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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 50X1-HUM 3 rt Tit/�= CTR05TAT~C G~1~,ATORS OF ~IG~ . ~ I VOI?TAG~ DUCT CU~~I~' At~~~orn s A ~ K� Val. ~ m�r~ K. D ~ Sin�1? nikov 9ourcas 1~orithl~r Perio~.c~, Zhurz~, e - T ~~ic~i~skot Fi~i~Ci, Vox V~~ NO 1, Zg~6~ k a 4 l i i r f a i,, r ~ ~ . ~F t . } ~ 44 y, i r'. Y .;;i~ 7 ~5~1~ F ~ i ~"n~ C 1`~9 ;~rA~ ~ {s' i~~: i j ' ~4; '~,.j rF t r ~ : ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-00.0398000100100021-7 50X1-HUM j z 7 } :r k ~l~~�VQL'~AC~ ~'LEC'~O~TAT1~ C aL~N~~iATO~iS } A. K. V81~ mgr K ~ D. Sino1 ~ nikov ~har~kova Okrainian Phyeiao- oc~~nical Instit~~td CS�pt 193b) T . ~ s constr~~ction of s�veral types o~ eloctro- Thia article d�scribe ~r sico-Technical lnetitute; soma r�s~~lts static gQnoratoro at the tlkrainian ~ ~ q tl~�ir further dovalopman't ars indicated of tests aro cited and wade i'or 1, I~?~'~,OlJt1CTlON do voltage of the ordor of millions ~ , The problem o~ creating sources of r, ct with the problem of investigating atomic of volt's is connected. dire ~ bre n . dment with ci�,arged particles which have~dccel- nucleic by the method of bomber t exhaust tt~e possible this do�s no stated in discharge tubes however, for suc~ti sources are of interest in applications of svperhigh do vot aged, ~electrotech~?ical problems connection with the solti~ Lion o~ many` other , 2 non devic�a used as source� of high-voltage do most comr At pre�ont t~~o t~,f ied and stepped up wit1~ the aid ~ are t~~ose in which ~iigh-voltage ac is rec rinci le b using ~ mbinations of capac~to~'a and tubes i In p p ~ ~ . of d~~ferent co . .h as desired;: sta -u circuits, one can obtain voltages as his < ca~~acitor~�tube p p attain voltages of less than i, . tactics however, these circuits usually ' in p ~ r ~ do their voltages,reach b00-800 kY~ 300 kv, and only in very rare cages _ event hi her voltages from being obtained Notes The condi~tione which pr g ~ s, ~1 veiled in our article in Zhurnal ~,th capacitor-tube circuits are re ~3 ctiesko ~'iziki~ 107~~ 1931~~ ) Tek~ni Y t~~ 1. , ~ ~a~~, r , E' 3 ( F .,r _ Y ~ - 3, i F ti l Y 4 l,.ir-~.~y 'e ~ I t riwN.ik~iwlW'.I i. ~ ~ '!r' # 3 ~ ~ ~ , I~ lj i t , ~ I t ~ I ~ ~ ~ A Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 ~.rt.~ w ~a ~ ~ 1- ~;~a r>` h aoitor-tube cirauito (ouoh ac relati'vely'high The many advar~tagQa of Dail lation and the proeer~ad in ~e c~cuit e� points powers Deco o� voltage regu , oauc� these oircuitc to be considered ae t~o~ ~4 o� infi~rmediato potentials ent sources of dirQCt o~~rront up to ~ODi000 volts; but in th� moat convoni ea tl~o elcctrogtatic generators aro without doubt r�gion o� higher vol~ag d �or voltage s o� the order o� ~ or morn million t~~~o moot convenient, an the on technically' �easiblo source o~f higher YAlt~~ tha~r aro actually voltag� dir�ot currente~ ator w~~~ic~l was first proposed by Van do Orasf T1~e eloatrostatic gan�r , and Van Atta phys R�v, l~~, l4~ (1933), �ug~,eate, (Van d� Graaf, Compton ~ i' o erasion the usual ele~tro�tstic ir~dti~ction mac- through its principle o p , it in the form of its construction Un�orw bins but s~carply differs from literature lacks �ven the least detailed description of tunately, the differdnt types o� generators made by Van de either construction data for can ir?vestigatard or aonclusians �rom the ~~raa� and certain other Ameri tors in the laboratory (Notes The Sole prac�~ical op�ration of these g�nera ~ 1 Rev S lnstr~ 5, 1~, 1930, devoted to the exception is Uramhall s ar~?icle ~ 00 000-volt generator; however, this article do�s k deserit~tion o� a per~able ~ , -~f ~ austive recantation of either the constructional or oiler- x not give an each p r,s a r~ ational data for the gen�rator) . :f , ~t 2~ ONJ~CTIV~S Or T~ WORDS , ~t aerator of max- final ob ective the construction of a ge ~Iavir~ as our ~ ;~k.} thin the limits of the size of the U~'TI Ukrainian imam voltage possible wi , we worked out two variants 3 physics-Technical lnstitute~ high-voltage room, 4 r. a cascade capacitor-tube circuit w~,th traneforn~rs of this device, namely d-~.; i l0 and a~ t drive (~hurnal Tekh Fiziki~ 4, 77, 934), ~~ro, fed by an in�ula ~ tatic enerator of the Van de Q~raa�f type ~ Sinoe our ~ single-pole electron g s eta ~ rr 't I ~ ~f iy,;a~ F^,i . ~ i , , ~ ,s I � ~ , ~ ' 1 t. ~ - 'Y Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 ' ' F ~f oalo~~latio~ have o~~owod that with the ears how@r aid dimor~e~or~o o~ th� devious a volta~;o of the or~lor o~ 2,~ million volt� oars bo 9btainod in rho i'irst oaoo ~ ~ and ? ~7,130~ in the aQOO~d~ wo eo~tled on the eooor~cl var~nt aid in the boCinnin~ of 19~l~ b@~aa doeigninC thio ~�n�rator whoeQ eon- atruotion ie b�i~ oompletod at the preoont time Thin go~erator will bo t dooorib�d irc a oo ~arat� artiolo~ Thu robleme ~ c n tr~c ~ A o o e ati~~ curtain aasomblico ~'or the largo generator roauirod caro~'u~. oxparir~anta on module j ao a r�oult emveral ~�noratora of voltages o1' order o~ 0 ~~-l million volts were cor~etructed~ Curtain of th�e� wore uo�d to oond~~at ox~~eri~nte f on partf cl�e acoolorated in discharge tubes 3� ~L~CT~AST~ITIC AEN?~'0~ WITS CYLIN~I~1L CO~~CTOR A diagram of the fist r~odel constructed in t~~'I is ehorm in Figure 1, , and a photograph in Fi~!ure 2. The su~jport consiet~ of insulating boards 15 mm thick and 70~8~ rom wide On th� insulat?ing framework is placed a cylindrical oonductor of plywood ~ Ott t~~ick, 1000 mm long, 720 mm in diameter, and w~.th detachable copper ~iemis~her�s of the same diem�ter at, each and, 4 ThQ apparatus for c~iarging the bolt and for removing charges from it is evident from Figure 1. Different typ�s of corona electrodes ware tried, 'the best results being k; obtained with a metal tube mm in diameter Navin a series of a ertures _ ~ ~ P ~ bored at 25 mm intervals in which are placed the usual sewing needlee~ i Satisfactory results were also given by �lectrodes made of wire O.15-0.20 mm F~, ' in diameter stretched parallel to the belt 9oth the corona electrodes and k1,^: the flat screens placed on the other side of the belt can be moved horizontally Viz; r between the ebonite planke~ (flood ~,nsulation of the upper corona electrodes , M S j~~'~~i y i :;t F: i~ ~~;`4 if s i 'S= ' t~ r.; ` ~ - 1{ ~y f'~ _ , i ,,tr, ~t;1~ ~ 1 ~l ~l t ter it ( ~t'i 9 }'4:_ - ~ ' ~ ~ d ~~ati ~ ''3 ~F~~t~ ~~a ~ ~E, f �e R" iA1 ~r ~ ~i"4 ~ j :'L ~ t ( ..5. ~ t ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 a I 5: 1 far the narraal operation of th� genora~or) ~ Tho end aaroone is eo~cntio 11@ra 100 mm in diamotory in thio otructur� woro turned felt tran~por~ ro ~ a w ode Th� ratato togothor on thou iron a,xlee oet in ball bearings i f roan o Y and are dr~won b'Y a 0.5 kw do motor Donn�atod ti~rough a floxiblo coupling r Tho lowor corona Qloctrod� was charged to to tho axle of tl~e /ewer rol i t 2 }cv through a raaiQtance of eoveral r~goh~ from an auxiliary high- k 05 voltago devio�~ the . �~~erator is clearZY oe~ual to I ~ ~ ~'~CY The c~1~ runt o~atainablo from g ~ ~ d Wait on the bolt, ~ i� the belts e s whore c~ ie the charge a surf ac� � Y width and v ie its velocity '~h� cooff icient 2 is explained by the fact belt io overc~~arg�d inside rho conductor when we used thi� con- that the a electrodes as a res~~lt of whicY~ a double quantity of atr~~otfon of coron , elacta~icity ie tal~en off the belts belt can be assua?ed to be a flat coedens�r, then the maximum Sf the - e deneit on it can be calculated from the r�lation 0" max : ' ci~~arg Y initial �1�ctric field strength in air at atmospheric where E is the pressure ~ e rmsximdm value of 2~6~10"9 ` S�tting E equal to 30cm we obtain fora n Thus th� tl~eor~etical value of the current obtainable from coulombs/e q a~ the ~;�nQrator turne~~~t to be s � 2� cm ' V ~ CmiseC~ ' 10"9 amperes z 5� ( ~ model the velocity of the belt did not �xcead 9 meters Since in this t..; "a ~ ~ ~ could C4. or second and its width was 90 cm, a curs ent of the order of 00 p ~I" b e ected~ actually, the maximum current successfully obtained from e � xp ' ~ that is of the calculated value We generator was only ZmO,,,~ , ~ o of the enerators which we built put out a current should note tY~at not on g P._ rester than 60-6~~ of the theoretical value The discrepancy between g n ~ .Y~, y y!'? t; r is ~ f' ~ � } 111 ~ h ~fi~{�g',~t r, ~ 14 + ~ r,~'i .r ~ i 1 ~ ti f' ~ ~ r i;. 1 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 s 1, ~ N ,vm a,l and o �rimontal valu@o for tho our~~ent r~uet bm attributed ors .a~ th�oretio ~ .~d uhf io3ont smooth host le~r~'acee end r�e~ilting 1oc81 ov�rM ~j ono hand to ins coronal~ and on the other voltage� o~ tYio f ivld wl~iah load to pr�raatut~ , d to ohar �1oeaQS from the b�lt on aooount of the otror~ ionisation fi; { hen ~w rested b the upper and lower oorona oleotroc~a~ c Y y Q volts . e obtained with thio Eden�rator wao 600 kv at the positive Th ~ ole ~ was limned not by the corona appearing polo and 700 kv at negative p es but t~~o brush dieaharg� arising at th0 plaooe ,1 on th� aph�rical s~~rfac b'Y atin braCQO enter Clio c;~lindrical surface of th� conductor wl~oro inoul ~ with th� aid of '~gonorating~~ voltm�tore specially Voltage was measured this ur ose of a design profiosed by Kirkpatrick and 4unn~ _ e cone tracts d for P P , ed two t e� of voltmeters; a devic� with a flat rotor, operating on , , WB u� Yp atrick a nd Miyake, Rev ~o /Heir, 3, 1932 a two tuba ampli~'i�r (Kirke v ~c In�tr ~ 33, 193~~ Gunn, Phye Rev, 1t0, 307, 1932 Kirkpatrick, Re : , ev S /Heir 4, ~~0~ 1933) f and a voltm�t�r with ~tarnwell and Van Voorhis, R , ~ t rotor Eiendereon, doss and Rose, Rev S Instr, 6, 63, a cylindrical epli ( was connECted through a con~autator dfrectlY with a ~;alvanom�ter H 1930 which vii 10"7 am graduation. For calibration of t>~� voltmeters we of s�nsi ti Y p~ cal discharge rod 72 cm in diem�ter (used in exper~nents with us�d a spheri nductors and measured the charge aocumu~a ted on generators with spherical co ) nductor with the aid of a ballistic galvanometer The calibration the co ;w enQratin voltmeters have a strictly linear scale up ~?o a rev�aled that our g g dose not a �ar, t~xi~um voltages, provided that corona pp Ij � ~qs' bas~.c defect in the first ~enorator model was the inadequate siren- The ~ fre cent became wrinkled or folded etc,~during ~x~~. ~ gtla of the silk belt, which q lY 5 N~1.~ f a~tion~ Moreover, since the generator was not suited to charging a r, oper r. to the construction of generators with toroidal ~r~ discharge tune, we passed on t. conductors 7 iii ~ 1: ` ~ f'~!F' t'4 ~i ir: . { t ~ ~ ~ ,i. < r~S ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ' k ' ~ l f i~:~r t} ~~~~ti~~~ E ;rr` i I . e ~t.. 7 ~ r -,x ~rt ~ , s~ ~ < < ` 'rh , j; LIB'4 ' N 13 i... ! ~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 2 F w f a ~7 1 y.', Y.. 1= i1E1 �~:1 i~ontal valu@o ~tor tho ourx~ent mu�t b� ati~ribut�d on ; thooretioal and exp�r 4 a e oth bolt sur~acos rind roaultin~ loo~?l avor� on� hand to inou~~ ~cicnt~ _ M1,. uro ooror~, and on tho other voltagoa o~ t~hv ,Mold which 1�ad to Ar@r~t o loaooo from tho b�lt on aocount of th� c ~ro~ ioniZatior~ hand to chard tQd b tho u pot and lower oorona~ olactr4deo crow Y P 4 to @ obtained with this ~�r~erator wa� 604 kv at the pooitivo s Tho vol ~ five o1�~ It waa limitQd not by the carom app@ari~?~ pole and 700 kv at n�ga P . but t~~e btu�h dieahar~a ariain~ at the p~?aoa �n the aph�rical �~~rfac�� by ~ atin bracoo ontar t~~� ayl~-ndrical surfac� of the conductor wit�ra t~j� ~noul K the aid o ~ ~onoratin~ n voltmo ~�rs ep4 oially Volta~� was rn�a�urad with se of a design propocad by KirkpA~riok and ~unn? i canstructed for thi� purpo , tmoter�; a d�vice with a Plat rotor, opera~in~ on We u�ed two types of vol , aka Rav ~c Instr, 3, L, 193~~ a two tube amplifier (Kirkpatrick a nd Miy , ~ l 3~, burin, Phy� Rov, ~0, 307, 192, Kirkpatrick, Rov Sc ~nstr, 33, 9 Hatt 4 ~40~ 1933) f and a voltmQter with ~iarnwoll and Van Voorhis, R�v S T ~ ~ N r,' r Henderson, Qoes and Rose, RSV S Inatr, 6, 63, a cylindrical split roto ~ tator directly with a galvanometer 1g3~) which was connocted through a conunu "7 am raduation~ For cislibratian of the voltm�tere we of sensf~~ivity ld p/~ rod 2 cm in diem�ter ~u�ed in experiments wi~i vaed a spherical discharge Z tors and measured the charge accumulated on generators with spherical conduc ) the aid of a balliatia galvanometers The calibration a the conductor with .t. f n voltmeters have a s~~rictly linear scale up ~?o ~ . revealed that our gen�rati , volts es rovided tht~t corona does not appearf mcximum ~ ~ p _ tin the first ~anorator model wa18 the inadequate s~~ren~ the basic defec w~?ich Frequently became wrinkled or folded etc,~during gt~1 0~` the silk belt, . Mot�over since the generator was not suited to charging a operation. ~ ~4 ~ afore with toroidal dischar a tine, we passed on to the conetruc~ion of genet a g . ,.r , ~t I t conductors r ~t} ~ s r, .>m.,,~ Itl tel: 1 i~ ~ ` `d tx r ~ ~ k"~ . ' f i ~ G � a r ~ ~ alp,;. 1 , i ~I: ' `1 f ~ 1~( I':. C ~ I 1J: 4 o ii 1': ~ Z 1'. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 4 t 1~:- ' ~f y ~ ~ ! _l_ 'r in I r i,Y a~~Afro~g w~~~ ~~a~ot~n~ co~~aTO~s t } A~} wirl 6inco the epac� at our disposal (overall height ~~5 motorr) forded ~c~ the v�rtioal dimer~eion~c of the generator ae eoonon~cally ae uo to eel�ot oeaible rre used a oonductor o~f toroidal form (height off' cor?ductar 1200 p ~ and diameter 2200 ram) in t~~� next gen�rator w~~ioh we oonatruoted~ aeneratore with toroidal conductoro are pictured in Figure 3, which ie a photograph of an apparatus cones�ting of two toroidal generators operating onto a horizontal discharge tube The conductors of these gan�rators were a wood .framework of mvridional ribs braced with two massive wood rings and sheath�d with Totes of sha�t iron b�aten by band on spec~:al formo~ The circular upp�r ap�rtvr� was covered v~rith a oQrefull~ fitted lid and a�rved as an entry to the interior of the conductor for t~~e experimenter; at the lower f a apQrture the conductor was placed on �t cylindQr serving as an insulating ins were oareful fill�d after which the conductors w�re ~ ` support, All se lY ~ - cuered~ Tn �ach of the enerator�a set of three steel rollers was 1 q ~ .i n installed in the bottom and the same numUer in the tops thus the cl~arg� was "i carried by three independent endless belts The charging d�vices were lifi.ed rsince the roll�rs tl~emsalvss were employed hs one of somewhat s imp , the electrodes. The belta~ cm wide, were manufactured of surgical oil- cloth which seemed to b�a completely suitable materfal i'or this purpose The belt velocity in these generators was small and uc~d�r stationary oper- atian did not exceed ~-9 m�ters per s�cond~ ~3 ~_k Under thesQ conditian$ currents up to 0.3 ma were successfully obtained with each of the generators. rI'ho max~,mum voltage produced by the generators dd~.t~. n of ~Lhe tube reached 900 000 - 9 0,000 volts in each. without t1,e a _ Q ) ~ ~ ~ ~ Th� intQriar of tl~e conductors was large �nough to house an experimenter as i', 1 well as the necessary apparatu� inside of them f a Y 'i, ',u. 4 r P ~6. ~ . a ~~~P ~ _ I' C,~~~ ~ ! ~ i i f i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 p F 1 ' y` Y t } l TAE Di6C~iARG~ TUBS toxo rre b~~i2t a spooial dioohar~o Fox operatiion with toroidal Sonora ~ bo ~��n in ~'i~ure Ike ~ohematia oro�o- 0 0 oxtornal~ f oxm Dan t~~k,e who oonoieted oi' fain' uro Tho tubo ~ 300 ~ 1on~: oootion io ohowr~ ~ 220 ~ diamotor~ ado tight with Pico n an individual g~,aQS oylindexa ( disks and t~srou~h a c�ntral coup].in~ box Dined through interc~diate steel The tub0 waa a�s�mbled w~~ile in a vert-~ h Frith the ovaou~t~+nnP'' a outlet nc~?so~~ in a spoci~al aso�mbl3r ot~oach of ical poditian; then the tube was osition and ou�p�n~d from bh� ceilia~ on wood board� in a 1~orixontal p . 1 n�d to wood hoops plat�d around the eto� inoula`~in~ boards whioh w�re f ast� had been c~aap�ndad c,aoembly sheath connc ctin~ die ,I~ ter �t~ie tuba ovious o;~,orij~ents with ti~� cons~~~ctio~n Yraa romovod, Oxi t~~e baai� of 1~r esoar wi�th tho ai~~ of el~a~in~~uin~ n~'4" f of thf,s tub� w� consider�cl it nQC Y~ co aubdl~vide I,t with ~~tal diaphrams itar �a inside i~h� tubes matt~ra diva oa� holes 3 nm? in diameter were dril~@ into sQparat� cells ~'or this p'~ /seed at an ar~l,e of 120� ca each other 70 ~ apart along tho ar~.s and rted threaded ecrews~ witZa tl~e aid of T~,ou~h these hole� ~vere ins� gun thick having ~0 mm openin~s~ a ~~a m6 of sheet aluminum ~ to 5 which dip ~ hose the wrong ~ 'gibe; (Note: Later it appeared that we c were placed fn the t rod�s under the influence for the diaphragms, s~nco alurn~.nurn cor maters g the screws encored were sealed with s~~ The plat�s wher ' of morcur~ vapor fed with India ink, was wound around fcein~ A spiral paper strip, impr�gna p ass an ohm~.o voltage divider All ~e .4 the outside of the tubs and servod w~l~~ ere onding points on the d~.vidnr, r? die hra~me were connected to the Corr p p ba a definite distribution o� potentia was the result that throughout the to x olid steel disks provided with o~~enir~s 'rho tube ti~rao faced tiv~.th s ma~,rica1ned, r; erilnQnts txcloa and ~,nstruments for exp for the sources of che~rgsd p~' )i {rr'.~ t i J. 4 I. i .7. i, ~ . , t ~i.~ , ~ , ~ , - , ,a~_ t . r ~ ~ ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 F:~~9 ~ `.'i a Rg 8 F ~I a ooat of bakelito ~ : uor a oain oQalo woro covorod wit After ~l1 tho Pi ot~tained in tubo ~ TbO 'pr�~ h= ~ vaot~um wa� suacoa�~u11Y sv~~~~.oiontlY ~ As X11 0~ 1t10r41~1^y~ Tha ovaaua~tio~ was c~,d not �xo�od 2 ~ ~ aur� in it in tb� ntiiddle of ti~� ~,ubo with u h the ground�d ooupl~~ box i parried thro ~ the ~oybold firm diffusion pump me,d� by tY~o aid of ~ ~'cur~-sta~~o morcury d air and a a large trap containing ?.iqui rovid�d with (~odol whial~ waa p h was Bono by al ad ustment of th� tube, w~~ic ~no~ter ~ Th� origin ~ ti ~aLood rad~jall , by ragu~ ~ lta ?o of t~~� genora~tore, ~ ~ ro oatedly incr�asin6 t~~� vo ~ p j ~nament of disohargo in the to co velocity of the belt up to the , the ~ under pr�- ad ueted, t1~e tube could staff ed for 15.20 hours ~ Once ~ work irg tiny fter w~tiicl~ it was brought to t ~e acuum .reaeur� for s�varal daya~ ~cth v p haurs~ voti~nta in th� course of 2 3 state by relativ�l;~ bri�f add s about 1 � ~ ~tc tie conductors t~~rough open ~ i ids of tl~a tube w�re inserted .n d and eg rounds of the openfngs ~~rere sp�cially f. 30 c~a ~ diamotora The su orts wi'tih the , t11od f rorn t;~e tube' a in~ulati~?g Pp a all sharp bands were s ~ e s ~ coronas cove ~ nevertheless, ~ d"e~wood cou'r~:~n~;v, boos help o p y~ a earin~ in tiers could not be averted fro PP n~lares~~ (brush disci ~ ) and rs ~ ~1~ere~f ore the genera`te' s t~je tube entered the conducto a places where reliminary t� the tube than in their ~ erat~.n~ yn r roduced a smaller volteg� op p e' test. f the tube we were areful and accurate adjustments o After �xtrem~ly c a voltaP~e of th� t eriods (several second�) ably to feed to it for shor p ' ~ eration of the tube only at ~ , dR= 000 v~ but we atta.ned gtea~ oA . order of 1, X00, ~ 000 v~ (dote; We measured the 000 to 1, 200, , to a of about 1,100, ltmoters, , a vol ~ with the help of generating vo a lid to tho tube not on1Y in u~ y~oyta~e pp . _ e o~.e drone and ions accelerate ~1 the d~~lr~Ct~.on Of th but also throw ,~.jn~ ~ ~ ''T x be b a main�tic f field) ,,,Y the to Y ~~h 1. ~s 3 to t{gr~ , ~ N ~ ``~r '~e:_ im a~ ~ 1~'� ~ 8 � tt~ 7 si~~~. , i ' s, ' i ~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 n . ~1,: ~ ~ ~ w# A 1 s @ 1~ z ~kpSs - l,~ ~ ~ 'ir i `n. 1r ; ~ , - ~ ~ ' FpR~~D Yf IT~t ~S6CE~~~ h~+ 0 tuba ire aocel- nt0 cQnductcd with the diao C ~ti th� ~irct 0.~p�r rat aa~hodo hod 1~' 010 ctron a ourco wao an incar~de a co stated aleotrons~ rho n from the Clow actor o~ the C�nerator~ JudCi C ' batteri0 � plaaod in tho oond a lid sa snoloainC th0 op0n in th fluorescent coat~C o~ tl~a C1a o~ tho $ el0ctron beam w86 oxtr�a~01Y e 0 oei'~ �nd o~ th� tub�~ tl~ that eoverod th pp ~ st uni~oxmly ov�r its ; 60 ~ in diameter, Cloyed almo di~tue�d aareet~, re aucc���~ull~ obtained Some ra;~e concentrated in a beam we wl~ol� surfac�) ~ am� tim�, however, cm ineid� th� tub�~ at the s moves the cathode 24-30 er volta~�s by tub� app�ared at notic�ably low the ind@pendent discl9erCe in th� elaotron the conductor, ~eolatin~~ tho lien the Cathode is plaC@d inside than w #.@r we determined the enQr~y. hol of a diaphraCm 2 ~ in dia~�o ~ beam with tl~� p Zs ~ etic field; tion of t~~eir boam b~ a ~~n ~ ~~~e �l�ctrons from ~~h� dell�c o ranCed from c,tion o~ t~~o tube) ":r de~ endinC on tho aystom of on�r this enerCyy f p the elea'~ron beam { raleasin~ 0 half million YOltB~ By `I ono to on@ end on orous brAee 0~0~ mm alwnin~a foil flu�d top u h the aluminum window ~ sub- thro C ?h dif��rent assaCe throu~, do it o�sibl� to measure t~~eir p ~ disk) ~ w� p eased ~~hrough the �nt in the beam which was rel .h stances The total curt ~ electron b�am with 10x6 amps r~~ard th� window wa� from 0.1 to l.0 c�nt3~metere a s w~i.ch, thongs -filtered by two ~r a l�ad disk, we obtained x r late when kening o~ a photographfc p d node�ablo blac o~ loads }~rod~~ce ~j, r'~' e~poeed ;~cr dive minutes suite o~ which ~~'}i , : e reliminarY re , tt- - i ' riments with lithium ions, th p For exile a Sow P1~Ys, 8, 212, 193) ~ the - crate not ~ ublished in a eep have been p nom c under coated with spode thole was replaced by a plan ~ incandescent ca n~ ~ emits lithium ions on being; r: nin lithium which omens (a minQral oontai C ~ , j~, heated) h r ~ ^k (~i 1 ~~y~ ~ ~,1 _ 1 ' ~4I � ~ ~ ~ _ b 1 _ - f � ! p'+ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 ~s . - ~ ~ - ; f~.�~ : f" ~,~�r~ r. 'ems. 1,~', t' rolimina~ �~x~anto with protona ~l~ally, wo conduotod a o@ri�o o~ P r ~~r,~ a wcs a Cookor�f~~alto~ charm?. tube whioh on tl~ie tube ~ Tlio pro ion aouro n disohar~� tube ~ The nnootod to t~~o outlet in the lid of ~e was co oadin a aratuo~ vrl~iah wac placod ` diagram of thin tubo to~othor with ito ~ ~ Pp orator is ol~awn in Fi~uro 5~ i~oido tl~a oonductor of tl~o oloctrostatic den ~ a Moto raph in Figure ~ and p 6 u h a alladij~ tuce with a sewed end ~e hydros�n was insert�d thro ~ p n of th� oven s~~rroundir~ its T~~o apparatus anal was regulated by ~tba variatio r to consisted of an alternator driv�n by a motor for focdin~ the charm�1 bu -v lta . e tranef orr~�r (110/18,000 vef f) ~ and a . moun#~d on th� f loot, a high o ~ �ctl matchod conditions for disol~ar~� iri m�cl�~s,~~ical r�ctifior~ Und�r Corr y of rotors passing tl~rou~h tl~� larg� discharge th� al~anne~ tub�, t,~ie Loam p ~t� diem�tdr was lt~�s tl~ian one cent:- . tube is dui�te sharply focused (the spo n �tho acrQen was unpta~Ulos tl~e shot mov�d mater), but �tl~a spots position o ji Clio limits of 2.3 cm from tho axis o~ the in an irregular mannor within tube avo not yet succeeded in sta~ili~ing In spite of many attecnp~ts, we h ur ose of investigating the scattering of the spots position with the p p ors we in~?roduced the Proton beam through rotors by protons du� to colli$i , 4, p thick into diameter, covered with mica about 2 ~u. , a window about 0 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ vtP ~ ' ~r d Frith l~ydrogen~ the chamber constructed by a 1~ilson cloud chamber fill� ~ 'd not differ essentially in its con�truction ~ s was 10 cm in diameter and d~. a bet membrane described by Wilson (Prot Roy Soc ; from the chamber with a rub see Fi ure 7, which shows a photograph cf k~ c f A 14~, 1833)} ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ! ~ttE~C~18d t0 t118 d~~ ~B riot of ~,he canduc~~nr with the Wilson sham er the rote ,;a~ bons which we made of the tracks ~ ~ ~x� charge tube) ~ The rum�rous visual o serve n euf f ic~.ent numbers) showed that ~ uite diet ~.nct and i (which ware r~~r+~ q that observation of them ` ~ /actions are encountered so rarely ular def ~ lame ~ rac~tice rat f�asible~ wa w~.11 conN y~,~,h the aid of a wilson chamber is P ~ 4' + erimants in other apparatus ~:M time et~.c1~ exp , s~ -ZO- , . t.~ , P`~; - ~ . . , i ~ . � ,~w. . i. ; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 . ~ :=p r ~ ~ ~ A }I r yL n_ 6i'!. ~f_ ~4. Ttiia Oho~t (~~!l~1~a~"y` olre~dy has shown alor~rly that the typoo o S�~- orntora d@valopod by ua have proved the worth o~ employing t~~ie kind of ~n~ V�~t&A@ OO~rO@ @~~@~i~r~~t6 with diBOhargQ tube� ~t YOlta~@6 ~~h@r an v lte however the ~onaxators deaorib@d did not oatie~y uo, rot ono million o ~ ~ 'r . tiro oeooaood ca~it arativaly little power in epit� o~ t~ir larS� �iz�~ Y p p , ~Iowover we day�lopod an improved typo of ~QnQrator, whioh will bb deooribod below. 7~ 4~N~~T~tS i~~Th SphL~ICAL CONDUCTORS 4 (Nato= ~ number of design f�aturee us�~1 by us in the bu~fldin~ of this b mowed from the work of Sramhall (~av S Inetr, 18, 193~~ ~ ~;enorator wore o d a?firam of tl~e operator ie ahowr~ fn ~'i~ur� a:~d ~.ts external r The i ~ ~ a stance is � ict~~rod in I'i~uro 9 ~ The bae~.c elements o~ its design are s al.pa ~ slit a ~lorical conductor A pressed from shoat co~por 1~~ mm thick; ine~alator ti s, j ~ str: ucture in t:~e form of an insulating cylinder D 3~0 ii~m fn rliu~~ei~er and 1000 mm long Yr~Jth a wall ~ mm thiclc; and rollers C, D,1r, C, rotating on ball- in s and with their axles mounted in weld�d frame�~ The rollers were bear g ~ a'lumintuu and were accurately balanced be:fare being mounted in tl~e cast of on c1�th rubberised two-ply ~~rcale) was gaccessfully used g�n�rator, Salle ~ the belt which in this tyke of ~enar~itor works under more di~'ficult for ~ { conditions since it is subjected to reversed b�nding~ Tl-~e maximum voltage om the enerator when o~orating "at no loads is a little mare obtainable f r S a rr~, t oas~ared with the help of disc~~arga spheres 724 ~n in diameter) than 700 kv (n . At the farthest separation o~ tl~ie dischgr~ers, the discharge praceeds from ~f{ ~ ; a conductor to the welded casing 4 of the ~enera~tor~ Th� halt is set in th ~ ~~�tion by a ~SQ.watt three-ph~aee ind~~ction motor M, mounted on t~?e platform ,r. :gig, ?8F I; which is~ in turn, hinCad ~o the welded casing of the generator The fi r~~ , ti! t'{;' . ~~~f~ ~ i rt .1,', ~ r ~ ~ ~'f I t - c 7 p ~ 17: F S/ t l 1 t rCf ~~l art 11 1 )1 f4 i II ~ r i f1i,-I ~t, r' i. ! ~ ` ~ v'? 1 1�. ~~r{~ ASiCyJ h I1 4 ,I ' j i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 t ~ ~,jx ~ ~ ~ + ~ F , 2~ ~ K,,.. 3 ~3~._:: _ ~5 .s~' 14;~'S; F ~ f uQO�@dod in obt~~in~ on this ~�~orator wos . maxims bolt velooitY whioh we o armors o~ thio too oporat@ o~ o bo~.t 3 motors ~�r so~cond~ ~ior~ally ion 3 Undor the so oonditionc tha ion@r~tor . E ~reloQ~.t~ a~ 2~ Mors por ~�oond in w~~iah tho h ch~ractvrlstio piotured in Fi~uro l0~ ~~oa~QSaoa t~so oxtarna tod a1on~ t~~o abeoiosa~ (Hotos rant takQn from tho generator was plot cur drs,inin~ o~~ tiro oorona ~aoint~ at d - Tho oharact�ristice wore tak�n by thro h o ~Alvanoa~'ter to grounds sor�nt distances ~~?om tho conduotor, ~ lotted along tale ordinato~ Tho b�lt ie ~~he pot�ntial o~ the conductor wa�p , .volts o d�vice at 20 kv~ The generator can cl~rg�d from an auxili~}ry high ~ tation~ In this ca�� th� cl~ar~ing davit�a - �~l�o op�ra"to without �~ct�rnal �xci we ~~id not succeed in onn�ctod toget7~�r as in ~igur� 11. ~~ow�vor, are o t1~an 0~ o~ th� current produced by it in from the generator gore ~ obtaining ~cn s~1~-�xcited the ~!,ene~~ator oj~�ratea inde �ndent operation Moreov�r, w! p si~ive to moi�ture in the roomy and~,t~e much lone stably and is v�ry sen ~ cQd { one s~tarti~3 to tl~� next X11 this ~ or sign o~ its c~,argo c~~anges from devic� in all tho genarators oP us to utilise th� euxilia~ churg~g described t,~p�~ ' ~ + OL~ULl~Ap~NT ~F TEi~ aLNL~tA'~ORS , 8, WAYS FOR T?1~ FU~'1~~L~ rs can procoed in several directior~e~ ~irther dev�lopr~n't o~ the generato constructional features o~ the generator pn the one handy keeping th� basic io:~s~ since the power o~ the generator t one can increase its liner dimens rtion to the cube of the lin�ar dimensions in ro o ~ roximately p p increases app ~ ~ , enafons of tt~e conductor and currant is voltage is proportional to the dim ,y ~ do this prin- Y in the conductors ~ n 9 ortional to the area of the opanir~~ ~ ~ , ~ prop ,f h'd ; kd. eneratar described in a�ction 2. 4n t e ciple we constructed t~Le larg�g dimensions �or the generator one can inareas tl~e same y , ~ other hand, keeping ere in which li duced by it by replacing the atmosph the current ~~ro ` cor~sidc~rably R e~~ %4 Y- - l2 - , ~3 ~ ~ ~ i a f r, i~irr ev ~ !S. - ~ ~e~ N ~lA 7~ W ' ~ t flip 3 s 7:. ~ ~~3 i I ~s y '4 ~ ~ ~ - 1 ~ ~ A r~ ~ 1 ~j ~ ,:f i + J o t a~!' ; . f ~.1..i N..,., 't, ~ ~ - ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7 t ui t ~ f''' pppd 3;. I~. gq~r ,~yyif P~" `I tho bolt movoo by a raedi~a with a groat�r c~oloot~io ~trort~t~~ (oo~p~ooaod ~aa) rind with a Zar~or diolootrio aon~tant (in~ulatin~ liqu3dy, ProooQdin~ in thin w~ wo oan oxpeat to inorQaoo trio go~~rator ~ o powor is pro~aortio~ to tk~o pro~act o~ dieloatric con�ta~~t ar?d di�loctrio otrongth a~' the tedium t ~urrour~dia~~ tho bolt At proaent vro are aonotructir~S a gQnerut~r filled in~ido vrit~~ trane- �ormar oilf o.~4orirronto ~~th t~~ie will ~aor~~it uQ to varit~ tk~� accuracy of tl:� a~ovo consic~oratione, Another os�ibility is to att�rapt to raise t~`io generator ~ � voltap� by su~~roun~ling its conductor with a �olid~ liquid, or gaseous d~electrio of l~ig1~ di�l�ctric �trength, we area ateo conducting experimonte of tk~i� t~o~ finally, one can dry to find a sol~;tion by a now d�eign that rejects t~;o belt construction, In part~,oijl~r~ anQ of t~~e poseiblc eolrtions to �~he ~~roblom is the replacQmont of tl�>:@ bolt by charged dust driven alot~ ley a ra~~idl~� moving r~trua~n of air, Wo arc conductir~ ~,rQlirainar3r ex~jarimants in tl�~is direction also drl~ In the constr~~ction of th� d:.fra~{e~~t goneratr,rs~and in ttio experiments much acaie~~ance ~~as afford�d us by our co-worl~ors Engineer Var~nel? (con- struetion and t�sting off` t~:o generator ~~ith ~e spher~.cal conductor} ~ ~gineer Taranov (construction and testing of th� tube), Engineer Vodola~hskiy and Engin�er Marushchak, to whom we express our gratitud�. ,irk Submitted to Lditor~.al Eoard 26 Sept lA~~ ' 50X1-HUM q I" z r` i Y,"3 i'1 r c, v. ri ;x .t u~! K~ [;i ;H4. 1 } 1 5 k ~i 5` zR it � e~ i i (p r i t ~ . _ ~.i r r. ~ i'6 } { c a l ,h ' `6 y ~ jr. . i. { r Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J05/25 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100100021-7