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June 23, 1950
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50X1 -HUM
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
1 kienoe. Professor P. L Lek'P$aov, Senior 6oientifto
Doctor of 'leohatoa
?seooiate of the Inetttdte of 81stor7 of lateral Sotenal, ?oi-dei4 of 8otenoe1
US~ Ns, pabU shed to 19414949, von for tt$ I~thor n 1949
c9, to two vole
St$lto Prt`e Third 01$..~
Lak yanov's 'basto work is devoted to the ortitn aM derelopwent of the
ahiaal tndartr7 in S4seta. ?he author did a oo:a lder$b1e uonat of resesrob
archtves, .tudyta1 both printed and rausortpt scarce., to
!a librs-rter and
order to establtsb the htstorloal aeotirrol of his tnf OTMtlod.
Toleue l it a 6end-ra1 .uTTI7 b0- periods of tho ht.toi't of th? 8urstsa
aheaical indtiutry frog ancient tlrss to the end of the xtneteentk 0rataT7?
to the htstort of the developaent of tnd1rtaU$1 lnorg$nte
lolnae II Is devoted
heaioal products (potash raltpeter, nnlfur, vitrtois, a1 as, nitric *Ad
o ~
fnrtc sold., alkalis, soda, and sodtD* 37drost4e.)
ata1n. tnteresttng- ltttle~knorrn ht.tortaal facts. '!he
?be work o0
rnthor ahowr, for exaaple, that raft extnatlott to old 9u.sla ~ aitrC:elr~
ed. As e*r17 as the tfteenth Centnrl, .killed Du..tsn worker.
hlghlP develop
salt atnes to a depth of 60-?O arters; snd by the end of
were able to York
the Seventeenth Oentui7 to 16asters. Sulfur vas obtained iron pyrtte. to
teeath Oentar7, oone1derab17 eariter thae in Sweden, whtab
flnreia in the 9eren
is t~orrect1P oiedtted wtth baring dl.oovered tht. aethod.
?he reform of Peter I, e. Luk'Tanov points out, sided great17 in the
tNdt of the anssian oheaidal tndurtri, psrttculdrly In the prodnotton
of saltpeter, sulfur, potash, glass, and mineral and veget$ble des. Documents
..MIN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
I. J
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lencre, Proferror P. M. Lok'7$flO, 6ealor Iotentltto
Doctor of seobntaal ~o
tttnte of Mtetory of Iataral 5olenoe, ?osdelr of Iet.aoee
Aesoolate of the one
U8s1, to two volume, publtrhed la 19+11-1949, woa for its ratbor a 1949
6talln Prlse Third 01sss.
1t34kyanatr'r bream work ti devoted to the origin and development of the
The author dad s ooaeiderrble amoromt of rererroh
olaertoal iadnitrt to Burns.
to llbrarlrr sad arahlver, etudyin~ both prtated and ~rnurortpt sources, !n
order to .etsbllrh the htetortosl scaTraoy of his tnf oraattoa.
enersl surve7 by periods of the htetory of the ausrtaa
vole I it a g
from aneleat tuns to the end of the Xtaeteeath 4enta17?
ohemlosl industry
volume II to devoted to t h? history of the developmeat of tndlvidaal tnorgantc
abemiosl prodnotr (potssh, salt'p.ter, sultnr, vttriole, slums, nttrtc snd
rulfUrte sotde, a11ae1ts, rods, and eodtam h'droxtde.)
ins tntere$ttng and little-known bietorlarl fscts. The
she aorlc ooata
ftuthor shows for ex**ple that salt extrsotton to old Burets vu extresely
highly developed. Au e~-rly ae the ~ifteentb Oentnry, ekliled Bareitn workers
mines to a depth of 10??Q aeterr; and by the end of
mere able to rock salt
to le'~ meters. ffinlfnr vu obtataed from pyrttee in
the $eveateenth Oentnry
Bnrela in the 9eve enth Century, coneldersbly earlier than in Sweden, xhtoh
to incorrectly c?edtted with baring discovered this method.
The rofome of Peter x, as Luic'ysaov potnte oat, aided greatly to the
development of the Bwrsisn ohemiorl industry, partteulrrly in the production
of rsldpeteTr sulfur. potash, glace, and mineral and vegetable d~ree? Doouaentr
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dteearered by the author tndtcste that Peter I wee greenly Interested to
aheaietry and the art of nses7teg to deteratne the ooapositioa of aetsl one.
The first techntosi ohesistry 1$bor$t0r7 war estsbliehed in Busts, in 1720,
to experiment with ores, alnersl dies, refraotory aatertsls, eta.
The work devotee oonstderable sttentton to the sotivlties of Loaonoeor,
who set ap the first sotenttfio reeesroh chemistry etudy 1sborstor~ to the
world in 1748 ender the ?osdesy of Sciences. The oontrnbittons of 8evergtn,
Mendeleev, tad other aosdeaioians are also treated.
Volume U ghee evidence of Cho advanoed development of the Busetsn oheai-
osi industry, ae ooipared to those in foreign countries. por example, Bursts
developed the production of sulfuric sold in oloeed (glukho7) obambere in
180!x, mash writer than did @ermazy. The uttliestion of waste gseee oontsin.
tT3g $u1far dioxide for conversion into stilf`urio said was scaosplie) d at the
Peterbarg Mint in 1829, more than ~0 rears before it was done abroad. Mnssis
sicooriginsted the induetri*l production of liquid osrbon dioxide snd eleo-
trolytio plsting of metals (gal:vsnopl.setio).
Boting these Mote, the author points out the destructive policy of the
Tssriet government, whtoh led to Punts'e backwardness in tnttidttng the me-nn~.
fsoture of such important chemical products as soda, a-rttfiotsl fertilteer, etc.
Lnk'yanov'e work is the first to disclose the creative independence of
the Bissisn people in the field of oheatosi production and to destroy the
false legend of the dependence *nit imitativeness of the Ruesisn chemical in.
di atry.
,(,Ooemsnts Rhs above report is based chiefly on the review by
Prof. S. Posodin, honored worker in science and technolog/
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
Source t Rsd~, 5re1~? fr Atomkom nitt4 i r V im, 2.915 ? L949
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. ~ se a oaordiaatia6 and
o pos4ttee whioh ee#e
The 11tom
direotind oxQon for gwed4iah atoaio ene vitiee ain0e Dooeaber 19~~5 r
r~,1 ? `'
o eats of'
re a short report on oerta~ op
has naa t3CSU the tip to p'repa
thoee aotiyitiee.
ooneZfl ataiaio en Z'D problems
The boe area `
io taotM ~,ioler is
0 oirolee, as the result of a
weld. known, even onteide eoieoti~
the press and popularoteatitio worker The Co- is the intradu0t0r7 ohepter ~ prinoipal fe0te
itee~! to eirply datlinisad which !ua'nirh
give atdr~io e~67 problem ~ e~oiol o~~oter
~rhioh the
t1~ reasons for *b scientific reaemroh
Dial etotus in teobnioai and
ep? ~.,
to holds T'h1 follo'~6 o~~~
which atorio energy research barn Dome
he or aieatianal drrolap~ats in tkei OO~ntr 1, t'ollod.'
ports oat S
re-eearoh work which is being done
Oh ie a report on tort part of the
wht aa-
with ode !'rca the aplrolmie1ti0n for atoaio energy reeeoroh' ~
oienoee? 'rhe research sad noti
peribs* the aatura3. e
', baei0 ree~Oh fed on
are fy,ta-lly repor
~a~ee~N specific goal ~ a
tie! more direotlY
brief l9.
3tookhol*, 30 Januai7 3.950
Matte Jooobeeoa
/O48eta ~. Fiike
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
ioh e.IIi4Sbt* ae a ooordine afld
Tb. Atoeto poaiittee, wh
direoting e?i~tier ainoe Deoember 195,
~'gn for 8aedieh etorio eaex'~T of
i short report on oertai a~cote
has no' ' the time to prepare
those anti 4tiea .
The 'baeio faote ?re unddmbtedl~
Donau atorio energ7 pcoble yell olee $3t
~arrp, evea a~teide ?o~-tif i0 oirolee, as the result of
d uleac eoientifio woke. The ao~aitt~eee hde theref onc lute
the press ~- ~'p
t3ini16 in the introdU0to'r ohepter the pri*aoiptl dote
iteelt to eip~T ?~
blema theft epeoi~-1 ohare-oter and which f~rh
~hioh give atoMtio energr 1~0
the in teohnioel and aoieato ryeearoh
the reaeo~u for epeoiai etc
ome to hold. The fo11o' ?hapter re-
nhioh *tonio euerD' reeearoh has ?
' me ~- oo~tr ~ follo~in~
ports on the ogm~~tional denreelaPae
of ~ roe~rah pork ~hioh ie beii one
~hioh is a report on that pert ? e
e~tomio energy reeearo'h, ~~''
th fande from the apl~opoc'ie~tion for
pLoienoee ? The re0eero'h and aotivi.
'~ ?
~lpt baeio re eearoh the nat , f epSOifio goal are fina y repstad on
tike mare direoti~'
Stookholm, 34 January 3950
Malts Jaoobee0n
/o8eta N. Ftinka
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jn ~actraordiiax7- ~ipoanrJ- Mieb .quSrN ~cEraosMiaarT
No soiontifio diawer~r or teohniaa1 invention, either in anaient or
aodorn timer, has attraotid so much publio attention as the deaonetration
on an indartrial eoale
of the poseibilitiee of deve1oping/the quntitiee of energy oontined within
thetoewo of the atom. This attention is ooapletely juetified, beoauAe even
though we am etiU in the dark about moat of the future coneequeneen of
this dieoovery, sieply the politioal effeote which the ailitary appliaatione
of tho dieoovery have alrea oaueed . and the zwof oar eaiontifia
knowledge brought about/by the rapid development of raeeeroh on traoer ieo-
topee~ woi~1d be reason enough to place the problem of atomic energy is ite
apeoiaa, position. from a theorotioal standpoint the releaee of etcmia ener-
gy also means that poeeibilitiee have opened up for a baeioelly' new eo iree
or orgy. Boforo the invention of the etoem engine engineers were allot !
* itJo n m?ic~o! maohinoe whioh need purely' r eohaniaal onergyr, priaarily the
kinetic energy of wind and falling water ?? time geeing the eelvee !'rem
dppendenoe on draft animals and htaan labor. The first eteem engirt provided
the possibility of converting heat ray wood, coal, eta, into meohanioal
energy on a large scale. Pie all know what enormous eignifioanoe the pdr~tu
invention of the eteam engine and of the power aaohinery baeed on it had on
the world ' e eoono4e, politioal, and oultural life ; but from the aoientifio
theorist' a point of view this meant on1~r that energy was being utilised which
was released by ohengI molecular etruot'are and, the outer etraoture of the
atoa. After a certain aeaont of knowledge oonoerning the atom' a inner atrue-
ture became available during the first few decades If thie century, eoientiate
therefore began to speculate on the poeeibilitiee of releaeing the enorroua
quantities of energy which, aocordibg to what experimente had ehcnna, were
oontained in the innermoet part of the atop, the atoiio and which oauld
be released in es oaeee
heavy atow eeie already existing
r7ceip1?s ursniw- reactors, uraniia or plutonita baibr), in other Deese by-
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
tin ict1'ordinRr7 ~lisooYn17 \MLtoh iequiz'es o~MiM17
No saientifia disodvery or teohniaal invention, oither in anoient or
modern times has attr etdd so uoh public attention as the deronstreticn
In iea
this disoo'very, siaply the political effeote whioh the rilitary applications
though we are etill in the dark about most of the futu3. eonuegt* neee of
the ,0e ao of the atom. This attention is oospietely juetified, beoaUae even
yM wN ^.Mww.. w- -- - -
of the posaibilttiee of developing/the quantities of energy oonfined within
gy afro means that poeeibilitiee have opened up for a baeioal3.7 new ~OI21'O~nt
speoial position. yrom a theoretioai standpoint the re1eaee of atonio ener
topes wonid be reason enough to plaoe the problem of atoaaio energy is ite
knowledge brought &~out/by the rapid development of rasearoh on traasr ieo-
of tho dieoovery havo alrea oaueed and the of our eoientifia
e Bois
theorist ' e point of view this meant onl~r that energy was being utilised which
the world' a eoonom*e, politioal, and oultural lifep but from the scientific
invention of the etee* engine and of the power machinery based on it had on
energy on a large scale. We all know what enormous eignificauoe the ?
the possibility of oonverting heat from wood, coal, etc. into mechanical
d endenoe on draft animals and human labor. The first ete~a engine provided
kinetic energy of wind and falling water ?? thus freeing theseelvee from
upon ~rit~aarily the
roourr~t maohinea thioh uaed rely meohanical onergy,
of onergY. BofOre the invention of the etoam engine engineers were ~amx~Idrr~
was releaeed by ahengled molecular structure and,Athe outer etruoture of the
atom. Afar a certain adount of knowledge concerning the atom's inner etrue-
tune beceae available during the first few decades 4f this century, scientists
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therefore began to speculate on the possibilities of releasing the enormous
quantities of energy which, acoordibg to what experiments had shown, were
v,I ii
oontained in the innermost pert of , the atn, the atomic and which could
.' ~' ,, , , , ; i ~, I
be released in ears oases by - t heavy atom eslise already existing
(example: uranium reactors, uranium or plutonium blob.), in other oases by
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linking - light ato*ic~aq~t/to mat he*vier onep (this ie the theory'
put into pr*etiOS
on whiob the plane, now x?~ to oone4ruot a mo-oiled hydrogen barb
~por baaod) ? The theoretionl eignifioanee of having this problar s.Ird
can perhaps best be deroaatrated by the foot that one onn count on
~aillion timoa an much or orgy per to in a n'tinlear reaotion ne in A ooemio
roaotion. Looking at the mattor frc this point of view, one may condMr
that 2 December 196 maxkod this beginning of the third epoch in rnarkind's
conc~uost of s nexgy, for en that dato the first welt-reaoti~g urauim
roaotor~~daebct l the aprnrat ie in rrhioh nuclear ret etione
take p1Aoe, wan eta ed in Chicago, relnanin the energy stored in the
atoms o nuolai.
onn perhaps be c1t i ~d that this way of writing history means taking out a
mortgage on future develop eate, beo~uee so fr no per maohinez- is in
operation which ua~,n nuclear energy as motive powor: but the indication
that nuclear energy will sooner or later be harneaeed~ are so etrong
in spite of s11 the difficulties wbioh have been onoomtered so far, that
t,ho risk thttt/hietory niU have to be corrected by later generations neems
to be minima..
It, muet be etrongly emphasized that these theoretical z+nd baeio oonaider-
ationg oox1nnrning the aigni ioenoe of gneetiono of atomio energy' are Atriotly
long-range. However, it is oertainly neoegaary that as effort be made ae
goon an possible to determLnS of arly? first sad foremost whether it is going
to be pos?ible within a foreeeable time to meter the purely teohnioal probe
lam$ whiob niow stand in the way of the application of atomto energy, end aeM
to draw up a more detailed picture of the special fields in r-hioh the *ii
attempt oo'14 first be made to utilise nuolear energy and what the
economic signifioanoe would be within those fields. Available data ere now
too limited to any more exaot evaluatiarm of the latter type, but nor
e~wwl. have been carried out, eepeoially in America. As en example o*
c."; 4t' .r
may cite one ouch by the Cowles Comaieeion for Hee
eearoh in Hoonomioa at the University of Chicago (extraot published in
the B1lltin of the Atomic $oientists, November 1949), even though this
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
doou not give rah or ini'ozation thaal other ouch
J ~ , as a bad i'aot for the dievuUion at lid
from other forme of ones y in
that atomic e~rgY c~,i'~vre
one v br eto ~6apetlt~ n11UI$rp th1t the ooet ie iFODt camp1eto3WY isulepen"
deb of Ce pY c L l locetion. The priov of coal and oil inoreaeea with
iucreao cliata~ioe from the ith or oi1tiolda beouune of the coats of
tree r tion and tho aumo is truo of h ?drovleotxio pow ox, the oost of
which de uda upon tho dietanoe from the waterfall. The iroight ooete i`or
atomiQ ?'u)1re sOf,Zigiblo, however. Expsrimente are therefore oonoentrated
on tho i'ollowing three proble~ti
1 1ie opibtlity of reducing copte in industry, e-Ittah at 1W8 ft
couwumda lalle quantitieo of onergy per unit 'oduoed.
2? The possibility' that cheap atomic e3or11 might be able to bring
about ohangea in the preeont produotion methode, in that prooea~re$ baDed on
atomio enea'gy might replace i'uel?ooneuming or chemical prooeae1ee.
3? The poaeibilitY' that certain induetrioe might be given a geographic
cation which would take into ooneideration the geographic eqrn1ization of
ooets for . The industries Which ehould be the aubjeet of reeearoh
are the aluminum industry, iron and steel production, rail transportation,
and household heating.
it is not poseibio bore to go into the matter of hoe the ommie
arrived at ite eetimates. Uowever, it ie estimated that production ooete
r kilowatt haur will be eetablished at about one cent (about 5 ore einoe
deval'iZtion) and that even with the methods which are now known in theory
* can soarQO]y' be reduced to 1cSe than 0.4 rout (about 2 8re) per kilowatt
So far as the s1i ii um induetr~- is oonoerned one may oonolude that
the poet for a1 lion will not be lower with atomic energy so
as the faatorieS remain in their preeeut locations, because those lo-
oatione have been chosen em as to take adnvtage of power whioh is so cheap
that atc nic energy' oan soaroe1 compete r th it. On the other hand it ap-
pears eeible that wioes might be lowered in the ease of new faatcsriee
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~~ gTA1CtEp
,,to %4*11~ '~;o bauita 10 o'taf~?.cd, LI1 "~A+w of t1~c
r~~otd at t11o ~~oiu
tisat this 000t as pO to bat7XL' O wou4 be o11x"to . Conca='f t G
y r
Lt ~rj b i ubooV4 t u~'t curtain tec mtC'L
Lho i'o a- i~e?1.?Id
mthoda whici- Ji boil dvt;la X'd in U~o ix'uz, i~u?(~i'td.n w' t
1, .bt ~a~ oxoapro tiac~Y in placw of oo1co) rz1t1r;t-l~ri~about
ydrogen g - ~ o ~'
a q ~1iiob the diotanov fro3t tho cool, io;lda would too of ltt-'o
~,tuatior~ in ~
;U4purtt1ats titan thu dd.tLLWO i ~o ur? f'd,o~u. i~ 11~iu pY,oul~l bu thki
o~m uh
Uueo, a?toc or~orY Garclo tu b? of great lmiw~rtuo Uvorl in
~ ~.
tintI W~ ixu~
b .3() far uo hc~ueck Old hoatint lp oou'flO(l, tho uiuAtbb*
o `~?1 ~~ ~`~ the uoe of
lint/utomio nuerg' aLC lit Vary well ~Zroi? pracrbioati
c~ to ~ aonolualan lo
aitina. i~ moru uzu't;1~ue vdi,cw icy 'bticn ,so far ap ?b1o
in heavily' popu].utvd
uao of atoic to onerg~r for raja roach io oonoorncd.
Tho e~l$ brief rmf'orxod to &ovo, as w~U praotiaaUy u
boon oaxrit+d out, Qpp3'' to AT-erican co'itio a. re
ofi-hero which have
to our oonditidna we tmaat t~cd into auo~uut i;hu
attempt to apply them
indiefloU$ *i&*cflh poster raooustuo~ (1~.
that vie 1av0 ro1ativrO3..7 liUd.tOd
oO1eOtrio power, which io to bo eux'e relativei' iipo1'?
?fi:eat, only the b~dr
tant) and h aoatp wheroaa ~tho USA hae an abunanoe of ? oil i`uolhigh fuel
at a low pcricO. If vre could podue atoid.o i`ue:L from iAdigefauo rnatnriL.~.a
ice it would help * out in the aignif i "' t roblow of
at a r?asonabLe 1
conserving f'ot~oigh ?ah Which n goee fog' 'the pu~cob O of foeuil fuel
and would aloe ba im''t from the pout of view opt' pxepuz'acfnaaa. T1;Gr3
Lion bttt that the eolutl om of the a'toniio energ3' problem
ie therefore no qu,oe
in of gretae3 ijp'oS :fox a ocitr~ such as aue than or oountribe ouch
grOIt variet~r of reeouroe off.' ohoap aXD t
ae the VSh e'ith i'ta ~
from other pouroee of enerc'?
great bMreet, oonoerning the technical and eoauomio
Anatbsor report of
d b the f orm~+r ~ of
1oeibildtie~ of atoird.o energhad been pub~.iehe ~'
the Americ8!- Atomic Ea+ergCoIEioaionJ ph,Yiviet Robort ~'. 13aoher (uIIet1n
of the Atoo entiDte, Maroh 1949) ? Ho givee a deeoxiptiOY, of the pxogreia
~.o Soi
which hap been dzwn up by the m rioan Goemiaa
for the riexb two Saxe
strap the teo1Inia1 and even the economics prob1eae
pr+eaiee1'' in order to
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r11Lte1 t33 oq~ulatrboa tiiit11 the wo o abo o QUUrg' cio a aaa~'uO of r,1dtit:'ia1
puue~+ axed to' o'blu)r knuo WU. 313? ~aal+o 'OL tiQ3I U WC bcit ? c' ;'s'o
one t+or teetbg mat.ria1J, ~rf, ~
to ho built to' thoU4 uuuc1,oa,f o~1o uu ilavy u~,csc uxL to au.~ t~ 1o ~'1
;ur a xtm'tx roaoto? t'ox -ol;cal..lii~; ~u~~o~ly~ o ar >,~.,~.~ i""s'1e aioouf3l;~.ol~ wo, ';h.o1 Vvi11 s)i (-~ab1y bc, C~ r~'ioc? '!n ot xC.t~1 t~"?.
ui~i)l t!lf! atna' (. ci~ne4oi o)trLla +
po. ~11ott.a !e o t,hi',ho raoor~a~c-.wcktloU w~-i' tl:>c ;~zcw ry
iEt~:~b~.e tub ,~ ,
t acW'O~ ran bo cru iaLttod Mg tha g:1 uin of
Tho iotmaittea At LItd ',te vcnrlc in Doeotor i94- Ito rx~mbornrhip lxi
yea to a few z'oopeet s t ince thc-~ c: +pointmotrtsn, bttt novz ccrr t off`
begu cat ,
the o11ow, tc-tWss XreoidOz b, ~drornar M~itc Jnoob0 icm~ etcro, 'oN
'~ c11' IIeXU3 o A3Ni h, Chicf Diz'ectow' yE~s?r ;!tsz' Me ~~x~r 1'h~o1c o~' Tflret
Oustatson, 'o-eeoor Do sue, Director Raffia" ti1?bia4, Pro`eax Edm>
._ ..
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c uu ; !.~:Itt til).s i ~i/r.J..
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Colonel Torstsn 8abx ddt, Profelor kanne 8ie~bahor
asor Otto 8te13i334! e OS $2 l Dirootor Raakaa Ste , Profausol The Sued"
and Pros eor Ivor t~a3las. The aeoxet6r7 it O6ata Punke.
On 8aroh 1946 thi Ott.. was fines with iti first z,port .
titiad "Considerations Af~ot3*Ig the Pre3.taiZW.17 OzganbatiOMl Measures
the Proaotioa of Atomic Ear Research" (ogzd) . La be as-
e~wed roe the do title, thta cendua discussed prelle *17 aeaeures
for the o attan of atomic ear researoh, and it was strewed that more
rienoe would have to be acquired before the organisation could aseume a
fora. As a result of the ConnSttee's rim, the 1946
more peraament
Rikedag appved an appropriation of 2 al3U1ion kronor for atoaio energy' re-
search. In oonnoation with this, His Majesty' ordered that the Atoid o Commaittee
eho4d act until tbrth~er notioe as a ooprdinating and adviaory' organ. In
order to relieve the Gcttee of the routir~ee aeeigmneuta which were
derool it and in order to prepare aes34nme21te before they
were acted %p by' the C* ntttee as a whole, a orkiag S*.Committee was
~pAdt set up which ooabains four a hers.
Ato*io energy activities, as already' pointed outs are in certain re-
8imp31P magnitude i
sPaots ~ in human hietory'. the t M1~ of the task ie cat ve
enough far euih en observation, and it foUa s from this fact that no private
induat individual, coy combine ie able to Undertake such a task. It 3s
a t ud41:Mnt for the largest social organization, the state. In
addition it has beoc ie the moat obviooe epee so far known of cooperation,
bed , c
or the need for oooperation, Z soientifio research -?d a multiplioity
of ' disciplines of both theoretical and exporizental nature ?- and
industrial activities, 1iksviee variable and s of ]argewaoale
iurtaria1 scope. This state of affairs amt be refloated in an organization
which wifl be SUitable for the tasks e'hioh fat. to our ommt y in line with
developments 3n this fiend.
Xir ana r nieiaor , "Ccnsiderationi and Rac endations for the Or-
ganization of and Roonoaio for AtomdrS ~ r Research " (p.6 A;,ri 1947),
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the 0asadttee din oonolustonr from these oonsiderations aM roooo nded
oOnrtruOtiOf Of IOYerai otheer ms4i ~a reaotora and tI* assign"
that both the
aonnscted therSWLt3i - which are omir*flt]r teebnieal in mature -
ba eatrMted to a apeoial, sec quasi gove tal ooh, the
Atomio Insrg Oer r. Tbea usig t$ are extraordifari -' oomprehe
a~1 the production of uranium] ioel s m~i aonoe~ation
The most ~
of oreae eoctraotion of uranivaae and refining, all on a large sea3e in spite
the fact that the end product, the pux's uursiitm metal, is obtained only'
in E11 quantitiss, measured by ? Ustriai starida~rdI. Thee
be formed instea44 for eoascmple, a govern-
reooomm~dation that a oonpan
institute or pleat, was based on two ooneideration$$ in he ffet plaoee
it was thotighb perhaps especially in industrial oirc esi that a great fleoc"
ibilit could be ettained in handl,itI the matter With tha use Of the oo1'p?2'
tiOn form; in the seoond p1*oe, it was felt that in this we' it would
be easier to aohieroi the cooperation of industries experienced in the various
fields doh the proJeet involved. It is obyioua that the intimate
cooperation with such industries is facilitated if they are stodkliolders and
oaparhners in the oorpooratiOf. The Coii'P ttee irate the following in its
"Pu thermore it appears no leas iinportant that intimate, confide b,
genere~a~t oooperation be establiabed with aU 'the . forces of industrial life
which either have already indicated their positive interest in this impor-
tant ] or wif be interested at a later date. Witbatlt access to the
technical axperienoe and the 'OdUCticm reaoaroes xhiab Swedish industry
sense$ the Committee feels that the we 1c on the eacploitation of ataomic
oarmot A,oo? rates aM Witt the desired speed. Ichehallizg
9wedeiis so ists and engineers with the eoonoaio support of the gorotirrmnent
az appears to be the only possibility for assuring the desired re-
malts in comitLon with the other nations."
to takd3)g this stand on this question the Atomic aonom1.ttee and the
goYcxoereUt authorities by no cans closed their eyes to the f that
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!o1, Some tiae to ooms the Momio 6e'porstion will have to hays a me3oauer a#'
operation which will differ rather oonai6 rably f that of other
erpri*ea in corporation farm, in pa,4iolar in that f' a long
time it 'will hive no inaame but rather ezpenditr'ee. I*zge gage st
gip ,will amore be needed for the ~ti&a aotivitisr. The pri-
vas shareho1dsra1 finanoial intersrte will be limited in any ous for the
time being, to paying in the aharr oapital.
The reoammeendationa offered oonoernfgg the foreation of the Atomaio En-
ergy Corporation were aeoepted by the goverment and by the Rikedag, and in
the f1U of 1947 the Atomic Energy Corporation etartod its work (the initial
meeting was held on g Nove~or 1947).
The oarporstion has a board of germ coneieting of seven me era
aM f ouz' deputies. His IM-3eet3r appoinli tows of the members, ooze of ho n
is the ohairman, and tun of the deputies. At present the board of here
oonaiate of the following peraonar Chairman, aovornor Malts Jaoobectj
meorbere appoiited by His ~iajeaty, Dfrector Cures GeJrot, General?Dfrec~or
Naak*n Sterky, Profeaeor The Syedbergp members appointed by the other etook-
holdere, Director Erik r Bengtson (vioe-oheirman), Director Cal Klemn,
Director Rag1 3 Tdl jeblad. Deputies appointed by flu Ma3esty z**
Professor Otto Stelling and Profeuor rvar Wafer] depntiea ap-
pointed! by the other rtoalrho]4ere, Direotoor Elsa Tunba r and Profeeaor
Waloddi WeD3UI1.
The goveanb us the majority atookholder in the corporation. Aodard-
ii g to the artio1 of 3no rporstf on, the ehwe capital is to be not
J lees than tYio s. Sian kronor and not moos than a million. At present
it it 3.5 million kronor, of which the governoa~ent has contributed million
and private 1nberp$- 1.5 million. The oorp ? ationa' a eMresa is Viet"
inannagatau 23, Stookb~o3.
By and large the organization of atooa is research has sew
s*ined, mohend einoe the date mentioned aborts, with the exception of a
few umall ohergee which ee~ designed niny to give the Atomic Cost"
tee, which, sine the epl itting off of the 4u I activities with indus..
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trial A sa bas awed knotilooo ~ bell the s+~Ie as that at
ths iI
oaroh cannons an authO 'it7 $ird r to that of the research o~oazn ~
o its own decilSOM oonoerning the ~ of ttmdi in ?~ whirs
oils to za ~ce ,
the azaoarct involVed is less th$fl a eSrlta spSOifSO4 ma (10,000 k'onoa') p
give thin Ooosnittee a better OPp~vmity to rn oe the uti1
and also to Bi l
tion of the i1r grentad. CoopSratill with the other roeearoh ooh
oilitated in that the oo moi i and the Atomic Committee have ',
hap been t-
a+et up a epeoial organ M' oooperation between theme espea in t ttors
of broador zaore beeic importanoer the Research Connol Delegation for
dose mettf,ere are the oh&irmef of the ooo moil$ and of the C om-
In oooneotion with the Betting up of the A,ton ie Energy Oorpor tion
jt a poeeSb to reli ve f
the Defen$i^ RepearOh
Izz*h4ute of some aetivities wh had lu'evioua1y been aeeigned to it and
aver to the Atorio Corporation. This applied to bath oh mioa4,
to tub them ., s
eats. The IQdstenoe of the ~t Defer$e, Re$$+roh Inoti'
and pbyei~ prod
tote was of tbs utmost impcOS in i]civg it poeeible to get thole aobivi"
oh are directed toward a specific goal iamtr way raptdlyr and the
ties whi
Committee is c1V grabef to the Beaeeroh Institute for the nni~
work wniOh it did during the early stages.
An tiOf of errs zdllion kroner of aai o fei" at e
energy research by the Atas Oooemittee tar the ! fiscal year 3.9l6/47.
An aaa mb of 1.9 z ion krouoar wu Lazned for each of the fieo 1 ea'r~r
pe~od up
o~ .g .ion kronor for the to
1147/4 and 194/49, or a t-o1 5
31 Jii 3.949. PraobiO 3iI the whole at this ~ had been diepoeed of by
that date. 'Or the wont ki f iooa1 year also an amotnib of 19 milhion
honor bee been a Priated, and the sage samnit has been acp*ated t faor
2.95O/5] in the go a propoea1e fah are now being dtted.
Eawanrer these are nab the our iimaa at the diapo '' of ato s e ' acs'
An ~ ~' 3.S man ~ has beep paid in in chase oapi?
the Atomic Energy C t r besid* W ih the COrporatiof has
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dial gamt apporo nation as foUpe'01 for 1947/Ie
boon ~ ~ ppe
2 .Uicn gnor far 2.94/49, me 2 i1'ionp t nd ter 1949/50, 5OOfOOO
kronor. 'aur sail ion 3cxonor bave boon xoqueoted for taoa1 roe' 1950/5 in
the gavernm propoaA]a fair tho yewr. The ap*'opz'iatioom moibionod 1ios
~ to a totu~l a~ 9~O ~ ~ to ~, 191~9~ i~ OdOduot tho
share oapital of iie Ato iio Oorporation. lime abou 3.5 Ilion
)? !
havr been roserv~, ao taut not mono than 6 alhion kranar had boon
dispoeod of by that date. A largo part of this m was uaod for mat ria1o,
pe1'eonnel, eta, for tho eoioatifio i sbitutiona? 1 orve howevor, wo have
reaohed the pout where 1rgo imrortiite are needed fair industrial inetalla-
tion and a etart will saw bo node to use tbo rpsz'ationk share capital
for this pa~rpooe, ao will an the z'aservoa mentioned abave and the k mil[.iah
rrquaatod fur th ores ?iaoal fir.
Even j dl his ama xt is nut s per. i'or oux' aotiviti?a! the question
may o. tai i1V be anted whether it is poeeibla to obtain az' revi is with
,such iturea, whioh are oertt~inly ver~r inDi nifioant in oomparieoa With
wb1t nation liko the Soviet Union, the USA, the Britieh Empire, and even
Fr nos arse ep,g foot tiieee purpoevs. It must be poitxted oat that we are
of oourplr wcrkiig in a oon$iderably more reptriotod fioU than Ifinpia, tho
USA, and Great Britain, and tbi t furthernoro, with our limited roeourair,
eapooit:t:Ly' vo far as traced per~onnel ate. ore conoer ed, we are oompeUod
to adopt a tom diftat 'max. }iowevsr, this an givoa i3n t;l work fog a mare thooroagh p1enningi xrhereby considerable saior are saved. On the
other heM, it abou1d be oimar that k no reeu1te of at impoi'tanos on
be attained without weeding a certain minims amount. Tutateh ae we
have now ino eed the pereonneL et~rength and the iUat tat, equiaiint,
eM ha'e also *de a start tarard ? derelo g the teohni *1 prooeeeee,
we moat now be prepaz'ed tour ioreaeed economic reaou'oes to be made av-lw
able grads ,y'e in az oars eo fn' as the held of activity of the Atomic
gorp~ratio t is concerned. Tie situation is already releobod in this
y ea gav 1'nmeub work progxam px'opoaa2i.
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I c)
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xtao revearoh has been carried a'at : out oountsg 0*1 Lit
oo3~tt2'3r With the dieaovdry of opantano~ouO redioaativit~. iii rescsroh
~on1u ever n ix~ae stn c4talii8 ishe laa'E aeoade of tlae ol~kbo+enh
xequired sor4"oe13' any granter rCQOW'Qep than ztira1 eaiolnoe rep
.1? FI [ ( l
a Wholo rc a~ vod, Thin situation Tap oha aged b ~ tho M.. * F ~rhioh
initistod by Ruth?foordr .itting of nitrogon sntialei in 1919 Frith .'
particles from a 'dioaetive oompo , *hioh eequontZV led to nUoloar
fieeion by Cooko 't and YaLton in 192 x?blt the aid of pz otoit v ooelercatod
in a high-voatage toUatlon. Thin ouporimc-nt, ro& the cyclotron built
by tauronoo in 1931, ushered in tho opoeh of oxporimontc1 n ei ar phyoicn,
which is ohaaraotorieed by the origin of nli tht le.rga and comp1ic ted dew
vices used to anoeiea.'ate the ape rind thereby th~a ane3?g j of those
tialce h1 oh are tied to produce artiioie1 nuoloar fusion. With this,
eacpori! enta . mto~4eax roeoe eh booms an w ive soi nce, probably the
moat expensive of aU ao :a ogtii nt is conoorrud? Cyclotrons and
high?voltago inntailationa vzexo only the fixat at~g~ra along the y? There
fo11awvd in rapid auoceeaionc Van coo Groat' Cenerutors ( ooi atruoted in
primitive form ae eaxxy as 199), II1tMIII pynohro-cyalotxon$,
betatrons, and e'nohrotro , which ar? ncvr airy rog~rdod as the heavy
az'i11or7 of nuclear ioa? Lt the sae time, howevor, appaxahp tech"
nolog7 ~ra-e beit,g 0a3ried on in othor rnapeota, eo tlmt a nuoloar phyaica
institution now rec as a great man corn Licated at . ii icxy inatr ntp
such as amp1Wieare, sc a er , oalouiMore, eto. n ob. caries t~k entail
ooneider3ble expenne. It is also obvious that xeaearoh of this type x'o..
gtdi'Oi adequate and il~.Mtzained porsonnol.
through Pz'ofedsor diogbahn'a offorta an attempt had been made
in ?ur ooewatrjr oleo, GVOfl befoT+e the aeoond 'World V~ar, to keep up with that
development of nuclear physica which wao oharactariZed by the
rpooh in the
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hoa' + .rt~-tuC6~. '1,ue Lift oaf LLU 1.C)38M~9 a gyti vt1'on waft built at ~,he
~' Ai
8o oo 1 o Ie wA'Qh Th tituta for orimenta L PbrILUI with doh
ilsn ~ Y
deutona uoi4 bu aooexoruted tip to a epoed ~d oox'r?apondi1i to 7 UdIUion
electron vo~.ts o' cru r1, d the In tituto wgo a4UAll7 t with
the oorro ipond oompl?eeut oi' odor rwaded equiiZ ZXt. Even
before tiro A'to4o poxamibtee wa? i.'o nrod, c e ,'tai reee1Z'Ch in S por.IXoUta1
nuole tz' ioi t ?t bow oaxricd at other irltitubiOfO bUt beoaw o of
tau- look o f tundp, personnel., oto. Lb wct? of imitad uoope. oorotioai.
ioe door ~ nt squire 'be ouo 1az'goeo4 -1e n~p1O3riatian1 oi" Cl ldq rri
eeriuteu l i~ltyaioo, bnt ovon tliat eao p' 1 by tho alxoz'tugo of poai"
tirno for ao?iL.)tL4 tt~ i'O11OWal~ipU ;t'or lootuxoxe, ito, loivoveri thooroticz 1
icsa], rUDOaXroh timU QLLtI'iod o~ Cwerl in hw fiiold of xtuoloar p iap oo
far a& rc~c o3oov ixittud.
icp oan cox"b:IaY ba d Vo bo h contra-1, eoienoe for otmio
e2te rc-a~u'oi, tut aatty ~ho2'4Ci?nte o3' t1re fotfdatLon of 'bho
etruaturo, ~ on a i it booomu a ~attcr of the pruot*oal utili~atio~- of
the diaooveries a c1e in riuo r phy3ioe, a ~turbcr of other aotenco mu?t be
oanoa on; in fact, &rn of these othc~' ooi invep nY por Pe by mid to be
even morn important than nualeaar plireioa taeli' at this cage. ChemiDtrY
ehoti d porhapp be ntionod f it a.moij the an, both ofaa a PU3'e
eoiance cad in the fox'm of eiersicu>1 Boa} c~1c4 . xrl aoneoction II:tb those
robleffio a uerr field ha ovezi been opon up : o}a~miotrlr, anert.]U deaig'
dated as nuolear ohom?etr r. Also, motallurgical. crobionw aped, ovon at
an eax'1 r ptago~ 1ootronio~t is 3Jkowiso of conoiclarable importance. The
of uranium ?o~~ jLc, demanae the p1ioation of oonoontrating
teo1 niciw . oaioine, u the form of inedioal 'adio"pbraiCc, ortoro to
ioture 3n aonnootian 4th the pa'oblama of protootion. at a
latar at ;e a age nut ~tox~s"L ? T ;tn 5.rotrt1~ttic'd i 'i ' ne about a
u~ta ~
for of A 2d2.?.iof Vflitl
ratn 1.rttl1 i7~'',1t,?~,~atl ,nh I Vn'bQT f 14d'r1.1 i b^ ~n 1t
a nuiti.b'L' o'oc1t '11. he ;Pond bo moc+tn2'c the one 7 o*' , m!P rt' m in tic
"8vr .ni',r tr'.x :i ~.n .n otr~n!,n~' and nmcier ' rh 'o ,o hap htteta n~-
rraoin~, rci't'rc' it ~-~~c rr,N ,cso ft rnlo1nnr ~~,i tt~,n;1,-a ,
br nnn of the t~9o nr!ai;r~t ~o who i ?.o ftor~to
ric~c~ ~o laoo? k,
S n, ts.
At .c c u8 U eAoarch !c+rkarr~ rnt tyro ~a"it~tr~ 'a c' t& trC P"'F',
the nuo,'1onr phyniov work."
rtt tho io'~ oi' I t'Xte & Tool rto .og yThe fOUOTiJ ' of the ,or1c foing on a the Mb'ate hae been
f-~mtaticd b r thc~ head of the T ri a, PrOtO !3o'' Fmk ttu1t3iort .
4 rix'ch tiiTitiG the ;0jo;Ice Gt Ii
tu.tO of oohno't wwi/Or iro1.Y' ], ai;l?,ad to apOOtreaeOP5.a a xo~~ on
Vo v z , t'~ . ab 1 m ;inir~ aerbain points
mo1eou1n3' a tct . , +~wM
r ion ~,th ruo1t ice, for n o vrith xennxd to ~.r~o't,opo and
~,n acs ~
zmoiear apin, 'v hioh opertiea m .r be obez'ved the etr.tiotturo of thee
~ Ter when the eettina up Qf the Atomic Committee opo ed
band apa ..
up the aprorbun for mtcloar ~ie$ rc oaroh, it foUowed n~tu~ '
~. ~
that ob1emd conoex g 3uat thoao gwoetiona ahouid b? given first oonaid-
eration. This deveiopt!Kflt ha/had ito begimiiig some ara oarler, with
the g'ctnt ?com the Mate reahnica1 Raaenroh CotunaiL Tor building a nrn o
otrozsatex' for quantitative iaotopa a,n " ie, an ap tt~e which vao p'ao?
tictW r oonplatod dm'ing 1946.
' Oiio i 'aoto ? wiLtoh stood in tho way' off` begi ng the na aot~.vitiea and
ni1' T fl
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.sfl:%tG t
t ~ , G i ; r ~ oF2'od ( t f t i t to OY4'ctu1 Q % t J U s~vaxc c ~ r r ~ I i u u b it3 ~ .ok o
o rm t b1t irpta. !x f owcwf)x, th'outj~ to ~a io;tlox ttiun u t w Bore of
Ai 'snto ~` txln Inch; t;)ttt, c? Tce uw1ogj u a~w~~rl i i ao uutabitsin tive ox' mix
r'1an~ tike '~Itt+~~ up c'tu'iij to o'ir~-~i a?' ~ 46. were t fl,
nt~te:*:trwe L u1" f v tist? :Ices di+ f:a x' yu bi,ity Z,j tt . a,t
t~LU ^r'ro v 1 !" r xgom r i w ' a'utJ 4 u ti'Ltcx u ?o'
hoavio ' x tw .
"Un(ior too oon itio~ir t1i nucicsta' j4~'i Lod auLiviLica rat to xaiatituto
oi' Ituvc~ corn o fo ,1u~ ~a' y fiiuco m lirtcni oL' ovo1a xtts
" ? Thci ry~,~~1 u1: of ~t 1w1(4' ~Isyuiou oral-ory'~ vrih tho aii both
of o'~r c t 1zG 1o r: iovo . ~ r Rr~o fad aU iUZEJ udUaty EL14O]Xta .fld far
o of td off` t:1 > nt' 1~~.: ~ z+r ur,r - Lox' Chef n t.stor c
art c1U3t+~:'f a ('-t` ;'t?QQ '!io,~lo:?;.1 G1: i2.'uJocrt i
"b. ? 1nf -~~~~,z' utrio at~i,rlrau,~a with ~jui z Ltutlvo 3uotopo LtzA ,ylnie
na t! o p)?inn;t1~^1 1?r,'o je~nt. Li h~a'b o. th, t 1uo inoluduu to dovo L-
u-;t o.:' he ~ 1-~ t i c n oc.~ litr to ~rtoa'it for ra id rout
4err. t mtiorj of arwi.picui 2roi der or 1 bi LugLi u1 aid ~ tra1o ; oc! uic * 'ii rnte,
d; toot w' .
"G. - buid of Ent U~.~'-?~'AIC- '~~'i ~ 1,9 Lor the a ieui i ~x''F.1tioa C1 sp-
r "QOy)1',
'1' 1c +r F/~ ',otrI:L1.: M :1t&1 r 111~.r h 1,. 1 ?, 1 1 ? 1 ~ 1~ 11y~7~1 7 ~Io vitd
r1~` . S ~?'pl 1'. ..~~~ V 1 ?/ f~~ c1 Y1:Y/1F5~ &+u~~~++1 {1
~/Y?2Lnn_~~r1n?w/~N w -~ 1C ? , - ~fM "~+1 r'~, r. ~V C' 1 r it `t, ? V ti?Y~ tMV Iwi 3i
`AWY t'Y/ ~tl\YI ?.. 1~~ ~'~I.t~ l~ ~r..~r1~M1~ J ~F. ~~MR! 1.14 \~~~ ~ ~
an eleatronioa Iap& i u s , xtioae to ik i has been to cupr~1:- nt the w(uk of
tho othcr ro,z :a' xi ~ (poriru3t o i the
vii 1i [t prubD iLi ~tie'b
d.'.2':)o 1.r c0)'n()ctir'(~ tirw.~ir t' t!3 !I 1'~J,3a1~G(L 'QQUQ )iU fl )CiI1Iorrb ?
wn. 'tha f1irn7 'k ?t; u '7.C ae tlsa vItx.~.a 4 `Imp aIJ (xcpcribed iu 'oater
"':arrczr"3.ot~ ~ :aua1~~ i?: x.x~ro .cu c.t a 1ivr 3,csvi1 ...r~ ntva.'~cd tltt thi aj tag
- w
a:! '1.9/7, ci x ce ;bwttx t nt 1 Qcal~ , j; ie 'i; t~u1u rnr purpo~e could be
l,rocii. oz' o. e~ )1c1 to }/&6 6 . Jii rr ;i" iiaG tm1 u1c tro io 1~.~bxrato~y.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
Tlw f uw~~iou ; i.ii 'tip, I'O$fl oi' ether t 1V uood demon tr tion airy
~.- +awutt~~ io1i `duo o1uo~?'~,a?t.L ~ auu~'tUi oi' btu j*trbioleu, the dear"
iLLarctr u C ZPD'UUVU cirtiarBapodi't aofUtaoxta~ the d~*flJblWbtW of thor's
xic11ic1 u 4'u3ia pho' ob W1o O Lcu~a~ tha~ ~-4 reaa-
U.u'?iw:. 1uw lug uuu, Chu 1 bo t to17 c 'oi ui Lt 'e i'O11o1'lOd b;r diuuuaaione
" w tt31ud b 'iNiaa tie WilO LX'ts ' t0oted? 'L'yc?y 1auVU
Lie Q uut Gu '~Q '4c11 u~i ;hltaa of dux oontin od etudy.
Tho ~ Gr cc1 i i &r 1?- ioe etw ico t c 3i*x~ dirUotcd
zg ' o f"1: ? L4 O on ti o w Ithotle for x~c-ot'lrcting
~iucioc1 ~~;.+.uilh-ii -~iA. 311 rluX`U o oeB~i dovelop 1 ,~-ioularly by 1-a1ir 'm
T40 ou? " d "1,rc i1n~wi 4PIMOP i 'o bayed oar a hotooiaotrio
rout)rc:thg t1~a S1~iui . o l rt (~u' Lt. a LviU' tiofPYll,iOU dOVolOP
t aws ~lll(t~.w1 ~,:' ~'lutui iou t 1A or'it:l. (ar t1 moons o> a4-"d.1ti
oti,Lt~1t ) . .' ` I ,vo toad a t txuted tlef great applioabi ity,
ou1%e3,a':ly ?i uu]viwoii c Wi'Gh Uio ooizloidvnoo rimants with a 1d h timo
itiiciiutju~1~ w1~i1;li t u ao iu o~-w. i ..n rW ,ut r ihyuiee, To same oxbexr the,.
~ar1 rte' a ir?~wi~r"dbribe an `c1tie new field oi' roOe oh hixv'o not yut
~,,41vt.~:r,a bu;,rolui c' ac-ate, but oorbain intorAot ('rsvrVStione
k.4tva "bCtGf L>adn uu pu"cli$l ed,
cpA'iu ni;a aro dii'eotod t0 'd adtc~ g
t ',: -~17,u U,'.~ ; a1I uG v,i~-~icw! i ;c : a.aaarlpu in 3eotopo mixturCB in
tout,:: w r;C'J:,C~~~.~:.i, .i ;~~~~'~iw~ v i?.r' i+: ~C-'1+w rim tCe" uGIl~I"i;1-uG~J.Y~! iso-
topes of biological interests for exzimple, from the point Gf view of the
study of w'.terit 1 r o wnr.on in lLvi orgasm. A vcxy iax'e per ox~
pvc~ lv~$L tC dc~t4z~>~. 'tyc~ a O1 Urbc a nitx'og~n iaotopcs have bc~ux~ made
dz? ~~hc coos,=L3E.: of 'tlio ca-'ort 8DLo12 g otbiC' , :or the V;~3rmar-GrCn anatitute.
The ~lLfltax~ tpt~ (1 r .lt1s1u4 iLi dowse for rni'inciL mau~uromrante othis sort
.ec1 to apracatuaoa (double
I' ~i r' and bhw aui~.aii7g of x a die
~ 1 tl~~ i~. ~-
CO~dU DXt w ;a4troe~~~`l~oru VIU.O art; ~peoted to mta1tip1y the pr?ciaion oi' neaaure'
L :t nor titct3B,
'! Aito g thy, 1uu r rjthuue w1~ich have been pointod out ?o ? the conoentx'ation
and eeparation of 3sotopee~ centrifuging by no means holds a faYored position.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
,4 .. , .. M! tiJUL~, probJ.oui o ' otubiltt ' r1M aoXid.ty
t1u~ uur-o'uraO U' ia11 a ;1U3'ge CCX triLUBCO vh.oh O '
aut be ~olve~
nsedocl t the oUEft u1.Q) tho comrtitVO r iii te4 do''
i ' i ob' a tl s oe~tr 8a is ptaal1od up
w1liu1l per (oI of U1trI"oontr5uVt 0C? ' Ore"
t0 t1~ uu-i,e~ uup e,pae5.r
to avoid S.uitie~ anA at t1 o oa a tiz ,a'ttaia oat .A"
Qrn 0 1leu a?si V. OOfibfltion o
f-4uOry i, ~euLtep Uiu la beet done by qua the pro5attx'O
tlur oentriJU O tnd the xit ourrorit motlYOd in
offeotd wlioh d?velop
t c Clio ' 3 U J,OI1 tube delre LOP d W Gluiiua and Diolcol.
On the Viwe~iu#, a oo1W ooftriVU4 O hao bocn built
~ l~ua1~ o~ tha t
1f ui'euiy i?von a i o tiurablc dogroo of uopaljation of
' ~$ ; A uU'bou to1;t ~,u1~l.~ui Va1~oOj O 'atifg ut modortLto poe .
o1~ox3~ 1k100~ ~~ t~4
1lowe~rar= di~jO ~cu~/oourouaeeny as1 ulO' .O CO trOUe( whlo tho coxitxifuge
1e results wire oxrntio, oor oupodiX to only a ?v totion
is in npertttions
of 'Ws oxpaabdd ei'feot. tur he oornpletian cei a xow contri o model,, in
ti ' a ~r~t
r~~ioi tk,e j..raOiiitt iK eo!e;1.) ~rnc-oUc-oe tD' placs~
der of eerieowcouiimea a ra ("p1ataa"), it is o%rected tkw,t, titeco
ifj.'icu1tieU cnn bt overcome.
nl.'he oentry uga tnethod~e advantagea 6 1 1 other ;,lothodo of c ra-
tlou r. ?x u, UO ano;rOnasd ot.tpUt wit11 lnoroaaod atomio weight ' that In,
~.. ~ . Q
u0'~oIJ~ off' ~'kl?aVlout clc,~u.a~te .~
it oGdWnue .L Flu ~e1 u~tivi: ut :
uuGuii~, '"r, .o 1;&tLC1~ wh;,4u1 i1 :h~3 in 'U3 ~czlara'~:~oii oi' ;sta"gO cLua
~ at the YnetittXt of Teo mo1ogy in Stoaknolm
t~zu ; A I , i
~ the 'head of the x i4 the Prof?a oor (t dmUXd B oreliu~ .
by '4'
rUp to Deeeuer 19/8, the aativitiee were located at the research eta"
the Academy' of Engineering Scienoea, and were oarried on to eome
!ion of
extent in aon emotion with the Defense Poroee' Panearc)1 xnetitute. Dux
a number of 1aboratOT~' in 'eatigatione in nuolear?' p1irioa were
that time
oarri out! deai d prinariy' for tec mologiOte in tho third"'year cotaree
tho de1 mOnt for P Bical oginoering. The fist iaborator~r oooreee
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
Wti3'b 1.varl dWP'1Mt ~~~r ~~- ~.~~ ~~~~a ' ,
. Nxyt~ct l-~c-zi ~ a Ven r~iu~i~ the a~'x't
ourpa .n ~luo~.~a~~. 1
(;erm :L%6 T ouu 4uu3,as ' ph ioo
Tho trt ua e%' o to the ii.utttuts s '
~ It Iry~ 1?~r !- lrr~~r'+; ~ ~
rru~ paatid j;UL' o?~ Rvu~~ro~r ~, ~ ti?n - ,.., +"~
~, ro l l.-~tl~ ; wV~win'~1,:~yQ.i,l1 ~~iO~M~1 ~1~
o~acI~p ~ x:~prt,cfip$,ply 1iY C. 1 Y ~
vua~ A&U ' rwydi~tOr 4~'I t occ1urC1'r,s0T: ttbe.
u ,,~
rc in ~c~a~~,~-sar 19~? Tl~
1 ~~?ok ,i
rU~'It on IdU'LLltk ul>! t;jVUit.tLc,O
r?, 1949 ,, , ,c atitti ?'Gr th0 ~jT'Ct tACtI ')l dux'izlg
' ? ,'t,~ tat''t-t' : 4?t1`i t1-0 ~'au rho (f~noxa~
xh3,c~h aaotr~ ~,~uJG~U~ tia
XJJ t~ottor c aope fox'
r c: M L'd (('uA ,i;rli4'~
(~ ii t:) ~~ 11r 1 brlN ~ ~ ~l ,H? s .~ .,
. qAs
rQig.rt4'c.3Ct w'h t4lll~ 1~IJrfa'Ux'EI ~,~'?'~s.t~ 1" ~ fa pK~
term as' :1949
~?G ,~ ? '' c/L.rl`?? 1!,,a- d't~to1~ra6 a~r',~~ o~zotY,
,1e2";J'r4n~! t~G u
,,,GO:C id C1~rfr~.~.~1.1 f:rit~Adr~T~l ~Jh' ~I`//~~Wly~nM
tl~e other ,Ur ~ snl,~u. or u~ a~~ ~Z
~uL1rr tii aiv! 1ias1 ofo1 UG o9 1.
iuslsu:~ r,r
'tut ,I, r ? r`W. V .,1.?J`,4;.~r lr~ 1~~: i,4 +~.1Ydt~}Fr? ~jhcfr 4 'tort ?~ ::Lo k1 .rIRr1LV~ ~1,13~JtJ,? --`u yf~N Ji ~V ~
? ::: .. i }
ii p,+ ~M ~r ^ 1f tr-~ ? ~~ry d it
~ f"1... `r (,/ ;~ ) f~:t t4'~ ~i~1.11:)'UIIr i~ C7,.- Sj'~.i.Jl-~'6~1-r
on .4iyoCi. : t
th ' 'ci~ X1'-CA'r A'fdTa 1-rt~ ~1Q6iQ ~ tYXd
~ c,~r~~~r r rid a r,,rn.~.-~e, r.~,nnt~er~
built with a i 5 crJ.zaa,t,air of play'3 in matariala
to a
?ox' d6~~ '~ .?v.~. ?~~i>.cbx' !: C?~tir'L",r'~c,f ua9~~
(I L ii ilr,uLviC~Gy; ti11r' U ~~r.4 y r,
iaocx~1erarb LoU ~ub'
f ,~3,c;p~ w ~u~ 0~ ' ~ '~~i.ura t111~1'Y?~~.c~.a~i~ '~:,~,'~r ??r~d o:;nmiax~?~a?one
'IA A,r1l?
1w1 is r iysiOL t~iC ' ' ?
Tk1i3 riGC~. E 1 wx (i ~.1"C!C?i~.l (If ~w1fl~~ 1~1?
,v~' ~~- ~ .LC~ u. . ~.nclc
P ' thG ~a~ng rp~14x"~'+ on the ~3~-~ 1";~a6
''4~6~6O~ x,68 ~GO~.'~ri6~' '.'~~
wox'k bboXig dote in hax do mOX t $
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
' ~ ~n ra~
r~ QU1.u'C iii i~ur,'~,r ash y~tA Opp (fl-to
?u t;J.~~ t,1o nx~,r
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
for the depa~''a delop'
"It has been of great Iportanoe
of the beta speotrogpb pfeasoor
sand for the ~~of in pe~r~ioulax', that through aorel~ su1ttable quart
ere bare been mode a1i'~e with Aooda
med. The 'm tanhl~
itnte of TichnO .. 0g7's Phy tO$
to the Ro1w.:L syaM
t~be) and the oomcp]ete~ newa
Lox' the beta speotro~aetex (a lar8a ooppor
ext;eaaiv+o testiAg a oatiefsotOY
havr been finishedr ~ o~"tier fair
has been obtained in the entire ??m.
vaomn of 10 ltero of mero~-'
naes) are * mci th? der of
otrometer'e faux' main poi?$ (1i
Th. ape
coil h been controlled by ~? tflt the ooh eleotrioal
tub on ~ tM axis of ey~-
io fietl hue been measured along i
resistance, and the omagriet
bsen foul to b. 'X00 mss
motrrThe fieldsa xiWft ate
e, four coils. Various types of o'er have been tested
with ].5 amparb
oo aokets ate tight (the coil coMare are cut
e' ~ the coils c ~
q in the ~1egnetia field),
in order to avoid d~t'~
from pure i a ~ li paokin insterial has been ford which gUfltISP that the
and g wiU resist ring water for sore years.
~r of packing ,
k ' Msoale of tern has been built which oan be used for heav e~otrio
o ,~ with a high resolving pourer.
urr~ente which require ran edditiaon~ variau? types of ~~'er. x ties have been produced,
bete'ra eooae vcry effective for rays.
sr__ very thin for deter i ia-
~ i aimed at the red
>~-a~ "The follaNrig ~~~ ioA p~'0sofa
~ e ~,~ been carried outs
tiw ao~itants of fl,tural P'otBei~y
beta distegration oonatanta b t
"l. Deter4**tion
oleN which on grain of po~baasium gives
meaeurbg the r of f beta pa~rti
off per seoofd. rays
qty' of the weakest ye
"3? Measurement of the
with the aid of io~d h~.~sitive measu~g tutee.
the abo~+ -
of the nu~er of electrof oaptiaring processes per
"3. Deteraiaati0n
determine, clearly the disixitegration pat-
"The ~t is bob t4 ~
nucleus a,d to derive certain geQphysioal con.
tern of the psaia atoms
clUeionu which are of -rl for the histo2'y of the earth.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
"An invr~etigation of the so-oalled 'mu1tip3,e eoatterio1W ha+a boon ma4ef
which is of pre~otio1 iaportanoe for the oonatruotion of 4oiger-Mt 1$?
tubes and fuathermon of bportanes for~dr~t basic theoo'StioaiI problems.
"8everai. pro3oote oonoerriig srioue n)O1ea2' ph~rioe procoeeee have
boon and published."
Pbysies limit at Ch.IMre Institute of Toohnology
The head of thes~rbee Profoseo~r Nile ~tydo, reporte the foUowingt
In 1947 a nueloar phyaSos r was Aot up in the Ph.y iaa i Li
at Chalmere Institute of Teohnr logy which has oarried on nuolcar phyaioe
researeh and instruction einoe then with the support of grants from the Atoinio
Qaaipidttee. Since a newly built addition to the Thsioe was
opened in the epring o' 191+8, adequate quarters have been available for the
Ma and in addition a iv well-.quipped w~kehop has been dothg its
utmost to get a large'eeale instruwut and apparatus construction porogram
under war. JMIrar, do far the seisntifia work has been directed
naeinlr tow*cd producing the inetrumrntal equipment neoeeeazy for the research.
The noes roh p ogrem for the imm late fixture is based on a band generator
for about 4 megavolts. It has been under construction since l94 and is
set up in the old tM t* bu ,lMng. It ia~ catim~ted that it will cost
215,000 k ronor? which amovmt has been made available by the Atontio Committee.
It is expected that the band generator will be completed during tie oourte
of the present year. It will rake it possible to study atomic nu ei which
have been exoite~t by the influsnoo of ids ions accelerated in the
generatoorj also to produoe bonogeneous neutrons with energies up to about
2 mega4eleotrom volts.
"In order to obtain valuably experience for the building of the large
designed and
band generator, a emeller generator oi' The eamr type was l~ui1t first, fear a
voltage of about 1,00 ) ilovoxte. It is equipped with an ion aouree of the
oapi, y auve type e d with a 1k rotation voltmeter. The generator has
training expected
been weed for 1eboratox7/exper its in imolear physios, but it is that it will also be used for speciel scientific purposes, such as
experiments with the irradiation of photographic plates.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
In oador to itud7 the ga~aa ahiab are 'iven ?~ in na1e~' re-
ado a brba-ray IpCt1'O'P have been
aotianr; a ganuaa.rarY rpea~'
,~ rho ~y epeeb,ph it intended for si8 the enor~~' ~
boil .
. gIu Myr and is bated the p pt$ of the aurvnd
Both so~atil'Atioen ~ ~ 0gr?L
has been ths objeot of thaw
indioc-toxa. The sointij3.atifl mathod
tu67J aoi+:til1e'tion with and Witharizt OOthOideU? ~U'S
a ~
have been oonatruated~ or9'st]J o1, ,,.o* typop hav /sees produord.
ntN with band generators haQe eo tar
"Moat of the iticfl ep'
been conducted with usizg aeparat?d iaatopeI~ which Leads to an unoer-
xn order to iii3ce poArible the production
taitaty its ixorp'oting the results.
of aoparated- iootopes, an e1ootroflOt io iaatope s?parator is beit)1 built
isotop?a ~e involved, it TIft7 be deeire~ble
at p e' Nepoa Y since raxo ocmoentration
~ -
this oonneotiot# to oal'r'y out a previO$ a of isotopes; this
oleotroayeis ? A exPe'b in this field,
be dome , among other rya ~ by fudon
the Kaiser 'lm InetitUte' for ahemiatry, has
Aoator ~ l1en from
been invited here and is eca1c aa a (fiest Tesearoh fir. The pOssib'ilw
met~-ods for the eepaxration of isotopes by
idea for opt
ion 1iizk e1eotro1 B ara ur d?r otudy.
the investigation of nuolear reactions on photo-
"The technique fox
gi'apic dates has been atudied thoraughlq, staid Valviable SXperienoe has
been obtaied in this fold. The method has been vied for the - of'
the pacocesa?e why lithium is iXradiated with ala w and rapid neutrons.
nE,ery spg terra a irioe l947 a voltmtary oourae in nuolear ph?$ior
eat the Snstitute of Teohuolagy? The at-
has been offered to the studenct
yeriabl,s j in one course the mVDber of etu-
tendaiioe at this courts has been
dea was over OO. The aoi ree bas leeturea and ten labora-
~. of
see ~
took' r of ~rt f O fl Denmax'~~ Nor -', Germs"
eeaaione~ i me
end the 'Bit baqe given xeoture~i sores of ,hio?i era e3.emeX*aa1r
more pcientifio in nattare ?`
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
nA for Theore
e moxe genexel eppee). to
ental phyrie$, no goubt, heN
ieeJ phylier. The taxmen, ee
S larger ptilic tl~ea does thevret 1~uildi~-~o! inetitntioneP
recently u pointeg outr maker ure of the 3e16?
eeientiwtr end teehaioiene~
out eactenrtTe etatt of
eortly appareitur,
Theoret rc wirer
feel (or matheuetieei) phYBier, on the other bang, q
ou la
1;k~ex equi ~cnt than a 1i1~rarY . ea)oulating maaehiner, ate, aithg
po en-
no 0
a as et the Bohr Inrtitute in p
tie?retieal phyrior olte .
xodern t
xkr in extremely oloee eoopereLion with experimental phyr
bagel ? wo .
? y.
riSr it not a very e0et1Y AetiYi
v? reerone, the0retioal phY
goy thc~ Qbo
wever' its cignilioanee in oonne0tion with rtorie energy activity it
~ oxtent
to that of c~xperinuntel phYDiva. The most imp
fu11Y eo~par?ble t
prQtiI erf3 of our tile in phyrive ha a een made through .3,001 pooperetion
b rieirte and experimental phYrioirte, in
ain between tl1eoretieal cart
p ~' r 1erer
carer developing experiment diaooverier, and in otbe
v to et
retieel epeculetionr, rrhioh w O ~-erilied and further de e p
the Ato!-ie 4oittee, therefore, it 1188 been
tbrouab ?xp?ri~nt. 101' th ur oountry
theoretical phYrieirtr in o
r ant setter to rupport tho
an u ~ robleme of
n every way to the extent that their work to devoted to p
l eetivitY.
torie end
impoxtenee to e
ioe e-t d' ea.e aniverri
banion endathametioal
.kt ;
.. r o
of ~ee
44e Proleesor Iva? Wa11ox, her de1ivered tha
The h?ed of
ernin the aotivity supported by the Ato~ie dar-
lol~,nw3,ng report Bone 6
mitteet seal phyrior
n hat the of Meohanioa and Mathemet
xereare b orted up to 30 June 1949 Y the
Urele UnivereitY has been aupp
at pp p Yronor to ~'il. deg. Lannert
,Atomic Oomniittee through a grant of 3,93
ear 194748) and a grant of 4,032 kron?r to
--uriron i during t Y r,_ c-si
during the & Year 3,Hans ~eakanre0n ~
p'il. 1ag. Hans 4g?491?
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
Ms. Hanson ii inv.Nti~geted a probleaa of pxaotioa1 intexset
ooneerning the diftusion of thermal neutrons. It was esaured that
pertain ?ouroes of neutrons are eitueted in a 1e41UM, and the probleaa
was to investigate the ohangea in the density and the dixeotional
of the neutrons ooourring it the aaeliura, the absorWtion
of whioh is assumed to be alaaoat infinitely saaa11, is partially
rcp1assd by a ?ozpletcl~r abaorbint eubetanse. With pertain ?ixpli-
lying aseu*ptiona, the problea aaay be handled by aacane of an integral
equation yet up previously by the undereigned for the distribution of
neutrons. This equation rakes it possible to genereliacs an
iteration aaethod previously uaployed by reraai. Detailed oalsulations
have been made for a special ease. It ie aasued that the eourece
of neutrons are very far away, that the introduced substance is in
the for* of a sphere, and that spherical ey etry prevaila in the
distribution of neutrons.
hag. Haakaneeon has handled a problem of great actual t*portanee,
naaaely, the utter of the shitting of the eleetromagnetio level in
halinaa-like ato*? in the fundamental state. Professor Adolf Rrikeeon
has re?ently pointed out that the discrepancy existing between the
experimentel values of the ionization energy of eueh atoms and the
?a3.euletions thereof, previously deteraained by Hyllexaaa and Rriksson,
should be intimately eonneoted with the ehitt of level Juet mentioned.
J'io* Haakaneson's investigation, eonduotod in ee~s..l with the
undereigned and published by Haekansaon in the Phyeias Archives
(Arkiv t8r fysik), it is shown that the ealeulations on the shift
of the eleotroaaagnetio level recently made by 8ethe, at al, must
be 1um reTrised, it the for*ulao valid for high nuclear eharges
are to be retained. An iaoproved theory is now about to be worked
out -N in collaboration with Meg. Hanson."
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44&La j ?i i
of Ueehanics and D~athematiea ?Ah,,,e1e,L,,
The lollowl,ng report is by th? heat of th.fLi4b44s, Professor
Torsten G u t it f son s
"The rt Y of Meohanics and Msthematie Physios at Lund has,
in past years, reeeivel grants from the Atomic pozruaittee for r,seareh
and inetruotion, for study trips, and for invitations to guest lee-
(6e 1d
Thanks to the a'~-port of the Atouia Ooxuittee, the a has
hall an opportunity to associate with it young soientiots (I. FIansson,
8.3. Nileson, d. 1L13.en), who have added groet1y to the fruitfulness
i.w rk~'~t,:d
of the a aoientifie activity. Thus, the work on the eigcn
funotions and photoeffoet of deuterona aid that on various problems
in quantum eleotrodynamiea may be mentioned.
T'he travel ?rant heo been of particularly great value, as the
rapid progroi a in nuclear phyaien and t ; atomi+a theory makes uirest
eontaot with other soientiste preotioally unavo1dable, it one wishes
to keep u~to.lste on Ievelopmonts. Tile grant has been user for
rather long ,study tripe (2..3 montbas) and for participation in aeien-
tifio oongreeses, two *eana of oontset of great iportanss to
theoreticians. Por exa~apie, the' heal of the unlertook a
study trip to the USA ani !ng1end in Msroh-July 194.7 end was able,
boaiaea lecturing w~ about the results of the research
eonauoted at Lund, to pertisipat. in the lively activity t*se tekin
pleee in various branehsa of atomic snl nuclear physics. The
in J
has eoopereted most profitably with Professor W. Pauli Zrieh, one
of the worll's foremost atoaiie theoreticians. At his invitation and
with the support of the Atomie Committee, Luni scientists have been
afforlel an opportunity to study in Zurich (sine. 1946). There they
have had the advantages of close oontsst with the Bwiss phyaioists,
particularly with Psuli himself. ? Valuable results have been eehidvel
in this way and they have been reported in a nu*ber of printed works:
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n of the Potential fxo the Asy*iptotie Phase
On the Detex~inetia Isobrage
of Dittueion, On the. Btteetr between
in the Problae Qgec-s
~1~rutrons end Blcotrans, On fhbr , . of Divergence in th
er and On l~coble~s in ponneetion with
Detar~ainetiov ~t Bigen Pas 6Y~ ,_t
tea ~ xe,t dewy
erizetion. Thus, the . her profi g
V'o cuun Pol
frola rush trips,
tilts have also brought *ueh to the I
visiting foreign seien
4iaI.h?/#: Atonic Qo aitteo have zeds it possible for
# The grants of the
he - uli ZQxiob) ml Professor
' 4 'Lt. a to invite Profeesor Pe
ueet lecturer at Lana (19G~7 And 1949).
Peierls (Biringh$*) to bold g thQrQugh? e~~.tur
Their visits oleo provided the opportunity t'or disouaAion off' ,roble*s
in atonic theory."
I)epdr?rent d ~dathR~caatioel Ph lice at the 5too~ 1 O1
The of ~aahanior en ~
Institute of Technolo Btookholme Ib ekola
~aosount has been given by thu voting head/ of
The following
the above institute, Docent B'Brn Bruno;
"Since 1946, the Atoio Ooni:ittee has given grants to Docenta
er?s f'or the inveatiation off' the to aon pair
01of Bruhn end 9tig Heeln eir ,r
roes. It is believed in the suoeor E Geary that
theory of nuolaar fo
the foroee between the nucleons have their origin in the trsnafor~
BY vae+ane of tba t~eory, it ~aY be expleincl
ration of a pair of nesona~.
ar foree$ between two protons is app?OLimfte1Y the eaxe
that the nude
as/_lu between a proton and a neutron, exsept that it is not noses-nary, 18 in the conventional ~aeson theory, to take refuge in neutral
*.50n8, which are not indieated ex+erient l y. The poaribla types A /J.(4L f~.c..u.a~.~ .~,~..~.~~..~.~
/ ~ . d a+
air~exehange effeotr mans ot'th? nuclear oreee
of such p
lerived therefror it hsa proved poarible to a large rlegrOe to
account vacporia-ental observations eonaerning tha exchange
for the
?t tests between two nucleons. The results have been published in
e series of rather short rtudiee and two dootor's diaaertetions.
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Funds bev been granted for reaeareh on the statistiea3. Iii-
tribution of atorie nuclei in a temperature equilibriu*, eondueted
by Lie. a~ran 8eskow and Li.. Lena Tretfenberg Jointly in 1946
mad 1947, and ratter that by Lie. buskow. The reeeexoh eonsieti of
continued woxk on the computations previously slate and publiehed
jointly by Protdrroi 1 ein end 8eskow end Treftenberg. This research
showed that eiequilibriua distribution of stoats nuelei at 10 billion
degrees egxded with the empirical distribution curve for elenenta
in the universe only in the oars of light nuelei. The continued
reaesxch, partially published in two papers by Beskow and Tietfen-
berg, shows that the agree ont may be extended to the entire pe3'iodie
eyeten it the to tcriel in equilibrium is divided into eters with
^eswee off' the rave order of r a nituale as those of the preeent atars.
The preeent dietribwcion oould then be explained as an epproximative
equilibrium distribution which ties beooaie "frozen" in a rapid expan-
lion and cooling of there starw,% iwhioh our present stare possibly
direei~ly owe their origin. Inveetigation~ the dependenoe of the
distribution on the tenperature of aquilibriua, ~ on the coulomb ejchange
erfeet;'ttAc course of expansion, and,'poseible oontinued nuclear reae-
4 ;. r r. ,~
"Iron 1948 on, grants have been providedAFil. Lie. Carl Victor
J'ohsson, who lies investigated a theory proposed by Profoeaor Klein
on the relation between the neson theory and the general field
theory or the theory of relativity. In the eouree of this research,
he has discovered that the only field ^riuir magnitudes which
cannot be elisinated are those which correspond to a lieu of
aeaons with a spin of 2. This j.eson field has been quantified
(kvantiserats); n addition to this, its exchange efteet vcttt
both the eleetro-magnetic field end the nucleon
fiel . turr1U out~ n the latter ease that terse (termer) of the
peir?exohange effect type predominate.
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J x' s'
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An extraorIinery loeent stipenl has been rented Dosent B,~rn
Bruno !or the budget year 1949-50. During the tell term in 1949,
Bruno gave 1oeturea or theoretioai nuoleer phyoieo, sonluetel
eueinare on actual problom? in thcoretieel phyaies, end eontinuel
his rssareb on tht eetehins of resone by atonic nuclei,
"Reaeaze ~ at tho has also been pro~wotoI by grtmts
for study tripe, for help with nw erieal ealculetiona, end for tha
pu2'0kt1&Ie of twc- oa~.oula tinf! me
Bleotronies ,fr44t4.s - Bleetron Aeaelerstorr
The work off' theee 18 *e' generally of great
lmportt#r,oe to nuslee , just ee to Lost off' the other branches
or r,atu.el aoier oe. A large punt off' the nuolear pbyaioa zeeulte
the te!~nology.ot aanplitioation.
hae been obtained by means of and of other fields
i eleotronioe. However, this general work has not been supported
eoonomioelly by the Atoa~io Ooeimittee. On the other i hand, as
d a~~. 4
previously mentioned, thejiftA&4h4e o eleotronios at the 9tookholn
Institute of Teohnology and at the Chalmers Teohnologioal Institute
have oonatruoted eleotron aooeleratore, namely a rather small
betatron and a synohrotron in the former oaae and a linear eleotron
aooelerator in the latter osse.
'be of 31eotroriios et the Stookholm Institute of Teohnolg
oonoorning tho oyr~ohrotron, A~eistent O4 wernho1-1 who supervisel
tJ] i. t, work at the leotronios epartment of the Institute of Teohnology,
t Jjo:r}-e the followings
'"i1'he need for fast, eleotrioally oharged artioles has inoroased
very r;a~~.dly with the development of nuolear reaearoh. In high voltage
i I]StLI L1U Li0n$, it is possible to direotly aooeldrate partioles to
enej v1 F,H ccrresponding to several million volts, but if still higher
en er r' ie:3 f~I*e to be attained, it will be neoesaary to reaort to some
i_ndiz'ct c, JtIiOti of aooeleration beoauae of the diffioulty of insulation.
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Tn the betatron end the pynohrotron, the psrtioles axe oeueed to
xun in a ltpgnetio field, whioh giveu the path of the pertio~.em a
oixouiar for*. E'vex'y revolution the partio1e makea in its path sees
its energy inoreasod by several tens or hundreds of volta, end after
S great number of revolutions, the partiole$ oan attain onargtA$
oorre A)ondizAg to miilioAU oi' volts.
Work with ?lvotron aoue1eratora has boen in pxoarosa at th
eleotroniod AepartLuat of the Rpyal Institute of Teohnology or
several years. The first aooe1exator, a email betatron dovelnpina
ileotron energiee of 1.5 a~illioli u'1, wwee begun in the t11 oi' 194,
end in the aver of 1946 a luxe: betstrop developing 5 million eV
was begun. A few yeara liter, tr.e doaigning of a aynohrotron, ~a1 io
intended i'or the aoceleration of ~leatrone, V13 begun. The ~ynohro-
tron hie been in opei'atiog eiuce the spring cf 1949, and in ite
present tor* develops eleotron energise of 35 million eT. Trimming
(tx'inin) of this ~udohine iti rcv in progreda in order to tncreeeg
~ M
its j1 nteneity.
By far the gruetest pert ref the oost of an acc*lemtor lice in
the urrangnnent used to produoe the rcegnetio field, that ie, the
me~not with all ita aoow sories, The magnetic f~ ci.d of the eyno !ro~
trop, whioh is by 50-cycle nJ,tornuting ofirrent, i rlng-
ahaped and has a relatively e~-o11 oroaa-e?otion. Reoa~uee of this,
the magnet, in relation to the energiee developed, is quite oheap,
but it requires, on the other hand, that, if the aim radius of the
psth of the eleotrone is not to be ohangod too much, the eleotrone
be started with a 4peed very aloem to that of light. The voltage
with whioh the eleotrone are shot into the magnetio field of the
synohrotron is iimited for reaeona of insulation to approximately
50,000 volts, and this oorreaponda to only 41 peroent of the speed
of light. The apmohrotron, therefore, is oombined with a betatron,
in whioh the eleotrone, before aooeleration by the synohrotron begins,
a? vi
~iiv.n a speed 98 peroent that of light (2-3 zillion eT).
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the aooeleration faked p3,e0e ie
The I vaQU;tL tuba in wMoh
in ohaped mnd is 1aoed in the air ap between the po1ae of the
-- ,, d, EvQr? other time the 5Q-oyo,l,e
nue;net., wlxivx~ axe r.,~,ito rind phase , 20 OOOwolt,./
"~e~ootrone is
alternating megnetio Field ie weak, e
~ gunex'ated in the tube. The beat ie diverted by the meanetio
field eud tu 1f a~'ound in the vacuum tube. While iii ,j .1Tfl
tl~s~ -uanuti G lie1ci SntOneiftAe p
1te iA induo~d in the elr~otxon path
a tension of 30,vo
ma 9tio ,l].ux,/
Y means of ,/intI'SUY*fld rilr tureen on. Fox' every revolu.
are, oeler?ted
Lion cuadd by tho electrons in the tube, theY tl~erof,'ore, ao
xrevo1uttOYae, thep have attained an energy
by 30 eV, at,d rte' 65,0O0
o~ 2.6 million f31eotr0nv03.t8. Tt i.e this aoae3,eration, whioh takes
plaoo by t.)o8nc3 v')1tAR a 5.ndUOe~1 in the eleotron path,
whioh is oe.ei betatron eooe~.frQti0n.
When the oleotrone have attained this energy, the aerltxa3. magnetic
betat;ron aooelpr~t,ion oeneOe. A high-
fiOld i;5 t.Uxned on And the
is ewitohed on at a point along, the eleo
t'requenay eleatrioel field
Potxtoal ti!31d is produoes by A high-trequen0Y
Iron path. -
The eL ,
en th of whioh is equal to the oixoun-rnrenoe
transmitter, the wave 1
star e). The eleotrone are oontinuoualy
off' the 91eotaron pith (1.26 m
ven an n -ditiortG, !i uiSe of 30 AV of enertY per revolution in the
aleotxioal Field end 8 1,100,000 xevolutione, when the ma~p;netio
r ~'ter
field xeeoheA its maximal value, the energy oi' the eleotroi~e ie 35
million eleotron?valte. The eleotron path ie reduced and the eleotrone
oaueed to impinge on a tungsten red, where their enemy is converted
into very penetrative roentgen rays.
The ion is repeated 50 times per seoond, and every
oauree of aooelere1tion requires 1/200 eeoond. 1/20 of this time,
or 250 miororeoondr, are required by' the betetrOf phase."
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ronios De art1aent et the QhaLmers tnatLtute of TlAnhnolo
The $leot
tar of the department,, professor olot I3 dbegk, report
Tho dixao
as t?lluwe on they linesV eleotron sooeleretor:
"The idea of the linear aooelerator io a relatively old one.
rat workeblo design was edvenoed by Sloan and Lewrenoe to
The f i
tho early 1930'e. Thia wss intended for the aooeleration of ions.
with the diaooverY of tl~e oyolotron, developments in the
HQa-uv or ,
t'iaa,d of the linear ion e..ooelerator atopp?d. Beoerel rather small-
Hues~aions were made on the linear eleotron eooelerator
dr s, but the shortQge c!f auitabie high-frequenoy generstors
~.~~,n~ the ,0
eotioal renoeroh. The development of hi qh-etfeot mepnetronn
hem~ erect px
- r n tr.~+ y-qr hnweve+r, obened the eitueti an re4..~ oel ly. The oon-
stiti,otioz+. of linear eooe1o1atnro become pert of the ependa of a number
of 2i~ee6rch tnotitute$ throughout the world.
r'nlY the two fro jootn wh,5.oh hive prorree$e the moat will be
in this inetanoe, namely, tho Teleoornpuntoatione Heeearoh
pter~1e,hmont (TRF) in Enpiend, where en eoaeleretar of the so-oailed
wave typo has been built aM whtoh has developed energies
of 4-?5 MV, and, the xRaedaohuRett-e~ xnetl the of TeohnoloY (MIS) in
hQ ?jA whioh to but1,dins; a Acs-oe119d atandtn wave aoceleretor,
Oh i.fl the ftr?t stage will !u a lngth of 6.5 nietere with.
Rfl ex eoted nerc!y of 30 Imo. Purthprptoxe, t=he oOfRtruoti(n of a
owg1tn wave nooelerntor for htgh ener,4ee hea~heun at Stanford
fr g
+ niveraitTr under the direotion of/Ii te LW. Hansen, but as yet
nothing has been publtahed about it.
The reasons for expertmentin c primarily with sooe3 eretora of
this type are many. The moot in porta.nt reason in that the linear
eooelerator has negligible beam lass. On the other hand, the
oiroular aooeleratore have suoh a high beam loss that they fix
an upper limit to the etteineble energies.
But even overlooking the higher energies a linear sooeleratar
H rather
oomparedLi a synOhrOM0Yo1otron, a linear eooelerstor
eMn develop
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o$n be eimpler to oonatruat, despite the great length required by
euoh en aaaA~,eretox,
'' ~'hc eaoeleretor now under oonatxuotion at tho Ohelmera institute
of Toohnology 1 3 or the etanding were typo, The wave length used is
ln,g centimeters. The eooe1exsto2 oonaiats of a wire
oylindriosl were guide in whioh oiroular diaphregme have been
pieoed. The &I.stanoe between them is half a wavelength. The length
of the eve guide /5 oentimetera in the first extension (utb3rggnsden).
The eleotoal field is obtained from 3 high ?~ frequenoy magnetrons
l,f the type BK7T, eeoh one of whioh delivers 1 MW. When these work
into a resonant load, about half of the effeot must be used in an
artifiotel load in order, a stable working point may be obtained.
'~ lrom the theory it is aonoluded that the indicated electrons
ThG dtgtribution of
of epc~ed of the aooelerated eleotronn, a apeoiel speed apeotrograph
hae been oonatruoted. The eleotrona are deflated by meana of e
powerful, nova-ferrous eleotromagnet, the ourrent intensity of whioh
_irr. is varied linearly. Tho ourrent to a swii i~N commutator
(kollektox) datleota a cathode ray tuba in the y-axia; tho x?sweep
ie synohronized with the ourrent through the magnet. The intensity,
j"thc een ee a tunotion of the eleotron speed.
then, is on the eor
After the field has been built up, an eleotron impulse is fired
a Ae
through the resonetor from an electron cannon of epooial type, t
i ~,able to bu able try
itA'i_ __ ~.. regulate very acourately the three mrgnetron
_ impulaea and the eleotron ~c impulaei in relation to eeoh
e,cL4 m?nt hea j
other,, apeoiol . been neoeaaaxy. ''OX' the mocAurement
..,,,.., $eve??rom~~the loreen which is of greet theoretical interest to
are not all accelerated to the creme speed.
Sj ed oan by ~i ently.
'When the electron beam is pulsed, the,pioture on the eoreen
consieta of vertical linen. Therefore, in order to have as many
linen e8 possible, the sneer speed must be low and different from
sub-multiples of the pulse frequency. The pulse frequency should also
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low in ord?X to avoid high tunaions in the e1eotrom gAet. xn
this oeeo, thu pulse trequenoy its O4OO 1 pulaew per u?oand,
while th? sweep speed is one sweep per 10 auoonds. A 12" tube
with a strongly Alter-glowing soruen wee used as the cathode xey
Sius11Y, naturelly, a ooexiaU4' toouseing ~;u l~tic, fi~1d ^r~- is
required Around the sooelerato~'. Tth ar $uiaite i~-tualty hvao been
determined at approximately 500 Cl, +vr io1, velue it ubotrld not bu
pertioularly i iftioult to attain.
Ooroerning the general 8Otie a of ttie appsracuu, aoe tt-o i ure
(botwien pague 6g and 1 69 oi' ti a~, origiaal
y Gustav 4z_ne1 Iretitutb t Lo1OI1' Ch(dll.ij ' Frt_ua~na w~ladu__ted
si3$. /.
The. ?hemtetrY
- c,~alotron
at oppiale Un1ver.eity le
,~~~'fL-r.. Foot in the ph~rslnsti soihnoes 'id one
one M
io the otieinioel aoienoes. Thy work oond~iotgd *t this
for whioh the Atomic Oormmittee fled granted t~Lnt, wee transferred
in 1949 to the newly-organized Guatef WArnAr Xnatitute roe Nuoleer
Ohen-tatry, This icivtitute has been built up around the iareviouely
di?o1289ea synohrooyolotron. Thia meun5 that the new institute, despite
its name, will oooupy an intermediate nosittnn between phvsi.os end
oherLitstry, lox wliiob rosson it is deep rith ae~oaratea.v In this
aooount. The loootion of the institutes riht butween en;! Nhort
distanoe away from the physics and ohemiatry et Uppeale
University)will alao leoix.itate its lunotion as a oonneoting link
in atomio energy reciearoh between the two main soienoea mAnt1one6.
The auate! Werner Xiiatitute for Nuolear Ohemistry with its
eyolotron has reooived help primarily from privetf~ enuro. a. However,
the Oomrnittee bas provided funds for oerteine perts or the Xnatitute
and for the operation of t1ie laboratory.
. I Pi1. Lion Ref a acen, who direotly under Prof ofn c The ~e , ~vedber
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""~'ir l~been installed.
system, and auxilia~y-'
heads the work at the lebo Y rator, has delivered the tallowiag eoooults
Na cyclotron 1nste11ation ie being oonatruoted at the austa!
Werner Institute for Nuclear OhemiatrY, Vppsale UniversitY. This
reea ainoe 1946 and has e~cbraoed the lollowiogs
work has been in grog
't An underground building her been oonstruoted in order
8uildin ss
eotion from radiation might bo obtained. Thie
that elfeotive Prot
oiroular hell lace tho oyolotrcn, and direotly
building houses a large
oonneoted to M this hell, but aoreened oft I proteotive againrt
radiation, Is a spaoe desigfled for the registering inetrumente used
x erin~entation with rayr from the oyolotron and a room
in direct ep
radioaotive materials. There is an eesembl7 shaft
!ox work with
with a orab bar (lyftbok) for the treneport of material to the
the hall there is a .+e with a oapaoity of 10 tone.
oyalotron, in
round.building is oonneotly with a newly oonetruote
The underg
building two levels. The basement level oontaina
ohemieal laboratories espeoie3.17 equipped for the preparation of
votive substanoes trm and the ground floor oontaine .I,we' "'
'4 lotron, phyaioel laboratories, a writing room, and
m+pa~e for the oyo
an otfioe.
There is also a epeoiel machine room, housed in a new building,
to the initallation. This is oormeoted to tho laborator7
building by means of a tunnel.
Devi of the 0 o~.otr n; The transformers and oonrertere
for the oYolotron magnet have been aet up and the magnet has now
been mounted. It oontaine about 600 tone of iron for the magnet
yoke and the pole oores end about 50 tone of oopper for the ooile.
? ,;; ~r
with a model magnet eoale~ 1:10 have been oarried
out to determine the moat suitable form for the pole plates of he
magnat The oooling system, for the magnet ooila, the oaoilletor
. w
~ /rJ
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di!!us on
the TeODUm pv~pe~ two
~,Tho aooeloretion ah~-mber, vex,?
l and the eooessery prelimine~"
axell~r ~ ,
onneoted in
ere made of rteinlere rteel. This aauipfll?nt hoe been reoeived.
Anexioen types with lrequenoy
'The oroilletor is of the
modulations e!leoted by a $ rotary oondenrOr. High purtiole ener~-
me be obtained in thir rrey. A full-10S30 modEil osoilletor her been
uded. The Nigh-lr94uenor rrstem
built end esperimentr with it oo nol
it now about to be designed. The bigh.tent~ion rec)tilier !or the
osoi11ator has been inrta11ed.
The ion souroe, the target, and the major portion of the oontrol.
amain to be deriglied. The oyolotron
system of the oyolotron yet r
will lira be oompleted without the apparatus lordelleotinR the
suoh a delleotor,be lnrtalled later
ion stree~a. xt is intended that
will deliver protonr with 200 Ke'!
It is estimated that the oyolotron
of energy and a great yield ot high energy neutronr.
has been further developed !or the
' xnatrumentr, The work
the development off' instrument s by
planned researoh eotivity by
the laboratory. An experimental oolumn for thorrnaaal iNi di!lurion
hee been eat up. A masr spectrometer has, been built tor the deter -
nr This its provided with two slits
urination o! isotope oonditio
for the oQmparetive measurement of two close isotopes. A large
mars-reparator for the separation of stable and redioaotive isotopes
is planned. ior the measurement of beta and gee rays, a oainoidenoe
amplifier has been built , and a beta speotromet?r is planned. A
number of universal magnets have been oonstruoted for determining
the energy o! lest iii*4 partioles by ' delleotion in i~ magnetio field.
t for
In addition to this, a large number of measuring instrumens the measurement of radiation and general ?leotrioal mt3arurementr
have been puroha eed for the laboratory, as has also equipment for
the planned ohemioal work.
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' ?p.z:.l!Qun4 It tht prseunt time, 5 eoedeioioisns, 4 engineers,
1 meoheuio, 1 eleotrioian, and 1 eeoreterie3. eeatstant. The
designing of tea oyolotron is being handled ohiafiy by the firm
L.La.?Produkter, Pwbrikaektieboleg, Stookholm. Grants from private
$ouroes have taken ogre of moot of the expense of the oyolotron.
The reeearoh eotivity has been finanoed exolusively by funds from
the Atomio committee "
The Ohem Methods ~f Anal sia Uranium ph? ejstr?,
Nuclear ahemie, ZZ
The realisation of the first goal of atomio energy reeearoh in
Sweden, the oonrtruotion of an experimental reaotor, ddpende on
the extraotion of uranium From domeatio nbale; this is the most im-
portant problem. Work on the solution of thin problem, therefore,
was from the very beginning assigned the highest priority on the
aoaunittee'a program. However, this work oould not ?? or in any oeae,
oould not only -- be turned over to a university apt teohnologioal
institute department beoauae it was too extensive and involved,
having ramifioationa in various fields, both teohnioel and soientifio.
Initially, before ~ etomio energy reeearoh eotivity assumed e
more tightly organized form, the Poroee Beaearoh Institute
(1reYa!eta forekninge*neteilt) was ohsrged with oonduoting this
work in oooperation with the w Swedish Shale Oil Corp rati n
(Svenalca Skifferoljeaktiebolaget) and auitable university ~ 1.
The most important of tho latter was the Tebhnioal
Inorganic Ohemietry at the Stookholm Institute of Teohnology.
The first problem to be solved in this oonnsotion rtes to develop
a reliable method of anelyaie, beoauae it waa on this that all rgoo~
3.ogioel, extraotion, and refining reeearoh and methods would be based.
Thin also beoame the first task of the chemical seotion, whioh was
- expanded at the IjLji toroea Heaearoh Institute. This problem
was solved, but work on improving these methods is in oonstant progress.
This reeearoh aotivity on the methods of analyaia and the routine
. . grR1cTEn -14
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b the oorporation alter its formation.
(~- j -;, /., ;
i'aot a rrt sot ?ity taken up
oriinized by A8 Atomenergi4" in
`enalyree eye handled at present by a spthooial enalytioel 1Nbo1'atar7
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on developing methods I extr
At the sass time work
di iii
r f
I j: r' / 1 l r f.l. ('. f
she e
was being pursued, initially by the !4AAend the o1 oorporetion,
and Teter by the Mtomio 8.orporation and the sh~-le oil oorporetion.
oonduoted ~ the inorganio
The work of the oor oration her been
tote of iiriMt'e0hn0logy and in its
ohemistry at the tnsti
own researoh laboratomsr and has been very fruitful.
grtdaent~/ nor enio ohemistr et the Btookholm
Institute of Teohno)oZ
The head of the department Professor Otto 8teli, reports
the following with regard to the above-mentioned works
uranium from shales or various Abele
"Work on the extreotion of Xiatitute,.
he undersigned
roduot$ has been oonduoted at th?/T1)
is still being pursued with ell
is a member sinoe 1946i and
means available. During the period up, to 1 Mar.oh 19413, the researoh
work was linaanoed by the POA, but that d~-te those expenses
have been assumed by AB Atomonergi.
The greet diltioult this work, of oaurse, is the pertioularly
~' is thi
! the starting materi~l. bor that reason, oom-
low uranium oontent o
be deveioped~ A a xestiilt of the work
plstely new prooeduree had to
conducted heretofore, a technioallY completely satislnotory method
of eYtreoting uranium has been developed This method is also tiding
tried out an a half-scale in the plants of AB t tomenergi."
Of the ohemiaal at Sweden's aSunivers'.tiee and
insti ute$ ,1
a oou le of departments at the 8tookholm
teohnologioe~. , only' p T t,Y
r .
xnetitute of TeohnalagY tC14 wer?conduoting such xesearo
e rra a of jnportanoa to the work of the Atomic oommittee. The depart-'
enio ohemirtry . the above institute must be
m?nt of tdohnioal inorg
ar That entire broad branch of ohemi?try now
mentioned in psrtioul ~ t(
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known hY rruo1eer ohumietry wis prsoti os11y unrepree.nted in Sweden.
Since ,944, howevdr, Dooent K.E. Zimen has been oonduoting oertain
researoh in applied nuoloar ohemietry at the Dopartiaent of 8ilioste
Oh.mietry at the Ohalmers Institute of Teohnology. In oonformity
with tho proposal by the't board of dirsotora of the OhaLaera
Instituto of Teohnology, the Oommittee deoided to recommend to Hie
Mejeety that Funds fxor::ffT appropriotion for etomio
energy researoh be used to organize a laboratory for nuoloer ohemioel
reaearoh and investigation at the Institute and also to set up a
n Q, :uar.oh I4B rL -/
speoial department. Thia department is the ona=y one tips buildings,
equipment, and personnel a .~M~rh have been paid for in toto l~iMt
from the etomio reeeE~roh appropriation; in all other oaeea, the grants
have been given to departments a nd institutes elready in exietenoe.
The Laboratory_ for Nuolear Ohemiatr Ohelmere In2titute of Teohno1ogr,
O t. tebojg
The head of the department, Dooent Karl Erik Zizaen, reports the
Mahe birth and develo ent of the labor'atorl; In February 1946,
the Atomio Committee sent a oirouler'to the departments of teohno-
logiaal institutes mektng inquiry about possible ooopretion in
etomio energy resoaroh. On ocoeeion thereot, a proposal was
worked out by Dooent K.!. Zimen, in W . with the Toulty for
engaged einoe J
nuclear ohcwieal research. Dooent,K.E. Zimen had been
1$44 in applied nuoleer ohemioal reuearoh, supported by the State
Teohnioal Research Hoard, et the department of eilioete ohemietry.
The proposal wee approved by the feoulty end the board of dlreotora,
and reaeeroh on nuclear ohemistry began in the fall term of 1946.
The further development of the nuolear ohemioel laboratory wee hampered
during the first two years by the ahortago of su.iteble personnel and
euiteble quarters. bor example, from the very beginning there were
openings for two assistants (a oh?mist and an eleotrioien), but eomw
patent personnel for those poets were unavailable. Furthers.
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more, ti? direotor of the leboratory during 3,946 and 3,947 had to
shard nis time between the silioute department end the new laboratory,
es it was neoesury to see ti work linauoed by the Toohnioal Bereerob
olo students
Board to oompletion. However, the slowu grist interest
IA tha new aubJot.A A many otiose to write their tb-eses on nuolear
ohemistry, with the result that from the full of 1947 on an ino~eesing
number of aasistant poste oould be s'i;tled by newly gr iduated oivil
?ngineerr. This development is shown in 'sable 1.
Table 1
The queation of quartere was a very ditf ioult problem to solve,
1946/4? 25,455 1
1947/48 ' 59,540 2
1946/49 122 , 140 3
1949/50 117,510 5
--- - - -------------- --
as the,4 otiemistry building, whioh now head to house the new labora-
tory too, was overcrowded. The overcrowded oherniatry depsrtmenta,
all J tbe,,~
howeYer, gave up rpeoe so that nuo1eer ohetniatry seotion rortuit usly
had a number of i horator1es made available, and work oould begin.
However, this leb&retory was spread out over four stories eCit
of the ohnniatry building and, naturally, were not equipped for
work with radio?otive subotanoes. At a meeting with the work
oommittee of the Atomio Committee on 18 Oeoernber 1946 at Chalmers,
these diffioultios were pointed out, and the work oorrunittee
reoonrnended that en invoatigation be made to determine it pr
to seek e
than a provisional
ealution ratner
solution of the laboratory quarters problem, and
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Ltk. permanent
it would not be better
per sonne
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,eats of the ooa-ta ,bu thorn oubr,itted to
that a propoaal' an eats
the Atomio Committee.
of tho 1nboratQry worked out a propoanl
'nerofore, th~ director
!or a rather arte11 buildin of suitable design, end the Chaln~era
_ lens end got oetixnatoa of the ooet of
erohiteatura~, o!lioe Brow up p
sash a ^new building. The rropoaal, with thA faoulty' +' opiniona
on tho projeat, was submitted bY tho board of dip?vtora w in ldaroh
1947 to the Atomio Ooinatittee, end in Mey 1947, the requested funds
ru of the noat -~ suitable location of
were granted. The problo
the new building and the diffioultiee in obtaining a building permit
delayed further developments. but in April 198, the oondtruotion
work began nd it was poaeible to start moving , equipment and
nne]. iato the i new laboratory in January 1949?
~ papas
zn May 1947, the Atomio Committee requeeted a grant for the
OOrvolt am the
truatiora of a aeu ron generator for the laboratory,
Lion of radiosotive nuolidea is a prerequisite
iii proflua
e1 work. The high voltage alaxoent of this neutron
for nuclear vheroio
" 4 V Wend from the Nobel Institute of Phyaioe,
generator ~ puroh
arta of the aooelerntion tube wero oonetruoted
and several important p U,,,
by the LKB-?roflukt~3r firm from plans plaoed et the''di8POee1 ' the
phyeio8 laboratory of the Forces Neaedrop Institute. Other
e reoieion inatrumont workehop of to nuclear
work was dote by th p
ohemioal laboratsar, under the direction of Civil 1neif Gex I. Nilsson.
'! personnc1 end equip:rent hod been moved
After the
into the nebuiJ.d n, it was poaaible to instQli the neutron generator
~. g
hh-tension room designed for that purpose. The
parm+anentLy in e 8 proouxnent
designing and ezpe)?ime1tta1 work on the vaouuxn eystem, the
of heavy hydrogen, the arrant ement of t;bn target, eto,, tulVe been
since that time, and in a very short tied it will be
in progress
possible to place the apparatus in operation. Th* neutron are
J)roduOed by the d,d-xeotion, and the effect will corr. eepnnd to that
- er llium-neutron aouroe with about 30 grams of radium.
tedium b Y
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ioaotive auolidee in the laboratory
eretolore~ the production of rad utron
radiu~a?berylli eourd"g
has been done with e with 0.35 Brims ot
radiu*, whiab the laboratory --
1947 It has wlso been poehee had mailable 'irk ainoe Augue
eible to obtain a number of 07o3otron- roduoed nuclides from the Nobel Institute of Phyeioe and to import
some nuclides pxoduoed is the nuolaar reactor =mm the USA.
'The measuring instruments !orlaboretory have been purchased
largely by Docent Zimen)on his Atomio?Oottee-liaenaed study trip to the USA in ueroh?August 194$?
Hering morel into the new Iruildigg,
the laboratory workshop personnel are engaged in designing and pro-
eatrioel equipment neoesaarY for labo-
duoing other meobaniaal and el
ratory eotititY, !or example, equipant for the sale hendlin6 of
cal work end for the measurement of
radioactive preparations in 0hemi
of the greats for these special purpoeer
the preparations. A 1lstin6
is given in Table 2?
Teb....1...? 2
day 1947
47,000 kronor
or the oonatruotion of a ,
400,000?oo1t neutron generator
May 1947
or the laboratory building
Aug 1947
350 mg Re-Be neutron souroe
Aug 1948
rupp1ementarY appropriation
for the laboratory building
- and quarters problems have been solved,
Since both the personnel
reaearoh corps of nuolear ohemiste has been
that is, now that a
assembled and the new building has been procured and equipped, the
Ohalmers Inatitute have a smell but we11?
Atomio Committee and the
equipped laboratory at their dispoeel.
M, ?4
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of nuolear ohemioal work or ip oI" uiremente obviously oould
the rise of
_'rThe work of the eborator s The following will desoribe in brief
the polioies determining the work of the laboratory and the results
whioh have thus far been ettainsd. Rapid developments in the field
shift the empheeis in the future work of the laboratory.
IIXAatruotion in Nuo ear Chemists at Ohe1meres Prom the beginning
it was olear, and also pointed out by the Atozaio Oommittee on various
oooaaions, that the ahortege soientista and engineers trained in
nuolear researoh and nuolear teohnology should be the first bottle-
neok to be notified. The development of the nuoleer ohemietry
laboratory eupportsthe eoouraoy of this belief. Chalmers also
stressed the neoeeaity of th8 immediate institution of inetruotion in
nuolear ohemietry. The work of the laboratory, therefore, began in
Ootober 1946, with leotures on this subjeot, and sinoe that time
inetruotion hee oontinued praotioally unohenged along the plan outlined
wiis held during the fell term. The oouree emoraoed' (1) eponteneous
end induoed nuolear reeotiona, (2) the ohemietry of radio nuolider,
A general and basin oouree, oarrying two oredit-hours per week,
and (3) the applioationa of radioaotivity.
c C. ;.A. -' n,
"A oontinuetion oouree, inoluding laboratory work end wei-,
oarrying four oredit hours per week, 'Ii held for a limited
number of etudente during the ~r spring term. This couree uE
enbreoes (1) methodology of nuolear ohe~nioal i work (niesauring
inatrumenta, meesuring teohnique, ohexaioal teohnique, proteotion
against radiation) and (2) more thorough disoussion of seleoted
't It wee deoided by the faoulty that the oouree should be voluntary
and intended primarily for ohemiste in their Junior year. Studenta
of other acientifio and teohnioal subjeote would be permitted to take
the oouree; the oouree open even to hose intereeted outside the
m d nt e
Ohalmera Inatitute -- doctors, teo n o ane, eta, who wished to orient
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themaelves in that subJ?ot.
"A oompilation of date on the inetruotion is shown in Table 3.
Several works have been published fox purposes or inetruotion
Cot Seotion 3), and s oompendium "Course in Nuolear chemistry" is
being prepared (Berne, Nilason, Zimen).
Students TheOes 1IesLir'e Dagreea
is Oourse (exeinenairbeten) (2.ioentiantez')
ek 44
fk to
ek 16
fk 14
tk to
k is general oourse, fk is oontinuetion oouree?
t(Reaearoh Aotivity; The moat important result or the development
of nuclear reaeeroh is, and long will be, the military applioationa,
and only the largest nations have the s~~t reaouroee to produoe
atomio weepona. The utilization of etomio energy for peaoeful pur-
poaee -- the only teak of the smaller netione in this oannootion
can, from what is known today, be effeoted in two wayas the nuolear
reaotore oan be used for the produotion of energy, and they oan --like aooeleratora -- be uaed for the produotion of redioeotive iao-
topee of the elemente. of these two preotioal tasks, ao far only
one oan be realized, namely the produotion of eouroea of radioactive
radiation and of radioaotive traoer ieotopea for medical, technical,
and reeearoh work with "marked" chemical i (toreninger)r. This
task will also be the moat important for a "peaceful" nuolear reactor
in the near future.
_ ~.
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"The nuolear ohemistry laboratory has as its prboary reeearoh
proJeot the study of the ohemiatry of nuolides and radiation props--
ties. Bearing in mind the praotioal utilisatid? of nuolidea and the
ooming domestia produotion of nuo3.idea by means of a nuolear xeaotor,
the i Swedish nuolear soientiata felt it logioal to oonoentrate
partioularly on the produotion and ..LJJL oharaoteristio$ of traoer
isotopes Thus far, traoer isotopes of silver and bromine have been
studied, and similar investigations of the produotion, yield,
half-life, and abaor tion of radiation are in progress on redioeotive
pyrites (isdiokisol) and on a number of fission produota of uranium.
In oonne otion therewith, the 8zilerd-Ohelmer$ method for the separa-
tion of isotopes (Civil Engineer E. Berne) has been worked out. Beta
ay absor pr tion hers been the objeot of experimental study for an ade
quate deaoription of beta radiation.
''Besides purely nuolear ohemioal reeearoh, the ohemiat also has
the job of utilizing the radioaotive nuolidea as tools in the study
of ~ yet unsolved ohemioal problems. Naturally, there must be oon-
siderable speoializetion in this praotioally ~t unliriit?d field, par-
e regards the speoiel fields of research in physical, inorCanio,
organio, biologioal, or teohnioal ohemietX7. The apeoiel problems of
appiioation thus far worked on in the laboratory oonoern both inalytioal
and struotural-Chemical problems. Thus, the previously developed
radiometrio method of analysis for uranium has been improved., end
work on self-diffueion and eimilax problems of a atruotural-ohemioal
nature have been published.
Hconaultation Aotivity; Hundreds of ohemioai, teohuioal,
logioal, and medical laboratories in the USA, IM Canada, and Great
Britain ere already working with radioactive tracers. The iuaportanoe
?tteohed to the uae of traoer isotopes may be shown by the following
words of the prominent Ainerioan nuolear chemist Seeborg; lsxt is not
at all out of the question that the greatest gains to humanity from
the atomio energy development will result from the widespread use of
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de of problems rather than lxom the
trroerr to volts s multitu
refl. """!he lutuxe reemr to hold
barneIrinB ot the poorer it
the apPlioetion of radiorotire trroerr
unlimited yorribilitier for '
attain that the applioationo made
to raientilio problemr. It it o
that far rte duet the beginning of what ie going to become en
field of rerearoh."` /G.T. Seaborgs
extremely large ana ruooeortul
soienoe 105 (]9'7) 3i9/.
The are of trroerr it limited et prevent by ti's ruortede off'
reedily available radioaotire nnolidesr of knowledge of the renri-
Live measurement technique, of the rpeoirl chemical teahniqued of
measuros against radiation, uto. ,44"---- : works of the neoerrery
e great need for ooneu3.tative and even
There ir, active
The need it erpeoie3.l7 greet
help in oonneotion with such work.
by?ioians end teeoherr in the now
oaure var
in 5teborg bo mediorl institute a and
re 6neatl1 interested in the methoBolo61,
the ?? in many carer -- prohibitive diatanoe to the nuolear ohem r
instituter at Stockholm and Uppeala.
The laboratory, therefore, 1: also serves in an edvit3or7 oapa-
of tracer isotope technique; it alto
city oonoerning the applioetionr
roduotion of suitable tracer isotopes
giver practical help in the p
dioactire?preparationr. Thus tar, for
OX, ~ the meerurenent of xa
cram le the laboratory he? lent its aeriatanoe in veriouB diegnoatio
p ~
nd therapeutic inrertigatione (carried out by Dootors grattgaard,
gtrandqui et, and we art ?rbarn )
Gabriele, ~e6?rgren, ~indguiet, Tura??on,
through the production of t radioactive bromine, the procurement
of radioactive nuolider from other sources, the mearuremant and
doraging of xediovotive phoaphorua, the mea ruxemeut of
atione maaeuroments an petientg and thn
diverts radioactive pxepar
neutxan(xediation of experimental antfls3."
3xtenaivo work & the dgpaxtmerit of theprAtioal ohdrnistry of
Teohiialogy also has been i'inanved with
the gtookholm xnatituta of
funds from the Atomic Committee. Thin work in of two typee;; both
1RU?d 9 C,
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Lion of iaotopu, primarily by the diffu?ion
work on the iepars
method, and instruction and reseaxoh in nuolesr ohemistrr.
Tha problem or the seperetion of iaotope$ ie of rear greet
iluportenoe in stoauio suer8y sotirity= primeril,, of oouxae, in the
produotioa of Atomia banbe but silo for other purpoees, for e=emple,
in the derelopment of smell resotors for the propulsion of resse1e
or even of aixorsft. Theoretioelly, there sre s great number of
,bthods of aohierin6 this. In the YSA, however, diffusion eppeaT3
el dominant role. The Oomrtttee, theralore, has
to play the somplet Y I - ,_ I1? a
f:~ ~.. ',4 ~ ~ ,, .4 ' , t'`', .' '. . ,.~t1, _* ,,~ j r r I' f, ' ~1thoug~
though` i t .. a ----- - & r . "''"1?
it is at present doubtful that
v `I j~~-~~.~ ~ or 1o~a time, beoaus'
..,,.,...,,.~,' ?.: _.,Y ----~
r ~~ E
that aotivit in this field is now being taken up in
so important th Y have been
enormous cost of oreoting
and operating such an industrial installation for ff diffusion and
separation. Preliminary investigation of oertain other mathn4A of
separation is being oonduoted at the i Institute.
Nuoleer ohemi$txy has already baoome fend is ever more beooming)
Institute ha B mode it neoeaearY that a nuolear ohemietrp
seotion be slat up. Work in nuolear ohemietl7 will, luxtnermOre,
at the Gustav Werner Institute o! Nuclear Obomtstrp
be taken up
8s a, when the oyolotron there is liniahed.
in U'pp~
ho1m Institute of Teohnology; moraover, aotivity at the
the department o! theoretical oheu-ietry at the Stook.
s~ started at th PI: AY$ _I
s p18000. Yor example, instruction and r~eeeeaxoh
The Nuoleer Ohemiat
Beotion oft21e Da
at the 8to0lcholm Institute o! Teohnolo
artment of Theore 4O!1 Ohemistr
- r Ole Las, the head of the deportment, has given the
Professor ~
upnt or the aotivitiee the Department finanoed with
following loo
hinds from the atomio reseeroh appropxietions
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" ref View of ts$ Nuoleax ohemistry in its bxosdest sense
may be divided into two lieldsz nuolear ohemistry end applied nuolear
hexes of eOtiVity ot nuolear ob.*iot19 proper, then,
ohemistrr. The ep
should be the following: the deoription of xediosoti" ohain xeaotione,
nuclear reaotions, end the separation of isotopes. (This would also
include the ohemistry of isotopes, that is, the detailed deroription
that oooure beoause of the ohemioel differences of
of the chemistry
the isotopes.) Applied nuolear ~M ohemistry deals with the pure or
nefioieted votive or ineative isotopes (nuolider) used as raoer
branches o!!oiinoe ,,' of radiation
substanoes in various ax as aeurees
- - 'sandThe
in radiatia
nobemioal radiologioei prooessee (radiators). work of the Department takes in both of there fields
' rob aotirity of the Department deals with oertein problems
'The tease
of applioetion, partioularly the relationehip between matter andk
ra SIT
xedioaotiv end the use of these rays as en aid in physical
e ~
ohemietrY end teohnology. At the same time, work is in progress on
the separation of isotopes by effusion (popularly oalled diffusion).
rthermore work is being prepared on the separation of boron
isotopes (distillation, prooeesea of extraotion), on the development
of the ion-exohanga method with a view toward the separation
of fission produots and on problems of besio reaearoh in radiation
As a whole, this field suffered a greet decline in Sweden in the
between the wars. It should be remembered that 0. Rahn's book,
"Applied Redioohemiatry" was published beak in 1936. In Sweden, as
elsewhere, it has now entered into a phase of rapid development. The
Atomio Committee is the moat important epproprietion body in this It has, in its supporting aotinity, admitted the
requisite of rather extensive besio researoh. This is particularly
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valuable end necessary in such a new field, if the future development
is not to suffer from the preotioel and soonomio viewpoints.
.~2 5.
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hlnetruotion xuns aide by aide with reaearoh. Nuolear ohemistry
began at the Institute with theses the sub~eot of theoretiosl
ohulietrr. Through oontinued soientifio work )and thanks to the
Institute's oourse in nuolear phyaios, the depart ant of nuolear
ohuaistry was able to grow end the positions for aesietente and
the very reoentiy established positions for aesietant inetruotors
tilled with oompetent upeoialieta. Importent/ii iiirr hove been
made partioulerly by yil. Lio. K.S. Holmberg, and Civil gngineera
a. Anianason, 0. Lindstrom, 11. Mearteneeon, end T. Peetermerk.
IeotoDe 8eD6retion; Etteotive isotope separation requires a
great deal of preliminary work, regerdlese oi' the method seleoted.
Az~ong the mothoda of prooedure, the dittueion method oooupies a
epeoial position beoauue it relatively eoonomioally) oen be adapted
gybes been j
to deal with greet quantities. It/used fai the separation of
:?- N ~ r
uranium iaotopee on a large soale in the USA both during4the wary
Any installation for the letter purpose must
be enormously ooetly, end/otually proved no exoeption in the USA.
"Our work her been aimed at gaining experienoe in the diffusion
method, and her progressed to the point that en experimental ins a -
lation will soon be operable for non-oorrorive ieotope mixtures, or,
at least, a gee aiM mixture oonsiderably less oorrosive than
uranium hexafluoride, the gas used in the USA. Our work hae oonaieted
i investigating the theory and modus operandi of the prooeese in
designing suitable diffusors, in investigating problems on pumps
and oontrolg equipment, and in developing suitably fine/
porous (moleou],ar ) membranes. The letter is the most igrwr~_t
point of the installation; for the separation of two nearly identioal
eu atanoes in a gaseous sir mixture, the auu ism mixture must
be "rifted" through sieves, idriir thin plates, so finely porous that
to the eye and the touoh they appear impermeable and homogeneous.
At the same time, their permeability should be high. This has required
very extensive works and a number of tests have been made with
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various raterisla. At the ,ease time, the etudiee of membranes have
been of praotioal interest. Both steel and glass mmabranes of the
types we tested may be used for industrial or laboratory purpoeee.
At the ss. time, the resistanoe to oorrosion of a number of m+nterials
has been investigated, inter alia, uranium hexafluoride, in an exten'
~.i ~',I' )'), n !
sive series of teste,ar~Mh modern viewpoints on the influenoe of
gas proteotiveJ oostings on the susoeptibility to oorrosions
Las- In this oonneotion, uranium hexafl r de hae been
rriduoed from uranium oerbide obtained from the Poroee 1eeesroh
Institute. Work has also been done in the designing of eleotrolytio
fluorine generator's, in whioh oonneotion Engineer 0. Lindstrom has
made greet progress, just as he has in the study of oorrosion.
Engineer Lodh*mmar's work with speoial steel membranes has been
finished as a #art thesis, The study of glass membranes wee begun
later, but, aooording to Engineer O.L. Carlsson's report, this problem
is also well in hand.
The figures for the oost of separating the uranium isotopes on
a praotioal soale are frightfully high for a oountry of Sweden'a size.
Use for the produotion of deuterium lieswithih reaoh, but an estimate
would p /
of the ooats requires a speoial investigation by experts, partioularly
in the field of pumps, for whioh reason thisisui problem is yet
a blank. Deuterium in the form of heavy water is, as is known, of
partioularly great importanoe in the atomio energy program.
`Even in its present form, with 10 stages, the diffusion apparatus
van be used for the separation of isotopes generally desired for
reeearoh purposes (for example, for treoer experiments, Iuu as
it is not neoeesary that the degree of purity be so very high; but
t1t the produotion oapaoityAbe fairly high, namely 5-10 grams per
day. The reparation of riiNr~s eilioon, ohiorine, and bromine and
the lighter' gases is to be eepeoially reoomvnended. Compared ire - ~~
thermal diffusion, there is the advantage of low energy oonaumption;
oompared with exohange readtione, of eoonomy of the material undergoing
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separation. Expansion to SO eteges would give a oonoentration in
the ratio of 2:1 or more, depending on the abeolute quantity of
the deaire1 produotion and possible improvement of the membrane.
Preliminary studies have boon rsiede at our laboratory also on
the oonoentrotion of boron 10, whioh also is of very greet importanoe
Oonoentretion of boron to is efteoted
in nuolesr phyaioal reseuroh. J' primarily
by.. ,
~1f i! distillation or ohemioal exohenge-reaotions, end the work in this,
to Sweden nits nAw t
~'q , field meant the determination ofAseparation
faotorfi in distillation, whioh in literature is presented only in
the loan of unoertain theoretioai oaloulationd, and the inveatigetion
of the conditions under whioh an exohrnge reeotion taken place.
''In oonneotion with the preparation of isotopes, we are now
prepsred to oonduot work on the produotion of pertioulsrly oorroeion.
resirtsnt materiels known as oarbon fluorides. Their oheraoteristioa
~1s7 be veiled for different use., as lubricating oils, eleatio paoking,
and as the herd material in diffusors, eto. (Besides our apeoiel
interest in these produote, upon whioh England and the USA have
worked a greet deal, they have important epplioations in a rturrber
of interest both to toohnology
of apparatuses in general end to
the defense; In the USA, the produots are highly secret while
their produotion in England has just begun reoently.)
'~ Yn comma ,Depaxtnent 'a
otian with the/work on ultranonios (Engineer 0. Lindetrdm),
originally eupported by the
Teohnioal Reseeroh Oounoil, pertiouler attontion is being devoted to
the possibilities of ieotopio etfeota in oheminal reaotiona in ultra.
eonio fields. A rational Mr disouasion of this problem requiree
etpeoially extenaive knowledge of the physioe and ohemiatry of
above-mentioned ;
ultresonios. a Engineer Lindstrom' ; `1 ibrini and onrrosion reaeeroh
preowinabl,e f
has not required all his time, but it has not been . to get
a part-time rereeroher, as that work requires oon derable supervision.
Be has, therefore, been able at the same time to devote himself to
the study off'
g~ie'phenomona with a view toward the separation of iaotop,
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ot other res?aroh projeotr, great intereat has b4enfIII':'oirtain
separation problems importent to the uranium rosator,a to the -
developa nt of ioi exok1enge ~rethodsi for that purpo,4, ediatiou-oheai-
oil queations of in portunoe iu the sums oonnaotion, although these
prob1ema are atUl in the pxeliminary etagea of their solution at
the department,
" A'8? Raaearoh APLhI Beta end aemma RAai~~ti? aa,~, eta s At present
very adva:ioed reeedroh on tho methods or emanation
(Ingineer lraartenason), on the sbsorbtion of beta-rays, and on graphy by meens of beta.raya (Engineer Peetormdrk ), Is ii. p rass,
7 The Teolinioel RoseQroh oounoil has supported thin
work, and the results will soon be presented sa loentiate,theees.
Other nuolear ohemioul work is being oarried out with the support of
the Atomio Oommittee. Aa s ooLipler,ent to the ebone-mentioned work
ors abaoz' tion, measurements of tit ran,go (rhkviddsrnltningar) have
been oarried out, e? has been the ogee with beta?reya, primarily
with a view toward meterial dependenoe. ' ' To iriveet'igite the material
dependence eapeoially is a gv.?eat and oomplioated task, whioh also has
a number of praotioal a apeota, ae : radioaotive rudiation ever more
is being brought into use ire teohnioal oontrol instruments and phyaioal.
-::: i: chemistry ? ri i. itraquipment.
r Thus, A highly signifioant pert of the work is being done on
measuring equipment requiring vary high aoouraoy. The thioknese of
d tsaterial must be varied in mPking m,eaaurementa, and in order to
being limited to
avoid su i~;on4eoThaourring only in foil form, muoh work has been done
0 ~} I a
!ra the produotion of eatrem~ly uoourate ebaor tion auvettee (bulbs)
in whioh u thin Layer of liquid (down to 10 jt) is between two
thin mina windows, the distanoe between whioh oun be varied with very
great preoision. or the moat part, the workshop personnel hired
with funds From the Atomic Gomnoittee have been indiepen4ble in this
oonneotion End in aettirng up the training oourae (see below), eta.
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'fgivil ~ngineezc Anianson has worked on a method for the preoi.ion
Measurement of the range of alpha-ray. and with the utiliaetion of
redioeotive warei of short range for the study of lurfaoe ed1aor, tion,
those in
The results were intexeiting, partioularly the,e4iorbtion study
oonneoted with the
?:JJtu**1IrI:1'--- verifioation and of aibbi adsorption
In addi ~ion to the besio reeearoh teaks already mentioned, there
ere two other ourrent thesis projeot. in nuoleer ohemistry in progress,
.~ often used in teohnology, but, nonetheless, one off' further development,
'+ The Trainin oourae in Nuolear Ohemistr ; The oourse wee eeteb.
1i.hed in the tell terms of 1947 and 1940, and oomprieed 4$ laboratory
hours. It is planned for the ourrent term in the same manner, but
after it has been unproved by Veetermark, Anianaeon, and Civil Rngineer
G8sta Nilsaon, who has been employed for some time for that purpoee.
The number of etudente was the maximum number poesible, 25 end 34
a&;;;44 betas in solution, end the development of a suitable method of pro-
oedure for that measurement, The other deals with gamma radiography
in the deteotion of flaws in os stings, welded joints, eta,, a prooees
'A number of oour.e experiments in radioaotive measurement teohnique,
radioaotive traoer teohnique, exohange reeotions, the teohnioal radio
logioel use of gamma and bete rate, eta, have been devieed.
.Rather simple quentuno~afor the oourat here been prod
duped at the Department, as have brat-olees
theory for the itudy of the mioell .truoture of a soap solution,
Work with the Gibbs theory plaoee one in a olassioal field where
great experimental diffioulties were enoountered earlier, but where
radioaotive indioation of the surfaoe?aotive element opens up oompletely
new poeeibiLities for experimental researoh,
One deals with the measurement of the diffusion ooetfioient for a radio-
rat speoial purposes, among others, of the bell type, 6.0 oentimeters
in dianter and with 12.15 milligram/iii square oentimeter mioa
windows. Also, a number of laboratory' utensils have been produoed at
our, own workshop. '' RESTRICTEL - :3-O--
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soial Institute at the Iarolinrka Ros italMatters
~ 7x1! Radio
oduotion of Radon Fre eretio,~ /d
of kacoteotion th? lac
atitute is 8wodan for researoh in medioal
As there is a ?peoiel in
radiopbyrios and for the supervision of proteotion against radiation
work end the a u11' radiation-proteotion tasks
.in radiologioel
a law of 6 June 1941 on the supervleion of redio-
arrigned it sunder th
logioal work, etoJ, the Atomio Committee has had good s reason to lend
powerful support to this institute and its reeearoh eotivitiea! Work
in atomio energy rarearch it, as ii known, asrooieted with oonsidereble
rink of radiation. The problem of radiation proteotion will beoome of
Canoe with the further development of this field and
inoreasing impor
probably in many oases will be of overwhelming importance in the prao-
n of atomio energy. The support provided the radio-
tioal utilizetio
pbysioal institute has been for:
tion of a high?tension room and the proourement
1, he oonrtru4
of equipment for the inveeti6ation of the biologioal effeots of short-
. duration 'intensive radiation, 1the funds for the operation
of the installation,
otion of a small building and the proourement of
2, ~~ie oonstru
oduotion of radon preparations, to be distributed
equisInent far the pr
especially to gweden'a phsioa institutea for rosearoh and inetruotion
he fund r for the operation of the installation,
3, ?jha deyelo ant of measuring methods for registering pene-
speoiallY for the measurement of smell quantitites
trating rays, e ~
of ga,mma.rediating eubatanoes in the human body.
on of atetiatioal inveetigstionr on the oorrel stion
'I ~ompleti
between radiation and blood ohangae.
Neutrons play a oentrel role in the liberation of etomio energy
by the splitting of uranium and plutonium. It is, therefore, neoessary
s to an apparatus produoing neutrons. The simplest
to have wooer
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neutron souroe is a radium-beryllium preparetion, that ie, a sealed
tube oontalning a mixture of powdered beryllium and a radium salt.
for that reason, therefore, the Committee purohe?ed iii thn very early
iu 4
etagea of its ootivlty 2 grams of radium, one gram of w hioh r uOd
tar tho produotlon of the rad~,um-beryllium preparation and one gram for
'rho production of radon prepar~sttons mentioned under ,2 above.
Thors ere the following xadiwn-heryllium preparations;
2 units with 250 milligrams Ra eaoh
4 unite with 100 milligrams Re eaoh
5 units with 20 milligrams Re ea ohf
The 2O-mill.tgrem tubes have been distributed to the phyeios
departmonte at the Univoreitiee of Uppsala and Lund, the gtookholm
Institute of Teohnology, the ['RoyalJ Institute of Teohnology in
Stookholtn, and the Chalmers Institute of Teohnology. The other
prey ratione are intended to owned out for a limited period for
speoial roseuroh work. This aotivity is oonduoted by the Radiophysioe
Institute, lees determined by the Atomio Oommittee are oherge8 for
thee. loans
As to the aooompliahments thus ter eohieved with the grants from
the Atomio Oornmittee, Professor Rolf Sievert, the direotor of the
Radiophyeios Institute, has the following to report;
"1) The 1iiTiu Institute's new high-tension room was
oohs truoted in 1946/47 and was ready for operation in January 1948.
The equipment was being prepared at this time and, for the moat part,
was finished during the spring of 1949?
The installation is iten~ed for two different purposes, the
requisite equipment in both oases being essentially the same. One
has to do with the biologioal effeots of short.rduration, intensive
roentgen radiation in suoh i~ doses that death follows a short time
after exposure. The intention, primarily, is to investigate the
effect of such radiation on small mammala, like rate and mice, in
order to draw conclusions as to the eifeota on human beings, flit.
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The same rat~ue may also be uoed adv+Snta~~eQ~~AIY for
radiation apps
the genetio olfeota of radiation, for example, by experiXaentati0f
banana flies. The Seoozxd purpo8e for w hioh the
with oulturee of o Q)~~ueiv"
inatallation is intended ie exper1mentation on new method 0! treat
meo,t (bGh8fl1iflt3PtOtOd0r) with ohort?duration, intensive roentgen
work at the Radiophyaio? Institute hee ehOWU
radiation. Axel binary
that one may uee* anode and di~phrugm alpretusee whioh produoe an
Z?ray whioh, up to e oextain limit, ~rrr increases in intensity with
the tube in oontrAdietinotion to the tuba
inoreesinR dietanoe lrora
now in use, in whioh the intensity deoreae?e reetly with the diatanoe.
teide the sphere of interest of the Atomio
701' this work, whioh lies ou
Committee and whioh is nrimarilY of medioal interest, the Institute
has reoeived a rant from King Gustav V's jubilee fund end From, Bnut
end Alioe Wallenberg' a foundation,
;1.owinp~ ere some details of the high?teneion installations
Sion room has a floor eurfaoe o! approximately
The high-ten
11 x 19 meters and e ooiling height varying between 10 and 12 meters.
oonStruotion, oontaining an eleotroatatioally
There is a beloony like
roteoted oontrol room -( "I . : :, a hotographio dark room, and
a Smaller room for the preparation o! biologio8l pTeparatione, at one
end ot the rooms
The high?volta6a generator ooneieta off' a oasaede generator
developing a maximum of 1.2 million volts. The generator 'TL
vent Oable Plant and the Physios peeaearoh Insti-
designed by the isi?
ienoe. Three euoh generatore have been
tute of the Aoedemy of Bo
manufaotured eo far, one at eeoh ot the above-mentioned institutes
and one at the RadiophYSion Institute. The generator is oompletely
ed in laoe; it has been teete and funotiona 8atie-
finished and mount ~? batte
leotorily. It can be oonneoted to a oonGn~ ra, ooneieting or 40
the illustration says 4) oondena~rB for a maximum of 250 kV and eF
of about 0.1 mioro.'erade. The oondens,ire
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as a gift from the 81everts Cable Plant. The Dadiophyaios Institute
installed them. The battery i divided into four parts so that it
oan be oonneoted for i ages of 250, 500, !nd 1,QOQ kilovolts; it
has been tested and found aatiafaotorr.
The roentgen tubo ooneists of a water-oooled iron
built into
oylinder 1 meter in diameter and 80 oentimeters high woe ing
of a radiation raomwith iron~ore..oonorete walls. The anode. is
in the oenter of the oylinder. The radiation room hrwi l.s. donated
by A. Dunder, a oontraotor. Above the iron oyli der i )hS roof of
the radiation 'oomlis a series of nau atone, so `heinodes oan
produoe a Qoltage up to 1 million volts. The vaouum aggregate, whioh
oonaiata 300 liter diffusion pumps, eaoh with a preliminary pump
of the double-notion, rotary type (valstyp), is also plaoed in the
oeiling. The neoesaary oontrol of the vaouum attained is exeroied
by ionization and Pirani vaouu~a meters. The filament holders, between
whioh 144 tungsten wires are isre fastened, are in a ring around
the anode. The filament ourrent is obtained from a 16-volt
batterr_with a diaoharge ourrent i
r or 2 0 ,000 amperes maximum. The
filament ourrent*is regulated by means of,1iremote-oontrolled, water-
oooled resistor designed by the In?titute. ? This i makes possible
very aoourate adjuatiaent of the filament voltage. Two motor-oontrolled
ourrent breakers, also designed at the Institute, are ooupled into
the filament ourrent oirouit. These break the ourrent autometioally
if the pressure of the oooling water should go below a oertein value.
Temperature oontrol is provided at the requisite pointi. The voltage
at the filaments oan be measured partially directly and partially by
means of an eoourete measuring bridge. A 10,000 ampere shunt has been
installed for the measurement of the intensity of the ourrent.
Safety devioes~ for the prevention or sooldents due to high
voltage,%i~rexo~deo. For example, the high-voltage aggregate oanrot
S &4
ut the aotivation mt frp the oontrol room of ~
be switohed on( iik a certain signal apparatue1
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beak red warning lights,au a siren whioh sounds the alarm
if someone should open the door to the high-voltage room, and another
siren which ivea the signal several, eeoond$ before the highh~voltage
tranAformer reoeives ourrent. All high-tension short~oirouit and
switohinS devioea are operated by automation lifting devioee with
worm-Bear motors, whioh are started from the oontrol room.
h dieohar6a through the roentgen tube is oontrolled in several
~' 4
mutual/ independent wars. By meana of a fluxmeter oonneoted to a
frame antenna one oan find out whether the diaoharge through the
ii oaused ' a eleotron ,
roentgen tubes ITI 11 emission from the filaments or
w spark disoharge oauaed by oold emission. At the anode of
the roentgen tube there is a gadget for the determination of the
period of radiation. Pox t1 purposea smell oommeroially available
aompresred-air turbine designed for emery grinding use
Capable of developing 60,000 revolutions per minute, it has been
oonverted so that a photographio film 7 w 8 oentimeter$ in diameter
oen be plaoed on the axle. Speeds of rotation oorresponding to a
periphery speed of about 100 meters per seoond can be obtained. Thue,
one her the possibility of iir direotly determining the time during
intensities of radiation.
gives radiation meesurements with, praotioelly speaking, unlimited
type of vaouum oondenaOr ohanber tested at the Radiophyaioe xnatitute
may be mede an aoouraoy of a oouple of mioroeeoouda. A epeoiel
diaphragm with a 0.l~ millimeter hole, the determination of the time
a darkened line oauaed by a hole' in a lead aoreen. By using a gold
whioh roentgen rays were emitted by i meaeur the length of
"Tyro anodes have been aet up for the roentgen tube, a oylindrioal
one 12 oentimetera in diameter, the oylindrioal aurfaoe of whioh is
on o
formed of tungsten platen which is designed for the radiat
objects lowered into the anode; end a conical experimental anode
of copper, with a maximal, diameter of 500 millimeters. The water
oooling system and. the temperature measuring devioe, installed in
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the stem of the anode so that temperature xeadings may be obt`inad
Ot into the uppermoet oox'ons shield of the
by saeane off' instruments a
roentgen tube.
The roentgen tube was raouum tewted satielaotoxily to eaxly
an aoourate investigation of the oonditiofl
suowaer 19449, ai'tox wbioh
of inoandeeOeo-t emission wae undertaken This showed that the file
d with that oA3.oo1eted. The installation
span ot ttie tilamente ooinaide
to funotion without oo~aplioations. The
as a whole also was shown
existing blooking and safety devioee hey. p2?0ve4 to be aatisfaotory
and to oeuee no inoonvenienoe.
'I During the aummex of 1949 50-odd disoharges were made and Various
m lox the time being, the 'oltages have been
date determined therelro ne . ta31at on
in order not to overload the' to
Yept below l~00 l~ilovoltr
.qjien1 Pt
, have not
osaible damage to the -- we atil
the point of p
oe with the epparetu8. A limited number of
had surfioient experien
filaments have been used (4.8 instead of 144) ; aUIIILU-PU a the file-
nt u to
meat ourrent about 1,240 ampere8 And the disoharge
The dieoharge tension bee reaohed a maximum
ourrent to 1,500 amperes.
of 280 kilovolts. greliminarY radiation measurements have shown that
is of the order of magnitude oaloulated. The
quantity of radiation
y'r c4' LI
used . experiments have shown
oonioal anode wa s
that with this anode the oaloulated radiation distribution oan bd
obtained in nrinoiple, but that 1ii proteotive housings moat be
tube for the prevention of rupturea due to
planed inside the
oald eaai+seion. It wee also dieoovered in the oourae of the experi-
ments that a number of aniaZl adjuatmente and additions to thcr
installation were neoessary. This work is in progreas at preeent,
and the next aeries of experiment8 is eatimated to begin around
1 Deoember.
if The inat+allation deeoribed has provetl an extremely valuable
addition to the dadisphYeioe Institute for work in en otuua field
bia h eioe. The prelimifaX7 eating of the
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has givoli sQtiatuotory reuulte end it is hoped that within a ahort
time it will be poraiblu to aturt on the iAVOetigationr planned by
the Inetitute'a epooialiste in physioe and bioohemistry in oonjunotion
with ita medi o -1 oxpexts.
'`2) Th( inatallation for the production of radon preparations is
housed h a a~ahli building oonati'uoted eapdoially for thin purpose
It houses a we11-abielded, epeoially ventilated ohember or the
emanation oq,uipmont, a oontrol. room, and s mde$uring laboratory.
zn the ocntrol room there is an arrengemeut of mirrors with double
retleotorr, ? by whioh znuane+ tI'e a auation equipment may be observed
from wn obeexvation point proteoted by over once meter of oonorete.
The arparetue was ddsigned by Fit. Xeg. Agnur Egmark and wee oompleted
in 'une 1948. Oertein dinruptione appeared after about six weeks'
neoesser 1
operation, end it was to ohange and partially redeaign
the unit, Mtter whioh operation a was resumed in ootober 194.
The unit, whioh sinoe that time hes been in'iiIJu operation,
is reaaote?oontrolled, so that after the requieite coolant (oerbon
dioxide snowwaloohol end liquid air) has been introduoed, the entire
prooedure of pumping it out oan be direoted from the oontrol rood.
Only the melting of the `Oonoentrato~ emanation quantity (huh? )i'in
the glaas tube is done manually.
'Thu total number of radon preparations produoad ao ter is about
150, or wliioh approximately 55 have been delivorod to Various insti-
tutea, A number of the lattor have boea usod in order to extraot
Ba p and its disintegration produots. The int3tullatioal has shown
I y
~ i
a Y andr oomPared other
itself to funatinn oompletoly utisTotoril
similar install tious, aciniite the production of emanation produots
with oonaiderebly less rink of exposure to radiation.
'I 3) A upeoiul appuratue has been doveloped for the rogiatration
oi' penetrating r u icition. This is a rend stop forward) beouuse rill
parts art) of euah design that they oun ~ regi~tEr ~'nr u long tl,nie
without meintsnenoe, of ooneidsrable importmnoe !or a number
of radiation iseaureanentr, -37-
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pp L
gamma- tauoer
'I or tho measurement of ama11 quantitiea of
in the 12ua1n body', w ryaoil alpaziatus htar bw?n oon,truotod whioh is
particularly designed for ezanining persons who, by virtue of their
work, may be auapeoted of having inaurioua yuautities of
The e1pparatua ooneists of
ting rubrtanaer their ryrte~aa
0 higlipreseure ionization ohambers. arranged azaund a aylindriaal
a rtretoher my be pl+soed. The ohamberr
aevitY into which a Perron on
onneoted to the grid of an aleotrometer
are oonneoted in parallel and o
to a oontrol devioe provided with both s
tube, whioh it oonneote
from whioh readings may be made direotly,
sight spot galvanometer,
v nomet'er. The apparatus is aaloulated for an
and a registering gal a miorojra-,,.
tho radiation from 0.01 ~ rrr dotal
aaoureay oorrerponding to
quantity of radium in the human body, but has prorteEl to gigs results
2.3 timea better than that.
"1t~pe1ienoa gloauod from thewpps-rtus is now being embodied in
tho oonetruotian of a new apparatus with whioh it will be possible
garruna?xadiatitig b
to date~,min' the normal quantity of
about 0 0 ioro rams of radium c~ubstanoe in
t )
the hutaan o t ro~u ~iatruotion of this"~"~io ouraoy. The ao
funds from the d Knot and A11043 Wol'len-
deviae is being financed by
berg Foundations The original tippare'tus is bgi`ng used at present in
e aeries of i9eatige-tiuns of persona working with r+adiaaotire iaateriele~
been found with suoh quantities of radio-
In some oervr, personr have b their_future_health wart
eoti're subrtanoes in their eystema that
Sevperdized. This apparatus hea been made ooneiderebly simpler, ro
m0e gurementr of those quantities of
that it is suitable for routine ~
aroma-radietiug substanoor (greeter than 0.1 miorograme of radium)
ba'erdaua to life, this, obviously, is of importanoe in the future
development ? of atomic rerearoh. Tbe'invertigation of the nature
substances in the human body is also of
quantities of gammM..rediating ati
'the manimum amount of
value to some extent in theJJ_ t T1 of
radionative rubstana ee that can be aooumulated in the body without
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of nrf,t, jntiUreat lbxoa~l ao it iQ iropOrtSQt
d~ngQ~. 'Thu quoAfiQn i~-
~leoontaminetior~ ~,uipntent
1n deterrtii~inc the .Frotaotive and o
fax otorniv on,x
zriation boa been gruntid Lahoxdtoriiin Marta
41 A apaoi.Ai appro?
ocrndudtin stab of ocll
ioa- znatitut~a Tx ohs
e oor3?e1at1on betwoon oxpOeuro to xradi,ation an
i,nveQtigofi,Onv ot th
fhio xant the pxooeaatXU. of tho extonaive
blood ohangee. Thanks to g ~
i. otodr I - oolle oted during tha
lhaterinl to bo in ea
atttuto hcia ongaged in tho hold of proteotion
lA-ynaa' pAriad the xn
ainst radioa-otive Axpr'rU?. is now in p1 ogrosa. Thin work is a1ao
of great i, in thi detertaiala~tion of h? toleraxlo? doaea is
mpoxt~~noe ~
. atamia An aooount of the preliminary raa-iito should
Aner~~' ~
oomo out in the near futux e."
tie~tiong; AB uraniU at pxofent Ia not avail
Qeolo ioai, Yn,-
able an thH world market+ every oountxy is ~noxe or :14011A obiiged to
own natural reaouroeR, one of the prorequiattOB
seek it among ite
fox gweden+s aotivi.tY in the atonio fie34 lies been that itraniuri
dose oug h in v~xy low onnavntrtions, in her. foil ahalas
aoour, a~.t~~
in, Intel" alia, Vestex at1and and N~rke. Nowovox, the ooottrrono( - of
iirniuxh in these .a1es hes been and, to a 0ertain extant, still is
insuffioient)y investigated, although extensive work has been dune
in suoh i.vestigation8. This work, of oours~, is still oinon.
It is obviou$1Y neoeaeexy to investigate at the same time whtber
ur not umnium ie to be Found elsewhere than i.u the shale; this bae
beon and stil is beIng investigated by the 3wedieh Oeologioal xeaeeroh
Boniety (ve3'i&E g , eolo&iska undorsgkning), whioh, among other things,
lr e
w is going througb its geaologioel oolleotiou?; thin work is being
'unda fxom the Oolririittee? The geology department of
finunood wi.tha
Lund tlnivorsit is a~.eo oonduoting Oo>rmitteewfinanoed expeditions
The flnliden Mining Oorporstion, in oonjuaotion with
in the field+
A3 Atornenergi, o doing proapr,otil~g qnd investigatory wank. The
, is al
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fists from the beginning here said that it was doubtful that
daparitr of any importenoe would be found, but obviously 011 possi=
ies in this reapeot should be explored, as even $J$$11 depositor
u d~ u~-
~ of hih[JJ wou be of value.
yoroer Aeresroh Institute LI0AI.2 It has been previously
pointed out how fortunate it was that like the p0A , with
abilities of efteotively oonduoting the requisite resoeroh work,
its pars
war in existenoe in the initial stsgei of stomio energy aotivity in
onduoted work in the nuolear physioil and ohemioal
Sweden. It has o
fields end in both oases experienoe, personnel, and equipment liter
oould be transferred to AD Atomenergif this has been of the greatest
initial and
value to the oorporetion in its,('T eter sotivity.
The ohiet of the researoh institute, Direotor-in-Ohiet Albert
8 ~rkeson has delivered the following aooount of the ohexioal end
nuoleer phreioal work oonduoted at the boA on problems in the etomio
energy fields
"In the ohemioal field, the boA~s work has touohed upon all
phases of the urenium questions methods of p analysi$, oonoentration,
extreotion, the separation of uranium out of solution, puritioetion,
and produationkib a metal.
_ .The rerearoh, therefore, haeEiIi' from approaching baeio
researoh to others approaohing applied teohnioal researoh. The deoidedl~
nuclear-physically pure ursnium om Bweden'e domestio sew meteriela.
This extensive reeearoh will be dealt with only in brief in this report.
'The IOA began to work on leeohing reseeroh with oulm end oulm ash
in the swoomer of 1947. The experience gained from these attempts
whioh lasted until early 1949) led to the development of a method
setisfaotory from the teohnioal viewpoint. Experimentation with this
~ ~, ,~v ~ vu v va
reatest ohemioal task has been ink Mme hods of produoing
method -" earriel on on a rather large soil..
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hg/' method.,, with it..
I zn the introduotory experiment s, ether .xtrsotio(i-T -.._..~aolsetout
preoipitation,wwee applied in the extraotion of uranium from the leaohing
solutiQn. 8inoe thenr however, new methods of seleotive preoipitation
have been teate~l T whioh do not require the use of ether.
'tor the purpoae of produoing nuolearusphysioullY usable uranium
materialr it has been neoeeaarY to develop methods for produoing a W
number of uranium ooinpounds with a high degree of purity. rot the
most partr this work has been of an applied nature, although in oextain
oases baaio reeearoh was oonduoted (for example, the investigation of
the distribution of wreny34a-itrate between ether and water, published in
a,. Kern. Tidekr. No 60, 194, and other non-published investigations
of the peroxidee of uranium).
Methods of produotion have been developed for a number of uranium
oompounde serving as am intermediate produote in ~*C the
roduotion of nuo1ear-ph75ioa117 ueeble uranium materiel. Yor example,
suoh uranium oompounde as a308 (green uranium oxide), D'o2 (brown
uranium oxide), UO2 (uranium oerbide), Qy6 (uranium hexefluoride ,
T77(uranium tetrafluoride), and DO14 (uranium tetreohiaride) may be
mentioned. Several methods for the produotion of uranium metal have
been investigated.
A number of problemsr eerentially basso reeearoh in oheraoter,
are to be etudied more olosely.
When work on uranium began in 1946, one of the greatest diffioultiee
s that there was no reliable method of analysing small quantities
of uranium.
In order to make possible reeearoh iii the benetioiation of
uranium, thereforer it was neoesaary that an aoourate azd rapid method
of analysis be developed. Also, a i 0-oral laboratory for the servioe
of various soientists had to be set up. During the spring and aumuuer
of l946, OA reeearoh group oonoentrated suooessfullY on the
g relatively rapid method of determining uranium.
development of
The method roved suitable for auoh low-uranium-oontent materials
p ?41-
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as shills and enrioh*ent produota. As the need far analyses was very
great, the genere;, laboratory was organized as rspid1y as possible.
This snalysis laboratory, whioh wse votive from the fall of 1946 to
the dell of 194$. served most Qt the reseazroh oonduoted during Chia
period and lent valuable sssistanoe in prospeoting and benetioistion,
t e dove ent of
The resesroh results attained me hods of
snslyzing ursniuam have been desoribed in a number of reports in
8Y. Kam. Tidskr., No 61, 1949?
The Department of Inorganio chemistry at the Institute of
Teohnology, with fusel s from the )OA, has investigated the possibilities
of employing polarographio methods for the determination of small
quantities of uranium.
e end of 1948, th routine analysis of small quantities of
of uranium was shifted over to the AB Atomenergi, the irMr analysis
group of the IOA has devoted its attention to the determination or
minute quantities of impurities in refined t~renium material. In
addition to this, when tune permitted, attempts were made to develop
a al i
more raid meth $'~/
p eels of small quantities of uranium.
With funds from the boA, the Inorganio Chemistry Department at
Lund University has oonduoted researoh on oertsin uranium oomplexes,
aooounta of whioh have been published in Aots Ohem. 8oand, No 3, 1949.
On the basis of the study of literature, certain investigations
have been oonduoted with regard to the modioe2. problems arising from
the uae of atomic weapons and in the matter of the dangers of exposure
when working with uranium oompounds.
The IOA nuolear ohemioal laboratory was ereoted about two years
ago. Its function is to study, in intimate oooperstion with the other
stomio researoh eoientiete, the nuolesr pro e'"aaaooiated with the
military use of etomio energy. Moreover, the laboratory is to put the
ohemioal and, aedioal reseeroh of the Znatitute to use in the employment
. ii' . 'tf ' l ' t i i flH :?i .
of rsdioaotive isotopes as reaearoh aids.P The trai t F personnel
for all forma of radioohemioal work, s&.
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i eyut ment prooured t r thin laboratory
'The physioal mee ~~~~nt?r~
inoluder proportionsl re for alpha-ray
.termination, roant1en dosimeters. end a speoial deviat 3o1' the
determir*tian of weak sipha and beta radiation (4..gas oounter . Au
impulse anal n8 oonstruoted in ooaperUtion with the phyeioa
ya~r is being
tUe determination of the quantity
departr4dnt; it is to be used in
individual s1pha-radi1ttin8 types of atoms ilL an isotope
mixture (z34 , 235 ,and 3 , etoa or in mixtures of several different
~ U ty
alphs,.radistiug elements (PU in V).
The ohaoaioel 1aborutor hsa been equipped primarily for semi-
hioh is of great advantage in working with radio-
~n ~ioro teohnology, w ~'
Aotua analytioel problema have been studied$
aotive elements.
hemioal methods, for example, the determination
by redioo
of sir ema11 quantities of uxaniua by the measurement of alpha-redie-
Lion and the use of speoifio reagents for the preoipitation of email
quantities of quadrivalent uranium a problem rrhioh,
in addition to the
analytidal app/ioation. also displays obvious aimilurities irrr~iiwr
t. I of plutonium. Purthormore, methods of separating
~h the separation
small quantities of rare earth metals from large quantities of
the ePplioetion of radioaotive traoer isotopes .r been
uranium by th
~' quite some time now, suoh investigations on the oheMioal
~'or h
hareoteristios of aotinidea and lant~nidee as of value in the
development of methods of separation for plutonium have been oon-
ntimete collaboration with the inorganic ohemistry depart-
duated in i
stookholm Institute of Teohnology and the Ohalmers mitt-
ments at the
tuts of Teohnoiogy'.
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r-epreoi,i'tation~ of~
uandrivAlant cations With
tri. an
lanthanum fluoride as a oarrier?is being studied by roentgen oryetal-
lographio methods at the 9tookholm and ahalmer,s Inetitutee of Teoh-
of radioohemioal methods for the direot investigation
The testing
~ ~
2 2 7
, Th
yariouw aarive of ioo-s (U02 , Np02 T
Prom all indioetion$, p1uto&iWA batong a spxias Af oleaa()nts
(the eotinidv sexier, ,*o+ Th, N, Np, Pu, Am, 4Jn, Bk ....) whioh forms
, , '
' ,
V4;' Np', 3 Np3IL. p') with vary similar ohemioel nxoportiea
Pu , V ~
t for the redox oharaoterietior). The quadri-
in each ion oeries (esoep
relent ions also display oonaiderAble eimilaritY to Qeand
ant ions oloaoly xoaumble their rare-earth
and the trival
Y studying more easilY obteinablo elements in the sotinide and
lantAenide a1eriea, whioh are thus used sae "model atoms," (in the t BA
this to also e opular manner of invostigating ooatly met~ri,a1A for
atomic enexgy re0auroti, ; t1~o expression "stand-ins" is uaod there in
place of "model atoms"), a good idea of the ohemiatrT of plutonium
rhauld be obtained. POX this reason, r the preoipi~
h x.iere~
tei~hility of lantAenides on Tu the prasonoe of large amounts
of uranium ie being studied at the P0A, using radioeotive traoer
At rosont, thci formation of mixed fluorides in the
of the properties of plutonium W using minute quantities of plutonium,
it in progress. These methods are tested first of all with the
thorium isotope 234Th (Ux ), whereby direot oompariron with the
previourXy know, chemical oharaoteristioe of thorium may be made.
In oonneotion therewith, a method has been developed for the
produoLion ofnoarrier-free 234Th from uranium material. The tendenoy
4? and N p7 ions to form complexes with oertain organio
of the Th exts'aotabilit
reagents and the or the oomploxee by means of organic
solvents is also being investigated.
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Ala inveatigution of ti:: various edeorbtion phenoxane us a eouroe
ai' error in work with tr?oee o! radioaotiva aubetanoes in solution
hi b
Wc~rl in nuclear h sioe in the Reaearoh Institute has be?rA oon-
duotod by a nuolsur physics seotioiu esteblished for that purpose.
It has been of great eignniti.oanoe in the rapid development of the
laboratory' that amEMxottioes suitable for the aotivitied could
ex erimentel d ~ of ~oienae
ba rented in the "ion of the ~ Academy ,
and that the recruiting of peraonLlel was faoilitated oonaiderably by
olode ooopemtion with the department of physics at the institute of
meohuology. During 1949, part of the aotivity was supported eoonoai-
oa11y by grants trorr the Ato~uio Oouur ittee and Ab S1S Atomenergi
The work of the leboratory for the paet tow years has dealt with
both the matter of proteotion against radioactive military agents
which could oonoeivobly bs used in a future war and iir~MNITI' problems
of a neutron-physical nature Ap of importance in tho eonatruotion of
a res otor.
9ignifioant reeoaroh and developmental work has been oerried out
in the dealiing of radioaotivoaradlation detectors for use in the field
A iwnbur of di+ferent tpia of ~aoliiu deteotore, based on different
prinoiplAs, have been produoed.
Two aooeleretorn have been built at the laboratory for the
handling of problems in neutron-physics. One of them consists of
e areinaoher?ooupled, 200,000~volt high-tension unit, oonduoted to
en tube in four ate ges. The other is a 2,000,000--volt,
pressure-insulated Van de GraaF generator. In the spring of 1949,
the latter machine aouelerated electrons to a maximum of 1,00,000
volts with a load of 0.8 mA. During the fall of 1949, the machine
a o timum of 1
W88 used as an ion aooelerator, in4ehr 5ri's was generated
with aW non-analyzed ionic current of 50 iiA. In oonneotion with the
work with the aooeleretore, dxtenaive work has been oonduoted on the
doeigd' `end testing of various sources of ions.
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'The smeller eooeleretor peen used is a souroe of neutrons
in Mn inv~iatie,etion oerried out during 3.949 in o?oporadion with Xkr
A8 Atomenergi on the 1I GP neutron dittueion in raphite, the
,4resu is o whioh are now eveilebla. Wien operated for 3.0 hourr,
the eooeloretor bee delivered e1' neutron intaZAaity oo3?ro8ponding to
about 3 grama of he-8e preparetion.
A time en lyxex, u-e eu a neutron epeotrometer when used with
the Yen de Graefr goneretor, hoe been built and eubjuoted tolungthy
tutinR. Ai inve8tigetion of tho heif-life period of 1a4, unth rtakef
wMi~ in ounneotion with the above, is doeoribed in rho menuooript.
The neutron aprotrometer will rake ponaiblo the r,~oaaureiient of
oonatent? of greet importunoe in the deaign of a reaotor.
An aooount of the deteriaination of the extent of 5 dirruaion of
neutxona in water, using a boron tri luoi .de ohunlber, icy now being
printed e+t the Physioe Arohivea.
A mass puotrometer of thu 900 type with a Nier ihn-Aouaoe and
e resolving oapaoity of about 100 has been oonatruoted and is now
being tested.
1:xter,aive work on the tieaign rrnd oc~natruotion of eieotronio
anu other equipment and the produotion of various types of Geiger.
Mullar oountera is being oonduoted by workahora eatabliahed within
the laboratory,
?A rather smell nuolear ohemioal group 1e elao etteohed to the
laboratory. This group has oonduoted a~eaearoh the aeperation of
potassium isotope a by means of nn eleotrolytia haunter-ourrent prooeaa
developed in the USA. The positive results of the reccarch haws...
brought about ita expanuion to inolude other elemontG as well."
AB Atonenergi
In the ohapter on the organization of atomio ree~aroh in Sweden,
the ~ii--i considerations whioh led to the formation of AS Atnm-
LlX 'i C
energi ~e'PZt deeoribed. Information on the oompoaition oft the
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/07 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000100050049-3
executive boert, eto, is also oontained therein, In Paragraph 2
of the artiolee of ''oorporation the purpose and mission of the
oorporation, is formulated ee follows:
"The oorporation has as the 1* objeot of its sotivity the quest
for and extraction of the beaio materiels neoeeeary for the utiliza-
tion of atomio'energyy, thy: oonatruotion of. experimental piles
for the utilization of etomio energy,and later, on a larger aoele,
the oonstruotion of piles for the utilization of atomio energy in
and the pursuit of researoh in
ational eoonomy
e n
researoh and t
oonneotion with the ebove~mentioned aotivities a? well ae1
on en industrial and oommeroial baaia,"
The eotinS managing direotor of AB Atomenergi, Dr. Sigurd NeuokhotL
reorte the following on the present aotivitiee of the oorporation;
"A$ previouelY mentioned, the Atomio Oomoaittee assigned Seotion
p i'ie
of the oroe8 Beseeroh Institute the reaponeibilitY of dealing
with work in the ohemioal field, whioh, first of all, involved the
development of an industrially applioable *method of extraoting the
uranium oontent of the Swedish oil ahalee. Therefore, during the
years 1946~l948, 8u0h experiments were oarried out on a large lebora-
forY"soale at the Institute. Bxteneive researoh on the purifioation
of uranium produots was also oerrled out et the Institute for the
purpose of produoing nuolear-phyeioelly pure uranium oxide and uranium
''Other methods of extraoing the uranium oontent of ahales and
oulm, propoaed by a number of inventors, were also the objeot of
researoh on a laboratory aoale, inter alia, at the Svenska Skifter-
ol ebola et (Swedish Shale oil Corporation) and at the department
or teohnioal inorganio ohemistry at the Institute of Teohnology. It
was one of the Atoml`Oorporatioda firat teak8 to intensify thia researoh,
artioulerlY on those methods whioh appeared to offer the beat poe8i-
bilitiea of quiokli aohieving the goal. For this purpose, a laboratory
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averntorp, quite extensive teat irirsg~r, diamond borings, end
radiation measuremente were made there for the purpose off' determining
the extent of the ?uim end uraniua-oonteining shales at Ti verioua
was Net up in a rented fsotory building where halt~soale extreotion
reseeroh oould be oerried out; experimental opexetion was begun there
in April 1949? These experiments have been direoted primarily at
benetioieting the uranium by conoentrating the ouLa extraoted rrom
oulm shale, and these experiments hevi been estiafaotory. It oleo
appears to be possible to prooess the 1ow.peroentege shales direotly,
S ~r~oen e
sn'd ere ourrently in progress on this.
In oonneotion with the oonoentretion experiments oonduoted it
1.a.1 r *nt ft ~ eeeurranin the field.
"Le this work, eepeoially leeohing experiments, iiiII has
:ii uniform and extremely soourate uranium analyses, the Atomio
Corporation has engaged in extensive analysis aotivity since the summer
of 1948. To a large extent, the methods of enalyaia ells applie';
os there are based on the re seeroh work oonduoted N the uis
:_-i: ~ department of inorganio ohemistr3r at the Institute of
xeohnology and Seotion 1 of the1AM bass Iesearoh Institute.
'The Corporation has oontinued to supervise geologioal prospeoting
for other minerals whioh oould eA're as a source of uranium.
''sharing 1949, the Corporation began to organize a reaeMr?h and
development section, eetebllshe d at the Experimental Station of the
Academy ofA8oienoe, whioh is to plan the oonetruotion of
the first reactor. Aooording to a deoision rendered by the Corporation
this reeotor will be of the low-effeot type and will be moderated by
heavy water. Various alternatives for the location of the resotor are
ourrently being discussed.
"Among the experimental projects begun may be mentioned the
determination of the extent of neutron diffusion in graphite, carried
out in collaboration with the Farces Reseeroh Institute. A
f; T-/C; '
rather email quantity of r graphite h8g1 produced rthe
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r~ph~t? a us z~r . nrporn~ion )
fispeoiallr se3,eoted raw materials. A neutron generator taken
has been used as a neutron souroe in the measurements
bsMst over from the BOA
0t di ion 6inoe this neutron generator hae been equipped with a
i'`us ~
new ton saurae, it has later been able at tries to generate a neutron
bier oorresponding to that of a 30-gram Rashe preparation.
o Q44-ro1t wI eooeleration tube, designed for uae in the
measurement of intermtitt~flt neutron radiation in, inter alia, moderator
material, is being designed.
"An inYesti6ation hae been initiated in order to establish the
teri$tias of the boron tritluoride chambers produoed in the
8eotion. In aonneotion therewith, an a1 absolute determination will
be made of the number of neutrons emitted from a neutron source.
)( s extensi,ely prooured,\Amerioe~n, Br tieh, ?renoh,
The ~eotion ha making
adian declassified dooume nt e, hesides a reg er of all suob
and aan
at other institutes. Lists of reports have been compiled
time end distributed to the institutes interested."
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