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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY his material contains information afectfa$ the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws. Title i8, U.S.C. Seca. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. S=E?C R I:-T NO FOREIGN D I SSC:M 50X1-HUM SUBJECT Soviet Operating and Maintenance DATE DISTR. June 1965 Instructions for the MIG-21F?13 Aircraft NO. PAGES 1 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE DEFINITIVE. APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. 'Soviet I;nl;lish 1,I11g,u ge malu,Il entitled Aircra50X1-HUM in MU-21F-13, Operating and `1,lintennnce Instructions OT Book I, cc perattion c {irura1t and ircraf Power ieS ,IniI six insets No lluhl ishinl; data are inclu 50X1-HUM S I; (" R 1: '1' NO 1:nRi. I rN 1) I SSIi'1 STATE I DIA ARMY I NAVY I AIR NSA I M OCR SAC iCir/Ptii Army/FSTC avy TIC INFORMATION .O. INFORMA.TION REPORT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 AIRCRAFT, TYPE MuT-21 T-13. OPERATING AND MAJNIENANC: INSTRUCTIONS No. rgm1-B) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . Gum whMl 1w*mtia..1.........0 . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 49 filling end R.ti3ling lawling re_ Shook Absareers. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? 130 56 Naintenence at Landing Our Ibssla? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? lbl 6? Removal of Landing Our wheels* .............. ' 7. Checking Operation of lbohaoira fort . Landing Gear raIa Strut wheel%?? .............. 133 as Checking Operatioa of Lendiog,O r ~M Strut 8hialq DaNIpfr. , ? ? ? i ? ? ? ? .. ? ... ? ? .. ? 4 9. checking Aatonomoup Istoaaicn at Lawn, Oearresiltrut? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? s ? ? 10. Adjustment of lain Strt Position Indicating Spateb . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' 11? btsoaion and itstractfst of Dlopoe ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 12. Checking P1alo for Proper OooditIon. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Us IN. Drag Parachute R.Uaw and Drape ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? >;e Iastruotions deal wi aircraft checking, achsdalel aalatenanos and general ilforsetion on dsaip, and peration of respective ystey,1. 3.. Operation and "tenanoe of the engiae,aswell as of separate units' and instruments having Technical Papers of their say should be earrisd oat in conforaity with these Papers. ti ?. All operations on the aircraft should be carried out yittt serviceable and `?.. properly marked tools and appliances. Upon finishing the saintonsnoe operations check to u.he am that as tools have been left inside the aircraft. NO FOREIGN * pa forasd on the aircraft firing, tank dropping,.l4a- mita. To this end after ope? ing cylinder rod and in the I is, after which nab sure that) re inolosures'j the heads or the ejection . on levers, and canopy autonew to neutral poaitioa end looked) ckpit electrical equipisst however, the circuit break- r be in the ON (Brut) positia$ inserted is ths'drop'tank rcrott proceed asfo.lovai oak the cross-feed cook of provided for the purpossg he air brakes oalj samuaily- the cockpit daring inspection draulie a a~oa uada pram. jeotioa, canopy 4$tttcao,d w. tnsert a safety look pia a the cockpit, insert a sate- er guar Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 (o) the lending par control lever is get to t (d) all switches and circuit breakers of the o (except for those looked) are sot to OFf (BUKA04EHO ere under the right panel cover of organic glass ae, V(,) a safe look pia with a red thuabpieoe is firing asthenia. 2. Tie prevent accidents while wo:king on, the a (a) before inspecting the air brakes open and the ally brake, by a distance clip with a thunbpiece (b) to inspect the air brake wells extend with no pressure is the hydraulic systoa) OAUTIO/s It In strictly prohibited to remain it of the wells at the air brakes and flaps with the. q were. (a) prepare lad adjust the mechanism for etat i drop tanks jettison with the eartriaps reaawed8 (4) when renewing or replacing tee cockpit, ca= In the lower of the firing schema. Thea working ty lock 'pia Is the stab raee valve of the canopy real 1. Prior to inspection or any n..rk which is to tyke all neassM precautions to prevent accidonta ding gear retraction or switching-on of electrical nine the canopy fit safety looks in the L.O. actcat bell crank of the canopy eurgenoy lettiaoning sysi (a) the seat armrests iLre fitted with proteoti? (b) the ground safety look pips are inserted L seat firing utohanisms,drog~w parachute, seat eject) I j ^ i 50X1-HUM rE the additiosai.air intake shutters ( .S). ~. To Prevent failure of the eii6raft see te' it than (e) with the es61ae teacup, sic to it that the Pessonaeheepo away his the aircraft Intake dsol, No jet aosale (its net side) and not spproaA. (a) additional air intake ahntUrs %r fitted with protective soroess (Pi.d). used in can of on" 6roumd testis$ and reseed before (0) while tsstiel the aegim with the afM:Nisar, ayths aircraft stash an chocked end the aircraft in moored with the help of cables sets skeald to fastened to the laadles per struts am special .sal f puts u the sits) (a) the cross-food nook should be closed belies startup the oepiae ad alto Graft tasiia(I (d),a special Dover Is Placed on the oaaopf is protect Ike glass pawls ties sunrys. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 (h) to fill the aircraft gate" the wake of other tasiisg,aircraft or the latter heist on thi (a) to leave open they should $ Plugged with fuel and oil when hhs aircraft is is with :?aiag.aP"v close to other aircraft .leesidog ~I the pipe con" tioca, unit conuotiooa,SM play seratara, while perform ao,7 diaaantliow opera toss as the si en tt. ^ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 (a) To place any object, on the {-ircraft wines or other parts of the sis. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 w 0 E1Y114CIC&tii II btmih PEI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 OIDTIOJI 1. During to it that no foreign objects get in the fuel, S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Bet the fuel flowaster according to the available amounts of fuel in tanks. the 1U-156 Pitot tube, the condition of the AYA0ea0 eagle -attack-aad..lie I' Ipeielaue goo PprtiaM U. Check condition and attachment of the boom for aiouring as OM tube aed 10. Check condition of the iediotraosparaat Done and lalst dmot wells to The filling vent, proceed to the aircraft Inspection, mile doing this, In- spent and check the follewisgs Islet Duets oll,awd the An'-10 nail. 2. It the tanks are still pressurised (am filler neck covers with care, reducing the pre" the liquid from spilling out. 12. Check the skin of the fuselage nose portion,=ti shutters and ad- is in good repair, upon which raise the boos. Placing the boom in the flying position, make sure that the boom look ditional air intake shutters to sinks sane that they are f~a Eros detormatina ad Gauge. Check the additional air intake shutters for easymovement by defleotiag i1 this manually. attar which wove- tL- Tt Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 13. Open the front hatch, inspect the well fad cheokltbe looks of the hatch door for sound operation. 14. Check all vent holes in the fuselage bottom. IQinaGear Rose Btrut 20, Cheek the nose strut, fork,and universal Joints oreaiabsence of cracks in the welded seams and for proper looking. Inspect the ah dancer filling by the lansth of the ndi, torca the make sure that i~4ectlag portion of the indicator and AMMO fluid does not leak. ! 21. Check the nose strut wheel and cocas for condition and presents (by ds- . I fleoticM). The tire is allowed to be worn down tip the layer of cold. 22. hake ware that the lire does not slip relstiv t the Marks an the wheel. Ma Ike, no M .t 1 23. Check the strut doors, their attaobseat'fittiags, end bonding. Bee that the doors are not damaged or stalaed. sasi. and.ltlbricate the doors, ' hinged ,)clans of the t position indicator. look pin L pressed cater to the upper part la. Check the nitrogsa pressure in the shook absorber (by its oospressios) and see that no AMr-10 fluid leakage occurs in the shock ebso r. 19. Inspect the strut actuating cylinder for alrtightlnsw and serviceability of oonnsotinn^- upward (check by shifting o! the landing gear position of the slit in the strut arm). 17. Check condition of the cable linkage and nose at Rake sure that the nose strut lock is closed and the stru 15. Inspect the doors of the ' now strut, their attar t units,aod booting. Wish and lubricate the hinged connections of the no.. a t doors, if necessary. 16. Inspect the pipelines end units of the hydraulic and air systems Is the nose strut well for reliable attachment, leakage ofJ 10 fluid, rubbing of pipes against each other{ see that the units are "t. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038ROO1700240001-8 r sow a goer serving ror sealing the engine nose tad for trapping and jaa- S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISS14 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1'. 21 - 24. Inspect the strut uplook and the doofr look, shook this for cleanliness. With the locks opened lubricate them, if necessary. the look cabling to sake sure that the strands are sound and free of corrosion. 25. Check the pipelines and units of the hydraulic possatio gstay in the strut well for reliable attachment and absence of 1-10 sand leakage, No that the pipes are intact aqd do not rub against other. 26. Check the actuating cyltndere of the strut and 1 doer, gttaehyat fittings of the cylinders, strut, and door. Make sure t the looking ante of It. rods are properly tightened.. Chick the cylinder seals booel.N ososeoticoe for leakage. 27. Check the strut for cracks in the welded Noe leaks of the shook eb- sorber seals. Check the shell tti sing mechaniaafor oooditioel. 28. Check the nitrogen pressure in the shook eke r (by the shook absorber compression). If necessary, re-till the strut with all 29. Check the strut wheel, condition of the tire its inflatiea (by the tire deflactibn). It in allowed ,that'the tire be worn to the outer out layer. 30. Main sure that the tire does not slip relative the garb an the vbos 1. Btarboard on 31. Check condition of the wing bottom skin. rake our* I that the Lio?-10 fluid does not leak from under the hatches of the aileron boosters and flap actuating cylindert No that no fuel leaks from the wing teak eempertssats. . 32. Check the wing fillet and sake certain that all screws are present and properly tightened (check the heads of the morels for propTr pressing to the am%. 33. Check condition of the wing upper surface sklm# serod nail famoe,ad static electricity discharger. 34 Ch- k onditi f th o ile 37. nth the pressure in the E~ydrsulio system to use and the oroft- food valve open, deflect the air brakes, inspect their ale, hydrous oytnlere. hinged and homeless connections. If accessary, feel lam. cant in the grease cups of the air broke soohaatey. 30.~ Check to fte that the hole of the lamp In tae l tank paessendsatica'. system, located in the well for the starboard wbeel$a el am. rsaoew the hatch of check with the help of s portable leapt (a) the engine inlet doot for danw. loose or rivets, deforsatiom end foreign obleotel (b) the strainro of the air cools to see 'teat the, are not soak[ (a) the steel sheet for cracks at the fillet con weld of the eoolsrt. 1otd, It to forbidden to bond the flap trim tab. a~aelsac atarboard lids 35. Chock the vent pipes and air intake branch pipes of m fail gitsa,mo well as of cooling system for generator and nonsle oy for o1maallosse at. their inlets. rakelcertain that the cooling system disc valves can be opened and closed sm- mealy without any difficulty. 36. Inspect the fuel drop tank (if it is suspended) Sake more that it is not leaky, that the tank shell is not damaged, and the drop ten! is reliably secured. The checking should be suds by bringing the tank soft and than its tail, der move- ral time. e an o a ron, flap,ad flap tab. Make wnn that the wing-to-fuselage attachment bolt is properly looked. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038ROO1700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 'dj enepnook of the cable of the AA1-3 safety barns S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM (e) cable of the OH!-2 Como block and to the fuselages else for prclnr attacbssnt to &be lug on the starboard SY,,A,1- automatic unlock wetbsnies for opsrsti.oa 1.) (a) cable of the control shaft of the ocllapsibis r1 tte canopy front locks for proper attachment to the flout. 62, Check operation of the shoulder berosse for purposes (a) open the look of the ebouiMr barns" by moving the handle an the left. band armrest to the right and bank) this Will breed harness strsy into qs lock) 'bj releoae the handle; the spring will sat the ha dle to its initial posi- tion; ttda will look the barns" strop in the retracted po-itionl next pall tae stray to seta sure that it has been securely locked; (aJ unlock the shoulder baineae restraint once mo and pall it out at the lock by hand, after which release the handle keeping thi strap pallid Cmt, and lock the strap in this position 63. Check operation of tbs~waist belt restraint, f which purposes (a) push the candle on the! starboard ararest to fullest extent nod, while i,olding it in this position, pull out the waist restraint Cables (it they have ao1 M ll en pu ed out) by the buckles, then raleue the hanfil, , after which he sure that the spring has brought the, handle to the extreme k position) (b) retract tt,e cables of the waist belt restraint by saving the handle beck awl forth several timan, after thicb pull thea.out as step in Item (a) and leave this in this position. Potet It the handle would not deflect forward with the cableo fully retracts6, price the pawl of the ratchet gear. 64. Check operation of the, seat adjusting mac for which purpose change over the pressing switch on theiport side of the oockpi up and dorm to make ones. taro that the seat pan moves inresponse and the else motor is switched off )n the extreme positions by the' limit switches. ? 65. Inspect the flexible casing and cables of the 1 brake control from the control stick to the 117-7 valve for broken strands corrosion; check to eN that the cable casaba is not in contact with the guides of the seat footrests. 66. Sake sure that the wheels can be properly brako4 and releaaed with the Ps- dale in the neutral position. 6moothly deflect the pedals to the extreme pool tiaio In succession to *book (against the pressure gauge) neon wheel for complete re , 67. Check to see that the landing gear saergeooy rWliaase control and eargsn braking control valve are closed and looked. III . 66. Check the ailerons deflection (with the bydraulla boosters disoomeated) ,sad rudder deflection by operating the control stick ani pedals; ass that no knocl< US and jawalag occur in the hinged connection of the coda and bell creaked 69. nrtsod the flaps, aback for condition the flaps and their actuating se- shenisme to ace that the working surfaces are not soiled; lubricais the surfaon it accessary. the checking over, retract the flepi. 70. Cheek operation of the 117-33 automatic transmIauon ratio controller de- 140ding es the Changes of the total pressure in the RtOb-cretin tube system with the help of the Elie-7 wait according to the lastraoOlons given in Chapter "Aircraft Control"; psrticipeting is the checking shcald be teobniciaas as airorah equipment. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E:-C-R-E-T NO FOR IGN DISSEM in fllght, concerning to find and eliminate rase with the b7draulie round hydraulic unit. the lever and parcel occurs in the kiap4 hperly filed by an the cockpit; In under the pllet'e 73. The inspection over and all defects eliminated, switoo off all circuit breakers and the storage battery in the cockpit (that were tched?on for preli- minary preparation) and clone the canopy; take can not to tch off the circuit breakers under the organic glass panel on the starboard side of the cockpit. OAUZIgds To avoid dischargias of, the aircraft storage batteries during prvli- mi.nary preparation all conwMors should be fed trim the pound power supply source. Disconnect the ground power rapply gourca tram the air- craft only at?ter the circuit breaker inscribed s EATnn IIEORAPT,GROU'1D has been switched oft. R } 74. Make acre that no foreign objects have Deen 7e1t in the inlet ducts mad jet,.nossls, that the aircraft has been grounded and the whew chooked$ Install a clasp on the rudder, plug the inlet ducts and at sosale, cheek to see that the batch covers that were ramond daring inspecti are replaced, ee- ver the aircraft with,canvae and seal the covers. 71. Check the engine control lever for smooth movement, zS IUs If any malfunctions have been noticed by the pilot operation of the stabiliser;or ailerons, do not fail the defects and.then to check the-stabiliser and ed14 systems and the hydraulic tank pressurized from the stops for reliable attachment; check to see that no knockia connections of the engine control notes and the lever is p stops. 72. Check to see that no foreign objects hive be" -left winter sake sure that there is no ice in the cabin, eepeoia seat. S-E-C-R-E-T NO' FOREIGN DISSQ4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 v S-E C-R-E-T NO FO IGN DISSEM 46. Be sure that the Pivot-static tubs. witch is set tb the OPEUTIOM(PA1c.) position and properly looked. 47. Check operation of the de-icer system by pressing !or a while the ooa- tioa button. 48. Check the main braking system or proper operation by pressing the wheal crake lever and operating the pedals. back the pressure the brake system { igainst the 11-12 pressure gauge. pressure should within the range )f 10.510.5'kg/sQ.cs. 49. Check the instruments and ti ings for condition. P. Check to see. that the fuel fl ter indicator is it to the amount at uel available in the, fuel tanks. 51. Check the aai*aod ?sergwcy ' systems for prop. charging. The peen,, mrs in the air bottles should equal UD-130 kg/ 52. Check the voltage of loaded raft storage batteries, with tbe'eagiae Inoperative and the following circuit bl akers out PUMP No. (81000 112;Piste 5o.3 (RACOC 4and RADIO an, OIL PP.&B8UR2 CHUGS (PiURn.,1* i. 'the rest at the consumers should be disconnected. The Iltage should'be s 1 to at least 21.5 V. 53. Mks aura that the landing gear emergency braking release valves are closed and looked. 54. Yaks sure that the cockpit air ply valve is easy to operate and does not dam in the middle position. 55. Check to .ee that the handle of the APA-57B press regulator in is the OR (BRdD9EP0) position and looked. 56. Make sure that the AA-3 autosati tins-release mec ? on the ejection seat is cocked and eat to operate with 1.5 sec.'delq upon' actuation, while the rip cord of the A]j-3 automatic t raises. mechanism secured to the clue on the cockpit starboard side. 57. Check th4?shoulder strapo and walst belt restraint sochanimme for ser- viceability and proper operation. 58. Make certain that the seat is adjusted to fit the 1lot.s height. 59. Tow the aircraft to the holding area (if the parking site is not pro- vided with shields protecting from gale and is not intend for angias testing) start the engine and test it in comp laces with the Main t*z&n" I1111tuoi. tions. Check the aircraft units in the quence.indicated low. Pmt t for Imine Start a 60. Chock the gain lan, gear whee s to wg fix the allvreft is pomltlaa< while the engine is being tested at engine ratings including the m~a rating. To. test the engine under augaonted ~OOditions the airc 0 should be addi- tionally seccud by the mooring cables cth their ends-fas to the laadipg gear struts and to the mooring posts on the site. 61. Make sure that no ground equipment and foreign ob)eo s are present ion - front of, and rear of,tbe aircrafti see that the site in from of the aircraft inlet duct is cleared. ?62. Be sore that the site is prodded with fire-fighting equipment. 63.*Place the Pitot-static tube boom In the working posi ion (it it has been raised). 64. Msmove covers from the air intake and pipes for agolll g engine accessories. Bea that protective screens are installed on the additi air intake shat- term. 65. Maw sure. that protective covers have been removed the Pitot-stabs tube, the Tff-156 Pitot tube and the 04 tube. ? II S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSQ4 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 InRins Amin 68. Climb in the cockpit, leaving the canopy open, and sake sure that all circuit breakers 'located on the cockpit starboard aide under the organic glow panel are on. Switch on the AUC ENTBD (mOPCAI) circuit breaker on the loft parcel. ? I/ S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISS 24 66. Reaowe the cover off the jet nossle and sake sure the flaps of the Jet nozzle are fully open (which corresponds to the engine augmented rating). CAUTIGas,If the flaps position does. not comply with the engine augianted M. ing, it is rscessended,for the purpose of their opening to the fullest extent, that before starting the engine should be splawd by sees" it the ground iagnipsent (with'the t!kWI11TATIO1 circuit breaker*cs). This is necessary because the engine starting with the slaps position ether than fulu ~opss 1s greatly impeded: 6?. Connect the UU-2iground starting unit equipped with the m1-4 starting unit box: To provide for proper contact connect the bunched wire Ike of. a* 1111-21 ground starting unit to the aircraft receptacle after which lock it in position by turning the lock handle left to the fullest extent. Checkim Aircraft Units doriar CAUTIONS To avoid changing-over of the het nozzle flaps from the AJGMZIIT1D position to the NAIINUM RATING (MAKOW.n) position (with the hydraulic systea under pressure) observe the followings switch on the AUGIENTED (?OPCAI ) circuit breaker prior to switching on the BTORAO BATTERY: GROUND,AIRCRLPT (AiNg7M.EOPT.A3POJU'O$iL)circuit breaker, and switch it off only after the storage battery has been switched off. 69. Switch on the circuit breakers located on the right-hand panel and inscribeds STOkAGE AATiERT: AIRCRAFT , GROUND(AIWM. EOPT. A9POOPOM 1.), GENERATOR (rEHEPATJ. TRIM. #PYHCT (TPNY.OtQEKT) and3ADIO SET,O?1 P_8m GAUGI(PAQHA, MAHOM. MACIA). As a result, light inscriptions STAB. FOR LANDING(CTAEl:. moll. (Cats. TEHEPAZ), an, sD0 , SlARW,G iO0=8- SORIES (ATPEFATB 8AH7CKA ), and GROUP TANKS PM (HACOC !2). After the above circuit breakers have been switched on, -the GINERATC2 OFF (TEHEPAT. BLKWiEH) inscription on the T-6 panel will flash np,tbe inmcription SERVICE TANK (PACE. EAI.)will light up and go outland lights,111s 1jsnting the inscription 3rd and lot. GROUP MM P01IpB ( HACOCM 3 ^ 1 on the inatrueent panel, will flash up and then go out, This will indicate that pressure has been met UP in the fuel system by respective pampa. A light inscription WV LEYSL (B LEOT11) will. flash sp on the aiddle panel. li NO FOREIGN DISSE1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM LOW IIYML light should go out.. - ~~ 71. Make sure that the engine function switch is set to theI GROOID $tIa! i (SAD>!CK HI M= position end start the engine in ooaplianoe idth the Matins -Operating Instructions. As a result, the ENGIAE START (BAfllCI ATua inscrip- tion will flash up on the T-6 light panel. 72. With the engine spinning, aileron boosters disconnected control stick held in position, check operation of the BB-34-2T hyd6i*ulia (1a the sale 1 and booster systems) by increasing hydraulic pressure. By the soaent the high-pressure rotor gains 25% of rated sToodtbe pressure in the hydraulic systems should grow froa Q to 21O? Okg/, this D008?- =R (S7CTEPHAA) and WAIN (OCHOBHM) ligit inscriptions will go at. After checking the pimps switch on,~the aileron boosters. 73. After the engine speed has reached low r.p.a. disoognsc the AAL-a ground starting unit; the light GENERATOR Olf Q$HEPATOP BbDIAP'1 on the SK light pawl will go out. CAUTIONi In case the engine falls to start, do not disoonm6t the U&21 ground starting unit frog the, aircraft and try to ?t& the iingise again as is prescribed by the Ingine Operating Inrtrq tioas. Checking Airelreft Units dnrine B t fiction yv. crane testing the engino, check the generator's voltagal against VA 75. After testing the engino at aaiisua engine r.p.a1pheok a Bn..j4.2T pwmps loving the control stick dingonallT wit.t a aaxiaum speed pis ible will re- sult,ia a drop of pressure in the booster systes, the pressure ning lot less than 180 kg/ as read off the pressure gangs. Having switched off the booster get-ex by pressing the BOOS* 8I8im =I- uunawuun WIitA. li7CTLP. CRUL)button on the right-hand electri~ panel, cheek operation of the M-31-2T pump in the gain "tea and operatioelor the booster frog the Baia systea. as well as by pushing and pulling it,chsck aileron and stabili r controls now sure that the control stick deflects freely, without Jaaatng 3erka and that the effort-imposed by the artificial feel mechanism is felt the eontrol then let tree; the control stick should return to the ragas positiom.' 77. Check operation of the trianing effect mechanism. by no" the ballot t on the control stick forward and backward hake certain that the eontrml'stiak, whoa let free, follows the button norememt. LL After oheakinr mat the t..4 .iin., .ar.,.t -...-.-. _ s11EOT IZUTRAL ^,i'PW. St. HEDTPULEO) signal flash u The neutral position of the triniag effect mechanise shoo]lI be determiasl only with the button shifted backward. 78..Check the flaps for proper release) check the flap s aisles. 79. Check the air brakes for proper extension and on-vi ltd or i6sl: A:LgmAj Oaten. . . . 80. Oheokk the cockpit air r;pply system for proper operstle a,. to thin sale S?-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISM 570-X Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 1 .1, 1 111 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 (b) met the c0C''IT U ITIMO (Osorm IASU)selector tch to the U (1% Ind) position and Check to is. that the wars air is being supplied to tie cockpit; (c) mot the selotor switch to the COLD (xfOJ4I) pe ition and sake sore kbo cold air is being fed to the ooI ' (d) set the eelector switch to the AUTOWTIO (ABYOMAT) position. 81. With the -00io. running check the fuel, hydraulic and oil for sealing having made sure that no fuel. fluid or oil leaks are present on tae bottom of the fuselage skin close to the engine end fuel she. Ohckina Aircraft Units when Onttin& Off the- Shodu 82. Before stopping the engine oheok the in-flight start systw. To this ends (a) by checking against the pressure gauge sake sure that the press is the oxygen supply low pressure lino is equal to 9 - 26 (b) close the 10 2MC valve In the oxygen supply qr 1 (c) increase the engisa up to 80%1 (d) smoothly shift the engine i control lever to the. S (CTOII) positions (e) after the engine has gained 30 - 35% of the low-pressure rotor r.p.s., set the engine control lever to the idle rating position twith simultaneous switching of the I1-1L1G82 START switch for some 10 - 12 ec. CAUTIONS After the chocking turn off the, I1-TLIOR BTABT (BAIITCX B BOBWU); switch. (f) when the engine has reached the idle rating r.p.u., keep it rnmiag at this rating for 5 -.7 sec. The engine oxygen supply system is considered sound If, following the ism. flight starting system check, the oxygen pressure In the ookpiit (as red off the pressure gauge) is equal to zero (with the valve closd). '83. After the engine has been atopp.t and before the pilot enters the cock- pit, open the KS-21C valve. As a result, the pressure wil rise up to 9 - 10.5 kg/sq.em. (whin the aircraft is at the parking s to the pressure w increase up to 16 kg/sq.on. as indicated by the pressure uge). 84. Stop the engine by saying the engine control lave to the STOP (OM) ,.. \ position, having previously obtainK and ka3atained tlgR or the hlgtryressare rotor r.p.m: for 10 sec. (with below zero temperature U"i sngius should be won at tbo above rating for at least!1 sin, for eooling purposes) i aim the engine at idle rating far 10 - 12 sec. to look the jet n ale flaps In tb AMKCr la position. 83. After the engine has been stopped, check the pap unit for autooatis switching on and operation by using pressure remaining the booster cystm to do this, switch off all conaumere, except for the 10.2 and AOW021TI05 circuit breaker, and switch on tlis Pll[P. UfT (iCOCRU CTOW ) circuit breaker on the right-hand circuit-breshiz pwl. While relieving pressure in Ih. "at" hp slow gad to movements of the handle book and forth, note the pressure at which the iaa wait is switched ay this pressure ahnuld be equal to 155w ka/et.ok. as re on the left-had scale of the hydraulic spates preIssure gauge. The mosent when the psiping i wit in being' switched should L.3eter.inea bW ear (by the noise of the motor) gad by flashing up of ioco (BICTBPSR ) light, S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSE4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S=E-C-R-E-T ?NO FOREIGN DISSEM -33- Rasp unit disconnection should'b? also d.teraiaad by listening S641 by clog-out of the D008w lights the pressure at the moment when the puciss volt.' ? being switched off should be read off the pressure gauges, this pra# e hould be not over 193 The pressure diff?rgso- at the lmoment of the pumping unit ocoseetics and at hm moment of disconnection should be at beat 12 kg/ The chocking over, stitch off aim-it breakers PUMP. UNIT, PW M.2 and POR-GI DATTMe GD00/p, /,2!^/U'!. The last to be swlfohod off is the #80iRR`ITI011 circuit'breaker. 86. After all the specialists have completed their part Of pro-flight pN- $e-night Preparation of the Cockpit 88. Check to me that the upper and lower blocks of the Opi-2 ooaaos sale .actor are properly connected to its middle part and the arrgeaoy diacoameetlos .able is properly connected to the ring of the lower block freer. 89. Before the pilot climbs in the cockpit tenon the gromd ,atet~ pins tram the seat aar?sto leaving the protective casings in plaipe. 90. Stow the parachute in the seat pan, arrange the not straps by plseing the shoulder harness on the seat controls and the lag straps on the bra, lower of the control stick. Secure the upper block of the OPt-2 common connector with the harass and parachute by a special caprone strap and shock-absorbing cord in the following sequences (a) by means of aanaphook insert the strap attached to the third pipe oca- nection of the common connector upper block into the lag strap of go harneve and, leaving the hoses frse, catch the ring attached to the artrap by the P AV_ ~books ' (b) pull the strap to stretch it' full way out and tuck the strap free end under the parachute straps ?(o) pass the shock-absorbing cord connected to the righ attoobout lo-pp of the K0-2711 oaggw-bzsatking apparstw ender the left attackssat seep of the K11-27r oxygen-breathing apparatus and catch the elf the epper ble# of the OPL?2 oonsca connector $y the book secured to the sorbing oard. 91. Canneot the Oxygen supply hose running from the to as PC)}4 pressure ratio regulators connect by;muans of a union ant flexible be" if the Inn-2711 ezygea-breathing apparatus to the pipe maim on upper block at the OPL,2 common connector, having p:wiously passed the bush throve We pipe mica and connected the eye with the lever on the upper look. 92. Oouneot the .oapbook rip cord of the. KM-3 automatle relsase ties msohaniea to the ejection seat orW (on the seat left side). C-Ot'1ONs Shen connecting the eoaphook of the rip cord to tea ores, mss then the seaphiak is.placid with its spring up to avoid epcidental. disengage. out of the smaphook by the ipilst. 93.,Mterthe pilot has clisbsd In to cockpit proceed as fsllcems (a) help bin in putting as the peraomats haraeass while doing Was - Da,a the ham" lea straps through the loop, of the parachute and through the rings of the waist restrains; belt,i'see that the Cables of Us waist restrsint'do cot get ceoeseds NO FOREIGN DISS 4 aration inspect the cockpit for presents of foreign objects: ,87. Refuel the aircraft and charge its eyeteas with air! if seassary. it the fuel flowester to indicate the'gsantity of fuel available is twb. 50X1-HUM EMISSION I P Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO'FOREIGN DISSEM During towing the aircraft canopy should be closed and locked to anoid,doft !! waging the vents" front attachment fittings. The Pitot-static ants been mast ? be raised. 3. Ma=l" permissible speed shin towing the aircraft no conarste . In 15 - 20 ka/hra when towing it over the soil airfield - 10 ksi/hr and idM tow- ing it close to the parking sites or other cbstsoles - not~noss toan $ ". OtUTI011~ 1. Under poor visibility (in mist, in night time, etc.) the sirsssfa should be toned with the navigation lights on to void collision Vila other tiroralt. The towing speed in this case should be not over 10 he. 2. It is not allowed to tow the aircraft if its lair gate. Is apl charged or Its brake system is unserviceable. 3. hko.idse, during towing it is fcebibdent ( (a) to eo?ect Use drawbar to the tosoar when latter is at an angle of 4Q% to the aircraft forwwod-alit axis; (b) to pull the aircraft by sharp -to. particularly webs tog it on Soddy or aaotry rasdsl (c) to drive the towcor backward, especially the tirwaett -a 38 are bavAnd. If ateossedty mime to roll the aircraft by packing a 0010100140 *6 to not allowed to greep the trailing 06g" d tb wing, fLpa-y ai.yekmmi to the m distortion of the airframe mesbbere and dicta tilt tbs, 101210_R. In ene4 weer; roll the sir rnft with its tail tbrsond jm%kft alms alaaesllti by head against Use wing looting odds nod skealtawwws?,y =dm *rtoft 41wees4sb of the air=W% W%0006 with the help of the 4ilubde. s If the etitcrsft is rolled by h.>~l with its move lbt+ad Peek 11a against the lav-,r:ag Per starts at veil oama. Musa roi.ri$ the adrowaf'-, am b it that MW oemcjq is sT+oewd art ha*AVi. j jgrt--~? an befats 7hls:-0ift s - prier to ~L'sotlewr 1Rtrli I. Riot setter the Oise has bran tbopfAed check to we t 4r fad to t 1,~ b*rning in the ?eat ngsslo ael that the edam .bue rotate taws aq Us n"d noise. IA care of fuel bralUg in this ?ea Ntosal. eyis the IMIM b'' IWM~jft$ the srvtmd pv"s rvmcara to it. 2. SIMI" isnaiuitioa fhos the pilot as to the *jMTWM op retI in f2lgwi and tabs asarsvroe to sliataaets She fiats. 3. Cheek to me that the air Intel* cease is rstrmatede iftspsst for `~ and distortion the wing sat ftwelavs mtia, yu inlet ducts, flaps. L.S. stow doors, air basics., Set aousl. sod billy fine man laew that tbs psTtte at the aftertturnsr chobrr which oath be ins W4 visually are not ammsate mstie ssr- tiin that the mosels flap ring is seepsrly adfostsd. :I ( 4. In can the drag parachute his bees used during landing, sepimee tbi parachute with a maw we end check to sN this the look of the dreg penehate cable is Gies". 5. RF inspecting the fusslage end wing bottom skin ezternally sakes sass that no traces of fuel, oil and AU-10 fluid leaks Sr. present. 6. Make Bare that the wheel rise and peeve are sound and the tin coven do not slip. Check pressure is the patcaatio tires by their comprewioa and in the shook absorbers by their closure. S-E-C-R-E-T ---~. NO FOREIGN DISSk4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 5 HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C -R-E-T 140 FOREIGN DISSEM FILLLIIC AND DISCBA80INC AIBCRAR 8?8 The aircraft engine is run an grade 1-1 fuel, 8t. 8t4 (FOCI) 413a-49,er "-I, St. 8W (FOOT) ?149-54. Both grades of kerosene.( or their mixtime) pre t allowed for use is the engine fuel system. Before fuelling, ewitob off the storage battery and ground the aircraft end the refuelling tswax. II Fill the aircraft tanks with kerosene only fros refuelling trsolks provided with special four-layer filters? 7h3 Pr3btd4R! 1. Fill keroeew in the funelage tanks of the lot and 20dsad tae wing tank compartments through the filler peck of tank le.2. 2. Service the 3rd group of tanks through the filisr neck of tak 90.4 (Fig. 9). The filling over, wait a few miauteo $ad top up the tank. seaeeeaq. 3. 7111 the drop tank throe the back filler nook (Fig. 10). After filling, the filler neck lower edge should be at least 20 - W = elf the fuel level in rummer and at least 10 - 20 an sway is winter. The filling over, tightly close the filler necks. When closing, iassrt the *rose-piece of the cap In the Blots sade In the teak body and tud i hue, after which press the filler cap by tightening the *arm. 4. With the help of the rook place the pointer of the fuel fl ter to comply with the quantity of fuel in the tanks (with the drop tank up, the quantity of fuel equal. 2960 lit.1 without the drop task its at is 2470 lit.). tanks tiaaltadouely. L this cane the time necessary for disebargi4 of fuel MALOAML Fuel Is drained fm any of the fuselage tanks through the iisclarge cook installed In the Sala full line Supplying fuel to the engine. To drain twit 1. le.ove the plug from the, discharge cook. 2. 0m sot the emotion bass of the refuelling truck to the dieeksrgs cook. 3. Open the discharge cook with a 2I-M wrench. I{ 4. Opts the filler asps of the toaka.l 5. Connect the ground power supply source to the engiaS. 6. grog 1 the aircraft and the furl truck (or a coctal,amr) is deb tisea fuel is to be discharged. 7, leitek as the pmt tow the god group of service tanks me the pump for the groan of tanks,froa vdiob.itul.l. to be diecbarpd. Draining is considered cciplet.d when the warning ltguI at. as it tanks !avulsed will no" up.. To drain t it twos all the fuselage Unb, switch as tie puape or all the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM The filling over, tightly close the filler cap, look and 6ervicina 0 ren The ox-pa supply getea bottles should be filled with wdload oxygen only. The system is serviced with oxygen ai folloest 1. Open the nooses batch for the sirarift charging pipe union and unscrew the pipe union plug. Aoness to the pipe union is gained tbro the sell of the L.G. port strut. 2. connect the pipe running frog the bottles of the grouid os gen-wrvieing station to the charging pipe union of the aircraft air qstm, 3. Make sure that the l3-2MG valve in the cockpit is olo . 4. open the valve of the ground own-aervioiog station sad-fill the air- craft oxygen bottles with oxygen. With a 15?0 ambient air temperature fill the aircraft bo ties with o:,gq to obtains 150 kg/sq.oa. pressure. At other ambient air tempera, s fill the air craft oajen bottles in conformity with the Table below. Paesure_01 t .iD Also"-satt1M. qb Temperature, ?C oxpg?n pressure in Aircraft bottles, Temperature, ?0 rsti nos, r kg/ 1rNsq.oa. +35 160 140 +30 157 -10 138 -' +25 155 -15 131 +20 152 -20 134 +15 1,50 131 +10 148 -30 128 +5 145 -35 126 0 -40 la -45 321 ,os t be valve 5. After the aircraft oxygen bottles have, been filled TO, elo of the ground oxygen-servicing station and disconnect the pi free the aircraft pipe union. 6. Check pressure in the syston against the 11-18 having opened the ?-m oxygen valve in the cockpit. 7. Screw the plug on the airoraft.0ha n6, pipe mica. . IU46 PikoL &a& ~ K'D L The engine oxygen supply syataaishould bd filled with mosdiftl pieces QQW_ gen to build up a pressure of 1.50 'kg;/sq.cs. To fill the with oxgpat 1. Connect the bass of the oxygen container to the alveraft pLie union, located in the well of the assn L.O. left' i e$, 2. Open the valve of the oxygencontainer and tiU the chocking the pressure against the high-pressure gauge. The high-pa's peg, is aoente4 S-E-C-RAE-T NO FOREIGN DISSFi 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T - NO FOBEIGI DISS 4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 } S-9-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM too and epene the orifine In the pipe union of The float valve, which 0016se a drop is the eontrol pres. exerted on the spec al value disphrsg. j results in the closing of the special valve by the spring, ubiob esuea the fuel flow from the drop tank until the next lower; of the fuel level is tank 10.1. To the special valve?orifioe and float valve esifiee from ele~w filter 35 is installed in the line in oddities to above tt ntien g !embus sasses and filtere. 4. The sequence of fuel consumption from the ` iag fuel ooeq effigy Is maintained with the help of vent valve `13 -blob L loentrollei (glee") I float valve on tank 1o.1.. The vest valve is opened by the spring. . Tent calve 13 is closed when the fuel sots on be diapbragy lest w!!ei purpose the control preswwre chamber of the vent v n Is eaaetod via a pipeline with the delivery lines of pump 495 12 os tasks woe 3 ay d em>? with pipe connection 18 of the float valve on tank .i. puape 495 A2 operating with the port of pipe "=so on 1D of the flea Waiveclosed (the float lowered). In this case the vent v vs is closed end as of Manure system builds up excessive pressure in the wing fuel oompomtietta (as compared with the pressure in the fuselage fuel tank.) cep to 0.17 0.2 kg/, ehiob osunes fuel flow from the wing fuel nompuyuey The exoeesive pressure of 0.17 - 0.2 kg/eq.o. is Maintained by eemV valves 22. With the rise in the level of fuel in tank 10.1 (i.e. sben the gtity of fuel supplied to the tank exceeds the' Vant!ty 0 fuel n the valve float rises and opens the port in pipe oo shoos is of thout at it) e hest valve; as a result, the control pressure exerted on the diapbrssm of the vest valve drop;, the valve opens and the air was is relieved free the wing fuel compartments in the main vent lice. Thus, the fuel flow iron the wing fuel eosportme s disoontifuee until the next lowering of the fuel level in task 10.1. The second vent valve 21 of the wing front fuel ocnpartaenta is eloeed during the entire flight iuld' opens only after both pumps 495 12 have been witched off. Tent.velve 11 serves to discharge the 4it from the wine front fuel compartments owing fill! ngt when pveps 495 42 diseasyN. As special valve 30 controls both the fuel, flow from the wing fuel compartments and from the drop tank, return valve 20 bdlr been installed Is the pipeline (throng *blob Abe: fuel flown from the to Prowmet the fuel flow. back to the drop tank. p teak) To avoid the fuel flowing from tbs storboarg wl ? fuel oompartme. to the port wing fuel oospartmegts and vice versa as we as from tbs. drop tank' to the wing fuel compartments, a tee-piece provided th return valves 57 is installed is tbe'fuel consumption line for the fuel oospartments. flowing ft'om the tins To prevent flow of fuel from tank 1o.2 (throng the filliad pipeline for the wing oompartuents) to the wing fuel aooelsratioa when In !1 to ~ Dome of tzasavu7s lgto filling pipes 56 are "dad with inertia-type valves 50. 50X1-HUM M Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 NO FORE]GN DISSEM S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSE4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 ) filling pipeline to tank Po.2 (w1,lth will break the segueses lot fuel cuss iption) the filling pipeline is W'vidid with retwa valves installed vials To prevent the fuel in the wing fool g oasplu"Mnts from ri tbssngi nks rent line and filler nook! I (o) from the wing rear fuel compartments - through vent 0 filling pipeline is connected to the wing front fuel tae 5. Proper sequence of fool floe troll the let and 3" group took@ to t401. i3 is ensured by special valves 30 said 36 installed in the an" les 191100 ahead of tank ^o. 3 inlet, the valves being ooatrofed (opens&) hw ,at valve 17 mounted on tMk no.3. ?,w ml operating principle of speoial valves for the let end 3rd or" tomb similar to that used for the special valve which oontrols?tb. flsi from e drop tank and which is installed on tank Iro.2 6. Pool is poured into the tanta throudb the filler Dicks os taab Irei :?. The filler nook of tank(Iro.2 servos to ?ervioe tank wo.2 and fthrogo the ?aline) tank Iro.l,,tank Iro.2 a and tank Ao.3. 'lice ?.ae filler nook is us" r filling the wing fuel oompartaents through filling pipes 56. Throvgb the filler nook of tank wo.1 fuel la:poured into tanks Iron 4, 1 6. During filling the tanks with fuel the air is releusd in the fofovi It (a) from the. fuselage tanks - through that vent pipeline and 1121er socks! (b) from the wing front fuel oospartrents - throw vent valve 11, f .s1. s nka vent line and filler nook. When refuelling, vent valver end 13 are open essure. 13, Tomelsihe "go PSup Se !o.), to by air wive pee'" SID is ends Fuel from the drop tank is discharged by pumping it with the help of the vok refueller through the hose (ground device), the latter in" I the wing fuel compartments should not ?xosed 0.3 kg/.q.cs., wbi ceible owing to the 16-96206-0 dsvio.. eeeure which forces the fuel to tank No12. While doing this, e= e pipeline supplying fuel to the engine; when discharging fuel, the 1st, 2nd,and 3rd group tanks should be switched on. Fuel from the wins fuel compartments Is disoharged through di each compartment by means of tfir fuel discharge cook (a ground It is possible to disoharse fuel from the wing fuel oompartae Pilling of the drop tank is portormsd through the filler nso - 7, Fuel from the fuselage tanks is dlsobarped theonsb cook 4 boated sa .e 1ak through filler nook 50 in the tank front as in. s. To discharge fuel sediment from the fuel system, nooks 27 4we installed the lower points of the pipeline and pulps. Installed on the tank frost :d rear sections are drain plugs 52 and 54 for discharging as ftil sediaemt. 9. As the fuel is consumed in flight, the air Is delivered is the tanks hough the vent pipelin.i the air intake pip. is directed towards tb. gushing air streaa, wbiob prevents rarefsotion in the tanks (sbi sight tive oeourred during steep bih-altitude diving with the engine led down). 10. To ensia a normal operation of the: feel system punA at hi altitudes td proper consumption of fuel iron the drop tank and wing fv.l oo ts, is vent line, the drop tank.and wing rear fuel compartment& me. seminal. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-ErC-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISS41 The air for building vp pressure is supplleI from the pipe union 1 aft of the oompressor Ions stage; through return valvs'31 it is tag toe d (ei) The fuselage tanks through the throttle valve with a 3.M orifice is the vent pipeline arranged in the fuselage tail portion. to prevent bleeding of the air pressure thr ugh vent line air-iNet pip union. /9e return valve tP with a 3-s orifIce. is installed in the vent pipel ' The vent pipeline (In the funelege starboari tau portion) is previdel 01% two spring-loaded safety valve, 46 through which ezoeseive air is released to wintain the required! air proosure (of 0.21 - .23 kg/sa.oa.). . _ ' (b) To the drop tank through the 2-s orifi and through the >KM11tt the pipe union on the tank. The required air pressure (of 0.81-0.03 kg/b .aa.) is pbtalaea an to in safety valves 42 through which excessive pressure is released into the at. aoapbere. To pre vent pressure bleeding from the. drop tknk air reasure "\pevent the fuel from getting Into the air line am pnesure line troy the drop tast, e r tai's valve 31 In inotallled in the pipeline next to the 2-u orifice and s sty valves,. The air preoeuro pipeline (in the tank pylon is provided with vaoms valve 51 which opens when' a 0.03 kg/ rarefa Lion Is created tank (which occurs in diving with the engine is lows sea operatiasl). (o) To the wing fuel ooepartaente through, th pipeline with a retara valve which outs off the wing fuel oompartr,ento a r root of the consumers and, through the 2.1 an orl on to the pipe unions floe o the an wing rear fuel oom ea the parteenb. To meietais the required pressure value of 0. 7 - 0.20 k / valves (a valve box) in installed In the line. a ~~~ two ~ o*" excessive air is blel through these valves- tthe fuselaie taekt vomt pipeline. To provide for the epeoifled sequence of fuel oo the air preecuro forcing fuel from the wing ~~h l~ hest the moment of oloeing vent valve 13. one mauls is applied list the Before the vent valve is closed, the air can open valve to the vent pipeline of the fuselage-; .17 escape tlrow~t the 11. no drop tank is suspended from the data able vader Use lads by means of the E3-5~ bomb rack and eye- t 6 (}imom . tees- ..~ The drop tank is pr~ovided with two ani?20) ? stops a (front sad rear) for its attachment to the pylon. The tank In fitted of a to the passing through the 'drop t pylotl iv eye-wt as drop took ie lift Bpressing a on is the the rook lever awes and engages firs NObinirR 2 O As a t, r ~5 wbcae /h ~ tof ea ?~ L set, against the stop (Pli.20).1 WU-n.8 alloy ---??? rive special bet 6 sale of qe inetalled oa?tbe push rod; the washer is mh.area shea the tiring aeobanI operate,. As a reselte piston ? It -the drop tank birtak off fro: the seobaai pylon. Each drop t, Mk l~ M t "pow via es piaton~,a push zoo provided with a lisiftp?' a opaeial washers a a peed. as eg+e?bat. no drop tank is divided into two eealea seetleas one). It is. haled with fns tbro facie :roes car ell IM no The front section of "~ :ills mask u (t1a?20) ea the re ar.eeetiea the took is filled ratio's valve to Installed oo thr lab the pipe silos provided Iris the sealed Partition. Drewaatr heel flow tram !1 front Y_~ its tales as eA/!pw N. nachos to the NO FOREIGN, DISSE4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 V when fillies the drop tank with fuel.!, the air escapes from tbi trout gs:,Aon of the tank through the hole in the partition. The bole Ii i connected ~:.-1 the filler neck b) pipe 12. Closing of the filler cap will i olve closing t: be bole of the tube through which the Fair is released from the tank front on (when the section is being filled `rith fuel). Thusg the at pberio air 31ovd to flow to the front section only after it has passed rongb the is seotios. Fuel from the drop tank is forced out by means of the air fras the engine ressor with am excessive pressure of 0.61 - 0.03 kg/ The fuel tlase s the drop tank to tank Po.2 through the special valve. Fuel from the tat E section is the first to be oonaused$thes the front section teats is ied. This is made possible due to intake pipe union 3 installed on the tank -t portions the union end being lowered down to the tank bottcm,lwbile air isur? pipe union 7 is connoted with the tank rear section via the wales itiow. When the tank is being sunsponded, these pipe unions beoome oonaseted ( mesons of the sealed teleeocpio 3oint)with the respective pipes an the 1 ms the pipes in their turn being connected with the fuel pipeline is the hinge. As the drop tank to suspended under the fuselage close to thi third aft t key the pylon is pavvided with limit switch 29 whlob oats out fbs oontral c cult of the third air brake hydraulic control valve (with the tack ennpsz5ed). i prevents the wabesniof of the air brash. 12. Control of feel ooasumption L accomplished bye (a) fuel flvwter Pf+b-16A installed in the pipeline rumingitrom tbs Jn to the engine{ the floweeter indicator located in the cookptt shows as tl aitity of fuel resmilalmg is the tanks; (b) peeeure emning unit. metalled rear of the pumps for e'ie let. 2assi 3rd group tanks and In the drop tank Measure line; the pressure weamle6 ts indicate that lbs fuel hw been oonsumed from the tanks by i`be lucks tins on in the oeolkptt they also Indicate switobins-off (or falln) of the cps and drop of piloww5 to the drop tank pressure lice. The earning light tar the lot group tanks should now on oiaii the fuel a reining In the let group teals according to the PM-16A fuel flbwma- is 'Jai to 13% 1 190 lit. god in the tasks of the 3rd coup ? 650 t 100 lit.; (e) fuel wmemiag unit installed in took No.31 the snit iksdlearfM it .k~nly 500 w- 1t$. of fuel bms bees left in the auks by the ,'layblug coriptioe is as ?4 light psosl- 6 13. TUtering of full is the fuel syetes is aeoomplisbeds (a) during filling the system with fuel ? by .he filters of the retbella alto tiok and in the filler nebb ubiob prevent foreign particles frost ptting into s tanks; (b) during oomaumption of fool - by the filters of fuel high and low esoure installed in the Modes fuel line m well sa by the souse installed a e drop tank islet pips ad in the tee-piece of the wing feel oomparfmsm'M neusption pipeline. ng it.'fo ensure normal operation of the engine is flight-with nsgativ oeleratioee tank po.3 (its lunar section) 1180 been provided with a negative ease coloration valve which makes it possible to fly with negative rooelersttiene ton. I any engine ratings e:oopt for ausoenteds for 15 sec. and 5 see. at a*rgmscte S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1 ins. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSE4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 II S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSE.! To ensure reliable engine starting at hiigh altitudes the tank is pees van u e (Tig.19) will be closed due to the control Pvseu a thus initiating pressweisr tion of the wing fuel oompastments, TI - Tool from the miss roar fuel o to is oonsumed due to Us pressure built up in the pressure line. 0 fed to the engine by the -1x911 electric 15. Tor outting-off the fuel flow to the stopping in 0080 of failure of engine coutrol off valve installed In the pipeline at the en has ele'0tro-pneunatio remote control ezeroise can be shut off manually when the engine is r the tanks. The valvelrenote control should be close the valve. When in flight, it is impose valve remote control on the aircraft is swito 16. The fuel system (starting) (Tig.16) tank 11o.4 provides for 8 - 10 ground and mid- The tank Ys serviced through the filler nook* of fuel is ensured through discharge sock 10. ? 'd with air. the air coming from the engine at the special reoeiver-tank equipped with a fi I special oxygen supply system for feed employed to improve the ignition of the engine in case of fire or esgi1 ?' use should be aid. of the shut. ?..:j in. inlet) the shut-otf valve ' I from the cockpit. This valve m oved and some tuel is left Is lD used only open the valve, u the red oft. with a 4.5-Iit. tank installed 11 mar starting, of the engine. M the tank, while discharge when starting the engine, fuel it pressure of 0.4 kg/, tl~?i ter and a return valve. ng the engine starting units is lag fuel. The specified sequence of fuel consumption from the tanks is ensured automatically. Befor starting the engine tb pilot should only switch on all fuel system pumps. Consvption (u Illustrated in Tig.17) is accomplished is the following sequences (a) MM VP tagt ,,g, gold I - Twel from tanks Joe 1, 2, s, 4, s, 6 is consumed down to the 2" wl.en the float of the float valve in tank No. lowers and closes pipe union 3s .~ as a result, the control press=se will opens oial valve 10 for the lot group tanks(pig, 17 and 10). The fuel is driven by 7. II - fuel from tacks fog 1 and 2 flowing through open special valve 10 ad I b dri y pump 6 is consumea down to the level when the float of the float valve in tank 10.1 lowers and closes pipe union 251 as a result, the control pressure VI U,open special valve 9 in the drop tank full ocns mptioa line. .III - atilt from the rear section of the drop tank is communed due to the pressure built up in the pressure line. IT - Teel from tha front Section of the drop tank Is consumed due to the pressure built up in the line. the fuel from the drop tank flows through special valve 9 to tank Wool, from tank W0.2 to tank 10.1 through the connecting pi!* and further, forced by pump 6 through speoial valve 10 to service tank llo.'. T - After the fuel from the drop tank has been consumed, the fuel from tanks Nos 1 and 2 is being consumed down to the level when the float of the valve of tank 110.1 laws" to close pipe union The as a res t --Iva lt th S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSENT Installation of:dres teak aa'alias'u I, '106091 as a result, the control pressure will om special valve 11 #Nit pwiq ? FLU fares the fuel frog tanks Acs 6, sane 6. The lost to be oonsuasd is the fuel regaining is tank No.2.ead fuel from tank No.2a (completely)k in the latter cams the fuel flows by wily to tank No.3 and furtber,forced by DWD 7,from tank No.3 to the engine. The above sequence of fuel consumption is valid only for normal 1 gam- 3uaption rate (the engine rating being below augmented) in level flWkfjo ' L Nazinua rate of fuel consumption for the tanks of different is equal -11,5W lit/hr for drop taakp ;5000 lit/hr for wing fuel compartmmatso .10,000 lit/hr for the let group tcvks -14,0(X) lit/hr for the 3rd group taaksg as for the 2nd group tanks the rate of fuel oonsuaption is equal to t~ rats at I which the fuel is contused by the engine at every engine rating. If the rate of engine fuel consumption is less than the rate of 1 com- sumption frog the corresponding group tanks, ;then the fuel from the tuft of the group in question will flow to service tank No.3 in portioat, i.e the respective special valve (vent valve) will be opened and closed for e. time pe- ~- in case the rate of fuel consumption by the engine exceeds the me of fuel . 9, consumption from the appropriate group tanker the lacking fuel will supplied Before the fuel starts flowing from tho,drop tank, 90 lit. Of f~l we cam- 1 suaed from the fuselage tanks. "oki 4m. . 10 Befor, } --? ?...a ssaai net 0omplltaentf~ 1m !oaoed out r. I L.,1! It" qn #%a 14 emin'e rhea the float of the valve or tapk no. 3 lowers and the hole or pipe mlaa 29 II - fuel free tank 110.3 forced by'peep,7 %a consumed down be thi 1sp1 wumuaom W--WAWYti, Mau ssun inna ao.l down to the level Of the twbe sate Nos 1 and 2. pipe union closes), after which the fuel is supplied iron the wing f1 eosiprb? tank suspended, except that at fifst sore lull is coaso?ed from tanks lea 1 ad sent$. Further sequence of consueption is the same as in case when dreg task L suspended. (a) news the plug from the fuel i.gpply pipe ooaneotia and the air- lnmtrnotioas; check to as that the drop tank is serviceable and tu~shed Ka hu been properly installed an the fuselage is accordance with the r? Live S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 2. mop lW N/3713iNiEE (40 ftlaw Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-R-T I NO FOREIGN DISSE4 p^ossara pipe union; make sire that the ar e (b) examine the attacnuaet ma$ ~...OO,eaa ror abode; of a:iai plot w"0at check tta -: (d) open the flllir cap.oo the drop tank ar otioi :.~ se and shook to aea r-l~ the tank is Olean, after which close the fill cap; i --- o....-- s ar. Or dirt, after 1h it. iv. (f) "SOTO the 971-bolt from the drop tank Make aura that time filler plug on the drop looked* tank rear seotid` is br+rIF ad firing meahaniesi posh ~~F "As UNDAt rod (with the P too, saeotdon, a asap; etallatlon on the pylam'ead make aura that it ,J Slav amt t) for its -',; ?- w`+ weave miring from the S)~8-56E rack for proper oparatiaa. bottom of pDlan aid ohtot To this esdl plunger in position, ohe firing mechanism, if it has fib, put the l psicook the sw 1 looking plunger cafe mains sechenism dad coaaeot its fork to the h pin. Do not in t s all Lht look plat CANNON, It i s omelet forbidden to eh?cL' The rack for oropei oDenat M with the firin6 mechanism loaded losalb right side Inscribed book is reliabij o o sa ahu span of the. oarrl lag (f) by obearino l--- -. (a) Cook the care hook +f the r and b it, for which purpose pray the eye-bolt against lug of the ye-b lt , (b) oannsct the hound storage batter7 to (c) switch on the AU=M,&... _-- - - _ the aircraft, (d) turn an the 8TO a.Z LTP AIRCRM, BOX circuit breaker; (M) deprasA the I o B01 bott m an the u Sant board and make certain that the the eye-bolt has dz c arrying book o pplPU sod the app t7 pia from the firing "*MU= relaa lockim p 1??kiai' pluoga After co the operation of the carrier, o laM hook of the k ris on the Let.-hand ryrtical, switch and the nu J. the e7e-bolt ol..e aata look atop arazaseni the ; left side of the alai sad left pmdel of the insteer of mho rsoh its opsw., ednioh has isiuited in the op"Ai meohtti. r purposal - ?=V.raoonn ystem roi the 34 air b ?-. or nee IN sarias its sraam Weeks to the , (b) switch so the An ZRAM &(?p( 1.TIO RCOUT UUfl Circuit aid breakiMe UK IM s m am the i tha e a S-E-C-It-E-T t NO FOREIGN DISSEX Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM :nom Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 (d) the technician (in the cockpit) should set the slide lcoateI d an the Sine Aoctrol lever to the position eorraupoading to the release of air brakes Ach will cause relsaae of two side air brakes. The third air bask will rs- sa retracted) r (s) release the licit switch an the pylon, which will estinguiea tie !AR JSPBIIDED warning light and release the third air brake. O. Retract the air brakes, switch off the ground pap, 'the AU( ENTATloll lrcuit breaker, the STORAGE IBATTZRTs LC CRA1l, GROUND switch and 1 circuit preakere that have been switched on for absokiugl dipcoa?RCt the and power source from the l aircraft, Unacr+w the union nut from the cylinder of the firing mso sa push )d installed on the pylon and remove the plug (if any)) insert in the cylinder r the tiring mechanism push ,rod the piston with the push rod eseeubind with the )ecial duralunin wasber(ncrewed hoses on the piston by the clamp nu after iich swum them with the union out (7ig.21). Make sure that the boa be= .ored from the pylon fuel pipeline, after which start installing drop tank. (c) press the limit switch on the pylon, this will flash up t warning light on the central panel of the instrument board CAUTIONS Do not install the special duralain tube on the fillog aecbaaiw push rcd it the dro tank in s d d t , p uspen e o aoccmpiiah tes jettison of the tank when on the ground (with the firing anchaniw W"Aed). 6. Install the eye-bolt in the drop teak without securing it the nuts. lace the tank under the pylon add suspend it from the carrying ho of the car- isr, having pulled the eye-bolt frog the seat of the tank. Remove the bolt from the atop of the tiring mechanism push rod. 7. Lift the drop tasks .ors the front and rear stops. the pipe ions of he pipelines pad the stop of the firing mechanism pub rod into the correspond- .ug places on the pylon. Pit the steel washer onto the threaded part of the eye-bolt (fzm below), crew on the nut, tighten it by scans of the CA-7804-500 socket wnmcb and lock ;t by a safety nut (11g.22). Make certain that the lug of the eye-bolt on the carrying book a properly I CIUTIOJ, 1. SheatighteaLug the nut by means of the socket wren , it is foehidden to was additionel:tool, of the kind of is erte ion arm. 2. It is not allowed to install eye-bolts with a stripped thread, as well as rusty, burred, eoord,and oily or soiled waste end nuts. 8. Connect the firing eschenip rod with the stop on the t , for .hick purpose align the hole in the pain rod with the hole" in the at p by turn. Ing the stop with the wrench and, this insert the bolt in the bole. 9. Check the drop tank for reliable attachment by rocking it holding It. now. Check to see that thsrr is some space between the drop tans and the p7. 'a edges. so cpatact bereaves them is 811owe4.' 10. Depress the button and perform the abook Jettison of the dro tank without actuating the firing mechanism. Nhile doing this, bold the drop tank with the nands by its ends. It is also allowed to jettison the drop tank byhaniball7 opening the carrying hook at the rant, . I In this case ache sure that the firing mechanism contains no ridge, after which open the JETTISON batch located right of the pylon andp was the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038ROO1700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEHI 5.i Do not overflow the tanks when filling the system with fuel. ligJ the cap of the filler neck manually, and close the hatch panel. 6. If the filler deck cap or the joint un er the rubber gasket are leeb replace the aaeket (the latter being available in the set of spare parts), 7. in winter tborouebly examine the fuel or it may contain water, e~ ?Lei might at into fuel as Ia result of the fuel fi tar Icing. rC;e 8.' In case the pump vent pipe is 1eaiq,re Lae the pump. 9. When replacing, the flRP-10-9N pump in t e fuel system, check the tlml y; pressure in the pipeline in conformity with'th Instructions on engine e Check n fuel stem for pro r sea (when performing scheduled maintenance) RhPn checking the! fuel system for proper sealing make use of the special ground device; the checking is carried out with the fuel tanks fil]N to capacity and with excessive sir pressure (0 0.3 kg/ in the gstu, The checking sequence is as follower 1. Reaovo the drop tank and the pylon. It is allowed to check the fiwl ten sealing with the pylon installed. 2 Pill the fuel tanks with kerosene to c paeity and close tightly,tb'., of the filler neck of tank No.2. Install the special pipe union of the . ground device in the filler neck of tank No.4 to connect the device. 3: Close the shut-off valve of the fuel a stem through the bottom hate) (located on the fuselage port side,betweon frames Nos 20-22), having removed the locking wire from the valve lever. 4.' Install special plugs (supplied with t as ground device) on all pipe uniousjend holes connecting the fuel system tb the atmosphere and with et ff aircraft syetess,i.e,is (a) plug the drop tack fuel pipeline; (p) plug the drop tank pressurisation pi line; (e) plug the pipe union of the hydraulic system and gasoline tank pre rization line, having! disconnected from it the pipeline (next to the safet}~ valve box for the drop tank); (6) plug the airlintake pipe union runni g from the engine Compressor b ing disconnected fromiit the pipe connected w th the return valve; fY (e) plug up the impact pressure pipe; (f) plug the vent Pipe located next to f am 11c.291 R, (g) Install two plugs on the pipe unions of the safety valves located sit`', the fuselage tail portion and protected with he screen (Pig.23); prior to I stalling the plugs reirove the safety valves; 11 (h) install a rubber plug on the pipe running from the safety-valve bas for the drop tank pressurisation system further through the fuselage skim 0 the left side in trof~ Of the hatch for filling oil in the angina. The diagrea showing connection of the S6 9820-00 device and tudicating as for installation of plugs is displayed ins is the device cover. 5. Using the ground device build up a 0. kg/ the fast system, close the valy of the device and wet for 15 minutes. Bee to it that no drop in the air pre and no kerosene leaky) 00ast in. the system. 6. bstore the system, open the shutoff valve and lockwir it. With Ile engine Control lever at the CUT..Opf limitr awi h on all pumps of the fuel e1s' tea for 5 or 10 minutes. Use that fuel does the vent li of leek in the pipelines and !a ft. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISS 4 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038ROO1700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E= -R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Chackins issoli~ stem a-n& hydraulic tjnk nreeenre 1lhe for rer .salvia (when performing scheduled saint-sane spirit d up to capacity. The hjdraulio tank presaale liar should be hied elaalts- check the lanolin. system for proper sealing with the P60110 teak film -m. 1. Fill the fuel tanks to capacity," check the level of fluff in the b$- Chookinx fuel dyetea and hrlmum tanks for additional sir vresaure D I- I (whila performing scheduled maintenance) Chock the tea for additional air pressure in the f*Uowlzg segssmoes r and 4 which refer to the gasoline and hydraulic systems, respect velpl beoidess the gasoline system is checked for e+alingspertora only those a ps under Items 2 no checking over, replace The what hie boon removed off the tea. ahem only r. ; e'syetea. A drop is the preaaiire (indicated by the pressure gauges) well as gaee- rice from the pressurisation pipe. For 15 sin. maintain the pressure in the t.6 to 2.55 kg/ n close the valve of the reducer and di connect the 49- ) .440.05 k /sq.oa. pressure, the hydraulic tank poseurs gauge ates free slowly opening the vtlvsIof the reducer: the bottle with the reducer valve closed and at up a 10 kg/s4.m pressure by 5. Connect the groudd oompreissd air bottle to the device, pen the valve s Mops being boated In to walls of th! nab landing gear wheels ahead at the a ff theeusspe for trapping sediment in the hydraulic and gasoline syvt esfas I' 4. Ream the plugs :ith the 1-on orifices (sleeves with 1-sa orifices) ieomatios. .. th the sdapter(J6.9919.00) together with the device for intLt the E.O. ; is tee-piece located next to the safety-valve box. Connect to pipe the bore is pressure pipe running to the gasoline tank and to the hydra o.tank frog 'ok of the section for the booster system. th the cape install a special cap provided with a presace p as th& filler 2. Check the level of the #E -10 fluid in the emotions of ~e,h$draalte sequences ?1. Fill the tang with fuel and install a special-cap with - the tiller e *ape I NO FOREIGN DISSF1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Prevaouelyremoved the plug. Pressure gauge on the tee pions in the vying tams air-pressure 1 . having ? Hof the booster system. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSENT The tee-piece is arranged in the supers ructure over tack $o.), 4. Start the engine and bring the enginI speed to 70 - 80% of the lS i sure rotor speed. While operating the ongins at this rating, the drop tent t low-level warning light should go out upon a irstion of am use aecassaq filling the tanks with the air. 5. Determine the additional pressure by the pressure gauges. The pressure should be within the follo ing valves; 0.21 to 0.23 0.81 to 0.83 ks/ 1.b to 2.59 kg/ 0.4"0.04-) kg/ a1( if, in the fuselage tanks; in the drop tank; in the hydraulic tank; in the gasoline tank. e and in the fuselage tanks pletol, consumed from the drq fuselage tanks. Pros this hould increase and fluctuate 0 by 0.12-0.17 kg/sq.cs. BowsM, s tanks by more than 0.2 kg/se To avoid excenoive consumption of fuel, i.e. consumption in quantities 0 cesding the amount in the drop tank plus 50'd1 ~ 100-lit~, when checking air sure in the win fuel t com t Air preouurs in the wing fuel comportmen be equal up to the moment when the fuel is Co and 50 or 100 lit. of fuel iu emptied from th on the air preeoure in the wing compartments cesdin, the air preseuro in the fuselage tank should never exceed the pressure in the fusels g p-1 sec s no nbt sun b. Make certain that the air pressure va site, reduce the engine r.p.m. to the low thr make sure that the air pressure in the fusels, No-4) does not drop below 0.17 kg/aq.c. 7. Should the air pressure in the tanks Ttems 5 and 6, locate the air leek in the eye 8. 15 rein. after the engine bag been sto gasoline and hydraulic tanks without removing should be within the permissible liaita. vie are within the permissible the value and wait for 1 ain.l tanks (in the tiller seek at lower than that indicated watt' on and remedy the fault. ped,check the air pressure is tb the filler dupe. The air preens S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSF4 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038ROO1700240001-8 M S-E-C-R-E-T 1 NO FOREIGN DISSEM tI l O s ha'~ LOsse~li The aircraft hydraulic system consists of two separate yet i the maim and )ester systems (716.24). The main hydraulic system is designed to actuate the aircraft landing gear, laps, air brakes, to control the engine nozzle flaps, anti-surge Matters, air stake cone, automatic braking of the wheels owe retracting the wading leer, 2d to actuate ow chamber of the stabiliser booster. It also serve u a stead-1v ystea for the 57-4 & aileron control boosters is came the booster brdraolio gs- ~.a fails. The booster hydraulic ?yetem Is intended to actuate the ailer'dn boosters ni am chamber of the stabilizer booster. Serving as sources of l drsulie camp or the main and booster system are the RD-34- variable displac yssryr ith operating pressure range of from 100 to 210 ka/sq.o. The are installed a each of the systems and operate is combination with the bydra c accowalators. The operating pressure in the hydraulic system being 100 kg/ M. and nudge peed of the pap ama of 4000 r.p.a., the pow capacity L and Is at out 31 lit/sin. (b7 the and of the guaranteed ..ruin. life). with a 210 kg/ operating pressure is the system he sapaoiq (ir- ssp.ctivs of the pump r.p.a.) is minisoa, being spent to ooap.asa for the is- erval leeks in the system and to cool down the pug thiwugi the turn ,ins of the outer oircultica lima. With the operating pressure in the hydraulic system of 175 ka/s q-02- 024 the posy e.p.a. approaching the autorotating engine w.p.m. at laediag, the'p * capacity '.s at least 2.5 lit./aim. The poop capaeiy is preset sutosatiowy deleadisg a he pressure is the hydraulic system by means of the pressure tor isoosyo st- A is the pnml-. The hydraulic accumulators installed is the Baia and booster system open'ate In conjunction with the pumps and are Intended to ensure the opts ~ sooalecatioa, lee. replenishment of hydraulio energy used up Lastaatan.ously in votes, for be pumps are lagging is adjusting their Capacity for that to sogii sW :or the snbw consumption in the system. this lag is a cocateQ to, by ow inertia 'f the poop capacity regulation gates. The lpdrauli. acousalaters supply .oer67 to the BY-51M steldIlser boater ?ten landing with the antorotatiog or dead engine. is this urn eawg7 ie 0q- a11~d by the acoumalators and the 161-27? es rgiaq PUMP U01,b. Is a4ditioa, the hydraulic aoauenlators serve for dapping the pawsars fisa- Lvatiama. NO FOREIGN DISSM I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038ROO1700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50 7 I ^lX1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1 HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ,) urI4-1 ttlW - is the pUV afar, (t , ?t -i l-roe-1 tutu - .t the III-" (o) 11r,-1 filter - at the v. p (?1 eereen tiller - la the teat tiller no* laceofthe1W44W?I'41400.!tllt.5. coar.e nltere .ount.d to ?~ vait'la a ease. data ? a are of !b? flan filter trace ?ou4 at at b et 10 ah~ L :'r rills - grants than 00 ateroa.. ? daa~aae ~~ Ih1r dentine of-the tae alter elsms eitb ? termer betipa the filter islet and eatlet ~ , ? w b7-Pi. ?olto .hick will lot the ~irra fluiu me seam tu The ope dog pree.urs of the by-pm valve In '? IV ter W# The follo.ios throttle. are !.stalled la W VL & .N?M. Wettmft to Pressure is it., ua. durta= operation of tj~ ~1L 40raa13. Wcal >rt a'' ~?tia ositW q-"WI as 1 lip. union 2 l uxxuo1h is r/-142/1 control Via", ae?r 2 laming tear nose .tart r?tavo4a? union of to -Pine. oonoected with .~ ? pus der 4t1L- 3 lips m.lo. UT*+CTIol of rl-140 air trol Val,. ~Tdiatill. / special naafi sOataiyr. s~abss 43a.2t be Mart is a ?. :. pill the ssrWiee as:l r.s it viii ws !lays Wa apsetsi " aw lsdeers Sr uitdsr eosditiwl Mieb =sslm teae at 3. bra" 0#4 414 th" bus ltim the EiilOr mast if the #ad ooetaiw lad! tilling. sat a s I b. sets" .lee. ft* ~M rb sal want sM!!ag the Low/ ? .fi ? y p S-E-C NO FOREI DISM sib "Voss fteov ft dpi as filler a~stt a'd ..W and e t tbn tip of us bow is aelfss. ams Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 I ""I slid week 0 Way The seem! 1 filter In gyo , t Lfilter ley a d jorew in the filter / stsll a M? rim. M4 M4 Wipe !1 them Eut , If the fijtirtus .a Imes* the r?egttrg sad ul . e)therqughl wir us alto: esd oesag+t is It tM p( House (b) iorgw out as fuel filter faith a sediment bail, tutus the tiller, pour oat the sdi S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM ?(1 5. When filling, ope the brdrsulio '!Vw tanks After closing tank fora period leles~t to till r aid. ing the tent. site the nook and plug to~ff "am the spilled p 0011 and boas tips la pure psjlies? P. After diuoonneotins the ground pump from lb. aircraft, siroraft pips anion aid tips of the hosee, after ?hioh plug - (c) after the filter' ak.J i washing and installation is are r, P" tr Wooster body. 1 tenanol rlt3ogs!M00ooo.sotiag J 1.. Eefoi connecting tb? ground D~ to the airersft wash the alreratt )i g Wei -9 1 ` (b) remove sad awash the ureau filter; than waihiu the in the booster should b? plugged or owered with _tp To connect the nose wl,a? i :: ik? s'& ea lace t*,e handle of the yp-3.M oontrelvahs to the "o33 1. :~l~~h,'~11p[S BUCOBO70 bolt 12 DMIM position. The 711-33/1 r;i,trnl ~?a e rat e i heated in the upper lefteatA of the instrument panel. To switch off the n se wheel brake, place td aft valve handle to the :OPP (nw}cnp4T:40) position Brake the nose heel from the L.G. bra)c control lover on the airmwp control stick. Brakiing of the noes wheel talcs place sintltaneovoly with ing of the main whees. Braking can be controlled either manually or any ally. i EaergenoY Dr_ekina 2t IIV iP ~.~.L'& Gear wheels In out of damaged brake system wire cabling, failure of the MV-7 d valves,, failure of the yp-24/1 pressure amplifiers,ab.enoe of air pun in the main air system bottles or any other emergenoy situation, use shell made of the emergency brake system. Ci1TIOIIt Aircraft drifting away from the runway, yawing and 'oa roll indicate that the main brakesystem is defective. In this M switch off automatic braking and c over to annual brakin Emergeccy braking should be resort to only in case of failure et automatic and manual brake systems..I11t should be remembered that pressure'iupplied to the brakes from' the eaergenep "at" Is ae- regulated, i.e. Is not reduced, being equal to 16 = 4 k//p.ea. Y a result, instantaneous switching an, of the eaergessy gstea wi11 result in an instantaneous braking. emergen4 wheel braking open the ? on the cockpit left-hand side at the instruas terran hasp ooatrol valve brake pontrol valve pull the valve control haidl~o. To open the easr~M1 moved its wirsloc e saawthil baoksarl, >rvtQ fig. As a result, the air a 110 - 130 kg/sq.eae p!M' sure ~ the bottles of the lending gear eme oney air system threwj! N' duoer 1b.682500 (reducing pressure to 16 valve g0?5636ppy and flu Cher through the nsy a sanjen y liarwill to the ref k the 1T..82M wheels of t is sain Ian" ear otra l ka+mM et tome release wheel makes It l rast~rta. tb pry slow the eserpaey bash by placing the control stick in the initial position. >* -u tt,thereby raising the stabilizer m he tail oss portion. If the value of A Assam calculated according to .its according to Item (a), decrease Item (o) e>eeeda the the former vow spring fall pchaniea from the ipY-3B automatic b1t screwing the rod of l thestabiliter nose portion down. unit tail piece. This will IlO?orj. ebaa Performing the ad 3 decrease in the value of < ustaeat ee r 4 i 1-ma Increase mean the trim" speed by ap tely 1Oc~~1 lucre or seas (e) Having 94lmsted the Check the Value of spring feel Mechanism rod according It" ti with the engine contro) lever travelliag from the MINIM AUGiMIO1N the IllIL AO ATION positions, the anti- - change over the engine ? ahytterS should be 01084 MA'QINY an a control lever from the Ian= AUGI[BITATIOR W Doaitioa. The afterburner I get switched off, the AMOOO light will go out and the anti_". ehuttelI (b) Check operation of the rs will open. eeriFCtion, for which purpo shutter ink rlock system according to e1sUU0 ? let the engine control lever at the cause aritchiag..on of the Ml01 AVGYEIIrATI~ stop, W*4 l afterburner gad ? 0e of the anti-wuYe slot 04 ea- P41 the aircraft o ntrol Stick bae and until the stab" Isar AM 10 Th . e Co - deflict the cont a shutters will `et opened; click foam et bi- d ~l ' a er aoee upr~,d y t1 place it neutral. A. scan se deri Shutters will ectlon angle ~oosee lees than ,2do, the 0 bet oloSedl - change over the eagi,, 'UZMUll RATIJO 04 the r Will ire the ~1RYO1t ~U AAanass.~- 21* arto*Qr4o "Ot will go cu t switched oft th ti0 gutters will got opened. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISS 4 7r 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 12. To check the'ioperation of the syste. for the caging control lever inter- lock depending on Mach number use the following procedure, (a) Move the engine control lever backward from the MAXIMUM RATING stop to the stop providing the gaging control lever interlock according to Mach member. In this c:'eo the autoutic stop should prevent backward movement of the engine ,yc~ontrol lever. The clearance between Ithe button on the oosiss control lever and the MAXIIRJM RATING stop on the sector should amount to 0.5 - 1.0 eel. CAUTION: The above clearance is possible due to the adjustment of the MAXIMUM RATING stop. (b) Gradually relieve 'pressure in the Pitot-eteti: tube total pressure line down to Mach number below 1.5; this! will,Aisconnset the system for engine control lever interlock according to Mach number. As a result, the automatic stop will no lniY,cr hinder the engine control lever sovemont alter the sector from the MAEWN t+ATING to the CUT-OFT position. I I (c) Place the engine control lever et the MAXIMUM RATING atop and `rednally build up a precoure in the Pitot-static Orbs total pressure line correspoadimg to Mach number amounting to !1.5. When this value of Mach number has been gained, the oyetem for engine control lever interlock according to Mach nutibir will operate as a result of which the automatic stop will prevent the engt4 control backward movement (Pig.51). (d) Prone the button for emerge~cy disengagement of. the automatic stop de- pending on Much number, after which sake sure that the engine control lever saves rreely forward and backward in the range MAXIMUM RATING - cm-(Wl position. (e) Bring the button for emergency disengagement of the iutomatio stop de- pending on Mach number to the initial position and lock it with a 0.25- wire, type 17-62. 13. Check operation of the air intake cons in'the following wquancet (a) Gradually increase the pressure in the Pitot-static tube total pressure line up to M:~1.91 as a result, the cone will extend from the let extended posi- tion to the 2nd one. (b) Reduce pressure in the Pitot-sttatio tube system down!, to that correspond. ing to Mach number of 1.7 to 1.6. Thal cone retraction to the lot extended positio~ _L_... -.__ _.-_- .... w - _- -~ -.-.. .... .1.. u_~1.w AmA Ymeh ember 1m- (c) Reduce pressure in the Pitot-static tube line to correspond to Mach number below 1.5; the cone will be retracted to the initial retracted position, the CONE EYTENDID indicating light will go out, the system for the anti-surge ? shutter interlock depending on afterburner operation and?stabilizer.defleetias will be Switched ofr, the'eyetea for! the engine control levtar interlock depend- 1nC on Mach number will get disengaged and the anti-surge shutters will close. After reducing the pressure in the Pitot-static tube system I1to that corresponding to Mach number below 1.5, forward and backward deflection of the control stick 1,?d chifting of the engine control lever from the MINIMUM AUGifENTATIOW to IDIs SPEED stop will not open the anti-surge shutters and the stop for engine cos- trol lever interlock depending on Mach number will not hind r the movessnt of the engine control lever;along the sector. IMPORTANT, 1. When checking thi cone artension accords to Mach number, take into account the errors,of the M-rely and o Bach number in- dicator recorded in the respective Certificates. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIf}N DISSIN Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Si-E-C-RLE-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM .. A..en measuring the lentth of cone travel proceed tr . lowing dat=a the distance between the cone top and the air iatwo fi8,1 with the cone retracted is 320 mm, with the cone in the lit extemiji position - 450 no, and with the cone in the 2nd estended po=i The above sizes can be found in the aircraft levelling dla6r.y 14. All operations mentioned in the present Section socogg1mbsw the eogtoe control lever Into the CUT-O17 position and the * soree os K10-131 afterburner control unit to the initial positioal. (b) Cheeks? manual control atom of a on, aM snti . ............ .i .........???.......??.. Shutters 1. Perform all operations under Items 6o 7 and 8 of the previoni eadja 2. Change over the mode of operation selector switch b4arin8 the issUlM C01 es onhutt the left-hand panel from the AUTOMATIC to KANpAL position and a~ tle Burger control 'witch inscribed AIR BT-PASS B1U?= set frog the A NATIC to CLAWED position. 3. Get the selector switch for cone manual control to the 1.5 pdtL4% di will result imi (a) the cone extending to the let position, (b) fleshing up of the Co UT81fDED light on the ?-4 light pal. 4. Bet the selector switch for cone manual control to the 1.9 positie, which will shift the cone to the 2nd extended poaitioa. 5. Place the selector =itch for cone manual control front the 1.9 posltia to the, 1.5 position( the cone will retract from the 2nd extended poatties %#I lot position. 6. Bet the selector switch for cote tics. The cone w manual control to the 101!!R-0!'IDt Fad, ill got completely retracted to the initial position and MI COGS II'r DiD indicating light will go out. 7. Check the anti-surge shutters manual control system, for whisk parpeW (a) Piece the AIR B!-PASS SpUTTgtq selector switch ap= position. The shutters should ope from the MOM to 0 ? sTachronouily. (b) Discs the AI$ By_PASS CL0c p Position. B TU selector switch frog the CM to tti The shatters should got closed s7nohrcsoutly. 8. The check over, net the mod. of operation selector switches for the want with and a ant!0-surge abutters to the AUTOMATIC Position and lock them is this pedtlm 9. Out out all circuit breakers and selector switches which nave boom 00 Is for checking{ disconnect ~0~ Power source and ground 4~io pmt. . hangs isco the to the OPERATI(1G BS8I1F6 selector switch iros the I podtiam position. O00trol of the er hydraulic =fast engine let nooale fiepa'is 'Coompliek.d t- ii and nosrle Controlg electric one thr.e"Dositi s seams at t trio of oa Pd-1641 solnoidtperst4d operated jet nos:,* flap ults The sequence of operation of the 94600* lie system Yaintenanoo", is Preteatsd in Chapter _Urcratt S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSF24 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 The let nozzle flap controlsysts. provides fora (a) complete opening of the flaps in the course of improving the conditions for starting due to decrease in thebsck presure~whhiich hinders the from escape of gases from the afterburner Chvbsr; (b) smooth changes of the het nozzle diameter in the process of adjuatawat of the engins thrust under condition f s r.p.m., the flaps are oliened to a din. of 675 (b) when moving the engine control lover forward from the 66* of higb- g o thrust sugmentaticm. Presented below is the operatin cycle of the jet Malls flap eprmtem. Prior to engine starting and later on during the satire starting prOcsd." until the engine speed reaches 66 l,2'% according to the high-pysssurr rotor flaps are open, the outer Jet nozzle area diameter being the (Fig.55). equal to 6700M With the high-pressure rotor r.p.m. Increasing over 6e, the flaps viii eonverge,the diameter of the throat being 530 on and remaining within these liaite up to the moment when the engine control lever is get at the MAXD= RA1'Ip atop. Setting the engine control lever to the MI1F1art1M A'MnTA2'IOK position will open the flaps increasing the throat diameter to 610 ma, which will switch om the adjustable afterburner. When moving the engine control lever from the MIX AUOMEYPATION to the FULL AUGMENTATION stop, the flaps will smoothly open and when finally the engine control lever rests against the FULL AUO pin p , the flaps will be fully opened, the nozzle throat disaster coning to 675 set, Mien the engine control laver moves backward, the flaps operate in the reverse sequence. In this case, however , the flaps will diverge ehangiag the 530-mm din. of the throat for the 675-10-mm diameter somewhat later, when the hiCh-pressure rotor r.p.m. will be equal to 60 % of the rated value (instead of 66*2%). This difference in r.p.m. at the moment of flaps divergence and oomr vergence when assuming the 675 10-mm din. is provided to prevent multiple open- ing and closing of the jet nozzle flaps when flying at engine speeds close to the high-pressure rotor r.p.m. equal to W . In the event of failure of the automatic follow-up ystem the jet nossie flaps are controlled by the emergency system. To change over to operation from the emergency shutter control system, turn on the NOZZLE EMERGE= CONTROL switch on the left-hand panel; this will disconnect the automatic follow-up system for flap control, after which thrust adjustment under the augmented conditions becomes impossible. In this case, with the engine running, the flaps Can assume the follow- 3n' positional (a) the engine control lever being moved within the range between the CUT-OFF atop and the post ion corresponding to 66+ % of high-pressure rotor throat. The flaps will remain converged to this extent up to the moment when ,;top (corresponding to 100? according to the OYPT-le panel lab). With the engine control lever in this position,the f??:1 augmentation rating will be reached and the nozzle flaps will fully diverge increasing the throat diameter to 675-10 M. the engine control lever is set to ? position elose'to the FULL AUGMENTATION Checking o2erntion_of let _oiz a flaps with cut-off engiiu - As it is impossible to simulate the operation of the Sy-4 unit with a cut- off engine, a full-scope checking of the nozzle flaps under these conditions cannot bo performed. Presented below is the description of a simplified method for nheckirh the flop control follow-up system when the engine augmented rating is tt,r!; a'J,iuotnd. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 III 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 10 processing switch to the CtPi'ATICR position, shift over the n screw on the ?13A afterburner Control unit to the initial position and disconnect the and power source and ground hydraulic burp from the aircraft. CAUTION 1. Remember that each time the engine is stopped the AUGMEITATICM circuit breaker should be switched off only after cutting out the 6TORAG3 BATTEitlfa AIR08AFTv ?IC switch. This le indispensable in order that the nossle flaps should be kept open after checking their operation. Before starting the engine use the rover" procedures witch on the AUGML 1ATIOW circuit breaker and than the storage battery. 2. Given in the present 8.Ctiem are the rated sizes of the nossle flap diameters. When checking the operation of the Houle flaps refer to the sizes recorded in the engine servios Log. Ohscking_s=steqs for s rgs'3at gobsie fry #olitOl 1i h e815is1! min It is impossible to check the emergency nozzle flap control system with the ngine at standstill. Hence9 this system should be checked with the engine run- Iing during testing of the caring aug*nted rating. The following procedure is used for checking the flap emergency control stems 1. After testing the engine under the augmented rating turn on the HOMER ;iT;ItGt1ICT CONTROL switch on the left-hand panel. 2. Move the engine control lever from the FULL AUOi MATICK stop backward. ',o noon ae the engine control lever leaves the PULL AUCKWATICI stop and as- uses the position corresponding to 1000 as counted by the UM-1# panel limb# .he afterburner will be switched off, the nossle flap! will Close to a rise orresponding to the MAXIMUM rating and the ADCMENTATIOIA light will go out on (.be T-6 light panel. CAUTIONt Watch the changes in the nossle t coat diameter at a safe distance from the aircraft. P 3. Move smoothly the engine control lover to the IN.E SPUD stop. When roving the engine control laver at engine r.p.m. squat to 60>A of high-pressure `otor r.p.m., the nossle flaps will open from the also corresponding to the :AXIMUM RATING to a diasiter characteristic of the FULL 1DPIR1'ATIC9 rating. 4. Change over the engine control lever to the YAImIOM RATING position and fain switch on the augmentation rating by moving the engine control lever for- rand. After setting the engine control lever at the MalD U1 111CMERTATION stop the ,he adjustable augmented rating will not get switched. Further movement the 'ngine control lever will switch on the full augmentation rating before !ngine control lever is set at the FULL fClL TATICM stop{ the nozzle flaps will fully opened and the AIICdIEfITATICI!.light will flash up on the T-6 light panel. This position of'the engine control lever should correspond to the 100=1 Position of the lever on the I]JPT-14 penal* 5. Place the engine control lever at the PULL AUOMffi7'TAT100 positions after L chi (a) cut off the NOZZLE EMERGEIICT OCRTBOL switahl control lever to (b) switch off the augmentation by changing over the engine the MAXIMUM RATING stop; (c) cut off the engine. NO FOREIGN DISSEN Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM When perfo ? tional raiag scheduled maintenance wort Parts of!the retractable co every 3 aDII~e inspect all isle" To inspect the cone rtes Ae for Bound condition (Yda?~). and blood pre, re in ns hanlea extend the cone manually to the 1.9 polities the Wn detachable portion int b~ulic system to sere the he cons and do the foll after which rem" 1. Turn out the self-locking ?Adn6t portion and remove the datacbable rows Which fasten the cone to its cylindAW 2. Unlock sad screw out the portiou of the eoae. 4. Shutters or 3 tiocnl Intake of Kir t ne Oomprossor The shutters for addition+l intake of air to engine ooapreeeor iastallo .oo the fuselage right side and left side between.fraaee lion 9 and 10 seize purpose of increasing engine thrust during take-off. The shutters op.rate'pn the principle employing the differeaee bet" pressures in the air intake and in the ambient air. They open !aside seeft ducts. The shutters have no control mecbaafeas. During engine operation on the ground at different engine ratiap, tU Impact pressure being small (while ta:_ing-off) or even equal to sewn (in d engine test), the rarefaction created inside the suction ducts pubes the tern open and gives access to additional air which flows to the sagw 00mpless? When in flight, with increased impact pressure a pressure develops inside tb suction ducts exceeding the ambient pressure, which results in the shutterelede), !Additional sir intake shutter maintenaeo: To keep the additional air intake chuttere in proper operationwl eonditiss perform the following maintenance work, (a) Check to see that the shutters fit tightly to the fuselage walls. %N slightly pressed by hand they should freely and smoothly open inside the aunties duct. During, engine starting and operation at different ratings the shutters should always remain open CAUTICih Remember that on the ground foreign matter can be sucked inside a running engine through the shutters, which may result in the esgiM failure. (b) To prevent foreign particles from getting in the engine through the shutters do the following: - before tt I arting the engine clean the parking site of dirt amid ios$ - inatall Protective screens on the air intake shutters prior to engine glad testingi before installing the screens check the suction ducts for presence of foreign partiolest - see that the shutter holes are plugged at the parking site or during aircraft towing; Move the Protective screens from the Shutter holes only before tatiiul and prior to a flight. (c) it is forbidden to remain close to the shutter holes not protected with screens during 04104 operation at all ratings except for IDIIi 8E. which moves the one guide blush "" which has been screwed in the alas along 3. Unlock screw i~ rod of the ooae otuatie~ hydrsulio 0 and drive out the attachment bolt tray the Out riiader. S-E-C-R-E-T ~NO FOREIGN DISSM 50X1-HUM r Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 4. Remove the sliding portion of the retractable come together with the guide bush. The cone sliding portion reaoved,'do the tollosinss (a) Wash and inspect the friction areas of the axle and the some guide Mash. Beoreel dents and scratches on the friction areas are not shoes`. (b) Clean the cone stationary portion from dirt. surethat ) Yok ( il e c no o leaks frog the hydraulic cylinder aoturtin to cone. (d) Check the position of the limit witch inside the cons stationary portion and nuke sure that it functions properly. Pressing the limit switch should result in the flashing up of the con fZ- TENDSD indicating light in the cockpit, while releasing the licit Witch should extinguish the light. (o)'Pack the grooves of the cons guide bush with U QT ...201 lubricant and assemble the cone aeohani.a in the sequence rev a esw to that of diamaat)ing. nBe_ d fore installation of the cons retractable portion back on the aircraft inspect it thoroughly. After installing nuke sue that the calf-locking screws am r?- (f),guild up operating preaaurs in the main hydraulic system and check the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUMv 1I 4w In Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 3. Checking Landing Gear for CoMition When inspecting the landing gear check the followings 1. Inspect the weld asses on the struts and landing gear ,alto twee through the magnifying glass. Particular attention should be paid totae M4 ends and to the areas where the welded metal merges with the base matg. 144 inspection clean the?secros from dirt and dllet and wash this with gaselier It cracks are found, move the defective strut or unit and send it for rrp4, 2. Total end and side play of the wheal fitted on the was, when a teen of 15 kg is applied to it, should be: not over 8 awe both in longitudtaat r lateral directions in case of the main strpts1 not over 5 in both in and lateral directions for the nose otrut. 3. With the landing gear main and nose ntruts extended, the aain ry door play should not exceed 12 ma when a 2- or }kg force is applie4 ft is measured in the direction of the wheel door turning at its end. In ass. wheel doors are rigidly fixed to the strut, no play is allowed at all. Play in the nose strut doors, as measured at the door ends in the Vegaw of the door rotation, should not exceed 7 mm (upon application of a 2- ci }` force to the door sad). 4. With the lending gear retracted (the landing gear control lever is r neutral Aoeition) the surface of the wheel doors should be flush with vas wry and fuaeloce bottom', surface,. Play between the wheel doors and recesas is lb wing and fusel:age should correspond to the values indicated in tig.69. Sty In operation, decrease is the play along the rear edges of to '1 attached doors is allowed dxm to 3 mm. This maybe the resell K worn hinCe.s or residual deformation of the struts. play below 9 a indicates that excessive residual deformation is present is Im111i tag gearf'etrute due to rough landings at great landing epeeds.l0 struts whose play is lose than 3 mm. It is forbidden to file doss, wheal do I ore rear edge or recess edge to increase the play. 5. Pressure in'ithe wheel tires should be measured with the aircraft elsi ground, while the pressure in the shock absorbers is checked with the aitCtO jacked up. 6, Chock the tire for slip relative to the rim by reference to the VA ~ on the tires and tree. Misalignment of these marks Involves checking the iaew tube and charging nipple for sound condition. 7. Axial, play 11n the hinges is allowed within the permissible tolersaoe0 provided the hinges rotate freely and without jamming. 4. -i ling and flefillin' Q Piece woks under the aircraft nose and wings and hoist the aircraft ee that the wheels break contact with the ground. Connect the filling device to the strut filling pipe onloa. Reduce nitrogen preeaure in the shock absorbers to some seep the e motionless for 2 or 2.5 hours till the AV-10 fluid settles door. A. ~o~e etlyt~ 1. screw out the filling valve and plug from the drain hale Of the meek strut shook absorber (tig.7O). Using a gun fill the shock absorber thro00 01 holes in the strut with 100 cu-cm. of the AliP-10 Auld (total c*paoitl of w shock absorber when filled with the AM1'.lo fluid is 650 cuss.). S-E-C-R-E-T NO. FOREIGN DISSM 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM i 2. Smoothly lower the aircraft nose with the help of the jack until the nose strut shock absorber is fully compressed. With the shock absorber fhlly compressed, set the strut in the vertt9al position by adjusting the jack. As a result, the superfluous AMP-10 fluid will be drained from the shook absorber through the opening in the filling valve. Leaping the shook absorber compressed during 20 aim. will result in sesgleta draining of the excessive WP-10 fluid. if the AIR'-10 fluid will not run out, aft soma more fluid into the shock absorber and drain superfluous fluid in the sequease presented above. 3. Screw in the filling valve and plug of the drain holy, lift the airorafl nose so that the wheel breakes contact with the ground and charge the shook ab- sorber with nitrogen to a pressure of 34 11 kg/ with the help of the special. devise. 1. Screw out the filling valve of the main strut shock absorbers (74.71) and fill each shock absorber with 100 of the AMP-10 fluid by seems if a gun (total capacity of the chock absorber is 2400 of the ua'-10 Timid). 2. Adjust the jacks placed under the aircraft wings to lower the aircraft so as to fully compress the main strut shock absorbers. By adjusting the jacks set the struts vertically with the shock absorbers fully compressed. In this case the excess AMr-10 fluid will run out of the shock absorbers through the openings in the filling valve. Keep the shock absorbers compressed during 20 sin. to completely drain the superfluous AMP-10 fluid. If the fluid does not run out, add some more of it to the'shock absorber, after which drain excess fluid in the sequence presented above. 3. Screw in the filling valve, hoist tbs. aircraft on wing jacks to raise the wheels from the ground and charge the shock absorbers with nitrogen mp to a pressure of 30 11 kg/ using a special device. 4. Lower the aircraft in that the wheels should touch the POOL ote w 1. Jhem filling the shock absorbers in well heated premises in winter, remember, that a decrease in the ambient air tepnrt'ne will cause a pressure'. decrease in the shock absorbers. In this case increase the filling pressure by 4 kg/sq.os. per sTei7 10?0 of difference between tbs ambient temperature and indoor t**ers- tune 2. To replace the fluid in the shook absorbers remove the aunts from the aircraft. 9. M ate c o L d,~ Oea ehaals_ Operation of landing gear wheels requires the following saintenamos. 1. Remove the main wheel tires worn on sae side and after turning them ratiom 11MAh 180? about the vertical axis place them again on the wheels. Operation 'of landing gear wheel tires is allovedluntil their protectors are worn down to the Cord. 2. Wheel brakes should be inspected every 3 sontbs of the aircraft operation- when inspecting the brakes of the XT?8?M wheels, proceed as followas (a) The following surfaces of tbs broke diso bimetal sectors are allowed to have any number of smell cracks and,worse (not more than 0.5 ? ~) witD- in the iron layer owl. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 The clearance being over 0.25. am, replace the stop bolt with a nee file don the bead of the bolt to obtain a 0.03 10.1 0. clearance apt to-head Contact arcs of at least ?Si. The filin over, thoroughly maces cuttings and cost the Mad area with 11HATNM-2 lubricant (Tia.73, vie slow D-3). e S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM (o) hoer the aircraft to the ground. 1. It in allowed to disconnect the brake home frog the wheal me the electric wiring from the ri-23%21 trensitters to aft law once measuring more convenient and facilitate filing tie b* hold. 2. The mechanical lock should be chocked for proper aloaiag sa after jacking up the aircraft to break the wheal contact liftf6 ground and than operating the landing bear three times. /ir jb shock absorber compressed on a parked aircraft clearanoo is tr look --)f the bheel semi-axle along A-1< (tig.75, detail 1') s1Nla be checked as it does not affect the lock operation. In tl6eert' checking of the lock for proper closing with the help of tbeed gauge is superfluous. 0. QheCCieLKaig gtr l Actugt1c gy Lot groper (Then performing 50-hour mchedul I maiatsnance) After checking the mechanism for turning the main strut wheal it is seen to check it for proper operation during landing hear extension and retraotfw, Check the landing gear eaergenoy extension by co"ssed air (Be* Ohaptee ?tlr craft Air Bjste.") to asks on that the main loading par actuating ofliaisai properly secured by their eechsnical locks. Tar this purpose bleed from the cylinders the air prison" which dsnlepl there after aergenay extension of the landing gear, and apply a 50-kg tam 111 each wheel to retract it. Improper operation' of! the hydraulic cylindeecbanical look will be laele ed by deflection of the'utrut in the direction o! retraction. In this am th hydraulic cylinder should be replaced. 8. 4haalring Oeeration of Lea + ? n li Tae Strut CbIW Di. A. gen. The nose strut +wiaq damper has a coapepsati can which is lsMsM for replenishing of the operating chnbors with fluid d and me "sses as a teeT compensator when the fluid volume changes due to ,the sh1 dam ew bog" It cooling (PIg076). compensation chamber consists of a cylinder and a puntsm with a sef. The rod projects to the outside and has two larbe a saft pal" r1tM a red one. than the chug deeper is normally filled with the Al4',10 fidd+;fAt ambient at tenerature being equal to .200 = 1000] the write chock But Bit aligoad with the surface of the upper cover (Ti~.~j6)e Changes, ~tegn n0 up to ?55ob my result is the white cheek scot W ing 2 ra Waco level DrOper local. As a result. of s the 9doW deeper bolos fiu~ negative teaperatorei and fiai4 leaks is ter diaper the white marl: will be found at a level with the oomraasator tAst or below it. to a I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM $ory1 operation of the sbiaq damper is allowed provided the red check is visible. ILSUI The Check lines mentioned should be marked 16.5 ass (in case of the white mark) and 10 me (in Cams of the red mark) off the top of the plus. B. of a shimq damper includes: inspecting the damper for external leaks the AYr-l0 fluid, replenishing the compensating cbcaber with fluid in Sam ,vas, replacing fluid and cleaning the holes to the compensator bob. 1. Refillia?..Bhi~.Dn~ar.wih-IQ'-lO lluil Refill the abIW damper as follow.: (a) in guemer=outdoors, provided the ambient temperature is e20 10?0; (b) in winters indoors, with the ambient temperature of +20.t 10 , hawing reviously kept the ah~ damper under this temperature conditions far at east 3 bourn. Refill the damper in the following sequences (a) place the shieq damper in the operating position (with the orisontal). Unscrew the filler plug from the compensator rod. and screw is adapter ) (b o.65641/233 available in the set (1:4). (c) Connect the special filler appliance to the shimmy damper and pwq the tc -10 fluid into the compensation chamber until the rod will be pulled ??t S4 an off the upper cover plane. (d) Disconnect the filler appliance and unscrew adapter 1o.65641/233? (e) Press the ball of the return valve (Fig-76) with a durelvaia red to plead excess fluid and align the white check mart with the upper cover playa. re E wi O . . (f) Screw the plug hose and look it with the IC - t tot of shimq dampers bears no check na fi g holes so that the fluid level is as high as the upper e valve with a duralusin atiok, -4 body 2 ("9?76), actor rod fully down. Unscrew compensator 3 from dr&n fluid from She whiny (b) Unscrew filler plugs 1 and thorougbl7 damper. of tM (c) Walsh the inside of the working ash also the conp?a?a be ?~er Of thing damper with fresh LO-10 out fl he`waahia6 fluid its non-1ic.spletelyn. the removed compensator. Pour .ar trans the d?a (d) Race the. shimmy damper' horisontally wi fill unit down. Till fresh AMr-10 fluid into the working chambers through for filler eof the lug ed ambient temperature of +20:L 1d0- proceed u follows the Dal:of the retnrm (a) Screw out the filler plug from the rod, prwee d the fluid Completely and move the eeapsm?~ rks, remeaDer ra N2te: If the the following dates and the tegeratnre (a) With the chamberIffilled to normal capacity being 20 = 10?C, the r is moved out st a distance of 16.5 r tram the top of the filler plug to the cover of the chamber. (b) Minimum permissible length by which the rod ssy project is 10 am as measured from the top of the plug to the cover. 2. aqa ;j? !luid,in S inqna!p!r The AM'-10 fluid in the shinny damper should be replaced indoor., with the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 owl S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM neck and into ppere edge central of the chamber high as the upper e the fluid tempsratnft +20 t 1000. (e) Make sure that packing ring 11 on the compensator ba4 is L condition{ replace the ring, if required. Bares the Compensator is a damper body by smooth turns avoiding damage to the packing w lk~ (f) Unscrew the plug from the rod of the couplasator, sc be in the rod and connect to it the device for filling the x'-10 fl (g) Use a gun to feed the AMC-10 fluid until it starts sg free of air bubbles, out of the filling holes in the working chsabs, (h) acres the filler plugs in the filler holes of the worklag *16 and turn the pump handle 3 or ? times from one extreme position to , Stop the handle in the neutral position and sores the' plugs from as u nu% holes of the chambers again. (1) Pump the ahimtp damper through, filling the ebambers sits ~I until the fluid starts running out of the filling holes at the woruft after which discontinue the pumping. (i) Screw the plugs in the holes of the working chambers, lockwin al teal them. (k) Refill the compensator in conformity with Item 1. !Qtly When refilling, see-that no air bubbles appear fluid through the return valve in the a dttriah ~~ Dies are noticed daring o~easaliCa Chamber. ~ the bleeding, repeat refilling sseaaei during which procedure each time press the compensator rotio down. After the running fluid appears free of sir babbles, refill Ibi pensator in conformity with Item It 8setioa s. 9. Check no Autonomous 15rteaeio II Of nA1.~ Z ~ Y (ground check) Place jacks under the aircraft' wings and none to break the ,.bad eswl. with the ground. i 2. Connect the ground hydraulic pump to the aircraft and retrail ng gear. sit the landing gear control valve neutral. 3. Open the nose strut UP-lock by operating located in the lower portion of the cockpit imetrune t panel.ns the am .m? should extend under its oea weight . pa eM sho lckt pounteon By pressing the strut manam111 of ilk! ,'after which get the up-lock in the closed i04d4LAt the strut position by': reference to the indicating light and the L.O. plow indicator. Check to see that the retaining pipe union has entered t e as far as 6 mm. After checking the no" strut for autonomous extension, retort tb tf back to its position and'lock it with the tot-0.5 wire. 4- 3 or 4 times extend and retract the landing gear applying >* pressure. 5. Lower the aircraft to the ground. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEN4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM M it' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSENT 10. stunt of .in Strut Position IndicatIya earn. (to be verforaed in case of strut and lending par look replacement and every SO flying hours) A. k%4 M 2W is 4.1 Imftsitioa AdJustsent of landing gear win strut down position indicating system st ensure er-1t*hing-on of the green indicating lights at the moment of the trut full extension, i.e. when it has travelled 0.5 - 1.6 ss short of its top. The fp1lowing Is the procedu3e used to adjust the landing gear main strut pwn position indicating systesl 1. Roist the aircraft on Jacks placed under Its wings and nose to break he wheels contact with the ground. 2. Connect the ground power source and ground hydraulic pump to the air- raft. 3. Lock the hydraulic cylinders of the lain struts, for which purpose 3ove the landing bear control handle to the RETRACTION position and turn (wsieg 4draullo power) the main struts to place them at a 45 - 500 angle. This done, change over the landing gear control handle to the ur oIOf Position and after the lain struts havi been fully extended hold the handle is ,his position for 1 or 2 sin., then place it neutral. 4. Press the wheel in the direction it its retraction and try to retract be strut by pushing it manually. If the strut resists, the asohanical look inay be considered closed. 5. Having made sure that the mechanical look of the L.O. hydraulic cylinder to closed, adjust the limit switch in thejfollowing sequenass (a) Turn the adjusting screw of the YBI-2T sechanisa limit switch into the rod of the pressing device as far as the stop (7ig.77). (b) Apply a force of 50 kg to the wheel was in the direction of the sprdt 3xteneion and, while holding it in this position, screw out the adjusting screw mtil the green indicating light flashes up on the MC-2 panel in the cockpit. Then doing this, do not shift the rod of the limit witch asial17 M4.77). The green light on, screw out the adjusting screw by 0.5 - 1.5 turns- 9 ! Applying a 50-kg force to the wheel axle towards the landing gear extes- '31oc and retraction, i.e. taking rap the pla7 in the strut, make certain that he green indicating light on the IHi04 panel in the cockpit If burning. (c) Depress the rod of the switch to the stop and check to see that the rod travels freely at least 4 arm (Pig.77). Ir (d) Lock the adjusting rota,. 6. Having adjusted the aicroewitchei. perform 3 or 4 landing gear axtan- and check the L.G.position indicating system for stable sloca and ret tion rac s operation. 7. If the indicating system operation is not stable, unlock the adjusting Screw, slacken it by 0.5 turn, look again and proceed as set forth undo' ;tea 6. u t: 1. The above Istructions are valid,for aircraft from series number 1701. 1701 no adJnetsent is 2. In aircraft beginning with series number necessary. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM _ ' .. ?', ,?r.-h,-(-k extension and retraction of the fleM a d n Compare arri aaum 1. , t:.+a ? ?:. ,,:ion) of the flaps with'the data contained in the L,velliag hart (Ch.+;?trr XI). h tk, ours that the fla t . itennion of the flaps by pressing the corresponding button on t; p co ro rod) . 1.+'~eck the flare for synchronous operation, with\the aircraft in I iie, in the following oasest asynchronous operat~00 of the flaps filth one of the flaps lagging by one full travel,b,hlnd the other, or when the pilot complains of poor lateral stabill of the all. craft. ,!.After extenni)n'of the flaps prior to flight the airasft teehnieiam ,'t?culd make certain that bl th flaps have been fully extended. '11-'k pr rer nperuLion of the flap position indicating OMSM during orce s ould as aplidt pe\c the ey ate. cct+ the fla nt l e loroe a;; 14.1 t+. ti ,e flap lagging behind (i.e. to the flap trailia~ to relraet ^+t+nl it it not over ka (the f h ~I r etractina. c+.::, :+:. ? arnchronuue operation of the fl ,ps is~alsoad provi ta y, C!,o??K the fl ape for synchronous operatioe, doe of the flop I b* W fe: or retre-ted while the other hat; only started exte 'W ly ' ~ e -to-~ : ? . ? -opor?. wave which actuate the flaps for 201 eat,neioa and tt a, potrtiun properl t d C p ee uatims cvlina......a - !+ 1 f.p control panel in the cockpit and watching the relati indicating ti , t ,+'?n up on the 11110-2 panel in the cockpit. 13. Drag Parachute alease and pros ?'-IY nir to the cylinder for openi> the lock holding the drig chute lock will open and release thelcable. act time a drag chute container is installed on the al craft, check the shutters for proper opening by pressing tht PARR IMAM h++tt?on. When doing this, hold the left-side shutter wit the right shoulder. If the shutters have a't,ndency for opening ( .e. they offer resistance), the shutter opening system may bee eid,red -und. The checking over, close the shutters and lock t , retainer with the K2-iCl wire. I.? c t ro-pneumatic valve. This *Ial a will supply air tt cylinder which :: aR rarachute shutters to relessel the parachute from the container. or< the PARACIRITE PROP button on the cockpit left-aid, pa 1 to drop parachute. This will actuat4 the '"tend electro-pneuM tip alve which :;ft right-hand aide. ??, the PARACHUTE RE1JEAgs button oa the instruanrr panel, which as- parachute is released and dropped by the pilot, with the air sye- ?r ,,./ pressure. For this purpose use the follc ipg procedural ,-, the otorage battery and the DflAti PARACB1JTZ eircpi!~C breaker on 14. Attachment of Dreg Parachute to Aircraft (ti8.70 AIt?.r landing in which use has been aide of the drag parachute disconnect the c,bl^ from the lock (if the parachute has not been dropped duglhg the 91r- """It roll), clean the parachute compartment from dust, dirt, snow moister, `nd In"I.,ct ttu, shutters, compartment and locks for damage. Thsn place a new 11?1r..Luvtte in t!?_: Compartment. 4V S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN ,DISSM 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSIIM The parachute which has been used should be packed in ecnforalty with the Instructions on Packing and Yfintenance of 13?-6152-59 Parachute. to hold the drag parachute In the container when placing it in the pare. chute cospartsent, four flipeIsade of special cloth are provided on the contalat.- er to cover the dreg parachute. The aide flaps (one upper and one lower) have loops which should be seonry with a cable with a'red flag after the parachute has been packed in the Goer tamer (Pig.79). to Install the dreg parachute on the aircraft use the following prooedaret 1. Arrange the cable in the container removed from the aircraft in such a manner as to farm a loose "eight", one end of the cable coaing out to the out-, side in the container rear right-hand corner (as vies ad from the aircraft rear). Then put a packed parachute on top of the cable (the parachute should be packed according to Instructions Ao.2010-59). Seeithat the open end of the parachute pack faces the aircraft tail. e~ Smooth out the parachute in the container and spread it uniformly all ova the container. Place the pilot chute on the rear flap, of the drag parachute co.. tainer in its apn?r left-hand corner (lig.78). 2. Clow t k Parachute and cable with the flaps.) The front flap is the first to be closed, then follows the rear flap and finally the right-hand and left-band flaps (upper aad lower). Next. lock the flays with the cable prodded with a red flag and close the fifth (protective) flap. 3. Install the container with the drag paracbutein the aircraft fuselage co partnnt (Pigs 79 and SO). To this ends,' (a) We sure that the doors are open and locked by the spring mechanism and the rod of the pneumatic cylinder for parachute oar opening is drawn in (Pig.80).. 14Wt 1. Paraahuto door opening is performed by turning the hsubedral piece of the lock on the outer door (t is mark on he look should son to the OPP position) or by press the PA&ACUOT= HIIIEAHi button in the cockpit. 2. Wen. opethe drag parachute doors, hold then with the hands.. Be tare" not to hurt the hands when he doors open abruptlP actuated by. a spring. (b) rove the eoctai right-hand lower part in he fuselage compartment in such a way as to insert Lhe container pine in the fuselage (716-700 in the corresponding holes provided . (o) rove the container left-hand upper part in t L fuselage compartment, the pull left the look cable and open the locks. Having made a rtaln that the pins as side the cable V. of the container are inserted in the 1 ks on the fuselage, lot ?? (d) rate sure that the container 1e tective) flq locked and cllosed by the fifth (pe.- , OAPTICfe am placing the parachute container in the fuselage cospaartmeatl 1. Ike careful not to pull out the looking cable of the to tear off the tieh. parachute and mot 2. des that the fifth flap of the container i got oontaiaer roar a and the doors, jammed bet an the 4. Clop the parachute: c am than t doors, ight-band lower door the left-hand (upper) door. Thile hol %doore oat the ca with the hands, poll king cable of this parachute (Pigs 79 ding y~ S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISS124 50X1-HUM ?1. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 5. Lock the doors, fur which purpose close the doors tightly by turnIM the ule of the lock on the left-hand door with a wrench (i.n, by turning w1 e?reocb the hexahedral socket){ hold the doors tight and ol5se the fro look h,ring pressed the stop of the lock{ then turn up the We o cp,$dain (118.90). the look with the 6. take cure that the auto on the axles of the locks be" aligned with the marks on the fuselage skin, after which look the bo III t elage with the B2-[1 wire ( ~I piece on we 7. If the catch-lock (11x.81) of the dreg parachute 040110 1s closed, open it by pressing the PARACHUTIe DROP button in the cockpit the socket wrench (enaallJ). or by -same at 8. Put the ring of the shackle Of the connecting link le a of the lock and close the lock (Fig."). the book 9. Place the cable and connecting link of the parsch the bottom fin and in the channel provided in the fusel a? age ta~l part. . The ise olaep0 ensure proper attachment of the cable throughout its entire length. !hs cord should not slip out of the clamps (71g.79), Remove the drag p~.Obote amd'its .container from the aircraft in the reverse order. 15. Checking operation of Drs- rach,.r When performing eobednled maintenance every 50 flying how, check the parachute operating system in the following NQuenoel 1. Place a canvas piece on the I ground under the fuel compartment to avoid #V:drm6 parachute parachute fouling when it is dropped from the Container. 2. Make sure that the doors of the parachute cosparteaaf dare closed and the lock is wired. 3. Bee that the air system is under a 50 kg/, presce" (which IS a Donal operating preesurs). 4. Press the PARAC80lg'RELa j button, This will break the looking wire, WHO re;mlte in the opening of the doors. The drag parachute o"n "eight from the container housed in the drops r its parachute co . the 61 Should remain open. 5. Apply a 15-kg force to the parachute cable and a the PARAOIIOI8 DROP button. The look should opea. operations Pointed out in Items 4 and 5 should be rvpea with the air Betft being under a 30 k,', pressure (which Is a minimum operating ppreting pave- The check over, restore the system to its initial posits 6. Check to egg that the outer doors of the dreg parvohut container fit closely to the fuselage skin, which will ensure t tness of thi thselegs compargeeat, ~s6 parachute Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM mm I ? epereture in the cockpit within the required limits (distributing v~lv 50 the actuating Nohaniam). Wring the limb, the all temperature in the cockpit can be at within fife into. of from .16 to .26oO. Normal setting of the limb is at e16a0 mark. The tour-Position selector switch betring the COCCI! BL?Ip lfaorip. is installed on the right-hand panel in the cockpit. 9 The four-position selector switch is intended for control of the 419. Catiea valve. i The return valve (unit 73813) is located between frames No* 12 M1 X% I the bottom. The return valve lets the Fair in one direction only, i.e. from the ON, 4ine to the cockpit, In cue of engine failure or any damage to the pipsliae oupplytog air to the cockpit, this valve closes, thereby preventing luaksge of sir from the cockpit. The arrow mark on the valve body shows the direction of air flow. The restricting valve which regulates the air supply to the manifold is intended to automatically maintain constant pressure of the air which is 41- xected to the manifold for blowing off the canopy and pilot's feet. It is installed on the cockpit left side, under the floor, next to (real .11.7. The pipe union for ground cockpit ventilation to intended for forced vea- tilation of the cockpit when the aircraft is on the ground with the engine Loops- retire in case the pilot has to It" in the cockpit for a long time. 3. Cockpit Orouad Check for Tightness The cockpit is checked for. tightness with the aid of a 26-9620-00 special device in the following se uence. q 1. Set the valve of the ?P-57B pressure regulator to the 07l position (which is the position for ground checking of the cockpit). 2. Close the cockpit supply valve. // 3. Connect the homes of the ground device tb the pipe unions located is the noes strut well on the plug for the cockpit gr and ventilation branch pipe. Connect the ground air bottle to the ground device. 4. Close the canopy and seal it from the outside. CAUTIONI When using the ground device for cockpit checking see that no- body is present in the cockpit. 5. Open the valve of the ground bottle and, while slowly opening the valve of the ground device, fill the cockpit with sir. Watch Indications of the pree- mute gauge mounted on the device. Bee that the rate of pressure increase does not exceed 0.1 kg/ per minute. 6. Having brought the pressure to 0.35 kg/, stop supply" air to the cockpit, close the valve of the device and the valve of the air bottle. Check the time required to obtain ? pressure drop in the cockpit from 0.3 to 0.1 kg/ 7. The cockpit is considered airtight, if the time of pressure drop from 0.3 to 0.1 kg/ is at least go, ago. If this period is less than 90 sec., 10- '"0 the leeks and eliminate them. CAUTIONI One of the probable causes of the cockpit poor feeling may be dried grease in hermetic lead-outs of the engine or aircraft control rods. If that is the oases lubricate the rods as prescribed in Chapter "Aircraft Maintenance", Section "Control Systems. NO FOREIGN DISSEM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 tip. In this case it is advisable to blur off the ocatrol3or with fur or cold r from the ground soaroc. (f) place the cockpit supp17 valve to !tie OIL position. (a) During preliminary preparation check the tmto-ocular for proper tone. coning turning its rotor by the fan blade. To gain access to the fan blads pen the bottom hatch bstsesm freers goo 14 aM I&. May rotation of of rotor is a proof that the turbo"eoSier aoalitiaa Is sop' t mS (b) Check the turbo-cooler for proper operation with the angina 14021s(. Ti ;his cad witch the system to the cold air supply mad am that the temperature )f the air flowing from the manifold for blowing off the oaooV is 5 or ll be- :a the a;blent sir tempersture (under average humidity cmditioaa). If it occurs that the air taaparature is not below the ambient air temperature (after the 'ao1Q" line has been awitohed on), check the shaft of the turbo-cooler for free rotation. If the toaperaturs of tb? "cola"' line air does not drop ,to a noticeebi ntont, with the turbo-cooler intaottthis Is indicative of excessive air overflow jra.the "hot" line to the "cold" one via the flaps of trait 525. , (c) Irery 50 hours of operatibft refill the acs-122-It oil to the turbo- 0001-7112 55 gr of oil through one of the holes provided for the purpose. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 I 50X1-HUM ~i? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 become locked by pins 21 0ig.87), thereby aoeospliahing canopy-to-fuselage at- teobNnt. Deflection of lever 7 rearward (Pig.e6) will drive the pins out of the loops, thus relesaig the canopy. Locks 3 for canopy emergency jettison (Tig.s7) are interconnected inside the canopy frame through the rods and bell cranks actuated by the pressure of gas p. aerated after bperation of t:r4ng gun 6 which is actuated by deflecting handle 2 for canopy emergency jettison, the handle being located on the oooheit right.. hand side (canopy emergency control systsa), Operation of the canopy emergency control system will open looks 31 the lat- ter will release loops 20. The loops, will slip out of looks 3 and remain m pigs 21 in the slots of the canopy-oarrving panel. This breaks canopy-to?frselage at. techment. When lifted, the canopy turns about the front bracket attached to the fun- inge, to which the canopy to connected by two locks (a left-side and a right-aide Juck) installed on hinged joint 26 of the canopy. These socks (hinges) are usual- ly closed, and open only when the ',canopy emergency jettison system operates, being Then in the) CANOPY CIDSED position (i.e. in the~tront position), an spier i b Lion), which will connect pins 23 to the canopy. Operation of the canopy emergency jettison system will tam double-aim bell crank;: P4 and release the C-shaped hooks which will release the pica of the ono- py actuating cylinder rods. To open i:he canopy, air under 50 kg/sq.cap pressw" is auppl,ed to the actuating cylinders from the aircraft air system. The canopy closes under its own weight. In this case the air is bled from the cylinders into the atmosphere. 5. Canopy closing and opening Is accomplished by operating valve 22 instil" led on the cockpit left-hand aide.' The valve passes the alt to the sotustig V` ~tn4ere to open the canopy and bleeds the air into the staosphere to glen it. The valve is actuated by the handle connected through a hinge Joint with the axle on which is fitted the toothed sector. The sector teeth mesh with 15a teeth of the wheel which is fixed~on the valve axle. Provided oa the valve control handle is a lever connected by rode with all sit fuselage locks 3 wh1A close the loops of the canopy side'?locks. actuated simultaneously with side locks 3. r Bolt 22 guts releaoed, thus disconnecting the canopy from the fuselage. 4. Opening (lifting) and aloe (lowering) of the canopy U accomplished thrmieh its turning about the front unged joint by 459. Opening of the canopy is eccompiished by two actuating cylinders 7 (as the right and left side) wnose rods are connected to the canopy by special pia. vU C-shaped hooks and canopy locks. The'icylinders in their turn are cosmseted to the tvseloge by hinges. i The upper ends of hooks 25 are set in the slots of double-arm bell cranks 24 of the canopy emergency jettison system (the eystes being in the closed pool- with the handle in this position, pins 21 (Hg.87) ants loops OD of the OWN side locks and look the canopy, the valve supplrin1 air , the actuating oylladera being closed. and the relief valve intundsd to bleed air from the cylinders for canopy opening first W10011 the Before'moving the valve Control handle' l uaoese NO handle away from the cockpit side wall, than move if out of the pane by deflecting it rearward open the canopy. A 601 handle travel will cause the pins to came out of the loops of the 'M' will copy skim locks, and with a 159 beadle travel the air from the air a7stiS get to the actuating cylijeere thraagh the val70. oeca n~ actuated valve h1wdle enters the slot in the panel, by Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C -R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSENT Air delivery to tie canopy actuating cylinders begins after the her been moved through 3 or 6? from the position in which the plus 0 brought out from the loops of the side locks. This will elate he Dos MY of air accumulation in the cylinders and of abrupt open ofOelli si-i. after the pins have come out of the loops. 0 When moving the valve handle forward to close the c .be locked in the vertical position (after it has passed throu the hada y M11 this case is bled from the Cylinder into the atmosphere thi the RI} After the canopy has been completely lowered, the loops of the look entered the slots of the canopy-carrying panel and the rear Ltt-i b `11 the lock boo depressed spring-type retainer 5 (Fig.86) of the closing 11% 1 es valve handle can move further to the CAN017 CLOgZD 1r 40 ing pins will enter the loops of the canopy side lockpoe .04. siand the vh f ty enter the panel recess :and will be locked there, kgdU Locking of the handle in the interaadiabe supports the end-face of, the rear left-side pintill iIt a retaup tj the iner esew, p loop of the rear left-hand lock) will prevent the aircraft the side looks open.. It is ~?' to df ?1r DoeejDle to open and close the canopy iron the outside 0447 Dose the axle of the valve handle is brought through the a for R skin to appear from the outoide of the coc non x Ater 18'another handle which, when removed kD1t? Attached to the side cow ed skim when the canopy is closed (Pig.Bg). ruMLp sells. The canopy ectust Pit and by means Of the ing valve can be operated both outside handle. from WWdU is t!s AN- for canopy smooth Opening and Closing the valve thin and at the relief line) which ensure pthe can 3 - 5 sec, and closing within the aaop7 oppy" If It is asses 5 ' 10 No. py exists in the ni " to open the Canopy frost the outside when no exist of the fu aft airsyet prowess gU ea, use should be mute of the haodi0 whim is Fs' tide of this 6e left-hand aids rear of the first external handle, Doug. handle (also. flush with the fusel Case the canopy locks should be ? fuselage) will lift the p~ ca., the pend by ~.. L /W the ltandie Inscribed 0AWi7 P11 6. Canopy-to-fuse (canopy sealing) filled witb?mectioa 16 uaied owing to a eha bran the aircraft air stem 1' udder a pressure of 240.55 klVat.ow. a In a arts IUU along t (l py'sup~port rubber presSur1sation bow PL0d "al' part the (rear of the Pilot). Paul and along the edp of 1b, tastes the campy. ~r the ,it air is aoCaplisbad th dependently ocau 'DON the val rough The &am ~w whisk aM insesing lever l with the air gate, ti@ provided with th a a s ?WOM ? obsibW If mosphere, is fitted an the N ?Deratiuu will ma air or ble fine. ?n0eted with the valve a with the land It date Is the should be tilled with air through w the gear wheel. o~aan ~ handle at t onaging Blood tho lowe trou the , the canopy is closed. To flu the hmo for 2b "we is OWPON mote the prsesnzy i. "tJOU rem hoes before anemias the $00 time sad etf 46ing imp re op than with tm he ?-ee a6~igsng 1 v w the c~s Opened aud?Qopraeeorimsd 1a? Wg1~ s ever. I*' When aOVed- the handis will trawl ' NO FOREIGN DISSE4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 - 151 Tor oenoi)Y pre@Burlsation from the outside, the valve atla is brought through the packing bow to this ide outside flush with this fuselage skin, Thom outer Tye the thescano d with' slot 17 (114.%) for the sorer driver. for filling 1the valve axle so of y pressurizetion hose is fed from the miror?ft all- ,Isles through the FB-1.5 reducing valve (lig.86, No.9), safe snQ valves 10 ad further through the valve to canopy pressurisation boas 4. 7. In case of emergency the canopy can he Jettisoned A. plMfe (as it was stated above) the canopy any fusel flight, for which aocpt emergency jettison system (emergency lock open ing age ~ an fu)vitfort" orc the aop7 jettison by air pressure equal to 1110 - 130 oa- kg/ To actuate the canopy Jettison 4stea a IS for cww;W autonomous jettison is installed on the cockpit right-hind side, the handle being fitted with a hinged lever. The canopy emergency jettison system operates in the following "queues when hinged lever 2 is thrown up (Fig.87) through aw,45o angle, the Gable ebich connects the laver with cotter pin 10 of diaphragm valve 12 will attract this cotter pin. which will tale^......., e PrPuing the canopy for jettisoning. Than 7 . thereby the air will be supplied to cylinder 13 which actuates (open,) the tine lock whn....,.A _. system by return valve 9 will . --`--- ."" w urn aim' get into canopy actuating cylind ,".ding of gases fro, the TCie-2500-38 firing gun), i.e. the valve cotter pia wi11 be pulled out (refer to Chaptar I!). !2 If one of the firing gum cylinders fails, the system can reliably g ea o aranka e sad rods six canopy emergency loc ks! 3 and two locks 1 of the front hinged joint* Double-arm bell cranks 24 will release C-shaped hooks 25 which connect the canopy with the actuating cylinders, as a result of which the canopy will be tom- "d by the air pressure supplied to the cylinders from the emergency bottle. Further rearward movement of the handle w1 cause awitohingi-00 of valve 16 (bl -g.87)-The Powder gas pressure from the firing gun will be supplied to two oy- linders 5 whose rode, while moving, will open throu h the s t f b ll g t ,? e Goth will be disengaged, which allows -t10 lever rearwrrd aovisaot. After eovin 20 - 30 mm rearward, the end of the handle lever set in the slot of the canopy trigger mechanise will move the plunger of, the actuating me- chwias. As the plunger is connected by a cable with the relaasia lever of firing Sue 6, the latter will be actuated Shoe the,hinged lover of the canopy emergency Jettison system has been term- ed throu h o it eels 18 and open lock 15 -- --- --......, euvar river, 19. drive o-it . ;ben closed , the canopy emergency jettison system is locked sued ssa'ad in the following hinged joints (rig 91)e being connected by a common axle which is fitted with the levers of the campy front licks. operate actuated by the other cylinder. This is achieved due to the right-aids and left-side locks of the canopy emergency jettison system (a) hinged handle 1 is locked with the 11111-0D.5 wirsl M (b) canopy firing gun release lever on autonomous Jettieco handle 1 is 1ock- wit the k0-1ro.5 wise; Kral (c) cotter pin of the canopy firing meehulam 2 is locked with the 111-m.5 (d) rear control levers for'the canopy emergency Jetti?om system at the bell ore?ke of tiring gum cylinder. 4 ar locked with the 10-0.5 viral Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUM ICI ~I 1. Praise the button, inscribed TO PW8, which will Mope tpe its housing provided in tbs fuselage. ~~ 2. Turn the handle from the horizontal position dow.ward as ter will go in the direction indicated by the arrows this will calla cane pressurization, the rode will come out of tho loops of Is side leek.. r canopy aotuatinG cylinders will be filled with air. 3. Aftor the canopy has been lifted, install ground safety pies is hole 'of the left cylinder rod, in the holes of the double-az>t bell pmt of the hook on the left side. r Close the canopy trot the outside by loving the handle in the ",uza reotion, previously rem the ground safety pins. To open the canopy f the cockpit use the followLrg prep 4 1. Unlock the contro valve handle by bringing it out of the Paul 2. Pull the handli to the ertrea rear position Without sto weer, ppla, it is the intermediate positions; this will cause nano de py preasurisatdam and epq. ing in the Ilene sequence as in the case of canopy opening trot the'out 3. Attar lifting the canopy insert the ground safety pins as indioalt above, To close the canopy from the cockpit use the following prooeduzy (?1g. 1. Remove the ground safety pins from the rod of the Under and from the double-arm bell crank of the canopy e r6snc M system. y jettison 2. Push the control valve handle (i.e forward until it is is the arc? pod us dews. . Anther vertical movement )i ae a result the air will be bled twos the oy?lm.. eBSnt of the handle will be prevented up to the eoseat at complete lowering of the canopy. After the canopy hom.been fully lowered and the rear left--aide loop 'ss fully dspryesed retainer 5 (Fis.86) of the .-.- of the handlt will becon ~ ossible. csiag rod, further forward 36 the loops Pus Oh f ththe e handle ti the estreoe forward position. The rods Rill e~l campy site locks, after which the handle will eater racsse and thereby will become locked. the pod 4. Move the latch tothe front positloa'to pressurise the canopy. C-UTI011 I. Take-on 1m allowed only with the handle locked in the shim forward poeitioa, i,e. when it is 2. To open in the panel renew. rear position t canopy, Bove the handle trot the forward to t wi hout interruption. le_avatt To diamant 4' Caooo. Is the campy psrfozn the following o 1, open tho 2. Open the oaanopy, front upper access hatc~~ntioosl and in the left-side joint ~ll you safety plus in the rods of the eyliISS jettison eystq and mbe sur? of the that doubls-a w bell crank for canopy eta i' 7 canopy autonomous Ja the ground safety pins are inserted in the 3. Install a groom Ih?aale into the seat Mechanists 4, RCIU39 u- the a safe py with ty look in the canopy aJeotioa 87. of the canopy actuating0~ders. panda remora pins 23 (fig.87~ tyros the rode S- 011ab late the cockpit control handle IN the and loser the canopy, having placed Pressuring the the can W? coat canopy. vsrtioal poeitioa (with the canopy loot opsot Ds nw 6. Dlocca5eot the ~ub%er hose of the 4 -leer manifold tiros the left'41 S-E-C-R-E T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 pipe. To avoid damaging , remove it from the canopy BLS two, b out the fastening form. , ?. Unlock and wiserew the lute end remove two bolts stride portion atta ant (from the front locks of the ?e of the eaoopp 8. Slightly lthe canopy tram the cool "t 4010), ward to allow the t look too D~t and move it somewhat beet_ time lock and careful t e a the, axle of the rollers one remove canopy from the "rafts of the 9. To install the canopy-on the aircraft, the reverse pi'ooedure be used. ?rior to installation make cure that completely closed, thi Canopy emergency system g Before placing the canopy on the Cockpit term the time look ? after which bring the axle of the rollers in the look span and, while beading upwart' the book of the look, la the holes is the fuselage align the bola the canopy front hinged looks win bracket. oust coated them wit insert bolts 22 in the holes having prevy. IW,tTMI:,20I lubricant. The bolts should freely enter the looks yielding to bond effort. gam. siring the bolts in i forbidden. C/UTIOkft1. It is allowed to put the canopy on the grvung only after sprees. ing a mat 0 the ground. IL i s good practi t ceo place the canopy an the mat wit its loops down. Bee that the cloy catch-locks not rest ~ hooks of the roar lockwires. against the support to pre?eat danagiag tae The cano is allowed to be placed with its top port repeats the shape down ru the sqp. p-e of the canopy and is covered witth rubber shNt. 2? Raving removed the canopy from the aircraft, place the it to prevent moisture and dirt from getting In the locks. cover 10. After installation of the canopy on the aircraft check to see that the emergency jettison system is cospleItel7 closed, for which purpose, (a) insert a ground eafety'pin in the left-side cylinder rod-to-canopy joint (i.e. make sure that the holes of the double-era bell crank and of the h k oo of thedl ro are aigned); (b) make certain that the red marks on the hooks are completely hidden the slots of the doubles bell crank forkal (c) check the canopy emergency jettison system for presence of all lock wires and seals. Make certain that the red marks on the closing hooks of the rear catch-locks are aligned with the marks an the looks. (d) check to see that when the cano is clo d th d f th py se e upper en o e , handle for canopy emergency jettison is set in the slot of the rod of the fir- ig mechanise trigger. Be sure that the siergenoy handle on the fusslage is looked in the forward position and that the rod of the firing mechanism trigger CO the canopy is in the extreme ban position. kii a Cac Jettison of TCM-2500-38 lira jut llechafiisi This kind of ohec~k should be performed during scheduled sintenanoe si- aultaneouapy with performing seat maintenance operations with the help of the canopy autonomous jettison handle,I the following procedure being needs 10 Open the canopy, set ground safety pins in the canopy actuating oy1L- der rods and in the joint of the 1e ide bell crank of the canopy agar enoy Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038ROO1700240001-8 ? :J S'-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Jettison system and make certain that all ground?pina a 14% and canopy sechaniams. i'tM d th 44 2. Discharge the canopy firing gun, disconmeoL tbq ing gun Pips unions, plug the pipe unions, charge the firing 6% w 4 blank cartridges. Do not incert the ground Safety pin. w11~IN 3. Conpletely bleed the air pressure in the gain all. ~~ toes air bottle through the pipe union located in the the air by means of special device 72-7&)4-250/a. Check tbe volt Mil l the pressure Caugeu in the cockpit and on US device, Press" ~111~ 4. Fill the canopy toes air bottle with'cospiyeseQ a1=, to a 50 - 60 I:g/ uain the same device. ptMee-K After the canopy toes air bottle\ been filled, the main air system priseure gauge. Ze o ~q Pressure will I. e tive valve 24 Doing Proper sealed (fi isdloa aft Steady pressure iidications red off\\,the pressure indicative of a proper Ius dnlee o 7 Sealed return valve bf the auwyv rose 5. Take a seat in the cockpit, remove tl~ gro rode of the canopy Oct ting Cylinder. and the safety WPin S'W p~ 9111 lb side double>nrs bell c~enk of the Care hest L w the canopy. Do not re P7 ems m7 JeLtiepa m7stme uauriae the canopy. 6. After removing,the bandla 9"c7 Jettison, turf the ,handground le down y toy place ihotbwe ri for samep em This will actuate the diaphrngs valve the saer6e,cy bottle I. supplied to the cyl re actuat ~1. the air sa 00 the to the Cylinder of the time lock whose rod shears the aluuslai tm Comm m r driving out the axle of, the lock hook. rites11u 7? lberget1ce11, pull the canopy ems rear position Aar rgenC Jettison ing broken the wire locking nchsnism. tae actuating lever of U'S 0d{ Shifting the handle by 20 - 30 am viii hd the Cartridge I. the firing aeohaniam. Printer Cap of as Ned Further smrosent of the handle the gases from the TCN-2500-38 will a the relief valve for U0004 palled out of the firing me valve. Chaaie Ise. the mortar pis sill M After for the handle to tre e 1 ln has been Palled out, thall ahonld rennin at 3111 d. OCmpletely blood . the 72`7 -250/A device.Preseure from the canopy top system dtl tb'eu f QAM011 Remove or open the canopy the canopy top Oaf ar Dl?edl~ the ytieMae 9: Resore the Cano Ott m6 P7 Dlesantlimg and lcunt1w from the aircraft Y pa'e eorib?d is /eerial look epea be opened A$~ a inure that the tine lock is opise !.?. d 10. store the cano ? (e) Dleco~t emergency jettison ter, for as3O1 parleM~ ~ P pallW tpe diems s pipe Yo4o~ o" the from the di valve sod - filter. With t p1 1s brok& , r amore tale and fill male Are b? DroYp din "101k remove from the valve bo 4 z flil?gq) the '.ire and filter, gr~x epd remove the Drokemt Of taw e disaksfv (e)6 the Rand make of rtain that dcw 107,~ettleo,m ? to MW initial poNiss~: As tree to the rollers an placed is d 1e aid the. NO FOREIGN DISSEM 0 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038ROO1700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 (c) Cock striker 4 of the diaphr ga valve by using epscia device 3Opp and insert cotter pia 5. Baal the cotter pin as 011000 11116.91 and install a sefsty Pin. CAUTIONS bee that the cotter Pia' Is correctly inserted be ween holier 7 and float washer 6 with its rib facing the float (Pig.e9, view along arrow A). Inobseruamce of this ogle may cause spontsneow tloa of the Yaps. (d) Insert in the valve new basi 2 with diaphrsgs 3 se th~t the din. phrsge should fees the striker. (a) Assemble the fragmentation filter and connect the pip line to tie diaphragm valve and filter, after which lock the union ants witai KD.W.8 wire. (f) Remove the parts of the sheared rivet frog the bust a id axle of tbs front time lock. after which plow ttje lock, insert the arle ted with IU1A111Y-201 lubricant in Us look, hsigag shifted the cylinder red, and rivet it with the bush in the old bole using aluoinita rivet 3 (g) The seat being removed from the aircraft, install the cotter pia in the relief valve of the TCH-2500-38 firing Mechanism and lock it with the Y1Y-IO.5 wire. To perform this work proceed as met forth in Ch4pter U, Bee- tion "Dismantling and Mounting of it --25 -38 tiring Mechanis % (h) Discharge the canopy firing gua and Make sure that th~ primer caps of the blank cartridges are hit. (i) Remove the firing asohaniw from the canopy, clean it replace on the canopy, screw in the bolt and eonnecI the firing system pipes. (3) Check the firing gm operation from the actuating mechanism as the canopy starboard side. Charge the firing gun with live eaurtsidges US-1 and look thleI system joints only after checking operation ,of the (emergency gates looks (8IN seetios 6). CAUTIONS 1. While performing thi ground asintenaaoe openticros is the aircraft cockpit, see thatlIthe cable running to the cotter pia of the canopy ton gstsa eMxgency valve is not loaded accidentally to evnid partial renewal of ten cotter pin which say "new spontano operation of the valve. 2. During ground aaiatsnance operations sea that an eaaopy is closed under, conditions aheu# the canopy emergsnoy 3ettlem handle Is in the forward position andilooked. Closing the canopy, with the handle deflected backward, Mq cause dosage to the handle and actuating aechaniss on the canopy. i 10 k; 1. Place the canopy on the gra>mo ""art and MOP" a S VS1 from each loop of the locks (Pig. 99)i ~t the device 2. Unscrew the bolt mechanism tr4. the firing Bra and owed a* ;lhs for Checking the operation of the campy looks to the firing of irauud coapreeaed air bottle with the,raducer to obtain a PC" we 3 -10 kg/aq,cm. 5. Raving made certain that the osnopy eergaaq afft" is o closed 1""1on, open the bottle. velve and eappiT air to the reducer S - 10 kg/eq.m presntas.- S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUMS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 r!' S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSE a 50X1-HUM (h) Remove oil spots, if a yl by wiping theglus with cloth th;a]4 coated with BRAY-2 paste. After reao,inj ails 67 aml eoA . AB inatruoted in Itos (a). a alas tv, If no BHAp-2 paste is available, wipe the glass with in soa('cpy) water (a 3-5tze with a solution) soft and wrung cloth ng out. wetted in water sad snit sllpb Wipe the gla ast~ wrwe which wipe it with a dry cloth. !3W When wiping the glass, it is foorbidden to as not to emcits electric charges in the an1e wsslsa or fiedl attracts dust particles. ? sires #sa- sls ' 3. The following defects can be tolerated on the shear (a) separate hair lines1 (b) shallow scratches and notches 30.40 loag,soettetyd 4. The appearing hair lines or notches are ever liehing the glair with BOAR puts. allowed tole eli,lnaled to J. Polish the glass using first Q0 ng th. scratch and then act,olo i ton w?a1 slightly 004W first 49 the to Slightly it, after Jbich poll" en gam un 1 Mort tine pressing the surface and Poll" each id to avoid heating the Aurlace glass is Allowed to be po ~ lls by friction. Me eatift aaria of aliainatioa of scratcheeed. Elimination of sil and notch,, with wary mss, L ? grinding heati very spots with wary paper as to the detective spot is prohiblved. well as t Dalishlsg 5. vhea psrfamnipg saiateasnce d age the parts aide l of glass by specialatioa on Us airaaft, Vrqtt ooveire.. hes 6. Whew pertoralgg Operatio I?ssi and tightenigs the Dolts u on canopy sealing in the distaste of the glass attachment fitting., sake ft" that the Iwo d glue thickness Ic gvst by not ovwm ea ~ra of 21* de-doer ayst. (?ig. 101) is f0111 91-48 accOlPllabad panel whew flying under condition for resorini i0e five! the pr4Ting ethyl alcohol ice fossil reaohGulp on .Ice l L lcsr gatam Over the canopy a the do. 11la actuated glaaae 1i68 i dO..t (pP013t.5 pVjW p'xese) Dutton 12 beat111 as jusaign on the ly~or tp pressing the button, o on the lstt,.ham aide of the issue. 14 the as ik~ result, the air pressing button 12 will clog awake airoslt bra W14 be fts) I c vale to alcohol ti's the airora the ?irouit at wdn " I. M rtt 1% air ~ %I pressure wi l f ~taak 1(6.S lit.) of the dn-de ~ thto Cue we 5 to manifold 4 roanhe the alcohol out of 90011. when the bottom is rlea~ed the direct s* Lbrclp Should be 2 To use 'the alcohol in ?s?0N? The to* gsMte~ and is awit?hsd off 00 It be is or 3 alcohol a scat efficient #4, dtwation of the not remored QatM isdterir al snccssaih engagements I durlog yDe aKtohi~on of the dedoer r each each e?gsgesest. e7stea oD soM votes. MW of one Operation des ice" 4stea.all ~ a short iotdi The se pt" is la of this kind amen to be imO lti L the aircraft- (service ooWe The se p la pat fit, m service the cockpit right after knight seed removed Mora syphooket cord carries the foliowimg WOW W ; pis fastened to it h{1 ('1) oate%7 lock pin manned r (1 piece) to be installed in the Tea-a5) )* flr).ng Maheniwl be stoned in the 21511 firing (b) safety look pin marked ? (1 piece) to eechaalem for the drogue parsohutel instailed on the beat (o) protective casings marked 9 (2 pieces) to be ararestel (d) safety lock pin marked 7 (2 pieces) to be in on the t)eotion in the protwtive euitWi uo lovers on the seat armrests through WO apace Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E=C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM le, :: ifcty Irk Pin asrred 8 (1 piece) to be lutpUedis the sAmApl e~toeca.i jettison handler 1') safety lock pin marked 10 (1 piece) to be Installed a the nthanisa for actuating the 2158 firing eeehaaisM ,oa r?)le! At 8. The cord carrying the. grand safety pins to be sa?d Aulme assl r-naval and installation. This cord which is called ~..~_'?~ an the aircraft before dismantling the meat and is re enoowsd ar ed at.= SAW i? Wsaw of toe sent on the aircraft. :hit cord carries the followinx safety lock pins fasted , it by nooks, Saw. (a) safety lo:k pin narked 2 (2 pieces) to be install N restrath?. firing Wchaalsn (in the head of thi?215P firing mechanism asi L (D) t1w a:fety lock pin marked 3 (2 pieces) to be installed is firi:r secsanieaj the 21~ are a:satafet! lack pin carted ? (1 piece) to be installed in the 215k (=` safety lock ;in corked 5 (' ew po^te far campy front catch-locks~ieces) to be Installed In the 00 1lapai/Ie ,e) al.?rty lock pin narked 6 (2 pieces) to be 1:~ azl; t'rn the seat Is be installed in the foot ostol. cat`hre t c position mounted on the aircrafte for looking the folded i (f; flex!ble Piz (1 piece) to be installed in the miss ven char. mad discharging the firing 2 Ja llrlog ad, (gl safety loci Pin narked 10 (1 piece) to be installed in the rollse of Lie tic=aaiat ac:uatL-,c the 2151 firing eechaaisas from the trip. take: Lx ation of the ground safety pins on the seat in I"? 81,er as the Safety lock pins to be iartall?do ktte cr.8ent of `Parachute.9arness to Seat e_d Its Adtustnent to Tit we pa.'athste harness is attached to the seat (Pig.1061 by ssaaj or, (a) Shoulder lick 3 with central shackle 7 which fastensthe harness to the strap of the look for shoulder, restrain 12 an the being feetensd to the buckles of the watt the ahomldss 11ak abodar 18 tiled by ask-&Dorbiug pipe union 8 ~ atrtps. ZaZ 7e is its tstat Dock. to the ?? of the s?atbatst whist restraint ~ ? A U? e leg tat sere att of the parachute hatless. (an the rigt,t sad left s1A?a) t nit d,' link with t aatnl apace: he ?a hat~ass. is. tss OW MI ealst ~r'a sea too CIa LIDD11od is th ?aoh so". Qa at tls at the "t of t4 Safe ham" lade of oaprot> aft"*. osad QW4 it it in iummiahsi with de.`m to t maims the leaks of CI _ t,s Ulgh Proper to hatauL~ the parasleate harness to !it poatir- tlom in ? 1t. ?t used also top fill" as Am it tis ilotl r ti0 as ? the ~o~~ b914 fitted ae a ty saboapa--t be ( 7e +1~~. fide pilOtes rio0 t d "t firsts in meter Sloths.. the aboulter r1 shoalde"', ?t ,miler it, but the c*U' i 11th ehoald be siti4er am 1y' { N It Mid 'W It the puetes melt ad ra, S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 50X1-HUMj Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM General InsLrumio gsyat in ea , 1. Yaintenance operations on the seas Mould be ~,i 041J ooooaeellbsogwinted with the seat solga who haw Passed e:Yik Skilled led 2. The seat asohanisms slsich Operate ft e~sotiop ..hould be always bired and MIMIC loc ;. Checking the systems which operate during ejection is allowed o performing scheduled maintenance. a1a when ahcn cnrryieg out scheduled maLmtena6oe of the firiac mechanisms, measure the length of each mechanism before dismantling. During assembly the length of the firing; nochanisma should not be changed, as it might out unite operation in ejeetion. 1ts A. Dismarrrtll,snd Moimting_ TCtI_2 Dismantle and mount the,'firing sovhmiea during scheduled maintenance is- -olving work on the seat and' firing mechanism. In this ones the seat should w k the relief valve on the lower part of the firing mechanism (Digs 11, and 116). 1. Disconnect the cable running from the canopy emrP=7 Jett bons 2. ODIC!" bolt 2 (lig.116) fastening busking 4 and roller )e sfber *'oh "save the pin together with the roller (left-aide or rigt-t-side). 3. Onlook and uasorew bolts 2 and 3 on the left and right suds Of the ""Rent fitting for rod I and bell crank 4 (Dig.113). 1Maove the Washers i j roe the trunnions of the lower nut of the firing msohaniss. Remove the rod from the upper bracket and firing ndhacisa "M1016 bracket awy. -- ---- - ------ - -- "t1c0mooting the Bowden cable from the contains!. for '"Ch purpose, (a) Remove the locking wire and coal frog the valve pin. (t) Remove two more" fastening the bracken to the firing nohmaiw wrihsn "? more the firing ssohanisa truanioa out of the hole of the seoosa rase tter which remove the firing aeohaniea. Install the firing aechanisa on the atroraft, use the reverse procedure. the' instellirg the firing mechanism, remember the following' the oorrespoading holes Is (e) If Lh e pin of the cable will fail to eater ho the pia to the waif, of th When - -- - e firing ? 06LIN,+N. ape the -- *"her from the waif, insert the sorwe driver in the )-M Was ? L NO FOREIGN DII SEM S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN i)ISSEM 171 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038ROO1700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUMP Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSE4 The 2+5p and 215# firing bochaniene sbwld be charged WA ta, pat removed from the aiioratt. discharged sits To discharge the TCM-2500-38 firing meohnsims, remove the dr chute as Section "Removal and I Item 2 i t , ne n ? I dated allatioa Of &W, TO TO Check the pricer Caps for hitting, special check cartridges are used shins assure the f ter checking. a,chmisme cleanliness a jal! When no check cartridges are available, test discharging of the firing mechanism should be performed with a capped escew. Attar test firing clean and lubricate the bolts, 'mar tabu and Chambers. It is forbidden to test the firing machnniaae without bevIng pravlous17 ads sure that they are. not charged with live explosive oartridgsa, presented below is the procedure to be used for Charging all firing rehemiams of the seat, ?harg`i~g_Tl;Y~250?'~i~~ring Yeoh u S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 --- v..W AVG& *grew of 3. slightly pull out the loner tube of the firing mechanics to opera tae tetreh,d I *,1 portion of the tube. e. Unscrew bolt looknut 3. fitting. 5. Remove ring 5 With drogue parachute container attach?ut' 6. Unscrew union ant 7. 7. Remove bolt' 9. Char is , 1M-m--W-a hrp The 21511 firing mechanism (1i6.117) Is Charged with the pta-111 explosive latrtdgs. Charging is accomplished as followae 1. Disoonneot cable 10 from the bolt pis. 1ne TCY-2500-38 firing mechanism is charged with the OR-16 explain cutriti;;e in the following sequences 1. After disconnecting the table from the arming pin uaicnv the lock art of OF firing mechanism bolt. Unscrew the union nut of the bolt' and remora the bolt. 3. Cock the firing mechanism, for which purpose press the striker to move it back with the 05-6 ma rod inserted in the hole of the bolt body, after sties isatall the arming pia. 4. Insert the flexible ground safety pin in the firing mechanism bolt, having disconnected the pin from the service cord. Tie up the flexible pia to the lock with the !CO[-O.5 wire. 5. Fit the explosive charge on the looking rod (while doing this, hold the lock upside down to depress the indicating pin (which indicates presence of m ezplosive cartridge in the mechanism) in the bolt face, after shioh tram the explosive cartridge about the Locking rod clockwise and fit the flangw of the cartridge in the grog vex of the catches. 6. Insert the explosive cartridge with the bolt In the firing meohadsm. 7. Screw the union nut home and tighten the lock nut with a special wrench. 8. After charging the firing mechanism remove the flexible pin from the firing sochanism bolt and insert in its stead, the ground safety look pia autad 1. g. Connect the lock pin with the fire control cable. Discharge the firing mechanism in the reverse order, having previousli inserted in the bolt the flexible safety pin by fastening it to the firing Iohsnisa bolt with the kOI-0.5 wire. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 8. Press the striker through the hole, in the bolt body race y% a 4 - 5 se, in die., and install pin 2. 11 W 9. Lock the pin with ground safety lock pin I after disconnecting it fro the service cord. ? 10. Pit on the (D(3-91 explosive cartridge on the pia la the bat boo turn the explosive cartridge and fit the flange of the explosive cart.-4 I under the bolt lugs. 11. Place the explosive cartridge with the bolt inside the firing data, tube. 12. Screw the nuts hoer. IN lit in the inner tube. 14. Turn in tho lock screw. 15: Install the ring with the attachment fitting for the drogue paZaohate. 16. Screw on the lock nut. 17. If the firing mechanism is charged with the seat in situ, the cable for the firing m:chaniea control system should be connected to the lock pin. 18. Connect the ground safety pin to the service oord. To discharge the firing mechanism, we the rsvaraeprooedur, having previously set the ground safety lock pin in the neohaaimm. Charg__ 21 PirinR Kechanisa For charging the 215P firing mechanism use the ID 3-111 explosive eartritAL The following procedure is employed for charging, 1. Open and lock in this position the flaps on the seat back, 2. Disconnect the control rods from the lever on the firing mechanism belt and remove the locking wire with the seat from the lover. 3. Turn out the screws of the attachment fitting for the swivel pin bracket locking the axle of the firing mechanism swivel pin in position. 4. Remove the lever from the firing mechanism swivel pin. 5. Unscrew the union nut and remove the bolt. 6. Screw the cock key in the strikers 7. Pull the key and cock the striker; turn the arming indicating pin along the axis of the firing mechWan t pin direct !he, oloeed position) and insert the safety lock pin after remosio the service cord. carter Pit the explosive cartridge oa the pins of the bolt and insert the cartridge in the firing mechanism. 9. tit the lever on the swivel pin and look the pin axle in She brack t. Fasten the bracket with screws to the seat rail. 10. Screw hose the union.nut and lock it. 11. Connect the control rods to the lever and lookwire the lever to the bracket. 12. Connect the ground safety look pin to the cord. IN Close the flaps on the seat M. To discharge the fir aahamisaa use the reverse Procedure. having previously installed the ground safety per. S-E-C-R-E-M NO FOREIGN DISSEM ~~ 21~ ]1~i?~n~ r 010 21% in the firing s ~encehrwlaa L charged with the iQt3-ill .splaive oartriNs 1. Diseoan,ot the rod froa'the rel 2. Remove release ease, lever. 3. Oasorw the le,vers 16 (P19.121) from the swivel pia of bolt ff.' union nut of the bolt. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSQK Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50_XM' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM I seat, adjusting mechanism against the button of the upper alorowri the rod out. In this case the seat pan will be brought to the zv ~ br1 Lion, which will make Impossible in-flight adjustment of the seat del MU The arrows on the mechanism for seat adjustment should be set as in Fig. 1190 MM 6, BSI.' Parachute w Bea! . Mounted on the seat is thy CQ4-631-59 drogue p+r'aohute set (p~.1~~? The parachute with the container is double sealed, Removal of the parachute for checking or replacement should be case of scheduled maintenance performed in conformity with epyi less- Instructions. The parachute is installed in the Section member of the 2151, f mechanism with the help of, two plates mounted on the container. 1hia~gmatles e member together with the plates is secured with two per, The thimble of the parachute shroud lines is connected to the swivel provided on the bolt of qs firing mechanism. To install the drogue parachute on the seat, use the following proceQeeei1 1. Arrange the cover with the shroud lines in the right-aide housing of the seat headrest, having previously fastened the enaphook of the cover to the lug in the housing. 2. Connect the thimble of the parachute shroud lines to the awi>1 of the 215n firing mechanism bolt. 3. Install the plates of the container in the section member of the 2151 firing mechanism bolt and match the holes in the plates with the holes in the section member. 4. Secure the section member, container plates and ring of the strap seem to the shroud line cover with two Pins, having 'first placed the ring of the etra between the container plates on the right hand side. 5. Lock the pLns with the NON-0,5 wire sad seal then. 6. Remove the wire with seals from the extreme holes of theloontaiaar. CAU1IOllr It is forbidden to give permission for a flight if the Container is Sealed, as In this case the parachute will not be released Eras the container bailing out. To remove the drogue parachute, follow installation- Before the order, reveres to that of through emoving the parachute container seal the Container rougthe extreme hole. in its plates. All waits of the Sent are to be Checked performing scheduled mainte for proper operation al wham adjustment operaLi nance operations on the aircraft, ft , this Gage r oaa ahCUld;De carried g being adjusted at the Manufacturing plant. out . on the seat,?all the seat aschealm Check Eh~ eerviceaDbU ~ plant. ility of the mechsaisasI cheek primer CAP of all !irlae . seohaecs fo proper hitt iaa, Both Checks should All the be performed at one time and in the specified '190' ' aye main checking operations on the seat units as Will si thi pow, this Cue the seat should be should be performed with the seat removed from the aitcraft. pli ed The firing mechanisms should be on a dieohh~ ~pG . lure to be used when oheo "d. Described below is the pow accident, and to save Le seat Waits for proper operation to avoid ur.. NO FOREIGNDISSE2! 'J, OheCk nor R..? n~~ MM 0 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 O S-E-C-R.E4 NO FORIGN DISSEM (a) Cheokl~ OQ~rs.kU of llria~_ end tra v ~ichecking operation of the firing the primer caps of the 7CM-2500-38 and 215P firing ago slmultaoeously ch ck n The checking should be carried out an the l~o~ for proper hittim. 1. Remove the TCM-2500.38 firing meI older) from the seat, securing it to the seat with Irs. a the Beat and p?ffi it 2. Charge the TCM-2500-38 and 215P fir 3. Connect the control lines to the bolts ooffpthe far ~th test oartridpe,-N. restore the lockwire removed from the lever Of the llrlog -Aug ills and discharge. chanla during 4. By slowly pressing the release layer on one of the 215P firing mechanism. When firing, make sure arareete actuate the that firing mechanism has not moved at the the pin or U. =-2500.34 operated. moment when the 213P firing asohs.laa has 5. BY further slow pressing of the release lever fire the aechanism. Make sure that the lever possesses additional free sr.1. 38 6. Discharge the TCM?2500-38 and 215!l fir)~ NChanlsY led that the pricer cape of the test and oak* O,a'taia 7. Replace the bolts of the )firing*e? have been hit and have opes!epg, 8. Repeat checking the firing me h4 ni' for o not. buck out the pin of the lever on the second armrest. While for pricer caps for hitting. ~g this, do not cheat ae, hQ~q r If at least one primer cap has Inot been hitted,eliainate the defect and repeat the h k G el . (b) Checki Primer Cs Mech_enie-ms im ip. having firct accomplished the operations indicated in steps 1, 2 and "nvolvirg the t .- 5. TIL oui;h the port bottom hole, disconnect the pipsitns. ?ieun special valve end remove the return valve from the tank. 6. Remove tank No.2. oceed as follows ction) pr To remove tank No.) (upper a 1.' through the wheel wells remove the pipes correcting the tank uipes weotion with the lower sectiono disconnect the 2. Remove the superstructure cover between frames Nos 16 - 20, vent pipeline and remove the vent branch pipe. b ta? e 3. Through the access hatch for the float valve 0e and remove the float remove the fuel low-level warning unity disconnect the p D Vivo. to. Remove the tank. To remove tank No.) (lower section) proceed a? follows tank lemon, which Connect tt'.e 1. Through the wheel veils, remove the pipes section with the,.)npper mention. No. 16 (ahead of it) t to fmM 2. Through the port bottom access hatch nex special valve. aothe sppecia of it)disooe- disconnect the pipeline from the special valves and ~0v the .). Throu the starboard access hatch nett to tram 1e.2. atisat Bret the pipeline joining tank No.) (lower, asection) with tank No.20 oo 4. Through the left-hand bottom maces hatch aft of irve the pipeline from the special valve and remove the letter. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 5. Detach the panel of the bottom hatch along with the fsiri~ bet, No. 16 - 20, dismantle 'the CA-3 pressure werain& unit for the secoed h'+'~4 disconnect the plug codnector and pipeline trot the 495.4 pump and lyaove yam' after which remove the adapter and plate for the inverted flight special valve' When remove the valve. 6. Dismantle two pipes installed inside the tank, having previoua),1 the clips from the tank pipe unions through the wells. ~ym11N 7. Remove the return valve trot frame No.16. 8. Remove the tank, To remove tank No.4 proceed as follows 1. Detach the superstructure cover in the vicinity of frame. Roo 20 25,4 connect the vent pipeline and remove the vent pipe. 2. Open the filler neck access hatch next to frame No.22, turn out thrp blt$ fastening the filler neck to the skin. 3. Remove the gasoline tank. 4. Through the bottom left- and right-side hatches between frames Ica 20 remove the pipe which connects the tank branches. 5. Disconnect the pipeline from the pump for tank No.4 and remove the pv. 6. Through the left- and right-aide batches gain access to the engine aeae? sories between frames Roo 22 - 25, disconnect the pipes running from tank 1e'4 a tanks Nos 5 and 6. 7. Remove the tank; To remove tank No. proceed as follow., 1. Through the left- and right-side hatches which provide access to the o%W accessories located nut to frame No.22 remove. the pipes connecting tank 10.5 sill tanks Nos 4.amd 6. 2. Remove the superstructure cover in the vicinity of frames Nos 22 - 25 ad disconnect the vent pipes. 3. Remove the tank To remove tank No.6 from the aircraft proceed as follow., 1. Remove the superstructure cover nearby frames Nor 25 - 28 and discomact the vent pipeline. 20 Through the bottom hatches between frames Nos 25 - 28 disoonnect the flat? of the pipeline connecting tank No.6 with tank No.5. 3. Remove the tank 111 tanks should be removed through the respective access hatches after dis- connecting all fittings, To mount the tanks'on the aircraft use the reverse procedure. k.P1smantU lad NeuitjnR Lluatab1e Mw. To dismantle the ai!r intake Dome do'the following, 1. Pull out the cone to the !idlest extent. 2. Unscrew the fastening bolt@ arranged circtafarential17 and rooote?tke oss, 3. Detach the aerials for the radio equipment which are arranged andar tfeaes 4. screw out the attachment ring for the aerial,. 5. Disconnect the bolt fastening the bTdroulic olinder to the sliding ri4? 6. Neaovs the cone sliding cylinder. To mount the cone on the aircraft, use the reverse procedure. ~tM0Vad and T-4-11-- For removi ng?ths !aiding gear main strut 19 Jack up the slrc}raft mtil the proceed as folYowa, ground, ling gear wheels break contact wl* S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSE4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM ~_I L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Is operation the automatic mechanism and control unit are an integral whole. It 0120 of them fails, both should be replaced, while the positlou bating unit be left for further operation. when replacing the automatic mechanism, see that the stabiliser control system ?4u.s.Aent is not disturbed. ro remove the automatic mechanism do the followiop 1. Lock the control stick by means of a device provided for the purpose. Bse Mbar the stabiliser control system units are de-energised (their power supply is pitched off). 2. Disconnect the rod running from the spring feel mechanism (from the auto- stic mechanism rod). . 3. Disconnect from the automatic Mechanism the rod running to the bell creak found between frames Nos 27 - 28. a. Disconnect the spring feel mechanise. 5. Unacr w the nuts -fastening the l,side brackets which are fitted on the pins end remove the brackets from the Pine along with the automatic mechanje, 6. Remove the control unit located in the cockpit on the right-band aide. To install a now automatic mechanism on the aircraft, the order should be rs- nraed. Note; t.hon adjusting the "trimming effect" mechanism neutral position, see that the length of the unscrewed portion of the AP7-3B automatic trait threaded tang does not exceed 15 mm, which will ensure required strength of the APY-3B unit-to-sprin6 feel mechanism connection. After the automatic mechanism has been installed, check and adjust, if re- quired, the stabiliser control system. Check operation of the A"-3B automatic unit 'hen Iddusl.inr, the stabilizer control system according to the speed and altitude. 10. Removal and Installation of UM L To remove tue flap (from the port or starboard wing) proceed as follows# 1. Remove the fairing provided at the rail end. 2. ctena the flap. 3. Pull out the bolt connecting the hydraulic cylinder with the flap. 4. Roll the flap back until the carriages done out from the rails? TO install the flap, use the reverse procedure. To remove the aileron (from the port or starboard wing) perform the following' 1. Open the access batch in the wing tail portion, net to rib 10.6. 2. Remove the bolt connecting the control rod with the aileron attachment Unit. 3. Remove the fairing from the aileron to provide access to the aileron attach- seat unit. 4. Remove two bolts from the attachment unit. 5. Deflect the aileron and remove from the middle suspension joint two bolts 'hick connect the aileron shackle with the wing bracket. 6. Lower the aileron to bring the shackle of the middle auspensios out of the e4 bracket. f joint. Remove the 7. hull the aileron to the fuselage and detach t:.e suspension aileron, To mount the aileron,,fol-ld'w the reverse sequence of operations.. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 11 Removal and Installation Of Ailayu 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 degeja~ - 1. Aircraft and power plant maintenance operations should be performed aooot+. iog to Use established schedule depending on the total number of aircraft firing hours or its store;* period. 2. After 'tie first 10 and 25 flying hours have expired, carry out one-time scheduled muf tenance operations which should not be repeated any acre. 3. Scheduled .maintenance uperatione should be performed every 50 and 100 fly- iqg hour.. ..act ever,. 10 days, )0 days and 3 months, irrespective of the aircraft fljine bourn. Simultaneously with the 100-hour maintenance operations carry out the 50-hoar Yintenouce uperations and when perfor.ain~ the 3-month maintenance schedule, si?ultaneously carry out the 30-day and 10-day maintenance operations. trben per- foroing the 30-day schedule, perform also the 10-day maintenance. 4. If for al ky reason the aircraft 1a nnr. fl,,.,. t.,....,...1.,A of W% w.-.... Sh -? ouaa be slushed in conformity with the Instructions on aircraft ?luahir for )-wrath Storace. No maintenance operations are allowed on the aircraft which has been slushed for storage. Upon expiration of a 3-month storage period the aircraft is subjected to re-slushing with previously performing all maintenance operations specified In We case. ? 5. When the aircraft is not operated for a long time without being slushed, it should be subjected to 10-day and 30-day storage maintenance. b, lion-Scheduled maintenance operations are allowed in the following @Yeae (e) when preparing the aircraft for a long-term continuous op.rstioa without breaks for maiotenaocef N (b) when it is necessary to bring the aircraft maintenance data closes to the eagiee maintenance date; (c) when the climatic conditions adversely affect the angina and aircraft ?Peration (extreme humidity, dusty moil, stn). 7. before getting down to the maintenance operations discharge the naaojy and d'oP tank firing mechanisms. b? i''nen inspecting the aircraft or carrying out maintenance oparatioMS @1403 the outer surfaces of the aircraft units from dirt and old lubricant. ((NATRU-201 lubricant is used u the main lubricant on the aircraft. Besides, the followin3 lubricants are ?mploy.ds (e) t111ATKM-221 - for aircraft and Wine control system hued joiatsl (b) H4-50 - for wheel bearings; L S-E-C-R-E-T' NO FOREIGN DISSEI4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM (c) 01S-122-14 - for to bo cooler beg Inge) (d) 161-6 oil or tranatf~raer oil - for flexible oableel (e) 018-122-7 - for t4s AP7-3R automatic unit rode (f) 7CCL graphite lubricant - for threaded portions of the smyms hetw4 the fuselage parts located in the high-temperature regions. 9. Maintenance operations on the engine should be osiried wt the Instructions on engine maintenance.Nlr >t -Maiptsna?CI 0p.*rltjpp .t3 1'JFLQII 4. Pnr= IA 14;MLh e. Puel wy_.ragi .60.0..6 ?.?,. i 1. Removo and wash the control pressure line filter installed under as tank. .Rdroulic stM 2. Replace the fine refinement elements in the following filters, (a) ?P-11-100-2 filter at the HR-34-2T pump outlet in the maim bydiullis gsteal (b) or-n-100-2 filter at the tank inlet in the main llmsl h;ldraulia System 11110, (c) Ill* $'-l filter at the tank inlet in the by-pass line rumiag free dw MI-34 n pump of 'the. min hydraulic gsteml (d) 111'{4-1 filter at the b7-51YC booster inlet froa the main hydrasl;l a" pressure line. Nash the coarse refinement erements in pure gasoline and check this fee :r liable aftaphegnt. ~trSS~! ~erSl9iiQ! ?5~~)~j Jo . Isulic system 3, Without removal or washing the hydraulic tank replace Ml'-1O IqdraoIII dl in the site hydraulic system and in the hydraulic boosters. At.'i/fter draining the oil single a4an~of the anti-turge'shutters carry t out a washing of the throttle littd 5. Sesoire, wash and check the gauze filter as. hydraulic boosters at the scouted in the return a" 6. Replace the fine filtering o eletank ments of, thon the e fbil~e~ ~ side. (a) the tti11-100-2 filter at the M- 34-a S thers gatgl 3;-2T pump outlet is the gala hydraulic hp I!Lll-lOG-2 filter at the tank inlet in the return line of LSe !dl gates (a) the 1U'$-1 filter at the tank inlet in the bypass line ffoa the mesa hydraulic System IM-34-2? pump{ (4) the 111W-1 filter at the Sy-51M booster inlet from the dslivei7 UP ef the gala hydraulic gstey (e) the 100.p 4ldraulio boosters, filter at tbl M3" pump outlet la. Us gstsm d (f) the vl114-1 filter at the inlet of boosters delivery line the BY-51I boosterlfl~oa then , S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN ~ISSE 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 ar Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 NO FOREIGN DISSEN Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM -he coarse filtering elements in pure gasoline and cheek a ,f their attachment. the reliablli i;, _.,se any metal particles are found in the filtering element., check the ,^::; rooster inlet filters. If metal particles or chips are rt,place the hydraulic boosters. found on the inlet ;etc: in the course of the first 25 fl4jg hours' the fine reflermeat filteri elements should be replaced twice, after the first to fl,.. and 15 hoe later upon' expiration of 25 f1,i hours ng of the fine filtering elements should be hours. hu'the roplacesent to the wain system POMP every 2 25 frying hours hydraulic and every 50 flying hours when the boouter system is involved. In view of the fact that the 25-bp?. wjo. tenance operations are not listed in the schedale4 .iatelaapa Inntructione, it is necessary to register the fling hours for, the filter, scparatelyyfor their replactment in due time. h'very 1`0 5 &!Id_1Q0.1Q t1=i3l2q@_ Maintenance Operations Fuselage ,?isjoint the fuselage tail portion and inspect its hoer for sound condition . Make sure that the inner akin of- ; portion, engine easiojt and drag psrachute . ,,? at ccreen are free from ldeformatioa, warping, burns, C;oc :;,and soot. inspect t:.e units, pipelines and vent pipes of all the ?s 1o,-::Led in the engine compartment close to fuselage i, and in the fuselage tail portion. ;.cn the access hatches inside the fuselage tail portion :.;11 c::eck the pipelines, electric wiring and their attach- ue:a for condition. Check the rollers of the tail pipe attachment fitting (v:, uott: sides of the fuselage) for free rotation. If the rollers would not rotate,lremove thee, wash in gasoline and inspect for damage and wear. Replace the rQll- ers, if neCe88ary. '1 Inspect the packing rubber on frame No.28 fnr sound condition, check the 'locks of the fuaclege access hatches for proper operation. :o On a removed engine checks (a) condition of the shaped rubber member for the (n.;inc nose and sealing provided with a groove; yaks sure :.ot the eoaliog rubber does not bulge or give in; (h) condition of the air cooler plate valves. The rM ~? ends of the valves regulating the air flow should Le tout to be at a 8-mm distance from :he surface of the cooler shell. lft?mooo the upper superstructure-and check condition Of iipelines and units and their attachment. Open the anti-surge shutters and inspect the rods, ""-Pension unite, hinged connections and their outs (for Frccer lockwirlag). After pointing the fuselage check operation of the drag +as..otc system. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E'-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 21 Pour OKS-122-14 oi105 6r)into the turbo cooler body through the specially provided holes, the oil being intended for lubricating the bearings. Notes When mounting fuselage parts located within the high-tempersturs region, cat the threaded por- tion- of the screws for attachment of the tall cone, dreg parachute compartment screen and engine cooling casing with YOU graphite lubricant. Remove the wing fillets, mash , inspect and lubricate the win-to-fueelaep joints. 6e t the fillet attachment screws are sound. Check the pipel and bunched wires in the wing connections for sound condition and proper attachment. Bee that the attachment fittings have no contact points, attrition hr locos parts. Open the wing hatchem,.wash, inspect and lubricate the aileron suspensibn units. Remove the ailerons, inspect the root ribs for cracks, wash, inspect and lubricate the suspension units. Make sure that the bedringe rotate freely, bearing cages and races are intact. Check the locking wire of the aileron weight compensating bolts. Lubricate the suspension units and replace the ailerons. Remove the flaps and examine them. Wash and lubricate the mechanisms, see that the bearings and their races are intact. Mount the flaps and check them for proper adjustment. Control system With the wing and fuselage access hatches open and the fuselage superstructure removed, wash, inspect and lubricate with UKATNL-221 greue all Open?typa hinged joints in the air- crait control sy~tem, (Ringed joints with ball bearings of a closed type should be washed and lubricated by coating their outer surfaces witha thin layer of WIlATPO1-221 lubricant). Check to ses'that the clearance between the rollers of the supports and the end pieces of the rods is within 0.05 - 0.3 (if necessary, adjust the clearance bolt on the support with the tetrahedral head). Check to o ? N that proper clearance is 6nsure4 between the control system parts and other eleasnts and units of the aircraft airframe. Inspect the control system parts for Corrosion. Check the stabiliser and rudder balance weights for prop attachment. Inspect the rudder and aileron control system for play a comRanied by knocking (the Check should be performed with the control stick and pedals fixed is position). S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSE4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Remove the pedals and inspect the loeb fastening the ? ,ot straps to the pedals) sake sure oat the 17107099" and cotter pine are servioeablel see that each look opess raW head effort, ly "- I ng an oil gun, feed IOI/11r1.2ol labriosat into the kcal. u.~,~ of the stabiliser beans. Coat with UUMATNM-221 lubricant the NW a" of the cal 4 for the stabiliser am rudder most.., rods passim tl;r .gh the cockpit pressurised outlets, lMough the fuselage bvl'~'l hatch between frasel 11 and 13, lubricate the eurfacee hd end pieces of the oblique rod for the shares control ey.,tm and the engine control rod, both rods passing through the cockpit pressurised outlets, Move the aircraft ooetrol I ::tick, pedals and engine control lever to force the lubricant iuto tue pressurized outlets. _3~ndlnx Gear Wash the landing gear struts in gasolins?and inspect th ? FA a magnifying glass. pay particular attention to the. -?,:?ted seams of the joints and places where the bush of the ::vt axle of rotation or, bush of the hydraulic cylinder bolt 1,!-, na the strut cylindrical portion. With the aircraft hoisted up on jacks, check the eleai- ? nn_es of the landing gear struts. Measure the of wl -: 1 axles longitudinally and laterally. On that after bdist- tn;; the aircraft the nose wheel is &lipsd with the direction of flight. Smooth application of a 15-kg force to the wheel axle (im ::,e forward and backward directions) should result in a eless- ance amounting tot (a) 8-ma longitudinal and side clearances for the main strut; (b) 5-mm longitudinal and side clearance an the noel 1stret is involved. 1. Check the AMr-1o fluid level is the landing par shook ? ' absorbingrtruts and refill then if required. Note: Every 3 service years completely replace the AMMO fluid in the landing gear shock absorbing struts. 2s Check the operation of the wheel antosatie brake release ? i? 'YO tom as indicated in Chapter "Take-Off and landing Mechanise". `9 Check the saxim:s pressure in the main wheel broke', ? operation of the 711-24 pressure amplifier and eaerpaall valve 563600. For purpose disconnect Eros the wheels the brake hoses one by one, install a pressure gauge ,and by alternately pressing the brake lever and opening the ssaEengy braking valve make sure that the maxis- air pressure supplied fros the ''sin brake system amounts to 16=0.5 kg/,while that aup- 141ed from the"emergency system is equal to 16*4 kg/84.cs. Congo nett the pipelines to the wheels and check the systes airtightness. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM Check to see that the value of maximum air pressure sup- ? plied to the noise wheel amounts to 10.520.5 kg/ e Remove, waob, inspect and lubricate with WUT70--201 ? ? grease the bolts of the cross pieces for the main and nose struts. After replacing the bolts they should be tightened up with a standard torque wrens... Remove, wash, inspect and lubricate with UWATN -20l grease ? ? the bolts and shafts of the hinged joints for the main wheel turn mechanism rods, the drives for hinged door lock-control system and tL door suspension hinges. With the help of the feeler gouge chick the clearance ? ? between the stop on frame 6 and the upper lever of the nose strut. When a force of 15 - 20 kg is applied to the strut axle in the flight direction (the landing gear control lover rase s- ing in the neutral position), the clearance should amount to at least 0.45 mm, Check the condition of the cable lines running liras the ? ? main strut locks to the wheel door locks. Remove corrosion (if acy) with waste soaked in kerosene, then wipe dry and 1 cats with LMATKM-201 grease. I ? Check the cable lines provided for opening the nose strut ? ? autonomous release lock and the cable'sealing boot. Check the nose strut shimmy damper for filling with the s ? AMT-10 fluid. Re-fill the compen,ating chamber, if required. Replace the fluid in the shimmy damper. - ? Perform check retraction and extension of the landing gear. ? ? When doing this,cheekt (a) the' landing gear for proper retraction and extension, and the sequence valves for proper operation, `' (b) the clearances between the strut doors and fuselage (or wing) -skin (See, clearance diagram in Chapter "Take-Off and Landing Mechanism"); (e) nose atl?utautonomous extension system; (d) landing gear emergency extension system; (e) proper setting of all three struts to the "uplook" "downlock" positions and secure setting,of the doors to the "un- lock" position; (f) operation of the landing gear up and down position wrs- ing System and proper adjustment of the limit switches according to the instructions given in Chapter "Take-Off and Landing reehantns'~' gear) (g) wheel automatic brake system wbsa retracting the landing (h) proper adjustment of the main strut seala:le locks; e that the check holes are aligned; be sure that the clearsnce "tween the stop on the semiaxle and the shock absorber bottom Is bin 0.1 - 0.25 mm; check the alignment of boles and the clear" sue onip after hoisting up the aircraft. Rotes, 1. After the landing gear emergency extension cheat the ~ ~n!nical looks of the actuating cylinders for proper operation, for which purpose bleed air from the cylinders and apply a 50-kit fords to sack wheel towa~ds retraction sad extension. With serviceable loots tier should not fold. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISS 4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DIS8EM 2. Make sure that the air has been completely re- leaped fro. the hydraulic systs after landing gear emergency extension; retract and extend the laadiq or s or 10 times. 3. After,perforaing autonomous extension of the nose strut check the position of the parts *job go to make up the nose strut suspension look. The look should be closed. If the lock to open, close it by pulling the handle for the nose stint antaoom" extension. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 e m u ~ ar system should be replaced every ;5 hours. ? 47. Remove, wsh and inspect the gauge filter Instal mulio fusel a left side Is the return lice of the boon ~ system at the hydraulic tank inlet, prior to this drain the '10 fluid from the lydroulie tank booster 0oupartaestthrough bydreulie Palos I the suction pipe union for the gro"rA ve ahead of the anti- + 4k. Remove" wash and check the throttle val I not attacked by oorraiioS. Check the casopf glass for notch", scratches and silvery ? spots. Remo" shallow botches and scratches as instructed in Chap- ter "Cockpit Oaoopo"'. Weak with psolins and coat with 1 UTR$-201 lnkrisaM ? the mecbenissu of the osaopy maids and outside oontrol and the meebsaiess for canopy attaobsrnt looks on the fuae1. (the lock. should not be stripped in this pass). check this 60-Loss gwtea for proper sprgmi? If boOIseU7. ? clean the a&-iaer w6ifold boles with a soft wire, havi previously removed tko shielding plats. Remove the' ds?iosr gstea tank and mob it with hot star - This dons, replace the tank. Chock 00 de-dour gstee for proper sealing under an opI ? ins pramse of 3 Wsq. a. 8cfor' ateckiat disoomsot the gatem from the manifold sat plug the.opes emi& the pi ? cheek to a" it the nuts in the connections one of of Properly eightess~t. lines for thr canopy pasemrieation system a" . n.seuuc ? Replace the fins filtering sle.ests in all tilts" of booster and maim bydtsulio systems, coarse When replacing the fins filtering slsments" Utah the filtering elo$ents and check their st"chmant. Th. fins filtering element$ of the sale lydraulia R m b Cooknit Check the canopy frees for sound condition. See that the ? protective coating is intact and the magnesium alloy parts are Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1o. Maintenance Operations Remove the hydraulic system pressnristion unit in th e main port wheel well, compress the thrust ring, remove the air dust filt f er rom the bottle, after which wash and dry the filter, Drain the sediment from the bottle. -^ After jointing the fuselage and carrying out all wait.- booster hydraulic systems for inner and external leaks, check the HW27T emergency Dwping unit and the Hfl-34-21 __ hldraulls. pain. for li bl re a e Check the pipeline of the hydraulic tank pressurisation system for airtightness (to be checked aiaultaaeoualj with the fuel ....__` Inspect the cylindrical hydraulic accumulators for inner leaks Note, Every 200 flying hours (but at least once in a 2-year period) thoroughly wash both hydraulic systems removing the hydraulic tank and replacing the AMID-10 fluid in the hydraulic systems. The proeedurel for washing the system and replacing the oil, as well as the sequence of fulfilling operations indicated in ste 0 pa,5 - 52 are specified in Chapter Aircraft Hydraulic System Maintenance". 53 Eeaove, inspect and wash in pure.gaaoline the gauze filters installed in the irlet pipe unions of the hydraulic boosters. In cage aqy metal particles or chips are found in the fil- ter, the hydraulic boosters should be sent to the repair disassembly and checking, shop for 54 111th the access hatches for the b7-45A aileron hydraulic Dete and the E7 51E stabiliser boosters open,chec kto see thatnorsfluid leab through the outer packing of the hjdraolie asters. Deflect the control stick, with the operating pressure in the hydraulic Systems being normal, to check fluid tthe outer Packing of the hydraasingboot e Inadequate through rou girt raulic boosters. lghtneee in the rubber packinge registered "ton "Make in the hydraulic booster operation tight disap.- hydraulic boosters start o ~ting pressure. operating under aortal SS Check the attachment of the hydraulic boosters, secure ban- neotios of the rods and pipelines and their safe looking. Feed: the OAMh201 lubricant into the oil bones of the By -51M O'dratlic booster, I Ms upon fulfilling operations on the and "W&aulio hydraulic boosters with the VON Check the aircraft control getp hydraulic boosters switched am. S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSE4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Air 5.nt" Take the air system filter to pieces, us" it, dry, check and assemble. Check for airtightagss the return valve installed an of the ejection seat in .the canopy to". Votes (fort . pn. cedure used in this cum sus Chapter "Cockpit?Osmpy"). Remove the air system canopy toss eaerg bottle, inspect it and its attachment pieces and drsiij.'ths tedimest. Replace the bottle, fill it with air up t14'prsseuu of 110 - 130 kg/ making use of a special device and, without servicing the main air system, check the canopy toss system for proper tightness (by the absence of prewar. drop as indicated by the pressure gauge installed on the device). Check the air system for proper tightness(by testing its separate portions); check operation (closing) of the pasu- mntic valve for the cooling system of the fuselage pre.- surized compartment. Act as specified in Chapter "Air System". `}sire-Firhtinr Eouiveest Check condition and attachment of the units and pipoliess for the fire-fighting equipment system. With the engine removed check the manifold boles for soiling. Together with the electricians check the portion of the electric circuit from the fire-extinguisher button to the firing mechanism of the fire-fighting bottle. Check also the aemove the, filter in the special valve control pressure ? line, inspect and wash it. Remove, inspect and wash in pure gasoline the protective ? screen installed in the wing fuel tanks consuwptioa line (Fig-15). Unscrew the drain plug from the drop tank, Rash the gauss ? filter and asks sure that the tank bottom is not soiled .round the hole for the plug. Remove the inverted-flight valve from the lower section of the 3rd tank, inspect its parts, connections and locking, after which check operation Of the valve se? chanis^, Through the inspection hole check the tank hoer sales*, clean its bottom and walls. -' . - - w. a and from tank'So.1 the plates of 'the float valves and floats. Maki urs that their surfaces are intact and bear no traces of cow" rosioa. With the float in the down position the spyiog-loaded alves should fit tightly into their cc rated opsaitP. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1-HUM ~I NO FOREIGN DISSEM Jack up each wing successively by 200 an, drala sedimaat from the wing fuel compartments and trapped fuel throngb the drain plugs in the bottom skin of each wing. Check all fuselage fuel tanks for secure attachment and sake sure that their looking is sound. ' Through the fuselage left-side batch check the loses, pox_ tion of the fuel service tank for casditioal, If the rubber covering (the upper lower) is cracked or frayed and the braiding shows up, replace the tank. Remove the gasoline system pressurisation unit in the well for the starboard wheel, compress the thrust ring and remove from the bottle the air filter, After which wash and dry it. Drain sediment from the bottle. Remove, wash and inspect the gasoline system filter Jim- stalled between the tank and MO-AM PUMP. Check the airtightness of the fuel and gasoline systems to indicated in Chapter "fuel Systeg". Power plant , Pull out (annually) the cone to the extreme font posi- tion and remove it from the aircraft. Check to see that the cone limit switch is serviceable, clean the cone control mechanism from dirt, sake sure that it is free of wear and scratches, after which cost the maohaniw with a thin layer of ' I1ATn -20l grease and install on the aircraft. Together with the aircraft mechanic check the servioeab ty of the cone, anti-surge shutters and engine control laver interlock system according to Y-suaber. Check the engine control Votes in the cockpit and is the 4 engine coapartsent. make sure that the control system rods or no traces of attrition and the control system has no plow See that the locking wires are intent and secure. Check the attachment fittings of the BP-211 gait laver and the MW-10 panel lever for presence of tbA lookwire and its intactness. Coat the hinged joint with QEATI-221 grease. Check the engine Control lever for smooth travel and IV- liable stopping at all rests. With a out-off engine aback to age that the engine oontro lover positions in the cockpit under the main power ratings correspond to the relative positions of the levers on the HP-21e unit and the RYpltle panel on the engine (as indicated the Instructions on Engine Operation). Check visually the ~~ -t *-aircraft attscohsent fittings the .Check tightening of the nuts in the pipe connections of engine piping. ? Tighten up the net., if required wMa 76 f 77 NO FOREIGN DISSH4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISS24 Maintenance Operation. After 50-hour oaiatenance operation. aa? jointing the fuselage, check (with the engine "), (a) engine and aircraft fuel, oil mad hydraulic systems for external leaks; (b) operation of the Hassle flap esergeoq control system, of the generator, instruments, hydraulic systar, air. craft control system and cockpit air suppl, gstem. Replace the engine whose servi;e life has expired. Before mounting a new engine perform the following, (a) check the engine-to-aircraft attaohaont fittinpl (b) wash and coat with WIATIW-241 grease the opem- type hinged joints in the engine control system. CAUTIO$s Do not spo4,l the adjustment of the engine oootrol Jlaincenapcoi Operations Extend the flaps, wash, inspect and lubricate the Guide rails of the flaps. Check the hydraulic cylinder for proper attach- ment and the fastening outs for presence of locking wire. Make sure that the guide rollers are not Jul" Check to as* that the flap actuating. cylinders art airtight. Make certain that the looking wire of the bori- rontal bolt in the wing-to-fuselage attachment unit at frame No.28 is intact' and the flap nil-to-fUselagl attachment is reliable. Check operation of he UT automatic unit ohms adjusting it acco W`aji'5peed and altitudq check complete changi piolr f the rod from 00 extrese.position to the o or. Coat the AP7-32 Veit rod with a thin lysr of the do-12217 lubrioant(the check is to be carried out b7 the aircraft mk'heaie and aircraft equipment epeeiilistt). Oil aVATYM-I lubricant for the rod of the ttabll*atr oootrol qs eprlrg feel uehanisa. ~ Peed IMLTMI-201 grease is the outer bearings Of the stabilizer beams. Wash, inspect and lubricate the rudder suspension units. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Maintenance Operations (b) nose strut autonomous extension, (c) proper setting of all three struts to the uplock and downlock positions and of the strut doors to the uplock position1 (d; indicating System for proper functioning, (a) automatic heel brake system operation landing gear re during traction. 14 Check secure fastening of the screw on the gee wheel of the canopy control valve, having previously ran',v.A the switch panel on the cockpit port side. 15 Check condition of the flexible casing and con. trol cable of the ITY-7 valve, the IW-8 valve attach- ment, control levers and rods. Nash' the hinges in fasoline, inspect them, lubricate the hinges and the nY-7 valve rod. lb Check condition of the canopy frame and glass. See that the glass bears no scratches, the protective covering and as sealing coating are intact. 17 Inspect the cockpit pressurization hose for cracks, frying and damage of the light-and-ozone re- sistant covering. 18 Check visually through the fiselage left-side bottom hatch the electric air distributor (unit 525) for proper operation. Complete change-over time for the distributor should be not over 30 sec. 19 Check the cockpit for proper pressurization (the procedure in specified under Items 18 and 19 in Chap- ter "Pressurized Cockpit"). 20 Check to see that the drain hole of the sump it stalled ahead of the hydraulic tank prassurisinl unit is clean. 21 Check with a pressure gauge that the nitrogen prescure in the spherical bgdraulio accusulatore should be equal yo 50 . 5 kg/sq.m with the hydraulic systems under zero pressure. 1c with the engine running check the ludr+ullc eye tolls pressurization. for: this purpose before starting the e.,vine install the special device with a pressure rau;e in place of the hydraulic tank filler cap (is the gyoraulie booster system chamber). NO FOREIGN DISSR4 to be carried out every Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 ? 50X1 -HUM Ejection The purpose of maintenance operations on the ejection Gheok the election Mechanism% to inspect the seat the lubricant. D~ is for prope seat is to r oonditioa and to change Remove the seat from the aircraft, place it on a special trestle Wd pp f4= the following, 4. Check to see that the primer caps of the firing Macheale are hit as a result of operatio ey n of the reepectlve control ysteae. 5. Check to sae that the locks the pilots restraint mechanism operate is response to the emergesat gril) actuation. 6. Check operation of the Collapsible supports to fold than. 1 check the effort rpair,K 7. Check for presence and security the locking scrM 8. Inspect the sect parts made of magnesium oys (s of the seat ,alts. foot pedals) and nays alloys (neat pan, Gross bones; sure that nojtracos of corrosion are evident Clean the parts and mechanism, from dust and labe'l' eaft. 9. Inspect all cable wire,,, clean thea from dirt and threads are intact. If required, coat them with 071& make sure that tars 10. Cost with II4TRII-2ol lu~ n O-2o1 labrioamt. all friction oomeotioms. 11. Reao^t the cats from the lifting W cost it with IMATI01.2o1 grease, screw of the seat adjusting meotaalem 12. Lubricate the guides of the seat pan. 13. Replace the lubricant in the W-l00 All motor reduction unit case, for which purpose screw out the plug in the case bottom, wash the reduction unit oca- partmeat in gasoline and fill it with fresh IIMATRM-201 lubricant. 14. Check the condition of the electric wiring and plug connector of the sup. Ply line for the ID-100 All motor. 15. Remove the drogue parachute, check and peck it according to the relative Instructions. 16. Replace the explosive cartridges of the firing mechanism for an ones. Install the seat and TCM-2500-38 firing mechanism on the aircraft and perform the necessary operations within the scope of the aircraft prelialnery preparation. Rotes 1. The firing mechanisms should 4% cleaned in conformity with the Is- atructions issued by the Manufacturer. 2. The sequence of operations used for seat maintenance 1s indicated in Chapter "Ejection seat". 3. When performing scheduled maintenance operations on the 215 2 firing mechanism replace the locking plates of .he three-link yoke b am ones for they are used only once. With the seat removed perform the following, 17. Check the condition of thermal insulation of the cockpit pryssurisatlom Votes "hot" line. If required, restore the insulation. Males sure that the mute ~? properly tightened and the lockwire is intact. 18. Mash and lubricate with I111ATi41-221 grease the surface of the asgims control rod which pages$ through the cockpit pressurised outlets. deetaat Of lubricant) gets inside the outlets; to this and, actuate the engine control long, 19. With the protective case removed and sealing cover unlacedtwaah sal lubricate the aileron control oblique rod which passes through the cockpit pros- "Ited outlet. I AV Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 .S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISS'R4 Force the lubricant into' the pressurized outlet by deflecting control stick'to the right and left. the ar~~ 20. After removing' the cockpit, floor check IEIo egg that the elearepoM the control rods and adjacent menbern of the fueblogo within the entire 1ep,y range of the engine, rudder, stabiliser and e.leron controls are at d. Bent aircraft and engine control rods should be Ilreplaced b leant 4 7 now on", otet When performing all.kinde of operat~ots in the cockpit loor availab okPlt in with saved, spread. the protective i groom the the am equipment set J s 4. so. Aircraft sad Rgiae Ka1.Bt ate i2 $L,Qr If for any reason an aircraft is not allowed to be tl not subject to slushing during this period MM for some by et to ? , perfoi the folioelag epae'mtloas, 1. Carry out pre-flight inspecti r on on the al cran. 2. With the access panels noac s and plug] removed from the air, , corm visually the external parts of theII engine and Intake and e~~t~!]e traces of f corrosion are present. make sure that sa Corroded spots should be processed acc Operalioo. ord!ng to the Instructions on 14glaa 3. 3tert the engine and check Ate operation at w to the Chart provided for the purpose. I eiT ratipg ace" 4. With the engine running check operation of the the aircraft control system. armament, imtirmeente ad Under aozaal operating deflect the pressure in the booster control stick forward hydraulic gates 8 or 10 tim deflectlly. While doing - backward, to the right - to the left ad properly. this metre Ours that the hydraulic boosters operate S. When preying the aircraft for fl the laoding'genr, fla lghte aftl storage retract and sated and anti-surge shuttersps' and air brakes; check operation of the retractable Dana' . 6. It the aircraft is not planned to be. ! flo of the struts, hydraulic cylinders, hyydrauli _ o boost aan MT-3B automatic veil. ~? C" out operations ?~e~. 30 D. ? H. Warn included in the 10 2 ? trot rods and lubricate the our of the etabiditers routine maintenance rudder and aileron. 0011" Passing through the cockpit pressurized ' sy oovleythe control stick and pale force lsta. the suriaed lubricant inside the pzu- 9. When the &l surlNtlohe rcraft is to be prepared for flights, check the ooakpit for MEW 10. Chock tires for the hydraulic accumulators, lands proper filling. ng soar shock .absorbere sal wheel 11. Drain &e1 sediment from 12. ynspeet the electro ~ parts. in lows' Po is and gem it for moan" CAUTION, The satins he, of the entity sto system should be filled with fuel in the Dowse leg, period to Pftveat c siou of the It el system, pasha. . S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSMI4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM M Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 those of magnesium alloys should be elnc_Plated or oedalub- while aluminum alloy arteda.dbe anodized. The ball bearing Plated, uld not e y P noes should laubricantaear.ilT ?- places on tithhe parts Bade Of Magnesium be l alto;aatelled on ldtA71ti1-201 instablation of bonding a~r but they ing strips should be coated with skinned fth show up from under the strips. U(p -1 pricer, If they CAUTION. Vapours of 11elenio{p1 acid an harmful to hum when using solutions of a acid see that the aol tionldoestnot sat on the skin and clothes. pQygt when eelenious acid solution is not avtilabls, p pare it from 1 lit. of water, 20 gr of selenious acid and 10 gr of s diuc bichroaate. of Alrcr I rr-.a 8 To protect the aircraft metal parts from corrosion and to improve the aircraft aerodynamic perfotsancethe coated aircraft metal surfaces should be dope- . The protective properties of dope coating deteriorate when the coating in affected by fuel, oil, acid or alkali oL. Is simply damaged When performing aircraft maintenance, remember that is beepr above-mentioned rules will cause deterioration of the protective os of the the coating and will reduce their 'service life. properties of The following parto of the aircraft are poet liable to borr Iorrosiont (a) the bottom akin of the wing, the fuselage and empeahaae1 (b) the skin in the region of exhaustlgasese (c) the skin close to the aircraft storage battery. Subjected to corrosion most frequently are those aircraft which have prolonged intervals betoreen flights. To protect the aircraft external surfaces from mechanic rved effects of sumps mad precipitation, the following rules should be ob dae eer.eds 1. When carrying out maintenance operations on the aircraft skin, place on it rubber or fabric rugs which should be cleaned of dust and dirt before starting the maintenance operations. 2. Do not place on the skin tools, parts, pieces of cloth saturated with oil, kerosene,etc. 3. Use ladders and steps covered with cloth or rubber. 4. To avoid damaging dope coating of the skin do not wear rough and dirty shoes when walking on the aircraft skin. 5. when parked outdoors, the aircraft should be kept covered irrespective of the season. 6. It is forbidden to place dirty or wet covers on the aircraft. 7. See that the aircraft covers are always clean. Do nonuse torn covers. 8. In case condensed water is found under the aircraft covers on the skin, remove the covers, wipe the akin dry with pieces of cloth, dry the covers and place them on the aircraft. 1 9. Take care not to spill acid or alkali on the aircraft skin. Be particu- larly careful when installing and removing the aircraft storms batteries. All taintenance operations involving aircraft storage batteries should be performed with the storage batteries removed from the aircraft. tt Should acid get on the aircraft akin or other parts, leriYdiatsly wash the affected spot with wan water several times, after which wipe this spot with a clean piece of cloth. Places where traces of epil acid are likely Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM in nettle down (such as clearances, scams, etc.) 9hpuld be waled with ,;.,re and blown off subsequently with compressed air. ate All cases of washing the aircraft skin to remove traces of spills, ept4 should be recorded in the'eireraft 8er!ice Log. 'For three months erwaat check the affected area to make, sure that the ekix remain go=d. gy~* lei tM4 to" to cthe orrocion be engineer. on these ;ortions of the sk iftediately rspprt tb 10. If oil has got on the aircraft akin, wipe the surface with a else piece of cloth eoa4d in non-leaded gesolins. 11. Treat corroded spots on the skin as follolwss (a) wipe the affected area with a clean pieei of cloth 8081" is ama. leaded gasoline; (b) clean this area with soft or bristle brushes; it the corrosion tMM persist, treat the surface with sand dust No.200 applied with a piece of gasoline-soaked cloth; Notes when skinning the corrosion affected surface, do not try to o ly eliminate corrosion pits{ it is sufficient to remove the cw products alone. (c) once more wash the affected surface with * piece of cloth soaked IS gasoline and dry it; (d) spray on or brush on this area Air-1 primer with 5% elnainy. (a) dry the primer at ^ temperature of +12'to,+2700 for 24 hours; Cr) after the primer dries up, spray on or apply with a brush 1701 dope adding to it 10% aluminum powder whoa processing the outer oolourless sklr ofth airframe or without adding aluminum powder when processing the inside parts of the airframe (which should be of a golden colour); (g) dry the vvarnish coating at temperatures of +12?to +17?0 during 36 can or at +18? to --35 C during 24 hours. 12. Hon-corroded spots of the akin with damaged dope coating should be treated with 170& dope. 13. To'restors the dope coating, proceed as follows, (a) remove the damaged coating with a piece otlcloth soaked In speolai solution CR; (b) pray on or brush on the skin a layer of 1 Q, dope; (0) dry up the coating at a temperature of fro +12' to +35?C for 36 boas. 14. When finishing the akin of the fuselage tail 'portion aft of from Ho?34, use heat-resistant t-1 enamel which should be dried for 2 or 3 hours 31 a temperature of at least 12?0. 15. The 'aircraft skin paint finishing is from accomplished on a tits protects, duet; the site around the aircraft shod" be where". 16. To reduce the drying time of the oil prime a~ and enamel, the surfeesfs allowed to be blown off with air heated up to 800C. 17. It is forbidden to apply dope coating with blazing sun as well as pen foggy, wet in tb? 18. )~~ ~`r t or wind] data. subsequent drying the aircraft skin with oil enamels uhder conditions of the air relative humidity not exceeding 80% and at a temperalof at least +12?C. 19. In fog or rain the aircraft of 12 hours since the may be oditg. only upon expiration 20. To prolong Paint coating complete ry the service life of the aircraft p. 10Cularly wipe it with soft brushes to remove ei duedust skin protective Cost"*' t. t is good practice to wash the aircraft skin v month.i Lth water at least owe e S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSQ+! i I 01 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSM To this. end n,? the following precedes, (a) wash with a soapy solution (350-epp gr of OUR per 10 lit of water enl thth with water kin portions haying an oxide and dope coating, ' (en wi portioneot the skin which have an oxide only. Before washing remove duet with soft brushq. coating After we aircraft has been shipped by water or delivered by train to the uu" 1rms,do the following, 1. Qnpack the container and roll out the aircraft parts; inspect thoroughly tlr Airframe units wslte s th t - ? Malntenenccgp;ions to De made - rat y De Ayer~r to Usqftw Am i. re; at they have not been loadln , and unloading. damaged FIite Before jointing the aircraft inspect the connections, oboe" them for d?onage , see that the pipe connections are plugged and no foreiign objects ar> rosent in the aircraft c r Qapartmsab. Remove the anti-oorrMiw coating from the aircraft parts. 4. After assembling the aircraft check the deflection angles of the ail,-r,ns, flaps, air brakes, rudder and stabiliser according to the Levelling Dia,;rrue. 5. Creek and refill (if required) with nitrogen the ball and cylindrical hydrn'ilic accumulators, pour AMP-10 fluid into th. system. 6. u.;inr; the ground hydraulic pump at least 5,tises retract and extend thr I.unlling dear, flaps, air brakes; check operation of the ailerons, etnhlllz^r, pump unit and their signal system. 7. :heck operation of the anti-surge shutters` fro, the manual and automatic cnntr?o i vrtema; check the anti-surge abutter interlock system. fir. ?;n^ck the air intake retractable cone for reliable operation. 9. Check the pressure of nitrogen in the landing gear shook a orbers and refill the accumulators, if required. 1:1. Check operation of the ?py auioutic unit from the manual and rutonnr.ic control system. 11. Check the airtightneae of the hydraulic system. 1.. Check the systems of L.O. wheel appal and automatic braking and the tim^ required'for braking and releasing the wheels. Check the wheellemergenCy braking system. 13. Check the cabin pressuriution. 14. Check the air system for proper tigbtmau. 15. Check operation of the drag parachute system. 16. Before filling the fuel system drain the regaining fuel and sediment from till the drain holes. After filling up the fuel system drain I or 2 litres of f:icl through every drain hole to make sure that all sediment haslbeen remov- ed from the system. Chock operation of the fuel system. look the shut-oft valet in the open pouition. 17. Check the locking wires of the election seat and canopy fo presesoe end 9ericeability. 18. Check the fire-fighting system for sound condition and the fire- e?ctincuisher bottle for charging. 19. t-, roceea the engine in conformity ?ith the Instructions 01 1 engine wiintenaacc, NO FOREIGN DISSEN i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 i~ FlG..1. AIRCRAfT. *r-[ ~ 210? I] (SIDE VIEW) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSE4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 all Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM lu, 9. F HUNG M CRDI'P TANKS 9IT11 FUEL (T)IROUCti, FLLER NLC[ OF TANK No. 4) flc. it, DROP TAI* fLL NO FOREIGN DISSEM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 S-E-C-R-E-T NO FOREIGN DISSEM NO FOREIGN DISSEM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00038R001700240001-8 ----------- eU T P..tLM. p ?u.L C ow.... Tbw .?. rwt(.Nwfl Lw+. w.rM ... L..wT .r0 ~~ COw T.OL ..f.NJwf - ..DV.N? O..fw lw.. ?..l L.w. FIG. IS. F7JEL SYSTEM KEY DIAGRAM 7 [f- t k b. .2 ItI Ne.t ?13.e for o 6-1 f I oaP.n.....u 12k v..fet7 .I.eef ho^ fors uI{ L I _ .. Est I.el ev.p.rtw..Y: M -taus i Jrotdv- IS -Cs2-0'Y. Pw...f r. w.r.u v1 Roar I.. nlw, 7- eYs r~.e 6e1 It) .ti.hec 1~ iul tlt ~?t?e ?casr?pDa. Aw 2D tr...I.f - 21 pioletle tuj-i~Ri~?'? ZS = d:.-tr.41.e:Yi - S IF$'= - 9 Y.-ep~P. fS~.ett>: 76 - b~.l p.w. ~kr-#9-`fti!-1?~,t~.~ef~rrrl ta:1rt .wtyl a.1t'u{- . 29 - wtru .l.e rltk t1 .N-.?+ nnfice: 10 31 - thmtJ...1?.: 32 -now r..% 1Ma .Irk l7 ... rynrcv- t 6.1n p - pi i - esve.l i-'. 2 files: SE - Pf'otd .I?e: 37 - n..w ..tth 23w.. o.effe.; 311 - .k.teR ..I.. 37 - PTf ?I6A f..l newer tfv~M: 401 b-I dMIS r epk Slu.k..R ooeL: 41 - 1 anDee. ? 42 3- .. fo d 49 wa..11." ~lr PHO.4wd.e?MR ..; 4S - wtfr...d ..f t ..I.w.: 4S .. ..l.r. for h.l. . r.her PtP?? an - nllw ...ek: -I--m - ?.e.tfw?T.I.e; 12 - dw1. pl.i ?AM OIMs 47 - ff.I t> 48 d - .nth 3 "t." ?.1.. f.. MI flew ft tw v"r ~ p.rt....t. S4 - dnlf PL;: SS - 7- -A-- 36 - 11111.8 P'P' '"h f...n ..Les 67 - t...-Pt.c. wt S3 - Imp. .etfw with y - 1.set..l.w.: S. - .edd-M U" -1 Lb 1- , f .. ..mow ..1?.w MW Pwttteu?w S.". 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