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?????71, ? ? cl"lapter Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 VaLl: OF :;ONTENTS Pages 0.04,v0m 0,0=boubtoos vii LCONOMIC AND POLITICAL CL1MAg: 19i, 1949 4) la The Economic Setting in 1945-1946: France F.?Ind the United Klngdom * 4 * * The Changed (4 ? (3 # AdticaI Situation of 1945-1946 II 7!:?XECUTIVE ow AND TIT PLINNFD ECONOMY ? Au"' ? 6-2.2 23-64 10 French and British Planning Contrasted C 24-48 2* Cabinet Hierarchy: United Kin dom 0 ? a ? . 48-59 3* Cabinet Hierarchy: France 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? 5941.64 III, PUBLIC CORPORATION AND EnCUTIVE POWER 65-103 la The Rationale of the Public Corporation ? ? (,)6'73 447 ;ompitriAson 0i Ten(41 pansi British Thooriee of Public Corporations ? * 0 0 ? 0 ? 0 * ? 7182 . Increased Ministerial Jur15diction over Govornmntal Agencies ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 82-96 31 o Ministerial Determination of Proportq Pi hts ..? In the United Kingdom a . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 964*100 ..), The Public Corporation and Executivo Power: 4.1 An Appraiaal u ? ? * 0 ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 0 0 ? ? 100..103 TV, THE BEITISH EXECUTIVE AND DELEGATED LEGISIATION 104-131 1* The Constitutional Problem Created by Delegated Legislation ? ? a, ? ? ? 0 1054.108 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 1,4 1, 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 R STAT Next 8 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Chapter Pages Exceptional Delegation in Becemt Legis- lation ? a0 a 0 0 0 0 G ? 0 a 1084.411 * The Executive and the Statutory instruments Committee 0 0*** 0 0 0*,??? **0 111-131 Ikr4 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Alir EXECUTIVE POWER: UNITEP KINGrom, '945-1949 0 0 0 0 . . . ? . . 132-161 10 Modification in Parliamentary Procedure Q 1324"451 .-) Z-S Forllamentary Modification of Government Bills ?**???a? ? 0 0 ????? 0 0 151-161 VI* EXECUTIVE POWER IN THE FRENCH PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM 1945-1949 a ? ? 4 ? 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? 162-217 10 Constitutional Rationale of the French Republic o o o 0 000 e * QQ00400* 163t169 20 Constitutional Solution of 1945-1946 0 ? ? 169l83 ..? 'Weakening of Assembly Government: (1) Exploitation of the Premieres Status 4 0 ? 183?.188 4* Weakening of Assembly Government: (2) Lack of Control Over Cabinet Tenure ? ? 188-200 5. Inability of the Government to Influence the Assembly ? 0 0 ? ?00 ?000? 4 200-210 The Actuel Locus of Executive Power in Fr'ance 0 a ? 0 ? * a ? 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a a ? 211.411217 VII, EXECUTIVE POJ ER AND THE BUREAUCRACY * ? ? ? 218-240 1* The Increased Size of the Public Service In France and the United Kingdom ? 0 ? ? ? 219-223 2* Criticism of the Civil Service ? ?0 ? ? ? ? 22k228 -A The Movement for Reform ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 228-23:3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 iU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Chapter Paget 111 vITT 4 HOW Has the Bureaucracy Affected the Political pxecutive 2 , 000 000 0 w".4)11 .?,,L CONC/USIONSV CO 01) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2411.250 10 Me 'Effect of Economic PInn1i in the United Kirigdom * 0 0 OD 0 0 0 0 ??2 41-244 24 Tho Effect of Economic Planning in France 244.247 Political Responsibility and Centralized Controls ?,00 ? as ? ? ? 0 a * 247'6.250 '"DPENDICES 0 ? ? 0 ? * 4o ? 0 0ffi 0 ? * ? 0 :10 French Ministers Occupying Cbinet Posts Four or Moro Times 0 0 ? ? ?0000 0 II0 Occupanvs of Economic Ministries" p 4.:1 rance, Nov0 1945 .... Novo 1949 0 ? 0 ? ? W 0 ? ? ? Tr!. French Premiers Since September 1946 ? ? IV. D4cret du 4 mai 1947 ?????????? 256 BIBLIOGRAPBX 0 0 ? ? ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? ? 0 vi 4. vi? 53 254 r2-r-5 apf 258-285 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 PREFACE Modern democratic governments find themselves obliged to solve important problems of political and constitution 1 organization la order to maintain an equi- librium between the neceasity for prompt and decisive executive action, on the one hand, and the ethical neces. sity for continuous popular control on the other. Tra. aitionally, such controls over the executive have been exercised by representative leglslatures. But legisla- turts were evolved for a political frame of reference which differs from the contemporary one, and find it In- creasingly difficult to perform their traditional functions adequately under moLiern conditions. The concentration of real authority in the hands of the executive in an era of exceedingly rapid economic, and social change has ex. posed the anachronisms of older Institutional control mechanisms. Modern governments are placed under increasingly heavy pressure to find solutions in the area of public policy, and through the organs of the state, for economic and social maladjustments of a quasi-permanent character' Inevitably, the power to search for and apply these solutions has been assigned to the more flexible and compact branch Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09 : CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 tit the extent to which older forms of contra executive respond to the needs of contem So far as France and the United Kingdom the subject has its own intrinsic import similar problems are encountered elsewhe of France and the United Kingdom may als ceptoral value. To analyze executive authority i 1 over the orary democracy. re concerned, zoe; but because e, the experience have some pre- Western Europe from a locus of operation in Southern Ca ifornia has its obvious limitations. The opportunity fo personal contact and observation of the actual scene has peen absent; nor was it possible to obtain authentic mateials to support research on all aspects of the problem. Working entirely in the contemporary period, it becomes difficult to assess developments to ,reach more than tentative conclusions and judgments which may be reversed by tomorrow's events. Because the subject of administrative adjudication, an important area 611 related activity, has been competently treated by others, that field has been excluded from the present study except as briefly considered in the chapter on public corporations. 30 far as possible, this research was based on official texts and documents, but because the official record has not been completely adequate, current periodical an newspaper sources have also been consulted. The materimi als have been widely scattered and it has been necessary ix *ciXtf4t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 L) mak6 14ie of the faoilitiew of a rauther of libraries: The Library of the Universit of California, Los Angeles; The Hoover 1Aibrar7 on War, Peace and Revolution, Stanford Univeraity;.The Lav Library, County of Los Angel; The New York Pukic Library, New York City; and the Los Angeles lie iary Te ite..ff peraonnel of these libraries hl?4b been most helpful ia the location of u2efu1 materials, pa;lc.ag me heavily in their debt. T am also gratettu to the British Infdrmation Services, and the Information Sorvioc of the French EtAbasal In the United states for providing aoces to documents and txixts not readily available else- where. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 (.e r NORIC, NE FOLITI CA 1, CLI KATE: '0)11; 4.10. 201/(1 *./T.> The 1.,/ 11-1, Co' ft? Kdagdon an d were probubly the most' 7 1 4 oly.oescifu) examples of the typical economic and political order ot Vestern Furckne in 19(34 7 , Zach of thew nations had long been hiz tori ca.l1j nt1fied with westen po1itii con- ceptions of firidiv.ual Vroodom, responsible governmsnt and eccalonzie systems of an essentiallt ccon.om dent .????????????Ok....M11.011.? charti.oter, had been inflicted upon the politioal nnd Iundationa of prsu.W orid jar II France an Britain but the r.c-amework. vas basically unshak(an, some respe ts the old order 5ed to he more secure in 29;9 than previous4, The Third French Republic had sur- vived c.-le anti-constitutional attacks of Ms.ur.t4s1 ActiOn lerflucdse and Colone' de la Roccukt,oft 006...A.H41,619.1orp 11.1101V 4.44 ?.44. 40.1104004.40444 minor de Fela.t A.O.P1.04 Pftutpaifthin, wa.SalimiemomIVIOMORIOIND fascist movement of the right ;; as well az the attacks of Mf.turIce Thore2. end his Communistqz of the leftt. Until 1935 the Com. 1,1:1 unisto with thelr battlecry, "All power to the Soviets," hal demanded the destructIon of the Republic 0 The Staviskv scandal of 1933, however, emphaeized the langer from the fascist right, and brought about the partiotpation of the Left in the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Popular Front of 1936* cvne4vvrtel lthougl the Popular Front did not Ictladieres National Gove4nment of Defenoe in 1938 solaoa positiw force for the perpetuation of the old order It united the country against the threat posed by Hi 0/*1te German-jv In the United Aingdom? where the fund mental consensus about tho political order bad not been. dis- turbed ?n comvanapie degree, the soctial and c.00nomic pattern ir2Leni''fictd with ecNni?aism 71em1ned In tLAe asceilidancy0 The PLbollr) Folf.rty had not completely recovered Mk-J-=Donald fiasco of 197.%).;,, and the unchal:lenged. Iron th,6 Enima,8.7 ore rv t v dpawer 1. IhIFLeonomic Settila in l 5.i96 t...000?01?46 baJ Prance tann the eci,77,1.irw.k. 0 In ....*MAP.OPA64.40.410,141.14. 4 yei.z.m of total wur Crom 1940 to 1945 brought latent rn.nd ecoarimte. foroes to the forovound and Droduced nwp,, 3'rob1.4=e basi charucter cbat it714.1ortnt changes In the nolitical lu.16 economic order cou..1.a he expected In wi t? oP k 460 I., tb.(:;! United Kinisdom the binaic probleas to be dealt e3sent1;:ill"d the same. eret a deti internal eoonomic situation, re lilting from the physical dredn ocetizioned by lp:ars of grindIng war; second, the #4.4,1 -point to whic the international economic posit on of each c.ouT4tr'y hlk4 aunR; th rd, the popular eildeNnvement of a nostwar political leadership espouBlng a broad program of collective economic and socie..1 orgaraztlon; fourth, intorn&l. =dirlmtions In the organization and operations of the party systems in each Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 rizAion; nnd Idfths. the creation of a new international tic$1U environment most as deltcrious in its effects on domeatic noiitics r.L2 open var itself, ??????????4160.1.? ome3tle.t, IZoonomic Situation, The F:rench economy ????? 40.110.0.? A 4?1?14?1614.4.1 .101~Week...o0"18~011~~1:11. Nae ProS triite In it7440 Detvecn 1937 and 191424 general industrial I production In 1 lance fell from an lru.ex of 100 to 'PTJ1v. Goal productt1on2 for ex.axor, decreased more than one-third, aver- k4r n ,. TAII*OVic21.H.T civr4repclq0"'-t..1 0.1 ? a, ? 1.1 e 1,1 3. .3. 't S pove r tos py.:Infr4134.1 tionsp often 'They woreA wver %.4 1.4.0 ;,4 es ;bI1h con.. 1-11w,e.0,01.11-, lavoy.Iftteriba n? ml:u thor Intor.nr(-:t the constitution An te.Pms of gre6t4.r 1Dove:r. J. rai S ti tt4 4.. wawa...A ala./..???.1.00[41 404.. Presidcnt of (.1,1 e it 441 Premier, In thc Fourth Repub- wpwaaltsama.PAPM.A......? the Republic chooses the Premier after consultzt.tions (conzwitations dtusage) The latter then ? 4??????+, to0.14m1).00*.t. ~0.0 AW?10W010 4 0?0 11*?601.100.1 must pretiont himself to the? Azsombly for to procese of ilinvestituroo invostiture or confirmation., confers a 334.3, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 1811 pc tus on the Fret % -which. distinguishes bis position from thr2.t of thc c2.binet wMch he forms, nven thou& ..3.bse.uently the cabinet ...2,1so is subjecteil to the scrutiny of the? -er.st-Jects scfmbl-kr ?r This vvsLm doparts in several from previous Yrench narliamentarT nrPot*rc(:4 and te ch.,.:Al.F.cs it involves type of interest in :t sin; the position of the Premier wit t: respPct to Tho development boun with the lam of November 2 .1% prescrib e dcflnito legal procedure (re- cruitement 'oropre) for designation of the Promierc Here toforc undt7:1., thc ifools of ,14,3',r, the 'emierwp?.,c.t Itnter pares.,? ,......**181.400????**Eamo*****4*??*1.1.....V1*** He z]tild his colleagues INere directly 11).Lmc by the PresIdent of the 1%:cpubl1c? The 105 lam re :wired that 1i be elected by an ebsolutc majoritlor of the :ssemblw nnd, &fter havins constituted bis Government, that he)4.ppear before the Assembl seconc time to obtain its approbotion for tbe remaining ministers ancl for the pro- c-ontemplated by the Government. The draft constitu- tion of P,pril, 1946, went even. further In asrzerting the stprmac:y of the Assembly,' Under Its terms the Premier VEL2 elected by absolute majorit;f of the eLssembl $ by publi., ballot and without any prior reference to the desire of the "cbief maelstrate," the term applled to the strictly ornamen- tal president env isaged in the draft constitution. This ****.******4414.441444.44?40.444**444?0444*44**********44~444.44,444.444.4?00.41,4**********.******.******4... -r2Journal OffIciel, November 3, IJ ...M.**????.********??????APINN?wie ememo~olorowemulmil*Mwroam.1*. 15$ Po 7159, ? .1 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 election of the Premier was entirely divorced from the t1rr ?-1.0 ?..0 Awfl, LJ 4" unk9 fml4rtlp day "" fie.te election, and not 1:41, "7,24 rt of the ls:iiy,lizilative so.ssion? the liT,S 1.#.1UiTL1dto rit hi nn irra If a icy proa- ", to the f.ssemhl. which had the prerogative a A t- - oither to accor0 or refuge its confidenco Governmnt3 including In contY'aot to th.-13 the ? g 1.?1"""itt t *1.1471 newly elected Premi/Ini0 at" r",?1.1."4?. of ? j t.? cd 4 .4 ? ,jrI , 101.4,?, t Oft 1 41 073 of the Pre- undex. the terms of ?? ,...oria titution of S , Sp Introduoed an tertor ser. lnn the orocess Prld permitted some defilnite in in (ixecutivo power:, The Assembly retains the right to fietormi?no 117 &13!17,olute winr..5.17 whether it 1 permit the PremAer's confirmation, but if confirmation oocl/v11 the r'recilier not subject to further t3crut1nli as 0.re his oro- osec,5 cabinet and program*.d.' Ono ofVect of the modifjefttion in September of tbi5 element Gf the draft conetitution of April, is to strengthen the constitutional position and executive alath.ori,?,y of the President of the Council at the expense of the Assemb170 In. addition, the Wold with whIch confirmation surrounds the Premier improves bie position In comparison with the Constitutiqn of April 1946p Art o 770 343ee Andre Sauvageot? "Le cabinet Ramadier et la pr&. ticrue constitutionnellep" avgg, olitiaue 21;41eFlementaires Tome Clk;74IV, No 576, pp a arch, 1,04d). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Of theA Pre m...A.4.e: 11 n the crt'Ll-fct 4, ? ' JC. ???Cc'ince cons titUtiOtL. A sdcnt o1 the being otoprov 1 ? j 1- ? e 1.1.6 2.1 2.86 practice did not separt 6 Prest- Councll from 1113 program or At ??i 4 A:a oLf n.lae1.; ,111 three liqnnw d ove at the V.-1X40 time* ???? 4?? % fel 4 now sntem was 41 4" st put to use on january y A??? 4.06 desiinnto before dier 4) pp eba s?;.,. . / .0. ? 1,.rldre 17-.10 r? crIer3 reportI tIscot the candidate? fa ?41. p hLvfincrt been deignet...fl by doplat7 1:7',"":4%0,?1?411"" Vtlert Vincent Awoiol? arose rein the Miniaters I. A.LS not co11ect1v inistFlr)h.,1 declarr Ion but a on t3.11:-; Ministerst t V r41,111 ???? .1.4,???? repdinu , it 1.-e, si'Lt down alone S- en am cit ong tvo rovs rtf empty se&J.,s0 ieg frto likened hin ptlition to thEA or j.USILVVr7 ft ? ?14. OC.'.05 of thc , ? biz?. infn concepttm of i..-., 4i11?41?~4/440.4?ACKAPA.14.6. WH40401444111441061.0~4#0 confirmation by the ,Assembly comvanleated 4?4,1r. rc.C11.rt-W4A of the mem- Gov.:.trnment which he htld chosen to President T1e3c were or-1mfocie incorporated into E. nomina. 74 mi4 .? r 'h/11" 3 IN 1 ,'"1 -et IV" "111 "er" L. 4e... %; 4,1 ti t??? %a A.? cr 22 and trans/n:1 tted to the 'asembly* Pccopto,nce of them "hv the zr,ssembly on the same -,/ 1 :y "4,4' %'4+ P. brougL., into being tb te uovt;rnment of the Fourth Re- "n1.11-L1 9J1 .} 4,? " ""'""".1.0.01.??????????.???????.?????-1.44..????????? ???????????A ??? ???????? ? ?????????????????????*~?*????????????????????????14A..? -r-lournal Ufficiel: ??????????461.4.6?041?0?1141......0441.0.1 debats? :* - "reulTm Renullilque a Itautrel nouvelle "fAndre negfrled? ,e Figaro, January' 220 19470 ProceOu're. nouvel esprli,? *WO. '.0WW~4h4WIII1 '-7 7 Journal Officiel? january 1947, P* 919* 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 j t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 ? .4 ? , .lortinf'e of f La. Jcn iv G. vernwent Y? N' t???" I , A ,r? , ?1.X41 ?? ? 1 4' .21-Ls of r'tb61::-aunc th(-- n. 4 4 l 1". 14 C. j A 1;1#...6. ,3?.. t??04???? fff i4:0.01 .1????????????? ?????101.6?1126?Noti?????????? ffiffn?40 4...1.40t 4 pz,-1,;. tr??(-1???f?? 4.1 p1 ur- or, ? J:la" . C 0 1;1. t t .1: I.' OM cIipci e 1,41 though one, 187 minIctterzi are rejotc:d or rosign. rn , 4 07., iro V P.1.1m ter,:le,,lin11-0---,(.1 the ???0 four communis I IA hPd votod r".? C. r; t, (yre-????????)1 fr. ??.t? .P?r-thr inst the Governmnt,n antt- :sident Au:1:01 Tie Id tIencttc.rn on after the i t:rolitfoza tt 1 ???? ? L. ( "te, eN 4 1.? 4 ?;... i? Irs?1. IstY ; 1,t1-1,414.7n,Q4-10.4 ?41. .3. r1(..4 C., - r'cw4;iicr 1..".inrt of ??? A ..;?Q th municin 'stivm..771N Cabinet 1. onz not; n S on to regi ter Ats sions ,iama6ler coatf.nu rArem5er an 7" ?_. of ...... mandr.,,te nine months old. Morflover:0 by membc:rs or thc formcfr ce:11)5.not.v vhc close Lis3.)c.1.te2ft c:r conni5tmble -.LatItl!de 4.71,verzi-; ?I,re ....la, 6., IS .1 11????????te????? f????????????????? ?, o.???????????????????? th?tP?l?PPA??? 0.-ACONIS ,C.0.1????? 00.0.4 ???? ....VA ? .1, er ) 14. or the text ol Auriolts decree ippen1xIV Premier does May 4i947,see .12See New York Times, October 20, 1947,2 p4, 2, for an account of f,herGarAil -7c to r:tesj tbE.4 municipal elect/OM 0", "r . ? ? 'NI ? ? The t r . r?I' " 1 r tn rice of the IT- ; L1-16 4:1, c?fr ? v rs vis otb/ni 3t1Lgrollps was sr, great as to destroN4 Cab A ne t 1 3 c idence in itself as the collectIve agency of a raajari t.7 of the Arh3ambi-j- deputies* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 r ? k4, ? .3 ri 4 0- tin t1oj.ort for" Athe p031 t 4., ?,-11 rt e. J .44 ?,,t, , I._ ? "4 1 I 1,1.' t) .e ' -t? ? ."'" 41P ?'Iosf.).LutE:: 41aior:IVe,?, -.T11044. c,onfinnce. 41WWW. ???,0?[1.1r..4???11%,,fira Mega 17Plieuda."12..." ??"?? ???? : " 4 ? " t. ?I. ? e .4' 7-y ???? tt 7"N cor1roi.a- riot be , ? 1 rpr, ? ????? tlon t. or t.0 o f,veti , -r- ?????, - atma..4.mner0?44P .7?Ass imkto:Sai*.......t0ma.wmortor0i.M.34.00i4sermem, .kome.1?-= attainabl .6 :00 I ? ?s; 1.2., kA.71* 11 P". ?cs? 1 ? ,.?...;),Irn ? (-7' r.tib c?:ie..n-rti!SSIOrs. 7 (Yb r 14'nS , r.1.1 141.1?-; esamsno.i.mossosossrogl?M? Maio"'"P ?.). ????neihmo?PAtcor.insi.lento rer?dlu.4?114??.(? only by ,1,...132o1ute a_ 1111174. r V 0 4t; :AZ Pa :???? ?"1 id...j.0 'r 4.4 1:7 1.0 On October e.An t.q.flkLt WeQk0 $ t_ ,ei? -441 The Aasemo It- P - tion ? ? ?c:1; - d CXIf 4 -flirt,. tz?"1. ' - ? ro , jr1.1 .1r. r IM ?4 .71 ? J 4.2 ? a e r!'rkrt: (V nezt Premier 1,7*\hr ;11 cf:i! a d"leOpt ts....t.t. -.4 1 F, ram a a W r C 4. C 1..Z.Vt ' nciC; 22 vot C.: -3 ,E). el 1 P.-7- t a ? t L.fr k e net* of 1\33 eZ11_._ iv, GO Verrailerit (a) c,ViVevseir14.4.0 .4.*Iapro ? 46???????????1?410.0.4?4611711.~?????????? ?Or??????????111,,C11001dtre0.011014. ? 4 C 4.. 7T1 - t J.? v(-1 rin tiexture worw..,,r;eokeirwo snr~.srooritemobp,,ihroMes.A; $rostoilf11161,111,were.ankwoo ember J1 0 ell. or 1?,1.11,01?7?11?4???.7? 0??????14.,(1. From the first de Gaulle rog1m4 vhich be 1944, to the second Bicault Gouernment6 inaugu- rated on October 28,, 1949 ten men have served al5 Promier 4.'"ul."0....m.wit.Pkt.usso.ormas.p....br,expwassa?vir,....4.scroxisluirssos...,??P????N?060????14?WWW??????4?01.11,4????????? Journal 4~,WM..0,M44011.A7.1.6110OPPOSA, Officiel, October 71 4??????.~0?7??C?P.1?4?4,??????..411 1947. 4.1.? on the same day the Assembly fixd the absolute or "constitutiorlal" majority at 309 votes o This decitiion vas taken on the basis of the actual number of deputies rather than the luical number* t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 ( of 33azt fvanee, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 three of tImes P n vtAt....1 01 re :,34ticn , tetri k.A4 C e 9 but onai C3bints. have been *410.tr In the case of the Sauman cabinet no confldi beenoe- cause of ab met The NF.Ltion1 Assevibly has thus ha.A.-d17 con- t4polled the tenure of the French Lremlor as tbeg constitution intonded:., n 4.1.? docIsions about cbnet r=r1 hT,:i been made In th, cabini?t itself, ,inuation us- Thic Tuo de OtJulle Ministries, When General Ohara S MOV?????0041101?~1?0111Pfh." 1.44041104.14.~rome.~1Net...~tatbor.? e Ci au .1 Lie reeigneia in November, ,19P:5, 4.4,s Presiaent of the ?rovisiom!1 Governmnt aad Premier he was mrely exercis- in? f. form of courten, freein the newly elected Gonztituont Asaembi-y from -171y mored obLIgation to continue him in efficel reeig- aithollgh his Pe-election wa,s nimost assured, 42 nation vas a brillient move politic-all'd, eince the Con- t, n t .., ' PIL ?"". mvi I ?-? 0 ? P (") Cl.:1 ,,L bringilk 0 ?.t. kw. LS,. t.) t? e e. ? by unanimous decision., to c3rry out a program which 47 fr% 11,, _ one ofrogressive nationalizationen''' 1-*uring Gaulle's second experienscm t?s h4T.,:1 of the ProlOs:ionaI Government hi views of executive power clashed sharply with those of a malority of the lissembly, When deGfiAulle daoided upon the tactical move of riuttinz the .:uestion of confidence In the matter of military credits, the disagreement about how much nover the executive should P.V.44.444.444?~414?44.041/44.44440.14441144?11.14?444.144444444,-.44?44.4.444.4.44444"...444....."'""1"."".."4".' "t4.0e, r", nxf .1.44 York _times,. November 7 vot: A p* -Luo vio0a014$4??????????0? ?4600110110`di.vio?OrSani. 1,cv. 4T"^"NO ....orimorooso York Times, November 24 19 p* 4t ? ??? it Ii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 1 oLd l'.1.1.1.rdi v.t 4 .tat , 0 n a.n..Ar3 allquAretit ??? G. dettuties of ce:mfide=e de trO'Wf?, -01,:K)fl vote cred1te4 1..ae Gene:, Views but ?. 1 contended tbat In putting ullt?t bad exceeded the xr.f the ,.-oles ticn tut-o11 t v t 0rt-and a? * r f3 Pu* al to not he ex.y.z.5-tmed az a 1ack or cortfidenc,e lizas terreoorkr1.1", A eucceasfu.A. in rintj.ninr suddenly on, Jam:Larry 20$ URS narent17 nnother tactical move wbiah he 074pected would enbanGe. diffle111L the ?moment tt,1 e.41 C WPS not Lat1 ono 1.?t? 41: 0-% . pu t 'n " 4 4...11t:. ,?rommunisto it 1,7 %.014, 1.0 .1 4- 4 on A tt.?o ittI401,..740.4,v1 of de G110 P1,70t1 ? op., Nfr In In any part appeared, tc./A? 114). hi.lve, the .6..11 t t?P ? IV - ??) t ;41 er11.0 114:, " 2. a AZ, 4 ? 46 Pe GJLie cfaled baak by aeciAmntion after his second resia.,- but brc t about A t t#..1 CP.A.;ir that the ection, the Assemb17-0 Esiglizat12.2a. for 1,41.(1.4c of Mandate? 1/64.1." Gouins de MMEN.440.04, 1 LUEUarifainisok 160411000001101PINVOW.pillopielp GalAlle*t4 ,5ocia1i3t succez%ors reeigned in circumstancvs resembling thoso of de Gaullels V 4 t 6iU3tiOLfl, Gouln ? 'soma PremAer-PT.Psident during the periou of the first Co*. 3 ti tient I aeIj? when he resigned He was not under any the 1()givitiwAlfir troessure a first meeti the seGond Con- stituent Arzusembly on Juno II, 1946, nor was any crisiz immed- lately ?atic014,kted, TIm Communiatss in facts indicate( 4411,1,ty yorli.: Tittles Idez? January 0, 1946, Timetss ?Textuary 1) 1946, P. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Pope ia:! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 .1, Or the 1)- r-plod .191 Gouln Government ow.q1 that. of Mdault? CRbInet Lir?ttded by rine, 71-:epublican Ge o: 131.dault announced on November ? td a ..at 1. resign t tho first Assembj't, on Nowmber 23 because Bidault t.f e An end. The Assemb:14 did not ex- withhold its e"Ir-411(zortee 1ne thai- :nueStion uns noL :oalsed, (...ithough Bidault subsoquentiv failed of az 4 PrOVASiOnal Premier, - Leon Bluzi, the t 1n- -'1.u.47.iildier? took the ponition only 'with the understanding t h would reiF-sn in J&nuarv .391,7 0 rill 2.i ir.`? r ??? ??44?01????)***?? 4,0?;.4.0.4.?????tab.r.ro??????????...4 Pala flamax1J3r f.;onducted a ' 4.0 c-r2r."4-0).er, 19495 the political e*? Radicals, Popular Republicans and Socialists, Ipalich up to that time ha41 kept a republican regime in oporation in France, appeared to be perilously close to permanent eclips. The principal dif- ficulty, in 1.WAit_on to danger from the extreme pigbt and left, was rooted in the unfortunate effects of manipulation of executive position and of government policy by particular party leaders, the same on partici ating in each negoti ation for & new cabinet* In the midst of the crlsis of October, 1949, the newest Promier-designato, Georges Bldault, inaugurated a tactical technique which has the practical effect of rendering unnecessary the second appearance of the new Premier before the Assembly to secure the approval of the latter for his ministerial choicei. Bidault simply framed hls cabinet before appearing for confirmation. The s. 4. IL tr 41. 4. ?Ii 4. ?11. le ' " ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 lys.t R14;,SCA n4 " and th0 enjoys the distinction of havin 199 ssellibly, Henri been Premier of the Fourth French Republic longer than any other during the years 2945-1949. He resigned of 1-14 own 1,CACI. tx ;r a1iot thirtuen mo;f1. In office; zccord on Oqober k?7t. dic!ogreement Idth his Soc: allst Minister of Labors Paniel Mrsyer, over wage increases* The Awsembly was not in seasion tat the time of the resignation 4u.nd was not consulted* TF.w.ticai Innow;.tion of Bidault, After the r?????? in.o.o....4.41??? ? ..ot amo faillires of Moth .1d Mayer in October, l9492v the po..Itical clomblnation or the TM.Th Force, 10 et, Radlcalsp Populztr Republicans P,nd Socili t Tabicb up to th0', t..stie. had 14ep,? republican regime in operation in France, :vpeared to be perilously close to permanent eclipse. The Princin-aa dif- _ acuity, A .1.n zAddition to danger from the extreme rigtt and left, was rooted in the unfortunate cfrects of mrinipul t ,n of executive position and of government policy Iv particular party leaders, the sam ones parLici)ating in each negoti- ation for a new cabinet* In the midst of the crlsis of Octob41.N, 1949 the newest Promier-designate, Georges 5dault, inaugurated a tactical technique which has the practical effect of rendering unnecessary the second appearance of the new premier before the Assembly to secure the approval of the latter for biti ministoriaI choiceti. Bidault simply framed his cabinet before appearing for confirmation. The Ikoiliammemmawmarairaiwormommarammanamol000mm""460.~famodeme"~".".."""."6"...."."' , Oa le ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 result was the F3ficlault oi 1.t would. cedure of ourinw (lAtion in wb,ch w.-"ts e6use thL 1949, ansver as the PTar". --woott? to .2-P.7 appear ?rr 200 successful confirmation vote for onINJ V Commurists voting against that this partial return to the Dm- Third Renttli years .1:9 may alleviate labat came to be 45-l949 a Gomewhat super1,1. vs i'%1m.L1. 4o. c-xecutIve-legialatf,ve relationshipp albeit one intended to strengthen the executive pos,tion4, VAZ r31..)sucQes b rate, sful, at any ra f-'"3 to f, intrDduction of a bill in the Assemhly on October t 0 rte,.k.-0 12; e procethlre p?.1)rmancInt4, The definitive whether the Premier is tied more clo,zely to the fate of the vbinet by reason or virtual joint confll 1411V J.4-441. ? ()Ti i$s t to be :eached, irubilit of tho Government to Int uen"(;#7rie The practicen -which tended to weaken Assembly con- troi ofe4eautive.? power in l95i949.3 devoloped concurreway vith arl,othr aet of condltiQw which ter Ed to restrict the infillence of Premier nd hie Cabinet over the Afieembkty? These condltione imluded (1) the presence of a large oppo2. bloc in the Assenibly that vae not congenial to rPpub- 11 can 1.r ti tutl o,ns and vbicta a 001180 e. ruerwel deliberately to emb re arss the Cabislot whenever ponBible; (2) the essfqltially negative character of the Government coalitions wbose $1.1ppolt of Governments wan only nominal for ri 0.10^111MONFiplindkellaftbdIMMOW0010011111?011111101114~WIIIMIIINISOP.101000011014116.0100011101111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 tAJV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 mr:Ist par t (-4;\ ? fi-% ,c rdorc?:' t rfic "i?it,T,Ct imtabiIity ofcabinets, ,,9evei-vel long eno Ligh to de ve lop in d roltAtf,a40-,Ip 11 1 th the A eib 6!ind ( ) the new .:,!4.11d pecull4Lrly "un.Frenal? party discipline 'which prow:, o rgLc that Governments mtlx. $el.dom 0)1, to Txnetrl.i,t it in thc inthrekit of natiomi un1.ty0 ThG ti an the r asrun le Ok ti, on 0 The ardobmiawoor owwpwrim e4 =1I' v. P' ' J.-At:111r, I F ( " L * ,?0.4o 4.44,14 part?-ytn 71' In 41. " .19 It 4.1S,t,r rec.; t14 4' 11?? ? + ? AN1/4. kut? t oL irs. c. zf 1.1.11fli and one-half -, ot. . rai 1i1en votes ift the, g&ne r;.11 c91ect1ons to the Natiorizi .;:sscrmol3 in the f 1946 and captured 11Iev,ittm The Commuxd. t. rt x fncutIn s loyal to Prrc 1te rine; of' I 1.n. rcorc Jur tag, the four jarz under 2 'Ludy it lee..der hclELuri.c flOXE. pub 1 c 1-y ,.., j3 is.gd fIQ rn to asnist tho Sc)viet Union ls troops If they should invade Fruncle?-/ 4 ? 11" 34 t:1 113 C. el. to..,/,') r .1".11Z22.0 1,1) or cny V XV ria. ) lie J. Ant0 11.1e1;21L?N r 1 r, Fr,..;, net- t 1v5 -Yib 1 17 ter or the four Gomm-ads tminis t erF.,1 in the; Ram,dier I.. re. iii Msmizisei which wa2 ecadorteld GovernmiPnt on M6y 4k both by the President of the :,Aettublic .51x,Id by licanalierts own c,...?? ? Pe.rtN The %maxaltist N:rty of Fr 11 'Lsaace tried 1 ow 3 446 thsyugh illwocceasfullit to wreck Mersheal Plan aid through a general Itrike In 1947059 in e ?arts :speech r?portecal.y made 'Se extract of his statement of February 220 1949, reproduced in the New York Times, February 21. 19490 p. 1. 5 9NPIg York Time October, 1947. Various i3SUCS* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 .0'11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/09: CIA-RDP82-00038R000500140001-2 by Thorez on February 60 accelerate the usbotage by u4ircolt 10 9, be directed the Party to f Fxreb national defense efforts to the tactics of ttmass battleo" it expressed discontent and oz)position toward the Government of the Fourth Republic hr inteneifying and supporting every element ov resistance to public authority that occurred in other groups* the far ras constructive participation in the work National Assembly vas concerned, the Communists were necessarily considered peraona nonzz.y.L.tt. by other parlia- mantar?) gnourts, the opposite ex.treme from the CommunIste was another threat to parti government labial Leon Blum identi- fied as "Caesarismen This was the Rassemblement du Peurlo T;Iv4nrials of ChtLrlea de Gaulle, i group whose leader at