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This material contains lnformatton affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs, 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. 1954 and 1958 editions of the Hungarian-language handbook Prevention of Infectious Diseases (Fert~zb Betegsegek Megel~zese , pu ishec Ey the flungari~ an'iinistry of Public Health. The 1954 edition consists of 255 pages and--the 1958 edition of 560 pages. Also available is an English translation. of the tables of contents of both' editions. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102109: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Q Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102109: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T -2- PREVENTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES (255 pages) 50X1-HUM Published in 1954 by the Ministry of Public Health, Budapest INDEX Decree Nr 61/1953 (20 Dec) of the Council of the Ministers on Prevention of Infectious Diseases Instruction Nr 8200-4/1953 of the Public Health Ministry on Prevention of Infectious Diseases I. General stipulations Definition of an infectious person The doctor's duties in care of infected persons The authorities' duties in directing medication and isolation II. Isolation of infectious cases Methods and terms of isolation Emergency epidemic hospitals Complete isolation Partial isolation What is to be done with isolated persons. Pr of prohibitory signs. ocurement III. Observation of the sick persons' surroundings IV. Control of pathogenic sources V. Sick persons` travel and transportation Procedures to be applied in. international tra de Transportation of infectious cases Care of persons who fall sick in the course of a journey VI. Diverse stipulations The permanent health commission duties in handling epidemics 1st Appendix (Red prohibitory sign) 2nd Appendix (Yellow prohibitory sign) 3rd appendix (Guidance on care to be given to infectious patients) A. Infectious diseases which have to be reported: 1. Anthrax 2. Brucellosis 3. Cholera asiatica 4. Diphtheria 5. Dysentery 6. Encephalitis epidemica a. Encephalitis lethargica b. Encephalitis spread by arthropods 7. Food poisoning due to bacterias 8. Febris f lava (yellow fever) 9. Febris puerperalis 10. Febris recurrens 11. Hepatitis epidemica S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 12. Influenza complicata 13. Leprosy 14. Malaria - 15. Glanders _ _- L~---~ti cerebrospinalis epidemica 17. Meningitis serose a. Choriomeningitis lymphocytica b. Meningi is of leptospiral origin 18. Morbilli 19. Paratyphoid fever 20. Pertussis 21, Bubonic plague 22. Poliomyelitis anterior acuta 23. Scarlatina 24. Tetanus 25. Trachoma 26. Tularaemia 27. Typhus abdominalis (typhoid fever) 28. Typhus exanthematicus 29. Variola 3. Rabies and infections due to rabies-suspected animals 50X1-HUM B. Infections, parasitic and fungal illnesses that need not be reported: 1. Actinomycosis 2. Ancylostomiasis 3. Aphtae epizooticae 4. Ascariasis 5. Coryza 6., Dermatomycoses a. Illness resulting from hypomycetes infection bIllness resulting from gemmiparous fungi infection 7. Dyspepsia coil . ? 8. Echinococcosis 9. Erysipelas hominis 10. Erysipeloid Rosenbach 11. Favu s 12. Febris Pappataci 13, Impetigo contagiosa 14. Leptospirosis a, Wei14s Disease b. Leptospiroses without jaundice 15. Oedema malignum 16. Oxyuriasis 17. Parotitis epidemica 18. Pediculosis 19. Pneumonia a. Pneumonia lobaris b. Pneumonia due to other virus than pneumococci c. Virus pneumonia 20. Polyarthritis rheumatica 21. Psittacosis 22. Q-f ever 23, Rubeola 24. Scabies 25. Taeniasis 26. Trichinosis 27. Varicella 4th Annex. Instructions for disinfection Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102109: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 I. Permanent disinfection of sick-bed surroundings II. Final disinfection III. Disinfection in..:special cases Decree Nr 60/1955 (20 Dec) of the Council of the Ministers on Vaccination I. General instructions 50X1 -HUM A. Outline of the vaccinations Compulsory vaccinations Non-compulsory vaccinations B. Determination of the persons to be vaccinated Birth-marriage and death registrar's duties Reporting on children' change of residence Announcements by the authorities about vaccination Statistics of school-age children Statistics of people, irrespective of age, who are under the obligation to submit to general vaccination Preparation and performance of the vaccinations The vaccinator Vaccination plan; Preparation of the vaccination data. Vaccination time-table and summons Procurement of immunization means and equipment Preservation of the vaccines Reservation of vaccination quarters Assistant personnel Exemption from vaccination Postponement of vaccination Performance of vaccination D. Preparation of the vaccination records Keeping of the records Vaccination record and its replacement E. Control of results and performance Control and reporting of the reactions Control of the performance F. Duties of the permanent health commission G. Vaccination report II. Detailed stipulations concerning some vaccinations A. .TB vaccination Definition of persons under vaccination obligation Institutes and doctors in charge of children's public vaccination Definition and dosing of the BCG (Calmette~-Guerin) r. vaccine . Procurement of the BCG-vaccine and tuberculin Contraindictions to TB vaccination Performance of the vaccination Reaction to the BCG-vaccine Control of allergies. Repetition of the BCG-vaccination BCG-vaccination after tuberculin check Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 201 1/02/09 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001 600080001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102109: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T Vaccinations against whooping cough-tetanus Definition and procurement of the vaccine Obligation to submit to vaccination Vaccine dose, number of the vaccinations Vaccination and revaccination dates Performing of vaccination Justification and control of vaccination and revaccination JustUication and registering of Tvaccnati on ad tuberculin tests Num?ca~1` reporting of tuberculin tests Duties of TB nursing homes Reporting by the Public Health Jnstitute on BCQ- vaccination cases C, Vaccination against diphtheria-whooping cough D, Vaccination against diphtheria E. Vaccination against whooping cough F. Vaccination against smallpox G. Vaccination against typhoid-tetanus H. Vaccination against typhoid Vaccination against tehnus J Vaccination against scarlatina K. Vaccination against rabies L, Vaccination against typhus M. Vaccination against other illnesses 50X1 -HUM III.Diverse instructions Succession of the vaccinations Procurement of printed matter Cancelling instructions 1st Appendix Instruction on the successive order in which vaccinations are performed according to age 2nd Appendix: Vaccination form 3rd Appendix: Form to be used in registering newly-born childrens' vaccination data 4? Appendix: Notification of birth for the purpose of BCG vaccination 5th Appendix: Form to be used in registering school age childrens' vaccination data . 6th appendix: Form to be used in registering vaccination against illness 7th Appendix: Order form. for vaccine procurement Stn Appendix: Summons form 9th Appendix: Form giving a list of vaccinations performed in 19 10th Appendix: Form giving inVormation on performed TB vaccinations 11th Appendix: Form for registering BCG vaccinations and. tuberculin, tests 12th Appendix: Form for reporting tuberculin tests S-E-C-R-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102109: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 Decree N' 133/1951 (31 Dec) by the Public Health Ministry on Reporting and Control of Infectious Diseases 50X1-HUM Regulation on Reporting and Control of Infectious Diseases, issued Together with the Decree Nr 133/1951 Instruction Nr:8200-` 0/1953 by the Public Health Ministry ooecernin completion of above regulation Instruction Nr.9200-6/1953 by the Public Health Ministry on Laboratory Tests to be Carried Out in Cases of Infectious Diseases I. Testing procedures except TB and VD cases . II. Laboratory tests in TB cases III. Laboratory tests in VD cases Appendix: Procedure to be used in forwarding analyses for laboratory tests Sanitized Corv Arroved for Release 2011/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102109: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 PREVENTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2n Edition 60 pages Anthrax Brucellosis Cholerai Asita1 ica~. Diphtheria Dysentery Echtnococcosis Encephalitis epidemics a. Encephalitis Iethargjca b. E ncepbalitis. spread by a2'thro ods p (1) Encephalitis Carried by tck . (2) Equine encepbalomye].it'is Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 Published in 1958 by the Mina.stry of Public Health, Budapest INDEX Decree Ni' 81/1953 (20 Dec) of the Council of the Minlstejs on` Prevention of Infectious. Diseases. Instruction.Nr 8200-4/1953 by. the Public Health Ministry on Prevention of Infectious Diseases I. General stipulations Definition of an infectious person . The doctor's duties in care of.infected persons Public, authorities' duties in' direating.medicaton and isolation . II. Isolation of infected persons Methods and terms of isolation. Emergency epidemic hospitals Complete isolation . . Par.tia~. Isolation What is to be done with isolated persons;. Procurement of .. pr hibit o ory signs . III. Observation of the infectious persons' surrouddings IV. Control of pathogenic sources V. Travel and transportation of infectious erso p ns Procedures to be applied in iftexnational travel Transportation of infectious patients Care of persons falling sick in the caurse of'?a journey VI. Diverse Stipulations : Duties of the Permanent' Health Commission 1n: handling e ide i p m cs Annulment of stipulations . 1st Appendix (red prohihitory.sign) .? 2nd Appendix (yellow prohibitory sign) 3rd Appendix Guidance on care of infectious patents A. Infectious illnesses which have. to be:reported. 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102109: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 8. Febris flava (yellow fever) 10. Hepatitis epidemica and serumhepatitis ii. Influenza complicate 12. Leprosy 13. Leptospirosis a. Leptospirosis benigna b. Leptospirosis maligna 14. Malaria 15, Glanders 16. Meningitis cerebrospinalis epidemica 170 Meningitis serosa a. Choriomeningitis lymphocytica b. Meningitis resulting from enteric viruses 9 Febris recurrens 32. Rabies and infections due to rabies-suspected animals 18. Morblli 19. Paratyphoid - 20. Pertussis 21. Bubonic plague 22. Poliomyelitis anterior acuta 23. Salmonellis gastr.oenteritica 24. Scarlatina 25. Taeniasis (Taeniidosis) 26. Tetanus 27. Trichinosis 28. Tularaemia 29. Typhus abdominalis (typhoid fever) 30. Typhus exanthematicus 31 Variola 50X1 -HUM Infectious, parasitic and fungal.. illnesses that need not be reported 1. Actinomycosis 2. Ancylostomiasis (ancylostomatidosis). 3. Aphthae epizooticae 4. Ascariasis (ascaridosis) 5. Coryza 6. Dermatomycoses a. Illnesses resulting from hypomycetes infection b. Illnesses resulting from gennniparous fungi 7. Dyspepsia coli 8. Erysipelas hominis 9. Erysipelas Rosenbach 10. Favus . 11, Febris Pappataci .12. Febris rheumatics 13. Herpaagina iosa Impetigo.contag 14 . . 15. Kera`tocon junct ivitis ` epidem ca: (numnliularis) 16. Listeriosis . 17. Mononucleosis infectioua 18. Myalgia epidemica (pleurodynia epidemica) 19. Nephrosonephritis haemorrhagica 20. Nocardiosis 21. Oedema malignum 22. Ornithosis (Psittacosis) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011 /02/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001 600080001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102109: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 S-E-C-R-E-T -9- 23. Oxyuriasis (Enterobiasis) 24. Parotitis epidemica 25. Pediculosis 26. Pneumonia Pzieu c.27. Q-f ever 28. Rubeola 29, Scabies 30. Toxoplasmosis 31. Varicella the Council of the Ministers. Instruction Nr 821/F/13/1955 of the Public Health Ministry Establishing' the Disinfectant Norms 4th Annex. Instructions for disinfection I Permanent disinfection of sick-bed surroundings II Final disinfection III Disinfection in.special cases 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 37/1958 by the Public Health Ministry on Alteration and Completion of the Decree on Prevention of Infectious Diseases Nr 8200-4/1953 Implementing the Instruction Nr 61/1953 20 Dec by Instruction Nr 30/1958 by the Public Health Ministry on Reporting and Recording of Epidemic Cases I. General stipulations II. Reporting and recording of infectious cases III. Practical duties of local public health authorities concerning reporting of infectious cases Instruction Nr 8200-6/1953 by the Public Health Ministry on Infectious Cases' Laboratory Tests IV. Summing up of reports V. Diverse stipulations I. Testing procedures except TB and VD cases II. Laboratory tests in TB cases III. Laboratory tests in VD cases Appendix to the Public Health Ministry's Instruction Nr 8200-6/1953 on Laboratory Tests to be Performed in Infectious Cases. Procedure to be used in some cases in forwarding analyses Compulsory tests I~ Available tests S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 a, Pneumonia lobaris b. Pneumonia due to other bacteria - L---- -- 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 34/1958 b the Public Health Ministry on Alteration and Completion of the Ministry's Instruction Nr 8200-6/1953 Con- Paratyphoid Fever Germ Carriers Definition of microbe carriers Search for microbe carriers Classification of carriers Epidemic control of microbe carriers Carriers' registration Reporting on carrier's change of residence and death Discharging of microbe carriers Diverse stipulations Implementing of the decree cerning Laboratory Tests to be Completed in Cases of Infectious Decree Nr 2/1958 (1 June) of the Public Health Ministry Diseases, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102109: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 Procedure to be Applied in Handling Typhoid and Establishin Decree Nr 1063/1954 (20 Aug) of the Council of the Extermination of Rodents and Vermin Typhus of the Instruction Nr 1/1955 Concerning Preventive Measures Against Preventive Measures Against Typhus Decree Nr 101/1955 of the Public Health Ministry on Implementing Ministers Instruction Nr 1/1955 (13 Jan) of the Public Health Ministry on ,,1955 Con- of the Measures Mentioned in Para 9p Instruction Nr Decree Nr 164/1955 by the Public Health Ministry on Implementation 1 cerning Typhus Prevention Decree Nr 5/1955 (1 Nov) by the Public Health Ministry on Pre- ventive Measures Against Infected, Rugs and Other Arthropods. Extermination of Rodents Instruction Nr 3/1955 (3 June) by the Public. Health Ministry on mentation of the Decree Nr 5/1955 Instruction Nr 170/1955 by the Public Health Ministry on I_ mple^ of the Instruction Nr.3/1955 Decree Nr 136/1955 by the Public Health Ministry on Implementation Decree'Nr 60/1953 (20 Dec) of the Council of the Ministers on Government Instruction Nr 1027/1958 (3 Aug) on Preventive Measures Vaccination Against Poliomyelitis Instruction Nr 5/1958 ( 16 Oct) by the Public Health Ministry on Enforcement , of the Legal :Provisions Concerning' Vaccination Decree Nr 8200/1953 b the Public Health Ministr .Concernin Implementation of the_Instruction Nr 60/1953 by the Council of the Ministers Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102109: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 S-E-C-.R-E-T -11- A. TB vaccination B. Vaccination against diphtheria'-whooping cough-tetanus . an a aga~ns zplitheria-whooping cough-tetanus- - _ dysentery Vaccination against diphtheria-,tetanus or against diphtheria D. Vaccination against poliomyelitis E. Vaccination against whooping cough F. Smallpox vaccination G. Vaccination against typhoid-tetanus H. Typhoid vaccination I. Tetanus vaccination . J. Scarlatina. vaccination K. Vaccination against rabies . L. Vaccination against typhus M. Vaccination against dysentery and against typhoid- tetanus-dysentery Diverse active vaccinations Gamma-globulin vaccinations for prevention of infectious diseases General provisions . ;A. Outlines of the .vac.cinations . .$. Determination of the persons to be vaccinated' C. preparation and execution of vaccination D. Completion of vaccination reports E. Control of the vaccination results and enforcement F. Duties of the permanent health commission G. Vaccination reporting. 50X1-HUM II. Detailed instructions concerning special vaccinations III. Diverse instructions Instruction Nr 38/1958 of the Public Health Ministry concerning alteration and completion of the Instruction Nr 8200-5/1953.on vaccinations SUPPLEMENTS Decree Nr 58/1950 of the Council of the Ministers concerning infor- mation to be supplied on venereal oases . Excerpt from the Public Health Ministry Decree Nr 110/1951 (4 Aug) concerning obligation to supply information on veneral cases Excerpt from the Public Health Ministry Decree Nr 45/1957 on re- porting, : registration and care of TB cases as well as on reporting by the nursing homes on such cases Decree Nr 67/1955 (11 Dec) of the Council of the Ministers concerning Instruction Nr 159/1956 by the Public Health Minis.try.on preventive preventive measures against trachoma measures against trachoma S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM ulatii~g -?~/1953 by the Public Health Ministry regulating the act? Instructionvaty N~ 9300 of the hospital sections for infecti?us dise ~ Decree Nr 6/1958 (12 Noe) eS b for the Public Health Ministry concerning reduction of hospital f b the Ministry o~ Agriculture con Decree Ni' 22/_],95$ (l5 Octt cattle tubercul0s1S pr~yent~on aga~ns f Public Health on the istry o e Min Ir~strnctioa ~1r 50/195$ ~ythe district, town and the capital city reporting obigata.Qas . district ~octgrs List giving the suppliers of main medical sizppiies Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 PREVENTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES (255 pages) 50X1 -HUM Published in 1954 by the Ministry of Public Health, Budapest INDEX Decree Nr 61/1953 (20 Dec) of the Council of the Ministers on Prevention of Infectious Diseases Instruction Nr 8200-4/1953 of the Public Health Ministry on Prevention of Infectious Diseases I. General stipulations Definition of an infectious person The doctor's duties in care of infected persons The authorities' duties in directing medication and isolation II. Isolation of infectious cases Methods and terms of isolation Emergency epidemic hospitals Complete isolation Partial isolation what is to be done with isolated persons. Procurement of prohibitory signs, III. Observation of the sick persons' surroundings IV. Control of pathogenic sources V. Sick persons' travel and transportation Procedures to be applied in international trade Transportation of infectious cases Care of persons who fall sick in the course of a journey VI. Diverse stipulations The permanent health commission duties in handling epidemics 1st Appendix (Red prohibitory sign) 2nd Appendix (Yellow prohibitory sign) 3rd Appendix (Guidance on care to be given to infectious patients) A. Infectious diseases which have to be reported: 1. Anthrax 2. Brucellosis 3. Cholera asiatica 4. Diphtheria 5. Dysentery 6. Encephalitis epidemica a. Encephalitis lethargica b. Encephalitis spread by arthropods 7. Food poisoning due to bacterial 8. Febris f lava (yellow fever) 9. Febris puerperalis 10. Febris recurrens 11. Hepatitis epidemica Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 t~?~,~yi :iHi C;;';Iz1L~~i181 B. 12. Influenza complicata L3.- Leprosy 14, Malaria 15. Glanders 16, Meningitis cerebrospinalis epidemica 17. Meningitis serose a. Choriomeningitis lymphocytica b. Meningitis of leptospiral origin 18. Morbilli 19. Paratyphoid fever 20. Pertussis 21. Bubonic plague 22. Poliomyelitis anterior acuta 23. Scarlatina 24. Tetanus 25. Trachoma 26, Tularaemia 27, Typhus abdominalis (typhoid fever) 28. Typhus exanthematicus 29. Variola 30. Rabies and infections due to rabies-suspected 50X1 -HUM animals Infections, parasitic and fungal illnesses that need not 1. be reported: Actinomycosis 2, Ancylostomiasis 3. Aphtae epizooticae 4. Ascariasis 5, Coryza 6.t Dermatomycoses 7. a. Illness resulting Illness resulting infection Dyspepsia soli from hypomycetes infection from gemmiparous fungi 8. Echinococcosis 9, Erysipelas hominis 10. Erysipeloid Rosenbach 11. Favus 12. Febris Pappataci 13, Impetigo contagiosa 14, Leptospirosis a. Well's Disease b. Leptospiroses without jaundice 15. Oedema malignum 16. Oxyuriasis 17, Parotitis epidemica 18. Pediculosis 19, Pneumonia a. Pneumonia lobaris b, Pneumonia due to other virus than pneumococci c. Virus pneumonia 20, Polyarthritis rheumatica 21. Psittacosis 22. Q-f ever 23, Rubeola 24, Scabies 25. Taeniasis 26. Trichinosis 27, Varicella 4th Annex, Instructions for disinfection S-E-C-R-E-T '.Yr,+y ' ~. Y u' R ? yt.a.d Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 I. Permanent disinfection of sick-bed surroundings II. Final disinfection III. Disinfection in special cases 50X1 -HUM Decree Nr 60/1953 (20 Dec) of the Council of the Ministers on Vaccination I. General instructions A. Outline of the vaccinations Compulsory vaccinations Non-compulsory vaccinations B. Determination of the persons to be vaccinated Birth-marriage and death registrar's duties Reporting on childrenchange of residence Announcements by the authorities about vaccination Statistics of school-age children Statistics of people, irrespective of age, who are under the obligation to submit to general vaccination Preparation and performance of the vaccinations The vaccinator Vaccination plan Preparation of the vaccination data Vaccination time-table and summons Procurement of immunization means and equipment Preservation of the vaccines Reservation of vaccination quarters Assistant personnel Exemption from vaccination Postponement of vaccination Performance of vaccination D. Preparation of the vaccination records Keeping of the records Vaccination record and its replacement E. Control of results and performance Control and reporting of the reactions Control of the performance F. Duties of the permanent health commission G. Vaccination report II. Detailed stipulations concerning some vaccinations A, TB vaccination Definition of persons under vaccination obligation Institutes and doctors in charge of children public vaccination Definition and dosing of the BCG (Calmette-Guerin) vaccine ` Procurement of the BCG-vaccine and tuberculin Contraindictions to TB vaccination Performance of the vaccination Reaction to the BCG-vaccine Control of allergies. Repetition of the BCG-vaccination BCG-vaccination after tuberculin check Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 Justification and registering of TB-vaccination an tuberculin tests Numer?carl reporting of tuberculin tests Duties of TB nursing homes Reporting by the Public Health Institute on BCG- vaccination cases B. Vaccinations against whooping cough-tetanus Definition and procurement of the vaccine Obligation to submit to vaccination Vaccin -dew, number of the vaccinations Vaccination and rev dates Performing of vaccination Justification and control of vaccination and revaccination C. Vaccination against diphtheria-whooping cough D. Vaccination against diphtheria E. Vaccination against whooping cough F, Vaccination against smallpox G, Vaccination against typhoid-tetanus H. Vaccination against typhoid I. Vaccination against tetanus J. Vaccination against scarlatina K. Vaccination against rabies L. Vaccination against typhus M. Vaccination against other illnesses 50X1 -HUM III, Diverse instructions Succession of Procurement of the vaccinations printed matter Cancelling instructions 1st Appendix: Instruction on the successive order in which vaccinations 2nd Appendix: are performed according to age Vaccination form 3rd Appendix: Form to be used in registering newly-born childrens' vaccination data 4tti Appendix: Notification of birth for the purpose of BCG vaccination 5th Appendix: Form to be used in registering school age childrens' vaccination data 6th Appendix: Form to be used in registering vaccination against illness 7th Appendix: Order form for vaccine procurement 8th Appendix: Summons form 9th Appendix: Form giving a list of vaccinations performed in 19 10th Appendix: Form giving information on performed TB vaccinations 11th Appendix: Form for registering BCG vaccinations and tuberculin: tests 12th Appendix: Form fox reporting tuberculin tests S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 SUPPLEMENTS Decree Nr 133/1951 (31 Dec) by the Public Health Ministry on Reporting and Control of Infectious Diseases 50X1 -HUM Regulation on Reporting and Control of Infectious Diseases, issued Instruction Nra8200:~10/1953 by the Public Health Ministry concerning Together with the Decree Nr 133/1951 completion of above regulation , i I w nw ~ w~+ w wr~r Laboratory Tests to be Carried Out in Cases of Infectious Diseases I. Testing procedures except TD and VD cases II. Laboratory tests in TB cases III. Laboratory tests in VD cases Appendix: Procedure to be used in forwarding analyses for laboratory tests Instruction Nr 92006/1953 by theuubli-c Health Ministry on Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM PREVENTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2nd Edition 560 pages Published in 1955 by the Ministry of Public Health, Budapest INDEX A. Infectious illnesses which have to be reported 1. Anthrax 2. Brucellosis 3. Cholera', Asiatic 4, Diphtheria 5. Dysentery 6. Echinococcosis 7. Encephalitis' epidemica a. Encephalitis lethargica b. Encephalitis spread by arthropods (1) Encephalitis carried by ticks (2) Equine encephalomyelitis Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 Decree Nr 61/1953 (20 Dec) o the Council of the Ministers on Prevention o:t Infectious Dis ases Definition of an infectious person The doctor's duties in care of infected persons Public authorities' duties in directing medication and isolation Z U V~i1 G1QA ox Infectious Diseases I. General stipulations Instruction Nr 5200-4/1953 by the Puhl; Naa 1+h Mc 4-,v, v, .,., II. Isolation of infected persons Methods and terms of isolation Emergency epidemic hospitals Complete isolation Partial isolation What is to be done with isolated persons. Procurement of prohibitory signs, III. Observation of the infectious persons' surroundings IV. Control of pathogenic sources V. Travel and transportation of infectious persons Procedures to be applied in international travel Transportation of infectious patients Care o;f persons falling sick in the course of a journey Duties of the Permanent Health Commission in. handling ' d VI. Diverse Stipulations 3rd Appendix Guidance on care of infectious patients ..pi emits Annulment of stipulations 1st Appendix (red prohibitory sign) 2nd Appendix (yellow prohibitory sign) 1. Actinomycosis 2. Ancylostomiasis (ancylostomatidosis) 3. Aphthae epizooticae 4. Ascariasis (ascaridosis) 5,, Coryza 6. Dermatomycoses a. Illnesses resulting from hypomycetes infection b. Illnesses resulting from gemmiparous fungi 7. Dyspepsia soli 8. Erysipelas hominis 9. Erysipelas Rosenbach 10. Favus 11. Febris Pappataci 12. Febris rheumatica 13. Herpangina. 14. Impetigo contagiosa 15. Keratoconjunctivitis epidemica (nummularis) 16. Listeriosis 17. Mononucleosis infectiona 18. Myalgia epidemica (pleurodynia epidemica) 19. Nephrosonephritis haemorrhagica 20. Nocardiosis 21. Oedema malignum 22. Ornithosis (Psittacosis) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM 8. Febris flava (yellow fever) 9. Febris recurrens 10. Hepatitis epidemica and serumhepatitis 11. Influenza complicata 12. Leprosy 13. Leptospirosis a. Leptospirosis benigna b. Leptospirosis maligna 14. Malaria 15. Glanders 16. Meningitis cerebrospinalis epidemica 17. Meningitis serosa a. Choriomeningitis lymphocytica b. Meningitis resulting from enteric viruses 18. Morbilli 19. Paratyphoid 20. Pertussis 21. Bubonic plague 22. Poliomyelitis anterior acuta 23. Salmonellis gastroenteritica 24. Scarlatina 25. Taeniasis (Taeniidosis) 26. Tetanus 27. Trichinosis 28. Tularaemia 29. Typhus abdominalis (typhoid fever) 30. Typhus exanthematicus 31. Variola 32. Rabies and infections due to rabies-suspected animals illnesses that need B. Infectious, parasitic and not be reported Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102109: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 ' llu '.wup.LC' L.Lu11 OI ine Decree on PrPvPn t i nn of 27. Q-fever 28. Rubeola 29. Scabies 30, Toxoplasmosis 31. Varicella c. Pneumonia atypica, viruspneumonia 26. PI a, PneumonjaT~ b, Pneumonia due to other bacteria 4th Annex, instructions for disinfection T Permanent disinfection of sick-bed surroundings II Final disinfection III Disinfection in special cases Instruction Nr 37/1958 by the Public Heal th Mi ni a1- 7 cementing 4he Tnstruction N r 61/1953 the Council of the Ministers. (20 Dec by Instruction Nr 821/F/13/1955 of the Public Health Ministry Establ ishin the Disinfectant Norms Instruction Nr 30/1958 by the Public Health Ministry on Reporting and Recording of Epidemic Cases I. General stipulations II, Reporting and recording of infectious cases III. Practical duties of local public health authorities concerning reporting of infectious cases IV. Summing up of reports V. Diverse stipulations Instruction Nr 82000-6/1953 by the Public Health Ministry on Infectious Cases' Laboratory Tests I. Testing procedures except TB and VD cases II. Laboratory tests in TB cases III. Laboratory tests in VD cases Appendix to the Public Health Ministry's Instruction Nr 8200-6/1953 on Laboratory Tests to be Performed in Infectious Cases. Procedure to be used in some cases in forwarding analyses I Compulsory tests II Available tests S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102109: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 General provisions A. Outlines of the vaccinations B. Determination of the persons to be vaccinated C. Preparation and execution of vaccination D. Completion of vaccination reports E. Control of the vaccination results and enforce F. Duties of the permanent health cr ' ` flZ 50X1 -HUM II. Detailed instructions concerning special vaccinations A, TB vaccination 13. Vaccination against diphtheria-whooping cough-tetanus and that against diphtheria-whooping cough-tetanus- dysentery C. Vaccination against diphtheria-tetanus or against diphtheria D. Vaccination against poliomyelitis E. Vaccination against whooping cough F. Smallpox vaccination G. Vaccination against typhoid-tetanus H. Typhoid vaccination I. Tetanus vaccination J. Scarlatina vaccination K. Vaccination against rabies L. Vaccination against typhus M. Vaccination against dysentery and against typhoid- tetanus-dysentery N. Diverse active vaccinations 0. Gamma-globulin vaccinations for prevention of infectious diseases III, Diverse instructions Instruction Nr 38/1958 of the Public Health Ministry concerning alteration and completion of the Instruction Nr 8200-5/1953 on vaccinations SUPPLEMENTS Decree Nr 58/1950 of the Council of the Ministers concerning infor- mation to be supplied on venereal cases Excerpt from the Public Health Ministry Decree Nr 110/1951 (4 Aug) concerning obligation to supply information on venereal cases Excerpt from the Public Health Ministry Decree orti Nr 45/1957 on re- p ng, registration and care of TB eases as by the nursing homes on such cases well as on reporting Decree Nr 67/1955 (11 Dec) of the Council of the Ministers concerning preventive measures against trachoma Instruction Nr 159/1956 by the Public Health Ministry on preventive measures against trachoma S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/09 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7 50X1 -HUM Instruction Nr 8300-7/1953 by the public Ikealth Ministry regulating the activity of the hospital sections for irifectiouFs difca set Decree Nr 6 12 Nov) by the Public 1Ieal.h Ministry cone(3rnr)g ------r uc on of hospital -fees for diverf e caso? Decree Nr 22/1958 (15 Oct) by the Ministry of Agriculture tors cerning prevention against cattle tuberculoi18 Instruction Nr 50/1958 by the Ministry of Public Health on the reporting obligations of the district, town axiri the capital city district doctors List giving the suppliers of main medical uppllcr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011102/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R001600080001-7