehn
of haul
ahoaka aye flin ooottxrit and ~hifting o ' meeaee era tak$ng piaae
time. Aftorwarde, aumn~xizin all gento~ioai and
at the:: pr~aent
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0 d ~E~RtA r I. -9t
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eoioto dAta~ . AnQ. Qte'rjno, tho pro bLQ pnQr 4 plan i' p Q+ ~nt^
4y tegtonjo 4YQnta , EQ sooertajn~ t what ri
un4er what prsnoip*L geoto~iaaL oanditone and aieo
a ~o whet
prinaipaL type of faulty roak rAacaaa are oh1fti
~M Qa~g1~~0~
are taking tae a r~eea :
Uui thin 1 n, a invo tLgetsa t,h t ~ooLugjaaL a1rou tanaec
t'oLatl to aL; the c~thor, eax~U tz raen14 a od roacnt a
have boon oaated through utudy or Qunternar and as
~' rLior toatorrio
veq~entu1 M finta amok the L ttQr patentiai ae n n fay Ltn
~ ~ de 1 Q 1
f'auLta aLo which 'earthquakes hnvc not aacurrod th,'i t ho nourae
'3f the reoent bi'ier period when nun have been ntud i art
but whin) had been re nLarLy ooaurring before that period duri
the tact ovoraL thouaanea of yaaxa of tho 'rn oat
~ goaLogian L age,
V rioue neiomina1LL7 'aoti4e fautte (and other netemie
which havo boon tooted by me4nof study of the o L Q
~ ~ p o0 L Oaus
of individ2a1. earthquaken and by roeaof oo ratjve ueie
nnaiyeie, am pLottea on the malp, together with the raba
p bL. opt.
sent *1. eonee a aooiated with these etxuottuGn, This tna it p taken
an a basic for the determination of eeirdo regions, On it are de-
termined in addition what Yry wrong earthqualse? have boon during
the preeentt geologioaL age typioaL of tho a ioentraL
p ~onea which
have been Located, and what were the radii of their
diff`union, This
is dune in the following mannex', With the aid of atatict
ioaL datn~
ono. aonorttaine what very strung ea hqunkes `are charaatorinti,
a for
noinntto faints which have airoady w nifente themnoLven
how of'.~,op,
they ocau, and what sre their zonen ref dif'funinn. No~,tl
ft in
acAuned that along other idanticeL fauitn, un~(er identiaa t
iogica], condition,thc xe in a pooeibiLib of .oath a
y qu kec tai f thd carp
ohaxaetar and fequenoy. In c & e thore in an eEbnenco
of Qy noinroa~
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otaUottaaJ data an t is red en oo tuuied the ~Lvon td
fauna n~~e oor~d with ~c~t~o fQutte in ni~hbDri, andn~
rotO, 14aoa What~o gQ~ot ~oot~tol uondttQno are approrttaty
Zn audition to euvtaoo a th uakou, duo saentorvd ua tnqunheo
In uaaux? to tha a~on~ botn8 studied. Thu natur at tna,w oArth"
uakau f not yrut ate&z' an4 tti? eta. 3atiaat t t ud must be uond to
doto 'tntna the oaiauia regto ' into whtoh they m , bo otaeood. Z
giaentetty, t1l uetrsata re~tonu ddcp?aante'ar1 ca hctualtula oouur
very *w34ou end to thu t 3o 'ity aaMQ to note attain doatruattvo
tntexu1itty on tie esrtnfiu Dui' a~.
Zn type of uo~ea is reg1ono dravn up by tho d tri~aoteotonto method
theuo spa' of neteiaLtC x gionu it to piiatbte3 urpOJeo Of
atc tj, inat on, not to ~tnt the eynbo n of oert4itt avtcm eotonto
a~truauroa a on umat1.?uo4ta maps tt in Oval paoaibto not to ptot
tnd:L t1ttone or. epioantcal ono,tvin ~rnty iMiaati flW a tho
tro~oo2'e ct grcateut lntenett w1I3h have oa u:?s~cd. )
aro tnc34udcdzanee of oacurV nao and ttreae of dti' uuton ' ha utro w
out as th,1 kee typtoa2 of th4ae vMoh have aaaurred r~guta lye
n,t J ust thn t the tilted 'tod of time when oarthcuukoo hc~vc beon.
atudted but avef beT a thte pito , durtcg tha t at ntt1c~nia
0?' the Current phase of the proaent geoLogiafL ago. Con ccuanttyr
theco AC rd11oot with extreme aotn teteneoa tha eo u~tatty ~ ` a given.
torritoryr but thoy utttL du not atabor1y the g~eatolit pow.bLc cornptoteM
neuai etnoe deep?atntered dart uakau a o taken tn'ca oonutdornttcn horn
only within the ttrattn uL utatiettaat data, ginoe thoao ti t n of
eatomia regtone are uaued on uonotaotone dvn i'roca tho utudy of the
now-active n~ohanice o prouent ?+day movoTMnta or tha cnrth' a aruut,
theYmay thue be oonetdered ee maps on whtoh btetoatl7 the laoeu have.
tt M
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tho oQ
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been v'o o f wi hie whVat ot~t4oxlo or a n o t~o oaxth `nk
typiu1 r ?tho~~r nue ray jai' Ayn
he ivu ~ ,o~ f ~~ r h o o a fojomja
La~~ o wh ro tho i nh&btnnir du not xor w ber ntro ~n wico
t to Qauibio to ana ar whothnx tiuoh aarthgwtc cauot~r
:t1 L4 z;Ly at +on o Lt?r poxid in tho oot rO fdr th au? ont h
oi' the pi'cent ooxog&oaL o,, e r in thn o~xoo off` the dot oo~
h 1 mtUaai ~ Next, it + oib]a to ~ ao h, whothr
~ theoo
oaZ!th(ttiakgu wit ro oatF thcmae,yaa tux, t)o xo o~t
~ time a
vh&t it the xeatoot n x 1 ~tx'o th wiio tho will, akta
~" in. It
io aLou :i1uttiblo try dototno, as we ha~re or~on oar.ior~ tho radii,
of dift~oiun of thoao Qarthqu n,;,
ctrno f tho feet that tho eojQmtoctont trioth~~c1 0f dop.
toxmini eoiamiia x~e iuno iu `bdood ui tho uuo of data aucuixod i
ott~dyin~ the of cote of pxoarat ay too tanf a t vomohtri ha 1t hnw up
in various formo on the eaxth t~ nurf'acxo it t ~~tuxal t r
~ hat thit-
nOthod oan bo app1iod only far Coto ,ni tho eei rata xn~ionu of
taritto.Soa withih WhOtae boundarjea rote,ti"c'o %ovotonto of tho oaith'a
artiot which oauao eaxthgw koe ni Mfout thamoa1'to~ c:ithax' in th
Q relief
or, an i mAtLL looeL axaak~ in tho earth's nu 'aoo r~t~lo inaL ntruo
etc s P uoh texritarioo axe the 3oxity od aoirnnJ, o f one
~ of OentxaL
Mtay pal't of ti xhg~tanj of Bf b~ jt, tho O ucaauo ot]io .
~r ~ Lea off,
inoludf:l tho toxxituz,, of Gov
x ahsLL mote oortnjn peauIiaxitioa oi' the appuaatiaa of the
oeiamoteotonio method of dotermining aeiontio re ion i. It ~' greatec~t in the dinoovory of reLationehipa 'between aoia
m,io apt
teotonia phr~omant, and in the location of poten'tiaL futa
The xe
tationahipa between aeia io phenomerrn end preaentwda ` diffe
~' rentia~,
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QJTQ I 1n oarth'o Q'uQ n a 's n nub ~nnLy t n'vw h thu
u u u no o ~ o unrth uako upjaunte u with the tinuu qt' raaont
teAt n Q fn'i1 i, but n uu y oh' ~ n eoU iq t1y, t t
Qty ~i~~3 - Q d' o43aood tIf thn Q4inU QUQQ Qt' YL%rLO typui ? Qarth~
ouakoe with veus ooroap~nd type ~aio~iaa. aru4-reu anj,
gait ?co g1a' teantc rnvor ntn ~'ax oxam 4a, b tho oaLnai onau
or ou 'eai oa ih ua ae (with rao up tv ~i' k iomtoxu n do hs
ith euz' co ~tru turcc whiah ruvcaL aorte4n Lo3aL. n -t t o:and ao ~
i ahtic,h , cr by the o3inoi1cnoa of foci of lho doopor un ua u
withto autth &n Uhe area of btooicvoanto n the oarth 'e
cox+uot. LL; VC1atLon hip 3u a1aa taaort,jiied by caiaaidor~uo off' tbo
patto of protract?d is aeQis.t tineu off' vai i ouo darthuuakoo with the
p traoto~ LOoat on of vaxioua n vtn13 gooiogio i1 ttruotuz'eo and ovon
cf indiYtdt~ Fountain uyotav~ by ootnoidenoe ot~ the fare and dopth
of fouS With
the bortlorii u tndty dtiat movie ividu 'gar b1ockt o' thu
earth !u oruot whtoh era bu fl th i by rauLtu nn t L k wtao by the ~i ntfor i
ch rac'te'' i ae'tain anrthcurkou whioh uocui' osntinufclly in nf'in1to
tcctvn:to onou, as wolf cn by re ar other in tt5tno f .
* r,y $ t ,t
1Tz'ui the care nunbor of Uiffcrent, recent ~'nutto which cant}
within the t undarioa af' the territory beinj, atu~Sec1, uoio~Soaiiy
aotivo rautta aro diati uishod by 'vnrtout mow, 't'ut ?'iauLti
onrlootod with the pro entMday toatonie mover~enta whinh aro soot
typic &1 of certain are~n of tho terrttory bets invoot gatod ire diets
tinguiehad Sono of theee oorreepond in tooatxan to opioenteru on
the oarth ru ourfaoe and are at the depth of oazthquake jooi in tho
oarth'u aruetj othnr8 ero found throth traooo of dirtooettono whioh
have ooourred along thou piano during ear'thqu8keu;' a this catogoxy
to found by its. o.~ictdertev (in ` oun4Lri ytth,
andelideo ind by the xotief of the enrth'e au 'eoo; a fourth oategoxyr
4 1
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M :L7 o0iemoatatiatia~l, with tootonia die~g piottld on thee,
baq! aid thO doreata ot ate~ti?tia~~ mape~ ir tie lnt~lr
baq! been m 4e up on th! bnia of opara! dates
Lot ua take for ozampLS ~uoh a of oontral ,P is (2) On it
have been . lotted ae o2i epote tho nino?point aonee of tho otro?
as rooorded up to tho mornt o' the ap'a compilation.
!ot ~rtb4uaY
ntervvni aroao botwooa ths~o aonla are indiaatod byymboto o
low aotivit with point.rea ingo dooreaa?ng aoooxding to dSutanaa
fro the opioontmra, eimS tar to tho way thin ie dono on otabiatioal
a Tootonio oonaidorationa have not buns m 4o hero, and potsntiat
foal have not boon deteotmd, ito. nothing boa been added to tho
atatietioal mathod ? Sn `oonaoquenao of thie, the map in quaetion
oould not withstCnd the toot of tame even for 32 years. Iron 1933
oix a ht4nd nin6?point edrthquekea oaourrod in'Contra1. Asia,
to 2.916 i8
CA l', L934i A kut' 1.935; Xarategtn, 1939; Gam, 1.9141.;
fyze1bdd, 1.943; Naryrt, L96 (9, 1.3).)..
in eonee deaig tea 'on this app as five- end oix~point eonee, i.e.
where they had been exo2udod and vhere fool heed not been deteoted by'
entiat2..y. These feat oouio hive
atatietto~ but where they exieted pot
boon detooted by the eeiamoteotonio method. The author of thie soap
in diaouoei in hia text the probable reaaona for individuftt eerth
q -
e noted the poeeibie exiatenoe of potential foot, but in aom~
ueke i
,i1t the map thin e~daa1aaton vu not token into oongideration.
S ~
Nor have other eimilar maps oi' Centrht Asia and of oortetn other
regions withatood the teat of time f thin inotudea atao Variaua atatia-
tioet ma a aomo of whioh are oai.ied eeiamio without indioation of
the fact that they were oompitei by the aetamoetatistioat nethod
It to ateo incorrect to otaati
ao a aeg~cto ? method of de w
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texngniog eoiato xogona the olio pz'oooeo, oon applied n iitox-
Q Qu OQt, o thn 0O bin t Qn or 1oxtapoaitIon Q ~' ~?
uxo on th
tioai tootonia ipo whah have boon praduood without anayoo or
too of y Zcoeont4a' teotonio t~ovomento end without adduotian
the naohan ~
data ox oven of peoiai oonoiusione as to the gooiogy o
or raotuai
tho toxxitory undor inveetigdtion Thxough auoh a aonbination
ail of
lion we aoaarain on'y the poueib1c geoto$oi promiooo
vr; auxtapoai
a but as In the pxoaedin ca nothing is
a1 individuai aaxthqualco,
added to the ooioa~etatiatioal method, i.a. otber, potential foci aro
not eou~ht out. Oonboquont~y, mapa oopiied with the aaa atanoo of
uoh 3uxtpoe1tiana arc, frog this autnor'e point or viow, ao before
otatietioai ;u.
Xnoid1onta13.y, one of the moat important dibtinguiahing feeturo?
of ouoh mape f eeinmio re lone, oompiio ae they are by an oooontiaiiy
tatietioai method, is the preaenoe on thorn of eight- and nine point
onea, indicated b o it *tohoe, in only those ptaoea where txemaxr
g ~'
of ooxroe on in intensity have boon reaorded+ The intervening a reao ,
where 0uoh atron6 aaxthquaken have not been reoorded j axe indi oated on
thene spa by oYthoia of low aotivity, aithooghn oertein oaaoaj eooord-
ea occur in theao areas t cooording to tectonic
ins to tectonic datajty
xt is intarenting to note that vith every new deatruotivo earth"
quake, harteePOndi new eight- end nine-poift zones :appear in new edi?
tiano af auoh On mnpe oatapiied by the neiomoteotonic method tho
these eonee would have been deteoted baforehand s M has
nsjority of
been menioned already, ~einmoteotonio ripe inaLude the opioentxal.
of earth ualcea whioh have not boon reoordod, so well. as of re-
oentiy dentruotive earthgvftke~ whioh have been xeoorded j i.e they
inoiude the epioontrai zone of the m~ority of active foci
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~ v 4ataait1ifl8 oo as o
~g ~}pTha Lu~flta e1 the ethu '
a ed agpvu and whtah
~ugionu whiuh hav buun QQMid
eeie~'~eatQt~o~ bogan to be
voot1gaturoI be~Sr~gn with
OrLov (ae), iwsntad to
'WMfl Yari?ua au-
the ?Lationohip botwuen t?otonia ?a~th'
quakee and dot initu fauLt~a
?onooi~ud Lone
the oantb ' u eruct a o a if ied
the Latter au ueiuta Linou,
raLatt onohip9
ubaogaontiy au t1neanta ' Thee .
phonaga and
d wa to ar as rJ in )s96 G. P
aiI~ tudiod1 in et30Qe1
4)J in a 'work on the,, uetumioity
t~rahkav a A. '~a~ '~avitakaya ~
tod the re ettoflflh between Or1mean
of the Crimda J domonut
uarthqtkoa an a faun raa ~d to et on the f Loor of the.
d .
K. ptrongo1'tD (27)
betwoon oarthquakOD
detOot?d an identiaoL rotationah~
here Cauaabuu and other fauttu in
in thu soot
tho ?arth'a out, oto
The onora1 probteafl of trio sejefteotoni
~t g
mothod of deteziUing eaiut o xogLona
wore not touoho6 upon
theee workn 3 Chia ~mothod way not devo~.OPd
in itha form in whioh
u been vet forth ` herein J and was riot applied to
the ~oLution of
praotiaaL probtome in determining the aeiumio regtone of
u Literature failed to doVeLop the probLem of
In partiauLar, thi
the etrongeet ee~rthquakee oharaate~i~tia
Coveting potontiaL foal aria
mle the Utter We're not eaugbt out
for them. the presort ti
otion in aanneation with the deter -
aria ware gin na upeoiaL dit3tin
nation of ,the eeiomio region of arsaE .
vaxiauu inveotigatorC r ana aioo
determining eeiemic region
aonutraotion redo6$ping ae aontinuouB].y e~atiYe
ongineeru ~ have been
are8 ieaentty, in the course of a brief
only those :foci whioh had ~~~
hiutoriaaL period of tLm~ , au earthquakU of gubetantinti intensity.
nveot ktors deratoad the in"
At' thn uu,mo time aein have un other i ~
e~L metho8J however knowing no other
adegaaay of ..the
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wok to detera.tnu ueiemia ron? n individuaL aaeea, tho' hago in-
oroaaed without iuffioient Juotifioation, the ueice1o int readinge
of garioue a~ountOIn rogioi a to 9 point, although tb u does not
porre~pnd to utatietiou, `+auot rdiug to which the 'o *vv boon no
atrvn8 Oarthquakvb in theao ro iona` (O). Thin barn the oaoo,
Large aroaa rreq,uentty appaareI cm a pe ae eight- or nit point &onee,
with no oonbideration' of thoaot that within hair boundarieu there
might be nubutantiaL area of looevr aotiw ty.
A8 esrly'as Lq4?~
(8, p. 8) tie author hack eprpUed anfLyoie oi'
the moohanioo of a dern movementu in the earth' oruot enct bad treood
out potontiat foox for deter~aieing the ueiumio re ione of a uubntan-
tial area and aooertaining the oeismio oondittons of ;. population
point o. In thin artiote 'an attempt hau first been made to oatfbtiph
and` devaLop the e?iumooteotonio i thud of detening eoLemio regiotw,
inotuding do a fundamantat oomponent part tho Looation of potential
ec woLl as aireadywmonifaated foci. Thin method' hen been applied here
for the dotermination of the neinmio regionu oL' an extensive territory
of 4arm Ob~aot watt ie reoornaed inoteed of the statintioal r thod
for further praotioft application in other'regiot of QentraL Asia,
the Qauuaauo j and Siberia Important aohieverwnta In the peat'ten
yearn in the study of the geotbgic3al etruature of the territory of
'Us~Bi curing which time detailed geo1ogioa2 data have been ai1VabLed
have mado poenibLo the application of thio nsthod.
aN` I.
- It msy be evppoeed thatargenoate appLioation of the oeinmow
teotonio method wiLL bring un close. to a aoLution of the problem of
,.../j . * 4 j eoaeting earthquake ? In partioulary with the aid of ttiu Method
it in ponaibLe to loonte ptaoeo whero strong earthqualee will oeour
in the future in a given territory. Raving otud,ied the varioun
phynio&L phonomena which probably preoede utrong earthquakeo, Tor
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(JP4, i ` The rayon diuponuu'Y tft tho vi2,tog0 Q' Gam,
whloh wau doutyec b the ua
of the northoIfl waLt oailapoea.
T. Gubin)'
Photo by Z s
tsombiio~ ino~~nati?na in tha aaxthlo ourfaae,
it oo?mu tttCt it w2i1 be ~ou~tbi?
attbturxsfluefl naioee, eto ~ ~
to pz' iat n to ' iauue the t mQ of
the f u$ur~ t0 1o11 ~1a~
oaourrenoe of ~eutrwotive eeihtto ohoo c .
the tovritary of Oarm pbtL Ot, 'aD
eeiemaetntipticatt data on
oni' in tho oouree of no .oro thau-
ratvd, haa been 002 ai-
roac~~ ieoted ~
I4 or ~o ore? Unt~1 189~ there was an abgenoe of any inbrmaan
on ftXPthV1ft1CO which h*61 these, ar1d from tB95 to 191.2 there
e ooau
a xepo!te of in&igidv~l subterranean
yore only brief, f nt7
the ~ nt of the goiemio ntatiari
shooks ( i8,22) ~ B5.no1912, Stith
he texritoxy of the obUaat have been
in hkent, earthauala~e in
egutaxti~tp but at t~-3e eta~tiafl, due to the
~' reoor~e~ 'kith brie rum
(iti1er Xii and IV') ourtaoe o
arthquakeo often scour at the
Pt t time, we can
E, , ~taaume that theao complex movomenta axe
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eont ui a,v{en now, unuoing the gate can QhAc)w mentt
~t ie paoefble t f tha A vaiQflt Q~e Q
,tQt0~ bar grYjta. .;
tionnl phet o> na3 u ~ b' 'Jnn rie# i
t~ Within t
"~ xuxo i t ao l!n the Potor ra _ r
l1. '
gvoia 4 Tertty odntn typical of t o~iter Zoe or
the Pamirr enter into the campooitioz ,f the P*t,r I rev, '-
inolude (f")M hott t t) tc)p): a 8o2'b
) ulak aeries (Tria~+?a),
21epxetJontdd ? truly by rer ?ao1nred fl ctonon rhaloc,Qnd tu!ati nf~ tetjf t1 2oo mataro tiaaeon 2
i xi per
~r 'Joio g1n ear oo t'o i onent
alayn, ani ua&datonon np to 170 ~tetern in th
io3mein t 3) Oretaot o w oedime tee 'epronent?o by &'1c-re d aand+otonee end
nha1oo (vithou voinn off' limetone
t`rom 1200 to 1,40 metern
thick; Z) Upper Oretaooon depoaita re
r praaented by oomplex~
tt?atifying 1ayere of 112Leatoneo ahalen
~ and gypsums !'rom 7~0
to 800 Mere in thickneoa t 5 ) Pe-loo
oene strata, reprAeented
from the Alm to the Bumoa ya,er inoauoive by marine and
laauetrine lixoentone?aapoaite shales a
~ , eurtdatonen, and yawe
from 340 to 400 motors in overall thiolcneaa
f 6) A brink red
oorrion (p6 4 N) roprenertad b da
3 y rlrred eand~tdnee end nhalen
up to 1200 motorct thick; 7) thei u nerieo
(Neocene),eproaentod by dark-x'ed aandrtonoo axed oonal?mr. aten from
1800 to 2000 motor tht*j 8) the ~`~ l'dara me gtra
( to
to Tavil'th i a orien and all nub~?
quentlr noted depoaitn tra~'e
dovolopod ixi the Tavil'd rs region, along the left bank
at the.
river xchingou.) (Noooeue), represented 1,7 grer and red edndatauea
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aentinui Oven n 1 aftue ng hO e1~btOrraJIftan oh+ ?kc tianed,
~t p paeotbS2 tea' theoo maveienta are ecipliaetc~ b with-
tional ph+ :got n , a e A by tin ' Itt w'v nt within the
fo ~ : cu~a itao.:r end to PoteT' ra a~
op~euonted tnly by red?oolnred. rand?tonea e)ialee, porphyries,
and tu!ats nfa le~c tsan 2008 metoro in thtateac~; 2) an Upper
include (f!Ie?71 bott tan trop): l) a Oorbnlak eeriea (Tz'iu-Jia),
Me ono o anal Tert lary c c ttmento typical of the outer t of
the Pemirrf c tt:~ anti the Ramp ition of to Peter 1 ra of Them
aiayu, ant uaridetonuo up to 170 meteria in thio)cneea; 3 ) +
Orotaasoua uedimentO, i'epret~ented by &1c-red, aandtonea and
thiclc; l) Uppor ardtaoeoua depoita, ropraaented by ` complex.
uhaica (vtthoi.xb veino of 1iaetone) from 1200
devo1oped in the Tavi l' tiara region, a1 ong the left 1 off' be,
the Tavil,'dai' sariea and all r~beequently noted depanita o
ropraaented by daz'k?t'ed candrt~neo and eon om atee from
1800 to 2080 meters tht ck; 8) the Taxi,' a (The ~tx'atr. off'
up to 1200 motor thick; 7) the Imingc-u eeriao (Neocene),
stratifying layeru of 1imeatone?, a1a1oa and g pnuma from 7~O
to 600 store in thiclaieaa; 3) Paleooeno etrata~ represented
from the to the sumac layer inolueive by marine and
Laouatrine listone?dopocite, chaloa, aandatanea, and gypsums
from 3i0 to 400 metes in overall thioknees; 6) a briok?rod
aorioa (Ps 34'N), rop'o entad by dark?red oadstnnes and rhalea
river Oiingou.) (Noooene ), represented by gray and red aantt tones
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Troia t (t ,tMbaartng aeioa, reproaentod + r~ f!!t
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ltd 2O thiokl ') tl i L ~o oo (u,cone),
z~epreaonted 'by ty r~endetono n& e n lario ~atva up
uDtore thtekl l~)j to ell nl r ca (at' face of a and uateiiry o ,
:opzoau:4t@d1 by fey ca nett f and ac na~omovatoe J th e~oux'e on
61xop1aao1 oaxlier codLnionta and ~n {alaa ote b 'ata.
Tho t orthox' e3ope w i o portion of the Fcbur
fl8t iii the roe on of t) a middle taaohoo of the rivor
Burkltob ncuz' t` villa, of 1 ug1ilc. Nuer the vtVL o '4'
d-ua, in the bier 1A1fthe right olc~pe of the
traxiovorao vr+llt:y, Vppdr 0 5otuooouo limeatoneu and chalda
cf t1i1O ~a O LO of the ccatheri Tien Ehatw havo
CZiappod out. On top of they ara L var Cretaceous cand-
tonbc (thddiatttod1 by dots rrLtth the a tibol Cx) of the
Vokhoh uovering, whiuit gave been chtftod from the oouth.
Tho lino 4' the Yi+lchnlt overthrust in ohc~wn by a heavy
line. 11e1ov and to the eft of the Ks i aV peak ce.n be
soon ? he puckered 1 iyem oL the Upper Cretaceous strata
(indicated by the symbol Cr) yof too gafidou eync~lino,
?rhteh enters into the oompo ttinh of the wear post of
the Yrtikhuh covo tng. At the foot cif the Vakhah covaxtx g
he Upper Juracato 6Ypaumsa are tndicated by the oy'inyot.
1~e`Ltuf dratn by A. N. i opov, goolc~gioal oontouz~a
fuxnidhcd by I. Ye. Gubtxs)
Thu nvezeli thiolcneoe of the above?licte& Mesozoic and
Tertiary depoetta reaches 10,600 metero. Tn the regiera of
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1 ftl~ LeR & pe o the R Fd klcz 'un t!!u &b ve n t~ t}4~lR Y
Juraeoio, ore~ao ~~ a~ rinQelooggmo ~VQ peon
ehltted outgo tf~ ralatiYE that 'etauuo w std 1'ottia 1a nro
fox' m 'd eurno the t ca t ii Ub~tto (poe oM 10).
of tho
The geologioal etruoturee of the 'deter T rang+o gore oroatod
b~ the A1pifD revolution, Which xao at ite poah at the and of
Neocene t?e. F Seca e o a ' ertLa lqurti coon t)u
uub oot lne were 0011eot'Id in oopplox, ao 'co ed }01
(:'ig. ?6) vhif h ep read o1i t !1 wuct?eOUVhwo t d ~a ? i n
(in horn cntal pro jootion) ` Ue a foldu enter into t3uportttoft
of two baoio etructux'eii" tha Vakhah teotonic oowest wed the
Tevi1'do1ro oy'a'lsnoriua. `fie i'orer teludot toe soak strata
making yr tho northern elope and thi axial portion oZ trio
Poter I ranged, and the uynclinori inaludem the ntrata of tho
uouthern ?1ope csf thi mamo 'ange cnd tho 1r half' of tiie
northwe~tern ulopu of the naz+vae 'n p.
1n the advunoed portion of the "V&Choh covering the
Orotaoeoii? layerm whioh form it axe oolleoteb into folds of
m11 e~mplitu&e. They are rharpt~, olearlL revealed (protilo&i
VI VI, Ya), in pleoee strongly rippled (Profiles X, XI) exit
d,ioturbed (profile IV). Not far from the axial portion of the
Peter I xange the amplitudea of there fo1O are eub+dtantiaU
larger and. they are made sore oopUoated by 1oou1 feulto and
overthx'urto. One of theme overthrurnte, the Yatuoh, it ot ted
in tha aertern portion of the nub eot range (I3*, 1i*), It
extends in a routhvemt direotton frog the region of the
village of Z ubet coromm the region of the'vi1nG ~f Ortot
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(pN:ae zz) to the 'x'tvor t ug tta p1ne to 3no1tnedto the
oouthea~t to toue plaaoe at as eo at tram 30 to 4 or G do joe~,
61mt dtQOOn t uttta~ a Ukowtoe Loin to too aentra n4
eastern paten at th' pator Z z' ('tg. } s or Crotao~ uaa
1I Upe J aa1o na~t?beariXAg hero n the eem~
oottton of tho Lower part of the Va oh over The ntrt&
of the U'pp ~v tY ray tr fat' Nljoa h Marc enter; tnta the qoQ ?
tho der pa'r't the Valh novort. The otrata
or J'no'1 ~att?baartxtig 1ayor, rat ru ohteL math ~ b,
or the app
tUtLfl Sttth 1untto1of ' Z'ge fa t, ve e'voFt a~ a 1' brtoant
t'uotlttattng tha frarwft t voment of the Vakb h oovortnG.
Wtthtn the 1imtte of t) mavtl'dara o;fnu1tnor1ti, along
the 'eft bank otto rigor gh11yE~ (Li. ti )r the Meooota
1A7ore have been ooUeotod ' to tho cotaploxr ocui 'er ued
TftAy o hitna1 fo1& (*) extond to the wee=b~ti~Uthweat
(proft 1uVIZr 'vi). mho Uppor' C~'etacuuU 1ay~'t w~atoh
enter into the compoottton o' tho nuolow of tht ~ oync1'itw
have been uoxl,aatea into a ni.Uflber of frogtWntlY tiznat1, b,o cart,
o p Uaated folds, p ~o`aab1 tong 1 a nwab r plncsa t ;dram
the ut~aes~lSttng atrata. X titre rogton of t}cis trout c~ ' ho
aver ghahl3ect1 not f*r from the 'tllago of "l1ji n~ t~ls
axte of the eyna1tne, ceeptng it f l a y extant, dtp~
du&U to the wut~eouthweet, In the aourea of tht
dtpptn the flanks dt' thus oync1ii4e epa gate, ci. tax tt
nua a few alearl revealed aube1dtexi fa'1ct &ovelcp (33*, a5*i
~.eue ~`
ar-d otoro), apreadtng otit to fit projection to eouthwut ar-d
we,Moouthueat atreattone.
!'he geologicati compoeittrfl of thti aoa, pros dtn froi
hie moutb, of the river ghL11C1 Iu to the vi11 ge oi' Mona c u an.
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then to tho o.tt2~ent of are oxtro ly complex.
The euboldla. f?lda mentioned & sr~o bonds end bro ko,
them h devaloped a non'hC i8OT o undu3Atton of tndtttdual
e euio~lly p2.ua11d ere and tho vronch a! theco lnttor
from theiro 8a nt o tto1tno (33), looeted a1o
tho left band of the 'tve ' in~aU in the r toa of tYu
villa a of ~aniwz'v ano gayat, t eloo one of tho~tber
of folds vhioh,va tad here, It hao been puod to tho
nort1woct ai broken along ito !1c.
In tho region of ho oettlo~ent of ! a 'i1'* a; d to
the northwest, Teovncto which doooribe ~elatirely
sloping tondo, ante' tto the oatupeibion off` the uouth-
weoter'n aontinuationa of therie eubniatary folds. byes of
a briok~red eexiev which have develope& hero, but on i lrnrer
r egad also of raleaoene and Czetaoeotao t terinle f
infrequ?:nt nor4Jtratonio bends and even a Blight uMul*tion
which dove n-?~toorreupond to tk~e oloping twiate of the higher
Neocone lc~er 1. Tin mad be observed inn various outoroppingci.
Poe E;warle, aft the base of the high, steep left elope of the
vane off' tie aver 1thtngou, lO to 12 kUotaeterc iu rthveeot of the
,iettlement of Tavi1'd'lara, not Car From the vtUegeo of Yeegan
.era IC&V pale roar the bed of the ` riven Bern of Neocene cand~-
ctone vhtch Txi tiro eleaar 3 diettngtiehab1e emal a ciolir l
folds protrude to the oartf~' n curfaoo. )typ ometriCaU ' higher
than the latter' on tht elope other, moi'o recent Sayers of
candetonee and conglomerates oi' the Kiingoa F3eriec have o '~-pi'r~
o doaori ing a uingls brtad ar4 oloping anti-o1iMl bond (thez Lntioltr~o) vhith enoloso i ~rtthin itu nuolODU }re i to p'r'e"
oec:Ung folds (4341')
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Qo Uo .tton ~f the at~ta~ deop ten or the ou 'ace WUlatiOno to vartouo paotto aooa"
dovo.aaaat of ~
ono~-aoa~ n ,re rt td agora to 4p to of other
ooottana '~ g
regtan~ tim e r +a o. 3 v oxArp1a, to the a tal parttnTs
of ~.
o' ao otn andt 1'orbta otreto tho
. fay? of 0 ot~aooauo
~~qqo vQ boo nuQt truotu~ N
'~tt rF'~r~Mti ~
~. 11c ~ . o rpyh?En a4ki s i v tnnvorUO
tho ~a'uG olt t tk (1i) 11
on to b1 2'a ton tha itllam of Yofuc~ f no loft clopo
of `the f ar ' nc~o nt t1f b& weer
E. ~ t Y ?7 eP
y kc b~ d1 1 z and tho vi1lAC ?t' ''un'yokba. it' a
?rtiaat alt' ~O'@ t~n h k11oietOr htgh arina Ptleoomsra 1ayer'e
rub to ma; h' a Atw co. ' oce layar~~ aro collected tnta
tnnafl rsu1tc4, oa ' oed fotd ?Ap to 1,0 or 200 toe in
ir g
rom ha underlying Upper Crotaooc~f, layer trnd
ampUtuda, torn f
? a1 rtppl4d wtth 'o poct to tht 1,ft r A the iyex'
nOn ~an~4 ~
3,&ppi brtak-rei r?rty~
(Ttc, 1Q. The northoxn niopo and ridge part of the
Peter Y renge in the iCa1&ylyabiob region. Yte 4 Pram
the ciir~otton o the c~ett1 ont of Khait. "ti the Trot
nor tho 'illage of Poltze-k, on be aeon the
gt (flLnd,
aceouc eandetanoe (indtcated by dots) of the
L~we~ Cret
ortian of the Vakheh cove'ing. 9egute-ki peek
front,al p
is Formed o#' rorticall~r arrange, thtcic layere of Upper
eceoue limoctorie whioh Sinter into the compoaitior-
of t`oo roar part of ho Vkhch coca ring.
e iio 1x Lw~ 1 1)y A. P1. ''o Gov, oc,io&e 1 nt c nr
ur~ r - re~b~
rrsi~hed by . CCubin) 1 I / f
F11 J
4 4 ~ ? r * *# ,
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whtah or a1opi ynaltual Wn4.
(D12'flj atu~ gfi tneoo aomp]ex fo o Si Q taroppin , o1co'
at~ttpta' dtea-opanatoo wAre sowhora found betxoen tba
vartnue la7ero enters into thatr aoa paotttan. Thte pntnta to
the fnQt that those wore sU arestad ba~ntc Uy dtn'tn one phsoe
Qf Flpino fol4in. owavor, so w~ ohitit von boi~w (l spa lb),
t g'oas~pc art' pr1 ' Ito basic 41o 00 i'tti ~.-:'~ of the
tO rrtto ,f tho ()9r ()btuot t took p u e during overst ateavty'
diottn uir red t: , ) watt noh~ iu bond? n ' ire de A'ibed
to ptaaef b, Y.Tppor Orefi*o~ouw 1ty,z'. 'i'hax any be ~?bve' ed,
t~? ? !flpto j f.n the ua to?~v t ?bho aaley ti:tt (*) y
A lane tho 1'GO oi' the river Tolcuiebutsk nn the tnrthern
olnpe of the aaetezn p *roX' the peter t rases, etrsta or a
Wirer Oretaaenw, layer have been oolYeotsd into oharsotertetto
omaU fotM ('t~. 6, pr?ftis XI) i In the ~ore off' the rtve +
Runou, between the vtlle en of Ortot and ubet , region
o:' ftgure i) rm tho norther ntnpe of the we.tern part of the
peter I von, twisted Upper Jturaeata gyps have cropped out.
Neer 'Eheao rtU. ea the rippled Upper Jurs~aie gyps deaortbe
a eerie o' diepir rodaO
In (41 to bc-vo"nenttonect nan?harlnonio otruoturee a
aooist tole xf plsyed 'her the 3e7era oi' jpaum whtoh o'e
oneountered at vaxtotu levese of the Meeoaoio and Paleocene
oedituento a3ong which vaz tone tectonic dteplaoeaentr have
taken plsca. Of x11 b1 strata which enter into the oot-
poaition of the Voter I range the most wrvy are the Upper
Juraaeio, foilnved by the Oretaoeote and marine 1'a~eonene
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rojrora. The lqord ot the br 3ak~rea ~eriee and of Neocene edtentn
have undergone oancidorab3,y lose bend4n8 fn ma?,y plaoee. St must be
noted that in the nucia3 0t a etamber of oompreaead anEiollnee of Abe
axial paw of tba PQtor to of double, upUeevn
Lower Oretaoeoao la-Yor, the underlying rook strata play no part.
This mad be oboervod, for osampis, in outaropgingo of the Nursnoh
arstiQl=ne (I~t+-), ark ~1ac o!' the 1jee13khaarYa *nticlthe (31*). The
auaieuo of the latter Sa Weil ezpoutd along the a, whio8 passes
net the villages of Msr1t and Aimalft (preftie Yet) Snap@rpen&icular
oliPt' up to 1800 motero high.
These phenomena are evidence of the tearing from their been of
Oreteoeouo foldo which have developed here. Thio it reflected in the
oorrenponding geologiaal profilee-(Fig.. 6). The_tearins up of these
foldo a probably o1ooe1 oonnooted With the fotion of the Vah
covering, made up of Moooeoio strata. I have determined that the
dieplsoement of the latter ie more t-en 12 or lg kilometers, in analyz-
ing the geological oompoeition of the territory of Cho Oblaot.
During Wuaternary time the Peter t range he undergone a oona Uer~
able overaxt upheaval, but of lens extent than that of the neighboring
aieeer mid ~arvat ranges, Ae a result of this 14eozole and Tertiary
nodimento have been preserved within the limits of the Peter t range
on its vhole area. These eedimenta were highly elev&ted and therefore
eroded in the majority of regione of the Gieear and Dervu ranges,
The unevennenn of the raieing of the three nubjeot rangee hao
led to the formation of looal bendinge and inolinetiono of the geolog-
iaal,etruptuxeo in the boundary tone betveen them,: at partioularly
within the limits of the southern and northern elopee of the Peter I
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~n0~~nat~ra~o ago datornd by the d1f!0'ont
r, ThooO bond'inIo and
bet6ht0 at OOaurrnQ? or dapaoito ot WMfoi'm ale and aloo by taalinut?
tiono of the denuded oursaaI, an whioh aoaur oodiento o~ the Poltoak
eorioo of N?oaone mate~!1s
lnolinatlon~ have been aaaatpaniod in
Thooo 1aaa2. iSadinge and
the peter T rsx by Yap touo oompr eeoioho off' ourfaoe rogione of the
earth' a oruot, by faulto ~n the aontinulty of the rook otrata~ aid by
have 1?6 to oomplioation of the foldod
aaractdriotio moveionto, ahiah
d here in the bounded ~anma. The px'ob?
otruatureo which have dovelopa
1e moohaniao of thepe rnovemento in the forward part of the VakhQh
and in the pr?aediUg pragraph. Theme
covering hA? slroaT been &ioauo
a of the Tavil' darQ oynalinorSuWa are aon?
movomenta within the limit
oidored below,
ope or the nervae rafge and the eame a lope of
The nartharootern el
in the upper httf by thick Middle
the 8e 1' -u Mountains ere t'ormled
in the 'over helf' by Meoooata and
ftzt~ Vpper ,Paleooota strata, and
Tertian layers, The latter have the tame ltthologtodl oompoaition
thia~cneeeee an _eedimente of uniform `ge
oand approXiroately the eaase
of the m ua of the Peter I range proper, bt~t they are
a~oxity of recto
e anding layers entering into the oompa?
slightly thicker than oorrcp
forward part of the Vekheb covering.
e ition of the
At the end of Neocene time, but before the d,epoeit of ee~imente
of the Politick lair at age f the above~mentinned
~fieooene 4 y
Paleooota, Meeo~oto, and Tertian depoeito were displaced jointl7 Into
a brow, oamplee eynolinal,told (pofilee IY?Xi) , which I mentioned
earlier (in ii.) ender the name of Tevil'&ara oynoUfarium.
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Tho ac-uthoaatezrn tI&n of thta eynoitnortum is arranged verttoalr
d brokon b r o Karakul' fou~t~ whose pie i,tcUnoP to the outh?
oo-at ab rLn angla of tr p to . dog'eeo, At the end of itoooeno time
tho Mid41O and Upper 1 t oio layers of the Duo range a the
2ol'4ytnu Mounts iiw wero ohifted to tha northwoctt along the pure of
thin fttu1t r
After thto ahifting the region of dovolopmont of the line of the
Karakul' fault vo axpoaod to oroa1on and beoans A peneplMn, Zn the
baetn of the rivor Zida?dara (iris. 4, ~) oedt onta of the Polt ak
Qtratuz of Noooone?Quato aar' ago ooonr on this ourfeoe, whiob has been
amoothod by erooion, and tneao eedimenta ovorlap hozio the line of the
IakuV overthrust. PoUaxt$ the depooit of sediments of the
Po1i~ak aerieo the 'egiono of development c+f the itne of the iIkul'
overt 'uot unde nt, in Qunte .ry Time, a ooetderable but uneven
(Ptg. 11, The northern elope of the Peter I singe near
the vi11ageo of Kadshuraga and Kugltk. Vistble is the
o1opingly tv'iebed surface of the vakhnh overthrust (in-
.icated by a heavy broken line), along which Lower dretaoeoue
oandstoneo of the Vakhsh covering (indioatod by dote) were
ohifted from the oouth` onto Upper Cretaoeoue limestone and
ohales of the forward zone of the southern Tien Sham.
Relief drawn by A. N. Popov, geologioal oontoum
f f
futrnished by I. Ye, 4urbin)~ e,r'; fi"t ,t
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elevation. firing tbio prooes~ some seotionn beoame more elevated
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t)iw r)oi'N f the n ti oAo wilo ino~tc ti iw an4, p ~ ba 1y,
? n bendy 1rt earthy opwjt, ~'or o p -i the rPQion of the
Oo9~d att M-untatu t ~ovated vo t)i r 2000 twte 'e with reepeot
tc+ tho va nn of tho 1 ar3 f of do rear Zida-dame and between them
bed p obab) ? b ng he developed in the earth's cruet, un-M
braoing the rogton of the v11ia u of M'gankul' aM Mionadu.
\ oonn d'ir~b a relative olavattan hoe alno been experionoed by
a nooti~ i of tha middle raaohoo of the fiver tingott the rogione
r} of gayat ('t. , place whore fold 39 hoe deteloped},
the villag~o
gatt~i?1Oarvii and ho oattlameri1 oi` TaviV6A . 1'he elevation of this
oaatton croato4t the acnditionr of the 4-to 1Q?~tore inulinatian to?
'said the southeast in the basin of the riveride.?daa, of the plane
of do m6fttoT which ~ndarlico the Ifoli ak eonglomQratef.
In the regionn of the viUagee of I s rrtm, Miona4u, and Eayat,
and in other pisocu located near them, theoe v touo above ttoned
inoUnationn and bendinge in the earth' a cruet, ombraoing the plaoee
of development of the slay oynoline and its eubeidiary foldn, have
apparently been aooompanied by detormationn of the latter, partiou?
larly by i'aultn in the oontinuity of the rook otrata which make up
those foldo along their bane. Judging by the fact that in the regions
of the abov?'nientionedvtllagea aurfaoe eezthiuakeo often occur at
the proaent Lima, vu may urn. a that theoe move onte continue right
up to the prdneat, o~uging oubterranean nhookt,
Traoeo of the f 1rvard movemont of the Va h covering are not
perceptible currently, and it probably han already ceanod or hao ex-
treme1y omen proportiono. Theretore we do not connect with it pro-
~ently occurring ahifto along the nriouo faalte inaide the Tavil'dara
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~inori a ~ 1 ee n t4v t rvrd ~t rf the Yap t)i o verin
Beiinnin Wth Juraeeia time, a zone of a'i oet axa~uetvo de
proaeion, extending in a eouthveet dtreotton, booamo departed in
the oontr~1 rt on Q tie 'tt'*toz7 of Geri Cbleet, in regions now
oooupied bar tho aouthorn a1ope of the Potaz' Z rare, Thie depron?
n ion tf aQ 4 ti ponent part off' to f ord Pan oonoav1t (9), n
it Q~lCt4l3ratod the hiok (up to 10,00 moto~o ) Oozoic a td
otrata of to Potor x 'an d the no hventorn elope of the t wvrnranao, t. a, of ho outer zono of the Paai 'a. To the eoutheaat at'
thio ccn civit7 Wow ~, Cated to inner Tmtr acne, a t to the ~ wthveat
the iouthen Tion g o, inaluding thair f'oziax'd zo~-e. The t outheev ern
extrc'tno of thm "o d Maio of the muhort~ Ton E u i.. dippi the
aouthaact, entered into the oo~apoaitian cf the noxthvontern elope of
the abovrnotod forva~?d oonoavit7.
Many ooareely fre nOnted Meoozoia an& -~erUar7 aedimentu of the
forve~a P~mi2' oonasPit7 consist of produota of the deatruotion an&
xe&i1ng down of the Po eozoic rook otrata c t the inner zone of the
?Izlira. Thin io evidence of the feat that oorttn region of thlo
zone, ina ludiz)g region n of the DQII'VU7 range proper, Dave vMergone
repeated uphoave aid deotruetion during the whole timo of formation
of" thooe a?diinenta.
The lthologioal makeup of Meeotoio and Tertiar7 depoeita which
have developed in ma r regiono of the southern elope of the aieaa'
range and in the fern rd zone of the southern Tien ?hant~ to evidence
of the tact that these districts ateo have undergone repeated upheavals
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the Va rh A VP! 1 wap fir rAt the 4 +1ex ? dIf tt"_t} V11
uQrt~s gin' they4R tnr- w conue~ved. Zt in
p" tb~o tb t at the ray the tha lp fade in t)w regtrna of
'tae rte or and rir n o boaai ltght~r ire eo ,x.
xn thQ fo~xowt uAto'Mz7 Poriod predo Mnt 1portanoe was
aucLutred b:i rieing aaovo~onl~a which attuned their eateat pros
parti~ o to the roc-on of the O nor M Dirvs r~ to. n the
tour thouwetn wore a~ooampuntod by rkitftto,tt~ ,
VaptoUP otep fa~alt4.
(3'ia. 12. In tbo foreground io i1rt of the northern
elope of the Peter t range near the village of Aekalon,
not far from Germ. In the dtrtanae are the rtoer Surkhob
and the oouthorn elope of the Gtaotr range, oo pooed of
granitotdn (indicated by oroAcea ). !ere on the right
ban/{ of tho river gurkhob Lower Oetaoeoao nandntoneo
rf tho Torward torte of to oouthern "ten Shane, have
cropped out. At the bottom of the &rawii g, near the viler
1age of Aak~lon, Upper Orotaoeoue 'iiieotoneo of than oatee
tone have oropped out. Near the vtUage of gary"Bhokhon
they tt1e ovor1-pped by shifted Lower Oretaoeouo eandctoneo
of the V h aovoring. The overthruot to rohown by a heavy
broken line (eee profile I`)
Relief drftwn by A. N. Popov, geolocal contour
(c '
M s$ * W*uelbi.. 1?
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urni?)9d by aubin)
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The forv r4 eons, oyor1appa~ by the thick, hoov7 v h covertn,
has not undergone ouoh a 3.&rgo u an uphoar~l. Zn oonuquanoe of
thin St hay been eope~rated from the regions of tho Gtaao~r rasp b r
faults which hive deve2,oped along the valley of the river gurkhob.
The Oovo tionod vorttoal ~aoromante in the earth'e cruet
have conttnued rteht up to present in Gana Oblast, aooompaniod by
oompiioettona of nrtoue gooogtoal etruoeuree, so indtoated above.
The roots of the Vakhah covering ore hidden deeply in the
earth's oruet, and consequently it is not imagined poasib>.o to aa-
oertatn with a sufficient degree of probability the meohanioo of
its conception. tt may. be aaatmed hypothotioally that the Vakheh
overthrust occurred in the deptho of the oarth' o crust, in region
which not ooinctde with the *Xal, portion of the toward Pemir con-
oavity, a? a fault to the Pnxeoeoto etrate (Tt. 6), poroibly me
late as Varian ttI2. The upper portion of ita plane probably toll
quite elopingly to the aoutheaat, In Alpine time the htgher~ooourring
Mesozoic layers were not broken by thto tectonic fraoture.
At the beginning of the prooeoe of formation of the Alpine
Yskhah covering only the rear portion of the fisnic l of the
overthrust, conoieting of the Paleotoio, Meoosoio, end Terti* y
otrata of the Tevil'dara aynolinoritae, moved ob2ique17 toward the
northweet. The Upper Juraosio, Cretaceous, and Tertiary 2ayera of the
forward part of the 'oakheh covering at that time occurred on the
eoutheaotern elope of the toward zone of the southern Tien 8hano,
i. e. south of the Vakhah otruotural, step (10), oocupying a section
! , - t i -
no teoa than 12 to l~ lri2ometera in thtokneoa. Under the influence
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d,YQ~ent of ~aoovo anc the aorreponitfl1
Off' tho aboYe?ntiono
t of the ootaooauo and Tortt!a7 otrat*
prooouro, maim n the poi'
tho auapenbod f 1x1c of tho V h orerthruot,
o~ ~h rear pg~tt~ off`
thodo iayora ua and thored into foLda. suboe%uantly
ro oo~praooo ~
it bsoa and tz the rogton of the Vakhah
Choy Coro djo3ooatvd From tho
forward one of the o0uthex'n Tien shano r
Qt4p'MOrO moY4d onto the
of the aUapoMed floun of tho
The errant of tha rear portion
ovorthruet oocurrod U1V'dj abligvL*iT to the nortot $'~oX1I the
xhi0h had been &id100ate6 the orOtaoOOUo
pie of tho aubetratuoo from
and Tortiary atr*ta of the forvard part of the oovertugr St ie po?'
oiblo that, as the think Palooooiat Moeoeoto f and Tertiary aedimento
1 o
of the rear portioa of the auopao-did fan wore hifted onto it, tb3a
abetrstU, oooopoei the roa%bont` flcnic of the owerthruot, yte1ded
of ?hifting of the 8skhoh oowerin8.
and beoame deproaoedr At the tip
the ormtaooouo and Tertiary 1serr of ito rear portion, uhioh nab
of the Tavii' dox'a ayna~,~ori~, underwent
enter into the ooroopoaition
on the part of the tsyara of uniform
a oonaiderable revorae preaourn
over ~d in oonao4uen0 e ciao. slid
e of the forMard pai't of the a
off th? the oppoaite direotion, and were likes
aubatratu~~ but t~o~ in
vise aofootoa into folds
o~r ', Phlaooene strata u'hioh dos
The Upper ~` aaia~ Oretaoo
v@21opd1 in the axial portion of the Peter x _ rsne wez~ exposed to a
pertioular oooproaoion, sinse they trenttod pr?aauro fozvtrd to the
northWeet and, experienoing the reeiattnae of the forvart pad of the
a reaigtanoe to the atraataroa in the
rkheh ~ac~~ trarmttted thi
rear. In oonaeduenae of this ihareaaed aooxprenoion in thig eons din
the racial portion of the Peter X r , parttouaariY oomptioeted oorn?
re~Ged de rcore foi'~&r They are ~proaer~ted
p ~`o1d~a of iIQ-rge a~plitu~
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eohematSc2] on the oorroepondlag profilee (1a. 6).
Teo for?atton of tho Yakheh ooyorj to
~ oloaa~- aoaneatod vtth
the dinptaaamont to the north of the whole northerm portion of. the
Pamir tootonia diatriot (9). t to oeib
p to to find tha goo1ojoa1
promisee of thin pbo anon only thro ep+0ia1 oaaeideration of
the geolag - of the whole paTir Ne
~ vmrt)iaload, we ohall note
ham that one of the poeeiblo roaaonie
be the oonaiderable rising
movement. of the terr1tor ' of the pamire
prop.r, whioh on the. north
am outakirte of thin rage has probab aeeu d
the form of Lateral
movement, i.e. to the no'th, along ho3,ined Th
into, inoluding the
9akheh aM Kiarrl ' overthrtste,
In usual praotioe goolog;oalprofilee r e o r
are made up for maximu
dopthu on the Jorder of one or two kiloo~et
...ere... In muohform they help
to onyieLon the gr~ologioal 'nompasition of
the t'itoryr being atudied,
but orO quito inadaquato for knowledge of the teoahan3o? of moveento
of the earth'o oruet and for the aooertai
tint of the geologioal prem?
ieee of eerthIuakee, partioular at large depthn. _Taking thin into
oonaideration, for determinjng the meohsnioe of modern mavemento of
the earth ' o orunt the author hao made
up for the territory of Q
Oblaot ae already mentioned, eleven detailed
~ .. geological profiles at
depth up to 6 oz- q kilometer, Within
the limito of thin depth the
tnAjorit7 of ntrong eubterraneen shooke oooux' here.
The pzrofiie?diagrnm mentioned ere in Pig. 6. The
upper portiono
of these profiles are made b7 the usual method, . on the basis of outer
oroppi of the orustal rook otrata whioh have develo d at
pe the earthtg
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aurf~-oe, n oonoaquenoo of tha mat heightu, doeply broken relief
and very oxoellent oxpoeuro, it 1c boon poeeible euoaeeetul17 to
ourvoy along the linoa of the profilet depthe up to 100 or 2000
metare~ ahd in uoa p1aea up to 3000 meteru. Bore the layoru vhioh
tali up the given eootiono have been moacured axd otudtot, and the
elomentu of their o oettso havve alo boon eettmdtod~, pelow the
zero line oorreapondiug to ue ?level the proftlea have been ado
up hypothetically, With aonetderatton of the looal peouliarittea of
vartouu atwf ae teatonio otruoturou and the probable meohanioo of
their doop?dov for~atioui iuoludifl the meohoxuiao of the fo i ti?n
of the Vc-khoh overthrruat. Oonoequent2, the deep aeotione of the
earth'o oruat have been represented on theao profiles not by moenu
of more ~eoh tao 1 pro notion into the 6.eptho of the angry of layers
which have cropped out at the earth' u uurfaoo, but by moano of a repro
aontetion of doep"downs atruoturea vhioh have boon uraated hero Qe tho
reeult of apparent general oonfo ~aitiae to rulo of the d~evolopmant of
the earth'o orttat in thio region.
In all of our profi1ee, the central portion in oooupted by the
Peter I rang. In representing it it Vu taken into oon8idersticm
that ita oomponert tipper Juraueto, Cretaoeoua, and Tertiary layere have
everywhere approxtmete17 one and the came ooapoeition and. thio1aneue.
The 9orbulak oertee (Triao?Jura) hie developed only in regionn _ad3oin?
ing the ]ervae range. Aoaording to the bypotheeio of the formation of
the Yakhoht Stu forvard part, oom poued of Upper Jura~oto and 0retaovoua
1Q4rera of the northern ~lope of t11e,2a ? - range,. wQe torn frog the
ft6 6
eubatratt i front the burtedeoutheadtorn elope of the forvaM tone of
the eouthorn Tien ghanu, and, in the region of the Vakheh atruotura
step (lo) diuplaoed to the northveet.
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on 'o~'tloe the pie Af this atuu'e, pcrobab17
hae been reprOoented aoutheaat off'
ford of 'pee~zoia roes atrta~
the Va atruotu l atup ~~- the 3ipthu o~ t e~rth'a durfaoo,
. b
tt aipo to the aauthaaot. Tho P 3.eotoia atrata a the roar
V h over uet fault (p'otila Q z' -vZi )
oi' the ouapondod ~k ot th e
hags boon pushed onto tt fog the acn thaaat . The depth of ooourrenoe
of thin ptane of' fraott'o has been deterad hOre ae 3 to )e hiao~
cetera from the earth' a aoe on the beeia of the thto1a,1eeo end
fart of ocOUrrOnaO of the ohifted: Upper Jracaogio, OretaoUou?e, snd
TortS e of the Pater T tlao on the baota of the
petvoeoiO eubatrut' 1 of the fob hone
level of ooourronoo of the
of the aoutheTion ghano. The tatter va doto~mined on the be.aie
retaaeoue iamd Tertian' aedimente of thin zone
of the th3ahneae of C
which h+eve oropcd out tn tho bade ~f the deep vcttteyD of the ~tvore
Khxngoui Deratnataraks narnifluehor, and othera.
In repreeentiflg the foldo of the Vaithoh oovertng and ed jotntng
aeationn of the Tavli.'dOrO oynalinortt, ford of upper Juraanto,
Cretaoeoue, and Tertte-x7 LIyere (prolllee I?''VTS), it ueo token into
forliation of these atruoturec tho latter
ooneideration that during
wore torn from the bare eong the Upper Juraaaio gypatuo~ f dieplaaoc~
from thai~r beoe to the northuoelhi and ptiatl7 to the oouth?aet,
anio foUn which booms more oonplicetO6
artd gathered into non
a two or three olds in the P&1noane and oven
v#,th depth. Uere in p1*oo
Creteceoua le~era in tho deptha of the oexth' a oruat correspond to
0 oae fold in the Neocene layers,
Within the timtta of the Tevil' a~ncUnorit* in the Teyi1'dar&
region the horieon of tearing of Oreteoeoua layertong the Upper
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veotr iri the reglou Q too YiU&I6 u ruu
Q thO eou
or eooaue ]sera eutr .tto trio
~are. ti ou~y Lowor .n Upp
oompor Uiof oX tlio
ouo e&i off' the northweets' t1e~ o?
error are~aoa ~`
oarth~ ~hO
trio oyno.ine *e 1n edditioA been csaUeotod Ito a oo'IAaod aut1.
oliso. ihio Iu~e rovldoci a bdele fox' upt iOA that tho Crotae~oot%
o'n 'from the undorlTiog ~ubotratt~r i.e.
Coro tu t;haoo plsaeo wvr t
or. Th depth o oootw~onoo o thin p1si a off`
~roaa the 8orbu1It
1 ki o~et?ro fro i the Garth' J u ICI
~raott~ra boo boon dotonod so
In trio roon of rho Yi e of ~m or~ trio bseio oi' the thio~aooa
` ?ro ~ T oox ted
and Form o~ aoaurnao o~ ~b bi r?
end cli~otur'bed '3ppox Cx otsoouo aerr o~ tbo nuoiottu of the
ol.ner at jpptg ~owO d tbo uouthVeettr y1n the iouo oi the 'Yt11~geo
ls~to `she "ooaot~ ~~` '
oi ,rLiun aWd Mtona-dIu plUngo thv oo~tho u11A1t
wdo~ tbc1 u1oping bendo o1` the oodne 1e,Yr rr
n x '~
o the varc rengor vbiob ooourred'
The geolegioerl etruotu1eo
during Alpine ..timer are ooneiderfb .T more oimpie, end in ooaee uenoe
they brave ieon plotted os~ the protileo by' mean of the pimple extr`?
poastiofl dnVmward oi eitruottWUft vhiob have dropped out on the earth's
otu~f'ao?r Thu oomplex'Lo1dOd Cret*oooug 1OY?re of the forVar portion
iutio tide noo~popition of the uart3Orfl
of thn 'fa1h oovOring, entering
be vei'1 obo*rvld on the edger of
olopn of the Peter x z'enOr
abioh oat into this e1oPIr They bane been plotted on the
roiileo on the bw to of okatobeo fromn nsture.
The geologlasl otzWtux* f the .f`erd Zone 40t the oauthe ~
~ ~ a
the oouthern extreme of the Peter I
Tien Sheno, in the regirmo of
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oro precontQ4 t to prafiler a ? aantli tlen of tho felde
r tho Guth T olgpe fl' t Oi aV J thong fo14a p11ne tr+ the
couthoa -t under the p ~ l vii' of the 1. or roaah~ ~f the
' v~ EW~hhab gad xh au '~~ ) f the a? as tpo~o4 there of
'a1oozoia, Qretao?t L~, d To -ttar' 1ryorti. The above-noted fold
Q!op out again 'u t~ o eth~ ~r%'aoa to the oentra' prtifn of too
nnrhern elope f the poter Z 'n e neat the floor of the val1e, of
the river aralnuchrar nd in the teatonic windox in the Adfedarak
va3,1o7 (TiG. g, a et around 29). R we thooe ft' are o mpn od nn].
of Qrotaconnc rc, f'rtin rel,ativel obU~uo mrp.
In the intervening oootien (pz'oftlea XXI?VXZ) the forw-r t Sono
ie roproaonted by moan of oxarapolatton in tbra fog of atruoturea
of gradual tranoition from the folda whloh have oovoloped in tbo val"
1e7 of the 1ovar rooohoo of the river 8urkhob to the f olds which have
oroppod out in the valley of the rivor Dnratuehor. Theo extra.
polation hsc boon faoilitated b7 individual outoroppin o of the forward
gone in the vaUeT of the river Burkhob (protnee ITT, W, VI, and
a1Ao by stud ' of varioun bare ref tho Vakh h ooverin, on the basic
of vhoce thickmebr~ th dopth of ooourrence of the bu 'ted. a rfeoe of
the forvarri zone hay both determined. In the oaotern portion of the
Teter I range the for d zone ie hidden under the Vakh h cove ink,
from under vhioh it oropo out again on the earth's ourfaoe only in
th. western extrme of the Zug roxu e, there deeply depreeoed,
obUquol7 Varrpeed Tertiar7 lagoro enter into ito oompdoition~ In the
intervening aeotion, i. e. the eaatorn extreme of the Peter I ne
the T rd zone io repraeonted min bj means of extrapolation,
which has been facilitated b' two outoropptnga of the forward zone ??
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noar o viilago o: 'ao oS not tar 1' the rivoz' ~urkot and
o o t mat og the ut a s th a F Q !4a (!'g 9, nom
nwi&bera L and 22).
The upper portiona of the ~ao2oaiaa1. atruoturoo of to inner
r nie are oxae11ont3y oxpoo~d on the oartb'n ourfaoo, and in i
pd$oaa ' bo aurvo7oa, tbanha to the aquont] brokon roliof,
at doptb~ up to 1 or kilcotorn.
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Oonoral ~urvoy or,
4u Qr~ U1 ?u number o oolemic ahaoko o vartod tt,entiity
boon rocordad tnubrumanta1ly 'rQiR 191 to 19L In tho
which }lavQ
o urm Obiaat', woak rth-trOMora j unpurcatvod by
man, hav~ b0~m c1Aminart; hh kn o to oneity From 3 to L- or
to havo occurrod 1Qee fruquehtly; arid ?tran~ o rthquakae
havo takor laao qulto rarroly by cc mparleon. ?er thu tttnu frum
1fl95 to 19I17 thoro occurrod in i U f ivo dcetruetivo ogrthquakla
of 5 to 9 ~otnW in 1ntonalty, and about twenty oarth-
tnoro, ~
qua~cae of intonnitY up to 6 yr 7 poLntr. By compar1?on with
?thCr porte of thu , ov6et .ynlon t ;o nu bor of etron carthquakoe
occurrL 1 haro in of aurae very goat.
The earthqw&koa noted abovo lavc occurrud lr:'a ularly. In
some yoare more titan 100 uarhquakce have boon nbeervod, and in
others ~'owor have taken place; at ti ton gore havo evon boon
pc'iade of aoomini calm when under round ahocka have not boon
porcnivod by human belndn t the couroo of many monthu s ?or
axwnplo, in ~ 1930 eartquakoe wore rslabtvoly tow, and in 193L- and
193~ two ofght- or nine-point aarhquakee trnd many tens of tremQm
dC lntonaity from 3 to or 6 potntn took placa~ to 1910 very
dew arthquakoa occurred, and in l9iii thero woro a ntno'-point
rthquako, a few tromern of from G to 7 potnta in intennity, annd
noinmlc nhockA.or in a is ~y ?~m c to 3-or pointe,
morn than 120
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art uakefI have not aaaurr s i overyrhare in th? obiaet
QflLU r thu h v~ t en pl ae a,Lmof t annually, to othcro
and to Mill uthora, aaoorctnt, to data try tntorro-
a p u~a on, i tron; aarthqudkl have not
1{at# , the ioal
_Qn c M th _
occurred Vor trio pt Q to 60 yoaro. ( lntorroottan data was
oJ.Lootad by tho author in tha oo4reb v o yvra-.with tnter-
,c o atiQf points, w t1i the ator ea off'
ruptiQno--tor tf p
to or coma vi1laoa be ing oampurud wi th type b toriua off'
to dt wr vii a boa, andd ttwy havo Lntoet alvrayo con-
rod. Ttie ptaco of occurronoo ur a ;tvon oarthquaka has boon
doterminod by tho atrwii3 th a ' i to rnaniior tationu. Ai a turfs,
thu 1GQa1 inhabltanta have not romemborud earthquak?a ocourrtn
moro then 50 to O 'o;dra ago.) For oxwnpio, aarthquakao r-
c to human batn?;u havo u1'ton uccu~rrod within tho limit
crow Middio4hingon epicentral Ono, which uxtondn in a
of' the na
thwootarn direction and inoiudoe the valley of' the lower
reaches of th riv~r Shak1you t id then thu valley o" ho mtddlc
the river Yhth ou, pr coodtn Fran the mouth or thu
ro ache ~ o.
f ororoin : river downlxard bong ito ccuaruo to the rep;ionu (r the
awttioitant off' Tc.Lviltctnra (rig. Ii). t{ore arty looatud thu ttalar
c3yfc1ino Lfld ite aubtidiarY fo1du,
qtronL earth4cakes have ocourrod Juut as rroquent.lyy on the
Wort harn a1opo of the Peter I range, pt rttcUlarLY on ito wo?tern
I~aJ..f, in t hn regton O hu viii?aes of Ortot and ?yubot of the
m rye ton, situated arithin thu limitB of tho eight point zone
;tau o rt.h a tkb of 1939 (Ftg. a) on thty VAkhuh tectonic cover-
lacnf3 where bru Yafuch fault to found (th*) within
ink, in p
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id trio t ti rwc[ o c n truutiVo incturx'Q14fl4 u chook
the iitc
taaootianW oD its oe~thorn oleo, in
h~ve aacurrod Lii vor
pliCO~ wht~' 1it in thu oth' o orut arA found. tron4
curd ?n tkio v~1o~ t~~o ioicr ronohoc
oLirth u ec uvu f~c~t c~a
ha. Yf O m'bt.Lomtint cat' Tcviitd~rh, end in
o~ the river hinou,
c ntr part of the cvuthorn clopo of the Potor
the onin ~
r.nto, n~-r `tn 'thy hoad-?ifator mienr the river Kbinaou, in tha
c off' tho river ?idfidtlrt, in ooo~~~
bgin of to upper rocho
'far thc dotoriai ~~tigc~ Q I do coy uOBanc batwuuf he variouo
bovu 'U1dioatod corthgULAkoa wed onrtuif tectdnie otructu e,
lncludin~ faulto , u t'faot$ or very ctron undnrrcund cthocka
eltC tOgt huvv boon oquatu Y do tooted
whaoo optoontc~o aid cod:
bolcrr. A inoro r#c t&i,tcd niit~Orato~
are brinfl7 oonaidarod
~.Ll ender,:, rvund chocks iii o dpi t&tad dcccription of their do-
o boon f urntehed in tho "Catalo of 1trth-
ctruOtiVO of faCbB ha
quc-'kea of berm Oblaatn (L3); tho nouroec data uced Piave also
bo?n indicc-tod thoro
icrnootatiotic data for the ri, ionc of the Uppor~th eu
ti. o
opicon + li@ctod from 1932 eO 19GS. furtnt ht8
tt a` ~ u ono w~ro ~o
hero mO~O t `iQf I eaeiiy arc?pttb;lo un~or-
t.i~o thorQ occarr
round thorn hc~vtrE an intOncity ref from to 9
g , e ~c~Ckf~ , t ~tt~ cf
pint, three Troia to 7 potrite, &nd the mat from. L to ~ patnts~
cb of thoae earthquckea are noted below.
Thc etron~o
T'ho Ar ank tl' earthquaka of 193i~ (1342) occurred on
r ,r1. local titac (HancorOrth local time is
SeptembAr l at l:l Q
. 6, r
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used thrauUhvut; t 't z c i ru~i M ca r ti?1e b, tree ouru~ )
dnd ottaincd an into8aitY o to 9 point. tj epiaantor
tt3fld6d iu a noutttwea torn dir'octtun, aLon the ivnwr rcaehuo o
the rlvorholci;ou nct portthe lniddlo roacttoa of tie river
thin j ou (?i. L) un swv ti on up to 1 or 1 tcU or c turn in
b g
ioti Yth. Thr~ tnvcoto~rLLA1 ltfa urrour in tktit% upiconber Q
ulltpacidal to VUrtt) oxte1tn2 in a nouthWootor~r direction.
i ti oo botwoo t~ru vaz'io w t~oo&Jrn& lim a, par o dicut r
The d
to Lha path at thu opicofi,er, waa Q&3 tolls r bctwcdn the
and 7-potnt iaoaciemn wao ,bout l.U to 2.5 kilomaters, botwoen
the 7- andpotnt iseaaieRrlcla nbaut G to 7 1orretors.
'rho Ar cry' cctrthqut1o of 1235 (ii, 2) ocourrod on
Octobor 3 Qt 7: p.m. rob for ''Of Mla optconttr of e precodw
?1 aax'th cake in tarn valley o hu niddio r~aahoo of ho rivoz'
T tlLn ou' (Pie. ). it at?batnod &irt it bcnslty of 8 to 9 pottzts.
Tho apioont4r of tiro oartihquako axtandod ror the vtlije u
ArE an cui' it c sc)uthwo8ter'n dir ction and rad a ien th o about
12 kilometers. Thu d`istancan botrioorn variorin iuoauinma.J.e hero
wero app roximatn .Y the came Uo ror tpreoadtri carthquako. The
it ankuir ourthquake o' 1937 (13, ~2) oocvrrod in optomt,er and
attained an intons.tty o G to 7 points. ita epiconter wao iccatod
on thn site ut` the epicenter o the prncodtn quako.
Tate Sa`at aarhquako of 141i3 (13, 2) occurred in fovnmber
tui attatndd maximum intensity (6.5 to 7 points) irr the v1ii you
of SYof and 3tiuztkharv, In to sett1alnont of Taviildrr&a itt
roochod GJ ioints. To G~point iooaeiamal (Fib. 1)
in territY ~
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
a w oll~paotd~ rm' uctond~ tn ~
uL` thi1o oarthq~o
`a ap1?oar o~ tha aarqualca awe
aQotho-{t,orfl d~roo~~or~~
?aaacct tnoL(1o o~a?Io~r th v&1oy Qr ~~~~ rear
F htf aU~
~~oro at Chu abOvo.~Ia~od
r%b iry k~ VO t)?Uf r~atud u up coo
~thu oauthWae~ t'rQIfl
at,rQt4 aaru4qu~~ h~.~tod
raaoh{a i$' thr t-v~r ~}h~yaU bu tho
tho ru~Lna aL tha Jow~r
r r~t} ~oatu aA t)-e optae~ar u ut?r
~ t
o wh~a~~ ht~vu oacurrad iT1 UhQ 1tdW.aM
wuaker ~g~urroufld ahaUk
Khth~ou Bona ~~~-vu gut butt d@tari~t~- pr~a~.'iu~ys IIorroTur, ataoa
t~iaaa weak. ahuakti ware &.tu~ b &t,aiaY? aaa~apa~~o~ ~~~ the v~1Lay
~t~a rivar thiuU by oub~ar~~~o~~
o,' to ddla roaahoa u1
un~.y topiIcofltUr~, ~?ro
Y'urobi.tstk ta ~orLflaJ
d ~ooa~-ud ~n ~~~ ro~~o~~c u(' t4
may cunatdur tht t cY ~u war
1d1o-K~tr1ou ~urto, po~ atblY btu roL4ion~ ar t1o OPiaant0ra
to M t ~y oai~ h4f1 aonatdODad t~bOVas
V k ~i6 e rQ -/~ E~ ?
of do r ortOrfl a1apo of trio 1otot' I
r ;a, MrtltflL to tri `o norvattYUa oi ~oa& inrnabtt~ba, wuak
bud pQroupttbla uadd o~~oc~ta ~~r:9~t~ 1,our~ nub~rrunur~ Bbl
ar~~ oun
tL u~ p~,uoO or x1ut1~r. ;tron
ucuut} uvur yu~ ' it~
uurthqualc8d mvO ooaUrtlO hara thrau ti11tk3fl `ram ?69 to i9i.
of 1B9 (13, fit) ocr,~irrad on
Thu tto~g ugrth 4uak
ovombar 1 sncl atitatnnd n intan ettY ot B potntae Ita apiountor
tl I~
1on along thQ uppar portion o~ tho
wao lr,c?tcrJ th Chu Oc~rrn rub
ra O, a~ proba'bl~Y oxndacl ~rnm
northarn ~iapa of the Peter I ~
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
thu vi~ia~ ot t~~~vr
e rraat_~?UhwaL
Zyubct~1 ()'t b iru ?U~i d (Fig. I) _wtt ~ Wu d of1 t ?
r i t ~o _ r o, earthquake. ) Aoni tht~
t z
dtrvattofl true tht eptcante~ v thU rivvr SIdrkhGb, i.e. t~ the
nvr tancit~ quota diminio tad rapid LY. Ttw
tsi~tr, ~
iattjnoot Wat1 he 0? ~ 7wpoint iooaaiam iio it not. a cc eetl
d bett ~ tf
to 3 ki1aiCtcxe lc c.
r t erttquUlW v' i 39 (13, i L) ucA triad on ' a 30
Th, t(
it ntvr aiiticd t av#t cidvtt in tent with tho
~~uin~~~. ~~o P
i, ,,:p~` .. ~ar~~h ttalty, ~~~ a J~un~th a~ up to 1
c~}~lilvi~~d~k~ ~t 1iisFl` ~IiiVMVld~li~ ?L
t t t inudod ha rt ' OU t b'-;v V:L la vc ot' ador"
Ortot :Ltd Damao (tiC. 14). ha ~ i t~incyut~ bow
trteaf thu t ~rut 7wp?~ti Lao QtC!flU ~urpc Y to pt h
rood . tc 3 kiiomvtOrd &rid botWaon
of upicontvr did no~ a
corm o did not OXcoCjd li to kiicmetor?.
7.. end 6..puint. S,oo
The f ou cart4into cif i911 (i3, 1) octtirrad t the
.} ;abed
rnott.h ur d ratia~iad an intaEaCY cat` ~ to ` tic ~crt~. ? ~
~~~~y nn
epic~rtor W3 -r~babi! ' oa tad in ho re iotW of tho viii oo
f? oil 1,n bha f ntru portiOf of tho c ortarn
r,f -~8.14t0and v~ty~B~i
rung o in tt~o ~ t Lu Wabi?b ro ion (rig. I)
slope or ?o~or I ~
&uut ox ondnd in o wo tro?uhwootr diroction.
v;ithlri tha licnit~ o h~ aoutheri~ a~,opo of tht ai~sar RtngO,
of ' ti
lveS of 1CCA1 inhabi br~ntM, its thatr tnornory
aconrding to ~ r-~ narru
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
2 uutru tt'/c ~ -l qu~tkQP ht rat c c r: crl, ft 9j ~f k
j ~f r'Q I b hcl t4I% v, y 1rrUqu t!tt:tiry. Tit
ptQtrf $-i&d ar4 k,t ynprU 20, ,2U, when the 2"porn ~
rI,r t thf u ,u a ~urrc no Uu t ' wiyy tron
FIFA th? v` cacc~urrod t1~ ~h sc urn t i.i Od q/ b w 5Att td t4#t
cc~rt~h~ tak
qucst,tarI lrt lW' ihurq ~r fit' tic yhw~ O 4' tq 12h2
. ,
f w'ru h;u~ ii0s ' ~:n ~tctruttr irt; ~htr ~hc r tw *)o
~o:'tatr thin 'o hod & in~crh tty A' t. c 7 po b .
( tt ct%rthqunt c i9LF ( L3, ) ocourrod cn /prLL 20th
and tt t t,EWi rn {ski ct y cs~l' t 2 potn4/d. t tFd 1d :Mb .lk1r Iti~
:h tccl :a a uoutthot&ntor t rU.rr ~ : t Ate 'cFichtnj o ~ ,Chu
'a1ootJcr (4I 4).
?`t `o ` ttvt'r tk thy' ih"ri(l ? t ; j?nrt t'nd n1:
f-3!S t 140
Thu dint&t:1cus batwoofh tho hi~~hcst trht~n8tt; i~u~attA ttt18 of
this ctrt}r uakc prvcooding po' ondiutiJ,ctr to the path of tho
opioontor z ono, Y?Ioro UF+ foL.o i otIIaor to N-" whW 7wpotn V
isoscir tna1 , .-rh avcrn, c ct' trcr t to LB kt L ni o rt;, nd bf twion
thu 7t? ark1 5Otft tt3 7th ?t tti~ ~i~ r b tt ho or 0 : L oe Ov . rho
ax,m i; ;S' h t~h 1-~ .' i2Itl w s rocordad by t Li coisriic stations c
uth ct mist . Tt~c onior ?oll r off' tho C ioph mictJ Inn ctute
t a
~o vi
or : M w o c~." ciences USSR, To. F. avarcnnkiY, fi tr d ttxc
t}i or ?its tout at 2 ktln tfltOY's with an r~rro~' of ?0 kilt
accord:Lt to tho iristruthant i dr-t@ of the C?ntrai A iiatic
rnotsrs, ~
sCation (33). (mare or sovart2. optntona an tc thu dpp th of
to foauc cj' t~to ou'thquuicO of Ap'i1 24,` 1?Eil. Thu aut:ior ,{
. 6g
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Ii !4oV1!
{, r tt F fQt ?flQ111Q'l
r-~ Ct~t-tflaac~ bQtw~~~ U'I~ Iitha
iaai~tu~' vru''fl~a ot'
ur-t eMt; o whtr k v i ~t
t, -w ? ~ ra h A baa,~
U :tc at i t '
:b ,'NE1ru(Lt C rf
7 ( F~'ai idtF ithd ki6ii Str*r a e~1u~; u al~~vw
4 , ..'" c ~m dira~ia~uia~io ~ttdi
?iCV ' '#,IIf?1'
mach 1 e
The picont(r
:i '&g of V~r~ C
fltrac st; a
& tdwd sit h to
rtttt4 ~ Ni C }riAok``~ tk kktwO~ ~~~Nf ~~4113 WVt41
fi c~eYV11M YtdM~ii ~~Vi ~ i
4i1~M ~ bk~1 t tY~ b) 20
cci,1 ~
cr~~ scc~
i 6&I c
~ ~ ho -~r~u ~aac~ 0~?~act
i pr~bcb~a ~~st~t ?acri~ 3 ~t w
art~r4Uuku bud accurra'i o~ ~raa~ar
wi~Y~ aaa f ~t~.ta. _~ ti~iu ,c
du th lot. uu a up to ~0 0 lciiaiaotarc ar ;Hero, ~1~un ~~t
~ o 7
~mc~c wO12ld 'nave bcart rarn two to
c1#~~t,unca bQtrrao~ i~a iBouui
.i.t6) nd tho uur~ucu
ti t iitio ruotor C 331 P.
E~ud u d~abata1ti trLuau an th4
4truo turau wild nab hava
aei~mic wt~vU in to oarth' u cruat.
d;latrjubian at' its
+ c1arirf t,hti thau~ht- ~. Luium1C wAv(; ~rc~co~-c~~.n
at~a~ l~a~
rnicc ~. daap pauu auk t{~ thL E3rth ' 0 9a1"`t'z1au it tuUU) ~l~lou
aoct v;,r~.aualy ~rcrped ~aiCac~ ~,Fay~ru'
aver A ~.x~c a~r~ :ltttax
70 M
?.*.* r + w qi?.'
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w ea r f t 'E t i p I tri ifU~ Up( 1 ri@ c r rt f nrt} t (t r
i ytv }YI r y A(1 ~~ ? Wt ~t r?! rL twj , tthQrt f rt n ~ ft,
Ti1r S-n h * ftQ, ? 3Lc1 ! L yc rr hive Lw' ur is t cn t,
r jir .t . n Qr vct1Int 0 f tPc a . -~ ~ ?1n1a w ivu
2 rr 4~ a
'4L )w r~ +!tt it r~ a h rtut
:ci1crr rani t ''Rsi h~~itMtl l lit (~~t
cntr < I' rI~ 3%jQ1: ~~rt ~ ~~cl ::L v j xhtt it ru o'~~?tl alit bt~t~cl
t$ he rr ct~pct4;L8k ?r nio ttni , S n tro 4 t t jd, to
Lt~tt4 ' p ` opt na 1ta F b +1 & c1ncu~ cbiorvt d ?tn with
thtc a k(
4k. rw1 o (F't
~tEu'lI, u'f'-~~r port
;F iTr f. ?t i r4poin tU U LMU dcflc~' boy oJlipI ! ox =t4i1n
t-w b Biro 'n~
Ph pttauku ' oiu bhgtsako tf l'1tl (JJ, ) ocurr ~ i :gay
Ub art tnu ~Iiir t ~ ' r r o n ro~tchod 7 o Ira uirtf i in
taco Vt U.Htc cif RLi1Jk%ll$s ?ht ?.sp?)ift; tccn i ~ , Q' t!+ ~:ltrtl~.
quo~c r t~ t ~g h tp ~ sf r~.rr t llipc )( nc1tn trt j toryt~= }' ~~ooo
(tirJcton C r ~;:. h).
T c 1Ghait otrthquako of L92 oecnrrcd ort PThz'ch 22 at 2:0
!tst1s tuhot mfLof w'oro it atbnod~u~ intotrci
01 ?. ihzio 003'tquio wao diotributcd over ii largo aroa, tho
demo that of ho oiirthquuko of April 20, 19L1.
lG. urE ci ct+~c a'oci wtcl o ftgrlSI t1L1~; ~:rroc
"hG VLtrinut3 du tructivc ctu'thquolsu unct ldoc' d s~buvo Ii d
LLluLLr aptcDnter~ ch ocrdod trt of riou d1roc on , (ter cortain
tic c on it triam~~ tsal zt l ,- :L y t~hu upico orr w ud Cract of
t ct~rlio ocrthqu tkoc ~rro c~ nvt:ttt ma11Jf uccoptcd ws puinbs.
-t ovcr, 4 i..~i 1morn, ucldur n rturai cr~rtdLbiorl , tho fraoi of' aut
oarthquakos fit.'avo v'ariou~ for tcu , ti corbaLn tot u to tone ref
kilo.noboro. lott7rrntnt tfon of `Ifs Lori h rt;' op1ontorr uud foci
is imp. 't- w t t'or lcnowlcd of tho conditirn, undorwhich vuriotro
oarthquako occur. ) ind corroapt ndin 1 o torrdad oouoiamtUg.
Thin ~1ot'v$7 to iniicoto tub tho tocri 4ca` thorn oct'th u~tkoo he~1
N 72 .
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}3 V Q tt 't4 tf i
7} I
Th ra! # r$ :'Q vL~At ot~4t~3
f~ 41e its F hM ti a ~3i k ~ t1. k h In
~7R4~ t .rve !l k. i. flFd ;~ 41t'.
w~i i ~ " . 11 'WF? R
^ 1 i F$1p c f t tt1 }c,: f' tir rr Ft ?t~ 1f 5 s
v' t h
:L I'FU iJ14 I o t't ~ ~1 l ct F~k l
4U4V ~ rkt tdiQ M ~IYukttLN'. trf
Rtjstttl -FPxe ~a? tt i&Lu~, Vtt at'Jkilda~rI ter F tr ~fU ?~~&tlNt u aitMr,r
this 'Aopt kf ~urrQ;`ccei oL t3#F L' Qut f+F~"t`i`
!~ R f ? F': d F ik ai t rf t? L1 & i c f kk F~ # s f t t~i~ PC4 1g
bh b1 dopbhu oR ocourro~ yo t f to 'oo# of wsriou~ u~x'bh
i hictL `a
{ t; ~ttl i11 r > i ?i si ~i rc tie`s ~ F2~ k1~1+dttyi~ #i a ~SIEa sly e~
P't4~~gt t~[T~1L ~fr Y?1$Yti~t ~!'~
? i/t 4
t'E4tt .CS1b-itiitt k ~ LAY tcM U ~ t f~dOX
id1tP o f !t ~' ' u i rt 1L L2 ti b~,
Tt3 cior~. /f Fitika pVin1F atti k
t`t~~ u'trtr tit e - f April. 20,
i7L: roCho;^ to ~,;s' w ?ttf`tt'a~-:.~' ~cfo~~oy i1srfi`il dD ~rtr1 be-.
t1 r(iort oc~ ui u ,~u ~, .{rte?~ . t y
V Wt' yt`l(; , tl,i Wh % :k d1 Il,j uteLciont r' r43 iN tort 4 ~ # 14.V 6ii fft~ ,i of ak t, is
i i:Lirrtt tr , m 1 d -r$~rttoLivr~ Ar4 ku1I a t~',F~ 4a ~-ct of ii3h wtid
393S, ari ~tLcf~ tL dootrUctjVo (ar toW~ 't~ rt~tqu4ko or
F 3f
the i r~ twr, t' lopu f tho Potor .1 rgrl~;ti, h d 4p rox m to t~
t&t c1O 1f uort LLty a ic~mio hock in this upitcn~rs 1 - ot~p t i tJ~E
M.* 8t~ t .
oarbhjuaktt at1 April 20, 19t~i,+ t tho1tro of uit' . oirn~ .Lnw
trisi ty n tha d trtoou I carer w and 7 p 1nt i o~io pct ?.o c r
. 73 w
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d~M a ^~ 11R ~'4 k rh { ? in ~!1 thqunj~Q o 1 9 I
t ~ ~ ~~ 1t" ~t~rylEl~!k ?,~ K}~t~a ~ ~thiy4, M:
i' 1
p `, t k i1 st k st~l~~ N~ #!f~ lakt t ;t ? ~t4rt F1k4a~dii~Y1N~IH
p, k T( ~kfR~~c?i1Mi 4 ? The 4F}t#1~lsM t1c Mw~Ff#tf~4
ri pt p~QitQr, r~'g ;L1 ~ P1k 2. ?~ ~r4?t tt~i ipk~'~F~
< of F F~" :1_r ~
~ - ~ x: ` t stn t, n ,: or1~1 !; t?~~, t.f r or
G c a x
t~~ 1.93L ,
prt:L 2n, I~,
?.?c! 11-39 tl:, t t rb1:
ri Ut e wrrn i` ~uI t c t-Lt i i ' cmn1ir. 'c c1p : h
r c r t ic3 i to t~id~ tl ~ Klkit E.i ~ ~ I` ii kdi/ f i-1 W Sf~I~Q & p om
1a or i! tai 'rtio! othrt ; i l t.1 kOflti , t!l ct
t}i :L931,
r'3 , t ctr i(u 4 ~1O1.' k muds honor h
otIxth'Q cWJ! 'wo? :ib thi 1V1J~iti"dflt' SJi tho WpiconYo?t rei ?d 1UW~
c -rth uraka to 1to of vavk i typos (tip: 13, iIi) aro located t
lofot?ra in tc Cart1~ t g crust, :in tho corps 4xu
dci*1hs tip to ~4 ki
bortt C 1 ~or3. A1ortto ~~trncae o thooo f ousts da-
.f1oCO7o~k ~
of ho rack ntra a, c ausod b7 ttnavon u@hoctva1, m t
1 ~
occur eLortt tto1 &rnd at the saw ttmo surface girt
~ u t~~@ ~r
qui.1cos may occur.
:tr~ daopor zones o tarn earth's rt nt, within t`~o L1~n h,s of
c1y s~m~~ar aharaotor do Hoff
rai.~ts Lt ~on~kc~~ta~.
t tato r rjt?ttons,
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
vt rr)+s-~i ts{
~ ~ rr
tt ? F ~ }fit tic F itt (`
1tz'i'Q ?R ttn rt'ccc ~ '`' Eft + t 3't1 U Ut ', L1 '
ortct with P pcciiLicrtt ca ;n ~ c ~ ~~r-rtu~c of a Otis cc
c .~rthc tank(it cru ~ti is t? rt!'t OVidOuc tti Qot thct
th ?; ro cry aot k c1 in v nu t'tu~1tt wh t~h
ttV( f t { VO' IO O 1
t ~crc t i t ds Uic u ~ or ty 1t 1 1 toi c~ or wih th c wI'ccu to1dc
ccItpWcd ?t~ tniotu s~ y ur ~L j o tiltti P ei rat ct bctwccn
tht2cin'tic:E utc?;sJ.~atttrctf~. hu
~ ''t :0#\tc~idk~ t tdfil "~+kd~ly 6fkklittl t tltk!!Q~
upi3akt1it1crtF a:` 14 s.4c -t!{ .1:11,I-N ~kf' u!' th
!dk #?~N~ ii:, k~Ne i'f ii liiktt : (t~ tt ;Ut i ~f tll It ~f ifli#t ~ i~ fus~lk,
!~ tt k4fc??~ tt~t~kdtsuit~ d~~ S~tC~ ~ 1:Mx~t+
itt e~f M.1~+13:4ae~.~Cfil~f~ :
'i tt ; t w~ i eh
tf,L~rc raf~S ~'ti ~~t f~ t -y) ;gad n ;L c to v -mbri tdit.i
k t4a t?
Li, ) , t't aCil~!
thtWu tI'tthit1 gat a, th' r;x~t~ ~et1 ldlCt ,:wur~Sb~Jbl
rlcut; rt t oeuct tii o~ttovlctorn Vii. i3 otid i ), cep sj
c 0i1'hcturuc ~;oc pe4c~ of r~-oru ; cLur t. rd~ o-~ o r cto occur.
lth COj~ 1dt UU b tw. i Un .~:6t tt u' ujFpc ~ ~ ~st3 U r
xtt t Li :.aunt ~t t t~t i c n I' ca atructus i : r; ~t roc td LLona1
'3r3+c~ttt U titt`i~ t~ubjtiot?t~t~~~coc 'c;tt~r:t~ *, Lth b; ut!o t~ttruturun Ua' tit their pcx.U~ t~i' , t~t& With tthc
utidott~.; ;txt dub bx'cttn, ~tid t~~ - t yho tht p s of t , oir foc1 pare
~QM?flCM t- p t1dOrb cti ayes rtlt~ptio J car time foLdt. f tri o t
`Xiket oc~ urrod dco r, `L'?Iuf t tiir oer ):i,cnc:c rt t1t qur~iht"
curfcuo itou c1 huvu crt11 r uti our d rtt3nt: tic~nti, rru p n in
. 75
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
.d :4 16 ~. 't5V t1;. .4 f4?M. kri ;it
rtct v:
I?j4.) AB r:
##r i#_' #
'~i L
rvt1 ter'=!s 1 t in ~rw f`
Th, 1 tiri`~% ~itmi Cif bh
' o 1p
k,ty,M $ 'IIr,
:b i;
k,i,Fell#~ ~i;ts1l~~ad{1t)t41`La
kt 4 i'~ rt
4Fm jai. ?q
)r to t ?i
pf ~ ~,FPk IP ~ij~l'eSFAT~~
w tks:t t?? a u; ;i sy J
1 #y cty Fi: j
4J.j # r t'' , ft~ tIt (:
~ y ~1I; ~ cr t, rza
tail i4"itlt f f t al t iQ Ed i t
ww.t F. - 1jf' _ ' It ~-1 '! ''~ Cr "5"t&tt\t' !1 eu~1 t'rt tt# ht' o of iOZ'
p-1 ~1r ~ `~ a,C}~~ ~t~tl?~ l ~ tt~ 4.I ~il~~~;~~~a
tr~xl~ -I~-1t1G~vl~ti ~- ~~ r 7~ r f`~.~ t~4t1 .~ ~ '
? r tier s-b j ict thgttLtk fl with ittrr'G e
o t& Vttkhnh vriiti, , t ~! tt pr C 11nL~ t a~ r~
nt,r teturYr~
h ctrrtt uccttr~r~c tt=~t~hGr wrLthth ~-ho
jot~ring t~r bhi rtan rx conbu
rot,~nrt 7,d 1~
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/22 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100170024-7
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