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25X1 B Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP81 S00991 R000100400001-8 Next 14 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP81 SO0991 R000100400001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 :'CIA-(RDP81 S00991 R000100400001-8 KLASS!FIEE `PAB A Atomnaya Energiya Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniye Akademiyr Nauk SSSR Kultura i Zhizn' Nauka i Zhizn' Priroda Sudostroyeniye Vestnik Akademiy Nauk SSSR Znaniye - Sila Izvestiya Knizhnaya Letopis' Letopis' Zhurnalnykh Statey Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP81 S00991 R000100400001-8 C-0-N F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L LIST OF SCH1DTJLF,D REPORTS Issued by FOREIGN DOCUMETS DIVISION as or I October 1958 FDD SUMMARY LIST Sources include newspapers, magazines,, and monographs - unless otherwise specified. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL 1. SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION REPORT Semimonthly Summary - UNCLASSIFIED This publication is designed to show current scientific development in the USSR, the Sino-Soviet orbit countries, and Yugoslavia. Reproduced by OTS 2. SINO-POVIET BLOC SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION Monthly Summary - CONFIDENTIAL This is a serial publication issued as a classified supplement to the semimonthly Scientific Information Report (Unclassified). This report presentsinformation from news- papers, periodicals and books, items of scientific and related information and pertinent commentary judged to he relevant primarily or singularly from the intelligence viewpoint. 3. SOVIET BLOC INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR INFCRMATION Weekly Summary - UNCI.tISIFIED This report presents unevaluated information on Soviet Bloc International Geophysical Year activities selected from foreign language puhlications_ Reproduced by OTS C-0 N F-I-D E N -T-I-A-L 1. SOVIET MILITARY INFORMATION REPORT Monthly Summary - CONFIDENTIAL Military and paramilitary information, mainly from Soviet newspapers and periodicals, including organization, training, doctrine and equipment, and MVO and KGB information when found. Graphics material reported. 2. USSR MATERIALS AND MATERIALS PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Monthly Summary - UNCIASSIFIED Information on the USSR chemicals petroleum, coal, and metallurgical industries; and on the production of chemical, petroleum, mining, and metallurgical equipment. 3. USSR AGRICULTURE AND FARM MACHINE tY Sporodic Summay - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Information on USSR agriculture, including data on crops, animal husbandry, and land improvements as well as the pro- duction of agricultural machinery. USSR INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (T 'ASPORTATION, CONSTRUCTION, PRO- DUCTION, AND POWER Monthly summary - UNCW3STFIF ) Data on the production and technology of Soviet motor vehicles, Yearings, road machinery, construction equipment, machine tools, pr-9sen ani forging equipment, formdry equip- ment, dieanls, boilers, turbines, and heavy electrical equip- mynL. r: (r ta_p-I-ii-f?:-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP81 S00991 R000100400001-8 C-0 -N -F _I-0-E-N-T-I-A-L TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATIONS, AND ELECTRIC POWER IN THE USSR Monthly Summary - UNCLASSIFIED Information from newspapers, periodicals, and occasional books on the organization, operations, installations, equipment, and production of the above. Includes new canal end irrigation construction data as related to electric power. 6. SURVEY OF THE SOVIET PRESS Weekly Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This publication provides a weekly survey of information on political and social developments in the USSR, published in the Soviet central, republic, and specialized press- 7- ACTIVITIES IN THE ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC Monthly Summary- UNCLASSIFIED Information from general and scientific newspapers, periodicals, and books on scientific expeditions and other activities, mainly Soviet, in these areas. Includes miscellaneous data on Arctic economic development. 8. URBAN DEVEL(P!1ENT IN THE USSR Monthly Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report prosents information on city construction and development in the Soviet republics. 1A-RDP81 S00991 R000100400001-8 C-0N F-I-D-ELI-T-T-A-L USSR TERRI TORIAL-ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES Quarterly Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Information from soviet newspapers and Vedomosti, on changes in names, boundaries, status, or territorial admin- istrative organization of towns, cities, rayons, etc. All pertinent announcements and decrees. 10. INFORMATION ON SOVIET EDUCATION Bimonthly Summary - UNCLASSIFIED Information on current developments in Soviet Education Monthly Summary - UNCLASSIFIED Information on production, technology, and plants producing tubes and bulbs, radio and television equipments communications equipment, computers, instruments, photographic and optical equipment, and electric products. USSR rEUERAL INDUSTRIAL TNFORMATION ;porodic Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY dives general industrial information covering the whole or large sectors of USSR industry. Treats the problems of economic orpnnizntion as applied to the production of machinery and materials. t; -4 i-N -N -I -(l -1E.-N - P-I -A-L in all levels of instruction. 11. USSR ELECTRONIC AND PRECISION EQUIPMENT Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP81 S00991 R000100400001-8 C-C-N-F-I-D E N-T-I A-L 13. ANNUAL REPORT ON CRIME TN THE USSR Annual Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Information from USSR newspapers on all types of crime reported, as well as on the trials and sentences. 114. REPORT ON USSR MINISTRIES Sporadic Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY or CONFIDENTIAL Selected data, mainly from Soviet newspapers and periodicals, on all-union, union-republic and republic ministries and other ministerial level organizations, with identification of key personnel. Supplemental to basic reports (Summaries) issued irregularly on individual ministries and comparable organizations. 15. ANNUAL REPORT ON USSR REPUBLIC BUDGETS Annual Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Information from newspapers on budgets proposed by republic finance ministers, the recommendations of republic budget commissions, and the final budgets as approved by republic councils of ministers. Also contains breakdowns of revenues and expenditures by source of revenue and items of expenditure on oblast, kray, and city levels. periodicals and occasional books on developments in state, cooperative, and free market trade, including prices, volume Infi-)rmci.t,ion .fr! ern ii-wupnhr'ri;, 1~~ r 1 ud f cn i n, nut Iit lokn on &lbulnlit, 13uiLpn.r1n, (;~trlinr,]nV+4kI i, btte;l. (iL I warty, Ih.llltnry, rolnilI, Approved For R - 09918000100400001-8 C-0 N F-I D-E-N-T-I-A-L 2. I4TIJTARY REPORT ON EASTERN EUROPE Monthly Summary - CONFIDENTIAL Military, civil defense, security forces, naval,.and para- military information from newspapers and periodicals on Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, and Yugoslavia. SOCIOLOGICAL REPORT 011 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Quarterly Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains information from newspapers and periodicals on selected sociological trends and developments. Among the subjects or topics covered in reporting are the followings mass organizations, population and manpower, social welfare, and public information media. 3. EASTFR11 EL ROPE PRESS SURVEY Weekly Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This publication provides a weekly survey of information on political and social developments in the East European countries of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Rumania and Yugoslavia published in the central and specialized press. _ 'Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP81 SO0991 R000100400001-8 C-0-N-F-I4)-E.-N T-I-A-L FAR EAST 1. WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT ON COMMUNIST CHINA Weekly Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Political, economic, and sociological information on Communist China and Outer Mongolia. Graphics material is reported and made available through CIA Photo Accession numbers. Either Chinese characters or standard cable code numbers are given for new and significant personalities, plants, and organizations. 2. MONTHLY INFORMATION REPORT ON CONTINENTAL SOUTHEAST ASIA; Monthly Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Political, economic, sociological, and biographic information on North Vietnam. Military information on North Vietnam is reported when available. Occasionally, information on other Southeast Asia countries is included. MONTHLY INDONESIAN PRESS SURVEY Monthly Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Information on political, economic, and sociological activities in Indonesia for all geographical area" of Indonesia. Approved For R - 000100400001-8 4. MILITARY INFORMATION REPORT ON COMMUNIST CHINA Monthly Summary - CONFIDENTIAL This report presents items of military intelligence value taken primarily from Chinese Communist military and provincial publications. 1. INFORMATION REPORT ON ARAB STATES AND ISRAEL Monthly Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Military, political, economic, and sociological information from pertinent newspapers and periodicals. 2. INFORMATION ON NORTH AFRICA Monthly Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY political, sociological, economic, and military information from pertinent newspapers and periodicals, including periodicals from France specializing in African affairs. 3. INFCRMATICII ON AFRICA SOUTH OF WE SAHARA Monthly Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY political, sociological, economic, and military information riodicalns including periodicals from pertinent newa~aapars a ~ from various European countries (France, Belgium, Italy)- specializing, in African affairs. 1. WORLD PRESS SUMMARY OF INTERNATIONAL COAI'iNIST DEVEMPMEEN7S Weekly Summary - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Information from the international press on reactions to current trends and developments in international Communism. 2. CONSOLIDATED TRANSLATION SURVEY (CTS) Monthly - An unclassified edition and a CONFIDENTIAL edition are issued. Lists translations from all languages completed or started during the previous month. Listings are provided by 19 cooperating foreign-language units of the IAC agencies, and through liaison with other governmental, commercial, and institutional translation facilities. Listings are not cumulative, but cumulative results are made available to the IAC agencies through the FDD/CIS Index. Translations are listed by geographic areas and in a scientific-technical section. Bibliographic data, translation identification and repository are provided. A controlled (SECRET/NOFORN) supplement is also issued monthly. The Consolidated Translation Survey publication and Index represent the FDD effort to coordinate foreign-lar'.guage operations of the IiC agencies. (' -n -N-F -T -T) -F-N -T-T -A-I, Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP81 S00991 R000100400001-8 C-0 N-F-IN-E-N-T-I-A-L 16 : CIA-RDP81 SO0991 R000100400001-8 QUARTERLY RETORT ON CHANGES IN USSR FOREIGN-TIDE PERSONNEL Quarterly _- FOR (7FFICIAL USE ONLY Information from Vneshna' To oV a (Foreign Trade) on the appointment of foreign trade organitiation officers, as well as the grant and cancellation of authority to individuals to sign foreign trade documents. 3. WKLY PRESS NOTES ON INTF~RNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND FAIRS Weekly -- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the date, locat on, 25X1A Information from the international press on agenda, delegates, and financial support of formal- international economic, and reLi.Pious; cultural, conferences (scientific, Communist and non-Communist; but excluding military) diplomatic, and sports moetinga)? Also Information on the data, location, participation, etc., of international fairs and exhibitions. 11 - c;-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I A-L Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP81 S00991 R000100400001-8 C-O_i_'-I-D E-N-T-1-A-L FOREIGN PRESS REPORTS ON II1h.RNATIONAL TRADE AND SR1TPING FOR OFFICIAL USE ONIX 25X1A Weekly_ ose on the following Information from the international pr sub3ecta, with emphasis on strategic goods: East-VOst trade Intra-Orbit trade East-West cargo shipments Smuggling and arms traffic Orbit trade advertisements in non-Orbit countries. 5. EAST-W" r AND INTRA-ORBIT TRAVEL. ATM CONTACTS A ,.taekly FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ` )r-V4 Information from the international press on travel and and between contacts between Orbit and non-Orbit countries, es within the Orbit. _ ntr ial est Travel and Contacts -- Official and unoffic East contacts between Orbit and non-Orbit countries, with travel and ific , reference to the following typos of activity: scient di ng technical, financial, commercial, and cultural, inclu d n travel of students, athletes, artists, newspapermen, a wcchango of cult>ral materials, etc. Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP81 S00991 R000100400001-8 C-0 -N -F -I -D -E -N - T -I -A -L Intra-Orbit Travel and Contacts -- Official and unofficial travel and contacts within the Orbit of technical and managerial personnel of industrial enterprises, political and government key figures, high-level cultural and educational figures, medical personnel, and key figures in mass organizations. (Note: Information on travel and contacts of Scientists within the Orbit is reported in the Scientific Information Report.) 6. BACKGRMMUND INFORMATION REPORT ON INDONESIA Sporadic = OONFIDENTIAL/NCFORN This report varies in subject matter with every publi- cation depending on the nature of background material available, usually devoted to special reports on police Lor guerilla activities and local political operations. Approved For Release 2QOO /t6< ,~CF?--RI P81 S00991 R000100400001-8 +-1 , ~.1' i'i 1 . e.,. ,,. TAB C t i'.SUNPF", I ISIT W 8. 11,CIj,AJLC'?t4 1'Et'f4(it .1e4if 3U!:?D 3,Y , LTN%'TfT `4,A1 ` T' .t7 ICAT].~?r' S Om of 1 A)GU T 1#:,5B r,1 iI( ,a t~t,z.u?:t:[tuz Zr..tlr,,t r':I i~l .tL.;~r Prcc12?'~ 1i'~!'C~'t':S,C,L o ;rik' orgEeL1!?,L?I;rjc:'! 1?.1.31'tui(;i$i?; m,1 (3 k ~. ? rf , t Q?v,, rti ii'ivi ';Iwmt, rater,, COO 1 =; a 's bs:t i.' (1".Ltm put, .s ?i 13 p1aa :: '':illuiaDt 11.,it,cr- i,'n-d xiol" kig~ l ed, prcb1-;lj c:al riz; tsx+~ rx:?1 type: of I'a"ifv1nsg -- grtci'e, r:unic1 Pa? , ;.I'tv?:t?;ay, ltd rw'a'.. 1klj' Y?p:,'.;iiJ1 ou food, f `.ji i, the t, CF.^ t y:'7t ],: iriy 2D?.. '. :t IIC 1LfILL' '?L!. &-t'' O lu'ce:'iction out al.@+a L "'`w produwt , F4td'.111, tiCtll ~1 ' "L + 6?f~> e j bC UC.L N , Qti .flsri .s; L1i al 9'r a31F '.;: COT+31,u'_. ,'.' `' ~1~ tig31~~22,_ T :?t .1&.bor ), 1''f1Ct Ct 2] I t:..~e.~.satY,wLLtQc,. CST.. g-ati Lzr_': ,, i1 , iit?'_! ~Y' L it"'c ,4 x'f3cnnei i P 4Et;:1 ?i' ` t.a .,` lr;~cllk:. ; still aE1 + S ~At a't 'a Ei (Uuar ar]:+j" . P! LT1 S 11 11 J3 , II ?1 L. J L,1" it: i t.'t-x t3.t-G fu7.1 j 1T .'ut.. C.ri(? f,r y+JUe' Lon -,., v & 4 ; t--:..'M 1).; t ?taI R y- 't`om :'., :i- I?: ~.i...: w+.#c t t#~ii= ? ? tE{ir_Li3 c V. i t.ez'? , a: eir' ?