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where he received his doctor's degree. _ M-' . the career of a judge. 13) He attained i.e rank of "Oberlandesgeriohtdrat" (H,.gh Judge) 16) He was always a "Grosedeutsoher" (pro-Greater Germany7. Under the Dollfuss-Sohusohnigg regime he was "Vaterlaendisoh" and a follower of Mussolini. InMllsotuals he is not outstanding as a Juriut w id not very intelligent; 1 aotloual s a very unreliable person. Sources 10,005 .10,011 Memorys very good excellent judgments very pro od excellent Objectivity. very good excellent Report covers time up to 1939 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200018-1 He had pro-faaoiet tendendies. 19) His financial position is comfortable. 21) Physiologioals he is tall, lean, wears glasses, has sparsip hair) U. re. C30VERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, (20) N, Y. 1) 3) 5) KIWIS, Hans 2) Principal of a high school in Address available in the City Graz rind former member of the City Hal L of Graz, Styria Council of Graz. Born about 1895 Austrian 4) In Lankowit;, western Styria 7 and 8) Comea from factory. 9)- Married 10) a) No children a workers' frunily. His ft-.ther worked in it glass Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 10) o) No children 12) He grew up in Styria 13) He attended high oohool and Teachers' training School. 15) He became a high school teacher and later a principal. 16) Membor of the Social Democratic Pl. rty and the Trade Union. 17) He was an army officer in World War I. He lost a leg in the Italian theater of war. Was decorated several times. 19) Lives in modest financial circumstances. intellecfiIA very intelligont and highly cultured; erwotionalt very reliable and fearless; operation +s very sociable and popular; Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 KRAUS, Hans (continued) Kraus is highly qualified for a position in the re 2onstruction period and would be a definite asset to .,,ny organization. Report covers time ul, to 1938. r'' ------ "1 n~ c Memory: Excellent J-.xlgment: Lxoel? ent Objectivity: Excellent Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Au&trta BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, (20) N. Y, #236? 1) MATZNER, Fritz Address available in the iJ(L GA-4% .. Diet at. %Graz. Herrengas se, Styria. Pro b b 1.y lives in Graz. February 3, 1944 1O, 015 2) Former secretary of the Trade Union and member of the #iet of Q?..~MJ U 4.Y 1 1 O 4) Tn Vienna 7 .rid 9) Comes from a workers' family. His father was a m-tal worker. 3) Born about 1&399 5) Austrian 9) Mu.urried. 10) c) No children 10) c) No children 3.2) He spent his childhood in Vienna. 13) He attended elementary school and went through training; for 'tirplane construction. 14) He traveled extensively abroad. la) rigirAlly he was a sid.lled worker in the airplano factory ii Wiuner Neustadt, Lower Aui tria. He later become the seoretury of the Trade Union in Graz, Styria. 7 A) Member of the Union and of the Santini Uemocratl.c Pr..rty. Elected to the Diet of Styria. Retired in 1.934. 21) uhveiolozic .1.: medl ii , iui rrht, blond ; intelleotual: highly tntell.igent; Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 ornotion.91: extr(+me Lj rA Lia bl e tu1d of ,;;re t, "r? I?;.Orl:, l Nazi uC?C).L')',t..l`o" to,- ')t'ove hl.mfw.Lt? hel.')j'ttl t.o Ijt'!?:'i)It: 'It :l ).I?f.,i~ mu1'r.ir"; hu L., a.1.wt,,y; r"":; totun n risk for his id 'u '~;. Ho tt: ;l ~,~I1( II.I, i ur t,tlfr oo('rr,tLonnl: hri L:. -:ocirsh1'. ,tri(; hr,;.l ntum I (IA t r Matwti i L;- vury u!)u.L::r nd t?,'soect? colon, ti,)? work- m or :;wr?I;,. His CCU( ptu ti ri in tihl~ '1iC,.)Il r Wl rca: 0,0.L, dlcmury : Excel Lent j tul I.;mtnt: Lxcel.I.unt OD cetivity: .'xcellr3nt Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 U h.) c: tiuLe 1.lit;ent and hi 1;hly edtuc;tcted` Emotianaj Iiitrh inte,;rit~r, impartial, f'ePrleeb. /erv v.ivnoic~uti; tie rerrruiued even l&uuer Lhc, r,t.zi re;;;ime an huneat,, :Arit,ra..umd jucJi;e. Souroe : 10,,OOb L0,011 1etnory : very 1',o(-)d exoeli.ent udl7ment; vory od aacrallent UbjectiviL3t: very ;;oocl exoellent Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, (90) N. Y. AUSTRIA X 1) Y IDMAYFR, Franz Doutech Wagram, Lower Auntrib Jc,nu1,ry 1944 2) Secret!ir?y of th?i Ftirmhund t' Union, i'orn er? member of the Diet of Lower Puitrib. 15) He woo f i rv t, a -rivc tc employee in Vienna, Ic ter he became the Secre tc r:,- of the Fermharid8t Uri Lon. 3) Burn F.bout 1E94 5) Au8tric.n 7 a.nd 8) Comes from a f+irmervs family 9) Married 12) He grew ul in Lower Austria 13) Attended elementary school Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 15) He was first a private em~Lsyee in Vienne, later he becum& ti-lo >eeret.a,ry of the Farmhende' Union. 16) Member of the Social Demo.ratic 1'arty and the Trade Union. ly) He lives in modest fixnancial circuni tances, haz; u.i smell form tat Deutt1ch Weigrtim. 2.1 ) p jog1oal: Tall, 31in-, dark hair and iyea, handsome. JlAtyLlectuul: Very intelligent and a good il,etiker in discuesi.on. ??otior Trustworthy. reliable;, not without ambition. Q erati on Very sociable loves coml ny. - r. Tlr~ui i a 11A11 T. farming ctintricte near Vienna). He is very po, lar here, find is rticommended for the reorgr+nizing tint t,dministrb tion of thLs distriot. Report cover3 time ui, to 1939. Interviewers' own inf ormv! tion. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 1 and Teachers' Training Scho Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 AUSTRIA BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 4io FIFTH AVENUL NEW YORK, (20) N. Y. #2:376 January 31, 1944 1) RU)CKL, Figelbert 2) Profeaaor at the Teachers' ikddreas available at the Lehrerbildungsan- Training School in Gras, Styria stalt ('leachers' Trhining School) in Graz, Styria j~ ~V~bi 1~'L {yu -1 ilp M v V a +1ea 3) born about 1894 41 %V 5) Austrian 7 and 8) Hit father was a worker in a glass factory in Voitaberg, Styria. 9) Married 10) c. He has a footer,-son, about 28 years old. d. His wife is from Triest and speaks Slovene and Italian. 12) He grow up in Styria. d. His wife in from Triest and speaks Slovene and 12) He grew up in Styria. 13) He attended elementary school wmi Teachers' Training School. 14) He traveled in Germany, Italy and France. 15) He web a high school teacher, and finally profe.eor at ,tie Teachers' Training School. 16) Member of the Trade Union and the Social Democratic Party. Elected to the City Council of Graz, financial referee on the Board of the Social Democratic Communal Administration. Administration manager of the Social Democratic daily paper "Arbeiterwille". Retired in 1934. In World War I he was an army officer. Was honorably diamiased and deoorated after being ?ieveI aly wounded. 19) Ho has a modest income. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 eoutintud 21) Phyptplo&tcal: Tell, aparae grey hair, has only onO Sye. InteUyctuel: Very intell igeci t and cultured, a very good spe.ker. JlRotior1nji Very reliable and fearless. Highly recommendable for future reconstruction work; very efficient in social welfare matters. He has great political influence among the poipule*rion of Graz and Styria . Report covers time Up to 1938. Source: 10,013 Memory: Exc.IL Judgment: Objecttvity: Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 AUSTRIA CONFIDENTIAL U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, (20) N. Y, #2377 Janua ry? 31 s 1944 1) GLEISE-HORSTENAU, Edmund von 2) General in the Aurt.rinn Army, at I.'re- Now probab.-Ly in Croiitia. gent representative of tha German Govurnmont with Ante rnvelitsch, the Dictator of Cr. ot, Lia . J% I ?.1, sa. c avAL1Ly G / 1004 . 5) Austrian. t,.) in irtunr,u on tri inn, Up)l er Austria. 7 cad 8) Comes from in aristocratic army offi.cerea' family. liis fouler 'vest,; a Major in the Austro-Hhangarian Army. 9) M6rr.Leu. 12) He grew ul. ix Vienne, and Wiener.-Neuf.tndt. 13) He utte r.,ied the Military Academy in V iener---Nuiu.;ttthJt, eirI6 ,ifterwurds attended the Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 12) He grew up in Vienna and Wiener-Neustadt. 3.3) He attended the Military Academy in Wiener-Neustadt, and afterwards attended the Kriegsachule (Highest military school for officers). Later he attended the University of Vienna, without graduating however. He wan appointed Doctor Honorie? Causa (Dr. h.c..) of the University of Munich. 15) In his officersa carber he entored Kriegsschule in 1909. From 1912 to 1914 he was the director of the War Archives. In World War I he was Comawnder of the German War Press headquarters in 1915. Later he was the Austrian liraib.;n officer in German Headquarters. When the A>pf~r+ia:: .i.o:.:iruIA w2k, ~;n..4.4tii- -4 %_ - SAW worked in the liquidation of the Austrian War Office. In 1925 he wee ones more director of the War Archives. In 1934 he lectured at the University of Vienna on War History. He was it member of the Catholic Uuiversitymen's Club and of the Club of Austrian Aristocracy. (Catholic) In July 1936, after the first negotintiono between Schuschnigg and Hitler, he Joined the Schuc .hnigg Cabinet as Minister of the Interior. After the Nazi. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 continued occupation of Austria he joined the Seise-Inquart Cabinet as a Nezi. At present he is the German Representetive in Croatia. 16) While the Monarchy lasted, he was a monarchist. In the Austrian Republic he posed as a Democrat. During the Schuaciinigg regime he kept relations with the Na-3i Party and is a Minister of State twice visited Hitler, once in Berlin, and once in Berchteug,aden. In the Schunchnigg Cabinet, however, he represented a moderate "Deutsccinationa]'," (German National) attitude. After the Nazi occupation he openly turned Nazi. The Nazi government entrusted various delicate missions to him. 19) He has great financial holdings. 21) Phy,pip1ogioal: Tull, stout, "L-d. ~n,llectual: Eiidhly cuiture'd, well read. Eotional: Versatile, cunning. (A kind of Austrian von Papen, but less of a diplomat.) Very fickle and completely undependable. He who t,odday is a Nazi, Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 diplomat.) Very fickle and complret' ly undependable. He who today is a Nazi, formerly had numerous Jewish friends. He is a traitor to his own country. Q rat onal: He is very sociable, loves restaurant life and company. 25) He published a book in 1913, "Der.Feldzug von Dreaden", and in 1929, "Die Katastophe" and a biography of General Franz Back. Report coverts time up to 1943. interviewers * oft information and the Austrian - ter t t ivo 193 . Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 U. S. GOVERNMENT oNFIDE BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FILTH AVENUE NEW YORK, (20) N. Y. AUSTRIA #2378 X 1) STRF.k;};UWIT2 , Ernst von Vi enz?a VIII, 15, Skodagasse (In 1967) 2) January 29, 1944 Former Feuer &I Chancellor (Bundeskanzler) . At present he Is Chairrn n (AufsichtsrH-1t) -)f' the [{ypoteken and : i t a rl s t. bi t J I-1 V 'i e rUm m. . 4) In Bohemia 7 and 9) Comes from ,in aristocratic family. His father was Georg Adolf von ,;tree:r:iwiL , Member of Parliament Urea Lift (Reichsrat 3) Born ` epternbf r ::1,3, P374 5) Austrian unc3 Lanidtags ftbgeordneter) In the Austro-Hungarian monnirehy. 9) Darr ie(l 10) c. One s,~~~, about 22, and possibly other children. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 9) Married 10) c'. One son, about 22, and possibly other children. 12) He grew up In Vienna and Wtener-Neustadt. 13) He attended the Military Academy in Wiener-Neustadt, ,joined the Army as a cavalry officer s to att(mrl1ed the War Acfjc erny (Kriegs- sChule, the highest military school for officers.) He later stuczir: Law at the r1n.ivr.-rstt,/ ~:,)f.' VIeinnn, aria t'ol.Loweu a course for techriictan.s but din not c'-nn et:e hi:9 3tuci 3s. 15) From 1903 until 1914 he was Marian;.--.r )i' the Cosanetiios A.(,.; From 1914 until 19:='5 Manager tend 1i ter GerrerzAI Mar.u:tger )f the Textile Printing Plarit A.(.,. In Neunkirchren, Lower i istrin. In i9 K,"9 he was Vice-Presicaent or the C.naigber of Cowmcrce in Vienna, Presluent of trte Credit- Lns ti (Loc:ri-In;3tit,.ttr.) for V'iih11c Works and Enterprises, Ch& lrrnarr oo.i' the 1t,ustriari Insti& to for Ycortornicril Resegroh (Kon tunkturforschung) , Chr;t irmuri of the Corporation fur Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 ,=?c !.us1;rLi u Utiii.?,t.L,) I of r' t(-?r,)~wer, C"nE,trawr1 ?:)f t:tr, Abroflcl ftrl,. u1.' t'~tF' / rt: tr itirl I~r;.,!tc'rl .)t' tit(, Int;~ rnfat.ic~n~~t Citcutber s of Commerce, I'r;' tc erit )f t:ie L,t~rtLies-s~y,at;'tc:l~c~r, P+-tL tt I_t for Lower A 19:29 tie wits I''eciE~r~:L ~h;-~It~~t'1 ;-oc (L>>.tr-~iE?;k;an~a_ r) -)i' Aust..?i.,'~. L6) Wt-ic!n tc Nt+ri: ~ct.tf,1(7 i Au s,tr~r.t ; t bvcr,lnr~ Bof.,r'u ( of Tr'i~;t , ? r ? $ t ' . ) r ? L it :1y n,.~L,.- .c~rt :ins? K.ro~:,, Art:-t; 1.L ~t V t,~rt.,trl .l i~4. ) tt; c ~, Lrin ;: ~)c: III z' ,?1 . in Lta:.'U 16~ l,i ;3 t L' Lr?u t, itla?..ib :I- ~1' tilt- ric: W rl E. t ?- C' F. L u e :) i' i'i, r L L;,.nh'II t.. i'`T?om i ?~i~y; t o 1.9 .'? 't(' W i R Weci - !vt cr ut t.'r~ z EeT?hI Crtt~rlCt~L.iar ;art': i l t~~ts C,, r) cIt.v ,L;ttb:-;tt tf.~.?c? f'c)T? t; t~ i''rucr~.t.L CriLirtce l t.or :'f ii-' i 1 7 ` .)!! l' L L6 pre' -t'I.red , f r? j,() 1, 1 t. LC;i I. re:.i s(`r1S , . Vuri ;t.r?ec.~?c.tw.LLr vEa:ti ~t.i:;;Lec to r(:tn4a In to thy.' t,r.tc'-cgrouriu by Seine.I rt:ttnseiF' vertu W S uisr~tttsfiec. ~:it'.~ .tip 1t~~ii .L.n of ecOfl'.)rnic . nn Vim trF,,uruw Lt?, was eonnecLod w L uti t:-( :Vr~ 1i 'r~ Y? t:,~ and T, -+ t er quo Creol,t P,n-9 t,~tIt Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Fie tr~f 1. :rirnself whc, was c:issF, t:isfiac, with h i - Iiat)~IIIri of econornfc s. I t.'ar ?n Von Streerawitr, wr,:; connected w I t'r t;it: 1 'tirty ,nd carts: ,G~;~o1t1tto the RoHru ,ul' the H} rtotcRR-keri uritc Cr?t;ccit Pr1 3t,,lt In Vienna ;' rter the PNa?1 o.ccc.~;,v ti:r~. He }tt.,;i bet:rt :-;vrrrl,f, thizin9 witFi Vtt- Na"Ls rx long time befc.)re this. As (--Pr.Ly its 1940 he hold 1ect~_lrt-,s ,rt L1 over Germnriy s nr f ndi_nj, rtr?c~r,,,r;,;n~:~ ('ls1 i et,art nolen monts in subj n_ or articles) ~a~rorwl zinor n?uro!-s~ sahi Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 a uonneotions or travel in otho Never in United inteo. 10) *Polio.:coal aotivitier+ or ofhooe, if azW $e ! raved Doiftes reams after 1938 was made Coa_ da'P"?a r-jj ' poe cam: 11) *P l o itio+tl party or leaning; Pro-Hj'tl,r 1?,) Evidnnoes of diaorfrnination on the pert of the nraAent riUoirne He has-been ...a...CAVOr to of t ? ~fii~ls,r r? ftk 13) Intimate friends and aaeootates 14) I' n. of book- of reference in which further biographical d&teL may be obtained *In the oasm of Italy 'distinguish batweon before and after 1922; in t' oaee of Oerinany s-id othor European oountriea allied to, or domiaatccc+ by, G rmrany, d3.btinguish between before and after 1933. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Iv. Bstisats aad appmisi-1 r 1) 8t adi 1 hia osoupatioo or tia1d of saholarsbip..,. C. Qerieut.....L I g) Int Llvotual Integrity sad sta5dards of sebolsxahip etisffcIJoiy g) Ohk raster, and rsltabfli'ty .~?mDOrturiiyt: a C1 t4ib 4) oouti" or e. tnietrratisr aapseitdl..~ 7 nknown 5) Imadership, iiifiueroiol, and ssatoou in tae da maaibp Had family V. ddditioaal sarsrrrUs A willing tool of the Nazis; very harsh to professional who were not of his party. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200018-1 this questionnaire should ordinarily be sent when filled to M.mriean Dsfrnso--Harvard Group, Room P. 11l,dsner Library, Cambridge; ldasseahursetts; but may be sent, if preferred, to Biographical Records Sootiou, Otliee of Strategics Seswiass, Washington, D.C. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 BIOGRAPHICAL 1UCORY)8 Date on which quea- tiannalre in tilled: 30, 1943 (Consultant No. CV T f 8ouroe No. 54 Do not (Biography N1o. J fill in Plao? (~~umtry~ pr ~noe, a town or oity_{ Sub jeot or Oeoupation nom,,,., ?__~_ me. 1. No and title (print) ;t Ej NER , prox' e6 or Fri edr iah IT . ft 601. ro4oupation or pos itlon er4 probable address Prox'e8..,or of literature, Univ. of aena. III* 1) I'1.aoe ut birth _ erg. ~,~~ 2) Age LM " ac i wI. w i. a ^0maw~wa* - - i ? -- -- J..,..i w ~eue iag iun rr'r o z e c~ ee G V) Marital status . ma rr a 6) Rc aare o eo our 8) Major adhievementa in sub jsot or oooupation(inolud_ir, published books or articles) on ~;eriaan Li t eu tur e . Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200018-1 9) Oonneotions or travel in other countries, especially the United States 12) Vvidences of discrimination on the pert of the present regiaw ?4) lama of book of referenoo in which further biographioal data may be obtained *In the case of Ital2- distinguish between before and after 1922E in V' case of Germ*ny and other European countries allied to, ow- dominated by, Gtr-ma, distinguish between before and after 1.952: Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 ?a% BA (P"e a) IT. Estiss-te sat sIPsisal 9 1) 8ta-Mt $ In his esoupation w tseld of sabolsrship.G." 2) IntAloo val integrity and standards of sst . a.rship,~ V. Addittansi ?es nts: ;dot .., politicRi ly-iuindfad mun, 1.10 i ibdits?r, but Very decent chnrt, a t x,; hen c Prtu:41. r+ 1 y a i,1vrr ed Nt.:,zism. -.i'he irxfor;,rant uoea not kiiulh F,11:rthin{ u ut hi+ Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200018-1 Thug questionnaire should ordinarily be soot won Si,llod to AAerissn Defense.-Harvard Group, Roan P, Yddonsr Dibr=7, Cai ria eb s isft4Rnsottsf tjut n!"ry be sent, it preferred, tc SiagaraphiSal foOJrds Sootier. Of"tLae of Strategio bsrvtoes, twhington, D.C. 14 - 10 ~Ll 'L Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 1) Place of birth Age T ) Ar wA ~.7 A1'1~~7 T,1/ e1iC'ton 'try t , asi sif DQarital at tug Honors major adhievementa in subject or occupation(inoiuding public -cd ! ok9 or articles) Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 FOlih HA El OCi PHICAL RECORDS Date on which quss- tionnaire is filled: . F"* 11111lop 12 S" Ooneultent No. ~IIIII Bourne No..,... V.I_- Do not Biography No. ___ m' ~ fill in Place (uou>ntry'"'.' r - town or city Vienna, Austria (Subject or Occupation Vise Arta (Colleo o I. . Namo and title (print) mss, &_ Ii. Present oooupntion or position and probable .address Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 9) Conneotiore or travel in other aountries, v ipeaially the United Jtar...irs 10) *Political activities or offices, If arW 11) *Political party or leaning ~'~T i '~s+wno~+ o= ~,i,acaa-iti~icaarii on. a.aav 13) Intimate friencta and associates 14) r . mme of book of roforenue in which furtl er biographical data may be obtained *In the case of Italy distinguish between before and after 1922; in i iA case of Germany and other European countries allied to, or dominatocl by, Gormany, diatirvauieh between before and after 1933. 4 - Ii D Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 =r? -AL i Jl..aa~s -- r. a.-L&Y r.rr~ L ~LiI: v \IRL Y V w.&J ..G - Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200018-1 FOW ILA (Page 2 IV* Estimate -ind appraisal t 1) Standing in his' oooupation or field of scholarship j 2) Intellectual integrity a:tid standards of: soholarship high Charaoter and rel!nbility, 4) kbceoutive or administrative capacity 6) Leaderchip,, inrluenae, and esteem in the c as munity V. Additional ootmnents t i4vod in Boas ish-_or&gint an e Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200018-1 105012. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Con ~ootiona or travel in other countries, espeoially the United Stair 12) ::v1 in ~oo~ of disori'r, ,nntiort on t'ho art of the r)resent reg5.mo_ 1S) lit i..ate Cri.enth arid wasootates 1a) ;1. e .f l,,-)o:. o.' rufortnwe In which further biographical drta may be obtc fined .In tho caan of Italy distinfeu.L:th b?twoon before and after ill one of' 'er-nany a?td ~A--rho r ',Suroperin cuulLrios alliod to, Or dormant,,(' by, ~,.jrnu.ny, d18tin6uish between bof'oro and aftor 19,73. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200018-1 FORM IV. ( i'E+ go IV. ';atiinat( and appraisal; 1) +~.iding in his oaoupatiork or field of scholarship high 2) Intollootual integrity a?.id rttandards of eoholarship high Charn.utor rind relInbIIP-.y '1) 1xooutivo or adiuinistrative oapaoity 5) ' orLdership, Lnf'] uono?, ":Id e8toom in tho c owmunity V. :.d 0 . i-on a I c u mur,a n t a Lived in Rome as a refugee of Jewish origin; an excellent scholar in the yield of printy and Aust i paintlnjrns fgrnierly ourator of thdhrintrn~ ~.? %V -- Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Lived in Rome as a ref We, of Jewish origin; an excellent scholar in the field of prints and Austrian paintingsformerly curator of the Printroon of the National Bibliothek. Vienna This quo:=ti.un'w,iroo shou1J ordinarily bo sent when fili.'id to American Defenf'o--ha: vard Group, Hoom P, Wi doner Library, GancbridE o, n'lassachusettt ; bitt may be tionL, if proi'ereed, to Bio6raph1oaa. :dOcords !~,eotion, iiffioe of Strategic rvioo , Wc.shiagTtar, U.C. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200018-1 A In 1937 nw Fnum1 r and dirb Qf the_ -o-Lori a M T~uty? tutu of Education 8) :,i";jor ?iohiovor;w.,ts in sub;joct or occupntion(ino1udir,6 puhlishocd hooks FO}i: ;1A BIC)GW,.PHICAI, REC,'RDS Dntie on whioh ques- tionnaire is filled: (Consulte-nt No. Sottroo 1o. XTT_ DU riot (!~i u+',ra1:hy 140. 1 -1-169 t'iUU in(r.'ln,oo (uountr;y~, pr v noe , 7n7 town or oity yj"mS_ jn rj_mL ...~...~_ (:;ub;joct or Oor;upntion ,,__. iQ Z. ~.o.mG anU title (print) T ; . ~'rosont occul-,atiun or 1.)ot; i.t ion ,kid probable address a Qu?_ra lii mrina T l l i . l.) 1''1,100 of girth 2) Ago t 57 chn" taor, or neitiotui' v 1M1ifw_ ~liai... 4) lie l g on C iatiatia i. 1 .,-, .. ..t t~ i ui n t'_.!a n Tinter nr ~r+nnrAT:~ [36 / marrl~a. Approved or 'irticlos) ' ]LCMbAr ?of 1 4ntri" Qo ia;.o foZ Intellectual COoDe t~OYl Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Outran' e r IL-S-0 rpL'A i rtio .a o edugA.Mans 9) Con, eotions or travel in other countries, oopeoially the United Statue re-ft *ae8 MM i I T s i ax p. sties o Coloradn_ Anus. and Ied:'w Leoturee ?l sower.. An& 10) *Politioal aot.ivition or uft'ioes, it' +irp, 11) *Politioal party or Ine.ninFv~ Liberal doi oratie. He tried to get the _. seise u# $tti jLL to mote to Yieaa, 12) ;~;~rtc.tonoes of disorirr.i.n,it9.on on tho part of the present reRimo Nazis .told Deaeler he oould continue his Inetitutei* VieJaaa but he was very dubious about it. 13) Int?Lmnto Pr'iorido and associatos 14) of book o,' roforo,,ce in which further biographioal data may be obt a 1. tied *In tho 015,7 of Itn 1,v (1 ir;tinfr;tt:inh I)otwok,n hoforo and n Pter 1.922; ,i the 01180 of Cormail`' 'i;id othr:r ;';uropoatl ouuntriuo rallied to, or domi;latod by, tnu,,~,y, cm1.3ti.tiru.ioh hotwo!on bo.f'oro and a1'tor 1933. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 2) I11tu1:Luctuc.1 i.Itn;;rit', u1a :1 l:t.L~ic.l;.rcl;3 Df' 3ohc'iarch11p 3) k huractjr cu-4 ri:LI:t. ~::Llity A Uberel at the finest _t e. or rL(U,i; ll.:itr: tivo r r,i?r. J) L'4)(1"ru.111's U.1 0 0to i;, iJ th(; Oc) J.LO1.-t3: Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200018-1 1'OR. HA l 1) LIE; o 2 ) I. L:;tlk.,tu Can beat be an_-aered by noting his aah&Avemente, c~rcl ~Phrai~c.is See Items III- 7, 8, 9, 11 on first page. 1) Stc11,.1111; in hic QOculxltioi: or t'L 1,1 of ccholar3hilp_