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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 r~ is td `, ?r _~~r~lLLe in 6 ;LzJ L/ j/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 RESflICTEQ' Tbo rob~m o?f tho pnt stto of UdR fia}_ oduotion ?an only bo Oxpl ,ih~d aat1~ 'ao orjii wo firot oxam. ino the pt, Tbo i'a.r ~rmst tin h~#~ ~lw 6 foots oD pritns importanee in tho Rus. Dian fiob jnciunr~ry, for t}te Oi~hotsk m n1 Japan does.. abound in fisks, Ths 2'io}t inauntry t}toz'o has boon rotardod ~ ; R~e$ 1" thrso main o2eu r ~) tho re? moton~no of the artaa b) t}so n r reo po . p'' pt atio t, and o) tho abnonoo of oalt, Noro fawvrr:blo ooortoiio aonditionn woro founds in tho Caapian doa~ whoro fiah wore abundant, and in this rosnaot tho Canpian wan unoc~ualod~ A~tonC floh found thoro woro boluCa (great ntur Coon), aoveyugo, ~aoiponasr atoUatua), atttr~eon, hUrrfrtC, Caopian roaob pike porch, oa~p, tLnd breams This abundnnoe of fiah win due to tho rivera which rin into the Caapian, mainly he Vo1Ca1 , AooorrlinC to the Aondo off' dci ~` onoo th~ Vol~a annu,y brought mi11iona of tons of orgnic tto:t' into the C~spitn, inoludinC hundred oi thQU~and~ of tone of nitro cn th ~ , oun~nda of tortn of phogp}ear?. out, and `other elemcntn which~ terved ae primary food for ,finh. The Ca... plan han many advantagos as ti epi.wnin ground; the wctters tsenr t}i~ ~},cite erg' s1 Fif y ~.ft:} lt~~refdr~t awttbio for sp ~t~?-ir . i ah industri~a of tho CaspJn were proti=idoc~ wlU 1~ih c~ualit salt y frog the naskunchak s~1t ltUcQS, Large mar}Co'ts Ln -Central Russia ..were also rels,tively close at }sand,_ The AOVr1ack dsa ba~tn gets of great importance in the fish induts. try, lspeolali1 Vauablo fish auch as v ~' ~nb~~~1Cerc}1 herring are found in the Azov Sea, The Azov dea w~ts a ual t ~ to the Ccf,spis,n as a epaymjn~ ground, The ~altic Sea ?~,s also liti ortant a6 p a ~ouree of Fish. Them used to be sprat, nes,andKtsnlta, The well~ara,nized fish?attriin~ indtx~try of the Ba1tio exported aat~ned fish, thus providing the Ru :tan Tros.suiy much inaonme ~ RESTRICTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aproved for Release 2012/04/17: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 In addition to tho ubOVO the 1c onto 0oa, Lake ~n1 A~ o do g, one n and Chin the mouthy of h ~ ~ o ob ~d Ycnicoy rivcx'o, etc., wcrc of feat ciifionnee. In 1913 tho each from all the above Aros t~tiod 1 ~~iOQ acntnorc, which proviclod 107,6 oontnoro of finh pox' thouccnd pcrconc~ The x?91 rich ouch wn oq ivalont to the u1au htor woi ht o L U mi11?on hoed of obttle proclucod t}ut.t yet'. The abovo ?ioh c toh from govornmoht QOcrveo waa stable and cup.. ~ arvisod by wo11-ar, an od Covcrnin nt inopootion tachni uca whioh mado ouzo that tho f inhinC,roo s were aorrootly exploited The ocont Ctditior of hei hin Indust CoUeotivi~atior waa inatitutad/ sftor tho 1i:=uidation of privatto farming and indiv iduc:l Pishin~ wr~c united into hu~o suite "raxma " under a spocial l4inistry of Fish` znduetzy, Tho fish industry is wolf=aquip~od, and hovor 7,000 motor fichin boa'bs, more than 100 trbw1ora, ~ntny refrigerated ctu'go boot and towboats; it hc,s ito om radio network, airplnoe for observin ahoalc of fish ~ , fish canncrios and othcr onterprioee for the catching and procoSSirij of fish. Coed fishing oquipniont, however, did not orantoc a rise in the fish catch in the sacialist economy; the fish catoh not only is not ris- ing, but is d'oppin year by ycar. Thua, only 15,000 000 contno of fish were aau ht in 193E1, which monns there were only X8,4 contners por thou sand (persons) of population, The 1940 tako of fish was even lower than in i93s, and this situation is can:tinuinC in the post-wer oars, We ma y y therefore conclude that the fish cc.tch for 194 barely reoched 12 000 ~ ,0a0 contnors, providing only 60,9 centnors per thousand pcrsons, The loser.. ing trend was not stopped in 1949, Aocoi..in to ds.ts, ubli g p shed by doe.. plan USSR, dish production in 1949 was only 97 percent of plan for the First ou~rtor, percent of rilan for the second quarter, and 1 ~arcd 9 ~ nt of plan for the third quttxter-, or 93 percent of plan for the whose year - R$T RICTEt1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 Tho roruAt~ of the fish oatoh it home watoro Civoo the ?ollowin pieturo 1 111ioh Cateh in US&i (irk millions of cehtners 1C, 13,0 12,0 Aotrnt av1ilab1o poi 1,000 population (Qontnors) 107.6 8, 60, 9 Cateh Index 100 , 0 82,0 6 , 6 Con iumption Indox 100,0 2.2 In ordar to pioturo more fully the gonsral condition of tho moat supply in bus?ia wo must obsorvo tho drop in livootovk-raisin, P? Ono Thous nc1 Poll , a joY; Kindo of- Livostoc1c s 16 193 9 (in ; of 1916) Cattle 647 372 248 5 0 Sheep and coats x`80 600 364 40,2 Hogs 160 15 57 35.7 With such a drop in the fish catch and in livestock, it is nAtu a1 that tho meat enpply for the popu1..tion diminishod. As mentioned above, the Caspian was the math region for the fish ii dustry up to 1930. Now the fish industry has moved to the East and North, with the main reions in the Far East being the Okhotsk and Japan Sea bas- ins. The Far Est supplioo 2~ percent, and the Csspian only 20 poroont, of the fish catch, with the &.rents Sea taktC thud pl&co. The decline in the fish catch is due to the following reasonc: 1) The catastrophic drop in the Caspian fish catch wao brought' on by too intonsive fishing. Results of intensive timber cutting in the basins of the rivers which run into the Caspian (the Volga with its tribes taries and the Ural) immediately affected the inflowis g fresh water and It Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 RES TRIO TED the food tnttor it carrion, Thud, the w for love off' the CaspL&n, wMi h w?~a n2waya ~ubJoot to fluotuation, began to drop Aoao di to AcadQ of Saiena, d?at?t the w for level dr?ppod O aontimatora during the past too J oa o?, and the ?ora o as for ?ioh wao reduced oov?rul tiioa fur" ink thdt period The rapaaioua aploittion of fioh is aontinuin together with the nnlinftion of the moot produotive aroa of the North Caspian; the pre. Soviot period the ntRto provontod intonaivo oxp1oitation, but under tho Soviets those intoi;eatad in the prevention of oxj 1oitation of the fich roaorvoa era in aonfliat with those doniring exploitation in ?tho Soviot governxnont, This n:tuation hcn lad to tho intonsivo oxploitction of all of tha country's fish ronorvoe; the rnau1ts Fora leas noticocbio in tho?o arcaa opanin on ocoans than in ono1osed wctors, such cs tho Caspian, Adov, and Aral S' n:s srcl the fro 1ti1co0. Thoao sous and lad oo lmva 'be colli? salty through constant expioitetion, c condition difficult to romo&y. Tho fishing industry in the 'remating enclosed seas (Black, Baltic, and Whito Soas) is in the same state as the Caspian. The Outlook for the Fish Industry After tho Second World War the Soviet government attemptcd to ro.. store the fishing industry to its earlier ,~tc.ttas by moving the ce~ator of open tioni to the l'ar Et, e,S, to the Okhotsk and Japan Seas, aspeci- ally cinco Japan i~ no loner a competitor in these rich waters, The more productive of the two seas in the Soviet Far East is tho Sea of Okhotsk, which is bounded by Kamchatka and the Mouth of the Anru' fiver. The most important fish there are herring, Eorbusha (hwnped.?back 9a1mon), and Siborian salmon. Until. recently the goading c,nd transport of the fish catch to fish plants was carried on in a very primitive mariner; however, this roSion has boon induetria1ized within the past few yoar, On the coast ti '/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 is thoro 1o a notwok a' moahani~od pint, Tho outira oo~t, From Nikolo- yov&c on tho Anir U vor to ounhinnk Ty (Oub ?o nhinok V~ . ~. Y) t horotok io ird1od b i ohdin of ?iahin kolkho oo whop hre wo . oquippad ?'?r tiohinj and tranoportation, Wo Iny jud o tho ota o of mcchani ftian ro ohod by thou f ohin koll ho o b t?tkin ono of by ~ thorn, tho Uorthor dawn (&tgjvot ovara) Kolkho, locatod ncar Okhotnk; ~t hoo w ~tor.trou h , oonvoyorpboltn, olovrtoro, h o o and iA ociui d .. Ap to unload and trnnaport froohly-oau ht fi th, The kolkho also has a r fichin C2cot, Thb grid coast eng the Ica of Okhotsk ba>~ voj roaently boon ohan;od into an industrialjzod fish r arcs, ho labor probior has boon oolvod by ~stabl:shing concontr~tion opc on Kamohatkc and all along tho Okhotsk conct end i:1so by racruitin~ aucoaosful'ichormon from tho old f3 Ghir g areas of tho Carpi ~ Nov , and White Sans, x : Qrien ~ odd fishoiiion were rcozi itoCI from those nraaa and brou ~ht to the f`ar` E ~ -aot for ono or two scasonn. Thoy were than obli:ad to rorn in tho ~ ro Uof their own froo will" until' the and of tho ourront Five-Yrjctr ?lar man,Y' are thrown into the conaontratfon camps ?or slight offonnos, Th this way tens of thousrtncis of seasoria1 workors ~I.re assured for work Jn the Far Fast industrien and koikhozes. Ono of the most difficult problems for tho development of ~4 largo fdx ? ` Ott, fishing tdustry for the See of sottling the Okhotsk coant has boon solved, Solved, but the prior was the lives of many tons of thouoonds of fussian people who died a:nd are pirishin in the c ~ oncontra.? Lion cam?n from the sevor a olimto, bad local conditions and the ox. cossivoly hard and dangoroun work or the waters of the cn riclous So a a of Okhotsk, The salt-nuppl,y px'oblom is espoci&11y difficult arid ocmp1icte1 for the Far Ernst fish incluetry~ In contact to the Cian and A p ?y ft h iriduetrjec which are loot ted very near to the chop and high grade salt of the T3ackunchalc Salt Likes, the Far East does not have local aa.li, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 but mdat i nport it ?r in ropcan ~ It is Iran ported to the Fig It Y r1 thz'ou h tho who1 of it r t, or from the D1no1 by hh tp f'rounU the acntincnt oi' Aaia, T'ho di~t~tn?o over whiah the aft mat btvrinaporte 1, and the same di tnnoc the fish pvoduato mat bo ohrricd bnok troy the bordorc oiuaoia to the cantor) mkoa'r mat fish oxocaaivoly oxpcnoivo on the domcctio rakat, 1 von with the f ioh indu try' a bi i'lcot, its own p =~ nos # radio ayo~ tc n and ote,, T rorj~latjon in the in luctry is droppin from your to year. 'iah io appcarin leas nnlcoc on tho omoatio nu 1cet, Once the moat oorr on A nd ehoap food product o ~ the popula Lion , it hao bocomc an ox- panaivo "doficit pro1uct, II is obvious that no rotor how high - I chime production y bO unr1or ti'oc lahor, whonf they aro workout by torccd l:tbor as yin the cr~oo in tho fiehin koltcho~ea, Choy booor o much lees pro- ductivo and cannot b fu11y utili od1 P shin in caian watoro will regaiti ito `?orincr place only whon lave labor di~opp ;ors in Ru ia. d vita place io taken by froe ltbor. Togethor with the (tttornpt to) rovive the GtLapian by divortirn~ the Amu-Darya into it, other methods have been proposed to revivo both the Caspirin grid .A;~ov 5oaei The projects now under uay which will provide shelter belie and roaervoir~ in the Va ga, Don, and Uri baairte are in- directly connected with the fish industry, The rcalization of this project, however, would 'equire the expediture of onormouo sets over a long period of tine. The shelter bolt project will take fifteen years, d the doubtfui reSuits will probably not bo colt for thirty to `forty years, Dut it will be impossible to wait such h. long t~Une bocauae of the increasing lination of the Caspian and the corresponding decrease in food matter Tr the fish, The 5ciontific Eacoarcti Institute for the lea Fishing Industry is at present trying to Dave the fishing induetry by introducing new i'auna to the region which would be suitable for Oaaw plan fish, The institute has found & pn1yohaet t r,ereyie worm with a STR1CTED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 high o 1? c V4 %i wh ah is s t n bti v 1ii& f h n otho ~ T1 o w6:'fl1 way `ir~t brought to the Cap i?tn in - ~~ , dhin which tin c , Qc c n~ro it wry w w dope ito 1 at cu' poifltf Ln the O pitn whore they f ,au i h d ~ The worm wore ?u n1 n the ot~ma~h ~ i r as early 9M and b' 19 opooia ,iota fount that they nhabtto 1 than the t?Lndo o:' oquwro kid orotoro, ~o ordin tc~ the Soviet prooo ho noroyio hay boom p to nt or f c v all honthio dish in the Caspian, Another tonk whLch the aiontifio ooaroh lnotitute for ho ink lncit~ t 7 ~ C hay t f ortthon conaioto in inoroasinp the biolo ical prothtctivitr o(' the rosorvoir. It has boon oboorvod that tho larva of star oon perish on rntsoo and only t fcw roach marhatablo ago. In order to prevent this the lnotituto racomtltonclo that iiohit3 ontorpriooo build artificial rotrorvoiro for two and throo~month old oturtoon. The recotn- TtreMed faoci for thQm is ll wo rt s and crawr'ish. Soviot ociontiatc have olso boon wort it on problemci of the hybridi=nation of ?ioh. The Reooarch Institute is aloo worlcinp on tho brecdinr of it 1 indc of oturw goon actaptable foci roproductiott eider new conditiono. Tho task of producin supplies of volba, brown, and pike porch was considered necessar bar the research Tr titute and is boirt carried out bj the nstFtblithr nt of a t peaial type of ?ichinr on the river deltas. prodatory and waste "i t twat be kept out of the re,go "ioire by means of ornbrtnl ante cund slutcae, The vory procosc of fish breodin ia~ bt rci on putting one or a few kinds of ton"cornpetative fish to other. Tie expori- rnont, not generally practi=ced `olsewhero, producod very rfooc1 mt uJ to, The numbor of yotin ; fish wtag thus increased by 5-6 times as compered taith ordinary spawning grounds. The exterxt of this type of fiahin in thn North Caspian is not treat, sinoe they take up only about l portent of all the spurning grounds of the Vo1ra delta. tIESIR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0 uoh ttn xi~t~ ov ors in ~rniton tho ?'ih i nary on tho Azov on1 do fly Qh onno the oviot ntto nptin to ~ ~p tho 1'p in rothotion ~n to ro~taro pp:1 ~ o oh in 3oviot n ~ I t nk~ ho~rovor, that u 100 ho $oviot not p hyth w io wo' 4'1n1 m 41e, they tiU not b' &a to ro:n d tho ~ituntion by huil din t how ro o r- voiro nor to ~ Moro the O~ pin nn Azov ta. thou ?"orror pooition, OV ao ~ , th4 cliv torn oV 3oviot fioh int otryy hnvo 01~o oomo to this ?onolttoion, In tho U$ work uu now boo nt? rtoc1 on i provin con l! tion of tho w to' in tho Cr pion. Ths itin job in this ophoro i to ohtno th? ooiu~o oL tho A~~or ern oo it will r into tho Caspian; work io hoin oarrio i on in tho Kra- w~ (~hoort) i oh o which hay oocl to tho praoti1 1 of j jo, ThQ roali ation oI tho /uini-Dtr pro- ,joct not only o ont oct into ~Qat for tho ?i h in1nritrv, but it 1o ~r.11 into. to ? o A u-Dtr'y into -thy river n twor3: oL' USSR, onc1 will opon tip many now arocu for cotton, ?arr Pq,d ~, r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140015-0