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1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP81R00560R000100070022-1 A ss! ,^? s 4 'be . I.41r /I( (1 (_ ? r Ow the 'IV 1)1`Si.M sot (try PR A/141 CT fel 4 rat pr,on 1.? prot?t,irrf ,..!? SB 414,1 ? ,u111, 431M- .1111/1011.11111. C010,7 ftv Thatiftild usi...1...sw no./ 1.4,101K ?O?Allt 41009.4.11, roaler p.1...... ?Oatalrf wird be cenh.e4 rar avenblbei adoiy 4?0 *if bv;ele of tbis repoet. 0.140.0?Taucat 1 656 0111 69 / SUOACT- NO.,4N ENTITY 9, Dart or ocrOirrz 6,September 1969 7-deritcd Object Thoup,bt to bo Helicopter 5,.1. ~PI: 4 c,c,:orved Near Nakhon Phanom RTAFB (U) la NO. 0 3 t SC No440011: II. MEOMMENCOO DIRM 151 .j 4. 047E Of OgrOOMATION: 24 August 196') 1ceNakhon Phanom RTAFB, s..t....Le .A.0 OATC OF mc Thailand, 24 August 1969 I. (V. .Wlatellt, UNACC SINFOONNATION See Item 15 See Item I 7. SOURCE See Item 15 scamsmarm OSI District 51, Bangkok, Thaila 56-'713/03/5 I&PFIEFWIENDIrr: .3A' ROBERT D. KAEHLER, OSI Det 5 Nakhon Phanom RTAFB, 7; iland 5 $4. amtmoiftee mmws. 4. EflANK, eftAre t Col, USAF J41Commander Early on t;113 morning of 24 August 1969, the pilot of a base aircraft i observed what he thought to be a helicopter, with folded rotor blades, on the !ground approximately five miles north-northoast of Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai re.,,ce Base. He also reported seeing a large, omni-:directional light. A yyj Mai Army sweep of the area, met with negative results. Subsequent checks, ' disclosed that a religious procession passed through the general area ' ! durInz the same time period and that the pilgrims %ivied with them two large t ceremonial drums suspended between two long poles. One of the participants ! alao carried a powerful electric lantern which, when an aksoraft was noted circling overhead, he pointed skyward. furgovalattil 1. (C) Information contained in paragraph 2 below MOS provided by the Director of Intelligence, 56th Special Operations Wing, Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB), Thailand. . The source of tho information in para.. graph 3 (5106-ASP-64) is a resident of Ban Ram Rat, Nakhon Phanom Province who has contributed in the past, but whose reliability is still unknown. The c9=ributor of the information in paragraph 3, and source the information 16----ragraph 4, (5106-ASP6.6)1is a member of an official Thai agency who has contributed in the past, but whose reliability has not yet been fully oatablished. kOISERWUTMNIMDMOHUNDIN Dir OSI USAF 0 Dop Dir OSI (FACAF)(CINC- ; PAG-J21-2) 5 Ch, JUSMACTHA1 (DCHI) 1 ..7-2 UL'MACTHAI (0-2, 1 3 2 1 nth AP (D/I-1, IGSP=1) 2 k . 1 1 2 USARSUPTHAI 1 17th MI Dot 2 1:clo, 62ist TacConSq 4 C:i, APAG DODSRTjUSMAGUAI iDi3tribi.tion NA", 1 F1019411.1?-.LW- DD .1:4.t 1390 mr0 Sketch of Sighting Ar.. (C) cy, 1 pg GROUP-3 D?rwnfroleti et 12 jut iggrill; ti4t antociatirslly dcciassifici. PU 3 sxcRi.t.T "Nn FORE CH 'DISSEM" ???-41.??????? ???d 40?14,???4 116???? a? e? Ike 60 ?r *um rowoew boas 034K 1'44010 ? ?t ja41 ? DIA REVIEW COMPLETED Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP81R00560R000100070022-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP81R00560R000100070022-1 _Available Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP81R00560R000100070022-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP81R00560R000100070022-1 , ; 2. " r',;. ' ? . , 4, t otject on thq !tTA'r'b. 4t7,,f; par:,nt to madd ..-i(- tide OV-10 was on final apprOach 7r, zA.rcr tr.,1 an obserVed tfie a , on a :.-.%rttch of road. gal..:red around a. been a neliL-:,c-A.r its. :4) obser.! t,te '.:t;ject nzing moved inao trees the rot. iit voetcr-,_ z.rea ano pin-pointed the ac VE 65228fd. SecirlLy representatives subsequently aoaineo tat * sweep nf uns sighting area, from Ban La Kan Hin 668235) to the vicinty of Ban Rae Rat (VE (241280), by Royal Tbad Army (RTA) personnel between 0100 and 04J0 Nears., 24 August 1969 produced no results, nor did a joint RTA-USA! Security Police search at 1100 naurs the segb day. (OSI Evaluation re helicopter sighting: F-5). 3. (C) 5106-1SP-6J reported that on the night of 23-24 Atagu:A. 1969, sone. twenty Thai National residents of bee &leg Rin (VE 682249; reportedly travelled to and from the at Si Sa-at, located is Ban Ram Rat 641280), tail make an offering. This religious procession followed the country road to Ban! 657278). On their return trip, between Bea Nong Bas and Ban Sang His, menberri Ram Rat, passing through Ben Nogg Bea (VE 668266) and Ban Cook Sawang (VE of the group noticed an aircraft circling overhead. One of the villagers, whci was carrying a portable electric Lantern to light their path, shined his light upward at the plane. Source (5106-LSP-(>T) stated.thet this incident occurredl sometime between 2400 boars 23 kerne, enh 0100 hos 24 August 1969. (F-3). 4. (C) In an effort to obtain further details, 51)'-:.SP-O, supra, travelled to Ban Sang Hin, where he qmestioned a villager (Na'.., who allegedly took part in the pilgrimage to at Si &haat, This villager confirmed the information received from 5136-ASP-6.1, end provided the following additional details: ? a. The religious procession left Ban Smug Rin at approximately 2000 hail, 23 August 1969, arrived at the wet two hours later, and departed for home again at 2330 hours. &trouts, the vinegars travelled along the country road more or less ina single filo. Stems carried flashlights to light the way, and at least one villager carried a powerful electric lantern. On the return trip, the pilgrims carried with thee two large ceremoctial drams. Due to the weight of the drums, they were suv.taded between two long poles, with several persons supporting each pole. (F-)). b. When tbc irocaasion was neariag home, between Ban Nolag BU4 and Ban Sang Hin, members of the group obaerved an aircr-ft circling overhead, and tho viii4a;er with the electric lantern directed its beam at the plane. When the plane continued to circle, and began to coma lower, some meSaers of the group became frightestod an ran into the woods along the road. After the aircraft left the arse, the group coattnued on its way, arriving at Ban Sang His bstwatee 0100 and 0130 boors, 24. August 1969. (7-3). (Soo attached sketch). OCAMSN/S oe THE AMOVIX ormos (C) Me information in paragraphs 3 and 4 above, was furnished the Commamier she Director of Intelligence 56th Special Operations Wing and 56th Security Polies Squadron, Nakhon nano; RTAFB, upon receipt. ? (19 PMNIM ?,7ict 51; Thailand 11 -)f a 11xedwIng, (c) while the location of the pilot's sighting and the route aecribed to the "it religious procession do not eatnnide prouisolyf their proximity and the . .- ; 'coincidence of timing sakes it apparent that ,the Phelinopter with folded A SDCRBT "NO PORE304 --mut" DD.U.4.13964: Nhalielft*"." ,111011..4.1 *??? ?gartos. VAD9NROICCIIIIIIMOVIINO's C? :.? DA0!44 1.4110.1 A k, ? IA 1,1100.?$PN ? .10,6 fa. IOW ? Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP81R00560R000100070022-1 4 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP81R00560R000100070022-1 o9 ---7, . rGoably as M;21-!: that poi by the OV .3pi1,4 Ie more tric mile -..a han Nosg hu4 aad Ban S:ing Hin, ani o_ch an errJr ca ,a con.Aderia tho sightly as ma rar a m,,vin?; a".. night. Fortner, the.posJibility exist,. th 4. RTA per as grel .1 object original reporter , may f.,ve 'ome acros.r. Ca pclultini; to the religious prc-,;,ssion, but fai;eJ to re?rt it. visual signtLngs or UFOs, such as that being cnockad out ty the In this instance, are not a new phens,,,,sen, parti:ularly at nisi.. A 1969 report lists seven UFO sightings at Nakhon PhhcQm aTAFB for :M November 1968 to 1 January 1969 alone.' Attempts by base recon s,,,Isce aircraft to further identify the objects were unsuccessful. these uhresolved reports, tho 7/13th Air Force Director of Intelligence offered several comments and possible explanationss a. On 28 November 1968, the Thai Border Patrol Police (BP?) be an cperati.ih involving four to six BPP and Royal Thai Amy (RTA) helicopters, in, the vicinity of some of the sightings northwest of the base. Shile Thai pilots Sad historically been reluctant to fly at night, a recent full moon I had Made night flying almost as easy as daytime operations and pilots of both the BP? and RTA had been known to accomplish night flights. Gentralised, control of these agencies' autonomous counter-insurgency operations is weak, hry.ie'Vtar, and Thai units frequently filed flights plans with the Air Defense -,erveillance System only after the fact, if at all. O. Alternatively, the UFOs sighted might hav.e beon aircraft on elfin- aatine flig'hts by US agencies, as such flights ere often ,:ompleted without 1 details being released to traffic control offices. Though it is possible shat the illicit flights were friendly, for purposes of privatsgain, pleasure smuggling, there was no evidence at the time to substantiate that possibility. c. During November and early December, radar gear in Thailand, particularly G:ound Controlled Approach (GCA) scopes, have historically yielded large numbers of returns from natural or cultural phenomena, e.g., temperature 1 inversions, balloons from fairs and religious celebrations, migratory birds,1 and kites. In November 1967, Headquarters 7/13th Air Force conducted an experiment at Worn RTAFB, where GCA scopes were reporting more usul fifteen ! unidentified returns. In a span of ten minutes, human observers physiciAly I sighted scores of balloons, .three flocks of migratory birds, several kites, plus at least four local helicopters. These sighting, even of friendly flights, could not be correlated with GCA and other electronic returns. d. In analysing the threat.orhelicopters penetrating Thuiiand or supporting insurgent forces a preliminary study of the technical factors involved determined that landing helicopters In remote jungle clearings at night to airlift personnel or materiel was highly dangerous, particularly without sophisticated navigational and landing aids. Additionally, the nearby '.:00:44-1 nist or neutral countries from which the helicopters might come do not presently possess adequate numbers of low/slow aircraft to support their own 1 field forces officials or units by air, without considering any high risi extra-territorial missions. e. In 1967, unidentified aircraft activity, purportedly in support of Communist insurgents inside Thailand, seemed to preoccupy Thai officials until If S. resources provided Hawk anti?aircraft missiles. Then, in a speech! of acceytance and thanks, General PURANAT, Deputy Prime Min. -ter, said the helicopter threat from outside Thailand .had endled or come under control. SKRET *NID P'ORBIGN =SEW" r-aja, 13 9 1 farrorr*:4 0? ? Lir-o..111?WrIarrarearrgrArr $.4 pq Vol ? ill 6015 1.**...1 erre 1 or ? ?? rn,.. ? I, ? ? ? r C"1161001111"""MIPOIk gr''" Approved For Release 2002/08/21: CIA-RDP81R00560R000100070022-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP81R00560R000100070022-1 ..1 .1r1, of ,n1'.1%.-ior j1.41. rof.:xc, Jf ' A rict..:1", by C. .cy fAce;? af Thai per:nria:t:ich?'rfecta anc': v6ii,aity of :it.r.:11ijen.!(1 t'tio :autions government offi.:ials c-13 r.t.,port of insurgent activity is suffici!r.tli 1J t4 it has been bulwarked with reforencu:, to,unid(mtlfied nelf:opters, tramir:aivera and AK rifieb, or the prance of lcuder.2 coordinated witb J-2 USMACTKAI/JUSMAGTKAI. : 656 0003 69, dated 9 January 1969, files 56-713/03/5 7, V rwormaanr.e, orer wasso.....0.1,wasromys rawer a. se, : a SILCAV.T "NO?FOREIC.;:r -- ;4^' ...,..."...#1001112061?11?11cCIW.01. . ett4il - ? 10.4 ye, ? ? ? 6 FTB 14,475, "Thai Pcport on Insuroncy in tne )id?South, tntitled O; -on of the Communist Situation in Mid?South Thailand, dated 11 1969". , Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP81R00560R000100070022-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP81R00560R000100070022-1 45 2 % R.z (6,4 ro ' ((.57.25)) . Khol-,,Sawang ! (6S7273) ' *\! (65&205) ?? B. Sr -n (63224C) . mqr, Rin :(5US235) Nac:';1.p.nom Royal 17-7-- ir ForCa (630715 64 65 06 :rids= cpprox ).5 miles CONFIDENTIAL 67 Base f Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDF'81R00560R000100070022-1