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Prin er; f4%' r mldsrber of the District Council in the 12th District / address available in the Office oi' the Distrtot Council Vienna XII, Sch8nibrunnerstrasse 269 / Anton 'and Anton MERINSXY will be able to give infnmution whethi r Hof3tetter will be willing and ready to assist in SOO' l and aol iti cul work. w/Ge/vy'C. (x) Austria to May 1939, info to 1940 OSS BR PU interview ;X), Now York, October 4, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 7895 AUSTRIA I~FMAIN, Dr. LO1'AR Connoted with Intraaranial di arise s s 53 y-eac. old / in 1925-21 studied in Frsnoo and Ger suy und.r Aouketvii r Fellmship / in 1926 rue appointed Otolaryngologist to the Children's Clinia of Karolin.n Hospital, Vienne 11109?1 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 BR M-1564 AUSTRIA rpt 15 October 1943 HOME 4AUEK, la', GOTT FD Adiatnistrative official in the section of Fine Arts and Museums in the ministry of Education, Vienna; Dro of Laws / born in the r,ti. ro] 1 93 I accreyf v%ia rty ew?mber and 5 h col nmft i_mkt : becauso' he onvthe~c;g.fidence~of with e~ formerpliinister of~education, Dr. Hans P] 7 , he was able to conceal his connection with the Nazis and his subversive activities; remuined in a prominent po- sition in the ministry, after Dr. Pereton Rue taken to buchau. American Defense, Harvard. Group (CLX) , Cambridge, .12 Oc ob,v? OSS Form 1593 (Rev. 11/3/143) (267.31 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 rpt 1943 HO OL!E, Prince ALFRED -:ONSTANTIN CHLODWIG P1 Th R MARL Born in Salzburg on March 31, 1889; ancient chamberlain, impfr jai and r?~ al; reserve lieutenant; secretary of-legation / on December SAA 14, 1.916, married Catharine Britton who was born in W ashington in 1892 and died in Vienna in June 1929 / on January 2?, 1934, zaarrieu Felicie de Schceller, widow of .James Wendell Southard; she was born at Hirechwang in 1900 / residences: Chateau de 1'riedgtein, bei Steinach, Syria, anxi Heumarkt 13, Viezur. III / children: Princes Alexander, Cozirad (adopted from another branch of the family), and Victor. A jNnach de ~ig $ , 194$ -tolf- (26731) AUSTRIA rapt 22 October 1945 HOLEY. Dr. KARL Pi ofea3or of .Architecture at the Technische Hocheahule, Viarna; probable addreeb a Neulinggaeee 25, Vienna III / born in Bodenbaeh, 6 November-1679; married; Roman Catholic / for many years was leading officer in the Austrian Moramont Service / was member of Christian Socialist Party with Catholic connection. American Defense, Harvard Group (CLX), Cambridge, 22 October 1945 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 PQ41294.i AUSTRIA to 1941 Hd OWAVSKT. ANTON ftaravers former umber of 'she District Council. 19th Districts Diets isger (bat 1 / 9arl HorDA and Mrs. Maria MINS8RY t will be able to say w-r+ter Molohlavsk7 will be wi2.l1e9; and ready to assist in social and political worke address available at the ottioe of the District Council VI*Ma 1$ ~ iw IM& OAR i~% A -a A - Z _ Ys_ 9 ifr%f A-G A. - 71 ifj7 W/Wo/ba/us %AJ o +Mi t*S v? -W &&Woo a . OW . sOW.. 038 ER 9U interview (X), Now York, October 4, 1945 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 BR R--1b66 AU STRIA rpt 15 October 1943 HOLT!R, r . KURT Assistant librarian coil the Manuscript Collection of the National Library,, Vienna bore in Wets, upper Austria, c. 1905; ter:?ied active Nazi party member; organized the Betri? os-:;A among the staff of the National Library. American Defense, }Iar?vard Group (CLx) , CFunbridge, 15 October 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 BR II-1565 HOLThR, Dr. KURT His wife, nee deer(?), is n L ve of Steyr, Upper Austria/ he studied Arabic: in the Oriental Institute in Vienna, where source first met him; Holter and source were together from 1955--1957 in the Library School of the National Library in Vienna; from 1956 on, he cooperated with the Extonsion Institute of tbo Oriental Institute, of %hich source was in charge board; ha thus a:nown him fairly well for c. four years / so far as source is competent to j ud ;e,, Ho:Ltor is vary good in his fie-ld (Islamic art) .q with 1 -= L'- Z 1...+..... S wrf T R'+f Arab ; =S~--f~ .~-ibu . l_l _ J110 Ql G sQ 1fld A ? i:it3L1~31 ~1Ci "v~l"y &AWTI.6'W% b%0 %o gar ww... c -- y -- but hirdly inspiri)g; source feels sure Holter has cons;iderable administrative ability and fills his library post competently/ during last years of t::3 Republh., Dr. Holtz*r' s brother had di ff icult.ta.* s because of connections with Nazis; after Nazis took over Austria, it developed that Dr. Holter had been leader of the illegal Nazi orCarLizatiun in the National Library, an activity Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 --r2- rpt 15 October 1943 AUSTRIA }LTER, Dr. KURT BR H-1565 which he then continued in the open as Zalian- or Gruppenleiter. Source (348), American Defeni3e, Harvard Group (CLX) , Cambridge, 15 October 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 -2- rpt 1.5 October 1945 AUSTRIA HDLTER,, Dr. KURT '73R H-J".565 which he then continucd in the open as Ze~.len- or Gruppenloiter. - So?.;,''ce (548)p American Defense, Harvard Group (CLX) , Canibridge, 15 Octobor 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R0010001900 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 -2- rpt 15 October 1943 AUSTRIA LTER, Dr. KURT 8R H-1565. which he then continued in the open as Zellen- or Gruppenleiter. Source (348), American Defense, Harvard Group (CLX) , Cambridge, 15 October 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 BR H-1565 AUK RIA rpt 15 October 1943 IDLTER, brother of Dr. KURT Ewing the last years of the Auatrian_ Republic he had difficultie because of his Nazi com%octions.? Source (348), American Dofense, Harvard Gi. oup (CI.,X) , Cambridge, 15 October 1943 do' (26731) Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 ?8pa AUSTRIA rpt April 19, 194'3 ROLZi , Dr. pM"Z J?S i Dioehemi ?t s 39 years old / in 1934 ?tudled in State, under Rockefeller Fello~vbh~,p; in 1938 held UT~i ej at the Institute for Legal Med.oir or the Un held a position Innsbruck. Mullerstraeeo 44, 2 Stod., Inn cereit~r of abruo]~~ State Department. Or ti oe (11098) Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 ES 1U-1386.2 I e C AUSTRIA to 1941 HO9 IND. BATH&RIWA Housewife; former Y ber of the 16th O-iat. iot Cass oi1 in Vienna ~address available in the office of the District Council 16, Richard Warner Plats 19 / Leo SCILVXLTBT and W11heimine MOIIC will be able to say whether Holsfeind will be ready to assist in social and political work. W/O././C, (x). Austria to 1939, W. to 1941 OO6 WI PU interview (1), New York, October C, 1943 clicIOe Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 11109?1 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 AUSTRIA rpt to 193 it0NISCi, IDUARD - - Present positions 3* Sturmf~ahrer 4 Qooupation s business employee_ born in Klein Buoovi o, Land gain, on Jam&ary 7, 1910 / religion t Got 1s.1 big / address s St. Po1ten, Riadderdonau / eduoations J qk_ a __~ A &'ftw n )'aia4 "MMP Anhael / OiVil - 4PLwMw=1URa-.Y MW{sww, ??irli .rsw.w, __- oareera clerk in business enterprises for nine years; / polit .oal history: member of Nazi Party in 1932; header of 3k 3tu truppe 11/x in 1938 / criminal records senterMaed. to death for high bre.son and murder by Aus tad an ui ii terry T i-t blWaa1 I.. `M v leased from prison by Hitler after annexation of Austria in 1938. is W/`Ve/eU/C, U.S., summer 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 ITJSTR: A rpt April 19, 1943 Studied In Switzerland, 1o k, and Holland in 1925 under Rockefeller t?11obt?htp / in 1925 was pager of the State estate Wie se lburS (State service for horse bravd tvg) . ? Stst? Department, Office of Foroign Relief, April 19, 1943 iii0e' ,,g Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Printer; former member of the District Council in the 12th District / address available in the Office of the Distriot Council Vienna XII, Seh8nbr is%r?tra?ae 259 / Arton HOFBAUER and Anton MERINSKY will be able to give information whether Hopp will be i 11ing and ready to assist in social and political work. Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 W/Oo?/Ea/C, (X), Austria to May 1939, inf. to 194D OSS BR FU interview (X), New York, October 4, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 REFEREN CR CAND L June 3.939 NOIWBCSEL,, taeeandter VON In Federal Chan`e31.o / 'Axet Deputy State 3eom.~tary~ of `Foreign Affair .') devoted follower of Chancellor Dollfuee and Sohueohni ^ f arrested by ) aeie after occupation of Austria. Approved For AUSTRIA rpt November 23, 1942 HORST--GLEI SENAU , Lt o Gen, EDMUND von See GLEISE -HORSTENAU Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 AUSTRIA IHU BACEK, ANT ON Street or employee; foirmer membor of the XXI District Council all of r Vienna / address available ~t the office of the District CoTunL,, ~ Am Spitz 1, Vienna XXI / Konrad LbTSCH, STn .CKHATAFR, Anton F,I~ Paul SPEISER, and Karl SEITZ (qq.v.) will be able to nay whether .In R,ubaeek will be ready to assist in social and pot $ tic - . work. W/Gq/Ea/C, (X), Auatris tb 1939, inf. to 1940 OSS BR FU interview M. New York, 19 January 1944 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 ~i~ (26'31) RR FU. 972.3 AUSTRIA to 1941 RUBMANN, R UDOLF Mayor of Reichraming and worker in forest; former member of the Diet of Upper Austria / address available in the douse of the Diet in Linz on the Danube / Leopold WI1R and Franz SICHLRADER are supposed to have valuable information about him / report covers time up to 1941? rw a--r. A- e% ~WMMV 9 0vo -~/ V ~! ~~~ n? , `t~~ ??,.... a -v OS3, fit, FU intervi see M. New York, September 179 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 LUSTS A rpt s u mn-er 1943 UJUL, PAUL Present positions SS ;iauptscharflRhrer; oc''upations businessr E born in Vienna on May 6, 189.4 / religions Got :sllXibi g / address s Wien 3, Seatrixgasse 28 / educations Grammar school; h 4h school / military careers enlisted with Tiroler Kaiser- j sr Regiment In 1913; active front service from 1914 to 1918; first Lieutenant in 1916 / civil career: own business in 19241 political historys member of National Socialist Party in 1920; a:...ber ,A f Ri tler movement In 1930; November 9th - active participant in revolt in 1954 / on minai records s an tesloed w life imprisonment by Military Tribunal because of participation in revolt of Rovambe: 9, 19341 Forth-three months in prison in Stein a/Donau; par&)ned by HITL.l3R in 19360 x s W/We,/eU,/C, -Tie S. , gunner 1943 (llC9b) P r Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Consul Gen,. ral. in Vienna for Croatia See YUG08LAVIA Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 to 1941 Masons former member of the District Council of the 10th District in Viet ; address available in the office of the District sienna 10. Keplerplatz 5 / August SIEGL and Josef Council, SISPELA will be able to say whether Hu nel will be willing and ready to assist in social and political work. BR M-1Zo AUSTRIA HUI,, KONRAD Austria to May 19 . viii . tQ -.. 038 BR FU interview (X), New York, October 12, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 ER W-11193, 3 AUSTRIA HU EL, KONRAD to 1941 Mason; former member of the District Council of the 10th District in Vien s; address available in the office of the District Counci 1, 'sienna 10, Keplerplats 5 / August SIEGL and Josef and SI $PRLA will be able to say whether Hume l will be ready to assist In social and political work. W/`Ge/Fa/C, (K). Austria is May 15059 iii* Lo 1 ,41 OS3 BR FU interview (x) , New York, October 1 2, 1943 AUSTRIA I/ > ( 26731 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 BR rU?ga0 AUSTRIA S&M'$NHERGSgt. FRAli2 REFERENCE CARD Press attache in London. Works for Otto there. (1/11/42) Represents liberal Austrians In Austrian O tic?, , London. (673/42) Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 R EFTREN eE CARD ? 10 7 AUS`t'KIA To Dl .rch 1941 INNITZER, Dr. T14. Cardinal, Archbishop of Vienna, and aiso of Burgenland (Sauer brunn). ? 8R Almuniuch de Gotha March 1941; p. _'3 in File Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 AUSTRIA INNITZER, Cardinal August 19, I9"; Of Vienna I among those present at this years Fulda Conference Innitaer, Cardinal BERTRAM, and Cardinal FAUL1HASER (both 4 NYO were among those who signed a pastoral letter issued by the oon. tdrence August 19th j j Vatican radio, September ?; 1943 "CC, Daily Report, September S. 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 I ITZER, THEODOR Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 AM RU Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 ER ?Q- 2134 AUSTRIA J!-.HNo FEZ Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 ENGLAND AUSTRIAN JAHODA, URIE London. A'S diuber of LunAotl Bureau of Aus e;rian 3oci.,1 Democru 3. t ~~lY 960210/42) Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 CaR ZT BRITAIIh, Austria JAHODA, MARIE see Marie Jahoda LaALARb1 LLD rpt 19 January 1944 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 AUSTRIA JAKUBITSCBEK, OSCAR OSS Form 1593 (Rev. ii/3/4020 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 BR FUa1206.3 AUSTRIA to 1941 JANAX, JOHANN Newspaper employee; former member of the City Council, 11th District / address available in the office of the Disteiot Council, Vienna RI/i Enkplats 2 / Franz RZP K and Edward PANTUCEK will be able to toil whether Janak will be willing and ready to assist in social and political wor... w/Ge 'E?:'v. (X)* Austria to y 1939, inf. to 1941 033 BR FU- interview (x), New Yorks October 12, 1343 1110981 AUSTRIA JANUFL s Ate T ON Silversmith; former member of the 16th District Council in District th e irese available in the office of d / e a Vienna Counoil 16, Richard Wagner Platz 19 , Leo SCIIAFHA Wi the lraife MOi;C will be able to sa,' whether ` Ja.aue l will be ready 4 assist in social and ; olitica work. ? ? ? w i. s A. l U7,0 T1 f?_ t:~ 1941 -. %w IC / lY \ Nf 1 Ot T 7 ;. 1.l1 LJ?.~/ ? lze/mon/ V, \A/ a = - OSS BR F'U interview ()L) a New York, October ba 1943 AUSTRIA to 1941 j.t.NUE'L, ANTON t Si leeramith$ former member of the 16th D? str iot Council in Vienna / address available in the office of the District Council 16, Richard Wagner Plats 19 / Leo SCIIA?HAUST n be Wilhelmina M07X will be able to say whether Jaouel will ready to assist- in social and political work. = ._ ..r~ A_A. aAa ~... l4Ag_ infA to 1941 /n- /"~- /i*~ ^ X. l _ p148 L3 i0 w o 9 3 t OSS BR FU Interview (X) o Flew York. October t; , 1943 u C9ao Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 AUSTRIA rpt April 19, 1943 JARI BCT3. Dr a ADOLF In 1936 was Profemoor P4a. oology at the University of Innsbruck / studied in /land and Rolland under Rockefeller Fellowship in 1925-26 / 51 years old. State D?parta*nt. Office of Foreign Relief? April 19, 1943 (1109$ ) Approved For Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Sweelow AUSTRIA to July 1 JASZOVSNY , RUDOLPH Address a Burger Road 21p Vienna 10 / about 4.4 years old; was a clerk Ica the Police Dep trtr ent of Vienna and sue diemUsed for political. reasons by II&t iai according to source he is anti*Naei and completely reliable. Interview with F.R. ATTJ ER (UNITED STATES) p left Austria July 1 FE i,uterview 0-1"l (Carroll) 0 New York, April 30, 1943 AUSTRIA to 1940 JIICU. ALBIU Dreenmkors former weber of the District Counoils 7 District of V&onna / **ddrsss awallabla In the Otti a of the District Cowell Vienna T. District Re asss 24/29 / Robert SC! IML will be In a position to give information as to ether Jenook will be willing and ready to asaist in social and political work. - A- A- Awa N/W/ / Lauatr ia- io M 1 "000 e r:5nuo Trw &&%%F 010, , FU Int.rviswIX). Now York, t.*bsr 25, 190 (1:090) JENECHIK, ANTON 11196) Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 (11 C9b I Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 Is IM?1111 #TJIA JE 8CHIXS FR& Z Approved For Release 2010/12/07: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000190011-0 DR FU-2337. 3 I ..,_?__._..._._.._._.~ AUSTRIA to 1940 JI3ZDA, MATTHAUS, Seorete-rYs former member of the XXI District Council of Vienna address available at the offloe Of the District Council Am SQL Spitz 18 Vienna XXI / Konrad LBTSCH, STOCKHAUFR, ton E ? . aad. Paul SPEISER, and K%rl SEITZ (Qq.v.) will be ale to ay whother Jiezda will be ready to assist in social Fund political work. W/G./Em/C, (X), Atietria to 19.3.9. inf, to 1440 OSS SR FU interview (X), New York, 19 January 1944 Approved For