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Document Release Date: 
March 20, 2001
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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1957
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Approved Foielease 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP00560R0001000800 i-x yw www_m x* . - ,t.?,.ad3w' d~,~~E lw%YOr.is 1-im ICU VON" t o s v Ift 'lalR+i ? a im t1 r . as E}5~ truA njim 0 J is im sm. p. ,~ a,~, {. r awsss~il~orr 1~!! Lsl.~~d as Ta A y.` Vii,. e ti tis llo~~see bw ssIasst" W214 :. 4 xt tu ~t l tiui tbA7 w4 ' A aM t is asslorai bssrdth tw r -WA, A _ I*tk or. Sit Pt . Gand"W.it ta. 1ta. st,.4is ts~a~ A Sum SOMULVO& is pwvfvvfk #a am be is3.riti.4. But,, tea, STATINTL r- + m t z v miU not mts+w to a at IA p a- 3 or t on a is logo v- hbe it is feeu t- - Z be" gam-W the Air Yen** is to tbridaae tit awls aC the :rise' `- V wall bo m"d.. Tbw, 2em zgA1 d that ms vmU As as 1. cal witLU *ffi ;al tt7trs m d asai.4 wk In jtwa to go pa. . bAq ow .z, # - z1i has s - at ttar t. lLL r a s% it mbmU be t J,_ d t ., Uis Sisrt f+aa' - at as a~e . aaw Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100080013-0 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R0001 00080013-0 AvuiZabie Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100080013-0 Approved Foelease 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP00560R000100080013-0 waft ,-; ~.'.`'. O [ a UO -All STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/04/02 CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100080013-0 Approved For Relee 2001/04/02: CIA-RDP81 R00*R000100080013-0 14 You viii recall. in JLuary1 53, t ec titu~t~ed, a scientific ,,y Advisory Pae',.1 on hid tifieed ~r F,~ Objects vith Doss. H. P. Robertson an Chaireaa, Bann] 0mulamtt, Thortcat P.ger, Lloyd V. Bergner, and yourself an nembers. After its thelibarratieta, the Pawl reached two canelusions and made tiro which v m included as Tab A of the report. Very recent , the Air Force has retested that the conclusions of this report be e' Iessified so that they may be the press . A cagy of the rates Is enclosed herewith for your i A4"WXe t cM&. STATINTL I have queried the Air Force as to whether the name of the Panel. members would be used. ftey have replied that name vo l.d be used only within official. circles and w+ .d not be given to the press. But, as such information has a tendency at t:Lmc to filter out, it should be recognised that, if approval is given for use of the naeaaa-, they may' well. become co - s ledge. vho agree that the c c1uaiou recc nd contained in as well as this Aswwy,* vile, not agree to a ccaw union in pau ;,raTh 3 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100080013-0 :Approved For Releas* : CIA-RDP81 R005609P0100080013-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON 25, D. C. It, N0V 1957 25X1A Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner President Associated Universities, Incorporated Room 6920 350 Fifth Avenue New York 1, New York Dear Lloyd: You will recall in January 1953, we constituted a Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects with Drs. H. P. Robertson as Chairman, Samuel Goudsmit, Luis W. Alvarez, Thorton Page, and yourself as members. After its deliberation, the Panel reached two conclusions and made two recommendations which were included as Tab A of the report. Very recently,.the Air Force has requested that the conclusions of this report be declassified so that they may be used in the press. A copy of the report is enclosed herewith for your information. I have discussed this matter with Dr. Robertson and Dr. Goudsmit who agree that the conclusion contained in paragraph 2 and the recommendation contained in paragraph 4a can be declassified. But, they,. as well as this Agency, will not agree to a declassification of the. conclusion in paragraph 3 or the recommendation in paragraph 4b. It is our feeling that inal six lines of paragraph 'can stand I have queried the Air Force as to whether the names of the Panel members would be used. They have replied that names would be used only within official circles and would not be given to the press.. Batt, as such information has a tendency at times to filter out, it should be recognized that, if approval is given for use of the names, they may well become common knowledge. Approved For Release 2001/04/02 ::CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100080013-0 Approved For Releas001/Q02 :;CIA-RDP81 R0056000100080013-0 It would be very much appreciated if you could let me know as soon as possible what your reaction is to the Air Force de- classification proposal; whether you agree with Dr. Robertson, Dr. Goudsmit and myself on limiting any declassification; and whether you would approve or disapprove the use of your name, granted that Agency connection with the Panel is withheld. Very best regards. 25X1A Deputy Assistant Director Enclosure UFO Report (Secret) Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP81 R00560R000100080013-0