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Document Release Date: 
March 20, 2001
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Publication Date: 
October 26, 1957
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ved FoRelease 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 ROO56OR00010008 /91-W ,vt ,5.?-.53 ed For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA RD 81 R00560R00010008 CGS ~VI-8~11,~ ~2du??Z UNITED sTA s GOVFR NMF1' s AD/,,;I FROM ` DA'?/C/" I STATINTL DATE:26 Cctober 1957 called to tell me that Air Force had approached him or permission to declassify the conclusions of the "Report STATINTL of the Scientific Panel on Unid ntifi d Fl i Ob t " e e y ng jec s , which O5I organized in January 1953. The request had come to STATINTL I told w-e would examine the matter and Maj. Byrne should contact me directly. I will take the necessary action on this on my return. Approved For Release 2001/04/02 :-CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100080017-6 Government Operations,Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Acting Chief, Donald F. a'Donnell STATINTL L Maj. Byrne called 28 Oct. re the declassification of the UFO report. He is going to send over the portion the AF wishes to declassify. TOP SECRET Approved For Relope 2001/04/02: CIA-RDP81 ROOR000100080017-6 JIGNATURE RECORD AND COVER SHEE DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE a ~( :`'FORM CIA CONTROL NO.//~j (j DOC. NO. DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED DOC. DATE COPY N0. LOGGED BY NUMBER OF PAGES -1 NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS -r/j. Q9st~ ATTENTION: This form will be placed on top of and attached to each Top Secret document received by the Central Intel- ligence Agency or classified Top Secret within the CIA and will remain attached to the document until time as it is downgraded, destroyed, or transmitted outside of CIA. Access to Top Secret matter is limited to Top Secret Control personnel and those individuals whose official duties relate to the matter. Top Secret Control Officers who receive and/or release the attached Top Secret material will sign this form and indicate period of custody in the left-hand columns provided. Each individual who sees the Top Secret document will sign and indicate the date of handling in the right-hand columns. REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED SEEN BY OFFICE SIGNATURE DATE TIME DATE F DATE nk I ~~ Z3 ~J e1' - 25X1A 25X1A 4 NOTICE OF DETACHMENT: When this form is detached from Top Secret material it shall be completed in the appropriate spaces below and transmitted to Central Top Secret Control for record. DOWNGRADED DESTROYED DISPATCHED (OUTSIDE CIA) TO BY (Signature) TO BY (Signature) WITNESSED BY (Signature) BY (Signature) DATE DATE OFFICE DATE Approved For Rele se 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R 0560R00010008001 -6 FOAPRMRNO5-5 26 USE PREVIOUS TOP SECRET 6 1 OCT ENTD (40) Approved For ReSe 2001/04/081 RO N?F?!t ! 25X1 C 0R0001 qPj70 fl Copy .s off 30 cy 7-s$ //.99G 7 21 SQptQnabev 1957 atjol lntalliyan MEMORANDUM FOR.- AIC3ncp Dicoctog,, Co SUBJECT U aideanti sod Flyingpvct Repwtad on 20 SrapttmQ X937 1. As ctpwtod by co poaents of tha US Ait Me= Command, an unidentifiod flying 60ect (UFO) was trraeked by US ys c a rel?tivvly stvQight ceaa'se from the Bost,aPn tip of Long Island to the vicinity of i C loo Tho obgacc, was vopo redly moving, wwstwo d of an olti,?udo of 50,0120 foot and z6 ezd of 2, t ktsa "Ja miflg" was rtpcwt d by szve&I mdors in this vicinity an:, v;7zshvo7d as for as Chic ;0, Ina sub- sequent b- o ing ffoc ppc s~ntatid s of rho 'IAC, t?ii US Aip Facet? popi~ rod that Ae original Q om had hear dogr dod s awhal~? by inff aHoa thous %0 ~hom was an 11 minute ak in the taoch; ~b) woachar c d?tri~s in tha am-a, wort off the type which have in Oka past produced false edema, pips en 3 clectm@,ic lnto4nz,a co; (e) 1-47?s aff SAC wow on rho apaa neon Chicago on an 1:CM tQoh h ffliefi'. Tho ADC hos not completed its invasti otion of this incidont, but in any c wont it n?2^9 sGo as clecP that the phenomena rape uled west of Buffffala w ; not PeIoted to the UUF?O 2. We have no intoll?a ;vnca o Soeakt activities (&20 .,, Ic me sage air, c~r marina, e' naaPchortt shippinj oe $ions) whsch n bo ralotod spsciffically to thes Pepaged event. We Elie ve it unlikely that a S iot ainu'aft ccMld conduct a mission at this speed and altitude and etum to floc tox*Koryo Howe peg-, we credit the USS! with ohs copabilityy to hove a sub arri~ue is ached crraaise Type r&ssile of low i c perff ante and a range of abw1500 no o, but ors have no specific evidence of the onistonco of such a e aiwile. 3. 'A'10 haves exo wined p sibk S 'ce;t s gtivos Tarr launchoTo a 'ane? y vQl`eicle on an opeat on o' i the US, and conssde' brat there waoevld be little motivation at this time, except possibly a psychologicl o @enI k t motive, whic? we [soave is ma8ginal. One-viay reconnaissance ope ,tie ns aye l vgely pled out by the likelihood that the Yvsults would be of small vole , and the Fisk of compronrisa would be vory gpeato 25X1 C TOP SECRET NOFORN Approved For Release 20 100080017-6 Approved For Rel a 2001/04/6F' R-kbP81 ROO#R00010008 W " 4. We ccreclads, thamff , that it #5 highly i apPOboble that w Soviet opomflon is aesponsihle fo the UFO poi of 20 Septerrbwo 5. Consicladng, the facts that tha ADC investigation is incomplete, and that weather phanorEno aPa inemasingly likely oxplofoPi?fs of the ceigin-al ropom, Qocanimand that, eao QAC maoting be wiled an thiz subject of this t3meo 25X1A HERB?R? SCOVILLE? hPa Copies to IAC Agoraccihs os follows.. AEC 8 ?NI 3 FBI I JG 2 ARMY 3 AOR FORCE 3 STATE 3 CIA 5 NOFORN TOP SECIET Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100080017-6