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basic Imagery Interpretation report
Ghimbav Aircraft Plant ICA (S)
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RCA-09/0001/51 25X1
APRIL 1981
Copy 49
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NA 45-40-35N 025-30-23E
SAC. USATC, 200 Series, Sheet 0251-15, scale 1:200,000
1. (S/D) This is the initial NPIC basic report on Ghimbav Aircraft Plant Interprinderea de
Constructii Aeronautica ICA), Romania, and satisfies the basic reporting requirement for this
target. As of the date of the latest imagery used in this report, Ghimbav Aircraft 25X1
Plant ICA consisted of 46 significant buildings and structures with a total floorspace of 80,809
square meters. Usable floorspace at the collocated Brasov/Ghimbav Airfield the 25X1
test and flyaway field for the plant, is included in the plant total.
2. ,(S/D) This report includes a description of Ghimbav Aircraft Plant ICA, a chronology of
construction, a discussion of aircraft production and assembly activity at the plant, a location
map, four annotated photographs, two tables, and three graphs illustrating aircraft observations
and production rates.
3. (S/D) Ghimbav Aircraft Plant ICA (Figure 1) is 2.5 nautical miles (nm) northwest of
Brasov and 2 nm north-northeast of Ghimbav. It is on gently rolling terrain and occupies an area
of 17.9 hectares. Unlimited future expansion is possible to the east, south, and southwest.
4. (S/D) Ghimbav Aircraft Plant ICA (Figure 2) consists of two production-related areas
and three support areas. The production-related areas are the fabrication area (Ghimbav Aircraft
Plant ICA proper) and the test and flyaway field (Brasov/Ghimbav Airfield). The support areas
are an electrical substation and water storage facility, a water pumping station, and a meteorologi-
cal station. An associated construction support camp is outside the southeast corner of the plant
but is not included as part of the plant in this report.
5. (S/D) Ghimbav Aircraft Plant ICA (Figure 3) is secured by a combination of walls and
fences. Access to the plant is restricted to three vehicle/pedestrian gates on the southwest side of
the plant and one aircraft (taxiway) entrance on the northeast side.
- 1 -
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0 1 2 3 4 5
NPIC T-1088
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Table 1.
Dimensions and Construction Chronology at Ghimbav
Aircraft Plant ICA
(Items keyed to Figure 3)
1 Checkout/paint
a Hangar sect
b Plant stor sect
c Spt sect
d Control tower
2 Stor blg
3 Prob explosives
stor bldg
4 Admin bldg
5 Final assem/
assem bldg
a Assem sect
b Final assem sect
c Engr sect
d Engr sect
e Engr sect
6 Admin/security bldg
7 Engr bldg
8 Security bldg
9 Compressor/air
conditioning bldg
a Compressor sect
b Air conditioning
c Engr/shop sect
d Lab sect
10 Assem/subassem
a Subassem sect
h Shop sect
c Engr sect
d Admin/engr sect
e Shop sect
f Assem sect
g Engr sect
It Spt sect
i Spt sect
Total Date First Date
Dimensions' Floorspace Observed Considered Remark
(m) (sq m) Ucon Complete
Height could not
be deter
Separately fence
2 stories
Connected by
compressed air
line to item 7 &
2 stories
3 stories
2 stories
2 stories
4 stories
Supports main
plant entrances
5 stacks on west
5 stories
4 stories
2 stories
2 stories
Max height,
Induced draft;
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13 Air regulator
14 Water treatment/
cooling bldg
a Treatment sect
h Cooling sect
c Spt sect
15 POL tank
16 Water tank
17 Assem/sub-
assem bldg
a Assem sect
b Subassem sect
c Shop sect
d Shop sect
18 Subassem bldg
a Subassem sect
h Shop sect
c Shop sect
d Spt sect
e Stor sect
f Subassem sect
g Shop sect
h Stor sect
i Woodworking sect
j Spt sect
19 Heating plant
20 Stor bldg
21 Stor bldg
a Stor sect
b Stor sect
22 Water pumping sta
23 Assem bldg
a Assem sect
b Engr sect
c Shop sect
24 Checkout bldg
25 Checkout bldg
26 Stor bldg
27 Stor bldg
28 Veh stor/maint
29 Stor bldg
Total Date First Date
Floorspace Observed Considered Remark
(sq m) Ucon Complete
Top Secret
Regulates flow
of compressed
air from item 9
Dimens over-
all, floorspace
includes 2 annexes
Large square exhaust vent on
roof suggests extensive heat
processing in this sect
Dimens overall
^oorspace includes 2
Supports POL stor
fac immed
Height could not
be deter
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30 Shop bldg
31 Veh stor bldg
32 Subassem bldg
33 Security bldg
a Sect
h Sect
35 Pumphouse
36 Pumphouse
37 Water stor fac
a Control sect
b Buried tank
c Buried tank
Meteorological Station
38 Spt bldg
Brasov/Ghimbav Airfield
40 Checkout apron
41 Checkout apron
42 Compass rose
43 Repair hangar
44 Operations bldg/
passenger terminal
a Terminal sect
h Ops sect
c Control tower
d Admin sect
e Admin sect
45 Stor bldg
?Mensural accuracy is
dimensions, both withi
Total Date First Date
Floorspace Observed Considered Remark
(sq m) Ucon Complete
Supports electrical
Height could not
be deter
Supports water star
Supports water
stor fac
Buried with UG
Supports meteorological
Supports meteorological
2 stories: prob
contains office space
4 stories: lower 3
stories are prob
ops associated
Supports main
airfield entrance
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General Description
6. (S/D) Ghimbav Aircraft Plant ICA (Figure 3 and Table 1) occupies an area of 17.9
hectares and consists of 46 significant buildings and structures with a total floorspace of 80,809
square meters.
7. (S/D) The fabrication area, Ghimbav Aircraft Plant ICA proper, is at the southeast
corner of Brasov/Ghimbav Airfield and contains 32 significant buildings and structures. These
structures consist of an administration building (item 4, Figure 3), an administration/ security
building (item 6), an engineering building (item 7), a final assembly/assembly building (item 5), an
assembly building (item 23), two assembly/subassembly buildings (items 10 and 17), two subas-
sembly buildings (items 18 and 32), a checkout/paint hangar (item 1), two checkout buildings
(items 24 and 25), a shop building (item 30), a heating plant (item 19), a compressor/air condition-
ing building (item 9), and 17 other major buildings of varying functions. A small POL storage
facility is at the extreme north corner of the fabrication area.
8. (S/D) Brasov/Ghimbav Airfield (Figure 3), the test and flyaway field for the plant,
consists of a 1,067- by 762-meter, serviceable, sod landing area; a six-position antiaircraft (AA)
site, a repair hangar (item 43); an operations building/passenger terminal (item 44); two checkout
aprons (items 40 and 41); a compass rose (item 42); a security building (item 46); and a storage
building (item 45). A small POL storage facility is adjacent to the fabrication area.
9. (S/D) The electrical substation and water storage facility (Figure 3) is 100 meters south of
the fabrication area. It is separately wall secured and consists of a large substation, a control
building (item 34), a water storage facility (item 37), and two pumphouses (items 35 and 36).
10. (S/D) The water pumping station (item 22) is 50 meters south of the fabrication area. It
is separately fenced secured and consists of an electrical pump/wellhead. This station supplies
water for the plant.
11. (S/D) The meteorological station is 100 meters west of the southwest corner of the
fabrication area. It consists of two separately secured instrumentation sites (one wall secured, one
fenced secured) and two support buildings (items 38 and 39).
12. (S/D) The following table lists the use of plant floorspace as of the date of .25X1
the latest imagery used in this report.
(sq m)
Percentage of
Total Floorspace
Production /checkout
Production support
General support
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Construction Chronology
13. (S/D) On imagery of the site presently occupied by Ghimbav Aircraft
1969. At that time two buildings, an assembly/subassembly building (item 10) and a subassembl
building (item 18), had been completed and were operational. An additional five support build-
ngs, which were later razed, were also present. Thus, at this early stage in the history of the plant
limited production/assembly of aircraft was possible. The total usable floospace on
1969 was 6,686 square meters of which 4,412 square meters remain in
pumping station (item 22) was also present on
use today. The water
14. (S/D) Construction observed between resulted in
the addition of 57,305 square meters of floorspace and the loss, through razing, of 2,274 square
meters, bringing the plant total to 61,717 square meters. Two buildings were enlarged, 33 new
buildings were constructed, and five buildings were razed.
15. (S/D) Enlargement of the two previously existing buildings resulted in the addition of a
support section (item l0h) to the assembly/ subassembly building and the addition of a storage
section (item 18h) and a support section (item 18j) to the subassembly building.
16. (S/D) New buildings constructed during this period consisted of an administration/secu-
rity building (item 6), a final assembly/assembly building (item 5), an assembly building (item 23),
a checkout/paint hangar (item 1), two checkout buildings (items 24 and 25), a shop building (item
30), a subassembly building (item 32), a repair hangar (item 43), a heating plant (item 19), a
cooling tower (item 11), an air regulator building (item 13), a water treatment/cooling building
(item 14), a compressor/air conditioning building (item 9), a POL tank (item 15), a water tank
(item 16), an operations building/passenger terminal (item 44), a water storage facility (item 37),
two associated pumphouses (items 35 and 36), an electrical substation with an associated control
building (item 34), a vehicle storage/maintenance building (item 28), a vehicle storage building (item
31), a probable explosives storage building (item 3), three security buildings (items 8, 33, and 46), five
storage buildings (items 12, 20, 21, 27, and 29), and two support buildings (items 38 and 39). Other
construction during this period consisted of the POL storage areas at the airfield and in the fabrication
area, and the addition of the entire security wall/fence system.
17. (S/D) Construction observed between resulted in
the addition of 19,092 square meters of floorspace, bringing the plant total to the current 80,809
square meters.
18. (S/D) The enlargement of five existing buildings resulted in the addition of a support
section (item lc) to the checkout/paint hangar, the addition of a subassembly section (item 10a), a
shop section (item 10b), an engineering section (item l0c), and an administration/engineering
section (item l0d) to the assembly/subassembly building, the addition of a support section (item
l4c) to the water treatment/cooling building, the addition of an administration section (item 44e)
to the operations building/passenger terminal, and the addition of a new storage section (item
21b) to a storage building.
19. (S/D) New buildings constructed during this period consisted of an assembly/subassem-
bly building (item 17), an engineering building (item 7), an administration building (item 4), and
three storage buildings (items 2, 26, and 45). Also construction during this period included two
aircraft checkout aprons (items 40 and 41), a compass rose (item 42), and a taxiway connecting
these to the checkout/paint hangar.
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Plant Activity
20. (S/D) Prior to the occupation of Axis-aligned Romania by Soviet troops in 1943, the
most active aircraft industry plant in Romania was in Brasov.' Between 1943 and 1967, this plant
produced a variety of utility aircraft. However, in 1967 the plant was converted to the production
of light-wheeled vehicles and ball bearings. During this time, Romania began a policy of separa-
tion from the USSR. One manifestation of this new policy was the construction of Ghimbav
Aircraft Plant ICA (Interprinderea de Constructii Aeronautica),z northwest of the old Brasov
factory.' Since the inception of production activity at Ghimbav in 1969, the plant has been
involved in the production of eight aircraft and the licensed assembly of two others (Table 2).
These programs are discussed in the following paragraphs.
Aircraft Production and Assembly Programs
21. (S/D) IAR-818. The IAR-818 is a high-wing single-engine monoplane equipped with a
210-horsepower, Walter Minor M-337, six-cylinder air-cooled engine. A pod-and-boom fuselage
structure was incorporated in this aircraft for easy rear loading of bulky freight items. The fuse-
lage of the IAR-818 is tubular steel while the wings are plywood over two steel spars.' Production
of the IAR-818 began in 1961 at Bucuresti Airframe Plant Baneasa IAR and
continued until 1967 at which time Bucuresti began tooling for production of the BN-2A IS-
LANDER.' At this time, production of the IAR-818 was transferred to Ghimbav. Production at
Ghimbav continued until at least December 1973. Observations of IAR-818 at Ghimbav (Table 2)
varied widely throughout this period with a high count of 22 seen on Although
the exact number of IAR-818 produced at Ghimbav cannot conclusively be determined from
imagery, it is likely that at least 75 were produced.
22. (S/D) IAR-822. The IAR-822 is a low-wing agricultural monoplane featuring a rear-
placed cockpit for pilot protection, a chemical hopper with a 1,332-pound capacity, wing-internal
fuel tanks, and reinforced landing gear.' This aircraft entered series production in 1971 (Table 2)
at Ghimbav, and, although the production run was small, this aircraft was very significant since it
incorporated extensive western equipment and design features. The IAR-822 was a direct follow-
on of the IAR-821, and both aircraft were designed by Radu Manicatide, who felt the IAR-821
could not be competitive in the western market because of its numerous Soviet parts and frequent
need for overhaul. Thus, the IAR-822 was equipped with a 290-horsepower, Lycoming 10-540, six-
cylinder engine rather than the Soviet Ivchenko AI-14MF which powered the IAR-821. A variant
of the IAR-822, produced in very limited numbers, was the IAR-822B, a two-place trainer air-
craft.' Two IAR-822 were observed at Ghimbav on (Table 2), and it is likely that
these were the two prototypes which achieved flight qualification in 1971.' Production of the IAR-
822 began in 1971 and ended in late 1973 with an estimated production run of 40 to 60 aircraft.
23. (S/D) IAR-316 Alouette III Helicopter. The desire to separate the Romanian aviation
industry from Soviet influence received a large boost in 1971 when Romania reached an agreement
with the French firm Aerospatiale to assemble an initial run of 50 SA-316B Alouette 111.1 L
scale assembly of the Alouette III (Figure 4), designated IAR-316, was seen at the plant on
Additional contracts have since been signed,6 IAR-316 production has continued, an ,
Table 2)
since 1976, assembly rates have increased significantly. A high count of 14 IAR-316 was observed at the
plant on Figure 5 illustrates the probable assembly cycle of the IAR-316 at Ghimbav.
Limited-scale assembly occurred from late 1971 until mid-1975. At that time tooling for the IAR-823
- 10-
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Table 2.
Aircraft Sightings at Ghimbav Aircraft
Assembly Aircraft Repair and/or Training Aircraft
IS-28M1 Z-326
Date of IAR- IAR- IAR-283 IAR- IAR- IAR- Powered IS-28B2 IAR-316 Alouette I I I IAR-330 PUMA AN-2 Trener IAR- Miscellaneous
Coverage 818 822 Military Civilian 824 826 827 Glider Glider Military Civilian Military Civilian COLT Master 817 Sightings
IAR-814, 3 IFIL-
16 2 1 1 1 IAR-813
22 2 1 1 3
4 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 IAR-814
9 4 2 2 1 3 2
11 1 1 1 4
7 5 1 1 4 2
1 1 1 1 2
2 1
2 1 1
5 1 17 1 1 1 5 2 3 6 1 1 HIP C
1 8 2 2 4
1 3 3 7 1 7 1 3 3 2
1 1 5 3 3 2 1 5
1 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 1
3 1 2 1 3 4 3 1 6 1 1
1 3 2 1 4 2 4 7* 7 2 1 2 6
2 4 2 1 2 4 2 4 5 2 2 2 6 1
1 1 3 5 3 3 2 4 4 5 1
1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 3
2 4 1 1 3 2 6 2 2 4 4 1 1 PZL-104 W I LGA
2 5
4 3 1 5 2 1 5 4
5 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 HIP C
5 1 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 1
5 7 2 1 6 2 1 3 2 2 1
2 1 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 1
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Q U NUr- I AM -624
Q 5
ill -
2 3 4
1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
was underway and IAR-316 assembly halted temporarily. Initiation of full-scale assembly began in late-
1975 and continued until mid-1980 with short slowdowns for initial production of two other aircraft. As
of mid-1980, it is likely that a minimum of 135 IAR-316 had been produced.' The IAR-316 Alouette III,
currently being assembled at a rate of approximately two per month, is a light, multirole helicopter
powered by a 870 shaft-horsepower Turbomeca Artouste engine. The aircraft can be equipped for
numerous utility roles including agriculture, cargo, communications, forestry, fire-fighting, and rescue.
Significantly, however, the Romanians began arming the IAR-316 in mid-1972 with machine guns and
rocket pods." While the machinegun modification was not identifiable on overhead imagery, two IAR-
316 with rocket pods were observed at the plant on (Figure 6), and camouflage-painted
IAR-316 have been observed at the plant in a high proportion to civil models since
(Table 2). It is likely that most, or possibly all, of the camouflage-painted IAR-316 at Ghimbav are at
least machinegun equipped."
24 (SAD) IAR-823. The IAR-823 is a low-wing single-engine multirole monoplane powered
by a 290-horsepower, Lycoming IO-540-G I D5, six-cylinder horizontally opposed, air-cooled en-
gine. Prototype construction began in 1971,9 and the first prototype was observed at Ghimbav on[
Table 2). Full-scale production began in late 1975 (Figure 7) and continued at a
moderate rate through mid-1980 with slowdowns the initial production of three versions (Figure
4). In the civil configuration, the IAR-823 is a five-seater with variable equipment options for such
roles as air taxi, executive or freight transport, ambulance, liaison, or photo reconnaissance." The
military version (Figure 4) exhibits slight airframe modifications in the form of a reduced wingtip
chord, slightly rounded wingtips, and narrower rear fuselage. In the military configuration, the
IAR-823 is equipped with a fuselage-mounted machinegun and four wing-mounted rocket pods,
two on each wing.' Additionally, all military IAR-823 which have been observed at the plant to
date have been camouflage painted (Figure 4 and Table 2). While no production rate for the IAR-
823 has yet been confirmed, photographic observations suggest a rate of three to five per month.
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25. (S/D) IAR-330 PUMA. With the signing of another agreement with Aerospatiale in
1975, this time to assemble the SA-330 PUMA helicopter, Romania took yet another step forward
in its attempt to free its aviation industry from Soviet influence. Limited-scale assembly of the
PUMA, designated IAR-330 in Romania, began in early 1976, and the first two aircraft were
observed at Ghimbav on Table 2). Full-scale production began in early 1977 and a
gradual upward trend in production rates (Figure 8) has since been observed, culminating in an
estimated June 1980 rate of one and one half to two aircraft per month. The IAR-330 PUMA is a
twin-engine medium-weight, multirole, transport helicopter powered by two 1,175-shaft-horse-power,
Turbomeca Turmo IVC turboshaft engines. Like the IAR-3l6 and IAR-823, the IAR-330 PUMA is
produced in two versions (Figure 4). In the civil configuration, the IAR-330 is a highly versatile, all-
weather transport with numerous equipment options. As a military aircraft, the IAR-330 serves as a
tactical, all-weather troop transport10 and gunship. Also like the IAR-316 and IAR-823, the IAR-330
can be equipped with machineguns." While the rocket pod option has not been observed on imagery, it
remains likely that the IAR-330 is so equipped.'
26. (S/D) IAR-824. The IAR-824 (Figure 4) is a single-engine high-wing monoplane pow-
ered by a 290-horsepower, Lycoming I0-540-C1D5 flat-six engine, and serves as a six-seat utility/liaison
aircraft.1? Prototype construction of the IAR-820, designed by losif Silimon, began at Ghimbav in late
1969, and the aircraft received certification in May 1972.10 Necessary design changes delayed initial
production until early 1977, however. Limited-scale production began in early 1977 (Table 2) and has
continued through mid-1980. The estimated production rate, based solely on imagery, is four to six
aircraft annually.
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20- 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1972 1973
1 2 3 4
1975 1976 1977
2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1978 1979 1980
P/C T-10941
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1972 1973 1974
1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
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27. (S/D) IAR-826. A limited production run of the IAR-826, an all metal version of the
earlier IAR-822, began in early 1976 and ended by early 1978. The total production run was
approximately 25 to 35 aircraft. Characteristics previously discussed for the IAR-822 can be
applied to the IAR-826.1?
28. (S/D) IAR-827. Design of the IAR-827, a developed version of the all metal IAR-826,
began in 1973 and flight testing began in 1976. The IAR-827 (Figure 4) is a single/two-seat, low-
wing agricultural monoplane with greatly increased payload capabilities over the IAR-822 and
IAR-826. It is powered by a single 600-horsepower, Polish PZL-3s, seven-cylinder, radial, air-
cooled engine. This engine also powers the Polish PZL-106 KRUK.10 Series production of the
IAR-827 began in early 1979 and continued at a slow rate through mid-1980 (Table 2).
29. (SAD) Gliders. Ghimbav has been engaged in the production of gliders since 1972, and
two distinct models have been observed at the plant (Figure 4). Production of the IS-28B2 began in
early 1972 and continued through mid-1980. The IS-28B2 is a single-seat, high-wing towed glider.
Production of the IS-28M1 began in late 1975, and this glider has since become the more fre-
quently observed of the two models. The IS-28M I is a two-seat, low-wing, powered glider.6 An IS-
29 series glider has been reported 6,9 but has not been confirmed at the plant.
Aircraft Repair Activity
30. (S/D) Repair of aircraft produced at Ghimbav, as well as older Romanian-produced
aircraft and some foreign-produced aircraft, takes place at Ghimbav on a continuing basis. Most
of this activity occurs in the repair hangar at the airfield. Aircraft known to be repaired at
Ghimbav include the Romania IAR-817, IAR-822, IAR-818, IAR-3l6 Alouette III, the Soviet
AN-2 COLT, the Czech Z-326 Trener Master, and the Polish PZL-104 Wilga.'' Continued obser-
vations of these aircraft (Table 2) confirm a long-term commitment to a repair program.
Other Production Activity
31. (S/D) Numerous other items are produced at Ghimbav, most notably wings, stabilizers,
flaps, and other miscellaneous parts for the BN-2A ISLANDER, produced in Bucuresti.'2 Ghim-
bav also reportedly produces unspecified parts for the CIAR/IAR-93 JUROM."
Training Activity
32. (S/D) The continued movement of aircraft around the airfield, observations of in-Flight
aircraft over or in the environs of the airfield, and occasional observations of parachutes and
drop-zone markers indicate that some training activity may occur at the plant. Whether this
activity is being carried out by the military, a sports club, or plant personnel is not known.
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Top Secret RUFF
(S/D) All imagery acquired between I was used in the preparation of this
SAC. US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 0251-15, 4th ed, Mar 67, scale 1:200,000 (SECRET)
1. Aviation Week and Space Technology, 29 Jun 70 (UNCLASSIFIED)
2. DIA. RDA-l 1/0034/73, Ghimhav Aircraft Plant IC'A, May 73 (TOP SECRET
3. DoD. IIR 2-218-3140-68, (C) Secret Government Plans to Develop Domestic Aircraft Industry Despite
Soviet Wishes, 25 Apr 68 (CONFIDENTIAL
4. MacDonald & Co., The Aircraft of the World, London, 65 (UNCLASSIFIED)
5. NPIC.
RCA-09/.0032/78, Bucuresti Airframe Plant Baneasa IAR (S), Nov 78 (TOP
6. Jane's All the World's Aircraft, 1973-1974 (UNCLASSIFIED)
7. DIA. DDB-1923-2-80-SAO, Foreign Aircraft Production FOAP) Communist World
(U), Jun 80 (TOP SECRET
8. DoD. IIR 2-218-6488-79, Ghimbav (LL8360) Airplane Factory (U), 24 Aug 79 (CONFIDENTIAL)
9. Air Force Magazine, p 47, Oct 73 (UNCLASSIFIED)
10. Jane's All the World's Aircraft, 1979- 1980 (UNCLASSIFIED)
II. DoD. IIR 1-521-0518-74, (C) Ghimbav Aircraft Plant ICA (454035N/0253023E). 8 Nov 74 (CONFI-
12. DoD. IIR 1-521-0917-71, (C) Ghimbav Aircraft Plant ICA (454035A'/0253023E). 1 Dec 71 (CONFI-
*Extracted information is classified
**Extracted material is classified
***Extracted material is classified
(S) Comments and queries regarding this report are welcome. They may be directed to
Warsaw Pact Forces Division, Imagery Exploitation Group, NPIC,
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP81T00380R000101150001-5
Top Secret
Top Secret
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP81T00380R000101150001-5