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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140008-8 Titlat T1i ANTI00'IMUTATIVE NATRIOAB IN T A11 3orgardt, Dnepropetrovok State Univev~ity# Sources ao1c1ad f Aka~omii Nauk SSSR, Vol LO VIII , To 6 (21 June 2.9$1), p go 1113-4. CONHOENUAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140008-8 oxi -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140008-8 U HF ID :itie;al uT}Uj A ITICQ~ MUTATIYJ MATRIO~6 It TLi ME8O1 TIOHY1f A Por~ardt, I opropotroYek State Univiraitr. 50X1 -HUM LNotos The 'ol1ow short artio1o o~me from the M themfttct1 Phyeioe oaotion off' noklwly 1M{Momii Nau1 SSSH, Vol LUYZIZ, Ito 6 (21 June 191), P ea 111 ~ the ar- bolo hnd been submitted 25 April 1951 by o,oad?miaian V. A. Pok. The frst.?order wave oquationa for tho meson field can be written in the foxatl: ~M S B4i f 8x f ko+'a 0 (ko~ Eo f 'a ) (1) where poi 4) is a uni-oolunui a&trix oontainiag tho components of the tensor cuun- tities that oheracterise the fia1d. Tho matriaos Pi cntiefy the rupee of commutatio1 t Ei 8k E1 El 3kk Pi Bi kl ? Pl S . o . ( 2) In tho four.4imensiona1 apace there are three lrreduoib1o non-Ltolideen roi prosontntione of this algebra: 1qt-row, 5..row, and 1.rowt the first rcproeontation is undd to doncribe ~rootoriel (V) or pseudoveotorial (PV) field,, the second is for the description of nonlar (S) or peeudosoalar (PS) field, and the laat reprenent~ tion Pi (0) is trivial Employment of the reduaible 16-row representation of the beta algebra (10-row plue 5-row plus 1-row) givee the wave oration for tt mixture of moaon fields (V . PS or P7 S ndxture). It is possible to exp n this scheme by includir in tho general wave equation a description of all four types of meson ?ieldn. Let ua une the dinarr form of the raduoible representation2 and let un desig- nate the matrices 3I eo that the wave aqcation oarree nda to the V + P5 mixture, (1) Pn ?aJ//87j1 + ): (3) where psi ' ie a 16-component wave finotion composed of a scalar artcl oomponontn of the four..dimensional vector and completely tntiaymmetric teneorg of firat, third, and fourth rank; p1i ie the function characterizing the oo.urce of the field.. Prom thin 8qua.tion one aan obtain the wane equation for tLte PV s S mixturo by way of a transformation of the functions 'and -P by nieatta of a 16-row Hermitian matrix ra, which is oonneoted with traneforyntiona of the mirx*or.rafleation type. The nou~ht~for equation will be C1) - Pn a''/3xn + ko t '' C a) where ~I' = ire, ' = it ( i t : ~~1r0, M i gti' ), s , $ . , , / , ! , . 1 . - C5 ) 0 Prom these relations tli.t are given above it follows that CL.) is equivalent to: 4 koW* ..,,(4b), where (11)N ? C~~ , (6) Thus the oquation of the form fin' /~xn + k' x ' (7),where l L 11)(8), descx'ibea a mixture of the general type containing all the tensor f el e. The 16 ow flerriitian matrices 1"i satitefy the sample commutative algebra. Actually, the matriu ?. u CUNFIDkN 9 iN'~. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140008-8 CONFIDEi1 of traneformatione () and (6) of I'p Oeeeeeee the foiiowin 'o ertj ~ '~ ~ Oe~ r29 i, 3iro3k 4 3kZ'oBi 0, r o o i' ~i3krI. cS'Io. ik Uain~ there rv1atione one can aaoi1y show that r ore onti i oommn~ati9ot *(rr'1) . Lk' Z $ o Sinoe, moreover, one oo net (I 'j) ) o, it turnr o u t that (9) ra : r1r2rr4 (11) In the group of I'Lmatrices there are 16 m~trioal o eratore which with c' and give the tensor denaitiee of the f'adnent in cttinatioo the Mold, The ?norgy density, in the general a e sl P~'ei0al ~uax-titiea of althov~h the Mold. even poaaeaoea late ral a ?~ i? not positively dofinit?, thoory ie farmally onalo oua to tho ~ pia` The further depalopmoat of bha theory of the electron. Voe of thin parafe1iam can facilitate the solution of a number of probloma is tho theo of me It in poaaib1o also by woy of ena1o~y to clarify the eioal cont eon fields. unolear relations in the electron theo . ,Y ent of certain A11I~SR~+10~6~ 1. N. $emmor, Proo Royal Sooiety, A, 173 92 1 (939) 3 2. . , . ' ? W. Pauli Relativisti Th , c eory of Momentary Particles, Part II, (book trenalatod into Russian at Moscow). !i, 1947 CUtbll:IDUI1 ML Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100140008-8