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?.t.N, ?); ;;4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R0001001 10036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 J 1 i~C'~ C' ~aT T-1 a V p p-srp ?amr . LT. YareniLoa ~;r iFioo of agrlot;t>~ra oenaa T}u ' au1i now 72 eleotion t~ tions in tho UT which are d atributed ovor tho moot important coil and o limata zone. The maj or..ti of thoso statior~a ire lo?ctad in lane areas of from 1,500 - 2,000 heotareo. The Qtstions oro oquppod ~'ith odern mschinrvy ~nri quipmcnt. For example, the cvorage yearly work load of a 15 horsnpowcr tractor is little more than 300 heotares of soft plowing. The work of tho selection stations extend into zany dircotions of productive and scientific investigations, They conduct soleotive coed-growing and experimental agronomic work in grain, leguminous seed and olive orope and perennial grasoosj they carry on re?carah in chemical ar~rieulture, physiology and crop protactl.nn. In addit~or,, some station conduct experimental Mork in animal hushandiiy and farm mechanization. Selection stat~.ona were givan the following functions: a) To develop new high-yielding varieties adaptable to local soil and climatic conditions, and to improve selection and local varieties. b) To oultivate superior seeds of agricultural crops which are suitable to particular zones in sufficient quantities to aesure an adequate supply for the seed districts of the rayon experimental forme, o) To develop agricultural practices which are beet suited to part3.eular agricultural zones of the Soviet Union and which will lead to large stable harvests. The selection and steed growing work of the stations are based on the teachings of Darwin, Timiryazev, Michurin and Lysenko, while the -1" Lb FiBENTiAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Li iitiUENTI4L aXporimontEil agror~omio p~~aotio?s and rosoara! are baood on the teaoMn;o of po~fuo~ayov, Kostiohev and Williams. During their 12 yAars of existence, t,ho salootion otati~ans developod and aunt to the otato variety tostin st~ttion? (aortoicpy taniye) over 650 now highly r-roduotivt, variotias cif a~? r a~altnral oropo. ThAOe ino1ur1Aci 105 var ctica of winter wheat, 112 v+ariotiea of aummor vi--nat, 54 variotios of Data, anc1 75 variotioe of 1e uminous aof,d orops. 2 0 of those vari9ties have boon distributQd to nuitcble rc~ions rind nro~ Bondy rowt~ in tare numbors. Tho work of some selection stft1onc has boon artioulnriy successful. At the Krasnodar 5tction, Aoadomioian P.P. Luk'y me iko, fo11o~'tir tho 1Qad or tht Miehurin prinoi plo of crooning; o ra hicall, sepcrated typ?s, dove1oziod a now highly rust~rosistcnt typo of Novo Ukrcinka ,pinta' whont. This vcriaty hi succes ifu1' y co r1 t'~e state vcriety test- in stations, within a short roriod of timr3 over halt' a million hoe.teros wore svm with this varioty. P.P. Luk'yanonko also dovuld opAd other v. luabio ty~,os of "tinter -nd sur: mer wheat such as ukorosp- elka (early rircnin~) 1, I unka (hard) 3, Kubcnlcc (htnrd) 393 and others which are now bein1 e,caminod by the ntcto vciriety testing sttltions, At the Azorbaydzhan Station, soiecticn speoicliat V.N. Groma- chevslciy develope - more then 10 high-yiolcUing typos of gain crops. Amon these are variotios of durum (Arandant and Khoranka) and soft wheat (Arabugdaoa, Shcrk, Enolik and others) which are cherc.cterized by their high-productivity and resistance to drought and riiseases. Over half a million hectares are already stDWf with these v,riQti?s. Their productivity sxcoeds that of the elder, local types by 30 - 40 '~eroent 0 At the Stavropol' Gtation, seieotion speci71ists G.G. Gyrovatskiy, L.P. 1usckov cnd A.N. Snetkova developed high-yielding varieties of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 1rFiQENTIAI ~ ah1)r~.d~ /k$1, 491 an~i o~fh~r~ vrhioh winter vrhoat, Vero~l win ~ilov~cy aieo rust-ro~1~tntl At the avot 2 tat~.on, a variety of winter vlhoat, yanov 1 ~~..onck wY-iah is high-,FialtlYTM ~ a-d rocjctanrL to t~nfavorab~,o Y1 rflto oai U.tionc i Ord hotte opcl. This viu'tFt ' wary v Ao1Y distri1~utod o~~t, vr ~e clcvQl anrl cxtonda cvon t~' t'oc oontVai ' rion~ o the U R. At tho Knnn ~ a vr1r~'~:ety 'r,~1nt&t' r~=a 't h >f ~ tritiOf~ an ~ i:rn~1 (, oval~pod c,nd its yl o,:c~f,da that of the atanciar~l ~;.- roes va~i~`ty, P,vcnfPard, 1,p 2 - 4 controra a per hoC ~r4rc. This varict io vtidoly (tlitpd. At the Ztnlir ~ t~tonanew vr~:ot~r of sump o~' , Kox~:hov ~trtion a neti'r typo of clurt~trl I;rtovkLt , i,'ras obtain?d ? At th? wheat, roF3naya, ryas ctev rod. Those vctri~ti s h vo horn's prot5reoaivaly r?;ionalizad. The Narym S?lneti()n Stat4 on, woa'kti1 cmdor the difficult conditi.OT 3 of the far North, lofed fog' its gone two new vevietieo of winter rye devE wheat (tJarytn No 3, Narym t1o 5) , hu17,-ieas oata, (No 313 and 343), s?mi1Q.. ~' ral other variotise . All of the vrerR sent to rrarym ~Dass and also savQ the stct? vri?ty tostin st :tion ~otvtean 1947 - i94. : .~ The f~amwlinsk Sgleet~on Stnti_on (Krdsnofarsk Kray) devQloped and put y oars three varietes of summer wheat, into Cltivation ovor the last ten y chns tnd alfalfas, one variety of barley and two varieties of outs, vat arigties of pei'onnial gasses. These varieties are Clove' and four v already being sown over ern area of JOO,OOO hoetaree. this station sent to the state variety testing In addit on, in 194~ various crops which are lmprov?mntats cf str.tion nine new varieties of d varieties ? ~'or example, a new variety of earlier developod and cu1tivate summer wheat, Milrforum 110, was deve1op?d by crossMbr?gdin~ the re~ionw 3 alized variety, Kamalinka. This new variety' ripens 4 ~ 5 days sooner and J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 i1HDENTIAL has yield which oxoooUc that of older typoo by 2 - I. oentnoro per hoatavo. Tho nor vnr Qty pay ooaee a non=lodging c1 tCs and n 1 rbo hynlino l ornel. Tho Iionint;rnd Station turned over o the etate variety toatin,g ctntiona thirtcor vnriotico of 'tin c2r"ops of which ~o'on pore rogionaliznd and y'ut into oltivation. t-fiigh-yioldini, blight-rQSistnnt vnrietioc cif rotat~aes were developed bk, the tTite fi? ian, P?trovek, and Iygov~k Stations. Tho Darncult, l irgiz, i~ilyutin, Tulun and savors/ othor stations have t1no attained ignifican?t aucoese in aeleotion work. The Association of Soientifio VTorkers o the All-Union Snleotion encl Orenv tic Institute imeni T.D. Lysonko suooenod in developin highly valuable varieties of wintor wlioct OD-3 and OD -12 (originator- r.G.-irinchonko and others) , Those are distin~uishod by their high. productivity andrintar-raaistcrnca. Thoy arc already being cultivatod on hundreds of thousands of hactarea and aro continuinf to oxparnd rapidly. Also d?veloped were a variety of sumni' r wheat 1163 (originator-T.D, Lysenko) which was developed in the reoord-breaking time of 2 1/2 years, on the basis of the theory of phase development; a variety of barley OD -14 (originator-P.F. Sarkaviy); a variety of cotton OD-1 (originator-Academician M.A. O1'eh&inskiy) and others. The basio methods of the selection work are= continuous improve- ment of selection from natural and artificial (hybrid) seoda and from existing aelootion varieties; hybridization followed by selection of gametes during fertilization; selection of parental pairs in crossing, on the basis of phase aflalysis; vegetative hybridization; crop a6FfE1JTlA 1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 cci F1DE1IAL mutations under nvironmontal oonditions j contro114d broodlnC of pn t oraniamo . The ~lendoliom-or~aniam Theory, which was completely diaored~ ited at tiro Aunt '~eesion of the A11-1Jnion Aoademy 9f Agrioultural 5oionooe, no 1ofCor has a place in oo1eotion work. Sion this theory was applied, eeleotion epooialicta treated hybridization moro1y to a aomlination ofenQe Condition of purcntal typos in crossing was not considered, and the moat importnn?V behavior of orgnnien , that is, t rn:Lr '=eo?tivity during fertilization, 'rae ignored. If in somo oaeoe a ccl?ct.ofl srcciaiist achieved sucoees, it was mp1y a matter of food luck. Thug, it In no 'rrondcr thct, in spite of long nplilioation of artificial hybridization in seve,cal soleotion stations (Kharkov, Mironova, Nemerohanck, Krasnokute, nezenchukelc and several other oldor etationa), roaults are vory inaianifioant. 1?inving ol~nn;ed the tlleoretioal basis of selection praotio?s, many stations ben to apply inter-variety hybridization followed by eeleotion of gametes during fertilization, as a method ohioh creates many different biologically-valuable and agrioulturaliy- useful varieties. A comparative study of hybrids of selectioo and forced fertili- zation showed the :neat advantage of the former over the latter. This eras clearly shown in the comporison of ,hybrids of sirrt.lar oombinations obtained by forced pollination and by limited and free pollination (crossing of airs), in experiments conducted at the Miranovil Selection Station. For example, in the oroasing of winter wheat Eritrospermum 15 with Shmitovka lO in 1947, the following results were obtained in the second generation. IAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved cc:JrIDENTIAL peraont eV tho hybrido of the group produood from foroQd po iinat can ourvivod tea winter, whoveae 72.2 peroont of tho graup pz' 4uoed from ao1eotive fort lioation aurvivod. The avorago harveot cf one prop of tho first group way 7(J.9 hoatarea, of the aoaond group 2 hootares. The average prcduotivo sprouting (kuatiatoat' ) in tho rirat group urea .O9, ~n thA second 3.64. The hybrida of both grctnps in their firet t'onor'i}t on characteristically were,acaroaly distingui?habl?. Both ?howad th?ir boat ualities. However under the rigid winter conditions of the teatin~ of 1946.47, it was at onoo ovidant that the hybrida of one were ett'rdier than the others. In tho pest few y?ero, aolootion stations have developed high- yieldivarietieo on tho baoid of coloctive fertilidat'on. This year two now vriotic-a of wintor wheat will be widely tested, nan1)1y, Sovetskaya anti !ubileynaya, which were produood on the r~ironovski Station. According to the reoults of four years testing, the former exoeeds the standard Ukrainka in yield capacity by an cwer'ago of 8 centnara pea' hectare, and the 1e~tter by 5.6 contners per hectare. ThoGe winter whoats, Sovotskaya and Yubiloyneys, are distinguished from Ukrainka by their greater winter reaistance and repiatanre to brown rust. In the past four or years, the Uralsk, Shatilovsk, l1arym, Kraanodarsk, Kamc.linsk, Azorbaydzhan, Stavropol', Barnaul' and sevoral other etationo have been 3ueeesafu11y conducting work on this method of freely crossing intervarietiea. A number of seleotaon atdtions are applying a definite variation of winter forms of wheat into summer variation, and variationa of summer into winter. Academician P.P. Luk-yanenko obtained very noteworthy results in the oourae of his work on the transmutation of the winter whec~.t Voroshilovskctya into ~un~er wheat. In particular, the summer Voroahi- lovskaya whoat produced a sizeable dogreo of rust-reaiatenoe. Alma Ata Station developed a variety of summer wheat by modifying the * u1,f4t1ENTIAI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 WfIuENTIAI oharaoteriotioo cf tho wintor wheat ~kr1;a , This summer Vkrainka whf~at oxoeQdo the standard yield by 9 to h oentners per hootare and does not ohatterj it thrashed well and is diotin~uiahed by its groat resiatanoo to tuntu diseases and to lodging. Sovera1 stations have already aohiQved euaoose in applying th'ia method of vegetativo hybrids ration of the grass family, thud opentc up new unlimited poeaibilitioe for ac1ootion of plant oulturoo. In 191+?, a now variety of winto' ''heat was delivered to a state variety testing at.ition. This was dovolopod by oolootion opc oialiot Illarionov at the Yaroslavl St''~tion, by tho vegotativo grafting of the v,&nter jt.-4~oct D upab1' onto the winter rye Vyetke,. The ratting was conducted under laboratory conditions, in which the grafting oomponorta '."Qro in phase of one-centimeter seedling?. Three yeere testing revealed that this type of wheat wag high-yieiding and wintvt-resistant. At the Kamalin Station, specialist A.g. Pushkin hcs been widely applying the vegetative hybridization of summer wheat, by transfering the bud (;rafting) in a distinot phaae of its formation, to the good of another variety (an uncultivated plant) , Components in vegetative hybridization were selected within the sale or differr?rnt varieties anal types of field plants, Originally, graftings were effected by using ?il y developed, normally ripened buds of the graft and the endosperm of the uncultivated plant, Later however, undevel- ored buds and endosperm were used in transmutations. Such hybridiza- tion is conducted under field conditions, in which development of the buds is incomplete. Hybridization therefore is carried over to the crest or secondary portion of a seed of another variety or typo, which continues to develop on the maternal plant. In this way vaiuable types G44FIDENJIA L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 flOENTIt of ourum or wit havo boon obtained1 which a t i1 thorough study and ~?atingSpooia1iet Mukhin (balorusakaya?locti?n Station) hay boon auacoaefully conducting veget tiV hybridisation of buokwhoat with Fagopyrun tatario nn. Ho obtain@d a high-yielding typo of hybrid buokwheat which iQ a valuable tutorial for the clovelopmont of new varieties At the Mordov? Stab on, apeoialiffit Mil hayiOV obte, ,neci vege- tative hybrids by i?lrafting native buokwheata to wild types OL this .?:~itur~. Thoso aro diatinguiahed btheir sturdy dovolopn'tQnt and large kernel. They are now being intensively cultivated on this Str'tion. Valuabio high-yielding typea of soy-bean have been obtained by Chia aame method at the Amur Station. At th? Kinol Station, apeoialiat Or1ov auocossfuly developed a nost high-yielding v.riaty of potato, which is dictinguishod by large tubora weighing ur-o 1700 grams. This variety, Kinel'akiy bogatyr' , is a vegetative hybrid, in which the regionalized variety Epikur served as the graft, while the Canadian variety Katogdin served as the uncultivated plant. In this :field of hybridization, it should be noted that in a number of instancea little attention has been devoted to the question of an efficient method of developing hybrids of grassy plants. Speoialists often forget that tho obtaining of a hybrid type is only the beginning; the hybrid must then be cultivated ..... according to l.v. 11ichurin' s definition of the conditions corntrol].ing the successful development of new types nFirst of all, the ehuraateristies of each hybrid, which is cultivated from seeds of a fruit obtained from the crossing of two producers, consist only of a combination of those qualities uh'Ufl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 ;. : ;' WEfl I anef@r cf oharactorietioe to it frcm tho plant- inherited ~.n the tr praduooro (the mal? parent , the ~'or~1o?parent and their offeprin~), t in the early et~QS of the hybrid' a rowth, hao NhAO? doVQlApmon ai'nal onvironmental oonditions. Coneoquently bA~n aVQ~A~ by ext ?h brill ie the sum, end its ao~ponenta tho or~aniem of oaok soAdlin~ of thcr plant-Producers plug the inf luenCQ of are the ox~arao~orietioo tho ourraundin environnent," senka pointq out that hybridisation will not ,~oa~lemioian T,~~ LY tive reSUite, unloes conditions are created to assure g..v? posi acteriatioo and qwi1liti?s. Aohievin~ thQ dovelopmont of tho' ahar latter in a new variety pooos a nrob~:Qm to the epeoialtst, 3electicn = o whilo widolY aprjlyin the princip1Q3 ap?c~alioto anc~ phYc1io1o iet, ~ f'e'tilisation:- hyl~ridizat on and of vegetative of a@lootive _: roet19 ins reasin' the of fectiveneas of oAleetf on ,~~i~ation thus ~ hy~~ oertain the baeio requirements of plants,. These work, should a to tho conditions of the outsid? onvironnent, should be in r?lation l ~mont of vcluabie btolotical and eoonomical which control dov0~ outtbandin varieties. Ao these requiremont8 are aeeer- factors o twined for each specific goo _ raphic region, a specialist Will bettor meet?r the process of formation and will directly control the creation neooseary for the productivity of plant cultures, of new types y Application of Michurin methods of work at selection stations has aohieved great practical results. However it must be stated that which are ctill not cognizant of the foremost there are some stations methods use them slightly or apply only a portion of them, They ~' failure and do not justify their existence. There inevitably suffer are about ten selection stations in this catagorys including the QroMnonotc and Vologod stations which have not K71i1in, Chubash, rev ~1 F~DL S ~w Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 ;,~:~~ IAERTIAI put ointrte type into production. Indivitho1 ooionti 'io oo?~roirkers a , of otationa, until 14to1yr were uph?1din the prino1:p1eo of Morgan an?1 vrere oven hindArin~ the stations in aoivin~ thou' r~raotioal prob1emo. An importcnt division of work of tho ?tata ao1ootn otat~-ono u1tivation of cuporior aQOdc of r'anui?tr, 1o~ m nouc coed is tho c d olive plants anri Srast+ea. During; the ao~rrae of their work, an atatior~s have cultivat?d moro than 1.4 million c?ntnera of thaao sur?rior seeds. l Genetic SciQnco had developed cn indiffe?nt attitude to Formn Iona coric?rnifS c~riou1tura1 teehniquoa of cultivation. The qumst primer otter1tion of the co1eotion epecialiot and aef?d rower was ~' f ocuaed only o the rreserviti~ n of pure drains and protection against n arphotogical chanSos . Such a theory was harmful and disarmed the m practical workers in their strugSle to irprove;plant cu1turca by ditiona. There are many cases in which t"he creating ideal tilling con train was woraoned by this endeavor to obtain a pure strain (typical- s This was the case with the rye of Lisitayn at the Shati ov peas) . Selection Station. Academician T.D. Lysenko proceeded from the theory of phase development, in counterbalance to n~endeliam. He proved that the characteristics and qualities of an organism are developed in the proaesa of formation and development of the organism, under the influx of external environment. According to Lysenko, ttExternal ence conditions, being included and assimilated by the living substance, ~~',JFIDENTIAI -loll Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 cG;IPIDENTIAL tern/ but internal that io, they become part are not aotuaily ox Bubatanoo anc1, for nourishment aid develorhment, o V the living hooa conditions of Choir former ext~rna~ xoqutre the nutrimRnt? off' t environh11T1t $11 orraniams to xQC~uire and kdleot dofinite Thi: oapab tlitoff' nf1 dovopmont, acoording to tho t1ofinttton of conditions for lifo a Aoadam onko, is the most a oentinl peculinJ'ity of their ~:oian dye e living su~~stanae 'huilds itself from Cho r' heridiCary nature, evy tho oxternal anvironroft ccoording to its horita;o. CAntUttAnA A~ UJ tho cendttionsnQOess~;~ry roy too form tton of these r aooa~t~tntng >cteristioa of an organism, t18 osgibl~ to chan!Q or other c~Yar them the type n?oeseary to man}:inf , by changing t'ieir condtttons into , of life . pr?ceodin from theao arinci aloe, to 199, to A11-Union g on Seed Growing accepted his method of oulttVating Conference tste oelection sta.tiona. This resulted in uninter- aupQrior seeds in s ruptEd select1on, enrichment of the hereditary baAis of improving of t9r-Variety crossing and advanoed oducation in the 8e%d plants by in field of agrtculttfl'el tnahniques. In recent year, a very valuable ractieal result was obtained s ction stJtions. They have been produotg superior en many state sAle seeds which are not only distinguished by a high degree of parity but, are more yielding than other reproduotions of these same as a rule, Varieties For example, the superior aeeds of winter rye at the Station were 23 percent more yielding than widely White Russian cultivated reproduotions, and oats were 9 percent more yielding. The superior seeds of the Yaroalav Station excel durable repro- ductions in yields winter rye by 11.7%, summer wheat by 12.7%, oats by 10% and peas by 15%. The Kazan Station produces the following whiahare 5% more yielding than other seed varieties; seeds: winter rye Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 winter wheat 10%, ewnin v wheat 16 and oato lit more yielding. dimilar reau1to were obtained 1y the 9hatilov, Narym, Kirgiz and Mironova Stations. The biological divoraity of forma o a Div@n variety in soA4 growing nurgQria? io r?preaent~tivo of' the huudrechn and thouoands of toatod a?o tu. This permitn 6tationQ to aaleot the moat produativo gendling off' reiona1d varietioa, and thnot only cultivate high quality oupnrior uoot but aloo improve oxigt1ng variotieg. For exa~ple, tho Kraenot argk Station, in the prooooa oL good gr~i;ing, nubstantially intprovecl tho nutritive ua1itio9 of the kernel of tho winter wheat varietyt, gorvonota, and raised sharply the resiatanoo to yollow rust quality of tho variety, Voroshilov. The Onokhogsk Seleotion Station, by using this same method, improved tho variotioa of summer wheat Leda and Lyutestnong 062. According to the rosulta of variety testin ~, the improved Lyutedtsens 062 (family 2433) is more yielding than the original by 2 - 3 oentners po?r hootF~re and the absolute weight of itta kernel is higher. At the Leningrad Station, in the process o~ seed growing, a number of high yielding seeds of the summer wheat Tulun 70 3/8 were seleotecl. The family L-74 excelled the original variety in yield by 5.2 contnera per hectare or 22% above the standard. In recent year, a number of stations have widely acoepted Lyseniko's method of inter-variety orossing to produce an improved variety of auparior winter rye seeds. The Gort'kov, Morcdov, Onokhoyak, Kamalinslt Stations from this method obtained a superior seed which excels original seeds in yield by 2 ? 3 centnera per hectare. Experi- ence atteststo the great effect of Chia method of artifioial pollination of farm orops which was suggested by A.I. Muaiyko. For example, with corn, the increase in harvest of pollinated crops reaehea 3 - 4 centnera per hectare, with winter rye 2 w 4 centnera, with eunflower C : :zrrnENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 .r ?iIfl' flt pqr hd0~~1~'0 . Thiq nc with mil~6t 1s~ o?nt ~ . ~ a~ntaa a a ~~itioo or the o9oda ~ ~, impr?ved tho op~cioo mothod had ~t~bot nth Y @axo ~ in harvaot in tho ?nsuin~ Y thuo onouxini an t~-orAaoo oi~ablo da~ioianoioo ~ in be mado vaardin the ~hont~ on moot n ?u prior aood?~rowin~ farmo Hume' of otationa and oood ~rowin~ at a ulto by maohAnioally a tatians obtined noattv r ~d .rovrit~i oD gain oult~res~ ~pp~Y~ Sovoral lotion ~ ?thod of oaamr~~onded i~ ao . a a r total oondit~ ons and tho S thout f eterm~=nine looati na wi lantin~ for 1 'ar exo,m 14 w Ao?r?v1 p ~ran~~?' r?oomm?nd?d or ind':vidual o~ al to tho oond~tiono in ' ~ cro~+s n tho oouh wore ork) irgt yoa,,o ?~ -~~~~ otatioi ;cna aome~ ~ihoria ~~ st of nurno~i?a and This auoQd artio-~larly :n the ~ herp ecr?aBQ in tha harvo r a ~ , 0 individual. ofations in the struggl? for imptimoe even in ~,oss of cr0~. It s?edlin~s in _ rowing ~ the numbor of a lificatian o? ?eed ~ resulted as waQ cut to the minimum This ?otion and oood nL~rseri sel ~torsenintc of the vori?`ty' d hundreds in a (ft?n tens I n ? s a huge number of rows In some case , urseriea~ Ag a result anted in seed-growing n of thougonds) were P vaeti~ate thorn careful. Y, altst had no c~~ance to in the selection speai aQQd-~rovrin~ work either in making a election or reection. In eo in whicZ~ individual there are a number of oas r with local veriatios ~ his resulted in i~h? dis incor~~ac`tlY ap!`li?d T dam?stia eeloc'~ion was o ulariZe~tion of rielna?n~, of the nc~tural p ~ inte~ration and impove under the influence of bio?morphotYpes the harmoniou3lY eongtructed angion of local a natural oonditio burin the mechan~.Cel exp ng ~ ea the hQxOditarY from grain crape to braes , m$thod o~ geed ~rovrin~ rest fault in the work s even dotexiorated~ A basis of local varietie ~'arma is the slight and superior seed rowtn of selection stations in their proriuation~ rietigs and slight porasg increase of new va q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 4 ~,ii~lJCH 1 fA~ 14 ?r?quontthe `'thR1o a'tom t' ae4d ~rAWint in ~ VCn 4tgtrtOt . Yin ~orm~ cnd ro~ional ~cr~) ~ainotion stctians ~ ou?srigr o~od ~pQ ~ oV au~.tivatiQ~ At parior o~od cnd has boon w?Vk?d on tho baoa diatributod variot''?o? Aa a moult, roprod~~ctrl,on or oldor widely dovot?d to now and bettor yioldin typao ? noooaocxy attention is not ono (Krcana~itpk, Kam~shin~ ~molonok, bore c~ ~Q mill r~ny otcti T dzan Cha~cinsk cn~i othors) which oAnduat aaleation cnd aoR~d-~r~~vin~ ;;,ork on la':' ~totochnioal 1ovQ1 receive p??r hcrvosts cNl from a ~ tl~e nlan rQq,u?d for sutior scads to Saar ~Eti1 to rulrill _ Year Theee stations i?~noro the m out important faotor for the impxovomant ~ et , hi~t1 adrot?chnioE~:l of spaoio? c m1itioa o t v.,ri Y- nsmoly' back- As ti r,tlo , t~i?y produce suparior sends with unactisfactory rospond to ~xst.o~ss spociQa cl~:tios ~vhc~~ frequontlJ do not soil aondittons I such seeds ore in no way di stin~uishable from the un~~al scads by yield caiiaaity, but they ofton sur~css , in all other collective ~crms in high-yield r?ions dualities , goods rrodt~aed on their ocono1ry on the b~gig of system ~election etctions develop err;~egl~.nd g~sgtom of #'armin~. In this ?ray, atio realization oL' the - they harmoniously strive to tanite the moat important branches of . mal husbandr'Yr anioulture, horticulture Qgx~,culture ~ plant ~ro~vin~ ~ ani nd Meld and gain op-rotation, by by introducing correct graasla utiliZinL /coal orator resouxooe ?to creating hold shelter belt, by e already introduced on their fields The majority of stations hav - outtin~ of gain correct graasland field and gain arcprotations The Cations where this has not already been crop-rotations on those s , d s feted in 1949. The utilization of braglan ef:~eotuated, will be comb ations where this has not already bean put atop-rotations on those st ~ into practice, will be completed in 1951. Perennial ~rassas in this ` way will occupy up to 30% of the area of the stations ' plowed land The sowin~ of hdrbaosous-le~~-~nous grasg mixtures, in addition to its C,grQteahni0al inf lt1CnC8 on the soil (by creation of sturdy, finely lotted structures) permits t = he sunpiyin~ of vital qusntities off` c Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 hthy =f altubio ha to the gronln; U. vootook ind+~otr'y , In throo yo~ro (1949 51) the total yield Qf hey from paronniol raacoo ohould inoroc~se !ftQVO than 1 1/ time. Sh1ton bolt plantin p1aYA an important role as thn actor . the vrntor a' toy ~th oh ova T tae the conditions for 'tho raCul+atin~ t!io naturo of stQppA and foroot-otePpo r?r~ioao. This oonvoresion of vos the influ?fCQ of tormor oriodio drouLhts. Otto deoieivoly romo s for aeveral years have been co~ductinP afforestation nel:oction station works tore than 2100 hectares o? fornat Atripa ho boon planter ( 520 of these in 194). The stations have n well d?v?iopOd livestock i~ldustry. On lar+~e- 1 January 1949, 1iti'erbock of horned cattle hcd incroasod 60% as oompar?d with tho t t ;ra-vrar level, id~.e4e~k seine 20%, cheap 240%, horses 10. In con~~eotton viitli the atio; Lion o? tho tllroo ya4Lr state ,E yet of rnimal: h1 rc1ry, livestock will increase at plan of dev?lcpm? even a hidherra t9, and the pre-war level for large-horned settle almost 2 1/2 timoa. particular attention is herewith will. he exceeded od to the imrovemnnt of cattle species and 'roductivity turn Adopton of the grassland system of farm'.i on stations created ' s for the nro;ressive increase in soil. fertility and the nrerequisitea uninterrupted growth of farm crop y ields . The beneficial nation of this complex rags system of farming can be judged according to the ~ results of the Kaminnostep State Selection Station (now the Institute the Central-131a01< Soil Bolt imeni V. Dokuchaev). of A~ricultuxe of Here by using the complex DokuchaGV-Williams system, the harvest of gran)r crops crew from year to year as is evident from the following ' data: COADCNTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 .~;;I1D~NTIAI INCIW3T IN HARD ST AT TIU KAL 1hCOT~r STATION (AV~MO HAT T'$T IN OE TIUi PR !TICTA ) GWIULM( UGUMINOUS ? N 1t S I4 klf 1934?19Y 13.E 9.7 10,3 1937.1939 :L. e e 13. 10,5 1940-1941 20.5 11.6 12.9 191i-1945 21.4 21.1 is. Tho Ural St_tion obt inod nm h tho c mo ci nifisant ro u1tc. In turn tiro C;dctt jaao1and pyntt m of f rminj tr:aintainod a prop:'escive inorease in harvocto h the extremo1y ~rid cot~thoast , `7hrre yho ctnitt~a1 ,precipitation total co:! tom orcecds 200 1iimot9rc. Tho harvoot of ew orior aaods for ci threo yoar poriod is sho{ern on Table II. TABLE II ICr'EA57 IN 11ARVST AT T TT UR1L STATV- 3T2CTION STATION CROPS 1938-40 1941-43 19I 4 L 6 1947 (c/h) (a/h) (to (c/h) 1938-40_L_ (to lg~-4O (c/h) (%tltr GRAIN CROPS 7j 9.7 133 12, 175 12.9 1% (winter and summer) Of theses sU! A.: R ?1HhAT 7.0 7.3 104 9.5 136 11.4 163 WINT'1R RYA 6.3 12.0 190 15.7 249 16,2 257 The A1ekeandrov So1ectinn Sts.tion is a good example of the use of the grassland system of farming outside of the black soil belt. It was organised in 193 on the soil base of a poorly constructed state farm. At that time, the arable layer was not more than 12-15 centimetore and podzol was deposited deeper. Mere f by the I i d w -i6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 C : ;I1DEN11 AI introduotion off' ie A and gain crop rotationo raoo p notration inoreaood up to 5. In the oouroo o ftvo yeara~ thin in turn arto' d an apportuiity to p1 nt rae In of nroaa. Dy a~aplyin~ Aorreot tilling mothodo and by uoin thc oyetom o? or~ania anal minAral tartilizoroi the Station eteadily inoroa:od ito harvest. Tho ave!'aro "rain harv~ot has increased more than t*iofn1r1 over the it fifteen yoaro. Tho Station complotoly ~ati1izod Mold and gain orop"rotation and the dopth cf arable ?tratwn reached 22 oentimo here . Now the Station hao hogan tho pinting of dheltcr bolt, The rogt~irod plan 'or stiporior scads or to ton yearn (1984) 3.was 1?2 rul?illed, and ~7,0O0 oentners o? seeds or 174% of the plan were procluced. According to the data of aornpot- itive variety-toating, the auperibr seod of the St- tin surpasses the yield capaoity of ordinary saods by 3.5 - 12%. The Narym Station, by introducing field crop-rotations aril correlating the cuit~vat ~=n and fertilization of the coi1, obtained a harvest of gain crops yielding 3 - 10 centners per hectare undor condition? of tho far north. After adopting the grassland ?yatem, the harvest stc; dily increased and for the past C eight years has had an cvorago yield o? 21.6 contners per ho~tare. The Station daily excQGda the plan of output of superior eeedri t nd has become a profitable farm. A number of stations have acquired large and ateble harvesta of grain crops and in this way hive contributed to t'e development of selection geed- growing works. (TA3Li III) ICENTI4I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 s.:~FI~ENTIAL TADL III HMtV C o1 C IN oiot ?TA?IQ _. ~....-;2& .1 947.... TL~I(Ir AN 15.6 19.0 20.1 3.1 20.C) hcUaQl2 16.1 18.E 2.0 27.9 X5.1 AA3LAV 18.1 13.7 15i X1.4 = ~~OD K 12.5 18.5 16.1 20.1 16.E STLWDaK __ 18,: ,7 26.9 Completely diffcvent reoulta ware obtained at the Krnenokutak Station and the K mishinak Station, which are loeatod in the south- oast under ni~L '~i i Ii:wn. similar tc' tlrase oliaraotc~riatic of the r? ion of the Urea: Ztation but l?aa sove 'o. At tbo Kraenokutak Station, gm itnd crop-rotations wore introduced, and ; cronn .ai crasues have teen occm.pying a considevable portion of the fiolds, but do not produce tho nnociora a rotoc1inical effect, As a rosult of ignorance of th? reLtuirements of the grass- land system of farrnitig and bocaucP of unsatisfactory agricultural techniques, the Station obtains a very low yield t gain crops. oam?shinsk, Smolensk, ?yazainak, Fa1ernsk n:nd 3r~Qra1 other Stations continuo to obtain low~ioldo. I-iowover in the 1icht of facts m?nt':oned earlier, j.t is eviciont that a ce1ection st tion Sri any zone by persistently uti13.zing the Crass1and system of farming, can achieve a substantial inoreaao in harvest. It shot~1d ho emphasized that the inatalling ai' the gr'ss1and ayatem of farming on ctnte sea.eotion station fields, bewidea enhancing the fQrtilitr of the soil and the increase in yield, has a tremendous methodological significance. FIDENTIA I. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 i athc the grt Fnd syotem off' .farming V.~,' iUiamo, whilQ The ApAAkin1 on the r'crc ~At VQA of the cc)eAtion of 0z'c p r A Rrto that "Only from tho mo~ient a#' th? c1oqution of coil at1-ty and heave, he ou~~+1 ink of water to a oultivatoc~ crop, is tho wido field of of t aotwity open fcr the aolootie!n of crop, tho iim1t, of whoac influonco io ntill djf'loult to ror'eooc. Only the svstorratiA putting into practice of tho Dohuchaev- a atomr can oreatu the moat satisfactory envir'onront for the Ptilliam? Y th and developrsent of plant cultures and ponacsn a reliable beck brow round for the dova1optit rt cf r-cp- high- rt rietieQ. Acaord11 to the todchtn of Acac~omician V,R. Williams, coil and ~ croc1imatical ?n h'on meat quality tively ohnnae ba?ic forma urrder tha mi ence of the activity of ovg niams (cont_oait?a of peronrial legucn- influ a and herbaceous grassed, wood apeciea an~1 aoilrnloroorganismc~. Teas, ou OIaniamafreaotito the soil and clitnato, change and under tha influ- ence of altered conditions of iii'e vary their own natura. Before se~:ection-t? institutions wan put the problem of ystemat3.ca1~LY perfecting 1) methods and means of irltpr'oving cultivated c varieties adapted to the conditions of their zone, 2) measures of pro- tectin them from deterioration abd degenors:tian and, ~) mans for naas roduction of hybrid seeds of corn, winter and summer whets and buck' p wheats for the soila of collective and state farms. These tasks can be successfu11y accomp1iahed only on the basia of full utilization of the grassland syatem of farming. This will create the neceasary environment, that is, the conditions of fertilization, which provide for the production of plant oulturea highly productive for a given region. State selection stationa are gyided by the following resolution of the Soviet of Ministers of the USSR, "Regarding the plan of sheltor belt 4u4 - l9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 w,r 'r t 1 ra -rotationo and Cho oonotrUotion ~raasland lantin, inotallin~ Cho o~ p ~ ovidR r~o a ~~d stable ha~v?oto is ot rasorvoirs and water tanks to pr ~~ ions o~ the Tu~~oPoan Pad of Uft. the stvppa kind ~'oroat-steppe rod To mo time cbleated to 1oVO1op and atationQ have boon at the sum oros~tation and ~holtor belt punt- r#'?ot moans for taot and ot~?a? p~ info , while widely applYini nest p1ntinfa and Coreat planting? t . In 1949, eelQOtion stations planfed 670 hoataroe o~ shelter' bolts ~ one o~ the otvpP and foxeat-ato~apo Zor~ on their ~armo in the rv~. otaree wv 'e planted aoe idi'~ to tho rout OF this nntmbvr, 3B0 ha ~ _ method. tin 11ed the eprin~ plan for forest 'lan Tina ~ol'lcn~; ~~~a~aions fulfi 0iro0tor !.P. ondarenk0) plantQd than other 0tat~ one c toetov haft?r terse 40 of which wvije by the nest shelt~-r belts on an ar?a o~ ~9 X144 , or v.I. PoaclnYakov) p1ant?c1 50 hactros, method ; 9v~vnohuk (Air?at d ~ Northern Donvta (sir?attir ~~ metho, 19 of ~rh~ ch Mora by Cho not Karin) 33 hvotsr4a , 10 by the rot m?thad; StavrorolI(Dirvctor V,I not m?thod; White I~uesian (Dir?ctor Balyura) 31 h?otarns, 15 by the ~ by the nest method; Moscow (Oiroato4 V,I~ Teivinakiy) ~2 hectares, 24 Y A.N. Tsev?tkov) 34 hectare, 15 by the nest ni@thod etc. All of them a substantially ?verfu1filled not only their springy but also t',1ei1' The Stalingrad, Petrov, P.dnelsk, yearly plan for foraet plenting { Stations elso obtained good results Barnaul, SZav~orod and "old:q s according to this system was 139% The plan for springy planting Cations. Altosther, more than ZOaO fuZfilied by state s?1??tion s hect,s.res were planted, thus eurpassth~ tho yearly Baal for forest hectares, or 130% of the yearly plan were ple1nting. of these 500 planted according to the nest method. Cr9fl.tes The wade application of the gr3,ss1and system of farm~.n ressiye increasg in hgrv?et of farm unlimited. possibilities for the progcrops. However a substantial in crease in here?st is 13.mited by the -20- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 cIflDENT1AL of tt oxiot tnt vari~tios o; grain ovopa that in, wi,nt~r and urwter whoat vre, bn.r3W, c rot fri11y uti 1izo hi nh agroteoh- a ~ nio~kl bao~lroufc1, view of the tnauV`o~ ~flt totihr of hay. In tho t1Tm Af ~n oxooo? oi' food, thoao VL.ri ttoa usua13y go to waato which often reau1ta n a c1ooreaaa in yio1d. Tho rro1em i,a 1) to ornate variation of ;f'io1d oropa which m0ro v t1ub1o than nx ,ettng varieties, a) to utilize the oondtticana the atrounding onviroTh1Qnt namoly, a high agrotachnioal bao - 0 rotund an~1 fertilb soils, and ,3) to prodrroo highor rio11a, g Oonaoquont1y, it Is r~ooocaar~to cz' ' ~ v rtntion with conidern,hlY f rnnter ntrcr th or grnator rar~onO npi) os then ex i eting e ~., a so that tho 1:nor4 t fl to yie1 i~ s not rat t;ho o;cpenao of varieti?, soliciifaIIinC the soil. VIork has a~ ready 'eon started in thin d dhnotion at a nuz~ber cf ~m1ootton stationa. In 1948, 14 a t;atior i-`aldn.v, ironova and others) organized the:roi'k with (Cteorgiar, ramoao woctt selooted ho wont crops aocrrdirng to po~lr~ctivity and ~ conducted hYida nation with the host v : iotion of wintor and ouii~tor ~ {shoats At tho Geor,ian, Kirgiz and 1?oidav Ste:tiong, nume1'oUs high- yic1ding hybrid sa?dlings wKre dOVe'.o~nd . The seeds of the hybrids of tho first oroiintion of re:moso wheat "o 'e sown on the fields of g the ~tironova, 1 r :anodarsk, oocow and ?-loldav Stationa, together with rater forms produced at the Gorki Lenin and Odessa Selection-Genetio wi Inetitutc. Tho ?urpoae of this was to create new, high-yielding, eturdy ramose varieties of wheat conforming to tho natural conditions of theao re ions, In 1949, more than 20 stations were working on the g adantability of ramose types of wheat. The state se1eotiota stations of Kazakhstan uce, in the opacity of the rear material, a new form of ramose wheat developed in the valley of tho river lokraun Kounrodak rayon, Karagandin ob1aat) . This wheat has been in CONFIDENTIAL - 21 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100110036-0 CONflUENT!A! urdor the 1,aon~, namo al ~aa.~~,o.~idaY o~iotonop thorn for mangy ~ caro wh -oar ;shoat ," This dorm QV Vrh~at, Tur~idiu~m, a . ~-ch donotoo ~iFivo3 _ a ~ iko vrh?oo kovno1 vroi~1~o up to 9 ~ra~ dioti~~;uiohod by a lar~A ~omaaa tho vi 3 oD ~.g - 1.~ drama) . (copc1 Frith In tho wAr1 oV doe ~ olor.~inC hi~M?Yiaidin~ variotioa at ramaaa t cU will now be turnQd to tho ~orrttion ~~intor wl~oat~ partiAUlar att?n i oaiotanoo oi h;l~.'ir~o. This io ~~a~rtic- oL tho qut lidos oD the winte r do have bor+n proc~u?od from tho c~~asoin~ aiarlY i~iportant boooWoo h~b~ i non?rc~~cao ~'r~~Qat ~ T~~io method of ~oat with rrintr of sttmir~or ram~tao l~ o , ,~~r y ?~~ at, ~ono -~ 1u~t ~~r~:111~o vridoly o,pt-1iorl b ,r~ t